Today’s Energy Crisis Is Very Different from the Energy Crisis of 2005

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Back in 2005, the world economy was “humming along.” World growth in energy consumption per capita was rising at 2.3% per year in the 2001 to 2005 period. China had been added to the World Trade Organization in December 2001, ramping up its demand for all kinds of fossil fuels. There was also a bubble in the US housing market, brought on by low interest rates and loose underwriting standards.

Figure 1. World primary energy consumption per capita based on BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The problem in 2005, as now, was inflation in energy costs that was feeding through to inflation in general. Inflation in food prices was especially a problem. The Federal Reserve chose to fix the problem by raising the Federal Funds interest rate from 1.00% to 5.25% between June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2006.

Now, the world is facing a very different problem. High energy prices are again feeding over to food prices and to inflation in general. But the underlying trend in energy consumption is very different. The growth rate in world energy consumption per capita was 2.3% per year in the 2001 to 2005 period, but energy consumption per capita for the period 2017 to 2021 seems to be slightly shrinking at minus 0.4% per year. The world seems to already be on the edge of recession.

The Federal Reserve seems to be using a similar interest rate approach now, in very different circumstances. In this post, I will try to explain why I don’t think that this approach will produce the desired outcome.

[1] The 2004 to 2006 interest rate hikes didn’t lead to lower oil prices until after July 2008.

It is easiest to see the impact (or lack thereof) of rising interest rates by looking at average monthly world oil prices.

Figure 2. Average monthly Brent spot oil prices based on data of the US Energy Information Administration. Latest month shown is July 2022.

The US Federal Reserve began raising target interest rates in June 2004 when the average Brent oil price was only $38.22 per barrel. These interest rates stopped rising at the end of June 2006, when oil prices averaged $68.56 per barrel. Oil prices on this basis eventually reached $132.72 per barrel in July 2008. (All of these amounts are in dollars of the day, rather than being adjusted for inflation.) Thus, the highest price was over three times the price in June 2004, when the US Federal Reserve made the decision to start raising target interest rates.

Based on Figure 2 (including my notes regarding the timing of the interest rate rise), I would conclude that raising interest rates didn’t work very well at bringing down the price of oil when it was tried in the 2004 to 2006 period. Of course, the economy was growing rapidly, then. The rapid growth of the economy likely led to the very high oil price shown in mid-2008.

I expect that the result of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates now, in a low-growth world economy, might be quite different. The world’s debt bubble might pop, leading to a worse situation than the financial crisis of 2008. Indirectly, both asset prices and commodity prices, including oil prices, would tend to fall very low.

Analysts looking at the situation from strictly an energy perspective tend to miss the interconnected nature of the economy. Factors which energy analysts overlook (particularly debt becoming impossible to repay, as interest rates rise) may lead to an outcome that is pretty much the opposite result of the standard belief. The typical belief of energy analysts is that low oil supply will lead to very high prices and more oil production. In the current situation, I expect that the result might be closer to the opposite: Oil prices will fall because of financial problems brought on by the higher interest rates, and these lower oil prices will lead to even lower oil production.

[2] The purpose of the US Federal reserve raising target interest rates was to flatten the growth rate of the world economy. Looking back at Figure 1, the growth in energy consumption per capita was much lower after the Great Recession. I doubt that now in 2022, we want even lower growth (really, more shrinkage) in energy consumption per capita for future years.*

Looking at Figure 1, growth in energy consumption per capita has been very slow since the Great Recession. A person wonders: What is the point of governments and their central banks pushing the world economy down, now in 2022, when the world economy is already barely able to maintain international supply lines and provide enough diesel for all of the world’s trucks and agricultural equipment?

If the world economy is pushed downward now, what would the result be? Would some countries find themselves unable to afford fossil fuel energy products in the future? This might lead to problems both in growing and transporting food, at least for these countries. Would the whole world suffer a major crisis of some sort, such as a financial crisis? The world economy is a self-organizing system. It is difficult to forecast precisely how the situation would work out.

[3] While the growth rate in energy consumption per capita was much lower after 2008, the price of crude oil quickly bounced back to over $120 per barrel in inflation-adjusted prices in the 2011-2013 time frame.

Figure 3 shows that oil prices immediately bounced back up after the Great Recession of 2008-2009. Quantitative Easing (QE), which the US Federal Reserve began in late 2008, helped energy prices to shoot back up again. QE helped keep the cost of borrowing by governments low, allowing governments to run larger deficits than might otherwise have been possible without interest rates rising. These higher deficits added to the demand for commodities of all types, including oil, thus raising prices.

Figure 3. Average annual oil prices inflation-adjusted oil prices based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy. Amounts shown are Brent equivalent spot prices.

The chart above shows average annual Brent oil prices through 2021. The above chart does not show 2022 prices. The current Brent oil price is about $91 per barrel. So, oil prices today are a little higher than they have been recently, but they are nowhere nearly as high as they were in the 2011 to 2013 period or in the late 1970s. The extreme reaction we are seeing is very strange. The problem seems to be much more than oil prices, by themselves.

[4] High prices in the 2006 to 2013 period allowed the rise of unconventional oil production. These high oil prices also helped keep conventional oil production from falling after 2005.

It is difficult to find detail on the precise amount of unconventional oil, but some countries are known for their unconventional oil production. For example, the US has become a leader in the extraction of tight oil from shale formations. Canada also produces a little tight oil, but it also produces quite a bit of very heavy oil from the oil sands. Venezuela produces a different type of very heavy oil. Brazil produces crude oil from under the salt layer of the ocean, sometimes called pre-salt crude oil. These unconventional types of extraction tend to be expensive.

Figure 4 shows world oil production for various combinations of countries. The top line is total world crude oil production. The bottom gray line approximates world total conventional oil production. Unconventional oil production has been rising since, say, 2010, so this approximation is better for years 2010 and subsequent years on the chart, than it is for earlier years.

Figure 4. Crude and condensate oil production based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration. The lower lines subtract the full amount of crude and condensate production for the countries listed. These countries have substantial amounts of unconventional oil production, but they may also have some conventional production.

From this chart, it appears that world conventional oil production leveled off after 2005. Some people (often referred to as “Peak Oilers”) were concerned that conventional oil production would reach a peak and begin to decline, starting shortly after 2005.

The thing that seems to have kept production from falling after 2005 is the steep rise in oil prices in the 2004 to 2008 period. Figure 3 shows that oil prices were quite low between 1986 and 2003. Once oil prices began to rise in 2004 and 2005, oil companies found that they had enough revenue that they could start adopting more intensive (and expensive) extraction techniques. This allowed more oil to be extracted from existing conventional oil fields. Of course, diminishing returns still set in, even with these more intensive techniques.

These diminishing returns are probably a major reason that conventional oil production started to fall in 2019. Indirectly, diminishing returns likely contributed to the decline in 2020, and the failure of the oil supply to bounce back up to its 2018 (or 2019) level in 2021.

[5] A better way of looking at world crude oil production is on a per capita basis because the world’s crude oil needs depend on world population.

Everyone in the world needs the benefit of crude oil, since it is used both in farming and in transporting goods of all kinds. Thus, the need for crude oil rises with population growth. I prefer analyzing crude oil production on a per capita basis.

Figure 5. Per capita crude oil production based on international data by country from the US Energy Information Administration.

Figure 5 shows that on a per capita basis, conventional crude oil production (gray bottom line) started declining after 2005. It was only with the addition of unconventional oil that crude oil production per capita could remain fairly level between 2005 and 2018 or 2019.

[6] Unconventional oil, if analyzed by itself, seems to be quite price sensitive. If politicians everywhere want to hold oil prices down, the world cannot count on extracting very much of the huge amount of unconventional oil resources that seem to be available.

Figure 6. Crude oil production based on international data for the US Energy Information Administration for each of the countries shown.

On Figure 6, crude oil production dips in 2016 – 2017 and also in 2020 – 2021. Both the 2016 and the 2020 dips are related to low prices. The continued low prices in 2017 and 2021 may reflect start-up problems after a low price, or they may reflect skepticism that prices can stay high enough to make continued extraction profitable. Canada seems to show similar dips in its oil production.

Venezuela shows a fairly different pattern. Information from the US Energy Information Administration mentions that the country started having major problems once the world oil price started falling in 2014. I am aware that the US has had sanctions against Venezuela in recent years, but it seems to me that these sanctions are closely related to Venezuela’s oil price problems. If Venezuela’s very heavy oil could really be extracted profitably, and the producers of this oil could be taxed to provide services for the people of Venezuela, the country would not have the many problems that it has today. The country likely needs a price between $200 and $300 per barrel to allow for sufficient funds for extraction plus adequate tax revenue.

Brazil’s oil production seems to be relatively more stable, but its growth has been slow. It has taken many years to get its production up to 2.9 million barrels per day. There is also some pre-salt oil production just now getting started in Angola and other countries of West Africa. This type of oil requires a high level of technical expertise and imported resources from around the world. If world trade falters, this type of oil production is likely to falter, as well.

A large share of the world’s oil reserves are unconventional oil reserves, of one type or another. The fact that rising oil prices are a real problem for citizens means that these unconventional reserves are unlikely to be tapped. Instead, we may be dealing with seriously short supplies of products we need for operating our economies, including diesel oil and jet fuel.

[7] Figure 1 at the beginning of this post indicated falling energy consumption per capita. This problem extends to more than oil. On a per capita basis, both coal and nuclear energy consumption are falling.

Practically no one pays any attention to coal consumption, but this is the fuel that allowed the Industrial Revolution to start. It is reasonable to expect that since the world economy started using coal first, it might be the first to deplete. Figure 7 shows that world coal consumption per capita hit a peak in 2011 and has declined since then.

Figure 7. World coal consumption per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Many of us have heard about Aesop’s Fable, The Fox and the Grapes. According to Wikipedia, “The story concerns a fox that tries to eat grapes from a vine but cannot reach them. Rather than admit defeat, he states they are undesirable. The expression ‘sour grapes’ originated from this fable.”

In the case of coal, we are told that coal is undesirable because it is very polluting and raises CO2 levels. While these things are true, coal has historically been very inexpensive, and this is important for people buying coal. Coal is also easy to transport. It could be used for fuel instead of cutting down trees, thus helping local ecosystems. The negative things that we are being told about coal are true, but it is hard to find an adequate inexpensive substitute.

Figure 8 shows that world nuclear energy per capita is also falling. To some extent, its fall has stabilized since 2012 because China and a few other “developing nations” have been adding nuclear capacity, while developed nations in Europe have tended to remove their existing nuclear power plants.

Figure 8. World nuclear electricity consumption per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy. Amounts are based on the amount of fossil fuels that this electricity would theoretically replace.

Nuclear energy is confusing because experts seem to disagree on how dangerous nuclear power plants are, over the long term. One concern relates to proper disposal of spent fuel after its use.

[8] The world seems to be at a difficult time now because we don’t have any good options for fixing our falling energy consumption per capita problem, without greatly reducing world population. The two choices that seem to be available both seem to be far higher-priced than is feasible.

There are two choices that seem to be available:

[A] Encourage large amounts of fossil fuel production by encouraging very high fossil fuel prices. With such high prices, say $300 per barrel for oil, unconventional crude oil in many parts of the world would be available. Unconventional coal, such as that under the North Sea, would also be available. With sufficiently high prices, natural gas production could be raised. This natural gas could be shipped as liquefied natural gas (LNG) around the world at great cost. Additionally, many processing plants could be built, both for supercooling the natural gas to allow it to be shipped around the world and for re-gasification, when it arrives at its destination.

With this approach, food costs would be very high. Much of the world’s population would need to work in the food industry and in fossil fuel production and shipping. With these priorities, citizens would not have time or money for most things we buy today. They likely could not afford a vehicle or a nice home. Governments would need to shrivel in size, with the usual outcome being government by a local dictator. Governments wouldn’t have sufficient funds for roads or schools. CO2 emissions would be very high, but this likely would not be our most serious problem.

[B] Try to electrify everything, including agriculture. Greatly ramp up wind and solar. Wind and solar are very intermittent, and their intermittency does not match up well with human needs. In particular, one of the world’s primary needs is for heat in winter, but solar energy comes in summer. It cannot be saved until winter with today’s technology. Spend enormous amounts and resources on electricity transmission lines and batteries to try to somewhat work around these problems. Try to find substitutes for the many things that fossil fuels provide today, including paved roads and chemicals used in agriculture and in medicine.

Hydroelectricity is also a renewable form of electricity generation. It cannot be expected to ramp up much because it has mostly been built out already.

Figure 9. World consumption of hydroelectricity per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Even if greatly ramped up, wind and solar electricity production would likely be grossly inadequate by themselves to try to operate any kind of economy. In addition, at a minimum, natural gas, shipped at very high cost as LNG around the world, would likely be needed. Also, huge quantity of batteries would be needed, leading to a short supply of materials. Huge quantities of steel would be needed to make new electrical machines to try to replace current oil-power machines. A minimum 50-year transition would likely be needed.

I am doubtful that this second approach would be feasible in any reasonable timeframe.

[9] Conclusion. Figure 1 seems to imply that the world economy is headed for troubled times ahead.

The world economy is a self-organizing system, so we cannot know precisely what form changes in the next few years will take. The economy can be expected to shrink back in an uneven pattern, with some parts of the world and some classes of citizens, such as workers versus the elderly, doing better than others.

Leaders will never tell us that the world has an energy shortage. Instead, leaders will tell us how awful fossil fuels are, so that we will be happy that the economy is losing their usage. They will never tell us how worthless intermittent wind and solar are for solving today’s energy problems. Instead, they will lead us to believe that a transition to vehicles powered by electricity and batteries is just around the corner. They will tell us that the world’s worst problem is climate change, and that by working together, we can move away from fossil fuels.

Again, the whole situation reminds me of Aesop’s Fables. The system puts a “good spin” on whatever frightening changes are happening. This way, leaders can convince their citizens that everything is fine when, in fact, it is not.


*If the US Federal Reserve raises its target interest rate, central banks of other countries around the world are forced to take a similar action if they do not want their currencies to fall relative to the US dollar. Countries that do not raise their target interest rates tend to be penalized by the market: With a falling currency, the local prices of oil and other commodities tend to rise because commodities are priced in US dollars. As a result, citizens of these countries tend to face a worse inflation problem than they would otherwise face.

The country with the greatest increase in its target interest rate can, in theory, win, in what is more or less a competition to move inflation elsewhere. This competition cannot go on indefinitely, however, because every country depends, to some extent, on imports from other countries. If countries with weaker economies (i. e. those that cannot afford to raise interest rates) stop producing essential goods for world trade, it will tend to bring the world economy down.

Raising interest rates also raises the likelihood of debt defaults, and these debt defaults can be a huge problem, especially for banks and other financial institutions. With higher interest rates, pension funding becomes less adequate. Businesses of all kinds find new investment more expensive. Many businesses are likely to shrink or fail completely. These indirect impacts are yet another way for the world economy to fail.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,147 Responses to Today’s Energy Crisis Is Very Different from the Energy Crisis of 2005

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    ‘This is Horrifying’: Dr. James Thorp Has Seen ‘Death and Destruction’ Like Never Before

    “The stillbirth rate is measured in terms of live births per thousand,” explained Dr. Thorp. “And really, it’s come down in my career from about 10 to about almost 5.8 or six.”

    “Now let’s go to 2021…”

    “This is horrifying. But if you take this death figure, and you look at that rate at 29.3, that sigma that you’re looking at — is 40+ sigma standard deviation. Let that sink in.”

    Chance of probability: 0%

    Rumble (

    • Lorraine H Sherman says:

      Here’s the link to the film:

      I’m trying to imagine how global depopulation will affect everything. After the Black Death, laborers became scarce and there was much more work available than workers. The shortage of workers acted as a revolutionary change for the working class and lifted them up out of abject poverty and groveling for work.

      BTW, I don’t find this operation funny at at all.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I see the Cull resulting in a cornucopia situation (CS)… if we remove 70% or more of the pop we’ll have enough cheap energy to keep BAU going for say 30 more years… that gets me well past 80… so who gives a f789 after that point …

        Of course we need breeding rules so we don’t run up the pop… certain people (Fast Eddy is one) will be chosen as the Stud Stock … along with the hottest fittest best choicest finest wild Young Things… only the best of the best… and a few Super Studs (including FE) will service them and we’ll keep the population level.

        All travel will be on private jets and super yachts…

        We need not be concerned about how this BAU Lite thing functions … the Elders will have a magic formula for that…

        This will be a form of Heaven on Earth …

        Yes we’ll miss the MOREONS in our families.. and our friends who are MOREONS — we’ll reminisce about the days when we warned them about the injections … while sipping fine Champagne on the terraces of our many homes overlooking the ocean…

        But that will fade after a few days … in a couple of weeks we’ll forget about them altogether…. knowing they were weak and feeble and Im Becilic… we will come to grips with they were useless eaters paving over the planet and we’ll accept that it’s good riddance to them … never really liked them anyway… just cuz their family doesn’t mean nothing…

        Life will go on .. for about 30 years more… which is ideal… and the Elders will no longer have to lie to us … cuz we are truth seekers… we’ll know the deal … 30 years… then it’s over… we’ll be grateful … unlike the MOREONS – you’d never tell them that .. cuz they’d lose their shit….

        It’s kinda like we are the Constantinople after Rome … one chapter ends… another begins…

        Let the Cull Commence! In earnest!!! These vax injuries are the tip of the berg.. let us see The Big Ice! (Q4 … winter… ice… get it?)

        • always one of the best forms of free amusement eddy

          being regaled with prowess in certain activities.

          those who can, do. Those who can’t feel the need to tell everybody.

