The Afghanistan Fiasco (and Today’s High Level of Conflict) Reflect an Energy Problem

There is a saying, “Everything happens for a reason.” The fiasco in Afghanistan is no exception to this rule. Even though it is not obvious, the United States is up against energy limits. It needed to pull back from Afghanistan to try to have enough energy to continue in its other roles, such as providing benefits for its growing army of retirees, and building infrastructure to mitigate the COVID-19 downturn.

The fundamental problem is that governments can add debt and other indirect promises of resources that create goods and services, but they cannot actually create the low-cost energy, water and mineral resources needed to fulfill those promises.

The way energy limits play out is not at all intuitive. Most people assume that we will run out of oil, leading to a spike in oil prices. We will then transition to renewables. As I see it, this understanding is completely wrong. Limited energy supply first leads to a need for simplification: Stepping back from Afghanistan would be one such type of simplification. It would save energy supplies and reduce the need for greater tax revenue or added debt.

In this post, I will try to explain some pieces of the problem.

[1] Afghanistan was, and continues to be, in some sense, a “handicapped country.”

Everyone knows that the way a country can succeed in the world market is by providing needed goods or services to other economies at low cost. Afghanistan is a landlocked country. It also doesn’t have any big rivers it can use to transport goods out of the country. It isn’t a member of a trade alliance such as the EU to allow smooth transport of goods out of the country. The difficulty of transit into and out of the country adds a layer of costs that tends to make the country uncompetitive in the world market. No matter how much investment any country makes in Afghanistan, this handicap will still persist.

Also, Afghanistan has too high a population relative to its resources. We know that most wars are resource wars. The fact that Afghanistan has been involved in wars for many years hints at this problem. According to UN 2019 estimates, Afghanistan’s population was 7.8 million in 1950, 21.6 million in 2001, and 38.9 million in 2020, which is about five times the 1950 population. Water needs, in particular, tend to escalate as population rises.

[2] The US doesn’t know how to fight a guerrilla war.

The weapons developed by the US are too complex to be used in a guerrilla war. They tend to break down and require replacement parts. Needless to say, these parts are not available in Afghanistan. Even if Afghan soldiers are trained to use these weapons, they may not be available or suitable when needed.

George W. Bush should have known from the outcome of the 20-year Vietnam conflict (1955-1975) that any guerrilla war was likely to have a bad ending. In Afghanistan, the plan was to train Afghan soldiers, thus keeping US citizens out of the battlefield. This strategy kept the Afghan conflict off the front page of US newspapers, but the overall result seems to be similar.

[3] When George W. Bush took office in 2001, he seems to have had access to more funds than he knew what to do with. Starting a war in Afghanistan probably seemed like a good use for these funds. He could perhaps build military bases, and perhaps raise the standard of living of the people there.

The price of oil was especially low in the 1998 to 2001 period. This allowed tax revenue to “go farther” in providing benefits to the economy, allowing a temporary budget surplus. With such a surplus, getting funds appropriated for any purpose would likely have been easy.

Figure 1. US Budget Deficits and Surpluses by Year. Chart by Steve Benen. Source.

Even more importantly, with a fairly young population, the Social Security system had been collecting funds in advance of when they were needed, with the plan of building up the plan’s Trust Fund for use when a bulge in retirements was expected, starting about 2010. Figure 2 shows one chart that roughly illustrates the overfunding and planned use for the funds. Unfortunately, Figure 2 doesn’t treat investment income in the way it is actually collected; it leaves out past investment income and uses discounted cash flow assumptions for the future, so a person cannot readily estimate net contributions to the Trust Fund balance by year from this chart.

Figure 2. Forecast of Social Security surpluses and deficits. Chart by Peter G. Peterson Foundation, based on Social Security Administration, The 2020 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Trust Funds. Source.

Figure 2 indicates that there was considerable overfunding starting in the late 1980s. The thing that actuaries (and others) didn’t consider is the fact that there is a real difference between debt and the physical resources that will be needed when these older people retire. Retirees will need food, water and energy to heat their homes. They will need medicine and long term care institutions. They should also be able to provide their share of the upkeep of roads and electricity transmission networks.

Debt is a promise of future funds to purchase goods and services, but it doesn’t make the resources required to create these goods and services materialize out of “thin air.” To keep these promises, oil needs to be extracted, refined, and delivered to farmers. There needs to be enough fresh water available to irrigate adequate farmland to produce the required food. There need to be supply lines that are working to deliver the required food. There need to be enough young people who are willing to work on farms and in care centers for the aged. The wages for these young workers need to be high enough so that they too can have food, shelter and other things that we consider necessities.

When the extra Social Security funds were collected, the officials who collected them figured out that as a practical matter, there was little that they could do with them besides spend them at the time they were collected. They couldn’t set up warehouses with food, clothing, building materials and energy resources to keep on hand for 30 or 40 years. If they invested the money in the stock market, the money would simply cause a bubble in stock prices. If they built new factories or nursing homes, they would be unfairly competing with existing businesses.

I am not sure that there is any good record of how these extra funds were spent. My understanding is that they provided a very large slush fund that allowed expanded military activities among other things. From an accounting point of view, non-marketable government debt was substituted for the funds that were spent. Thus, when an actuary looks at the Trust Fund, it is fully funded. It is just that it is funded with more US government debt.

The catch is that the non-marketable US government debt doesn’t actually correspond to any resources. Any food used in 2022 (or 2050) will need to be grown in that year, using resources available in that year. Most clothing used in a given year will need to be produced with resources available at that time. Putting together a model that assumes business as usual forever tends to give a rosy picture because it leaves out this detail.

The 2020 OSDAI Trustees Report provides actual income, outgo, and interest income through 2019. From this report, it can be concluded that the extra Social Security slush fund is rapidly disappearing. In fact, it seems to be turning to a hidden source of required year-by-year funding starting as soon as 2020 or 2021.

In some sense, the “real economy” operates on a “cash basis,” rather than an “accrual basis.” This has not been recognized in our accounting or our models. Ignoring the way the system really works likely leads to a hidden crunch, starting about 2021. We know that retirements were high in 2020, adding to the potential problem. I am certain that President Biden and his advisors are aware of this issue, even though it is never reported on the front pages of newspapers.

[4] There is really a two-sided energy price problem. Consumers can afford only low energy prices but, as the result of depletion and population growth in oil exporting countries, producers need high oil prices.

Figure 3 is a chart I prepared a few years ago. In it, there is a pattern of rapidly rising wages when oil prices were very low. Workers became more productive with new factory equipment and vehicles, produced with oil, and operated using oil products. As a result, their wages rose.

Figure 3. Average wages in 2017$ compared to Brent oil price, also in 2017$. Oil prices in 2017$ are from BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018. Average wages are total wages based on BEA data adjusted by the GDP price deflator, divided by total population. Thus, they reflect changes in the proportion of the population employed as well as changes in wage levels.

On the other hand, when oil prices spiked, the prices of many goods, including food, airline tickets, and the fuel used for commuting to work, rose. People cut back on discretionary income, such as eating in restaurants and vacation travel. Businesses with fewer customers laid off workers. The workers who could find jobs often found lower-paid or part time jobs. The result was a dip in average wages, both in the 1970s and at the time of the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

We now live in a world with depleted resources. The oil and other types of energy that are available are high in cost, but the prices tend to stay too low for producers when all costs are included. Oil resources from the Middle East and Venezuela, especially, need a higher oil price because the governments of these countries need very high taxes on oil revenue to support their large populations. Even shale oil from the United States needs a higher price than is available today.

If we want OPEC to supply the rest of the world with more oil, the price will need to rise much higher than today’s Brent oil price of about $73. It likely will need to rise to at least $100 per barrel and show that it can stay at this high level. Otherwise, the supposed reserves of OPEC will mostly stay in the ground.

Even the US needs a higher oil price. Its oil, gas and coal production fell during the pandemic in 2020. Through May 2021 (and even later using weekly data, not shown), oil and natural gas production has not rebounded to the 2019 level.

Figure 4. US fossil fuel average daily production by month through May 2021, based on data from the US Energy Information Administration. NGPL means natural gas plant liquids. NGPL are extracted with natural gas but condensed out and sold as liquids.

Note that oil and gas production also dipped in 2016. Figure 3 shows that oil prices were also low then. If prices are too low, would-be producers leave them in the ground.

Adding in nuclear and renewables (hydroelectric, ethanol, wood, wind, solar and geothermal) still leaves a large dip in recent production.

Figure 5. US average daily production by type based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

President Biden is no doubt aware of the fact that the US’s production of energy products, especially crude oil, is now low. In fact, earlier in August he asked OPEC and its allies to increase their oil production to try to keep prices from rising too much. Why would OPEC want to increase its production, if the US can’t increase its own production at the current price level? All of the producers need a higher price level; it is consumers who cannot afford the higher price level.

[5] The world seems to have already begun shifting to a falling energy consumption per capita situation.

The amount of energy required tends to rise with population because all of the people require food, housing and transportation. Energy, especially oil and coal, are needed for these.

Figure 6. Energy consumption per capita for all energy sources combined based on data from BP’s Statistical Review of Energy 2021.

Many countries, including the United States, have been able to hold down their internal energy consumption per capita by moving much of their industry to China and India.

Figure 7. US energy consumption per capita, divided between industrial and other, based on information of the US Energy Information Administration. Energy consumption includes both electricity and fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas, ethanol and wood burned for heat. All transportation fuels are in the “Ex. Industrial” portion.

Figure 7 shows that US industrial production reached its peak in 1973, which was shortly after US oil production started to turn down in 1971. This partly reflects auto manufacturing moving to Japan and Europe, where smaller, more fuel-efficient cars were already being sold. Home heating and electricity generation also shifted away from oil to other fuels.

The issue now is that “Ex. Industrial” consumption has been falling since the Great Recession. In some sense, the economy has been losing strength since 2008 and continues to lose strength. Fewer and fewer people can feel like they are really getting ahead. They are saddled with low wage jobs and too much debt.

Figure 8 shows similar patterns for the European Union and Japan. Energy consumption per capita was rising until a few years before the Great Recession, and then it plateaued. It has been declining since.

Figure 8. Energy consumption per capita for the European Union and Japan from BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The pattern shown on Figure 8 suggests that energy prices are still too high for consumers, even though they are, at the same time, too low for producers. Travel restrictions imposed by governments may also be contributing to this pattern.

GDP data indications are prepared on an accrual basis. In other words, they reflect the impact of added debt. If missing energy can be replaced with a promise of debt to pay for more goods and services in the future, made with future energy, then perhaps all will be well. The quantity of debt that is required, relative to the GDP impact, keeps rising, suggesting this substitution is not working very well.

Figure 9. Dollars of additional debt required to add $1 dollar of GDP growth (including inflation), based on data of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

With the addition of growing amounts of debt, GDP increases are reported to be much larger than expected growth, based only on the growth in energy consumption.

Figure 10. Average annual increase in energy consumption for the period shown based on EIA data versus average increase in real (inflation-adjusted) GDP for the period shown, based on data of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

[6] We now seem to be reaching the end of the line with respect to what can be done with added debt to make the economy seem like it is performing adequately well.

Interest rates show a very distinct pattern. They rise until about 1981, and then they decline.

Figure 11. US 10-year and 3-month interest rates through July 2021, in a chart prepared by FRED.

When the US economy was growing rapidly, it could withstand high and rising interest rates. Since 1981, the general pattern has been one of falling interest rates, making a larger quantity of debt affordable. Indirectly, these falling interest rates also helped prop up asset prices, such as those of homes and shares of stock. In recent years, interest rates have fallen about as far as they can go. To some extent, these lower rates were made possible by Quantitative Easing (QE). But at some point, QE needs to be stopped.

Today, interest rates are approximately at the level they were during the Great Depression of the 1930s. This makes sense; interest rates to some extent reflect the return an investor can expect to make. Right now, without a lot of government support programs, “Main Street” businesses around the world are struggling. This indicates that the economy is doing very poorly. There are too many people who cannot afford even basic goods and services. Indirectly, this feeds back to commodity prices that are not high enough for producers of energy products.

Recently, governments of many countries have tried a different approach. Instead of loans, they are providing something closer to giveaways. Renters are allowed to stay rent-free in their apartments. Or, checks are given to all citizens earning below some specified amount. What we seem to be finding is that these giveaways produce inflation in the price of goods that poor people buy most frequently, such as food and used cars.

The giveaways don’t actually produce more of the required goods and services, however. Instead, would-be workers decide that they really don’t want to take a low-paid job if the giveaways provide nearly as much income. The loss of workers then acts to reduce production. With lower production of goods and services, a smaller quantity of oil is required, so the oil price tends to fall. The price certainly does not rise to the level needed by oil producers.

[7] In a finite world, longer-term models need to take into account the fact that resources deplete and the population keeps rising.

Any modeler who tries to take into account the fact that resources deplete and the overall population keeps rising will quickly come to the conclusion that, at some point, every economy will have to collapse. This has been known for a very long time. Back in 1957, Admiral Hyman Rickover of the US Navy said,

Surplus energy provides the material foundation for civilized living – a comfortable and tasteful home instead of a bare shelter; attractive clothing instead of mere covering to keep warm; appetizing food instead of anything that suffices to appease hunger. . .

For it is an unpleasant fact that according to our best estimates, total fossil fuel reserves recoverable at not over twice today’s unit cost, are likely to run out at some time between the years 2000 and 2050, if present standards of living and population growth rates are taken into account.

Now, in 2021, it looks as if this problem is starting to hit us. But no one (since Jimmy Carter, who was not re-elected) has dared tell the general public. Instead, accrual accounting with more and more debt is used in financial statements, including GDP statements. Actuaries put together Social Security funding estimates as if the resources to provide the promised benefits will really be there. Climate change models are prepared as if business as usual can go on for the next hundred years. Everything published by the mainstream media is based on the underlying assumption that we will have no problems other than climate change for the next 100 years.

[8] About all that can be done now is to start cutting back on the less necessary parts of the economy.

President Biden’s abrupt pullout from Afghanistan reflects a reality that increasingly has to take place in the world. The US needs to start pulling back because there are too many people and not enough inexpensive to extract resources to fulfill all of the commitments that the US has made. As mentioned earlier, there are a number of obstacles to success in Afghanistan. Thus, it is a good place to start.

With the need to pull back, there is a much higher level of conflict, both within and between countries. The big issue becomes who, or what, is going to be “voted off the island” next. Is it the elderly or the poor; the military or the oversized US medical establishment; university education for a large share of students or classroom teaching for young children?

We don’t seem to have a good way out of our current predicament. This seems to be what is behind all of the recent internet censorship. Renewables and nuclear require fossil fuel energy for their production and maintenance. The powers that be don’t want anyone to know that nearly all of the “happily ever after using renewables” stories we hear are based on wishful thinking.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,463 Responses to The Afghanistan Fiasco (and Today’s High Level of Conflict) Reflect an Energy Problem

  1. Calliban says:

    Something that I hadn’t heard of until recently. Could hydraulic capsule pipelines provide an alternative means of freight transportation?

    According to the link, a 5′ diameter pipeline would be around 20x more energy efficient than a truck and 5x more energy efficient than rail.

    The pipeline could run off of direct electricity from the grid, or could even use mechanical wind turbines, which are directly coupled to centrifugal pumps. The pipes would be steel, concrete or HDPE.

    Something like this would appear to be more sustainable than long-distance transportation. Although presumably, this sort of system would transport freight between nodes with other vehicles used to transport containers to and from nodes, over short distances.

    • This article is from 1979. You can bet that if it really were energy efficient and would work, it would have been built, long ago.

      When I look at the article, I find that basically it is a proposed way of shipping coal that would use less diesel than shipping by train or long-haul truck.

