Today’s Energy Crisis Is Very Different from the Energy Crisis of 2005

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Back in 2005, the world economy was “humming along.” World growth in energy consumption per capita was rising at 2.3% per year in the 2001 to 2005 period. China had been added to the World Trade Organization in December 2001, ramping up its demand for all kinds of fossil fuels. There was also a bubble in the US housing market, brought on by low interest rates and loose underwriting standards.

Figure 1. World primary energy consumption per capita based on BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The problem in 2005, as now, was inflation in energy costs that was feeding through to inflation in general. Inflation in food prices was especially a problem. The Federal Reserve chose to fix the problem by raising the Federal Funds interest rate from 1.00% to 5.25% between June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2006.

Now, the world is facing a very different problem. High energy prices are again feeding over to food prices and to inflation in general. But the underlying trend in energy consumption is very different. The growth rate in world energy consumption per capita was 2.3% per year in the 2001 to 2005 period, but energy consumption per capita for the period 2017 to 2021 seems to be slightly shrinking at minus 0.4% per year. The world seems to already be on the edge of recession.

The Federal Reserve seems to be using a similar interest rate approach now, in very different circumstances. In this post, I will try to explain why I don’t think that this approach will produce the desired outcome.

[1] The 2004 to 2006 interest rate hikes didn’t lead to lower oil prices until after July 2008.

It is easiest to see the impact (or lack thereof) of rising interest rates by looking at average monthly world oil prices.

Figure 2. Average monthly Brent spot oil prices based on data of the US Energy Information Administration. Latest month shown is July 2022.

The US Federal Reserve began raising target interest rates in June 2004 when the average Brent oil price was only $38.22 per barrel. These interest rates stopped rising at the end of June 2006, when oil prices averaged $68.56 per barrel. Oil prices on this basis eventually reached $132.72 per barrel in July 2008. (All of these amounts are in dollars of the day, rather than being adjusted for inflation.) Thus, the highest price was over three times the price in June 2004, when the US Federal Reserve made the decision to start raising target interest rates.

Based on Figure 2 (including my notes regarding the timing of the interest rate rise), I would conclude that raising interest rates didn’t work very well at bringing down the price of oil when it was tried in the 2004 to 2006 period. Of course, the economy was growing rapidly, then. The rapid growth of the economy likely led to the very high oil price shown in mid-2008.

I expect that the result of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates now, in a low-growth world economy, might be quite different. The world’s debt bubble might pop, leading to a worse situation than the financial crisis of 2008. Indirectly, both asset prices and commodity prices, including oil prices, would tend to fall very low.

Analysts looking at the situation from strictly an energy perspective tend to miss the interconnected nature of the economy. Factors which energy analysts overlook (particularly debt becoming impossible to repay, as interest rates rise) may lead to an outcome that is pretty much the opposite result of the standard belief. The typical belief of energy analysts is that low oil supply will lead to very high prices and more oil production. In the current situation, I expect that the result might be closer to the opposite: Oil prices will fall because of financial problems brought on by the higher interest rates, and these lower oil prices will lead to even lower oil production.

[2] The purpose of the US Federal reserve raising target interest rates was to flatten the growth rate of the world economy. Looking back at Figure 1, the growth in energy consumption per capita was much lower after the Great Recession. I doubt that now in 2022, we want even lower growth (really, more shrinkage) in energy consumption per capita for future years.*

Looking at Figure 1, growth in energy consumption per capita has been very slow since the Great Recession. A person wonders: What is the point of governments and their central banks pushing the world economy down, now in 2022, when the world economy is already barely able to maintain international supply lines and provide enough diesel for all of the world’s trucks and agricultural equipment?

If the world economy is pushed downward now, what would the result be? Would some countries find themselves unable to afford fossil fuel energy products in the future? This might lead to problems both in growing and transporting food, at least for these countries. Would the whole world suffer a major crisis of some sort, such as a financial crisis? The world economy is a self-organizing system. It is difficult to forecast precisely how the situation would work out.

[3] While the growth rate in energy consumption per capita was much lower after 2008, the price of crude oil quickly bounced back to over $120 per barrel in inflation-adjusted prices in the 2011-2013 time frame.

Figure 3 shows that oil prices immediately bounced back up after the Great Recession of 2008-2009. Quantitative Easing (QE), which the US Federal Reserve began in late 2008, helped energy prices to shoot back up again. QE helped keep the cost of borrowing by governments low, allowing governments to run larger deficits than might otherwise have been possible without interest rates rising. These higher deficits added to the demand for commodities of all types, including oil, thus raising prices.

Figure 3. Average annual oil prices inflation-adjusted oil prices based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy. Amounts shown are Brent equivalent spot prices.

The chart above shows average annual Brent oil prices through 2021. The above chart does not show 2022 prices. The current Brent oil price is about $91 per barrel. So, oil prices today are a little higher than they have been recently, but they are nowhere nearly as high as they were in the 2011 to 2013 period or in the late 1970s. The extreme reaction we are seeing is very strange. The problem seems to be much more than oil prices, by themselves.

[4] High prices in the 2006 to 2013 period allowed the rise of unconventional oil production. These high oil prices also helped keep conventional oil production from falling after 2005.

It is difficult to find detail on the precise amount of unconventional oil, but some countries are known for their unconventional oil production. For example, the US has become a leader in the extraction of tight oil from shale formations. Canada also produces a little tight oil, but it also produces quite a bit of very heavy oil from the oil sands. Venezuela produces a different type of very heavy oil. Brazil produces crude oil from under the salt layer of the ocean, sometimes called pre-salt crude oil. These unconventional types of extraction tend to be expensive.

Figure 4 shows world oil production for various combinations of countries. The top line is total world crude oil production. The bottom gray line approximates world total conventional oil production. Unconventional oil production has been rising since, say, 2010, so this approximation is better for years 2010 and subsequent years on the chart, than it is for earlier years.

Figure 4. Crude and condensate oil production based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration. The lower lines subtract the full amount of crude and condensate production for the countries listed. These countries have substantial amounts of unconventional oil production, but they may also have some conventional production.

From this chart, it appears that world conventional oil production leveled off after 2005. Some people (often referred to as “Peak Oilers”) were concerned that conventional oil production would reach a peak and begin to decline, starting shortly after 2005.

The thing that seems to have kept production from falling after 2005 is the steep rise in oil prices in the 2004 to 2008 period. Figure 3 shows that oil prices were quite low between 1986 and 2003. Once oil prices began to rise in 2004 and 2005, oil companies found that they had enough revenue that they could start adopting more intensive (and expensive) extraction techniques. This allowed more oil to be extracted from existing conventional oil fields. Of course, diminishing returns still set in, even with these more intensive techniques.

These diminishing returns are probably a major reason that conventional oil production started to fall in 2019. Indirectly, diminishing returns likely contributed to the decline in 2020, and the failure of the oil supply to bounce back up to its 2018 (or 2019) level in 2021.

[5] A better way of looking at world crude oil production is on a per capita basis because the world’s crude oil needs depend on world population.

Everyone in the world needs the benefit of crude oil, since it is used both in farming and in transporting goods of all kinds. Thus, the need for crude oil rises with population growth. I prefer analyzing crude oil production on a per capita basis.

Figure 5. Per capita crude oil production based on international data by country from the US Energy Information Administration.

Figure 5 shows that on a per capita basis, conventional crude oil production (gray bottom line) started declining after 2005. It was only with the addition of unconventional oil that crude oil production per capita could remain fairly level between 2005 and 2018 or 2019.

[6] Unconventional oil, if analyzed by itself, seems to be quite price sensitive. If politicians everywhere want to hold oil prices down, the world cannot count on extracting very much of the huge amount of unconventional oil resources that seem to be available.

Figure 6. Crude oil production based on international data for the US Energy Information Administration for each of the countries shown.

On Figure 6, crude oil production dips in 2016 – 2017 and also in 2020 – 2021. Both the 2016 and the 2020 dips are related to low prices. The continued low prices in 2017 and 2021 may reflect start-up problems after a low price, or they may reflect skepticism that prices can stay high enough to make continued extraction profitable. Canada seems to show similar dips in its oil production.

Venezuela shows a fairly different pattern. Information from the US Energy Information Administration mentions that the country started having major problems once the world oil price started falling in 2014. I am aware that the US has had sanctions against Venezuela in recent years, but it seems to me that these sanctions are closely related to Venezuela’s oil price problems. If Venezuela’s very heavy oil could really be extracted profitably, and the producers of this oil could be taxed to provide services for the people of Venezuela, the country would not have the many problems that it has today. The country likely needs a price between $200 and $300 per barrel to allow for sufficient funds for extraction plus adequate tax revenue.

Brazil’s oil production seems to be relatively more stable, but its growth has been slow. It has taken many years to get its production up to 2.9 million barrels per day. There is also some pre-salt oil production just now getting started in Angola and other countries of West Africa. This type of oil requires a high level of technical expertise and imported resources from around the world. If world trade falters, this type of oil production is likely to falter, as well.

A large share of the world’s oil reserves are unconventional oil reserves, of one type or another. The fact that rising oil prices are a real problem for citizens means that these unconventional reserves are unlikely to be tapped. Instead, we may be dealing with seriously short supplies of products we need for operating our economies, including diesel oil and jet fuel.

[7] Figure 1 at the beginning of this post indicated falling energy consumption per capita. This problem extends to more than oil. On a per capita basis, both coal and nuclear energy consumption are falling.

Practically no one pays any attention to coal consumption, but this is the fuel that allowed the Industrial Revolution to start. It is reasonable to expect that since the world economy started using coal first, it might be the first to deplete. Figure 7 shows that world coal consumption per capita hit a peak in 2011 and has declined since then.

Figure 7. World coal consumption per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Many of us have heard about Aesop’s Fable, The Fox and the Grapes. According to Wikipedia, “The story concerns a fox that tries to eat grapes from a vine but cannot reach them. Rather than admit defeat, he states they are undesirable. The expression ‘sour grapes’ originated from this fable.”

In the case of coal, we are told that coal is undesirable because it is very polluting and raises CO2 levels. While these things are true, coal has historically been very inexpensive, and this is important for people buying coal. Coal is also easy to transport. It could be used for fuel instead of cutting down trees, thus helping local ecosystems. The negative things that we are being told about coal are true, but it is hard to find an adequate inexpensive substitute.

Figure 8 shows that world nuclear energy per capita is also falling. To some extent, its fall has stabilized since 2012 because China and a few other “developing nations” have been adding nuclear capacity, while developed nations in Europe have tended to remove their existing nuclear power plants.

Figure 8. World nuclear electricity consumption per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy. Amounts are based on the amount of fossil fuels that this electricity would theoretically replace.

Nuclear energy is confusing because experts seem to disagree on how dangerous nuclear power plants are, over the long term. One concern relates to proper disposal of spent fuel after its use.

[8] The world seems to be at a difficult time now because we don’t have any good options for fixing our falling energy consumption per capita problem, without greatly reducing world population. The two choices that seem to be available both seem to be far higher-priced than is feasible.

There are two choices that seem to be available:

[A] Encourage large amounts of fossil fuel production by encouraging very high fossil fuel prices. With such high prices, say $300 per barrel for oil, unconventional crude oil in many parts of the world would be available. Unconventional coal, such as that under the North Sea, would also be available. With sufficiently high prices, natural gas production could be raised. This natural gas could be shipped as liquefied natural gas (LNG) around the world at great cost. Additionally, many processing plants could be built, both for supercooling the natural gas to allow it to be shipped around the world and for re-gasification, when it arrives at its destination.

With this approach, food costs would be very high. Much of the world’s population would need to work in the food industry and in fossil fuel production and shipping. With these priorities, citizens would not have time or money for most things we buy today. They likely could not afford a vehicle or a nice home. Governments would need to shrivel in size, with the usual outcome being government by a local dictator. Governments wouldn’t have sufficient funds for roads or schools. CO2 emissions would be very high, but this likely would not be our most serious problem.

[B] Try to electrify everything, including agriculture. Greatly ramp up wind and solar. Wind and solar are very intermittent, and their intermittency does not match up well with human needs. In particular, one of the world’s primary needs is for heat in winter, but solar energy comes in summer. It cannot be saved until winter with today’s technology. Spend enormous amounts and resources on electricity transmission lines and batteries to try to somewhat work around these problems. Try to find substitutes for the many things that fossil fuels provide today, including paved roads and chemicals used in agriculture and in medicine.

Hydroelectricity is also a renewable form of electricity generation. It cannot be expected to ramp up much because it has mostly been built out already.

Figure 9. World consumption of hydroelectricity per capita, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Even if greatly ramped up, wind and solar electricity production would likely be grossly inadequate by themselves to try to operate any kind of economy. In addition, at a minimum, natural gas, shipped at very high cost as LNG around the world, would likely be needed. Also, huge quantity of batteries would be needed, leading to a short supply of materials. Huge quantities of steel would be needed to make new electrical machines to try to replace current oil-power machines. A minimum 50-year transition would likely be needed.

I am doubtful that this second approach would be feasible in any reasonable timeframe.

[9] Conclusion. Figure 1 seems to imply that the world economy is headed for troubled times ahead.

The world economy is a self-organizing system, so we cannot know precisely what form changes in the next few years will take. The economy can be expected to shrink back in an uneven pattern, with some parts of the world and some classes of citizens, such as workers versus the elderly, doing better than others.

Leaders will never tell us that the world has an energy shortage. Instead, leaders will tell us how awful fossil fuels are, so that we will be happy that the economy is losing their usage. They will never tell us how worthless intermittent wind and solar are for solving today’s energy problems. Instead, they will lead us to believe that a transition to vehicles powered by electricity and batteries is just around the corner. They will tell us that the world’s worst problem is climate change, and that by working together, we can move away from fossil fuels.

Again, the whole situation reminds me of Aesop’s Fables. The system puts a “good spin” on whatever frightening changes are happening. This way, leaders can convince their citizens that everything is fine when, in fact, it is not.


*If the US Federal Reserve raises its target interest rate, central banks of other countries around the world are forced to take a similar action if they do not want their currencies to fall relative to the US dollar. Countries that do not raise their target interest rates tend to be penalized by the market: With a falling currency, the local prices of oil and other commodities tend to rise because commodities are priced in US dollars. As a result, citizens of these countries tend to face a worse inflation problem than they would otherwise face.

The country with the greatest increase in its target interest rate can, in theory, win, in what is more or less a competition to move inflation elsewhere. This competition cannot go on indefinitely, however, because every country depends, to some extent, on imports from other countries. If countries with weaker economies (i. e. those that cannot afford to raise interest rates) stop producing essential goods for world trade, it will tend to bring the world economy down.

Raising interest rates also raises the likelihood of debt defaults, and these debt defaults can be a huge problem, especially for banks and other financial institutions. With higher interest rates, pension funding becomes less adequate. Businesses of all kinds find new investment more expensive. Many businesses are likely to shrink or fail completely. These indirect impacts are yet another way for the world economy to fail.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,147 Responses to Today’s Energy Crisis Is Very Different from the Energy Crisis of 2005

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    THOSE injured by the Covid jab shun the word ‘victim’ but it is hard to see them as anything else in the light of the abuse they suffer.

    Some is direct via social media, some indirect such as the on-going rejection by the MPs who are supposed to represent them.

    One young woman told News Uncut that she is suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), not from the effects of the jab, but from constant online messaging about her condition. Trolls have warned her to expect Alzheimer’s disease and even death within four years ‘and it serves you right for taking the jab.’

    She pleads: “What’s wrong with people?”

    Max Harrison, the young ballroom dancing champion whose life and career have been put on hold by severe heart problems, shared this example: “Suck it up buttercups. You believed the scam and took your chance with the jibby jab.”

    And that was at the mild end of the vile messaging.

    What’s wrong? Well the Pro Vaxxers wished them dead or hospitalized…

    So nothing is wrong with them… they’re just calling the MORE-ONS out hahaha

  2. Fast Eddy says:

    1 hour 1 minute + mark – shows the decline in births – Australia by far the worst with 70% down…

    Cull! ha great – BAU Lite imminent – Brave New World

    Pleased to be part of it. Will be nice to go out and not be surrounded by MORE-ONS.

    That video feels like watching the final season of Utopia … if you recall that series ended without getting to the point ….

    Come to think of it the series Messiah was also cancelled… if you’ve watched — a Jesus-like creature arrived on Earth – he walked on water in the final episode and everyone was in shock (cuz they thought he was a clown prior to that).

    Never got another season of that either

    • Adonis says:

      Fast eddie watch the series the periphery available on amazon prime its quite a good doomsday show

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I downloaded and watched a couple of episodes… will try to get back to that… I’m trying to stay ahead of all the NFL games that are backlogged due to being away for two weeks… also trying to get some time with the new Feature Dancer at The Club… heard she’s very hot. Then I’ve got drop in hockey back on… tomorrow off to Christchurch to get the roof tent installed…

        Bizzy Bizzy.

    • If the birth rate in Australia is down by 70% (something I find hard to believe), there must be something very different going on in Australia compared to other countries. People must be deciding not to have children because of fear of being locked in, for example.

      I know with many types of statistics, there is a problem with recent data being under-reported relative to prior data because of some lag built into the system. For example, there is not enough staffing in the area that codes the information related to recent births. I would check out the possibility of delayed reporting closely, before jumping to the conclusion that Australian births are really down by 70%.

    • Lastcall says:

      Handmaidens tale turns out to be prophetic; fewer fertile women left after damaged by design. To be identified perhaps? Digital womb ID’s, property of the State.

    • Student says:

      This is clearly a show.
      And it is also funny like when they make serious movies, but nevertheless, the movies are funny in spite of their intentions.
      But I think it is for internal purposes.

      • Student says:

        This news is more credible.
        It comes from Switzerland (Italian language) tv news.

        The article and video also talks about payments not made to workers, due technical problems.
        So people is being kept in custody with the excuse of Covid-zero, but the problem is that the Company HAS NO MONEY.
        I think Gail too may be interested in this article.

        • A translation of part of this article says:

          Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn has apologized for a “technical error” in its payment systems after violent protests over wages and working conditions erupted at its sprawling iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, central China.

          “Our team investigated this matter and discovered that a technical error occurred during the onboarding process,” a statement read. “We apologize for an input error in the computer system and we guarantee that the actual salary is the one agreed”.

          Yesterday, Wednesday, hundreds of employees had protested, parading through the streets of what is called the “citadel” of the iPhone and where around 200,000 people live. In addition to the feared delays in payments, the workers were also exasperated by the very strict quarantine rules introduced to stem the spread of Covid-19, the poor working and housing conditions and the food shortage [Emphasis added].

          An article now up on WSJ adds to this description, but doesn’t mention the food shortage. It says, among other things:

          Workers clashed with police Tuesday, angry over delayed bonus payments and conditions at the plant, which has been battling an outbreak of Covid-19 for more than a month.

          . . .

          Foxconn on Thursday blamed “an input error in the computer system” that occurred during the onboarding process, which resulted in new hires receiving contracts intended for existing workers. The company said it guaranteed recruits will be paid what was agreed and in line with official recruitment posters.

