When the Economy Gets Squeezed by Too Little Energy

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Most people have a simple, but wrong, idea about how the world economy will respond to “not enough energy to go around.” They expect that oil prices will rise. With these higher prices, producers will be able to extract more fossil fuels so the system can go on as before. They also believe that wind turbines, solar panels and other so-called renewables can be made with these fossil fuels, perhaps extending the life of the system further.

The insight people tend to miss is the fact that the world’s economy is a physics-based, self-organizing system. Such economies grow for many years, but ultimately, they collapse. The underlying problem is that the population tends to grow too rapidly relative to the energy supplies necessary to support that population. History shows that such collapses take place over a period of years. The question becomes: What happens to an economy beginning its path toward full collapse?

One of the major uses for fossil fuel energy is to add complexity to the system. For example, roads, electricity transmission lines, and long-distance trade are forms of complexity that can be added to the economy using fossil fuels.

Figure 1. Chart by author pointing out that energy consumption and complexity are complementary. They operate in different directions. Complexity, itself, requires energy consumption, but its energy consumption is difficult to measure.

When energy per capita falls, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the complexity that has been put in place. It becomes too expensive to properly maintain roads, electrical services become increasingly intermittent, and trade is reduced. Long waits for replacement parts become common. These little problems build on one another to become bigger problems. Eventually, major parts of the world’s economy start failing completely.

When people forecast ever-rising energy prices, they miss the fact that market fossil fuel prices consider both oil producers and consumers. From the producer’s point of view, the price for oil needs to be high enough that new oil fields can be profitably developed. From the consumer’s point of view, the price of oil needs to be sufficiently low that food and other goods manufactured using oil products are affordable. In practice, oil prices tend to rise and fall, and rise again. On average, they don’t satisfy either the oil producers or the consumers. This dynamic tends to push the economy downward.

There are many other changes, as well, as fossil fuel energy per capita falls. Without enough energy products to go around, conflict tends to rise. Economic growth slows and turns to economic contraction, creating huge strains for the financial system. In this post, I will try to explain a few of the issues involved.

[1] What is complexity?

Complexity is anything that gives structure or organization to the overall economic system. It includes any form of government or laws. The educational system is part of complexity. International trade is part of complexity. The financial system, with its money and debt, is part of complexity. The electrical system, with all its transmission needs, is part of complexity. Roads, railroads, and pipelines are part of complexity. The internet system and cloud storage are part of complexity.

Wind turbines and solar panels are only possible because of complexity and the availability of fossil fuels. Storage systems for electricity, food, and fossil fuels are all part of complexity.

With all this complexity, plus the energy needed to support the complexity, the economy is structured in a very different way than it would be without fossil fuels. For example, without fossil fuels, a high percentage of workers would make a living by performing subsistence agriculture. Complexity, together with fossil fuels, allows the wide range of occupations that are available today.

[2] The big danger, as energy consumption per capita falls, is that the economy will start losing complexity. In fact, there is some evidence that loss of complexity has already begun.

In my most recent post, I mentioned that Professor Joseph Tainter, author of the book, The Collapse of Complex Societies, says that when energy supplies are inadequate, the resulting economic system will need to simplify–in other words, lose some of its complexity. In fact, we can see that such loss of complexity started happening as early as the Great Recession in 2008-2009.

The world was on a fossil fuel energy consumption per capita plateau between 2007 and 2019. It now seems to be in danger of falling below this level. It fell in 2020, and only partially rebounded in 2021. When it tried to rebound further in 2022, it hit high price limits, reducing demand.

Figure 2. Fossil fuel energy consumption per capita based on data of BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

There was a big dip in energy consumption per capita in 2008-2009 when the economy encountered the Great Recession. If we compare Figure 2 and Figure 3, we see that the big drop in energy consumption is matched by a big drop in trade as a percentage of GDP. In fact, the drop in trade after the 2008-2009 recession never rebounded to the former level.

Figure 3. Trade as a percentage of world GDP, based on data of the World Bank.

Another type of loss of complexity involves the drop in the recent number of college students. The number of students was rising rapidly between 1950 and 2010, so the downward trend represents a significant shift.

Figure 4. Total number of US full-time and part-time undergraduate college and university students, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

The shutdowns of 2020 added further shifts toward less complexity. Broken supply lines became more of a problem. Empty shelves in stores became common, as did long waits for newly ordered appliances and replacement parts for cars. People stopped buying as many fancy clothes. Brick and mortar stores did less well financially. In person conferences became less popular.

We know that, in the past, economies that collapsed lost complexity. In some cases, tax revenue fell too low for governments to maintain their programs. Citizens became terribly unhappy with the poor level of government services being provided, and they overthrew the governmental system.

The US Department of Energy states that it will be necessary to double or triple the size of the US electric grid to accommodate the proposed level of clean energy, including EVs, by 2050. This is, of course, a kind of complexity. If we are already having difficulty with maintaining complexity, how do we expect to double or triple the size of the US electric grid? The rest of the world would likely need such an upgrade, as well. A huge increase in fossil fuel energy, as well as complexity, would be required.

[3] The world’s economy is a physics-based system, called a dissipative structure.

Energy products of the right kinds are needed to make goods and services. With shrinking per capita energy, there will likely not be enough goods and services produced to maintain consumption at the level citizens are used to. Without enough goods and services to go around, conflict tends to grow.

Instead of growing and experiencing economies of scale, businesses will find that they need to shrink back. This makes it difficult to repay debt with interest, among other things. Governments will likely need to cut back on programs. Some governmental organizations may fail completely.

