The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

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It is my view that when energy supply falls, it falls not because reserves “run out.” It falls because economies around the world cannot afford to purchase goods and services made with energy products and using energy products in their operation. It is really a price problem. Prices cannot be simultaneously high enough for oil producers (such as Russia and Saudi Arabia) to ramp up production and remain low enough for consumers around the world to buy the goods and services that they are accustomed to buying.

Figure 1. Chart showing average annual Brent-equivalent oil prices in 2021$ based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy, together with bars showing periods when prices seemed to be favorable to producers.

We are now in a period of price conflict. Oil and other energy prices have remained too low for producers since at least mid-2014. At the same time, depletion of fossil fuels has led to higher costs of extraction. Often, the tax needs of governments of oil exporting countries are higher as well, leading to even higher required prices for producers if they are to continue to produce oil and raise their production. Thus, producers truly require higher prices.

Governments of countries affected by this inflation in price are quite disturbed: Higher prices for energy products mean higher prices for all goods and services. This makes citizens very unhappy because wages do not rise to compensate for this inflation. Prices today are high enough to cause significant inflation (about $107 per barrel for Brent oil (Europe) and $97 for WTI (US)), but still not high enough to satisfy the high-price needs of energy producers.

It is my expectation that these and other issues will lead to a very strangely behaving world economy in the months and years ahead. The world economy we know today is, in fact, a self-organizing system operating under the laws of physics. With less energy, it will start “coming apart.” World trade will increasingly falter. Fossil fuel prices will be volatile, but not necessarily very high. In this post, I will try to explain some of the issues I see.

[1] The issue causing the price conflict can be described as reduced productivity of the economy. The ultimate outcome of reduced productivity of the economy is fewer total goods and services produced by the economy.

Figure 2 shows that, historically, there is an extremely high correlation between world energy consumption and the total quantity of goods and services produced by the world economy. In my analysis, I use Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP because it is not distorted by the rise and fall of the US dollar relative to other currencies.

Figure 2. Correlation between world GDP measured in “Purchasing Power Parity” (PPP) 2017 International $ and world energy consumption, including both fossil fuels and renewables. GDP is as reported by the World Bank for 1990 through 2021 as of July 26, 2022; total energy consumption is as reported by BP in its 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The reason such a high correlation exists is because it takes energy to perform each activity that contributes to GDP, such as lighting a room or transporting goods. Energy consumption which is cheap to produce and growing rapidly in quantity is ideal for increasing energy productivity, since it allows factories to be built cheaply and raw materials and finished goods to be transported at low cost.

Humans are part of the economy. Food is the energy product that humans require. Reducing food supply by 20% or 40% or 50% cannot be expected to work well. The economy suffers the same difficulty.

In recent years, depletion has been making the extraction of fossil fuel resources increasingly expensive. One issue is that the resources that were easiest to extract and closest to where they were needed were extracted first, leaving the highest cost resources for extraction later. Another issue is that with a growing population, the governments of oil exporting countries require higher tax revenue to support the overall needs of their countries.

Intermittent wind and solar are not substitutes for fossil fuels because they are not available when they are needed. If several months’ worth of storage could be added, the total cost would be so high that these energy sources would have no chance of being competitive. I recently wrote about some of the issues with renewables in Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer.

Rising population is a second problem leading to falling efficiency. In order to feed, clothe and house a rising population, a growing quantity of food must be produced from essentially the same amount of arable land. More water for the rising population is required for the rising population, often obtained by deeper wells or desalination. Clearly, the need to use increased materials and labor to work around problems caused by rising world population adds another layer of inefficiency.

If we also add the cost of attempting to work around pollution issues, this further adds another layer of inefficiency in the use of energy supplies.

More technology is not a solution, either, because adding any type of complexity requires energy to implement. For example, adding machines to replace current workers requires the use of energy products to make and operate the machines. Moving production to cheaper locations overseas (another form of complexity) requires energy for the transport of goods from where they are transported to where they are used.

Figure 2 shows that the world economy still requires more energy to produce increasing GDP, even with the gains achieved in technology and efficiency.

Because of energy limits, the world economy is trying to change from a “growth mode” to a “shrinkage mode.” This is something very much like the collapse of many ancient civilizations, including the fall of Rome in 165 to 197 CE. Historically, such collapses have unfolded over a period of years or decades.

[2] In the past, the growth rate of GDP has exceeded that of energy consumption. As the economy changes from growth to shrinkage, we should expect this situation to reverse: The rate of shrinkage of GDP will be greater than the rate of shrinkage of energy consumption.

Figure 3 shows that, historically, world economic growth has been slightly higher than the growth in energy consumption. This growth in energy consumption is based on total consumption of fossil fuels and renewables, as calculated by BP.

Figure 3. Annual growth in world PPP GDP compared to annual growth in consumption of energy supplies. World PPP GDP is data provided by the World Bank; world energy consumption is based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In fact, based on the discussion in Section [1], this is precisely the situation we should expect: GDP growth should exceed energy consumption growth when the economy is growing. Unfortunately, Section [1] also suggests that we can expect this favorable relationship to disappear as energy supply begins to shrink because of growing inefficiencies in the system. In such a case, GDP is likely to shrink even more quickly than energy supply shrinks. One reason this happens is because complexity of many types cannot be maintained as energy supply shrinks. For example, international supply lines are likely to break if energy supplies fall too low.

[3] Interest rates play an important role in encouraging the development of energy resources. Generally falling interest rates are very beneficial; rising interest rates are quite detrimental. As the economy shifts toward shrinkage, the pattern we can expect is higher interest rates, rather than lower. As the limits of energy extraction are hit, these higher rates will tend to make the economy shrink even faster than it would otherwise shrink.

Part of what has allowed growing energy consumption in the period shown in Figures 2 and 3 is rising debt levels at generally lower interest rates. Falling interest rates together with debt availability make investment in factories and mines more affordable. They also help citizens seeking to buy a new car or home because the lower monthly payments make these items more affordable. Demand for energy products tends to rise, allowing the prices of commodities to rise higher than they would otherwise rise, thus making their production more profitable. This encourages more fossil fuel extraction and more development of renewables.

Once the economy starts to shrink, debt levels seem likely to shrink because of defaults and because of reluctance of lenders to lend, for fear of defaults. Interest rates will tend to rise, partly because of the higher inflation rates and partly because of the higher level of expected defaults. This debt pattern in turn will reinforce the tendency toward lower GDP growth compared to energy consumption growth. This is a major reason that raising interest rates now is likely to push the economy downward.

[4] With fewer goods and services produced by the economy, the world economy must eventually shrink. We should not be surprised if this shrinkage in some ways echoes the shrinkage that took place in the 2008-2009 recession and the 2020 shutdowns.

The GDP of the world economy is the goods and services produced by the world economy. If the economy starts to shrink, total world GDP will necessarily fall.

What happens in the future may echo what has happened in the past.

Figure 4. World energy consumption per capita, based on information published in BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Central bank officials felt it was important to stop inflation in oil prices (and indirectly in food prices) back in the 2004 to 2006 period. This indirectly led to the 2008-2009 recession as parts of the world debt bubble started to collapse and many jobs were lost. We should not be surprised if a much worse version of this happens in the future.

The 2020 shutdowns were characterized in most news media as a response to Covid-19. Viewed on an overall system basis, however, they really were a response to many simultaneous problems:

  • Covid-19
  • A hidden shortage of fossil fuels that was not reflected as high enough prices for producers to ramp up production
  • Hidden financial problems that threatened a new version of the 2008 financial collapse
  • Factories in many parts of the world that were operating at far less than capacity
  • Workers demonstrating in the streets with respect to low wages and low pensions
  • Airlines with financial problems
  • Citizens frustrated by long commutes
  • Very many old, sick people in care homes of various types, passing around illnesses
  • An outsized medical system that still desired to increase profits
  • Politicians who wanted a way to better control their populations–perhaps rationing of output would work around an inadequate total supply of goods and services

Shutting down non-essential activities for a while would temporarily reduce demand for oil and other energy products, making it easier for the rest of the system to appear profitable. It would give an excuse to increase borrowing (and money printing) to hide the financial problems for a while longer. It would keep people at home, reducing the need for oil and other energy products, hiding the fossil fuel shortage for a while longer. It would force the medical system to reorganize, offering more telephone visits and laying off non-essential workers. Many individual citizens could reduce time lost to commuting, thanks to new work-from-home rules and internet connections. The homebuilding and home remodeling industries were stimulated, offering work to those who had been laid off.

The impacts of the shutdowns were greatest on poor people in poor countries, such as those in Central and South America. For example, many people in the vacation and travel industries were laid off in poor countries. People making fancy clothing for people going to conferences and weddings were laid off, as were people raising flowers for fancy events. These people had trouble finding new employment. They are at increased risk of dying, either from Covid-19 or inadequate nutrition, making them susceptible to other illnesses.

We should not be surprised if some near-term problems echo what has happened in the past. Debt defaults and falling home prices are very real possibilities, for example. Also, making a new crisis a huge focal point and scaring the population into staying at home has proven to be a huge success in temporarily reducing energy consumption without actual rationing. Some people believe that monkeypox or a climate change crisis will be the next area of focus in an attempt to reduce energy consumption, and thus lower oil prices.

[5] There is likely to be more conflict in a world with not enough goods and services to go around.

With a shrinking amount of finished goods and services, we should not be surprised if we see more conflict in the world. Many wars are resource wars. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with other countries indirectly involved, certainly could be considered a resource war. Russia wants higher prices for its exports of many kinds, including energy exports. I wrote about the conflict issue in a post I wrote in April 2022: The world has a major crude oil problem; expect conflict ahead.

World War I and World War II were almost certainly about energy resources. Peak coal in the UK seems to be closely related to World War I. Inadequate coal in Germany and lack of oil in Japan (and elsewhere) seem to be related to World War II.

[6] We seem to be facing a new set of problems in addition to the problems that gave rise to the Covid-19 shutdowns. These are likely to shape how any new crisis plays out.

Some recently added problems include the following:

  • Debt has risen to a high level, relative to 2008. This debt will be harder to repay with higher interest rates.
  • The US dollar is very high relative to other currencies. The high level of the US dollar causes problems for borrowers from outside the US in repaying their loans. It also makes energy prices very high outside the US.
  • Oil, coal and natural gas are all in short supply world-wide, leading to falling productivity of the overall system Item 1. If extraction is to continue, prices need to be much higher.
  • Difficulties with broken supply lines make it hard to ramp up production of manufactured goods of many kinds.
  • Inadequate labor supply is an increasing problem. Baby boomers are now retiring; not enough young people are available to take their place. Increased illness, associated with Covid-19 and its vaccines, is also an issue.

These issues point to a situation where rising interest rates seem likely to send the world economy downward because of debt defaults and failing businesses of many kinds.

The high dollar relative to other currencies leads to the potential for the system to break apart under stress. Alternatively, the US dollar may play a smaller role in international trade than in the past.

[7] Many parts of the economy are likely to find that the promised payments to be made to them cannot really take place.

We have been taught that money is a store of value. We have also been taught that government promises, such as pensions, unemployment insurance and health insurance can be counted on. If there are fewer goods and services available in total, the whole system must change to reflect the fact that there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. There may not even be enough food to go around.

As the world economy hits limits, we cannot assume that the money we have in the bank will really be able to purchase the goods we want in the future. The goods may not be available to purchase, or the government may put a restriction (such as $200 per week) on how much we can withdraw from our account each week, or inflation may make goods we currently buy unaffordable.

If we think about the situation, the world will be producing fewer goods and services each year, regardless of what promises that have been made in the past might say. For example, the number of bushels of wheat available worldwide will start falling, as will the number of new cars and the number of computers. Somehow, the goods and services people expected to be available will start disappearing. If the problem is inflation, the affordable quantity will start to fall.

We don’t know precisely what will happen, but these are some ideas, especially as higher interest rates become a problem:

  • Many businesses will fail. They will default on their debt; the value of their stock will go to zero. They will lay off their employees.
  • Employees and governments will also default on debts. Banks will have difficulty remaining solvent.
  • Pension plans will have nowhere nearly enough money to pay promised pensions. Either they will default or prices will rise so high that the pensions do not really purchase the goods that recipients hoped for.
  • The international system of trade is likely to start withering away. Eventually, most goods will be locally produced with whatever resources are available.
  • Many government agencies will become inadequately funded and fail. Intergovernmental agencies, such as the European Union and the United Nations, are especially vulnerable.
  • Governments are likely to reduce services provided because tax revenues are too low. Even if more money is printed, it cannot buy goods that are not there.
  • Citizens may become so unhappy with their governments that they overthrow them. Simpler, cheaper governmental systems, offering fewer services, may follow.

[8] It is likely that, in inflation-adjusted dollars, energy prices will not rise very high, for very long.

We are likely dealing with an economy that is basically falling apart. Factories will produce less because they cannot obtain financing. Purchasers of finished goods and services will have difficulty finding jobs that pay well and loans based on this employment. These effects will tend to keep commodity prices too low for producers. While there may be temporary spurts of higher prices, finished goods made with high-cost energy products will be too expensive for most citizens to afford. This will tend to push prices back down again.

[9] Conclusion.

We are dealing with a situation that economists, politicians and central banks are ill-equipped to handle. Raising interest rates may squeeze out a huge share of the economy. The economy was already “at the edge.” We can’t know for certain.

Virtually no one looks at the economy from a physics point of view. For one thing, the result is too distressing to explain to citizens. For another, it is fashionable for scientists of all types to produce papers and have them peer reviewed by others within their own ivory towers. Economists, politicians and central bankers don’t care about the physics of the situation. Even those basing their analysis on Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) tend to focus on only a narrow portion of what I explained in Section [1]. Once researchers have invested a huge amount of time and effort in one direction, they cannot consider the possibility that their approach may be seriously incomplete.

Unfortunately, the physics-based approach I am using indicates that the world’s economy is likely to change dramatically for the worse in the months and years ahead. Economies, in general, cannot last forever. Populations outgrow their resource bases; resources become too depleted. In physics terms, economies are dissipative structures, not unlike ecosystems, plants and animals. They can only exist for a limited time before they die or end their operation. They tend to be replaced by new, similar dissipative structures.

While the current world economy cannot last indefinitely, humans have continued to exist through many bottlenecks in the past, including ice ages. It is likely that some humans, perhaps in mutated form, will make it through the current bottleneck. These humans will likely create a new economy that is better adapted to the Earth as it changes.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,063 Responses to The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    First, they died one or two at a time and no one seemed to notice.

