To Be Sustainable, Green Energy Must Generate Adequate Taxable Revenue

What allows any type of energy to be sustainable? I would argue that one of the requirements for sustainability is adequate production of taxable revenue. Company managements depend upon taxable revenue for many purposes, including funding new investments and paying dividends to shareholders. Governments depend upon taxable income to collect enough taxes to provide infrastructure and programs for their growing populations.

Taxable income is a major way that “net energy” is transferred to future investment and to the rest of the economy. If this form of net energy is too low, governments will collapse from lack of funding. Energy production will fall from lack of reinvestment. This profitability needs to come from the characteristics of the energy products, allowing more goods and services to be produced efficiently. This profitability cannot be created simply by the creation of more government debt; the rise in the price of energy is tied to the affordability of goods, particularly the goods required by low-income people, such as food. This affordability issue tends to put a cap on prices that can be charged for energy products.

It seems to me that Green Energy sources are held to far too low a standard. Their financial results are published after subsidies are reflected, making them look profitable when, in reality, they are not. This is one of the things that makes many people from the financial community believe that Green Energy is the solution for the future.

In this post, I will discuss these ideas further. A related issue is, “Which type of oil production fell most in the 2018-2021 period?” Many people had expected that perhaps high-cost energy production would fall. Strangely enough, the production that fell most was that of OPEC oil exporters. These oil exporters often have a very low cost of energy production. The production of US oil from shale also fell.

If the ratio of Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROEI) is to be used as a measure of which type of energy best meets our needs, perhaps the list of items to be included in EROEI calculations needs to be broadened. Alternatively, more attention needs to be paid to unsubsidized taxable income as an indicator of net energy production.

[1] According to EIA data, world crude oil production hit a peak of 84.5 million barrels per day (bpd) in the fourth quarter of 2018. Production fell as low as 72.3 million bpd in the third quarter of 2020. Production rebounded to 75.4 million barrels of oil a day, still 9.1 million bpd below peak production in the 4th quarter of 2018.

Figure 1. Quarterly crude and condensate production, based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

This drop in oil production was unprecedented. It far exceeded the drop in oil production at the time of the Great Recession of 2008-2009. As of the first quarter of 2021, crude oil production was roughly at its level in 2011. It still has not rebounded very far.

[2] The biggest drop in crude oil production during this period was that of the cartel led by OPEC and Russia. United States’ oil production also fell during this period. Production of the Rest of the World, in total, was fairly flat.

Figure 2. Crude oil production through the first quarter of 2021 based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

The big concern of OPEC and Russia was that crude oil prices were too low to provide adequate tax revenue for the governments of these countries. This is especially an issue for countries with few other industries besides oil. These oil exporting countries tend to have large populations, with little employment besides government-sponsored projects. Nearly all food needs to be imported, so subsidies for food need to be provided if the many people earning low wages are to be able to afford this food.

If oil prices are high, say $150 per barrel or higher in today’s dollars, it is generally fairly easy for governments to collect enough oil-related taxes. The actual cost of extraction is often very low for oil exporters, perhaps as little as $20 per barrel. The need for tax revenue greatly exceeds the direct expenses of extracting the oil. Companies can be asked to pay as much as 90% of operating income (in this example, equal to $130 = $150 – $20 per barrel, probably only relating to exported oil) as taxes. The percentage varies greatly by country, with countries that have higher costs of production generally paying less in taxes.

Figure 3. Chart from 2013 showing “government take” as a percentage of operating income by Barry Rodgers Oil and Gas Consulting (website no longer available).

When oil companies are asked about their required price to break even, a wide range of answers is possible. Do they just quote the expense of pulling the oil from the ground? If so, a very low answer is possible. If shareholders are involved in the discussions, this is the answer that they would like to hear. Or do they give realistic estimates, including the taxes that their governments need? Furthermore, if the cost of extraction is rising, there needs to be enough profit that can be set aside to allow for the drilling of new wells in higher-cost areas, if production is to be maintained.

Because of the need for tax revenue, OPEC countries often publish Fiscal Breakeven Oil Prices, indicating how high the prices need to be to obtain adequate tax revenue for the exporting countries. For example, Figure 4 shows a set of Fiscal Breakeven Oil Prices for 2013 – 2014.

Figure 4. Estimate of OPEC breakeven oil prices, including tax requirements by parent countries, by APICORP.

If a country tries to maintain the same standard of living for its population as in the past, I would expect that the fiscal breakeven price would rise year after year. This would occur partly because the population of OPEC countries keeps rising and thus more subsidy is needed. The fiscal breakeven price would also tend to rise because the easiest-to-extract oil tends to be depleted first. As a result, new oil-related investments can be expected to have higher costs than the depleted investments they are replacing.

In fact, if a person looks at more recently published fiscal breakeven prices, they tend to be lower than the 2013-2014 breakevens. I believe that this happens because oil exporters don’t want to look desperate. They know that attaining such high prices is unlikely today. They hope that by using more debt and reducing the standard of living of their citizens, they can somehow get along with a lower fiscal breakeven price. This is not a long term solution, however. Unhappy citizens are likely to overturn their governments. Such a result could completely cut off oil supply from these countries.

[3] A cutback in oil production is not surprising for the OPEC + Russia group, nor for the United States, given the chronically low oil prices. The profitability was too low for all of these producers.

Figure 5. Inflation-adjusted historical average annual Brent oil price for 1965 through 2020 from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2021. 12-Jul-2021 amount is the actual Brent spot oil price for that date.

Oil prices fell in late 2014. Fiscal breakeven prices calculated before that date likely gave a somewhat reasonable estimate of the needed prices for oil exporters to make an adequate profit, at that time. By early 2019, when the first decreases in oil production began, these countries were beginning to become fed up with chronically low oil prices.

It is interesting to note that Qatar, the country with the lowest breakeven price on Figure 4, decided to withdraw from OPEC effective January 1, 2019, rather than reduce its oil production. For Qatar, oil prices in late 2018 and early 2019 were close to adequate. Qatar mostly produces natural gas, rather than oil.

The decrease in US shale oil production reflects somewhat the same low profitability issue as OPEC + Russia exports, with an additional factor added. Besides low prices, there seems to be a well-spacing issue. There are reports that the spacing of shale wells gradually got closer and closer, until the closer spacing became counter-productive. The more closely spaced wells “cannibalized” the output from nearby wells. The extra drilling may also have released needed pressurization, reducing oil availability.

Such a problem would have been a difficult issue to pick up from EROEI analyses because there are not enough of these EROEI studies to see sudden changes. Figure 6 shows the timing of the drop in US oil production, relative to the drop in oil prices:

Figure 6. Monthly average crude oil and condensate production and prices for the United States excluding the Gulf of Mexico, based on US Energy Information Administration data. Oil prices are West Texas Intermediate spot prices, not adjusted for inflation. Amounts shown are through April 2021.

Figure 6 omits oil from the Gulf of Mexico, because its quantity tends to bounce around, especially when a hurricane hits. Because of this exclusion, the oil shown in Figure 6 reflects a combination of declining oil production from conventional oil wells plus (after about 2011) rising production from shale wells.

Figure 6 shows that production of oil from shale was developed during the 2011 to 2013 period, when oil prices were high. When oil prices suddenly fell in late 2014, shale producers suddenly found production very unprofitable. They cut back on production starting in April 2015. Shale production started rising again in 2017 after prices moved away from their extreme lows. Growth in oil production began to slow in late 2018, when oil prices again began to fall.

The big shutdown in world oil demand associated with the COVID-19 epidemic began in the second quarter of 2020. Shale production fell in response to low oil prices in March through November of 2020. As of April 2021, production does not seem to have rebounded significantly. We have seen reports that workers were laid off, making it difficult to add new production. If, indeed, well-spacing had become too close, this may have played a role in the decision not to ramp up production again. It is quite possible that many drilled but uncompleted wells will permanently remain uncompleted because they are too close to other wells to be useful.

Based on this analysis, it seems likely that US oil production for 2021 will be lower than that for 202o. Ultimately, the lack of adequate profitability can be expected to bring US oil production down.

[4] There are some high-cost oil producers who continue to produce increasing amounts of oil.

Figure 7. Crude oil and condensate production for Canada and Brazil, based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

The keys to maintaining high-cost oil production seem to be

  • Large up front investments to make this production possible with little new investment
  • Governments that are not very “needy” in terms of revenue from oil taxes

Even with these considerations, having an unprofitable or barely profitable oil industry weakens a country. Neither Brazil nor Canada is doing very well economically in 2021. These countries will likely reduce new oil investment in the next year or two, if inflation-adjusted oil prices do not rise significantly.

[5] Somehow, “Green Energy” has been allowed to compete in the energy field with huge subsidies. If Green Energy is actually to be successful long-term, it needs to be profitable in the same way that fossil fuel energy needs to be profitable. If wind and solar are truly useful, they need to be very profitable, even without subsidies, so that they can support their governments with taxes.

There tends to be little recognition of the extent of subsidies for renewable energy. For example, allowing the electricity from wind turbines and solar panels to be put on the grid whenever it is generated is a huge subsidy. Such generation mostly substitutes for the coal or natural gas used by electricity-producing plants, rather than the electricity generated by these plants. The many reports we see that compare the cost of intermittent electricity generated by wind turbines and solar panels with the cost of dispatchable electricity generated by fossil fuels are simply misleading.

Furthermore, electricity generated by wind turbines and solar panels doesn’t need to be sufficiently profitable to pay for the much larger grid they require. The larger grid requirement occurs partly because the devices tend to be more distant from users, and partly because the transmission lines need to be sized for the maximum transmission required, which tends to be high for the variable production of renewables.

The lack of adequate profitability of wind and solar on an unsubsidized basis strongly suggests that they are not really producing net energy, regardless of what EROEI calculations seem to indicate.

It might be noted that in past years, oil exporters have been accused of giving large energy subsidies to their oil producing companies. What these oil exporters have been doing is charging their own citizens lower prices for oil products than the high (international) price charged to foreign buyers. Thus, high taxes were collected only on oil exports, not from local citizens. With the fall in oil prices in late 2014 (shown in Figures 5 and 6 below), this practice of differential pricing has largely disappeared.

“Oil subsidies” in the US consist of financial assistance to low income people in the US Northeast who continue to heat their homes with oil. These subsidies, too, have mostly disappeared, with lower oil prices and the availability of less expensive forms of home heating.

[6] It seems to me that an economy really has three different requirements:

  1. The total quantity of energy must be rising, at least as rapidly as population.
  2. The types of energy available must match the needs of current energy-consuming devices, or there needs to be some type of transition plan to facilitate this transition.
  3. There must be enough “net energy” left over, both (a) to fund governments with taxes and (b) to fund any transition to different energy-consuming devices, if such a transition is required.

Thus, in order for a transition to Green Energy to really work, it must be extremely profitable on a pretax, unsubsidized basis, so that it can pay high taxes. The greater the need for a transition to different energy consuming devices, such as heat pumps for buildings and electric vehicles of many types, the greater the need for more net energy generated by Green Energy sources to help facilitate this transition.

High profitability for energy products is normally associated with a very low cost of energy production. Furthermore, the type of Green Energy available needs to be in a very useful form. In a sense, there are really two different energy transitions required:

  • The output of intermittent electricity devices must be brought up to grid standards, using a combination such as many long distance transmission, very substantial battery backup, and the use of many devices to provide the electricity with the precise characteristics it needs.
  • As mentioned above, if greater use of electricity is to be made, a transition to electric devices is required.

Both of these transitions will require a significant quantity of energy (really net energy not used elsewhere in the system) to accomplish. If fossil fuel energy is being phased out, an increasing share of this net energy will need to come from the Green Energy sector by way of the tax system. Such a system will only work if the Green Energy sector is very profitable on a pre-tax basis.

[7] Figure 8 suggests that the world has a problem with low energy consumption per capita right now.

Figure 8. Energy consumption per capita for all energy sources combined based on data from BP’s Statistical Review of Energy 2021.

There is a strong correlation between growth in total energy consumption per capita and how well the economy is doing. The slight downward slide in energy consumption per capita in 2019 indicates that the economy was already doing poorly in 2019. The huge downward shift in 2020 dwarfs the downward slide in 2009, when the world was in the midst of the Great Recession. My earlier research, looking back 200 years, indicates that low growth in energy consumption per capita is likely to lead to conflict among nations and collapses of governments. Epidemics are also more likely to spread in such periods, because greater wage and wealth disparity tends to occur when energy supplies are constrained.