To a significant extent, how these changes happen is related to the maximum power principle, postulated by ecologist Howard T. Odum. Even when some inputs are inadequate, self-organizing ecosystems try to maintain themselves, as best possible, with the reduced supplies. Odum said, “During self-organization, system designs develop and prevail that maximize power intake, energy transformation, and those uses that reinforce production and efficiency.” As I see the situation, the self-organizing economy tends to favor the parts of the economy that can best handle the energy shortfall that will be taking place.

In Sections [4], [5], and [6], we will see that this methodology seems to lead to a situation in which competition leads to different parts of the economy (energy producers and energy consumers) being alternately disadvantaged. This approach leads to a situation in which the human population declines more slowly than in either of the other possible outcomes:

  • Energy producers win, and high energy prices prevail – The real outcome would be that high prices for food and heat for homes would quickly kill off much of the world’s population because of lack of affordability.
  • Energy consumers always win, and low energy prices prevail – The real outcome would be that energy supplies would fall very rapidly because of inadequate prices. Population would fall quickly because of a lack of energy supplies (particularly diesel fuel) needed to maintain food supplies.

[4] Prices: Competition between producers and customers will lead to fossil fuel energy prices that alternately rise and fall as extraction limits are hit. In time, this pattern can be expected to lead to falling fossil fuel energy production.

Energy prices are set through competition between:

[a] The prices that consumers can afford to pay for end products whose costs are indirectly determined by fossil fuel prices. Food, transportation, and home heating costs are especially fossil fuel price sensitive. Poor people are the most quickly affected by rising fossil fuel prices.

[b] The prices that producers require to profitably produce these fuels. These prices have been rising rapidly because the easy-to-extract portions were removed earlier. For example, the Wall Street Journal is reporting, “Frackers Increase Spending but See Limited Gains.”

If fossil fuel prices rise, the indirect result is inflation in the cost of many goods and services. Consumers become unhappy when inflation affects their lifestyles. They may demand that politicians put price caps in place to somehow stop this inflation. They may encourage politicians to find ways to subsidize costs, so that the higher costs are transferred to a different part of the economy. At the same time, the producers need the high prices, to be able to fund the greater reinvestment necessary to maintain, and even raise, future fossil fuel energy production.

The conflict between the high price producers need and the low prices that many consumers can afford is what leads to temporarily spiking energy prices. In fact, food prices tend to spike, too, since food is a kind of energy product for humans, and fossil fuel energy products (oil, especially) are used in growing and transporting the food products. In their book, Secular Cycles, researchers Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov report a pattern of spiking prices in their analysis of historical economies that eventually collapsed.

With oil prices spiking only temporarily, energy prices are, on average, too low for fossil fuel producers to afford adequate funds for reinvestment. Without adequate funds for reinvestment, production begins to fall. This is especially a problem as fields deplete, and funds needed for reinvestment rise to very high levels.

[5] Demand for Discretionary Goods and Services: Indirectly, demand for goods and services, especially in discretionary sectors of the economy, will also tend to get squeezed back by the rounds of inflation caused by spiking energy prices described in Item [4].

When customers are faced with higher prices because of spiking inflation rates, they will tend to reduce spending on discretionary items. For example, they will go out to eat less and spend less money at hair salons. They may travel less on vacation. Multiple generation families may move in together to save money. People will continue to buy food and beverages since these are essential.

Businesses in discretionary areas of the economy will be affected by this lower demand. They will buy fewer raw materials, including energy products, reducing the overall demand for energy products, and tending to pull energy prices down. These businesses may need to lay off workers and/or default on their debt. Laying off workers may further reduce demand for goods and services, pushing the economy toward recession, debt defaults, and thus lower energy prices.

We find that in some historical accounts of collapses, demand ultimately falls to close to zero. For example, see Revelation 18:11-13 regarding the fall of Babylon, and the lack of demand for goods, including the energy product of the day: slaves.

[6] Higher Interest Rates: Banks will respond to rounds of inflation described in Item [4] by demanding higher interest rates to offset the loss of buying power and the greater likelihood of default. These higher interest rates will have adverse impacts of their own on the economy.

If inflation becomes a problem, banks will want higher interest rates to try to offset the adverse impact of inflation on buying power. These higher interest rates will tend to reduce demand for goods that are often bought with debt, such as homes, cars, and new factories. As a result, the sale prices of these assets are likely to fall. Higher interest rates will tend to produce the same effect for many types of assets, including stocks and bonds. To make matters worse, defaults on loans may also rise, leading to write-offs for the organizations carrying these loans on their balance sheets. For example, the used car dealer Caravan is reported to be near bankruptcy because of issues related to falling used car prices, higher interest rates, and higher default rates on debt.

An even more serious problem with higher interest rates is the harm they do to the balance sheets of banks, insurance companies, and pension funds. If bonds were previously purchased at a lower interest rate, the value of the bonds is less at a higher interest rate. Accounting for these organizations can temporarily hide the problem if interest rates quickly revert to the lower level at which they were purchased. The real problem occurs if inflation is persistent, as it seems to be now, or if interest rates keep rising.

[7] A second major conflict (after the buyer/producer conflict in Item [4], [5], and [6]) is the conflict in how the output of goods and services should be split between returns to complexity and returns to basic production of necessary goods including food, water, and mineral resources such as fossil fuels, iron, nickel, copper, and lithium.

Growing complexity in many forms is something that we have come to value. For example, physicians now earn high wages in the US. People in top management positions in companies often earn very high wages. The top people in large companies that buy food from farmers earn high wages, but farmers producing cattle or growing crops don’t fare nearly as well.

As energy supply becomes more constrained, the huge chunks of output taken by those with advanced degrees and high positions within the large companies gets to be increasingly problematic. The high incomes of citizens in major cities contrasts with the low incomes in rural areas. Resentment among people living in rural areas grows when they compare themselves to how well people in urbanized areas are doing. People in rural areas talk about wanting to secede from the US and wanting to form their own country.