    Then they started to die 5 and 10 at a time and still no one seemed to notice.

    Then they started to die a hundred at a time and still no one seemed to notice.

    Finally, everyone began to die, and then there was no one left to notice.

    YES!!! Yes!!! yes….

    Just like that

  2. Fast Eddy says:

    I keep hearing that enough is enough …. surely this is enough?

    At what point do we get more of this? (enough was enough .. said FE… down you go Fat Bastard)

    These f789ing cowards will keep marching round and round and round… and they will deny us the entertainment that we deserve.

  3. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    ‘Forever’ chemicals in cookware linked to liver cancer in first human study
    By Hannah Sparks

    There’s growing evidence that regular exposure to man-made “forever” chemicals, which are used in a variety of household products, are linked to rising cancer rate
    A new study that examined the correlation between liver cancer and the presence of these chemicals in humans found that people with the highest levels of exposure have 350% greater odds of eventually developing the disease.
    The term “forever” chemicals refers to the more than 4,700 available types of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, used widely across manufacturing industries — named as such because the substances degrade very slowly and build up over time, in soil, drinking water and in the body.
    PFAS were first introduced in the 1930s as a revolutionary material used in the creation of nonstick cookware — hello, Teflon — and soon adapted to all sorts of products and packaging — from construction materials to cosmetics — that benefit from its liquid- and fire-resistant properties, as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    I just posted another article about these forever chemicals and seems they are found worldwide in our water. They do not break down.

  4. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    global oil supply rose to 100.6 mbpd in July!

    sellers wanted to sell 100 mbpd and buyers wanted to buy the same.

    bAU is rocking the FF.

    que sera sera, just chill.

    • ivanislav says:

      Does this include the SPR release 😉 ?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      how great was 100 to 1 oil?

      that’s craaazy great, Nature said put in 1 effort and you get 100, what a deal.

      though too bad it’s finite.

      100 to 1 = 99 net surplus

      how about 10 to 1 oil? that’s the same as 100 to 10

      100 to 10 = 90 surplus

      that’s still craaazy great, thank you Nature!

      up the 100 to 10 output by 10% =

      110 to 11 = 99 surplus where have I seen 99 surplus before? (see above!)

      10 to 1 oil is craaazy great!

      • Kowalainen says:

        Any Tryhard can extract 100:1 oil. 10:1 requires spiffy gear and skilled labor.

        Cut it to 2:1 and you’ve gotta be ridiculously good at what you do.

        Now; how do “we” find competent labor in woketard IC?
        That’s right; we don’t.
        That which doesn’t exist can’t be put to service.

        Oh noes… This just in… A critical pump type blew a gasket, x10000 wellhead pumps, because of a serious series manufacturing defect. Hey, let’s send out all 5 service technicians out and you’ll have it up to speed again in some 10 years. No problems. Oh, you need it “fixed” ASAP? Well; I got some bad news for ya.


        The resilience of the system required to brute forcie out the last single digit in EROEI is astounding.

        And well; hyper Tryhards and hyper MOARons isn’t capable of excelling in their craft. Nothing that exist in a la-la land of imaginary conjecture and egotistical fantasy will ever be capable of outputting “good shit”.

        It just doesn’t happen.

        It’s a lost cause.
        Failed species.
        Extinction is the only solution.
        Get on terms with it.


        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          Incommpetent Tryhard Hypermoarons are producing 100 MILLION bpd.

          not bad for those ITHs.

          I’m burning my daily share, at least.

          even though it has no ultimate meaning.

          inevitable extinction: discount the future.

          I’m a lost cause; failed species member.

          I have agreed to the terms set forth by Reality.

          • Kowalainen says:

            It’s the gear that “produces”. Hyper Tryhards and hyper MOARons (to a lesser extent) keeps the shebang pumping.

            At a certain point persistent systematic failure from copious amounts of badly designed shit will start to break down, and there’s no way to push for the last single digits at the current bps.

            Yep; you’ll need lots of complications when separating out the good from the bad.

            10:1 100M bps is likely “full gas” up the YOLO no return hill. And we’re bombing downhill from here on.

            5:1, say 20M bps

            2:1, 1M bps

            1:1, 0 bps, all but futility (for obvious reasons)

            • I think that the economic system needs 20:1 EROEI. All kinds of workarounds (especially rapidly growing debt at ever-lower interest rates) need to be added above that point. Later, faith in subsidized intermittent renewables.

              The cut-off point for usefulness has been hidden from view.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Yes, debt and an over reliance on jank complications has hidden the predicament.

              And as the EROEI diminishes, additional jank complications is needed. Ad perpetuity.

              Now; exactly who’s going to maintain a rapidly disintegrating behemoth? Gunna be expensive to keep it producing even if it’s possible to find ‘good gear’ and blue collar roughnecks to get the job done. One thing is for sure; no woketard snowflakes and self entitled princes and princesses gonna get ‘er done.

              Below 20:1 could very well be the magic ratio that sends the clunker plunging down the Seneca.

              That and the intractability of momentary lucidity in the myopia of ordinary, coupled with the egotistical fantasy of a transitional perpetuity. Green energy anyone? Or perhaps drill baby, drill?

              But this is all very technical. Blowing through finite resources wallowing in egotistical fantasy la-la land was never a good idea to begin with.

              Failed species.
              Let it sink in.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Failed species.
              Let it sink in.

              Shall we count the number of species that we dismiss as dumb beasts… that existed long before humans… and will (although the spent fuel ponds may defeat them) exist long after we are gone.

              Yes we are so f789ing intelligent hahahaha I don’t think so.

              I was thinking of this as I watched the MOREONS go round round and round on the lift…. how totally absurd is this! How pointless. If I brought Hoolio there I guarantee he’s be thinking WTF is this fresh insanity???

            • Fast Eddy says:

              shebang pumping

              norm’s heart skipped a beat reading that… she-bang pumping… hmmmm

            • Kowalainen says:

              “How pointless. If I brought Hoolio there I guarantee he’s be thinking WTF is this fresh insanity???”

              Having fun is never insanity. Bombing down the hill with a pair of sticks in hand and wood reinforced with composite strapped to the feet is accepting the risk.

              All somewhat interesting things in life require protective gear, because reality is a harsh mistress.

              However; most rapacious primates merely show up to show off, while slowly ploughing down the hill never pushing their boundaries except when projecting their rapacious primate antics in the lodge afterwards.

              Here’s the real deal for accepting the risk.

              Shove it in your bucket list.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Speaking of Hoolio …. in his world this is winning:


          • 100mbpd isn’t the problem

            the real time cost of producing 100mbpd is the problem

            • Kowalainen says:

              It’s gunna get cold in the UK cuz we need food and transportation fuel.

              But hey. I guess it is what it is.

        • it isn’t possible to extract oil at 100:1 if the oil isn’t there under the right geological conditions (eg Spindletop Texas)

          0il at 10:1—no matter what ‘spiffy gear’ you use, doesn’t leave enough ‘surplus’ to provide humankind with all the ‘extras’ we’ve become used to.
          (we have to buy ‘spiffy gear’ instead of useless luxuries)

          At 2:1 civilisation in the sense that we know it, is over. At that level, oil stays where it is.

          that is the problem we face.

          Up to now, we’ve created money to cover the shortfall, and dug ourselves deeper and deeper into debt since 1970, pretending that the problem wasn’t there—or it didn’t matter.

          We use that ‘created money’ for fracking (for instance) that delivers maybe 8:1. (for a very short time)

          Various estimates exist of what EROEI is necessary to sustain our existence, somewhere between 12/14: 1 seems the best guess.
          but that would only work if we decided to be nice to each other.

          • Kowalainen says:

            “but that would only work if we decided to be nice to each other.”

            Orly? Glad you informed me that the rapacious primate need to soften up a bit. How do you reckon we should deal with the civilizational pathology of hyper Tryhards placating hyper MOARons by various forms of conscious and subconscious projections, all while wasting and producing wastrels from here to infinity. Got any ideas sans particularly worthless “dating advice”?

            But I digress. Let’s remain in the realm of objective reality.

            Btw; how’s that BTU calculation of yours coming along?

            Yeah, don’t ramble about compassion while blowing through copious amounts of finite resources. It reeks pathetic tragicomedy. 🤢🤮

            Just sayin, no hate.

            • learning how to spell moron might be a good start.

              i can do it using just one finger

              maybe ‘tryhard’- er?

              >>>>“but that would only work if we decided to be nice to each other.”<<<<

              was merely a statement of fact—getting all het up about lack of solutions seems pointless

              But pointing out the pointless is what you do better than anything–such as my skill at one finger typing. (too old to learning how to touch type now,)

              I write, and by all accounts write reasonably well…..–if I want superb finished typing, I pay a superb typist to do it for me.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the bigger problem appears in the affordability.

      if 100 to 1 oil was a $5 barrel of oil, then 10 to 1 is a $50 barrel of oil (not actual historical numbers, just a mathematical example).

      the shift from 100 to 1 downwards to 10 to 1 was a 10% reduction in net (surplus) energy.

      the same shift was a 10X increase in the cost of oil at the wellhead.

      the Peak Oil crowd was wrongly emphasizing the less significant decline in EROEI.

      Gail and others who emphasize affordability are on the right track.

      • nikoB says:

        EROEI can be confusing depending on the way you look at it.
        It seems fine with 100:1 gives a 99% surplus and 10:1 gives a 90% but in real terms to get 100 units when 100:1 we need 1 unit of work/energy to go in. At 10:1 or 100:10 we need to put in 10 units of work/energy to get the 100 so we are actually working 10x harder to get it. At 5:1 or 100:20 we are working 20x harder.
        Is this also an accurate way to look at things?

        • NomadicBeer says:

          Correct, we have built a society so dependent on cheap (almost free) oil that any decrease in EROEI is making the prices go crazy.

          E.g. if we use 100 barrels of oil at 100:1 EROEI that means we can allocate 99 barrels to travel, walmart and SUVs.

          If we get 100 barrels at 10:1 EROEI that means ~10% of consumers have to stop consuming (looking at you Europe!)

          By the time we get to 5:1 EROEI, the system as is built today cannot survive.

          Bibliography: see Gail’s posts.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            “looking at you Europe!”


          • Sam says:

            What do you think we are at now? 10-1?

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              we were discussing 19 to 1 a couple days ago.

              (where did that number come from?)

              oil in the $90s means that the annual world total is about $4 trillion, which is about 4% of world GDP.

              if oil production was 10 to 1, I would think the price would be way above $100 (another questionable/debatable way to look at it), and the world total would be way higher than 4%.

              since it’s $90s still, briefly in the $100s for a few months, that leads me to believe/guess that average world production is holding up around 20 to 1.

            • Debt levels (at ever-lower interest rates) greatly influence oil prices. I don’t think you can extrapolate from 100:1 to 20:1 in this way.

          • rufustiresias999 says:

            Yes, beware of linear models. A complex system is not linear. Feedback loops. See LTG curves. And D. Meadows said : after the tipping point, the models become unaccurate.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          yes, “working 10X harder” which shows up in the cost at the wellhead.

          but though now 10X harder, the starting point was an ABSURDDLY GREAT ratio of 100 to 1.

          Nature and physics allowed humans to extract at that CRAAAZY GREAT ratio.

          now, even at 10X harder, the 10 to 1 (maybe still about 20 to 1) is still in the CRAAZY GREAT range.

          in my opinion.

  5. Mirror on the wall says:

    Nice scenery today with Alex C.

    China has publicly accused and condemned USA over UKR, and India and Turkey are shifting to ruble trade with Russia. USA is losing the world.

    Alex finds a very crowded ‘clown world’ today.

    • Mirror on the wall says:


      > US wants prolonged Ukraine conflict – China

      According to Beijing’s ambassador in Moscow, in this way Washington is seeking to “exhaust and crush Russia”

      Washington is seeking to prolong the conflict in Ukraine as much as possible in order to weaken Moscow, China’s ambassador to Russia has suggested.

      In an interview with Russia’s TASS news agency published on Wednesday, Zhang Hanhui said, among other things, that it was the US that had initiated “five rounds of NATO’s eastward expansion, directed the ‘color revolution’ in Ukraine’ and ‘driven Russia into a corner’ in terms of security.” According to the diplomat, all these factors combined led to the current conflict in Ukraine.

      He went on to describe the US as the “initiator and chief arsonist of the Ukraine crisis.”

      Zhang claimed that by slapping Moscow with “unprecedented” sanctions and providing Kiev with yet more weapons, Washington is seeking to prolong the armed conflict for as long as possible. This strategy is aimed at “exhausting and crushing Russia” eventually.

      The Chinese ambassador noted that he saw parallels between the conflict in Ukraine and the latest escalation around Taiwan. He alleged that the White House is deploying the kind of tools it previously used in the Eastern European country.

      According to the diplomat, the fact that the US is “flexing its muscles” on China’s doorstep, arranging “various anti-China groups, and has now openly crossed all borders on the issue of Taiwan” just goes to prove his assessment. He dubbed this as nothing short of an “Asian-Pacific version of ‘NATO’s eastward expansion’.”

      The envoy pointed out that the US is pursuing effectively the same goals with respect to China as it is vis-à-vis Russia – to “hinder the development and rise of China, interfere in its internal affairs” as well as to “exhaust and contain it with the help of war and sanctions.”

      • I have heard this story before; it may be part of the strategy.

        Another part of the strategy seems to be to provide a cover for all of the problems that Europe is having right now with high energy prices. If the high energy prices are intentional, to punish Russia, then it provides an excuse and assures people that the problem is temporary.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Of course they do — energy prices will continue to inflate… and they need a better reason than Peak Oil

  6. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Fast Eddies favorite

    What Can California Do about Sea Level Rise?
    By Alice Friedemann, originally published by Energy Skeptic
    February 28, 2018

    Projected sea level rise from one meter (dark red) to six meters (light orange) in California’s Bay Area. (Weiss and Overpeck 2011)
    Preface. Nearly all, if not all, possible solutions to rising sea levels along all the coasts in the world are listed below, along with their challenges. In the San Francisco Bay Area, the Rockefeller foundation will award $4.6 million dollars to the ten best ideas for how the Bay Area could adapt to sea level rise in May. I am eager to see their solutions given the challenges below, and whether they come up with alternatives.
    I left out nuclear power plants, because California won’t have any by 2025. But sea level rise and tsunamis are a huge threat to coastal nuclear power plants, as we know from Fukushima. It’s a miracle the nuclear spent fuel pools didn’t catch on fire and require millions of people to evacuate Tokyo. According to (Stone 2016) in a Science magazine article “Spent fuel fire on U.S. soil could dwarf impact of Fukushima”, 18 million people might need to be evacuated in such a fire at the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania (obviously not from a tsunami, but an EMP attack or other disaster). There are 9 U.S. nuclear power plants within two miles of the coast. Long before sea level rise permanently floods a region, storm surges will push the water higher to new records.

