The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

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It is my view that when energy supply falls, it falls not because reserves “run out.” It falls because economies around the world cannot afford to purchase goods and services made with energy products and using energy products in their operation. It is really a price problem. Prices cannot be simultaneously high enough for oil producers (such as Russia and Saudi Arabia) to ramp up production and remain low enough for consumers around the world to buy the goods and services that they are accustomed to buying.

Figure 1. Chart showing average annual Brent-equivalent oil prices in 2021$ based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy, together with bars showing periods when prices seemed to be favorable to producers.

We are now in a period of price conflict. Oil and other energy prices have remained too low for producers since at least mid-2014. At the same time, depletion of fossil fuels has led to higher costs of extraction. Often, the tax needs of governments of oil exporting countries are higher as well, leading to even higher required prices for producers if they are to continue to produce oil and raise their production. Thus, producers truly require higher prices.

Governments of countries affected by this inflation in price are quite disturbed: Higher prices for energy products mean higher prices for all goods and services. This makes citizens very unhappy because wages do not rise to compensate for this inflation. Prices today are high enough to cause significant inflation (about $107 per barrel for Brent oil (Europe) and $97 for WTI (US)), but still not high enough to satisfy the high-price needs of energy producers.

It is my expectation that these and other issues will lead to a very strangely behaving world economy in the months and years ahead. The world economy we know today is, in fact, a self-organizing system operating under the laws of physics. With less energy, it will start “coming apart.” World trade will increasingly falter. Fossil fuel prices will be volatile, but not necessarily very high. In this post, I will try to explain some of the issues I see.

[1] The issue causing the price conflict can be described as reduced productivity of the economy. The ultimate outcome of reduced productivity of the economy is fewer total goods and services produced by the economy.

Figure 2 shows that, historically, there is an extremely high correlation between world energy consumption and the total quantity of goods and services produced by the world economy. In my analysis, I use Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP because it is not distorted by the rise and fall of the US dollar relative to other currencies.

Figure 2. Correlation between world GDP measured in “Purchasing Power Parity” (PPP) 2017 International $ and world energy consumption, including both fossil fuels and renewables. GDP is as reported by the World Bank for 1990 through 2021 as of July 26, 2022; total energy consumption is as reported by BP in its 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The reason such a high correlation exists is because it takes energy to perform each activity that contributes to GDP, such as lighting a room or transporting goods. Energy consumption which is cheap to produce and growing rapidly in quantity is ideal for increasing energy productivity, since it allows factories to be built cheaply and raw materials and finished goods to be transported at low cost.

Humans are part of the economy. Food is the energy product that humans require. Reducing food supply by 20% or 40% or 50% cannot be expected to work well. The economy suffers the same difficulty.

In recent years, depletion has been making the extraction of fossil fuel resources increasingly expensive. One issue is that the resources that were easiest to extract and closest to where they were needed were extracted first, leaving the highest cost resources for extraction later. Another issue is that with a growing population, the governments of oil exporting countries require higher tax revenue to support the overall needs of their countries.

Intermittent wind and solar are not substitutes for fossil fuels because they are not available when they are needed. If several months’ worth of storage could be added, the total cost would be so high that these energy sources would have no chance of being competitive. I recently wrote about some of the issues with renewables in Limits to Green Energy Are Becoming Much Clearer.

Rising population is a second problem leading to falling efficiency. In order to feed, clothe and house a rising population, a growing quantity of food must be produced from essentially the same amount of arable land. More water for the rising population is required for the rising population, often obtained by deeper wells or desalination. Clearly, the need to use increased materials and labor to work around problems caused by rising world population adds another layer of inefficiency.

If we also add the cost of attempting to work around pollution issues, this further adds another layer of inefficiency in the use of energy supplies.

More technology is not a solution, either, because adding any type of complexity requires energy to implement. For example, adding machines to replace current workers requires the use of energy products to make and operate the machines. Moving production to cheaper locations overseas (another form of complexity) requires energy for the transport of goods from where they are transported to where they are used.

Figure 2 shows that the world economy still requires more energy to produce increasing GDP, even with the gains achieved in technology and efficiency.

Because of energy limits, the world economy is trying to change from a “growth mode” to a “shrinkage mode.” This is something very much like the collapse of many ancient civilizations, including the fall of Rome in 165 to 197 CE. Historically, such collapses have unfolded over a period of years or decades.

[2] In the past, the growth rate of GDP has exceeded that of energy consumption. As the economy changes from growth to shrinkage, we should expect this situation to reverse: The rate of shrinkage of GDP will be greater than the rate of shrinkage of energy consumption.

Figure 3 shows that, historically, world economic growth has been slightly higher than the growth in energy consumption. This growth in energy consumption is based on total consumption of fossil fuels and renewables, as calculated by BP.

Figure 3. Annual growth in world PPP GDP compared to annual growth in consumption of energy supplies. World PPP GDP is data provided by the World Bank; world energy consumption is based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In fact, based on the discussion in Section [1], this is precisely the situation we should expect: GDP growth should exceed energy consumption growth when the economy is growing. Unfortunately, Section [1] also suggests that we can expect this favorable relationship to disappear as energy supply begins to shrink because of growing inefficiencies in the system. In such a case, GDP is likely to shrink even more quickly than energy supply shrinks. One reason this happens is because complexity of many types cannot be maintained as energy supply shrinks. For example, international supply lines are likely to break if energy supplies fall too low.

[3] Interest rates play an important role in encouraging the development of energy resources. Generally falling interest rates are very beneficial; rising interest rates are quite detrimental. As the economy shifts toward shrinkage, the pattern we can expect is higher interest rates, rather than lower. As the limits of energy extraction are hit, these higher rates will tend to make the economy shrink even faster than it would otherwise shrink.

Part of what has allowed growing energy consumption in the period shown in Figures 2 and 3 is rising debt levels at generally lower interest rates. Falling interest rates together with debt availability make investment in factories and mines more affordable. They also help citizens seeking to buy a new car or home because the lower monthly payments make these items more affordable. Demand for energy products tends to rise, allowing the prices of commodities to rise higher than they would otherwise rise, thus making their production more profitable. This encourages more fossil fuel extraction and more development of renewables.

Once the economy starts to shrink, debt levels seem likely to shrink because of defaults and because of reluctance of lenders to lend, for fear of defaults. Interest rates will tend to rise, partly because of the higher inflation rates and partly because of the higher level of expected defaults. This debt pattern in turn will reinforce the tendency toward lower GDP growth compared to energy consumption growth. This is a major reason that raising interest rates now is likely to push the economy downward.

[4] With fewer goods and services produced by the economy, the world economy must eventually shrink. We should not be surprised if this shrinkage in some ways echoes the shrinkage that took place in the 2008-2009 recession and the 2020 shutdowns.

The GDP of the world economy is the goods and services produced by the world economy. If the economy starts to shrink, total world GDP will necessarily fall.

What happens in the future may echo what has happened in the past.

Figure 4. World energy consumption per capita, based on information published in BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Central bank officials felt it was important to stop inflation in oil prices (and indirectly in food prices) back in the 2004 to 2006 period. This indirectly led to the 2008-2009 recession as parts of the world debt bubble started to collapse and many jobs were lost. We should not be surprised if a much worse version of this happens in the future.

The 2020 shutdowns were characterized in most news media as a response to Covid-19. Viewed on an overall system basis, however, they really were a response to many simultaneous problems:

  • Covid-19
  • A hidden shortage of fossil fuels that was not reflected as high enough prices for producers to ramp up production
  • Hidden financial problems that threatened a new version of the 2008 financial collapse
  • Factories in many parts of the world that were operating at far less than capacity
  • Workers demonstrating in the streets with respect to low wages and low pensions
  • Airlines with financial problems
  • Citizens frustrated by long commutes
  • Very many old, sick people in care homes of various types, passing around illnesses
  • An outsized medical system that still desired to increase profits
  • Politicians who wanted a way to better control their populations–perhaps rationing of output would work around an inadequate total supply of goods and services

Shutting down non-essential activities for a while would temporarily reduce demand for oil and other energy products, making it easier for the rest of the system to appear profitable. It would give an excuse to increase borrowing (and money printing) to hide the financial problems for a while longer. It would keep people at home, reducing the need for oil and other energy products, hiding the fossil fuel shortage for a while longer. It would force the medical system to reorganize, offering more telephone visits and laying off non-essential workers. Many individual citizens could reduce time lost to commuting, thanks to new work-from-home rules and internet connections. The homebuilding and home remodeling industries were stimulated, offering work to those who had been laid off.

The impacts of the shutdowns were greatest on poor people in poor countries, such as those in Central and South America. For example, many people in the vacation and travel industries were laid off in poor countries. People making fancy clothing for people going to conferences and weddings were laid off, as were people raising flowers for fancy events. These people had trouble finding new employment. They are at increased risk of dying, either from Covid-19 or inadequate nutrition, making them susceptible to other illnesses.

We should not be surprised if some near-term problems echo what has happened in the past. Debt defaults and falling home prices are very real possibilities, for example. Also, making a new crisis a huge focal point and scaring the population into staying at home has proven to be a huge success in temporarily reducing energy consumption without actual rationing. Some people believe that monkeypox or a climate change crisis will be the next area of focus in an attempt to reduce energy consumption, and thus lower oil prices.

[5] There is likely to be more conflict in a world with not enough goods and services to go around.

With a shrinking amount of finished goods and services, we should not be surprised if we see more conflict in the world. Many wars are resource wars. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with other countries indirectly involved, certainly could be considered a resource war. Russia wants higher prices for its exports of many kinds, including energy exports. I wrote about the conflict issue in a post I wrote in April 2022: The world has a major crude oil problem; expect conflict ahead.

World War I and World War II were almost certainly about energy resources. Peak coal in the UK seems to be closely related to World War I. Inadequate coal in Germany and lack of oil in Japan (and elsewhere) seem to be related to World War II.

