The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

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It is my view that when energy supply falls, it falls not because reserves “run out.” It falls because economies around the world cannot afford to purchase goods and services made with energy products and using energy products in their operation. It is really a price problem. Prices cannot be simultaneously high enough for oil producers (such as Russia and Saudi Arabia) to ramp up production and remain low enough for consumers around the world to buy the goods and services that they are accustomed to buying.

Figure 1. Chart showing average annual Brent-equivalent oil prices in 2021$ based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy, together with bars showing periods when prices seemed to be favorable to producers.

We are now in a period of price conflict. Oil and other energy prices have remained too low for producers since at least mid-2014. At the same time, depletion of fossil fuels has led to higher costs of extraction. Often, the tax needs of governments of oil exporting countries are higher as well, leading to even higher required prices for producers if they are to continue to produce oil and raise their production. Thus, producers truly require higher prices.

Governments of countries affected by this inflation in price are quite disturbed: Higher prices for energy products mean higher prices for all goods and services. This makes citizens very unhappy because wages do not rise to compensate for this inflation. Prices today are high enough to cause significant inflation (about $107 per barrel for Brent oil (Europe) and $97 for WTI (US)), but still not high enough to satisfy the high-price needs of energy producers.

It is my expectation that these and other issues will lead to a very strangely behaving world economy in the months and years ahead. The world economy we know today is, in fact, a self-organizing system operating under the laws of physics. With less energy, it will start “coming apart.” World trade will increasingly falter. Fossil fuel prices will be volatile, but not necessarily very high. In this post, I will try to explain some of the issues I see.

[1] The issue causing the price conflict can be described as reduced productivity of the economy. The ultimate outcome of reduced productivity of the economy is fewer total goods and services produced by the economy.

Figure 2 shows that, historically, there is an extremely high correlation between world energy consumption and the total quantity of goods and services produced by the world economy. In my analysis, I use Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP because it is not distorted by the rise and fall of the US dollar relative to other currencies.

Figure 2. Correlation between world GDP measured in “Purchasing Power Parity” (PPP) 2017 International $ and world energy consumption, including both fossil fuels and renewables. GDP is as reported by the World Bank for 1990 through 2021 as of July 26, 2022; total energy consumption is as reported by BP in its 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The reason such a high correlation exists is because it takes energy to perform each activity that contributes to GDP, such as lighting a room or transporting goods. Energy consumption which is cheap to produce and growing rapidly in quantity is ideal for increasing energy productivity, since it allows factories to be built cheaply and raw materials and finished goods to be transported at low cost.

Humans are part of the economy. Food is the energy product that humans require. Reducing food supply by 20% or 40% or 50% cannot be expected to work well. The economy suffers the same difficulty.

In recent years, depletion has been making the extraction of fossil fuel resources increasingly expensive. One issue is that the resources that were easiest to extract and closest to where they were needed were extracted first, leaving the highest cost resources for extraction later. Another issue is that with a growing population, the governments of oil exporting countries require higher tax revenue to support the overall needs of their countries.

Intermittent wind and solar are not substitutes for fossil fuels because they are not available when they are needed. If several months’ worth of storage could be added, the total cost would be so high that these energy sources would have no chance of being competitive. I recently wrote about some of the issues with renewables in Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer.

Rising population is a second problem leading to falling efficiency. In order to feed, clothe and house a rising population, a growing quantity of food must be produced from essentially the same amount of arable land. More water for the rising population is required for the rising population, often obtained by deeper wells or desalination. Clearly, the need to use increased materials and labor to work around problems caused by rising world population adds another layer of inefficiency.

If we also add the cost of attempting to work around pollution issues, this further adds another layer of inefficiency in the use of energy supplies.

More technology is not a solution, either, because adding any type of complexity requires energy to implement. For example, adding machines to replace current workers requires the use of energy products to make and operate the machines. Moving production to cheaper locations overseas (another form of complexity) requires energy for the transport of goods from where they are transported to where they are used.

Figure 2 shows that the world economy still requires more energy to produce increasing GDP, even with the gains achieved in technology and efficiency.

Because of energy limits, the world economy is trying to change from a “growth mode” to a “shrinkage mode.” This is something very much like the collapse of many ancient civilizations, including the fall of Rome in 165 to 197 CE. Historically, such collapses have unfolded over a period of years or decades.

[2] In the past, the growth rate of GDP has exceeded that of energy consumption. As the economy changes from growth to shrinkage, we should expect this situation to reverse: The rate of shrinkage of GDP will be greater than the rate of shrinkage of energy consumption.

Figure 3 shows that, historically, world economic growth has been slightly higher than the growth in energy consumption. This growth in energy consumption is based on total consumption of fossil fuels and renewables, as calculated by BP.

Figure 3. Annual growth in world PPP GDP compared to annual growth in consumption of energy supplies. World PPP GDP is data provided by the World Bank; world energy consumption is based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In fact, based on the discussion in Section [1], this is precisely the situation we should expect: GDP growth should exceed energy consumption growth when the economy is growing. Unfortunately, Section [1] also suggests that we can expect this favorable relationship to disappear as energy supply begins to shrink because of growing inefficiencies in the system. In such a case, GDP is likely to shrink even more quickly than energy supply shrinks. One reason this happens is because complexity of many types cannot be maintained as energy supply shrinks. For example, international supply lines are likely to break if energy supplies fall too low.

[3] Interest rates play an important role in encouraging the development of energy resources. Generally falling interest rates are very beneficial; rising interest rates are quite detrimental. As the economy shifts toward shrinkage, the pattern we can expect is higher interest rates, rather than lower. As the limits of energy extraction are hit, these higher rates will tend to make the economy shrink even faster than it would otherwise shrink.

Part of what has allowed growing energy consumption in the period shown in Figures 2 and 3 is rising debt levels at generally lower interest rates. Falling interest rates together with debt availability make investment in factories and mines more affordable. They also help citizens seeking to buy a new car or home because the lower monthly payments make these items more affordable. Demand for energy products tends to rise, allowing the prices of commodities to rise higher than they would otherwise rise, thus making their production more profitable. This encourages more fossil fuel extraction and more development of renewables.

Once the economy starts to shrink, debt levels seem likely to shrink because of defaults and because of reluctance of lenders to lend, for fear of defaults. Interest rates will tend to rise, partly because of the higher inflation rates and partly because of the higher level of expected defaults. This debt pattern in turn will reinforce the tendency toward lower GDP growth compared to energy consumption growth. This is a major reason that raising interest rates now is likely to push the economy downward.

[4] With fewer goods and services produced by the economy, the world economy must eventually shrink. We should not be surprised if this shrinkage in some ways echoes the shrinkage that took place in the 2008-2009 recession and the 2020 shutdowns.

The GDP of the world economy is the goods and services produced by the world economy. If the economy starts to shrink, total world GDP will necessarily fall.

What happens in the future may echo what has happened in the past.

Figure 4. World energy consumption per capita, based on information published in BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Central bank officials felt it was important to stop inflation in oil prices (and indirectly in food prices) back in the 2004 to 2006 period. This indirectly led to the 2008-2009 recession as parts of the world debt bubble started to collapse and many jobs were lost. We should not be surprised if a much worse version of this happens in the future.

The 2020 shutdowns were characterized in most news media as a response to Covid-19. Viewed on an overall system basis, however, they really were a response to many simultaneous problems:

  • Covid-19
  • A hidden shortage of fossil fuels that was not reflected as high enough prices for producers to ramp up production
  • Hidden financial problems that threatened a new version of the 2008 financial collapse
  • Factories in many parts of the world that were operating at far less than capacity
  • Workers demonstrating in the streets with respect to low wages and low pensions
  • Airlines with financial problems
  • Citizens frustrated by long commutes
  • Very many old, sick people in care homes of various types, passing around illnesses
  • An outsized medical system that still desired to increase profits
  • Politicians who wanted a way to better control their populations–perhaps rationing of output would work around an inadequate total supply of goods and services

Shutting down non-essential activities for a while would temporarily reduce demand for oil and other energy products, making it easier for the rest of the system to appear profitable. It would give an excuse to increase borrowing (and money printing) to hide the financial problems for a while longer. It would keep people at home, reducing the need for oil and other energy products, hiding the fossil fuel shortage for a while longer. It would force the medical system to reorganize, offering more telephone visits and laying off non-essential workers. Many individual citizens could reduce time lost to commuting, thanks to new work-from-home rules and internet connections. The homebuilding and home remodeling industries were stimulated, offering work to those who had been laid off.