    Wow…18 million people evacuated….good luck with that Alice….

    • Nearly all people are likely to be gone before the sea level rise gets to this level, anyhow. It is an issue that those making models like to think about. Without people, does sea level rise matter?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I thought Gore said we’d be seeing a 20ft rise about now….

        Maybe he thinks we’ll hit a tipping point and it will rise 20 ft in the space of a few weeks?

        Herbie – can you elaborate — I’d ask Al but he’s flying on his private jet to Leo’s concrete eco resort a few inches above sea level… for a GW pow wow…

        Hahhahahahahaahahahahaha… unf789ing real that anyone still gets sucked in by this …

        But then billions injected an experiment and continue to do so … I need to stop expecting much from MOREONS

      • rufustiresias999 says:

        The spent fuel pools will dry and explode long before the sea level rises.

        Well, I asked a guy I know who is working in NPP security about spent fuel pools danger. He told be not to worry. Perfectly safe. Pumps are backed up (redundacy), and there are tech maintenance teams on-call duty 24/7.

      • Wolfbay says:

        Obama obviously doesn’t think sea rise matters. His place in Martha’s Vineyard is right on the water. He just had a 2500 gallon propane tank installed. I guess he’s followed the European lead and that is now green.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Funny how all the leading voices for AGW … all have major investments in properties on the water… and fly in private jets.

          Sounds like they are taking this ‘crisis’ extremely seriously.

          Meanwhile the Green Groopies are taking cold showers — then driving to the mall to buy more stuff

          hahahahahaha this is beyond f789ing ridiculous….

  7. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    China’s Cities Face Tough Choice: More Green Energy or Food

    China’s plans to accelerate its world-leading expansion of solar and wind power are facing a major hurdle as floods, droughts and food-supply issues present authorities with a reality check about how much precious farmland the nation can afford to lose.
    …..Good arable land is relatively limited considering the appetite of the nation’s 1.4 billion people, and large tracts of some of the most fertile soil in the heavily populated eastern and central provinces have already been swallowed up by urban growth.
    …..China is already the world’s largest producer of renewable energy, with the capacity to generate some 679 gigawatts of wind and solar power plus another 390 gigawatts of hydropower. More than a fifth of the solar and wind capacity has been added since 2020 and expansion plans by local governments would carry the nation to its 2030 target of 1,200 gigawatts more than five years early if fully implemented
    …..The shift in priorities has put some provincial governments – especially those in the highly urbanized east – in a bind. While they’ve been tasked with decarbonizing rapidly under China’s national climate pledge, they also face a central government “red line” to protect farmland.
    …..Since last year, China has launched programs such as “Whole-County Rooftop Solar.” The nation aims to cover more than half of newly built public buildings and factories with solar panels by 2025.
    …..China is on a spree to build new transmission lines across the country. The nation currently has 33 ultra-high-voltage power lines, and State Grid, which operates 88% of the country’s grid, is investing 380 billion yuan ($56 billion ) to build 38 more between 2021 and 2025.
    ……The local government had leased farmland for a 200 megawatt “agricultural solar farm,” and farmers became incensed after the company bulldozed 6.7 hectares (16.6 acres) of wheat that was almost ripe.
    ……increased concern about arable land means that there’s unlikely to be any utility-scale power plant development in central and eastern regions after this year, so most renewables growth in the next three years will be in the northern and western deserts
    ….Policies that involve land, not only those related to solar projects, are clearly moving in the direction of prioritizing food production,” Peng wrote in a commentary.

    State of the World series by Lester Brown found out years again once a nation chooses development and Western model.. arable land is usually the prime target.

    feed its 1.2 billion people, China may soon have to import so much grain that this action could trigger unprecedented rises in world food prices. In Who Will Feed China: Wake-up Call for a Small Planet, Lester Brown shows that even as water becomes more scarce in a land where 80 percent of the grain crop is irrigated, as per-acre yield gains are erased by the loss of cropland to industrialization, and as food production stagnates, China still increases its population by the equivalent of a new Beijing each year. When Japan, a nation of just 125 million, began to import food, world grain markets rejoiced. But when China, a market ten times bigger, starts importing, there may not be enough grain in the world to meet that need – and food prices will rise steeply for everyone. Analysts foresaw that the recent four-year doubling of income for China’s 1.2 billion consumers would increase food demand, especially for meat, eggs, and beer. But these analysts assumed that food production would rise to meet those demands. Brown shows that cropland losses are heavy in countries that are densely populated before industrialization, and that these countries quickly become net grain importers. We can see that process now in newspaper accounts from China as the government struggles with this problem

    • I cannot believe this:

      “China still increases its population by the equivalent of a new Beijing each year.” China’s birth rate is terribly low. Healthcare isn’t very good. It doesn’t encourage immigration into the country. It official census seems to be too high. China’s population growth is already quite flat.

  8. Fast Eddy says:

    A quick perusal as I prepare to head up the mountain and go round and round wasting energy… and I see herbie did not respond to FE’s multiple post about the history of GW and drought….

    Have you found jesus in those posts herb?

  9. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Yes, there’s nothing we can do about the destruction of the Amazon Rainforest..

    Why is Brazil’s Amazon rainforest burning?
    Thu, August 11, 2022 at 12:26 PM
    STORY: Why is the Amazon rainforest burning?
    The number of fires burning in Brazil’s rainforest hit a 15-year high in June.
    Meanwhile the rate of deforestation has also surged to record levels.
    (Manoela Machado, Wildfire and Deforestation researcher at Oxford University) “We have a combination of a drier climate with more motivation to deforest. So this is extremely bad news.”
    Here are some factors driving destruction of the world’s largest rainforest.
    Unlike wildfires in Europe or the United States, fires do not occur naturally in the humid, tropical Amazon rainforest.
    Instead, farmers cut down the forests and set trees on fire to clear land.
    August and September are typically the height of dry season in the Amazon. That’s when fires become harder to contain and can run out of control.
    But climate change is leading to higher temperatures and drier conditions throughout the year, making fires more frequent and severe.
    Forest fires have worsened since 2019, when right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro took office and sought to weaken environmental protections.
    Bolsonaro says protected areas of the Amazon should be opened to mining and farming to fight poverty.
    Experts say that under his government, farmers, ranchers and land grabbers feel emboldened to destroy the forest without punishment.
    Andre Freitas is Greenpeace Amazon coordinator.
    “In the last year of the Bolsonaro’s government, people and criminals have been taking advantage on these lands, and they have exploited the land. And all that is a significant loss for the population, for the country. It is also a very bad contribution to the climate crisis.”
    Between August 2020 and July 2021, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon soared 22% to its highest level since 2006.
    More than 5,000 square miles of forest were cleared.
    That’s according to the government’s annual report.
    Bolsonaro has repeatedly denied an uptick in fires under his presidency, despite government data.
    “The Amazon is equivalent to Western Europe. How are we supposed to take care of all this? And one more thing, if every year there were as much deforestation as the media says, the whole Amazon would already be a desert. I would like to agree with the article here, but it is not true.”
    Are the Amazon fires contributing to climate change? Yes.
    The destruction of old-growth trees in the Amazon releases a lot of climate-warming carbon dioxide.
    Scientists say sharply reducing deforestation is important for fighting climate change, as destruction of tropical rainforests is responsible for about 9% of human-caused CO2 emissions.

    The key word in this article is DENY…I agree, by all accounts we are in denial…

    • All of the carbon credits for preventing deforestation don’t seem to be doing any good at all.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        What do you mean? The billionaires now own 50% of the world (at least). If that is not progress, I don’t know what is.

        Btw, I don’t understand the debates pro/con AGW. IT DOES NOT MATTER.

        People will destroy everything anyway (forest, soil, fish etc). Does it matter if they do this directly or through some climate change? Either way it will happen.

        Unless of course you vote for those carbon credits so the oligarchs can buy everything and “be happy”.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      They breed like rats then complain when the forests get decimated.

      Stooopid Dunce F789s

  10. Marco Bruciati says:

    France elettricity costo 602 megawatt!!!!!!

  11. Slowly at first says:

    temperatures rise -> increased use of A/C -> more GHG emitted -> temperatures rise

  12. Yoshua says:

    There’s a tight relation between oil inventories and the oil price

    • Oil prices are balanced on the edge of a knife, so to speak. A little too much oil (relative to demand), and prices fall; a little too much and prices rise.

      Interest rates and the amount of debt outstanding are very important in determining demand. Demand corresponds to what the economy can afford.

  13. Student says:

    (Times of Israel)

    Ashton Kutcher says he’s ‘lucky to be alive’ after battling autoimmune disease
    Actor reveals difficult ordeal during an episode of ‘Running Wild with Bear Grylls: The Challenge,’ says ‘rare form of vasculitis’ robbed him of sight, hearing and equilibrium.
    “Two years ago I had this weird, super-rare form of vasculitis that knocked out my vision and knocked out my hearing and knocked out all my equilibrium. It took me like a year to build it all back up,” Kutcher said.’

    I’m probably biased, but these symptoms look pretty similar to the ones coming from adverse events of the ominous mRNA jab.

  14. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Thu, August 11, 2022 at 4:37 AM
    By Tim Hepher

    PARIS (Reuters) – The head of the European Space Agency (ESA) has warned economic damage from heatwaves and drought could dwarf Europe’s energy crisis as he called for urgent action to tackle climate change.

    Director General Josef Aschbacher told Reuters successive heatwaves along with wildfires, shrinking rivers and rising land temperatures as measured from space left no doubt about the toll on agriculture and other industries from climate change.

    “Today, we are very concerned about the energy crisis, and rightly so. But this crisis is very small compared to the impact of climate change, which is of a much bigger magnitude and really has to be tackled extremely fast,” he said.

    He was speaking in an interview as heatwaves and floods generate concerns over extreme weather across the globe.

    More than 57,200 hectares have been swallowed by wildfire in France this year, nearly six times the full-year average.

    In Spain, a prolonged dry spell made July the hottest month since at least 1961.

    Utah’s Great Salt Lake and Italy’s Po River are at their lowest recorded levels. France’s Loire is now on the watch list.

    On Tuesday, Britain issued a new amber “Extreme Heat” warning.

    That follows record temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) that placed a renewed focus on climate risks at July’s Farnborough Airshow in southern England, where Aschbacher said the issue was humanity’s biggest challenge.

    “It’s pretty bad. We have seen extremes that have not been observed before,” Aschbacher told Reuters this week.

    Soaring air temperatures are not the only problem. The Earth’s skin is getting warmer too.

    Aschbacher said ESA’s Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite series had measured “extreme” land surface temperatures of more than 45C in Britain, 50C in France and 60C in Spain in recent weeks.

    Land surface temperature drives air circulation.

    “It’s really the whole ecosystem that is changing very, very fast and much faster than what scientists expected until some years ago,” he said.

    “It is drought, fires, intensity of storms, everything coupled together, which are the visible signs of climate change.”

    As changes in temperature also become more marked, winds become stronger and unleash harsher storms.

    “Typhoons are much more powerful than they used to be in terms of wind speed and therefore damage,” Aschbacher said.

    Yet another blow to BAU …. unfortunately, nothing that we can do about it..

    • A huge amount of misinformation being distributed.

      “Today, we are very concerned about the energy crisis, and rightly so. But this crisis is very small compared to the impact of climate change, which is of a much bigger magnitude and really has to be tackled extremely fast,” he said.

      What a bunch of nonsense. The energy crisis brings the economy down. There is no hope that we can do anything about changing climate. It is just a distraction.

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        Well, perhaps he was looking at in a different light with the economy being one aspect of the collapse.
        You are right, of course, once the economy shuts down…it will be curtains for the planets ecosystem as well…i.e. the spent nuclear fuel rod storage ponds.,

        • Tim Groves says:

          Herbie, it really warms the heart to see you and Fast Eddy finally in agreement on one thing. 🙂

      • Xabier says:

        You are right, Gail, what he says is utter tripe,

      • one example:

        The Hoover dam was constructed to harvest the energy in the Colorado river which is effectively snowpack run off.
        The more energy produced and ‘sold’ the more profitable the dam enterprise.

        Lake Mead is filled by melting snowpack
        The Hoover dam (and similar) power output allows the BAU existence of millions of people. If climate change cuts off their energy supplies they are going to get very annoyed. (the hoaxmongers will be out in force).

        But climate change is drastically reducing the snowpack very quickly. Thus the energy output of the Hoover dam is directly and specifically linked to climate change. The ‘bathtub ring’ is there to see right now.

        Without the power of the Hoover dam the cities it supports will crumble to dust .

        Same applies to food. Climate change will affect food energy supplies directly and drastically. This in turn will drive conflicts.

        I don’t see how it’s possible to think of energy crises and climate change as separate entities

        • I see the problem as bad models. We should not have expected the Hoover Dam to work indefinitely. We should immediately have started work on replacement energy supply, if there is one.

          Building cities based on temporary water supply would seem to represent the height of stupidity.

          • that was the basis of the point i was trying to make

            unfortunately, the Hoover dam was part of the ‘new deal’ which was effectively a gigantic (FF burning) job creation scheme.
            Which at the time was critical to social survival.
            (Imagine the 30s depression being allowed to run on indefinitely)

            But to create jobs and wages, it is essential to change one energy form into another. Which is what the Hoover dam power does. The snag is you have to go on with that ‘forever’. There is no ‘enough’.

            Creating money became an end in itself—imagine trying to prevent Vegas being built. That, as far as i can judge, was a rolling program of demolition and rebuilding on the rollercoaster of oil and fabricated cash.

            Insane? Certainly, but it seemed a good idea at the time. Hindsight is easy. Cities were built on what seemed a permanent water supply. The CA snowpack was just ‘there’ to be used. No one thought the Colorado could be ‘used up’. Check the delta.

            And we did use hydropower to create another power source—Nukes. That didnt work out too well either. Nuke power requires water/steam conversion anyway.