There are also differences among countries in how well their economies get rewarded for the goods and services they produce. The United States, the EU, and Japan have been able to get better rewards for the complex goods that they produce (such as banking services, high-tech medicine, and high-tech agricultural products) compared to Russia and the oil exporting countries of the Middle East. This is another source of conflict.

Comparing countries in terms of per capita GDP on a Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) basis, we find that the countries that focus on complexity have significantly higher PPP GDP per capita than the other areas listed. This creates resentment among countries with lower per-capita PPP GDP.

Figure 5. Average Purchasing Power Parity GDP Per Capita in 2021, in current US dollars, based on data from the World Bank.

Russia and the Arab World, with all their energy supplies, come out behind. Ukraine does particularly poorly.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is between two countries that are doing poorly on this metric. Ukraine is also much smaller than Russia. It appears that Russia is in a conflict with a competitor that it is likely to be able to defeat, unless NATO members, including the US, can give immense support to Ukraine. As I discuss in the next section, the industrial ability of the US and the EU is waning, making it difficult for such support to be available.

[8] As conflict becomes a major issue, which economy is largest and is best able to defend itself becomes more important.

Figure 6. Total (not per capita) PPP GDP for the US, EU, and China, based on data of the World Bank.

Back in 1990, the EU had a greater PPP GDP than did either the US or China. Now, the US is a little ahead of the EU. More importantly, China has come from way behind both the US and EU, and now is clearly ahead of both in PPP GDP.

We often hear that the US is the largest economy, but this is only true if GDP is measured in current US dollars. If differences in actual purchasing power are reflected, China is significantly ahead. China is also far ahead in total electricity production and in many types of industrial output, including cement, steel, and rare earth minerals.

The conflict in Ukraine is now leading countries to take sides, with Russia and China on the same side, and the United States together with the EU on Ukraine’s side. While the US has many military bases around the world, its military capabilities have increasingly been stretched thin. The US is a major oil producer, but the mix of oil it produces is of lower and lower average quality, especially if obtaining diesel and jet fuel from it are top priorities.

Figure 7. Chart by OPEC, showing the mix of liquids that now make up US production. Even the “Tight crude” tends to be quite “light,” making it less suitable for producing diesel and jet fuel than conventional crude oil. Chart from OPEC’s February 2023 Monthly Oil Market Report.

Huge pressure is building now for China and Russia to trade in their own currencies, rather than the US dollar, putting pressure on the US financial system and its status as the reserve currency. It is also not clear whether the US would be able to fight on more than one front in a conventional war. A conflict with Iran has been mentioned as a possibility, as has a conflict with China over Taiwan. It is not at all clear that a conflict between NATO and China-Russia is winnable by the NATO forces, including the US.

It appears to me that, to save fuel, more regionalization of trade is necessary with the Asian countries being primary trading partners of each other, rather than the rest of the world. If such a regionalization takes place, the US will be at a disadvantage. It currently depends on supply lines stretching around the world for computers, cell phones, and other high-tech devices. Without these supply lines, the standards of living in the US and the EU would likely decline quickly.

[9] Clearly, the narratives that politicians and the news media tell citizens are under pressure. Even if they understand the true situation, politicians need a different narrative to tell voters and young people wondering about what career to pursue.

Every politician would like a “happily ever after” story to tell citizens. Fortunately, from the point of view of politicians, there are lots of economists and scientists who put together what I call “overly simple” models of the economy. With these overly simple models of the economy, there is no problem ahead. They believe the standard narrative about oil and other energy prices rising indefinitely, so there is no energy problem. Instead, our only problem is climate change and the need to transition to green energy.

The catch is that our ability to scale up green energy is just an illusion, built on the belief that complexity can scale up indefinitely without the use of fossil fuels.

We are left with a major problem: Our current complex economy is in danger of degrading remarkably in the next few years, but we have no replacement available. Even before then, we may need to do battle, in new ways, with other countries for the limited resources that are available.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,563 Responses to When the Economy Gets Squeezed by Too Little Energy

  1. Mirror on the wall says:

    The countries in green are state parties to ICC. Perhaps some of them will leave now. It seems doubtful that many states would let the ICC get in the way of relations with Russia. Europe may feel hindered, but so far it is largely doing what the USA says anyway.


  2. Yoshua says:

    The banks are making profits on higher interest rates as they pay 0.9% on deposits and take 4.5% on loans. This offsets the unrealised losses on their securities with fixed rates. So the problem is something else?


    • So far, the banks that got in trouble had problems with other things. With SVB, the venture capital borrowers weren’t doing well financially, so net deposits to SVB were changing to net withdrawals. Their bank rating went down. This led to even more withdrawals. Signature was in the commercial real estate business in New York City, which hasn’t been doing well.

      • Dennis L. says:

        SVB has other distractions, >$70m to BLM and other causes. Officer in charge of risk management was heavily involved in woke projects as was the board. Summary: in this case it didn’t work.

        Dennis L.

  3. Foolish Fitz says:

    Interesting article about Burundi and how the vaccine game works.

    “Health authorities in Burundi today declared an outbreak of circulating poliovirus type 2 (CVDPV 2) after confirming eight polioviruses, the first such detection in more than three decades.”

    “The cases were confirmed in a four-year-old child in Isale district in western Burundi who had not received any polio vaccination, as well as in two other children who were contacts of the four-year-old boy.”

    More than three decades since such a detection makes it sound bad and the second paragraph reads very much like it was the 4 year olds fault(as the only one given any identifier(twice)).

    But wait, what is CVDPV?

    Would it, by any chance, stand for, Circulating Vaccine Derived Poliovirus.

    Looks like it does.

    “Circulating poliovirus type 2 infection can occur when the weakened strain of the virus contained in the oral polio vaccine circulates among under-immunized populations for long periods.”

