Ramping Up Renewables Can’t Provide Enough Heat Energy in Winter

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We usually don’t think about the wonderful service fossil fuels provide in terms of being a store of heat energy for winter, the time when there is a greater need for heat energy. Figure 1 shows dramatically how, in the US, the residential usage of heating fuels spikes during the winter months.

Figure 1. US residential use of energy, based on EIA data. The category “Natural Gas, etc.” includes all fuels bought directly by households and burned. This is primarily natural gas, but also includes small amounts of propane and diesel burned as heating oil. Wood chips or other commercial wood purchased to be burned is also in this category.

Solar energy is most abundantly available in the May-June-July period, making it a poor candidate for fixing the problem of the need for winter heat.

Figure 2. California solar electricity production by month through June 30, 2022, based on EIA data. Amounts are for utility scale and small scale solar combined.

In some ways, the lack of availability of fuels for winter is a canary in the coal mine regarding future energy shortages. People have been concerned about oil shortages, but winter fuel shortages are, in many ways, just as bad. They can result in people “freezing in the dark.”

In this post, I will look at some of the issues involved.

[1] Batteries are suitable for fine-tuning the precise time during a 24-hour period solar electricity is used. They cannot be scaled up to store solar energy from summer to winter.

In today’s world, batteries can be used to delay the use of solar electricity for at most a few hours. In exceptional situations, perhaps the holding period can be increased to a few days.

California is known both for its high level of battery storage and its high level of renewables. These renewables include both solar and wind energy, plus smaller amounts of electricity generated in geothermal plants and electricity generated by burning biomass. The problem encountered is that the electricity generated by solar panels tends to start and end too early in the day, relative to when citizens want to use this electricity. After citizens return home after work, they would like to cook their dinners and use their air conditioning, leading to considerable demand after the sun sets.

Figure 3. Illustration by Inside Climate News showing the combination of resources utilized during July 9, 2022, which was a day of peak electricity consumption. Imports refer to electricity purchased from outside the State of California.

Figure 3 illustrates how batteries in combination with hydroelectric generation (hydro) are used to save electricity generation from early in the day for use in the evening hours. While battery use is suitable for fine tuning exactly when, during a 24-hour period, solar energy will be used, the quantity of batteries cannot be ramped up sufficiently to save electricity from summer to winter. The world would run out of battery-making materials, if nothing else.

[2] Ramping up hydro is not a solution to our problem of inadequate energy for heat in winter.

One problem is that, in long-industrialized economies, hydro capabilities were built out years ago.

Figure 4. Annual hydro generation based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

It is difficult to believe that much more buildout is available in these countries.

Another issue is that hydro tends to be quite variable from year to year, even over an area as large as the United States, as shown in Figure 4 above. When the variability is viewed over a smaller area, the year-to-year variability is even higher, as illustrated in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5. Monthly California hydroelectric generation through June 30, 2022, based on EIA data.

The pattern shown reflects peak generation in the spring, when the ice pack is melting. Low generation generally occurs during the winter, when the ice pack is frozen. Thus, hydro tends not be helpful for raising winter energy supplies. A similar pattern tends to happen in other temperate areas.

A third issue is that variability in hydro supply is already causing problems. Norway has recently reported that it may need to limit hydro exports in coming months because water reservoirs are low. Norway’s exports of electricity are used to help balance Europe’s wind and solar electricity. Thus, this issue may lead to yet another energy problem for Europe.

As another example, China reports a severe power crunch in its Sichuan Province, related to low rainfall and high temperatures. Fossil fuel generation is not available to fill the gap.

[3] Wind energy is not a greatly better than hydro and solar, in terms of variability and poor timing of supply.

For example, Europe experienced a power crunch in the third quarter of 2021 related to weak winds. Europe’s largest wind producers (Britain, Germany and France) produced only 14% of their rated capacity during this period, compared with an average of 20% to 26% in previous years. No one had planned for this kind of three-month shortfall.

In 2021, China experienced dry, windless weather, resulting in both its generation from wind and hydro being low. The country found it needed to use rolling blackouts to deal with the situation. This led to traffic lights failing and many families needing to eat candle-lit dinners.

Even viewed on a nationwide basis, US wind generation varies considerably from month to month.

Figure 6. Total US wind electricity generation through June 20, 2022, based on EIA data.

US total wind electricity generation tends to be highest in April or May. This can cause oversupply issues because hydro generation tends to be high about the same time. The demand for electricity tends to be low because of generally mild weather. The result is that even at today’s renewable levels, a wet, windy spring can lead to a situation in which the combination of hydro and wind electricity supply exceeds total local demand for electricity.

[4] As more wind and solar are added to the grid, the challenges and costs become increasingly great.

There are a huge number of technical problems associated with trying to add a large amount of wind and solar energy to the grid. Some of them are outlined in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Introductory slide from a presentation by power engineers shown in this YouTube Video.

One of the issues is torque distortion, especially related to wind energy.

Figure 8. Slide describing torque distortion issues from the same presentation to power engineers as Figure 7. YouTube Video.

There are also many other issues, including some outlined on this Drax website. Wind and solar provide no “inertia” to the system. This makes me wonder whether the grid could even function without a substantial amount of fossil fuel or nuclear generation providing sufficient inertia.

Furthermore, wind and solar tend to make voltage fluctuate, necessitating systems to absorb and discharge something called “reactive power.”

[5] The word “sustainable” has created unrealistic expectations with respect to intermittent wind and solar electricity.

A person in the wind turbine repair industry once told me, “Wind turbines run on a steady supply of replacement parts.” Individual parts may be made to last 20-years, or even longer, but there are so many parts that some are likely to need replacement long before that time. An article in Windpower Engineering says, “Turbine gearboxes are typically given a design life of 20 years, but few make it past the 10-year mark.”

There is also the problem of wind damage, especially in the case of a severe storm.

Figure 9. Hurricane-damaged solar panels in Puerto Rico. Source.

Furthermore, the operational lives for fossil fuel and nuclear generating plants are typically much longer than those for wind and solar. In the US, some nuclear plants have licenses to operate for 60 years. Efforts are underway to extend some licenses to 80 years.

With the short life spans for wind and solar, constant rebuilding of wind turbines and solar generation is necessary, using fossil fuels. Between the rebuilding issue and the need for fossil fuels to maintain the electric grid, the output of wind turbines and solar panels cannot be expected to last any longer than fossil fuel supply.

[6] Energy modeling has led to unrealistic expectations for wind and solar.

Energy models don’t take into account all of the many adjustments to the transmission system that are needed to support wind and solar, and the resulting added costs. Besides the direct cost of the extra transmission required, there is an ongoing need to inspect parts for signs of wear. Brush around the transmission lines also needs to be cut back. If adequate maintenance is not performed, transmission lines can cause fires. Burying transmission lines is sometimes an option, but doing so is expensive, both in energy use and cost.

Energy models also don’t take into account the way wind turbines and solar panels perform in “real life.” In particular, most researchers miss the point that electricity from solar panels cannot be expected to be very helpful for meeting our need for heat energy in winter. If we want to add more summer air conditioning, solar panels can “sort of” support this effort, especially if batteries are also added to help fine tune when, during the 24-hour day, the solar electricity will be utilized. Unfortunately, we don’t have any realistic way of saving the output of solar panels from summer to winter.

It seems to me that supporting air conditioning is a rather frivolous use for what seems to be a dwindling quantity of available energy supply. In my opinion, our first two priorities should be adequate food supply and preventing freezing in the dark in winter. Solar, especially, does nothing for these issues. Wind can be used to pump water for crops and animals. In fact, an ordinary windmill, built 100 years ago, can also be used to provide this type of service.

Because of the intermittency issue, especially the “summer to winter” intermittency issue, wind and solar are not truly replacements for electricity produced by fossil fuels or nuclear. The problem is that most of the current system needs to remain in place, in addition to the renewable energy system. When researchers make cost comparisons, they should be comparing the cost of the intermittent energy, including necessary batteries and grid enhancements with the cost of the fuel saved by operating these devices.

[7] Competitive pricing plans that enable the growth of wind and solar electricity are part of what is pushing a number of areas in the world toward a “freezing-in-the-dark” problem.

In the early days of electricity production, “utility pricing” was generally used. With this approach, vertical integration of electricity supply was encouraged. A utility would make long term contracts with a number of providers and would set prices for customers based on the expected long-term cost of electricity production and distribution. The utility would make certain that transmission lines were properly repaired and would add new generation as needed.

Energy prices of all kinds spiked in the late 1970s. Not long afterward, in an attempt to prevent high electricity prices from causing inflation, a shift in pricing arrangements started taking place. More competition was encouraged, with the new approach called competitive pricing. Vertically integrated groups were broken up. Wholesale electricity prices started varying by time of day, based on which providers were willing to sell their production at the lowest price, for that particular time period. This approach encouraged providers to neglect maintaining their power lines and stop adding more storage capacity. Any kind of overhead expense was discouraged.

In fact, under this arrangement, wind and solar were also given the privilege of “going first.” If too much energy in total was produced, negative rates could result for other providers. This approach was especially harmful for nuclear energy. Nuclear power plants found that their overall price structure was too low. They sometimes closed because of inadequate profitability. New investments in nuclear energy were discouraged, as was proper maintenance. This effect has been especially noticeable in Europe.

Figure 10. Nuclear, wind and solar electricity generated in Europe, based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The result is that about a third of the gain from wind and solar energy has been offset by the decline in nuclear electricity generation. Of course, nuclear is another low-carbon form of electricity. It is a great deal more reliable than wind or solar. It can even help prevent freezing in the dark because it is likely to be available in winter, when more electricity for heating is likely to be needed.

Another issue is that competitive pricing discouraged the building of adequate storage facilities for natural gas. Also, it tended to discourage purchasing natural gas under long term contracts. The thinking went, “Rather than building storage, why not wait until the natural gas is needed, and then purchase it at the market rate?”

Unfortunately, producing natural gas requires long-term investments. Companies producing natural gas operate wells that produce approximately equal amounts year-round. The same pattern of high winter-consumption of natural gas tends to occur almost simultaneously in many Northern Hemisphere areas with cold winters. If the system is going to work, customers need to be purchasing natural gas, year-round, and stowing it away for winter.

Natural gas production has been falling in Europe, as has coal production (not shown), necessitating more imports of replacement fuel, often natural gas.

Figure 11. Natural gas production in Europe, based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

With competitive rating and LNG ships seeming to sell natural gas on an “as needed” basis, there has been a tendency in Europe to overlook the need for long term contracts and additional storage to go with rising natural gas imports. Now, Europe is starting to discover the folly of this approach. Solar is close to worthless for providing electricity in winter; wind cannot be relied upon. It doesn’t ramp up nearly quickly enough, in any reasonable timeframe. The danger is that countries will risk having their citizens freeze in the dark because of inadequate natural gas import availability.

[8] The world is a very long way from producing enough wind and solar to solve its energy problems, especially its need for heat in winter.

The energy supply that the world uses includes much more than electricity. It contains oil and fuels burned directly, such as natural gas. The percentage share of this total energy supply that wind and solar output provides depends on how it is counted. The International Energy Agency treats wind and solar as if they only replace fuel, rather than replacing dispatchable electricity.

Figure 12 Wind and solar generation for a category called “Wind, Solar, etc.” by the IEA. Amounts are for 2020 for Germany, the UK, Australia, Norway, the United States, and Japan. For other groups shown in this chart, the amounts are calculated using 2019 data.

On this basis, the share of total energy provided by the Wind and Solar category is very low, only 2.2% for the world as a whole. Germany comes out highest of the groups analyzed, but even it is replacing only 6.0% of its total energy consumed. It is difficult to imagine how the land and water around Germany could tolerate wind turbines and solar panels being ramped up sufficiently to cover such a shortfall. Other parts of the world are even farther from replacing current energy supplies with wind and solar.

Clearly, we cannot expect wind and solar to ever be ramped up to meet our energy needs, even in combination with hydro.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,845 Responses to Ramping Up Renewables Can’t Provide Enough Heat Energy in Winter

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    Rainbow Fentanyl from Wuhan China, same place as the COVID virus, is now across the US, in our middle schools; be VERY careful, warn your children what to look out for, DO NOT touch it! it kills!