            All energy sources require heat conversion.
            There is no other method. I’m no physicist, but i think laws say it can’t be done.

        • gpdawson2016 says:

          But they do, Norm, they do!

          And if you take a minute it’s clear that all of us here on OFW know that until recently they didn’t think about the energy side of the equation at all… not in the slightest, that’s what made this site so special.

          Climate Change is what is known as ‘the other side of the coin’. It the obverse side of energy depletion. You can talk about one but not the other….one implicates the other. The Overton Window exists to muffle our speech on energy related matters…. And it’s working fine!

          • Fast Eddy says:

            So what caused all the drought and severe GW that brought down civilizations throughout ancient history?

            • almost without exception, ancient civilisations were brought down by over exploitation of available resources.

              just as ours will be.

              our sheer numbers just added GW as an extra

          • most people have a tendency to examine and give opinions on only the side of any problem that directly affects them

            that is just human nature.

            We’ve locked ourselves into a system where wages must be created at an ever increasing rate.

            That must happen because we are in a permanent debt system, so next years wages must pay off this years debt—and so on.

            But because money is just a token of energy exchange, we have to find more energy this year than last year to support the system

            this is clearly impossible.

            So the only solution is to create debt to pretend things are OK, which we’ve been doing for the last 50 years.

            We appear to be at the end of the line. Which is why things seem to be falling apart.

            (and if you refer back to OFW archives, you’ll find refs to energy etc. That was before the conspirahoilcs took over the brewery)

            • Kowalainen says:

              Just read Marion King Hubbert instead of badly punctuated and capitalized endless repetitions, ramblings and plagiarisms.

              Which is the typical tryhard attaboy ego antics of looping the egotistical fantasy narratives inside the myopia of ordinary.

              It just plays the same tape, over and over and over and over again, expecting different results.

              It is sort of an analogy of a pathological civilization chock full of hyper tryhard attaboys placating hyper MOARons. All retch and no vomit in perpetuity.

              Something like that.
              Just sayin, no hate.

        • Agamemnon says:

          A very rough est!
          Hoover Max power at 2gw
          1 gwh about 600barrels
          80 yr about 700m hours
          At 10$ a barrel about 8 billion
          Dam cost .7B
          Subsidizing sin city a gargantuan negative but I better not go there.

          • Agamemnon says:

            80y is 700K hrs

          • Kowalainen says:

            I love hydro power. Why you might ponder?


            Once the fixed cost of construction is paid in full it’s all but minor maintenance to keep ‘er huffing and puffing.

            If it wasn’t for hyper MOARons and hyper Tryhards breeding like cockroaches and laying devastation in their path toward all retch and no vomit a trillion times over and over and over again.

            • Hydropower tends to be most available in spring. This is when electricity needs tend to be low, since neither much heating nor cooling is required. Thus, the timing of hydropower is not very helpful. It comes with electricity prices normally would be low.

              Hydropower in arid areas and in the tropics cannot be depended upon. There are often “wet seasons” and “dry seasons.” In order for industry to use the electricity, there needs to be a double system, with fossil fuels providing the rest of the electricity. In fact, it doesn’t make sense for citizens to have refrigerators in their homes, unless year-around, 24 hour electricity is available.

              The dam is not permanent. It needs repairs. Also, the amount of water available tends to change over time. Modelers tend to overestimate the lifetime of dams.

            • Kowalainen says:

              There’s a few places on earth in the sub arctic climate zone with stable weather patterns where hydro power seem to work particularly well.

              But hey, 14-15M in total population…


            • Kow

              having criticised my ramblings and repetitions, may I copy some of yours and ask what on earth are you rambling on about?

              >>>>Which is the typical tryhard attaboy ego antics of looping the egotistical fantasy narratives inside the myopia of ordinary. <<<>>hyper tryhard attaboys placating hyper MOARons.<<<<


              I challenge you to find any paragraph anywhere on the subject of energy depletion and climate change (and similar) which has not been reworked from stuff someone has previously said, Maybe with the exception of Hubbert himself.

              As to typing–I'm the world's worst one finger typist, and my thinking runs faster than my finger.

              Read my formal work, and you will find no errors whatsoever,

              but keep ranting—i still compliment you on (most) of your grasp of English

            • Kowalainen says:

              Don’t worry Normal, if it strikes a “nerve”, I.e, jolts the ego and its egotistical fantasies, it’s all good innit?

              Some oh noes from slapping down the truths never causes any lasting injury. I doubt you’re that vested into your own fantastic projections? However, that myopia of ordinary of yours is a bit rancid at this point. 💩

              Btw; my English is garbage.

              However I do Tryhard as well as I am capable of outputting that which whatever I’m pondering upon. And forgive me for all grammatical and word order errors. My mind was brought up with Finnish syntax and semantics.

              We all plagiarize each other.

              And for gods sake, use autocorrect and or learn how to use your entire hand when typing instead of emulating a duo of wood peckers hacking out some unsubstantiated nonsense.

              Sometimes try adding another finger to the cacophony when rambling away.

              Just sayin.
              No hate.

      • Artleads says:

        And you uniquely have made this issue clear. I had previously had to trust intuition (and aesthetic intuition) THAT CLIMATE change was not the major issue. That same intuition tells me that real estate development goes on top of the existential-problems list. But no one seems to notice.

        • Kim says:

          “real estate development”

          I live amidst the best farming land in the world. It is rapidly disappearing under tracts of cheap butterbox housing. I can’t bear to see it.

          • Xabier says:

            Cambridge University allowed lots of farmland to the west of the city, which it has owned for centuries, to lie unused for years, pending covering it all with the nastiest of cheap housing ( low-rise ‘eco’-blocks!) for graduate students and some faculty and research buildings with all the grace of an out of town shopping centre.

            Yes, it’s sickening to see it dug up and ruined, like rape followed by sterility from VD.

            Unfortunately I have to cycle past every day….

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Eco concrete – same stuff Leo used on his resort that is inches above sea level.

              When BAU fails it will be eco concrete.. over a hundred years it will turn to dust….

      • ivanislav says:

        “What a bunch of nonsense. The energy crisis brings the economy down. There is no hope that we can do anything about changing climate. It is just a distraction.”

        Did you collaborate at all with Nate Hagens? He’s pretty gung-ho about the climate change stuff.

        • I don’t believe a whole lot of what Nate Hagens says. He wants jobs working for universities and governmental organizations. He stays pretty close to the story they want “pushed.”

          • Artleads says:

            Of your many ideas that I appreciate, the analysis suggesting those jobs won’t be there is the most precious.

          • nikoB says:

            Agreed, Nate woke me up to this stuff in the early 2000s but he is too much in denial – believing that we can solve this issue.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I need some advice… who do you think is stoopider – people who inject the experiment – or people who believe man has a catastrophic impact on the klimate?

      • drb753 says:

        Indeed Gail. In northern Italy we used to have wheat, alfalfa, sugarbeets, and corn. Now we have olives, sorghum, and sunflowers. Those who have irrigation grow peanuts. Yes the climate has changed. but we are still growing things. Meanwhile Italy has nearly de-industrialized.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Did you expect the klimate to remain static forever?

          Greenland was once green – there was an advanced civilization that was burning a lot of coal back then

          • sheesh eddy

            sometimes you outdo yourself—difficult i know, but it can happen

            800000 years ago ‘green’ didnt exist–the word wasn’t coined

            Greenland was a travel incentive by Erik the Red to encourage settlers from Iceland.

            Other than that everyone is fully aware that ‘Greenland’ was icefree in past times

            and no–there wasn’t an ‘advanced civilisation’ burning a lot of coal back then.

            Ours is the only ‘advanced civilisation’ on Earth that there’s ever been in terms of ‘mechanical advantage.’–just burning coal does not give you mechanical advantage.

            We are not talking about 800000 years for climate change

            we are talking about 200 years

            Not that this will affect your reasoning powers in the least.(I make this comment because Attenborough has asked me to report sightings of the eddywit.
            It is only seen by stirring piles of BS)

      • Tim Groves says:

        Re. the Hoover Dam, it seems to have been a good, if temporary, solution to the problems of the time, and its construction “hit several birds with one stone”.

        The Hoover Dam is one of the largest man-made structures in the world. At the time of its construction in the 1930’s it was most definitely a unicorn of a project. There was no other project out there like it. Today, the Hoover Dam provides yearly electricity to over 1.3 million people across Arizona and southern Nevada and California.

        The Hoover Dam was built for three main reasons: flood control, to provide irrigation water and to produce hydroelectric power. Flood control though, was the main reason that the Bureau of Reclamation decided to take on the projects. Today, tourism is another bonus for the dam. Over 7 million people visit the dam every year.

        Every year, spring melt from the Rocky Mountain would flood farms along the Colorado River. The dam problem-solved this issue while also addressing the need for power. Damming the river created more space for farmland as well as a water basin to use for irrigation.

        Plans for the dam took over 30 years of research, lobbying, organization and design. Arthur Powell Davis who was an engineer at the Bureau of Reclamation conceptualized the dam back in 1902. The beginning of the 20th century marked a major time of change for the river. The Colorado River, before this time, was an unchecked flow of water that moved amongst high canon walls at the mercy of rainfall and spring-melt from the towering Rocky Mountains.

        Between 1910 and 1970, numerous dams were built that ultimately reshaped the river, creating a complex flow of water reservoirs and diversions. The actual construction of the dam took place between 1931 – 1936 – right in the midst of the Great Depression. It was overseen by Chief Engineer Frank Crow.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It’s not too dissimilar to the Ukey war… very useful whipping boys they are

        Both are working extremely well — you can even explain it to the MOREONS but they will insist on believing the MSM version

        hahahahahaha… that is some excellent propaganda combined with some very low IQ

    • Tim Groves says:

      It’s been an interesting discussion about the Great Salt Lake, the Hoover Dam, and how temporary are the measures that have been made to maximize the use of the master natural resource—water—in the semi-arid Southwest of the USA.

      As a bit of background, this is what has to say about the Great Salt lake:

      The Great Salt Lake is the largest natural lake west of the Mississippi River. At the current level the Great Salt Lake is approximately 75 miles long and about 35 miles wide. Located in several wide flat basins, a slight rise in water level expands the surface area of the lake considerably. The first scientific measurements were taken in 1849 and since then the lake level has varied by 20 feet, shifting the shoreline in some places as much as 15 miles.

      Great Salt Lake is salty because it does not have an outlet. Tributary rivers are constantly bringing in small amounts of salt dissolved in their fresh water flow. Once in the Great Salt Lake much of the water evaporates leaving the salt behind.

      Great Salt Lake is the remnant of Lake Bonneville; a great ice age lake that rose dramatically from a small saline lake 30,000 years ago. The most conspicuous reminders of Lake Bonneville are the ancient terraces etched into the landscape along the lake’s former shorelines. The terraces were eroded by wave action and are relatively flat areas that follow a contour line. Look south from Buffalo Point for an outstanding view of Lake Bonneville terraces carved into the island as high as a thousand feet above the Great Salt Lake’s surface. After the ice age the earth’s climate became drier and Lake Bonneville gradually receded to form Great Salt Lake.

      Great Salt Lake is too saline to support fish and most other aquatic species. Several types of algae live in the lake. Brine shrimp and brine flies can tolerate the high salt content and feed on the algae. Brine shrimp eggs are harvested commercially and are sold overseas as prawn food. The oft maligned brine flies do not bite or land on people and are the primary food source for many birds that migrate to the lake. For most of the summer brine flies form a ring around the entire shoreline and rarely venture more than a few feet from the water’s edge. Biologists have estimated their population to be over one hundred billion.

      The ever-fluctuating Great Salt Lake has frustrated attempts to develop its shoreline. As a result much of the lake is ringed by extensive wetlands making Great Salt Lake one of the most important resources for migrating and nesting birds.

      Great Salt Lake draws people for a variety of recreational experiences and to enjoy what John Muir called “one of the great views on the American Continent.”

      Bridger Bay Beach on the north end of Antelope Island is perhaps the nicest beach on the entire lake. The beach is a two-mile long, hundred yard wide expanse of white oolitic sand. Oolitic sand is actually formed in the lake and is made up of concentric layers of calcium carbonate (lime). Look closely at the sand: most grains are smooth and perfectly round. Bridger Bay is where many people come to float like a cork because you cannot sink in the Great Salt Lake. To lie back and float upon the lake with only the sound of the gulls overhead is a unique experience unlikely to be forgotten.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      In other news the MSM insists as do many experts that lockdowns and masks are effective at combatting covid.

      And if one does not work … wear 2 or even 4…

      Despite zero credibility stooopid people still believe the MSM hahahahahahahaahaha

      • bring in any relevant subject to discussion

        not good enough

        eddy throws his toys out of the pram and screams until somebody discusses covid again

  15. CTG says:

    Xabier has written a comment that his friend noticed that the Germans seem to have a changed behaviour.

    I see here in my place people are definitely different. The cannot argue with you, seems to have lower quality arguments, forgetful, at times emotional and irrational.

    Of course logic has disappeared and the acceptance of everything the government says is very high.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Interesting observation.

      Dennis L.

    • People are quite “out of sorts” when their rent has risen, food costs have rising, and transportation costs are very high. It is individual citizens who have a terrible view of the economy.

      Businesses seem to have a larger share of costs that are not changing (such as bond payments), or they have a way of pushing the higher costs off to customers.

      • Dennis L. says:

        I sense that here in the Rochester, MN area; costs are going crazy in both construction materials and food. I shop at Sam’s, have eaten the same diet for years, $100 doesn’t purchase what it used to.

        More farmland seems on auction, my guess is prices have peaked, but the stock market is on fire; if you are in the right stocks, necessities, Tim Morgan seems to have nailed this one.

        Some things are hard to get, brush cutter from Bobcat has a 32 week wait, shortage of hydraulic motors. Took four weeks to get tractor tires installed.

        Even if one is comfortable, things seem dicey at the edges. Could the elites sense this and be very nervous as well? Subconscious?

        Dennis L.

        • Kowalainen says:

          How would you react having all those sweet egotistical fantasies starting to crumble together with the hopium and copiate supply?

          There must be this nagging suspicion about the vax as well, slap some existential angst and vax injury on top of all that ego damage and what have you?

          1. Piss poor judgement, causing👇
          2. Stress, causing 👇
          3. High cortisol levels, causing 👇
          4. Premature aging, causing 👇
          5. Premature senility

          The seven stages of grief is taking shape.