    So healthy people get infected from a vaccine that they have never taken and are then used as an excuse for more vaccines.

    Take our vaccine, or our vaccine will take you. A persuasive argument and should be considered for an advertising campaign(does anyone have Bill’s number?).


    • They need some way to increase vaccine sales.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Rotary when I was a member was heavily involved in polio,
        “The “plus” is something else that is provided as a part of the polio eradication campaign. It might be a hand-operated tricycle or access to water. It might be …” This directly from Rotary International.

        Clubs need a project, Rotary is all about service, indeed service above self.

        Sometimes enthusiasm can be a problem.

        The tenor of the projects changed when women became members; the source of funding also changed. Pre women, we wrote personal checks for our programs; after, it seemed to me we held fund raisers. Money influences many things, directly and indirectly, for better and for worse. The world is a complicated and wonderfully self organizing experiment.

        Dennis L.

  4. Herbie Ficklestein. says:

    Nearly 18,000 migrants have arrived in Italy by sea alone since Jan. 1 — a figure three times higher than the same period last year, according to the Italian Interior Ministry — and the number of water crossings toward the U.K. in January and February exceeded 5,600, up 82% from last year, according to Frontex, the border and coast guard agency of the European Union.

    Frontex data shows that some 330,000 illegal crossings into Europe were detected in 2022, over land routes from the Balkans and via the Mediterranean and the English Channel. That number is 64% higher than in 2021. The rise in migrants traveling to Europe by boat has been accompanied by dramatic reports of deaths at sea. Less than three weeks ago, 79 migrants reportedly drowned when a boat broke apart off the coast of Italy.

    “Last year, [European] countries faced unprecedented challenges at their external borders,” a spokesperson for Frontex told Yahoo News. “The steadily increasing number of irregular crossings demonstrates the need for strong and effective European Border and Coast Guard.”
    Looks to me as a stampede

    • Lots of immigration when neighboring countries are very poor.

    • ivanislav says:

      Oh boo hoo, 300k. USA does that in a little over a month, with a smaller total population. Can we get the collapse started already?

      • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

        Every year, over 300,000 foreign nationals are ordered to leave the EU because they have entered [illegally] or they are staying irregularly. However, only around 21% of them return back to their home country or to the country from which they traveled to the EU.”

        Migration has long been a contentious issue in Europe, particularly when it comes to accepting asylum seekers, a task that now falls largely on Italy, Spain, Malta and Greece, which are typically the countries of entry. Even though European countries are obliged to consider applications for asylum and refugee status under such agreements as the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, governments have largely been focused on increasing border controls and repatriation while working with third-party countries, such as Libya and Morocco, to prevent asylum seekers from reaching European borders.

        “You can only claim asylum if you arrive in Europe,” Luigi Scazzieri, senior research fellow on migration and security issues at the Center for European Reform, told Yahoo News. “If the thrust of Europe’s immigration policy becomes to keep people from arriving in the first place, then that right is being eroded.”

        From the article…also these nations are not wealthy nor are the reserve currency so can’t print debt to the Moon.

    • Dennis L. says:


      The Pilgrims, very religious, good people upset the biome of the Americas in particular the indigenous population. They were sustainable, had resources, and many other advantages. They are gone for the most part, their culture all but destroyed.

      Thus it has been since man started wandering the earth.

      We adapt.

      Dennis L.

  5. jigisup says:

    Perky commentators!
    No spin.
    Go to break.
    RIP Weather women


    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      ha, the anchorwoman said “Not again. No!”

      what did she mean by those words?

      it really is a mystery.

      Schad tonight, baby.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Instead of genocide they sterilize

      Can’t see that working though… BAU collapses if the global population falls

  6. Mirror on the wall says:

    “The ICC has issued an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin. No need to explain where this paper should be used.” – Dmitry Medvedev

    Putin arrest warrant, ICC dooms Ukraine. Trump arrest? Macron Louis XVI. Diverse Bidenopoulos.

  7. https://www.theautomaticearth.com/2023/03/iran-saudi-rapprochement-will-deal-a-deathblow-to-the-dollar/
    Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal a Deathblow to the Dollar
    by Andrew Korybko

    Eurasia’s geo-economic integration took a great leap forward as a result of the Iranian–Saudi rapprochement, which unlocks the Gulf Cooperation Council’s (GCC) trade potential with Russia and China. Its wealthy members can now tap into two series of Iranian-transiting megaprojects in one fell swoop through this deal, with the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) connecting them to Russia while the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWAEC) will do the same vis-à-vis China.

    . . .

    That’s still a far way’s off, if it even happens at all that is, but it nevertheless can’t be ruled out. Saudi Arabia’s desire to join BRICS and the SCO, which are the most influential multipolar organizations in the world right now, could turn this scenario into a reality a lot sooner than even the most optimistic observers might have expected. All of this in and of itself will herald a revolution in geo-economic affairs, and that’s even without Saudi Arabia having yet to throw its full support behind the “petroyuan”.

    Once this major oil exporter begins to sell its resources in non-dollar-denominated currencies like China’s, then the petrodollar upon which the economic-financial aspect of the US’ unipolar hegemony is predicated will be dealt a deathblow. The global systemic transition to multipolarity and the impending trifurcation of International Relations that will precede the final inevitable form of this process would unprecedentedly accelerate once this happens, thus further hastening America’s ongoing demise.
    . . .

    All in all, it’s not hyperbole to declare that the dollar’s prior dominance is done for as a result of the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement. That Beijing-brokered deal makes this outcome an inevitability unless some subversive black swan event takes place such as a US-backed coup against MBS, though that’s unlikely to happen after he successfully consolidated his power in late 2017. With this in mind, it can confidently be declared that that last week’s development will be seen in hindsight as a game-changer.