The impacts of the shutdowns were greatest on poor people in poor countries, such as those in Central and South America. For example, many people in the vacation and travel industries were laid off in poor countries. People making fancy clothing for people going to conferences and weddings were laid off, as were people raising flowers for fancy events. These people had trouble finding new employment. They are at increased risk of dying, either from Covid-19 or inadequate nutrition, making them susceptible to other illnesses.

We should not be surprised if some near-term problems echo what has happened in the past. Debt defaults and falling home prices are very real possibilities, for example. Also, making a new crisis a huge focal point and scaring the population into staying at home has proven to be a huge success in temporarily reducing energy consumption without actual rationing. Some people believe that monkeypox or a climate change crisis will be the next area of focus in an attempt to reduce energy consumption, and thus lower oil prices.

[5] There is likely to be more conflict in a world with not enough goods and services to go around.

With a shrinking amount of finished goods and services, we should not be surprised if we see more conflict in the world. Many wars are resource wars. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with other countries indirectly involved, certainly could be considered a resource war. Russia wants higher prices for its exports of many kinds, including energy exports. I wrote about the conflict issue in a post I wrote in April 2022: The world has a major crude oil problem; expect conflict ahead.

World War I and World War II were almost certainly about energy resources. Peak coal in the UK seems to be closely related to World War I. Inadequate coal in Germany and lack of oil in Japan (and elsewhere) seem to be related to World War II.

[6] We seem to be facing a new set of problems in addition to the problems that gave rise to the Covid-19 shutdowns. These are likely to shape how any new crisis plays out.

Some recently added problems include the following:

  • Debt has risen to a high level, relative to 2008. This debt will be harder to repay with higher interest rates.
  • The US dollar is very high relative to other currencies. The high level of the US dollar causes problems for borrowers from outside the US in repaying their loans. It also makes energy prices very high outside the US.
  • Oil, coal and natural gas are all in short supply world-wide, leading to falling productivity of the overall system Item 1. If extraction is to continue, prices need to be much higher.
  • Difficulties with broken supply lines make it hard to ramp up production of manufactured goods of many kinds.
  • Inadequate labor supply is an increasing problem. Baby boomers are now retiring; not enough young people are available to take their place. Increased illness, associated with Covid-19 and its vaccines, is also an issue.

These issues point to a situation where rising interest rates seem likely to send the world economy downward because of debt defaults and failing businesses of many kinds.

The high dollar relative to other currencies leads to the potential for the system to break apart under stress. Alternatively, the US dollar may play a smaller role in international trade than in the past.

[7] Many parts of the economy are likely to find that the promised payments to be made to them cannot really take place.

We have been taught that money is a store of value. We have also been taught that government promises, such as pensions, unemployment insurance and health insurance can be counted on. If there are fewer goods and services available in total, the whole system must change to reflect the fact that there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. There may not even be enough food to go around.

As the world economy hits limits, we cannot assume that the money we have in the bank will really be able to purchase the goods we want in the future. The goods may not be available to purchase, or the government may put a restriction (such as $200 per week) on how much we can withdraw from our account each week, or inflation may make goods we currently buy unaffordable.

If we think about the situation, the world will be producing fewer goods and services each year, regardless of what promises that have been made in the past might say. For example, the number of bushels of wheat available worldwide will start falling, as will the number of new cars and the number of computers. Somehow, the goods and services people expected to be available will start disappearing. If the problem is inflation, the affordable quantity will start to fall.

We don’t know precisely what will happen, but these are some ideas, especially as higher interest rates become a problem:

  • Many businesses will fail. They will default on their debt; the value of their stock will go to zero. They will lay off their employees.
  • Employees and governments will also default on debts. Banks will have difficulty remaining solvent.
  • Pension plans will have nowhere nearly enough money to pay promised pensions. Either they will default or prices will rise so high that the pensions do not really purchase the goods that recipients hoped for.
  • The international system of trade is likely to start withering away. Eventually, most goods will be locally produced with whatever resources are available.
  • Many government agencies will become inadequately funded and fail. Intergovernmental agencies, such as the European Union and the United Nations, are especially vulnerable.
  • Governments are likely to reduce services provided because tax revenues are too low. Even if more money is printed, it cannot buy goods that are not there.
  • Citizens may become so unhappy with their governments that they overthrow them. Simpler, cheaper governmental systems, offering fewer services, may follow.

[8] It is likely that, in inflation-adjusted dollars, energy prices will not rise very high, for very long.

We are likely dealing with an economy that is basically falling apart. Factories will produce less because they cannot obtain financing. Purchasers of finished goods and services will have difficulty finding jobs that pay well and loans based on this employment. These effects will tend to keep commodity prices too low for producers. While there may be temporary spurts of higher prices, finished goods made with high-cost energy products will be too expensive for most citizens to afford. This will tend to push prices back down again.

[9] Conclusion.

We are dealing with a situation that economists, politicians and central banks are ill-equipped to handle. Raising interest rates may squeeze out a huge share of the economy. The economy was already “at the edge.” We can’t know for certain.

Virtually no one looks at the economy from a physics point of view. For one thing, the result is too distressing to explain to citizens. For another, it is fashionable for scientists of all types to produce papers and have them peer reviewed by others within their own ivory towers. Economists, politicians and central bankers don’t care about the physics of the situation. Even those basing their analysis on Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) tend to focus on only a narrow portion of what I explained in Section [1]. Once researchers have invested a huge amount of time and effort in one direction, they cannot consider the possibility that their approach may be seriously incomplete.

Unfortunately, the physics-based approach I am using indicates that the world’s economy is likely to change dramatically for the worse in the months and years ahead. Economies, in general, cannot last forever. Populations outgrow their resource bases; resources become too depleted. In physics terms, economies are dissipative structures, not unlike ecosystems, plants and animals. They can only exist for a limited time before they die or end their operation. They tend to be replaced by new, similar dissipative structures.

While the current world economy cannot last indefinitely, humans have continued to exist through many bottlenecks in the past, including ice ages. It is likely that some humans, perhaps in mutated form, will make it through the current bottleneck. These humans will likely create a new economy that is better adapted to the Earth as it changes.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,063 Responses to The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

  1. Millions of Brits in for shock charges as credit card rates hit highest level since 1998

    With credit card borrowing growing at its fastest pace since 2005, new analysis shared with City A.M. this morning shows that last month average rates on credit cards hit their highest level since 1998.

    An analysis of the Bank of England’s quoted household interest rate figures uncovered that average credit card rates jumped 0.23 percentage points from June to hit 21.66 per cent in July – the highest average monthly rate since December 1998 (22.19 per cent).

    The data, shared by digital lender marketplace Freedom Finance, further showed that rates for £10k personal loans also rose in July to 4.18 per cent – a six-year high.

    Moreover, rates for a £5k personal loan also ticked up by 0.07 percentage points to 8.27 per cent in July, a four year-high.

    Meanwhile, overdraft rates stalled in July but are still at all-time highs of 35.28 per cent.

    ONS data last week found that 6m people using more credit than usual due to the cost-of-living crisis.

    Discussing the findings with City A.M., David Hendry, Chief Marketing Officer at Freedom Finance, said: “With credit card rates at record highs in this millennium, it is crucial that people take all necessary steps to get the most suitable product for their circumstances.”

    “It will be a difficult year ahead for household budgets,” he added.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      The top 1% may be less affected, but a lot of others will be affected.

  2. Without Any Legislative Powers, the Fed Is Rewriting the Law and Creating a Permanent $500 Billion Bailout Facility for Wall Street

    On July 28 of last year, the Fed announced that it was creating a $500 billion permanent bailout facility for the trading houses (“primary dealers”) on Wall Street to support “smooth market functioning.” The Fed gave the facility the bland sounding name of “Standing Repo Facility” or SRF. What the Fed was effectively doing was creating a new “discount window” where both Fed member banks and Wall Street trading houses could obtain billions of dollars in cumulative loans if a liquidity crisis arose.

    The resolution issued by the Fed in conjunction with the announcement indicates that the $500 billion ceiling can be “temporarily increased at the discretion of the Chair.” That means that Fed Chair Jerome Powell, who just recently started a new four-year term, has the power, without any advice and consent from Congress, to throw unlimited amounts of money at the trading houses on Wall Street.

    The resolution also puts this unlimited bailout facility under the auspices of the New York Fed – the same regional Fed bank responsible for the majority of the $29 trillion Wall Street bailout during and after the 2008 financial crisis.

    The New York Fed is literally owned by some of the biggest banks on Wall Street, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. (See our report: These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button.)