          • Tim Groves says:

            Piss poor judgment causes stains on the lavatory wall.

            Apart from that, I think you’ve produced an excellent comment.

            And for the record, I am seeing these five phenomena in many people around me to varying degrees.

            Also, many people of my generation (early sixties) and the generation above us have long noted that, on the average, as a broad generalization, the younger generations are less wholesome, less athletic, less socially at ease, less psychologically mature, and less functioning-on-all-cylinders-adults, than we were at their age.

            This view is obviously a subjective one to a large extent. But it is born out by personal experience. so, if we accept that it is at least partially valid, then it is understandable that the impact of the current dystopian situation on the mental and emotional health of the mass of working-age people who are not mentally or emotionally strong enough to bear it is greater than it would have been for the more robust members of previous generations.

            And if you think that’s nonsense, you can just say “OK boomer.”

            • Kowalainen says:

              Ok boomer. 🤣
              I’ll give it a shot.

              *Echoes of an entitled generation* 🎼

              Yes, having everything served with a silver spoon can make one feel special, unique and “better”.

              In reality you’re just a pampered princess Tryhard attaboy boomer.

              However, the entitlements of a generation transfers effortlessly to the next. Yep; everybody’s want those ‘ok boomer’ conveniences and luxuries.

              But that ain’t gonna happen without the yokes of debt and servitude. And then it’s not gonna happen at all from depletion and ineptitude.

              As for me; I’m just sending the oats and stomping the cranks. That would make any ok boomer weep in exhaustion even in their “prime” half a century ago.

              *Boom* enough for ‘ya Tim?

          • Fast Eddy says:

            There is a ticking time bomb inside the head of every CovIDIOT.

        • Xabier says:

          One would expect people here in Britain to be a bit on edge, due to warnings about huge price increases, power cuts, shortages, etc, but they seem utterly unaware.

          Food prices, although up 10- 15% or so, are still affordable; construction workers are very busy; the motorway is humming, restaurants packed.

          Shelves are full in the shops, most goods available instantly online…..

          This general complacency will continue until something smashes them in the face.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Bat Mobile remains at the garage waiting for a simple tube to circulate coolant.. 3 weeks now…

    • NomadicBeer says:

      Or maybe you are not just at their level of argument and you are not ready yet to accept reality?

      I kid, I kid. See how easy it is to dismiss someone without thinking? You do it, they do it…

      In times of stress people are looking for certainty. Trust in authority increases. Think about all american presidents starting a war to shore up their poll numbers.

      A minority of people deal with the stress by becoming nihilistic: everyone will die soon, what does it matter? We see that all the time in history (that’s how the Christian apocalyptic theology arose).

      Of course, we could accept that we don’t know much and the universe (or Gaia, or god) doesn’t care about us one way or the other. But then we would spend less time online, debating meaningless things.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Could be a confrontation going on in their minds… they surely must know they’ve f789ed themselves (and in many instances their kids)… by injecting the Fizer… but Cognitive Dissonance is battling against reality in a vicious Cage Match going on in their minds….

      They are unaware of this war — which manifests in volatile angry outbursts… they have no idea why this is happening.

      Kill the Pig … Bash Him In.

      When they are all sick and near death … it might be a good time to visit the hospital parking lot to Rub It In… and give them kicks in the face (with steel toed boots… made of leather)…

  16. Is there any truth to this?

    Washington steals over 80 percent of Syria’s oil output per day
    The losses incurred by the trafficking campaign surpass $100bln, according to Syria’s oil ministry

    The Syrian Oil Ministry released a statement on 9 August accusing US forces occupying Syria of being responsible for the theft of most of the country’s oil.

    “The amount of oil production during the first half of 2022 amounted to some 14.5 million barrels, with an average daily production of 80.3 thousand barrels, of which 14.2 thousand are delivered daily to refineries,” the oil ministry’s statement said. . .

    On 10 August, footage filmed by a Russian attack helicopter was released on social media, showing a convoy of trucks operated by the US military, smuggling stolen oil destined for Iraq, out of Raqqah.

    • Student says:

      US and Russia know a lot about each other, and now probably they tell those things each other and everybody, unfiltered

    • must have pretty good cameras

      was each truck flying the stars and stripes?

      and the drivers wearing (obviously) false beards?

      • Kim says:

        Pretty good cameras exist. So does human, on the ground, intelligence, communications intelligence, etc.

        • if we base ‘gaslighting’ on the proportionality of comments made,

          and ‘definition’:

          >>>>>manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.<<<<<

          I think you might do yourself a favour by looking elsewhere on that one.

          Particularly as you held up Alex Jones as being something of a folk hero the other day.

          With that comment—I really did begin to doubt my own sanity. But it blew you out Tim—permanently. And installed you with the eddynuts.

          Luckily I have paperwork signed by 2 psychiatrists, confirming that I am sane.

          Do you? With your ref to Alex Jones, it would appear not.

  17. Adonis says:

    Look up nssm 2000 document the depop was meant to start in the year 2000 but because of political holdup it started 20 years late

    • This is

      National Security Study Memorandum
      NSSM 200
      Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT)
      December 10, 1974

      The Executive Summary begins:

      World Demographic Trends

      1. World population growth since World War 11 is quantitatively and qualitatively different from any previous epoch in human history. The rapid reduction in death rates, unmatched by corresponding birth rate reductions, has brought total growth rates close to 2 percent a year, compared with about 1 percent before World War II, under 0.5 percent in 1750-1900, and far lower rates before 1750. The effect is to double the world’s population in 35 years instead of 100 years. Almost 80 million are now being added each year, compared with 10 million in 1900.

      2. The second new feature of population trends is the sharp differentiation between rich and poor countries. Since 1950, population in the former group has been growing at O to 1.5 percent per year, and in the latter at 2.0 to 3.5 percent (doubling in 20 to 35 years). Some of the highest rates of increase are in areas already densely populated and with a weak resource base.

      It later has a Policy Recommendation:

      28. World policy and programs in the population field should incorporate two major objectives:

      (a) actions to accommodate continued population growth up to 6 billions by the mid-21st century without massive starvation or total frustration of developmental hopes; and

      (b) actions to keep the ultimate level as close as possible to 8 billions rather than permitting it to reach 10 billions, 13 billions, or more.

      The executive summary mentions some actions by 2020:

      31. The World Population Plan of Action and the resolutions adopted by consensus by 137 nations at the August 1974 U.N. World Population Conference, though not ideal, provide an excellent framework for developing a worldwide system of population/ family planning programs. We should use them to generate U.N. agency and national leadership for an all-out effort to lower growth rates. Constructive action by the U.S. will further our objectives.

      To this end we should:

      (a) Strongly support the World Population Plan of Action and the adoption of its appropriate provisions in national and other programs.

      (b) Urge the adoption by national programs of specific population goals including replacement levels of fertility for DCs and LDCs by 2000.

      (c) After suitable preparation in the U.S., announce a U.S. goal to maintain our present national average fertility no higher than replacement level and attain near stability by 2000.

  18. Kim says:

    49 years old. Former top-flight footballer, successful premiership coach, in the peak of condition for his age. Drops dead at home. Everybody stunned.

    • Kowalainen says:

      49 years old?? By the looks he was closer to 60.

      Been “busy” hyper tryharding and placating a moaroning I reckon.
      Yes, of course he were. But he sure AF won’t be anymore.


      • Kim says:

        He was definitely no advertisement for skin care but he was fit and strong.

        I suppose that there still exists in this world a class of men who put the living of life above the preservation of a girlish complexion. They even go out into the Australian sun. Although Sir Walter Elliot would surely disapprove.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Fit and strong, then goes on dying at 49 while looking like the typical 60 year old?


          I reckon he was all rot on the inside with the jab finishing the “job” already started by profusely jacking his rear end on “vitamin S” in that “professional” sporting career of his.

          “Living the good life”: I.e. hyper tryharding causing increased cortisol levels from the stress which burns those telomeres and melting “baby fat” and causing arterial plaques to form.

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    What could it be????????????????????

    norm – any idea???

    Paul Green’s “devastated” family has been joined by the rugby league community in mourning the shock loss of the premiership-winning coach who has died at the age of 49.

    He was found dead at his Queensland home on Thursday morning. The exact cause of death is not known.×700.254nv2.png/1660202168862.jpg

  20. Fast Eddy says:

    China burn more coal for EV charging – nice!

    • EVs are popular where coal is used to generate electricity. Also, France where (up until recently) electricity could be generated mostly by nuclear. Without a cheap source of electricity generation, EVs are a dead end. In fact, getting hookups so that everyone can charge their cars would be a major hurdle. This makes EVs a non-solution.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    He would have been vaxxed.. (or they’d mention he wasn’t)

  22. Student says:


    It is not a videogame.
    Guns and bombs home by home.
    In this action an israeli and a palestinian died.

    Don’t watch if you think that you might be impressed.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I want dead bodies

      • Student says:

        In my view, the key point is that they live in a terrible perennial war.
        Probably the good point not to have Palestine as a State is that one side can enter in that territory without crossing an official border, without going into the merits if some of the other side are terrorists or not.
        I think that confict is one of the worst situation of the world.

        • Kim says:

          The Balfour Declaration was a bribe paid to the Zio.nists to induce them to bring the United States into WW1.

          Without that, Britain, which was losing the war, would have come to the peace table.

          Peace would have meant no bolshevik revolution in Russia. No Treaty of Versailles. No Holodomor. No Great Purge. No WW2. No Chinese Communism. No Great Leap Forward. No United Nations. No IMF. And so on.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Please outline the alternative to these horrors which include the antics of hyper MOARons and hyper Tryhards, because that’s the species we are.

            There would just have been another set of horrors. Primates gonna primate even if you “erase” the past and try again from the vantage point of delusional fantasy la-la land.

            If you’re in doubt; ask yourself who built the pyramids and all the other “megalithic” sites scattered around the globe? Where are they and what could possibly have gone wrong?

            Nah; further inquiry is redundant.
            Failed species now and forever.

            It is just not a very good idea to strap a large neocortex on a primate. It will be hunky dory for some time and then it will diverge into the usual egotistical fantasies and ego escapism into hopiates and copium.

            Just repeat after me:
            FAILED SPECIES


            • MM says:

              From a statistical viewpoint it makes sense then that nobody ever takes me serious.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Yes, penetrating egos jacked on copium and hopiates is basically an exercise in futility.

              Which sort of creates the predicament we find ourselves in.

              It is what it is.

          • Student says:

            I don’t know if this link can be a reliable source about the Balfour Declaration, but I think it could give anyway a general picture about that key historic episode.
            Thank you, I dind’t remember that.


  23. banned says:

    my my my. The internet is abuzz with talk of the raid on Trump. Red clown camp seems to believe that the raid is the final nail in the blue clowns midterm coffin as the affront of secret warrants from certain very special judges wont be tolerated. Another camp feels “evidence” will be produced from the raid that enables trumps prosecution and a rekindling of the continuous two minute hate for him and any that repeated his “misinformation” about election theft. Thus the voting tabulation midterm results will be overwhelmingly favorable to the blue clown team and will make total sense because who would vote for a the insurgent red clown team who attempted to “overthrow” the legitimate government on Jan 6. Plus people will consider their vote very carefully with trump behind bars and the jan 6 people the same. Regardless is there really any doubt that the dominion machines that produced “the most secure election in history” will tabulate another very secure blue clown landslide in the midterms in spite of number one blue clown extraordinaire approval rating at historic lows? Interesting times for sure! Anyone can win a election when their approval ratings are high. It takes tenacity to win a election when your head clown approval ratings are in the gutter.

    Myself I have only one wish. Calmer heads prevail. Lot of crazy talk out there. Im enjoying my summer. Its a nice one! Martial law would screw it up for sure.

  24. Fast Eddy says:

    Ford raises price of electric F-150 Lightning by up to $8,500 due to ‘significant’ battery cost increases

    “Ford is the latest automaker to increase pricing of their newest electric vehicles amid rising inflation and commodity costs. General Motors previously raised the price of its Hummer EV pickup by $6,250, while EV startups Rivian Automotive and Lucid increased the costs of their vehicles substantially more than that. Tesla also has raised pricing this year on its vehicles.”

    Let’s go… Bran-don.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    I’ve a CRACKING story.

    My sister in UK has as a friend a guy who’s a consultant orthopedic surgeon. He’s followed interviews I’ve done.

    Unjabbed & red pilled, he lectures his staff who can’t go anywhere while they’re all in theatre.

    Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, he had an in-person consultation with a prospective patient who needed a hip replacement. He checked the patients details, learning he was a senior sales & marketing executive for EMEA at Pfizer for the biological products including all vaccines. (No confidentiality has been broken here as there are many such roles).

    He assessed the patient & before helping him off the inspection table, he said, casually, that he was confident that he could help the man, and that he should anticipate (& then he came very close to him, stopping face to face, less than a foot away) “that the procedure would be SAFE & EFFECTIVE”, leaving a long silence, while holding the man’s gaze.

    Apparently, my sisters friend had never seen a person get dressed & run from his clinic faster.

    He’s not heard from him since.


    I like this fellow.

    Best wishes
    Mike Yeadon

    I ask again – why do the protestors not park in front of the Pfizzer offices and harass the staff daily?

  26. Fast Eddy says:

    Shock figures reveal an increase in the number of New Zealanders suffering through freezing Winter conditions living in their cars with those on the ground describing the conditions as ‘heart-breaking’ as the cost of living crisis takes its toll.

    How many billion wasted on lockdowns?

    • Wet My Beak says:

      Sad new zealand is truly third world now. Education and health systems bust. Scribble faces looting the Treasury. Gangs patrolling the streets looking for people to beat and rob.

      Reminds me of Haiti.

      I actually thought of a way new zealand could redeem itself. Offer to take a nuclear hit from a Russian submarine as a showcase to the world of what another world war could mean for civilisation.

      Some in its reptilian population might survive and could start afresh building a scribble face paradise without modern irritations. Tribal killing, rape and cannibalism could make an unfettered return consistent with the historical maori lifestyle.

      Additionally, there would be no loss of anything of value to the wider world.

    • In the future, automobiles may be bought with the view of how suitable they are for sleeping. An all purpose residence/vehicle/place to store goods.

      • Xabier says:

        Back to the wagons of the first steppe nomads?

      • Artleads says:

        The small RV. Great idea. And I had been thinking how to secure a cheap carrier to the railings topside my car.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          “The small RV. Great idea.”