Any shift away from fossil fuel energy to Green Energy will almost certainly mean a huge drop in world energy consumption per capita because the world doesn’t produce very much Green Energy. Such a drop in energy consumption per capita will be a huge problem, in itself. If the Green Energy sector doesn’t generate much taxable income without subsidies, this adds an additional difficulty.

[8] Conclusion: Examination of the EROEIs for various fuels, using calculations the way that they are performed today, gives inadequate information regarding whether a transition to another set of fuels is feasible.

Researchers need to be looking more at (a) the total quantity of energy produced and (b) the profitability of producing this energy. An economy is only possible because of profitable businesses, including energy businesses. A person cannot assume that energy prices will rise from today’s level because of scarcity. Today’s huge debt bubble is producing very high copper and steel prices, but it is not producing correspondingly high oil prices.

Heavily subsidized energy products look like they might be helpful, but there is little reason to believe this to be the case. If Green Energy products are truly producing net energy, we should expect this fact to be reflected in the unsubsidized profits that these products generate. In fact, if Green Energy products are truly producing large amounts of net energy, they should be so profitable that businesses will be rapidly ramping up their production, even without subsidies or mandates.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,605 Responses to To Be Sustainable, Green Energy Must Generate Adequate Taxable Revenue

  1. DB says:

    At least one commenter posted a link to the David Martin video about the 22 years of patents underlying SARS and SARS-CoV-2 genetically engineered viruses and the corresponding pseudo-treatments and vaccines. Here’s one link to the video:

    I am posting it again because it seems that most commenters here posting on COVID haven’t watched it. Dr. Martin’s presentation puts nearly all of the current COVID topics in context, with disturbing, and inescapable, conclusions. He presents on his painstakingly detailed analysis of publicly available evidence (patent records) — no speculation.

    The organization that invited him to present also hosts a written supplement to and partial summary of his presentation:

  2. Fast Eddy says:

    Although he does understand something .. this is his intro in the email:

    The exporting of America’s last, remaining oil resources, extracted on credit, a large portion of its associated gas wasted up a flare…

    • The Oily Stuff Blog has some good things on it.

      The chart shown is very good. It represents a big portion of why US oil production seems likely to be lower for 2021 than 2020. I don’t really believe what Mike Shellman says, however:

      The exporting of America’s last, remaining oil resources, extracted on credit, a large portion of its associated gas wasted up a flare stack and frac’ed with valuable valuable groundwater from an arid part of West Texas, will prove to be the biggest blunder in five decades of misaligned US energy policy.

      Soon, too.

      We got the oil out, keeping the economy going a little longer. “Saving it for later” provides little benefit, because the price will never rise to the point where extraction is cost-effective.

      On the front page, they have this statement:

      As to the current rhetoric around US HZ tight oil “restraint,” and fiscal responsibility, not much of that is voluntary, not at $75 oil. They’d be drilling the snot of that stuff again if they could. As Kurt Cobb said in a recent piece,”being on a diet is different than having your jaw wired shut.”

      Good point!

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Conclusion…. of Fun and Games with the CovIDIOTS (M Fast is getting a bit flustered here saying you are wasting your time … but as I tell her… it’s Fun to Taunt CovIDIOTS… normdunc dont respond….)

    So I got to the right people…

    They are unaware of any deaths or serious jab side effects anywhere in the world.

    I told them I have had covid and recovered – they recommend the vaccine ‘because it gives you that little bit extra protection’

    I told them had mumps and measles as a kid so should i get the vaccines for a ‘little bit of extra protection’


    I see — so should I get every single vaccine out there even if I have had the disease…

    Ask your GP.

    Are you aware that it is not possible to sue vaccine makers if you get wrecked by the covid vaccine.


    This is a very powerful propaganda machine … I wonder if it’s called Operation Salute Goebbels … the CEP.

    • Hideaway says:

      It’s been a week since my wife and I were vaccinated, I think we’re still alive, though I’m probably going brain dead reading a lot of posts from some here…

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The CDC leak says 45,000 are dead.

        162M are fully Injected in the USA. Congratulations – you did not win the anti lottery.

        If people were aware of that number I suspect there would be a whole lot more hesitancy …

        Why don’t continue to see if your luck holds out?

        • Tsubion says:

          Millions have been seriously damaged. Possibly a fate worse than death.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            You almost have to feel sorry for the CovIDIOTS… they don’t know about this .. and even if you show them there are so profoundly stooopid … that they still get the Injection.

            I reckon grocery stores should have Save the CovIDIOTS boxes at the check out so people can donate their spare change

      • Tsubion says:

        Give it six months.

        It appears, judging from your response, that you’ve been braindead your whole life. So no alarming change there.

        Pray tell, what are the ingredients of the jabs you took, oh superrior one?

        And show me the long term effects of mRNA experimental gene therapy treatments, if you can, please.

      • Xabier says:

        When 80% experience not even a slight headache or fever in the short-term, you are more likely than not to feel fine – and I hope you continue o do so.

        But mid and long-term? The mounting deaths and injuries suggest all may not go well.

        The injectors are obviously as indifferent to harm caused as generals are to casualties, if the objective is gained. Harm caused by the lock-downs as well.

        The new Stalins and Maos of our time…….

      • not to worry Hideaway

        think of it as laughter-therapy

  4. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:
    • Mike Roberts says:

      It fails to acknowledge how well the New Zealand economy (including employment) has fared through an elimination strategy (with some problems too). Research a few months ago shows countries employing strict rules to control the pandemic have fared better in every respect. With recent outbreaks that may change but it’s clearly biased reporting; e.g. managed isolation at the borders, in quality hotels, can hardly be regarded as “camps”.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I’ve seen the camp in Christchurch … next to OBG bar… the inmates behind the fence walking round and round to get their daily exercise. Military guarding them….

        It’s a prison camp.

        • Tim Groves says:

          This is a collaboration, a real partnership. Jacinda does the concentrating while the dissidents do the camping.

          If I was interested in traveling abroad, which fortunately I am not, jumping through all these extra hoops would dampen my enthusiasm considerably. I suppose that’s the point. Extra time, extra cost, extra bother, never quite knowing when you are going to be let out, a single positive PCR test can ruin a perfectly good trip—who needs it?

          No more summer holidays in the antipodes for me. I wonder if the Continent is open?

      • Xabier says:

        ‘Not camps’.

        Mike in a torture chamber in a former hotel, where in 2022 he has been relocated for his ‘protection’:

        ‘My teeth are quite alright, than you, you can put those pliers down. I do think this place doesn’t quite deserve the 4 stars. Are those blood stains? Why are you…..(screams.)

        Poor Mike, so trusting, so naive.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Like how they are spraying the streets in Vietnam… makes total sense (if your goal is to frighten people)

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    They called back… it was the business covid help people calling …. Odd… as I called the Covid Helpline…

    He said he had the Injection and was given the possible side effects…

    Did the doctor tell you that you could die? No

    Any mention of blindness, blood clots, heart attack etc… No

    Here are the side effects…

    Next to impossible to filter out the Covid Injection injuries….

    It would be easier for me to get Jamie Dimon on the line that get someone to answer my questions

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

    Immunologist and former NIH scientist J. Bart Classen analyzed data on COVID vaccine adverse events reported to the UK’s Yellow Card system and found thousands of reports of multiple symptoms that are “clear signals” of neurodegenerative disorders.

    Gawsh…. these CovIDIOTS are really up against it now…. they were already operating off of low horse power… and now their coming down with additional brain disorders.

    Time to call – Doctor Lobotomy!!!

    • postkey says:

      ‘“IT’S A BIOWEAPON,” says Dr.. Richard Fleming referring to the virus and the genome of the virus. Dr. Fleming also asserts that new research indicates that the genetic sequences that are in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not match the source code CoV-2 virus genome, but are spot on with the prion-like domain region which produces what the general public refers to as mad cow disease. This interview will chill you to the bone, please share it far and wide.’

      • Tsubion says:

        The genome of the virus is a computer construct. It’s not in the injections. The bioweapons are the injections which program your cells to produce spike protein. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.

        It’s now admitted (after injecting billions of people) that the spike protein is toxic and causes blood clots. It’s the shape of the protein. Long spike like shapes cause blockages in the same way that asbestos scars up lung tissue. It’s the shape of the particles.

        Nothing else is going on here.

        According to experts like Bosche, you can expect millions of injected to show severe blood clotting problems over the next six months. It depends on how long the inections remain active or if the effect wears of over time as some have suggested.

        They know that people won’t take repeat boosters hence the variant scare stories.

        We already know of remedies that help dissolve spike protein production and build up. An ingredient common to pine needles is being put forward as a solution.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        Is that this Dr Richard Fleming? Still, at least he agrees that it’s a real thing, and calling it a bioweapon suggests it’s a serious virus.

        Sorry, didn’t have time to listen to an hour’s interview.

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    How quaint assuming the laws apply :

    Indiana University Students Appeal Federal Judge’s Refusal to Block Vaccine Mandate

    A group of Indiana University students on Tuesday appealed a federal judge’s ruling denying their motion to put the university’s COVID vaccine mandate on hold pending the outcome of a federal lawsuit they filed last month.

  8. jj says:

    In regards to use the same user name and IP. I have been using the same user name for some time based on your request.

    I certainly will not use the same IP. IMO using a anonymous IP is a basic practice for safe participation in forums such as this. The risks of not doing so are so profound and apparent that in my opinion schools should offer curriculum that teaches how to safely participate using anonymous IPs.

    I cant think of a individual off hand that i respect more than you and and your work. You embody integrity in a world where there is very little. I have been following your blog since 2005. In fact i have been wondering lately how it would be possible to demonstrate my appreciation for your work financially to you or perhaps a charity you feel is worthy. I am poor but your work has had a significant impact in my life. I sometimes wonder if you know exactly how much you are valued.

    I will of course stop posting immediately if you request it if anonymous IPs are unacceptable. I dont really bring anything to the table like many other contributors but i do value the interaction.


    • Thanks for your kind reply.

      If you give a real email address, I can write to you personally, if there is a problem. I can’t if you give an obviously phony email address. The only way I can respond is through comments to everyone.

      I don’t have advertisers on my site, so they are not going to be looking at your IP address, whatever it is. I can see your IP address, but I don’t think that “regular” commenters can.

      I don’t try to raise money on my site, so I am not going to try to solicit funds from you. In fact, I don’t take contributions, even if people ask me about it. I suppose at some point I might make some booklets of a few posts related to a particular topic and charge a small amount for each, but this would be more as a services to readers than as a fundraiser.

      The site is set up so that any comment from a “new commenter” has to be approved by me. I believe (but am not 100% certain) that “new commenter” is based on IP address as well as screen name (or perhaps it is based on IP address only). Thus, any comment from a new IP address comes to me for approval at first. This adds to the list of comments that come back to me for prior approval. This is not something I am really looking for, but I can put up with it from one commenter.

      I think everyone brings something to the table, even if they aren’t 100% sure of themselves. It is OK to look up answers on the internet before responding to a comment. You will learn something by doing so.

    • Tim Groves says:

      jj, would a yahoo or gmail account solve your problem?

      It’s not quite as intimately personal as the email address you get from your provider. If any problems come up, you can close the existing one and open a new one.

      I’m not at all tech savvy, so I’m not sure what the dangers are. What is your main concern?

  9. Yoshua says:

    In UK, where the AstraZeneca vaccine is mainly used, the data is similar to Israeli data. Vaccinated count for 50% of Delta Covid cases. Vaccinated count for 40% of hospitalisations…but hospitalisations are low. The AstraZeneca vaccine has some effect against sever illness…but the efficiency against infections is probably zero against the Delta variant.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Let’s see what happens over the next couple of months….

      Recall Bossche predicting ‘by summer’… and there were those saying he had it wrong because the immune escape did not happen by the beginning of June…

      The guy ended his career by speaking out…. he’s obviously confident in his assertions.

      There surely is a reason why the MSM is setting up the unvaxxed to be the villains….

      • Tsubion says:

        The uninjected are not obedient sheep. They can think for themselves. Will they punished for their insolence? No travel, no fun, no food? This is already being pushed.

        Even if many of the obedient fall, probably the weakest, the remainder will unquestioningly serve the masters.

  10. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    a Mars rover will be collecting its first soil sample soon, and then:

    “This sample, which will be returned to Earth by missions in the 2030s, might contain evidence of whether there was past life on Mars.”

    the freakin’ 2030s… wow Progress!

  11. Yoshua says:

    Hospitalisations among the unvaccinated in Israel is actually low as well. The Delta variant seems to be more infectious, but less severe.
    The Pfizer vaccine just gives a little help against sever illness. A little bit better than water.