          Foxconn also offered a 10,000 yuan payment, equivalent to $1,400, to newly recruited workers who wanted to leave their jobs and return home, according to text messages to them from the company’s human resources department shown to The Wall Street Journal by workers.

          Many workers took up the offer and waited in long lines with their luggage before boarding buses to leave the plant on Thursday morning, according to several video live-streams from the site. One worker told the Journal he was among a large crowd of people who waited more than an hour to get a company bus that dropped him and his co-workers at a train station, adding that he had received the first installment of the payment.

          The latest worker exodus adds to pressures on Apple’s iPhone 14 production, with the company having said before this week that shipments of its high-end iPhone models would be lower than expected because of disruptions at the plant from the recent Covid-19 outbreak.

          Elsewhere in the article, it says that this location has been the place where most of the iPhone 14s are manufactured. It was hiring new workers to ramp up production.

          • Student says:

            At this point my impression is that they had a forecast for iPhone14 which was very high, so they hired new workers.
            Then the forecast revealed to be overestimated and they had to get rid of workers quickly, also due to increase on energy costs.
            Therefore, ‘technical issues with payments’ and ‘zero-covid strategy’ are a perfect way to get out of this problems without showing news about lays off for ‘economic crisis’.

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccines’ are injected into muscles, they distribute throughout the body and can leave the body such as via breastmilk. What if the vaccines can get into edible tissues of food animals? It would not be safe for people to consume veterinary mRNA vaccines in milk, eggs, and meat. Careful testing needs to be done to determine how long mRNAs from vaccines last in veterinary species.

    This would determine, in part, the ‘wash-out’ period, which is how long one needs to wait before obtaining food from agricultural species to ensure humans are not exposed to the medical product. Worse, wherever mRNA can be found, we can likely expect there to also be the protein that it encodes. This represents one of my biggest concerns about veterinary mRNA vaccines. Proteins are more durable and, therefore, longer lasting than mRNAs, and the synthetic mRNAs in vaccines last much longer than their natural counterparts.

    The potential problem here is the phenomenon of oral tolerance. Our immune systems are designed to interpret things that we eat as being non-dangerous. This is to avoid harmful chronic inflammation in our gastro-intestinal tract, as well as food allergies. When we eat something, even in tiny quantities, our immune system gets programmed to ignore it.

    Now, consider the possibility of eating or drinking key target proteins from pathogens that are dangerous to people. If our immune systems were to be trained to ignore these critical parts of pathogens, we would become more susceptible to the diseases they cause. By virtue of trying to protect ourselves by vaccinating animals, we could, theoretically and counterintuitively, render ourselves more susceptible to diseases. This could be disastrous for public health. Talk about a potential downside of ‘GMO foods’ (GMO = genetically modified organism).

    • This article is subtitled: “A Call for a Moratorium on mRNA Vaccines for Veterinary Use”

      One major section is:
      MAJOR CONCERN: Veterinary mRNA Vaccines Are Being Fast-Tracked for Rollouts

      He then goes into the horrible results that could happen if there these vaccines are introduced to animals, through an initiative called “One Health.”

      If they act like the mRNA vaccines in humans, they may not actually kill the viruses. Instead, they will put pressure on the viruses to mutate away from the protection provided by the vaccine. With such mutations, viruses that now only affect animals, might mutate enough to affect humans.

      There are a whole host of other things that go wrong. Fast Eddy’s post lists some of them.

      • Tim Groves says:

        This concern may cause a lot more people to decide to go Vegan, which is another goal of the Great Reset.

        • That is a good point. But vegan is not really a good choice. It tends to lead to too low weight and inability to fight back infections and other disease. A better compromise includes seafood and dairy. It would be good if these could be less polluted than the meat.

          • JMS says:

            The solution seems obvious: chickens galore! Plenty of eggs plus (occasional) healthy meat, what’s not to like?

    • i1 says:

      Classifying mRNA tech as pollution would seem to signify peak pollution coinciding with lift off of the standard run death curve.

  4. Fast Eddy says:

    Hoolio gets another great review!

    Lovely hosts. Easy to communicate and the photos don’t do the place justice.. love the details around the house and their dog Julio! Will def return!

    Actually it’s not Julio like the singer who wham bams women and writes a song about it – it’s Hoolio with an H. Or it could be Who-lio. Dr Who-lio

  5. Student says:

    ‘Invisible people’

    it is the title of the Italian documentary dedicated to the victims of Covid vax.
    People who had their life changed forever.
    People treated very badly, hidden and forgotten by the health service.
    It is a very touching documentary worth seeing also if you can just roughly understand Italian/Spanish language.

    Link to the doc:

    The Italian channel ‘TV Color’ has just broadcast this program tonight.
    Here you can find the presentation of the doc:

    • So, citizens are being told about the real problems with the vaccine, over TV that many people watch?

      • Student says:

        Yes, but it is just a regional TV, not national.
        But it is in located Lombardia region, which is highly populated.

        • It seems like the region was hit hard by Covid-19, early after it migrated from China.

          • Replenish says:

            In early Spring 2020, Reddit sub “No New Normal” discussed the contributing factors of Chinese migration, increased pollution, age/demographics and a widespread meningitis vaccine campaign in the Lombardy region prior to the C-19 outbreak. The board was also discussing an official US military document concerning vaccine interference between seasonal flu vaccines and coronaviruses.

          • Student says:

            Yes, Lombardia was heavily hit on the first wave, then by hiding correct medical treatments and pushing wrong medical treatments (tachipirina + ‘wait and see’) we expanded the following waves everywhere.
            And when the vaccines arrived we created an even bigger mess with the green pass, which allowed vaccinated people to be free to spread the virus in every place.
            A perfect plan.
            I think that a dialogue between who organized that plan could have been:
            – we do this, this and this.. ok?
            – but they cannot be so stupid !
            – trust me, they will believe all this b….it

    • The crypto currency system depends on loans from one to help another. If one goes down, they likely all go down. Perhaps the contagion doesn’t spread outside the group–that is the theory, at least.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It’s like brothers and sisters 4nicating each other .. then 4nicating their offspring … it’s ok for awhile but eventually you end up with non-viable offspring… and your line ends … the UK royal family is quite close to the end game on that… Charles has the IQ of a pumpkin … Andrew .. well…

        They’ve brought in Meagan cuz she’s got the African genes… there is no duplication with any of the diseased genes in the royal family…. that’s a desperate attempt to right the ship before it sinks

        She was likely forced into that

        What were we talking about? Oh yes Crypto incest …

        • Azure Kingfisher says:

          According to the Famous Kin website, Meghan Markle is related to Prince Harry, Prince William, Princess Catherine, Princess Dianna, King Charles, and Queen Elizabeth II, among other famous figures of the world stage.

          I’ve long suspected that there’s a genealogist (or team of genealogists) who works with the royal family and assists with their intermarrying and, by extension, interbreeding.
          Prince William allegedly met Princess Catherine at university. What are the odds that his chosen bride – one selected from the population of available single females at university – is his distant cousin? What are the odds that Prince Harry’s chosen bride is also a distant cousin? What are the odds that Harry, William, Meghan, and Catherine are all related to one another?

          the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community, clan, or tribe.
          the fusion of reproductive cells from related individuals; inbreeding; self-pollination.

          If human beings have long practiced selective breeding for livestock and prized animals, why would we assume selective breeding hasn’t been applied to our own species? Is reproduction among the royal family so different from the breeding programs for endangered zoo animals, prized greyhounds or racehorses?

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    This is the best summary of covid and the injections… that exists

    • A comparison of two small Pacific islands. One vaccinated everyone; the other vaccinated nearly no one. The one without vaccinations reports few Covid cases, while the heavily vaccinated one has many.

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    Oh and BTW – for those who don’t think viruses exist… can anyone explain why the majority of the population of central and south america was wiped out by the small pox disease which did not exist there until the Spaniards arrived?

    • hang on eddy

      at the beginning of 2020, you assured everybody that the covid virus was a hoax–didnt exist—was just the flu.

      then you assured us that vaccines ditto.

      we peasants need certainty in our lives

      if we can’t rely on you–what hope is there?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The virus exists but it is no more deadly than the flu…

        That is what my boy who’s involved in the Great Barrington told me after he examined the data from the WHO …

        But if you feed someone with a respiratory illness like Covid… Midazolam … which inhibits respiration … guess what happens to the death totals?

        We’ll miss you when the Cull completes norm… most of the MORE-ONS will be gone … might be a bit boring with nobody to kick around

    • Adonis says:

      Unless they were wiped out by the spaniards and the smallpox story was just a cover

    • reante says:

      Yeah sure, Eddy. Can do. ‘Smallpox’ is most highly correlated with famine and cultural uprooting. The class of exosomes that virology calls ‘smallpox’ exist to communicate/coordinate throughout the intelligent body a severe healing pathway for a major structural stressor that would likely include acute malnutrition of one kind or another. One of the ways that a body can intelligently preserve core functions in the face of energy starvation is by widely distributing tissue death across its surface area. The tissue death results in rancid, decomposing animal flesh which has to either be eaten by anaerobic decomposition and the anaerobic metabolites filtered out via the blood and filter organs, or sequestered and shed. The ‘pox’ pustules do the latter. They sequester the dead tissues, dry them into scabs, and they fall off. This is smart because the already struggling body doesn’t have to further stress itself by having to tax its filter system, and it can scar-over the underlying tissues at it’s own pace. The reason that a large minority of people die from it is that while they are symptomatic their inner and outer ecological conditions don’t improve enough beyond what they were during the period that resulted in the body going into triage mode and sacrificing skin tissues, so the biological stress continues-on to the core.

      • Interesting!

        • Fast Eddy says:

          No small pox before the Spaniards. Millions died after the Spanish arrived. From small pox.

          • reante says:

            Eddy you asked somebody to make the effort to shed some light on ‘smallpox’ from a terrain perspective and I made that effort. Your response was to ridicule my effort.

            Don’t expect me to engage with you anymore because you’re a mess if a person. You’re a real low-life Eddy. Over and out.

            • I’d sue if i were you eddy.

              Unless reante is right of course.

            • naaccoach says:

              Closest to correct in this thread, + + reante!

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Ha excellent – the only thing more excellent that this is more vax injuries involving celebrities!

              This is how most people react when someone destroys their mass psychosis… it’s a complex situation — they’ve put time into their mass psychosis.. they are in love with it … it’s their pride and joy … kinda like owning a classic car…

              Then Fast Eddy sneaks in overnight … while you are sleeping .. with a sledge hammer… and smashes and bashes and rips and tears and bashes and destroys and wrecks and bludgeons that shiny vehicle… and you wake up charge downstairs …

              There’s Fast Eddy catching his breath… a bit out of puff from all the destruction…

              You see that your baby has been ruined beyond repair… and you shriek — you sunofabich… Fast Eddy says wot??? You sun of a hoo-er… wot says Fast Eddy Wot??? It’s just a car … wot’s the big deal????

              It’s my pride and joy — my pride and joy!!!! And you smashed it…

              But wot? It’s just a car… get another one … here watch BBCCNN… they have new ones on there every week pretty much… you can replace it….

              I posted this on Igor’s SS — his response was … wait for it….

              ‘nailed it’

              Click here for more fun and games hahaha


              I do enjoy..


              Now excuse me while I take my…


            • you said bashed twice eddy—more obsessions and inadequacies?

              assuming you’re still in NZ—ranting at 6 34, 6.47/48/52 leaves me in awe that somebody is actually up at that time of the morning–with eyes open enough to actually see a keyboard.

              unless you’re on the nightshift, the universal forum guardian–ever wakeful against the transgressions of evildoers

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Fast has a new job pim-ping out Super Snatch… she told me not to tell you… it’s too good to resist

            • displaying the same inadequacies and obsession again eddy?

              as i’ve been trying to tell you—your comments tell what you are—not what i am

              which is why i enjoy them so much

            • Tim Groves says:

              Reante, my interpretation is Fast Eddy didn’t “ridicule” your effort, he simply raised an objection to the perspective you presented. It was brief and blunt enough for you to take it as dismissive or as ridicule, but it was to the point.

              Fast Eddy is not the Messiah. He’s a very naughty boy. His flippant style is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some even think him monstrous. But I am certain that he was attempting to raise an objection, not attempting to ridicule. If he had wanted to ridicule you, he would have employed a very different approach.

              Now, let me raise an objection, at much greater length, as a fitting response to the lengthy explanation you gave us: On the subject of small pox, let’s assume everything you’ve written is correct.

              Then, let’s note that smallpox isn’t around much these days. I have never heard of anyone coming down with it. It is officially described as being “eradicated”.

              You claim that “‘Smallpox’ is most highly correlated with famine and cultural uprooting.”

              OK, there is famine and cultural uprooting aplenty in the Horn of Africa. There is acute malnutrition in many places. Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children each year. A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds. Earlier this year, the FAU and the WFP said that Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan and Yemen were facing famine. More recently, the UN has warned that 345 million people are facing starvation worldwide.

              My question: Where is the smallpox that you say is correlated with famine?

              My understanding is that there hasn’t been a single case of smallpox reported since 1977. Are you implying that the disease of smallpox is still occurring today but that it is not being reported or that it is being reported under a different name?

              I’m not ridiculing you. I’m not trying to put you down. I have far better things to do with my time than attacking other people just for the fun of it. I would simply like to understand whether your extremely interesting ideas about smallpox fit with other established facts about the world. And if they don’t fit, I’d like to know where those other facts are wrong. If you really understand what’s going on, you should be able to explain it in simple layman’s terms so that the many people who read these comments will be enlightened rather than confused.

              I know I must be missing something, because what you have said about smallpox, famine, and malnutrition doesn’t add up for me. It doesn’t make sense, even though I try my best to make sense of it.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Fast Eddy wasn’t ridiculing reante – HE was more or less ignoring him cuz there was a lack of logic to the post — so HE just reasserted his genius post which proves viruses (or at least some sort of contagious particles) exist.

              Tim has now stepped and and thoroughly demolished reante’s theory.

              No need to get upset — you are in the big leagues here… the never ending World Cup of Logic….

              Unlike Qatar we have beer!

            • i wish i was important enough to cap myself

            • Fast Eddy says:

              notice how FE refers to the peripherals of OFW with small case..

              norm .. dunc… mike…

              That is not an accident or a fat finger

            • i would expect no more eddy

              hard to be anything else in the umbra of such caps

            • JMS says:

              Tim, those so called “infectious diseases” are ultimately nothing but a collection of symptoms, which are invariably shared by other conditions. Why should we trust this labeling work of such a corrupt industry as Pharmafia?
              As I believe you know, if you are vaccinated against a certain “infectious disease”, doctors cannot diagnose you with that disease, even if your symptoms are exactly the same. So they assign you some other one. Easy. The scam is wonderfully set up.

            • Tim Groves says:

              JMS, yes, it’s a fair point you make.

              Over the past two years, I believe I’ve come to know a lot more about disease, germs and pharmaceutical companies than I used to know, and in the process I’ve realized that I know a lot less than I used to think I did.

              Also, I think it’s OK to admit one’s ignorance when one is actually ignorant — as I am about the existence of viruses and of the former disease known as smallpox.

              With the germ vs terrain theories, we may be arguing over how to describe what’s happening as much as over what is and isn’t happening. Obviously the terrain is important. Some people get sick while others don’t. This was true on the Diamond Princess as well as during the smallpox and other outbreaks of old. Equally obviously, people who come into contact with sick people often get sick with similar symptoms.

              Eight years ago, a group of us including some friends, my wife, my dog and I, all came down with a norovirus infection that we picked up at an event. That was the best detox I ever had, by the way. The entire alimentary canal got thoroughly flushed out. I fasted for three days and I didn’t attempt to break that fast because I had no appetite and food had become unpalatable. I just lay on the floor, drinking water when thirsty, and then crawling to then toilet to bring it up.

              Was there a virus in our bodies, making us do that. Or did some other factor that switches our bodies into Norovirus Detox mode?

              As far as I can see, this is similar to the question of whether phlogiston accounts for combustion or—a particularly well understood example— the question of whether the sun rises in the morning. We can argue about what the phenomenon is and how to best describe it.

              “Of course the sun doesn’t rise. What we see is the result of the earth rotating with respect to the sun.”

              “Of course the sun rises. I saw it with my own eyes this morning lilting slowy above the gasworks.”

              Shall we stop talking about the sun rising because it is invalidated by the heliocentric theory?

            • JMS says:

              Tim, before 2020 I knew nothing about diseases. Since then I have seen and learned something, and that something was more than enough to instill in me a deep and definite distrust of the pharmaceutical industry and so-called medical science. Like the child who learned to distrust fire after getting burned, I don’t need to know exactly what fire is and how it works to conclude that I should keep a safe distance from it. This knowledge of mine may be more experiential than scientific, but no less irreversible for that. I will never trust any doctor again, just as I have long ago not trusted any politician or journalist. Which means that if a doctor, a politician or a journalist says A, I automatically assume that the truth must be B or C.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Pharma and medical industries = scum.

              Vaccines are generally useless. And probably should not be pursued at all.

              Eat well exercise dont smoke or drink = good ‘terrain’ = unlikely to get sick .. from viruses.

              Let’s have an example of good terrain


            • JMS says:

              Eddy, i believe it’s vital to stay healthy, so that we have more years to drink and smoke etc.

              As for the rest, I don’t get why you refuse to explore the hypothesis that virology is just a pseudoscience funded by Big F, since you know that Big F is owned by THEY (The Haughty Elders of the Yield), and that THEY control all the money and are powerful enough to produce world shows (world history in practice) as impactful as “Apollo on the Moon” (1969), “Sex Kills” (1981), “This is not a controlled Demolition” (2001) or “The Lethal Flu” (2020).
              For such clever perception-makers, virology is child’s play. Besides it’s pretty cheap! How much does it cost to “buy” the top ten medical universities in the world? 20M per head year? Peanuts! A couple of billions to WHO? Peanuts again.

              I really think you should pay more attention to your countrywoman Dr. Bailey’s arguments (and her co-autors in Virusm-ania).

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Happy to entertain a discussion about the value of vaccines – I am pretty sure they are useless.

              But there is something that exists – call it a virus – that transmits diseases between people.

              I have seen nothing to convince me otherwise – so far

  8. Charles Hugh Smith puts together several of the problems pushing the world economy down in this post:
    Demographic Cliff + Let It Rot = Collapse of Global Growth

    As workforces shrink and opting out becomes increasingly attractive, Global Growth implodes on both the production and consumption sides.

    A funny thing happened on the way to permanent global growth. Actually, three funny things happened. One is the cheap, easy-to-access materials that enabled a vast expansion of consumption have been pulled out of the ground and what’s left will cost more going forward, meaning there will be less to squander on consumption.
    . . .

    Two other funny things will also impact global growth: the sharp decline in birth rates in most developed and many developing nations–the Demographic Cliff–and the collapse of young workers’ willingness to sacrifice themselves on the altar of Global Growth (i.e. systemic inequality) via working in miserable conditions for low pay–wages that will never enable the purchase of a home or support a family.