          Trust me on that one eddy. Comes from a lifetime of experience

          • Fast Eddy says:

            If this is what happens when you pass 80 FE is hoping for less than 30 years from BAU Lite

            Nobody wants to end up a NOF

            • well–let’s just say that even at 87, I still don’t feel the need to talk about it all the time to anyone willing to listen.

              Make of that what you will

  2. Student says:

    (Jerusalem Post)

    ‘Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump may have reported Trump to the FBI.
    Ivanka Trump recently announced that she would not be joining her father’s planned 2024 presidential run.

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Harvard University Is Now Forcing Flu Shots and Bivalent Boosters on College Students

    In a memo to students, Harvard University writes: “In order to register for spring term, students must be compliant with all vaccine requirements. This includes the annual flu shot as well as the bivalent Omicron-specific COVID-19 booster.”

    “I think it’s unethical,” replied Dr. Houman Hemmati. “Because it’s coercive, and you’re forcing people to take something that puts them at risk with minimal benefit not only to themselves but even to the people around them, given what we now know about the vaccines.”

    Rumble (

    Fantastic! Kill and maim the Circus Animals!

    Now why would anyone do such a thing? Circus animals are necessary

    • Student says:

      In my view, it is like that because ‘Ideology’ is a force similar to ‘Religion’ if applied to all aspects of life, it can delete people’s rationality.
      And that leaving aside, however, all my respect for ‘Spirituality’.

    • Easy solution: Don’t go to Harvard!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Most of the students are MOREONS therefore they would prefer that everyone be filled with diseased rat juice…

        Those who pull out will get their reward when the MOREONS are culled.

        Problem solved

  4. Student says:

    (Splash – Marittime News)

    ‘Russia’s crude fleet deemed ready for December 5 EU ban’
    ‘With 13 days to go until the European Union’s ban on Russian crude shipments kicks in, analysts at BRS reckon Moscow has now accrued enough dirty shadow tonnage to permit the nation to support its crude exports at close to today’s level, and will likely have done similar on the product side when a similar ban takes effect in February.’
    ‘Analysis from ABG Sundal Collier suggests the sanctions on Russian oil will contribute at least 25% of the growth in tonne-miles in 2023.
    About 2m barrels per day of crude will travel five to 10 times longer than before, according to ABG Sundal Collier analysis with big buyers in Asia replacing European customers.’

    • We will wait and see what really happens. There is a limit to how much oil can be transported long distance. I expect that a lot of the Russian oil will be resold to Europe, eventually, at higher prices.

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    Check this out – world’s biggest PR firm etc… meeting with all the players re Covid…

    in 2019…

    First time ever all health ministers of major players meet:

    • Student says:

      Unfortunately, one needs to have telegram and also be associated to that private group to see the post.

  6. Rodster says:

    🤪“Swiss Doctor Locked Away in Mental Asylum for Speaking Against COVID Laws“ 🤪

  7. Fast Eddy says:


    The cop has agreed on where I recall stopping. This is almost as exciting (and gratifying) as a celebrity vax injury … or a really good VIP room session …

    It is necessary to now thank him for confirming the stopping point in writing cuz now I will spring the leg trap on him… we’ll do that in a way that does not upset him .. or insinuate he’s making shit up … it was all a mistake… dark… fog of war yadda yadda… and give an opp to save face without even mentioning it.

    As we can see below – he is looking for to save face … to back out…

    He sent along a very cooperative response to my series of questions .. I feel we are connecting … we might become mates after this.

    “From a personal point of view I pride myself on my integrity in these matters and if there is a shred of doubt in my decision making process I will not issue a notice”

    Now we send across the video and ask him to time that section for himself – and politely suggest that it’s not feasible for this incident to happen within 10 seconds… and that it’s more likely given ‘it was dark etc’ that I passed in a legal passing lane (which makes more sense right???) — and why would I wait to pass in a dangerous section of the highway when there are two passing lanes just after I rounded the sharp corner before the straight stretch… surely I’d be looking for the first legal opp. to overtake … doesn’t make much sense to not pass on those two sections then blast off as I approached an intersection with double yellow solid lines… only a lunatic does that right?

    Who wants to bet that there will soon be a shred of doubt… or a tsunami of doubt … actually perhaps a bit of concern … cuz if a magistrate has a look at this video he surely (as a Tranny wannabe in a wig / circus animal) wonder if the cop returned to the scene – saw there were no double yellows up the road (as per his initial notes) so decided he’d find some yellow lines… i.e. a big no-no…

    And wouldn’t that be a win win situation for NZ… Fast Eddy will maintain the status quo and not be forced to exhibit his Vindictive Wanna Be Elders side.

    Fast Eddy = God of Logic. Hoolio is kowtowing.

    Sing with me… He’s … caught in a trap .. he can’t walk out…

    Stay tuned for updates…

    • Agamemnon says:

      I got timing of 2 lights where loon side swipes me(insur scam? Old coot lawyer at my office laughs at my due diligence. But I hav a witness too! Alas that dang old aged cynicism

      Is miles guo another FE? Not sure who he is but He’s intoxicating in mandarin.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Nothing back from the cop after I sent him the video with timing logic…

        It makes sense from a face saving perspective to give it a day or two before mea culpaing the Great One… to do so immediately would acknowledge the Superiority of intellect of the opponent degrading oneself and immersing within the rabble of mediocrity … nobody wants to admit they don’t have what it takes…

        Alas he’ll come round … and ultimately feel as one does after confessing ones sins .. a great lifting of shame and guilt … and as a bonus there is the knowledge that he’s been touched by a god… he will hold that thought dear for the remainder of his short life (being vaxxed and all that)… Fast Eddy is pleased to he has brought a little joy to the life of a plebe … a useless feeder… a barnyard animal….

        But no request for an autograph please… that would be grovelling … the officer needs to enjoy the moment — the opportunity … for he was in the presence of True Greatness when he decided to pull over Fast Eddy … when in fact there was no double yellow unbroken line.

        As we we are aware nothing happens by accident … why was Fast Eddy on that stretch of highway at the same time as the cop – why was there a car driving 60km in a 100km pissing off FE? Why did FE pass at that spot?

        It was preordained by the Higher Powers of the universe (or the maker of the matrix)… why? Who knows why? We can only guess…

        Might it have been so that the cop … a lowly failed traffic cop who will never make detective so has been living a meaningless life stopping speeders and pecking at seeds on the farm… had a moment of joy introduced to his dull existence?

        Kinda like how women who would attend a Tom Jones concert and fling their dirty panties at him … and he’d catch them and give them a sniff… and the women would faint in delight.

        Like that but different. Better. More like being touched by the hand of God.

        • do i get the feeling that copdrama is taking over from covidrama?

          I hope we’re not going to have the NZ police force slagged off for the next 2 years

          • Fast Eddy says:

            norm .. haven’t you read the memo …. it’s a Cull… the cops were mandated… those still serving are fully rat juiced…


            I am expecting the mea culpa from the cop by the end of the week… ideally before he drops dead. That would be a disappointing way to win.

            Hey I wonder what the MOREONS would say and do if the Elders announced The Cull… let’s say they presented in a palatable form … now that they’ve woked most people and they are malleable … they believe in GW… and all that BS…

            You tell them that it was a hard decision but the only way to solve GW etc… is to have people go green … and by green we mean participate in the ultimate sacrifice… you give up your life so that the species and planet can continue…

            Then you have a concert with all sorts of sombre music – including Koombaya .. Imagine … and so on … ask them to hug and shit … a very sad moment …

            Yet a happy moment … they are giving their lives for humanity…

            Then you unveil a massive wall made bamboo (green…) and you have them pin their names to the wall… as heroes …

            Then they proudly – with their rat juiced children — walk to the wall and pin their names on the Green Hero Wall.

            Joe and Hunter Biden then make speeches thanking them … Hunter goes off to smoke meth and root with professional girls in the Four Seasons…

            And nobody gets pissed off cuz they weren’t given a choice (cuz they were – actually) …

            And the Pigs get ready to have a Feeding Frenzy



            • there must be a meaning in your comment eddy–at my age i dont have enough time left to figure out what it is.

              I see you were on at 8 12 this morning–slightly later than usual

              me—I’m a lazy old git

              I need my zeds

  8. ivanislav says:

    Tim Watkins @ consciousnessofsheep has a post from 2016 that describes our energy predicament and predicted the current crisis.

    Culling the population is either the largest crime against humanity ever perpetrated or an absolutely necessity, depending on whether a long-shot energy technology can be invented before die-off. The predicament is that we can’t know in advance whether such technology will be invented in time, while resources are being depleted.

    An intentional eugenics program to increase intelligence (and thereby invent new technology) and limit population may have, in retrospect, been the ethical choice to minimize suffering and continue the species.

    • He is a little ambiguous in what he says. Is it an energy crisis, or a climate change crisis?

      Humanity is faced with a similar – albeit more complex – predicament today. We face a climate change time bomb that could result in our extinction in the future unless radical action is taken now. However, we face an energy crisis within the next decade unless we can supplement our dwindling supply of cheap fossil fuels. And clouding all of our judgement is an immediate and ongoing economic crisis that seems to get worse with every attempt to overcome it.

      Our “launch the lifeboats” option would be to cut our fossil fuel use, thereby collapsing the already weakened debt-based economy, in order to transition to a steady-state, zero-carbon economy based around renewable (and possibly nuclear) energy. This option would inevitably result in massive economic, social and political disruption. It would most probably result in local famines – including in developed countries such as the UK that depend upon food imports for survival. It would certainly result in a serious economic crash as the global economy falls apart. However, it would at least guarantee that a significant proportion of the human population would survive.

      Our “fix the ship” option is to use the energy we generate from renewables to supplement our fossil fuel energy in order to maintain at least some economic growth. If we go down this road, we can only hope (and at present this is entirely wishful thinking) that while we carry on with business as usual, clever people somewhere else will come up with a futuristic technological fix (such as carbon capture and storage, or only a little less plausibly, nuclear fusion) that will allow us to continue to grow our global economy without destroying our planet’s life support systems. If this were to work out, our species may go on to prosper.

      However, it is more likely that we will mess up – failing to resolve either our energy shortage or our economic crisis – with the result that climate change will merely serve to bring down the final curtain on a civilisation already in terminal decline.

      I don’t think that humans actually have any option to fix our problems. The self-organizing system will fix up climate change, in its own good time. We will return to ice ages, as in the past.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I don’t see a klimate crisis … the MSM is making one up … and has been doing so for decades… we were supposed to be under 20ft of water by about now …

        There is no klimate crisis… in fact as we know .. periods of great prosperity resulted from a warming klimate… historically…

        If only we could warm up… that’d be a good thing

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Hang on … that would mean mowing the lawn more often .. be careful what you wish for

  9. Tim Groves says:

    Bret and Heather are having a difference of opinion about whether we should forgive those who trespassed against us “during the pandemic.” People like the friends you go for coffee mornings with—not the politicians, officials and celebrities who catapulted the propaganda for $$$. Bret is all for forgiving those who admit they made errors and sincerely apologize. While Heather finds it almost impossible ever to trust again the people who lost their minds and went so far off the rails.

    Interesting as their exchange may be, none of this applies to me personally because I didn’t experience anywhere near the same dynamic here in Japan, where people tend to be much more interested in not offending others than on lecturing them, and none of my personal connections put any pressure on me to take the jab or excluded me from anything for choosing not to. I didn’t detect any of the Team Vax and Team Anti-Vax mutual hostility in this country that became so familiar in Europe and America.

    However, I admit to avoiding the subject of jabbing following the initial wave of injections, when I saw that most people had already made their minds up and there was nothing much to be said to them. And I get the impression that Westerners generally have a sharper image of what they think these injections are, regardless of whether they think the jabs are needed or not, benign or not, dangerous or not, etc., while the Japanese seem content to wallow in vagueness.

    I found this video delightful in particular because it shows Bret and Heather’s Labrador asleep on the couch between them. (I find all the best people, are accompanied by these dogs: Bill Clinton, Vlad Putin, David Blunkett… And we all saw that Sara Palin has a Lab who sleeps on her bed while she makes videos.)

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      forgive friends and family who have returned from the dark side, but never forget.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Dunno a single Hard Core Pro Vaxxer who has turned. Not one. Know a few who were not firm believers who only did it to go along … a couple of them as far as I know have not boosted.

        Spoke to someone up in HK today — he was telling me how his staff (around 20 people) are constantly sick – it’s put a huge burden on him … he looked really bad — bloated — stressed – tired… (he’s fully vaxxed to boot).

        The VAIDS thing is burning them out

        M Fast’s colleague has been having massive bleeding and uncontrolled menstrual periods – seems she’s gone iron deficient because of it – causing her to collapse the other day and resign. Zero connection with the vax of course.

        More Boosters for her! To bad she wasn’t senior to M Fast — could have been a promotion out of that hahaha…

        Promotion by Vax Injury Attrition (PBVIA)

        It’s a thing these days… hahaha

        Every hoped your boss would die? Your dream might come true

        • I AM THE MOB says:

          “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”

          ― Sun Tzu

    • Of course, the virus itself changes, making a big difference. There may have been quite a few very elderly who died in the first round, but the virus became less deadly, and the most susceptible elderly had died in the first round.

  10. moss says:

    this was in reply to agamenon below don’t know how it landed here, sorry

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      Agamemnon says:
      November 20, 2022 at 8:49 pm
      I can’t find that quote about warfare being one of mans significant accomplishments. Homer, Thucydides, herodotus??
      (You’d think I know the way Athena egged us on)

      most all comments regarding the long history of human warfare are appreciated.

      we are what we are.

  11. moss says:

    I’d guess it was indeed the case from the year dot – the fall of Troy; so as a quote of our ancients I’d suggest Homer, Virgil’s Anaed or maybe the dim early mists of Plutarch

    I don’t think there’s much controversy about the class structure of the Spartan state which perhaps because of the oddity that their uppermost class was permitted no personal property or estate the aristocracy, raised communally and hardened from youth had no other occupation in later life than defensive and agressive warfare.

  12. Dennis L. says:

    Old practical man here:


    Housing has stopped rising, apparently down in some areas; I don’t follow it much.

    Farmland seems flat: I can’t understand how a farmer can carry the increased capital costs of inputs to harvest with the current prices and interest rates.

    Different observation: A friend, formerly married very well, now so so, latest car a Audi Q5(don’t have a clue what they cost, looks very expensive to maintain) purchased some bit coins, don’t have a clue when. Apparently locked out from selling now, not in bit coin personally, don’t have a clue. Not smart enough to buy them. Pretty brilliant invention: no one knows who, not real, pure electricity which cannot be stored, now the battery is dead and no electricity?

    Again, inflation/deflation? This one is different, there isn’t enough stuff, not simply a debt problem. Anyone have a guess?

    Complaint: purchased BTU early, went bankrupt, still made some money; now coal is to the moon, bummer. Too early I guess.

    Dennis L.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      there isn’t enough stuff? or not enough money to buy stuff?

      supply of stuff declines faster is inflation, but money supply declines faster is deflation. Hard to predict things, especially the future.

      hard to predict, like BTU stocks that plunged to nothing and now have ripped higher?

      my guess, like many others, is both inflation and deflation.

      deflation in assets; housing because the average person is getting poorer, businesses/stocks because difficult profitability because average consumer is getting poorer.

      deflation in commodities, the same reasons as above.

      though maybe, just maybe, inflation in the non-elastic energy commodities.

      inflation in basic essentials: food, food and food.

      there might be other essentials but, on the economic downslope, people will be rethinking what is truly essential.

      (short term politics: the deflation in non-essentials will bring overall inflation way down, and the D gov will boast that they fixed inflation, while things people really need continue to inflate.)

      make your best guess, buy stuff, sell stuff, carry on.

  13. Tim Groves says:

    Why are the inhabitants of large parts of Subsaharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent the healthiest people in the world, while the people of Western nations are typically less healthy than less-developed nations?

    According to Siddhartha Sengupta, it’s because the latter “have been pumped with pharmaceutical medication for years now, decades, and maybe centuries.”

    I think he could be onto something, but there are undoubtedly other huge factors at work, including copious consumption of synthetic food, lack of physical exercise, lack of exposure to sunshine, too much TV, too much of the wrong sort of government, and the stresses of being a normie in an abnormal “atomized” society. (one-minute video)

    • The countries doing worst in health metrics seem to be the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, and Eastern Europe, as far as I can see. Western Europe does a little less badly.

      Central Africa seems to do best using the metric chosen, but many more people die of communicable diseases, I expect. There is a much smaller share of the population living past age 65, giving Central Africa a better chance to come out ahead. Also, people are thinner and eat less processed food. They get a lot of exercise walking.

  14. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    it’s up! Diesel is up!

    why have we not heard? good news is not news?

    diesel (it must be Distillate Fuel Oil in the EIA chart):
    stock was about 106 million barrels every week of October, and now it is 107 million!
    (if it’s the low sulfur numbers, it’s a bigger gain.)

    do high prices lead to higher production? sometimes!

    so the 25 Day Supply is holding.

    107/25 is about 4 million barrels per day, or about 160 million gallons per day, so the average US person “uses” about a half gallon per day, though mostly indirectly.

    letterletterletter tonight, baby!

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    “UK lockdown: Calls to domestic abuse helpline jump by half”; Researchers at the Counting Dead Women Project told MPs 14 women and two children had been killed in the first three weeks of UK lockdown

    Excellent – they poison themselves + they beat each other to death! hahaha

  16. I AM THE MOB says:

    Imagine you own nothing.

    I wonder if you can.

    Nothing to kill or die for. And no overpopulation too!

  17. If the so called globalists, WEF, Deep State, TPTB or whatever you feel like to call them lose, we enter a permanent feudal age where the landowners, or ‘made men’ according to Reante, will have a life-and-death power over everything.