    • Thanks! This is something that TPTB certainly don’t want anyone to know.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The nurse from Elmhurst Hospital mentioned how that hospital was designated a Covid Hospital — it was dedicated to handling covid patients….

      Clearly what was happening is covid (and from her interview — anyone with a respiratory infection) were being dumped there from the surrounding area…

      So if you want to create the perception that hospitals are overrun — you simply send a camera crew to that hospital… it’s like a Potemkin Hospital… to frighten the masses….

      Remember Film Your Hospital — people filming hundreds of hospitals… that were quiet.

      Remember all the field hospitals… the ship in NYC… the Javits Centre… all empty and quiet

      Remember the staff being asked to pretend to be covid patients

      Remember that cases of the flu have gone to near zero in the US in 2020

      It makes you wonder if this is all a massive lie…. that it’s not even as bad as 2017/18 when the flu DID overwhelm the hospitals

      All great lies contain an element of truth… people are sick and dying … but then 650,000 people die from the flu in a bad year… and we are not talking with dying ‘with the flu’… we are talking dying FROM the flu.

      If we strip out those dying ‘with covid’ you get a fraction of the people who have died as dying From the flu….

      So just another bad flu year?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      yes thank you Yoshua.

      since hospital cases are ALSO low for unvaxed, that means it is not the Pfizer that is helping to give the vaxed less severe cases.

      it is that the Delta variant must be less severe.

      which is what The Science has been saying for years, that viruses mutate to less severe though usually more infectious.

      the Lambda variant should follow the same course? In time, we might see.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        I’ve heard such claims before but have not seen any supporting data. I can’t think of a reason why a virus would become less severe until there is selection pressure. With 8 billion humans to infect (sometimes multiple times), a reduction in severity is unnecessary for it to continue reproducing. Do you have any links to “The Science”? Links for the hospitalisation data would also be good.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          the ample data provided by Yoshua was enough for my conclusion. Perhaps I am mistaken, but the Israel data supports my conclusion, in my opinion.

          • Mike Roberts says:

            So, you think the low number of deaths in Israel is because the virus is becoming less deadly rather than because the majority of the population has been vaccinated? Check the data from elsewhere to see if you’re right.

        • You “can’t think of a reason”???

          The selection pressure is that if a pathogen is too virulent it kills off the host, and thus does not long persist. In modern conventional germ theory, pathogens with a sweet spot (infectious, but not too deadly) tend to be those that keep cropping up.

          Mike, you seem to be not in the least ashamed as to how doggedly robotic and mono-thematic your posts appear, here and elsewhere where I have seen you crop up. I hope you are getting paid well.

          • Mike Roberts says:

            I did mention that there is not much selection pressure if there are 8 billion hosts, Lidia. Can you think of why less deadly mutations will tend to predominate when there are so many potential hosts? More infectious variants would probably tend to dominate but with “only” a 1%-2% IFR, and with 99.95% of the world’s population still alive, I don’t think there is selection pressure for a less lethal mutation.

            I’m not really concerned about how my comments seem to you. What concerns me is other comments that are stated as fact without supporting information.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Mike, there are not 8 billion “hosts”, because as the Diamond Princess incident showed, and as the research findings in the article published in Nature by Nelde et al. details, about 80% of people have pre-existing immunity to this particular pathogen. In many cases it doesn’t get past their nostrils, and in most others it produces nothing more than a few days of sniffles.

              Here’s the abstract, all though I warn you in advance, some people may find it hard going because it contains a lot of words of more than on syllable.

              “T cell immunity is central for the control of viral infections. To characterize T cell immunity, but also for the development of vaccines, identification of exact viral T cell epitopes is fundamental. Here we identify and characterize multiple dominant and subdominant SARS-CoV-2 HLA class I and HLA-DR peptides as potential T cell epitopes in COVID-19 convalescent and unex- posed individuals. SARS-CoV-2-specific peptides enabled detection of post-infectious T cell immunity, even in seronegative convalescent individuals. Cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 peptides revealed pre-existing T cell responses in 81% of unexposed individuals and validated similarity with common cold coronaviruses, providing a functional basis for heterologous immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Diversity of SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses was associated with mild symptoms of COVID-19, providing evidence that immunity requires recognition of multiple epitopes. Together, the proposed SARS-CoV-2 T cell epitopes enable identification of heterologous and post-infectious T cell immunity and facilitate development of diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures for COVID-19.


              Moreover, selection pressure is selection pressure regardless of the number of hosts available. RNA viruses can’t stop themselves from mutating and they can’t stop themselves from competing against each other for the limited resources available IN EACH INDIVIDUAL host. The successful ones will be the ones that mange to reproduce better get propagated to onto fresh hosts.

              This comment, again in Nature, contains a reassuring piece of advice: We shouldn’t worry shouldn’t worry when a virus mutates during disease outbreaks:

              “Mutation. The word naturally conjures fears of unexpected and freakish changes. Ill-informed discussions of mutations thrive during virus outbreaks, including the ongoing spread of SARS-CoV-2. In reality, mutations are a natural part of the virus life cycle and rarely impact outbreaks dramatically.”


          • Xabier says:

            It might be worse than that, Lidia: Mike might not even be paid by nefarious powers, but entirely sincere.

            A dangerous and menacing world indeed, with all the Mikes in it.

          • We need commenters like Mike to raise issues that we might overlook. Don’t be too hard on him.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              mike adds ZERO.

              We all look at the MSM (primarily to see what lies they are pumping out at any given time) so we don’t need mike to come to OFW and Regurgitate this garbage and argue that the propaganda is truth.

              mike is effectively playing the role of a troll. He just repeats the same garbage day after day – and when faced with facts and logic … ignores them … then continues to Regurgitate more Garbage.

              mike makes norm dunce look like superstars.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Not when you drop a leaky vaccine into a pandemic…

        Which is why it’s never been done…. until now

        That’s also because it is impossible to develop a vaccine while a pandemic is in play … by the time it’s tested (10+ years) the pandemic has long gone…. but miraculously this vaccine was made in 6 months…

        BTW – CovIDIOCY Hotline Lady told me the injections are thoroughly test… I said oh — do you mind to send me the long term test results … oh they are very safe… said she… ya but….

      • Fast Eddy says:

        And then we discussed how if I get f789ed up with the Injection I cannot sue… she was not aware of that either…

        And this is someone manning the help line hahahaha

    • Mike Roberts says:

      An article about what’s happening in Israel. I don’t think Yoshua’s comment is necessarily supported by the data.

  12. Yoshua says:

    Israeli Covid cases among the vaccinated age groups shows that the Pfizer vaccine has zero effect in stopping infections. But hospitalisations are low, so the vaccine works against sever illness..

    More info can be found here:

      • This is a link to the site where the data comes from.

        It is in Hebrew, and I am having trouble getting much translated to English. I tried google translate and Chrome. It isn’t really text.

        • Mike Roberts says:

          You can copy all to the clipboard, Ctrl-A Ctrl-C (on Windows, not sure about others) then paste it into Google Translate. It’s just a mess but you might be able to discern some figures. As far as I can tell, there is nothing there about hospitalisation breakdown for vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    • Mike Roberts says:

      Reducing severity seems to be the primary focus of the vaccines.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        That’s not what the MSM says mike … you are failing in your Regurgitation.

        So if the injections stop severe disease — then why do places like the UK and Israel where everyone who wants an injection has had one — not open their borders to the world?

        • FoolishFitz says:

          I think Mike is correct, as least in as far as the profiteers selling the experimental therapy claimed when they released their experimental therapies.
          If my memory serves me correctly the claim was no more than, might reduce severity of symptoms and so maybe hospitalisations.
          Given that they’ve taken every cold/flu symptom, legally it can be defended if they can claim a certain percentage had a less runny nose(maybe).

          Your probably correct about the MSM though, they say anything they are paid to say. No questions asked or welcome.

      • you’ll need a new box of chalk soon eddy—and some new walls to write on

  13. Yoshua says:

    Israeli data shows that people with natural immunity, after recovering from Covid, hardly get reinfected, not even by the new Delta variant, which now make up 100% of cases in Israel.

    • Thanks for posting this. The chart seems to be of daily cases from July 11 through July 16. The majority of the cases (51%) are vaccinated. Unvaccinated make up 44% of the total. Partially vaccinated make up 4% of the cases. Recovered make up 1% of the total.

      Strangely enough, ages 0 – 11 make up 27% of the total. (Israel has a lot of children.) Children 12-18 make up 14% of the total. This variety seems to hit children, although we don’t know how severely. These are probably only positive test results, not cases with symptom.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Should I call the lady at the CovIDIOCY Help Line … who told me I need the injection to add more protection? And inform her of this?

        She is a Regurgitator … like mike … hey mike …. have you thought of applying to work the help desk? You could even work for Hipkins as the Manager of Feeding Disinformation to the Help Line.

        Israeli data shows that people with natural immunity, after recovering from Covid, hardly get reinfected, not even by the new Delta variant, which now make up 100% of cases in Israel.

        • Tim Groves says:

          I think the vast majority of of people—the normies—are regurgitators. More to the point, they are consumers of crud regurgitated by the MSM who collect the ingredients from government agencies, PR companies and other organizations that are pushing agendas, masticate it, and then drop it into the craniums of normies the world over. The latter lap them up as if they were baby birds being fed in the nest and then they create an absolute cacophony of a dawn chorus that drives the intellectual elite—the abnormies—crazy, so we flock to sanctuaries such as OFW in a vain effort to avoid the noise.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I very much doubt I will ever leave NZ again.

            • That’s because your comments on OFW have become now so well known around the world, no one will have you

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Fast Eddy’s birthday should be declared a global holiday

            • I’ll go with that

              will there be parades and dancing in the streets as well?

              (socially distant of course)

              I will get a few quotes to supply 40 ft bronze statues. Im sure the local pigeons would like that

            • With falling oil supply, some excuse is needed to end personal long-distance travel. If it is not COVID, I imagine it will be something else. New Zealand is a food exporter. Perhaps it can continue to feed its population reasonably well. The diet won’t necessarily be particularly varied, however.

            • NZ has a population of 5,000,000 and one, give or take

              with an area the size of the UK

              Its going to be the best place to be in the future, unless China decides they ‘discovered’ it in back in the 13th c

            • Tim Groves says:

              I’m pleased to say we can still buy New Zealand Icecream and New Zealand Cheese at very reasonable prices here in Japan.

              I can get a big tub of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or hokey pokey from the Kyoto Coop, which delivers groceries in a truck on the same day each week, and the cheese I can order online from a supermarket specializing in imported food that sends a parcel within 48 hours.

              It’s a pity Japan bans New Zealand apples as the local ones harvested last autumn are now well past their best by date, but I’m managing quite well at present with half of a Florida red grapefruit at breakfast.

              I’m really going to miss the end of BAU, the internet, international trade, grid electricity, and not having to be on the lookout for armed goons sniping at me from across the minefield. 🙂

        • Of course, we don’t know exactly what percentage of the population had the COVID-19, but did not take the vaccine. The article

          indicates that taking the vaccine tends to wipe out the immunity from your plasma. We don’t know how much the vaccine wipes out your immunity elsewhere.

          I would imagine that several percentage of the population had COVID-19, but not the vaccine. This would make the 1% share of cases impressive. Having an exact percentage would be somewhat helpful.

    • JMS says:

      But but but… according to WHO, there’s no such thing as natural immunity!!
      Don’t the israelis know the theory of natural immunity has been revised by the Neo-Normal Science, and it is now an indisputable fact that immunity can only be achieved through vaccines? We must follow The Science (TM), wherever it goes.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        For those who suck on the MSM teat….. JMS raises and important issue… we are being told a vaccine is more protection that recovery from a natural infection ….

        Try searching pre-2018 on google and you will find that natural immunity has always been longer lasting and more effective than a vaccine….

        And those who have recovered from covid are being coerced into being Injected.


        Or maybe not

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Just called the covid hotline….

        Told them I have had covid… do I need the injection.



        Because it offers more protection that having covid.

        Oh? So I need to get a measles injection too — cuz I have had measles …. and?

        So vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity?

        mmmm… ahhh…

        Well do they or don’t they? Because my research says natural immunity is longer lasting and more comprehensive

        But they are different types of covid?

        Oh – so your injection protects against all of them?

        mmm… ahhhh….

        Next question – what are the side effects of the vaccine?

        Oh — I can’t answer that

        Right so you are the covid hotline and you are unable to answer that?


        Are you aware of the 10,000 dead and many thousands maimed as per the VAERS system in the United States?

        I don’t know about this.

        So you are instructing me to be injected but you don’t know the side effects and cannot advise?


        So what exactly is your job? I would have thought a hotline was set up to handle questions like this?