[6] We seem to be facing a new set of problems in addition to the problems that gave rise to the Covid-19 shutdowns. These are likely to shape how any new crisis plays out.

Some recently added problems include the following:

  • Debt has risen to a high level, relative to 2008. This debt will be harder to repay with higher interest rates.
  • The US dollar is very high relative to other currencies. The high level of the US dollar causes problems for borrowers from outside the US in repaying their loans. It also makes energy prices very high outside the US.
  • Oil, coal and natural gas are all in short supply world-wide, leading to falling productivity of the overall system Item 1. If extraction is to continue, prices need to be much higher.
  • Difficulties with broken supply lines make it hard to ramp up production of manufactured goods of many kinds.
  • Inadequate labor supply is an increasing problem. Baby boomers are now retiring; not enough young people are available to take their place. Increased illness, associated with Covid-19 and its vaccines, is also an issue.

These issues point to a situation where rising interest rates seem likely to send the world economy downward because of debt defaults and failing businesses of many kinds.

The high dollar relative to other currencies leads to the potential for the system to break apart under stress. Alternatively, the US dollar may play a smaller role in international trade than in the past.

[7] Many parts of the economy are likely to find that the promised payments to be made to them cannot really take place.

We have been taught that money is a store of value. We have also been taught that government promises, such as pensions, unemployment insurance and health insurance can be counted on. If there are fewer goods and services available in total, the whole system must change to reflect the fact that there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. There may not even be enough food to go around.

As the world economy hits limits, we cannot assume that the money we have in the bank will really be able to purchase the goods we want in the future. The goods may not be available to purchase, or the government may put a restriction (such as $200 per week) on how much we can withdraw from our account each week, or inflation may make goods we currently buy unaffordable.

If we think about the situation, the world will be producing fewer goods and services each year, regardless of what promises that have been made in the past might say. For example, the number of bushels of wheat available worldwide will start falling, as will the number of new cars and the number of computers. Somehow, the goods and services people expected to be available will start disappearing. If the problem is inflation, the affordable quantity will start to fall.

We don’t know precisely what will happen, but these are some ideas, especially as higher interest rates become a problem:

  • Many businesses will fail. They will default on their debt; the value of their stock will go to zero. They will lay off their employees.
  • Employees and governments will also default on debts. Banks will have difficulty remaining solvent.
  • Pension plans will have nowhere nearly enough money to pay promised pensions. Either they will default or prices will rise so high that the pensions do not really purchase the goods that recipients hoped for.
  • The international system of trade is likely to start withering away. Eventually, most goods will be locally produced with whatever resources are available.
  • Many government agencies will become inadequately funded and fail. Intergovernmental agencies, such as the European Union and the United Nations, are especially vulnerable.
  • Governments are likely to reduce services provided because tax revenues are too low. Even if more money is printed, it cannot buy goods that are not there.
  • Citizens may become so unhappy with their governments that they overthrow them. Simpler, cheaper governmental systems, offering fewer services, may follow.

[8] It is likely that, in inflation-adjusted dollars, energy prices will not rise very high, for very long.

We are likely dealing with an economy that is basically falling apart. Factories will produce less because they cannot obtain financing. Purchasers of finished goods and services will have difficulty finding jobs that pay well and loans based on this employment. These effects will tend to keep commodity prices too low for producers. While there may be temporary spurts of higher prices, finished goods made with high-cost energy products will be too expensive for most citizens to afford. This will tend to push prices back down again.

[9] Conclusion.

We are dealing with a situation that economists, politicians and central banks are ill-equipped to handle. Raising interest rates may squeeze out a huge share of the economy. The economy was already “at the edge.” We can’t know for certain.

Virtually no one looks at the economy from a physics point of view. For one thing, the result is too distressing to explain to citizens. For another, it is fashionable for scientists of all types to produce papers and have them peer reviewed by others within their own ivory towers. Economists, politicians and central bankers don’t care about the physics of the situation. Even those basing their analysis on Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) tend to focus on only a narrow portion of what I explained in Section [1]. Once researchers have invested a huge amount of time and effort in one direction, they cannot consider the possibility that their approach may be seriously incomplete.

Unfortunately, the physics-based approach I am using indicates that the world’s economy is likely to change dramatically for the worse in the months and years ahead. Economies, in general, cannot last forever. Populations outgrow their resource bases; resources become too depleted. In physics terms, economies are dissipative structures, not unlike ecosystems, plants and animals. They can only exist for a limited time before they die or end their operation. They tend to be replaced by new, similar dissipative structures.

While the current world economy cannot last indefinitely, humans have continued to exist through many bottlenecks in the past, including ice ages. It is likely that some humans, perhaps in mutated form, will make it through the current bottleneck. These humans will likely create a new economy that is better adapted to the Earth as it changes.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,063 Responses to The world’s self-organizing economy can be expected to act strangely, as energy supplies deplete

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    When it gets really serious — instead of faking the data you stop reporting the numbers altogether… it is very serious now

    • MM says:

      3 days ago written here:

      1. Hammer in the propaganda
      2. Delete the evidence

      These stones, these stones, where were they?

      • Tim Groves says:

        The Georgia Guidestones?

        They had a baby.
        Standing in Kagawa Prefecture on the Island of Shikoku.

        They say the Americans make the best guidestones,
        but the Japanese make them smaller and cheaper.

  2. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    too long but excellent Doom:

    nuclear war, EMP, CME…

    “On 23 July, 2012 a CME almost as powerful as the Carrington Event narrowly missed the Earth. It had the energy of a billion hydrogen bombs and would have disabled any device that plugged into a wall socket according to NASA…”

    “In conclusion, modern techno-industrial civilization is fragile and not immune to collapse, and many collapsologists believe that the process is now underway.”

    “collapsologists” how cute.

    yawn, we’re all gonna die.

  3. Gerry says:

    I remember long time ago CTG mentioned high rises and the death traps they were if and when the power goes out. I relayed that info to my brother who upon hearing it started to curse and swear and then relayed to me what happened to him in Toronto. He works in construction trade and got stranded on the 34 floor of some condo project. The security guard never bothered to do his job at the end of the day by making sure all workers were accounted for before closing up for the night. Poor brother had to descend by walking down the stairs and it took him just over three hours. Why three i mumbled. You have to take breaks and its in pitch blackness so you have to feel around so you don’t trip over whatever is left around. When he finally exited out on the main floor the security guard dam near had a heart attack.

    Brother hates these pieces of crap highrises and says you got to be stupid to pay 750,000 for cookie cutter garbage thats little more than 700 square feet. lol

    Now imagine the worse case scenario you having to maneuver stairwells with hundreds if not thousands of others to get out of one of these death traps when the lights go out?


    • There are other issues with these buildings. One is that the windows don’t open. Natural ventilation can’t work. Water needs to be pumped up many floors. If the electricity goes out while someone is in an elevator, that person is likely trapped indefinitely.

      In a world with increasingly intermittent electricity, high-rise buildings are not at all practical. When I visited China (2011 and 2015), the residences were mostly high-rises. In fact, in outlying areas, we saw some 11-story high rises that did not have elevators. The top floor apartments in these buildings were not very popular. They tended to go unsold/unoccupied.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Ya but the views are outstanding… and when UEP arrives — you smash out the windows with a chair … and enjoy the thrill on the way down.

  4. Rodster says:

    Chris Martenson had to put this behind his paywall but he posted the following vaccine injury data from Germany.


    “Vaccine Health Data is a Complete Disaster”

    The cesspool of vaccine side effects in Germany is finally completely open. According to
    the Dutch news site, Blckbx, five months after a Wob request, it appears that 437,593 of
    the 11 million insured persons of the country’s largest Health Insurance fund, Techniker
    Krankenkasse (TK), had to undergo medical treatment in 2021 for Covid vaccine side
    effects. That is 1 in 25 and an increase of 3000 percent.

    This week, TK finally provided facts and figures about the number of treatments they
    had to reimburse in 2021 due to (serious) side effects of covid vaccines. But
    unfortunately, it took a lot of struggle and effort to get answers to the Wob request.
    In 2021, the massive number of 437,593 insured, or 1 in 25, received medical treatment
    for side effects of vaccination, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). This number is
    almost twice as high as all side effects reported by the German federal medical agency
    Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEl) and Lareb Germany. Furthermore, it represents an increase of
    3000 percent for TK compared to 2019 and 2020.

    *As many as 1 in 500 injections is expected to cause serious side effects
    The figures also suggest that the number of 1:5000 serious side effects per shot
    reported by the German ministry last week is, in reality, much higher.

    • CTG says:

      IS this real news? I am not so sure now. Maybe somethings inside fake. Instead of 1:25, maybe it is 1:10? or 1:5? Purposely make it better?

      No one can verify.

      • Adonis says:

        It is all real there are no hoaxes only misinformation they went to the moon peak oil does exist and the elders are aware of the consequences of not doing anything at all that is why the hunt is on for a cheap energy source it looks like it is grey hydrogen based on fossil fuel based hydrogen off course the elders can’t admit peak oil if they did watch the panic

    • Fast Eddy says:

      1 in 500 seems light…

      I definitely do not know 500 people in NZ… and I know — as in people I interact with regularly – 5 people with major vax injuries – 4 heart – 1 lung clotting. I also know someone who went blind for 10 minutes after a shot (recovered).

      I’m thinking the number is more like 1 in 100… possibly higher.

      I have never known or heard of anyone having any issue with any vax in my entire life before this. Zero.

      Thoroughly tested hahahaha… safe and effective…

  5. Whether some people like or not, unless your country’s name is USA, United Kingdom or a few other countries noted for their scientific and technological prowess , your country should be open for pillage.

    That might be unfortunate but it is the fact of the world. Sorry.

    Serbia’s desire to united its own miserable people, whose sole contribution to civilization (Nikola Tesla) never setting foot in the territories ruled from Belgrade, basically fouled up Europe for ever.

    Examples like that are legion.

    The cold truth is technologically retarded countries should not have rights, and should accept whatever terms the advanced countries demand.