          Thinking further ahead, a diesel truck with a canopy on the back (and maybe a small trailer) would fare better on broken roads and it could be easily adapted to burn oils, alcohols or a wood gasifier.

          For those interested go to Tanzania and see what they use: if they are smart they can work with Toyota and design the future of housing AND transportation!

          • Artleads says:

            I assume that Gail’s thesis implies a transitional period where a lot of BAU can still function. Going to a car dealer and buying a small RV is a simple ratchet up from how RV’s are produced today. I’m not sure Gail thinks of it this way. Does she see a transition that deliberately programs in some BAU? Does she think that only BAU is viable, and so must continue till…? *I* tend to synthesize this “blind” end ahead with a more practical BAU model, one that keeps critical supply chains going. I wish I knew more about the Tanzanian model. I also buy that one can merely imagine, and do small experiments to extend what is imagined–like “talking” to an animal that can only think in pictures. Does our self organizing system “see” our thoughts? I believe it can, which leads to the admonition to “try.”

            • Kowalainen says:

              “Does our self organizing system “see” our thoughts? I believe it can, which leads to the admonition to “try.””

              However “separate” our minds appears to be, they’re still “connected” through this thing called ‘embedded in the universe’. And nobody knows how the universe works.

              Ask yourself; how is it that the mind can establish subjective experience (qualia) from processing stimuli? How can it possibly work at all? Wouldn’t it be “easier” operating like pure automatons?

              But you know what? That is the glory of subjective experience. You see; within its temptations is the truth of a species.

              Wanna get high on your own hopiates and copiates. No problemo, just go right ahead with that Tryhard or MOARon. If that isn’t sufficient; Pfizer got some compounds that will make you all smiles one jab and pill at a time.

              Survival instinct isn’t something bad as long as it isn’t delusional and selfish in the sense that there isn’t an understanding of the importance of others (pure individualism).

              And whatever that which thinks tends to more complexity from mineral I’d postulate got an evolutionary advantage. However; it is useless in a setting where the Tryhards and MOARons dominate with their appalling collective projections.

              It’s a lost cause.
              Failed species.
              Let it sink in.

              In the mean time:


          • Fast Eddy says:

            Hey everyone 2 +2 = 7654

            Please treat me with respect

  27. Fast Eddy says:


    Machete and axes but no blood?

    • Student says:

      I think you don’t see immediately blood going out fast when those terrible weapons hit. They are sharp and they make a deep cut.
      As when you cut your finger with a knife in the kitchen.
      The wound is deep, but not blood immediately going out.
      It was a terrible and horrible attack.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        See the 2:20 mark … they are hacking away at his upper body and head with the axes and machete…

        They knock him to the ground with blows and you can see them continue to hack away…

        Watch it carefully — and multiple times…

        Then you see him sitting on the ground – no blood no marks … nothing…. someone is massaging his head…

        I call bullshit on this … if multiple people hacked a person that many times… there would be blood gushing all over the place… he’s be unlikely to survive.

        These are axes and machetes… (made of rubber?)

        • Kim says:

          You are not going to see blood spurting like some schlocky horror movie.

          That said, what an amateurish performance. Three attackers – they will all squeal on each other, guaranteed. Victim survives. He will testfy. On camera. Daytime. Exact height of attackers is calculable. They are probably carrying their phones. I can see plenty of porridge eating in the future of these clowns.

          All they had to do was have one chap momentarily engage him in conversation someplace, at night, and stick a pen knife in his neck and then you’d see gushing and nobody could save the victim then.


          • banned says:

            Philpinos there would have been lots of blood. I think they are born with a edged weapon in their hand.

            Winners bleed
            losers spurt

            Good knife fighter are always a bit masochistic in my opinion. When you look at the scars on their arms. Yikes. Not my cup off tea. I dont know how people stay calm with all that adrenaline. Not in my skill set. I guess you learn to cope with the adrenaline with experience.

            If someone gets chopped with a machete or ax even one time it goes without saying that it will leave a large and deep cut. So will a pen knife to a lessor extent. Or the weapon of choice in California comprising a very large percentage of stabbings there. A screwdriver. Violent people take pride in minimalism. Their ego likes that they dont need a rocket launcher they are very dangerous with a screwdriver. And yes any individual determined to poke you with a screwdriver is indeed very dangerous. Chances are he or she will succeed. The chucky method works unfortunately.

            I was in Nepal one time at a small chai/food shop. Some Japanese tourists had made disparaging remarks to a local about kukris not being real swords. He reappeared with a kukri in both hands screaming guterally in full rage amazing hulk mode. His wife was wrapped around one leg to try to slow him down and his mom was on his back to do the same. The Japanese and everyone in the shop with half a brain including me ran away. The Japanese suddenly realized they were not in kansas anymore Toto.I later found out the Japanese had taken a wide diversion off trail to avoid any possibility of re encounter with the creature with the kukris. While their original comments were ill advised their avoidance of the threat was not. Running away is always a preferred technique against edged weapons implemented as soon as the threat registers. Hopefully their wife is wrapped around their leg to slow them. Or stand your ground and show your moves. Can I have your horse? Im not saying that there are not people that can pull it off. Thats a extremely high skill level.

            A very simple exercise. Get a friend. Take a magic marker. Take turns. One of you trys to mark the other the other trys to stop him. go as fast as you can. See how fast the marks appear ALA chucky. Now extrapolate a hole where the marks are. Not pretty.

            Most people want to root their feet when they slash or stab someone. Hard to do that when your running after someone. Chances are their ego will be satisfied by you throwing your wallet on the ground and running.

            The mutual agreed combat dynamic that is a very strong force in conflict is negated by running. Do not want to play. Just that easy. Unless you boinked their wife or stole their dog. Or they hate your race. Or they have been subject to so much violence that they are not sane. Or so combo of the above. Then running probably wont work. Its always worth a try. Staying fit enough to run a couple blocks when the amazing hulk shows up once or twice in your lifetime is always advisable. If the adrenaline hasnt totally disabled your wits you can always pick your ground and turn and fight.

            Your crossing the street. A Mack truck appears. Do you avoid it and go about your business? Or do you make that mack truck a lifetime event?

            If your girl is with you you cant run. Thats a huge disadvantage. The only time i go forth armed is with a loved one. Im not a operator. Adrenaline does funny things. Then your actions get judged and you pay the price. Thats why I absolutely hate going forth armed. I have to be very aware of exactly what I am doing. Otherwise i put myself at risk. I cant be spontaneous. I have to serious. I like my life. To engage in mutual combat over ego or my perception of righteousness would be stupid. Crazy times and very sad. The vast majority of people are kind. Yes this mindset allows criminality. Not my job. I want good pay a badge and a get out of jail free card if im going to enforce. The truth is that doesnt work either a lot of times. Kindness doesnt work with a predator. You get bit. Very sad. The dog that bites no matter what you try. Volunteer enforcers are stupid.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            It does look like they hit him many times with the axes and machete… it’s just that they appear to be made of rubber or plastic….

        • Xabier says:

          It depends.

          One of my dogs once cut her whole chest open – requiring stitches – on barbed wire jumping a fence, no blood at all. Small cut on the ear, gallons of it!

          A good axe blow can shatter a skull easily, or break an arm or leg without any real effort, just by weight and momentum, but perhaps not much blood shed.

          Blunt weapons?

  28. Fast Eddy says:

    Groan hahahaha


    Mary replied to Jason’s comment

    My sister in law….only took the original 2. Last one was taken in March. She developed extremely high blood pressure, they put her on some heart med (sorry, don’t know what) and then she had to have her gall bladder removed in July. They saw liver cancer during the surgery and she was dead on Dec. 16, 2021.

  29. Fast Eddy says:

    Funeral business e.g. Service Corporation International is going gang busters! I wonder why? Deaths are way down due to COVID (peaked in 2021); so why this huge growth? sshh, it’s the vaccine, stupid!

  30. Fast Eddy says:

    I am told that this is an actual poster in NZ….

    Wet – what do you make of this?

  31. The Energy Bulletin has this quote this week (August 8):

    “Australia said on Monday it will decide whether to curb exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) after a watchdog urged restrictions, warning one of the world’s biggest suppliers of the fuel could face a shortfall and soaring prices next year. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission warned extra gas is needed to offset declining output at offshore fields that have long supplied the populous east coast, home to nearly 90% of Australia’s population…The ruling could affect fuel supplies and prices in 2023 for global consumers already roiled by gas disruptions due to the war in Ukraine.”
    Sonali Paul and Renju Jose, Reuters

    I found this related article:

    Potential curb on Australian LNG exports is another blow to Asia-Pacific gas markets

    Australia is looking to trim its overseas sales in favor of domestic consumption ahead of a projected shortfall in local supplies next year.

    Asia-Pacific has been suffering months of tight LNG supplies and soaring prices in the region due to competition from European buyers looking to replace restricted Russian gas.

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission called for Canberra to protect domestic gas supplies and curb exports after projecting the east coast of the country could suffer a shortfall next year.

    The following is link to an article from June 2022, pointing out that natural gas supply is expected to be low in 5 of the 6 of the states of Australia in the near future, even though Australia is with world’s largest exporter of natural gas.

    • Adonis says:

      Very interesting gail not enough gas means no more exports no matter what the prices are resources are going down not up as many peak oilers believed .

    • Adonis says:

      Remember how you were saying governments would be receiving less tax dollars well my job was privatized two years ago to save money now the government has decided privatization is too expensive and will be making my job government owned again to save money you were right on the money there gail

      • MM says:

        Ah, I know this, it is called “sale-and-buyback”.
        It won the Nobel price for monetary perpetuum mobile.

        • Kowalainen says:

          It works something like this:

          1. Guvmint org accumulates dead meat and decides to flip the bureaucracy
          2. Private companies cuts the dead meat
          3. Private companies rake in the profits
          4. Guvmint re-appropriates profitable businesses
          5. See 1.

          It’s a win-win scenario if it wasn’t for the reason that most companies are basically useless and serving no effective purpose apart from burning finite resources.

          After all; the “Normals” needs a “job” to perpetrate and multiply MOAR hyper MOARons and hyper Tryhards.

    • Student says:

      Thank you.
      Very interesting.

  32. Slowly at first says:

    By the 2030s I will have reached an advanced age. How will I negotiate a collapsing world in a decrepit body?

    • Bam_Man says:


    • Herbie Ficklestein says:

      Here’s some advice

      Meditate upon what you ought to be in body and soul when death overtakes you; meditate on the brevity of life, and the measureless gulf of eternity behind it and before, and upon the frailty of everything material.”
      ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

      You boarded, you set sail, you’ve made the passage. Time
      to disembark. If it’s for another life, well, there’s nowhere
      without gods on that side either. If to nothingness, then you no
      longer have to put up with pain and pleasure, or go on
      dancing attendance on this battered crate, your body—so
      much inferior to that which serves it.
      One is mind and spirit, the other earth and garbage.”
      ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

      Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.”
      ― Marcus Aurelius

      Many more listed..

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      through the natural way: death.

      I would also be an advanced age.

      reality doesn’t think we’re special.

  33. Fast Eddy says:

    The fish counter at the supermarket is no more — due to staff shortages all fresh fish is now pre-packed in plastic and kept on the shelves…

    Apparently they’ve lost staff — likely higher pay elsewhere.

    Or some of them could be vax injured / dead.

    • Xabier says:

      The main supermarket in the city centre here lost nearly all of its cashiers a few months ago, and a remaining one told me it was due to higher pay offered by rivals.

      Most of the restaurants and bars are advertising for staff at all levels, too.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I am hearing reports of people slacking off big time in their work… the one munchkin works in a restaurant and the other staff spend much of their time chatting and on their phones – including the assistant manager…. leaving her to do much of their work.

        The manager is aware of this and has tried to get these staff to pull their weight – nothing works… cuz they know they won’t be fired cuz there is no way to find replacements…

        And even if you replace them the odds of finding anyone who will put effort in is slim.

        Obviously what ends up happening is the hard workers get irritated and either leave or stop putting in effort.

        Seems to be the new ‘thing’ — another product of lockdowns where people were paid to do nothing for months – and were lovin it?

        Ardern the Most Re tard ed PM in the World Ever.

  34. Minority of One says:

    Very interesting discussion between Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris. The gist seems to be that Turkey has switched from allying with the West to Russia.

    Russia – Turkey trade deal causes collective west panic

    • Tim Groves says:

      I suppose that the big question on every naughty schoolboy’s mind is……..

      If Russia was to attack Turkey from behind……..

      Would Greece help out?

  35. Agamemnon says:

    That series “life after people “
    Maybe we need “life after oil”
    Est. Supposedly 100k slaves built Giza in a few decades.
    Hard to see since subsistent life is full+ days work.
    A Reversal to lo/no tech would be hard to climb out of.
    Seems a mind boggling cruel joke.
    Imagine we become myth.

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      Maybe we don’t give our ancient ones the credit they are due..

      • Azure Kingfisher says:


        “Basalt Synthesis Invented Over 3,000 Years Ago!” from Science Frontiers #119, SEP-OCT 1998:

        “Basalt is a blackish volcanic rock that is hard and durable. In nature it sometimes occurs in long prisms of hexagonal cross section. In fact, ancient Micronesians quarried multi-ton basalt prisms to build their fantastic megalithic complex of 92 artificial islets at Nan Madol. (SF#45)

        “The inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia had no basalt quarries at hand. Indeed, building stone of any kind was exceedingly scarce. What the Mesopotamians of the second century B.C. did have in abundance was alluvial silt. From this unpromising material they were able to make their pottery, writing tablets, and art objects. However, for grinding grain and engineering structures they needed something harder and stronger. Their innovative solution was: artificial basalt made from silt. They simply melted the silt and let it cool slowly.

        “Sounds simple, but three remarkable intellectual and technical advances were required:

        1. The Mesopotamians first had to recognize that silt could be melted. This could not have been obvious in 1000 BC.

        2. Next, they had to develop high temperature (1,200°C) smelters that were much larger than those they used for metallurgical purposes.

        3. Finally, they had to discover that slow cooling was needed for the growth of large crystals in the cooling melt. (Of course, they had no microscopes to see the crystals. So, it had to have been something learned from experience.)

        “That the Mesopotamians were able to synthesize basalt can be seen at Mashkanshapir about 80 kilometers south of Baghdad. Slabs of this artificial rock — flat and smooth on one side from the molds — are abundant. In fact, some 100 cubic meters of the material have been found.