      I don’t get the impression that the article is looking at all of the costs involved. My impression is that it is simply trying to look at the saving in fuel, if ongoing shipping were transferred to such a pipeline. (But I mostly looked at the topic headings.)

      It seems to me that there are a lot of practical issues involved, including:

      1. Buying or getting the right of way to a whole lot of land. If the land were under expressways, it would require tearing up the expressways. The end points would need to be near roads, so that the coal could be transferred to trucks for “last mile delivery.”

      2. There would need to be a lot of energy and materials of various kinds (steel, concrete, monitoring devices) used in building these huge pipelines.

      3. The coal containing units shipped through the pipelines would also need to be built, replacing some long-haul trucks and trains.

      4. The lifetime of the device would be important too.

      As a practical matter, coal mines deplete. US coal production, in total, has been declining since 2008. I don’t think this is (or ever has been) a practical solution.

  2. JMS says:

    Honestly, I don’t understand why most people here insist on talking about viruses, infections, variants or contagion, when it should already be obvious to everyone now that covid is a fictitious disease, a mere relabeling of the flu (which also doesn’t exist as described by the scientific community).
    Forget about virus. Influenza, covid19, AIDS, polio etc. are not caused by viruses (or at least no one has ever been able to demonstrate it according to Koch’s postulates). I’m not affraid of any virus. What I fear is the covid injection, which is bound to be devastating,

    Until we question the pseudoscientific origins of the germ theory, we will not have gone far enough down the rabbit hole of the pharmaceutical/academic/media/political scam operations. Do yourselves a favor and read “Virus Mania”.

    Let’s Repeat it: SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist

    • geno mir says:

      Let me guess, rised and educated (high school level) in a bible belt state and has nevernputhis hands on a miceoscope.

      • Very Far Frank says:

        I have no dog in the fight, but my understanding is that SARS COV-2 has never actually been isolated, and that all treatments are based on indirect mechanisms?

      • JMS says:

        Exactly. Your divinatory powers are astounding.
        Let me try now regarding you: indoctrinated at an elite university by masters whose science you have never been able to question, and too intellectually and morally compromised to thoroughly question the science that feeds your intellectual pride and your bank account.

        • geno mir says:

          Quite the opposite in fact. University level degree in medicine but from a eastern european shit country with suspended PhD because i said to my professor to go f/ck himself and left the uni hospital due to disagreement on shit treatment protocol. As for the physical virus itself you can read some of my older comments (on the article from july i think).
          However i wish you luck in comming collapse (luck is random and you have chance to score some which is not the case with common sense).

          • JMS says:

            It is funny that you say that, when I have two phds in Common Sense, as superbly evidenced by the fact that I was the first to say here, in March 2020, that we were witnessing an attempt at a controlled demolition of our beloved system. And since what I saw since then only reinforced that initial suspicion, I have some reason to believe my Common Sense bullshit detector is still 100% functional, thanks.
            And since I have no interest in arguing with minds intellectually anchored in ports from which mine fled (because they smelled bad as bad), we’ll have to leave it at that. Sorry. As an adieu gift though, here’s an old Persian proverb I have just made up:
            Never make yourself so bloated, that you won’t fit in a rabbit hole. 🙂
            Cheers, and all the luck.

            • geno mir says:

              You are right sir/madame, you are as common as one can get without loosing vertebrate properties.

              Cheers and good luck

            • Kowalainen says:

              “our beloved system”


            • JMS says:

              Well, K. didn’t you have some tender feelings for 2019-BAU? It was ugly and uterly doomed, we now that, but far more comfy than this totalitarian madhouse of new normalcy. Don’t you think?

            • Kowalainen says:

              Let’s be fair, it is a fossil burning clunker on its last legs.

              I wasn’t so sure about ‘beloved’…

              This past couple of weeks I was playing around (fishing, hunting, the usual rough ‘n tumble shenanigans) with the rather adorable children of my cousin. Man, I’m releieved I don’t got any of my own…

              But hey, I still got oats, shelter, electricity, and the (beloved) Interwebz and the consumerist grade MIC gadgets to fiddle around with.

              Thus hath the oat munching negative optimist spoketh.

              It is what it is.

      • Tim Groves says:

        geno mir, believe it or not, some of us are trying to have a serious discussion about this subject, and while you are perfectly at liberty to say what you want within the broad bounds of Gail’s tolerance, it doesn’t help the discussion when people respond to others with ad hominem slurs.

        I would make an exception for Fast Eddy, because he is a class act.

        I would also make an exception for Kary Mullis, when he caricatured Anthony Fauci’s scientific ignorance by saying, Fauci knows nothing about nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it into an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there you’ll know it.”

        If you want to repost something you’ve written or referenced before that suggests or proves that SARS-CoV-2 does exist, that would be very helpful to the discussion. I for one would like to read it.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          And… Fast Eddy has diplomatic immunity … in theory He could walk into the Vaccine Drive-In… order a milkshake … and blow away a couple of dozen CovIDIOTS…. and the police would watch … then give Him a ride home.

        • geno mir says:

          Saying germ theory is not real and that there are no microorganisms is beyond flat earth stupid for me. How I am supposed to react when someone comes along and puts a link from religious freak site which says microbiology is devised by the ellites?
          Of course i will say it is stupid and the people believing in that are idiots. It is what it is, we are not in the kindergarten, this is real life.

          • Tim Groves says:

            I think the problems with this attitude are manifold.

            First, we all have, and are entitled to have, our own criteria for who and what is stupid. Mine, if I thought deeply about it and was being really honest, would include anyone who disagreed with me about anything. Then again, I sometimes change my opinions about things, so that makes me stupid too.

            Second, I’ve re-read what JMS wrote, and nowhere do I see him referring to germ theory not being real or that there are no microorganisms.

            As I read it, his idea is that we we should “question the pseudoscientific origins of the germ theory”, which is not the same thing at all. Questioning everything is the very bedrock of the scientific method. Dismissing questions a-priori with a wave of the hand and a remark that the questioner is stupido, an eejet, or a moreon is the very antithesis of science, although has been is a very common stance among scientists since as far back as Galileo, who used a character named Simplicio as a representative of the Aristotelian philosophers of his day who held the earth to be immobile—not exactly flat earthers, but close.

            • geno mir says:

              Fair enough but questioning the origin of germ theory in oil related blog is bit like questioning women’s ability to bear and birth children in maternity ward.
              As for my abrasive character and hand wavings, well, i am not a scientist. I am realist with abrasive character who don’t have time to accommodate stupidity along the way.
              As for JMS, he/she can go buy some petri dishes and test his model as many times as he wants and be surprised at the results.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Word association … ____d…

              norm… dunc… _________…. ______ no longer exists though – filter _____ delete

        • JMS says:

          “If you want to repost something you’ve written or referenced before that suggests or proves that SARS-CoV-2 does exist, that would be very helpful to the discussion”

          Notice how geno-moron forgot to provide the reference you asked. This is exactlty the attitude one would expect from believers in scientific dogmas. When asked to prove something, they react with slander and straw man fallacies. These are the same people who try to refute Mullis’ claims about the PCR saying….he believed in astrology! When people have invested too much time, money and emotions in a given theory, they hardly have the capacity to question it, because it would completely shake their little world of certainty, their intellectual pride, besides their income.
          The history of religions, like the history of science, is littered with born followers like geno, who first refuse to consider any alternative theories to the Consensus, and who later adopt the alternative theories with the same followerism with which they previously refused to consifer them. These are not people interested in investigating reality, but lightweight bonzes that were born to follow intellectual trends.

          • Tim Groves says:

            People get stuck in all sorts of ruts. Most are paradigm huggers. You are that rare phenomenon: a paradigm shifter, a heretic, a dissentient afflicted with the malady of thought. Your presence is unsettling. It makes the orthodox hug their paradigms even tighter.

            • JMS says:

              “Only those who continue to change remain my kin” Friedrich Nietzsche

            • I took of the setting “send comments to moderation” if you want to come back, JMS.

            • FoolishFitz says:

              A Michael Polanyi quote you might like Tim.

              “Scientists—that is creative scientists—spend their lives in trying to guess right. They are sustained and guided therein by their heuristic passion. We call their work creative because it changes the world as we see it, by deepening our understanding of it. The change is irrevocable. A problem that I have once solved can no longer puzzle me; I cannot guess what I already know. Having made a discovery, I shall never see the world again as before. My eyes have become different; I have made myself into a person seeing and thinking differently. I have crossed a gap, the heuristic gap which lies between problem and discovery.

              “To the extent to which discovery changes our interpretive framework, it is logically impossible to arrive at it by the continued application of our previous interpretative framework. In other words, discovery is creative also in the sense that it is not to be achieved by the diligent application of any previously known and specifiable procedure. Its production requires originality. The application of existing rules can produce valuable surveys, but they can as little advance the principles of science as a poem can be written according to rule. We have to cross the logical gap between a problem and its solution by relying on the unspecifiable impulse of our heuristic passion, and must undergo as we do so a change of our intellectual personality. Like all ventures in which we comprehensively dispose of ourselves, such an intentional change of our personality requires a passionate motive to accomplish it. Originality must be passionate.

              “But this passionate quest seeks no personal possession. Intellectual passions are not like appetites; they do not reach out to grab, but set out to enrich the world. Yet such a move is also an attack. It raises a claim and makes a tremendous demand on other men; first it asks that its gift—its gift of humanity—be accepted by all. In order to be satisfied, our intellectual passions must find response. This universal intent creates a tension. We suffer when a vision of reality to which we have committed ourselves is contemptuously ignored by others. For a general unbelief threatens to evoke a similar response in us which would imperil our own convictions. Our vision must conquer or die.

              “Like the heuristic passion from which it flows, the persuasive passion too finds itself facing a logical gap. To the extent to which a discoverer has committed himself to a new vision of reality, he has separated himself from others who still think on the old lines. His persuasive passion spurs him now to cross this gap by converting everybody to his way of seeing things, even as his heuristic passion has spurred him to cross the heuristic gap which separated him from discovery.

              “We can now see the great difficulty that may arise in the attempt to persuade others to accept a new idea in science. To the extent to which it represents a new way of reasoning, we cannot convince others of it by formal argument, for so long as we argue within their framework we can never induce them to abandon it. Demonstration must be supplemented therefore by forms of persuasion which can induce a conversion. The refusal to enter on the opponent’s way of arguing must be justified by making it appear altogether unreasonable.

              “Such comprehensive rejection cannot fail to discredit the opponent. He will be made to appear as thoroughly deluded, which in the heat of the battle will easily come to imply that he was a fool, a crank, or a fraud. And once we are out to establish such charges we shall readily go on to expose our opponent as a metaphysician, a Jesuit, a Jew, or a Bolshevik, as the case may be or—speaking from the other side of the Iron Curtain—as an ‘objectivist,’ and ‘idealist,’ and a ‘cosmopolitan.’ In a clash of intellectual passions each side must inevitably attack the opponent’s person.”

              Read it in the comments of this article (which also might interest). Worth reading the whole comment if you look at the article.


    • Hubbs says:

      For starters, I would just like to see a controlled, randomized, prospective double-blind peer reviewed study comparing the clinical effects, signs and symptoms of the isolated de novo original virus (if it does exist) from the bat cave compared to injections of just the isolated spike proteins plus the medium like graphene, lipid layers etc. that are used to deliver the “vaccine.” Not that the results would ever be allowed to see the light of day or anything.

      • No one has ever found a suitable virus from a bat cave. It is a virus that has been made as virulent as possible through Gain of Function research.

        • anyone wanting to listen to serious, non conspiratorial stuff on covid, should take half an hour to digest this from bbc world service:
          Covid, the science.

          It covers the bat cave thing, mines, wuhan and a host of other avenues. Cold hard science, with no BS. people who seem to know what they are talking about.

          • Tim Groves says:

            It appears that Batman and Robin, while responding to an emergency call, infected the whole of Gotham City, and all because because Alfred neglected to dust and hoover the Bat Cave.

            The Busted Credibility Corporation? Oh yes, I remember them. Man landed on the moon, Arabs did nine-eleven, live reporting of the collapse of Building Seven half an hour before it happened, Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and a giant industrial shredder, Putin steals US elections except when Biden wins them, and much much more.

            • if you require moonscams and WTCons to bolster your credibility rating, i have no option but to wish you well with it.

              you are in (but only by your own definition ) good company

    • Alex says:

      I no longer read any virusmongering or vaccinemongering comments on OFW or elsewhere. It saves me time and nerves.

      If for some medical reason people start dying left and right, I’m sure I’ll notice it by myself.

      • sorry—but there are people finding bodies lying in the streets

        or were they lying over finding bodies in the streets?

        Or lying about which streets they find bodies in?

        or dumping bodies in the streets for hoaxmongers to find them lying in?

        Or maybe sick people just using the street to lie in?

        • Replenish says:

          Old saying..believe none of what you hear and believe half of what you see. I watched those early videos of China with people dropping unconscious and men in suits spraying the streets. People on social media where preaching hate and lockdowns and my first thought was “it looks staged.” I read the medrxiv study on the virus’ effect on the completely closed population of the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship with an age-adjusted IFR projected for China of 0.4-1.2% while reading the criticism of Ferguson’s Imperial College model. Then we were told not to trust the reports out of China, my helper and his pregnant gf quarantined on their Dr’s advice which impacted my business.

          I started researching WIV, Bill Gates, Fauci’s NIH and China in Africa and the WHO. GOF studies from 2007, Event 201 and Spiros Skouras videos on Gates. ID2020 and MIT vaccine tech were circulating amidst a targetted new normal ad campaign and reversals on masks and pandemic protocols. These well-sourced explanations following the money and influence made perfect sense to me.. this is a coordinated global event. The MSM started playing the race card and then social justice advocates took to the streets while riots and looting started in the US. People were championing this activist fellow in a pink shirt who chased off this agent provocateur (supposedly a cop) until we saw video of pink shirt guy and window smashing cop walking away from the scene of the crime together. I haven’t trusted anything regarding the MSM coverage of virus spread, severity and response since April of 2020.

          I continue to learn, share, work and prepare for the end of the “construct of infinite prosperity.” Norman, I appreciated the medium article.. it rang true. Thanks for reading!

          • thanks Replenish

            glad you knew what it was all about

          • Ed says:

            Replenish, yes the kick off in China with video cameras focused on folks who spontaneously drop dead, the welding of apartment door shut, the NASA satellite detecting sodium at high levels due to mass cremation was jumping the shark.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Dead bodies on the streets?

          Forget it, Norman, it’s Chinatown.

  3. Student says:

    Some more information about the Conferences which are currently (or just finished) in Italy about early medical treatments against Covid-19.
    They are the:
    ‘International Covid Summit’
    the ‘National Covid Conference’ (which has been just concluded).
    The International Covid Summit is being currently held at the building of the Italian Senate (which is one of the two chambers of the Italian Parliament). Director has just declared in an interview at the ‘International Covid Summit’ that Ivermectin is now a widely recognized and successfully used medical treatment against Covid-19.
    The problem is how to make it accepted and consequently prepare scientific studies in order to make International institutions apply it.
    It is particularly helpful in first phase of the disease.
    I think that the problem is that doctors who normally prescribe it are overwhelm by day-by-day work and don’t normally publish scientific studies.
    But Director said that bynow everyone knows in the business…

    You can find the interview to Director at the first minutes of this tv news:

    • Ed says:

      Thank you for posting this.

    • I am glad that word is getting out in Italy about the usefulness of ivermectin. The pharmaceutical lobby is awfully strong in many parts of the world. Those who can make money from widespread use of “vaccines” and other drugs want to hide its usefulness.