    Real? If so how would it get into schools – is someone giving it to the kids? Selling it? Details?

    If it’s real my guess is this is conditioning for the extermination .. why else would you rainbow the F and make it look like candy — unless you wanted everyone to take it and opt out of Global Holodomor?

    • banned says:

      Typically street narcotics are given a brand name to increase sales. Traditionally this was a stamp on the heroin packets often with innovative names. There are junkies who advise less addicted “chippers” which is the best brand at that moment for compensation ie “bedtime for bonzo” stamp is the best on 1rst and elm. . This seems to have moved to colors for fent ie “the green fent” is the best. In the past sometimes narcotic distributors would intentionally put a ‘hot shot” in their wares a packet that was pure heroin as the resulting death was the best advertisement possible for their brand name. That practice is probably not being implemented now as they have a hard enough time keeping their customers alive with fent. Even if there is little difference in the products consumers like to believe that they are making good informed decisions and if they cant differentiate in between the products they cant have a belief that “purple fent is the best” . Junkies are no different and their consumption is focused on one thing the narcotic they need to function. It seems paper packets have been discarded with fent so coloring the product allows consumer preference and is probably more cost effective than stamping each packet to boot although perhaps not as effective as the curious brand names on the heroin packets in the past. I doubt the products are being colored to specifically target children although it would probably be a rare narcotics pusher indeed who would refuse a sale due to age.

  2. Fast Eddy says:

    Trust the government….

    Trust CNN and the BBC…

    They will deliver you into their reality … go along to get along … it’s definitely a more stress free way of living life…

    Dale Carnegie should add a chapter to his famous book about this — Other MOREONS want to be friends with MOREONS… so best to be a MOREON… they do not like when anyone tries to intrude on their ‘reality’ with facts and logic.

    True. Very true

    The data says you should never breastfeed your baby after you’ve been vaccinated
    But the CDC says the opposite: that it will protect your baby. They are lying to you once again. They have NO risk-benefit study that was ever done. The CDC is totally irresponsible in their advice.


  3. Fast Eddy says:

    The UK is in financial trouble
    IMF warnings and the Bank of England has to step in


    • Bam_Man says:

      Yes, big trouble.
      So much so that they have gone “Full Erdogan” and the BOE has now resumed printing money to buy Gilts, while inflation is already out-of-control.
      Sheer madness.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        BoE had almost no choice.

        the $10 trillion UK pension funds were loaded with bonds (Gilts) bought on leverage.

        bond prices were plunging, and the pension funds were going bust.

        further, the pension funds were starting to sell other assets, which is the beginning of “contagion”.

        the BoE is giving the pension funds a way to unwind this reeediculous leverage.

        just another plugged hole in the UK dam, which will burst one of these years, with some persons predicting hyperinflation in 2023 because of their insolvable problems.

        que sera sera.

    • This all sounds a lot like what Michael Cowan talked about in his video last week.


      It is called, ” Central Banks Panic As Debt & Currency’s Begin To Fail.”

      Cowan predicted that the problem would start this week. I notice that the article you link to says,

      “Moody’s rating agency then warned that the UK’s new fiscal policy is “credit negative”.”

      In fact, Cowan predicted that this problem would spread to many nations around the world. In particular, to countries whose currency is falling relative to the US$.

  4. Fast Eddy says:

    Though “dying suddenly” all over Germany—and even faced with freezing and starvation—those people STILL know how to follow orders!

    Thus they are an inspiration to “good Germans” everywhere, from London to Jakarta, Berkeley to Toronto, Tel Aviv to Rio de Janeiro, Melbourne to Beijing



  5. Bobby

    you’ll find yourself in the line of succession to King Herod if you’re not caredul

  6. you let your lifebook fall open where it will eddy

    it needs no comment from me

  7. https://thesaker.is/imhoclub-launches-an-international-campaign-to-save-monuments-in-latvia-lithuania-estonia-and-poland/

    Save monuments in “Latvia”, “Lithuania”, “Estonia” and “Poland”


    There should have been no “Poland” “Latvia” “Lithuania” an “Estonia” to begin with if Woody WIlson had honored the Brest Litovsk treaty.

    I have said a few times that Wilson basically bartered the future of humanity so the Poles and the “Bohemians” could have their own countries.

    Frankly speaking, there is nothing worth saving east of the Elbe River. Nothing.

  8. A big paradigm shift in the last couple of years which is important is that human lives are not that precious, and except in rare cases they are fairly disposable.

    If a billion people have to die so civilization can advance, then they have to die.

    As Kurt Vonnegut wrote, “So it goes.”

    • assuming, for the sake of argument, that a billion people were somehow killed off

      the social disruption this would cause, would destroy the fabric of what we call ‘civilisation’

      because that disruption would bring about ‘survival conflict’, through ‘blame’ of ‘others’.
      which would disrupt everything that holds our existence as a cohesive whole.

    • Lastcall says:

      A ‘Singularity’ can be hard to achieve when the components needed are shredded by a ‘Discontinuity’.
      Instead of ‘to the stars’ it will probably be ‘back to the start’.

  9. Eisenhower saving a few thousand working-class “American Lives” and giving the honor of taking Berlin to the Soviets gave the Soviets/Russians a moral superiority which has last to this day.

    What is the deal with sacrificing a few thousand working class lives, especially when within five years 40,000 “American Lives” would die in Korea, a place few Americans heard , or cared, about?

    This time, if Russia is to be attacked, its backbone has to be broken, once for all. The statue at Tsaritsin has to be rooted out, the Russian cemetries in Western Europe have to be blasted off, Yasnaya Polnaya (Tolstoy’s estate) and other Russian cultural relics have to be eradicated, and Russian culture has to die, once for all, so the West can stay safe. Peter Tolstoy, the great-great-grandson of the author, does have to be shot. Thankfully Chekhov didn’t leave descendants but his tomb has to be bombed too.

    • jim says:

      you seem to be quite a sick person.
      Maybe you should talk to a professional about your violent fantasies?

      • Not breaking the backbones of Russia and the Third World has led to the world being in this state.

        • Tim Groves says:

          It’s no use crying over spilt milk, as my granny used to say.

          As for the near-term future, I don’t know how it looks to you, Kulm, but to me it looks like the entire collective West is taking the fall. And it is gonna be an epic one.

          It will be a rather novel experience for the US, UK and France, but I suppose you could say it’s déjà vu all over again for Germany.

          Ho, ho, ho, hoo! Macron told us so!

          • Macron understands the problem.

            • Lidia17 says:

              If Macron *understands* it, then what could make him want to be the forward face of the worse tyranny yet to come? He’s already getting physically attacked by hoi polloi.

              Why not just take his ill-gotten gains and repair to Morocco with some attractive pool boys?

              Responding to myself: The only answer I can see lies in the pizzagate sphere: where these people are likely so truly vile and compromised that the risk of exposure of their deviancy is significantly worse than the worst-imaginable conventional political opprobrium.

              And then answering myself again: but would revealing their perversions, even murder, or child rape, or cannibalism, even make an impression upon anyone at this point? Biden is an open child predator, has been “inappropriate” with his daughter, and yet no one seems to care overly much. The woman who sang at his atrocious ‘inauguration’ participated in mock cannibalism. In the UK, thousands of girls have been and continue to be systematically raped by foreigners over the course of years and -again- no one seems to care overly much. There’s a young female Spanish “Minister of Equality” claiming that it’s the “right” of young children to have sex with adults.

              I’m truly tired of living in a world like this.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Ultimately it’s a gigantic matrix… so nobody can do anything … they are controlled by the matrix… unless the MSM exposes Biden and demands action nobody gets very upset … it’s only real to them if the matrix says it is .. and the MSM determines what is real… Biden molesting his child in the shower is not real.

              It’s like that tree falling in the woods.. it did fall .. it did make a noise… but the MSM did not run a video of that with sound… so it’s not real.

              This can all drive a person into Mental Illness… it’s much easier just to roll with the matrix… don’t rock the boat… go along to get along… maybe join BLM … or Q Anon.. or whatever… there’s something for everyone.

              As CTG suggests maybe 70 people understand the energy situation … a lot less understand that pretty much everything we know and perceive is a lie.

              I touched on ‘our achievements’ the other day. What achievements? Every single innovation that humans have made … marched us another step towards extinction… innovation = disaster… Harnessing fire was not progress… industrial farming was not progress… flight was not progress.. unless you consider progress as a progression of innovations that eventually lead to the extinction of a species… and a whole lot worse given the spent fuel ponds we will leave behind…

              Almost every human would believe I am out of my mind for even suggesting innovation is a terrible thing… how dare I say those things!

              But they won’t try to argue with me … because that will only result in them having some sort of breakdown … they’ll be made to understand that my logic is infallible.

              They’ll instead just get angry … like a Boosted CovIDIOT does when confronting with facts and logic.

            • Any ecosystem that grows eventually collapses. This is even true when ecosystems do not involve humans, at all.

              We have come to believe that sustainability involves staying the same, but this is not the case. There is always a problem of diminishing returns and the need for greater investment. For species of all kinds, there is a tendency for populations to grow in “good times.” But at some point, growing population exceeds available resources. Constantly changing climate may enter in as well. Forest fires burn down forests; humans die from one cause or another; economies of any kind collapse.

            • banned says:

              His statement “the end of abundance” is certainly spot on. His “sacrifice for freedom” spiel is questionable. It seems more along the lines of his ancient predecessors line “let them eat cake”.

            • Macron pinched my best line

            • Fast Eddy says:

              They love to hint…. but nobody gets it. He could state that we are out of cheap energy and we are all gonna die and they MOREONS would dismiss him as a nut job

            • MM says:


              exposing anything will surely help.
              What do we do with the exposition then ?

              “uuhh,, aaaahh!”

    • MM says:

      I think the best thing humans can do is to simply eradicate just about everything their ancestors achieved.

      • i thought we were in the process of doing just that

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Hoolio is asking for a list of their Top 10 Achievements. He says he’ll rip those apart as soon as you post them… and he will

        He believes they have not achieved anything … he is wondering why there is even a word achieve… or why there are even words at all… why go beyond barking … and he almost never even barks… (Whippets are not barkers)…

        What’s the point of this ‘achieving’ he asks (Fast Eddy can mind meld with Hoolio so he knows what he is thinking …)

        • MM says:

          Numberf 1:
          Breeding a bed lying Hoolio castrate from bastards running around in forests normally eating Fast Eddy for breakfast.

      • Lidia17 says:

        You and BLM.

      • banned says:

        I disagree. Infrastructure created in a time of energy abundance will not be easily replaced if at all. Its preservation is needed for to fulfill basic needs as dictated by the philosophy of common good for the people.

  10. Mirror on the wall says:

    Presumably USA sabotaged NS 1/2. Likely the intention is to prohibit any reproachment between EU and Russia.

    The implication suggests itself that USA thinks that Russia will win the UKR conflict. Putin will survive, Russia will do OK. Otherwise the possibility would exist that Russia could be brought under USA control and energy flow to Europe resume.

    USA had two potential objectives in precipitating the UKR conflict:

    a) if possible bring down Putin, get Russia under USA control;

    b) rupture ties between EU and Russia/ China.

    USA has failed on A and so it is pursuing B.

    We may suppose that the USA analysis is that Russia will win UKR, Russia will do OK and pivot to Eurasia. EU will be cut off from Russia and very likely increasingly from China.

    Also, remember, USA foreign policy has failed in multiple instances in recent decades, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan in particular. Russia was instrumental with its intervention in Syria, although USA policy was failing anyway, so USA likely has ‘beef’ with Russia about that. Russia is sometimes a hindrance to USA policy. If the USA potential objective was also c) to end that trend then it failed, as it failed a) generally to ‘flip’ Russia.

    So it looks like B. The EU (and by implication UK) will be the real losers in the UKR conflict, deprived of cheap, plentiful, reliable Russian energy and of investment opportunities.

    USA seems to be the only beneficiary, with B, while Russia does OK. USA also potentially benefits from higher energy prices, but we will have to see how long that benefits USA.

    UK and Boris, in particular, were instrumental in getting the UKR conflict going, and in stopping the peace agreement, even though UK will lose from it.