    The Fed’s resolution also notes that the loans will be made as “open market operations.” By calling these loans “open market operations” instead of emergency loans under the Federal Reserve Act’s Section 13(3), the Fed has effectively repealed the restrictions imposed on it by Congress under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010. The Dodd-Frank Act required that emergency loans made by the Fed under Section 13(3) receive the “prior approval of the Secretary of the Treasury”; cannot be made to insolvent institutions or to help those institutions avoid a bankruptcy filing; and the names of the borrowers and amounts borrowed had to be given to the Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees within seven days. Under its new Standing Repo Facility, the Fed has effectively taken Congress out of the loop.

    Last Friday morning, the New York Fed quietly added the federally-insured banks — Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A. and Morgan Stanley Private Bank, N.A. — to its list of counterparties at its Standing Repo Facility. Morgan Stanley & Co., the trading unit of the megabank, is already a counterparty to the SRF as one of the Fed’s primary dealers. This means that Morgan Stanley will be able to make three separate requests for loans from the Fed’s Standing Repo Facility. Likewise, both Goldman Sachs and Citigroup (Citibank) have both a trading unit and their federally-insured bank listed as counterparties to the SRF.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      Wow! A new way to do a $29 trillion bailout, without even consulting congress.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        No big deal .. they’ve been bailing the world out for over a decade to the tune of tens of trillions of dollars.. without a single vote

        That’s cuz there is no democracy… the Fed decides.. as it should

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    on August 8, 2022 at 12:24 pm said:
    It’s hard to know, with so many variables, but I expect full-blown crisis before the end of this year.

    Financial markets are likely to panic when the reality sinks in. Unrest is likely, starting with labour strikes and cost-of-living protests. Governments will become hugely unpopular, and are likely crack down on protests, whilst rationing of at least essentials is to be expected. Power cuts, as a form of rationing, seem likely.

    Historically, people have rebelled when they can’t afford food. Being deprived of foreign holidays and new gadgets isn’t likely to spark the same response. But abject poverty, despair and resentment are powerful emotions.

    We can’t rule out overseas adventures as exercises in distraction. Taiwan?

    Some countries worry me more than others. China’s financial problems are immense, and can only be made worse by energy problems. Britain seems to be descending into shambles as the Tories decide who can best prolong their policy derangement. Even America has clear economic problems – and I’d watch the housing market particularly – though problems there are political as much as economic.

    BOOM Q4????

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      Some major crisis in the fourth quarter certainly sounds like a distinct possibility.

      The quote comes from this link:

      His post is “#237. Asking for the moon”

  4. Fast Eddy says:

    As a direct result of problems with energy supply – interacting with a system founded on the hubristic assumption of infinite growth – the World is heading for a financial crash which is likely to dwarf the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2008-09.

    Where monetary and fiscal policy is concerned, there’s something we need to be absolutely clear about – even if we were gifted with utterly brilliant decision-makers in governments and the central banks, there’s nothing they could do to boost the supply of affordable energy.

    The restoration of energy trade with Russia might, were it to happen, provide some temporary relief, but wouldn’t halt the rise in global ECoEs. Russia doesn’t have infinite supplies of hydrocarbons, and neither are its oil and gas operations particularly cheap.

    Surely Tim must understand this is impossible:

    But no workable amelioration measures can be crafted whilst our appreciation of the situation remains faulty.

    The reality is that we need to concentrate on how to allocate and manage deteriorating prosperity. This has become a less-than-zero-sum game. We should not delude ourselves into believing that we can help some without taking from others.

    This becomes a political choice and, many might say, a moral one. Social cohesion depends on facing this reality, and there’s no mileage in denying it, or trying to wish it away by proposing financial gimmicks that can’t work.

    It’s so obvious that this will end in total chaos… starvation … mass murder… rape etc… (he’ll have no clue that UEP is in the works)… we are not going to settle into a much lower standard of living using less energy….

    Is he putting this out there because he does not want to plunge his readers into despair?

    He’s not even really doing that… he doesn’t even attempt to explain what this new normal looks like…

    • Xabier says:

      Dr Morgan doesn’t want to be accused of being a ‘catastrophist’, so he always shies away from Collapse.

      He also pays far too little attention to what is going on – WEF, etc lives on a fantasy holiday island in the Med, and is rather naive about human nature despite having worked in the City as an economist – he probably didn’t get to see the debased and nasty side of those people.

      First class intellect all the same; but too narrow, and far too old-fashioned British to see the world as it really is. The UK is another kind of fantasy island.

      His mind was formed decades ago, like Norman (although at a much higher level, Cambridge entry standard was very high in his day) and is not sufficiently receptive and adaptive to grasp the reality of the 3rd decade of the 21st century in all its ramifications.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The thing is…

        He may believe he maintains some sort of academic credibility (outside of the Doomsday community) by identifying the problem yet not proclaiming it’s the end of the world we are facing.

        Given his background and contacts might be his motivation for pumping a bit of hopium out

        Does anyone know his position on the injections — is he injected?

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      Tim makes a good point:

      ” Russia doesn’t have infinite supplies of hydrocarbons, and neither are its oil and gas operations particularly cheap.”

      Also, you are right:

      “The reality is that we need to concentrate on how to allocate and manage deteriorating prosperity. This has become a less-than-zero-sum game. We should not delude ourselves into believing that we can help some without taking from others.”

      In fact, it probably needs to take the death of several low or middle-income people, to try to support the continuing lifestyle of one rich person.

      • again and again

        the human population is co-supportive (whether we like each other or not)

        it isn’t possible to remove vast swathes of ‘unnecessary’ people in order to ‘redistribute’ resources among the survivors.

        Even taking the extreme hypothesis of, say, emptying Africa, and thus reducing world pop by 2bn, the immediate result would be wars over who would have their resources.

        taking that a (ridiculous) step further, none (and I emphasise none) of Africas resources would be of he slightest use without the fuel resources to convert them into something else.

        • Xabier says:

          Poor old, confused, Norman: quite wrong, once again.

          Do go and read some history: the annihilation of the possessors and expropriation of resources in order to exploit them is perhaps the most common event in human history.

          Why don’t you toddle off to the local garden centre cafe to share your wisdom and wit with your ageing and no doubt appreciative cronies?

          Oh, and Norman: what about the murdered children? We can’t let you off that one, ever.

          • my mass murdering case comes up next week, am currently out on bail. It was set at 50p–But i left a pound as no one had any change.

            all previous exploiters of other peoples resources have possessed the means by which to use them for their own ends,–that is the whole point of conquest

            If youd taken the trouble to digest my comment, instead of being in such a hurry to reach into eddys scrabble bag of recycled insults, you might have understood that

            I repeat:
            >>>taking that a (ridiculous) step further, none (and I emphasise none) of Africas resources would be of he slightest use without the fuel resources to convert them into something else.<<<<

            now Xabier, instead of eddywitting 'you're wrong–you're wrong', expand your intellect for the benefit of all of us, and explain where the above is in error?

            There's a good chap.
            (Take your time.)

            • Kowalainen says:

              Behold; the master of using a gazillion words and saying nothing at all has written.

              Ladies and gentlemen, I present you:

              Normal Pageant
              Aka. Captain Myopia.

            • fair comment Kow—i do suffer from verbal diarrohea, (but as least it smells better that most other sufferers on OFW)

              but a rant does not rebuttal make

              please explain where I am wrong

              otherwise you make yourself sound foolish

            • Fast Eddy says:

              norm’s strategy with women is to bore them to sleep … then peek into their blouse… and up their skirt….

              norm is so boring that they actually go into a comatose state….

              winning! scoring!!! diapers!!! welcome to norm’s twisted world

            • sharks move only forward, and eat

              their lives know nothing else,

              they are incapable of subtlety…they know of nothing but ‘self’—-sooooooo right!!!

              even the norty bits fit perfectly:
              >>>>he male will insert his clasper into the female’s cloaca, releasing sperm and fertilizing her eggs. This usually happens whilst the sharks are swimming parallel to one another, the male will hold on to the female with his teeth, often inflicting bite marks along the female’s body.<<<<

              brilliant summation of yourself–couldn't have done better eddy if i'd tried , have to hand it to you..

              You get to wear the 'genius' hat for the day.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              We are not interested in hearing about your filthy romps with SS SINdy.

              Save those stories for The Adventures of Diaper Man

            • sounds like i hit the right button there

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I knew brian

            I would sometimes bike past the restaurant at 730am … he’d be sitting their drinking a pint and ‘doing the previous days numbers’…. He’d carry on like this — but shift to hard stuff later in the day… and often continue after the 8pm closing….