      • Student says:

        Yes I’m also surprised in a positive way of these two conferences and what is coming out, but I can tell you that the mainstream media incredibly didn’t mentioned them, only alternative media.
        Also our current government is only for vaccines and green pass, but let’s see if something is moving in a right way in the next weeks.
        I think that it is going to be more and more difficult to hide the evidence.

  4. Yoshua says:

    The electricity price in UK has spiked to £354 MWh which is 700% above average.

    I don’t get it. It’s not demand. It’s not a devalue of the pound.

    I know that there are shortages… money printing… speculation.

    • Intermittent electricity supply doesn’t provide enough when it is needed.

      Gas is currently is in somewhat short supply. Other countries are all trying to refill their reserves for winter. EU is at the very end of the pipeline from Russia.

      • Minority of One says:

        UK and Ireland are at the very, very end of the pipeline from Russia, and most other pipelines.

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          UK North Sea gas is drying up. This seems to say that UK depends on Norway and Russia for gas, mainly Norway.

          > Norway is the main supplier of both crude oil and natural gas for the United Kingdom. In 2020, some 11.7 million metric tons of crude oil and 1.4 million metric tons of natural gas were imported from Norway. This is significantly higher than the amount imported from the second entry, the United States. Russia, Nigeria, and Canada round out the top five origin countries, with Russia being the only other supplier of natural gas to the UK, as this is reliant on pipeline infrastructure. That year, the United Kingdom imported approximately 46.9 million metric tons of crude oil and natural gas liquids.

          • I think that the Statista exhibit you are looking at isn’t the right thing. Natural gas liquids includes a mix of fairly short hydrocarbons. Some of it can used to extend gasoline supplies. But it is not what people are talking about when they talk about natural gas.

            What you want is a combination of natural gas imports by pipelines and as “LNG” (liquified natural gas). This information can be found in BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

            Pipeline imports, in billion cubic meters, for 2020 are given as from the following countries:

            Norway 23.7 bcm
            Russia 4.7
            Netherlands 1.0
            Other Europe 0.3
            Pipeline imports total: 29.7

            In 2020, the UK’s total LNG imports amounted to 18.6 bcm, or about 63% as much as came by pipeline.

            A reasonable guess regarding where the LNG came from would be primarily the US, and perhaps some from Russia, because these are the two suppliers with growing supplies of LNG that are in reasonable proximity to the UK. The US sold total LNG exports of 61.4 bcm in 2020; Russia sold LNG exports of 40.4 bcm in 2020.

            There are other providers of LNG, but the following providers of LNG have been falling in quantity in recent years:

            Middle East
            Trinidad and Tobago

            They would not be looking to add new growing customers.

            Australia’s LNG exports have been growing, but they would not service the UK. Shipping costs would be terribly high.

      • geno mir says:

        I spoke with a guy from the bulgarian gas company (associate director level). Here’s ehat he said: russia is delivering all th3 contracted volumes and almost nothing more through the pipes but 4ussia is selling enormous volumes through the LNG terminal in Yamal. The LNG is flioated to EU and sold on the spot market (btw mainly by usa companies). Russia is just bitchslapping EU with the spot market using the own EU regulation framework.
        Imo it’s about time for the russians to show my fellow europeans how business between equals should be conducted. They just simply had enough with Brussels and arw putting stop to the energy handouts.
        Btw NSII is fully completed.

        • MM says:

          First law of free market: When there is not enough to go around, we simply pay more and it will be there.
          Delivered as ordered.

        • Spot prices tend to move up and down quickly. If there is a shortage, they will take advantage of the situation.

          I would agree that Russia may be trying to take advantage of inadequately reserved pipeline gas. Instead, it wants to sell higher-priced LNG.

          Russia’s LNG export facilities are on the northern border of Russia. It can ship either to (1) the UK and other European and other European destinations or to (2) Japan, China, and India depending on where the price is highest.

      • Sam says:

        I wonder what gas is going to be in the U.S? Prices have to rise there too from what I am seeing

        • What the EIA is saying is that they expect that higher natural gas prices will lead US electricity producers to switch to coal. Of course, this isn’t possible in some parts of the US. In fact, the following is from an article dated Sept. 10, 2020.

          U.S. natural gas consumption to decline through 2022, led by the electric power sector

          In EIA’s September Short-Term Energy Outlook, we expect U.S. consumption of natural gas to decline in 2021 and 2022 from 2020 levels. We forecast that consumption of natural gas will decline in all end-use sectors in the United States except in the industrial sector and for other non-sector-specific uses (lease and plant fuel, pipeline and distribution use, and vehicle use). The largest decline will occur in the electric power sector. We expect total U.S. consumption of natural gas to average 82.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2021, down 0.7 Bcf/d from 2020. We expect U.S. natural gas consumption in 2022 to increase slightly from 2021 as increasing consumption in the industrial sector offsets declining consumption in the electric power sector, but still remains lower than the 2020 level.

          In the United States, natural gas prices influence natural gas consumption in the electric power sector. When natural gas prices are high, generators typically switch from natural gas to lower-cost coal as the source for power generation. Higher prices at Henry Hub, the U.S. natural gas benchmark, during the first half of 2021 resulted in less natural gas consumption in the electric power sector than during the first half of 2020. We expect the Henry Hub price to average $3.63 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) in 2021, or $1.60/MMBtu more than the 2020 average. Therefore, we expect 2.7 Bcf/d, or 8.3%, less consumption of natural gas in the U.S. electric power sector in 2021. We expect another small, 0.7 Bcf/d, decline in electric power sector consumption of natural gas in 2022 as forecast Henry Hub prices remain elevated at $3.47/MMBtu and as natural gas faces more competition from renewable sources of electricity generation.

          I don’t see any movement at all in coal prices. Recent coal production is not up to what it was before the pandemic.

  5. Student says:

    On the 11st-12nd of September 2021 the ‘National conference on current medical treatments at home and in hospital for Covid-19’ has been held in Rome.
    There were very interesting interventions, such as the one from Dr. Stramezzi and the one from Dr. Mangiagalli. They treated many patients succesfully.
    Here you can find their interventions:

    And here you can find some more information about this Conference (the third link is the whole program):

    In one of the presentation is written (automatic translator):
    ‘Early home care has demonstrated its effectiveness by relying, on the one hand, on the timeliness and presence of physicians at the patient’s home and, on the other hand, on many powerful and effective active ingredients. Even in the hospital sector we have observed the use of innovative drugs and methods, monoclonal antibodies, adenosine, hyperimmune plasma, oxygen-ozone, prone patient ventilation and low oxygen flows.’

    I think that these treatments should be ‘protected’ and shared by the Scientific Community and doctors everywere should try to communicate about these information through unconventional channels. I hope something good will start, because I have the impression that big pharma doens’t like these treatments at all……

  6. Harry McGibbs says:

    “BMW and Daimler pledge to keep prices high when chip crisis ends.

    “Carmakers Daimler and BMW plan to limit the volume of premium models they ship even once the industry-wide chip shortage eases, in a bid to lock in the hefty price increases they have achieved during the pandemic.”

  7. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Supply chain issues add to stagflationary winds.

    “Rather than a one-off dynamic, the global economy is experiencing waves of supply disruptions suggesting that longer-term forces are also in play… all this translates into stagflationary winds for the global economy that are unfamiliar to those that did not live through the 1970s.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Supply chain crisis will leave permanent scar, UPS warns.

      “The supply chain crisis unleashed by the pandemic will inflict lasting damage on the globalisation driven by multinationals, according to a top executive at UPS, one of the world’s largest delivery companies.”

    • Disrupting a supply chain leads to higher costs, without higher production. Producers are in danger of defaulting on their debts, with the higher costs, among other things. Overhead costs are higher. The economy tends to spiral downward.

  8. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Food price inflation heaps pressure on poorer countries – Central banks face difficult monetary policy trade-off between taming increases and risking recovery…

    “Prices have risen 40 per cent over the past 15 months, according to the latest data from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the biggest gain since surging food prices spurred the unrest of the Arab Spring in 2010-11.”

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I demand another Arab Spring… but this time sparking up across the entire third world

      • Rodster says:

        The way things are heading around the world, it appears the Arab Spring will make appearances in “non turd world” countries. Anger and protests from the Plebs are on the rise to counter the rise of government authoritarianism. History has taught us this usually leads to civil unrest, violence and revolutions.

      • But not the first world?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Even better! But the first world gets UBI so they can still eat… so they’ll not unleash the beast so easily

  9. Harry McGibbs says:

    “With Economies on the Brink, Southeast Asia Chooses to Reopen.

    “Even as they struggle with one of the world’s worst Covid-19 outbreaks, nations across Southeast Asia are slowly realizing that they can no longer afford the economy-crippling restrictions needed to squash it.”

    • Vietnam can’t win. According to the article:

      When it comes to impacts on global supply chains, the stakes have been among the highest in Vietnam, where increasingly stringent lockdowns have exacted a high cost for manufacturers and exporters while failing to halt delta’s spread.

      The country’s trade ministry warned this month that it risks losing overseas customers because of tough restrictions that have shuttered factories. The European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam estimated that 18% of its members have relocated part of their production to other countries to ensure their supply chains are protected, with more expected to follow.

  10. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Evergrande investors face 75% hit as company edges closer to restructure.

    “The troubled Chinese property group Evergrande has edged closer to a government-engineered restructuring which could see bondholders take huge losses as Beijing’s price for saving millions of homeowners from financial ruin.”

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    Injection causing illness?

    Of the most recent infections, the province says 510 were among unvaccinated people or those who had received only one dose less than 14 days ago.

  12. Yoshua says:

    Tim, the Chinese seems to be the only ones who can manage a Zero Covid policy. What’s the secret? It’s a military operation. Do they just burn the infected dead or alive?

    In the working contract for the mobile morgues in Wuhan was written: You cannot be afraid of ghosts and demons. You will hear screams, but it’s only gases.

    • Tim Groves says:

      That sounds like something right out of Genghis Khan or Tamerlane.

      Yoshua, I’ve seen The Sand Pebbles and read Ways That Are Dark and some very nasty stuff on Chinese massacres down the ages. So if they are handling Covid-19 in that way it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

      But since for most people, Covid-19 is no worse than the flu, why would they bother to try to irradiate it, let alone by resorting to such drastic measures.

      I guess I would need more substantial evidence before forming an opinion, but if things are half as gory as your comments suggest, I would probably not want to look too closely at the evidence in any case. Also, I wouldn’t discount anything you say, because I am sure you have studied this issue and I don’t think you’d exaggerate just for effect.

      I do know that Chinese tourists to Japan are conspicuous by their absence, and Kyoto looks like Kyoto again. My neighbor, part of whose job involved frequent travel to China and South Korea to encourage their ships to call at our local port, has not crossed the sea since 2019. However, the import-export trade is still going strong and the stores here are full of the usual made-in-China goods. There are still no shortages here as far as I am aware of.

      I should think that under the current situation, governments can do a lot of things in the knowledge that they will probably never be reported on, and if word does get out, it will only be half-believed. I ask for more than unconfirmed reports, but perhaps the way things are these days I am asking for too much.

  13. Yoshua says:

    A vaxxed and infected person can walk in to any restaurant, bar or concert and the spread the plague by flashing his Vax passport.

    “Israeli Ministry of Health recorded saying “There is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport (“green pass”), it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate.”

    The other problem is that the Vax doesn’t work. The vaxxed are getting infected over and over again. Their immune system is trashed? The antibodies alone can’t fight off the virus and the infection blooms up again and again? They don’t form memory B and T cells?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      normdunc… be careful….

    • Mike Roberts says:

      Vaccines do work. That is clear from the data. The issue is effectiveness and how that decays with time.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Please give it a break, Mike. You’ll have us in stitches with all the belly laughs you are provoking.

        According to the accepted conventional definition, a vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.

        Do any of the current Covid-19 injectables provide active acquired immunity to any particular infectious disease?

        Let’s ask Jesse Jackson, Oscar De La Hoya, Hilary Duff, DJ Khaled, Genevieve Gorder or Piers Bloody Morgan whether their vaccinations prevented them from getting infected or getting sick with SARS-CoV-2?

        “No, absolutely not,” they will all reply, if they’re honest; thereby demonstrating that the vaccines they received didn’t work, thus proving that your statement above is erroneous.

        We can’t even say that the vaccines do work some of the time, because if someone doesn’t get the disease, there is no way of knowing whether it was because they were jabbed or not. All we can say for sure is that the vaccines do not work some of the time.

        • Mike Roberts says:

          Not all vaccines are sterlising vaccines. I read recently (sorry, can’t recall where but it wasn’t so-called MSM) that actually very few vaccines are.

          Regarding efficacy, only 1.5% of COVID-19 deaths in the UK, since January this year, were of vaccinated people. My son tells me that there have been no such deaths in Germany.

          Vaccines work but not always 100% and this is true of the COVID-19 vaccines.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            If everyone just filters mike – then deletes and does not respond … will mike the troll… disappear?

          • Tim Groves says:

            Who said anything about sterilizing? If you are honest, you will admit that you had never even heard of sterilizing immunity before the advent of Covid-19. When we speak of vaccines, we are talking about providing active acquired immunity. Why can’t you just admit this and agree that it has long been the definition, the consensus, the commonly understood meaning of what a vaccine is?

            Bringing up weasel words such as, in this case, “sterilizing”, is quibbling, equivocating, or otherwise avoiding the subject.

            Here’s another expression of what vaccines are that can be taken as definitive. For peer review junkies, it comes from a paper published in Nature.

            What is in a vaccine?
            A vaccine is a biological product that can be used to safely induce an immune response that confers protection against infection and/or disease on subsequent exposure to a pathogen. To achieve this, the vaccine must contain antigens that are either derived from the pathogen or produced synthetically to represent components of the pathogen.

            Got that? Nothing about sterilizing; just inducing an immune response that confers protection.


          • Tim Groves says:

            Further to my point about inducing immunity:

            Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie (R) last week pointed out how the CDC has changed its definition of “vaccination” from a shot that produces “immunity” to a specific disease to a shot that produces “protection” from a specific disease.


      • Fast Eddy says:

        So they stop you from getting covid?

        • Mike Roberts says:

          They reduce the chances of contracting COVID-19. That’s what the data appear to show.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            mike – are you mentally re ta rd ed? I am not kidding…

            How many times do you have to see this


          • Rodster says:

            NO, the data suggests you are MORE likely to contract Covid after getting jabbed. It is why they are selling the Covidiots on the need for booster shots, indefinitely.

            You can never eradicate Covid because it lives in animals as well as humans. The vaccine just causes it to mutate too much stronger levels.

            • Ed says:

              Rodster, mostly agree. On the last sentence I would say “allows mutations” and that they can be more, less, or equally strong in terms of infection or mortality. Then it is a question of evolution which will take hold.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Which data would that be? For example, look at the right hand graph of the first line of graphs on the Israeli Covid dashboard. Fully vaccinated (2 or 3 shots) people are by far the smallest proportion of the cases, for most time periods. Here in New Zealand, less than 4% of cases in the current outbreak are of fully vaccinated individuals when nearly a third of the population have been fully vaccinated. How do you explain those two examples if your hypothesis is correct?

            • Replenish says:

              I have read reports that the vaccine suppresses symptoms while still allowing a high viral load. The reason for lower cases numbers in the vaccinated is because 1) they aren’t being tested because they have no symptoms and 2) they aren’t being tested in many venues because of their vaccinated status. The big issue is that the vaccinated are transmitting the virus to the unvaccinated. They are walking around with a high viral load without symptoms in a carefree manner because of the 2-tier society being encouraged.