        “Comments. In the light of the Mesopotamian’s success in making artificial stone, perhaps we should reconsider Davidovits’ claim that the ancient Egyptians cast some of the blocks they used to build the pyramids. In other words, they, too, made artificial stone at the sites of the pyramids. (SF#34 and SF#54)”

    • Work on crops comes at certain times of years. Work on the Giza Pyramids could have taken place in the slack times, just as work on Cathedrals may have taken place at slack time.

      Also, if the economy was more efficient, perhaps everyone wasn’t needed in subsistence agriculture. Some of the people could have worked on the Giza Pyramids.

    • Replenish says:

      Building a Colossi after Oil? Going to need Community warming and feeding centers!

      “Batch cooking is something that impoverished people learn pretty quickly because it is less wasteful. This is one reason why soup kitchens emerged around the world in response to the depression of the 1930s, and why a network of “British Restaurants” – Churchill refused the proposed name “community kitchens” – were developed to feed the nation during the dark days of 1940 and 1941:

      “Communal feeding centres were originally created to assist the working poor but rapidly gained a broader appeal. For example, to those who did not have access to cooking facilities in their homes because of bomb damage, those who did not have access to a workplace canteen, men affected by the evacuation of women, and women undertaking war work outside the home. Not requiring coupons, they offered people the opportunity to supplement their meagre food rations through the purchase of a nutritionally balanced meal.”

      • This is a good article. The rise in people in the UK needing food from food banks came much earlier than 2020, according to a chart he shows.

        He also says:

        Foodbanks are classic charity insofar as they involve better off people and companies donating food which is then distributed to those in need. And as with all such charitable models, they fail at precisely the point when they are most needed because inflation and recession result in far fewer well-off individuals and companies donating far less food.

        I think that the problem with soup kitchens is that those who need food need transportation to get to the kitchens. The food needs to be cooked at close to the time it is eaten. This doesn’t work well when people are dispersed widely and don’t have cheap or free public transportation.

    • fromoasa says:

      From Amazon:

      The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt by Christopher Dunn.

      Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance, claims renowned master craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn. In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device! By its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth’s vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid’s numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities. This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy needs.


      The pyramids were a worldwide system. We’ll send Gail to Guatemala, Egypt, etc., to buy them up. They can be dismantled and Norman Pager can carry the pieces home on his back. Mr Pager is quite the deadweight-lifter, don’t you know! Then we’ll get him to back-engineer the pyramids and write the instruction manuals. All of Earth’s power requirements will be solved!

      • Replenish says:

        I envision the instruction manuals will be illustrated in a similar style as the Buckminster Fuller “Energy Slaves” comic by Stuart McMillen starring our surplus energy savior and his reverse engineered ancient technology.

        • ivanislav says:

          The comic says a man can perform 200kJ of work in an 8 hour day. 200,000J/8hrs/(3600 seconds/1hrs)=~7J/s. Can that be right? A man can on average only do 7 watts of useful work?

          I thought cyclists hit a max of something like 2kilowatts for short bursts, almost 300 times that work rate.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            Stuart corrects this error in a footnote.

            a math guy told him that Buckminster Fuller made an error of one decimal place, and had the number as 7 watts.

            the footnote says an average worker can sustain about 70 watts for an 8 hour workday.


            I do HIGHLY recommend the comic, it’s basic energy economics but lots of good stuff.

            • a human adult has evolved to walk 20 /30 miles in a day in search of the necessary food to stay alive. He does it in stalking meat sources

              meaty animals usually run faster than man does, so after ‘stalking ‘ for miles, he needs a short burst of energy prior to the kill.

              which is why he is capable of massive energy thrusts for a very short period of time.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Anybody who’s ever hunted would dismiss Normal’s drivel as nothing but delusion.

              Yeah, whatever Normal is describing isn’t hunting.

              Basically all big game hunting is waiting for the prey and having the business end of something pointy flown at the animal in question. If you’re seen or smelled by the animal – game over, literally.

              And running after a goddamned Moose bow and arrow (rifle even) in hand…

              You could of course use a canine to have the game coming your way, but then you’re not doing anything else than waiting for the doggo chasing the deer your way.

              Cut the crap Normal.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              norm is pondering how he can pump the she-bang…..

              norm you need to go in the woods to find a she-bang… they sometimes wander into the park… you should bring a rope

              Good Luck! From all the gang at OFW.

          • Kowalainen says:

            The “idle” power consumption of the body is about 100W, of which 20W is consumed by the brain to manifest various forms of egotistical fantasies to placate the ego with copium and hopiates.

            Yes, doped up elite level cyclists can chuck out some 400W (measured on the cranks) on top of the idle power consumption for prolonged periods of time, usually ascending some col.

            With a thermodynamic efficiency of approx 20% (high estimate), that means that the body produces 100 + 400/0.2 = 2.1kW of sustained power at maximum effort mostly assisted by dope, glucose and a hardcore training regimen.


            • ivanislav says:

              For anyone curious about muscle efficiency:

              “Muscles convert chemical free energy into mechanical work. The energy conversion occurs in 2 steps. First, free energy obtained from oxidation of metabolic substrates (ΔGS) is transferred to ATP and, second, free energy from ATP hydrolysis (ΔGATP) is converted into work by myosin cross-bridges. The fraction of ΔGS transferred to ATP is called mitochondrial efficiency (ηM) and the fraction of ΔGATP converted into work is called cross-bridge efficiency (ηCB). Overall cross-bridge efficiency varies among muscles from ~20% and 35% and the analysis presented in the current studies shows that this variation is largely due to differences in ηCB whereas ηM is similar (~80%) in all the muscles assessed”

              Pretty cool! I never looked into this before.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Yep, and “high” estimate should have been “low” estimate of muscle efficiency.

              Sorry about that.

              But say 2kW – 450W = 1.55kW of “waste” heat for elite level athletes going full gas up Alpe d’Huez.

              And then insulin injections together with copious amounts of carbs when they “refuel” for the next stage in TdF. No Paleo clown “diets”, oh no. Just whack open the insulin receptors (with insulin) and gulp down the sugars.

              On a good day I can sustain approx 250W on the cranks ~ 900W of total (body) wattage. Which equals about 40kph on a TT bike spinning on the flats.

              Trust the science. Thermodynamics is the ground truth. All machines basically burn hydrocarbons. Fats and grease is for lubrication. Burning oil is for slow turning barges and behemoth lard rear ends.

            • ivanislav says:

              Your original estimate was fairly reasonable if you include the 20% conversion loss in mitochondria.

      • Christopher says:

        Tesla was doing some work with this. Energy transmission at the Schuman frequency, found this summary:

        My guess is transmission losses would get much worse by using this kind of wireless tech.

        • fromoasa says:

          From your link:

          “The proposed project would demonstrate a method of energy distribution calculated to be 90-94% efficient.”

          Much better than current methods, then, if it worked.

        • Kowalainen says:

          What could possible go wrong meddling with the ionosphere?

          How about not fscking with planetary dynamics we got no clue about? Yes? Isn’t it bad enough spewing out various emissions and toxins from burning finite resources?

          And for what? Let me inform you: To placate some hyper Tryhards and hyper MOARons perpetrating all retch and no vomit until the end of times. Pure and utter boredom mired in stagnation forever and ever.

          It’s no wonder the earth is littered with various ruins from before the antediluvian flood, which seems to have been confirmed by science. Warring and meddling with that which shouldn’t be.

          Holy oats; all these hyper Tryhards going about their attaboy antics in order to placate themselves and the usual suspect hyper MOARon in perpetuity.

          Alas, no surprises here. Just leave the ionosphere alone. While at it; drop the egotistical fantasies, starting with flipping your epitome of sloth: The automobile. Follow it up by cranking the oats and turning the oh noes.


        • Jonathan Madden says:

          I describe this as ‘technical hyperbolleaux’; rubbish research intended only to suck in the gullible.
          Long distance, high power, continuous radio energy transmission at <100Hz. Yeah, right.
          Type I solar bursts can manage short term induction in conductors at low frequencies. By a poorly understood mechanism.
          Don’t hold your breath…

      • MM says:

        This is all nice and sweet but right now this very moment, the world is desperately building LNG shipping facilities or reopening coal mines or refurbishing nuclear power plants. And after 40 years we will scratch all of that and build a hydrogen economy on top of that: This will create jobs and prosperity for all by printed money, ehm, government assisted investment.
        There isn’t even much talk about renewables.
        Now, go ahead and try selling this.

        First argument you might encounter: If it liberates the people absolutely nobody will engage in it. Absolutely every single “business” or “government” in the world is extremely busy building a worldwide system of perpetual domination. Thank you for that interesting presentation and we wish you good luck.

        This is not especially related to the thing of your comment but to just about everything that is happening in the world right now.

  36. Yoshua says:

    Ukraine destroyed a Russian air force base in Crimea with some advanced precision guided missiles that passed through the best Russian air defence

    Ukraine claims it was a secret weapon

    • fromoasa says:

      This special military operation has been going on far too long. With all the practice it’s had, little Ukraine could yet win. Then there’d be no stopping it. Having conquered Russia, it’d move on to the US of A, to totallyn – azi -fy it.

      Gail would be issued with a compulsory SS uniform. How fetching would that be? The only Norwegian surname allowed would be “Quisling”. Signs would be erected on the US sidewalks: “Any person not goose-stepping will be shot!” How romantic.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Russia could crush Ukey in a week…

        But then there’d be no excuse for rampaging inflation

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Is this the same incident as spoken of here? It is perhaps another UKR media game in the face of mounting losses?

      If Russia truly lost 9 warplanes in that incident, well at least it has another 4000+ LOL.

      > Ukraine Denies Blowing Up Crimean Air Base

      …. Although outside observers quickly speculated that the Ukrainian military had attacked the airport, the Ukrainian defense ministry denied its involvement in a statement.

      “The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine cannot establish the cause of the fire,” the statement read, before reminding the Russian military “of the rules of fire safety and the prohibition of smoking in unspecified places.”

      Mykhailo Podoliak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, also denied Ukraine’s involvement during an interview with Russia’s “TV Rain” opposition television channel, but did not rule out the possibility of sabotage, speculating that it might have been caused by “someone representing the [Ukrainian] partisan movement” within Crimea, which Russia illegally annexed from Ukraine in 2014.

  37. Fast Eddy says:

    It seems they were clapping to much and that caused the Saudi guy to collapse

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    Videos of people “dying suddenly” in Thailand, India and Spain (and a different video of that Saudi man’s collapse in Cairo)


  39. Fast Eddy says:

    ‘But when vaccines leak, allowing at least some pathogen transmission, they could create the ecological conditions that would allow hot strains to emerge and persist.’

    When will Cassandra be right … my patience is wearing thin…

    In the meantime VAIDS is kicking ass… lots and lots of people with repeat Covid and flu in QT….

    I know of one 2x injected (not getting anymore) who’s been flued 3x in 3 month. This is a healthy fit person….

  40. Mirror on the wall says:

    ‘Crisis, vot crisis?’

    • MM says:

      There is an easy solution for every household who watches this and is

      sss s s s ccc c aaa a r rr r reeeee ddd !!!!!

      Insulate your home, check the heating system stock up food, buy our herbs.

      As far as I see the economy loves it.
      prices are up because supply cannot meet demand, people take more credit etc.

      In short: Build Back Better.

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    UK household power bills are now likely to soar to as much as £4,200 from January, a staggering increase.

    Will it be Boom Q3 or Q1?

    Or will UEP finish us off first?

    It’s an exiting finish one way or the other to our horrifying run on this planet

    • Minority of One says:

      My optimism is kept going by that guy who telephoned the pharmacist and gave her a piece of his mind, because his son got myocarditis. With that sort of can-do attitude, anything is possible. Maybe 2024, later?

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        can-do yes can-do!

        why not at least 2024?

        que sera sera!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        did you notice how the pharmacist didn’t give any f789s… didn’t apologize… didn’t show much of a reaction at all…


        Cuz the injuries are rare and if not for the vax hundreds of millions would die of covid….

    • Kim says:

      See this kind of thing 10,000 times. Don’t draw any conclusions about the behavior of certain groups.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It looks like the old bastard was mouthing off to the cashier… he probably deserved it…

        The fact that he’s eating that garbage = he deserves a beating.

        F789 him.

        Message for Doomies — see how easy it is for humans to snap?

  42. Mirror on the wall says:

    Alex M has become like a daily ‘fix’ now….

    UK Admits Russian Advance on Bakhmut; Prospects for Ukraine’s Kherson Offensive Fade

    • So, the chance that Ukraine will win this war looks less and less good. All of this “punishing Russia through sanctions” really isn’t having much effect. Perhaps the temporary problem is not so temporary.

  43. Tim Groves says:

    “Our plan is that on the Corona-Warn App, as long as you’re within three months of vaccination, the certificate simply has a different colour, so the normal vaccine certificate, which appears blue, would then be green, so everyone immediately sees when they go in that this is a fresh certificate.”

    That is the Health Minister of a major European nation, high on Paxlovid and God knows what else, dreaming about how to enforce selective mask mandates by adjusting the background colours on a cellphone app. This is the world that we are in right now, this is actually happening.

    It’s hard to unwind Lauterbach’s psychology from a distance. The evidence suggests – despite his own statements to the contrary – that he had a bad reaction to his first AstraZeneca jab and has received no further doses. At the same time, he’s genuinely terrified of SARS-2, he tests himself daily, and he thinks of little else. He also lives alone, drinks too much, preaches the evils of salt and prefers press appearances and publicity to administration and politics. His former wife has said publicly that she regrets his cabinet appointment, because he’s not up to the job. Once upon a time Camp Corona was a pretty inclusive place, full of all kinds of people. Now the normal types have all boiled off, and mentally disturbed Lauterbachs and grifting Feigl-Dings are all that’s left. This thing really is ending now.

    • Strange! Perhaps Germany is doing so poorly that hiding behind Covid rules is the only option.

      • Xabier says:

        A friend has just returned from a holiday in Germany. Time and again, in contrast to impressions from previous holidays, he encountered rudeness, dishonesty and incompetence – are Germans feeling the strain?

        • Foolish Fitz says:

          Hopkins wrote about this the other day and it certainly sounds bad.

          “No, this new official ideology, the New Normal — which is still very much in effect in places like Germany, China, Canada, Australia, New York, California, etc. — is nakedly, undeniably, purely ideological. It is based, not on facts, but belief. It is a belief system, as is every other ideology. It is essentially no different than an official religion … one which demonizes and persecutes all other religions, and non-religions, and all other belief systems.