            He was dead at I think 53 – he looked 73… alcoholism is a terrible disease… (I highly recommend Bolivian blow over booze… generally you will run out of $$$ before you die)

            But in the months before he died the booze had crossed the blood brain barrier big time … he was often incoherent … paranoid … delusional…

            norm reminds me of brian… norm is completely out of touch… of course norm’s brain is infused with spike protein rather than alcohol… but norm is equally f789ed.

  5. Studente says:

    I wonder our US people are reacting to the FBI search, weapons in hand, inside Donald Trump’s house.
    That seems really a sort of episode of a tv series, located in a unspecified State in Latin America.

    US doesn’t seem to be in good shape…

    • Kowalainen says:

      The probability that Orange Man Bad is pure as Tier 1 Colombian blow is equal to:


      Wanna ride the high horse; then be prepared for the fall if your slimy rear end isn’t properly tied down to the truth you preach.

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    If there’s a common fallacy, it’s that we just need to find the right financial answers to our woes.

    None of this can work, because what we are witnessing now is absolute proof that the economy is an energy system, not a financial one.

    Western Europe is one of the richest places on the planet, but its financial wealth will be meaningless – and will, in fact, evaporate – unless energy can be sourced in the requisite quantities, and at affordable prices.

    Few regions are immune to this same problem. North America has substantial energy resources, but their costs are high, and rising. China has a sizeable energy deficit, as do other economies in the Far East. Even Russia, with her energy wealth, can’t emerge unscathed from a global economic slump caused by generalised energy deficiencies.

    The war in Ukraine has reduced the supply of natural gas, but an end to that war, and the restoration of trade with Russia, wouldn’t solve our energy supply problem. This situation – including surges in the price of gas – was developing well before the first Russian tank rolled over the Ukrainian border. The costs of fossil fuels are continuing to rise relentlessly, and this is now pointing towards a decline in the volumes of oil, natural gas and coal available to the economy.

    Uke war came at just the right time… as prices were lifting off… I need to get around adding that to UEP

    • ”None of this can work, because what we are witnessing now is absolute proof that the economy is an energy system, not a financial one.”

      agreeing with me eddy??

      that will never do

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    Celeste B
    9 DAYS AGO
    Maybe it is the repeated vaccinations?

    David FitzSimmons
    9 DAYS AGO
    I have noticed a lot of my customers complaining of having allergies now even though they never complained before over the last twenty years.
    Funny, I wonder if this is tied into the T-cell syndrome or the vaccines.

    Jan Jaworski
    9 DAYS AGO
    People who had vaccines succumb more to Covit than non-vaccinated. They already have a weak immune system. They will be affected by this in the near future. My chidden were sick with all kind of viruses after the vaccines.

    Norman Bobbitt
    9 DAYS AGO
    It would be interesting to see a breakdown of the so called long Covid cases among the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. Is this not being provided because it does not fit the agenda?

    9 DAYS AGO
    This is what happens when you introduce unproven vaccines and its carriers to the human immune system, The immune system was working pretty good before.

    Michael Smith
    9 DAYS AGO
    Excess deaths way up, young people dying at record rates and numbers, heart problems in otherwise healthy people through the roof, immune systems becoming inexplicably weakened, increase in stillborn babies, increased rates of infertility, sudden-onset paralysis and nerve diseases—what is the common denominator in all of this? What have all these people in common?
    COVID! They all had COVID! That’s got to be it! It’s not that they were all forced to take multiple injections of a redefined vaccine that wasn’t tested or trialled or properly approved. COVID did it! Better take more of those vaccines to save you!

    Jay Weiler
    9 DAYS AGO
    by getting the jab you’ve bypassed the natural presentation of the spike protein IGA and shot spike protein directly into the blood. What did you think was going to happen?

    Phil Rack
    9 DAYS AGO
    LOL! Is covid aging our immune systems……….?
    How about the vaccine that scientists, vaccinologists and virologists like Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Luc Montagnier, Dr Byram Bridle and many, many more all warned could lead to immune-fatigue syndromes………….
    Could be that too right……?

    Johnny Bruc
    9 DAYS AGO
    Nothing to do with the vaccine isn’t it? Blame everything on covid has been the successful policy for the tyrants and the so called scientists for the past couple of years. When the blind cult believes whatever the so called scientists and governments spew no wonder we are in the slippery slope of tyranny.

    Kevin Dubs
    9 DAYS AGO
    TL:DR Author posits covid may permanently compromise your immune system, but the jab couldn’t be to blame because #ScIeNzE

    George McKenzie
    9 DAYS AGO
    Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. These experts are so far down their rabbit holes they can’t see the obvious. It’s repeated mRNA shots that are damaging your immune system.

    There are loads of comments removed… if they allowed the ones above … what could people have posted that caused them to be removed….

  8. Fast Eddy says:

    The comments

    Phil Hartman
    9 DAYS AGO
    There is something aging us, but it ain’t Covid, it’s Covidiots.

    george monteith
    9 DAYS AGO
    So four jabs of the experimental gene therapy had / has no effect on the immune system ( other than degrade it by 20 % per jab )
    any bad side effect is covid’s fault!! I see .

    Will Knott
    9 DAYS AGO
    “Is COVID prematurely aging our immune systems?”
    LOL, are you seriously trying to blame the laboratory made bio weapon for the long term permanent immune system damage and not attributing it to the VAX poison?

    George McKenzie
    9 DAYS AGO
    What if it’s not covid ? Could it possibly be the experimental mRNA shot. If it was we would never read about it as they have a habit of doubling down on stupid.

    John Klare
    9 DAYS AGO
    A UBC PHD full professor with expertise in immunology and anti-bodies did answer the question many people asked in this comment section about whether the V compromised the immune system.
    His research specifically found that the people who were double vaccinated and boosted and then got Covid-19 had the less of an immune response than someone who has never vaxxed and then got covid. (i.e. natural immunity gave a broader immune response). Full detail below.

    David Mac
    9 DAYS AGO
    what about the evidence of the vaccines themselves contributing to long term illness.

    Jeffrey Patton
    9 DAYS AGO
    Just replace the word “infections” with “injections” and the ends make sense of what’s going on.

    Carlo M Cipolla
    9 DAYS AGO
    On thing is for certain.
    Those five Toronto area doctors, who died within 10 days shortly after the fourth booster roll-out, will not be able to give us their opinion on this.

  9. CTG says:

    Sorry to beat the same drum again and again. Yes. There are two observations.

    1. Dubai Airport’s traffic dropped again this week. Click here

    I scroll the list down so that the advertisement disappears. The entire list of flights arriving as it filled my computer screen is 20 flights. Generally, pre-COVID. the time difference the top and bottom of list is probably 30mins or even much less. Today, it is 1 hour. It means there are 20 arrivals per hour only. Sometimes, it can be 1.5 hours. That is during daytime. Check out the graph on passenger traffic from a high of 88m in 2018 to 29m in 2021. I am pretty sure it is down again

    2. The second observation – the arrivals in Dubai are from cities that I don’t even know. It used to be there are plenty of flights from large cities like Tokyo, HK or even Manchester, Cincinnati, Houston. So, I can say the “quality” of flights dropped. Flights from large cities to large cities are great revenue earner and perhaps carrying business people. Cities like Yereva, Isfahan, Multan or some small cities seriously brings not much benefit to the world.

    • Dubai airport is predicated on fossil fuels being available into infinity. Clearly they are not going to be.

      Heathrow has a third runway planned, due to come into service in 2036

      clearly i am missing a trick here.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      Clearly the Dubai has a big problem. Something is quite wrong.

  10. This is an extremely ugly chart from the NAB business survey.

    Purchase costs, labour costs and final product prices are all rocketing well above the decade average.

    It’s worth noting that this is not the annual increase, its quarterly.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      Final product cost are rocketing up less than labor or purchase costs. This doesn’t end well either.

  11. Jan says:

    Goldman Sachs revised down Brent to $110. In Austria and Germany gasoline costs per liter 2 EURs to 2.30 EURs – like never before. No additional carbon tax has been implemented yet.

    Is that only a political decision?

    • Alex says: (excerpts)

      “There is a huge divergence between Brent prices, which averaged $110/bbl in June-July, and the $160/bbl Brent-equivalent global retail fuel price. Conceptually, two prices matter for modeling the oil market:

      (1) the retail price of fuels paid by consumers as it drives demand elasticity and
      (2) the crude price received by producers as it drives supply elasticity.