    • Civilization first grew up in fairly warm countries, in different parts of the world. These early civilizations collapsed and mostly disappeared. We are still left with very high populations in many of the fairly warm countries.

      Technology is one way of using energy available to us. Everything I can see says that it is the cold parts of the world that have recently dominated technology and high energy consumption. Thus, Iceland, Norway, and Canada are up at the top of energy consumption per capita. They also have abundant energy supplies within their countries.

      When energy consumption became too high cost, what we think of as the high tech countries (US, Japan, Europe, Australia) had to outsource their manufacturing to China and other East Asian countries, including India. Instead, they added all kinds of services, including financial services, medical services (especially care for the aged) and advanced education. Also, personal services such as fancy painted fingernails and toenails. These services are doomed to be cut back greatly as energy supplies per capita fail. Importing manufactured goods such as computers will become more and more difficult. The technology is likely to fail.

      What you call the “technologically retarded countries” may do better than those that are more dependent on technology. I expect that it may be parts of countries (“remnants”) that can continue. These will exist in areas that have better access to energy supplies and very low energy transportation (nearby water transportation). They likely will also have their own natural fresh water supplies, adequate for whatever reduced population remains.

  6. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Vaccination of vulnerable groups against monkeypox virus (MPV) in a highly C-19 vaccinated population will drive adaptive evolution of MPV and ignite multi-country epidemics in poorly C-19 vaccinated countries

    • This is Geert vanden Bossche writing, so it tends to be difficult to understand. One of the more understandable sections says:

      Given the current epidemiologic situation, mandatory vaccination against monkeypox cannot be justified, regardless of C-19 vaccination status.

      In C-19 vaccinated populations, current vaccination campaigns will only promote further expansion of more infectious MPV variants.

      But even in non-C19-vaccinated countries, vaccination is not a reasonable option. This is because poxvirus epidemics do not generate herd immunity sensu stricto and prevention, therefore, of world-wide poxvirus epidemics is only possible when the virus can be eradicated. However, eradication is only feasible provided there are no asymptomatic reservoirs and a global mass vaccination program is conducted with vaccines that are capable of preventing productive infection.

      • houtskool says:

        Primates got us into trouble before, describing it will always have its difficulties.

      • MM says:

        I love this word:
        Talkin about me, Dude?

        Here is a new post by rintrah on ths topic:

        He basically says, the monkey pox virus could evolve to fill the niche of the eradicated small pox virus and thus become a worldwide problem.
        This can of course only be “eradicated” through a 100% mandatory global vaccine campaign if I understand gvb right here.

        The pride month was just a match in heaven.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      norm — have you been monkey jabbed? You never know who SSS has been with

    • French scientist reveals ‘space telescope image’ was actually slice of sausage

    • CTG says:

      haha… does it matter to anyone now that what we know about our reality is “real”? Why would anyone argue with me that we live in a world where we don’t know what is real and what is fake anymore?

      Herbie’s recent post on the “wrong” wet bulb temperature ?
      What we know about Sri Lanka (last day of oil) and EU’s energy, UKR “war”?
      Space Telescope and sausages ?
      How about the olden days of more doctors smoking Camel cigarettes ?
      EM wave on health covered up?
      COVID? Vaccine?
      Vegetable oil good animal fat bad?
      Cholesterol ?
      Heart disease?

      The list is endless.

      We are suppose to live in an information age but what we get is misinformation, be it intentional, malicious or unintentional, it is still the same – incorrect information.

      As stated in my earlier post, we are no different from the people in 1930s who are ignorant. Maybe they are better off because they are not misinformed.

      So, think about it, all the scientific papers that you read and believed in? The publication or peer reviewed papers? People looking up to “experts” especially from top ranked universities

      So, you think they are all real? Seriously especially after all the papers published on “safe and effective”?

      Since COVID, I refuse to say “I am not an expert but I think…..” No, the “experts” are not experts. It is likely that I am better than them.

      Think about it…. seriously think about – all these years that you read the “scientifically accurate” publications..

      Remember the days where doctors say smoking is fine? MAYBE smoking is really good for health ! Who knows??

      Perhaps they are not real…………..

      To all readers… prove me wrong. I am happy.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Norman should answer this one. He seems convinced that my reality ISN’T real but his IS.

        How he reaches this level of certainty is a trade secret, I gather.

        But how I see reality is like this:

        We are creatures (which implies a creator), or at least we are animals (which implies animation,. if not an animator) that are equipped with sensors and cognitive apparatus that allow us to create a virtual reality simulation of what is going on outside (and to some extent inside) our bodies.

        The physical world we live in is out there, but the reality we experience is in here.

        We create this reality based on sensations and perceptions and judgement criteria. It’s a complex process and I can’t wrap my head around it, but I’m sure someone like Marvin Minsky would be able to explain it up to a point.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          and yet, when I’m driving 70 mph down a highway, I am very certain that my grasp of the reality “out there” is quite close to accurate “in here”.

          how could humans or any animals survive without a fairly accurate grasp of reality?

          I more often don’t feel that I need to “wrap my head around it”.

          it merely “is what it is”.


          • Kowalainen says:

            That which isn’t verifiable by first hand experience, raw observation without attachment, should be regarded fantasy at best, misleading as usual and a delusion at worst.

            Which makes most of “reality” nothing but a la-la land of cognitive dissonance and compartmentalizations.

            Shove your hand in the soil, that’s as real as it ever will be. Why is it “real” you might ponder? Well; that’s the closest qualia/representation of objective reality there is. Which is to say very little “filtering” between that which is the “I”/“self” and the world “outside”.

            Placate the most archaic needs only. Eat and try to maintain your organism somewhat sensibly. Life is too short for getting heavily embroiled in fantasies. I.e. high on your own hopiate and copium “product”.

            I believe it is called “thinking”.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Nobody will prove you wrong – because you are not wrong.

        “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

  7. Michael Le Merchant says:

    “New mRNA Covid Jabs will contain 3 different Spike Proteins!” – Dr. Meryl Nass

    • Fast Eddy says:

      It’s like that with addiction … your body adapts and you need more or new and improved.

      Right norm?

      You need to up the ante and increase the odds of injury — to keep the excitement alive!

  8. Fast Eddy says:

    The funeral business is doing great!

    And not because of Covid.

    Don’t take it from me. Take it from the good folks at Service Corporation International, “North America’s leading provider of funeral, cremation, and cemetery services” – handling 450,000 corpses* a year.

    (*not their word).

    Service Corporation’s earnings boomed in 2020 and 2021, thanks to Covid. Funerals are a solid but slow-growth business, and the trend toward cremations hasn’t helped. But between 2019 and 2021, SCI’s earnings per share more than doubled, from $1.90 to $4.57.

    At first, SCI worried that growth was what it called “pull-forward.” In other words, because Covid mostly killed people who were close to death anyway, more deaths in 2020 and 2021 would just mean fewer later.

    Lucky for Service Corporation and its investors, pull-forward isn’t turning out to be a problem. Americans are still dying at rates well above normal, even as Covid becomes a minimal part of business this year.

    • The situation is depressing. Our World in Data shows that US death rates are up through at least February, 2022. Service Corporation International (the funeral folks) say that first quarter results were good. The Our World in Data suggests that the recent surge in deaths affected mostly people under 85, but there was still some rise in deaths in this group.

    • Rodster says:

      UK Funeral Director John O’Looney who has been censored and suspended from his practice, noted a large uptick in funeral deaths among those who were vaccinated. He spoke out and eventually paid the price. He went as far as to attend autopsies of the vaccinated and witness massive clotting of the arteries.

  9. Fast Eddy says:

    Massive Coral Growth at the Great Barrier Reef Continues to Defy all the Fashionable Doomsday kKKimate Predictions

    Trudeau arriving maskless on a private jet in Costa Rica exposing both the kkklimate change and covid scam at the same time.

    So what say the green groopies and CovIDIOTS… so what….

  10. Fast Eddy says:

    China Tests Taiwan Defense Zone, Cuts Off US Military Talks

    Cuz a politician spent a day in Taiwan? The MSM is playing the hordes again.

  11. It is inevitable that any remaining resources will be claimed by the elites, with nothing for the rest.

    • Alex says:

      I’m imagining Bill Gates cuddling a lump of coal and whispering ‘my precious’…

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      It is inevitable that all of the elites soon will enter the nothingness of eternal death.

      kind of renders “remaining resources” totally worthless.

      do the math.

  12. Student says:

    Also Italy has entered the Monkeypox show,
    First doses of the vaccine are ready to be injected in four Regions.

    Actually we are trying to play simultaneously Monkeypox emergency and Covid resurgence.
    And hoping for any other health emergency, if available…

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    Funny.. from Robert Malone’s SS

    Osama was only trying to defend his country from the pillaging …. but Robert is incapable of understanding that Rummy and Cheney should be depicted here:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

    • First of all the Binladins are based in Saudi Arabia.

      And , whether you like or not, countries not named USA , United Kingdom or a few others are open for Western pillaging for the sake of Civilization

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Heart Failure Diagnostic Clinic Referrals – Liverpool University Hospitals
    Substantially lower in spring 2020, substantially higher since Jan-21

    Liverpool University Hospitals average 41 referrals per month to their heart failure diagnostic clinics between Oct-19 and Mar-20.

    During the COVID epidemic, from Apr-20 to Aug-20 when they closed down to everyone and everything bar COVID, they had 89 fewer referrals than usual, averaging 18 per month negative excess.

    Since the COVID vaccine was rolled out in Dec-20, there have been 232 more referrals than usual, averaging 14 per month excess.

    Assuming the experimental injection is responsible, after 908,000 doses, that equates to 25 in 100,000 doses.

    Curiously, when the jabbing stops, the referrals drop back down to normal (my Bradford Criteria #10, “reversibility” evidence is mounting).,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

    • We will have to see if the referrals stay down, if vaccines stay down.

      Of course, if they go up with the new formulation, we would expect more referrals.