    Since it’s hopeless to secure “the good life,” why bother sacrificing one’s life? Why not enjoy life on a much more modest level?

    Part of the problem is way to many retirees, relative to the reduced number of young people.

    • drb753 says:

      It is just an energy problem. CHS talks about details.

    • Dennis L. says:

      This continues to assume a great deal of individualism; my observation is it takes teams, a group. If you wish to lie down on my group, my word is “Next.”

      “Hopeless to secure the good life.” Nah, it is there, it is achievable, it is being done. Plumbers make more than most college grads, problem is the apprenticeships are run by plumbers’ unions, no grift for the educational establishment, no interest payments for the financial establishment.

      We destroyed the family by outsourcing for grift and going individualistic for instant gratification see link below; get rid of the grifters somehow.

      Retirees, yup, demographics, the boomer women went out and had careers, now they find they are in the wrong tribe and will be treated in a metaphorical way similar to the plains Indian squaw. When her warrior died, she had two fingers cut off, her teepee ripped to shreds and was set off to wander, modern women learn the true meaning of the word, “wolf.

      Now, this is a catchy tune, foxtrot but I absolutely hate the lyrics. It is one of the things influencing our young. Listen to the lyrics carefully, it is a one way trip to mental and physical sickness. But, it makes money. It was played at my dance studio, but edited to avoid the worst lyrics, the piece does move and musically is well written.

      We are part of the fabric of the universe, live as though there is a hell, try not to make too many mistakes and be seen as an a-hole ; it can still be a very good life. Don’t believe the nonsense on media and chose your values carefully.

      Dennis L.

    • Sam says:

      “Part of the problem is way to many retirees, relative to the reduced number”
      Yes and you want to see a panic wait until they can’t get their “retirement income” the baby boomers will freak out…

      • Mike says:

        Agreed. Do people really think there will be a demographics problem with as many people coming over the border as there are? UN population projections don’t have the US shrinking…

        Energy problems aside the next difficulty will be getting the immigrants to take to finding a way to increase their standard of living. We could offshore industry from a labor stand point, the barriers are regulation, training and energy. Not easy, but I don’t think manpower will be the limiting factor.

  9. Mirror on the wall says:

    “A country that is becoming ‘uninhabitable’ has little chance to wage and win a war. When there is no transport, no electricity, no heat and no communication everything becomes incredibly difficult.”

    > Ukraine – Lights Out, No Water And Soon No Heat

    Earlier today the Russian military shut down the Ukrainian electricity network.

    Previous attacks had limited the distribution capacity to some 50% of demand. Controlled blackouts over several hours per day allowed to give some electricity for a few hours to most parts of the country. The attack today created a much larger problem. Not only were distribution networks attacked but also so the elements that connect Ukraine’s electricity production facilities to the distribution network. All four nuclear power stations of Ukraine with their 15 reactors are now in shutdown mode.

    Kiev along with most other cities of Ukraine no longer has electricity.

    Moldavia is likewise effected as it received some 20% of its electricity from Ukraine. When the Ukrainian network shut down the only local thermal power plant shut down too. It is likely that it can be switched on again but that can be a complicate process.

    Limited electricity imports from the European system into Ukraine may still be possible but that electricity would only be available in Ukraine’s western cities.

    Before today’s attack the Washington Post reported of the difficulties in repairing the network. As we ad explained before the Russian attacks are hitting the transformers that connect the national 330 kilovolt backbone network. These are hard to replace:

    As the scope of damage to Ukraine’s energy systems has come into focus in recent days, Ukrainian and Western officials have begun sounding the alarm but are also realizing they have limited recourse. Ukraine’s Soviet-era power system cannot be fixed quickly or easily. In some of the worst-hit cities, there is little officials can do other than to urge residents to flee — raising the risk of economic collapse in Ukraine and a spillover refugee crisis in neighboring European countries.
    … Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that about half of the country’s energy infrastructure was “out of order” following the bombardment.
    … For weeks, Russian missiles have targeted key components of Ukraine’s electrical transmission system, knocking out vital transformers without which it is impossible to supply power to households, businesses, government offices, schools, hospitals and other critical facilities.
    During a briefing for reporters on Tuesday, Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, the head of Ukrenergo, the state-run power grid operator, called the damage to the power system “colossal.”
    … Russians, he said, were mainly targeting substations, nodes on the electrical grid where the current is redirected from power stations. The main components of these substations are autotransformers — “high-tech and high-cost equipment” that is difficult to replace.
    … A list of “urgent needs” from DTEK, the country’s largest private energy company, circulating in Washington, lists dozens of transformers along with circuit breakers, bushings and transformer oil.
    … But it is the autotransformers — the “heart” of the substations, in the words of Kudrytskyi — that are at the top of the Ukrainians’ list of needs and the key to keeping the country’s electrical grid functioning.
    The Ukrainians have tried to buy up every autotransformer they can find, going as far as South Korea to purchase them, but they still need to place orders for more to be built.
    “We try to collect everything around the world that they have now, and order more,” said Olena Zerkal, an adviser to Ukraine’s Energy Ministry.

    Any attempts to repair the network are useless as long as Russia continues to attack it.

    To stop these attacks requires a political solution. Ukraine will have to give up and find some agreement with Russia.

    Russia also attacked some of the natural gas sources Ukraine has:

    Russia last week broadened its targets. Oleksiy Chernyshov, chief executive of Ukraine’s state energy company Naftogaz, said in an interview that a “massive rocket attack” hit 10 gas production facilities in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions, including Shebelinka, one the largest production and drilling areas.
    “Of course, we will do our best now to recover, but this will take time and resources and material,” Chernyshov said. “Time is of the essence,” he added. “Because winter is now.”
    The targeting of the gas supply was a critical development, said Victoria Voytsitska, a former member of parliament now working with civil society groups on getting Ukraine the equipment it needs. If Moscow takes out the gas system, she said, cities and villages across the country could become “uninhabitable.”

    The Russian gas provider Gazprom has announced that it will reduce the transport of gas through Ukraine to European customers as the Ukraine is stealing from it:

    Gazprom says that it has noticed some of the gas intended for Moldova under a contract with the local gas firm is being diverted by Ukraine. If the imbalance in gas transit continues, Gazprom will start reducing gas flows via Ukraine on the morning of November 28, the Russian gas giant said today, as carried by Russian news agency TASS.
    Without electricity there is no water flowing in the water distribution systems of the cities. Without water toilets can not be used. Public hygiene will suffer. The internet in Ukraine is also down.

    A country that is becoming ‘uninhabitable’ has little chance to wage and win a war. When there is no transport, no electricity, no heat and no communication everything becomes incredibly difficult.

    The refugee stream all this will cause will increase pressure on Europe to push Ukraine into negotiating for peace with Russia. Tough conditions will be applied but there is no other way out of this mess.

  10. Mirror on the wall says:

    > Col. Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine is about to be annihilated

    These are my notes:

    Colonel Macgregor does not see this conflict ending well for UKR. UKR has provoked the conflict with USA instigation, and the best course for UKR would be to end the conflict. Russia has shifted its terms of engagement from a limited SMO in a brother country and of negotiations with UKR and USA. 700,000 Russian troops now surround UKR and Russia will end the UKR state and forces as soon as the ground freezes in coming weeks or months. Russia has fully mobilised to complete the task and to end the conflict. Russia will likely hold UKR only east of the Dnieper, along with Kherson and Kharkov, which were always Russian.

    USA has let the world down, and this is the first time that USA has pursued conflict with Russia. The international community needs to pursue the end of the conflict. Russia is now taking out the UKR energy infrastructure, the bridges, the transportation network, all the UKR military installations. UKR is collapsing, and then the Russian offensive will begin. Russia is treating UKR as a real enemy now. UKR is approaching the situation of Germany in WWII and of Serbia of being out of fuel at which point loss is inevitable. The strategy is standard. It was not prudent for USA to expand NATO eastward toward Russia, which was contrary to NATO’s supposed purpose of preventing war with Russia.

    USA has pursued a ‘democratic revolution that will reach Moscow.’ The UKR conflict may destroy NATO. Germans are very unhappy with the destruction of the NS1/2 pipelines, and German reproachment with Russia is likely in the future. Much of the world is ‘undemocratic’ and European states will have to cope with that and to look to their own interests (real politics). NATO is not realistically prepared for war with Russia, European states are militarily weak, and it is not in the interests of NATO to have a war with Russia. Russia is mobilised and postured to fight and NATO is not. European states have allowed the ties with USA to go way too far, and that will be re-examined.

    The USA armed forces are in no state to support NATO in Europe against Russia. Only about 150,000 USA troops fight. (USA has changed its ‘no first strike’ nuclear policy, which was a mistake, and it would lead to mutual obliteration.) Russian submarines in the Atlantic would block USA troop movement to Europe, and as Trump emphasised Europe would have to fight for itself as it is way too easy these days for any major power to block USA troop movements and resupplies, so USA would not be able to repeat 20th c. interventions in Europe. Russia knows that, and it wants to do business with USA and Europe. USA needs to take stock of present realities and to live in the real world as it is today. Most Americans do not want a retreat into another cold war with Russia.

    Trump would never have allowed this debacle, he would have negotiated with Russia and accepted UKR neutrality. He was opposed to USA interventions abroad, and he would have told UKR straight that USA would not support them. Americans are not interested in these interventions, but donors buy influence on the hill. USA sovereign debt has hit $31 trillion, inflation is rocketing, law and order are collapsing in USA cities, and Americans want a focus on the America economy. Washington is distracting people with ‘threats’ abroad. The hill is the problem, and the donors, follow the money back from the politicians’ pockets, both Dems and Repubs. The UKR conflict will drag on until it is clear that UKR is crushed.

    The East, Eurasia, the Middle East and the global South will build up its financial infrastructure to replace USA dollar hegemony. USA is no longer trustworthy, and the Rubicon has been crossed. They do not really want to but they no longer have any choice as USA is unlikely to stop pursuing its global hegemony in destructive ways.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Motto: “The Wise will rule the Stars”.

        The ‘wise’ live in the real world and they know their limits. It is called the virtue of ‘prudence’, which is often used synonymously with ‘wisdom’.

        Indeed it is the cardinal virtue that “disposes the practical reason to discern, in every circumstance, our true good and to choose the right means for achieving it”.

        Purpose: “Counteracting the external threats that can affect the National security of Ukraine, lives and health of its citizens and the state facilities abroad.”

        I would not recommend that UKR puts out a hit on USA colonels, even retired ones. That would be very embarrassing for everyone concerned. See, ‘prudence’.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Russia could crush Ukey in a week… but they won’t

        Cuz then when energy prices did not plummet… the mob would panic.

        Just like Cheena will continue with rolling lockdowns

  11. Agamemnon says:

    talking about models at peak oil barrel:
    (I informed them of a simpler model)

    Explaining Natural Climate Variations

    11/17/2022 Paul Pukite Climate
    Get this out of the way first. Making a prediction and then waiting 20-30 years to gather sufficient data to validate the prediction is not the way to do science. Yet this is the expectation in geoscience and earth science, where quick-turn-around of controlled experiments is not possible. …
    One option is to consider the application of cross-validation of a model against existing data.

  12. Slowly at first says:

    I cannot understand why young children are required to receive the jab.

    • Student says:

      Because if a vaccine is approved for children is out of compensation of class actions fights for adverse events or deaths, as it is automatically considered ‘safe’.
      In that way an adverse event or a death can be automatically considered an unfortunate and rare accident just a single and specific person, but concerning a ‘safe’ jab.

      • drb753 says:

        I think it is just depopulation. If you inject the children before they themselves reproduce you kill two birds with one stone.

    • Part of the narrative that this vaccine and all vaccines are safe for everyone. Also, part of the narrative that all of these vaccines are useful.

    • Lidia17 says:

      “Vaccines” added to the recommended childhood schedule are deemed exempt from mfr.s’ liability in US. What they are looking to do is to hop from EUA (“emergency use”) thus exempt to “recommended for kids” thus exempt without any legal exposure in-between. That’s my understanding of it.

    • Bobby says:

      It removes normal cautions and leads to dark places, none of them good

  13. the blame-e says:

    “What is the point of governments and their central banks pushing the world economy down, now in 2022, when the world economy is already barely able to maintain international supply lines and provide enough diesel for all of the world’s trucks and agricultural equipment?”

    I don’t think governments and central banks are pushing the world economy down so much as following the economy down. Probably to maintain the illusion that they have things under control when things are out of control.

  14. Student says:


    …Ukraine seems to be on the verge of collapse..

  15. I think that this fellow is onto something. Debt levels are currently increasing in the US, at least. It isn’t until default rates start increasing as well that there is a major problem. For now, default rates are down. Student loans were the worst for defaults. As long as they are in forbearance, they don’t cause a big problem. (My analysis, Oil Supply Limits and the Continuing Financial Crisis, said that the big drop in energy prices in 2008 came the month that debt levels outstanding in the US began to fall. So, the US may be OK for a while, at least, from this perspective.

    CNBC wrote last week that “households increased debt during the third quarter at the fastest pace in 15 years”. They attributed a large portion of the debt to rising credit card balances – the last escape valve that many consumers have before going completely broke. In fact, credit card debt was staggering:

    The credit card balance collectively rose more than 15% from the same period in 2021, the largest annual jump in more than 20 years, according to the New York Fed, which released the report. The increase “towers over the last eighteen years of data,” a group of Fed researchers said in a blog post on the central bank site.

    Nobody is paying too much attention (yet) because delinquency rates haven’t yet spiked…but in my opinion, it’s not a matter of if something is eventually going to give out, it’s a matter of when.

    He references this report from the New York Fed. HOUSEHOLD DEBT AND CREDIT REPORT (Q3 2022)
    Household Debt Rises to $16.51 Trillion on Higher Mortgage, Credit Card Balances

  16. I am wondering if we are kidding ourselves about having a continuous stream of imported goods from China in future years. Zerohedge is reporting:

    Massive “Violent” Unrest Rocks World’s Largest iPhone Factory In China

    On Wednesday, unrest broke out at Foxconn’s massive iPhone factory in Zhengzhou, central China, reported Bloomberg. Videos on social media showed hundreds of workers, if not more, clashing with security personnel after a month of strict Covid restrictions.

    Manufacturer Foxconn confirmed the outbreak of “violence” and said it would work with local authorities to quell further violence. It released a statement that said workers were furious about pay and living conditions.

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      What, they want better? Well now, we’ll just move their jobs to say Vietnam!
      After all we buy their farm raised catfish from them, so this is a step up on the Economic ladder….

      Oh, early Happy Thanksgiving, Gail, this Holiday ain’t what it used to be here.
      Most families now combine the two get together and visit…soon families will be combining households together to get by..

      P.S. Considering
      These days, 99% of shoes sold in the U.S. are imported, many of them from China, Vietnam and Indonesia. China’s share has declined in recent years, but it remains a key source of America’s shoes and shoe parts. That’s why some U.S. footwear companies have been loud opponents of Trump’s threat of more tariffs for almost everything imported from China.

      “We’d love to make shoes in the United States,” Steve Madden CEO Ed Rosenfeld told NPR. But “it’s very hard to envision a scenario where we’d make the types of products

      • In years past, I understand that shoes were one of the most necessary and one of the most expensive items that people needed to buy. When we visited a historical site in Norway, dating to about the year 1,000 if I remember correctly, a guide showed us around. He was dressed in clothes of the period. He said that his biggest problem was that his feet would get too cold in the shoes of the early period. Of course, even today, feet get cold if a person stays outside in the cold and isn’t moving around to keep warm.

        • luthrnpete says:

          when I was a child in the 60’s, there was
          a “cobbler” that repaired shoes… I had a
          pair of dress shoes and my Mom paid him
          to resole the shoes… shoes were a real
          expense, not a throwaway item

        • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

          Shocking images reveal parasitic ‘jigger’ fleas burrow into human skin

          Coworker told me about these and horrible..
          We do not realize how important shoe covering is for human health!

          Nearly 1 billion of the more than 7 billion inhabitants of Earth lack shoes or have inadequate footwear. In some developing countries, shoeless children cannot attend school because they may communicate and contract diseases from their foot sores. This perpetuates poverty for the next generation!

        • Withnail says:

          Shoes were expensive and there was a whole industry of repairing shoes.

          • many years ago, i had nice, reliable tv repairman

            we used to have chats, on his occassional visits, he used to say he’d deferred his pension , because tape videos and ‘TVs ‘would always need fixing.’

            They were the old crt sets.


            someone invented flat screen tv’s…too cheap to repair–they just got thrown away.

            Shoes are no different

            • sciouscience says:

              In the good ole usa where we have power-lines crossing every intersection we tie together the laces and throw our old shoes up there because there are already too many in the landfills and we care to send a message.

            • Martin says:

              The best scene I’ve seen recently is from the “Ironweed” movie in which alcoholic drifter Jack Nicholson gets out a long piece of string to fix his “shoe” in 1938 Depression USA.
              Somehow I imagine FE having to do something similar soon.

            • as long as it’s not ‘thicker’ and used elsewhere to end it all

              we would all miss him

    • Dennis L. says:

      A blessing in disguise?

      No more phones for people to hold to their noses as they walk. Jobs for “average” Americans so they can make a living and their families have more time to support the community.

      I am not against material things, but we have become consumers and everything(well much of it) is designed to fail outside of the warrantee period.

      Who will lose? Those who can most afford it, the importing, sell off the assets class; maybe even have to ground the jet, a two for, save fuel and the environment in one stroke, how woke.

      Dennis L.

  17. If the human world were self-regulating, Vienna would have fallen to Suleyman I’s forces back in 1529, negating the Renaissance and Europe conquered by the Turks and any surviving European civilization having to flee to North America, which was not explored well at that point of time.

    The universe has not been regulated well. Due to the efforts of some ultra-morons in 1914, whose names I cited too often and are too repugnant to repeat here, instead of the great Empires which advanced civilization, we have brain-dead countries named Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary (which was more advanced in 1913 than 2023), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other countries not worth mentioning. Instead of being the richest province of the Habsburg Empire, Bohemia boasts a GDP of 212 billion, slightly below – Vietnam.

    If it is self regulating, then we need a better overseer….

    All the woes of 20th and 21st centuries occurred because peoples who had no business having a country were given one by the – Americans.

    We don’t need all these countries, and we do need a better regulatory mechanism than self-regulation. The aspirations of weaker peoples have to be destroyed, the dreams of the oppressed class have to be broken, and most of the world , except for the worthy , have to live like below

    which would have been the norm if Chucky Fitzclarence ran at Gheluvelt, so people like Robert Firth would never had a chance to attend Oxford and all the resources concentrated to advance civilization.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Robert published eleven ebooks that are available at the link below. One of them is entitled Pandemic, a swash-buckling fictionalized account of how the Chinese used the scamdemic and the the pseudovax to take over the United States… Perhaps he was done in by the CIA or MI6 to stop him revealing something embarrassing? Or perhaps by the Chinese?

    • drb753 says:

      you do not mention them but I will. It is all Chucky’s fault.

    • kulm

      I think my take on ‘self regulation’ may have misled you.