    Iran and Saudi Arabia haven’t been on the same side on anything. Building a physical road connecting areas may be a long way off, but if they are speaking to each other, it facilitates trade agreements without the US$.

    • houtskool says:

      If the reserve ‘currency’ gets dumped, what happens to other currencies?

      In degrowth there’s no need for debt based currencies, and we will return to money. World population will shrink like a inversed bank balance sheet.

      Value is the key. If you don’t have an anchor, you will drift away from reality.

      • Dennis L. says:


        Debt has been said to be impossible without growth.

        Never thought of that one, thanks.

        Dennis L.

        • postkey says:

          Debt was essential for ‘growth’?
          “Economies that manage to focus credit creation on productive and sustainable use – i.e. not for consumption and asset transactions – are likely to achieve superior economic performance (high nominal GDP growth and comparatively low inflation, without asset price cycles and with financial system stability). As the World Bank (1993) indicated, and others have also found (Patrick, 1962; Wade, 1990; Werner, 2000a, b; Werner, 2003), at the heart of the East Asian economic miracle has been a process of guiding credit towards productive use and suppressing unproductive and unsustainable (hence systemically risky) use of credit. . . . “?

          • ivanislav says:

            Yeah, seems pretty obvious to everyone but an economist. Also, see ‘Princes of the Yen’ by Werner.

      • Short term debt is necessary for time-shifting. An employer will pay you after you work for two weeks, for example. Or a farmer buying seed many need debt to cover his costs until harvest is available.

        If human labor is used in making anything (arrow-heads, for example, or a machine to be used in a factory), there is in some sense “embedded energy” in the goods that are made. Somehow, the person making the arrow heads or the machine for a factory needs to be paid, before the goods he or she made prove their usefulness. The person making these goods needs to be able to eat, while working on the device being made. There is long-term benefit from the labor, but without debt, it cannot act to benefit the laborer.

        • Cromagnon says:

          In a tribal world “ money” goes away.
          Currency is social obligation and honor tending.

          That where we are going. Much faster than the oh so smart can fathom.

          • You are probably right. You are known by what you give away and how much you help others.

            • Dennis L. says:

              Yes, a group and trust is everything.

              Trust that you can do what you say, trust that you will actually do what you say and trust you are not lying or wrong about your abilities to do what you say.

              That was my personal professional basis for 40 years of dental practice. Now, the fact that I was at the top of my class, etc. may have made that much easier. I was very quick, it was easy for me, others may struggle and short cuts can be taken to make illusion a reality. We all adapt.

              Dennis L.

      • Ravi Uppal says:

        The current “Reserve currency” system is lopsided . The FED conjured up $ 300 billion during the week to save millionaires , on the other side we have Sri Lanka , Pakistan , Lebanon etc needing about $ 3 billion each who must run the gauntlet to get this from the IMF . In return they must not only mortgage the country but the future of their coming generations .

        • Christopher says:

          There is an important difference. The Fed’s billions will be be used to support the balance sheets of banks. Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Lebanon etc will spend the dollars on buying essential goods, which may be in short supply.

          Pumping money to poor countries will feed the inflation much more than pumping dollars to banks? Anyway, we know they did not have much of a choice saving the banking system.

          • Ravi Uppal says:

            Lopsided . The FED opened swaps with 5 Central banks all members of club (BOJ, ECB , BOA , BOC , BOE) . Why not the other Central Banks ? Are the other lepers ?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Sucks to be weak – the strong f789 you

  8. reante says:

    Ravi reposting that comment from MOA about how everything in the West is no longer marked to market — and which I decried as junk analys
    is — was funny timing given that a few days later a lot of these bailed out bank assets have effectively had
    their mark to market valuations suspended. Maybe that commenter was struggling to integrate a well developed intuition!

    However, given the deflation that is now knocking at the door, the suspended bond valuations are only temporary suspensions as the fed well knows. Bond values are set to skyrocket. A bond yielding 2pc that was held by SVB but is now under suspension, yields a real return of 12pc in a world of -10pc deflation. Collapse inverts everything, ànd in this very moment we are sitting on the tipping point between the converse world and the inverse world which is like the Upsidedown in ‘Stranger Things.’ That said, one wouldn’t want to be caught dead holding 10-years for too long during a deflationary spiral because the trust horizon (Nicole Foss) will become much more foreshortened than a decade. 13-week T-bills at treasurydirect.

    Speaking of treasurydirect.com, I just hit pay dirt this morning. I have mentioned here more than once that we are not headed for Fedcoins/CBDC, but instead we are headed for Digital Greenbacks. I have been using the term Digital Greenbacks since 2019 when I first cottoned to the particulars of this whole non-public Degrowth Agenda. I have never seen the term used before, and I’ve repeated it many times online since I first conceived of it. I don’t belabor the point to put the focus on myself but do so simply do so in service of the truth.

    It’s entirely possible of course that a certain Robert Hockett came up with the term Digital Greenbacks independently of myself, just two years later- it is after all just the product of patterning the Republicanist history of the USA. Lincoln Greenbacks, etc (for which Lincoln was presumably assassinated by the merchant bankers). Before 2021, Hockett, who politically is a true progressive (which is the American terminology for the long-marginalized definitive American national socialist/Republicanist political tradition – remember that NSDAP considered themselves the True Left with regard to what they correctly saw as the Marxist fake left; note that Tulsi’s political roots are as a True Progressive under the venerable Dennis Kucinich’s still-ongoing mentorship) was advocating for a “Digital Dollar” but then in 2021 it changed to “Digital Greenback,” and his advocacy came to include a harkening to Republicanist history of the USA which, BTW, is what the absolutely required viewing — for ALL American collapsniks, anyway — that is Bill Still’s masterful (national socialist/Republicanist) documentary, “The Money Masters” is all about.