        No. I will have someone call you back … what’s your email so we can send you info.

        I prefer a call thanks.

        Note – they are a ‘helpline’…. I guess their idea of helping is to tell you where to go to get Injected?

        She took down my questions — let’s see if I get a call back….

        • JMS says:

          LOL. That’s harassing! I almost feel sorry for the poor covidian-person you talked to. Then I remember the central role these coward apparatchiks are playing in this biggest of all scams, and I say well done! Laughing at our oppressors is just a small consolation, but why not enjoy it while we can?

        • I think they have a test program under way for verbal diarrhoea

      • Fast Eddy says:

        norm dunc mike… now why would they change this?

        and why did the NZ Govt Covid site remove the part where it said the vaccines do not stop you from getting covid?

        can’t be a conspiracy can it?

  14. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    How can people in climates such as Dubai and Arizona — these unbearably hot climates — reduce their air conditioning use?

    Eric Dean Wilson, a professor who teaches climate-themed writing and environmental justice at Queens College in New York, has spent much of the past six years investigating the history and impact of artificial cooling on the environment.

    “I took a hard, critical look at something so familiar and mundane to us, to defamiliarize it and to see how it’s connected to our planetary emergency,” he told The Washington Post.

    Wilson writes about how we narrowly averted ecological disaster in his new book, “After Cooling, on Freon, Global Warming and the Terrible Cost of Comfort.”

    Phoenix and Dubai are uninhabitable in the way we’re living in them now without A.C. Everything in Dubai is extreme, but perhaps the apex of its absurd designs was an attempt to air-condition one of its beaches. (The project was abandoned, I think.) To be clear, people did live in these places without A.C. for hundreds of years once upon a time, but their way of living hardly resembled the industrialized West’s. Before industrialization, those areas were sparsely populated, with nomadic ways of living that had accumulated centuries of wisdom on how to survive in such extreme environments. In the industrialized areas of the world, we traded that knowledge for a kind of technology that has ironically made those extremes more extreme.

    I think the question we have to start asking is: Should these areas be as densely populated as they are and in the ways that they are? And if not, perhaps we have to consider what coastal cities are now considering in terms of sea level rise: managed retreat.

    What do you say to people who argue that using less air conditioning would imperil our health?

    There is such a thing as thermal monotony [living always at the same temperature], which can have averse consequences. Multiple studies show that people who don’t acclimate to the weather are more prone to end up in the hospital for heat-related illnesses. So dependence on nonstop air conditioning actually makes us more vulnerable, not less.

    Are you hopeful that we will put a brake on climate change in time?

    One thing that gives me hope is that there is a younger generation, Generation Z, coming in that understands not just the environmental crisis but also the economic crisis that they lived through. More regular people than ever recognize that business as usual is destructive and chaotic. They are asking, “How can we live differently?” They are imagining radically different worlds.

    From an interview of the Author

    Looks like another mess we have created….

    • Perhaps we have too many people.

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Dubai has been drenched by heavy downpours, caused in part by cloud-seeding projects which are creating ‘enhanced rain.’

        “The United Arab Emirates city has been undergoing a sweltering summer with temperatures regularly surpassing 50C.

        “In response the UAE’s National Center of Meteorology is trialing using drone technology which unleashes electrical charges into clouds, prompting them to clump together and form precipitation.”

        • If this approach is inexpensive and works well, it seems like California would like to use it as well.

          Maybe we really can change the local climate to our liking, with a few techniques like this. Of course, the folks where less moisture is available may have some objections.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Remember that development in Dubai that was meant to have air conditioned streets?

            Anything is possible

    • Tim Groves says:

      Henry Miller published a memoir of the year-long trip he took across the US in 1939 after a decade in Europe. He loathed the place and he called the book The Air-Conditioned Nightmare. Here is a rather glowing review of it posted on Good Reads:

      “First of all, Henry Miller’s mastery of the English language ifar exceeds most anyone you are likely to read. He is in that elite class of great writers. Secondly, when you read any of his books, letters, essays and whatnot, you feel is is right there in the room, cafe, or on the street with you, so conversational is he.

      In this book AIR CONDITIONED NIGHTMARE, he writes about a year on the road in the US, he was contracted to write about by his agent. What he found was a lot of sterile robotic buildings and people. As he said, it was a waste of a year in his life. It is an eye opening book about a land where imagination is difficult to find, sense of adventure minuscule, where the people are essentially lemmings, glomming along, while at the same time filled with a sense of arrogance because they get the sense of themselves not by intelligence, and insight, but by the fact that their country is big, robust, has a powerful military and is financially strong, which in the end has little or no meaning where the human condition, and their interaction with others, their land, is concerned. He found a country with no sense of culture, a country defining itself by how much money a person makes, which disgusted him.

      After having read this book, and having been back and forth in the US, the book rang so true I have not traveled it since. It is just a bunch of sameness from one end to the other. Naturally, some places are worse than others.”

      I think if he arrived back Stateside today and could make it through Customs and Immigration, Henry would almost certainly be aghast at what greeted him and possibly amused, but definitely not amazed.

      • A shopping mall one place looks pretty much like a shopping mall anywhere else. Very few people are outside, especially now that the COVID emergency seems to be over here. They drive from their air-conditioned home to their air-conditioned gym.

        Quite a few older people seem to sit around watching television. A few play cards.

        Families with children find that both parents need to work. This leaves little time to be with the children.

        • Dennis L. says:


          Looking at your last sentence:

          It seems we have confused poverty with destitution which which sucks.

          Families are very difficult to make work, one wonders what the overhead in lawyers(divorce), various counselors, etc. is. Get rid of the skim as compared to my childhood and maybe one could live on one salary. Whatever we are doing, socially much around me does not seem to work very well for the majority of people.

          Real jobs go begging. I am very “handy”, my personal cut off point is $100/hour after tax cost. It is amazing how many such projects there are.

          Dennis L.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        He’s like, the anti-Tocqueville!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I just finished Big Sur by Miller… sadly this book isn’t on Audible…

    • gpdawson2016 says:

      There is no ‘we’.

  15. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Green energy suppliers are protesting at the prospect of having to add a surcharge to household bills to pay for new nuclear plants in Britain when their customers purposely choose not to support the divisive technology.

    “UK ministers are aiming to introduce legislation in the autumn that would allow for a large nuclear power plant proposed for Sizewell on England’s east coast to be financed via a “regulated asset base” model. The scheme would see households help fund the construction of the £20bn plant via a surcharge on their energy bills, regardless of their supplier.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 will require up to $173 trillion of investment in the energy transition, according to BloombergNEF’s (BNEF) New Energy Outlook 2021 (NEO).”

      A gravy train to nowhere…

    • I know that people in our area have been paying for the two new Vogtle nuclear power plants as part of our electricity bills for years, even though they are not yet finished. The current estimated cost of the two plants is $27 billion, whitch is more than double the initial cost estimate.

      The funding for the construction of new nuclear energy projects can theoretically come in several ways:

      (1) From the profits of older energy projects. The parent company can reinvest those profits. The catch–nuclear power plants are losing money in many places because of the ridiculous way wind and solar are often priced. They often are given priority, leaving other providers with absurdly low rates, often negative rates. This drives nuclear power plants (even those that are fully paid for) out of business. Needless to say, old nuclear power plants cannot finance new ones.

      (2) From general tax revenue, as the facility is built. Ultimately, the availability of this comes from the fact the fossil fuels allow the whole system to operate. It would indirectly be a tax on income that fossil fuels make possible. Of course, if the UK is having a hard time with getting enough revenue as it is, this becomes a problem.

      (3) From debt financing. I am not sure that this can really be done. The Vogtle plants were approved in 2008 and are now forecast to be finished in 2022. They supposedly have a life of something like 80 years. No one would want to take out the full amount of debt for the long construction period. In theory, the debt could be paid back over a very long period, but I doubt that this will happen.

      (4) From charges applied to the bills of electrical consumers. In a way, this is a tax. Funding, and the use of resources of many kinds, including lots of concrete, are needed as the nuclear power plants are built. I think that this is pretty much the only way such plants can be built. Georgia treats electricity as a “utility” that collects whatever it needs from those using electricity, almost like a tax. (It doesn’t use the ridiculous electricity rating scheme that drives electricity prices negative part of the time). In theory, the utilities that are purchasing the plants should be able to collect proper rates relating to electricity from nuclear power plants going forward. Some of the cost of the plants will still be financed through debt, I believe.

      A person could perhaps come up with other ways. The output of wind and solar is inadequate in many ways, by itself. Perhaps a tax on wind and solar electricity producers could be used to pay for the new nuclear power plant.

      • Hubbs says:

        A boondoggle of budget busting new nuclear plant
        electricity to be supplied to Eastern NC shows the high rates that the town commissioners (Elizabeth City- Eric Snowden country and where I practiced for 16 yrs) agreed to pay and got locked into high rates when the promised lower rates never materialized. And then the contract ended. The town did not renegotiate for lower rates to pass them on to the citizens. The town negotiated for lower rates but then took over the “contract” (billing) to keep the rates high as a source of extra revenue.

  16. Harry McGibbs says:

    “As China’s debt risks grow, here are 3 warning signs to watch.

    “Weak spots are emerging in China’s growing debt pile. National debt levels have climbed to nearly four times of GDP, while an increasing number of corporate bonds have defaulted in the last 18 months.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “China Evergrande slumps as investor worries deepen.

      “Shares and bonds in China Evergrande, the country’s most indebted developer, plunged for a second day on Tuesday, after sales of two real estate projects were suspended by local authorities, escalating worries over its financial health.”

    • This article points to various forms of governmental debt that seem to have guarantees, but may not really. Also, we should keep a watch on how the problems at Huarong Asset Management work out. Huarong is a manager of bad debt which is doing very poorly.

      I would point out that China has a huge amount of debt. It is also struggling with the signs of peak coal. That combination is almost certain to bring huge debt defaults.

  17. Harry McGibbs says:

    “More Than a Third of Earth’s Population Faces Malnutrition Due to Covid…

    “As many as 3 billion people may be unable to afford a healthy diet due to the pandemic, according to a study published in Nature Food journal. This will exacerbate maternal and child under-nutrition in low- and middle-income countries, causing stunting, wasting, mortality and maternal anemia.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “No Herd Immunity For Poverty…

      “Covid’s medium to long term effects on global extreme poverty are …gut-wrenching… The World Bank estimated that more than 150 million will be forced into extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic. This represents by far the biggest blow to the world’s poor since rates of extreme poverty began to decline in the 1990s.”

      • “Not enough energy per capita worldwide” means the poor get squeezed out. It was the cutback in energy use that caused the problem. Lots of jobs were lost in tourism, in making fancy clothing, and in other industries that support the rich countries. Without jobs, the poor cannot afford food.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Correction – no due to covid … due to lockdowns

  18. Harry McGibbs says:

    South American Oil Under Threat As The Region Grapples With Unrest… The Arab Spring… triggered a substantial regional conflict that ultimately impacted global oil production…

    “There are emerging fears of similar developments occurring in Latin America, with many countries in the region rocked by widespread anti-government protests since 2019…

    “It is the rapid decline of Venezuela, the founding OPEC member, once Latin America’s wealthiest country and most stable democracy, that stands as a stark reminder of the perils ahead for Latin America’s less-stable nations.”

  19. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Chip Shortage Reaches Smartphone Makers… Shipments are slowing and prices are rising as companies hunt for parts; supply-chain wait times enter the danger zone…

    “…customers are seeing their first significant price increases in years. Some companies have had to scale back production and delay new releases.”

  20. Fast Eddy says:


    Coronavirus: more than a quarter of patients in Hong Kong this month were fully vaccinated

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board has published an absolute falsehood regarding the susceptibility of COVID-recovered and immune Americans to subsequent infection. This letter demanding a correction or retraction was sent to the editorial board and a few prominent WSJ reporters:

    Dear Messrs., Gigot, Murrary, Henninger and colleagues,

    Today, I was shocked to read what I know, with 100% certainty as an immunologist and physician, is a lie in the WSJ’s Editorial Board OpEd on COVID-19:

    Specifically, your colleagues are stating the following falsehood:

    “Previously infected individuals appear to be more susceptible to re-infection by the Delta variant, which could explain some of the rising cases.”

    This WSJ editorial statement is a dangerous lie, with NO basis in either current scientific epidemiological data or the fundamentals of immunology.

    To the contrary, the the bulk of studies on the topic of “re-infection” in the COVID-recovered, are demonstrating that individuals who are COVID-recovered and have thus acquired antibody and T-cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2, are equally if not better protected from subsequent infection as compared to the vaccinated.