    The situation in UK seems to be either:

    a) UK thinks the UKR conflict to be to its long-term advantage;

    b) UK has simply done whatever USA told to it to do for USA short-term advantage;

    c) Boris was simply trying to find some way to stay in office for a few more months.

    UK has been effectively hegemonized by USA and even militarily occupied since WWII, so it is difficult to discount B. C is kind of believable in this day and age, but one still presumes not, but who knows?

    The central underlying USA concern is presumably the rise of China toward economic and political influence, and the waning of USA hegemony, and if the UKR conflict plays into that broader struggle, then A could become relevant.

    So far, USA, Russia and China are doing OK so far as the UKR conflict goes, and EU and UK look to be the real losers. We will have to see what happens with China, otherwise that outcome looks set and without qualification.

    We also note Gail’s energetic analysis that the collapse of Europe and UK would lessen their energy demands from other sources than Russia, and so leave more for USA and others. If so, then EU and UK have been seriously ‘played’.

    There is no way that they would have just agreed to that outcome without some kind of geopolitical connivance as the UKR conflict may represent. They can perhaps console themselves that it may just be the dissipative structure ‘doing its thing’ and that playing out through human, geopolitical ‘dramas’.

    • wratfink says:

      I don’t have the link, but the Royal Navy News website had two articles from June 2021 and August 2021 that explained how the Royal Navy divers were teaching the Ukrainian divers how to use underwater drones in the UK. They were also teaching Lithuanian divers to operate these drones to “clear minefields” in Lithuania (and how to use IEDs to their advantage) in the very same Baltic Sea that the pipeline was blown up in.
      Maybe this had something to do with the pipeline sabotage…or not…but the UK often comes up when mercenaries, advisors, and intelligence are mentioned about Ukraine.

    • MM says:

      You are basically right but nobody should prefer Chinese produce over local or (in my case) German products.

      The talk about “China being the new empire” is just pure BS. A distraction for US hegemonic fantasies.

      “Who” made the turbines for NS1 and NS2 ?…

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      “EU and UK look to be the real losers”

      Oh… and UKR… which will lose much of its territory, especially the industrial and resource-rich regions, along with much of its GDP.

      “This war is being fought for UKR sovereignty, integrity and well-being… That is what the war is really about!” /s

  11. Mirror on the wall says:

    “You can trus Truss, she is named after the queen!”

    > Pension funds ‘would have collapsed TODAY’ if Bank of England didn’t hit panic button: Bank announced £60billion government debt buy-up amid fears institutions were within HOURS of being crushed by soaring interest rates and plummeting Pound

    The Bank of England was forced to step in with a £60billion buy-up of government debt to stop a mass collapse of pension funds, it was claimed today. In a shock and highly unusual move, Threadneedle Street declared this morning that it would purchase gilts in response to the ‘significant repricing of UK and global financial assets’ since Kwasi Kwarteng’s tax-cutting Budget.

    It has emerged that the extraordinary intervention was triggered by fears that otherwise major players would have been crushed within hours – putting the whole system at risk.

    They were under huge pressure from huge moves in gilts – bonds issued to finance government borrowing – combined with plunging in the Pound. And officials believed they were witnessing a ‘dynamic run’ similar to that seen when Northern Rock failed at the start of the credit crunch, according to Sky News. Some were said to have been urgently raising capital to cover their liabilities. The Bank’s action is designed to add more demand for gilts and and pump up their prices – which in turn brings down the interest rates.


  12. Rodster says:


    “Biden Asks If Recently Deceased Congresswoman Is At White House Speech”


    • Ronald Reagan had trouble remembering things, too.

      It seems like he should have known, since he issued a statement at the time of her death. Re-election???

      • drb753 says:

        the wonderful thing about Biden’s life these days, he gets to meet new people every day.

      • Rodster says:

        Reagan came down with Dementia when he was long gone from Office. Biden OTOH shows signs of Dementia and is in Office, big difference.

        • Fast Eddy says:


          Doesn’t matter – POTUS’ main role is giving speeches pretending he makes major decisions. And these days they just read off the Teleprompter — they don’t have to think

          Even norm could do this job

          • well eddy

            i wrote Macron’s teleprompter ten years ago (The End of Abundance?) He’s only just got around to using it. ( I got no credit for it, shameless wouldn’t you say?)

            Do tell us what you wrote 10 years ago, so that we can be even more impressed with your stellar intellect than we are already. It’s bound to be in the Smithsonian archive.

            You can send it to me for an English language sensecheck first of course, before broadcasting it to all and sundry.

    • MM says:

      In any speech any politician is of course allowed to speak complete glibberish.
      But during the whole conversation he has to say one single thing that comes from WOPR.
      The question is: can you spot it? It is not a CT, it is a children’s game.
      Because we are children.

  13. Dennis L. says:

    It appears the 10 year Treasury now yields > 4%. What does this mean for US borrowing costs? More specifically:

    SS is now cashflow negative and it is “cashing” in the IOUs from the treasury. The only way for the treasury to pay those obligations is to issue more debt at increased costs.

    SS costs are going up due to COLA of one sort or another. So more money out for both benefits and also the cost of that money to pay for them. Looks to be an interesting few years.

    Thoughts, personal actions? Please don’t mention gold, its transaction costs are horrible – this is a liquidity thing again.

    Dennis L.

    • banned says:

      Back to work. Fixed income doesnt work as a currency dies. Get a wheelbarrow to use as a wallet. Be glad you dont live in Bangladesh.

    • Good points. Social Security and Medicare (healthcare for the elderly and disabled) are both big items to pay for. Cash flow for Medicare has always been very negative. No one claims it is adequately funded. Social Security has fairly recently become cash flow negative. It supposedly is funded, but with US debt that cannot be traded. As Dennis points out, it will need to be traded for newly issued debt. Cost of living adjustment increases add to the problem. The reduction in elderly and disabled people related to COVID helped the problem, at least a little.


      This is a report from nearly a year ago, with respect to the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021. https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0428

      This is the link where I found these reports. https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/reports-statements/mts/

      This seems to be a link to US government monthly inflows and outflows through August.

    • Also, while 10-year Treasury is >4%, 2-year Treasury is even higher.


      This “inversion” is terrible for banks, because they usually “borrow short and lend long.” With the inversion, it is hard for added debt to make economic sense. So banks cut back on making loans of all kinds, including mortgages and auto loans. This is what pulls the economy down. It tends to reduce future tax revenue, as well, making the government’s problems worse.

    • JesseJames says:

      We are heading for economic disaster for most individuals. Think of the struggling single person who has a home. Their personal property taxes are an enormous drain on their spendable income. With inflation eating them alive, they will never be able to retire and keep their house. Look for millions upon millions to lose their homes. You think the homeless crisis is bad now…just wait.
      Any retiree on fixed income and any significant debts is toast. They will be bankrupted.

      • Dennis L. says:

        What happens to the homes? If a Detroit, tax base disappears.

        Not sure about the debts, SS is increasing, if debts are fixed interest and term and not for disposable items, debt might be okay.

        Had a mentor in early seventies, he retired early, told me to always stay in debt; died in a ocean front home in LoJolla, small second house for house boy. Joan Kroc was a neighbor, sometimes she shared her Padres tickets, good seats I am told.

        Dennis L.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Could be worse — someone could have put their heads in a box — cut their vocal cords.. and let bugs eat them alive.

        No pity… no pity whatsoever. Zero f789s given.

  14. Student says:

    (Euroweekly news)

    Russia closes any commercial power to Ukraine ceasing gas export to Ukraine.
    Force majeure will not be accepted as an excuse for missing payments.
    Here declaration by Gazprom:


    (Il Messaggero)

    As a consequence it will be difficult for Zelensky to fulfil the promise to increase gas export to Europe (at least surely from brotherhood pipeline), as he promised here:


    • Student says:

      (MSN news)

      the escalation is going on…

      “U.S. Embassy in Russia asks its citizens to leave the country «immediately».
      Daniel Stewart – 42m ago”


      • banned says:

        Nordstream sabotage sets the tone for use of nuclear or new weapon technology deployment in the Donbass by demonstrating that there are no longer any rules, that acts of inflicting incredible harm that can not be repaired are on the table. It starts there. Full strategic nuclear exchange follows.

        • Not good at all!

        • nikoB says:

          Lets be clear here. Full nuke exchange is game over world wide. The damage to grids by emp will not be possible to come back from. Transformers to replace the destroyed ones will not be built.
          I think nukes are unlikely because it is assured mutual destruction.
          We are likely to see other forms of warfare, probably more terrori sm and sabotage.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            The only way we get nukes is if it’s part of the UEP — either it’s meant to be the coup de grace… or it’s ‘if we don’t bring on covid with the leaky vaccines we blow the f789ers up’

          • banned says:

            Well lets examine the core of your argument that the decision to engage in strategic nuclear exchange will be based on avoiding its horrific consequences,

            That is not the behavior and actions we are observing. What we are observing is continuing escalation with no regard for the consequences. No one is expressing any concern for consequences in either their language or their actions. I submit that consequences dont appear part of their decision making process and in fact they are excluded on purpose to better suit the goals they wish to achieve. The only time consequences are talked about is as a threat not a consideration.

            Concern about consequences could be considered a hallmark of sanity. There is nothing sane about peace achieved by mutually assured destruction. This is referenced by the acronym MAD. The very premise of it is not sane and thus the thought processes of those engaging in it can not be relied upon to be sane.

            Now one of the parties could be secretly sane and bluffing. I dont believe that to be the case.

            Thus I submit that fear of mutually assured destruction is not a adequate deterrent to a strategic nuclear exchange and that your argument that it is fits the category of wishful thinking. We may wish and hope that actions will be sane but the best indicator of future actions consists of past actions and expressed communications. A primary example of observed behavior that is consistent with my argument is what we have just observed in the reckless and wanton sabotage of the pipelines.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Might I suggest they are sabotaging BAU… they know what nukes represent…

              Maybe that’s what they desire… of course it is.

              Plan B is being activated. UEP has failed.

              Paxlovid was a hail mary pass – and it dropped harmlessly to the turf…

              Gentlemen — and women … start your engines. Load the weapons.

              Prepare for ROF. This is gonna be a fight to the death.

              Xabier – knives in every crevice…when the bad guys come … feign surrender… then when nobody is looking … quickly grab the knife and stick the leader in the heart… kill the f789er.

              We go down like the murdering bastards that we are… biting clawing stabbing … kill kill kill!!!

              Jeeezus I’m forthing at the mouth like a rabid dog… someone get me a towel

              Sadly I only had two beer in the chiller — and the VIP room did not transpire… nor the Bolivian Blow… this is as good as it’s gonna get…

        • MM says:

          There will be no nuclear exchange.
          There could of course be one in your TV.

    • Escalation!

  15. Student says:

    (Casa del Sole – TV News)

    From time 5.16 of this TV News, satelite tracks show american ships, elicopters and aircrafts on North Stream 1 and 2 the same day of the crash.


    • D. Stevens says:

      Breaking News: Russia and EU have signed a peace treaty. They are now united against a new common enemy. /s

    • lurking says:

      seems quite compelling. the question now is whether any EU leader isn’t so completely beholden to the WEF as to actually tell the truth about how the US is attempting to drive a wedge between Russia and the EU.

    • My impression is that the section showing US ships in the area starts at about 5:20 of this video.

      • MM says:

        I understand: There were US ships in the area but they could not stop Russia from blowing up the pipelines.

        • banned says:

          Until Oslava bin Putin is extracted from his mountainous perch in Moscow the world knows no safety.

        • Russia is the convenient “bad guy.” It would be very inconvenient to have the US be the “bad guy.” There are already sanctions against Russia. The US is supposedly on Germany’s side, and the rest of Europe’s side, with the current problems.

          But the US really would be better off without Europe, in many ways. If there is not enough to go around, some usage needs to drop dramatically.

          • el mar says:

            With regard to Korovitz supply chain argument, I am surprised by this comment!


            el mar (from Germany)

            • Europe manufactures relatively little for export. It has transferred its manufacturing to Asia, supposedly to save carbon emissions. If Europe stops making things with fossil fuels, there will be more fossil fuels for the US. Manufacturing that was previously done in Europe can move to the US, helping the US stay together. This happens sort of slowly, to keep supply chains from breaking too badly in the US.