          • ssincoski says:

            So you did not take a look at page 22 of the PHE (Public Health England) Technical Brief 22 yet? Take a look at last row of the table at the bottom of the page. You can download the pdf from PHE for you viewing pleasure. Full title of doc.: SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England
            Technical briefing 22. Released 3 September 2021

      • Student says:

        Yes, they work. Some more clarification about how they work:
        – deaths and adverse events are very high in comparison to all previous vaccines, according to data (Eudravigilance and Vaers for example).
        – effectiveness last about 6 months (and progressively decays during time, so it is not that at the 5th month is equal to the 1st month)
        – effectiveness is progressively also decaying with new variants in comparison to the original ‘Whuan’ version.
        – no clear information about medium and long term severe effects. Simply because these vaccines are very ‘young’ and furthermore they are made with very new technologies (no previous comparison with similar vaccines)

        In other words, they are making an experiment. Experiment is just a part of Science. Some experiments go well and the result becomes a shared scientific knowledge, some other experiments go bad and the result becomes something to remind not to do in the future or some part to do differently.
        People who are involved in this experiment should be paid for that, as it normally happens.
        They should also realize that – at the moment – they should receive a jab every 6 months if they like go on with vaccines…

      • The current “vaccines” aren’t really vaccines. They are medical treatments aimed at lessening the later severity of the disease. They do not kill the virus, They do not stop the circulating virus. They do tend to increase the problem with variants.

    • Minority of One says:

      The mRNA vax molecules are now known to enter the brain and cause proteins to fold, what causes mad cow disease.

      The vaxxes ‘work’ – if your aim is to turn everyone’s brains into mush. Plus all the other side-effects.

      Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots

      • Artleads says:

        But do such effects gradually lessen and cease by six months?

        • Minority of One says:

          I think they are not noticeable until after 6 months typically, and quite probably longer. But they do not cease apparently. Once you get one mis-folded protein, the mis-folding then works its way through your brain. It can take a while.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It can also cause Pea Brain Disease

      • Fast Eddy says:

        But … said the CovIDIOT… the government would never do anything to harm me.

        The government has no secrets. The government doesn’t lie.

        I am not ruling out the possibility that the Injections are a MORON Cull.

        The Elders may have concluded that there are too many people and decided to exterminate the fools and imbeciles…. it’s what I would do if I had their power 🙂

  14. Jarle says:

    It’s national election day and for the first time since I became an adult I’m not voting.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Very wise. Start as you mean to go on!

      I’m over sixty and I have never voted in an election.

      When I was a child, my father told me very strongly never to go into a betting shop, I absorbed the teaching at a deep level, and later I found that voting stations are too similar to betting shops for comfort.

    • According to the news from Norway:

      Norway’s centre-left opposition parties are on course to win a majority in parliament after Monday’s election and will now negotiate how to form a coalition, with climate change and a widening wealth gap expected to be central to discussions.

      Conservative Prime Minister Erna Solberg conceded the election and will step down after eight years in power, while Labour Party leader Jonas Gahr Stoere said he intends to form the next government.

      Norway’s status as a major oil and gas producer has been at the heart of the campaign, although a transition away from petroleum – and the jobs it creates – is likely to be a gradual one despite progress by pro-environment parties. . .

      Stoere has pledged to address inequality by cutting taxes for low- and middle-income families and hiking rates for the rich.

  15. Jarle says:

    Meanwhile in Norway: Our state broadcaster just gave air time to a lawyer telling us that employers have no right to know whether you are vaccinated or not.

  16. Yoshua says:

    Long Covid = Still Infected

    Cell samples show that they are still infected, even when nasal swabs are negative. The virus has moved inside their bodies. Some people’s immune systems can’t fight off the virus. The virus evades their immune systems. How long can they live with the virus? Do they transmit?

    This is why China takes anal swabs, to find all asymptomatic cases and long covid cases.
    What do they do with the infected? Concentration camps? Burn them? Hundreds of thousands Chinese people have disappeared from the Covid centers… according to unconfirmed reports.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Unconfirmed reports don’t get us very far, do they? Particularly when they are anonymous unconfirmed and especially when they are about what’s supposedly going on in China.

  17. jj says:

    In honor of the first responders on 9/11/2001 a brother speaks.

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    Israel Is Preparing for Possible Fourth Covid Vaccine Dose

    Top health official hopes booster jabs will last for longer

    Country became a global pandemic hot spot in early September

    Hope… now that sounds very scientific!

    • Maybe the vaccine mandate is a way of voluntarily cutting back the size of the economy.

      • I was just going to ask whether you thought that was the plan. What seems to be happening is that 30-40% of people just don’t want the jab, or to be forced to get it. This is happening in the military, as well! Talk of several F-22 pilots from one base going to walk away before being made to submit—millions of dollars of training and investment down the drain for no real reason.

        This is going to weaken every enterprise across the board. Some won’t be able to survive the loss of skills.

        • jj says:

          The nurses sure are not going to get vaxxed after the vax injuries they have seen. Although if they have acess to the database i dont see why they dont just change a zero to a one next to their unique vax id or whatever is in the “mark’ system.

        • Ed says:

          I believe the TPTB are wanting to cut back on health care and getting rid of 30% of providers suits them.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            Exactly, Ed!
            Since last year (and even before) I keep people defending the govts with the argument that “they would not destroy the economy on purpose”.
            Every single concerted action since last year was about exactly this – a controlled demolition of the economy.

            It’s up to individuals to decide if they want to be left out now with their dignity intact or a bit later with their mental and physical health destroyed.

            • Ed says:

              Well said

              “left out now with their dignity intact or a bit later with their mental and physical health destroyed”

  19. Azure Kingfisher says:

    “California professor sues university over vaccine mandate, citing natural immunity”

    “A University of California professor is suing the school’s president and Board of Regents over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate, saying people with natural immunity shouldn’t be required to get the shot.

    “Aaron Kheriaty, professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine, says he contracted COVID-19 in July 2020. He points to scientific research showing that people infected with COVID-19 develop durable immunity to the virus and argues the university’s vaccine mandate is unfair.

    “I feel like I’m being treated unequally,” Kheriaty said. “If my immunity is as good, indeed, very likely better, than that conferred by the vaccine, there doesn’t seem to be any rational basis for discriminating against my form of immunity and requiring me to get a different form of immunity.”

    “An Israeli study, which was published last week and hasn’t been peer-reviewed, shows uninfected, vaccinated people are around 6 to 13 times more likely to get a future infection than those who are unvaccinated and recovered from COVID-19. The vaccinated group is also 7 to 27 times more likely to develop a symptomatic future infection than the COVID-recovered group. Several other studies also have pointed to the durability of natural COVID-19 immunity.

    “Kheriaty serves as director of UCI’s Medical Ethics Program and is a member of the UC Office of the President Critical Care Bioethics Working Group. He said his concerns about the vaccine mandate were received “mostly with radio silence” by university leadership, prior to his lawsuit filing

    “Efforts to elicit conversation, discussion, debate on the issue have fallen flat in my experience,” he said.

    “Kheriaty said he filed the lawsuit after hearing concerns about the vaccine mandate from others at the university.

    “It became clear to me that if I, as a medical ethicist, didn’t stand up and try to represent those voices, then those folks would be steamrolled by these policies,” he said.

    “The vaccine mandates bypass that whole process of individualized medicine and individualized care,” he said. “And they bypass the process of informed consent that’s so central to good clinical medicine.”

    • Mike Roberts says:

      An Israeli study, which was published last week and hasn’t been peer-reviewed, shows uninfected, vaccinated people are around 6 to 13 times more likely to get a future infection than those who are unvaccinated and recovered from COVID-19

      So does this guy think people should be deliberately infected with the virus, in order to prevent many future infections? That, of course, would be ridiculous. Even if that study passes peer review, what matters, with the vaccine, is how less likely a vaccinated person could catch the virus compared with a non-recovered unvaccinated person, and whether it reduces the chances of an infected person getting a severe disease or even dying.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        “…compared with a non-recovered unvaccinated person…”

        Are those people still allowed to exist? You know, members of a legitimate control group in this global experiment?

      • jj says:

        With enough people with natural immunity along with ivermectin used prophylactic the pandemic would be over. R0 drop below one. Remember that? Flatten the curve? Seems thats not discussed any more. The vaccines have no ability to eithor effect the R0 or flatten the curve because they neither stop infection or transmission. Ivermectin on the other hand does both when used prophylactic.

      • Ed says:

        It would be far safer to be infected with the disease and have a long period of immunity rather than be infected with the experimental mRNA shot and have a short period of immunity.

        • Mike Roberts says:

          Evidence? How many deaths and long Covid cases would you expect if 80%-90% of a population was infected with the virus, delta and my variants in particular?

          • Tim Groves says:

            Depends on their degree of access to and speed of treatment with stuff like HCL, ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, quercetin, NAC, melatonin and chicken soup.

            Who knows that delta even exists and is not just a make-believe variant? Who knows that it isn’t shorthand for vaccine-associated adverse events? Who knows that Covid-19 isn’t a not-very-infectious and mostly-not-very-serious pseudo-bioweapon being spread here and there by agents of XXX insert your baddies here XXX to scare people, force them into XXX insert your dystopia here XXX and kill off a few ayatollahs?

            All that is pure speculation. However, there is one takeaway here. The bottom line is that the clots shots don’t work, and they are dangerous.

            So go ahead, shoot up as much as you like, at your own risk.

            In other news, the twiced-jabbed Rev. Jesse Jackson and his unvaxed wife, Jacqueline, are still continuing to get better after battling COVID-19. Jesse is still in rehab but it looks like he’ll be fit enough to back to whatever he does for a living soon.

            The Jacksons’ son, Jonathan, credits the many prayers said on their behalf for their recovery. So there you have it; as a remedy for anything, divine intervention can’t be beat. Although the Lord is rumoured to help those that help themselves.


          • Lastcall says:

            As per CDC, an IFR of 0.15%, and 94% of victims would actually only have Covid as a co-morbidity. Remeber Mike, that a diagnosis of Covid juices the balance sheet for the profit-driven AMA.

            Add Ivermectin/HCQ etc into mix and IFR drops, and even better long convid is no longer an issue. Evidence is hard to come by with your head in the sand, but when you pull it out try duckduckgo and a few of the censored sites may enlighten you.

            All of this has been covered many, many times here. None so blind as them that will not see.

          • Ed says:

            I would expect 800,000 dead if the whole world were infected and treated with Ivermectin. Then the whole world would be immune. Bad for Fauci.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Put a gun to my head and a choice – be infected with covid — be injected with the experiment

          The obvious choice is the former

          Only a MOREON would inject an experiment into their body — an experiment that has failed

      • Tim Groves says:

        Mike, it’s not rocket science, or even genome sequencing. When a virus notches up a basic reproduction number (Ro) of seven in human hosts and also takes up residence in the local wildlife, we are all going to come into contact with it—no ifs or buts. And when that happens, it’s every man’s and women’s immune system for itself.

        Over three quarters of us appear to be immune to this particular virus as was demonstrated early on by the fact that China managed to stop it in its tracks and most of the passengers trapped for weeks on the Diamond Princess didn’t get sick.

  20. Student says:

    Very interesting article concerning lockdown, imminent financial crash and coming monetary reset from Andrea Cecchi, a well-known financial analyst.
    We might not agree about everything, but about many points of the article I think yes.

    • This article is in Italian but it references a couple of videos in English. The one I found interesting is “Kaiser Report” video. Max Kaiser is talking about nearly all of the economic gains now going to the very, very wealthy. Not just the top 1%, but a group even smaller than that. These privileged few are seeing great inflation in the asset holdings.

      It is the rest of the economy that is seeing deflation, as the wealth that is being accumulated by the Jeff Bezos of the world is taken from the poor rest of the citizens. This is a link to the video.

    • After the Kaiser Report video, Andrea Cecchi writes:

      The mechanism of wealth transfer from us to them is masterfully explained by Max Keizer in these terms:

      “The US government finances itself through the issuance of treasury bonds. The interest that accrues on these treasury bills is paid by taxing the citizens. Who are the major holders of these treasury bonds? The very rich class of 1/10 of 1%. In this way the government becomes a simple transmission mechanism by which it takes money from people’s pockets through taxes, which are only the fig leaf that hides the transmission mechanism of our money. The money thus passes to the government, which transfers it to the holders of treasury bonds. And since they have so many of these treasury bills, the interest rate can also remain low. With low rates, this 1/10 of 1% can borrow more money and speculate in risky trades, but guess what? If they are wrong and lose out, the government itself saves them through bailouts with new issues of treasury bills and new taxes to be levied on the people. All this is deflationary and leads to the collapse of society ”!

      Stacy instead introduces us to the concept of “Doom Loop”. It’s really interesting. We have practically seen, even in my previous newsletters, how the exponential monetary creation taking place is causing inflation and impoverishment of the poor middle class for the benefit of the ultra-rich class. Continuing to create money that is destined not to the people, but to the direct beneficiaries of the stimulus plans thanks to the Cantillon Effect (In the eighteenth century, the economist and philosopher Richard Cantillon in his Essai sur la Nature Du Commerce en General, explains that the deriving from the munificence of a state, depend on the organization of the state itself: the closer one is to the king, the higher the chances of having advantages.)

      All this money created in debt ends up in the pockets of the ultra-rich class who use it to speculate and to take possession of ever larger slices of the real economy. Foolish money printing would immediately cause inflation and hyperinflation problems. Thus, an attempt has been made to combat these side effects by simply stifling the speed of circulation of money, destroying the so-called “retail” economic base for the benefit of the transnational turbo capital of bankers and listed multinationals. When money goes to inflate the stock market lists, it is not used by the base to invest, consume, have fun and live decently, but it remains crystallized in simple numbers inside a computer without bringing any benefit to those who would like to use this money for their livelihood.

      He later says:

      In practice, the central banks, with one hand they put money and with the other take it out and both hands then deposit it in the drawer of their friends who use all these shovels of free money to buy more and more stuff, impoverishing the base. to enrich the vertex, in a doom loop that does not seem to have an end. . .

      Our every loss is passed on to the oligarchy. Each store that closes feeds the profits of the giants of online sales and brings money to the oligarchy that will not use it to make other people feel good but will make it flow into the share capitalization where it will remain unused and stop circulating.

      How long can all this go on? Nobody knows. But not for very long. The system is saturated. It’s a crazy-sized bubble and all the bubbles burst sooner or later. It could be one or more of a black swan that is causing Aflockalipse.

      He then talks about converting some of the wealth to gold. Also, putting aside at least two months worth of stored food.

      • geno mir says:

        According to Norman this is irrelevant. Right, Normie? You don’t believe in capital and its power.

        • postkey says:

          “1. The top 10% of households account for about half of all consumer spending, and these are the households that will be most affected by the sharp drop in assets, small business income and the shrinking of heretofore “safe” white-collar jobs in higher education, healthcare, finance, etc.
          In other words, since the top 10% own roughly 85% of all non-family-home assets (i.e. stocks, bonds, business equity, rental real estate), the decline in the value of these assets and the decline in the income generated by these assets will hit the top 10%, not the bottom 90% who own a tiny sliver of these assets. (see charts below)
          Companies are slashing dividends, tenants are not paying rent and family-owned businesses will experience declines in revenues and profits–even those which have yet to feel the consequences.
          All of these income streams and assets are owned by the top 10%, and so all these declines in wealth and income will be concentrated in the top 10%.
          2. The majority of the wealth owned by top 10% households is held by people 50 years of age or older, and this older cohort that owns most of the wealth and the income streams generated by the wealth are more at risk of Covid-19 than younger people. Surveys have found that people who feel more at risk are much less inclined to start going back to restaurants, musical events, etc., or going on cruises or airline flights.”

      • Alex says:

        What a load of bollocks from controlled oppo Max Keiser. Good luck with trying to enrich yourself through interest paid on gubmint bonds that is less than the real rate of inflation.

  21. Malcopian says:

    ARTICLE from Prospect Magazine (UK).