    I’m rambling.

    This FedNow business is being rolled out to help manage with deflation. Treasurydirect.com will nit be able to handle what is coming. It will be inundated by the flight to safety. FedNow will be linked to treasurydirect and bond-backed Digital Greenbacks which, crucially, will be encrypted for anonymity below current reporting limits or thereabouts, will be issued alongside cash Greenbacks. That they are backed by bonds is what makes them Greenbacks, what makes them public money under a public banking system, though my guess is that they will still be called FRNs because the clearinghouse is FedNow.

    And it appears that a consequence of this emerging line of thought is that dollar hyperinflation will never happen, which is something I’ve never considered before. Nicole Foss classicist view was always deflation first then hyperinflation, and for good reason. But this is an unprecedented situation we’re in and necessity is the mother of invention. And the stealth converting of FRNs to bond-backed Greenbacks, which is Greenbacks collateralized by bonds during the greatest bond rush in the history of the world, is how they will convert/preserve as much of the ridiculous notional wealth as possible into equally notional bond — and thus digital Greenbacks — wealth lol. They will control as best they can the stock market sell-off into bonds.

    Anyway, this requires more development. Links from Mr Hockett to follow.

      • jigisup says:

        Its logical in a way. The Fed is a sham pretense that there is collateral. If lack of collateral is a problem just eliminate the Fed and pretense of collateral. Currency is 100% fiat created by the treasury(greenbacks). The Treasury funds the goverment war machine and limits funds to the people creating deflation. The treasury creates treasury bonds. The organism faced with critical choices funds its primary function naturally. This solves the whole problem of growth necessary to the survival of the fractional reserve currency system.

        As the idea of collateral is discarded the idea of ownership is also discarded as the relationship in between currency and ownership is diminished. Currency is regarded as only suitable for spending in the short term and by extension private ownership a form of hoarding. Wealth is measured solely in Democratic Digital Dollars. The organism owns everything.

        The people who inhabit the United states will be required to accept this. All countries too. If not enforcement wil be required and there will be abundant Democratic Digital Dollars allocated for enforcement of Democracy. Democracy continuance depends the organism. Actions that work toward is continuance are democratic actions that do not are not. The Fed represented hoarding and was bad. Treasury greenbacks, Democratic Digital Dollars represent democracy and are good. The organisms continuance and function continues there is no collapse based on the hoarders. When the strategic nuclear exchange occurs to enforce democracy the organism will still survive. Once the adversaries of democracy are eliminated we enter the golden age the organism caring for its remaining pet citizens deeply.

    • reante says:

      And here’s his evolution to “Digital Greenbacks.” It’s a link to a page where one can download a pdf of a pretty comprehensive he wrote, called, “Digital Greenbacks: A Sequenced ‘Treasury Direct’ and ‘Fed Wallet’ Plan For A Democratic Digital Dollar.”

      Bingo. FedNow is the ‘Fed Wallet.’ I haven’t read the paper yet. 🙂


    • Ravi Uppal says:

      Reante , that you remember my post is humbling . My thinking is that with all the CBDC or crypto currencies the problem is the electric grid . No electricity , no CBDC whatsoever . The grid is the Achilles heel . It is subject to a single point failure just like the LNG trade . I will give you an example . In Belgium the doctors now no more give you a written prescription . The medicines are posted on the web (internet ) . You go to the chemist give your ID , he will access the web (internet ) with the card reader and give you the prescription . I asked my chemist , what if there is no internet or electricity failure ? Blank .Imagine that for somebody who ran out of insulin . Complexity kills . Naseem Talab said we must have a system which is ” anti fragile ” , but more and more we are moving in the other direction . Rgds

      • Fragile systems are a big problem. Ultimately, they have the potential to bring the economy down.

      • reante says:

        Yeah for sure Ravi. I only give it a few years or so. It’s just for buying a bit more time under the MPP. It’s a slight simplification of extreme complexity, and a temporary patch, assuming it’s possible at all. South Africa seems to muddle through with blackouts. Ukraine. The question is can the entire civilization muddle through blackouts that reach through to the core. Not for long I shouldn’t think.

      • Cromagnon says:

        The coming gift from god,….. massive solar outburst,…. Will remove all the witty ideas and non callused palms.

        We are returning to the jungle.

  9. Yorchichan says:

    We had our annual comic relief/red nose day last week. I expect most of you have your own version, but for those who don’t know this is an evening of wealthy celebrities performing unfunny sketches on TV to raise money for charity (an example of a “Telethon”). Given the cost of living crisis, I thought I’d see how the money raised compares to previous years.


    Only the fundraising figures from 2019 onwards are telethon only and can be legitimately compared to this year’s. The money raised is dropping rapidly every year. Doubtless most other charities are experiencing a similar drop in revenue.

    • Mrs S says:

      A lot of people are very disillusioned by large charities nowadays. Directors on six figure salaries and numerous scandals have not helped. Plus insane wokery such as this Oxfam ‘inclusive language’ guide.


      • Dennis L. says:

        Have seen that close up in a service club, lots of hands out with a begging cup. Originally the club was all men, when something needed to be done, members got out their checkbooks and wrote what was necessary. During meetings “fines” were part of the process, members touted their businesses and were also fined for doing so.

        To me it ment we were primary movers, not hangers on looking for social validation.

        Wives were always welcome at social events, some were formal, very nice evening, tickets were priced to cover all expenses and a bit more.

        Dennis L

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Let’s not forget the Clinton Charity… you know .. the one they siphoned $$$ from that Seth Rich leaked and resulted in HRC losing the election…

        Then he was murdered. hmmmm

  10. Ed says:

    The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.
    Archbishop Vigano


    • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

      The Biden administration has quietly resumed deportations to Russia, an apparent reversal of the position adopted after Russia invaded Ukraine just over a year ago, when such removals were suspended, the Guardian has learned.