    Jane Austen’s classic novel Emma is set in 1815, shortly after Waterloo. Emma, a landowner’s daughter, courts Mr. Knightey, who is the largest landowner in the area. One of Knightley’s job descriptions is he is an unpaid Justice of Peace, which is a Sheriff in American English. In other words, Knightley has the rights to kill anybody in the town as he sees fit; for all practical purposes, he is the feudal lord of the town. His younger attorney brother John, who had married Emma’s older sister, is set in London and actually pulls more money than the landowner, but the landowner has his own turf while the attorney is a mere city slicker. The only person Knightley gives a crap is his land manager Martin, the only underling mentioned in name since he is later married off to the stupid girl Emma was trying to marry high; critics say Martin, who does have agricultural skills, would have emigrated to places like Australia rather than remaining subservient to Knightley for life.

    Here is how the future will be when people like Putin, Erdogan and Mohamed bin Salman are victorious

    >Landowners and farmers show no sense of social responsibility towards their labourers

    “Apathy and indifference on the part of the landed proprietor, and the grasping and closefisted policy of the farmer, are the causes of the prevailing distress”

    That is the future. Social darwinism will be rampant. I am a grandson of a landowner who lost the ancestral holdings when the Russians arrived in 1945, and have a bunch of stories to tell as well, most of them bad towards the tenants.

    • I am not sure that we have the knowledge level, hand tools, and seeds to make such a transition work.

      We would need a whole system in place, adapted to a very different world, and we are missing much of it. We can perhaps use today’s roads for a while, but we cannot maintain them. We would need ways of storing grain and other crops until they can be eaten. We would need places used for trading and ways for citizens to get there.

      • Withnail says:

        Even constructing one freeway interchange would have been beyond the capabilities of the entire Roman empire.

        • you are quite correct in one sense, but in the context of Roman travel-movement requirements, they would have been capable had it been necessary–it wasn’t so they didn’t

          Don’t know if you’ve been in the Pantheon, in Rome.

          It leaves you, quite literally, lost for words, that such a thing could have been built, nearly 2000 years ago, with the knowledge and tools of the time..

          Poured concrete for the roof span, carefully graded in thickness, dimensioned to form one half of a perfect sphere, the biggest dome in the world for 1000+ years., still standing, perfect as the day in was completed.

          • Withnail says:

            Don’t know if you’ve been in the Pantheon, in Rome.

            I have and I now see it as impressive but also a sign of resource shortages. They started building arches and domes because there was no timber for construction.

            They could still make cement because there were still stumps and roots and scraps of wood to burn.

            The Baths of Diocletian and the Basiilica of Maxentius and Constantine are similar in that sense, little to no timber used.

            • Retired Librarian says:

              Withnail, your comments on Rome & deforestation are very interesting. I found some general articles but wonder if you’ve followed a particular historian, or suggest a certain title for further reading.

            • Withnail says:

              Withnail, your comments on Rome & deforestation are very interesting. I found some general articles but wonder if you’ve followed a particular historian, or suggest a certain title for further reading.

              Yes, try A Forest Journey: The Story of Wood and Civilization
              John Perlin

              Once I read that, i started going back and looking for signs of depletion/deforestation in original sources and you can see a lot of them once you are out of the ‘wars and emperors and barbarians’ view of history.

              You can see it in the buildings, you can see it in the events and you can see it in the original sources. Also in the traces in ice cores from Greenland.

              Also the archeology. The abandoned villas and towns, the hoards of useless coins. It’s not just deforestation , they exhausted the farmland. There was an energy and food crisis.

              The barbarians in the 400s AD did not conquer the empire, there was no fighting to speak of. They entered a depopulated wasteland and scratched a living as best they could avoiding areas that had been intensively cultivated.

            • all arches and domes at that period , as far as i am aware, were built using timber formers, not familiar with the structures you mention, but i’d be surprised if any other method existed at that time.

              up to modern times, the timber arch was usually used the create the stone arch

            • Withnail says:

              all arches and domes at that period , as far as i am aware, were built using timber formers

              you re use those, they do not become part of the structure.

            • Retired Librarian says:

              I ordered A Forest Journey. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks.

          • JesseJames says:

            Was it not Copernicus who, as a young man, viewed this dome, and recognized its obvious meaning…the hole in the top is the sun, with the planets revolving around it.

        • Lidia17 says:

          The aqueducts are pretty bad-ass.

          • Withnail says:

            The aqueducts boosted the population and the economy. They were not only used to supply clean water but to power water mills and other machinery.

      • Lorraine H Sherman says:

        The best read on all the things we need in a world with little energy is James Kunstler’s “Geography to No Where.” Rail ways, rivers and ports are the places society will evolve around – if left to evolve.

        We need more farmers!! 1 in 10 families is probably a good ratio, and everyone needs to grow a garden. Now is the time to be adapting, we’ve been fore warned.

    • Adonis says:

      My great grandfather had his land stolen from him by the Turkish empire the land he owned was so vast that to cross from one side to the other side it would take a day by horse his land was in a place called Smyrna

      • Withnail says:

        Smyrna was one of many cities that used to be a port on the coast but ended up stranded inland due to silting up of the harbour due to deforestation. Former Greek cities like that are all over the Turkish coast.

  18. The WSJ is reporting OPEC+ Eyes Output Increase Ahead of Restrictions on Russian Oil
    Raising oil production would partially reverse the group’s contested decision to cut supplies in October

    A production increase of up to 500,000 barrels a day is now under discussion for OPEC+’s Dec. 4 meeting, delegates said. The move would come a day before the European Union is set to impose an embargo on Russian oil and the Group of Seven wealthy nations’ plans to launch a price cap on Russian crude sales, potentially taking Moscow’s petroleum supplies off the market.

    After The Wall Street Journal and other news organizations reported on the discussions Monday, Saudi energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman denied the reports and said a production cut was possible instead.

    Any output increase would mark a partial reversal of a controversial decision last month to cut production by 2 million barrels a day at the most recent meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and their Russia-led allies, a group known collectively as OPEC+.

    The article also reports:

    “Russia has said it wouldn’t sell oil to any country participating in the price cap, potentially resulting in another effective production cut from Moscow—one of the world’s top three oil producers.”

    I don’t think we really know what is ahead with respect to OPEC+ oil production (including Russia).

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      I suspect that you are right.

      We will have to wait and see what OPEC+ actually does. It seems likely that the Western media is groundlessly talking up the West’s desired prospect, as is observably the wont of late. Hitherto, announced prospects have not matched reality.

      It is a part of the ‘fog of war’, the Western media lies about anything and everything as if that in some way helps the cause. They may be adding foolishness to folly. As you say, I would take these announcements with a hefty pinch of salt.

    • Marco Bruciati says:

      Will be disaster in decembre. And 2023 Will be THE year we waiting for long time. Collapse. Crack up boom.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I’m 100% with you brother … I am itching for the Boom! Dec works for me – how cool if they pegged in Xmas – nice to have a religious angle to this

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        Italia in decembre through febbraio:

        barely enough food, rolling blackouts, many closed businesses.

        most people will live through it si?

        after a bad Winter:

        Spring! Vivaldi si?

        buona vita!


        buona Fortuna in 2023.

    • Marco Bruciati says:

      Europe Mexico and Pakistan Will be First to collapse in febbraio

    • Fred says:

      So far Russia sells it’s oil to a third party and then the country with sanctions on Russia buys it from the third party at a higher price, because it’s deemed to no longer be Russian oil.

      That’s what the UK has been doing to get around the sanctions. Capitalism working a treat!

  19. Tim Groves says:

    This one-minute clip shows that the Russian nationalist and loudmouth politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who incidentally died last April, was more than just a clown and a bully. He also had a fair grasp of history and a flair for prediction. It seems clear that, 16 years after he shouted this prophetic warning, things are proceeding as he had foreseen…..

    2006 Zhirinovsky´s prophecy for Poland, Ukraine and Germany

    • Lastcall says:

      Now the delivery of that message, if it had been calm and considered, would have made it a classic for the ages.
      The smirk on the face of the young twat would be somewhat reversed today now that he has, hopefully, been conscripted for Z’s eastern grindr.
      Ukraine is the crossroads of history, not for much longer, part of it.

    • Ukraine, Poland and Germany are in a bad situation. Europe in general is weak. There are strong forces to the East. The area is bound to come out badly.

    • Thierry says:

      ‘Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.”

  20. Student says:

    (Splash – marittime news)

    ‘Tankers in six-digit territory ahead of EU’s Russian crude ban’

    I’m curious to see what will happen with the Russian oil that cannot be insured and needs to be exchanged no more than a certain price from December the 5th.
    It seems a weird situation to me.

    • wratfink says:


      Turkiye now determines which crude cargoes can use the Bosporus. Will this mean they will side with their NATO partners and deny passage of Russian crude? A fair amount of Russian crude comes from Black Sea terminals.

      Even though Turkiye is in NATO, it is often difficult to see whether they are neutral or which side they support in the SMO.

      Is Erdogan playing 3D chess?

      • Sam says:

        I was just in Turkey… lots and lots of Russian investment there… Strong anti American sentiment too… they do appear to be In the drivers seat right now…however there were a lot of young Russians there with their families. Hiding out from the war… if they are caught they are shot as deserters.. I do t think that will bode well for the Russian government in the future…

        • Withnail says:

          Hiding out from the war… if they are caught they are shot as deserters..


          • Sam says:

            Ok well that’s what the Russians there told me … but I guess you know more from your armchair….normalcy bias runs rampant on here ….

          • drb753 says:

            and a pretty amazing nonsense, if you ask me.They are simply ashamed at who they are, and embellish their cowardice.

            • reante says:

              Regardless of their personal reasons there’s no objective shame in their refusing to fight in a war in which the global financial elites are objectively funding both sides is there?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              If they only knew that the ‘war’ was orchestrated and they are really fighting over nothing … that they are being used solely for the purpose of providing a reason why inflation is exploding hahaha

              I don’t think they’d get the joke – nor the Big Picture involved — they’d not likely accept that they are being sacrificed to keep the mob from losing it’s mind… in the even that they got wind of the true situation with energy hahaha

              This is all very funny. To someone with a 1500HP IQ … and once you get into HPs it’s like the Richter Scale … if ya know what I mean

            • drb753 says:

              how about refusing to fight and leave it at that? it seems simpler than inventing stories.

            • reante says:

              Well leaving it at simply refusing to fight wasn’t good enough for you or wouldn’t have called them cowards in the first place.

              Ok drb then why don’t you lay out how Russia is financed outside of the global banking system. You’re a smart man – if you can’t then it’s probably because Russia isn’t self-financed and therefore the global financial elites are objectively funding both sides. And there’s no objective shame in refusing to fight in a war for a ‘country’ that doesn’t create it’s own money because such a ‘country’ isn’t really a country is it? It’s a economic colony of a supranational entity.

            • Withnail says:

              it’s probably because Russia isn’t self-financed

              Russia is self financed.

            • reante says:


              Russia is set up the same was as is the US – as a proprietary colony. The private banksters discovered from their experiementation during colonial times in the US that proprietary colonies were the most profitable way to run things:


              If you read the Russian central banks’s website carefully you will see that, like the Federal Reserve, it is an independent proprietorship:


              Russia also has foreign purchasers and private domestic purchasers of its government bonds, indicating that it’s not entirely self-financed.

              This should help explain why I believe that this is what a supranationally managed hard decoupling, due to energy collapse, looks like. This is a global plantation economy now under a Degrowth Agenda.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              The Elders own the Fed – they franchise off CBs to other countries… and exert their control via the Fed and the subsidiaries… + the might of the US military.

              Pretty cool huh?

              Now we know why nobody is pushing back on the CovCON — big tech – big industry – political parties — the medical establishment … and why the MSM is totally on board…

              They fear these guys.. and for good reason … anyone who insults the VIP Club .. will be immediately isolated … thrown out of the Club … and probably worse… not a single member will stand with them…


              Oh and any of these Desantis types who bark – well that’s all theatre… it’s like when the US declares war… they never get 100% of the vote from the two houses… that would smack of North Korea… gotta have some people fake opposing to add credibility.

              “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild

            • postkey says:

              “After listening to their wormtongue advisors back in March, the West imposed financial sanctions on Russia. They promised that the “Rouble would turn to rubble”. However for anybody with an ounce of understanding of how floating rate sovereign currencies work, it was always going to have the opposite effect. I said this back in February
              As to replacing Russian Gas and Oil, are we sure we have enough spare pump capacity, and enough LNG ships to move that across the globe? What will happen to power prices in the meantime?
              The whole idea of ‘creating inflation’ in Russia is far more likely to create inflation in the West.
              “Russians may want the stuff the West can supply, but they don’t need it. Where does West’s demand for Gas and Wheat sit on that divide?”

            • Withnail says:

              If you read the Russian central banks’s website carefully you will see that, like the Federal Reserve, it is an independent proprietorship:

              Banks don’t matter.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              yes ultimately it is physical resources that matter.

              Vlad the Great said so recently, and He is correct.

            • drb753 says:

              It is possible, even likely, that Nabiullina found a horse head in her bed, after which she behaved. After all, gas and diesel are still 50 rubles a liter here and unchanged for at least a year. Butter was and is 175 rubles for 400 grams, although it flirted with 185 in March or April. Iron, you see, always beats gold. Oil also beats gold, and those companies who were truly controlled by the Rothschilds no longer work here.

              Those who are willing to go to the Arctic get 100,000 a month and 3 months paid vacation. My train crossing has become a nightmare, due to the war no doubt, since I live 60 km from a large refinery. Have you also noticed perchance a flight of selected oligarchs to a small but powerful middle eastern country? why was that?

            • reante says:

              Thanks drb.

              Why? Because of the global restructuring, from the global privatization of planet earth via the central banking system to anti-fascist/anti-globalist/anti-oligarchist national socialisms. Russia is the leading indicator of the coming national socialisms. It’s on the cutting edge. Putin is the model for future leaders.

              All is not as it appears. That’s statecraft 101. The truth is generally two layers deeper than the mainstream narrative, and one layer deeper than dissident narrative that’s subject to controlled opposition. The Russian Central Bank is still large and in charge. There’s no horse head in the banker’s bed because the bank is overseeing the national socialist restructuring which eventually will result in its own restructuring back into a public Treasury engaging in public, increasingly commodities-based banking, from whence the Russian national bank originally came.

      • banned says:

        Given Turkiye (copying Kanye name change :))refusal to admit Finland into NATO I find it hard to conceive they would ever agree to article 5. Turkiye has USA and Russia by the balls and is loving it. Erdogam wants to snatch 20 miles of northern Syria as a “safe zone” without conflict with Russia or USA and will do so soon IMO. In the future Turkiye gets to do business with all Blocs and no one says nothing. Turkiye sees BRICs as the future but is more than willing to milk its NATO position for all its worth. Turkiye currency has collapsed but from a political perspective it is in a good place.

        Article 5 requiring all members to agree means NATO is finito.
        Thus “security guarantees” and “coalition of the willing”. Turkiye is out for Turkiye. You want something you pay. Turkiye realizes strategic thermonuclear war is not in anyones best interest and it decisions about the Bosphorus reflect attempts to deescalate at every turn. One might even believe the rumors that the USA attempted Erdogans removal and Russia prevented it. Erdogan is power hungry no doubt but his attempt to broker a peace agreement in the spring-scuttled by washington- and his efforts in the grain/food flow out of the black sea show he has a understanding that strategic nuclear exchange would be the end to everything including his aspirations.

        Its a terrible shame that the spring peace agreement where Ukraine kept the Donbass was scuttled. SHAME. This could all be over long settled. Instead we find ourselves IMO a situation where very dangerous and desperate actions are being taken. Shelling a nuclear power plant. Condoning it or looking the other way… Thats flat out nuts.

        One has to ask oneself. If somone is that batshit crazy to shell a nuclear power plant. To launch missiles at Poland to start WW3. To destroy NS. To create dangerous biological weapons. To inject people with experimental drugs. What will stop a thermonuclear exchange if they are that insane?

        IMO the unmistakable message is this. You wont win Russia. Yes we will be destroyed but you will be too. We will destroy every living thing on the planet to keep you from winning. Every child every puppy. The sun will rise and set on the stench of death. This is inherently the message and purpose of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons were created so a sore loser can go berserk. Their existance is a exercise in insanity.
        Look i get war. Shit happens. You dont blow up the world. Blowing up the world is not honorable. Blowing up the world is the antithesis of honor. Honor is doing your best and accepting the breaks.

        I believe their threats. Im convinced. I believe. I need no further persuasion. They are insane.

        Even the tin pot dictator of Turkiye can see that is wrong. I give it to you Ergodan. Your work toward peace is admirable. I wish you would stop killing the Kurds but I give it to you. You got it where it counts. Your nuttier than a 40 acre peanut plot but your not bat shit crazy.

        Ergodan still has the 50 nuclear gravity bombs given him way back when. No delivery capability but hes got the units. Ergodan says the nukes are ours now Turkeys not NATOs. Its a grey area. Who has the codes is not known. They are guarded by NATO troops. They say 50 nukes is enough to end the world. He could light them up right where they sit and its over for the world.. Giving Turkiye those 50 nukes of course was the start of the Cuban missile crisis. No nuclear proliferation except when we want it. Then we snap our fingers and a country becomes nuclear armed. So Russia said oh is that how it goes how about Cuba. They realized their mistake. Two wrongs dont make a right. You dont escalate to stop escalation. But really the issue of the Cuban missile crisis never ended. Gorbachev and Reagan thought they had ended it but the neocons picked up the ball later. Placing nuclear weapons on Russias doorstep with none on ours. Ukraine was next. It was no secret. It was needed because Russia is two decades ahead of the USA in missile technology. Not all military technologies but missile technologies. You could argue much longer and further ahead. Russia fielded the hypersonic p800 anti ship missile in standard service 40 years ago. USA hasnt got one to fly let alone got one in standard service. Guess what the new top gun movie doesnt change that where “maverik” pilots a aircraft at mach ten. You could deliver with a bottle rocket from Ukraine. So theres that. We might have needed Ukraine because of our jank missile ordnance. Russia decided we step in now or pay the price later. They are being proved that they were absolutely correct because there is no diplomacy. There is no love of the beauty of our world.