          According to this new official belief system, those of us who maintain different beliefs, and refuse to convert to the new official beliefs (or pretend to convert to the new official beliefs), are dangerous, foreign elements in society. And thus, from now on, in New Normal Germany, we will be forced to wear a visible symbol of our different beliefs (our “otherness”) in public, so that the authorities and the Good German masses will be able to identify us.

          Is any of this sounding vaguely familiar?”

          What 2025 figure did Deagel give for Germany Tim?

          • JMS says:

            Such promising figures could only be achieved through totaler krieg. Could the injections be the grim reaper of that total (civi)l war? We will have to wait and see.

            This is guaranteed, we will pay dearly for the privilege of watching what is coming (that if the suspense of it doesn’t kill us first)

          • Tim Groves says:

            I suppose total war could cut the German population by 60% or 70%. And there is a precedent for that..

            Not the First or Second World Wars, which were very tough wars but which basically decimated the population, with total German death tolls of about 3 million and 8 million, respectively.

            The precedent is the Thirty Years War, which was a total war that probably halved the German population in the course of thirty years.

            Could the lack of energy, food and hope, coupled with jab-related diseases, and the German cultural tendency to lose it big time when they really get going, end up halving the population in three years?

            I wouldn’t know. But IF —and only IF— there is a depopulation plan, doing it rapidly over the course of a few short years would be easier for the perps than doing it slowly over decades. If the perps were following a purely utilitarian logic and wanted to get it done as a fair accompli, speed would be of the essence.

            • Kim says:

              “the German cultural tendency to lose it big when they really get going”

              I am stunned by the stu.pidity of this statement.

              What could it possibly mean?

            • Tim Groves says:

              Yeah, I know. I amaze myself sometimes.

              The Thirty Years War, burning witches in the seventeenth century. Then, after creating some very nice art, architecture, music and philosophy in the eighteenth, all that goose-stepping and heiling and generally pushing people around through the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth. Let’s not forget the pursuit of eugenics and euthanasia. And the obsession with everybody following rules and keeping clean. More recently, in the twenty-first century, the elimination of nuclear power, the wind-turbine fixation, the welcoming—Thank you, Angela—of millions of culturally incompatible migrants, and now, to top it off, the State Covidiocy.

              What it could possibly mean is that the Germans have demonstrated a tendency to oppress each other, comply with authority, and generally take things far too far that amazes and astounds most non-Germans. Granted, there is always a well-thought-out method in their madness and a logic in their lunacy, but in the end I think madness and lunacy may be judged by their fruits.

          • Tim Groves says:

            By all accounts, anyone who was considered to maintain different beliefs was on very dodgy ground during the Thirty Years War.

            • Kim says:

              Would not the same apply to the English Civil War or The Great Leap Forward?

            • Kowalainen says:

              Kim, why so exclusive?

              Just slap the entirety of mankind into the “capable of abhorrent shit” bucket reeking of failed species and their absurd egotistical fantasies.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Well yes, we must concede that the English went a bit crazy during the Civil War.

              Let’s see how crazy they went:

              While it is notoriously difficult to determine the number of casualties in any war, it has been estimated that the conflict in England and Wales claimed about 85,000 lives in combat, with a further 127,000 noncombat deaths (including some 40,000 civilians).


              In all nearly 200,000 people, or roughly 2.5 percent of the civilian population, lost their lives directly or indirectly as a result of the Wars of the Three Kingdoms during this decade, making the Civil Wars arguably the bloodiest conflict in the history of the British Isles.

              Comparing this to the cruel wars in High Germany:

              The Thirty Years’ War was really a series of wars, waged from 1618 to 1648. The deadly clashes ravaged Europe; 20 percent of the total population of Germany died during the conflict and there were losses up to 50 percent in a corridor between Pomerania and the Black Forest, according to

              Despite Kulm’s attempts to blame England for every European calamity, most of the deaths during the Thirty Years’ War in Germany were German-on-German. They slaughtered each other in an orgy of violence roughly ten times as intense as anything the Cavaliers and Roundheads got up to.

              Why they did this is one for the historians and psychologists to answer, but whatever the reason, it seems that once the Germans start doing things en masse, they can’t tell themselves to stop.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Tim, perhaps the Germans are extra hyper super duper sensitized to the whims and wishes of the collective subconscious while having absolute compliance with authorities.

              Hyper Tryhard and MOARon sheeple deluxe with sugar on top. Yamnaya + EHG bastard breed.

              Do you reckon having no electricity or gas will change the zealotry? I reckon not.

              Time will tell.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      How about this… a new Covid App… it’s an explosive necklace that if removed will blow your head off….

      When you miss your injection schedule it starts to beep … you have a week of beeping … if you do not get injected… it will blow your head off.

  44. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Tue, August 9, 2022 at 5:39 PM
    MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s annualized inflation rate hit 8.15% in July, the highest in more than two decades, the national statistics institute announced Tuesday.

    But inflation in prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages is even higher, with prices rising 14.5% over the last 12 months.

    Many Mexican families are feeling the pinch, and going without some of the costlier items like meat.

    The Mexican government raised the country’s minimum wage by 22% in 2022 to about $8.50 per day, but much of that increase has now been consumed by inflation.

    Housewife Carla Valadez was shopping at a Mexico City market Tuesday, and had to buy vegetables instead of pork because of the prices.

    We are going to become vegetarians out of necessity,” said Valadez.

    Tinga, a traditional dish made of tomatoes, onions and chile with shredded chicken or beef, is now prohibitively expensive.

    “Now my son asks me to make carrot tinga,” said Valadez.

    Juana Pardo, a retiree who tries to make ends meet on an $82 per month supplementary pension program for the elderly, says “what I get from the government isn’t enough any more.”

    Pardo is buying some nopal cactus leaves, and has taken to eating more vegetables and beans instead of chicken and eggs, because of the prices. “There is nothing else I can do, if I can’t make ends meet.”

    The government has lifted import duties on 21 basic food items and has encouraged Mexicans to grow more food, but it is not clear how much that will help, in a world where high inflation has become generalized

    • Consumption of meat has risen greatly in the last 100 years, with the growth in use of fossil fuels. We should expect that consumption of meat products will fall in the future.

      Humans don’t require today’s diet. Going back to a more traditional diet might be helpful.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        Most traditional diets around the world are very rich in meats, organs, animal fats etc.

        The distorted image of traditional diet as a mostly vegetarian one happened because some so-called researchers studied what people ate in poor countries after the second world war (when the poverty and famines were occurring everywhere). Couple that with a govt bought by the agri lobby and you get the inverted FDA food pyramid.

        Of course the future right ahead will also include famines so I expect most people to switch to a vegetarian/insect diet out of necessity. After the expected population collapse (due to a lack of modern medicine and an unnatural diet) then if we’re lucky, some people will live like the American natives (which grew as tall as modern people on a diet of fish, game and nuts).

        “basically a paleo diet—high in protein, such as buffalo, venison, prairie grouse, and fish, vegetables, especially legumes, berries, nuts and seeds.”

        • Kowalainen says:

          Paleo clown detected. 🤡🍖

          Primates eat mostly fruits and vegetables high in carbohydrates. Yeah, the rapacious primate is a… Primate.

          Do some basic research before projecting your own culinary preferences as something healthy.


          • ivanislav says:

            According to the book ‘Sapiens’, everywhere humans went, megafauna disappeared. That suggests meat-eating whenever there was opportunity. Granted, it doesn’t really deal with the diets of traditional societies that evolved after the spread and stabilization of Homo sapiens population levels.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Yeah, the hoomans caused the mammoths to flash freeze and die on the spot.

              Perhaps not, eh?
              Stop reading books.

              This planet doesn’t care about egotistical fantasies of rapacious primates. For sure it can accommodate the folly for some time, however time’s up.

          • drb753 says:

            homo sapiens exterminated 27 types of megafauna, just in eurasia, to the point virtually everyone is surprised if you mention european rhinos. it was not for getting at the digested grass in their rumen. HS has the stomach pH of a hypercarnivore, a long small intestine, and a very very short colon, so HS needs a nutrient dense diet. Whereas plants are forced to produce toxic compounds to protect themselves, specially the energy dense seeds, animals mechanisms of defense consist in running or horning you. Once dead, they have no toxicity. Populations with large meat consumption are healthier, taller, stronger, with better teeth and eyes and bigger brains.

            • Kowalainen says:

              That’s pure comedy.

              “Populations with large meat consumption are healthier, taller, stronger, with better teeth and eyes and bigger brains”

              Like in the United States?

            • IIRC, Netherland’s has very tall people. The heights of people in the US have plateaued. The US population is quite plump.

            • drb753 says:

              well, those in the US have ramped up consumption of carbs (which come almost exclusively from plants) over the years, while diminishing their consumption of animal fats. both trends started in the 1970. any google search will confirm that. It is quite normal that they ended up that way. I don’t think you know enough to participate in this debate.

            • Kowalainen says:

              French fries dripping with oil served with cheese and mayonnaise soaked burgers.

              But it’s the carbs.
              (In the la-la land of dietary delusions)


          • NomadicBeer says:

            “Primates eat mostly fruits and vegetables”

            That’s a laughable over-generalization.
            Chimps eat monkeys and even other chimps (from rival bands).


            I have this theory that a lot of “doomers” as well as people that are worried about climate or vegetarians share a weird naivete about life.

            They really believe that deep down people are nice and would love each other, singing kumbaya and eating only fruit. Witness Fast Eddy’s idea that our leaders are so nice and sweet they would rather die then kill other people for food.

            • The key is “mostly,” in “mostly fruit and vegetables.” They can and do eat meat, including frequent insects, but it is a small part of their diet.

            • Minority of One says:

              “Chimps eat monkeys and even other chimps”

              A special treat now and then. i.e. rarely

            • NomadicBeer says:

              Gail and Minority of One,
              I forget that we live in a time where most people deny basic biology.
              Anyway, I’ll try one more time:

              “The main threats to chimpanzees are habitat loss…”


              I bet this is just a coincidence, right?

              Obviously everyone should be a vegetarian, like in the garden of Eden and everyone that says otherwise is a heretic, who might not even believe that men can get pregnant (gasp!).

              If humanity survives another million years, I bet we would have evolve a lot of adaptation to a mostly vegetarian diet.
              Until then all human biology points to an omnivorous diet with a lot of animal protein required by the big brains.

              So why not use those big brains and think from time to time?

              “Tribal peoples throughout the world have revered meat since the times of cave paintings, over 30,000 years ago and the oldest stone arrowheads are 66,000 years old.”

            • DJ says:

              I Wonder how much grain they eat.

        • Farming historically has not provided enough calories to feed people on mostly meat. In very warm climates, like India and much of Africa, meat consumption is particularly low. In cold climates, meat consumption tends to be high, because meat can be stored “on the hoof” year around. Also, plants don’t grow year-around in areas near the poles. Population tends to be denser in warm climates with plenty of rain.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Hoomans eat basically anything to survive.

            Just because something is edible doesn’t make it the optimal dietary choice for the organism.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            You are confusing cause and effect.

            Agriculture leads to a lot of “cheap” calories so the population grows until people cannot afford to eat meat anymore.

            India is the best example: we know their diet in 1900 (let’s say) when India was one of the poorest countries in the world, after 300 years of ruthless wealth extraction by the brits.

            I would be curious to see their diet in 1500 when they were one of the richest countries in the world.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Check out the diets of the so called “Blue Zones” where people live the longest.

              It is a reasonable assumption to make that dietary habits dictate lifespan given the obesity pandemic causing various morbidities including Covid in the “west”.

              Not much paleo clown “diets” there oh noes.



        • Xabier says:

          There’s a lot of propaganda these days around the subject of historical diets.

          While reading about the region of SE France my French ancestors came from (in the 11th century) it was interesting to see what the meat consumption was in the nearby town in about 1550.

          About 4 sheep per head, lots of pork, often as sausages, and much less beef and chicken than today. The upper classes preferred to eat the meat of game birds, boar and deer, pigeon. There was no figure for fish.

          Only the poorest peasants ate mostly vegetables, just as only the poorest English farm labourers pre-1945 existed on lots of potatoes, dumplings, cabbages and ham, never really seeing much ‘butcher’s meat’ like beef or lamb unless provided by a generous employer on a good farm.

          A friend was just telling me about his granny who lived to 93 on a very small farm in Wales, and she had a lot of meat in her diet , both at lunch and at dinner, – this was common among even modest farm owners.

          The over-abundance of cheap, poor-quality meat produced in degraded conditions, and people regarding that as a right, today is another matter entirely.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Anecdotal “evidence” is a joke at best.

            A diet heavy on animal products is more stressful for the body.

          • gpdawson2016 says:

            I’m reading this tread of comments on diet just now and am getting a strong feeling that some people here would like the world to conform to their idea of it.

            Knock yourself out.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Just to clarify; do I eat meat occasionally?

              Yes, usually it’s a “social” thing and cause less of a burden for others and myself. If somebody cooks or offers me food and I’ll eat it.

              One does not simply reject food offerings.

              However; I’m voting with the wallet when shopping for food. That means close to 100% plant based with some cheese sprinkled on top.

              Oh yeah, I had to get the blood work done twice because the doc couldn’t spot any cholesterol (or was it glycogen) in the measurements. Yet I chuck the fruits, candies, brown sugar from sugar crane and oats into the cookie hole.

              My stats:
              185cm length
              69kg weight
              Lean and mean AF
              Basically borderline underweight.

              As for being malnutritioned: Ask the cranks on my bike for sustained power output and generated torque.

              No lard muncher (paleo clown) would hold a candle if I decide to light it up.

              Top that you paleo/Atkins/fasting buffoons. Just fucking lying and coping with yourself and your sloth rear end, plump rapacious primate frames from consuming way too much animal products.

              Shame on you.

            • According to the information you give, you have a BMI of about 20. That is a good BMI, under practically any calculation. With your bicycle, I am certain you get lots of exercise as well. Also, vitamin D from sunshine.

      • Minority of One says:

        What allowed people to move from eating farmed meat end of each year only, to all-year-round (in the Northern regions, Europe / USA / Canada) was refrigeration / freezing, and having sufficient winter feed for the animals. That is becoming unreliable, part of WEF agenda. Running out of fossil fuels does not help.

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