      By ‘self regulation’ on a planetary scale, my meaning was that the Earth itself has an ‘awareness’ that humankind cannot comprehend. It goes way beyond outbreaks of petty wars and such.
      I am suggesting something much much bigger.

      We think of ourselves as being of ‘supreme intellect’–but just suppose we are not? No other species destroys the habitat it needs for survival. To me that says we are anything but intelligent.

      The environment of the Earth is self regulating, and has been for billions of years. Then humankind comes on the scene– the new kid on the block,., asserting ‘we know best’.
      And then we proceed to set the planet on fire to confirm that, in pursuit of ‘profit’.
      Yes–that does make us unique. No other animal, back through history, has done that.

      Earth forces move very very slowly—but if you consider the events of recorded history, then ask yourself, what have those events led us to, (particularly the last 300 years)?

      The answer would appear to be extinction, or at best, a reduction of our numbers to a level where we will no longer have the means to tear the Earth apart for profit. We all agree I think, that BAU is finished.
      Without BAU, humankind cannot continue in the sense we expect it to.

      with our numbers back under control, the earth will then begin the process of restoring itself.

      And no–none of this is provable. But if there’s a ‘model’ out there that’s based on a different view of events, and outcome, I’d enjoy looking at it.

      • Tim Groves says:

        We think of ourselves as being of ‘supreme intellect’–but just suppose we are not?

        Talking about yourself and Fast Eddy again, Norman?

        Most of us on here are lower to upper midbrow at best and we know it.

        • my iq only ever managed 3 figures—(might not even do that these days)–i could never aspire to four figures.

          But as long as you know your place,Tim, and do not upset the plans of the elders and aspire above it, all will be well.

  18. I AM THE MOB says:

    Ice Cube turned down $9 Million Dollar movie deal — “F- that jab and F- y’all for trying to make me get it!”

  19. lol eddy

    is that the best you can come up with

    try harder, dont talk so much—think instead

  20. Student says:

    (Splash – Marttime news)

    ‘Washington outlines impact Russian sanctions will have on shipping’

    ‘The Group of Seven nations will soon announce the price cap on Russian oil exports with speculation that it will stand at $ 60 per barrel to begin with and then be adjusted regularly.’

    $ 60 per barrel…

    It seems that US is trying to repeat with Russia the reasons behind the collapse of Soviet Union.
    It is an attack similar to a military one, but from the economic point of view.
    I’m not so sure that Russians will simply stand by and watch.

    • Withnail says:

      It can’t work. This isn’t the 1980s. Alaska and the North Sea are just about done.

      • Student says:

        I’m not an expert, but I agree with you.
        Looking at this additional article, it seems a plan a little bit ambitious: being a client and decide what will be the price your supplier can sell, without consulting your supplier itself…

        ”The $60-70 price preferred by the United States is designed to be low enough to reduce Russia’s financing for the war in Ukraine, but high enough to incentivize Moscow to continue pumping and selling to the world market – thereby staving off the supply shortage… ”

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          The global economy relies on Russian oil, so it is not so easy to embargo it. The ‘cap’ may be no more than power-posturing, to coin a phrase. ‘Look at what we can do!’ Russia has said that it will halt supplies to any country or company that goes along with the ‘cap’, so we will have to see what happens. Energy is openly a factor of war strategy now, which is not surprising.

          > Europe’s new oil price cap won’t hurt Russia

          The proposed cap is close to the price that Russia is already selling oil for

          …. The arithmetic logic of the price cap on Russian oil

          In theory, that price cap should be high enough that Russia is still incentivized to drill, but far enough below market value that it makes a serious dent in Russia’s profits. But in negotiations on Nov. 23, EU diplomats are settling on a price cap of about $65-70, according to Bloomberg—which is more or less the same price that Russian oil is already selling at.

          Poland and other hawkish members of the bloc had pushed for $20, which would certainly do more damage to Vladimir Putin’s war chest but would also likely guarantee Russian production cuts and all the consequent turmoil to global energy prices and supply chains. In other words, European policymakers pulled their punches on sanctions in the interest of preventing further instability in the global economy.

          Separately, EU policymakers also seem squeamish about a new price cap being negotiated this week for natural gas. Gas imports from Russia are not under embargo in the EU, but supplies have been cut significantly as part of Russia’s retaliation strategy, driving up electricity and home heating bills across Europe.

    • reante says:

      The USSR collapsed because of the ‘2 Years’ rule. They hit peak oil in 1989. They had two years to revolutionize the status quo. They revolutionized the status quo, alright. If you can’t beat em join em.

    • JesseJames says:

      Price fixing has always seemed to work in the past…..sarc

      I predict the west will end up buying oil at higher prices through intermediaries.
      Also, the west is flexing its muscle, saying Russia cannot use western owned tankers, or insurance, etc.
      The end result will be tankers owned by Russian, China, etc with western influence waning.

      • Withnail says:

        He who has the oil makes the rules, not he who has the money.

        The money soon melts away to nothing without the oil.

        • reante says:

          There is no oil without money. The oil doesn’t pay for itself. The money does pay for itself. And the money pays for the oil. And the moneylenders of last resort make the rules or there is no oil. If there is no oil there is no military industrial complex, no intelligence services, no Putin.

          • Withnail says:

            No, there is no money without oil.

          • nope

            there is no money without oil (or energy to be exact)

            you can prove that quite easily by looking at what happens to nations who run out of energy and print money to make up the shortfall.

            The financial bottom line has been, in this ‘oil era’, that energy from one oilwell, allows the next one to be sunk—we have lived the high life on the surpluses of that process. (same applies to coalmines)

            What’s happening right now, is that surplus is shrinking fast, and our BAU is vanishing with it.

            Our problem is compounded by denial of that fact.

            • reante says:

              Norm you don’t get to change the perameters of the discussion to give you some wiggle room for your incorrect argument with the parenthetical inclusion of “(or energy to be exact).”

              You’re not thinking it all the way through.. If there is no money without oil then how did money exist for thousands of years before oil? How did the first oil get produced?

              I’m going to quote you now so that you can have a gander in the mirror and see the glaring contradiction in your thinking that’s as plain as the nose on your face:

              “there is no money without oil (or energy to be exact)

              you can prove that quite easily by looking at what happens to nations who run out of energy and print money to make up the shortfall.”

              Debased money from printing is still money, and since the oil is gone and the (debased) money is still there, it is as plain as the nose on your face that there is in fact money without oil.

              We should further recognize, though, that the historical monetary debasements occur relative to the petrodollar. Without a reserve currency — or WHEN the reserve currency that is pegged to oil runs out of oiil, the currency collapse is a nominal collapse (deflationary collapse) in line with the oil collapse because the oil is the collateral for the debt-money.

            • I think the issue is that there is not any money without some form of easily stored, easily transported energy. Coal and oil both “fit the bill.” So does grain that can be harvested and shipped. Early civilization seems to have started with grain. For one thing, the growing of grain could be easily taxed. This enabled the growth of governments. Parts of the world with primarily root crops instead of grains did not see civilization grow in the same way. See Against the Grain, by James C. Scott.

              Unfortunately, a lot of things put forth as working as the basis of the economy do not. Wind energy is pretty useless, as is solar energy without a whole lot of storage. Hydroelectric tends to work only as an extender of more easily transported and stored types of energy. Natural gas tends to be very expensive to transport and store, except as short pipelines and storage in empty caverns, if they happen to be available. People are afraid of nuclear. It has to have transmission lines made with fossil fuels.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Here’s what Sam looked like when Fast Eddy asked her to explain the situation with small pox and the natives…


            • again

              you leap without looking or thinking reante
              (and i cant figure out what discussion parameters I’m supposed to be changing, or what corner i’m hemmed into.)

              I said: there can be no money without energy (to underpin it.) –please read comments in full–it helps.

              Of course there’s been money for 000s of years—i was starting to think you had sufficient intellect for that to remain unsaid.

              Money is, and always has been, a token of energy exchange, nothing more. The $1 buck got its name from the perceived value of a buckskin as a trading medium

              I have 100 bushels of corn, but want 10 camels.–I don’t take 100 bushels of corn to the camel trader, I sell the corn for xxx gold pieces, then use that to buy the camels.

              The gold represents the energy contained in both the camels and the corn–people will accept gold in lieu of either.
              I cant trade with pieces of lead.

              If we take Drake’s first 1859 oil well for starters, that oil was a ‘money investment’ certainly—by investors who had money that derived for other ‘energy sources’—they didn’t just print it.
              If I possessed a gold mine, and dug enough gold, that would be acceptable for well-digging expenses.
              but only because gold is a universally accepted medium of exchange

            • Withnail says:

              If there is no money without oil then how did money exist for thousands of years before oil?

              Money existed but at times became completely useless and was abandoned, for example during the collapse of the Roman Empire as we have discussed on here.

            • if there is no functioning civilisation—then yes, money becomes irrelevant as a medium of exchange—there is just nothing to exchange over distances–though you might still exchange 3 sheep for a cow from the next village,—something like that.

              that said, exchange value was recognised in precious metals, buried gold hoards are often found, from post roman times–6th/7thc— clearly meant as ‘store of value’

            • reante says:


              Thanks for clarifying. Then we do agree. If you hadn’t written “there is no money without oil (or energy to be exact),” and by doing so repeating Withnail’s claim, and had instead said, “while there is money without oil, there is no money without (surplus) energy,” I would have agreed with you initially.

              Thanks Gail for the comment.

            • just using words alone, online, its easy for meanings to be unintentionally distorted, reasoned exchange usually resolves any differences and straightens things out

    • Russia has said it won’t sell any oil to any country participating in the price cap. Perhaps the price cap becomes meaningless then. It is just another name for stopping buying the unaffordable crude oil.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    The ‘BIG KILL off’ is coming, we ain’t seen nothing yet, ‘suddenly dying’ is the top searched term today, if 5 billion vaccinated thus far globally, we have 5 billion people with VACCINE injury

    the MOREONS may be getting wind of the Cull… time to cut the ribbon on the Heroes Wall of Death .. and start playing soft music the telly

  22. Tim Groves says:

    The latest on Dr. A. Oveta Fuller:

    Still can’t find much news about the cause of death, but this predictable and by now clichéd description stood out.

    Oveta Fuller Death 1955-2022 – Obituary in Moderation:
    Dr. A. Oveta Fuller of Michigan, Well-respected educator and longtime associate professor of microbiology and immunology at University of Michigan Medical School, has sadly and unexpectedly passed away on Friday, November 18, 2022, leaving family, closer relatives and other loved ones in total devastations and sadness.

    I’m sorry to have to say this—not having any medical qualifications apart from the certificate I got for passing a first aid training course—but “sadly and unexpectedly” is neither a cause of death nor a medical condition. Well-respected as she undoubtedly was, Dr. Oveta Fuller’s death did have a cause; it just isn’t being released. And as she was a public figure, that cause should be made a matter of public record.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I wish her all the best in her future endeavours — along with sending her sweet kisses.

    • Rodster says:

      Hahaha, another happy ending. It’s called Karma.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I blow her a sweet kiss from Hoolio … did she suffer before she died?

        I hope it wasn’t so sudden and that she suffered extensively – and had time to think about her folly

  23. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    “Iraq is looking to ramp up its oil production to 7 million bpd by 2027.”

    • ivanislav says:

      Iraq has 145 billion barrels in proven reserves (EIA) so ~1450 days or 4 years of global consumption, assuming full recovery.

      Global reserves will last 45 years at current consumption rate, assuming full recovery. Add an additional ~6 years to account for discoveries of ~50 days of supply each year recently.

      Optimistic estimates, no doubt – 40% of those reserve estimates depend on accurate data from Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

      • Replenish says:

        New La Brea TV series.. scientists invent “safe and effective” technology to travel back in time from the year 2076 to 10,000 BC to save the planet from resource depletion. “Rare” adverse effect of new technology includes an off-shore sinkhole that threatens to generate tsunami and destroy Santa Monica in the 1980’s.

      • putting a ‘time’ on consumption rate ignores ‘conflict rate’

        right now we are in the midst of conflict over resources

        as energy availability gets tighter with time, so conflict will become more intense as our means of survival slips away and we see what the future is going to be.

        So we will never reach the xxx no. of days left.

      • “Proven reserves” need to be taken with a grain of salt. Unless prices stay high enough, and governments stay in good enough condition to keep order, these reserves will stay in the ground.

        These are mostly unaudited amounts. They involve a lot of wishful thinking.

  24. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    if our reality is simulated, then what about the reality which the “Simulators” live in?

  25. Dennis L. says:

    Last post of the day, children:

    Many of upper middle class, the elites, the profesionals etc., have essentially abandoned their children over the past fifty or so years. Raising a child is a thankless, expensive PIA; but without them, there is nothing. We had a generation or two of mothers doing “important work, having it all, changing the whole world” while the most incredible thing, a child was tossed off to daycare. Much mass media has normalized what was once referred to deviance as a new the norm. Sex has been seen as empowering. Really?

    At the end of the day, what did all this accomplish? What great things were accomplished by women in the workforce? Individualistic to the highest degree, or narcissistic. They increased consumption, worked themselves to the bone for more stuff.

    We live in societies, we have at various times various amounts of per capita energy. Moses walked for forty years carrying a couple rocks with ten rules inscribed, very little energy, Israel still exists; seems to work. There may be a law of the universe limiting the amount of autonomy a society can have and still function. It isn’t easy and at the end of my days I am starting to think it is the average of overall well being that counts, it averages out the ups and downs; some of the latter are a bit…

    Dennis L.

    • Generations of southern upper class members were raised by black nannies, but that did not make them any appreciative about blacks.

      And the people who now live in Israel have not much to do with Moses.

      • Dennis L. says:


        One could posit a direct connection between parents and offspring is natural.

        I have no data, but something is tearing our society apart, kids need adults, they need attention and direction.

        Personal experience dictates to some extent our own beliefs. My mother stayed at home until I went to college and she also was president of all my PTA’s president of the local YWCA, president of what was the Red Feather(United way of today I believe), etc. She was in the community not to gain business contacts, but to be part of that community. We attended church regularly as a family with other families.

        My schools were in the “worst, poorest, etc.” part of town, there were no shootings. Our family life was not a “rich” one.

        With today’s educational standards, shortened school days, etc. I could never have gotten out of that neighborhood. I was lucky and my parents were part of the fabric where they lived. People need connection, good partnerships pair people with complementary skills; marriage was once like that, not easy, not fun, but it seems to work for society and the children of society passably well.

        We may be too individualistic now, we do need each other besides energy. I think the universe worked out much of the fabric through some mysterious process over billions of years; we may very well be the apex of that project, respect for it might be worth consideration.

        Dennis L.

        • reante says:

          Thanks Dennis. I agree.

          Reason is the biological fabric, demystified. The intelligent, accurate patterning of cause and effect in the local ecology: it is universal to all of biology, and it is the ‘outer’ ‘version that emerged from the ‘inner’ version, which is the polymerase chain reaction.

  26. An article from behind a paywall at Epoch Times. The story isn’t complete yet, but there are some big pieces in place.

    How Money From Gates And FTX Bought Scientific Silence

    Following the money trail from FTX to the public health establishment will undoubtedly reveal more in the way of information, especially considering that Sam Bankman-Fried’s brother Gabe ran a lobbying organization entirely devoted to “pandemic planning.”

    No question that this whole machine became an industrial behemoth over two years. When I first started Brownstone Institute, my phone and email began to blow up with offers of money and funding, but always with a proviso. I had to connect our scientists with their network of scientists in an already established system.

    There was no question in my mind what was going on: I was being told to play ball in exchange for large checks to make this fledgling nonprofit work. In some way, this astonished me: I was being offered a path to riches provided I would gut the whole mission! And this was happening even before we had published any of our research!

    So, yes, I saw how this system works firsthand. Of course I completely rejected the idea simply because going along would defeat the whole point of founding an institute in the first place. And yet the presumption on the part of the contacts was that surely this was just another racket in a space full of them and I would be happy to give up all principles for generous funding. I never considered it even for one instant.

    There is a grotesque tragedy to all of this. Great people gave up all their principles and integrity in exchange for grants and grease from big shots who used their money and power to wreck the world over two years, and they were able to do it with very little professional opposition.

    • Adonis says:

      Just remember bill gates is part of the klaus schwabs young global leaders program along with vlad the great and countless other famous leaders all working together to brainwash the entire world to accept the agenda . It is all part of a plan to save the world from peak oil obviously formulated by David Rockefeller the club of rome the rothschilds you get my drift it is backed by alot of money.Their plan will not be pretty they dont mind breaking a few eggs in the process.They did try 50 years ago to alert the world to the problem but no one wanted to know so unfortunately we are now stuck with the scary plan .

  27. Agamemnon says:

    “World should be worried “ Trying to jack up oil? Ok if over 120$ they can pump a lot more to take advantage , maybe.
    But prudence says worry & plan, conserve, plan.

    Some analysts, however, think Saudi Arabia — which leads OPEC+ as the Arab world’s largest oil producer and as the only nation with the perceived ability to hike and cut crude exports at will — might not be able to go too far from November’s two million-barrels per day cut.
    “Not so sure KSA has much of a hand to play,” Art Berman, an energy analyst widely-followed on Twitter, said, referring to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which he added would probably be “more effective at flooding the market than starving it in the past”. The kingdom is also “super-aware of maintaining its role as an honest & reliable supplier unlike Russia”, Berman added.
    In another tweet labeled “Aramco Theater”, Berman played down state-owned Saudi oil company Aramco’s caution that world oil capacity remained at ‘extremely low’ levels — the company’s reminder to the oil trade that crude prices should be correspondingly higher.
    “The world should be worried’: Saudi Aramco…has issued a dire warning over ‘extremely low’ capacity,” Berman wrote. “It has been “extremely low” for the last decade except for the 2 years of COVID.”

    • I have the impression that Saudi Arabia’s oil production right now is pretty much “all out.” Its recent crude and condensate production seems to be in the 10.8 to 10.9 million barrels per day range. This is up at the top of the range that Saudi Arabia has pumped for any extended period in the recent past. The amount that Saudi Arabia can pump in any given period is limited by its pipeline capacity (including that for produced water). The highest it has supposedly pumped in the recent past, according to EIA data, is 11.2 million barrels per day, in November 2018.

      Someone who worked for Saudi Aramco before he retired called me and explained to me that much of Saudi Arabia’s apparent ability to ramp up production comes from the release of stored oil. Some of this stored oil is in tank farms in Saudi Arabia; some is in tank farms elsewhere (Egypt, I believe he said); and some may be on ships at sea. He explained to me that the illusion of an ability to temporarily ramp up production comes from the temporary use of stored oil. This stored oil is not considered “produced” until there is a need for it to be released for sale. Thus, I expect that ramp up in Saudi production in November 2018 was partly from stored oil. It is even possible that Saudi Arabia has recently been dipping into stored oil.

      The WSJ article I mentioned earlier said that UAE and Iraq wanted to increase their production, but several other countries were finding it impossible to meet their production targets. I got the impression that if there was a ramp-up in OPEC+ production, it would have to come mostly from UAE, with a some from Iraq.