        Prove me wrong Biden. You proved me wrong by admitting the truth about the origin of the missile attack on Poland. Prove me wrong again. Condemn Ukraines shelling of the nuclear plant. All those first rate artillery pieces provided to Ukraine have counter battery capabilities. This is a modern battlefield. Artillery shells are not anonymous. You know exactly where the artillery that is hitting the nuclear plant originated from as do lots and lots of field commanders on both sides. Where the shells originated from is known to the exact field pieces. They most probably came from a triple seven or a Caesar. Be a statesman Biden. Be a hero. Prove me wrong Biden. Show me you posses the qualities that make humans worthy. Get a peace treaty signed now so Ukraine can keep Odessa. The blender starts in slice and dice mode very very soon.

        The 2014 cou will cost Ukraine everthing if they dont come to the table. Of course if a thermonuclear war lights off it cost everyone everything so I suppose there is a certain poetic justice. If your a madman.

        Even the nutty Ergodan proved his sanity by sponsoring the peace proposal in the spring. Can you rise to his level Biden?

      • Turkey has its own side. It was never really reliable since the time of Byzantines.

        Why some Anzac guy did not go and put a bullet to Mustafa Kemal’s head as a revenge for Galipoli is a question I don’t get even now

        • Tim Groves says:

          Kemal transformed Turkey from an empire into a republic and from traditional and conservative society to a highly progressive and forward-looking thoroughly modern state in which women gained the franchise and the trains ran on time.

          It is no surprise that a suitably impressed Winston Churchill took advantage of the opportunity offered by a visit to Ankara to pat Kemal on the head and exclaim “AttaTurk!”

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        “Is Erdogan playing 3D chess?”

        well, if 80% inflation is 3D chess, then yes!

        (Argentina 85% inflation, is that 4D chess?)

    • I’m guessing that quite a bit gets sold to India and China, and perhaps a few other countries in the area. These countries use some of this oil themselves, and resell some of it to Europe at a markup.

      Europe ends up worse off than it is now.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    So… updating re my traffic offence a few months ago — hearing is end Jan so they send me the disclosure …

    The cop has followed up and sent me a photo of where he says I overtook… essentially his photo taken the other day indicates I passed as I approached and intersection on a double yellow line…

    I am 1000% certain I did not do that because there were two passing lanes exactly where I initially stated I passed …

    What’s happened here is the C789 has gone back — seen that there are no double yellow further up the road where the incident took place — so he’s found a section of road where there are double yellows.

    He is a fat lying C789.

    Of course being backwards NZ where the PM is a donkey the cops are basically mentally re tar ded C789s… and there don’t have dash cams…

    I’ve got a clear video after the fact showing the two passing lanes…

    If I lose here’s the plan — we work with a web dev company in NZ — I will give notice on that contract and move that work offshore — f789 NZ – f789 Ardern … f789 that cop… I’ll get my payback… I’ve got his email address so I will be sure to cc him on on the instruction to our CTO to terminate the NZ contract + instructing to not spend a red f789ing dime is NZ going forward.

    Tomorrow I call the court to ask about presenting my video – will inform them of my intention as well …

    This a backwards sh8thole of a country… corrupt … low IQ … filled with meth sniffing losers…

    Oh and one NFL player makes more than the entire All Blacks team — so there’s that.

    Slow white men.

    • banned says:

      Sounds like you want a extortion or a menacing charge added to your docket. Traffic tickets are instant random taxation. Pay it you moron.

      • yup

        when i was pulled over a couple of years ago—i certainly didnt make the mistake of yelling ”you stupid 789” at the cop. (Just in case he was a closet OFW reader).

        I seem to recall a similar incident down at the medical centre

      • Fast Eddy says:

        There is no extortion – this will be done after the fact. I will not inform that ‘if you lie and f789 me I will pull contracts’

        It will be after the fact and it will not be connected to the ticket.

        It will be a simple email to our CTO – as per our recent discussions please terminate all contracts with NZ suppliers providing notice from the first of the month

        I will of course be seeking legal advice on this prior to ccing in the Lying C789 (LC)

        Barnyard animals just pay it …

        • banned says:

          The charge actually will be contempt of court. There is no trial. Red queen off with his head.

          Court is a game. There is no right or wrong. Its a silly and expensive game. There is only one person who will pay. Thats you.

          Your job is to extricate yourself as quickly as possible with as little interaction as possible. That shows respect for the court. Rule one is only attorneys may show disrespect for the other attorney and officers. That the Officer lied is not to your advantage. If you attempt to assert he lied you are attacking the court. If you had a attorney he could assert the officer lied and if proven it would be in your favor. That you have chosen assert the officer lied rather than pay is a attack on the court. The officer may fart too. That you assert such things is disrespectful to the court. That the charges are bogus doesnt matter in this matter. They certainly would matter if it was a serious offense. You are rich and being taxed in a trifling matter. Rather than accepting you are choosing to attack the court. Have you never payed baksheesh in Asia? I thought you are a worldly man.

          Representing yourself is offensive to the court. That alone is a mistake.Your cancelling the contract based on the outcome of the matter is easily regarded as a attempt to influence the proceedings. Actually voicing it to the court would probably be one of the most stupid actions I have ever heard about in the court room. Are you a commoner pulling down your pants to show your ass to the judge? No you are a man of consequence making the disrespect much much worse. Its also the one of the most childish threats I have ever heard. I certainly appreciate your flamboyant style but i am surprised in this matter. If you had a real charge you might want to indirectly make the contract known to the court. Your lawyer “mr fast is a valued member of the community blah blah blah. But you dont have a real charge. The fact that you dare take the courts time on this matter and threaten the court with consequences is yet another grave insult. Beginning to end there is nothing but disrespect for the game in your actions and you do this over a traffic offense? Your complete and overwhelming disrespect for the game renders the question of your innocence or guilt and the accuracy of the charges moot.

          What will you communicate to the court in multiple different ways?

          1: Im rich
          2; I demand you find a way to make this much much more painful.

          The court of course will find a way to oblige for it is a institution of pain. When someone comes in requesting more pain its a match made in heaven. You want more pain. The court wants to give you more pain. With your motives identical the momentum will carry you far. Two charging rhinos moving together. The court will surprise you with the means and degree to which they accommodate your demand. Your demand for more pain will be fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams. The court will find a way. To not honor your demand would be unthinkable.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            You have it completely wrong – it’s a minor offence – nobody brings a lawyer to something like this – not even sure if it is permitted.

            And who would I rather have on my side — the 1500HP logic machine known as FE (free advice) or a circus animal lawyer? No need to respond to that

            I won’t be standing up and calling him a LC (lying c789) what I will do is present evidence for my version of what happened that conflicts with his version.

            If he agrees that I pulled over where I said I did then that means the entire incident took place in say 10 seconds. That is obviously impossible.

            It will be up to the person judging this to determine who is either lying – or mistaken.

            I am not insulting the court – I can behave like a circus animal when necessary…

            As for the f789 NZ part – that happens after the fact… I am obviously not going to blurt out if I lose — well f789 all of you – so you got your $150 fine + your $130 court costs — fling $280 dollars on the floor and tell them to scramble about picking up their munny… then tell them that now I will go home and cancel all business within this country so enjoy your pennies…

            I won’t be doing that — I will fake smile if I lose … and walk out.. and a week later I’ll cut the cords and consider informing Office C789. Just for the fun of it (but of course I make sure there is no offence committed before doing that).

            It’s just nice that they know that they are not the only ones who can impose consequences…

            Let’s not forget he told me he was involved in smashing up the protestors in Wellington.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            The court will surprise you with the means and degree to which they accommodate your demand. Your demand for more pain will be fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams. The court will find a way. To not honor your demand would be unthinkable.

            So nobody should ever challenge a cop?

            Cuz to do so is to invite the wrath of ‘the court’ upon oneself?

            We’ve not yet reached that point (yet) in NZ….

            Let’s see if he agrees with where he stopped me – if he does he digs his own grave. No way the incident happens in less than 10 seconds.

            You see this is the problem with MORE-ONS… they are low IQ unfit for anything but being barnyard animals — yet they can be dangerous – if they gather in numbers – or worse – if you put them in a uniform… something about putting them into fancy dress that turns them into really dangerous MORE-ONS…

            One needs to be very careful around these MORE-ONS… even FE is aware of this .. one does not want to taunt them in front of a Super MORE-ON who has a uniform + a fancy wig (wanna be Tranny?)

            • banned says:

              Well myself I dont like being locked up in cages with violent nasty people. Im also poor. So i have a very basic rule. Dont break the law. It comes from the learning experiences of my youth. I stay as far away from law enforcement as I can. When I encounter them I am polite and curt. I will answer one fishing expedition question. I treat court the same way. I avoid it if I can. I like myself. I dont like to cause myself pain.

              I consider myself a above average driver. I see no reason to exceed the speed limit. When i get pulled over its because I am in a old vehicle. I know they are profiling. The ticket is painful. I pay it and move on. That guy with the gun and badge can put me in a cage with nasty people. My interactions with law enforcment are all about avoiding that. And getting shot. I would prefer not to get shot.

              Once upon a time in my youth I had occasion to hire a lawyer. A good one. I watched him make fools of the cops. Get them to say all sorts of things that got me off. I didnt enjoy it one bit.

              My guess is the cop got your goat and you got his goat. Now you are choosing to pursue a vendetta. Its not about the money for you. You think your actions will get rid of your anger.
              That doesnt work for me. Continuing conflict means just that for me- more ill feelings. Trouble comes your way too often in life and you have no choice but to deal. I dont put myself at risk if I have a choice. I dont continue conflict with assholes. They feel me get the picture and leave me alone. If they want more then they have to make it happen. I like myself. Ive learned to let things go. You have to back me in a corner before I fight. Now your picking a fight in that cops home turf. You think you know the rules but you dont know shit. Regardless of what happens you are putting yourself at risk. The cop got your goat enough that you are putting yourself at risk. THe cop got your goat enough that your doing all sorts of stupid shit cancelling contracts whatever. You have already lost. You ran into a asshole cop. Get over yourself don Quioite. You could be walking Hoolio and breathing. Instead you are continuing interaction with that dumb ass cop. Did you fall in love with him?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I am an adrenaline junkie… I like conflict … I enjoy danger… all else is pretty much drudgery.

              I assume you are in the US? I would never have a go at a cop in the US like I did this guy… but I’d still take this to a hearing (they can’t shoot me in a court room haha)

              But this is not a vendetta – I know I did not pass on a solid double yellow – I have been back to the scene to check that – there is no double line…

              And I know he returned and went looking for the double line – didn’t find it where expected so changed his story – now that might be him trying to f789 me and refuse to admit he was wrong – or he might have made an honest mistake – he went back to the scene 3 months after the fact.

              Now it turns into 1500HP vs a Spike Up 40+ year old traffic cop / barnyard animal.

              Will I let him best me? Will I just pay the fine and walk away?

              Nope. My goal is to eviscerate him. Using facts and logic.

              Because I know that I am superior – I be Ubermensch (therefore I am) .. he is a barnyard animal. Allowing him to win without a fight would be disgraceful.

              And I believe I have him now – no way a judge will believe all that transpired in the space of 10 seconds. I suspect he will know that his version is illogical and withdraw.

              If not then all good – happy to do this in court — I’ve got plenty of time on my hands.

              And as we know if I lose — I will win…

              It’s kinda like the Elders in Vietnam .. they lost the war but they put the country in the poor house for 30 years… I can’t f789 NZ but I can offset the $280 disproportionately

              And that would be … winning.

              Winning is also enduring the mockery of the CovIDIOTS — rejecting the injections… and watching them die-off.

              That is serious winning – high stakes winning@

          • Fast Eddy says:

            How about this …

            Magistrate finds against me … I stand up – throw the money (coins of course) on the floor… tell him I am pissed off and will be cutting all business with NZ – not a red f789ing cent will be spent in this backwards C789try going forward…

            Then proceed to taunt the lot of them with – how many jabs ya’ll had… 3? 4? All mandated last year right???

            Hope you all get vax injuries … your immune systems will soon be shot to shit like we are seeing in the US who are ahead of NZ in the jab fest — I’ll look forward to visiting ya’ll in the hospital — then reading your obits.

            Then exit with a flourish hahaha…

            I wonder if that would boil their blood to the point of cardiac arrest hahaha

            A room full of Jabbed MORE-ONS… barnyard and circus animals … that’s what I’ll be thinking… hopefully I can control my Tourettes on the day!!! hahahahaha

            There’s a good chance that there is no first hearing – that’s square in the middle of winter … and beyond Q4… might get the Crack Boom before that

    • i’ve been under the impression that 789 spelled uck

      now i find it spells unt

      i am more confused than usual

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Hey norm … if we do get martial law as per UEP… any thoughts on what to do with a vehicle that can top out at nearly 200mph?

        Shall we brain storm?

        We are looking for some ideas that are more fun than a rock cut. It rhymes with screaming at the pharmacist…

  22. I AM THE MOB says:

    World Cup! #USA

    See you at the game King of Woke!

  23. “The ambitious goal of Germany’s solar-powered town (BBC News)

    “As Germany struggles with the energy crisis sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many communities there are looking with added urgency at ways to try to wean themselves off gas and oil. Abensberg in Bavaria is among a number of towns which have pioneered alternative energy solutions in recent years. The town of 15,000 people is focussing on solar power, and has ambitions to be self-sufficient in electricity by 2030.

    ” … German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has ordered the country’s three remaining nuclear power stations to keep operating until mid-April, as the energy crisis hurts the economy.

    “The crisis has also prompted it to restart mothballed coal-fired power stations, though the plan is to phase out coal in the drive for green energy.

    “Magdalena Groll-Zieglmeier, a town councillor from the Green party, said Abensberg still had a long way to go when it came to self-sufficiency in energy.

    ” ‘It’s still only theoretical,’ she said. ‘We only reach the target when the sun shines, and no storage [of solar energy] is possible at the moment.’ ”

    I still wonder how they’re going to run the manufacturing or transport sectors, etc., on IRE (wind, solar, etc. — intermittent renewable energy).

    • Lastcall says:

      ‘It’s still only theoretical,’ she said. ‘We only reach the target when the sun shines, and no storage [of solar energy] is possible at the moment.’ ”

      The Green Party has turned this village into a tree; a deciduous one at that.
      Only functions on sunny days in summer, otherwise its in stasis.

      Job done; move to next village and repeat.

    • Intermittent renewable energy would seem to be pretty worthless for smelting metals. IRE does not provide all of the physical products we need, such as asphalt, fertilizer, herbicides and insecticides. It is not possible to run a small, partial fossil fuel sector, besides a huge IRE sector either, as far as I can see.

      It all sounds pretty unlikely.

  24. CTG says:

    FE, are we going to have situation like Sri Lanka? If it is not reported, then it will be fine?

    What happened to the low diesel in NE USA? The oil refinery in Germany that was nationalized (means no petrol for Berlin)? How about the electricity in EU?

    Not reported means ok?

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    TV presenter Jonnie Irwin has “6 months to live”; actress Genevieve Florence’s health destroyed; World Cup hoopster Ana Tadic can’t play; Aussie radio star Jackie O quits show

    Also: cricketer Ben Aldred’s “mystery heart attack” (at 18), Brazilian reality TV star Eliezer’s “rare heart syndrome,” kickboxer Israel Adesanya’s ominous “health issues,” and more

    I love this stuff.. 18 yr old – heart attack hahaha WTF eh

    • Rodster says:

      Lovely stuff. It couldn’t happen to a better bunch of gullible people who trust whatever the government tells them to do. I always smile whenever you post happy news like this.

      • Lastcall says:

        Its become my go-to morning routine along with my coffee.

        When will the cool-aid run out is my question each time.

    • Lastcall says:

      Comment on another site about people still going to get their ‘boosters’ despite people around them having adverse reactions…;

      ‘At least they’re not quitters’.

      Now thats what I like about this.
      The ‘Captains of stupid’ are going down with their sh!t!

      Keep calm and carry on stupid.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Again – I do not believe the MSM story that most people are not getting boosted…

        That is not what I am seeing — almost all CovIDIOTS that I know are boosting – almost all of them are not connecting dots – they are in denial re the injuries and deaths. Actually not even in denial – that would assume they know but choose to try to not to know…

        They actually do not connect the vax with the deaths and injuries.

        They continue to believe the vaxxes are Safe – and Effective… not effective at stopping Covid of course — effective at preventing them from dying from covid

        And they fear covid – even though they’ve all had it (multiple times haha) so they boost.

    • Rodster says:

      Well, at least we can figure out what happened to poor, poor Jackie O since she revealed getting the AstraZeneca Jab on the Air….hahaha.

      What a bunch of fools who bought into this scam and trusted those in charge.

    • Tim Groves says:

      This stuff saddens me no end. It’s truly miserable and horrible. Schadenfreude at the harm a lot of people have allowed or even begged to be done to them during the Scamdemic wouldn’t be cricket. As Frankie Howerd used to say, it’s wicked to mock the afflicted. And anyone who embraced the jabs gleefully has turned out to have been afflicted with a degree of stew pidity, even if they haven’t been injured physically as a result.

      Indeed, the very word Schadenfreude is foreign. The English language never had a word for it because it just wasn’t done in Merrie England to laugh at other people’s tragedies. At least, not while anyone else was looking.

      But all the same, I can’t keep my eyes off the daily deluge of injury, disease and death that drops into my inbox. I feel I have a duty to bear witness. That way I can temper any Schadenfreude with a sense of moral superiority.