      Immigration advocates were taken by surprise when a young Russian man, who came to the US fleeing Vladimir Putin’s efforts to mobilize citizens to fight in Ukraine, was abruptly deported at the weekend from the US back to Russia.

      Biden and Putin both implicitly tie their futures to the outcome in Ukraine

      He was among several Russian asylum seekers, many of whom have made their way to the US in the last year, who are now terrified the US government will return them to Russia where they could face prison or be sent rapidly to the frontline, where Russia has seen tens of thousands of casualties.

      “US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) remains committed to enforcing immigration laws humanely, effectively and with professionalism. Ice facilitates the transfer and removal of non-citizens via commercial airlines and chartered flights in support of mission requirements,” the federal agency said this week, adding: “Ice conducts removals to countries, including Russia, in accordance with country removal guidelines.”


      Scarborough said she was told by Ice officials that one of her clients was deported at the weekend and she explained that his legal and residency status mean she has no doubt he was taken to Russia.

      “I don’t know what’s going to happen to him,” Scarborough said. “Russia has been incredibly vocal about their feelings towards opposition. Just the fact that they fled Russia to come to the United States puts them at risk.”

      • reante says:

        Fleeing to your country’s wartime enemy is a profoundly stupid thing to do. As if your country’s enemy’s bureaucracy can afford to accept potential enemies of the state posing as asylum seekers running free within its borders. Hell, if it gets bad enough, Dmitry Orlov might be politely asked to moor at Alcatraz. He still in Boston harbor?

        • Dmitry Orlov married a woman he grew up with. They live with a young son in St. Petersburg, Russia.

        • Herbie Ficklestein says:

          I don’t know that bolds true…a lot like our situation in the 60s with Vietnam..Many young men went to Canada to escape forced conscription as conscious objectors.
          There is a movement in Russia that protests the military operations in the Ukraine.
          I’m not taking sides of the conflict. but it is easy here out of harms way to judge.
          Be as it may, the Biden Administration has changed course.

          • reante says:

            I hear you Herbie they’d have to lock me up before I put the uniform if I was a Russian.

            Your 60s analogy is apples to oranges though because the US wasn’t at war with Canada, so Canada had no reason to consider American conscientious objectors as a risk to their national security.

            • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

              I don’t know the details of these Russians coming here..they may have relations here in the States. We have a large population of Russians here in South Florida, really numerous…and their only option was to go to the US.

              Technically, we are not at war with Russia…this is a proxy resource geopolitical conflict.

            • reante says:

              You’re right it’s not to that level.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Leaving a country where one is a citizen is a risky adventure. Cannot speak to the young man, but I am a citizen of the US. I don’t always agree with what is done, but it is my country and so I shall remain and adapt.

        Dennis L.

      • Student says:

        It is a very strange situation.
        My impressions are two:

        1) US has changed policy because it thinks that among those people there could be many foreign agents that could add social instability inside US.
        They could follow facilitated paths dedicated to asylum seeker, entering the US society, finding a good job and then destroy US from the inside.
        Something similar created in Iran by protests which have received external help managed by an internal direction.

        2) Another reason could be that US thinks that sending back those people to Russia it can create social instability inside Russia or also by sending back them to Russia, US could think to exploit their difficulties (such as prison) to mount some international case about human rights inside Russia.
        A similar Navalny’s case, but to the nth degree.
        This would be an attempt to create discredit to Putin summed to the recent arrest warrant of the Hague.
        But should it be this second case my impression is that Russia could manage that.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Thank you, reasonable subscription costs, a friend is Catholic, she might enjoy.

      Dennis L.

  11. Kim says:

    Excuse me if this has already been posted. Fascinating. Informative.

  12. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:


    “Russian defence minister decorates pilots for downing U.S. drone”

  13. Yoshua says:

    It is virus kill you?
    It is Vax kill you?
    It is conspiracy kill you?
    It is I own all your bases!

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      we’re not going to get out of here alive!


  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Lance Reddick, a character actor who specialised in intense, icy and possibly sinister authority figures on TV and film, including The Wire, Fringe and the John Wick franchise, has died. He was 60.


    SCHAD yourself on this

  15. Fast Eddy says:


    Joe Biden was the architect of the 1994 Crime Bill that sent millions of Americans to prison for doing what his son is doing right here.

    Why aren’t the Bidens being prosecuted for the 459 fully documented crimes found on Hunter’s laptop?


    Watch the video of hunter smoking crack?

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    The cause of lack of staff https://t.me/DowdEdward/2618

    New CDC Data Shows U.S. Maternal Mortality Rose Sharply in 2021

    # deaths from maternal causes:
    2018: 658
    2019: 754
    2020: 861
    2021: 1,205


    • I would think that the Covid vaccines could have harmed the mothers and their unborn babies directly. I would expect this to be a bigger effect than lack of staff.

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    7 Children Paralyzed by Polio Virus Derived From New Gates-Funded Polio Vaccine
    Seven children were paralyzed by vaccine-derived polio linked to the new nOPV2 polio vaccine developed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to health officials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), which on Thursday announced the news.


    f789 ALL VACCINES.

    If any of them work then great — let the MOREONS take the risk … and generate herd immunity

    Afterall they are a gigantic herd of MOREONS…

  18. Agamemnon says:

    That CME on the far side of the sun is rare (couple over several decades)
    That’s not rare for civilization.
    Does anyone know sun’s rotation?