  15. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    the Great Barrier Reef is totally dying!!!!!!!

    glowball worming! cklimate change!

    oh wait, it’s doing fine.

    never mind.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And the oceans were meant to rise 20ft by now… and the polar bears would all be dead.. and the permafrost all melted … and and and and and…. Guy —WTF?

    • houtskool says:

      When the currencies fail, i have a shrimp to hail.

      Now that’s a horny one on your fridge David.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        fridge is covered, no space for any more stickers.

        “IC IC baby”

        “it is what it is”

        “2030 or bust”

        “to those who think, life is a comedy, to those who feel, life is a tragedy, to those who think and feel, life is a farce”


        “bAU tonight, baby”

        “que sera sera, just chill”

    • Herbie Ficklestein says:

      Making the Great Barrier Reef Great Again!

      It works for long it’s reported by CNBC News it must be true from the sources.
      They like to print such as they say

  16. Hubbs says:

    I wish I had the background/expertise to delve into issues like these in greater depth and understanding. The only things I can gather, maybe, are:

    1.) The govt is lying to make the economy appear more robust than it is- into an election, fancy that.

    2.) Presumably, those people NOT on the govt dole, whether through cushy govt jobs with “guaranteed” paychecks and pensions, are having to to take more part time jobs to stay afloat.
    The data needs to be broken down into govt vs private workers, and the latter into those with benefits or not.

    3.) Those who live on governent pork can die by starvation if the govt withdraws the pork, whether govt jobs, pensions, benefits, Medicare, Social Security etc. Having a kill-switch for this makes it all a snap- all via control of the masses through dependency.

    4.) Politicians are really just pork-fed errand boys and girls delivering what they think they need to promise voters to keep their jobs, whereas in the end, the Deep State will dispose of them too.

    5.) The need for corporations to unload the financial burden of the traditional health and retirement benefits may be resulting in the loss of full time jobs, while hiring replacement temporary workers, who may maybe less able to organize/ unionize.

    6.) As to total fuel gasoline consumption (auto gas, not just diesel), could this new found “having to hustle” factor- requiring more driving for additional jobs – paradoxically result in more gas consumption? A total loss of jobs should be reflected in decrease gas requirements, should it not?

    • I think your number 2 is perhaps playing a role in the strange statistics:

      “2.) Presumably, those people NOT on the govt dole, whether through cushy govt jobs with “guaranteed” paychecks and pensions, are having to to take more part time jobs to stay afloat.”

      If the same people are taking two or three part-time jobs, or are working a second part-time job in addition to the one they regularly work, it will distort the comparison between the number of people corporations report as being on their payrolls and the number of people who report they are working.

      The people with extra part-time jobs could be almost anyone, including a government worker or an Uber driver.

  17. Rodster says:

    Uh oh, the Ukraine military and its comedian caught using human shields.

    “Anger From Ukraine’s Backers After Damning Amnesty Report Spotlights ‘Human Shields’

  18. Mirror on the wall says:

    UK is going up in flames this autumn…. b/c the ‘British State’ should have listened to what people were saying since time.

  19. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Ron Johnson suggests Medicare, Social Security be approved on annual basis
    BY JULIA MUELLER 08/03/22 07:31 PM ET The Hill

    The Wisconsin senator, who is up for reelection in a highly contested race this fall that will help determine which party holds the majority next year, argued that the mandatory spending status of funding for the federal programs should be switched to discretionary spending “so it’s all evaluated.”

    “Our problem in this country is that more than 70 percent of our federal budget, of our federal spending, is all mandatory spending. It’s on automatic pilot. It never — you just don’t do proper oversight. You don’t get in there and fix the programs going bankrupt. It’s just on automatic pilot,” Johnson said.

    “As long as things are on automatic pilot, we just continue to pile up debt,” he added.

    He argued that funding for the programs should instead come before Congress for annual approval.

    A spokesperson for Johnson’s office told The Hill in a statement Wednesday that the senator “never suggested putting Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block.”

    “The Senator’s point was that without fiscal discipline and oversight typically found with discretionary spending, Congress has allowed the guaranteed benefits for programs like Social Security and Medicare to be threatened. This must be addressed by Congress taking its responsibilities seriously to ensure that seniors don’t need to question whether the programs they depend on remain solvent,” the spokesperson said.

    Seems the chopping block knife is getting sharpened for the retirees

    • Not a huge surprise.

      I am fairly certain the programs to keep pension programs such as those set up by unions has only worked by adding more debt to the system, to prop up these pensions for a short time. Or a change is made in the assumption regarding future interest payment that the pension plan will receive allowing the funding shortfall to be deferred. These pensions are also in trouble, especially if there are substantial debt defaults and/or the stock market goes down.

  20. Genomir says:

    A cultural phenomena creeping into the system and greatly reducing its efficiency

    This is a short video of good ol’ Cathal where he tries to deconstruct a phenomena we called ‘The Tinder Effect’. I provided the observational data and the operational terms as well as the relevant historical output from games theory on the topic. Cathal did the hard work of systemizing the data and giving us this very informative expose.

    • Interesting video about why the Tinder dating app has failed, as it has added more and more entrants to the system, quite a few of them without an interest in finding a life partner.

      Cathal also observes that the University system has failed, as it has added much more funding to the system and added many more students to the system, many of them less gifted. This people go on to be faculty members.

      He suggests at the end that the digital currency market will fail, as it comes into wider use.

      • Genomir says:

        Our theory is that the ‘tinder effect’ occurs in all market type systems. The crypto market is also suffering from such an effect as well as the investment market.

  21. Jderst3406 says:

    Why Gas prices in US are coming down. Administration using Strategic Oil reserve.

    When accessing the DOE website and clicking on the weekly SPR status the link is mysteriously broken. What are they hiding.

  22. Jan says:

    Gails intertwined economy reaches mainstream. Press release of German 16 billion chemistry gigant Covestro:

    “Due to the close links between the chemical industry and downstream sectors, a further deterioration of the situation is likely to result in the collapse of entire supply and production chains.”

  23. Student says:

    (Jerusalem Post)

    For those who are following the conflict in Ukraine…

    “Amnesty International accuses Ukraine of basing troops in residential areas.
    Amnesty workers say they witnessed Ukrainian forces “establishing bases and operating weapons systems” in some populated residential areas.”

  24. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Department of Energy officials declined NPR’s request for an interview to explain how the technology that cost U.S. taxpayers millions of dollars ended up in China. After NPR sent department officials written questions outlining the timeline of events, the federal agency terminated the license with the Chinese company, Dalian Rongke Power Co. Ltd.

    “DOE takes America’s manufacturing obligations within its contracts extremely seriously,” the department said in a written statement. “If DOE determines that a contractor who owns a DOE-funded patent or downstream licensee is in violation of its U.S. manufacturing obligations, DOE will explore all legal remedies.”

    Several U.S. companies have tried to get a license to make the batteries
    The department is now conducting an internal review of the licensing of vanadium battery technology and whether this license — and others — have violated U.S. manufacturing requirements, the statement said.

    The U.S. made a breakthrough battery discovery — then gave the technology to China
    August 3, 20225:00 AM ET
    Heard on All Things Considered

    The Chinese company didn’t steal this technology. It was given to them — by the U.S. Department of Energy. First in 2017, as part of a sublicense, and later, in 2021, as part of a license transfer. An investigation by NPR and the Northwest News Network found the federal agency allowed the technology and jobs to move overseas, violating its own licensing rules while failing to intervene on behalf of U.S. workers in multiple instances.

    Now, China has forged ahead, investing millions into the cutting-edge green technology that was supposed to help keep the U.S. and its economy out front.

    Let’s just say it would have probably ended being made in China anyway…

  25. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Fri, August 5, 2022 at 12:37 AM
    WASHINGTON (AP) — China declared Friday it was stopping all dialogue with the United States on major issues, from climate change to military relations, in a day of rapidly escalating tensions over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. The White House summoned China’s ambassador to protest what it called China’s “irresponsible” actions since the visit.

    China’s military exercises off Taiwan in reaction to Pelosi’s visit earlier this week were of “concern to Taiwan, to us, and to our partners around the world,” spokesman John Kirby said in a statement after Thursday’s formal diplomatic rebuke to Ambassador Qin Gang at the White House.

    China’s measures, which come amid cratering relations between Beijing and Washington, are the latest in a promised series of steps intended to punish the U.S. for allowing the visit to the island it claims as its own territory, to be annexed by force if necessary. China on Thursday launched threatening military exercises in six zones just off Taiwan’s coasts, and they will run through Sunday.

    Missiles have also been fired over Taiwan, Chinese officials told state media. China routinely opposes the self-governing island having its own contacts with foreign governments, but its response to the Pelosi visit has been unusually strong.

    Looks as if the Cold War revisited, along with woman’s right to choose, and a host of others from the 60s/70s ( crisis)…sure, we have our act together…sarcasm

  26. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Craziness goes to the moon!!
    The Holy Grail of baseball cards just set another record.

    A T-206 Honus Wagner card, well known as one of the rarest baseball cards ever printed, sold for $7.25 million in a private sale, auctioneer Goldin Auctions announced on Thursday. Goldin estimates the card is one of fewer than 50 authenticated copies left in the world.
    The sale breaks a record set last year by another copy of the card, which sold for a total of $6.6 million.
    The origin of the card’s rarity is a legend itself, as the cards were produced as part of a line made by the American Tobacco Company to put into cigarette packs. Wagner objected to his likeness being used in such a way — the popular story is he didn’t want children to buy cigarettes because of him, though it remains very possible he just wanted more money from the ATC.
    The company ended up producing only around 200 cards and distributing even fewer, creating a collector’s item for the ages.
    I’ve been in this business for a very long time and seen a lot of incredible trading cards and pieces of memorabilia, but there is nothing on earth like a T206 card,” Goldin Executive Chairman and founder Ken Goldin said in a statement. “There’s a reason why no Wagner card has never sold for less than it was previously purchased for – the card is art, it’s history, it’s folklore. The T206 is one of the reasons I do what I do and why serious collectors around the world love this hobby so much. To be a part of history and facilitate this record-breaking sale is an honor.”
    The record might not stand for long, though, as ESPN notes a similarly rare 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle card has already reached $7.08 million at auction and is expected to break $10 million by consigner Heritage Auctions.