    QE is an emergency monetary policy. As the British economy recovers from the pandemic, there is no need to intervene.


    The UK economy is currently set for the strongest period of growth since the end of Second World War. Inflation is set to rise quite sharply. The appropriate monetary policy response should be to remove monetary stimulus, not add to it.

  22. Lastcall says:

    ‘Many economists in the US and Europe argued that the next time the banks failed, they should be nationalized – taken over by the government as public utilities. But that opportunity was lost when, in September 2019 and again in March 2020, Wall Street banks were quietly bailed out from a liquidity crisis in the repo market that could otherwise have bankrupted them. There was no bail-in of private funds, no heated congressional debate, and no public vote. It was all done unilaterally by unelected bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve’

    So ‘Pandemic’ equals Bank Bailout.
    ‘Hope and change’ was the theme of the last cover up

    So how are the ‘Needle-Boys’ doing today? Taking a shot or two for the banking system it would appear.

  23. Mirror on the wall says:

    Even the ‘Torygraph’ has come out against ‘Prince Andrew’ on the eve of the first day of his trial in USA. He is hiding behind his mother’s skirts, with her consent, and a default judgement may be ruled against him. The Met. police has consistently refused to investigate allegations against him, and there is no rule of law in UK. The British state has refused to apply MLAT requests to make him available for questioning, and UK is thus in breach of international treaty obligations. The entire affair is as much a shame on the entire British state as it is on Uncle Andy. The monarchy has completely corrupted the British state.

    > Is it time for Prince Andrew to come out from behind the battlements of Balmoral?

    It is clear he is still counting on his mother’s support, given last week’s woodland lunch summit at a secluded lodge on the fringes of the sprawling estate. His holiday companion and most public champion, Sarah Ferguson, has also rallied round, declaring she “kept [her] commitment” to her ex-husband “no matter what”. Love and loyalty are admirable qualities, but Prince Andrew’s troubles can no longer be wished away.

    If the US judge decides papers have been served correctly, yet the Prince and his lawyers boycott the pre-trial hearing in New York that starts tomorrow, the judge could find against him by default and award substantial damages anyway. Even if Andrew found a way to avoid paying up – the royal coffers would surely be closed – the damage to his reputation would be terminal.

    …. It would also mean that a US federal court had found Giuffre to be a credible witness. Among her allegations of sexual abuse, which she claims took place when she was 17 at convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s New York home, on his private Caribbean island and at the London home of Ghislaine Maxwell, is “rape in the first degree”, a very serious crime involving forcible compulsion. Then there is the looming threat of a Scotland Yard investigation. Cressida Dick, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently insisted that “no one is above the law” when revealing that Guiffre’s allegations were being reviewed for the third time. The time for reviews would be over.

    Maxwell’s trial concerns allegations of the trafficking of young women and girls. If Guiffre persists in claiming that she was procured for the Prince in London at the age of 17, then there are further troubles on the horizon. Guiffre made the same complaint to the Met in 2015, but it was never investigated under the Sexual Offences Act of 1956. Despite what Commissioner Dick has said, it is hard not to read this as one rule for some, another for the rest of us.

    …. However, there is still the matter of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty request. In June last year, the US Department of Justice made a formal request to the Home Office for their help in seeking the co-operation of Prince Andrew as a witness in the Ghislaine Maxwell case.

    Under the treaty Prince Andrew was supposed to have 21 days to co-operate before Priti Patel sent Scotland Yard round to question him. And, if he did not cooperate, he should have been subpoenaed to appear in a public court and be asked the DoJ’s questions.

    Clearly that has not happened as, since the change of administration in the US, the request has been repeated, with the Prince named a “person of interest” in the Epstein-Maxwell investigation. It seems astonishing that the United Kingdom should be in breach of an international treaty with our closest ally over this matter.

    However, prosecutors in 2020 said Andrew had “sought to falsely portray himself to the public as eager and willing to cooperate” while having given no interview to federal authorities and repeatedly declined requests to talk with investigators. The office of the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York say they do not expect to be able to interview him in the foreseeable future, if ever.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The guy who says he doesn’t sweat… is surely sweating now

    • Tim Groves says:

      Commissioner Dick? Is this a sketch from the Two Ronnies? I’m expecting Inspector Pratt to chime in at any moment.

      Andrew had better hope that his mother—long to reign over us—outlives the United States of America. Both of them look to be on their last legs these days. He can’t expect much help from brother Charles.

      The damage to his reputation would be terminal? I would have thought Andy’s reputation was chiseled in granite by this point.

      I tend to look at this as part of TPTB’s effort to destroy the major monarchies as part of the effort to remold the world into unified political unit under their direct command. In Andy, they’ve found a nice crack that they can get a nice wedge into, and in Harry they have an an even better one.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Monarchies. Deep down some people have a primal instinct to be a slave. The higher that they can raise some one above them, the lower that they make themselves, the more content they are deep down. Nothing suits them better than to be subject to the authority and honour of another. It has been bred into them through thousands of years of ancestral subjugation. Anyone who did not feel the same way and raised their eyes against their masters was eliminated.

        Society appears to have moved on but some people welcome any chance to get down on their knees. Slaves, serfs, subjects. Sad, but deep down they are who they are, and they should not be blamed for what they cannot help. Likely it will help some to adjust to post-collapse subjugation if things go badly, which seems likely. They will find their need for subjection fully satisfied. That sort of humility is just another inbred survival strategy, it ‘means’ nothing.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Plato discusses five types of regimes (Republic, Book VIII). They are aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Plato also assigns a man to each of these regimes to illustrate what they stand for.

          When it comes to timocracy, I’m your man! 🙂 Pity I faint at the sight of blood.

          Plato posited a sequence of how one type of regime is replaced by another. Where are we now?

          Plato looked at four existing forms of government and found them unstable. The best, in his view, is timocracy, a military state, like Sparta, based on honor. But such a state will fall apart:

          The accumulation of gold in the treasury of private individuals is the ruin of timocracy; they invent illegal modes of expenditure; for what do they or their wives care about the law? . . . . And then one, seeing another grow rich, seeks to rival him, and thus the great mass of the citizens become lovers of money. . . . And so at last, instead of loving contention and glory, men become lovers of trade and money; they honor and look up to the rich man, and make a ruler of him, and dishonor the poor man.

          An oligarchy, the rule of a few (the rich), leads to a city of the rich and a city of the poor, dwelling together, and always plotting against one another. . . . [The government] will not be able to wage war, because of the necessity of either arming and employing the multitude, and fearing them more than the enemy, or else, if they do not make use of them, of finding themselves on the field of battle . . . And to this must be added their reluctance to contribute money, because they are lovers of money.

          The poor will overthrow the oligarchy and set up a democracy, the rule of the people (the poor). Plato thought that democratic “life has neither law nor order.” An unquenchable desire for limitless liberty causes disorder, because the citizens begin to chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority and at length, . . . they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten; they will have no one over them.

          Stressing moderation, Plato warned that “the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction,” such that the “excess of liberty, whether in states or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery.”

          Like an oligarchy, a democracy pits the poor against the rich. The poor see the rich plotting, and they seek protection:

          The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears above ground he is a protector. . . . having a mob entirely at his disposal, he is not restrained from shedding the blood of kinsmen; . . . he brings them into court and murders them . . . at the same time hinting at the abolition of debts and partition of lands. . . . After a while he is driven out, but comes back, in spite of his enemies, a tyrant full grown.

          Plato deemed tyranny the “fourth and worst disorder of a state.” Tyrants lack “the very faculty that is the instrument of judgment”—reason. The tyrannical man is enslaved because the best part of him (reason) is enslaved, and likewise, the tyrannical state is enslaved, because it too lacks reason and order.

          • Artleads says:


          • Kowalainen says:

            I wish best of luck trying to develop a stable societal structure based on the whims of rapacious primates.


            Ain’t gonna happen. Forever bound to boom and bust cycles.


            (It’s the only way to be sure)

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            ‘Order’ and ‘justice’ are nebulous and flexible concepts. Which ‘system’ is ‘better’ or ‘worse’ is relative to the ‘perspective’. Ours is the ‘liberal democratic’.

            Plato fantasised that ‘reason’ has got anything to do with it, which he located in an imaginary realm of ‘ideas’ that decides true concepts – completely bonkers.

            He assumes that ‘stability’ is a requirement of ‘right government’ Other perspectives are possible, like the ‘star that burns bright’ (IC?)

            Generally, political history develops in a more complex way than Plato allowed.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Well, the perpetual boom and bust cycles of growth, depletion, crash, corruption and debauchery is certainly an iron clad truth based on the whims of rapacious primate psychology. Plato was quite spot-on with that observation.

              The perspective of marginally concious “will to power” ‘microbes’ going bonkers in a planetary petri dish loaded with oil.

              It is all very predictable. Boring.



              (It’s the only way to be sure!)

    • This article is now available without a pay wall on ZeroHedge, at this link.

      One reason given is, “It comes after British lawmakers across the political spectrum voiced strong opposition to the plans this week.”

      There is a link, but it is simply to another Epoch Times article, describing the controversy that resulted.

      The article also says,

      “What I can say is that we’ve looked at it properly and whilst we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I’m pleased to say that we will not be going ahead with plans for vaccine passports,” Javid said.

      The health secretary added that the government shouldn’t be doing things for the sake of it or because others are doing them.

      “So many countries, at the time they implemented it, was to try and boost their vaccination rates and you can understand why they might have done that,” he said.

      I also says,

      As of Sept. 9, nearly 90 percent of the UK population aged over 16 have received the first dose of a CCP virus vaccine, and over 80 percent have received both doses, the government said.

      • Minority of One says:

        ‘One reason given is, “It comes after British lawmakers across the political spectrum voiced strong opposition to the plans this week.”’

        This vaccine passport was specific to England. Scotland is going ahead with theirs:

        Scotland to launch vaccine passports on 1 October

        “People in Scotland will need proof they have been fully vaccinated before they can enter nightclubs and many large events from 1 October.

        The vaccine passport plan was formally approved by Holyrood after the SNP and Greens voted in favour.

        Some businesses have complained of a lack of detail about how the scheme will work in practice.

        The proposals were opposed by the Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats.

        Deputy First Minister John Swinney said the system would reduce the risk of transmission and help prevent venues – many of which have only recently reopened – from having to close again due to Covid.

        A paper published by the government on Thursday morning, just hours before the vote in the Scottish Parliament, said officials were still working to define what a nightclub actually is.”

        So the govt (Scottish National Party and the Greens) have passed policy on a vaccine passport, without any of the detailed legislation actually being available for review yet. They will start off with the night clubs, but it will not be long before the list of no-can-enters extends to make life very difficult for the unvaxxed – a small minority here now.

        “Deputy First Minister John Swinney said the system would reduce the risk of transmission and help prevent venues – many of which have only recently reopened – from having to close again due to Covid.”

        Venues closing again I would guess is a given. Let’s see how long it takes.

        • Tim Groves says:

          It will only be a matter of time before twice-jabbed will equal “unvaxxed”. Once they come into force, those passports will block anyone not thrice-jabbed at the dip of Nicola’s magic wand. Then Scottish residents who want to remain inside the system will have to endure an indefinite succession of booster shots and at best will end up with arms like pincushions.

          Without John Bull to bully and cajole them into civilized behavior, will see the Celtic fringe nations sliding back into Wicker-man levels of savagery, one wonders?

  24. Jimothy says:

    Gail, what do you think about the Fed tapering? It seems to me to be hollow. Or, maybe the federal stimulus currently moving through congress could offset a reduction in Fed QE?

  25. Duncan Idaho says:

    San Francisco home sells for $2.1M over asking

    But SF is over 80% vaccinated, and the richest city on Earth (per capita)

    How is everyone doing, comrades?
    I hope none of you are getting sick.

    • Ed says:

      Good to hear from you Duncan. Margaret and I are well heading down to the big smoke for the show tonight and then to Portugal on Friday. Here things are quiet and green.

    • Adam says:

      Asset bubble as proof of “vaccine” success? Houses are screaming higher here too. Oh, and I have never felt better thank you.

    • There is a disagreement on how well SanFrancisco is really doing. Is it doing well because it managed to keep case numbers down? Or has the city made long-term problems for itself? The Economists writes (Aug 28, 2021) Why San Francisco’s city government is so dysfunctional

      Covid-19 has exposed many of the city’s old problems—and some new ones, too

      The City by the Bay may have avoided a heavy death toll from covid-19 but, counter-intuitively, it could feel the virus’s impact longer than other places. Ted Egan, the city’s chief economist, admits as much. “San Francisco could well have a slower economic recovery than other cities,” he says. The city, with a gdp which roughly matches that of Greece, is facing a swathe of problems. These include emigration, a rise in some types of crime, drugs and homelessness. Dysfunctional and corrupt governance makes them harder to fix.

      Faced with the prospect of paying steep rents while enduring some of the longest, strictest lockdowns in the country, people left—some permanently. According to cbre, a commercial-property firm, 27% of offices are being marketed as available in San Francisco (compared with 19% in Manhattan). An analysis by California Policy Lab at the University of California shows that “net exits” from San Francisco (those leaving minus those arriving) rose by 649%—from 5,200 to nearly 39,000—in the last three quarters of 2020. The drop in apartment rents was the largest in the country, although they are climbing back. Even with this adjustment, the cost of living in San Francisco is still around two and a half times higher than the national average and 44% more than New York City.

      • Duncan Idaho says:

        Actually the vaccination rate is 90%.
        It is no secret why it is the richest city on Earth,
        NYC and SF are the only two world class cities in the US.
        I chuckle when others make their insecurity visible.

    • jj says:

      Hope you are well also dunc. Have you taken your dimer test yet to see if you need to go on blood thinners to avoid blood clots? Cognitive function still OK?

      Oh I was wondering what was that big pharma lone study you cited that had results that ivermectin was ineffective against covid-911? I want to reference it but all I can find is the 63 plus clinical studies that results indicate it is extremely effective.

    • Xabier says:

      No, Duncan, not sick at all, despite the ravage of the ‘terrible, terrible disease TM’: and not even of you – a miracle!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Funny how the vaxxers are hopeful that everyone else can join them in their misery of busted hearts, blood clots and endless boosters….

        I feel great — got 4 hours in on the mountain… which was nearly devoid of people because of the Auckland lockdown….

        My ski partner tore his MCL off the bone though … he’s a non-vaxxer too so duncan can squeal in delight over that.

  26. Minority of One says:

    I know it is not in the slightest bit scientific or verifiable, but Stew Peters interviews a USA-based nurse anonymously. The gist of the conversation is that in the nurse’s hospital at least, the large majority of patients diagnosed with CV19 are, judging by their symptoms, suffering from the side effects of the vaxx, not CV19.

    The doctors use the PCR test to decide if you have CV19, and if you test +ve, even with zero symptoms, off to the CV19 ward you go, where you are given remdesivir. Seems like the chances of a trip to this hospital being your last are not negligible.

    An Articulate Nurse Dealing With COVID Hospitalization Gives Honest Insight About What Really is Happening – Alarming Secondary Confirmation of Details Provided and Cited

    • I have a hard time believing this:

      ” the large majority of patients diagnosed with CV19 are, judging by their symptoms, suffering from the side effects of the vaxx, not CV19.”

      Quite a few patients are children, who have never been vaccinated. Some of the cases are in unvaccinated people who are older than 18, and they certainly are not experiencing side effects of vaccines.