    Tell Schools/Universities No Vaccine Mandates for Children/Young Adults!
    Though I am cognizant this fact ought NOT be abused as an argument for seeking natural infection as a pathway to immunity, it IS the argument for not allowing coercion of COVID-recovered Americans into undergoing what is an unnecessary and potentially dangerous treatment to them.

    I am left wondering why the editorial board of a respected media outlet like the WSJ would allow itself to spread such a lie with no stringent verification:

    1) Are you simply careless journalists now? or

    2) Are you now active participants in the U.S. Government’s publicity machine attempting to impose a “one-size-fits-all” vaccine policy on all Americans, irrespective of medical necessity, the fundamentals of immunological science and medical ethics?

    Irrespective of what the reason is for the lie you have now published in today’s editorial article, it is an absolute journalistic duty for you to either correct or retract this false statement now — given that you have been alerted to it.

    For the WSJ to publish a critical false statement that opens the door to misleading the public and galvanizing generalist politicians and regulators into comfortably accepting unnecessary, and potentially dangerous coerced vaccination of the already immune subset of Americans, is a florid and dangerous dereliction of journalistic duty — but, of course, this seems to the norm for the mainstream media these days.

    Please immediately retract your editorial board’s false statement and correct it to reflect the truth of what is known and what the science of immunology actually would predict. Your editorial piece, as it stands, promotes a very serious lie.

    Originally published on Medium.

    • Sam says:

      Thank you for posting this. I had Covid I believe I have immunity to it but I can’t find any information on that and there are very few studies on that. I believe if you had Covid and quite a bit of symptoms do you have immunity?

    • The data from Israel may help fix this problem.

      I am not sure how many are keeping track of immunity from having the disease, however.

  22. Tim Groves says:

    The article I’m linking to shook me a bit. Someone I know who is very concerned about the risks of catching Covid-19 and is on the point of getting his second shot posted this link to what he considers a good summary of ten Delta variant.

    This is the kind of information that, if one believes it, one is going to head for the nearest jabbing station and ask for an extra-strong one with all the trimmings.

    It’s by Tomas Pueyo, a name I was unfamiliar with, but a lot of people will know him as he’s a TV talking head and a Ted talker, I couldn’t find his Wikipedia entry, but I zapped his Amazon biography, which tells us:

    Tomas Pueyo Brochard was born in Nantes, France in 1982 to French and Spanish parents. He grew up between France, Spain, and Italy in a family of filmmakers. He moved to America in 2008 for his MBA at Stanford University, where he specialized in behavioral psychology, design, storytelling, and scriptwriting. Since then, he’s worked in Silicon Valley, designing and marketing products to hundreds of millions of customers in the entertainment, finance, and media industries.

    His first book, The Star Wars Rings, dives into the storytelling structure of Star Wars, and why this has made it the most successful movie saga of all times.

    Well, with expertise like that, I felt compelled to listen to his wisdom on the pandemic, the virus, the vax, and everything. And so should you.

    Tomas starts off by telling us, “India has suffered about two million COVID deaths, the majority of them during its latest surge caused by Delta,” quoting the Economist as his source. That’s five times the official death toll, so in a way he is in agreement with those of us who claim governments have been lying about the death counts. Although we argue the figures are inflated while he claims the opposite, at least in India’s case.

    He goes on to tell us about Delta:

    “The original Coronavirus variant has an R0 of ~2.71. Alpha—the “English variant” that caused a spike around the world around Christmas—is about 60% more infectious. Now it appears that Delta is about 60% more transmissible yet again. Depending on which figure you use, it would put Delta’s R0 between 4 and 9, which could make it more contagious than smallpox.”

    Oooh, more contagious than smallpox! That sounds scary. But actually, it’s rather reassuring. If it was as contagious as measles—which is about two and a half times as contagious as smallpox, then we’d all get it every time we went to the supermarket.

    But don’t worry, Tomas has more scary stories to tell.

    “It looks like the risk of death is 2x higher for Delta than for the original variant. [source provided]

    To put this in context, catching the original COVID approximately doubled your likelihood of death at any age. That means catching Delta approximately triples it.

    Why is it deadlier? Weren’t viruses supposed to evolve to be less virulent over time? That’s definitely what people thought before Alpha appeared. I explained why that was unlikely. [explanation provided]

    Unfortunately, I turned out to be right. The short explanation is that the viruses that tend to win do so because they reproduce faster. Such a virus will grow faster inside a person, and will make that person more infectious, faster. It will also kill that person faster.

    With other diseases like Ebola, killing faster means killing too fast to infect many others, so this type of virus doesn’t prevail. Only the ones who at the same time evolve to be less deadly win. But for COVID in our current health system, all the contagions happen early on, much earlier than death. So making death earlier doesn’t matter much.

    So is this what’s happening with Delta? Yeah.

    One way to tell is the viral load. The higher it is, the more the virus is present. In China, they estimated the viral load of Delta to be 1,000 times higher than that of the original variant.”

    This may well be true, but we all know about China last year, don’t we? People dropping dead in the streets. People in biohazard suits spraying disinfectant everywhere that kills nintey-nine percent of all known germs. People sealed into their homes and left to die. Entire provinces locked down for weeks with nothing to eat but bat soup and pangolin pie….. You can always trust the Chinese to do one thing….. That’s right. exaggerate. Their name for the Great Wall of China is 万里长城. I won’t try to pronounce that, but the characters literally mean “ten-thousand ri wall (or castle)” and one ri is equal to 3.93 kilometers, so if you take the name literally, you will believe the wall is almost 40,000 km long.

    Anyway, it’s a well-written piece of scary faction. How much is fact and how much is fiction, I’ll let you decide. But this is the kind of information that causes people like Duncan to feel confident that vaxing is a no-brainer and anyone who hesitates is weak in the head.

    Delta Variant: Everything You Need to Know

    • For what it is worth, the WSJ had an opinion article a few days ago (July 15) saying that the death rate for the Delta variant was no higher than for other types of COVID, and quite possibly lower. The Reassuring Data on the Delta Variant
      There’s no sign of a surge in hospitalization or severe illness, and the vaccines remain extremely effective.

      When I look at the UK data, it has a huge number of COVID Delta cases, but very little increase in the death rate. The increase in the cases became quite a while ago, more than 28 days ago. If there was going to be a big surge in the death rate, my guess is that we would have started to see it. The fact that the UK is opening up again would suggest that the authorities in the UK don’t expect the death rate to be high.

      Israel’s increase in new cases began more recently. It hasn’t seen a big uptick in deaths either.

      I would call the higher death rate as likely nonsense. It is a version that spreads easily, but doesn’t seem to kill many people. If you use Google to try to find stories about this, however, they all suggest that we don’t know, or the death rathe is high. It may be that part of the reason the death rate is lower is because this variant tends to spread to those who already were vaccinated. The vaccination seems to hold down how severe the effect is.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I’m going to make an appointment to get every vaccine on offer… because the CovIDIOCY Helpline lady told me to… I’d had to catch measles again!

  23. Fast Eddy says:

    Spoiler… Sam is showing some cleavage…

  24. Fast Eddy says:

    While we all wait for normdunc to respond… let’s watch Sam’s latest:

    Dr. Sam Bailey returns to The_Void with the shocking story of what happened to Mary Jane Newman inside a New Zealand Managed Isolation Quarantine facility. Jane gives us a glimpse into the brutality and cruelty of the NZ biosecurity state as she tells how she was held and psychologically abused for 22 days after returning to NZ from Ireland.

    As Jane refused to wear a mask or give consent to PCR testing, she was subjected to egregious psychological abuse and held in solitary confinement with no exercise. Jane says that she also had food withheld from her and was closely guarded by soldiers outside her room.

    • Xabier says:

      The NZ tale reinforces my point that it is the compliant nobodies who make a tyranny possible.

      The hotel staff, the testers, the soldiers guarding the lobby and corridors, and who were happy to go along with a woman convicted of no crime being locked up in a small room for so many weeks with no right of exercise, which convicted drug dealers and murderers would have.

      The New Gulag is being built all around us, and these types will staff it.

      More likely to be imprisonment in one’s own house or apartment than an actual camp, monitored through 5G – although everywhere laws are being introduced allowing the ‘potentially infected’ to be arrested and sequestered.

      • T.Y. says:

        I actually started reading Solzhenitsyn’s well known book on the topic. I’ve only just started. So far i have one strange thing to report: although the narrative of events is chilling to the bone, the amount of irony and sarcasm with which it is told seems strangely heart-warming…

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    They seem to have not seen how the numbers are blasting of in countries that have the highest Injection rates…. (well of course they have but the Ministry of Truth calls the shots)

    But this is what the CovIDIOTS read… and the CovIDIOTS do NOT question.

    Because a CovIDIOT is just another form of MOREON.

  26. TinaB says:

    “There are currently more than 3,000 firefighters on the wildfire frontlines.

    Clint Chapman of the BC Wildfire Service also spoke at the news conference. He said that a total of 300,000 hectares of the province have already been burned, whereas the average for this time of year in B.C. is about 100,000 hectares.

    “We are expecting what we call a ‘subtropical feed’ coming up from the United States which is going to bring significant wind into the South Coast Fire Centre and to the Interior of the province,” he said.

    The outlook isn’t good, he said, and fire officials are relieved to know that 500 more personnel will be joining the frontlines in the next 10 days.”

    Where are the wildlife going to run to? Where are humans going to run to? Have we not been warned for decades that this was going to happen? My heart goes out to the firefighters!

    • I wonder what all goes into the current wildfires. Before people started messing with forests, trees had a mixture of species. Fires came through quite often, and didn’t burn many acres.

      Now, humans have been suppressing natural forest fires for years. We have planted rows of the same types of trees, making forest easily killed by invading insects. They also burnt more completely when the burn.

      We blame all our troubles on “climate change.”

      • Mike Roberts says:

        Gail, whilst what you say may be part of the answer, perhaps long hard droughts,extreme temperatures and dry lightning might have played a part?

        We certainly don’t blame “all our troubles” on “climate change” but it is a growing concern. Attribution studies usually show that extreme events are made more likely by climate change.

        • True. We forget that climate has always been changing, however. Our models assume that we can build roads, bridges, cities and many other things that will be suitable for the very long term, but this isn’t really the case. Funding for these things would be much more difficult if we modeled the real expected lifetimes.

  27. Fast Eddy says:

    How many times have the Aussies been locked down now? I think Melbourne is into Number 5.

    Taking it like beaten dogs. Or like good loyal dogs who don’t even need to be beaten to be brought into line.

    Seems there isn’t that much resistance to any of this…. we’ll go out with barely a whimper

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      From, “You call THAT a pandemic,” by Tim Cullen:

      “Australia [overall] has only managed to scrape together a pitifully small 914 pandemic deaths from their population of [about] 25,833,700 people i.e. 3.54 deaths per 100,000.

      “While the Melbourne Penal Colony has managed [somehow or other] to conjure up an amazing 820 pandemic deaths out of a population of [about] 6,680,648 people i.e. 12.17 deaths per 100,000.

      “It’s unknown how the Melbourne Penal Colony finds [over] 3½ times more cases in their tests.

      “Similarly: It’s a mystery how all the pandemic dead in the Melbourne Penal Colony avoided hospital.

      “The residential care gulag accounts for 655 pandemic deaths in the Melbourne Penal Colony and the remaining 165 deaths apparently didn’t occur in hospital.

      “Overall, this leaves independent observers to wonder why the pandemic is 33 times more deadly in the Melbourne Penal Colony than the Rest of Australia.”

      • Mike Roberts says:

        As the state of Victoria has had about two thirds of the cases, maybe that has something to do with it. If you see an article comparing rates of deaths per capita you can be sure that it is a biased account, determined to show something that isn’t true. By the way, if a country does well, overall, in limiting the spread, you will probably find very different statistics across the country.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          And then there is Sweden – no lockdowns.. 30th on the deaths per capital list… some old nearly dead people died… so what?

          That’s what I call success!!!

          Focused Protection all the way

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Hope the Aussies are enjoying the latest lockdown… they have many more to look forward too 🙂

        • Tim Groves says:

          I get it that different places can have widely different rates of infection and death from the same pathogen. But I don’t follow the logic of “If you see an article comparing rates of deaths per capita you can be sure that it is a biased account, determined to show something that isn’t true.”

          These are strong words, Mike. Could you elaborate on them?

          Is this a general statement based on a natural law, or is it perhaps an assumption on your part born of your knowledge of human nature?