    Michael Douglas in Movie Wall Street

  27. The WSJ has a 4:59 video up called “Kazakhstan’s Unease Toward Russia Grows as Ukraine War Drags On.”

    The video points out that Kazakhstan is a significant exporter of oil and that 80% of this oil goes by pipeline, through Russia, to Europe. Kazakhstan is concerned about this export revenue being cut off.

    Kazakhstan also has a large ethnically Russian population, along the border. Putin has made statements in the past about closing the oil pipeline (and Europe has been talking about restricting pipeline oil imports from Russia). Putin has made statements that vaguely suggest that Russia could attack Kazakhstan (but I would doubt Russia would wage a two-front war).

    The video does not bring up the fact that in 2019, Kazakhstan produced 43% of the world’s uranium. People who want to ramp up nuclear should be aware that uranium is likely to be a major issue.

    • ivanislav says:

      One indication that the WSJ is a rag is that they showed a graphic of the world’s top oil producers, placing the US at the top. What is more relevant for the subject matter (geopolitics) that they’re discussing is exports, where Saudi Arabia and Russia are at the top. Their coverage is hopelessly slanted.

    • banned says:

      Got news for you WSJ. Unease is growing period not just in Kazakhstan.

  28. Rodster says:

    Well, at least we know the vaccines are effective. 🤪

    “Quadruple-Vaxxed German Health Minister Tests Positive For COVID”

    • Tim Groves says:

      Karl Lauterbach—this is the guy that Eugyppius thinks is a nutter. That blogger will be having a good laugh this evening.

      He wrote the other day, ” it should be clear to everyone by now that Karl Lauterbach has no idea what he’s doing, and that he’ll sing the praises of any study that flatters his preconceptions. Germany would be better off with a goldfish heading the Ministry of Health. He should resign.”

    • I suppose that he next takes Paxlovid. Then he tests negative. A few days later, he re-tests positive, to fit in with the pattern of Fauci and Biden.

    • ivanislav says:

      “the problem was that he had not yet received the 5th dose”

      • Rodster says:

        Will we be saying that before he receives the 12th dose? 🥵

        A famous quote comes to mind. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results”.

        • banned says:

          This is a very ambitious program of experimentation. Its progress will not be measured in years but rather decades. Gene therapy is in its infancy. Maybe in a decade or so we will see gene therapy offered for other applications than “vaccination”. There may even be considerable benefit to these applications. The public will be told this is the start of their reward for their participation in the gene therapy experimentation.

          Participation in high tech medical procedures has always been about providing life extension for the elite. You think a WEF elite gets that first one? Fraid not. You get some data first. The more the better. Find out what works and what the problems are. You need participants to take that risk. Up until now they have done so willingly with some degree of informed consent.

          You ever had elective surgery? There are two different ways of informing you about the risks. During the sales pitch time frame you get the glossy brochure. Then just before the procedure you get the contract you sign. The one that says they will try their best but no guarantees here are the 10 to the 16th things that can go wrong. Thats the real disclosure of risk.

          The flip side is many many many people have experienced a high degree of improvement in quality of life with elective therapies. Just because your a research participant doesnt mean the concept is not valid. How else are you going to get a taste of 64 champagne?

          The winners of the lottery love their taste of 64 champagne and tell everyone how great it is and how lucky they are. The losers of the lottery- well no one likes losers.

          The injection 19 champagne tastes pretty awful so they have to incentivize to get test subjects. 29 champagne will be much more tasty. But we will get there little buckaroos!

          • Unfortunately, write-ups of malpractice claims suggest that there are quite a few doctors who will do their own experimental surgery, without the benefit of any particular program. It is hard to do blind studies of new surgical techniques, so they are not subject to the same trials as medicines or gene therapies.

            There are also doctors who will sign up for a week-end course in some new surgical technique and will start using it the next week. Results are usually better from a physician who is experienced with a particular technique. A patient may not be told that this is the particular physician’s first attempt with some new procedure/equipment.

            • banned says:

              Well they do call it a “practice”. Every single doctor had to do his first procedure at one time. I dont care how many times you watch. The first time the tools are in your hand its not optimal.

              Theres a sweet spot. You dont want it to be his first. You dont want him having done so many he is jaded.

              If your paying out of pocket, rare nowadays, you dont want to bargain hunt. Best stay away from surgeons and lawyers but if you need one do whatever you have to come up with the money for a good one.

              He still had to practice on people before you.

              Its not that easy to pick a good one with insurance or to know if recommendations are good. I think they look at how good someones insurance is before any recommendation. Are you better off with high dollar insurance if it just means doctors recommend more procedures because of it?

              Its a hard subject to breach. How many of these you done doc? If the answer is four he probably is not going to get more “practice” in on you. How dare you bring attention to a high priest’s lack of experience?

              Thats the jaded viewpoint. Lots of people love the medical they have received and love and trust their doctors. My trust is gone with the injections.

              The other thing is this HIPPA bs. Any doctor can write anything in your file and every medical person sees it forever. Oh yea for privacy. Thats why its a eternal data base. Tell a nurse you wouldnt give your dog the injection. See where it gets you. They can write anything in that file. Opinions. Judgments. Whatever. So visiting a Doc is just like getting pulled over by a cop. No chatter. Polite. Curt. But that can be interpreted many different ways and any nurse or doctor can express that in your file. A cop doesnt get to put opinions and judgments about you in a permanent file. Well actually they do in the private data bases that all law enforcement subscribe to but unless your a real problem there is not data entry there. But any cop can put opinions and judgement about you in a private data base that is entirely subjective. Every single law enforcment pays for that private data base as SOP but there not going to put in you look funny. But they can. They have enough paperwork. Medical they put their gossip in SOP. Twenty years later its still there. Where did I agree to that? Medical facebook only worse. The right of the high priests.

              Imagine whats in Eddies file.

    • Kunstler’s forecast:

      This will be a very interesting experiment in the dynamics of emergence — the self-organizing properties of systems in chaos. I doubt that it will resolve in the direction of the globalists’ dreams of transhuman technocracy. Every macro trend now runs against centralization.

      But the process could conceivably invite an attempted Chinese takeover of the USA, if not militarily, then in a way similar to America’s asset-stripping operations in the collapsed Soviet Union of the 1990s, a looting spree — as seen many other times in history when empires founder. Or else, the rest of the world will just kick back and witness the spectacle of our struggle as the lights of Western Civ flicker out. (Europe will be right in it with us, by the way.) The other nations of the world are tired of us trying to push them around, with increasingly evil intentions. They will enjoy watching our tribulations. They will be convinced we deserve it.

      This is what comes from a culture of immersive and pervasive dishonesty.

  29. Tim Groves says:

    Twitter last week censored Shmuel Shapira, M.D., MPH, for suggesting a connection between the monkeypox outbreak and mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, according to a Kanekoa’s Newsletter Substack post published Wednesday.

    Shapira, who said he was injured after receiving his third dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, said Twitter demanded he remove a tweet that said:

    “Monkey pox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkey pox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.”

    Shapira is a full professor of medical administration at Hebrew University and served as director of Israel’s Institute for Biological Research from 2013-2021.

    According to the author of the Kanekoa Newsletter, Shapira might be “the most senior ranking medical-scientist in the world to openly criticize the COVID vaccines.”

    Shapira also is the founder and head of the military medicine department at the Hebrew University and Israeli Defense Forces Medical Corps, and a senior research fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichman University in Israel.

    He has published more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific articles and is the editor of three academic journals.

    As director of Israel’s Institute for Biological Research, Shapira initially was the “driving force behind the efforts to develop an Israeli COVID-19 vaccine” until he “unexpectedly” stepped down in May 2021, The Times of Israel reported.

    According to Kanekoa, Shapira started his Twitter account in January 2022 and has grown increasingly vocal in his criticism of mRNA vaccines since he first denounced the Israeli Genesis Award for giving the award to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

  30. Alex says: (excerpts)

    “On one hand, fears of an imminent recession are sending oil prices tumbling, with WTI tumbling below $90 for the first time since the start of the war in Ukraine.

    On the other hand, the chaos in the physical market – the one that actually matters to commodities which trade not based on some future point – is getting worse by the day, and today Saudi Arabia once again raised oil prices for buyers in Asia into record territory.

    The financial oil market is dislocating dramatically from an extremely tight spot physical market. The physical market is pricing in scarcity, while the financial market is pricing in recession.

    And while Brent is on course for a substantial weekly decline, the global benchmark’s prompt spread – that’s the difference between its two nearest contracts – remains firmly backwardated, a bullish pattern.”

  31. Jim Malpuss says:

    It is true that previous civilisations have collapsed from local impacts, but none have been as global and interlinked as this one. The likely scale of devastation is unimaginable. People are worried about the impact of climate change but I’m not aware of any thought being given to how long fossil fuels will last and what will happen when supplies start to fail. It seems to me that the impact will be far more rapid than the impact of the deteriorating climate.

    • You say, “People are worried about the impact of climate change but I’m not aware of any thought being given to how long fossil fuels.”

      I think that this bias has strongly been encouraged by lots of different groups, simultaneously. These include:

      1. Politicians who want to get re-elected
      2. Department heads of universities, who depend upon funding from governmental groups, pushing their agendas.
      3. Textbook publishers, who want to sell lots of books that paint a fairly rosy picture of the future, and job prospects for young people who use their textbooks.
      4. Manufacturers of automobiles, who want to assure people that their products will have a long use.
      5. Naive climate modelers, who use models that assume that fossil fuels that we can extract are incredibly abundant. They also assume that humans are in charge of the growth rate of the economy, rather than a self-organizing system powered by energy.
      6. A need to justify the building of long-term infrastructure and other major investments, such as ports and LNG ships. If climate truly is quite variable, and there is we can do nothing about it, many assumptions about the long-term usefulness of these investments makes no sense.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      Thank you for engaging in a debate, instead of ad hominem or putdowns.