  16. CTG says:

    This banned Durex commercial (1982) sure looks similar (or the other way round this Chinese video looks similar to this 1982 commercial)

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    Top doctor who once promoted COVID vaccines on TV, now says they should be halted

    The big problem they have in discrediting him is they can’t figure out why he changed his mind (other than the scientific evidence of course). He has everything to lose by speaking out.

    A highly respected cardiologist and expert in evidence-based medicine was prompted to take a critical look at the vaccine data after the unexpected death of his father 6 months after vaccination. He spent 6 months carefully studying the data and consulting with other top scientists. He’s now calling for a halt to the vaccines based on the data.


  18. Fast Eddy says:

    The Silent Killers
    Chapter 5: The Immunization Fraud – Do Vaccines Work? – Rubella (German Measles)

    Fear is a powerful motivator. You’ve been indoctrinated to fear this virus because in the mid 1960’s thousands of babies were born with significant crippling defects that were associated with the mother contracting German measles during her pregnancy. Rubella has been around for a long time, first identified in 1619. There were minor epidemics every 6-9 years and major ones every 30 years:

    https://www.britannica.com/science/rubella Something happened in 1964 that resulted in significant numbers of infections that got everyone’s attention. It could have been an epidemic cycle. It could have been tied to the major growth spurt in America’s population that would have shown more cases during that time. It could have been a major change in dietary habits, food additives and farming with pesticides that became more popular during that time. These things will negatively affect immune health, making some people more susceptible to displaying severe symptoms. We can only speculate.

    It is true that when a pregnant woman is infected with the virus associated with German measles symptoms, the virus can cross the placental barrier, infect the fetus and result in fetal damage. The best way to prevent this from happening is to allow young girls to become naturally infected with the virus. This will convey permanent protection of infection that will last her entire life and she needn’t worry about an infection during pregnancy.


      • Fast Eddy says:

        If you read The Silent Killers there are other explanations that do not involve vaccines including improved sanitation conditions … and stopping the widespread use of DDT etc…

        If you watch Vaxxed you will see that the risks from taking vaccines far outweigh their benefits… Autism has gone off the charts since they dramatically increased the number of injections children received…

        Oh and how do you know those numbers are not gamed? Remember how they are faking the DOD numbers?

        Then of course

        Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are.
        If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you’re about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That’s not a typo: 10X, not 10%!

        Alix Mayer is vaccine injured, but not from the COVID vaccine
        The COVID vaccines are not the only dangerous vaccines. Would you believe that the entire childhood vaccine schedule is dangerous? You will after you watch my interview with Alix Mayer.

        Vaccines are very good… for the drug companies
        Take your vaccine like they tell you. Do not ask questions. Just follow orders.

        Let me apply my 1500HP intelligence to this… if any of the vaccines do work — then let everyone else take them … f789 them — they are MOREONS anyway… if they get injured hahaha who gives f789s… not me… they wanna believe they are safe and effective great – just like the Covid Dog Shit – take as many as you want norm and friends … shoot anthrax into your arms if you want.

        This will create herd immunity — if they work as promised (they generally don’t but you’d have to read Silent Killers)… and the unvaxxed — The Smart People…

        Take zero risk… and get total reward.

        This is what Smart People do.

        And thankfully most people are MOREONS — they will keep taking every injection their doctor offers. MOREONS do what they are told. They do what you have just done…

        hahahahaha… this is one of the benefits of Great Intelligence…. you have your barnyard animals … your circus animals… who cannot think… who cannot reason … they let the farmers shove all sorts of Dog Shit into them… they get all sort of bad outcomes… the same farmers who sends them off to war to be cannon fodder hahaha

        The same famers who lie to them day after day after day (remember they altered the DOD health dbase… a massive lie) – yet the MOREONS trust the farmers hahahahahaha

        Tthey never connect the dots… they just keep on shooting

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    The Silent Killers
    Chapter 5: The Immunization Fraud – Do Vaccines Work? – Mumps

    A natural infection of mumps in children is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, most cases of mumps completely resolve themselves without treatment of any kind. Mumps is such a mild disease in infants, that the scientific community originally objected to using a standalone shot to create antibodies. The only standalone shot for mumps was called MUMPSVAX and was discontinued years ago. Here is the link to information about MUMPSVAX: https://www.drugs.com/cons/mumpsvax.html

    There is a section in that link titled “Interactions with Medicines” that is not usually present in vaccine package inserts. It states, “Receiving this vaccine with any of the following medicines is not recommended.” There are 60 listed. “Receiving this vaccine with any of the following medicines is usually not recommended” it states. There are 44 more listed. “Receiving this vaccine with any of the following medicines may cause an increased risk of certain side effects” it states. There are 8 more.

    People don’t usually consider the fact that they are injecting a pharmaceutical product that can adversely interact with other pharmaceuticals, but they should. Any time you allow something to be injected into your body, you are putting yourself at all sorts of risks. Yeah, I know, getting into the driver’s seat of a car is putting yourself at risk too. But you have choices when it comes to transporting yourself from place to place. You must also have informed choices of what you allow or don’t allow into your body or your child’s body. Sadly, most people know more about how a car works than how their immune system works.


  20. Tim Groves says:

    I had always discounted the rumor that that Fukushima was sabotaged by somebody in 2011. But after what has now happened with Nordstream, I can no longer put that totally beyond the bounds of possibility. In situations like this, we have to ask ourselves Sony Bono—who benefited from his death?

    • It is hard to know what to believe.

    • drb753 says:

      Briefly, the evidence in favor of the US blowing up Fukushima is that there was a US warship at the epicenter of the earthquake and at the time of the earthquake. Then I have seen on the internet (specifically at cluborlov) an image of the seismic wave featuring high frequency fourier components (inconsistent with normal earthquakes). Though who knows if that is the real seismograph track from a nearby station, or something else. if it is true, I don’t need a frequency spectrum to tell you the two waves were of the same nature (they were not).

      The motive is given as a bottleneck in uranium supplies at the time, though I reject the idea that you can reliably create an earthquake that will create a tsunami that will overpower the seawall of a nuclear plant located 800 kms away.

  21. Tim Groves says:

    The excrement is getting ready to hit the air conditioning as the game changes in the Ukraine conflict.

    “The Donbass region has voted to join Russia and now the world will see how Russia will mobilize to defend this region as its own. Meanwhile, the Nordstream gas pipelines that were meant to deliver gas to Europe were damaged and Germany calls this “sabotage.” By who exactly? Poland is thanking the U.S. for this. Did the U.S. do this? Why? Is this raising the war stakes as we speak?”

    • Tim Groves says:

      At 24 minutes in, we see video of the gas bubbling to the surface of the Baltic Sea.

      Also, Polish MEP Radek Sikorski thanked the USA for doing this on Twitter.

    • Bobby says:

      Who’s benefiting?
      Who’s disadvantaged?
      Who’s behaved like this before?
      Do they have a choice?

      Could Russia benefit by destroying their own infrastructure? To what end? Maybe an excuse to polarise their population against outside threats?
      A heavy price for little return. This would be a form of self defeat and outrage citizens if this were true.
      Russia benefits: Unlikely:

      The Ukrainian junta by forcing NG to transit through their territory. Denying Russia alternative routes to European markets and maintaining world focus on their cause? Also tactical revenge for annexed territory.
      Ukrainian junta Benefits: Highly possible

      Countries in Europe which may siphon NG via the old route as opportunists?
      Benefits: Marginally Possible?

      Others groups/ countries somehow motivated to agitate and escalate the conflict in Eastern Europe for their own ends? For example Developed Countries with powerful militaries, but weak economies and limited natural resources.
      Benefits: Very Highly Likely!!!, but who? There are actually many in this category.

      The US?
      Favourable NG market conditions at a premium while destroying competition.
      Weapons supply demand creation and cultivation via further escalation.
      Resourcing and funding Ukrainian with incumbent obligations.
      Outcompeting Europe while Europe enters an energy crisis.
      Benefits: Highly likely.

      Those groups most likely to take advantage are those who have done this before, Old habits die hard. What can History reveal.

  22. Lastcall says:

    Nice maps showing strong correlation between deaths and 5G distribution.
    Now that people are talking about an EMP, lets look back at EMF perhaps?

    ‘The study, published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, is titled “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G.’

    ‘COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California. In May 2020, Mordachev [4] reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world. During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5].’

    ‘The conventional explanation for the release of iron from hemoglobin is the action of glycoproteins in the coronavirus—but the action of 5G’s millimeter waves is an equally good explanation, especially those at 60GHz, which disrupt oxygen molecules. An interesting observation about lung malfunction in Covid-19 patients is that it is bilateral (both lungs at the same time), whereas ordinary pneumonia typically affects only one lung. What kind of virus knows to attack both lungs?


    • I’m not sure about this.

      • Lastcall says:

        Neither am I, but I believe that we have to keep an open mind for ideas from left field ( why left field? I don’t know).
        I do believe the use of sonic/energy weapons for crowd control is a developing science.
        Time will tell, if we have much left (theres that left again!).

  23. Kim says:

    Could the USA possibly have sabotaged the Russian pipelines? Well the USA certainly has the right track record for it.

    The video linked below briefly (09:29) outlines various documented plans approved by the FDR administration to provide China with planes – disguised as Chinese aircraft – to bomb Japanese industrial centers in the twelve months preceding Pearl Harbor.

    Remember, this was The Greatest Generation and they were fighting A Good War.

    The Plan to Bomb Japan Before the Pearl Harbor Attack

    • Hubbs says:

      It doesn’t matter who appears to be the culprit as long as the “job” gets done, meaning entry into WW I (Lusitania), WWII (Pearl Harbor), Viet Nam (Gulf of Tonkin), Afghanistan (9-11), Gulf War I “attack” on Kuwait, Gulf War II (WMD) etc. Like the COVID scam, big pharma was the well paid hitman, just as the MIC (military industrial complex or medical industrial comple-take your pick) is for these endless wars. And besides sadistic wealth extraction by the elites, what is the ultimate agenda? CONTROL. Control through destabilization domestically and internationally, through degradation of our currency, nuclear family, education system, illegal immigration, corrupt elections, abdication of rule of law, censorship in the media, and a host of other machinations. You control cattle in livestock pens on the way to slaughter. Alas, at 67, I am too old to matter. I just only hope that I don’t curl up and expire like some old rotted vegetable. I would rather be taken out by a bullet. My most sincere condolences and symapthies to both those young Ukranian and Russian soldeiers and families caught up in this treachery, and even more to those survivors who may have to live the rest of their lives with devastating wounds or psychiatric trauma. Of course my words are meaningless because I never served in the military. Too young for VietNam and then lucked out as a spoiled college kid who was totally unaware as I went through college 1972-6 and then grad school and Med school 1978-1982. Totally oblivious. That’s what happens when you have had it too good. And now, I try to warn my daughter, 18, of what is coming down the line. “Get off your f3cking cell phone!!!”

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Futile… just roll with it… into the darkness…. then the oblivion… it shall not be too much longer.

    • Interesting! The military always wants to cover up what it is really doing.

  24. Rodster says:

    Tucker Carlson asks, did the US blowup Nordstream 1&2? Oops both Joe Bidet and Victoria Nuland said on camera, both pipelines would cease to exist.


    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      no doubt USA did it.

      not very deep water, no need for submarines.

      probably a navy seals operation.

      the woketard US spsyychopath “leaders” are getting even more desperate.

      que sera sera.

    • Lastcall says:

      I wonder if the hegemonic groupies sat around at the penta gone watching a video of the sabotage in the same way they watched the Obumba bin Lard in exercise.
      High fives all around?
      Be an interesting video to procure.

    • Many people have noticed the earlier comments.

  25. Tim Groves says:

    Thanks to Dr. John Day:


    Moon of Alabama (German) has perspective on the sudden, simultaneous occurrence of 3 ruptures in 3 Nordstream-1 & 2 pipes in international waters of the Baltic Sea.

    Nord Stream II was created to make Germany independent from pipelines running through Poland and the Ukraine. Blocking it was the most stupid thing for Germany to do and thus chancellor Scholz did it.
    In the following months Poland blocked the Yamal pipeline which also brought Russian gas to Germany. Ukraine followed up with cutting off two Russian pipelines. The main compressor stations of the Nord Stream I pipeline, which the German company Siemens had build and has the maintenance contract, failed one after the other. Sanction are prohibiting Siemens from repairing them…
    ..​If Russia were to cut pipelines in the Baltic Sea it would damage those that bring Norwegian gas to Europe, not the pipelines it owns and which give it some leverage.