          • Mike Roberts says:

            Because there is no point in comparing such figures. That figure tells you nothing about how the virus is being contained or how deadly the virus is in different areas. The closed case (those cases that have recovered or died) fatality rate is more appropriate, if your focus is deaths. The current rate of cases may also tell you something about how each area is dealing with the spread of the virus. But deaths divided by total population is a constantly changing figure that gives you no useful information about the virus. Therefore, an article which uses that comparison is almost certainly trying to pull the wool over your eyes to give a false narrative about the virus.

            • its no use Mike

              the consensus of opinion is that ‘they’ intend to inject you with iron filings and sell your children for medical experiments

            • Fillmore East says:

              In the US the question of death coding is interesting. 2 county coroners in our area were quoted in a msm new article that they were cut out of the death coding process in many cases of Covid-19. Different jurisdictions are using different coding and PCR CTs which may provide skewed results one way or the other. Its hard to believe that Australia doesnt have a uniform testing, reporting and death coding procedure. Any discrepencies might be explained as simple as human error or statistical manipulation.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Excellent answer Mike. What you’ve said there sounds very credible.

              Now, what about the many mainstream media articles that have done precisely what you are criticizing—making comparisons of death rates between different countries or different states in the US in order to make the point that this or that strategy has been more successful?

              Are these articles almost certainly trying to pull the wool over your eyes to give a false narrative about the virus?

              For instance, here’s an economics paper comparing lockdowns and mortality rates in 24 European countries.

              “I explore the association between the severity of lockdown policies in the first half of 2020 and mortality rates. Using two indices from the Blavatnik Centre’s COVID-19 policy measures and comparing weekly mortality rates from 24 European countries in the first halves of 2017–2020, addressing policy endogeneity in two different ways, and taking timing into account, I find no clear association between lockdown policies and mortality development.”

              Is the writer almost certainly pulling the wool over our eyes?


              For something rather less academic, here is the BBC attempting to fact check some claims regarding Covid lockdowns:

              “Claim: “No-lockdown Sweden fared better than the UK”

              Verdict: It’s true that Sweden has had a lower Covid death rate than the UK, but it has fared significantly worse than its neighbours, all of which had tighter initial lockdown restrictions.

              Many people opposed to Covid restrictions point to the example of Sweden, a country which at the beginning of the pandemic avoided introducing a compulsory lockdown, and instead issued voluntary distancing advice.

              However, Sweden is a very different country to the UK and has characteristics that may have helped it during the pandemic. It has a lower population density, and a high proportion of people live alone. The capital, Stockholm, is also less of an international transit hub than London.

              When compared to other Scandinavian countries with similar population profiles, Sweden has fared much worse and recorded a significantly higher number of deaths than its neighbours, all of which have had tougher restrictions during much of the pandemic.”

              Is the Beeb trying to pull the wool over our eyes?

              I wouldn’t put it past them.


            • Fast Eddy says:

              Yes there are always excuses… and the Regurgitators will repeat them verbatim…

              The thing is…

              In Sweden people not been self-isolating … children have gone to school throughout … people have gone to work… restaurants and shopping areas can be seen with big crowds… life is NORMAL.

              14,000 Swedes out of 10M have died with/from Covid … so assume a fraction of them actually died from it… because as we know ….

              And let’s not forget that Sweden did not start on Focused Protection until nearly 5k died… so they protected the Old Diseased Bags keeping them alive to enjoy their piss and shit baths in the old aged homes for another year or do before they get shipped to the glue factory … so that is a ‘victory’

              If they had locked these Goats away and offered Focused Protection … Sweden would be relegated to the 5th division…

              But nope. Let’s just keep on making up excuses to lock down and Inject.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Tim, regarding this comment of yours.

              The first link you gave is for a paper that attempts to look at the correlation of all-cause excess mortality to lockdowns. It doesn’t specifically use COVID-19 death data as the researcher didn’t trust the figures. However, for the purposes of the work, that is fine, as it isn’t trying to compare countries using COVID-19 deaths per capita – it is only looking at the changes in the rate of deaths that lockdowns may have caused.

              That BBC article is not good. Let’s wait until the pandemic is over (if it is) before comparisons of that kind and a more nuanced comparison would then be called for (e.g. how well did the countries manage to slow the spread and thus lighten the load on the health service). So, yes, it is trying to pull the wool over our eyes in an attempt to make the case for lockdowns. It doesn’t succeed in that.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Fast Eddy claims that schools were never closed in Sweden. That isn’t true according to Wikipedia (and other articles I’ve seen). High schools were closed for at least one month and there were recommendations for closures earlier on, with some schools implementing some measures, like separating students more.

            • Eddy is being carried along on his own stream of truth.

              it is in no danger of bursting its banks and flooding the surrounding countryside of reality

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Sweden keeps schools open during the Covid-19 pandemic: Results of the situation. Sweden is one of the few countries in Europe where schools were kept open after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic during the spring of 2020


            • Mike Roberts says:

              For the most part, Sweden did keep schools open but the reality is more nuanced than FE’s generalisations, as already pointed out.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Oh ya it’s nuanced… I imagine you picked that up from one of your Regurgitation Rags right?

              Nuanced how?

              You have 10M people on the streets… in the schools… in restaurants and bars and clubs and pubs…. swapping spit and touching railings and putting fingers in mouths and eyes….

              Oh but the Swedes live alone we are told… hahaha are you THAT f789ing stoooopid? They are NOT locked in their homes… cowering like scared bitches.

              They have NOT locked down. They have NOT put on face diapers

              What part of this do you NOT understand? Are you really this ST UUUP ID?

              Meanwhile … I guess this is nuanced too right? Surely Sweden should be overwhelmed with deaths and hospitalizations?

              I assume you have a brain … flip the on switch and THINK, Do not regurgitate MORE ONOCY.


  28. Fast Eddy says:

    norm…. norm …


  29. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    lambda variant in Texas! OMG time to panic, we’re all gonna die.

    by the way, no surprise that this is the common variant in Peru and the US southern border is essentially wide open due to the policy of the puppeteers behind the Puppet Of The United States.

    will the vaccines be as ineffective against it as against the delta variant?

    the story continues.

    • Sam says:

      Again why is there no news about people who have had Covid and why they are not getting these variance. They are trying to force the people who have had Covid and have antibodies to get the shot and I don’t think they need to shot

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Also Nigerian monkeypox.

  30. MG says:

    Let’s think more about the human habitats. The globalization is in fact the process of creating an ideal human habitat where all is available thanks to the free movement of the stuff without the barriers.

    When the free movement is disrupted for some reason, the human habitats created thanks to the globalization, collapse:

    The looming shortages of energy (also in the form of workforce) make the human habitats dysfunctional, marginal and finally abandoned.

  31. Fast Eddy says:

    Hmmm… sounds like the intention is to help Devil Covid breed….

    Border officials are no longer required to make basic Covid checks on people arriving in England from green and amber list countries, according to leaked instructions that have prompted claims that the government is turning a blind eye to the risk of importing Covid cases.

    A change that came into effect on Monday means Border Force officers no longer have to verify whether new arrivals have received a negative Covid test, have booked a test within coming days, or have a passenger locator form showing an address where they will isolate if necessary.

    Border Force sources contacted the Guardian on condition of anonymity to raise serious concerns with the shift in approach, meantto reduce queues as foreign travel restarts.

    The government said it would not comment on leaked documents and stressed that airlines were legally required to conduct all the necessary checks.

  32. Mirror on the wall says:

    We are allowed to whimper but we are not allowed to fight.

    • TIm Groves says:

      My favorite by the Dubliners is the one where they sing, “He’s got no faloorum, he’s lost his ding-doorum….”

      • Xabier says:

        Excellent song.

        ‘It’s your strong bones I want, your young firm flesh!’ W B Yeats to his young fiancee – creepy stuff and not very poetic!

        And it seems he wasn’t much up to it when he got it.

    • The Unionists still dream of Drogheda and the day they reclaim Ireland.

      I think that only a complete extermination of them will solve the issue once for all.

  33. Fast Eddy says:

    BHP Is Said to Mull Oil Exit in Retreat From Fossil Fuels

    The world’s biggest miner is reviewing its petroleum business and considering options including a trade sale, said the people, who asked not to be identified as the talks are private. The business, which is forecast to earn more than $2 billion this year, could be worth an estimated $15 billion or more, one of the people said.

  34. Fast Eddy says:

    This is for norm dunc…. under penalty of PERJURY .. she made these statements:

    As of July 9, reported deaths in the VAERS totaled 10,991. Of those, 4,593 occurred within 72-hours of vaccination.

    The whistleblower — a computer programmer who developed more than 100 distinct healthcare fraud algorithms, and who has expertise in healthcare data analytics that allows her to access Medicare and Medicaid data obtained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) — filed a sworn statement under penalty of perjury alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000.

    The whistleblower alleged that VAERS, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five.

    In her statement, she said:

    “On July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported in VAERS. I verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from CMS medical claims with regard to vaccines and patient deaths, and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5. This would indicate the true number of vaccine-related deaths was at least 45,000. Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths.”

    • Good luck to those pursuing this suit.

      It is a little difficult to understand exactly what this programmer is saying, without seeing more detail. There seem to be three different data bases which possibly have information about deaths from vaccines. Medicare and Medicaid data obtained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) is one of these systems. In theory, it would be a lot more complete than VAERS, since any care that required reimbursement by Medicare (people aged 65 and over and permanently disabled people) or Medicaid (poor people) would likely go through this system. Apparently, there would be an indication of when these people were vaccinated as well, at least some of the time. (These were “free,” and often done in strange places like churches, so I wonder if all of the coding was done.)

      It is based on data from a more complete data base that the whistleblower seems to be making the allegations.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        Well, I know a lot of people who’ve had both doses of a vaccine (mostly Pfizer), including myself, but I don’t know anyone who’s had a serious reaction to it, other than feeling a bit off for a day. If one is determined to find some “data” to bolster their views, then they will probably be able to piece something together but it remains to be seen how much of it is fabricated to suit a narrative.

        Regarding this particular case, there is far too much information filed for me to be able to go through it all but I note that one document makes the claim that VAERS under-reports reactions by a factor of 10, based on an old study from 2013, which was primarily focused on assessing how well some software to assist reporting would do and had some flaws but its conclusions seem dubious for a high profile vaccination program. BTW, I can’t actually find the case on the district court’s website (though I may need to pay for a proper search) and have found other filed documents (elsewhere) with the same case number going back more than a month.

        • Clearly, in any trial, more information will be needed than what is shown in the documents provided.

          VAERS is a voluntary vaccine adverse events reporting system. No one expects it to have all of the cases. It seems like it would have a higher share of deaths than other events, however. I have seen the 10 times estimate before, as well.

          As I understand the material, the programmer who did the study used a different data base for her study. This data base had all Medicare and Medicaid claim information in it. She looked for deaths (all causes) within 72 hours after vaccination. She claims this produces a much higher number of deaths.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        My reply to this seems to have died. Perhaps I should report it on VAERS.

        That case seems to have been bubbling under for over a month (search for the case number). Too many documents to peruse properly. Use of an only study on VAERS to “prove” the underreporting rate.

        I know many people who’ve had both jabs but I don’t know any who’ve had a bad reaction other than feeling a bit under the weather for a day.

      • Student says:

        If someone wants to study European data about vaccines, maybe can be interesting.
        I’ve heard that Eudravigilance follows a different way of reporting in comparison to VAERS which, if I’ve understood correctly, counts only on proactive reports from people.

        Since the beginning of the vaccines’ campaign till the 3rd of July, EudraVigilance reports 17.503 deaths right after Covid-19 vaccines and 1.687.527 adverse reactions (50% of them severe).

        Here you can find the link to an article and then you can find the links to each vaccine:


        Pfizer-Biontech (Tozinameran):


        Jansenn (Johnson & Johnson):

        I hope someone can find something interesting.

        • Thanks!

          • Xabier says:

            Here’s another approach to the question as to whether the totals of the reporting systems are exaggerated – as govt. propaganda likes to imply – or in fact grossly under-reporting, capturing only 1-10% of incidents.

            Prof Tim Spector, of King’s College London, the eager pro-vax head of the ZOE Covid self-reporting tracker app, estimated that some 20% of those injected experienced side-effects, ‘mostly mild’. Although one wouldn’t expect the severely ill to log on.

            Now, in the UK that would give us about 8 million or so with side-effects of varying degrees. The headaches, fevers, vomiting of which one reads – and I have actually met such people.

            The MHRA system in the UK, however, only registers about a million reports.

            So people are not going report-crazy, nor are hoards of determined ‘anti-vaxxers’ bumping up the figures with false reports to alarm the public and discredit the Holy Vaxx.