      It’s quite similar with the death and destruction going on in Ukraine and about to spread further afield—maybe a lot further afield. Millions of people have been placed or manipulated into a position where they are having to die horribly or live miserably or both. I have nothing but pity and compassion for them, but there’s nothing much I can do to save them. All I can do is bear witness to a small slither of it. So, I watch the daily updates as if it was a soccer game.

      One thing I’d like to say about the celebs and talking heads promoting the injections, encouraging others to get them, and shaming those who refuse—practicing medicine without a license is one way of describing it—and then going down with a jab injury themselves: These people were true believers. They had no idea that what they were injecting was potentially seriously harmful or life-ending. They were bamboozled just as much as they helped implement the bamboozle. They are bigger victims of the scam than those of us who stood our ground, even if we were penalized or had our rights taken away as a result.

      At the same time, they’ve caused a lot of suffering, injury and death and a lot of damage to the social fabric that they shouldn’t be forgiven for. They are accessories to all of that, and laughing at the consequences of their self-harm is in no way an adequate punishment for what they’ve done to others. There are people on death row and serving life sentences who have done far less criminal damage an injury to others that some of these degenerates have.

      • Cheese can cause nightmares says:

        “Indeed, the very word Schadenfreude is foreign. The English language never had a word for it because it just wasn’t done in Merrie England to laugh at other people’s tragedies.”

        No, of course not. We English just laugh at other people’s downfall. Or we gloat. The Germans have the noun Schadenfreude, we English have the verb to gloat. It’s much wickeder to gloat in a foreign language, of course. Time for Germany to be kicked out of the United Nations?

        • Tim Groves says:

          Precisely. You make some excellent points. And I feel the urge to revise my musings on that account.

          One problem with gloat is it is rather broad in its scope. We English gloat over our own successes too. When we turn out to have been right. When we win a bet. When everything is proceeding as we have foreseen. Gloating is an action. It’s a product of the underlying emotion, whether it that emotion is pride, joy, spite, or revenge, or a blend of them.

          But Schadenfreude is the underlying emotion itself—the pleasure derived from another person’s misfortune. No need to gloat or show any external signs at all. And, as you say, the pleasure is much wickeder in a foreign language. Schadenfreude has a certain je ne sais quoi about it.

          • reante says:

            Schadenfreude is at root a reason-based evolutionary human response to the carriage of justice as seen in the ‘belated’ arrival of the Effect in an important ethics-based Cause and Effect pattern. It’s a cautionary tale in the form of a victory lap. We animals have complex emotions. But we also can develop the ability to handle those complex emotions with emotional maturity as, Tim, your comments clearly show. Right Eddy? Right kulm?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              F789 maturity.

              Have you not seen how the Elders behave? When Vietnam was lost they said ok – f789 you — let’s see how you like a few decades of abject poverty … once you have served your penance we’ll give you a taste…

              And then of course there’s Iraq — they killed 500k children through starvation and denial of medicines… cuz.

              The Elders don’t give f789s about maturity… maturity is for the farmed animals .. and rules… Fast Eddy sides with the Elders – might is right. And with might goes the right to be petty… and vindictive.

            • i wish i was an elder

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Did you read my post where if I lose my traffic hearing I will respond by pulling every f789ing dollar that we spend in this backwards sh-ithole?

              All because a mentally deficient traffic cop wrongs me by lying… and I intend to let him know…

              It won’t change anything .. and he probably won’t give f789s (as M Fast has informed me)… but my vindictiveness is a sign of my immaturity… I will do it because I can .. like a mini-Elder — it’s like taking a shit in the corner of the cops front yard… it makes me happy.

              The time for being polite… ended with this

            • i can’t imagine anyone lying to you eddy

              Were you wearing your emperors robes when you were pulled over?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              He has no idea… FE is in the process of trying to burn him alive…

              He has provided an image indicating where he says I was overtaking (lying) so I have provided him with a screen shot of the end of my video where he ticketed me – I have asked him if he agrees that the driveway in the shot is where I stopped.

              When I filmed it was from a vehicle travelling under the 80km speed limit — and the time from where he says I overtook to the driveway is 8 seconds… so that’s the absolute max amount of time that could transpire from the time I overtook – to the time he saw me – flicked on his lights… overtook the slow moving vehicle between us — and pulled me over…

              I will go there shortly to measure that distance — you see where I am going with this …

              It all hinges on him confirming that the driveway was where I stopped and was ticketed.

              But he’s a barnyard animal — what’s a 40+ guy still doing working traffic??? A circus animal would be a detective… he’s a f789ing loser… a bird brain …

              Already a few steps ahead … if I can catch him in his lie .. we go here

              You see norm… it’s a bad idea to F789 with someone (aka lie) with a 1500HP IQ a lot of free time …

              Oh and btw – I was informed that worst case scenario is if I lose is I pay court costs … oh no I said how much is that? $130 bucks…. OMG!!! The guy says – there’s a lot of work involved in setting up a hearing … hahaha… I am sure there is … in fact there is an initial hearing where I plead – then the main hearing .. what’s this work out to — $5 an hour hahaha…

              If he was aware of any of this … he would find an excuse to miss the hearing… it’s really not worth it — if he’s caught in a blatant lie… well you know … his dreams of promotion will go poof! Not that he was every going to get promoted.

              Worst case is dismissal… then he can clean toilets. If I am made aware of that you can imagine what the plan is …

              Let’s all hope he aligns with my recollection of where I pulled over… let’s hope that his IQ is low enough that he cannot work out what I am up to .. and lie again

            • only it occurred to me, if you were in your emperors clothes, then it’s likely another offence was committed–driving contrary to public decency

              i daresay aforesaid constable covered the evidence with his helmet, before revealing all to the jury via his bodycam—some of whom will have fainted no doubt

            • lurker says:

              regarding your earlier poste, reante (to which i can’t reply):

              “Regardless of their personal reasons, there’s no objective shame in their refusing to fight in a war in which the global financial elites are objectively funding both sides, is there?”

              absolutely spot on.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Gloating and Schadenfreude

            Gloating an Schadenfreude

            Go together like a horse and carriage.

            However one must be confident that one is correct before gloating …

            Right Duncy Dunc! It can explode in your face if you get it wrong



      • Fast Eddy says:

        Tim – sorry to inform you but your application for a position as an Elder — is rejected.

        • too young obviously

        • Tim Groves says:

          Remember the poem about the Walrus and the Carpenter deceiving and eating all those poor little oysters? The Walrus was reduced to tears by the creatures’ sad fate, but as was noted by the narrator, the ate more than the carpenter. The Walrus would have made an excellent Elder.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I imagine that to be an Elder — you’d need to have disdain for humans — to think of them as barnyard animals … actually that would be an insult to barnyard animals…

            Consider the behaviour of humans — greedy … petty … filled with envy … easily manipulated… even the brightest of them is still basically are f789ing MORE-ONS… one only need to read the comments on substacks where you’d assume the brighter ones are… they might have sussed out the injections are poison but they are captured by a thousand other PR Team generated cons.

            Seriously – there are a handful of people on OFW that get a lot of it … but outside of here – have you met a single person who has any significant awareness of the matrix and the nature of the MSM?

            Substack again .. is a good barometer… a few of them get a some of it … but generally they are clueless on most of what is going on.

            It’s not difficult to see why the Elders would have no empathy for the great mass of humanity .. what’s to like about them? Seriously … what is to like about them?

            They deserve to be farmed… they need to be farmed… there are 8B of them … way too many .. they are expendable..

            Like cockroaches no?

            • Lorraine H Sherman says:

              “Like cockroaches no?”

              Well now that you mention it. Some of the images of people falling down and seizing up, sort of reminds me of what happens to cockroaches when you poison them. They seize up, flop on their back and their little legs shake.

              That’s what I’m seeing in this film:

            • Fast Eddy says:

              We are worse than cockroaches… they eat up the waste .. we create waste and pave over the planet

              Given the choice – if one was to be objective — and a giant … one would crush humans under one’s boot … and leave the cockroaches alone

      • drb753 says:

        Tim seemingly proposes a compassionate firing squad for these celebrities. I say this is more trouble than it is worth. They were paid handsomely for those performances. Some got punished by fate but most have not. Some of their victims would have died regardless in the incoming collapse. Best to preserve energies and wait until the collapse is done to sort them out. If firing squads have to be enacted, please let us them on the payers, not the payees.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I’ve said it before – I will say it again.

          Anyone who injects something that they are told was invented and thoroughly tested in well under a year – and obviously knowing that there has been ZERO testing for long term impacts….

          and because Joe Biden and CNNBBC said it’s safe ….

          Is a total f789ing MORE-ON. Total. There are no excuses. None. I do not give f789s about oh but my job.. or I needed to travel or I wanted to go to school. None. Well maybe mental illness is a good excuse… mental ill people do lots of crazy stuff

          You do not inject an experiment … it did not occur to me for even a millisecond to do this …

          All I can say – is it sucks to be injected.. and wrecked…

          Me? I save my empathy for the animals that are tortured by the millions every single day… that are incarcerated in nightmarish gulags. I give f789s about that.

      • lurker says:

        as black humuor goes, you’re my winner of the day for this, Tim:

        “That way I can temper any Schadenfreude with a sense of moral superiority.”

        i think you meant sliver, rather than slither, but the latter does describe the feel of the news propaganda services quite aptly.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I am to the point in all of this where I derive incredible pleasure reading about these MORE-ONS…

          When I read that a famous person has a health issue — I hope it’s severe — and ideally they suffer before dying. Or a doctor .. or a nurse.. f789 every last one of them …

          Case in point JJ Watt the NFL star – he had to have his heart jolted … he mocked Aaron Rodgers another star for not injecting… Every Monday I hope to open a Telegram message with a clip ‘JJ Watt collapsed and Died on the Field during yesterdays game with ____’

          Seriously — I actually check.

          Call me callous .. call me a bad guy … but these are the same people who mock you for not injecting … they think you are stooopid… they think you are harming society …

          These people are a disgrace — they are disgusting … zero empathy (unless they were well and truly forced and historically voiced opposition to the injections).

          Otherwise we need to feel the opposite of empathy – we need to feel that justice has been served.

          Do you think I don’t hope that cop who is f789ing with me gets his 4th shot and blows a tire in his brain and I get a message notifying the hearing is cancelled as is my ticket due to health issues with the attending officer?

          You bet your ass I’d love that! If I could track him down I’d send him a bouquet of roses and sweet candy kisses with a get well soon card.

          Come on people .. admit it … you enjoy reading about vax injured celebs and athletes… deep down you think – serves the id iots right… smug pricks.

          Of course you do… of course you do.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Now students for today’s lesson we will each make a list of 20 people who we hope gets vax injured before the end of the year.

          The last can include people you know as well as people you don’t know but who are famous …

          Perhaps you cheer for a certain sports team — but there is a player on an opposing team who keeps scoring the winners against your team – you could put him on your list.

          Maybe a politician you hate?

          Then there’s that wanker in the corner office who got the promotion over you … surely you’ll put him on the list…

          How about influencers e.g. Kim K …. feel free to include as many of them as you like.

          This will be your homework so think about it tonight then tomorrow we’ll share our lists

          What’s that? no norm – you can’t put Fast Eddy on your list cuz he’s not vaxxed… But feel free to add yourself and Dunc…

      • Well, the English chavs are in bad shape now. Hope the immigrants who don’t belong there should suffer as well.

  26. banned says:

    Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant shelled again. Matter of time. Prevalent wind north. Releases will mostly land in Poland. Shells landed in the vicinity of the cooling apparatus and spent fuel storage just like before.
    A 21rst century war phenomena. Anyone with a artillery piece in range of a nuclear power plant is a nuclear power.
    A nuclear release that lands in Poland. Is that article 5? Its surely some sort of “peacekeeping” action.
    Right on the heels of the missile landing in Poland. Someone is not eager for the new offensive.
    I dont know guys. It doesnt look like we are going to get out of this one without WW3. My guess. When the new offensive gets going these warning shots azimuth is changed to hit the spent fuel storage. Will Biden speak up or let it happen?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Fake – shelling a nuke plant next to your country would require severe stooopidity

      • Ed says:

        There is no shortage of severe stooopidity.

        • Rodster says:

          So true!

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The MORE-ONS are stooopid – the men who are orchestrating a fake war in the Ukraine so they can blame raging inflation on that… are not MORE-ONS.

          They are 100% aware of the situation – they hatched UEP many decades ago… and they are all powerful — with one exception… they are not able to conjure up cheap energy…

          Therefore they know everyone is going to die — it’s just a matter of dying with a bit of dignity … or having 8B wicked beasts going down in a whirlwind of murder rape and cannibalism.

          We should all be grateful that the Elders are kindly putting us down … if Fast Eddy was in charge of this … he’d have let BAU run full throttle and just as the train pounded into the station at 400km per hour… washed back a handful of Super Fent (cherry flavoured) and left the MORE-ONS to have their Mad Max-athon.

          Fast Eddy is currently re-reading Moby Dick … and HE is more disgusted than ever with the human species. HE keeps muttering ‘I hope UEP fails’

    • reante says:

      History rhyming with another polish bad joke perchance. THEY need a nuclear power crisis in order to deal with the nuclear power crisis. Just more foreshadowing. It’s a good thing, that they re not crying over spilt milk but doing something about it. It’s not a matter of if but when went the call from the peanut gallery!

      Wasn’t there a minor release already that blew over a couple Russian cities to the SE?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      “Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant shelled again.”

      Russia has control of that plant and that land area.

      this is one of those olde jokes that have been heard so often they’re no longer funny.

      Russia is NOT shelling itself.


      yes that was really easy.

      Z and his western puppeteers are losing their minds because their aggression/sanctions against Russia have totally failed.

      USA/NATZO are wounded animals which are quite dangerous.

  27. Fast Eddy says:

    They Are Making Fun of YOU As They Demoralize YOU

    You f789ing well clap mutherfukkers or else!

    That would never have survived 10 seconds on the Gong Show hahaha… maybe it can come back on America’s Got Talent — squat in the corner of the stage … bark like a dog .. then take a sh7t… cuz it’s tranny it’s ok… the audience would applaud

    • It is becoming clearer how some of this fakery could take place.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        If we consider that norm is one of the brighter lights among the zombies… yes … we can see how simple it is to hoodwink them all…

        Even if you show them how they’ve been suckered — they just continue along as if it’s all real… for them it is real.. it is impossible to turn them… just as it is impossible to cook a pizza using a television ..


        I’ve had some issues with birds getting at my seedlings … so I bought some bamboo sticks at the hardware shop + a giant net… I took some used plastic bottles (recycling!) and used them to support the net… I also had some aphids on some plants so I bought some Neem oil to eradicate them… If that doesn’t work I will douse them with petrol.

        I also bought some more seedlings.

        Isn’t it wonderful to have BAU and a functioning hardware store!

  28. Fast Eddy says:

    Die Off + Sterilization

    What is Causing the Explosion of RSV?

    • Lots of interesting things in this very long article. One thing I saw was this:

      To my knowledge, there are presently three explanations for why the [COVISD] vaccines are immunosuppressive.

      The first is that spike proteins kill white blood cells. In patients infected with COVID-19, one of the unusual blood markers you observe is a decrease in white blood cells (typically in systemic infections you see the opposite). Although a human ACE-2 receptor (along with that found in a few other animals) is necessary for the spike protein to enter most cells, COVID-19 and its spike protein through different pathways, is also able to enter and damage or kill many different white blood cells in the body (e.g. see this paper, this paper, this paper, and this paper).

      The second is that the spike protein kills the bone marrow, which is responsible for producing blood cells (many of which such as the hematopoietic stem cells are vital for health and proven to decline following vaccination). I was first alerted to this issue when the FOIA’d Pfizer bio-distribution data showed that after being injected, the vaccine accumulates in the bone marrow. Later a patient who required a bone marrow stem cell transplant for cancer told me that he had refused the vaccine because a few people in his online support group who had also gotten this transplant had had it fail after COVID-19 vaccination. Most recently Igor Chudov wrote an article providing evidence that strongly links this form of immune suppression to increasing RSV cases as the body depends upon hematopoietic stem cells (which originate in the bone marrow) to fight RSV.

      The third is that the vaccines are causing a general dysregulation of the immune system (particularly the innate side) which results in a decreased ability for it to respond to viral infections and cancers.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I am wondering why everyone who has been injected is not crashing and burning with VAIDS. Yes there are substantial numbers of Vaxxy MORE-ONS in the hospital with all sorts of nasty stuff — loads of them riddled with Turbo Cancer etc…

        But most of them seem to be fine – so far… are they actually feeling a general malaise but not admitting it – norm how do you feel? Anyone else who is injected – do you feel as if something is not right inside yourself? I doubt they’d admit it cuz the vax is safe…

        Might it be a slow burning fuse … some burn slower than others?

        I know the excess deaths are dramatically higher – I know the miscarriage rate is off the charts… but I have to admit … I am disappointed..

        I want to see more carnage… not so much because I want people to suffer… (although there is that particular when a doctor or a nurse or a celebrity who promoted the vax goes down)… more so because if we can get to say 1 in every 4 people you know dies from the vax … and another 1 in 4 is badly injured….

        On a daily basis if we were to also get a steady drum beat of dead athletes, musicians, actors, politicians etc… so many that say half a sports teams died or was so badly injured they had to quit…

        Then half your family and friends are either dead or ruined…

        I want to see how the CovIDIOTS react to that… will they remain in denial? Will they lose their minds and beat the politicians and medical folks to death?

  29. Mirror on the wall says:

    Evidence for prehistoric human warfare includes Paleolithic, stone age hunter-gatherers.