      • Adonis says:

        Wow fascinating so Saudi oil could have peaked earlier this ramping up of stored oil explains alot .

      • Adonis says:

        Think about it what if saudi oil was on its last legs a long time ago would it not make sense that other oil producing nations be borged or assimilated to keep the illusion going that saudi oil is well endowed

        • Fred says:

          The plan is to “stoneage” as many oil producing countries as they can so domestic consumption is minimised.

      • Jef Jelten says:

        Now you know why we destroyed Iraq.

      • Oddys says:

        I hear persistent rumors about Saudi re-selling Russian oil pretending it to be their own. Figures around 2 mbd are mentioned.

      • Mike says:

        Saudi tried ramping production in 2005 and hit a ceiling. I am quoting second hand here, this was referenced in Simon Michauxs peak oil paper.

        Maybe a saving grace to our relationship will be when Saudi will need advanced recovery they will be calling American or Canadian drillers to make that happen.

    • Lastcall says:

      ‘The kingdom is also “super-aware of maintaining its role as an honest & reliable supplier unlike Russia”, Berman added.’

      What an idiotic statement.

      • reante says:

        That’s normie speak reflecting the fact that Aramco is a shell corporation of Standard Oil, which is itself a shell corporation of the Squid, and Saudi Arabia is an oil protectorate of the US MIC, and that MIC is the Squid’s favorite goon squad.

  28. Fast Eddy says:

    Get ready… you are likely to piss yourself laughing … I almost did… so make sure the toilet is close…

    A newly hired American Airlines regional jet pilot collapsed just after takeoff in Chicago on Saturday night

    He could not be revived. Cause of death unknown; American will not disclose any details, including his vaccination status. The co-pilot took over and averted catastrophe.

    I told you so!!! hahahahahahahaha

    Maybe the Elders PR Team will at some point break the news about the cull … if this continues at some point the MORE-ONS will wake up to the carnage of the rat juice… and they will get angry and smash and destroy…

    We don’t want that cuz we need all this stuff for the 30 years post Cull…

    The PR Team will need to pre-empt that with the Hero Wall ceremony and soft music… calm the crazed beasts…

    • Rodster says:

      Thank you sir for some happy news of the day!

      • Rodster says:

        Umm YT has gotten quirky. That was supposed to be Queen’s Another One Bites The Dust, oh well. Thanks again FE

    • Adonis says:

      The elders are planning another forced jab fast eddie from what i heard from one of my anti-vaxxer mates 10 years from the start of covid so about 2030 so they will not be spilling the beans ever

  29. Fast Eddy says:

    Children’s hospitals in the USA are experiencing a major surge of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Parents are worried. Why is this happening and should we be concerned?

    Let me rephrase this — should we be pleased? Before responding remember there are 8B humans… and this could be the beginning of a magnificent Cull which will lead to a bright future for the next 30 yrs

  30. Rodster says:

    According to Chris Martenson, this will backfire on governments and cause fuel shortages.

    “Why The Windfall Oil Tax Will Backfire Badly”

    • Chris Martenson says that many people believe that there is plenty of oil to drill, but that oil companies are holding back production on purpose, so as to raise the price higher. In their view, taxing the “excess profits” of these companies is the right thing to do.

      I think that the truth is closer to the opposite: There isn’t any oil to available to drill at a reasonable price. Of course, if this is the case, perhaps oil companies should just give up and quit. Taxing the “excess profits” of oil companies will, in fact, produce this result.

      Oil companies will pursue subsidized renewables exclusively, if it looks like profits can be made there. Of course, the subsidies come indirectly from the fossil fuel industry, so they cannot last.

  31. I thought this was good:

    After three years of studiously ignoring obvious patterns, The Science inches closer to acknowledging that viral interference is a thing

    “the overall prevalence of any viral respiratory infection among patients with respiratory illness is relatively stable over time, despite strongly varying prevalences of individual viruses.” Relatedly, we know from fever gauge data that overall rates of respiratory illness appear to be capped at around 10% of the whole population, and that rates of infection tend to collapse directly after reaching this ceiling.

    . . .

    This is not just a minor curiosity. It’s a powerful reason to avoid interference with the broader viral ecosystem via insane policies like mass containment. Rhinoviruses, for example, seem to have proven at least somewhat robust to the pervasive use of hand sanitiser, although they depend heavily on surfaces for transmission. We should be grateful for that, because they cause extremely mild infections, and they also seem to play an important role in regulating the seasonality of other, more serious pathogens, like influenza. And while our lockdowns didn’t seem to effect rhinovirus very much, it’s plausible that they did take out some of Corona’s less contagious competitors. This is probably one of the reasons that containment policy and virus mortality often seem to be so closely correlated. Care homes, for example, were subject to some of the most zealous containment measures of all, and they were repeatedly ravaged by high-mortality SARS-2 outbreaks.

  32. There is now a rumor of anther big potential failure in crypto currency land.

    Last week, Genesis froze its lending program.

    Crypto Twitter (obviously) then began circulating rumors about impending Genesis disaster.

    Not only has the solvency of Genesis, which was crypto’s only full-service prime brokerage, been called into question, but the backing of GBTC, a Bitcoin trust product, has come under similar scrutiny, after its trustee, Grayscale, stated it would not share its proof of reserves audit, citing “security concerns”.

    What do both Genesis and Grayscale have in common?

    Well, they are both subsidiaries of crypto conglomerate Digital Currency Group (DCG).

    DCG is rumored to have very little remaining liquidity after infusing $140M of fresh capital into Genesis last week, a necessary move after the firm’s lending group lost access to $175M locked in FTX accounts, an event that immediately preceded the freeze in withdrawals from Genesis’s lending platform.

    It won’t take very many of these failures before people lose faith in the whole idea of private currencies. Currencies of any kind are a source of demand. With less demand, commodity prices tend to fall.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Interesting, literally money destruction. I basically all went to services and electricity as variable costs; nothing of value remains. There is a multiplier effect as I recall, this reduced the multiplier to close to one.

      Dennis L.

      • The multiplier effect only exists if they are lending it out, I would think. If they have stopped lending it out, there is no point. Of course, if they are losing money on what they lend out, they have a major problem.

  33. banned says:

    Mike Adams interviews doctor Francis Boyle. WHO treaty in the works. In the USA health mandates are largely determined by states by law. Treaty law overules everything else as determined by the supreme court. WHO treaty will eliminate those pesky states not getting with the program. First 55 minutes are Mikes usual topics. Skip to 55 minutes or so.

    • It seems like sensible countries would want to get out of WHO. People don’t realize that WHO’s pronouncements seem to come based on what companies will make money from them. They are in no way impartial. They make money for Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and others.

      • susuru says:

        The world has become so corrupt it’s shocking. There are no standards, ethics, inhibitions any more. Money is king with complete impunity. People don’t count as such. They are commodified or dismissed. My only comfort is this is the regime that is collapsing.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Ya I know – isn’t it great!

          One big Calhoun Experiment — and the response is to give them rat juice hahahaha

          Diseased Sewer Rat Juice to be more specific (going forward DWRJ).

          Perhaps I replicate the Calhoun Experiment and give the rats diseased human juice…

          norm – I lost SSS’s number … do you mind … I need some of her juice

      • banned says:

        Unfortunately instead of pulling out of the WHO there seems to be intent to give them power to determine health practices in a manner that is the strongest possible form of law. The WHO treaty would mean that both the USA and the states within it would be legally obligated to institute any health practice the WHO determined appropriate without recourse.

        While the obvious relationship in between big pharma and the WHO is alarming IMO even more alarming is the equally obvious relationship of virus/”vaccine” development for the purpose of military applications via DARPA and other agencies. From this perspective it would seem the virus/”vaccine” model that has been created reflects a belief that biological weapons release will be more or less continuous thus justifying a continuous program of “vaccinations”. Why it has been chosen to cloak these obvious bioweapon development/countermeasure behind the premise that these are naturally occurring events is interesting. It looks as if they plan on continuing research using the mandated “health practices” rather than the argument that these actions are needed for national security although at some point it seems probable that will be cited as a motive.

        Malone has stated that the technology to create bioweapons is available to actors with much less financing than state actors and if you believe that we might be entering a environment where there are continuous biological weapon releases by multiple and ever changing actors as dubious as that seems. That supposition would seem to justify the problem/solution of the research in a manner more urgent than health practice mandates.

        This raises a further question. If the research is a product of sovereign state military agencies( which is obvious) why is the effort moving toward adoption of the research worldwide not in the respective sovereign states? If these programs are covert “defense” against attack who is the attacker if the whole world is included in the “defense” One once again obvious but contentious answer is the military agencies answer to someone or something that is not limited to the sovereign state that is supposedly responsible for their charter. Another answer is since the threat creation is apparently not limited to state actors but could be smaller bands of bio weapon terrorists the defense no longer is kept a action of a particular sovereign state but shared. Whether by coincidence or plan this seems to eliminate the separateness of sovereign state which is also seems to be created by the WHO treaty. All of this seems out of a b grade sci fi movie but the facts and actions are not hidden and are in fact transparent.

        As someone who feels both the family unit, state, and sovereign nation cultures are valuable and self evidently natural and appropriate divisions I find myself suspecting motives. Certainly the gene editing injections have a real purpose of some sort. Whether by design or purpose the injections also destroy the authority of family, state and nation. Rather than implementing covert counter measures to biological weapon development wouldn’t it be more appropriate to declare bio weapon development the gravest of crimes worldwide with appropriate measures for enforcement rather than accelerating bio weapons development in the name of defense against the same? This whole thing has a stench about it while what the source of that stench is unknown that it stinks bad is undeniable.

        • Dennis L. says:

          The world and universe is self regulating; this too shall pass though not without considerable suffering.

          Dennis L.

          • Maybe this is part of a hidden population reduction plan, so the collapse doesn’t hit too hard.

            • Student says:

              If the world with all its Istitutions wants to deny that a bioweapon has been released (intenionally or not) it is like when chemical weapons were used during WWI and the governments, instead of banishing them, would have chosen to say that people need to make medical treatments every time ‘the air’ is bad.

              Worldwide public institutions and organizations have chosen to deny that labs are studying bioweapons and, instead, have chosen to say that we need to be periodically treated with antidotes to generic ‘virus’ for our good health.

              It is a very dangerous path.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              So far if it’s a Cull it’s not effective… we need more deaths to make a dent…

              Let’s aim for 6 billion deaths?

            • Ed says:

              Eddy, let’s aim for four billion.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Nearly 6B have injected the diseased rat juice…

              And BTW – it was 14C when I woke up — WTF is going on? I am loathe to fire up the Rayburn in November.

            • banned says:

              It could be. None of us mere mortals know.

              Since Covid risk was minimal especially with appropriate treatment protocal- Oxy IVM, IMO the risk of the injections is much higher. So this might be a fire drill for the real thing. Injection culture creation. For a while it seemed the people were digging it. Stick it to the man! By being a volunteer lab rat. People are strange. If they did attempt to create a culture where genetics are modified continually with injections I would say currently that culture seems to have less proponants. Former advocates now not wishing to discuss the matter citing privacy concerns when before they addressed privacy concerns with a (philosophical) hobnailed boot. We have enough of a free society that the truth has come out. I think lots of people know someone vaccine injured. Long covid- not so much.

              Today things are calm. Parents largely still have control whether their children receive these injections. I hope it lasts. BAU is very very good!

              If a more deadly pathogen is released Im ok dieing from it rather than getting injected. Not that I dont want to live I certainly do! I can be a example of sillyness! All those who advocate the injection can make fun of me! Im AOK with that. I wouldnt have it any other way. It would seem that we really have little control over our circumstances. Perhaps its a knee jerk reaction to exert what control I have none the less Im not going to voluntarily participate in this thing whatever it is. That harms no one. I have always felt very strongly that the right to refuse medical treatment is important long before this in better times. Thats why I am AOK of my decision regardless of the outcome. WE dont get too many decisions like that in our life where we are content regardless of outcome. There is not a sign on my front lawn that says lab rat. So says the frog in the pot. Seems a bit warm do you think?

  34. I wrote more than usual today so I will stop with this piece.

    The dream for any landowner is enjoyed by the Robinson brothers , whose great-great-great-grandmother bought the island Niihau from a Hawaiian King. along with all of its people.

    The people living in there are not US citizens because of some arcane legal loophole which I won’t get into, and are , for all practical purposes, property of the Robinson brothers to this day. They can leave Niihau if they want, but they are never allowed back. The island is closed, except for some helicopter tours when the brothers feel like that and some snorkeling in uninhabited areas , and no contact with the islanders , who still lack most of the modern gadgets are allowed. If the islanders want to leave they are free to do so but are never allowed back , and since the remaining residents are so behind from modern world that they stand no chance of surviving in the 2020s, they are resigned to their fate and will live out their lives there .(The brothers do modern shopping and receive medical treatment in Honolulu by flying their planes to there, a privilege the islanders are not allowed to) Few people outside Hawaii know they exist, and few people in Hawaii are eager to fight for them, since Hawaii itself is a feudal state, something the tourists who only skim the island’s tourist areas won’t notice.

    All these “Hawaiian culture” crap is said by the descendants of Hawaiian nobles (most of them indistinguishable from upper-middle class whites due to generations of intermarriage) who would rather have the island for themselves and not have the pesky tourists who disturb their peace. The George Clooney movie “Descendants” shows a rare glimpse of the people who actually own Hawaii, where the book ends with the George Clooney character, descended from some Hawaiian noble(and , obviously, white settlers who married into them), decides to keep his holdings ‘for his descendants’ so they could lord over Hawaii in the next generation. The book was written by a Kaui Hart Hemmings, who was descended from the Hawaiian nobles (the book is probably autobiographical although the author never admitted that) , who has not written much after that – she probably thought showing this one glimpse of how Hawaii actually worked was enough.

    Such is the world after peak oil, with nobody who is not the landowner having a say about anything, and the landowner maintaining the control of the land and society many years after the initial claim was established.

  35. Mike Cimino’s Heaven’s Gate, well known for its large budget and spectacular failure, is about the Johnson County War in Wyoming during 1890s. Long story short, the large ranchers who settled in Wyoming earlier and the large cattle companies which worked with them simply kicked out the newer settlers who competed with them for water and grazing rights.

    The old classic movie Shane is about that conflict too, although not single word about Johnson County and wyoming was mentioned. In that movie (no need to use spoiler alert for a 70 years old movie in public domain) the Landowner is seen as the bad guy and Shane, the lone gunman, does kill the Landowner and keeps the town’s peace for the time being, but as everyone who ever watched that movie knows, he rides, wounded in the arm, into the wilderness and disappears. The town is eventually destroyed and the settlers driven out, probably by the landowner’s nephews and nieces back from East, something the author of the story knows but is wisely left off by the producers who wanted to end the movie with some kind of hope.

    Because the large landowners won, Wyoming is still the least populated state in USA, with lots of empty land, which its residents prefer a lot. Such will be the future. Lots of empty spaces for the landowner’s family to ride around, but nothing for the landless.

  36. Historically the general wealth of the majority of populace depended upon how much the landowners could be controlled. Where my ancestors lived, the landowners basically had absolute control.

    the revolutions curtailed the power of landowners somewhat, and the car culture meant people could move with their feet so the landowners would not be able to keep the tenants.

    However, with peak oil, and because they are not making any more land, the landowners, who bought up lots of property with lower interests, will have their revenge.

    Homelessness will be rampant, and militarized police will simply shoot them up. (As late as 1815, the local landowner was also the local chief of police, as indicated in Jane Austen’s Emma.) The landowners, who will pay only a percent of property tax which they will collect from their tenants who want to live in the city, don’t care if their properties lie empty; they like to see bushes and trees in their holdings, and not pesky people.

    We will see lots of open space, owned by the landowners, the ‘Made Men’, and only they will reproduce according to the iron law proposed by Gregory Clark.

    • Agamemnon says:

      I’m trying to recall comment about landlords (brits?)dispatching their help during bad times. Maybe it was you or mirror. Funny how a simple search doesn’t turn up much

  37. I think that China is using shut downs to hide a continuing serious energy shortage. The country is past peak coal, especially at a reasonable price. It is a major importer of oil and natural gas. If its demand shrinks, the world economy will shrink.

    Zero Hedge is reporting:
    What Reopening? China’s Covid Restrictions Are Actually Tightening

    After the initial market euphoria over China’s reopening from Covid lockdowns, reality is settling in. Reopening isn’t as easy as turning on a water tap. It takes months of preparation to increase hospital resources, put jabs in the arms of senior citizens and shift the public narrative about the pandemic.

    In fact, instead of loosening, China’s restrictions on social activities have strengthened in recent weeks. That should argue for investors to curb their enthusiasm.

    Confusion. Chaos. More than a week after Beijing fine-tuned its Covid Zero strategy, local governments are struggling to balance the need to control the pandemic while also limit the economic damage. Shijiazhuang, a closely-watched city that had experimented with a version of “living with the virus,” has reversed course, suspending schools and asking residents to stay at home for five days. As infections multiplied, subway rides in some big cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing have tumbled.

    The result is that Goldman Sachs’s Effective Lockdown Index has increased in recent weeks, despite Beijing’s new order to reduce the need for mass testing and citywide shutdowns.

    We all know that vaccinations (no matter what kind) for covid don’t really stop the spread. The non-mRNA vaccines don’t seem to be quite as harmful in terms of side effects. The virus causing covid, like flu viruses, mutates rapidly. At best, the vaccine mitigates symptoms. Of course, at this point, covid is really not anything to be afraid of, for people in good health, except for a few very elderly people who would die from the next cold coming around.

    • Oddys says:

      I agree with this interpretation – the shutdowns and lockdowns in China looks like cover-ups for an underlying energy deficit.

    • Jef Jelten says:

      Another reason for the lockdowns as explained in the video below is that China has made a major shift in its real estate policies. Basically China has shifted its position on housing/real estate to “houses are for living in, not for speculating on”. This is huge as 70% of Chinese wealth is in housing.

      • a house is only worth what someone else will pay for it

        • TIm Groves says:

          My house is worth a great deal to me in sentimental value, as well as for its remote location well away from any main roads, built-up areas, supermarkets, and even noisy neighbors.

          But I don’t expect that after my death, anyone else will value it as much as I do, and it may well lay abandoned by all but the wildlife and decaying for want of a live-in owner until eventually the termites, the mold and the elements reduce it to a mound of compost and garbage covered by a pile of roof-tiles.

      • Good point. Without adequate coal and other energy supplies, China cannot afford to keep building huge numbers of unoccupied homes. It needs coal supplies to be going for keeping current homes livable, and indirectly for things that contribute to food supply. China uses coal to make nitrogen fertilizer, for example. Making spare parts of agricultural machines is important, as well.

        In the past, China use “combined heat and power” to use coal both for industry and for heating homes. They did this by placing coal-fired electricity plants in the middle of cities. That way transmission lines were very short, and the heat generated in the process of burning the coal could be directed to nearby homes and businesses. (I observed this in practice in Beijing in my two visits there, in 2011 and 2015.)