    ​ ​Russia thus surely has no plausible interest in sabotaging the Nord Stream system.Others though do have such interests. They likely want Germany to ‘stay in line’ with their war to Decolonize Russia. The major potential actors behind this are the U.S., the British, the Ukrainian and the Polish government or a mixture of those.
    ​ ​Geography, and the shallow depth of the Baltic Sea, seem to exclude that a U.S. or British submarines did the damage. Ukraine does not have access to the Baltic Sea. Poland, which had already tried to prevent or hinder the Nord Stream II construction, is the most likely actor behind this though I doubt that it would dare to act alone.
    ​ ​Consider this from April 2021:
    ​ ​The developers of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline have accused foreign naval forces of “provocative” activity in the vicinity of construction work. The controversial pipeline is about 93 percent complete, and two Russian pipelay vessels are on station and working on the project in Danish waters.
    ​ ​Andrei Minin, the branch director of Gazprom-run Nord Stream 2 AG, told TASS that “foreign warships and vessels were demonstrating higher activity” near the operation, and that “such actions are provocative and can lead to gas pipeline damage.” He also accused Poland of deploying a military M-28 patrol aircraft to survey the site.
    ​ ​”The Polish Navy is not conducting provocative operations and has been carrying out its statutory tasks in agreement with international laws,” responded the Polish Army’s central command in a social media post. “M-28B Bryza planes regularly conduct patrol flights in the Baltic Sea region.”
    ​ ​Poland strongly opposes the development of Nord Stream 2, which will give Gazprom a subsea alternative route for supplying natural gas to Western European customers. At present, that gas has to pass through overland pipeline networks in Poland and Ukraine, bringing in valuable transit fees and providing both nations – which do not always have cordial relations with Russia – a measure of energy security.​..

    ..On February 7 Biden stated (vid) that he would decided if Nord Stream II opens and on February 27 he sanctioned the company owning it.
    Under its current rightwing leadership Poland has been extremely hostile to Germany. This month it even renewed is demand for war reparations from Germany, an issue that had been settle decades ago.​..

    ​..​It is high time for the German government to wake up and to recognize that a war has been launched against its country.
    And no. It is not Russia that is waging it.


  26. CTG says:

    Oil Prices Are About To Reverse Course

    Supply growth is stalling while demand is about to pick up. And depending on how strongly it picks up, we could see a lot higher oil prices next year.


    Let us do some basic maths

    1. Russia said to export 1mbpd next year
    2. OPEC+ is have a 3.5 mbps shortfall
    3. The above link

    4. Lydia17 reminded us 2017 HSBC report on 6% decline per year (probably best case scenario)

    So, we have went past the physical peak?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      yes probably the peak was 2018 at 102 MILLION bpd (“all liquids”).

      now it is 100 mbpd. 4 BILLION gallons per day.

      that’s down 2 mbpd in 4 years = about 0.5% annual decline.

      “Supply growth is stalling while demand is about to pick up.”

      supply stalling is TRUE, a factual representation of the past 4 years.

      “demand is about to pick up” is opinion, and since it looks to many of us that the world is heading swiftly into a deep recession, that would give good reason to the opinion that demand will continue to fall, especially through what looks like an economically devastating Northern Hemisphere winter.

      though I probably could afford a winter of higher prices, I wouldn’t mind if oil prices continue to plunge for the next 5 months.

      future prices are mostly unpredictable, since prices depend on the often random interchanges between supply and demand.

      it’s always a race between the two, and I think this coming winter will be decisive for falling demand to dominate.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      stories about upcoming increased supply can be doubted or ignored:


  27. Fast Eddy says:

    So… norm… you do geriatric water aerobics… you deadlift 6kg… I assume you didn’t have any serious illnesses (prior to taking the injections)..

    So guess what — you were at near ZERO risk of getting very sick from Covid… about the same as the risk from the flu.

    Yet you injected experimental Dog Shit into your body and continue to do so.

    What does that make norm?

    Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office

    You may have wondered how the United States is still clocking 3000 Covid deaths a week when even Joe Biden – who can barely manage a staircase unaided – easily beat Omicron.

    The Milwaukee coroner’s office has the answer. It publishes anonymized death reports, including cases where Covid is listed on the death certificate. Here are four of the seven from the last two weeks. Average age 90.

    The youngster in the group was 80 and had metastatic prostate cancer.

    And diabetes.

    And Parkinson’s disease.

    And COPD.



    • Bobby says:

      The world seems other than what it should be. I hear sad news every other day, whether I want to or not. Think this is just going to increase. Few of us have taken joy in seeing it all coming.

      Deep down I think many hoped beyond hope this rollout could be turned around with reason and sensible discussion. Easy to feel we kind of failed, we we’re brave, but not brave enough it seems. That’s not a fault. More efforts may have simply been pointless; even dangerous. At any rate the offical narratives doomed many millions to the consequences of the medical response (deliberate or otherwise).

      In that context and against headwinds, if you convinced even one person to question the insidious potentials of the Shots and they later changed their minds, you’re a hero. Remember that. It’s No small thing and far from failure, if you spoke out, you each gave opportunity for those with sensible traits (or better put; traits of sensibility) to select for survival. In reality that’s actually a form of evolution.

      Ironically, I like the sardonic humour and it seems it’s become the fun ‘thing’ of it all now, but I think it to be just a coping mechanism if looking at the heart of it. At some point restraint will be increasingly of benefit and necessary.
      ….let Norm be, it’s getting old Fast.

      You’re truly a fun guy to read. Try to be funnier in kinder ways please.

  28. Tim Groves says:

    Re. the Nordstream 1 & 2 “sabotage”, or should we call it “terror” attack, here is a video of President Biden (the fake one IMHO) telling the press back in February what the US “would do”.


    The US had the motive, means and opportunity to do this, and its chief executive is on record of making a statement of intent. On the other hand, there are sinister forces that could have done it for their own ends safe in the knowledge that the US would be blamed in any event.

  29. CTG says:

    Let us do some speculation. Shall we?

    1. Ursula says that this will be “severely dealt with”.

    2. So, they will say Russia sabotaged it. (hah.. you think they will say US did it and sanctioned USA? – I think I have a better chance hitting a lottery jackpot)

    3. What is next? They have already sanctioned Russia. What else? Don’t buy their oil? If I am Russia, I will not consider not selling them oil/gas via a third country. F678 them.

    4. Suddenly telecommunication links are broken in USA and EU?

    5. EMP?

    We went past the event horizon end of 2019. The gravity is so intense now and it is shredding us into bits.

    It might just a few days left (??)

    In the early days of OFW, I mentioned here in one of the posts that there are probably a handful of 70+ people in the whole world that seriously know what is happening (everything being aware). I still stand by this up till this day. If, for any instance, internet is down, it is great knowing you all here.

    p.s. I strongly believe that politicians in EU still think going green is the way and the politicians in USA still think they can take the resources of Russia. That is if I set aside my idea that this is nothing more than a simulation (that can be repeated many times but with the same results)

    • banned says:


    • You are right. Blaming Russia if they are already painted as “bad” doesn’t really offer much chance of additional retaliation (especially if Europe really needs to the fossil fuels).

      • Retired Librarian says:

        On his show tonight Tucker Carlson posed the question of whether the US sabatoged NordStream!
        Tulsi Gabbard appeared with him to discuss the current warmongering. They mentioned possible retaliations such as an EMP. They definitely are picking up our vibe, though they don’t seem to know about ROF😉.

    • Slowly at first says:

      Why are there are so few who understand our predicament? Are we extreme outliers?

    • CTG says:

      hahah…. I got a great quote in ZH

      It is not important who did it. It is WHO GETS THE BLAME that is most important…

      Nicely said . well done

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        USA did it, it’s obvious.

        a few days left?

        yes an EMP would do the trick.

        which is why I would expect an EMP in the 2030s.

        no EMP tonight, baby!

    • Cromagnon says:

      Everything you glean from mass media ( even alternative media) is subterfuge. The best way to view this reality is through the lens of what I call Oppositeville. Everything you think you know,…. the opposite is true.

      I like hard core simacrulum theory ( not simulation hypothesis).

      The ancient texts talk about evil and decadence and cleansing,…. this is not fantasy. The “elites” are scared. I have seen the eyes of people “ in power” when the rug is pulled out from under them,….the abject, shameful cowardice is obvious and hard to witness.

      The 98% of our so called junk DNA is not junk. We have installed in us a remarkable genetic and epigenetic system.
      As populations climb more and more expression for “ dark triad traits” emerge,…. they is soon results in behaviours and outcomes made manifest in Sodom and Gommorah. This results in immoral, stupid, destructive and crazy behaviours that both drive internal collapse mechanisms in human avatar populations AND activate numerous simacrulum reset protocols.

      That’s on the collective level…… what about all the thousands of narcissistic sociopaths that exist in later stage simulations? What happens to evil? The meek shall inherit the earth right?

      Think about it….. if there is an active operational interface that can return “ souls” to the simacrulum to play out new lives until the program ends (2178) what happens “to souls” that displease the AI running the sim?
      Perhaps disembodiment? What would existence inside a simacrulum be like without an Avatar?
      This is where poltergeist, phantasms and manifestations come from. Living hells.

      Maybe there is a board of inquiry at the end of the program but in the meantime,,…… you transgress the bounds of the operating system,…. maybe purgatory is involved?

      The 98% of DNA that is apparently quiescent ( it is not) is the basis of everything from giants and nephilum to ancients living to 800 years.

      The world is well beyond what any of us can conceive of.

      • MM says:

        Actually I can not really digest your post but it gives me a sense where I want to use the chance to add my loose ends of my simulated mind here:

        People claim that there have been many civilizations that have fallen. But this is not true for

        The Civilization Of War, Slavery and Robbery.

        This civilization has not gone down ever. Actually it reemerged any time a “new” civilization was tried.
        The people in them olden civs did not have knowledge of “how did our perfect civ come to end so bad?” but we now have quite a fair knowledge of it albeit I do not claim that we have the full picture.

        For some reason whatsoever after a civilization went away, after a new civilization arrives, some “strange things seem to happen”.
        It is The Civlization Of war, Slavery And Robbery reemerging.
        And before when the majority of the people get a grasp of it, the civ is either dead or it has committed so many evil things that there is no more support of the members of the civ for it.

        You could call that an evil entity. An entity outside the material world that somewhat exists and persists.

        Nobody ever asked the question if for some reason the foundation of any civilization will materialize the old Civilization Of War Slavery And Robbery because it is in the very foundation of this civ.. (every civ?)

        If you look at what the native Americans say, the foundation of the current USA was pretty cruel.
        The question is, what are the corner stones of our civ that make “evil” persistently show up and destroy the civ.

        Your example of evolution is quite good because evolution is something like a fallback strategy. It kept the “old” for “just in case”.
        Our Civ is based on the assumption that deleting the old and building back better is quite a good thing to do.

        The conflict at heart is shown in the Object called the Merkaba.

        There is order and Chaos in a constant fight.
        If I want to have order in my garden I have to weed out the chaos of the weeds.
        I will not use a flame thrower and destroy all plants.

        The people running the current “creative destruction show” here have no idea of what they want to keep and what they need to destroy. They simply disregard absolutely everything they destroy and think they can create something new on top of it.

        Unfortunately the have no idea about creation and in the end will be left very alone in a world that they can not alter.
        Their world is dependent on the stupid creative minds that permanently create something they can come and destroy.
        But they can not understand that destroying the creative impulse through turning it into propaganda (Hollywood) will rid themselves of the nurturing opposites that this world is built upon.

        We are creators and sometimes unfortunately we need to be destroyers too to create something once in a while.
        In my humble opinion this planet has brought us about just because we are creative minds.
        It wants us to bring some sort of order but it does not want to bring a genetic Gulag to the world as Billy Gatsby wants.

        The native Americans imho had a pretty good sense of that spirit and clam “the whites”


        Basically to come down to the foundational stones the main thing I have identified is the voluntary compliance to being ruled.