    It predates Neolithic farming, settlements, civilisation, and it dates back to the most primitive largely nomadic human cultures. It was smaller-scale, premeditated intergroup lethal violence, massacres, waged over the expansion of territory and the seizure of its resources. The site at Lake Turkana, Kenya is a prime study case.

    Violence and care are ‘two sides of the same coin’ according to the authors of the initial study; in other words they express the same fundamental organic drives to survive, to dominate the environment and order it to the group in order to do so, and to expand. The expression of the drives is contingent on the material circumstances.

    Conflict is generally predicated on a scarcity of resources and competition for them. That basic scenario is not dependent on any particular material culture. In advanced societies it manifests as complex power-struggles for prime benefit from what is on offer. Modern ‘rulers’ tend to disguise wars as ‘politico-moral’ or ‘humanitarian’.

    > An Ancient, Brutal Massacre May Be the Earliest Evidence of War

    Even nomadic hunter-gatherers engaged in deliberate mass killings 10,000 years ago

    Skulls smashed by blunt force, bodies pin-cushioned by projectile points and hapless victims—including a pregnant woman—abused with their hands bound before receiving the fatal coup de grâce.

    This violent tableau resembles something from the darker side of modern warfare. But it instead describes the grizzly demise of a group of African hunter-gatherers some 10,000 years ago. They are the victims of the earliest scientifically dated evidence for human group conflict—a precursor to what we now know as war.

    The battered skeletons at Nataruk, west of Kenya’s Lake Turkana, serve as sobering evidence that such brutal behavior occurred among nomadic peoples, long before more settled human societies arose. They also provide poignant clues that could help answer questions that have long plagued humanity: Why do we go to war, and where did our all too common practice of group violence originate?

    “The injuries suffered by the people of Nataruk—men and women, pregnant or not, young and old—shock for their mercilessness,” says Marta Mirazon Lahr of the University of Cambridge, who co-authored the study published today in the journal Nature. Still, she notes, “what we see at the prehistoric site of Nataruk is no different from the fights, wars and conquests that shaped so much of our history, and indeed sadly continue to shape our lives.”

    Nataruk’s prehistoric killers did not bury their victims’ bodies. Instead their remains were preserved after being submerged in a now dried lagoon, near the lake shore where they lived their final, terrifying moments during the wetter period of the late Pleistocene to early Holocene.

    Researchers discovered the bones in 2012, identifying at least 27 individuals on the edge of a depression. The fossilized bodies were dated by radiocarbon dating and other techniques, as well as from samples of the shells and sediment surrounding them, to approximately 9,500 to 10,500 years ago.

    It’s not clear that anyone was spared at the Nataruk massacre. Of the 27 individuals found, eight were male and eight female, with five adults of unknown gender. The site also contained the partial remains of six children. Twelve of the skeletons were in a relatively complete state, and ten of those showed very clear evidence that they had met a violent end.

    In the paper, the researchers describe “extreme blunt-force trauma to crania and cheekbones, broken hands, knees and ribs, arrow lesions to the neck, and stone projectile tips lodged in the skull and thorax of two men.” Four of them, including a late-term pregnant woman, appear to have had their hands bound.

    The murderers’ motives are lost in the mists of time, but there are some plausible interpretations that could challenge conventional ideas about why people go to war.

    Warfare has often been associated with more advanced, sedentary societies that control territory and resources, farm extensively, store the foods they produce and develop social structures in which people exercise power over group actions. Conflict erupts between such groups when one wants what the other possesses.

    The bodies at Nataruk provide evidence that these conditions aren’t necessary for warfare, because the hunter-gatherers of the time lived a far simpler lifestyle. Yet the killings have the hallmarks of a planned attack rather than a violent chance encounter.

    The killers carried weapons they wouldn’t have used for hunting and fishing, Mirazon Lahr notes, including clubs of various sizes and a combination of close-proximity weapons like knives and distance weapons, including the arrow projectiles she calls a hallmark of inter-group conflict.

    “This suggests premeditation and planning,” Mirazon Lahr notes. Other, isolated examples of period violence have previously been found in the area, and those featured projectiles crafted of obsidian, which is rare in the area but also seen in the Nataruk wounds. This suggests that the attackers may have been from another area, and that multiple attacks were likely a feature of life at the time.

    “This implies that the resources the people of Nataruk had at the time were valuable and worth fighting for, whether it was water, dried meat or fish, gathered nuts or indeed women and children. This shows that two of the conditions associated with warfare among settled societies—control of territory and resources—were probably the same for these hunter-gatherers, and that we have underestimated their role in prehistory.”

    “This work is exciting and it suggests, at least to me, that this type behavior has deeper evolutionary roots,” says Luke Glowacki, an anthropologist with Harvard University’s Department of Human Evolutionary Biology.

    We aren’t the only species to engage in such behavior, he adds. Our closest relatives, chimpanzees, regularly engage in lethal attacks. “To deliberately stalk and kill members of other groups, as the chimps do, that alone is very suggestive of an evolutionary basis for warfare,” he says.

    …. “We should also not forget that humans, uniquely in the animal world, are also capable of extraordinary acts of altruism, compassion and caring,” Mirazon Lahr says. “Clearly both are part of our nature.”

    • Thanks! Interesting!

    • attacking and killing a group of ‘hominids’ in the next valley is a totally different situation to gathering an army of hundreds of thousands of men and marching them thousands of miles across a continent to attack/kill a perceived force of similar size.

      though the ultimate motive is much the same

    • Agamemnon says:

      I can’t find that quote about warfare being one of mans significant accomplishments. Homer, Thucydides, herodotus??
      (You’d think I know the way Athena egged us on)

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Creation of the nuclear warhead is right up there with farming and the stock market in terms of brain dead ‘accomplishments’ that are contributing to our imminent extinction.

        And to the very end we will celebrate all of them.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Thucydides was a ‘realist’ and so the foundation of the good, or of any social greatness, lies in reality, which is to say that it rests on power.

        Justice, which we might think of generally as the order or functionality of society, depends on the use of force over private interests and power grants justice legitimacy. Power is the foundation of institutions, the ground of civic virtue and the condition of compliance.

        Remember that we are talking about an Iron Age slave-based society of relative scarcity and limited technology, so ‘justice’ or ‘giving each what they are due’ is framed in a rather realistic way.

        “We both alike know that into the discussion of human affairs the question of justice only enters where there is equal power to enforce it, and that the powerful exact what they can, and the weak grant what they must.” (History of the Peloponnesian War, 5,89)

        The Athenian empire was grounded on military force, in the anarchic theatre of international struggle, and its international power grounded its justice. Justice is an expedient utilitarian means and not an end in itself. Expedient policy rather than law grounds justice.

        Justice applies only once the war is won and domination is established. Athens will rule wherever it can. Thus it does as God does, and that is the law of Nature. Power and its pursuit are primary and justice is secondary, contingent on power.

        So, war and force generally are part and parcel of societal reality for Thucydides and the ground of institutions, ‘justice’, the order and functionality of society, and of any notable social accomplishments. It is itself an accomplishment and the foundation of all others.

  30. Charles Hugh Smith: There’s No Bottom Until Frenzied Speculation Turns to Dust

    In this Fed-managed fun house, investing in increasing efficiency, productivity and utility–improving human life– is for losers. Why bother investing in ventures which are inherently risky when you can mint millions in the Fed fun house without creating any new goods, services or jobs?

    This Fed fun house dynamic has decoupled markets from the real-world economy and from any real-world grasp of risk. Risk? There isn’t any because the Fed et al. will always “pivot” to save us.

    Unfortunately for punters, central bank manipulation is akin to holding a beach ball under water. Everything is stable and predictable as long as the ball is held safely beneath the surface.

    • banned says:

      Exactly! Why produce? Why innovate? These are not efficient activities when you can just print. Spend your time getting solid in club membership. You TALK about innovation. You TALK about production. Doing? Heavens no that would waste resources. FTX . Waiting on the charges? Dont hold your breath. Gold club member. Just a few ideas that didnt pan out.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      You may as well take the risk knowing the Fed has your back… cuz when the Fed fails it will all blow to high hell and it does not matter whether you are till in or out or what you put you $$$ into.

      It will all turn to dust.

      Where I see the problem is people continue to invest thinking there is a future… when they should be spending .. wasting …

      This is not a time for prudence.. it’s a time for Prudence (the feature dancer in the VIP room with the terrible name)… it’s a time for fast cars… high grade Bolivian Blow… if the house is paid off take a mortgage and hire a private jet and blow what’s left on fat trip … Spend it before it’s dust

  31. Dennis has talked about a Chamath Palihapitiya , who is peddling his latest solar battery.

    That guy is no techie; he is a salesman , widely known during the Gamestop craze. He was one of the people who pumped it and made a huge amount of money from this mania, which almost brought the down the entire financial system to the knees. Apparently he invested money in the solar battery company, and since his name is well known among the kind of people who follow things like gamestop, he just wants to raise the stock price of his latest investment.

    Lex Fridman is like an informercial now; he will allow anyone in his show.

    Frankly speaking, I won’t be betting the future of the world on a known salesman like him who will sell anything.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Okay, we each have our opinions.

      “Palihapitiya was born on 3 September 1976 in Sri Lanka.[4] In 1982, Palihapitiya moved with his family to Canada at age five; his father Gamage had been posted to the High Commission of Sri Lanka, Ottawa. Five years later, in 1986, the posting came to an end, and the family applied for refugee status rather than returning home, on the basis that Gamage had been criticized for his views on the violence during the Sri Lankan Civil War.[4]

      Palihapitiya’s father was frequently unemployed, and his mother did low-paying housekeeping jobs.[5] At age 14, Palihapitiya worked at a Burger King to support his family.[6] His father died on October 2014.[7]

      He attended Lisgar Collegiate Institute.[8][9] After graduating from the University of Waterloo in 1999 with a degree in electrical engineering, Palihapitiya worked for a year as a derivatives trader at the investment bank BMO Nesbitt Burns. He then accepted a job offer at Winamp and moved to California”

      I would say he is pretty, damn impressive and a billion or so dollars to boot. His is an interesting interview with good points on team building.

      Betting the future of the world on one idea without some research is perhaps not the best idea. Ignoring there may be other ideas in solar cells without first investigating could result in lost opportunity. If it is all going to end, what is to lose?
      Dennis L.

      • banned says:

        Ni FE batteries are not new in the PV comunity. One of the moderators at solar panel talk installe a set at a cost of $40K.

        The fact is people will hawk new technologies. Are they a;ll lieing? You have realize people want to hear there are solutions. Lieing is profitable. Ni FE doesnt last “forever”. a cost of 20x to 40x a set of lead acid. Batteries are consumable. You buy what you can afford and do your best to maintain them. No hairdryers at night.

        Im a firm believer that your first set of batteries should be low cost because you are going to abuse them and their life will be short. Its not hard to turn a set into trash. I certainly will never own a set of NI FE. I cant even come up with a chevy volt BATPAK as I am a loser. But thats my prejudiced opinion. I believe it when i can get my hands on it and see. And ill never see NI-FE. In liu of that i believe the grizzled battery engineers like sunking on sptalk scarred from battery war debates not the johny comes selling their wares. The advocates are invariably selling. Call me a old coot.

        As I remember someone didnt even want to pay for upping the insulation in their home. Simple things like that usually pay off way more than pie in the sky.


        $40k spent objective very informed consumer SPtalk moderator opinion ho hum.

        “So, my off-grid experience living with NiFe batteries ( a large 48V, 800ah bank, single series string)
        is so far, mixed. I’m going through a lot of water, even in winter, with cloudy and short days. Shortly
        after sunrise, and way before the batteries get to absorb voltage, the battery shed sounds like a den of snakes, with all the bubbles hissing away. And when it hits absorb…… you nearly need earplugs.

        I have my major loads (large water pump for agricultural water) on a timer to only run on daylight hours, to not cycle the batteries, and do other load shifting, as anyone off grid would. So nights, the batteries are really only running the fridge and small amounts of lighting.

        Power has not gone out, but in cloudy weather, I’ve got a fair amount of generator run time, to keep
        the NiFe bank up, since it electrolyzes a lot of water compared to lead acid.

        So, I’m still reserving judgement, and when I have time, will break out the carbonate test kit, and
        see how the electrolyte is holding up.”

      • banned says:

        The other thing is talking about batteries is one thing. Getting them is another. Some lead acid Rolls are 20 months lead time with no guarantees right now. Six months without power rather inconvenient when your set goes. Unobtainium may be the bestest ever but the supply chains cant even keep up with lead acid demand.

  32. Jef Jelten says:

    People really need to understand that the USA would not be half of what it is and has been if it wasn’t for our total domination of access and control over the worlds finite natural resources.

    It is well understood that we are around 4% of the population of the planet but consume over 25% of the resources but that is only part of the story. A big % of the rest of the worlds consumption of resources goes to producing goods and services for the US so our % is actually higher. That and we have structured it so that the rest of the world has to pay us in order for them to use the paltry amount of resources that they do use….yes even when it is their own resources.

    Through the dollar the US has, as Michael Hudson explains in the greatest detail, had the greatest free lunch in the history of humanity. Through banking/finance, trade, sanctions, and violence the US has acquired the lions share of what the world has to offer and kept 80% of the population from having much more than survival amounts.

    I don’t hate America and I don’t love it. I don’t believe one can or should “love” a country, it invariably leads to conflict. I love the planet and all the people on it.

    America is indeed exceptional…exceptionally brutal, violent, greedy, immoral, unethical, conceited, …did I say violent?

    • Dennis L. says:

      “I don’t hate America and I don’t love it. I don’t believe one can or should “love” a country, it invariably leads to conflict. I love the planet and all the people on it.”

      “America is indeed exceptional…exceptionally brutal, violent, greedy, immoral, unethical, conceited, …did I say violent?”

      Have you ever seen a cat hunt a bird?

      Conflicting ideas can be in our heads regarding reality, in the end the one which works survives, others are left to wither. To date America(US) has done a better job than anyone else, far from perfect, but it worked and some of what we have done is remarkable, some not so much.

      Currently the greatest challenge to the US may be ideas. Our elites are more or less atheists, they believe in self above all else, narcistic. Our nemesis still has an underlying belief in God despite Lennin’s and others to remove “the opiate of the masses.” It is an orthodox belief dating from separation of the East from Rome and a Pope. Seems like it works, Marx in a broad sense may have been a speedbump in history, Such incredible effort to kill God, it would appear that idea was a failure.

      In our time we have seen a resurgence of orthodox belief and struggles of our own. Fukuyama’s idea of history being over may have some issues.

      Interesting times

      Dennis L.

    • two ton tanker says:

      I’m a history nerd (and former energy guy) so Michael Hudson strikes a chord with me when he reveals such telling parallels between past and current events. As far as America’s exceptional behavior, after I read Petrodollar Warfare by William R. Clark in ’06 or so, I understood this as an existential state of affairs for the United States. Saddam Hussein attempted to trade Iraqi oil in currencies other than US dollars and he is dead. Muammar Gaddafi attempted to trade Libyan oil in currencies other than US dollars and he is dead. Russia, Venezuela, and Iran have each made it known they intend to trade oil in currencies other than US dollars and each has been targeted with economic sanctions and an array of political ‘interventions’. George H.W. Bush famously declared: “The American way of life is not up for negotiations. Period.” It is a way of life absolutely dependent on maintaining US dollar hegemony in global oil markets. As such we can expect to see increasingly desperate measures in the months and years to come.

      • reante says:

        Ultimately it’s not about the United States, though. Another economic historian, Giovanni Arrighi, made that clear in his canonical essay, “The Winding Paths of Capital.” The US is just the last center for Capital along it’s winding path. Normies thing China is the next stop but we know better. How many American children learned Chinese for two or three years last decade? Too many.

        Capital saw to it that the ‘american way’ wasn’t negotiable because Capital wasn’t negotiable. Though Capital didn’t so much as wind it’s way from London to NY, it made a beeline for it the minute Spindletop in Texas blew along with other wells in the Los Angeles basin. Arms race over, just like that.

      • Jef Jelten says:

        Two ton – It wasn’t so much the threat to sell oil in a different currency as it is still priced in dollars. Those men died, and many others, because they were taking back control of their own natural resources and using them and the revenues from them to benefit the people of their own countries and their neighbors. The ultimate no-no.

    • reante says:

      I understand that your’s and Hudson’s political grievance is coming from a sense of fairness, but a relatively even distribution across the world of the material gains from fossil fuels was never a possibility. Civilization is structurally hierarchical and therefore the more energy that flows through the system the more extreme the hierarchy will be. OT Capitalism won-out because it accords with the structural hierarchy; it’s exists in harmony with the civilizational impulse. That’s natural law applying itself to political law. Hierarchy is the centralization of structural power on high, from where structural power trickles down. Twas ever thus. Hudson is ultimately an ideologue. What else is new? I remember when he put out that video right before the 2016 election endorsing Trump, in a jarring display of human frailty for someone as well-informed as himself, the anti-capitalist godfather of western linguistic economic history.

      • Jef Jelten says:

        reante – You have bought into the lies and are here trying to sell them. You believe, as do so many others here, in TINA, that there is no alternative. You are wrong!

        Hudson’s and my political grievance comes from a great understand of how the world has worked outside of the hegemony of capitalism over the last 5000 years or so and seen unlimited examples of civilizations functioning differently…better.

        Your gullibility, which is more common than not, is exactly the root of all that is wrong in the world.

        • Dennis L. says:

          Working my way through his latest book now. Hudson is thoughtful.

          Dennis L.

        • reante says:

          Boy, Jef… and what lies, exactly, would those be?

          I notice that you didn’t counter my structural argument, you just straw-manned it with the TINA logical fallacy.

          My pointing out of political ideology is nothing personal, Jef. If you believe in being a political person then there’s nothing to be offended about when I shed non-political light on your politics.