      Up until 2021, retail prices followed a stable relationship to Brent prices but this is no longer the case due to significant distortions to each of the steps required to transform crude oil coming out of the ground into fuels consumed by producers. The unprecedented discount of Brent prices can be explained by the worsening Russian energy crisis, as it boosts the costs through surging EU gas prices, freight rates, USD and global refining utilization.

      The high retail price did not result in enough demand destruction to end the current, unsustainable deficit. The prevalence of retail government interventions such as price freezes/controls (such as those in China and India, versus tax holidays in the OECD) continues to shield oil demand more than expected.”

      • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
        Gail Tverberg says:

        There are a lot of tax dollars in the retail sales prices of fuels. Some of the tax dollars are called “carbon taxes.”

        This is the opposite of “renewables,” which have a lot of subsidies offsetting their costs.

  12. Wet My Beak says:

    The glorious irony of the latest ethnic battle royale taking place in Auckland (sad new zealand’s largest chinese city) is not immediately obvious to viewers.

    The language appears to be English or some pigeon-level equivalent.

    The irony is that the outside of the marxist diversity-pushing radio station, Radio new zealand is the venue for the latest meeting of one of many groups of violent savages in this collapsing country.

    That radio station is a state-funded medium and is generally first to pounce on any heretic questioning the immigration policies of the current ethno-marxist government.





    • Fast Eddy says:

      Are those doomie preppers refusing to give the hungry guys food – so they stomped their faces?

      • Wet My Beak says:

        I have heard through the grape vine that there are now isolated pockets of cannibalism breaking out in that sad country new zealand.

        It’s impossible for an average family to feed itself these days and the queues of people lining up for McDonalds in the early evenings bear testament to this hopeless reality.

        Once a rich country it is now a blood bath and the prepared limbs of some citizens are beginning to appeal to a few of the poor.

        As nutritional levels decline the chinee bio-weapon Covid is also becoming more virulent.

        A dead new zealander is of course more of a solution than a problem but if one is considering chowing down on kiwi flesh please cook well to avoid contamination.

        Meat can carry the sad spiritual signature of the provider and this is also a worry for kiwi limb consumers.

        The only escape is a one way ticket out of this hell. But not on the world’s worst airline; Air new zealand. A horrific journey is guaranteed with aging 100 kilo plus hogs throwing slop at passengers as they negotiate their corpulent frames down the threadbare carpets in the aisles.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Which country is it that FE is gracing his eminence in?

          Asking for a friend.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Air NZ for some reason feels obligated to employ Plough Hogs… you’d think they’d want to keep their flying weight down…

          But nope — they haven’t figured out that loading a dozen 120kg monsters onto the plane uses more fuel.

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    China Property Woes Spark Longest Mortgage Debt Halt Since 2015
    Sales of residential mortgage-backed notes set for record drop
    Plummeting home sales, developers’ cash crunch weaken demand

    One of the Decade’s Hottest Bond Markets Is Imploding in China

    When investor demand for Chinese property debt was approaching its peak back in 2018, a banker could pull together the makings of a multi-million dollar deal during a Saturday boat trip around Hong Kong’s harbor and barely look up from her drink while doing it.

    Now, the $203 billion market—which once yielded several deals a week and padded portfolios across the world from Pimco to UBS—is all but dead. And offshore investors are swallowing almost all of the losses.

    • Joe Bloggs in his saner days did a good post on this (about Feb time). Might try and dig it out. The gist of the post was that to try and save the building companies, the govt would step in and help out, there would be an attempt to save the China-based investors, and all foreign investors were likely to lose everything. If I remember correctly, the foreign investors were told to come back to the negotiating table 6 months later, which amounted to saying – your getting nout.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      It looks like you found this article first. I noticed a link in a later comment first. It is indeed an important article. Thanks!

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Always remember… Wolf is a major as-shole… but anyways

    • Interesting – Wolf mentions, but gives no figures, that there are a few people in the USA who bought a new house not having sold there old house(s) – he implies deliberately, they are waiting for prices to go up then sell. What, one might ask, were they thinking? I know – they were not thinking – probably believe the vaxxes are safe and effective. As Wolf points out, most property markets in the USA are now flooded, with supplies of unsold houses / apartments growing for the 11th month in a row, prices either about to fall or in some areas, having fallen quite drastically already.

      A young-ish couple we know could not sell their old house – at the price they wanted. The market in Aberdeen has been failing for a few years and there were several houses for sale in their area. They could easily have sold if they dropped the price, but they rented out instead. I suspect that there are many people in Aberdeen who did the same thing – could not sell their house / flat at the price they wanted so rented out instead, waiting for the good times to return – “they always do”. In the meantime, the value of their property has fallen by maybe 40%. One young lady we met a couple of years ago, a nurse – she was buying a bed from us, said she had a new job down in England, had to move, but her flat was now valued at £60,000 less than what she paid for it, so she was renting it out. £60,000 I would guess was a 30-40% fall.

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    “How did climate doomsters get the Great Barrier Reef so wrong?” – Ross Clark in the Speccie says that with coral cover on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef up at record levels, how did climate change experts, who warned of bleaching from rising sea temperatures, get it so wrong?

    Easy same reason every prediction they make is wrong… cuz it’s all f789ing bullshit.

    • Afraid you didn’t interpret the article in the manner of …the Great Barrier Reef
      The Great Barrier Reef has record coral cover. It may not matter
      High coral cover findings can be just a few dominant species that grow rapidly after a disturbance but are likely to die out within a few years.
      Inferring that a reef has recovered by a person being towed behind a boat to obtain a rapid visual estimate of coral cover is like flying in a helicopter and saying a bushfire-hit forest has recovered because the canopy has grown back.

      It provides no information about diversity, or the abundance and health of other animals and plants that live in and among the trees, or coral.

      ….But in this instance, it’s more likely the reef is being dominated by only few species, as the report states that branching and plating Acropora species have driven the recovery of coral cover.

      Acropora coral are renowned for a “boom and bust” life cycle. After disturbances such as a cyclone, Acropora species function as pioneers. They quickly recruit and colonize bare space, and the laterally growing plate-like species can rapidly cover large areas.

      Fast-growing Acropora corals tend to dominate during the early phase of recovery after disturbances such as the recent series of mass bleaching events. However, these same corals are often susceptible to wave damage, disease or coral bleaching and tend to go bust within a few years.

      Inferring that a reef has recovered by a person being towed behind a boat to obtain a rapid visual estimate of coral cover is like flying in a helicopter and saying a bushfire-hit forest has recovered because the canopy has grown back.

      It provides no information about diversity, or the abundance and health of other animals and plants that live in and among the trees, or coral.

      My study, published last year, examined 44 years of coral distribution records around Jiigurru, Lizard Island, at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef.

      It suggested that 28 of 368 species of hard coral recorded at that location haven’t been seen for at least a decade, and are at risk of local extinction.

      Lizard Island is one location where coral cover has rapidly increased since the devastating 2016-17 bleaching event. Yet, there is still a real risk local extinctions of coral species have occurred.

      Without more information at the level of individual species, it is impossible to understand how much of the Great Barrier Reef has been lost, or recovered, since the last mass bleaching event.

      The Conversation
      Based on the coral cover data, it’s tempting to be optimistic. But given more frequent and severe heatwaves and cyclones are predicted in the future, it’s wise to be cautious about the reef’s perceived recovery or resilience.
      Zoe Richards is a Senior Research Fellow at Curtin University. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    The TikTok generation’s anti-work movement is dangerous and unrealistic

    One person we know with this attitude is obese — gets drunk as a pig and shags whatever comes along (a right Fat Slag – similar to SS SINdy except too stoopid to charge)…. and get this … goal in life — to marry a wealthy man and not have to work (and no doubt lay about eating more deep fried pig slop getting fatter by the day)

    hahahahahahaha…… Clown World!!!!

    She’s in an anti-logic world like Herbie hahahahaha

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    “NHS sending police to heart attack callouts due to paramedic shortage” – The Mail reports that police officers in England and Wales are being forced to pick up the health service’s workload, with armed officers showing up to treat cardiac arrest patients.


    “Workers embrace the bare minimum in ‘quiet quitting’ trend” – Doing just enough to avoid being sacked is celebrated by TikTok users, partly inspired by China’s ‘lying flat’ movement

    hahahaha great – we know people like this

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    It’s unclear what the exact cause of her death was but she had been battling cancer since being re-diagnosed

    VAIDS. Good.

    • Tim Groves says:

      “The actress died peacefully at her home in Southern California this morning, surrounded by family and friends. Her husband John Easterling announced her death on her Facebook page.”