        If any rule in my society existed I would judge on a case basis if I comply or not.
        For this single case!
        That is not that I do not obey any rules but for some people some of my personal behavior is appropriate.

        I can adjust myself to the (very!) person I am engaging with.

        I do not need a law state to pay my bills.
        If I have good service I pay the bill because I want the service to continue.
        This is just a capitalist/libertarian example but it goes much deeper than that.

        c9/11 was an assault on “I trust you” what is the natural human affair of things.
        If I can not trust you, I tell all my friends and you will be out of business or whatever soon.
        That of course does not apply to a massive civ with millions or billions of people.

        The inherent distrust in a mass civilization we must overcome.

        I thought the internet could do it but I doubt it today because with wires between people in communication on places where they never see each other and never talk to each other there can only be distrust leading to schizophrenic paranoid psychosis for all.

        • >>>>I do not need a law state to pay my bills.
          If I have good service I pay the bill because I want the service to continue.<<<<<

          you've received a fair 'energy exchange'—that is what paying your bill means, and at the same time expresses the basis of whatever level of civilisation is extant at the time.

          if you live in an aboriginal society, you have no 'bills', because you draw your 'life energy' from your immediate surroundings.

          if you live in a 'civilised' city, you must pay your bills in order to draw your 'life energy' from other people who also live there–(ie whatever services you use)– heatng–lighting–groceries–taxis–you name it. You can't live in a 'civilised' community without 'exchange' of some kind.

          there is no alternative to 'trusting' that it will continue.

          in the end of course it will break down, all civilisations do.

          • MM says:

            Norm, I appreciate your efforts but the value of them is zero.

            This was just some energy exchange, so do not take it too serious.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              norm is like that child who tries hard but still gets failing grades… congratulations on the effort norm but you just don’t have the horse power…

              we’ll let you shine our shoes though

            • i do enjoy comments which, effectively, say ‘you’re wrong, you’re wrong.’

              but offer no constructive input as to why

            • and as to eddy’s comment below, I don’t think it’s possible to get horsepower and bullshit from the same animal.

              Or is it?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Correct it’s one or the other … and you are producing the latter exclusively

    • Jef Jelten says:

      Y’all need to keep trying to think in terms of demand destruction. If you let a country prosper they will keep consuming more and more of everything, especially their own finite resources but also their success and growth creates demand for global resources.

      We obviously can not get/control Russian resources but we can and have crippled their success and growth. For how long who knows but it is worth all the effort until the “next thing”.

      We have seriously hindered the EUs success and growth, China is tanking big time, the middle east success and growth is toast, and we are currently up to our necks crippling Africa;


      Everybody understands war for resources which has been the name of the game for the last 100 years or so. Now as resources dwindle it is all about the Double Ds.

      • CTG says:

        Supply chain my dear… supply chain…. there will be no BMW/Mercedes spare parts if EU is gone…

        If you catch my drift…

        It is still true that probably 70+ people worldwide get it that if EU is gone, the whole world is gone… I can bet you that most of the 70+ are here on OFW.

        • Withnail says:

          Doesn’t matter. There isn’t going to be enough fuel to run all those vehicles and altermatives exist in the US and Japan.

        • MM says:

          The US economy has been pulling in a lot of international companies in the last years.
          US$ is strong, energy is cheap, laws are friendly.
          MAGA anyone?
          At least of BMW I know they have production facilities in the USA.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I am wondering if they’ve determined that they’ve failed to summons Devil Covid by deploying billions of leaky injections during a pandemic… (remember – this has never been tried before so there was no certainty of success)….

      And they are now falling back on some sort of Plan B … which may involve all out nuclear bombardment… that won’t eliminate ROF… but it will leave behind a lot less people to ROF that there would be if they stood back now and watched this f789er go to pieces.

      Who knows… there is also a very tiny chance that I am dreaming all of this and will eventually wake up back in 2019 pondering the next bucket list adventure…

      • CTG says:

        FE, you are doomed to repeat your simulations until you reach nirvana and stop being reincarnated…..

      • Jane says:

        What is ROF?

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          Ripping Off Faces?

          unlike some of his other rannntings, this one actually has some reasonableness to it.

          prosperity often brings out the best in humans, while the end of prosperity, a collapsed economy with not enough food etc for everyone, could very well lead to the worst of human behavior.

          the 2030s will not be good times.

      • MM says:

        I wonder why Fast Eddy never asks himself who has put the devil c9/11 topic in his mind.

        Hnit for @CTG: turing test

        • CTG says:

          FE and Elon Musk are avatars. They are buddies in the realm outside of earth. They decide what buttons to push.. haha. This buttons… oops I released a virus… that buttons oops I just activated San Andrea’s.

    • Bobby says:

      You’re right, The narrative is broken, because the energy resource and supply that underlay our present economic system is broken when the situation is like this, I recommend BLR. There is NO point expecting offical narratives to make sense.

      Have a laugh instead at the walking dead lol

      I once knew a kid who’s tongue fell off in his sleep… La-Bibbida-Bibba-Dum, La-Bibbida-Bibba-Doom……

      • MM says:

        Basically we put most of our efforts into breaking the minds of the global population and that was achieved as the vaccine take up showed.
        Everything thereafter is just a kindergarten walk.
        The only thing required for the ongoing mental collapse of the civilization is to put in the breaks when a certain threshold is achieved.
        From what we achieved this far we are pretty sure this will work.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The beat the wild animal completely out of the MOREONS (the only intelligent part of them)… and continue to do so … and now we have …



          • MM says:

            I do not know what “we” you are talking about.

            I think the people promoting this story of a mentally ill person are mentally ill themselves.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              You have to admit — it’s pretty funny .. in a f789ed up kinda way…

              Kinda like someone going to a dinner party at Buckingham Palace… and while grace is being said — letting rip with a gigantic fart … testing the air with his nose and satisfied that it reeks sufficiently — then proclaiming — I cannot tell a lie … t’was me!

              Then clapping one’s hands and shouting … bring in the 12 year old girls for Andrew… and the young lads for Charles… tut tut make haste .. make haste… the royals will not be left waiting.

            • tis better to have you obsessing on OFW, than being at large in the outside world eddy

      • Tsubion says:

        I agree… too much doom n’ gloom…

        Kick your shoes off and get with the zombie apocalypse (sponsored by Fizzer and other globohomo charlatans)

        Let little Carl show you the way…

        “CARL POPPA”

    • MM says:

      There was a comment that the Xi coup is a Psyop of Taiwan.
      Unfortunately I do not see a Xi after Sept.16.
      I mean, why is there no reporter as in Tianamen Square?

      “Hy, I am from ABC news and I want to make an interview wit president Xi about the outcome of the SCO meeting, promoting the strength of the People’s Republic of China”
      “Uhm, yeah, at the Moment Mister Xi is busy.”
      “ok, I’ll call later”.

      The question how long that “later” can be.

      It will in the end show the time limit of WOPR.

  30. Slowly at first says:

    Will prescription eyewear be available in the coming years? I cannot read Fast Eddy’s comments without my eyeglasses.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      I have 3 pairs of eyeglasses, which might mean I will never buy another, I’m in my 60s, and the 2030s are fast approaching.

      this type of discussion has appeared here once in a while.

      off hand, I remember someone having an extra belt for an electric clothes dryer.

      that’s the main idea, have backups and spare parts for things that will be increasingly harder to obtain.

      I think that approach is far more reasonable than “prepping”.

      I’m all in on hoping for continuing bAU, so it makes sense to “prep” not for total “collapse”, but prep for quasi semi bAU by having backups and spares, since availability is only going to get worse.

      que sera sera.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        If you want to go insane … and fall into suicidal despair…

        Use not electricity or petrol for a week… then accept that when BAU collapses… that will be a permanent situation … along with no food.

        Enjoy a coffee as you contemplate this — really enjoy it… cuz there will be no coffee when BAU collapses.

    • Withnail says:

      Glass is an energy intensive product. Glass was widespread in the first century in the Roman Empire but became more and more scarce.

      • In the US, most bottles used to be made out of glass. Now, an awfully lot of them are made of plastic. This may be related. Cheaper to make; don’t break as easily.

        Recycling glass makes sense, if it is first sorted by color and kept apart from all other recycling. But it tends to be a problem, otherwise, because it breaks so easily.

      • MM says:

        Glass is just not a product for unfiit consumers because of the container weight.

        “Come on guys in our brainstorm session: We need a product for the coming weaklings!”

  31. Fast Eddy says:

    No … not quite… it’s very difficult to know what’s going on unless they slip up

    Like this — this definitely looks like a missile — it’s definitely not an airplane


  32. Fast Eddy says:

    Hmmm.. it was so easy – they did that many within a few years…

    And none since…

    You’d have thought there would be buses to the moon by now …

    Oh yes of course – they forgot how to get through those Van Allen Belts… but NASA admits they are working on it


  33. USA needs no friends

    Every capital of the world, and any city over 1,000,000 outside of North America can be nuked and still civilization will continue unscathed

    • Unscathed? I would expect that a whole lot of semiconductor production would be lost. A lot of major sea ports would be lost. A lot of airports would be lost. There would be a lot of things that we are used to that would be lost.

      • MM says:

        You could not be able to find out about that because there could be a radiation lockdown.

        • CTG says:

          You could not be able to find out about that because there could be a radiation lockdown.

          1. Please get your nuclear radiation vaccine
          2. It takes 2 weeks to flatten the radiation
          3. Stay indoors, wear a mask or three and try not to breath.
          4. Go out to buy food and essentials only at big box stores.
          5. Only essential business are allowed.
          6 Pleaae be mindful of dead bodies on the road. Avoid touching them

          Thank you for your cooperation.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Nukes could replace Demon Covid in a pinch… and convince people to buy into Global Holodomor… dead bodies and radiation will keep people locked down…

            Not quite as eloquent as Demon Covid … but beggars can’t be choosers…

            The fingers are inching closure to the launch buttons… the UK situation the other day would have given them a fright.

    • Rodster says:

      Many experts have warned about Nuclear Winter if nukes started flying.

    • thats very reassuring

  34. Agamemnon says:

    An Oil Supply Shock May Be Imminent

    By Irina Slav – Sep 25, 2022, 6:00 PM CDT
    Oil demand has remained resilient in the face of a multitude of challenges.
    OPEC+ has fallen behind more than 3.5 million bpd on its output goals.
    The DoE has no immediate plans to start refilling the SPR.
    The risk of a supply shock grows as China’s economy re-opens while Russian oil is being forced off the market.


    • CTG says:

      Good by Europe…. nice knowing you although I just visited Europe three times. Never really like Europe…

      You will be very lucky if you can get through 2022 Christmas.

      As for the rest of the world, perhaps a tad later

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Paris is the most over rated travel destination on the planet

        • JMS says:

          Portuguese government is missing an excellent opportunity to promote the country as the best place in the world to die in 2023, since besides being conveniently facing the sunset, it has the exact shape of a coffin. End of the world party can’t be anywhere else. Everybody is invited, the wine is on the house.

  35. Fast Eddy says:

    I see so russia busted the pipe — ya makes sense … when you can just not pump gas through it…


    • Rodster says:

      Hmm interesting, this ZH article says the US did it.

      “U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister”


      • Lidia17 says:

        From the ZH article (there’s also a Twitter link):

        President Joe Biden promised on February 7 to prevent Nord Stream 2 from becoming operational if Russia invaded Ukraine. “If Russia invades,” said Biden, “then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

        Reporter: “But how will you do that, exactly, since…the project is in Germany’s control?”

        Biden: “I promise you, we will be able to do that.”

        • Rodster says:

          So the US has decided to drive a double decker bus over Europe and Europe just does what the US wants. Meanwhile Joe Bidet rest assured will have the thermometer turned up so as not to freeze at night.

          As Victoria Nuland said in 2014 “F789 the EU”

          • banned says:

            EU promises strongest possible response.


            This is power folks.
            This how they want it.
            This is how they like it.
            In your face.

            Power is doing whatever you want and not having to hide it.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        That sounds very much like an act of war.

        Retaliation may be coming.

        • Jane says:

          I read that Russia had already pumped 300 million of whatever gas is measured in—maybe cubic somethihngs—in preparation for the pipeline being opened up for business. Then Germany nixxed the opening, as we know, and the gas was sitting in the pipeline with no place to go. I guess you cannot suck it back out in reverse because if the valves are not operational—well, nature abhors a vacuum, as we know.