        As very close by coal mines have depleted and as air pollution has become a greater problem, there has been somewhat of a transition away from combined heat and power. Instead, an approach more similar to elsewhere is used, with coal-fired power plants farther from where the electricity is actually used. Citizens are encouraged to use air pumps, powered by electricity instead. The cost of heating in this way is far more expensive for citizens.

        In our home in Georgia, USA, we heat the main floor with piped in natural gas. We heat part of the basement with a heat-pump (the rest is unfinished and unheated). The cost of operating the heat pump has, in the past, been quite a bit higher than direct heating with natural gas of the main floor. In theory, the basement is smaller and more protected. It should be cheaper to heat, if the cost of operating the systems were the same.

        • Student says:

          I agree with you that Chinese Covid-zero strategy is easy way to cover the energy problem.
          But the problem is that the Covid-zero strategy is going exactly in the same direction that the ‘great reset’ supporters want (i.e. WEF, Gates, WHO etc.).
          In other words: digital control on people, vaccination, passports and so on.

          Western supporters of mass experimental vaccination can say:
          ”Ehy, look at China! They are obliged to do like that because they don’t have the good vaccines like us!”

          For this aspect China seems to be a good ally of current US and EU governments.
          And the only one out of this scheme, we must admit that seem to be Russia.

    • reante says:

      I’ve always assumed that the gargantuan build out of excess housing units in china must be not only for blowing the greatest RE bubble in the history of the planet but also for the purpose of using the to-be nationalized housing units surplus as the major socioeconomic bargaining chip in the same way that the coming national socialisms will be the major sociopolitical bargaining chips. The elevators and the lights may not be reliable but if they can manage running water for part of the day in these ghost cities and otherwise then they have really nice concentration camps in the middles of nowheres and, under the terrible circumstances, that will look like some wonderful marxism with Chinese characteristics to foxconn concentration campers sleeping in bunkbeds with six bunkbeds to a room.

    • Harry says:

      I agree. But I also see another point: the Chinese population is practically getting used to the war and command economy. Control and discipline.
      Imagine that the huge Chinese economic power is transformed into a war economy overnight. I mean, you just have to look at what kind of war machinery the Nazis put in place back then in just a few years. It’s hard to imagine what China would be able to do…

      • When I stayed in housing at Petroleum University of Beijing, I would see big groups of young people marching in formation, quite often in the mornings. Apparently, quite a few students were involved with this.

      • Withnail says:

        There isn’t much point in having a war. China could capture Taiwan but Taiwan doesn’t have any energy. China would be making its energy deficit even bigger.

  38. “Energy crisis: France bets on floating offshore wind energy
    “Story by Lisa Louis (Fos-sur-Mer, France)
    “France has become the first country to tender out industrial-size floating offshore wind farms. The floating platforms are more promising than existing renewables but still have some hurdles to overcome.
    “On a recent Monday morning, a group of journalists visited what could be the beginning of a new energy era in the port of Fos-sur-Mer on the French Mediterranean coast. It’s here that one of France’s four floating wind farm pilot projects is taking shape.
    “The country aims to take the lead in this sector. But technical and financial challenges abound.”

    Meanwhile, the world awaits a power grid which functions on wind, solar, et al.

    • One of the things that the world awaits is a way to store intermittent electricity for months at a time. Without this, it is close to useless, except as a subsidized adjunct to a fossil-fuel based system. It will be horribly expensive for the services it provides.

      Furthermore, wind electricity from industrial-size floating offshore wind farms will require a huge amount of electrical transmission. The wind energy will be of very poor quality to add to the grid. It will need substantial adjustment as well. If any engineer sat down and figured out all of the costs involved, they almost certainly would not build this. The main advantage is that voters would see that something is being done.

  39. There are several things which will never disappear, including death (which might not be true) and taxes (which might not be true either since a lot of people pay no taxes).

    However, land ownership is eternal. If a landowner’s immediate family is all eliminated, some second cousin who never even saw the land will arrive and claim it.

    The relationship of a landowner over his tenants is eternal. Even if the tenant becomes famous, and even more powerful, the landowner retains his power. The upstart can’t last forever and when the upstart dies, the landowner’s relative returns and exact retributions to the tenants over their free use of the land.

    The big landowners of Cuba who lost their land in 1959 still retain their claims, and they will exact it. Feudal relationships are eternal.

    • I think a person needs a co-operative government to enforce land ownership rights. In order for this to happen, someone needs to be paying adequate taxes to the government to keep the government adequately funded. In most countries (but not China), property taxes are a major part of this funding mechanism. Taxes on the earnings of the land owner, or the land owner+ peasants can also be used. Temporarily, added debt can somewhat substitute for tax revenue.

      If the property is very productive, funding the government with tax revenue is no problem. The current value of property depends to a large extent on fossil fuels, and infrastructure created by fossil fuels. For example, a farm only has value to the extent that it can grow food and sell it to others, who in turn can complete the food chain to customers. The value of the farm depends on roads that are maintained, and on the continued availability of machines that can till the farm, seeds to plant, plus fertilizer, insecticides, and mundane things like fences, to keep out wild life. A farm operated by practically slave labor with no tools, or crudely made tools using whatever materials are available, will be very unproductive. It cannot provide the tax revenue to support the government.

      Ownership will soon be based on the outcomes of conflict situation. The winners will be the strongest, or the best armed. Governments enforcing ownership will fail.

      • the fundamental problem that underlies all the rest is the notion of ‘owning ‘this planet.

        nobody ‘owns’ it

        the planet itself is right now violently reacting against the notion of being owned

        “You are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the Earth itself to nobody.”… Rousseau, 1754

        • Those who die without heirs will leave their property to their next of kin by default.

          The current royal house of Denmark was 12 generations removed from the last member who was the king. There will be no shortage of would be geneaologists who will find the rightful heir to a property with no apparent heirs so they could collect a hefty commission for their work.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            The vast majority of countries in the world are republics.

            There are no true monarchies in Europe.

            A few of the bourgeois states like Denmark maintain fake monarchies as window dressing for the ‘plebs’.

            Most do not bother with that silliness, and they clearly do not need to.

            They have given them a right royal kick up the backside.

            The CCP alone has far more citizens than all the bourgeois fake monarchies combined.

            > Abolition has been carried out in various ways, including via abdication leading to the extinction of the monarchy, legislative reform, revolution, coup d’état, and decolonisation. Abolition became more frequent in the 20th century, with the number of monarchies in Europe falling from 22 to 12 between 1914 and 2015, and the number of republics rising from 4 to 34. Decolonisation and independence have resulted in an abolition of monarchies in a number of former colonies such as those created by the United Kingdom.


            > List of countries by date of transition to republican system of government


            • Dennis L. says:


              Perhaps the elites lose interest in their children, demography is destiny and a spoiled brat makes for a poor leader as well as an incompetent administrator of land. In short, such a person is a mark.

              Dennis L.

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Dennis, I do not have a dogmatic problem with monarchism or with aristocracy per se, the point is that we are not living in those times. No system of government is inherently better, and it depends on the energetic, material and social conditions of the society at the time, and what works for the society, particularly as a dissipative, energetic structure in those conditions.

              The CCP would be the first to argue that, and indeed it is a key point of Marxism, of historical materialism. It is also a key point of difference between ‘realist’ and ‘idealist’ approaches to politics. It is probably fair to say that Europe was idealist in the Middle Ages, with its Neo-Platonism, but it is much more ambivalent about idealism now. Certainly no significant church supports monarchism now, and certainly not the Lutheran church.

              Europe, like USA, now often postures that ‘democracy’ is an ideal, as if it is grounded in natural ‘rights’, which makes the socialisation of citizens easier, and provides a pretext for aggressive geopolitical policies. The top-down CCP party political structure is much closer to monarchism and aristocracy than bourgeois ‘democracies’, at least on the surface.

              The dominant, modern European political ideology is really not that close to Medieval ideology, and I would not be fooled by bourgeois fake monarchies on that count. The economy and the societies have radically changed, on energetic and technological grounds, and politics with them. CCP is arguably much closer to historical European political forms like monarchy and aristocracy. The ‘titles’ do not really matter.

          • Dennis L. says:

            Estate taxes are a problem as are RE taxes. It is not as easy as you might think and the free cash flow is not that great.

            Dennis L.

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          “nobody ‘owns’ it… the fruits of the earth belong to us all”

          Neither land nor agricultural produce, nor any product of human labour, ‘belongs’ to anyone in any extra-social sense. This is not some fantasy world where any sorts of ‘rights’ are inherent in reality.

          The implication of the realistic scenario is not that all goods belong to everyone, or that everyone or even anyone has some ‘right’ to everything or anything.

          Ultimately possession is based on taking what you want, and on conflict, and societies impose order on that pattern according to what works for the society.

          The ‘planet’ itself is completely indifferent to property claims. Nor does the ‘planet’ have some ‘will’ to maintain any set state of itself.

          The planet is always changing, with its climates and eco-systems, and species, and they all come any go. It started as star dust and it will return to star dust. Nothing ‘means’ anything and nothing ‘matters’ unless people think it does.

          If the planet did what it was going to do without human activities then it would soon be into the next ice age, and current niches and ecosystems would be completely trashed anyway.

          We are living in the Quaternary geological period of cyclical glaciation, whatever fantasies humans tell themselves. The projection of plebian temporal and moral perspectives onto the planet is self-centered and narrow-minded.

          > The Quaternary glaciation, also known as the Pleistocene glaciation, is an alternating series of glacial and interglacial periods during the Quaternary period that began 2.58 Ma (million years ago) and is ongoing.

          • banned says:

            Excellent post mirror. Thanks

          • i think the meaning of collective ownership of what the planet produces, means that (as a prime example) oil and its derivatives should not be allowed to amass colossal wealth in the hands of a few, while millions starve.

            Ok–thats a sweeping generalistion, and results from the ‘market force economy’ we have created for ourselves, but it has resulted in the current level of global chaos.

            people are scared by the spectre of mass migration, but that is the force that drives it.

            Someone stands in the food aisles of a European supermarket–takes a short video and sends to his brother in Somalia or wherever
            “Look–there’s masses of food here”

            Bro promptly sets off to get there, risking his life is irrelevant. He’s going to die in Somalia anyway.

            Glaciation periods have nothing to do with it.

            As to planetary awareness, I wouldn’t be so sure. (I’m not)

            The planet is a self regulating system. Temperatures are finely tuned. That controls weather patterns and food supplies for every living thing.
            Life forms on its surface are part of that regulated system.
            We think of ‘intelligence’ only on human terms. But suppose there is an ‘awareness’ that the current ‘excess’ life form is messing up the life support system for everything else?

            I’m not talking ‘god’ here. But the planet itself being aware of itself in ways we cannot comprehend?

            If that is so, then the planet, right now, is in the final stages of re-adjustment. It might to 5k years for things to be properly fixed, but in earth-time that is just a sneeze get rid of a fever.

            • If we divide essential items equally, everyone starves.

              If people need 2000 calories per day, and only 1000 calories per day is available, “survival of the best adapted” is the best strategy. This is the way evolution works. Everyone is a little different from all others. This is closely related to your statement, “oil and its derivatives should not be allowed to amass colossal wealth in the hands of a few, while millions starve.”

              While it would be nice if everyone could be treated equally, examples with communism show that this doesn’t work well in practice. There needs to be some reward for more diligent effort. Somehow, the best adapted need to be picked out from the rest.

            • i agree, and also agree that communism doesn’t work. It can’t. (lets get that established before i get marked as a raving marxist…I’m not. I try to be a raving realist)

              but we have taken ‘survival of the best adapted’ to mean brain power in certain directions, which is not how nature evolved us to be.

              On that basis, (just as an example) Musk had the single genius idea of paypal, which (due to the global trading system evolving) made multi billions.
              Money is the transfer of energy, Musk’s billions derived from those billions of energy transfers. Lucky him. (he wasn’t ‘best adapted’ on natures terms, only on commercial terms)

              He then buys car designers and builds EVs. It doesnt make him a car designer. Tesla hasn’t made a profit yet. And may never do.

              Same with hiring rocket scientists–it didnt make him a rocket scientist

              then he blunders into Twitter—and so on.

              That is NOT evolution.

              Building Teslas and rockets is a form of resource consumption. Resources are finite, so consuming them that way denies their use elsewhere.

              Simple example: 2.2 million litres of water are needed to produce 1 ton of lithium. I think that’s enough to make my point.

              Every aspect of world living is interlinked.

              Musk’s wealth piles up while (somewhere) people can’t grow food. Their food calories get blasted into space on Musk’s vanity.

              This is the system humankind has created for itself. I think things will get rebalanced from now on.

              I don’t think it’s possible to superimpose nature’s ‘survival of the fittest’ concept, onto the (very temporary) current version of humankind.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Kill (cull.. sounds nicer no?) 5.5 billion roll out BAU Lite and the ratio will be doable – for 30 years only though

              I’m headed to the QT airport to inspect the private jets… I want to be sure I get the best one … when the Cull gets underway

            • Withnail says:

              Musk had the single genius idea of paypal

              No he didn’t. Musk never owned Paypal.

            • oh–maybe my mistake, i thought he co-created paypal

              research seems to suggest that he did, though admittedly there are some hazy bits there

            • Withnail says:

              research seems to suggest that he did, though admittedly there are some hazy bits there

              Peter Thiel co-founded PayPal with Max Levchin and Luke Nosek in 1998.

          • Lidia17 says:

            Norm, I wouldn’t use Musk as a pattern to describe anything. He’s been installed various places as a figurehead, jester, and con-man prestidigitator. He didn’t invent PayPal, nor did he invent the Tesla cars.

            The stunts with Bezos and 90-y.o. Shatner seemed highly improbable, as was launching a Tesla into space.

            Musk has no problem trolling us, saying,”You can tell it’s real because it looks so fake, honestly.”!

        • Dennis L. says:

          I think you have a point; the universe is, no more no less. It is weird that some now see it as no more than a program, the author of such a program would differ little from the God in Genesis.

          Dennis L.

          • some see it as a ‘program’ in this era, only because the concept of a progam now exists, so the reference can me made to that.

            I am coming to the conclusion that the earth itself carries a form of intelligence in itself that is above and beyond our understanding.
            That ‘intelligence’ is enabling the earth the rid itself of pestilence and rebalance itself.

            Perhaps our mistake is adding ‘god’ to the mix, which allows the follow on thinking that that god will reach out and take care of us, no matter what. Books exist that prove it.

            Trouble is, we wrote the books.

            • Cromagnon says:

              The planet is alive and conscious. It has physically grown larger by at least 35% since the Mesozoic. It feeds off solar wind and nova ejecta.
              Gravitation has increased markedly with this growth. The Pacific Ocean is massively larger than in deep time.
              The other planets are similarly alive. The ancients called them gods for a reason.

              All part of similacrum rest assured.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        That is what happened to the landed gentry in Britain: the decline of agriculture as an elite income, loss of political power, state taxes; and that was the end of them.

        No socio-economic ‘elites’ are eternal, it all depends on the material conditions of the society. Large potato growers may have been some big thing in the Middle Ages, and called ‘lords and ladies’, but they are called ‘farmers’ these days – and we import most of our food from abroad these days, anyway. The money, power and status lie elsewhere these days.

        States do not exist to pamper outdated elites in their fantasies of being ‘eternal’. The state sees itself as the ‘purpose’, ‘raison d’état’, so ‘pay up and shut up’. Ideology will reflect what works for the society in those material conditions, it does not have a life of its own just to powder some wigs and supply silk tights to some self-entitled anachronism ‘just cuz’, which would be completely barking.

        As you say, the future is likely to be conflictual and the best, most organised fighters will prevail. The wannba ‘lords and ladies’ are going to have to organise their own forces, and maybe do the fighting themselves. That is how the aristocracy was established in Britain anyway through invasions and perpetual conflict. There is no ‘divine right’, and ‘if they want it, then they are going to have to come and get it’.

        Wiki has some articles that touch on the decline and fall of the landed gentry in Britain. It was pretty much as you say.

        > The Great Depression of British Agriculture at the end of the 19th century, together with the introduction in the 20th century of increasingly heavy levels of taxation on inherited wealth, put an end to agricultural land as the primary source of wealth for the upper classes. Many estates were sold or broken up, and this trend was accelerated by the introduction of protection for agricultural tenancies, encouraging outright sales, from the mid-20th century.

        > Direct causes
        3.1 Loss of income from the estate
        3.2 Loss of political power
        3.3 Loss of wealth through taxation
        3.3.1 Income tax
        3.3.2 Death duties

        • agricultural land, until the 17/1800s, was the prime energy source of the nation.

          production of that energy required the physical input of about 95% of available muscle power.

          Come the industrial revolution, factories and mines started offering higher wages than agricultural labour. Fossil fuels became the prime energy source of the nation.

          so workers migrated off the land into factories, that produced ‘stuff’. But stuff has to be ‘sold’.
          Initially it was a ‘high end’ market. But pretty soon everyone wanted ‘stuff’.

          That meant wages had to rise to keep workers (sort of) happy.

          But farmland declined, and the big estates were broken up. (uneconomical) Higher taxation exacerbated the breakup.

          Higher factory wages also enabled food to be bought from abroad more cheaply (bigger better ships).
          (skipping a lot of history here–corn laws etc).

          But all the above depended on one thing, that the wages-production-wages leapfrog had to go on forever.

          Unfortunately very few spotted that little problem. We ran out of cheap energy and the game stopped.
          And we can’t believe it’s happened.

          • Withnail says:

            Initially it was a ‘high end’ market

            Not really true, cloth and so called ‘brummagem’ cheap brass bracelets and the like, was manufactured and sent to Africa as part of the first leg of the triangular slave trade.

            A lot of cotton cloth was also sent to India.

            • the whole thing moved along in short steps.

              the prime product of the industrial revolution was cheap iron

              with cheap iron you can have pretty much cheap everything else–in particular, guns.

              Guns were the driving force of the slave trade triangle. With guns, africans could capture more africans, (as an energy source) and sell them to the shippers, who sold them to the sugar (increased energy source) producers.
              Sugar/rum goes back to UK, pays for more guns…and so on.

              Cotton in quantity didnt become possible until looms were made in 000s from cheap iron

      • Withnail says:

        In 5th century Italy, the barbarians simply turned up and took over some of the land. Nobody could stop them because by this point Rome didn’t really have an army. The surviving Romans just had to make the best of it but life went on.

        From the letters of Cassiodorus, a Roman working for the new Gothic king of Italy, Theoderic, we get a picture of life among the ruins of the former empire in the 530s AD.

        There are broken supply chains such as the one for purple dye (used for kings robes).

        There are provinces which are not sending food to the capital Ravenna.

        There are empty public granaries which are falling into ruin.

        There is marble being salvaged from ruined buildings to build new ones.

        There are bronze statues (of elephants) corroding and in need of repair.

        Lead and bronze is being illegally stripped from public buildings.

        Very little water is now reaching Rome through the aqueducts. It is being illegally diverted for private uses.

        There are complaints about the excessive tax burden.

        Amalafrida, sister of Theoderic, has been executed by Hilderic, King of the Vandals. He claims it was natural causes.