      The disease is real. Maybe there are a few people with vaccine problems, but I cannot believe that they predominate.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        There was a story on this site with data demonstrating big spikes in Covid after the vaxxes rolled out in many countries…

        mike… can you be a good boy and find it.. it was from a couple of months back

      • jj says:

        The nurses discussion was that there is no delta there is covid and there vax injury. Covid is down VAX injury is up. In her opinion this is what “delta” is. She noted that the terminology and reference within the medical institutions does not include “delta”. We know that younger people are more prone to suffer VAX injury. When you say “delta” hits young people hard thats true but if the nurse is correct what you are seeing is that young people are more prone to VAX injury. As far as unvaxed children getting “delta” it could be one of two things. Covid or spike protein shedding.

        As I posted a while back I am fairly sure I have had covid twice. It was about 5 months between the two. I will say the second time had a distinctly different feel than the first. I had gotten cocky thinking I had natural immunity when iIgot it the second time. My vitamin D and zinc had not been regular and I was out and about without a care. Ivermectin was a godsend the second time.

        But ivermectin is not sure fire. I took it twice the first time too but a low regular dose. My weight on the applicator. It probably helped. The second time I took it twice also but at double my weight on the applicator. The first dose was just after onset. It probably helped. The second dose was incredible. Covid was GONE.

        I am 64. I am very active. I was back to normal activities forthwith. two weeks the first time. four days the second. No hospital. No remedisver. no intubation.

        I wont be intubated. i will never enter a hospital again except for stitches , broken bones or snake bite. The nurses communication in that vid resounds with every molecule of my being

        My choice.

        I am not a medical doctor. I am not offering medical advice.

        So twice infected. Four doses of ivermectin. One that knocked the covid on its ass. Three that probably helped. No long term effects that i notice. Perhaps my capitalization. Nah that always sucked. Very very active this summer.

        So yes Covid is real. It is not a joke. It is not “the flu” IMO. I am much more cautious now. Zinc and D like clockwork. Ivermectin prophylactic if engaging in romantic or other social interactions. I isolate more.

        But back on topic. The nurse described that any and all talk of VAX injury is completely verboten. They have to call it something when somone comes in all messed up. Is it illogical to think it could be called “delta”? Deltas meaning is change, or difference. Would this not be a logical word to use for the effects of the VAX when it injures someone?

        Of course I dont know. Theres some pretty wild stuff out there. But I know ivermectin is extremely effective in preventing and treating covid. I know this both from the clinical studies and personal anecdotal experience. Japan knows it. India knows it. Africa knows it. In light of the suppression of a safe and effective treatment in the USA that has cost countless people their lives the question arises why is a experimental and clearly dangerous drug being mandated, a mandate that is both unconstitutional and a violation of the Nuremberg code. A experimental drug that neither stops a individual from being infected or transmitting the disease guaranteeing that it is INCAPABLE of dropping the R0 to end the pandemic. I dont like to ask that “why” more than anyone else but considering current events you would have to value normality bias more than observing actual events to not ask it. And thats fine. Your choice. Just dont try to put that shit in my arm.

      • Minority of One says:

        There are few details about where the nurse works given, for obvious reasons, but she talks only about the wards where she is working, in her hospital. I get the impression that there are no children in her wards. But you raise a good point. “Some of the cases are in unvaccinated people who are older than 18, and they certainly are not experiencing side effects of vaccines.” A pity that issue was not discussed. Maybe in her wards there are not many young people.

        I see that Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a general practitioner based in England, announced in his last post that he is no longer going to write about CV19 and sars-cov-2. He says:

        “…My self-appointed role within the COVID19 mayhem, was to search for the truth – as far as it could be found – and to attempt to provide useful information for those who wish to read my blog.

        The main reason for prolonged silence, and introspection, is that I am not sure I can find the truth. I do not know if it can be found anymore. Today I am unsure what represents a fact, and what has simply been made up. A sad and scary state of affairs.

        …Anyway, faced with a situation where there are almost no facts that can be relied upon, from anywhere, I have officially removed myself from all discussions on the matter of COVID19.

        Instead, I shall return to other areas where, whilst the truth is constantly battered and bruised, and lying in a bruised heap the corner, it is still breathing … just about alive. Sometimes it is capable of weakly raising its head and whispering quietly into my ear. I shall let you know what it says.”

        A real shame, because Kendrick’s knowledge and analysis on CV19 and sarc-cov-2 was excellent. He was hounded by the state and colleagues for providing useful info.

  27. Alex says:

    Thanks for answering my question about the LTG graph, ‘nostraightpath60’. Feel free to correct my interpretation of your response:

    A.D. 1972

    Dear world leaders,

    we are a bunch of PhDs and we did some computer simulations. We came to the conclusion that limits to growth on Earth will be reached sometime in the 21st century. Here we present you with some graphs, but frankly don’t read too much into them. They are more like general diagrams to demonstrate our point than visualization of actual numeric data. Also, our models can’t really say much about what happens after peak energy per capita is reached, although we decided to plot some nice collapses in the graphs because we thought it would look cool.

    That’s about it. Now fix this shit.


    Buncha Peeeichdees

  28. Mirror on the wall says:

    > Shutdown: the end of an economic era?

    Adam Tooze shows how the pandemic has exposed the frailty of an unhealthy economic system.

    …. A financial crisis

    Tooze draws on his deep understanding of the instability of the financial markets, which was laid out in Crashed, his exploration of the 2008 financial crisis. In Shutdown he points out that the economic fragility of 2020 was different to that of 2008. In the earlier financial crisis, it was the banks that were the weak link. This time, with shutdowns causing huge economic contractions, the main financial frailty turned out to be in the asset markets.

    Significantly, this included the market for US government bonds – the ‘ultimate safe asset’ on which balances the rest of the rickety debt structure. When the market in these bonds almost broke down with the start of the shutdowns in March 2020, it prompted financial panic. As in 2008, government interventions, this time much faster in execution, prevented the financial system from toppling over.

    These were spearheaded by the US Federal Reserve, acting again as the global lender of last resort. It made available huge amounts of liquidity, not just to its domestic economy but also internationally. Tooze shows that this radical emergency action worked in the short term – but only by compounding the thorny question of how to return to pre-2008 monetary normality. ‘What now was normality?’, he asks rhetorically.

    For the medium term, Tooze explains that central-bank activism is further boosting debt, not least corporate borrowing. It is also raising the prices of financial assets, and thereby stoking up greater financial strains for the future. Through this process Tooze identifies the core dilemma for central banks today, especially for the pre-eminent Federal Reserve. In the face of the coronavirus crisis a ‘huge abundance of dollar liquidity’ was required to underpin the resilience of the global debt system. However, this only ‘deferred the kind of crisis that might force a general reckoning’.

    Tooze is also right to point out the ‘conservative’ effects of the huge fiscal spending undertaken since the shutdowns started. Despite the scale of the spending, and some new ways of delivering financial support, the effect of coronavirus fiscal policy in the US, the UK and Europe was to provide economic life support, not to drive change.

    Western economies entered their shutdowns in a weak position, yet the principal logic of the huge spending undertaken was to try to get back to how things were before the pandemic. He sums up the logic as follows: ‘The crisis affected the whole economy. No one was to blame. Everyone should be made whole.’ That the previous economic ‘whole’ had fundamental deficiencies is too rarely mentioned.

    And how will all this fiscal spending be paid for? Here Tooze draws out the uneasy implications of quantitative easing. During the pandemic, he explains, it became clearer than ever that one branch of government was buying the debt issued by another branch: ‘central banks on both sides of the Atlantic were monetising the government debt on a gigantic scale.’ In the extreme case of the UK, there was an ’embarrassingly close one-to-one correlation between the government borrowing requirement and the Bank of England’s additional debt purchases’. The future ramifications of this fusion of monetary and fiscal policy – ‘this confused and ill-shapen monster’, as Tooze calls it – should be followed closely.

    …. So, in this spirit of debate, it will be intriguing to see whether the sort of [green] economic modernisation Tooze anticipates is possible, or whether, in the name of climate change, governments decide instead to force people to adapt their behaviours and restrict their levels of consumption. The former could help to revive economic growth. The latter, though, would be more likely to perpetuate economic zombification, and further undermine the possibility of material progress. It would amount, in short, to another shutdown.

    • I am afraid there is no green economic modernization as anticipated by Tooze.

      Economic zombification might be a best case situation. It could be worse than another shutdown, I fear. A shutdown with very empty shelves, for example.

    • postkey says:

      ” In the earlier financial crisis, it was the banks that were the weak link.”
      “As Axel Weber remarked, afterwards:
      I asked the typical macro question: who are the twenty biggest suppliers of securitization products, and who are the twenty biggest buyers. I got a paper, and they were both the same set of institutions. . . . The industry was not aware at the time that while its treasury department was reporting that it bought all these products its credit department was reporting that it had sold off all the risk because they had securitized them…” 1h. 10m. in.

      “The root problem of 2008 was a failure to recognize that the highly leveraged money center banks had used derivatives not to distribute subprime mortgage risk to the broad risk bearing capacity of the market as a whole but, rather, to concentrate it in themselves.”

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        All failure must ultimately come down to human incompetence in some sense, which is an angle that is rarely explored.

  29. Fred says:

    Firstly re Delta: See this interview with a US whistleblower nurse.

    Takeaway #1: There is no delta, just loads of vaccine injured people.

    Takeaway #2: Most doctors are in on the big lie. Stay the hell away from hospital. If you get diagnosed as positive via the fake PCR test, you get stuck in an isolation ward, no visitors allowed and they kill you e.g. with Remdesivir and ventilation. Have to keep the numbers up.

    Secondly the TGA in Australia (FDA equivalent) just banned Ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Same reason as the US did – there were doctors getting undeniably effective outcomes with it, so it disrupts the narrative.

    Ironic really that after decades of watching the empire kill foreigners and destroy their countries to keep up our living standards, they’ve come for us now.

    • The idea that there is no delta, just loads of vaccine injured people, doesn’t sound right to me. For example, there seem to be quite a few children catching it, who never were vaccinated. I haven’t listened to the interview, however. Does she think that the children are catching the vaccine-injury from their parents?

      • Fred says:

        She makes the point that her hospital has no capability i.e. no equipment or process to test for delta. They only have the PCR test, which can be adjusted via cycle count to get the result you want.

        She makes no mention of children.

        Jon Rappoport, Mike Adams et al write about how there never has been a COVID-19 isolate to test against. In other words the CDC never issued a reference sample that was isolated COVID to calibrate PCR machines with. They assert the PCR test just detects coronavirus/viral fragments, or random noise if the cycle count is set high enough.

        Remember flu does the rounds killing people every year, although it miraculously disappeared in Australia in July 2020 according to our Bureau of Statistics.

        Tom Luongo fits COVID into its broader political purpose:

    • Minority of One says:

      “Takeaway #2: Most doctors are in on the big lie.”

      Where ever this nurse works, seems like all the doctors are in on the big lie.

      A few weeks ago I posted a link to a documentary re the roll of nurses in purging the unwanted in Nazi Germany. That video mentioned that 40% of doctors in Nazi Germany (probably mostly or all male) were members of the Nazi party. No-one had to join the Nazi party to get on, and for other well-to-do occupations the average was nearer 20%. Not all doctors can be bought off so easily, indeed a quite a few are risking everything to enlighten the rest of us, but a large proportion seem to be too willing to do the wrong thing.

      • I wouldn’t trust any of the numbers. This klnd of stuff is going on all over (~2min. segment of leaked Zoom mtg.):

        “Senior Health Officials and a marketing director discussing how to inflate COVID-19 cases by counting recovered patients as active cases…And using fear to increase the WAX Uptake….”

      • hillcountry says:

        Underlined this quote a few decades ago from Chapter 3 of Robert Proctor’s 1988 book – Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis.

        page 64:

        In such a climate Hitler felt he could rely on the medical profession. In an early speech before the National Socialist Physicians’ League, he argued that he could, if need be, do without lawyers, engineers, and builders, but that

        “you, you National Socialist doctors, I cannot do without you for a single day, not a single hour. If not for you, if you fail me, then all is lost. For what good are our struggles, if the health of our people is in danger?”

        On April 5, 1933, Hitler asked that the German medical profession move with all its energy into the forefront of the race question; racial hygiene was to be the task of the German physician.

  30. Mirror on the wall says:

    SF has opened up a 10 point lead in the south. SF also has a 9 point lead in the north, where DUP has collapsed in the polls from 28% at the last assembly election to 13% and fourth place today. It raises the possibility that SF will lead governments in both jurisdictions come 2025, which would likely provoke a border poll.

    > Sinn Féin now has ten-point lead over Fine Gael, latest poll shows

    Sinn Féin leads Fine Gael by 10% points, according to the latest Sunday Times opinion poll.

    Leo Varadkar’s party has dropped two points to 23% – while Mary Lou McDonald’s is up three, at 33%.

    It’s the first poll since Mr Varadkar and his Fine Gael colleague Simon Coveney became embroiled in the controversy over the appointment of Katherine Zappone as a UN special envoy.

    Mary Lou McDonald [SF] remains the most popular party leader, with a 48% satisfaction rating (down one point on the last poll).

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      DUP threatened last week to collapse Stormont, the assembly in the north of Ireland, if the Brexit NI Protocol is not abandoned. The EU vice president told them the next day to stop dreaming, it is not going to happen.

      DUP is desperate to regain some credibility with ‘unionists’, after it led support for Brexit and it opposed T. May’s deal that would have kept the UK aligned with the EU – which led to the customs border in the Irish Sea.

      It remains to be seen what will happen. If fresh elections return an intransigent ‘unionist’ bloc, then UK and the south might take on joint rule of the north, which DUP was warned of before power sharing was agreed in the north assembly.

      > DUP threatens to trigger snap election ‘within weeks’ if Northern Ireland Protocol remains

      The Democratic Unionist Party says it will pull out of Stormont’s power-sharing government, triggering a snap election “within weeks”, if the Northern Ireland Protocol remains.

      In a speech to elected members in Belfast, Sir Jeffrey warned: “I say not as a threat but as a matter of political reality that our political institutions will not survive a failure to resolve the problems the Protocol has created.”

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      A poll two weeks ago found that a massive 68% in NI want a referendum on Irish unity, and that a swing of a few points would decide a referendum either way. Other polls have shown sentiment on Irish unity/ UK to be about tied.

      Support for the UK is concentrated most in the oldest demographics, so it might make sense to leave a referendum for another 5 years if the future disposition is to be reflected.

      > Majority of Northern Irish voters want vote on staying in UK

      Two-thirds of people say a border poll should be held at some point in the wake of Brexit

      Two-thirds of voters in Northern Ireland believe there should be a vote over its place in the UK, [and] 37% want it to take place within the next five years, according to a new poll for the Observer. Some 31% of voters said there should be a vote at some point about Northern Ireland’s place in the UK but after 2026, the LucidTalk poll found. A further 29% said there should never be such a vote.

      There is currently a seven-point lead for Northern Ireland remaining part of the UK should any vote take place. Asked to state how they would vote, 49% said they would back remaining in the UK, while 42% backed being part of a united Ireland, with 9% saying they did not know.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      A historian cites Winston Churchill to make the case that the UK could have survived in the long run only if it had functioned as a genuine union of free political equals, and that the failure to break England into its regions precluded that. UK is dominated by England, and England by its south.

      WC could see that the break up of the UK was only a matter of time. England will emerge divided after the break up of the UK. I would add that the split of England into its regions is still the way to go after the independence of England – genuine democratic control in the regions.

      > ‘Union has been doomed for decades’, says historian who predicted Brexit

      THE Union has been doomed for a century and Scotland will gain independence within five years, according to a bestselling historian. Dr James Hawes said the “tipping point” for the collapse of the UK will come more quickly than expected and it will be something which initially appears “quite small”.

      He argued that the Union is on course for collapse because it would only ever have truly worked if England had been split into regions.