      So that’s the protocol these days?

      Quite probably, ONJ was unjabbed.

      From last September:

      Consternation among the hardworking team at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre.

      The medical centre is doing its best to promote vaccinations during the pandemic while quietly freaking out about how to handle its patron who, when it comes to getting the jab, doesn’t appear to be singing from the same songsheet.

      The Melbourne-raised singer, songwriter, actor, entrepreneur, activist and medicinal cannabis advocate, who now resides at a Californian ranch, was frank earlier this year when she said she had no plans to take the COVID vaccine “at this point”.

      And from last December:

      Olivia Newton-John has said that she will not be getting the coronavirus vaccine during a bizarre interview with her daughter.

      In the interview alongside Chloe Lattanzi, 35, the Grease star, when asked if she’d take the injection, told The Herald Sun: “Not at this point, no.”

      Absolutely bizarre! How dare she say she will not be getting the clot shot? Perhaps Livvy wasn’t a total Normie after all.

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    Look at that size of the one tranny hog in this … woo hoo SOOOO EEEEE….

    31 and dead hahahahaha

    How about some guns?

  20. Tim Groves says:

    This video is of significant political and social import, and is entitled “Crazy mask lady wishes this man’s kids would die.”

    Although IMHO, it would be more appropriate to title it “Loud-mouthed lard-assed Karen at a fast food counter worries that she could get sick and die because a man’s kids might breathe on her French fries.”

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The fat hog…. is concerned about dying from Covid…. and she’s purchasing more deep fried pig slop to feed that big ass and gut …. hahaha + she’d be 4x pumped full of Safe and Effective hahahaha.. what’s to worry about?????

      It’s a good thing she doesn’t try that sh it on with someone like Fast Eddy… Fast Eddy don’t take no sh it from a fat bitch….

      Fast might take her by the hair and drag her outside — and find some hobos rooting in a dumpster for scraps…. and let em know She’s All Yours Fellas (SAYF)….

      What’s your take on this norm?

      Shall we do a vax injury dance and ask the fizer gods to wreck the pig… get that woman a ventilator and some RemDeath…. Put it Down (PID)

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Just thinking … imagine if that .. thing… was your wife…. that whining nagging voice….

      I reckon you take her on a cruise off of Alaska and have an oopsie she fell into the sea…..

      • Kowalainen says:

        Assume Karen taking “your” kids to the “Suicide Booths” where lethal injections are administered. Would you:

        1. Blame the plough hog?
        2. Assault the pharmacists or the administering nurse/doc?
        3. Blame yourself for being a gullible hyper Tryhard placating a hyper MOARon and having offspring with the vile beast

        Personally I’d go for 3.
        That is by far the most depressing.

        “Only the paranoid survive”
        — Billy “Pearly” Gates

    • Fast Eddy says:

      He could have responded with — if you are so concerned about dying you should skip the fast food because by the looks of you, you are well on your way to diabetes heart disease and a stroke… you f789ing disgusting slob…

      Hahaha… that’s what FE would have said…. then when triggered and she launched that Big Unit at FE… he’s deftly step to the side and stick his leg out tripping the giant caboose… she’d smash her face into the floor… stunned … she’d be easily lead out back to the dumpters and the hobos…

      I doubt she has a husband but if she does… he’d be thanking FE for finally putting this nightmare in her place… she probably beats him daily.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Glad you enjoyed the video. I thought it was very entertaining. As good as Candid Camera in the old days.

        You are absolutely right about the fast food diet, especially if washed down with a liter of Coke. That pear-shaped figure is the woman’s poor abused body’s way of crying “Help! Emergency! Lethal Danger! Get me to a health farm and on a ketogenic diet straight away! Please don’t let my owner abuse me to death!”

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Someone should revive Candid Camera and walk the streets taunting the MOREONS.

          They should do it in a state of the US that allows them to carry a handgun …. and be sure to know how to use it….

          How awesome would that be! I’d pay to watch that

          You want dystopian as we hurtle towards the meat grinder … put Fast Eddy in charge of the programming … you’ll get some serious dystopia.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    VAIDS is out of control in australia

    Australia banned a negative testing Novak Djokovic but allows a Covid positive player to play cricket?

    This was never about health.

    “Bradford man” Abdul Ghani jailed for having sex with pony.

    Not all cultures are equal.

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    Live to Fight Another Day

    Phil Davis replied to your comment

    I have had the discussion with a doc in her office, not my regular doc. She actually called the police. This is how warped they are, complete mind control. Zombie’s with degrees on the wall. All thinking has vanished. I stayed and waited for the police, I wanted to see what they would do for giving my opinion. They said I had to go because, you know, private business. All for expressing my feelings and decisions. No one can convince me now that they wont start concentration camps, they will do it. They are that screwed up.

    • MM says:

      Sacrificing children
      burning witches
      deporting jews

      It always works because it’s safe and effective!

      • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
        Gail Tverberg says:

        Too many people.
        Witches tended to be rich; so were many of the Jew. Left behind valuable possessions.

    • i desperately want to believe you are winding us all up

  23. Fast Eddy says:

    hahahahaha as if…

    “The miserable truth is that our leaders don’t want us to have cheap energy” – Politicians, in hoc to eco-extremists, have come to believe that consuming fuel is intrinsically sinful

  24. Fast Eddy says:

    “Fourteen young Canadian docs die after getting the shot. Normally would be around zero over 30 years” – Steve Kirsch writes: “This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are 14.”

    • Lastcall says:

      Its a cult.
      Membership via the ‘Injection Ritual’.
      Its for the best.

      In this way the medical system will cleanse itself of the wackjobs.
      Then maybe a health system can take root.

      • Jan says:

        They are getting rid of the old, the vulnerable, the stupid and the cowards. Soon they can redistribute wealth from a large society to a smaller society.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    20 year old kid… one of the better hockey players in the country…

    Never been sick in my life — since the vaccines I am constantly not feeling well – general sickness.


    • Xabier says:

      Many vaxxed young people might be feeling unwell all the time.

      An odd thing happened here: lots of students usually like to run on the footpath to this village when the winter weather has passed, and above all when exams are over.

      This year, practically no one: quiet as the grave. Vaxx injured and too seedy to feel like running? This is like the regular migration of a bird species suddenly stopping.

      Rather disappointing, too, as a full Cambridge ladies boat crew out on a run is an impressive athletic sight!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Further on this… we are talking about the local hockey and sporting community:

        ‘Tons of guys are getting the flu multiple times or Covid again or common cold constantly.’

        • Xabier says:

          Sounds likely: the vaxx-knackered Cambridge students probably just stayed in their rooms and had coffee.

          I did miss the public ‘box-ercising’, too. For some reason, hairy blokes never do that……

  26. Fast Eddy says:

    More People are Catching Coronavirus a Second Time, Heightening Long COVID Risk

    “According to a preprint study examining U.S. veterans, of which Al-Aly was the lead author, getting infected twice or more “contributes to additional risks of all-cause mortality, hospitalization and adverse health outcomes” in various organ systems, and can additionally worsen risk for diabetes, fatigue and mental health disorders.”

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      DOesn’t sound good!

  27. Fast Eddy says:

    This all has to be connected in some way….

    It May Be Too Late to Stop Monkeypox Becoming Endemic in the U.S. and Europe

    “If the pox finds a home in some animal species in North America or Europe—say, squirrels, rats or prairie dogs—it’ll be all but impossible to eradicate regionally. “Game over,” Lawler said. The pox will be all around us, probably forever, just waiting for opportunities to spread from animals to people. Outbreaks will be frequent and big, just like they are now in West and Central Africa.”

  28. Fast Eddy says:


    Dunc – if you are still alive .. this is for you … and anna hahahahahaha

    US Rules out Summer COVID Boosters to Focus on Fall Campaign

    “Pfizer and Moderna expect to have updated versions of their shots available as early as September, the Food and Drug Administration said in a statement. That would set the stage for a fall booster campaign to strengthen protection against the latest versions of omicron.”

  29. Fast Eddy says:

    Comparative Pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants Including BA.1, BA.2, and BA.5

    “Although in vitro growth kinetics of BA.5 is comparable among the Omicron subvariants, BA.5 become much more fusogenic than BA.1 and BA.2. The airway-on-a-chip analysis showed that the ability of BA.5 to disrupt the respiratory epithelial and endothelial barriers is enhanced among Omicron subvariants.”

  30. Fast Eddy says:

    hahahahaha – of course!!!