      If we look at history we see the trajectory of collapse is similar for small city states (40K people) and giant empires (100 millions or so). So we can hypothesize that collapse is a fractal process that should scale similarly to billions. This is JM Greer’s idea.

      I personally am not fully convinced. We can find counterexamples if we look at collapse on isolated places (Easter Island, Greenland’ Norse colony), where the population drops to (almost) zero.

      So it is possible that, this being a global civilization and Earth being a closed system, the collapse will be even worse than previous ones. Who knows?

      • collapse, in human terms is usually linked to depletion of available sources of surplus energy

        in previous times, ‘surplus energy’ meant only that which could extracted from the land itself.

        if your energy surplus went into depletion

        a —your country collapsed

        or b —an adjacent country was invaded and looted.

        there was always ‘somewhere else’. The Roman empire morphed into several european empires, which in turn, morphed again into world empires.

        this time though, things are different, the global ‘economy’ is now a single entity. When it collapses there will be no adjacent planet to invade and loot.

        As with most major imminent catastrophes, the majority are in denial (hence MAGA and Brexit)

        the brutal reality is that just like the old empires, the world has run out of the necessary resources to sustain itself

        • MM says:

          You seem to be pretty naive that a resource problem would in the end stop anybody who has at least the same historic knowledge as you to pursue a certain agenda (*cough) for many centuries and then cough up at the last mile due to a fallacy you can easily spot.

          • not entirely following your thread MM (forgive me if i’ve got it wrong)

            I might have ‘historic knowledge’ of many things, but without energy resources to manufacture them the knowledge would be useless.
            That applies equally to a lightbulb or an atomic bomb

            the only exceptions would be the knowledge of how to make swords and arrowheads.

            If i’ve got something wrong there–no doubt you will enlighten me

            but in any event you lost me completely on the last line:
            >>>>>and then cough up at the last mile due to a fallacy you can easily spot.<<<<<

            maybe i am naive.

  32. Tim Groves says:

    Jon Rappoport on Alex Jones:

    Let’s start here. While Jones was supporting Trump, he also mercilessly attacked the horrifically destructive COVID vaccines. In the process, he forcefully awakened millions of Trump followers to a truth they were unaware of or didn’t want to face. In the process, lives were saved.

    Decades ago, long before it was fashionable to do so, Jones explained and righteously attacked Globalism, the Rockefeller Empire, and the designs of the Chinese regime.

    Perceived by the public as living on the political Right, Jones confounded that perception by attacking both big government and big corporations, while so-called conservatives were routinely and conveniently letting criminal corporations off the hook.

    About 20 years ago, the day after George Noory interviewed me about those corporations, Jones called me out of the blue and insisted I come on his radio show and talk about the subject at length.

    Very early in his radio career, he saw the gathering clouds of medical dictatorship on the horizon and spoke about it compellingly. His audience got a strong dose of something they’d never thought about.

    Toxic pesticides, GMO crops—Jones contributed as much to the public understanding of these issues as any dyed in the wool environmentalist. However, for years, he’s also spoken about the psychopathic anti-human elitists who use the environmental movement as a front for a “green revolution” that aims to capture humanity in an endless future of poverty.

    No one has done to more to expose the predatory adults who guide and groom young children for transgender medical and psychological destruction.

    Since the beginning of his career, he’s defended the Constitutional right of citizens to own guns, against the deluded crowd who’ve claimed that taking away all those guns from everybody would lead us into an era of tranquility. Millions of non-criminal gun owners owe Jones a debt of gratitude.

    Every day, Jones refuses to let the idea of the original American Republic die. Try that yourself. See how much energy it takes.

    I could go on and list a number of other vital issues on which he has led the way. He’s inspired many people to start their own independent news outlets, as they’ve watched him make his viable.

    In a materialistic age, he has a vision of the human soul, and whether you agree with it or not, it is not a slave to government and corporate and media and church propagandists. If “the meaning of the soul” sounds like a harmless position to take, it isn’t when you’re connecting with large numbers of people for hours every day, and those propagandists want to shut off your connection and force you to go down to defeat.

    For more than 20 years, without let-up, Jones has not only defended the 1st Amendment to the hilt, he has stood on it to speak freely about a blizzard of issues. And now this has brought him into court rooms, where civil suits have been leveled against him.

    Regardless of the outcomes of the cases, I trust he will survive and carry on. He has already won many victories during his career, and they will stand.

    As for the public, there will always be those who go after Jones. There will always be whiners and screamers and critics who devote their whole lives to finding someone to pick at and scrape at, while they studiously ignore the Good that person has achieved. They feed on the bounty of the 1st Amendment like parasites, and never have to courage to see a better world and fight for it. Anyone who rises above the crowd is their target, because they ARE the crowd, gnawing their way to oblivion.

    So be it. The world has its disgusting creatures.

    Alex Jones was and is a pioneer. He can handle it.

    • Rodster says:

      Alex Jones also was at the forefront, exposing the Davos, Bilderberg and World Economic Forum gang. He was called a nutter and conspira-see theorist. I remember watching videos of him and Paul Joseph Watson standing outside the Bilderberg compound explaining what he thought the group were discussing.

      Now we come to find out that Klaus Schwab has become a household name and Agenda 2030 has come to light. It was all part of the WEF/UN agenda and now it’s real. So credit to Alex Jones.

    • For those who do not keep track of recent news, according to CNN,

      Right-wing talk show host Alex Jones will have to pay the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim a little more than $4 million in compensatory damages, a jury decided Thursday, capping a stunning and dramatic case that showcased for the public the real-world harm inflicted by viral conspiracy theories.

      The award from the jury was far less than what the plaintiffs, Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, had asked for. At the start of the trial, attorneys for Lewis and Heslin asked the jury to award their clients $150 million in compensatory damages.

      Alex Jones seems to be very wealthy. According to the article:

      Jones baselessly said in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting, in which 26 people were killed, that the incident was staged. Facing multiple lawsuits, Jones later acknowledged the shooting occurred. He testified in court this week that he now believed it to be “100% real.”

      Unless a person is very wealthy, it is unheard of for a person to be sued for such a large amount.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        I think the important point here is that there is no freedom of speech against the government anymore.

        Why would he have to pay money for expressing an opinion? For decades people have doubted the holocaust and were hated for it but not forced to pay reparations. I think the holocaust was even worse than presented (because millions of regular people supported it) but I would never silence the deniers – like everything else in history, there is a debate to be had.

        Forget about the reality or staging of the event – this is a warning to everyone that doubts any govt approved narrative, from the Moon landing to 9/11 to the Coflu.

        Also, for those interested, the grieving parents made many millions from charitable donations and the state gov AND they sued the state because they wanted more! I can feel their pain.

        • Good point!

        • Kim says:

          It is tedious to have to repeat this, but I suppose I must. There is no debate to be had. The claims are

          1. That there was an official government plan for the extermination of the jews. Yet despite the capture of literal mountains of German documentation and the Allied possession of the totality of German secret wartime communications through Uktra, not a single document in support of this claim has ever been adduced. Zero.

          2. Millions were killed in extermination camps in homicidal gas chambers. Why? Why such a Rube Goldberg method? Why have you never seen a picture or drawing of such a chamber? Why do they not appear in movies? Bcs the idea is silly? Who empties them? Wouldn’t these people immediately die? Why has no cyanide ever been found in the walls of supposed chambers? Why do claimed chambers have inward-opening wooden doors and picture windows? It is all just so silly.

          3. The evidence was destroyed by burning. It takes more than 2 hours to dispose of a human body in a modern, purpose-built, gas-fired cremation oven. To burn up 1,000,000 bodies would require 82,000 days.

          And even then, the large bones, pelvis, femur, vertebrae, would remain.

          4. The Einsatzgruppen killed millions on the Eastern Front and then, retreating from the Soviet advance, dug up the evidence of their millions of murders and, using various impromptu (impossible) methods, burnt the evidence in pits to the point that to this day no evidence has yet been found of it. Uh huh.

          Note that the Einsatzgruppen consisted of four groups, A, B, C and D. Each group numbered 500-800 at its full complement and 48% of each group were typists, radiomen, laundry men, mechanics, drivers, cooks etc.

          The jobs of the Einsatzgruppen were many. It certainly included anti-partisan and anti-bolshevik and anti-spy and anti-sabotage work but also cultural work behind the front lines, doing things like trying to ensure the grain planting was not too interrupted.

          These 2,000-3,000 men were operating for about 18 months in what was called the General Government, an area as large as the continental USA.

          The claim that they rounded up and killed and buried millions of jews in 18 months overvsuch a massive space and then later went back to their killing pits all across this same space, disinterred thrir victims and then burnt them leaving no trace while under constant attack by the advancing Red Army is, well, silly, and only the braindead could think it possible.

          There is no room for debate on these claims. These things simply did not happen.

          The author to consult on the Einsatzgruppen is Carlos Mattogno.

      • but how many people are now endlessly parroting Jones’s nonsense that they were all ‘crisis actors and nobody was shot’

        that is the criminal part

        ain’t social media wonderful?

        • Tim Groves says:

          I would go further than the average parrot.

          I’m pretty sure that Alex Jones is a crisis actor too.

          There is good evidence, particularly with regard to the teeth, that the late comedian Bill Hicks and shock jock Alex Jones are the same person.

          All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players

          —William Shakespeare

    • banned says:

      Maybe Jones will take a nice job at a gas n go and go fishing a lot.

  33. Mirror on the wall says:

    The last time Britain had a ‘can’t pay, won’t pay’ campaign – poll tax revolt of 1990.

  34. Fast Eddy says:

    RN wife has been telling me for weeks that she is seeing things she has never seen in 25yrs of nursing. High thrombosis numbers in the young. Lymphoma, weird immuno issues, cardiac, aggressive cancers. All among the jabbed. No official mention of it by administration.