            It has also been clear that most women who had gynaecological problems after being injected had no idea of the existence of a reporting system. Probably true of most victims.

            We can probably be confident that they are under-reporting considerably, to the degree hitherto estimated. 1)% would be a very reasonable, even conservative estimate. We might take off some 15% as – honest – mis-reports.

            In which case, global vaxx deaths so far would be in the hundreds of thousands.

            Let that sink in.

            I’m off now to light a bonfire before the summer rains come again, and think of all the politicians and utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt medics I’d like to slow roast, head-down, the traditional way. Although I suspect rat would taste somewhat nicer…….

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I have asked 7 or 8 people if they have ever heard of the VAERS reporting system for vaccine injuries… all said ‘what’s that?’

              Combine that with ‘I am saving the world — the doctor said my ____ has nothing to do with the vaccine — general stoooopidity — and dead people don’t call VAERS’ and obviously you will get a massive under reporting…

              Just as doctors are classifying as many deaths with covid as deaths from covid… they are making sure as few vaccine injuries and deaths are reported.

              All very surreal.

            • T.Y. says:

              Recently i found a paper on this: what was very noteworthy about it was the speed with which it was retracted : within the week it was published.


              The main reason for retraction was that the database can apparently not be used to make any “causal” link to the vaccines (eg. they are thus implying that many of these reports can be wrong and are not checked.) One wonders why we even have such databases if they cannot be used to draw conclusions….
              Although the system allows direct reporting i wonder what portion of these reports come directly from patients and which from physicians, pharmacists, (HCP’s) . According to absolute numbers in this study from 2017, HCP’s are actually contributing factor 5-6 times more….

              When i showed the paper comparing the adverse reactions to “needed to vaccinate numbers” to the only family member i’m still hoping might see the light on this, he was mainly talking about how this paper was shared so often by anti-vaxxers, that it was non-science, etc.. referring to this statement in the BMJ.

              It seems crazy to me to make a huge deal out of potential % of mis-reports in adverse reaction databases, and just plainly ingnore the same issue in COVID-reporting. But that’s exactly what he subsequently went on to defend.

              The real question seems to me: if it is so bad why was publishing allowed in the first place ? unless it was a quite deliberate attempt to discredit the adverse reaction reporting systems and people drawing upon it for their arguments ? The reactions by the editors seem extremely hypocritical to me, wasn’t it their job to ensure a quality publication in the first place ?

              Crazy times. the real issue is this: people’s world-view (especially those who sport the rainbow colored unicorn variety of it) would vaporize in an instant if they admit that this is all strange and possibly collusion. John Michael Greer recently pointed to an interesting psychological study to see how people deal with anxiety: apparently a long time ago already a group of researchers interviewed people living downstream from a large dam. As expected concerns increased as distance to the dam decreased…up to a certain point… then suddenly the people living closest to the dam.. who would thus be wiped out instantly if anything went wrong with it.. all concerns disappeared and all held the view that nothing could ever go wrong with the dam…… I wish i had known about that study earlier…

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Recall how the CDC published info that only a fairly small number of people had actually died from covid rather than with covid (i.e. who are not already deathly ill)… they retracted that too

          • Student says:

            You are welcome!

            I’ve noticed that the link for the article is still on, but the single links of each vaccine seem to be under maintenance.

            So maybe it is better to know that correct process to open the official reports from the beginning, in case those links will not work anymore.

            One should go to this website:

            Click on the link where is written:
            NEW! To consult the reports for COVID-19 vaccines, follow this link, then click on the letter ‘C’ and scroll down until COVID-19.

            Go to letter C and open the single vaccine reports for:

            – COVID-19 MRNA VACCINE MODERNA (CX-024414)



            – COVID-19 VACCINE JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S)

            At the moment of this message the single reports still appear to be under maintenance. But in the past were visible, so they should work again.

  35. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Noah Browning
    Tue, July 20, 2021, 4:03 AM
    (Adds graphics, quote, detail)

    By Noah Browning

    LONDON, July 20 (Reuters) – The global rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic is set to drive emissions of greenhouse gases that stoke climate change to all-time highs, the Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report on Tuesday.

    “We estimate that full and timely implementation of the economic recovery measures announced to date would result in CO2 emissions climbing to record levels in 2023, continuing to rise thereafter,” it said.

    Spending plans for clean energy allocated by governments around the world in the second quarter add up to $380 billion, making up just 2% of their total stimulus funds in response to the pandemic, the IEA said.

    The energy watchdog said the figure represented around a third of what it envisioned was needed in order to put the world on course to reach net zero emissions by mid-century.

    “The sums of money, both public and private, being mobilised worldwide by recovery plans fall well short of what is needed to reach international climate goals,” IEA chief Fatih Birol wrote.

    And we have the peanut gallery here complaining about the green machine….please stop…most of it is just window dressing 2%…I agree with Gail…much of it will never get off the table…..but in the pockets of greedy dishonest government contractors and financial leaches.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      hahahahaha… ridiculous

      norm… entertain us

    • Jude Clemente at RealClear Politics has a post up called, The Gigantic Holes in Anti-Oil ESG Activism

      He points out that investment wise, the advice given by the ESF crowd has been precisely the opposite of what has been happening in the last six months:

      Oil prices just saw their best first half since 2009 (see below). In recent months, oil companies have had the best run of any sector in the S&P 500.

      Discussing how poorly Clean Energy is doing, he links to a WSJ article saying Clean Energy ETFs Take a Hit, but Money Keeps Flowing In Exchange-traded funds that track renewable-energy indexes have posted double-digit declines this year.

      He makes the point that if less investment is made in oil by US and Canadian companies, world oil prices will likely rise. (I am not sure for how long.) He says,

      In other words, those that have divested, or insist that we divest, from oil will leave even more money on the table for OPEC and Russia instead of everyday Americans.

      He points out the hypocrisy of both the IEA and President Biden asking OPEC+ to raise their production, while trying to cut US, Canadian and European oil production to meet climate goals.

  36. MG says:

    Only fully vaccinated persons can attend the upcomming visit of the Pope Francis in Slovakia:

    • Requiring the vaccine will likely mean that those who attend are disproportionately older people. This might have been the case anyhow.

    • Tim Groves says:

      This sounds like one more excellent reason not to get jabbed.
      I’ve always wanted a cast-iron excuse for kissing His Holinesses’s hand.
      I don’t know where it’s been!
      These pontifical visits are not for me.

  37. Yoshua says:

    Robert W Malone invented the mRNA vaccine. He has been critical to how the government injected an entire population with an experimental vaccine. A few days ago he heard that there’s an assassination contract on his life.

  38. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The operator of Australia’s only commercial-scale carbon capture and storage project has conceded the project has failed to meet its targets, and is now seeking a deal with Western Australian regulators on how to make up for millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide it failed to store.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “BP’s latest review of energy use has been presented as positive developments in carbon reduction. However, the facts remain that fossil fuels continue to provide most of the world’s energy needs and that developing Asia is driving demand.”

    • Xabier says:

      Simply too funny for words! Where, O where, did all that carbon go?

      I thought this was the magic technology for the Zero Net Carbon economy?

      Saw a poster in town today of young people of all races shouting for a ‘Green New Deal UK’ in order to live happier and better lives. How can we tell the truth to these noble crusaders?

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        They’ll find out soon enough, unfortunately. A bracing course in energy and systems literacy awaits.

        They’re giving the carbon capture a go up here, too, I see:

        “The Acorn carbon capture and storage project in north-east Scotland has signed provisional deals with customers including ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell and a company backed by Kuwait’s sovereign wealth fund, bringing together some of the largest operators in the UK North Sea.

        “Acorn, which aims to be among the UK’s first large-scale operational CCS projects by the middle of this decade, plans initially to capture carbon from the St Fergus terminals where about a third of all natural gas consumed in the UK comes ashore…

        “The project also aims to produce hydrogen from natural gas to feed into the UK gas network, as governments look for lower-carbon fuels to complement renewable electricity under their plans to decarbonise.”

        • Peak Oil Pete says:

          How much oil is left ????
          Have a look here…

          According to this, we are out of time.
          Changing the world’s energy infrastructure in the next 25 – 35 years is not possible.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            It all depends on price of course… but without a doubt the situation is much much much worse than anyone can imagine…

            The Elders would never give us an accurate estimate… because it would lead to despair

    • I seem to recall saying much the same thing on the day they started it.

    • Failing to meet targets should hardly be a surprise!

      • Dennis Loeffler says:

        Perhaps move the target?

        Dennis L.

        • Right! A tweet comment says,

          Chevron’s disastrous Gorgon CCS project has failed to meet its 5 year commitment by around 70%

          Even if it worked, would only capture small fraction of the emissions from the massively polluting Gorgon LNG

          This is a list of the top five CCS project in 2019. Three of the five specifically list Enhanced Oil Recovery as the use of the carbon captured. (The other two might be; I don’t know.) It seems likely to me that if the CO2 is put in the ground to help force oil out, quite a bit of the CO2 will leak out again, as the oil comes out.

  39. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Bloomberg News
    Tue, July 20, 2021, 12:15 AM
    (Bloomberg) — Key Chinese cities have warned that homes and factories face new power outages as historic demand and supply shortages strain energy grids.

    Populous centers including Beijing and Xi’an have alerted electricity users there will be scheduled disruptions as grid operators struggle to maintain overloaded networks. Eleven provinces including eastern manufacturing hubs and landlocked central China, which also suffered outages during last winter’s cold spell, reported record demand and peak-load surges last week, according to the State Grid Corp. of China.

    The nation’s electricity providers are experiencing similar pressures seen in the U.S. and other hot spots around the world as temperatures reach alarming levels during the early weeks of summer. Exacerbating the situation in China is a strong economic rebound from the pandemic, which helped spur a 10% surge in power consumption last month.

    The heat waves and increased power demand are putting further strain on the coal industry, China’s main energy source. Thermal coal futures climbed to as high as 926 yuan per ton on Tuesday, approaching an intraday record of 944.2 yuan set in May, as supply concerns grow.

    Gail is correct again. The grid is the weak link in the house of cards

    • Xabier says:

      Not very encouraging, in the current ‘workshop of the world’…….

    • China had been warning about the likelihood of rolling power outages again this summer, earlier this year, after its problems between November and February. Businesses of all kinds are forced to shut down without electricity. Traffic lights don’t work. Bank ATM machines don’t work. Elevators don’t work. I imagine electric trains and street cars don’t work. People with electric autos cannot recharge them during the rolling power outages.

      This is a June 30 CNN article on the subject, called China is facing its worst power shortage in a decade. That’s a problem for the whole world

      It says,

      Guangdong province — a manufacturing center responsible for $1.7 trillion, or more than 10%, of China’s annual economic output and a bigger share of its foreign trade — has been rationing power for over a month.

      This means the shortage started before June 1. It later says,

      Power shortages are likely to continue for at least the next few months, especially as demand stays high in the hot summer months.

      The problem is a fairly long term problem. The article talks about “meeting decarbonization goals,” but I think the real issue is that China cannot ramp up coal supply cheaply enough. Prices are already very high. If the coal price gets too high, it makes the price of electricity too high, and the cost or producing finished goods too high. Profit margins are likely to slip, because these higher costs can’t necessarily be passed on to buyers.

      The article also mentions:

      “Coal is really expensive to import, according to Eurasia Group’s Gloystein, who said that prices have more than doubled in the last year.”

      It also mentions:

      “A nationwide safety check before the Communist Party’s 100th anniversary on Thursday has led to massive suspensions of coal mines across China, exacerbating the strains on the coal supply.”

      This sounds like a stupid thing to do, if the country was short of coal to begin with. Close each particular mine being inspected, for the minimum time necessary for the inspection.

      • D. Stevens says:

        Things break when the power is turned on and off. I work for a large factory and anytime the power goes out it always causes some sort of problem to equipment which then needs to be replaced or serviced after power is restored even if the power outage is anticipated and most equipment gets shut down prior. I imagine a lot of resources are wasted dealing with problems due to power interruptions. Likely increases problems on both ends of the supply chain.

  40. Mirror on the wall says:

    The Telegraph has a new article on UK fertility rates that illustrates the terms in which the British state thinks about demographics. The BS is a capitalist state that dominates UK Plc. Brits are a limited and ageing workforce and that puts constraints on GDP growth and on the ability of BS to provide public services and to service its mounting structural debt. Thus an inward flow of fresh workers is required.

    The UK fertility rate fell to 1.58 in 2020, the lowest on record, and to 1.53 in Q1 2021. The UK fertility rate is propped up by women born abroad, and UK-born women are typically about .8 lower. The number of births about halves every two generations.