        • yes, we had 5000yrs + of capitalism in one form or another—it didnt affect the existence of humankind very much, one way or another..

          Our problem came when we started digging up fossil fuels, releasing the energy locked within them, and failing to recognise, at that point in the early 17/1800s, that we had unleashed an entirely different form of capitalism.

          Back them, it was just the same, only bigger and better. (how could it been otherwise?)

          An even bigger problem , is that the majority still think its the same ‘capitalism’ now. That capitalism is our saviour, when it fact it has become our destroyer.

          Yes other civilisations functioned well, agreed.

          Pre Colombian Americas did OK for 000s of years—but without the wheel. Probably a ‘good thing’ looking back. They took from the land only what they needed.
          Are we prepared to stop using wheels for the sake of human survival?

          • reante says:

            peoples who take from the land only what they need aren’t civilizational peoples. peoples running structural surpluses are civilizational peoples.

            • which form of ‘existence’ would you say has the better chance of long term survival reante?

            • reante says:

              the former.

              perhaps I misunderstood you and you weren’t using pre-Columbian American peoples who only took what they needed as an example of civilizations that functioned well.
              regarding civilizations functioning well, industrial civilization has functioned perfectly well, it’s just that it’s bodybuilder civilization on steroids, so it’s short-lived.

              regarding civilizations functioning in the interests of peoples there have never been any. under natural law peoples are sovereign, because when they are sovereign the carrying capacity of the local ecology must be adhered to, which is the only guarantee of the long term survival. that said it’s not about human survival. if the ecology is respected then long term human survival takes care of itself.

            • as i tried to explain in my previous comment, pre industrial revolution, people could only take from the land what the land freely gave, that notion had to balance with ‘what they needed’.

              In pre-industrial terms. that was ‘never quite enough’ for most people —hence hunger was constant, disease was incurable and movement was limited to the speed of hoof and sail. We always produced more kids than we could support.

              Coal and oil etc were always ‘down there’–but no means existed to get at it in meaningful quantities, or use it other than to burn it.

              2000 years ago The Romans extracted shallow coal half a mile from where I’m sitting—all they could do with it was burn it in their hypocausts. They had to haul coal 7 miles by cart to their city.

              Then James Watt came along, built one of his first steam engines at the bottom of what is now my garden, (yes–its on record) and the world exploded. He demonstrated you could haul coal around the world.

              Once fuels could be extracted and moved to where they were needed, cheaply, our current predicament became inevitable—we superimposed ‘pre-industrial capitalism (castles and cathedrals) onto post industrial capitalism (railways and skyscrapers), and convinced ourselves they were the same thing.—and would be so forever.

              They weren’t;—as you say—it was capitalism on steroids. We just didn’t know it.

              That’s the difference.

              It has destroyed us.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Free lunch.

      Care to comment on our experience in European WWII and freeing inmates from concentration camps?

      Were it not for that humanitarian effort which required going from the west coast of France to Germany, my vote would have been to sit it out and not squander our precious resources. Europe seems to love war, I can take a pass on that.

      First Americans left Europe to escape some of that nonsense. Jefferson was not in love with foreign entanglements, Wilson couldn’t wait to set the world straight.

      Dennis L.

      • i am coming to the conclusion, that while Europeans left Europe to find a land free of war (more or less), they took with them the inclination for war

        that is perhaps re-emerging as the USA starts to fill up–there is no longer plenty for everyone.

        i think we might see the european state system re emerge as the states devolve into separate nations during the coming century

        • info says:

          China, India and other Civilizations all waged War. Its just that Europe is like the Warring States of China that never became a single state under an Emperor like China under the Qin.

  33. Herbie Ficklestein. says:

    NY Fed: Bank liquidity may be tighter than thought, with policy implications
    Michael S. Derby

    (Reuters) – The way the banking system manages its cash suggests the financial system may not be as flush as many now understand, and that could have implications for how the Federal Reserve manages the size of its balance sheet, a paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said Friday.

    Stay ahead of the market
    That’s because even though institutions like the Fed have flooded the banking system with reserves, many banks continue to manage fast-moving inflows and outflows of cash much like they always have, and that is tightly, the paper said. The authors argue this way of managing cash positions could become an issue for the Fed as it seeks to draw down the size of its holdings of bonds, which reduces the level of bank reserves in the system.

    Banks view their daily reserve balance levels as “scarce resource,” the paper’s authors said, adding “even in the era of large central bank balance sheets, rather than funding payments with abundant reserve balances, we show that outgoing payments remain highly sensitive to incoming payments.”

    “There is still a potential for strategic cash hoarding when reserve balances get sufficiently low,” the researchers wrote.

    “As central banks around the world respond to inflation by tightening their monetary stance and shrinking their balance sheets, the potential consequences for the wholesale payment system of the ongoing draining by central banks of reserves will likely be an important input into policy making,” the paper said.

    • Somehow, the Federal Reserve tightening at the same time that it raises interest rates, and China and Japan start selling off their Treasuries as well doesn’t sound like a good combination.

  34. Dennis L. says:

    Reading comments in TM, following a quote by TM:

    “If the interpretation we’re discussing is correct, that guideline has gone. Economies and markets can go down without then going back up. One example – the UK’s anticipated long recession won’t end, in any meaningful sense. Another – discretionary sectors, as a whole, are only going one way from here.”

    Question: How much of the internet is discretionary? At one time I believe the internet was mainly supported by pornopgraphy. Is that sector discretionary? Short Google? Short of all things Twitter? What if all the influencers on Twitter and others are simply unplugged? Will anyone notice?

    Dennis L.

    • We seem now to be reducing efficiency practically everywhere. People are being told to stay home from work if they feel even a little sick, so as not to pass illnesses around. Quite a few people retired early and won’t come back because they are afraid of catching an illness. This is part of what is bringing the economy down, besides the interest rate hikes and the higher energy costs.

      Also, practically everything has discretionary aspects. The internet no doubt has child pornographers. It certainly has a lot of gamers. But practically anything we buy has discretionary aspects.

      In some sense, everything should be shorted. The financial system is headed downward, sometime not terribly far away.

  35. Dennis L. says:

    Came across this by TM:

    “Second, money is, ultimately, flow, not stock, making hoarding it very difficult. Many writers, well outside economics, have discussed this. The one I’d mention is Kipling, where he says that the real wealth of Medieval bankers wasn’t what they had in their vaults, but their ability to divine (as water-diviners supposedly do) the “subterranean river of gold”. I quote from fallible memory, but what he meant was that true wealth resides in knowledge of the flow of money. A theologian wrote (in the 1950s) that hoarding money is actually counter-productive, as the reality of money is inflow and outflow, and hoarding can block this flow.”

    Financialization seems to have allowed some to skim off the flow while the overall real flow has declined. A billion dollars basically gives one access to the “skim.”

    Still the optimist here, it is in God’s hands; we don’t have to understand only be lucky and be in the spot wherein goes the flow. I think a major function of religion is to give hope, in general it has always worked; Nietzsche for all his contrived brilliance offered only nihilism and despair.

    Dennis L,.

    • We know God, or whatever his real name is, abandoned humanity when he allowed Henry Oswald Moseley die and also allowed Srinivasa Ramanujan into England by not making his ship carrying him from Bombay (I refuse to use the name the Hindus gave to it) to Southampton.

      God listened to the prayers of countries which are unlikely to contribute anything to the advancement of civilization.

      If that is our God, we need another who is better inclined for human advancement, and less likely to pay attention to prayers from peoples who don’t appear in Charles Murray’s book “Human Achievements”.

    • Raising interest rates certainly gives banks and the financial system in general a larger share of money spent.

      Right now, it seems pretty clear people should be spending their money, rather than saving it. Goods and services are going to be much less available in the future. This could happen in several different ways (high prices; empty shelves; inability to get money out of bank accounts when it is needed because of financial system problems).

  36. CTG says:

    France Is Facing A High Risk Of A Power Supply Squeeze In January

    YO.. FE… we need to move from Q4 to Q1

  37. Fred says:

    At this stage of proceedings, it’s time for a vote of thanks to the EU and Brit members of the blog.

    We all know that the main game is POMC (Peak Oil Musical Chairs) where the losers are dispatched to the consumption dungeon, so it’s a selfless display of generosity for the EU and Brits to voluntarily give up frivolous luxuries such as electricity, fuel and probably regular food and the remnants of their industries.

    We thank and salute you guys.

    For the rest of us it’s still BAU baby, party time!

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    Collapse accelerates as fuel rationing begins in Europe


    Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD (
    Collapse accelerates as fuel rationing begins in Europe
    Panic buying of petrol has ensued in the United Kingdom after oil giant BP announced new rationing of gasoline and diesel. Persistent supply chain problems stemming from the governmen

  39. Fast Eddy says:

    Check this out … me and me mate went here in the 4 bah 4 today

  40. MG says:

    The humans originated in areas with enough heat, low humidity and fresh air.

    They moved to cold and humid areas with bad air, where plants, bacteria, viruses and other species dominated.

    Now there is 8 billion of them and they are going to beg other species to have mercy with them, as their energy supply declines…

    • reante says:

      Plants, bacteria, ‘viruses,’; and other species also once moved to those areas. It’s called adaptation.

      • MG says:

        But humans need energy for survival in hostile areas. That is the humany way of adaptation: converting energy into shelters, food, infrastructure, vehicles.

        Plants, bacteria, viruses do not have production plants etc. for adaptation. They adapted to the natural environment. Humans invested huge amounts of energy into turning nature into human dwellings with the same characteristics as their original habitat.

        • reante says:

          I assumed by cold and hostile you just meant temperate climates up to, say, 55deg latitude, in comparison to Africa. Temperate climates aren’t hostile climates for humans with steel at their disposal. In the winter cold, food preservation takes care of itself. Vehicles are unnecessary. Obviously most of the 8B will die but the energy is adequate for the species to continue to exist don’t you think? I agree that the most extreme climates that are currently being inhabited by IC will likely lose its human populations like how it’s believed the Soay sheep were left behind on the island of Soay when Rome receded which relieved the ecological compaction in Scotland, and the indigenous human community on Soay returned to the mainland.

          • Withnail says:

            Temperate climates aren’t hostile climates for humans with steel at their disposal.

            They turn hostile pretty fast when the trees are gone

            • reante says:

              Grass and brush can be burned until the trees come back to the remaining survivors in 15 years. Manure can be burned.

              Of course, it doesn’t work that way anyway. All the trees can never be gone. Rome didn’t collapse because all the trees were gone. It collapsed because too many of the harvestable ones were harvested at the same time, out of the existential necessity of having to run structural surpluses. Europe reforested in conjunction with the human population decline, but with a less diverse and less native flora.

            • Withnail says:

              Grass and brush can be burned until the trees come back to the remaining survivors in 15 years. Manure can be burned.

              The trees won’t come back if you’re doing that.

              You would be continuing to degrade the land that way.

            • Withnail says:

              Of course, it doesn’t work that way anyway. All the trees can never be gone.

              Just watch it happen when fossil fuel supplies cease for good.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              When I was flying into Haiti… I noticed there were no trees…

            • reante says:

              You’re discounting the dieoff side of the dynamic equation, on both counts. The forest deadfall will get burned by people but the amount of work and tooling it takes to bring down forests without FF FAR exceeds the ability of people experiencing calorie restricted diets. I’m cutting down and working up a small forest now, with a tractor, a skidding winch, and powersaws, in order to establish mixed coppicewood pastures — I know what it takes.

        • Withnail says:

          That’s right. I think human civilisations in Europe are always doomed because they simply need too much firewood to be sustainable.

          Cooking, winter heating and industry and then on top of that all the other needs for wood like construction. There’s never enough.

          The Greek city states like Athens were once powerful but when their wood resources ran low they were easily conquered by the Macedonians then the Romans and remained unimportant backwaters ever since.

          The traditional Greek way of cooking, charcoal grilling, is because they didn’t have enough firewood. And ancient Greek homes were built to maximise warmth from the sun in the main rooms because they had to be.

  41. Mirror on the wall says:

    It looks like the Tories may be headed for another massive bust up over Brexit. They have already been through 3 PMs in recent months, and they are way behind Labour in the polls. And less than a month into the Sunak PM’ship, hardline Brexiteers are threatening to bring down the government.

    There is a general sense in the country that Brexit has been a disaster, with the loss of free access to the EU market, no major trade deals, exports way down, and the economy about to enter its longest recession on record. It is no massive surprise that the loss of free access to the major market has harmed the economy. Meanwhile, UK real wages are in freefall, back to 2004 levels.

    Sunak now reportedly wants a ‘Swiss-style’ arrangement of eased trade with the EU in return for EU migration, payments to the EU budget, and likely subjection to the ECJ court, and regulatory economic alignment with the EU – all of which are massive ‘red lines’ for Brexiteers like the ERG.

    Three years after Boris campaigned to ‘get Brexit done’, the ethos now seems to be to ‘get Brexit largely undone’. That would be a massive volte-face, and it would likely discredit the Tories and see them out of government for the foreseeable future. It would likely go down in history as a monumental debacle akin to Suez.

    It perhaps raises more general questions about the geopolitical nous of the British State these days a la Ukraine and Russia. It seems likely that the BS is far from what it was once, and that it now has not got a clue what it is doing. A lot of people have suspected that for a very long time, anyway.

    Frankly, this is just embarrassing.

    > [Sunak administration] mulls Swiss-style ties with Brussels

    Senior government figures are planning to put Britain on the path towards a Swiss-style relationship with the European Union.

    The move, intended to forge closer economic ties, is likely to infuriate hardline Conservative Brexiteers.

    Jeremy Hunt, the chancellor, last week signalled that Rishi Sunak’s administration intends to break from the approach adopted by Boris Johnson and remove the vast majority of trade barriers with the bloc.

    In private, senior government sources have suggested that pursuing frictionless trade requires moving towards a Swiss-style relationship over the next decade. However, they insist this would not extend to a return to freedom of movement.

    Switzerland has access to the European single market through a series of bilateral agreements.

    However, the model also involves more liberal EU migration, and payments to the EU budget, with the bloc in recent years also pushing for the European Court of Justice to have greater oversight in the relationship. The Swiss have frequently debated restricting free movement from the bloc, but in the most recent referendum opted to keep it.

    These are all red lines for members of the rebellious European Research Group.

    It was also an approach that Johnson and Lord Frost, his chief Brexit negotiator, ruled out when they drew up the UK’s negotiating mandate in 2020.

    The Tory Brexiteers are fiercely opposed to any move that risks returning the UK closer to the EU’s regulatory orbit.

    Last night Frost said: “Any approach requiring the UK to align with EU rules to get trade benefits, whether as part of a Swiss-style approach or any other, would be quite unacceptable. Boris Johnson and I fought very hard to avoid any such requirements in 2020 and ensure the UK could set its own laws, and we should not contemplate giving this away in future.”

    One rebel said they feared “unfettered trade” sounded eerily similar to the ill-fated Chequers deal drawn up by Theresa May in 2018.

    There are also mounting concerns in the ERG that the government is preparing to give ground to Brussels to resolve the disagreement over the Northern Ireland protocol.

    Insiders have said a deal could see the EU drop most of its checks on goods passing between Great Britain and Northern Ireland if the UK takes a less ideological position on the role of the European Court of Justice in Northern Ireland.

    But doing so would lead the group to try to “bring down the government”, warned one senior member.

    The Brexiteers Chris Heaton-Harris and Steve Baker are ministers in the Northern Ireland Office and are working on a deal with Brussels.

    But it is understood that warnings have been sent to Downing Street that it is the EU, not the UK, which must give ground on the ECJ. Similar warnings have been passed to the German embassy.

    “Just because people like Mark Francois have not been going on about the ECJ does not mean that they have changed their view,” said an informed source. “They would rather bring down the government than accept the supremacy of a foreign court over any territory of the UK.”

  42. Lastcall says:

    Look whats for dinner.
    Tastes like chicken/pig/cow from Branson/Gates/Musk.
    Fries with that?

    ‘While the end product is meant to resemble chicken, its origin materials may include “materials of bovine or porcine origin… in addition to cell culture media, media components, and antibiotics and antimycotics,” according to FDA documentation. Upside Foods claims its cow materials are sourced from disease-free or risk-negligible herds and its pig components are tested for “porcine viruses that could survive in human cells.”

    The company acknowledges potential “unintended effects of genetic engineering,” as well as possible contamination with microorganisms or zoonotic viruses as potential hazards inherent in the manufacturing process, but reassures the FDA it has procedures in place to test for these. Upside’s chicken, it claims, is “as safe as conventional poultry meat from a chicken carcass.”

    While the lab-grown chicken meat must be approved by the US Department of Agriculture and Food Safety and Inspection Service before they can be sold on the US market, CEO Uma Valeti heralded the FDA’s announcement as a victory, releasing a statement calling it “a watershed moment in the history of food.”

    Founded as Memphis Meats in 2015, the company has attracted prodigious funding from billionaires like Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Virgin founder Richard Branson, as well as Kimbal Musk, brother of world’s richest man Elon Musk. It rebranded as Upside last year.

  43. Adonis says: the elders groomed putin for his necessary role all part of the great reset listen to klaus in this short video if you want to believe

    • reante says:

      I agree about Putin but the great reset is just another cover for energy collapse. Even if they hate the idea, people will take a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ over collapse any day of the week, obviously, and getting people to think what we’re going through now is a function of politics and not nature batting last provides cover, and also catalyzes the political reaction they’re looking for. Fourth industrial revolution is just as unrealistic as transitioning to renewables.

      • Adonis says:

        What technology will we see in the 4th industrial revolution howabout digital identity utilizing existing phone technology and qr codes we have already received training the economic collapse has begun it is lovingly called the great reset but expect a staircase collapse instead of seneca ciff which no one would really want

        • Withnail says:

          None. Electricity won’t continue.