        The horses of Nimfadius were stolen while he was asleep at the fountain of Arethusa.

        Market goers are being robbed by locals on their way to the fair at Lucania where children are sold into slavery by their parents.

        Cities are being deserted. An order is given to force men of rank to spend most of their year in the city.

        The sewer system in Parma has failed and has caused squalid conditions, but the inhabitants are unable or unwilling to repair it.

        Crops have failed all over Italy and there is widespread famine. The people are starving. The state will sell the grain it possesses at a reduced price to peasants who have lost their crop.

  40. Dennis L. says:

    More musings of an old man regarding inflation/deflation:

    TM has a new post up.

    “Although systemic inflation – measured here as RRCI – now exceeds 9%, this can be expected to trend downwards, with continuing increases in the real costs of necessities being offset by deflationary pressures in discretionary sectors and in asset markets. This, of course, assumes that the authorities continue to turn a deaf ear to siren calls for them to relax their concentration on defending the purchasing power of money. ”

    What may be personally relevant is graphing one’s expenses/incomes and see what happens. In the US we have fixed term rate mortgages which are a win/win for the holder. If interest rates go up, no problem, if they go down, refinance at a lower rate where it works.

    SS is indexed more or less.

    New tax laws are in effect starting 2023 regarding renewables. Over twenty years how does that work out? Personally looking at window coverings otherwise known as removable insulation, efficiency makes a good run at reducing costs. If inflation does not affect one, it does not exist. Not sure how tax law works here, saving energy/money it is a good bet.

    Note: I have been an advocate and participant in for want of a better word “sustainable” housing for a long time. What I have found is it is very expensive to build and very demanding in care of construction. Don’t even get into air exchange issues, I gave up on that one, in a word, maintenance.

    Interesting times,

    Dennis L.

    • You talked about some new beginnings on Nov 8. Well, that was a new beginning for the woke, who will eliminate the Trumpistas and others with similar leanings.

      The world you want won’t arrive without eliminating the 47% Romney had spoken about 10 years ago.

    • We have been told that money is a “store of value,” but as a practical matter, asset prices have tended to inflate faster, especially since 1980. The falling interest rates have made the purchase of assets of all kinds (farms, homes, shares of stock) seem less expensive. The fact that this gain could be leveraged by putting a relatively small payment down made this arrangement an even better deal for those who were able to take advantage of this period of history.

      In recent years, the fad has been toward requiring “more efficient” devices of all kinds: washing machines, refrigerators, automobiles, aircraft, natural gas powered electricity generating stations, you name it. In some cases this worked out, at least sort of. Refrigerators became more efficient, but people tended to keep their old refrigerators, so as to have another place to put beer, if they should have a party. The growing efficiency of refrigerators made the electricity cost of two refrigerators to be fairly affordable.

      When it comes to construction, there is a lot of modeling involved. Even in the construction of something like a washing machine, there is a lot of modeling going on. It seems like the modelers never figure out that life expectancies of devices fall, as devices are made more efficient. They may also need a lot of maintenance. Repair people who have visited have commented on that to me.

      Going forward, we will have fewer goods and services for people in general.
      1. The result of this could look like inflation, at least for a while.
      2. Or it could look like defaulting debt, because companies start failing because citizens cannot afford their products. Indirectly, jobs will be lost as well. Prices might go down, causing oil drillers and others to stop their operations.
      3. If the government can hang together, it may print a whole lot of extra money and give it back to individual citizens, as in 2020. In this case, the money won’t buy much of anything. The result will look like hyperinflation.

      The result will be similar, but it will be called different things.

  41. Student says:

    (Documentary: ‘Died suddenly’)

    (Il Paragone)

    Adverse events and sudden deaths, a documentary talks about the issue linked to mass vaccination campaign with experimental jabs.

    • Student says:

      (Sorry for duplication of subject. I realize now that it was already posted. I didn’t turn page of posts. Kind regards).

    • The top link is to a 68 minute documentary. The summary says:

      Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

      The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
      They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

      • Student says:

        At the same time, I would like to report a reply to an interview made to Dr. Barbaro who is a reliable Doctor about pandemic/ & vaccine, according to what I’ve been looking so far.
        He is skeptic about those incredibly big clots showed in the video:
        ”Is it true or false?
        That the vaccine can lead to thrombosis is clear, but the thromboses that I have seen in post-vaccine subjects are micro-thromboses. About those very long vermiform clots showed in the video, I honestly have my doubts.
        There is some reality in the film, but it has been a bit cinematic, these clots puzzled me, but I don’t rule them out.”

        • Perhaps the difference in understanding comes from the fact that the big clots are found in dead people. No one can actually live with such big clots. They may be a fairly rare event among living people because the people who get them die. Thus, it is coroners who mostly are aware of them.

          My impression now is that the big clots are not from red blood cells by themselves. The form from continuous damage to the veins. There are other substances involved as well (which I have not kept track of). They form inside of veins, in the shape of veins.

  42. ivanislav says:

    I already solved the energy problem by proposing we just figure out ultra-deepwater (2+ miles) drilling. That gives us the 2/3 of the world’s oil that we haven’t been able to access. Now, I will solve it again:

    I came across geothermal as a solution 2 minutes ago – just drill 12 miles down and you get free energy at any place on earth. Problem solved! You all really should pay me more. Just put Elon on it.

    PS – Gail, did you block my comment on population reduction and eugenics? To me, it doesn’t seem any worse than what kulmthestatusquo or FE post regularly 🙂

    • I have no idea why your earlier post was temporarily blocked. Among other things, there are certain trigger words that will hold a post in moderation. Fr example, any post that uses the word “stupid” in it, I want to read before it goes up. When I am asleep at night, there can be a fairly long lag until I get around to reading a comment. Sorry!

    • drb753 says:

      Excellent. And if you drill down 13640 km, and keep the tunnel open, there are vast savings in transporting stuff to the other side of the world.

    • Very deep oil is difficult to drill. Oil companies have, for years, trying to find more that they can drill. The stuff under the salt layer is a real challenge. The big problem is that it is high cost to drill. It also needs an integrated world economy, to keep up all of the complexity.

    • Mike says:

      My father ran a drilling rig as a foreman in the 80s in North Dakota and Alberta, pretty wild stuff but they could get it done with a crew size of a handful of people plus a handful of exploratory guys. My parents in-laws worked in the gulf as geologists in late 80d and early 90s and it was totally different. The exploratory crews alone was a ship with a 100 man crew. 12 figure development costs, pretty amazing stuff. Obviously still possible now but any large project these days requiring lots of procurement and skilled labor is only getting harder, technology aside of ultra deep water drilling.

  43. Lorraine H Sherman says:

    Thank you, Gail, for another insightful article. The bottom line, this place is a dangerous place. Death is on either side of a razor’s edge. For one who takes birth, death is certain. We’ve got expiration dates stamped on our arses. Yet, people are so fearful of death, they actually run to it.

    Posted below is a link to a newly released film that is a must see. Without a doubt, there is a coordinated effort to reduce the population of the world, going on in real time. Unlike Fast Eddy, I do not find the present circumstances funny. At. All.

    Unlike Fast Eddy, I do not blame people who lined up to get injected. I only hope more and more injected seek countervailing remedies/measures.

    The take away for me is continuing to prepare for less available energy, build in a little resilience, and shore up my daily devotions. Have been spending a lot of time in the garden lately. The best time to garden in Florida is fall/winter.

    What makes this film so genuine? It’s the embalmers and funeral home directors who are speaking out. Who woulda thunk?

    • Withnail says:

      Embalmers and funeral home directors are not medically trained.

      If there is an effort to depopulate the world it is going extremely badly since just last week we celebrated the birth of the 8 billionth human.

      • Rodster says:

        No, they are not medically trained but they do know a thing or two about body parts. When a funeral director takes part in an autopsy and sees long clots in the arteries that are pulled from the body, you don’t need to be a medical doctor to realize something is wrong. That is what John O’Looney witnessed first hand and there are vids to back his claim up.

        • Withnail says:

          Well obviously in dead bodies the blood is clotted. What a lot of nonsense.

          • Replenish says:

            I can appreciate that people want to dispel rumors and pseudoscience to reach clarification and stay on the topic of energy and complexity.

            One of my Junto buddies (40-something) shared in our meeting that his stamina in cardio and weight training has diminished. He privately acknowledged that his GP says prior C-19 infection may be the cause but young guy says the vaccine is one of his chief suspects since his problems started after the second dose. A couple weeks ago he says he had a blood clot in his leg.

            • Withnail says:

              I am not saying there aren’t problems with the injections and in fact i have had none of them myself.

              But as a depopulation tool it seems to have been a spectacular failure.

            • Student says:

              I’m not so convinced that depopulation was the first reason or maybe even one of the reasons why mass vaccination has been launched.

              But anyway it is not because a weapon is a failure that the killer is not guilty.

          • Rodster says:

            Another CNN troll. I call and raise your BS. I’ll take John O’Looney’s word for it since he’s been doing this a long time. This is his quote, ready? “Nothing grows inside your arteries postmortem” he said, “it just doesn’t.”


            • Fast Eddy says:

              The good thing about The Cull and the litmus test is … there is no way to cheat this test.

              You can warn the MORE-ONS till you are blue in the face…

              You can inform them that there are no long term test — you can provide data that show only the old half dead die from covid – almost zero young healthy die…

              Basically you can provide them with the answers to the test…

              But they will charge forward and inject the rat juice

          • Lidia17 says:

            These are dense, white, rubbery, fibrous deposits rather than conventional red-blood-cell clots. Embalmers have no trouble with normal dead-person’s clotted blood, which they describe as being soft like jelly. Withnail, you really should look into this situation before scoffing.

            The funeral director in our small town abruptly quit last year, which seems a little coincidental.

            I’ve read a couple of things describing fibrin as being a response to injury to the linings of blood vessels, much the way plaques of cholesterol are attempts at healing inflammation.

            The D-dimer tests that are used to reveal active or recent clotting test for components of fibrin in the blood:

      • Tim Groves says:

        Withnail, why would embalmers and funeral directors need to be medically trained? Their “patients” are corpses, stiffs, cadavers or carcasses, who don’t require any medical treatment whatsoever. No medical intervention or prescription will make any difference to their prognosis and even palliative care would be futile.

        Embalmers need to be professionally trained and qualified in mortuary science to do what they do. One of the things they need to be able to deal is deal with clots. In every state in the USA, for instance, embalmers must be licensed and are usually required to have at least a 2-year accredited mortuary science degree.

        Mortuary science degree courses include everything from anatomy, pathology, and physiology to ethics, communication, and grief counseling. In the anatomy course, students learn the major systems of the human body, with emphasis on the muscular and circulatory systems. This portion of the training will also include cadaver and dissection experience as well as a study of organs and cells.

        The embalming course teaches techniques and procedures for preserving bodies, raising veins, positioning bodies, and posing facial features. In addition, students learn about disinfection, blood drainage, chemicals used in embalming, and fluid injection through lab work.

        Mortuary science students also get training in restorative arts. This involves anatomical modeling, bone structure, facial muscles, wax treatments, eye and mouth modeling, the use of cosmetics, and restorative arts.

        Accordingly, your comment stuck me as both facetious and a non sequitur. Am I missing something important?

        • Withnail says:

          Withnail, why would embalmers and funeral directors need to be medically trained?

          They are not medically trained. That’s why I don’t care about their opinions about the causes of peoples’ deaths.

          • Tim Groves says:

            OK. Using the same logic, you are a pseudonymous internet presence who could be a troll, a bot, or a wind-up artist with no credentials in anything for all anyone here knows. So there’s no particular reason why anyone should pay any heed to your opinions about anything, including about embalmers and funeral directors, is there?

            ….. unless your opinions are so brilliant that they stood out on their own merits, leaving all who read them dazzled by their obvious profundity.

            I might not trust an embalmer to determine a cause of death—that’s properly the job of a pathologist—but on balance I would trust an embalmer’s judgement as to whether blood clots in the arteries of recently diseased cadavers the size of Frankfurter sausages were normal or not.

            Here’s a medical doctor named Dale Fisher, from 2001, who is pro-vax, but who had concerns about “unusual clots and bleeds” following the Covid shots. And there have been a lot more reports of unusual clots since he went on record.

          • Tim Groves says:

            And here’s another doctor, Sucharit Bhakdi, who with number of other doctors warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections in February 2021.

            You may not care about their opinions either, just as I don’t care about yours. But by making your comments, you’ve given me an excellent excuse to share this superb talk given by Prof. Bhakdi on ” the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects.”

          • reante says:


            Along with deforestation dynamics and financial dynamics, blood coagulation dynamics is the third topic you’ve ‘flat-earthed’ in the last 24hrs. I kill a sheep or goat every ten to fourteen days with a knife to the throat. Although they largely bleed out I’ve never seen clotting like that inside or outside the body. I’ve also helped work up plenty of hunted animals that didn’t get bled out and never seen that. Those ‘ropes’ aren’t red blood cell clots which clots like jelly and is black-red. What we’re looking at appears at a glance to be a combination of two recognized medical conditions called “white blood clots” (clots very high in white blood cell and plasma ratios) and “fibrin clots” which occur from chronic blood vessel damage which, as Tim notes, aligns with what Bhakti has been saying for so long. I believe the d-dimer test is for detecting the fibrin.

            • Interesting!

            • Withnail says:

              I really don’t think the people on here going on about all this medical stuff have a clue what they’re talking about.

              I don’t think you or Tim are any more medical experts than I am, and I’m definitely not one.

              Speculate all you want though.

            • reante says:

              The fog machine is right there in front of you, brother. And there’s the switch. It’s just a high-low switch but you’ve got it on high right now. You can always put back on high again if you don’t like it.

            • reante says:

              I should have said that the white blood clots are higher in platelets not plasma.

          • Foolish Fitz says:

            Withnail, although I agree with you about medical training, if you live in Britain, funeral directors were granted the power to sign and so determine cause of death under the the Corona virus act 2020, but only for a single cause.

            Partial experts? 😂

  44. Adonis says:

    From what i can see the elders knew the exact date when energy per capita would begin to drop according to this new york times article dated 1972 the elders knew that energy per capita would drop in 2020 which we can surmise if the world would not prepare for the coming crisis the elders would employ dirty tactics to effect the new world order to their plans perhaps the degrowth agenda that reante suggests is the elders plan B .

    • any elder in 1972 would likely be dead by now

      so what i want to know is—who were the ‘junior elders?

      obviously you have to ‘become’ an elder—so when does that happen.?

      I was invited to join the freemasons twice–i refused both times, it was obvious i would be filling dead mens shoes.

      so where is this ‘elder training program?’—or does someone sneak up on you–and say–you are now an elder?

      • Replenish says:

        Elders? I was told by several 3rd degree masons involved in the music industry that for all the rumors about secret society the truth is these fellow travelers simply gathered that weekend to enjoy pints and American football. I was invited to the annual pancake breakfast at Masonic village and everything seemed normal. The pancakes and sausage were delicious. Early on, I helped setup a community center in St. Bernard’s Parish Masonic Lodge after Hurricane Katrina. All of the secret regalia was flood damaged and piled in the middle of the hall. Man in Cowboy hat and masonic badge frequents local coffeehouse and claims to be a driver for sick kids to Shriner’s Hospital.

        One time I witnessed a man buying up masonic bibles and objects at an auction. Man nearby commented that fellow masons will show up and buy all the deceased masonic items.

        Several interactions with masons in the pub: I challenged them on esoteric and political topics and they use some kind of NLP triggers.. coded phrases with shapes, colors and special emphasis, pulling on the ear lobe, vigorously massaging the temple or flipping their cap. Street thugs and undercovers in my area use the same signaling and identification sign language.

        Keeping it in the family. My great-grandfather was an Oddfellow who died in a mine fire. The fellowship took in the 4 children and employed my great-grandmother as a housekeeper. Mom and I visited the cemetery for the first time to look for our grandparent’s graves and the mayor of the town showed up in a suit and tie with a Masonic lapel pin. He said, “I got a call that there was tree down up here” and I replied “are you sure your brothers didn’t send you on a rite of passage.” He smirked and helped us find the grave.

        Hershey, Pennsylvania: Masonic Lodge #666 is located on Route 322.

        Conclusion: Rank and file members are loyal citizens, service oriented and are recruited with promises for networking, character and career development. Elder members are in positions of power, most likely beholden by their involvement in notorious deals and privy to some kind of esoteric knowledge or metaphysics now enhanced by AI/machine learning. Also see Famous letter to and from George Washington regarding the infiltration of the Blue Lodge and the influence of the Jacobins.

        • Replenish

          With the masons, the one thing I have no time for is ritual—1 mason does this, another does that–1 sits by the door to guard against intruders, all wear aprons and stuff to denote rank. plus other stuff.

          Each to his own of course, and my comment is not meant in disrespect to those involved in freemasonry but giggling at oneself isn’t good for one’s self esteem.

          Which is exactly what I would be doing. (what am i doing here?)

      • drb753 says:

        It is and always has been a multi-generational program. It is done informally in case you are wondering. In fact, if you wonder where this school is, you are hopelessly out of the loop. Like other real elders, it is best for you to keep your convictions, than change. Change is hard.

        • well drb—i do wonder where the ‘elder school’ is.

          you say there is one, but keep it to yourself as to its whereabouts. Which is very annoying.
          I want to join before the grim reaper disqualifies me permanently.
          Or at least hang about outside to see who goes in and out.

          I have visions of an ancient Shaolin monk saying ”Come in grasshopper’ –or something.

          I defintely qualify as an ‘old git’ (even gf agrees on that)—but is that the same as being an ‘elder’—or is there money involved somewhere along the line?
          In which case can i be a ‘poor elder’?

          if we’re concerned about convictions, I’d rather not go there. Having to deal with eddys driving record is bad enough. My licence has been clean since about 1984

          • cassandraclub says:

            There is not one ‘elder school’.
            There is one in Davos, one in the UN, one in the IMF, one in Wall Street, one in DC, one in Brussels and so on.
            It is not a conspiracy-theorie that the Powers That Be look after themselves, their family and their offspring.
            Trudeaus son became PM of Canada.
            The son of George Bush also became POTUS.
            Just like the aristocracy in the past power and knowledge is handed down the generations.