    The PR Team plays dirty….

    Is COVID Prematurely Aging our Immune Systems?

    “The concern is that people will be less able to hold off future bugs and pathogens like influenza, or that unsettled immune systems could lead to an increase in diabetes and other auto-immune diseases.”

  31. Fast Eddy says:

    Denmark, Norway, Finland

    A legion of people who are now left neurologically devastated


    Vaccines Are Bringing Back a Nearly Eradicated Deadly Virus

    @DowdEdward (
    Vaccines Are Bringing Back a Nearly Eradicated Deadly Virus
    Many people thought that the poliovirus was extinct across the majority of the world, as the World Health …

    In this first episode of Whistleblower, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed speaks with a veteran registered nurse who chose to speak out because she believe medical practices “are killing people” and “we need to save lives”.

    To protect people, ‘Susan’ shares harrowing experiences of C19 patient trauma, and shocking post jab injuries including heart attacks, cancer, brain damage and death.

    According to Susan, 300 C19 patients who died could have been saved, had the hospital changed their protocols and avoided drugs like Midozolam.

    Adding to the trauma impact, is the targeting, victimisation and censorship of staff who dare to speak out for patients and for ethical health care.

    Warning: Not for sensitive viewers


  32. Adonis says:

    Sounds like the gunfight at the OK corral they are not happy with high priced fuel the elders will be thinking what can we do to stop these protests maybe a monkeypox lockdown?

  33. Fast Eddy says:

    52% increase in petrol and diesel wow… here they are at another petrol station … demanding a roll back… or else

  34. Fast Eddy says:

    I guess blaming it on Putin only works for so long hahahahahaahaha

  35. Fast Eddy says:

    Look at what they are doing to the petrol station owner — now imagine there is no petrol… and no food… except you have a garden … uh oh…. UH OH….

  36. Fast Eddy says:

    Since Harry has stolen Super Snatch betraying norm .. and is shacked up on a remote cabin on Skye Island… that apparently has no wifi…

    Fast Eddy delivers the goods — here we have nearly a full hour of chaos and mayhem (CAM) coming out of Bangyourdesh…. how often does one get a motherload of CAM like this????

  37. Adonis says:

    Wonderful news i Don’t think raising rates into a storm is working that is why they must be planning to blow up the system and start again or build back better that is the plan im sure of it

    • rufustiresias999
      rufustiresias999 says:

      Maybe “we” can build back better in a few 100 million years

    • Xabier says:

      If we keep in mind that they want to get us on the ropes, punch-drunk, so we accept any solution’ they propose, we would probably not be far wrong.

      But this could spin out of control very easily.

      These central bank idiots think they are all-powerful, but they are not.

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    SoftBank Lost $39 Billion in 6 Months, Wiping Out the Bubble Gains of the Vision Funds Since 2017: Easy Come, Easy Go

    Now trying to avoid “a blow that would be irreversible.”

    SoftBank reported its biggest loss in history, as it said in its presentation today, of ¥3.16 trillion, or about $23.5 billion, for the quarter through June (its fiscal Q1), mostly due to mega-losses in its Vision Fund segment, and some due to exchange-rate losses of the yen, after having already lost ¥2.1 trillion, or about $15.6 billion in the prior quarter, for a combined six-month loss of $39 billion (chart via SoftBank’s presentation):

    I’d enjoy seeing this thing blow sky high

  39. In Las Vegas, Nevada, it’s come to this: climate change has helped make water ever more scarce, so under a new Nevada law, the grass has got to go. “When we look at outdoor water use in Southern Nevada, landscaping far and away is the largest water user, and of that, it’s grass,” said Bronson Mack of the Las Vegas Water Authority.

    The city’s already pulled up about four million square feet of grass on public property so far this year, because thirsty green parkways are something they just can’t afford anymore. “The grass that you see behind me is not long for this world,” Mack told correspondent Tracy Smith. “In fact, within the next couple of months to a year, this grass will be completely eliminated, and it’ll be replaced with drip-irrigated trees and plants.”

    CBS News

  40. I like very much your analysis, in particular for the collection of issues put forward to explain our world. I am wondering if the process of ageing doesn’t deserve a treatment as deep as this one on energy: demography seems to explain the current economic situation better than energy, by now. Both trends should have a similar weight, judging by historical standards.

  41. Fast….another peg in the UEP of the Elders!

    Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research.

    Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment.

    They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

    But now researchers at the University of Stockholm have found them in rainwater in most locations on the planet – including Antarctica. There is no safe space to escape them

    I’m impressed by the extent of the Elders legacy that will be essential be forever lasting!

    Can you top that one Fast Eddie?

    • Xabier says:

      Hom Sap: extincted by packaging and make-up. Hilarious!

      It was the chemical engineers wot done us in, not the banksters!

      RIP the Dumb Ape.

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    This is the self organizing system attempting to purge the weak and feeble of mind from OFW.

  43. The two Alexes are together in Athens.

    UKR has mounted a strategic shambles throughout, expending its forces on ultimately indefensible scraps of land that Russia has grinded down. A leaked report implies that UKR has lost 200,000 troops to dead and wounded so far. It is now conscripting pensioners and women and throwing them into the grind.

    UKR thus risks losing all of the east right up to the Dnieper, if not beyond. If it can hold nothing then it can ultimately negotiate nothing. UKR now faces economic and financial collapse anyway and civilians are flooding into Russian controlled areas.

    Meanwhile CBS has a report that about 70% of western weaponry sent to UKR disappeared straight onto the black market to reappear goodness knows where in the future. It has been a total shambles throughout, one for the history books.

    • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
      Gail Tverberg says:

      According to the video, it is Ukraine that is bombing the nuclear power stations. They believe that the Russians are using the station as a military bases. Ukrainians are afraid that interest in their plight is waning.

      Ukraine is very short of troops. Too many have died. Not using the troops they have to hold defensible places; instead, they tend to be spread too thin.

      Ukraine is not getting enough tax revenue in. They have defaulted on their debt, as has their natural gas company.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I wonder why the Russians didn’t wait till october to go to war with Ukey — and shut off their gas supply…. some people starve and freeze… and Russian wins.

        This logic thing is like really restraining my ability to think out of the box

        • Tim Groves says:

          The bits of Ukraine that Russia is going to absorb at the bits where a majority of the people would rather be living in Russia, or at least, not too bothered either way.

          The Russians can “sell” this military campaign as a liberation, providing not too many civilians are killed during the conflict. So for this reason, they are being extra careful to minimize “collateral damage”.

          Winning in this case means ending up with a happy civilian population in the newly absorbed territories.

          • Xabier says:

            Exactly, Tim.

            They have been behaving like Churchill, when he ordered the RAF and the Royal Navy to kill as few French civilians as possible in the D-Day bombings.

            From the Russian point of view, this is a war of Liberation, not conquest, as our propaganda tries to tell us.

  44. kulmthestatusquo
    kulmthestatusquo says:

    With the available resources dwindling, those who have resources will withhold them from those who don’t , and will brutally kill anyone who need them.

    The victory of the Landowners once for all. They will run their land like medieval fiefdoms, and their workers will become the serfs, for ever.

    • Sam says:

      No we will break into your house and destroy you kulm… it sucks to be you 🤣

    • Cromagnon says:

      What is happening at the level of true elite, is pure bloody panic. They know EXACTLY what is coming!

      Clarke had no clue of true elitism when he wrote his son rises text. He also has no grasp of deep history.

      With the periodicity of a metronome and the powers of a planetary god something is now coming for the elites and they know it. Revealed in the Mayan long calendar and in Hopi prophecy a demon that hunts elites is nearly here now. They will scrabble for control and impose draconian measures on the peasentry in a desperate, narcissistic attempt to escape their fates. They tried it before of course. The earliest written records reveal this.
      They will burrow deep into the earth and look for their cherished technology for respite but this time as in a mere finger count of times before, it won’t matter.
      What is coming has all the trappings of an angry godhead. It hunts elites.

      In the end, in 2040 and again 6 years later, “ the planet” will convulse. There will be billions of dead amongst the teeming masses no doubt. But a few, those that did not acquiesce to civilization. Those is favoured geographic locales and those that are merely lucky, will survive the winds, the water, the firestorm and the blackening of Sol.
      But for the elites,…. nothing. Crushed by earthquake in deep redoubts, washed into the abyss by the innundation and burned by the fires of a heliosphere gone mad with rage.
      They will get nothing.
      No more than was received by the scum pounding on the walls of the conveyance of Noah.
      And oh how they will pound.

      The world really is not what you think it is.