      “My contention essentially is the UK is not only doomed, but it has been doomed for over a century. In a sense one of my prize exhibits in the book is none other than Winston Churchill, who in 1912 was MP for Dundee at that stage, trying to hold his beloved UK together. He put his finger on the fact that the force that was going to blow it apart was actually England. The dominance of the southern part of England within England and its refusal to let go would make impossible his dream.”

      Hawes pointed out in 1912 the issue of Home Rule was on the agenda for Scotland as well as Ireland and the UK was “clearly collapsing”.

      “Churchill was desperate to hold it together, but he realised it could only work as a genuine union of free peoples, who would each send their representative to what he calls their imperial parliament. But he put his finger on the problem, that England itself would have to be split up to make that work and because it hasn’t been, the UK is hopeless.”

      “When I was at university in Ireland in my first job as a lecturer of German studies, half my colleagues there were experts in East German literature and culture. And none of us foresaw in the summer of 1989 that within a year, Germany would be completely united again. We thought it was completely impossible.”

      When the UK does collapse, Hawes said England would be alone in the world for the first time since 1707 and predicted it would be left “deeply split”.

      On the issue of differing views over how best to pursue independence, Hawes said campaigners should go forward with confidence, but not feel rushed if it means “falling into some kind of trap. I am a specialist in the long waves of history and I can tell people history is only going in one direction, the UK has been collapsing since 1921. Scotland will be independent soon.”

  31. Student says:

    The Italian debate is showing some strange little improving signs. I use also the word ‘strange’ because, at this stage, what is going on is unpredictable.
    A couple of day ago tv virologist Andrea Crisanti talked about the very short effectiveness of vaccines (6 months) and he said (automatic translator):

    ‘the problem is that these vaccines last six months, we force people to get vaccinated every six months, but if you do that you have to invest in other measures to combat (the virus), because vaccines are useful, essential, but alone are not enough. The case of Israel is showing us that vaccines have limitations, we must be aware of this, otherwise we are not telling the whole truth’.

    And Luca Ricolfi, academic sociologist and psychometrician, talked about the herd immunity which is simply impossible to reach and talked about the difference between immunizing power (power to prevent disease to a person) and sterilizing power (power to prevent a person to spread the virus) of a vaccine and he said (automatic translator):

    ‘there is also another scientific reason why the longed-for herd immunity will remain a dream, and it is the most important one: the mathematical formula for the calculation of herd immunity (Vc=1-1/R0) refers to a perfectly sterilizing vaccine, while vaccines against Covid are leaky, that is, they do not guarantee that the vaccinated does not get infected and does not transmit the infection. If the vaccine is leaky – continues the professor -, another formula is applied, from which it is easy to deduce that not even vaccinating 100% of the population is enough to extinguish the epidemic’.

    At the same time the Italian debate is going on saying that, in order to solve the problem, it would be necessary a law for a mandatory vaccine. But they should rather say that it would be necessary a law for MANDATORY PERENNIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS for vaccines (which would be a nightmare of course), because one vaccine doesn’t solve the problem at all.

    • Right! A leaky vaccine never gets rid of the virus, even if 100% of the population is vaccinated. And the short time the vaccines last puts the world on a treadmill to try to keep up with the ever-evolving virus. It is not possible to ever “win” with this strategy.

      • Artleads says:

        I’ve pretty much thought of COVID as a hoax, and don’t follow the “science” at all. So what is a leaky vaccine?

  32. Lastcall says:

    From your earlier link Azure K.

    ‘ For this immanent reason, capitalism is increasingly dependent on public debt, low wages, centralisation of wealth and power, a permanent state of emergency, and financial acrobatics.’

    This is the reason we get people like J$hn K@y (NZ) turning up out of ‘nowhere’ to improve efficiency in the public sector; ie sell our public assets (power, public housing, citizenship etc ) to the monied ones. This puts fresh blood into the financial sector; a transfusion of new life you may say.
    Then he’s gone!
    He gets Knighted, we get Knotted.
    Great link Azure

    • Very fine link, I agree.


      Back in December 2019, I know I gave a presentation to a group of Casualty Actuaries saying that the world economy looked like it was on the edge of a big step down. This article is saying the same thing. Adding the virus was the little push needed to push the economy downward significantly.

      • Charlie says:

        This article talks about how the world was about to have a crisis like the one in 2008. How are we doing now? With all that money in the system, has it been solved?

  33. Fast Eddy says:

    Omar Khan interviews Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale University, epidemiologist, cancer researcher, advocate of COVID early treatment, on the clear, consistent corruption of credibility that is now truly “pandemic.”


  34. CTG says:

    ADE is here…. Look at Singapore. Cases are going up and so are other countries…. Nothing to look at… move along….

  35. Fast Eddy says:

    Pfizer Preparing to Seek Approval for Its Covid Vaccine in 5-11 Year-Olds

    • Ed says:

      Killing children. What will they have to do to get a reaction out of the herd?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Damn… and I was planning on hunting children in that age bracket… I am told they taste a little like veal.

        • D. Stevens says:

          Is it safe to eat the vaccinated or is there an increased risk of prion diseases?

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I think if you cook them thoroughly that will kill any of the diseases they are harbouring… I’d recommend a slow cooker… in some sort of stew….

            I prefer the Rayburn with a fire fuelled by plastic …. lots of plastic…

      • Just another day at the office:

        “From someone in the UK 🇬🇧
        My niece had her second child last month and throughout her pregnancy she resisted being vaccinated. A month before the baby was born she was told that she would need a cesarean section and the hospital and doctors insisted that they would not allow her into the hospital unless she had the jab.

        With such pressure, and the worry of her baby’s health, she felt forced to comply and take the CV v@x. Now the baby is in hospital, has uncontrollable intermittent ‘jitters’ that are worsening and needs a brain scan as they cannot fathom what is causing this 😢

        Every test that has been done has come back negative so they are being transferred to the Great Ormond Street hospital to do further investigations.”

        Not sure of the original source of this… Disturbing short clip at the link, of otherwise-cute newborn spazzing as though electrocuted.

      • jj says:

        Ed they want a reaction. What are people supposed to do march on the capital get called a antivaxerectionist and get hunted down by the FBI?

        When they start injecting children with the experimental drug without the permission of the parents they will get their reaction.

        Now the emotional content toward people who choose not have a experimental and illegal substance needle raped into their and their families bodies can be morphed into one of hate. Illegal because there is a safe and effective treatment available. The emergency authorization of the vaccines is illegal. Once the hate atmosphere is in effect all logical arguments are quickly turned to vehemence and violence. Even sympathetic people will come into line because the light at the end of the tunnel -back to “normal” is dangled like a carrot. Only there is no back to normal anymore than the oil can go back into gwahar.

        This is the last stage of pillaging the USA. All technology industry and productivity was removed. Fiat currency allowed this to not only be painless but a buying spree was engaged with debt. Now people will do anything to keep the debt buying spree going. Did you really think they were going to let those bloated 401ks be consumed in energy in the form of goods and services? As we speak people know that there is no way to store wealth.

        No matter how it turns out, a dystopian medical dictatorship, a civil war country ravaged, a awakening of the masses where the military shoots different from their orders, the USA is done now. Hollowed out. Empty. Because in the end we need energy and we have nothing of value to trade for it. Energy heats our homes so we dont freeze to death. Energy creates the food we eat. Where are those farms without a grid to pump out the water and move the crop circle? Where are those farms without diesel to run the tractors and all the hardware that they pull? Where are those farms without the fertilizer borne from fossil fuel? Where are those farms without the power of fiat to incentivize Latino farm labor?

        Nothing but dirt. Not even good dirt.

        People have not learned how to sacrifice for the children. All they know is entitlement. The results are predictable. Maybe in a couple hundred years sanity will return in the form of hunter gathering and our species recognizing its fragility and its total dependence on the planet and the sun. IMO only through that recognization will our species integrate with the beauty that we represent and the beauty that the planet and sun represents.

        Justice comes. Not at the hand of a political party but by the planet.

        We wont like it.

        Cherish every day of quasi BAU. I know I do.

    • Disturbing!

      • Student says:

        Talking about disturbing news concerning children and even worse: concerning pregnant women, I found this news very disturbing (but it is my personal view, of course).
        Current Turin mayor, Mrs. Appendino, published today her ultrasound picture of his baby, saying that she is very happy because ‘Andrea’ will be already protected from Covid when he will be born in October, as she had herself the jab in July.
        I don’t know if any research has been published saying that if you take the jab when you are pregnant your baby will have Covid antibodies when will be born, but as all virologist agree about the only 6 months effectiveness for vaccines, the phrase should have been ‘I’m happy because he will protected till January (Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan….) and about the main EU variants.
        In other words, quoting a nice song: ‘I got everything I need, almost’ *
        That is an incredible news!

        * Here is ‘I got everything I need, almost’ (when you have the jab, it could protect you for 6 months and also you already need to be protected for the next variant…):

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Yale Uni study – babies born during covid are 20% stoooopider than the already very stoooopid humans…. probably due to oxygen deprivation caused by masks…

          So assume this women also wears a mask…

          What the hell she may as well drink a bottle of wine per day and smoke crack….

          • Fast Eddy says:

            What a nightmarish outcome …

            Watching the video below and was speaking to my mate with the Vax Heart…. he’s had a second opinion and been told to hold off on surgery — the second doctor says he’s currently dealing with a dozen or so others who have heart damage from the injections….

            Doctor 1 insisted this was not vax related…. even though chronology was shortly have jab one chest pain … that went away… jab 2 chest pain… that has not gone away…. 4 months in….

            This is what the nurse is stating in the video — the doctors are generally rejecting any suggestion the problems are vax related


            Doctor 2 – obviously this is vax related…

            Herein lies the problem — my mate works for a US law firm and they are mandating the jab… he won’t be getting the Booster(s) … so unless he’s exempted he’s going to need to make a tough choice… at least he’s found a doctor who is willing to confirm the jabs are killing him… so hopefully he’ll be vaccinated

            One day your life is normal .. and the next… upside down.

  36. Ed says:

    Here in Dutchess County the Federal Government is renting farm land from the Jehovah’s Witnesses for tents for Afghani they are flying in. My friend noted one disoriented old Afghani man wondering down the roadway.

    • Hubbs says:

      Probably all the kids will be enroll at Millbrook School where I once taught remedial mathematics during the summers to inner city kids from NYC, Bronx, Lower Manhattan and East side – way back in the 1970s during Project Broad Jump, run by Jack Bower.

      • Ed says:

        Hubbs, refugees and the Millbrook School that is a huge divide. I once taught math for week at the Millbrook School as a substitute. Interesting to see how the other 1% of 1% live.

  37. Yoshua says:

    More signs that the virus is airborne HIV.

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

  39. Marco Bruciati says:

    1 october markets crash

    • houtskool says:

      Patience, grasshopper.

    • MM says:

      No way.
      There exists zero liquidity in markets besides central bank money.
      Some months ago I made a statement that was not picked up by Gail, the Accountant:
      For our economy there needs to be an accounting unit. be it gold or shells.
      A lot of “aquired wealth” is stored in these accounting units mainly US$ at the moment.
      You can not kill these balance sheets.
      You can nullify some of “derivative contracts” what is in the trillions a day but you can not kill the accounting unit. That will never be acceptedt by the “account holders”.
      You see it with the Euro inflation and the Germans.
      Destroying “the money” looks like a nice way out but it is not.

      A “market crash” is not even felt remotely because the people in the know hold “bets on bets on bets on bets on bets on bets on bets on bets….”

      There exists a theoretical possibility of a “buyer of last resort” that in the end will own it all. This is a moment called “mark to market”.
      There needs to be a moment when the “bets” are called “to margin”.
      That will not happen. If I own 1000 stocks of apple where 1 stock sale pays my monthly expenses the “letting out the air” will never be recognised in the market as such.

      In the current conditions a crash is not possible, but that might change.Musical chairs as we call it. Probably his first name is Klaus?
      As I said previously: Lehman Brothers was an experiment to “mark to market”.
      A lot of players then got their things right.

      The next stop of the music?

      Enjoy the silence I would say.

      • houtskool says:

        Indeed MM. Crash will be in faith eventually. Stocks is a rotting corpse with usual suspects holding up its left arm and make it smile at you.

        About that last thing, smiling, i wonder how they manage that. Must be a glue from mars to keep those lips up. Subsedized it must be.

      • Sam says:

        I had to read that twice…. First Gail is an actuary not an accountant. Yes you are right about current conditions but the the buyer of last resort can buy but what will they own? Debt that can never be repaid? Current conditions crash is no possible? Hmmm 🧐 QE does not work and I think we will see some crazy gyrations like when you lose your ground in an electrical system

        • MM says:

          They will own “ALL EARTH”.
          As long as there exists a court to file.
          Dept repayment is just an update in the database if the “ownership documentation” has been updated to current affairs.
          Someone can order all debts to be void. Afaik it is written in the bible. That does not apply to “property”.
          There exist a lot of experiments in the thirld world for “ownership” and “ownership transfer” of “property” based on blockchain.

          We will be like Bezos in space. Nothing “tangible” in zero money-gravity.

          Then : as I said: We will mark to market: either you have energy/products or you have not. That is like someone accidntially switching on “gravity”.

          Of course I know Gail is an Accountant, pls lets not split hairs on that

      • Karl W Hubbard says:

        I just assume when the crunch comes, people will have to move out of the cities if they can and if they have a place to stay out in the country. Forget green paper bills. Barter for a while, and then locally hard currency in the form of silver may eventually get a foothold. Gold too concentrated a form of wealth for for day to day transactions for necessities like food, farm tools, repairs etc. Gold will remain in the very wealthy’s possession until a new financial system gets established. No gas for big ticket items like cars to be purchased with gold anyway, and homes and land will be taxed though- if indeed there is private ownership. Cherchez Le Cuba.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Welcome to Karl’s Grand Delusion!

          Tell us more Karl.. will there be tambourines… and much singing of Koombaya?

  40. MM says:

    I want to give you a little scientific upgrade on genetically engineered vaccination.

    In the german corona investigative comitteee there was a session with a dutch scientist that unfortunately went pretty short and is a bit out of context.
    The link is this, audio is translated, but original english is in the track:—Sitzung-68-Wirksamer-Widerstand:638ccf96769ee60c6560955131fcc48297652d6f?src=embed

    What he is saying that there is currently running a field trial with a vaccine trail in a third world country.
    The trial is about “reseach on how to get hesitant people to vaccination”
    The topic for investigation is, if a measles virus vector could be used in children to apply an additional C-9/11 vaccine and this virus vector is not “inhibited” for replication but instead is planned for “vaccine virus replication” and thus shedding of the vaccinated (children) to shed the C-9/11 vaccine to their parents (because they are “hesitant”).
    Due to the shortness of the session, it is a bit tricky to understand the topic.
    You are right: We will vaccinate the children with measels and they will by shedding vaccinate their parents for c-9/11.
    The person interviewed claims that all the laws are already in place in germany to apply this “measles vaccine” to children from November 1st. (after the german election).
    Names mentioned are “Drosten” & “Baric”

    Actually WHO has already announced that there will be a “combined” influenza and c-9/11 vaccine this fall.

    Interestingly enough the idea of “applying genetic trickery to humans” is not yet in the final stages (*cough*) but we try in India:
    India recently allowed for the first c-9/11 vaccine based on DNA technology.
    You read it straight: C-9/11 Vaccine based on DNA technology means: altering your DNA.
    Unfortunatley the indian health authority did not publish any records for testing this DNA technology, but anyways, it is “approved”, maybe “emergency approved”…

    We just need to alter “the code” as Mister Attali explains in french here:

    • houtskool says:

      I like to look at things this way; if we compare fiat currencies to vaccines, and ‘real money’ to natural immunity, what would your thoughts be? And how would they advance?

      • MM says:

        Money is an illusion!