    • An article with charts showing that Panama’s experience with Covid was much better during the period that it used hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and ivermectin than when it started using vaccines. This difference was better in comparison to other similar countries and compared to its own experience.

      • banned says:

        S*** how long have we known that. Didnt India prove that?

        Genetic therapy development for biological integration with new societies and life extension for the elite. Want in? Ante up.

        If you have billions of people to kill might as well get some data and conduct some ground breaking research. Next round Beta rollout with “omicron” therapy. Truly a gene therapy research wet dream.

        Ill never seek medical treatment again except sutures if I need them. If I die early the injected will laugh and say crazy Q guy. Wheres the problem? I get to keep my non genetically altered body and they get their laugh. True win-win IMO.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Three issues where a single would suffice for rejecting the jab:

          1. Getting vaxxed after an infection seems absurd at best idiotic at worst
          2. Untested gene therapies are untested
          3. I’m not in the ‘risk group’ of going through a “terrible” cold

          Scoring a 3 out of 3 is awarded ostracism.
          But don’t misunderstand it as something negative.
          Bask in the hate of the ‘Normals’.

          It’s just fscking beyond absurd at this stage.

          Just kill ‘em off and be done with it. Don’t let me stand in the way. Repeat after me:



          What could possi…
          Never mind…

        • banned says:

          Its truly a beautiful thing. Whenever they are ready for the next rollout a new variant will appear. Like Omicron with its 8 genome changes and no genetic evolution history. The variant determines the direction of the rollout. Or rather the variant justifies the direction of the next research. Supposedly. You dont need a lot of justification. The entire premise of this gene therapy as a preventative vaccine is dubious plus plus. If pretty much the entire medical profession swallowed that or kept their mouth shut than the next test sequence doesnt need to have much basis either.

          So 3/4 parrots. “CDC says inject squawck” . 1/4 ” I need to pay my mortgage” That doesnt matter what does matters is that effective treatment with proven safe repurposed drugs can not be condoned. How are you going to get test subjects to volunteer if the risk of the orrible covid is negated with aggressive early or even prophylactic treatment with safe repurposed drugs silly goose?

          Perhaps worse the rona being a RNA virus has a tendency to mutate so its pathogenic effects become much lessened. Poof its gone! Unacceptable! Luckily there is massive cataloging of the virus kept alive in all stages of its genetic evolution for manipulation to keep people safe. Like a buffet where the natural evolution of the virus can be selected as the first building block. If the live cataloguing of the virus is a buffet the virus mutating in the human population represents a incredible smorgasbord of interesting raw material that could only be achieved in the lab at great effort and expense. The smorgasbord just needs a little help now and then to keep it from becoming non pathogenic. A buffet and a smorgasbord requiring very little energy or resources. The planet as a whole your research laboratory. What more could you ask for?

            • Kowalainen says:

              The only thing remotely new in that hodgepodge is AI which is cool AF. Specially if it’s possible to experience FE level IQ on the AGI’s. Ok; that’s a stretch but you get the idea.

              This reminds me of the Luddites “fearing” that robots will “take over”.

              Well; too late for that since the 70’s or something. Productive hoomans are basically keeping the “machine” operational, the rest merely subsides or leeches on the “system”.

              As for merging with “digital systems”. Again a bit late since the internet, cheap mass produced microchips and radios exploded onto the “scene”.

              Just because a transformation is completed doesn’t mean that all its effects is in full swing. The butterfly takes a little while before it emerges from the cocoon and spread its wings, so to speak.

              Not so sure about the mRNA stuff just yet. But I’m sure the ~6B in the vaxxer herd will “provide” that information.

              I do wonder what could possibly go wrong this time around with DNA modded sooper hoomans? Perhaps the same BS like the last N turns in the wheel of folly? No?

              Fallen “angels” anyone? Hooman 1.0 having offspring with the tweaked transhumanist Hooman 2.0. Twerking giants? Aww; fsck it.

              YOLO 2.0
              MOAR 2.0
              TRYHARD 2.0
              AAAAND ITS GONE 2.0
              DELUGE 2.0

              Repeat in perpetuity.

  35. postkey says:

    “38:10 This recent paper by Rudy Bachmann and friends of course said that 10% fallen energy for
    38:16 Germany, at most 2% of GDP, . . . “?

  36. eddy

    youve been vaxranting for over 2 years now

    i posted a reply to a previous comment, that i think will be sufficient

  37. postkey says:

    “ . . . it turns out that
    russia in 2016 passed all these laws
    declaring organic not allowing genetically engineered
    crops or seeds banning monsanto which was trying to get a foot in the door in
    russia and the huge russian wheat fields and crop fields . . .
    he imf trying to and nato trying to
    fight over who controls the energy pipelines that go through the ukraine
    from russian fields to europe and that was in 2014 and that was huge fights
    over that president there was thrown out or left office over that
    they were in in um in ukraine and they were
    you know that was a huge battle . . .
    because i was just going to take you straight to ukraine but it is really important to
    realize that the united states military and monsanto have been coordinating very closely when the u.s military comes
    in the u.s secretary of state comes in they rewrite the laws and all of a sudden these countries that were opposed
    to gmos and opposed to monsanto and opposed to private land ownership and
    corporations taking over agriculture all of a sudden they’re open for business for monsanto so ukraine certainly
    wouldn’t be the first time um well that was the that was the the other facet sorry
    ukraine had been having huge demonstrations over
    from 2013 2014 all the way through against the privatization of land
    so they had in 2001 i think or two they
    had to pass laws preventing the oligarchs from buying up land uh farmland and
    and consolidating it and driving it for profit and they actually passed all these laws in ukraine as well
    as russia against the privatization of the farmland and under
    the current president of ukraine
    zelensky before russia went into ukraine for
    three or four months before passed uh reversed reversed those laws that were
    protecting the farmland from being consolidated under the
    oligarchs and the billionaires and they were and so there were these mass protests
    even all the way up to a few months ago that of course nobody in the press here
    talks about and people were and they’re still fighting for
    protection of the land but now it’s gotten you know shoved aside by what’s been going on . . .
    while some in the united states understand that the 2014 political battles in ukraine were over
    the expansion of nato and control over energy pipelines to europe there was and still is an equally
    large but hidden global battle over genetically modified grains land ownership and usage and food
    pipelines and all of this went down in 2013 and 2014 . . . “ ?

  38. Yoshua says:

    The US economy never recovered after the Global Financial Crisis…or after Covid Lockdowns… despite all the NIRP and QE…and now seems have reached a plateau

    The Eurozone has been on a plateau in dollar terms since the Global Financial Crisis

    • Jeff Snider is the Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments. The website says,

      “He is not an economist, which is probably why he’s been able to develop a working model of the global monetary system. His research is unique and informative in ways an economist would never consider.”

      Another non-economist, looking at the situation!

  39. Yoshua says:

    Wild scenes from Brazil where the government now allows citizens to kill criminals on motorbikes

    • ivanislav says:

      Oh my god, this was fantastic. The last one plus the voice-over was pure joy. Made my day, seriously.

    • Tim Groves says:

      But, the big issue is, do they allow citizens on motorbikes to kill criminals?

      • Xabier says:

        I’d very much like that to be extended to bicycles:

        Pedal-by Justice Now!

        I often see obvious ne’er do wells, resting between crimes, who could be liquidated for the good of society.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          My position is that certain people in society – the non-MOREONS – should be allowed to carry .. and shoot MOREONS who get out of line… I’d also support unmarked Bat Mobiles with bull bars on the front for the purpose of seeking out bike gangs and running them at speed into guard rails and ditches.

          Give them total immunity. We’d clean this mess up within a few weeks

          • Kim says:

            This isn’t even a joke. People have to be armed to deal with scum.

            You break into my house, you die.

            You carjack me, you die.

            It isn’t as if people don’t know that what they are doing is very evil.

            It is like boxing refs have a convention of just warning a boxer for the first Mexican uppercut or the first incidence of rabbit punching. What? The guy with 19 pro fights doesn’t know that that stuff is illegal? He knows what he did. He did it deliberately. Just take a point!

  40. Minority of One says:

    I presume the monkey pox vaxx is ‘safe and effective’

    LGBT groups demand more action on monkeypox

    There is a photo of a queue of men only lining up to get the mp vaxx
    “people queued up to receive monkeypox vaccinations at a pop-up clinic at Guy’s Hospital last month”

    “Sexual health charities and LGBT groups are calling for the government to step up efforts to control the monkeypox outbreak in the UK.

    In an open letter to Health Secretary Steven Barclay, they say that without a quicker and wider vaccine rollout, the virus could become “endemic”.

    There have been more than 2,600 cases of monkeypox in the UK so far, mostly among men who have sex with men.

    …While he’s aware the vaccine isn’t 100% effective in preventing monkeypox, Alex says it’s a relief when heading to Pride events that he has some protection…”

    “While he’s aware the vaccine isn’t 100% effective in preventing monkeypox” – is this hinting at – not effective at all?

  41. banned says:

    How did Russia end up with these hypersonic weapons?

    Did they spring from a bottle of vodka?

    The Russian zircon and its rather lengthy development history video.

    Its a hour video and rather aerospace geeky.

    • This says:

      NorthShore University HealthSystem in Chicago was sued by a nonprofit religious organization called Liberty Counsel. The group claims that NorthShore violated workers’ religious autonomy by dismissing religious exemptions and forcing all workers to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. NorthShore was in the wrong and decided to settle for $10,337,500.

      Over 500 current and past employees will receive a payout, and the group will notify others of the lawsuits and give them the option to submit a claim.

      • Hubbs says:

        Sorry, but have to do my rant here. The lawyers will collect at least a third of this payout, perhaps as much as 40% if they itemize separately their expenses. I understand that the Plaintiff’s attorneys take on risk through a contingency arrangement. And then there are arrangements behind the scenes that we are unaware of, like high-low pre settlement stipulations. In this case it was settled.