    The fertility rate has collapsed since artificial contraception was made easily available for all women in 1967 and abortion was legalised in 1968. About 10 million abortions have been performed since then, and a similar number of UK residents were born abroad. Abortions reached record levels in 2020 (about 220,000) with abortion pills made available over the phone.

    50% of UK adults are not married, and the age of first marriage has risen to 38 for men and 35 for women. 48% of kids are born outside of marriage however. Deaths outnumbered births in 2020. About 75% of Brits did not have sex in 2020, and couples rate their sexual experiences at 2.9 out of 10. A majority of Brits, especially men, rely on internet porn sites for sexual release, spending an average of 10 minutes and 20 seconds per visit.

    Anyway, none of that is sufficient for the British capitalist state to maintain GDP growth, continue public services, and to service its debts, so it relies on an inward flow of workers, and about 600,000 per year enter UK. That figure is going to have to increase. C 19 has accelerated the ageing of the population and birth rates are unlikely to recover, which will ‘cripple’ the economy. Debt has also risen.

    > Birth rate will take years to recover from Covid baby bust

    A V-shaped recovery from the plunge in global births is “highly unlikely” as the pandemic worsens deteriorating demographics that threaten to cripple economies, according to Morgan Stanley. Its analysts pointed to slow rebounds in births in the aftermath of the Spanish Flu and previous economic crises as a warning sign for policymakers.

    Economists have predicted that ageing populations and shrinking workforces will have a huge impact on developed economies and public finances in the coming decades.

    Population experts believe the pandemic caused the fertility rate in the UK to plunge to a record low of 1.6 per woman in 2020 amid unprecedented uncertainty for families. Decades of falling births have left governments facing rapidly ageing populations but the legacy of Covid threatens to deepen the impact.

    The Wall Street bank predicted that 70pc of the world’s population will be below the replacement rate – the number of babies needed to sustain the population – within five years. It highlighted the quicker than forecast slump in the UK birth rate in recent years as a sign that global demographic pressures are building far faster than first feared.

    HSBC has warned the UK’s working age population could be falling by the end of the decade, threatening to stunt GDP growth and ramp up the pressure on already stretched public finances. Governments will be squeezed by fewer workers paying tax and higher costs for healthcare and state pensions.

    James Pomeroy, HSBC economist, said it was “a massive fiscal problem when you’re taking on a lot of debt. A lot of people are really underestimating how massive the changes are in the demographic outlook for pretty much every country in the world.”

    Experts also believe Britain suffered an exodus of foreign workers during the pandemic with huge uncertainty over how many will return, particularly given tougher post-Brexit immigration rules. However, the Home Office has revealed that it has received 6m settled status applications from EU citizens wanting to remain in the UK.

    • Edwin Pell says:

      Declining pop is good from a green point of view.

      • Mirror on the wall says:


        Not really when the British capitalist state just gets fresh workers from abroad. The UK birth rate might go down – but the UK worker force just keeps going up.

        That is how capitalism ‘works’ – it is a profit and growth based economic system. The BS just gets its new workers from somewhere else.

        Population growth is mainly in the less developed countries these days, but the more developed countries tend to get their fresh workers from them.

        So all it adds up, and ‘green’ has not really got anything to do with it. You can go on a ‘birth strike’ but no one really cares, the BS will just get its fresh workers elsewhere – and there is no point pretending otherwise.

        So no – wrong – low European birth-rates are not ‘good’ from the ‘green’ point of view. How they fool themselves? If they want to go on the internet for ‘satisfaction’ then that is up to them – but do not try to dress it up as ‘good’.

        Only in this day and age can Europeans pretend that having a w/ on the internet is ‘good’ – it is ‘green’ – but no one really falls for that nonsense. A w/er is a w/er, which is what you turned out to be?

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          I am not putting up with that.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Hey, let’s not have any rancour on this site. 🙂

          As a lapsed Catholic, I feel ashamed at just how much rancorous behavior is going on the UK these days. A majority of guys using porn? Seventy-five percent of Brits sexless?If the figures are accurate, that’s just sad. A nation of … can’t bring myself to type it!

          I preferred the Brits when they were more raucous.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            Wise words Tim. I posted those videos in good humour and it a good crowd here that took them in that way.

            What is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is always going to depend on the perspective.

            Far be it from me to start telling people how many kids they should have.

    • My daughter tells me that quite a few of her friends (who are in their mid-thirties and older) are getting pregnant now, with the student debt forgiveness that has been going on and other programs to help affordability. These are women who are near the end of their child bearing years. I am not sure that this effect will make much difference in the US overall birth rate for 2021 and 2022, however.

    • Xabier says:

      I was at school with the daughter of Kindersley who published ‘The Joy of Sex’ (‘Fancy some mouth music, baby?’ etc).

      How sad that sex in Strong Britain now rates at only 2.9 satisfaction! All his efforts were in vain……

    • Erdles says:

      Clearly women are not performing their duty as part of the social contract by having at least the replacement level of children. Appalling as I am sure there are clearly many men willing to help women out.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      “A V-shaped recovery…”

      Is the Telegraph being lewd there?

    • Bei Dawei says:

      “About 75% of Brits did not have sex in 2020…”

      So the rumors are true!

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      We is the I/A.

      We is not particularly uptaken by the British state or by their jews.

    • The problem is they think people are economically interchangeable.

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  42. Fast Eddy says:

    Vaccination centres are destroyed and protests continue

    One site in south-east France was vandalised and flooded using fire hoses on Friday night, authorities said.

    A day later, another clinic in the south-west was partially destroyed by an arson attack, local media reported.

    They’ve discovered fire…. could get interesting

  43. Yoshua says:

    Looks like S&P 500 is really breaking down this time.

    Maybe they can blame it on the Delta Wave and sign a new $3T stimulus package?

    • Of course, today the WSJ is reporting, “Stocks rebound after steep drop.”

      And drop will be broken by rebounds.

    • I hope not, because $3T of new stimmy wave means at least several of additional $100B from it immediately percolating into mass hysteria shopping at and their grid could go finally dodo..

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    norm… question for you … ontario is mostly out of lockdown… so why don’t 200 cases become 20,000 cases… I though covid was highly infectious?

    Help me to … understand… norm

    Ontario is reporting just under 200 new COVID-19 cases today as the rolling seven-day average continues to decline.

    Provincial health officials logged 194 new cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus today, up slightly from 184 one week ago.

    • Xabier says:

      They need to do much more testing in Ontario: the proven method for getting cases to ‘explode’ and ‘rip like wildfire’……

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Ah I see .. so they just stopped testing …. haha

        But of course the hospitals should be overwhelmed …

        norm can help explain why they aren’t

  45. Yoshua says:

    Bitcoin is finally crashing from its 30K support line.

    Of course we have seen the abyss so many times now…and been saved by the CB… that it’s starting to get boring.

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is calling for children over two years old to wear face coverings at school, even if they’ve been vaccinated against Covid-19, exceeding US CDC guidelines as some states ban mask mandates.

    “Combining layers of protection that include vaccinations, masking and clean-hands hygiene will make in-person learning safe and possible for everyone,” Dr. Sonja O’Leary, chair of the AAP’s Council on School Health, said in a statement on Monday.

    The recommendation goes further than the updated guidance that was issued earlier this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which said students and school employees who are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear masks. California public-health officials last week told schools to refuse entry to students and staff who decline to wear masks, but it backtracked hours later, allowing local education districts to decide how to enforce their Covid-19 rules.

    • Xabier says:

      Good God! And they are meant to specialise in child health?!!!

      For those who are trying to muzzle little tiny children – I am sure dear old Norman is looking forward to seeing that done to his grandchildren in turn – we should adapt the old Moghul punishment, and wrap their heads in wet skins or cloth, and leave them in the burning sun, tied to a stake, to suffocate slowly as the wrapping dries and tightens.

      Wouldn’t that be poetic and just lovely to watch?

      All those in favour, say Aye…….

      • Tim Groves says:

        That would work nicely in India, but in the UK, they would be more likely to experience the equivalent of waterboarding as barbecue summers tend to get washed out.

        • Xabier says:

          Slow drowning sounds not too disagreeable a spectator sport for the British Summer.

          Now, don’t I recall something about chaining prisoners to stakes outside the Tower of London, so they drown as the Thames rises?

          And hanging in chains for the Tower ravens to peck at them?

          ‘Strong Britain, Great Nation’ needs to revive some old traditions!

          • Tim Groves says:

            The Tower? The Ravens? Traitor’s Gate? I imagine a lot of people would pay money to witness that.

            One of my all-time favorite songs is on just this subject.

            To the Tower and to the Ravens
            And the tale that hopes they’ll never leave
            What if they should go
            We always dread to think of them.

            I wonder if they flew one day
            And no-one ever knew they’d gone
            To circle over ships at sea
            Claiming yet another son.

            That is you to me
            That is where I think you are
            Never on the land
            But gone to find the North Star

      • JMS says:

        And the punishment for the stoopid parents who tolerate this kind of aggression to their children?
        I would suggest: slap them in the face with a dead cat until it meows (a local saying).

      • I already sold 4 of my g/grandkids to the local chimney sweep.

        it was a good deal, I needed the money and he needed the labour– and he also took an option on the new twins for a couple of years hence, when they can walk .

        He did suggest that he could use them to sweep chimneys by dropping them down the chimney on the end of a rope, but I declined because he wasn’t prepared to pay as much for them as the older kids.

        seems fair enough.

        other than that, some years ago, did you have a small part in the Monty Python movie, ‘The Meaning of Life’?

        There was a sketch in that, quite famous now: “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”

        Based on what you find amusing, I thought you must have.

    • I wonder what psychiatrists would say about all of this mask-wearing, especially for small children. How about ventilation standards instead?

      • postkey says:

        “For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain, is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires. In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active.”
        German Neurologist Warns Against Wearing Facemasks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ — Health & Wellness —

  47. Fast Eddy says:

    As COVID-19 spreads, Zimbabweans rush to get a jab

    I guess they haven’t read

    Who would get Injected after reading that?

    Of course…a CovIDIOT would!

    I sent to a CovIDIOT today — his response — can’t wait to get the BOOSTER!!!

    hahaha… I said — I don’t think the booster is gonna help … because it’s the Injection that is causing the problem… the booster no doubt just makes it worse

    Hahahaha… fool after fool after fool

    norm – entertain me… I’m bored.

    • Xabier says:

      Our delightfully crazy,irascible, bewhiskered , drunk on sherry, Latin master used to tell us that however dumb we felt in school, ‘just wait until you get outside and see how thick everyone else is!’

      I thought better of humanity then, No longer!

      If it makes you sick, it means it’s working! If you still catch Covid, it could have been worse without! And just grab a booster to be Really Really Safe against Delta…….

      And mask up and jab those healthy kids, because they are ‘a pool of infection’……..

    • you can’t be the only one who is bored in your immediate vicinity, with only the sound of your own voice for entertainment

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Reports of COVID breakthrough cases continue to rise — as of July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 5,492 breakthrough cases resulting in death and hospitalization.

        A breakthrough case refers to anyone who is diagnosed with COVID after being fully vaccinated. A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.

  48. Fast Eddy says:

    Let the Good Times Roll (and they will pass for good times… if the CEP fails and total collapse hits)

    With nearly 50 percent of the population now below the poverty line according to the World Bank, many residents of low-income Beirut suburbs such as Dahieh will now have to go without even the most common household products.

    “We used to get sweets, take the kids out and have a nice meal, but this year there is nothing. We’ll sit at home,” Dahieh resident Sanaa Zein told Al Jazeera. “There’s no food, sweets or drinks and at most, we’ll make moujadara (a lentil and rice dish considered poor-man’s food).

    “We’re able to afford 200g of meat a week, the rest of the week we’re eating potatoes and simple, cheap food like lentils and vegetarian dishes, and even those are now expensive,” she added. “Clothes for the Eid for my grandson are impossible. He doesn’t even know Eid is coming and maybe it’s best, so he doesn’t realise he’s missing anything.”

    “I thought about getting a litre of fresh milk to make rice pudding for Eid, since we can’t afford the pricier sweets like maamoul (date or nut-filled cookies) that we would make in past years, and that alone is LL60,000, before buying the sugar or rice,” Zein said. “There can be no treats this year. It’s best to just let Eid pass us by and not waste the money on such things.

    “I always have to calculate what I can afford at the shops, how much money I have in my bag to purchase, how much things cost,” she added. “If it wasn’t for my children helping me out a little bit, I don’t know what would happen. In Lebanon there are now two types of people – the rich who are living life as if nothing has changed, and the rest of us who can barely afford to eat.”

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