        Really, if you think about it, we can use shells as a means of exchange.
        money is a bet on future energy as Gail says.
        If I spare you a cigarrette today, will you remember it one day in the future? I will.
        There exist a lot of people that won’t. Them you must get rid of.

        • houtskool says:

          Money is in the eye of the beholder. Currently, it is not attached to reality anymore. It is a political promise, not an economic promise.

          The weak underbelly lies open to the predators of Mother Nature. And She is very hungry.

          The zebra sent negative rates, crypto currencies, Facebook money, diversity commercials by the boatload, censorship creditcards and booster shots as far as the eye can see

          But that won’t change reality

          • MM says:

            Gold, Goats ‘n’ guns
            Beans, Bullets ‘n’ Gold

            We knew that this would be coming and now it is here.
            The problem for me personally is that I never imagined this psychotic state of society. Society, what society?!

            It took me qute a while to realise that I will have to live in a psychatric asylum. Doomers did not have that on the radar.

            I have learnt to accept that as well.

            • Artleads says:

              Accepting the psychotic state of society should be consistent with normalizing old age, weakness, fragility… More respect for everything we ever looked down on with a sense of superiority.

  41. Azure Kingfisher says:

    A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Systemic Collapse and Pandemic Simulation,” by Fabio Vighi

    August 16, 2021

    “Joining the dots is a simple enough exercise. If we do so, we might see a well-defined narrative outline emerge, whose succinct summary reads as follows: lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to 1) Allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while deferring hyperinflation; and 2) Introduce mass vaccination programmes and health passports as pillars of a neo-feudal regime of capitalist accumulation. As we shall see, the two aims merge into one.

    “In 2019, world economy was plagued by the same sickness that had caused the 2008 credit crunch. It was suffocating under an unsustainable mountain of debt. Many public companies could not generate enough profit to cover interest payments on their own debts and were staying afloat only by taking on new loans. ‘Zombie companies’ (with year-on-year low profitability, falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflow, and highly leveraged balance sheet) were rising everywhere. The repo market meltdown of September 2019 must be placed within this fragile economic context…

    “The mainstream narrative should therefore be reversed: the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing. With lockdowns came the suspension of business transactions, which drained the demand for credit and stopped the contagion. In other words, restructuring the financial architecture through extraordinary monetary policy was contingent on the economy’s engine being turned off. Had the enormous mass of liquidity pumped into the financial sector reached transactions on the ground, a monetary tsunami with catastrophic consequences would have been unleashed…

    “At the heart of our predicament lies an insurmountable structural impasse. Debt-leveraged financialization is contemporary capitalism’s only line of flight, the inevitable forward-escape route for a reproductive model that has reached its historical limit. Capitals head for financial markets because the labour-based economy is increasingly unprofitable. How did we get to this?

    “The answer can be summarised as follows:

    1. The economy’s mission to generate surplus-value is both the drive to exploit the workforce and to expel it from production. This is what Marx called capitalism’s ‘moving contradiction’.[1] While it constitutes the essence of our mode of production, this contradiction today backfires, turning political economy into a mode of permanent devastation.

    2. The reason for this change of fortune is the objective failure of the labour-capital dialectic: the unprecedented acceleration in technological automation since the 1980s causes more labour-power to be ejected from production than (re)absorbed. The contraction of the volume of wages means that the purchasing power of a growing part of the world population is falling, with debt and immiseration as inevitable consequences.

    3. As less surplus-value is produced, capital seeks immediate returns in the debt-leveraged financial sector rather than in the real economy or by investing in socially constructive sectors like education, research, and public services.

    “The bottom line is that the paradigm shift underway is the necessary condition for the (dystopian) survival of capitalism, which is no longer able to reproduce itself through mass wage-labour and the attendant consumerist utopia. The pandemic agenda was dictated, ultimately, by systemic implosion: the profitability downturn of a mode of production which rampant automation is making obsolete. For this immanent reason, capitalism is increasingly dependent on public debt, low wages, centralisation of wealth and power, a permanent state of emergency, and financial acrobatics.

    “If we ‘follow the money’, we will see that the economic blockade deviously attributed to Virus has achieved far from negligible results, not only in terms of social engineering, but also of financial predation…”

    • Fast Eddy says:

      These are the symptoms… but the disease is the end of cheap energy….

      BAU is in the palliative care room now… the morphine drip is barely masking the pain .. as it waits to die. And 8B people have not the slightest clue…

    • Lastcall says:

      ‘the (dystopian) survival of capitalism, which is no longer able to reproduce itself through mass wage-labour and the attendant consumerist utopia.’

      Reproduction has always and everywhere been the measure of the productivity of a system. The US is unable to reproduce client states any more, let alone maintain its client citizens expectations.

      This has always been my interpretation of the over blown nose which is Covid; the disaster of Predatory Capitalism taking the opportunity to cover its a@@ with a fake pandemic.
      Biedend’s mandate on Injecting the recalcitrant is testament to the role of the poison to weaken and ultimately extinguish repercussions for actions taken.

    • Lastcall says:

      PS: thanks for reference

  42. Ed says:

    Gail, an article on natural gas in greater Asia could be good. Greater including EU and North Africa.

  43. Student says:

    The Italian newspaper ‘La Verità’ published yesterday an interesting article about lockdowns and attempts to reduce consumptions and inflation.

    The temptation of the governments: imposing new lockdowns and freezing consumption.
    Gas and pasta prices are rising (and not only). If inflation flares up the risk is poverty. Shutting everything down would stop the trend, but it would be crazy.

    The article is only for subscribers, here:

    But you can find a picture of the article here:

    Sorry if it is more difficult the automatic translation (because, in case, you need to write words directly on deepL), I don’t know if there is a way to see the full article from the official side.
    Anyway the main point is that all fits with Gail’s explanations and then consequent discussions made on this blog.
    Pandemic exists, but it gives also a wonderful excuse to make things very diffult to explain…

    So, first of all many thanks to Gail and then those who write here.
    It would not be easy to understand otherwise, in this terrible confusion.

    • It is convenient to have the pandemic to blame all of our current problems on.

      If our real problem is inadequate energy supply, somehow more lockdowns, or things that look like lockdowns, must follow.

  44. Yoshua says:

    In UK ~75 percent of the infected have received at least one dose of Vax. They are the plague rats infecting children with immune escape variants.

    • Interesting chart!

      Of course, this chart reflects the effect of whatever vaccine mix the UK is using (mostly Astra Zeneca with some Pfizer ??).

      Looking at the delta rates among the unvaccinated, it looks like the highest rate is among the 18-29 year olds, and the rate drops rapidly among older age groups. I can think of three explanations:

      1. Delta hits young people disproportionately hard. The second highest rate is among the under 18, not vaccinated.
      2. Perhaps older, un-vaccinated people disproportionately have immunity from having had an earlier variant of COVID-19.
      3. Perhaps older people mix less in close quarters than younger people.

      The higher rates among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated between ages 40 and 79 would seem to indicate that the vaccinations, themselves, are making people more vulnerable. Another possibility might be that the vaccinated people of a given age group could be out mixing more, making them more vulnerable. Or perhaps, the not-vaccinated group, at older ages, disproportionately include those having immunity from having COVID earlier. That immunity is protecting this group more than the vaccines.

      It would be interesting to see if the same pattern holds up in future weeks, and in other parts of the world.

      • MM says:

        Talking about “immune escape” a weak immune system of an elderly human does not need escaping. It is a hit in the furst place.
        The young people’s immune system must be escaped as well as the vaxxed.
        Old school medicine said “an epidemic lasts for 18 months”.
        Looks like 18 months are over in my calendar.

        virii virus

      • nikoB says:


        how many are being given early intervention meds?

        Would this change the stats significantly?

        Since they aren’t studying that we will never know.

  45. Harry McGibbs says:

    “World Economy Like a Patient on Experimental Drugs, Says Tooze…

    “We don’t know what the longer-term consequences of the degree of stimulus are that we’ve been administering. So it’s as though we’re testing drugs on a patient and we know that they work in the short run to mitigate pain and see us through the crisis.”

    • Sam says:

      It will be interesting to see if the “central planners “ actually taper and for how long and how far the markets drop! Is it just a head fake to see why will happen? At some point I think whatever they do will have no effect on the markets

    • The patient looks to be terminally ill. Finding anything that might work is a high priority.

      • MM says:

        Opiumm is a good choice if it was allowed to serve the terminally ill.

        • Ed says:

          Isn’t that what UBI is? Opium for the terminal economy.

          • houtskool says:

            Isn’t that what its all about? Opium? Fossil fuels gave us the opporunity to ‘opium’ forever. Of course, that one didn’t work out well in the end. After all, brain quantity is no guarantee for success.

            Mother Nature will take care of ALL refugees. Whether they are blind, black, white, christian, muslim, democrat, fascist and some individuals who can sh*t on their own gender free bucket.

          • MM says:

            Are we talking about the MORT theory here?
            Actually in my city there even exist vending macines for CBD.
            Actually I have a better vendor…

            The problem really boils down to “dying” and “pain relief” what the current vaccine is all about medically as far as I understand.
            Pain relief aka CEP . Fast, what is your turn on this ?

            UBI in german is called “universelles Grundinekommen”. UBI could be “unconditionional basic income” but to apply for it….you might need to meet some “conditions”.

            If you want me to go for the ant nation state, I warn you that you will have to supply me with a lot of drugs!

            And in case they are on offer, they need to be better than the ones I have! But as far as you are concerned I do not have such a thing.

            I just hope you can provide on a thing that does not exist.

            • houtskool says:

              I’m with Gail here. Distraction and cutting off energy consumption. And getting us in line.

            • MM says:

              Here is your line:

              Pretty straight, eh?

              As far as I am concerned:

              Lull yourself and vacinate yoursef in the knee!!!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        What drugs are given in palliative care?

        The most commonly prescribed drugs include acetaminophen, haloperidol, lorazepam, morphine, and prochlorperazine, and atropine typically found in an emergency kit when a patient is admitted into a hospice facility.

        As we prepare for The End of Civilization and the Extinction

        Who would have imagined it would end like this!!!

  46. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Sri Lanka central bank chief steps down as reserve crisis deepens.

    “Sri Lanka’s central bank chief to step down amid dwindling foreign exchange reserves, looming debt repayments and the economic fallout of an extended COVID-19 lockdown.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Explainer: How bad is the crisis in Lebanon?

      “Lebanon’s financial meltdown has swiftly worsened in the last month, with much of the country crippled by fuel shortages that have ignited country-wide security incidents.”

      • Fast Eddy says:

        This is a glimpse at what it looks like at the very edge of the abyss… without support from the IMF etc… this country goes over the cliff and crashes into the rocks…

        Now let’s imagine a core country in the position of Lebanon…. with the rest of the core not far behind… at some point nothing can be done…

        Now imagine living in Lebanon under the current conditions …. now imagine living in Lebanon after it falls into the abyss…

        You do NOT want to be alive when the first core country goes over the cliff… when that happens all countries will soon follow.


    • A long-time shutdown cannot help an economy.

    • I am afraid there is no one who can really fix this situation.

      • Artleads says:

        They should try, as long as they try in a sloppy, inefficient, confusing and passionate way. It’s believing we can go about fixes in the “right” way that makes the self organizing principle angry. It dislikes hubris, I believe.

      • MM says:

        Sorry, what do you mean by “a fix” ? The remote control for my TV set is working perfecty.

        • Artleads says:

          By fix I mean anything that human society deems fit to change. TPTB seem to be doing just as I recommended. Although I have trouble thinking that universal extinction is what they have in mind (if they remove themselves, why should they care about ultimate outcomes?), they’ve managed to get global society singing their tune with the help of mystification and confusion.

          • MM says:

            Well, we are not talking about the CEP here.
            What actually is in place is a ritual called vaccination that everyone accepting it will be put in the front seat of the materialist growth to the stars ideology.

            Actually in 2020 co2 emissions were down 7%,
            That is good!
            We need to decrease co2 by 7% each year for the next 20 years..

            I sent an email to Klaus Schwab wanting to help but I got no reply.

            I would like humans going to the stars but at the current moment I see a big delusion.
            Probably “them” are not as omnipotent as I am , haha…

            • Artleads says:

              MM, trying to make some sense of what I was reaching for in the original post.

              I’m a person who does things badly. I have some pockets of insight or talent, but I’m a terrible worker, just as, previously, I wa a terrible student. My stock in trade is disorganization, inefficiency, mess, slouchiness. I do everything wrong.

              But to be scientific about it, I know I didn’t want to correct the above flaws. So should I be condemned on that account? Reason doesn’t have a clear answer to this question, because I did something else that I know empirically was “worse.” In two locations where I did sloppy and disorganised advocacy, I left and was absent for a long time. It was not when I was present, advocating badly, that those places lost the most ground. Instead it was when I departed for those long periods.

              So it’s clearer to me that my absences didn’t work than that my lousy advocacy process didn’t work.

              I have no scientific grounds for suggesting that merely staying with the project, however badly executed, is not a formula for “success.” At this very late stage of the game, I want to stick with three or so project places, widely distant, but that I have lived in. Is there some supernatural source of support just for sticking to my projects, however abysmal my performance? And if so, taking to mind what Gail says about self organization systems being in charge, does sticking with something, doing it so hopelessly as to constitute doing nothing–do mere perseverance and passion optimally affect the self organizing system? To find out could be useful.

            • a says:

              MM, trying to make some sense of what I was reaching for in the original post.

              I’m a person who does things badly. I have some pockets of insight or talent, but I’m a terrible worker, just as, previously, I wa a terrible student. My stock in trade is disorganization, inefficiency, mess, slouchiness. I do everything wrong.

              But to be scientific about it, I know I didn’t want to correct the above flaws. So should I be condemned on that account? Reason doesn’t have a clear answer to this question, because I did something else that I know empirically was “worse.” In two locations where I did sloppy and disorganised advocacy, I left and was absent for a long time. It was not when I was present, advocating badly, that those places lost the most ground. Instead it was when I departed for those long periods.

              So it’s clearer to me that my absences didn’t work than that my lousy advocacy process didn’t work.

              I have no scientific grounds for suggesting that merely staying with the project, however badly executed, is not a formula for “success.” At this very late stage of the game, I want to stick with three or so project places, widely distant, but that I have lived in. Is there some supernatural source of support just for sticking to my projects, however abysmal my performance? And if so, taking to mind what Gail says about self organization systems being in charge, does sticking with something, doing it so hopelessly as to constitute doing nothing–do mere perseverance and passion optimally affect the self organizing system? To find out could be useful.

          • lol Artleads—your self description described me to a T.

            Hopeless employee, hopeless employer. I was always a lone furrow kinda guy.

            My last boss (in the sense of somebody paying me a monthly salary), committed suicide, though not for some years after I’d left. Maybe he just never got over the trauma,

            The answer–go self employed. that way i found my perfect niche.

            Cures all those ills instantly.

            • Duncan Idaho says:

              I agree Norman—
              I worked for Apple Computer for a while 25 years ago—
              Last corporate gig.
              Self employed.
              Actually, I can’t spend the resources I have.
              Getting in the rear view mirror.

            • Duncan–doesn’t surprise me at all that you’re one of ‘us’.

              think independently, the herd means nothing

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Finally norm has a successful attempt at humour… coupled with sacrasm

            • Artleads says:

              LOL. Did I drive somebody to suicide but didn’t know!

            • possible to have that effect on people.

              that guy was crazy–i felt that on the day i started to work for him, 2 days later he was in court on DUI charge, ——–even I couldn’t drive someone to drink in two days! It normally takes a week at least.

              Trouble was he doubled my salary to go work for him. Always the mercenary!

              –but he did do me the biggest favour by making me work for myself within a year. Best move I ever made.

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