        • cassandraclub says:

          Not everyone will be onboard with that digital identity. Some will refuse and others won’t be able to afford the existing phone technology any longer.
          Electricity blackouts will make the digital identity useless part of the time.

        • there was, and will only ever be, one industrial revolution, that of manufacturing cheap iron, and in turn using that to access the weight of the atmosphere to move physical objects lying beneath it by means of a vacuum. created by water, fire and steam.

          Virtually all other ‘industries’ of any mechanical complexity (as opposed to hand-crafts) are entirely dependent on that single ‘breakthrough’ in the early 1700s

          • Cromagnon says:

            I would completely agree….


            What might happen if the physics of the world changed?

            There is ample evidence worldwide of a previous running of the reality engines ( pun intended).

            How exactly were monolithic cut blocks of basalt and granite weighing 500-1000 tons cut, moved and emplaned in myriad ancient constructions worldwide?


            There sitting right there in plain view. Balbeck, Lebanon, multiple sites on Peruvian plateau, western Montana,
            They are everywhere, on every continent ( and yes probably Antarctica as well).

            We really are a species with amnesia.

            • first off–can you explain what a reality engine is—i’ve never heard of one.

              2nd– the laws of physics are what they are, and as far as we can see, remain the same throughout the universe.

              We can see, millions of light years away, that the rotation of galaxies is the same as water emptying from your bath. This would seem to confirm that the forces (physics) are the same.

              We can identify the elements that make up distant stars. They may vary in proportion, but there are no new ones.

              The stones you mention were cut but never used, which would seem to suggest the quarrymen exceeded their skill base.—ie once quarried, nothing more could be done with them

            • reante says:

              Precision stonecutting isn’t a mystery. Grading clean roads for smooth stone rollers for rolling smooth-sided massive stones with levers and pulleys and winches and hundreds of men has a mystique surrounding it from the outside but I’ve seen a few men do awesome stuff with simple tools and lots of experience, and I don’t doubt that if I had been there to see them move those rocks at Balbeck I’d’ve been like, fuck yeah, that’s how you do it.

              You just had to be there Cromagnon, to see it happen, to have the necessary frame of reference for the greatest iron age large public works projects that in peacetime served to psychologically reinforce the dominance of the State over the people. The Native Americans famously couldn’t see that the big European ships for the boats that they were until they were close to shore because they simply had no frame of reference for them.

      • ivanislav says:

        The 4th industrial revolution cannot happen if complex dependencies required for industry are not maintained. This requires energy. I don’t see cloud infrastructure, wireless devices, and 5G poles every 200 feet being maintained and replaced periodically without sufficient energy.

        So either we get a new energy source or we go back to the middle ages.

        • postkey says:

          ” Economic growth and prosperity are caused by the efficient use of energy… energy whose cost is now rising remorselessly. Barring some leap forward in our understanding of applied physics, the energy available to us to power the economy is in terminal decline. Ergo, irrespective of what governments and central banks do, we are all going to get poorer with each passing year. And whatever else this implies, it means that one way or another, the financial economy is going to shrink back into line with the real economy. Whether governments and central banks choose to create a wave of debt defaults or – more likely under popular pressure from electorates – print currency in an attempt to inflate the debt away, depression and decline are built-in.”

          • Right! It is finished goods and services that are declining. No many how much money is printed, it won’t change the situation.

            Printing money can help decide how the limited supply of goods and services are distributed. Politicians would likely push for making them more evenly distributed, so that more of the voters have an adequate supply. If there are not enough to go around, it would seem like the non-workers (retirees and disabled, for example) would need to get shortchanged.

          • I had a chance to read this article. Tim Watkins makes many very fine observations about how the situation is playing out in the UK. He also put up a chart, showing differences in long-term inflation rates in the US by sector of the economy. I would summarize that it is the service sector prices that have gone through the roof–things like education and health care. Things we import from China tend to be cheaper. Worth reading!

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      my judgement is that Vlad the Great attended WEF activities to find out what they were all about.

      now Vlad the Great has the upper hand on them, because he knows what they are all about, while he has not shown his cards to them.

      that’s one reason why he is Vlad the Great.

      there are other reasons why he is Vlad the Great.

      this is one small example of why he is Vlad the Great.

    • Lastcall says:

      Old news

    • banned says:

      Explain to me how a five minute “grooming” by bald headed POS overides all the rest of the things in your life that have meaning? Putin not a god. He is a man. People put uncomfortable things in boxes for disposal. Thats conveniant.
      “well you know putin was KGB” Evil box for disposal. Putin is WEF. Evil box for disposal.

      USA needs to join BRICs. A rough crowd for sure. Brazil Russia India and the USA could possibly keep China honest. Thats why the USA is needed in BRICs. The only thing that keeps soccer hoodlums honest is other soccer hoodlums.

      Its not like you touch anything Russian and it gives you cooties. Thats part of the racism we see openly projected. Nor is Putin mother Teresa. Cultures have strengths. Cultures have weaknesses. Justice takes work. The alternative is ww3. Thats the russians have cooties approach. WE evolve and do the work or just fall back on cliches. Maybe we are not up to it. That will not be good. IMO we damn well better.

      This is how I see it.

      1. WW3.
      2. Russia finishes the job in Ukraine. USAEU institute CBDC isolated living in their own private idaho facist states while the rest of the world trys to find a way. A nice war of conquest or two in Uraguay perhaps? Gatling guns against natives is always fun.
      3. USA participates in the new changing and evolving thing we call justice with equal status in the soccer hoodlum club..

      Or are we scared we cant measure up as a soccer hoodlum amonst fellow soccer hoodlums? Or do we truly believe we are exceptional and get to own these other nations? Thats not a uncommon viewpoint. Ive heard it many times. Someone maintains order and we are the best guy for the job. WW3.
      or maintaining order in our basement where it is safe.

      We evolve or we perish.

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    China operates police stations in the US??? hahaha.. more theatre – in what clown world would that be allowed (and we are in a clown world)

    • Ssm says:

      I’m going to call b.s… give us a good reference for this…or don’t waste time

      • just google tommyrobinson instead Ssm

        that will tell you all you need to know.

      • Lidia17 says:

        I had heard about this a couple of weeks ago, and it’s quite easy to find references. I’m sure Norm will recognize these trusted sources:

        According to the Spain-based NGO Safeguard Defenders, Chinese public security bureaus established the “overseas police service stations” in several continents, including two in London and one in Glasgow. In North America, it found stations in Toronto and in New York.

        “We are aware of the existence of these stations,” Mr Wray said.

        The senior intelligence official [FBI head Wray] was speaking at a US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, where he was grilled by senior lawmakers.

        • Tim Groves says:

          When the Chinese policemen turn up at Norman’s house with tasers and metal baseball bats in hand at 5 am and demand to see his smartphone and social media history, that might wipe the smug smile from his face.

          • Sam says:

            It’s called mafia nothing new has been happening for centuries!! Why sounds like good U.S. propaganda to me

          • got you there tim

            i don’t possess a smartphone.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Good on you for that, Norman.

              I possess one that gathers dust most of the time. The wife insists I carry one when I go to town so she can ask me to fulfill her impulse buying orders at the supermarket and nag me if I stay out too late.

              It’s all about control.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Aaaaaa Ha! Now I know why norm has only had 4 shots instead of the 6 on offer.

              If norm has a smart phone he’d get the alerts ‘Book a Booster’ which allow him to immediately slot in his clot shot appointment.. then another alert on the day so he doesn’t miss his shot … I suspect being a geezer they’d even come pick norm up…

              norm sees the announcements on BBCCNN … but he’s spike-brained (similar to bird brained but self inflicted and much worse)… so he it goes in one eyeball and out the other… and before you know it norm’s got Super Snatch on his mind and he forgets about the booster.

              Tell you what norm .. I’ll sign up to the UK Cov App so that I get the alerts … and I’ll give you multiple reminders on the day that the next one is on offer … and I’ll even call the Uber and pay for it for you.

              Because Fast Eddy asked me to assist you cuz HE would like you to stay Safe and Effective

            • still telling everyone about you own inadequacies and obsessions eddy?

              This traffic fantasy is a repeat of the medical centre fantasy a couple of years ago.

              Yelling at the staff down there, giving them ‘what for’—they were trying to kill you etc etc–you were going to sue.

              Turns out, that none of it happened–(you told us that a while later)

              We all have encounters like that—thinking of great deeds in the past tense—but do stop trying to make out its real mate, it not, just embarrassing.

              No doubt you were pulled over for something, but the ensuing theatre was just in your head, nothing more

            • Fast Eddy says:

              normmike (BBCCNN) says just do what you are told … like a brainless zombie… trust the police trust the government …

              Inject the diseased rat juice – ask no questions – do it cuz otherwise you can’t easily ‘get around’… Just Do It!

              If the cops pull you over grovel on bended knee — offer to tickle their balls… Oh Master please be lenient with me — wash your feet too?

              GP offers you the injection when you came for the Hydroxy — oh thanks but I don’t need that… nah… the time for politeness ends when someone offers you the poison rat juice… lash out at them as you might if someone threatened to stab you … do not comply … do not be civil…

              This is what the Elders want – compliance… that separates those who deserve to live and those who get Fed to the Pigs… mikenorm types get FTHP.

              Look where ‘do what your told’ has gotten you two NOFs… jacket up on rat juice and waiting to be Culled and Fed to the Pigs.

              The cop will grovel and wash FE’s feet … he’s already wavering … trembling … he is the presence of The Great One… why offend the Messiah? What’s the upside there?

              Here’s my latest… just off the phone with the head of compliance at the Council … there are hundreds of properties that are not consented for short term rentals in QT… one of the staff at a restaurant we frequent was telling us her and her partner got an eviction notice…

              The owner is putting the property up for short lets to make more $$$…

              They have two months to leave – there are almost no properties for rent where they are – and those that come up have dozens of people competing …

              Council is not proactive – but as they confirmed if someone complains they will act.

              So Fast has helped the MOREONS out — cuz they can’t work out that they need to do something to get something … Fast has a link to the anonymous complaint form on Council site — HE will get this to some of the MOREONS … they can send links to homes listed on Airbnb etc… asserting they are not consented (most homes in built up areas are not consented)… Council checks their records — if no consent a warning goes out … then a fine …

              Fast Eddy will fix the QT property market and help the helpless MOREONS …

              Not that it matters for they will all be Culled soon which solves the housing crisis.

              There we have a case study in how not being a brainless sheep can be effective…

              All hail Fast Eddy. Giver of HIS precious time to the pathetic blobs of goo who would not even know to water the crops if they were wilting and dying….

              Fast Eddy for Global Emperor post Cull. His hat is in the ring.

              Vaxxed people don’t worry about it – you won’t be voting

            • i missed a red filter light

              with a police car right behind me—oops.

              my fault, no fuss, ticking off, a fine—fair enough. Could have been points on my licence, but didn’t go that far.
              Everybody polite, no ranting.

              I am not somehow subjecting my identity to the system.

              They never mentioned covid. (weird?)

              Still trying to figure out the link between traffic violations and property evictions, but maybe things are different NZ.

              always good to hear of your good works tho eddy–they dont feature much on Huffpost

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Ah … so the police are infallible right? He wasn’t right behind me … he was in front of me… following the slow moving car too … as you can see I don’t give f789s – a passing lane = pass. Cop or no cop… Perhaps he didn’t like being passed?

              So cops are infallible? Just like Dr Fauci right.. They’d never try to f789 you over – or make a mistake…

              Just take this diseased rat juice – inject it … it won’t go past your shoulder hahahahaaha… oh and if you get covid despite the promises we made … ignore that… you need to inject more rat juice… and you won’t die .. even though almost all the fools dying from covid are multiple rat juiced…

              hahaha… but hey – you can get around easily if you inject rat juice.. it’s worth it! ask mike

            • i just offered factual info on what happened me 2 years ago. Rage just isn’t an important part of my life. (probably why I’ve lived so long without any doc. interference)

              but if covidrama has morphed into copdrama–thats your problem.

              but i have to say, with every retelling, its sounding more and more like the clinicdrama of a while back. Change cops for receptionists and you wouldn’t know the difference.

              (ie the whole thing turned out to be BS)

              But entertaining, none the less.

              But rage is long term suicide eddy…as a bit of free advice. Take it or leave it.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              As I’ve pointed out … the odds of meeting a non-MOREON outside of OFW … are near 0.

              Swap one MOREON for another you meant right?

              Put yourself in Fast Eddy’s shoes… having this massive IQ … and having to deal with people like yourself all day long…

              Who wouldn’t be irritated

              It’s why FE tries to limit external contact — he spends most of his time with Hoolio on the Goat Ranch… really the only exception is hockey

            • just trying to be genuinely helpful eddy, (take it or leave it)

              because rage is just another way of writing a suicide note.

              Years ago–gf observed–‘you dont get annoyed with other road users, no matter how they behave’

              my answer—‘why would i get annoyed with someone i’ve never met, and will never see again?
              Waste of time. I apply that online. It seems to annoy some people, why I don’t know. The most you’ll get from me is eye rolling.

              continual adverse judgement of people on here (me and many others) or elsewhere merely defines what you are, not what they are. (didn’t you know that)?

              Hence the constant verbal diarrhoea, everyone is a moron, (note spelling), skoolyard level of writing ability, mentally ill if they disagree with you.

              Massive IQ?–we can all say that once. Repeating it again and again is somewhat suspect,
              I too had a way above average iq (at 11), can’t say it did me much good in the long run. I certainly dont feel the need to go on about it.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I am annoyed with most people … they think they are intelligent but in reality there are basically no smarter than a parrot.

              If they’d just shut the f789 up instead of regurgitating what CNNBBC tells them to think … I’d not be annoyed.

            • all anger does is provide a mirror of self eddy, expletives describe what you are—not what someone else is. You may notice I don’t use them–here or in RL.
              that’s why.

              Some things you utter are no doubt true and accurate.

              problem is the truth is blanketed by nonsense, so I disregard everything.

              Going back to the old chestnuts of ‘school shootings are done by crisis actors’. Is that said because you actual believe it?–or as attention seeking? Either way lies foolishness.

              Alex Jones is obviously mentally disturbed. It concerns me that he can influence so many gullible people.
              Eye rolling time as far as I am concerned.
              But to you–everyone else but you is ‘mentally ill’.

              Same applies to all the other stuff. You get angry because people disagree with you. Out fly the expletives you would not dare utter in RL.

              Is your opinion the only one to be tolerated?

              I tolerate your opinion on the moon landing, or lack thereof. Doesn’t annoy me at all.
              No news outlet is 100% correct, —so which news outlet should I believe, ?

              The Times of Eddy?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Mentally Ill Stew-pid >> or both … take your pick.

              Fast Eddy is the Messiah + has Super Powers and a 1500HP IQ (HE would be insulted by that suffix though) — HE matters.

            • very good eddy

              just confirms my observations

              life’s great law—when you’re in a hole stop digging

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I was thinking it was more like a mountain … and Fast Eddy is climbing the north face… a sheer cliff…

            • thats a better bet eddy

              you make it abundantly clear that gravity doesn’t apply to you

              just make sure it isn’t wile-e-coyotes cliff though–he might hit you on the way down, and take you down with him.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Oh look … there’s norm trying to follow FE like a gnarly old mountain goat (NOF) … let’s stomp on norm’s fingers…

              Cya norm


    • ExxonMobil sees the same problem I see!

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        I thought it was a very optimistic projection, though we know that Exxon doesn’t consider future affordability issues etc.

        does anyone have a more pessimistic graph?

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        here’s a graph of oil production without any “new investment”:

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          so perhaps the actual slope will be somewhere between this pessimistic graph and the above optimistic graph.

          • Or worse. Remember that natural gas liquids are not worth much. A small portion can be blended into gasoline, but often they can only be burned with natural gas. They partly are used for making plastics, but there is a limit to the amount of plastics anyone wants. (What is the point in recycling plastics, by the way? Just uses up oil, I expect.)

          • reante says:

            Yeah I’ll take Worse for 200 please, Alex. That looks like the backside of a bell curve and not a senecan cliff. We’re facing cascading consequences.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              while future graphs of net surplus energy supply and its resulting prosperity surely will look more Senecan, I’m not so sure about gross energy supply.

              FF production is the base of the economy, far and away the most essential and useful economic activity, which supports all other economic activity.

              on the economic downslope, almost all other activity should be cast off before FF production, and food production and distribution.

              so the future graphs of FF and Food might look more Bellish than Senecan.

              the future will be FF+F.

    • houtskool says:

      Thanks Ron.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      this Exxon graph very clearly shows the 2005 peak in conventional oil.

      also very clear is the late 2018 peak in conventional + unconventional crude oil, the bottom 4 colored bands.

      it’s interesting that they project this total crude oil to remain fairly flat into the 2030s, looking like tight oil and deepwater oil increasing slightly and balancing out the decline in conventional oil.

      so similar production into the 2030s, but of course this will be more expensive and energy intensive production.

      this is a really great and optimistic projection and, unless there’s a better projection out there, I would say let’s accept this and roll with bAU in IC into the 2030s, baby.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the orange band NGL (or NGPL Natural Gas Plant Liquids) looks projected to increase into the 2040s.

      since as the name says, these are byproducts of natural gas production, it must mean that Exxon projects natural gas production to increase into the 2040s.

      these “liquids” have less value than crude oil, but are widely used because they do have some value.

      (CH4 methane is the natural gas.)

      NGL is mostly:

      C2H6 ethane usually used to make plastics.

      C3H8 butane burns okay, remember those small pocket butane cigarette lighters?

      C4H10 propane used for outdoor “gas” grills, indoor “gas” fireplaces, and even whole house heating in areas that don’t have pipeline natural gas.

      gotta love those hydrocarbons.

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