          As for how the gas was pumped in, ask a physicist, not me!! Perhaps the gas was sprayed in andn mixed with air that was already in the pipeline?

          BTW, “in the pipeline” is literally, the right expression, for once.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            methane is dangerous when mixed with oxygen, so it makes sense that the pipeline was filled completely with methane with low/minimal pressure, in advance of actually beginning to push a daily flow through from Russia.

            how they do it, don’t ask me either.

            a small waste of gas, too bad.

    • Lastcall says:

      Perhaps its the new ‘Russian’ version of destroying a village to save it.
      NZ media is about the most supplicant in the world.

    • Bam_Man says:

      “To be an enemy of the United States can be dangerous. To be its friend is fatal.”
      — Henry Kissinger

      Europe (especially Germany) is now learning this lesson, firsthand.

  36. still using that stuck needle to keep your repetitiousness up to required dosage I see eddy.

    I do hope your tame eddywit hasn’t gone extinct, i know it perches on your shoulder like Long John Silver’s parrot.

  37. Agamemnon says:

    He should’ve paid attention to CDC.


    “It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally,” Malhotra said. “A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue.”

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    They’ve Killed the World
    My Last Field to Plow

    We all struggle to deal with our reality. Some are given by timing and fate, better hands to be played in this world. Some appear to cruise through life with charms around their necks and luck on their side. While others are forced to pull dull plows through fields filled with rocks like snorting and straining oxen with whips on their backs.

    I have pulled my plow through the fields of rocks for 71 years now, hoping for the day when I can finally be done. And even as my body begins to weaken and my strength begins to fade, a glance over my shoulder reveals, the acres and acres of fields I have plowed. I never stopped. I never gave up.

    I woke up again today and muttered to myself, “they’ve killed the world” as I put my hand on my still sleeping dog beside me. “Time to wake up Quincy, we have been blessed with another day of living”.

    And so another day of pulling my plow begins again. There will be no rest for me today or any other day. My unofficially adopted daughter and best friend needs me. I must help her get through what is to come. I am a survivor with survival skills that she will need. I must help her.

    The world that is coming will not be kind and will not be for the weak or the faint of heart. So I am preparing her. I am teaching her how to survive when I am gone. It’s my last field to plow.

    Everyone is jabbed
    Everyone is going to die.
    I wish I could kiss the sky
    And tell everyone who lied
    That the end for them and their ilk
    Will not reward them with riches and silk.
    But what awaits them in the world beyond this
    Is eternal suffering, damnation
    And pain without end.


  39. Fast Eddy says:

    Three leaks on Nord Stream pipes – Sabotage? But by whom?
    Gas supplies in Europe take a turn for the worse

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    Trudeau drops COVID Vaccine Mandate because 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths have been among the Triple/Quadruple Vaccinated in the past 3 months


  41. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/housing-bubble-has-officially-burst-case-shiller-records-first-drop-home-prices-2012

    The Housing Bubble Has Officially Burst : Case-Shiller Records First Drop In Home Prices Since 2012

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    Due to a process known as ‘immune imprinting,’ which handcuffs your immune system, we could well be facing the ‘dark winter’ President Biden warned would befall us – there’s no telling what kind of viral mutations are ahead.


  43. Jane says:

    Letter from Moscow, in response to some questions I put to my contact there, a financial analyst:

    “Privyet, XXX,

    The V*O*T*E goes successfully and will be finished today. However, many people were killed or wounded because of artillery bombing of cities that intensified these days. People participating in V*O*T*E take very big risks, but do not refuse from the opportunity to contribute to this process.

    I feel that support for P is strong both in Russia and in the new territories. The negative attitude of population to the enemies [of Russia] is quite strong, too. The number of young men who have run abroad to avoid the partial mobilization announced last week is hundreds (or even thousand) times below the total number of men that can be mobilized.

    The rumors of a coup in China came from Taiwan. Xi has very good relations with the army elite that supports him and his policy.

    Russia has been cushioned from the coming turmoil of the Western financial systems, first of all, due to the sanctions. Its financial system has also been protected through creation of the national system of payments and other measures undertaken since 2014. Capital controls imposed in March protect from sharp capital outflows. I think the Russian banking system and financial markets will be exposed to the contagion effects of crisis to much less extent this time than in 2008-2009. For instance, the ruble is strengthening now, while currencies of other countries are notably weakening because of capital flights to dollar.

    Poka, XXX”

    • Vern Baker says:

      Russia has very little external debt, and have a history of collapse which helps to make them resilient. There is no country I would rather be in at the moment for stability. Im sure it wont be easy for them either, but there have apparently been some long term considerations.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        No country will have any debt very soon

        • Perhaps true. But lack of debt may lead central governments to disappear because they can no longer provide promised benefits, such as pensions for the elderly. Think of the collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union n 1991.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Let’s consider the situation in practical terms… the financial system collapses… the global supply chain collapses…

            Quickly no food.

            ROF – Global Holodomor >>> Fuel Ponds >>> Extinction.

            Oh and a fair bit of violence rape and cannibalism along the way.

            the fall of the USSR is not a relevant comparison – there was still plenty of cheap to produce resources…

            There ain’t no way out… the soil is ruined.. there are 8B of us – most have not a clue how to survive without BAU — and those darned fuel ponds will take care of those who do.

            I know everyone wants a Hollywood ending … they desperately want to cling to something that gives them hope.

            There is no hope — nobody survives… all hell is about to break loose.

          • Jane says:

            According to both Michael Hudson and Martin Armstrong, one of the, if not perhaps THE, reason for the financial meltdown in Europe (pre-sanctions) was that pension funds must by law earn a certain level of interest in order to pay out pensions, but the interest rate has been lowered to below zero. So the pension funds are screwed and so are, especially, the German civil servants and others who have paid into these pension funds for their whole working lives.

            • a pension fund is a call on future supplies of energy

              if there isn’t any–your pension fund evaporates

            • banned says:

              Are they more screwed than a Bangladesh textile worker making $1 a day?

              If a standard of living that is based on a illusion is lost what is a appropriate emotion?

          • Sam says:

            No pensions will terrify people!! I am thinking 3 years left even in the u. S

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              I think most pensions will continue to be paid out through this decade.

              (one reason is because I think US debt will easily go over $50 trillion and maybe over $100 trillion.)

              the other problem is that these pension payouts will have less and less purchasing power year after year.

              so though the payouts will probably continue into the 2030s, annual high inflation will reduce their value to more in line with the reality of a shrinking economy.

              it’s all good.

          • info says:

            Imagine all the funding for AIDs. Childcare subsidies and IVF to just disappear.

            And Medicaid to disappear too.

            Once the lack of debt becomes more apparent

        • MM says:

          Debt ? No problem.

          Show me your SDRs.

    • Fred says:

      Russia are the world leaders in blowing shit up in a productive way. In contrast the US leads in blowing shit up in a random, pointless way.

      Russia’s leaders are not demented which helps too.

      No UEP wet dream for FE in Russkyville.

  44. Lastcall says:

    I wonder how many people in the complacent world (compliant is another term) realise the following:

    ‘Further, once you deposit currency into a bank, it is no longer yours. Technically and legally, it is the bank’s property, and what you own instead is an unsecured liability of the bank.’

    Debt Jubilees are coming?
    Doug Casey believes more of the same as the student debt forgiveness; apparently a 590 billion giveaway.
    That can getting pretty dented by now, as it keeps getting kicked a bit harder.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The thing is…

      Debt forgiveness won’t provide us with cheap gas come November…

      Putting a plaster on the neck after chopping off the head

      • MM says:

        And the pensions and the derivatives.
        You simply can not cancel the currency without massive turmoil for the elders.

        What you can do is create a currency for the plebs (CBDC) and a currency for assets (stock etc) as in SDR.

        That would make a lot of multiplications and divisions but that is just a single line Database update command.
        Can be done during the regular maintenance window.

        Some people could wake up quite rich and some quite poor.

  45. Mirror on the wall says:

    That seems to be that.

    > Over 96% said to favour joining Russia

    Russian news agency RIA said the initial counts showed majorities ranging from 96.97% in the Kherson region, based on 14% of votes counted, to 98.19% in Zaporizhzhia, based on 18% of the count.

    The majorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics were just under 98%, with 14% and 13% respectively of votes tallied.

  46. Herbie Ficklestein. says:


    Millions face starvation in Somalia
    Historic drought and rising food prices have left millions of people, including infants, starving in Somalia.

    This was broadcasted last night on the ABC Network Nightly News .
    This is an ongoing event and not something recent as implied.
    The drought was attributed to CC and featured a poor mother with an underweight child, one of her SIX …nothing about human population overshoot mentioned.

    So, starvation is occurring, as it has in past human history, sometimes due to CC…nothing new.

    Seems to me the underlining message given is the ones responsible for this change must mend their ways….never mind over half of humans would not be here without fossil fuels….

    A classic from the past before CC was in the front burner from comic and former minister, Sam Kinison


    World Hunger short 2 minute skit…very funny…

    • If people expect to lose a lot of young children to illness or accidents, they will have a lot of children. Having children also allows more people to work on the family business or farm. In old age, it gives better likelihood of having someone to care of an elderly person. Without birth control, having lots of children is the default option.

      For all of these reasons, having a lot of children in poor parts of the world is not surprising.

      • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

        True, but the difference now in modern times there are aid agencies to ensure the survival of the births and food imports to allow them to at least eat for the most part.
        Still, glaring in the newscast of nothing mentioning the explosion of the population numbers …a taboo topic obviously

      • MM says:

        The human quest is to understand the law of action and consequence.
        It is not about following an ideology that was created by people that understood that long before you and me.
        They use moralizing “you simply can not let these people die” in the case of hunger but not in the case of war.
        Because they know that the consequence of a war will become a historical fact.

        If you live in a material world of “all that is is what I see” the natural evolution goes for dynastic multiplication and inheritance (of knowledge and wealth at least in a settled civilization).

        Most people living today do not understand the dynastic strategy because their “private dynasties” used to get plowed under every 80 years.

        Unless you understand that, any claim about “family values” will never work for the family.

  47. Student says:

    ‘Frankfurter Allgemaine’ talks about detonations detected even by seismologists


    ‘Voxnews’ (sometimes reliable, sometimes not) talks about what warships were in the area


    And also: https://voxnews.info/2022/09/27/guardate-chi-cera-sul-nordstream-prima-che-esplodesse-nave-da-guerra-usa/

    My sensation is that a mess is about to break out…

    • I’m afraid you are correct.

    • Student says:

      If I understand well, if North Stream 1 and 2 break, the direct contact between Russia and Germany is broken.
      And Germany can only have gas thorugh Ukraine (Brotherhood pipeline) and through Belarus (Yamal pipeline).
      That way Ukraine cannot be excluded anymore by the gas games.
      Zelensky should be happy.

      Please see the map


    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Yep, NS1 and NS2 are both sabotaged and down for the foreseeable.

      I know who I suspect as capable of doing this sort of thing, capable of doing just about anything, in fact. In normal times, EU would see this as an extremely serious attack on itself.

      > Germany Suspects Sabotage Hit Russia’s Nord Stream Pipelines

      Germany suspects the Nord Stream gas pipeline system was damaged by an act of sabotage, in what would amount to a major escalation in the standoff between Russia and Europe.

      According to a German security official, the evidence points to a violent act rather than a technical issue. Swedish seismologists detected two explosions in the area on Monday, when leaks appeared almost simultaneously in the Baltic Sea.

      It’s the clearest signal yet that Europe will have to survive this winter without any significant Russian gas flows, and potentially marks a major escalation in the broader conflict between Moscow and Ukraine’s allies.

      …. Denmark has sent a warship as well as an environmental vessel and a helicopter to the area, the Danish Armed Forces said. The energy and climate ministry said earlier it registered gas leaks from both Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 in its exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea, and that of Sweden too.

      Unprecendented Damage
      Nord Stream, which is majority-controlled by Russia’s Gazprom PJSC, said it was impossible to say when the damage could be fixed.