    • Cromagnon says:

      Nothing lasts forever. Greg Clarks data set was European from 1200 until 1900. Heavily weighted to the latter half. My family were absolutely peak nobility in the year 1450. Warlike and wardens of the North ( literally) in medieval England. Today,….. not so much.

      The true “ elites” are panicked now. Fully panicked. They should be. What is coming now dwarfs what almost modern analyst can grasp. We are plunging not only into a dark age but literally into the apocalypse. It is ironically much, much worse for the elite class, although most will suffer. The elites are literally being targeted by something modern humanity is not prepared for.

      The members of many ruling families will start to vanish from the world stage in the next decade to decade and a half. Trying to slide away into a subterranean world. Hoping for escape from what looms on the horizon.
      The Mayans knew, the Hopi knew, Nostradamus knew,… the elites also know.

      A true reset looms. Straight out of Revelations. The elites are the primary target along with those who think they are gods rather than mortals playing roles upon the stage called reality.

      The economy is an energy system not a financial system. Millions will die now as the energy taps shut off.


      But billions will die as the vast reality construct we exist in is reset. In 2040 and again in 2046. It’s not like we have not been warned.

      The world ain’t what you think it is boys and girls

      • Kowalainen says:

        Extraordinary claims demands extraordinary evidence.

        Fantasies of the rapture, damnation and redemption is nothing but pure and utter copium. Within the temptations of delusion is truth.

        Let me tell you how much I believe in scripture, scrolls and ancient clay tablets.
        Infinitesimally less than MSM.
        Which is as close to zero as possible.

        If it cannot be verified by first hand experience, experiment or logical reasoning it’s nothing but imaginary conjecture. Nothing wrong with that though. Belief, fanaticism and dogma, however.

        In the mean time:

        • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
          Gail Tverberg says:

          But we do know that somehow, the Universe seems to keep expanding, in fact at an ever-faster rate. This doesn’t happen by chance.

          There is somehow a Higher Power that is providing all of this energy. This Higher Power provides at least some kind of order to this self-organizing system. There are the Laws of Physics. Even the financial markets seem to be tied in with the order. They seem likely to collapse when energy consumption per capita falls too low, and the debt system stops working.

          Religious documents are collections of ancient stories from around the world, as well as some more recent documents. Some of these stories were “origin stories,” based on primitive knowledge. Some of these were related to a need for order in the system–why you don’t steal a farmers crops, or limits on the crops you can take.) Some of these relate to what seems to be miraculous events. My sister Lois tells about a recent seeming-miracle in a recent blog post. Some of the beliefs in this writings seem to be based on near death experiences that seem to suggest an afterlife.

          In recent years, Mainstream Media has promulgated the belief that there is no God, or that God doesn’t matter. The only thing that is important is Science, Governments, Central Banks, and other man-made things. We need to have faith in their pronouncements. These can provide an increasingly better life here on Earth. It is easy to believe this story, if a person doesn’t in a Self-Organizing System that, in some sense, provides continuous creation.

          There is a whole lot that I don’t believe from religious writings. I doubt that there is a hell. It is just too convenient an ending for those who are considered bad. It seems like something that political and religious leaders would add, to try to get better compliance with laws.

          There is a need for narratives to provide an overview of where we humans are, and where we are going. The various religions, to some extent, provided such narratives. These narratives grow and change over time, depending on changing conditions. I am not convinced that any one of these narratives is exactly right, but they have definite advantages over the narratives that Mainstream Media is providing.

          • Kowalainen says:

            What’s wrong with evolutionary process giving rise to ever more complexity by ingesting mineral and energy That seems an entirely reasonable perspective. No?

            And with evolutionary process I mean “natural” and directed (by higher powers). Of which doesn’t make one shred of difference in the grand scheme of things.

            Nobody really knows what occurs “behind the scenes” of this universe (physics). I would refrain from even postulating that it is expanding. The only thing I’m observing (certain of) is that it is changing.

            I’m going out on a stretch to say that every entity that is capable of agency (acting in the universe) is modifying its very process (physics) by the means of self reference/recurrence. It goes for everything with intentional computation, organic or synthetic.

            It is entirely devoid of “higher powers” and if I’m wrong about that, then throw them into the mix by the means of self reference.

            Same thing ultimately.

            • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
              Gail Tverberg says:

              More complexity requires more energy. This additional energy has to come from somewhere.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Yes, energy is required for transforming mineral into complexity.

              I reckon not much of interest would be happening on earth without the sun.

            • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
              Gail Tverberg says:

              It is the entire Universe that is moving toward ever-more complexity. Read Eric Chaisson’s book, “Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature,” published by Harvard University Press in 2001.

            • Kowalainen says:

              It seems to include the pseudoscience of cosmology with big bangs and black holes. I.e. imaginary conjecture.

              Evolutionary systems neither got beginnings nor endings.

              The process hyperplane that animates the 3D universe just is.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Hmmm… the book looks like it just came out of the wrapping… and has only one tire tread on it…

            You’d think if a book was sitting on the highway for a bit … and cars were speeding over it even for an hour or two — it would look worse than road kill…

            Let me go out to the highway and toss the Koran out there.. and see what it looks like after an hour…

            Do you think she’s playing a bit loose with the truth here to pump up the book sales a bit?

            If so tell her that I admire the creativity

            • Kowalainen says:

              Could be a plug.

              I’m just a diehard evolutionist based on observation and thinking.

              Shit just seems to mutate in this universe. It seems like the effects of a cause called physics.

              And what is physics in essence one might ponder? I’d say that it is a dynamic process which animates this universe.

              Furthermore it is a bold assumption to claim that the very process itself doesn’t mutate.

              Absolutely no higher power needed, and assuming there is; by logical recursion, what created that ‘higher being’ and how is it animated?

              Here I’m making the reasonable claim that shit need to be animated to create a process that is animating another ‘universe’ (ours).

              Simple, blunt and irrefutable by imaginary conjecture.

              It is what it is.

              To the Aristotelean heap of hypotheses with it.

              In the mean time:

            • Gail Tverberg – My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
              Gail Tverberg says:

              “Shit just seems to mutate in this universe. It seems like the effects of a cause called physics.”

              Somehow, the system has been created in this way. In fact, the laws of physics needed to be set in place as well. We humans spend a lot of time trying to unravel the complexity of the Universe, but we really cannot do it. It is beyond our understanding.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Haven’t got a Koran … I’ll have to throw one of my cherished Danielle Steele novels onto the road… hard cover of course

        • Cromagnon says:

          I completely understand your perspective. For 40 years I shared it. To be clear, I am not a religious person. Church walls have never echoed to my footsteps.
          Of the classic bible text I value only genesis and revelations,… for they convey a historical coding and a future one.

          It is a very very difficult and frankly mind bending position I have come to hold. After personally succeeding in performing tasks that would be impossible in a primary reality,…and then by briefly communicating with what I perceived as “Old Gods”….

          I began to seriously quest for answers. I did not find them in TOE theories by “ brilliant” academics. I followed the musings of a criminal and a chronological researcher. His insights where refreshing. I followed up with reading of ancient texts of many kinds and compared to contemporary research’s.

          It is now shockingly and openly obvious to me. We live in a negative image of a “real world”….we live in a manufactured reality….. the evidences are massive and overwhelming.

          From quantum wave theory to advanced astrophysics…..everything we perceive as real is only energy wave forms. We are NOT real. We are “ somethings” residing in avatars, experiencing a physical world. This world has been manipulated since 7000bc and probably earlier.

          Just in North America alone we have had at least 4 large extant civilizations before this one ( and I ain’t talking Aztec either).

          The data has been found and we inside the simulation that know can predict future events. Because they have been coded.

          The future is known….. until time ends….. Check out Mayan long calendar.

          Not extraordinary just a bit surprising more have not noticed.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            For the MSM lovers e.g. norm … how do you know a single thing your read here is true?


            Prove it.

          • Kowalainen says:

            I don’t think anybody is denying attracts from the old, pyramids, megaliths, imprints, etc.

            Heck, there’s even some of that crap where I come from (Lapland). If someone just would do some excavations on some rather unusually “geometric” “features” in the landscape. But I digress.

            But that’s just rapacious primates from the past doing their “thing” ultimately ending in, well, have a look around contemporary IC and its predicaments.

            It always ends in the same predictable way.


            Why is that you might wonder?
            Let me tell you:

            A FAILED SPECIES!
            AAAAND ITS GONE!
            WARRING WITH WMDS!

            Questions on it is what it is?

            In the mean time:

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