            • reante says:

              Right. And I believe that there’s a threshold at play that divides the elite from the not-formally- connected rich. And, as with all mafias, there are life-altering rites of passage when formally crossing that threshold. In order to reach that threshold as a yet-to-be-formally connected, you and your family have to jump through all the right hoops (check off all the right boxes). You have to be able to keep everyone in the fold. I have a family member I’m guessing is worth 50-100M. I have a feeling that he recently became a made man. But maybe it’s just my imagination. He’s a lawyer who started a corporate headhunting firm several decades ago. Two years ago the firm’s branding got a total makeover and the new name became a fashionable one-word name. It is our family’s last name and I was furious when I found out, that selfish sonofabitch. Spectacular success, international offices. He’s dined with supreme court justices and who knows who else, I only gets shreds of info, one kid ran the gauntlet at Goldman Sachs, another has an office right next door to the head coach of the hometown NBA team after two years on the job, another in an elite med school, the fourth with black sheep potential who I kinda tried to peel off lol, is (not so) mysteriously making a high-COLA public school teacher’s salary as a first-year teacher’s assistant who shadows kids who are having a hard time that day (bless her heart). My wife and I wanted to figure out how that was possible and on the districts website it noted at the bottom of the salaries page that exceptions may apply at the

              discretion of the superintendent. My mom told me recently that he fell into a major three-month depression recently, bedridden and with psychiatric assistance. He’s the last guy in the world you’d expect that to happen to. Maybe it was the vaxxxes or maybe they finally offered him the Faustian bargain, to become a made man, and he took it, and he went down because it meant his kids and his wife weren’t truly his anymore. They became collateral for his greed and ambitions gaining formal elite
              status. I imagine it’s a somewhat common reaction and I don’t imagine the elites mind it at all. I assume his psychiatrist specializes in buyer’s remorse. I imagine they like having super talented, wholesome, post-traumatic true blue teddy bear boyscouts under their thumb because their trustworthiness will never be in question.

            • Lidia17 says:

              Don’t you mean Castro’s son? 😉

              Insert also that pic of Rothschild poking Then-Prince Charles in the chest.


            • reante says:

              Yeah Castro’s son. 🙂

              THAT is a great photo!

            • Lidia17 says:

              Reante, the recent FTX exposures reveal networks like that: the impossibly-untalented daughter of a Gensler gets talked up by
              Huff Post
              Financial TImes
              Daily Life
              Death and Taxes
              Daily Dot
              The Stir
              The Atlantic
              Red Book


              While art has always depended on patronage, one can see why objective standards were systematically undermined and ultimately destroyed. To make room for creatures like this.

            • reante says:


              Yeah? I haven’t been following that at all. What a vain and cutthroat little hipster she is.

      • Student says:

        If elders exist in the way sometime we speak here, it is surely not a club, but something similar to an hereditary system, not so different maybe from a feudal system.

        So, I think that one can imagine by oneself that it is not possible to enter from outside.

        It is like imaging if a member of the medieval plebs approached the walls of a castle to say to the guards who were watching down:
        ‘Ehy, men! Can you please let me know how the heck can I became a feudal lord?’

        • when i get to be feudal lord, i shall be very kind to my vassals and serfs, just so long as they are ok my droit de seigneur.

          If i couldn’t have that, I wouldn’t take the job on

      • Tim Groves says:

        You should have joined the Rosicrucians, Norman, and learned the arcane wisdom and secret handshakes that would have set you on road to Elderdom. As a freemason, the best you could expect to achieve is a stint as Alderman Pagett with a slim chance of eventually becoming Lord Mayor of York.

        I’ve already said too much, but one more secret I shall reveal. The Elder initiation ceremony involves consuming several glasses of elderberry wine and singing a selection of ditties from Sing-Along with ElderSong Volume 1!

      • Foolish Fitz says:

        I fear you’ll have to accept that you missed the boat on becoming an elder Norman.

        A place became available on 10th April 2019 and your mobile phone remains silent.

        ” “Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend…One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…They are defective seeds…There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…”

        Barbara Marx Hubbard

        Attenborough probably beat you to it🙄

        • The author has a very high opinion of the role of the elders. A lot of people would not agree.

          • the mythical elder is concerned only with the pursuit of profit.

            if that means manipulating politicians, so be it.

            but there is no ‘grand plan’ to use the world as a private playground with a few plebs kept alive as serfs.

            • reante says:

              That is correct norm because that’s not a realistic plan. Mature global industrialism is the only thing that can make the world a playground for the materially wealthy in spiritual poverty.

            • other than the profit motive–there is no plan

              global industrialism is what’s destroyed the livable planet.—it cannot ‘make a playground for the wealthy.

              more of the same will carry on producing the same.

              we function on the herd instinct—thinking that there is some ‘grand plan’ or ‘great force of intention behind it, is comforting, because that allows us to think it is not our collective responsibility. Which is where gods originated.

              just as it used to be when you died of plague and your neighbour didn’t—god’s will– you had been chosen to die. Tough.

            • reante says:

              That’s where your wrong, norm. That you refuse to accept even the mere possibility than humans are capable of herding (farming) other humans just as they do other mammals, while openly acknowledging as you do that humans have strong herding instincts, is objective evidence that you’re in denial on the matter because the one logically follows from the other doesn’t it?

              The masses didn’t volunteer to give up the commons, norm, in order to be taxed instead. Civilization isn’t self-organizing. Self-organization and structural hierarchies are mutually exclusive.

              For someone like yourself who is anti-civ — which really impresses me given the generation you come from — it baffles me that you refuse it’s very nature. It’s nature is the personal reason for being anti-civ in the first place!

            • i’ll keep trying

              but to use another tack reante—maybe you have an explanation i havent thought of, that confirms you to be correct—i write this stuff for anyone else ‘convinced’ of the elder rich elite takeover thing, with we peasants reduced to serfdom.

              as things stand, right now, the ‘rich elite’ have numerous mansions, private jets, luxury cars, massive yachts, and so on,

              such things have a common denominator, without which none could function.

              That common denominator, is fuel. Cheap, available anywhere in the world, and lots of it.

              now, all i ask of you, is to tell me, in this ‘rich elite’ future—where the necessary fuel is going to come from?

              No matter how wealthy I am….I can only consume a limited amount of fuel. I have a dozen homes, yachts, private jets, but I cant keep them ‘functioning 24/7 just to burn through fuel for the sake of it.

              So ‘fuel use’ would be minute by today’s normal usage. But the process of oil production is a ‘mass output industry’—you can’t run an oil field/ refinery just to provide fuel for private luxuries. And the smallest gizmo failing on a private plane stops it flying.
              Those gizmos are made by mass production–not your village blacksmith.

              Try to visualise the network necessary to keep our system functioning.—Now imagine it with just the odd fuel tanker running here and there to supply a ‘luxury market exclusively.

              And all that, before we get to the problem of ‘control’.

              with a slave labour force, you need guards. You have to keep the guards very happy otherwise they have a habit of going self employed.

              Try to bear in mind, that a even in a medieval castle, the feudal lord had few creature comforts—just a log fire, draughty corridors and naked flame lighting.. And caught plague like everybody else. (medical services also need colossal manpower)

              But that said—I’d still like my ‘fuel’ question answered. I’ve obviously missed something.

            • reante says:

              Norm, “the elder rich elite takeover thing” — meaning the elites’ theorized prospects for collapse (which I don’t hold btw,) — has nothing to do with the conversation we’re having. You switching the focus to civilizational collapse dynamics from civilizational growth dynamics, which were what we were talking about, is a red herring or a non sequitur – take your pick. We were drilling down on the objective possibility that there is an effective “board of executives” responsible for managing the privatized global economy.

              As to your red herring, civilizational growth is a joyride and power trip for elites who ultimately don’t care about anybody or anything but themselves. Would sociopaths rather take the joyride knowing that all joyrides come to an end or would they let someone else take the joyride at their own expense? (That’s a rhetorical question.)

              The eternal lack of guarantees in life notwithstanding, during collapse they can nevertheless still maintain a much humbler joyride for themselves for the rest of their own lifetimes by having 50,000gal diesel tanks at their very well pla
              nned-out 10,000 acre remote ranches and hunting reserves in the southern hemisphere, after having done a successful job of decommissioning the nuclear power industry during the national socialist curtain call.

              I look forward to your staying on topic! I’m trying to corner you here in such a way that I gain your tacit acknowledgment, at least, that you’ve been hemmed-in. Better yet would be you taking the ‘if you can’t beat em join em’ route. 🙂

              You are not responsible for your servitude to the elites. Owning that, though, precipitates a much increased responsibility towards self-reliance, which is very hard work — the work of a lifetime — and the very reason why people remain in denial of their servitude – to avoid taking responsibility for themselves. You would rather shoulder a false culpability, a ‘catholic guilt,’ that says, “I have seen the enemy and it is us,” than recognize Dunbar’s Number, for example, and the truth that no naturally-oriented man or woman can, or should think he or she must, carry the weight of the manufactured world hierarchy on one’s shoulders. You trade the false culpability for the massive responsibility of freedom because it’s the path of stupendously less resistance. I acknowledge that you’re 87 and you’re no longer in the phase of your lifecycle that can expect to make great strides towards freedom. That said, the first step is the greatest of them all.

            • i’ll try to answer in as uncomplicated way as possible.

              dunno where this ‘servitude to the elite’ stuff comes from, impossible to control your take on stuff i write. Interesting though.

              Dwell on this thought: That if, in the late 1800s Rockefeller had painted, in letters a foot high on every barrel—OIL KILLS PLANETS—do you imagine that any of us would have consumed a gallon less of the stuff?
              We all joined in the burning…as much as possible, as fast as possible. Tell me how that could have been otherwise?

              That was where the ‘American Dream’ came from. And why MAGA can’t work.

              You may reject the idea, but it doesn’t alter the fact that we are all responsible for the mess in which we find ourselves.
              It’s just a matter of degree.

              Of course humans farm humans…thats what the slave market was/is all about. People have always enslaved energy producers.

              I asked where the fuel would come from to sustain a lifestyle.. Sorry, but a 50000 gal tank of diesel won’t cut it. There’s no such thing as a remote 50k acre hunting ranch–people know you are there. You have to eat. Land delivers food energy pro rata to the muscle energy input.
              You cannot support a BAU lifestyle without a fully functional BAU society.
              as i pointed out—failure of the smallest gizmo cripples everything, either quickly or slowly.

              As to ‘civilisation growth dynamics’ (MAGA?)—that is impossible without unlimited energy supply. (to everyone)
              Therefore we are faced with collapse dynamics.
              It isn’t possible to separate those concepts.

              If you can’t have one, the other will fill the vacuum left by it.

              If however, you imagine civilisation can grow in an energy depleted earth-system, then I can add nothing more to this exchange. Pointless.

              As to ‘dunbars number’—that doesn’t hold up. That just fits your current mindset.
              You conveniently ignore energy requirements and outside influences.

              An indigenous tribe of 150–yes. But only insofar as energy resources were available within safe walking distance—animals, fuel, water. (no transport)
              All sustenance would have to caught and killed. 150 people cannot produce metals or medicines, or fixed housing, or percussive weapons, or defend themselves.
              Seems ‘Dunbar’ just pulled an arbitrary number out of thin air with no thought of ‘reality’.

              I’m not carrying the ‘weight’ of anything. Just facing facts. You might be using ‘alternative facts’.

            • Withnail says:

              during collapse they can nevertheless still maintain a much humbler joyride for themselves for the rest of their own lifetimes by having 50,000gal diesel tanks at their very well pla
              nned-out 10,000 acre remote ranches and hunting reserves in the southern hemisphere

              We keep hearing versions of this nonsense, it doesn’t work.

              After collapse there is no reason why anyone would take orders from these people or allow them to burn their 50,000 gallons in peace.

            • my point exactly withnail

            • reante says:


              Yet somehow that’s what is currently happening and has been happening for a long time. It’s just a smaller version, a smaller fractal, of trickle-down economics, which is what the elites call sharing. If the henchmen and workers think that the trickle-down results in a favorable cost-benefit analysis relative to their other options then they will allow themselves to be herded. I use trickle-down economics, with hay, for herding. It is the only way that I can grab ahold of a sheep for slaughtering purposes. I can tell you it works because if it didn’t I wouldn’t be a meat eater.

              And it makes sense under natural law because the herded know that on a very real level the elite have earned the ‘right’ (the relative right) to herd. That’s the psychological legacy that goes back to the very dawn of the nascent, ephemeral proto-civilizational dynamic when the ‘Big Man’ in the failing animist society transitioned into the chieftain of a chiefdom, and his great legacy as former big man gave him the relative ‘right’, ie, he was the best man for the job, based on experience and accomplishment, in the newly fallen proto-surplus, post-Dunbars Number society.

              See “Cannibals and Kings,” by the Michael Jordan of cultural anthropology, Marvin Harris.

            • people ‘herd’ into a factory in order to get wages with which to support their chosen lifestyle.

              that is the ‘human condition’ we have elected for ourselves.

              no other way is available to us–yet our system of infinite consumption we clearly see collapsing around us.

              hence the panic of denial—we insist its ‘someone else’s fault —we are not responsible–therefore ‘they’ must be.—so a ‘they’ is conjured up to fit the current belief system.

              500 years ago, my cow might have died because a witch put a spell on it.—never that i hadn’t looked after my cow properly.

              the mindset hasn’t changed.

            • Withnail says:

              Yet somehow that’s what is currently happening and has been happening for a long time.

              Not really because collapse hasn’t happened.

              When it does, the rulers will be the strongest and most ruthless. Not people like Bill Gates.

              Clovis, King of the Franks, couldn’t read Virgil or recite the Iliad but he could crack skulls.

            • reante says:


              You’re skipping a step. Putting the cart before the horse. The Clovises will come, will return. When the diesel tanks are empty and the right of primogeniture has failed. Don’t let your disdain for the elites stand in the way of Reason.

            • you are getting more and more difficult to understand reante

            • reante says:


              Am i getting harder to understand? I’m sorry about that.

              “that is the ‘human condition’ we have elected for ourselves”

              We didn’t elect civilization for ourselves. Human culture isn’t monolithic. Everyone reading this is in civilization because our ancestors were forced to assimilation upon threat of genocide. We are all the direct descendants of those who chose not to fight to the death for their continuing freedom. That’s not an election, norm.

              We have herding instincts because we evolved to be a tribal species. The tribe was everything, it was the home herd. All mammals ‘herd.’

              It seems like you don’t have a background in cultural anthropology and you just look at your life experience of civilization and the history books of civilization and extrapolate human nature from that, which is a small and distorted sample of conquered humans living in monetized and chronically compacted ecologies. We can only begin to truly understand the roots of human nature from the rigorous studies of free humans and crossreferencing our personal life experiences of humans with the anthropological record of free humans, and patterning the commonalities.

              Being an Englishman you know what happened on your island during the implementation of the Enclosures Act. The genocidal enclosing of pagan pre-state chiefdoms. Before that there was the genocidal enclosures of wild humans living under Dunbar’s Number, thag led to the age of the surplus-oriented agricultural chiefdoms.

              I agree of course that the rise of civilization was inevitable. Of course it was. But that still doesn’t mean that it’s more reflective of human nature. It’s absolutely not. It’s much less reflective, as cultural anthropology makes abundantly clear. If it requires genocide and perpetual enslavement by requiring people acquire and use the state-sanctioned coinage in order to not be homeless, in prison, or dead, then it obviously
              isn’t much of a reflection of human nature is it?

            • human nature is forced to be acquisitive, within the parameters of its existence.

              by that i mean, a hunter-gatherer had to acquire the energy-capital of a single animal, consume it, then go kill something else.

              Next stage was the herding of animals/enclosure of crops.

              ie–you grew and stored your energy requirements, instead of chasing after it.

              But that created the next stage of human development. Somebody had a bigger herd than you, so conflict became inevitable.

              Herd-wealth enabled towns and cities–and nations. (surplus oriented, as you say)

              And more conflict, and all conflict was driven by resource acquisition—it still is. ‘No one has enough surplus, for some reason.

              hence civilisation itself is a reflection of human nature. And a direct result of our drive to survive, and succeed at the expense of other ‘tribes’.
              This has been the ‘choice’ we made, though it was effectively inevitable that we would make it.

              I (and you) read this because an infinite succession of ancestors reached the age of reproduction. And an infinite number of them created the means by which our civilisation has borne the fruits that it has. That was ‘technology’–but there can be no technology without surplus energy.

              periodic genodical activity has nothing to do with it.
              Did my ancestors avoid getting bumped off by Norman invaders—or were they one of the invaders?
              1000 years ago—Who knows?

              My immediate forbears were effectively ‘slaves’ producing that surplus energy from coalmines. They were paid a wage just enough to survive on. Coal (and iron) created the British Empire, and made the UK the most powerful nation on earth–(until the coal ran out). Again, Britain wanted the ‘surplus’ of other nations. Our own ‘enclosure act’ was trivial—we enclosed a quarter of the world. And committed genocide on native peoples.–As did all the other colonial powers. Grabbing their resources to build our cities.
              Conquest was a ‘good idea’—for the conquerors of course. (Us)

              But that put me and my siblings into an era of plenty and comfort our forbears could not dream of.
              My equivalent in the ‘colonies’ did not survive the onslaught of colonisation.

              Will my g’grandkids enjoy the same existence?–I doubt it. We are freewheeling on previous momentum. They take no notice of my doom-mongering. I can only weep on their behalf.

    • reante says:


      The way I see it is the Degrowth Agenda is the elites’ plan A for collapse. Plan B is GTFOOD. And the NWO already happened because globalization is the euphemism for it. And the great reset NWO iteration is the two-way misdirection play that both makes people not realize that globalization IS the totalitarian one-world fascist government operating right under their noses the whole time during the peak phase of industrialism, and makes people not realize that the Degrowth Agenda is operating under their noses the whole time during the critical global perestroika period between post- peak total liquids (PTL) and the terminal financial collapse of finance capitalism.

    • I looked up the New York Times article from 1972. Among other things, it does say,

      A shortage of raw materials prevents industry and agriculture from keeping up with population growth. World reserves of vital materials (silver, tungsten, mercury, etc.) are exhausted within 40 years. Around 2020 the pinch becomes tight enough to cause a fall in per capita income. A few decades later, malnutrition and lagging health services abruptly reverse the climbing population trend. By the year 2100 the resource base has shrunk so badly that the world economy is unable to sustain even 19th‐century living standards.

      The article also says,

      Less than pseudoscience and little more than polemical fiction, “The Limits to Growth” is best summarized not as a rediscovery of the laws of nature but as a rediscovery of the oldest maxim of computer science: Garbage In, Garbage Out.

      I expect that most people who read this article would greatly discount what it said. In general, the book “The Limits to Growth,” was very negatively received.

      The author of the book, Donella Meadows is no longer alive. Her husband, Dennis Meadows, was the person who headed the research team at MIT. It was his first job out of graduate school. He is still alive.

      I know that Dennis Meadows has said that the forecast after the downturn starts (about 2020) cannot be relied upon. There are too many things that are going on that are different from during the growth phase of the economy. History would suggest that the collapse could very well be faster than the model suggests. The time period of the collapse phase of secular cycles seemed to be around 20 to 50 years, based on the work of Peter Turchin.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Sat next to Dennis in DC, breakout meeting on air travel. Kind, gentle, thoughtful man, generously answered my questions.

        Like his first name,

        Dennis L.

  45. Fast Eddy says:


    Good! .. no.. GREAT!!! Filthy mentally ill MORE-ON

    Watch: Prominent Virologist Dr. A. Oveta Fuller, who advocated for emergency use authorization of three Covid vaccines, has died suddenly from a brief unknown illness.

    • CTG says:

      My mother used to say “Life is like a stage. Go up one side and go down the other side”. Perhaps what we are seeing are just movie sets of the world stage – China, Ukraine, low diesel, etc.

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