      “The destruction that happened within one day at three lines of the Nord Stream pipeline system is unprecedented,” the operator said Tuesday. “It’s impossible now to estimate the timeframe for restoring operations of the gas shipment infrastructure.”


    • ivanislav says:

      “An expeditionary detachment of US Navy ships led by the universal amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge days ago was in the Baltic Sea
      It was 30 km from the site of the alleged sabotage on the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and 50 km from the threads of Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline”

      From the last link.

      • banned says:

        What was that Victoria Nuland quote? I forget. Cant say the gal isnt truthful.

        USA gonna be left without friend one. Hey we got Canada and our bud Trudeau! Maybe someone will trust us again in a couple centuries. Or not.

      • Ravi Uppal says:

        Who benefits ? Occam’s razor . The simplest explanation is the best explanation .

        • The two pipelines were taken out by separate blasts. It will be months or years to fix the damage. Murder mystery. Russia, Ukranians, Germany, Americans.

          Russians could just turn off the gas. Russia has been selling gas all along.

          Germans already decided that they didn’t want to buy Russian gas. No reason to blow up.

          Americans have the means and the motivation. Without Nord Stream 1 and 2, there is no way for the Russians to make peace with Germany. Americans will convince the world Russians did it. Americans has killed Europe. Want Europe to suffer.

          People of Europe will not have natural gas this winter. No gas, no fertilizer. No other way to look at it.

          Above are my notes on the first 2/3 of the video. I see a different US motive.

          I thought one reason the US was against Russia exporting natural gas to Germany related to the price of US natural gas. In recent years, US natural gas prices have been too low for producers. If Russia is out, the view is that perhaps the US can export more natural gas to Germany. This would raise US natural gas prices, and thus be a benefit to US gas producers. With higher prices, US producers could hopefully extract more natural gas in total, too. So everyone would benefit.

          • Charlie says:

            Following this hypothesis, does the US have so much gas for itself and to export to Europe by ship? ships that also consume a lot of fuel. for how long? I think that here in Europe we have a good problem.

          • Harry says:

            “Germans already decided that they didn’t want to buy Russian gas. No reason to blow up.”

            I am not 100% sure. More and more resistance to the sanctions has been formed and there have also been calls for Nord Stream 2 to be put into operation. The pressure on the government in this direction would have been much greater in the winter.
            This “window” is now closed…quite convenient for our government.
            I could also imagine that there was collusion between USA, German government and Ukraine.
            The propaganda machine is running at full speed on all sides, so in principle I think anything is possible.

          • MM says:

            The German media (!) reported they are not buying Russian gas but as far as I understand it the Russians kept the contacts.
            I also understand that all alt’s talk about Germany having no gas are simply no true because they have gas.
            The managed to fill the storage.
            You could claim it is US LNG but I doubt that the capacity for LNG and the pipelines from the LNG ports to the storage facilities make up the sums involved.

            We would need a gas Actuary to shed a light on that…

            If we play the murder game we need to ask where is the dead body first.

            The dead body is NOT the pipelines.
            It is the delivery through the pipelines…

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The best explanation – and simplest… is that it’s all theatre…

          Since when are we ever told the truth about anything?

          Most people believe we’ve landed on the moon — most people have no idea what WW1 was about control of ME oil supplies.

          • MM says:

            If I doubt the story of the moon landing I would not make a film about the moon landing not happened.

            I would make a film about “Who paid for that?”
            “What should be the purpose of this big conspiracy?” “How was it possible to keep this secret with millions of people involved?” “What personnel did NASA inherit from Germany besides W.v.Braun?” and so on.

            Yeah, but we let people put their hand on a bible as in all cults, we swear to the ideology.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Actually they did attempt to make a rebuttal to all the claims that man has not landed on the moon …

              That’s why this is such a superb doco — I am sure you will enjoy it

        • HF says:

          Germany could be suspect #1 to avoid the pressure of an angry populace come winter and mass business closures that demand gas come back online. US suspect no doubt. Russia suspect, they state publicly they are at war with the west and nato, maybe they made the decision not to ever turn the gas back on, why not sabotage pipelines and blame the west?

          Also possible there’s a coordinated level of back room deals (not excluding rampant back stabbing) between these world leaders than the public knows. Endless shady business deals between west and russia. They are all aware of the energy cliff. What better way to snow the worlds public and escape blame than a “world war” to pin seneca cliff on? Earth’s populace going into permanent decline either way.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        And the military of the US advertises the positions of it’s fleet – and specific ships?

        • banned says:

          Military aircraft and ships are transiting along with the non military ones.
          Turning off the AIS might be more suspicious than leaving it on. The satellites still see you.


          • Fast Eddy says:

            Oh I see… the same people who put the satellites up .. will allow anyone to use them to identify the positions of all US navy ships… makes sense.

            Yet when one of the most prominent cardiologists in the UK goes rogue and insists the covid dog shit shots must stop… that gets concealed from the hordes.

            It’s all fake — but one has to have something to base their reality on .. otherwise what is there?

            It’s kinda like being an extra in a movie — except the movie is your life… it’s your reality…

            Hoolio experiences far more reality than any person.

    • The first article says, “Russia does not rule out sabotage,” among other things.

      The third link says, “An expeditionary detachment of US Navy ships led by the universal amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge days ago was in the Baltic Sea. It was 30 km from the site of the alleged sabotage on the Nord Stream-1 gas pipeline and 50 km from the threads of Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline”

  48. Herbie Ficklestein. says:

    Fast Edwin stresses soon the ROF stage of human existence will occur.
    By chance, this came to me and what we consider “cruelty” is an everyday occurrence in the natural world…

    Eagles Dragging Mountain Goats Off Of Cliffs Might Be The Smartest Form Of Hunting . I see A LOT of crazy stuff, probably too much for my own mental well-being, but these giant eagles might be the craziest things on the internet.

    Mule Deer Bucks Fight To The Death Over A Doe In Arizona
    A lot of people think deer hunting is a brutal hobby, and for anybody that just doesn’t like the thought of killing an animal, that perfectly fair. It’s not for everybody.
    But I will say this… a clean shot through the heart is FAR less brutal than what can happen in the wild.

    There is a lot more videos to view that will show what we view as horror of the everyday life in the non BAU world

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Yes, ‘cruelty’ is part and parcel of organic life. Modern humans have dampened it, and given it socially useful forms, to allow for functional societies. The state is the cruelest of beasts, as well the kindest.

      ‘Cruelty’ does not have any inherent significance, it ‘just is’ like everything else, and how we ‘experience’ it is framed by how we ourselves feel about it, which will be framed by evolution and by social conditioning.

      It is not worth stressing about.

      • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

        Fast Edwin likes to write that they will come to grab your children and take them away, hence the Eagle clutching the baby mountain goat. He also likes to write that men will come to take your woman, hence the duel between the two muke deer….it was posted mainly for illustration purposes for examples in the wild

      • Tim Groves says:

        Cruelty as practiced by humans means wilfully or deliberately causing pain or suffering to others, or doing so with indifference to any pain or suffering caused. When practiced by nature or non-humans it usually refers to the second. While it can be cruel, Nature in its various guises is not considered capable of conceiving the pain of others, so it gets a get out of jail free card regarding culpability.

        If accidentally bashed your thumb with a hammer while you were holding a nail in place on the building site, that would be unfortunate and painful for you and careless of me, but there would be no cruelty involved, apart from a cruel accident of fate.

        To be aware of cruelty, one needs to possess the faculty for empathy, which is something that volcanoes, tsunamis, typhoons, forest fires and swarms of hornets are totally oblivious too, and even most wild mammals are too dominated emotions and instincts of fear, aggression, dominance, and —OK—beastial will to power to have much chance of acting on, even those that do possess empathy to a certain degree. So they all get a free pass.

        For humans, who have eaten the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, things are different. We are socially programmed to hold each other to higher standards of behavior than those we hold dumb beasts and meteorological phenomena to. And there is a reason for this programming and the behavior it fosters. Empathy has evolved along with the rest of the things that make us human because it was essential to the development and maintenance of the societies and civilizations humans built.

        Empathy makes it difficult for most of us to ignore or to abide cruelty as we witness it in the here and now, although we will do so when forced or coerced into doing so. Cruelty over there, beyond the horizon, or on the other side of the wall, outside of our immediate range of vision and hearing, is a lot easier to tolerate or dismiss. So there is a strong visceral element in our experience of empathy—an eye- or ear-gut reaction in play.

        • MM says:

          Empathy is the trojan horse for moral judgement and complete BS.

          Right and Wrong is what you need to look at.
          Everybody has a sense of right and wrong and that is basically the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

          I am sorry to repeat myself here but ALL american native tribes say that the basic problem of the invaders is that


          • Mirror on the wall says:

            “It was believed for many years that the Pueblo and other Southwestern desert tribes were pacifists until archaeological research indicated that not only did they fight constant low intensity wars with one another but that they ate the losers.”

            > This study of prehistoric violence, homicide, and cannibalism explodes the myth that the Anasazi and other Southwest Indians were simple, peaceful farmers. Until quite recently, Southwest prehistory studies have largely missed or ignored evidence of violent competition. Christy and Jacqueline Turner’s study of prehistoric violence, homicide, and cannibalism explodes the myth that the Anasazi and other Southwest Indians were simple, peaceful farmers. Using detailed osteological analyses and other lines of evidence the Turners show that warfare, violence, and their concomitant horrors were as common in the ancient Southwest as anywhere else in the world. The special feature of this massively documented study is its multi-regional assessment of episodic human bones assemblages (scattered floor deposits or charnel pits) by taphonomic analysis, which considers what happens to bones from the time of death to the time of recovery. During the past thirty years, the authors and other analysts have identified a minimal perimortem taphonomic signature of burning, pot polishing, anvil abrasions, bone breakage, cut marks, and missing vertebrae that closely match the signatures of animal butchering and is frequently associated with additional evidence of violence. More than seventy-five archaeological sited containing several hundred individuals are carefully examined for the cannibalism signature. Because this signature has not been reported for any sites north of Mexico, other than those in the Southwest, the authors also present detailed comparisons with Mesoamerican skeletal collections where human sacrifice and cannibalism were known to have been practiced. The authors review several hypotheses for Southwest cannibalism: starvation, social pathology, and institutionalised violence and cannibalism. In the latter case, they present evidence for a potential Mexican connection and demonstrate that most of the known cannibalised series are located temporally and spatially near Chaco great houses.


            • MM says:

              What do you make of bones.

              Ah, you put them on you ear and have them tell you a tale.

              I will not eat a human.
              I will not let my environment decay to a state that I need to eat a human.

              I know that.
              For some reason some people have no knowledge at all and try to convince all the others that:

              There simply does not exist such a thing as a thing.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              That’s what Rainbow F is for – when you are thinking about going after the neighbour’s plump 4 yr old… you have an opt out…

              Everyone says they’ll not eat a human … till they are starving … it was quite common during the Russian revolution

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Can you show me where they lock a beagle in a box filled with biting insects…

      How about where they stuff thousands of chickens into small cages — they never get out for their entire life — are injected with hormones so they grow fast – then they are eaten?

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        Golden Eagle Digs Into Pronghorn’s Back, Rides Along Taking Bite After Bite


        If you need any more proof, check this out.

        Video was captured somewhere out West, perhaps Wyoming, featuring a golden eagle with its talons dug deep into the back of a pronghorn, or American antelope as they’re commonly known.

        As the antelope stumbles about, the eagle’s talons dig deeper and deeper, as it eats the antelope alive, bite by bite.

        If there’s a worse way to die, I’m not sure I’ve seen it…

        Be careful what you ask for Edwin

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I saw it… not such a bad death – he got dropped from a cliff and died a good death

          Meanwhile how many animals are this very minute enduring horrifying experimentation … did you know that Fauci and friends cut the vocal cords of the dogs so they didn’t have to endure their howls of fear and pain?

          I suppose they were testing bug spray or something

          The eagle was killing to survive… to eat.

          Got any grand kids? How about I put them in cages from birth till I slaughter them to feed to the 8B MOREONS… like this?


          • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

            Just goes to show there are examples in nature f what you are accusing humans of being guilty of…just a matter of quantity.
            So, we are no better than other living beings.
            Imagine that, Edwin!
            So, when all life on the planet is exterminated it is justly placed, ain’t that so?

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