        But medical malpractice claims and settlements take on a life of their own. In Natchez MS, as a departing physician who had taken on the role of director for their rehab facility, I was expendable. My employed colleague, also an orthopedic surgeon, had performed a hip replacement on a 50 year old Black female, chronic alcoholic, 3 pack per day chain smoker for 35 years – lit one match in the morning and used one cigarette to light the next until bedtime. The internist who was supposed to have cleared her medically for her surgery, as had my surgeon colleague, had failed to document her severe “ time bomb” pre existing peripheral vascular disease. Post op, she was admitted to the rehab unit, where she was violent, non-compliant and refused to anything unless she could drink and smoke. By Medicare rules, after three days with no progress or compliance, she was required to be discharged and transferred to a nursing home. A few days after arrival at the nursing home, she suddenly developed gangrene on her unaffected leg- and cutting through all the medical and legal BS, she had simply thrown an accute arterial plaque embolism. She was not a candidate for revascularization /bypass because of non-compliance. She went on to suffer a heart attack during her semi emergency above knee-amputation surgery. Then she had a similar event on her other leg. She miraculously made it out of the hospital, and wound up in a trailer park, (not a nursing home incredibly) where while left unattended, the trailer caught fire (smoking) and she died in the fire.

        Result: The Plaintiff attorney “dropped” both the internist, my colleague, and the rehab unit so as to minimize the cost of discovery for “legal expense economy” – that of deposing their experts and filing cross claims etc. Becker Group out of Chicago was the hospital’s insurer. The hospital was going through bankruptcy as it was being acquired by Community Health Systems (CHS). The coverage contract was that Becker/Natchez could settle without my authorization. Which they did for $475,000. I was eventually the ONLY one named, and I was the only one who got his name placed on the National Practitioner Data Bank, even though my involvement with the patient had been little more than administrative. The other doctors and the hospital got off scott free.

        In other words, a doctor is being judged not by the merits or lack thereof of a case, but on number crunching decisions made by medical malpractice insurers (Gail this is right up your alley), and maintaining public perceptions that the other doctors, who still work at the hospital remain untarnished. It’s about public appearances. And I knew my “assigned” lawyer was not protecting my interests, he was protecting the med-mal insurer’s interests. I am sure some big pow- wow had been arranged so that I would take the sole hit, in other words 100% of the liability- although the language of the settlement is always “payment of settlement is not admission of liability,” which in my case was total BS, since if you are the only one who gets tagged for having made payment, not the rehab center, not the other doctors, etc, then it is tantamount to being assigned 100% liability- to protect the hospital’s doctors, the rehab unit etc.

        Meanwhile, back to these religious COVID exemption lawsuits. The victims’ claims will be a reminder of a physical precious metals fractional reserve system or a pension system default: at redemption or reimbursement, you will receive a lot less than you think.

        The system encourages opportunists to game the chaos, not positively solve the root of the problem. Everyone is trying to capitalize by being a vulture, not a value added producer. Lawyers, politicians, bankers, hedge fund managers, financial planners, click bait YouTubers, etc. Productive members of society are carrying an incredible parasitic burden.

        • The whole system is crazy. Hospitals and groups of hospitals with physicians seem to have lots of assets. The more assets are available, the more suits follow. Many years ago, I started reading one of the magazines of trial lawyers. They talked about which new kinds of suits that they had come up with. They, of course, advertise to get people involved in them.

  42. Adonis says:

    The Illuminati has described the way things are perfectly; we are weaving a golden thread in the sea of chaos the sea of chaos is a good description of our current reality in the past, present and future timeframe and the golden thread being weaved is most likely the great reset and for that we look at the communist manifesto which is taken directly from the Illuminati manifesto one thing standing out is the elimination of private home ownership and a single world currency.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the major “Reset” is that Europe is being impoverished because of their unwise choice to ally against their primary energy provider.

      the smaller weaker countries in the Periphery are also falling into more poverty, but that’s the same old story of recent history.

      it’s not the End, but IC has entered the Endgame.

      net (surplus) energy is in an irreversible decline.

      mild poverty and dire poverty are growing relentlessly.

      it’s all good.

      que sera sera, bAU tonight, just chill. 😉

  43. Mirror on the wall says:


    Don’t pay the raised energy bills!

    ‘Can’t pay, won’t pay!’

    > The Plan:

    It’s simple: we are demanding a reduction of energy bills to an affordable level. Our leverage is that we will gather a million people to pledge not to pay if the government goes ahead with another massive hike on October 1st.

    Mass non-payment is not a new idea, it happened in the UK in the late 80s and 90s, when more than 17 million people refused to pay the Poll Tax – helping bring down the government and reversing its harshest measures.

    Even if a fraction of those of us who are paying by direct debit stop our payments, it will be enough to put energy companies in serious trouble, and they know this. We want to bring them to the table and force them to end this crisis. Here’s how we think we can get there:

    • Fast Eddy says:

      If loads of people refuse to pay — we get ROF!

      I actually am ok with that…

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      Tim Watkins gives some perspective:

      he concludes:

      “Either government will be forced to bail out energy customers or they will be forced to nationalise energy… probably both.”

      it’s not the end of the UK, but another step closer.

      • rufustiresias999 says:

        “Either government will be forced to bail out energy customers or they will be forced to nationalise energy… probably both.”

        That is what the French government is doing now : electricity price is subsidized, and EDF (French Electricity compagny) is nationalised … back.

        • nationalising or ‘bailing out’ energy companies will not actually increase the supply of energy.

          (which is the real problem we face)

          • rufustiresias999 says:

            It’s kicking the can. If not nationalized, EDF would be bankrupted. The government which already was main shareholder forced the company to sell below cost price. As Electricity distribution becomes a political matter (France is a rather socialist society) it is logical to nationalize the company.
            You’re right it won’t solve anything beyond short term. We hope to achieve a program of building a bunch of new nuclear power plants, which also requires nationalisation given the long-term investment. Will we ever have the time? I guess the odds are against us.

      • Minority of One says:

        “…In practice, coal has been the big loser in energy policy up to now. All but two of Britain’s coal power stations – which, in any case, depended upon imported coal – have closed and most have been demolished, so there will be no going back. But it was gas rather than wind which replaced coal. There has never been a month when wind has accounted for more than 40 percent of our electricity, despite our advantageous location beneath the Gulf Stream and the Jet Stream. Indeed, wind has only ever exceeded gas once – February 2022. More often, wind struggles to provide more than a quarter of our electricity, and at worst – during cold, high pressure weather systems – wind can fall below a fifth of our monthly electricity generation.”

        Enough said. I am not sure that hoping for a warm and windy winter will do the trick, but that is where we are at.

      • All is Dust says:

        LOL, he still can’t let Brexit go. Energy consumed per capita peaked in the UK in 2005, we have been getting poorer since. Poor people don’t tend to like swollen, centralised structures creaming off the top whilst those at the bottom are frozen out (pun loosely intended).

        I tried bringing up the decline in UK’s energy consumption per capita multiple times during the Brexit saga – but no one wanted to know. “Brexiteers are fools and racists!” they chanted. Oh really? Did all that rhetoric re-fill our dwindling North Sea oil reserves? Nope, it did not.

      • At some point, governments themselves seem likely to fail.

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    The 4 day work week is happening … the young lad who we sponsor has been informed that they’ll be trialling this shortly at his work — they work extra hours to make up the day…

    Saves energy on the commute…

    • banned says:

      Four tens three days off is ideal for a single person but not for those with kids. Manufacturing does four twelves on three twelves off then three twelves on four twelves off with four shifts.

      Not best for family

      Yeah baby move that product! Out the door! A well oiled machine. 24-7. 24 down at Christmas were not heathens.

      As Hudson refers to healthy well compensated motivated individuals are the most productive. And why not? Working your ass off is a great deal historically! IT takes energy and raw materials unfortunately so we need more lazy people now. Or less people. GASP. Did I say that?

      Graveyard sucks but theres less management and HR around.

      Not best for family.

      No food and housing not best for family either.

      • Kim says:

        In the Middle Ages, a working day meant “from sunrise to noon”.

        (From Wallerstein’s “The Modern World System Vol 1, Capitalust Agriculture and…”)

        • Tim Groves says:

          It was early one morning at the break of the day
          The farmer came to us, and this he did say,
          Come rise up my fellows with the best of good will,
          Your horses need something their bellies to fill

          When four o’colock comes, me boys, it’s up we do rise
          And off to the stables we merrily flies.
          With a-rubbin’ and scrubbin’ our horses we’ll go
          For we’re all jollly fellows that follows the plough.

          When six o’ clock comes, me boys, at breakfast we’ll meet,
          And cold beef and pork we’ll heartily eat.
          With a piece in our pockets, to the fields we do go
          For we’re all jolly fellows that follows the plough.

          The farmer and this he did say,
          What have you been doing this long summer’s day?
          You’ve not ploughed your acre, I’ll swear and I’ll vow,
          You are all lazy fellows that follows the plough!

          Then up spoke our carter and this he did cry,
          We have all ploughed our acre you tell us a lie.
          We’ve all ploughed our acre, I’ll swear and I’ll vow,
          We are all jolly fellows that follows the plough

          Then up spoke the farmer and laughed at the joke,
          Oh it’s gone half past two boys it’s time to unyoke,
          Unharness your horses and rub them down well,
          And I’ll give you a jug of my very best ale.

  45. Rodster says:

    Come on let’s get this show on the road. Let’s see some nukes light up the sky. Fast is chomping at the bits for UEP. 🤓

    “White House Orders US Carrier Strike Group To Stay Near Taiwan Longer Than Planned, Says China ‘Overreacting’“

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:


      his UTI is almost here!

      or is it the CEP?

      yes, the CEP is here!

      well, almost here, maybe Q4, and if not, there’s always 2023.

      then the acronym can be changed for a third time.

      or fourth time.

      it’s all good.

Comments are closed.