    Other news: Jan 2022 eruption

    “The Tonga Volcano is the volcano on record for reaching or blowing materials, the highest in the atmosphere of any volcano in history,” he said. “Not only that, it blew something like a trillion tons of water into the upper atmosphere. But the Tonga volcano increased the water vapor in the Stratosphere by 10 percent. We talk about greenhouse gases increasing by one or two one-hundredths of a percent causing global climate change, and here we had a volcano that increased the water content of the stratosphere by 10 percent

    Read More: Could This Montana Winter Weather be Due to an Undersea Volcano? | https://newstalkkgvo.com/montana-winter-weather-undersea-volcano/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    60 years later, they still are hiding the flu vaccine data


  20. Student says:


    …Hague court issues arrest warrant for Putin…


    • Student says:

      I don’t know the details, they could be right, the could be wrong, but my impression is that here in west we are betting all on complete elemination of Putin and complete humiliation of Russia and it doesn’t sound a wise move.

    • houtskool says:

      The verdict also said, the Ruble is null and void. And may HIS head be hit by a windmill.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      NATO is losing the UKR proxy war so they only have left the childish propaganda campaign that they treat us to daily in the MSM. It says far more about them.

      The UN declared the Bush-Blair war in Iraq to be illegal, but ICC issued no warrant? ICC had no credibility as an independent institution, and it gained none today. It is a front for NATO, and no one takes it seriously.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Yes, I like this comment. I like this comment very much.

        In keeping with the woke argument against putting adjectives in front of nouns, I propose that the International Criminal Court be retitled the Court of Criminals Who Are International.

    • jigisup says:

      The Hague police should just hop in their tanks and roll up on him.


      The Hague not Putin.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    Why do I believe that medicines may now be doing more harm than good? The honest answer is that I can’t know for sure, because nothing is absolutely certain in this life.

    However, what I do know is that the US has by far the greatest healthcare expenditure in the world. $4,300,000,000,000.00 per year (four point three trillion dollars, or $12,914 per person). Yet, life expectancy in the US is around five years lower than in any comparable country. Lower than in Poland, for example, which spends just over $1,000 dollars per year.


  22. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr. Malcolm Kendrick

    Mar 17

    17th March 2023

    Recently, I was in Phoenix Arizona for a few days to attend the Broken Science Initiative Conference. This organisation was set up by Greg Glassman, who founded CrossFit, and Emily Kaplan, a media expert. The title of the organisation may give you a clue as to its purpose.

    For my part I gave a presentation on medical research, and where I believe it has gone wrong. How I had once been a happy medic believing everything I was told … well almost.

    Then, one day I took the red pill. Suddenly, I became uncomfortably aware that we were all being kept in a vast goo-filled factory, guarded by evil metallic robots who were trying to harvest our electricity for their own ends. Nothing was as it had seemed.

    In the film, the Matrix, I was never quite sure why solar panels wouldn’t do the job of electricity generation. Also, I was never quite sure what the ‘ends’ of the robots were either. But hey, why ruin a perfectly good yarn.

    In truth my conversion was not that sudden. It was a rather more gradual descent through the layers Dante’s Inferno. A painful and growing realisation that medical research was horribly …. broken. Biased and corrupted.

    This was not, and is not, a comfortable place to be. In part because I am surrounded by fellow doctors who seem perfectly content with the way things are. They simply do not question any of the research which drives the guidelines that their practice is based on. The Broken Science.

    Having said this, I do feel the need to say that not all medical research is broken. Some is excellent. And there are many good people out there. However, within those areas of medicine, where there are vast sums of money to be made, medical science took a fateful turn towards the dark side.

    Luckily for me – and this is something that has kept me sane – I have come across many other fantastic people on my lonely travels. Bruce Charlton for example, with his masterful paper ‘Zombie science: a sinister consequence of evaluating scientific theories purely on the basis of enlightened self-interest.’

    ‘…most scientists are quite willing to pursue wrong ideas for so long as they are rewarded with a better chance of achieving more grants, publications and status.’


  23. jigisup says:

    I have wondered about the black sun tatoos and emblems we have seen surface along with the recent resurfacing of ultra nationalism but knew nothing about them. It seems that it is an of association of Himlers beliefs in the occult. Himler saw Abrahamic beliefs as contrary to historical Germanic paganism. What I learned from this video is the black sun represents transmutation of one material to another from an occult perspective and the forming or birthing of a new order from a political perspective.


    • reante says:

      That would fit. Indeed it would. The black sun is part of hindu-aryan mythology. Both Hitler and Himmler were also vegan yoga fanatics. Tulsi is a Hindu vegan into yoga big-time.

      • jigisup says:

        Dude your tripping. Everyone who eats a tofu scramble is a not zee? Every yoga practitioner is a not zee? Dint you watch apocalypse now? Not zees dont surf.

        Theres just a tad of difference between practicing yoga and picking up a machine pistol and putting people in ovens.

        • reante says:

          What I said makes sense to anyone who has been following my prognostications. It doesn’t surprise me that it wouldn’t make much sense to you as a noob here.

          So it doesn’t mean I’m tripping. But it appears you’ve been triggered by holocaust propaganda. I don’t know you hardly at all but that you were triggered still does surprise me, a little.

          Rest assured Tulsi doesn’t have it in for the Jews. She’s a big believer in the Holocaust. One of her formative journeys abroad as a young politician included the obligatory visit to Auschwitz. She still tweets about it every year. She’s on board. 🙂

          The national socialisms will be culturally antisemitic because national socialism is culturally diametrically opposed to Old Testament Finance Capitalism, but they will not be antisemitic because the elites in charge of the “transmutation of one material to another from an occult perspective and the forming or birthing of a new order from a political perspective” aren’t stupid.

          The manufactured national socialisms that are coming are being implemented by the elites, in a seeming stroke of grand irony. But it’s not really ironic when we understand what’s going on structurally. Collapse inverts almost everything relative to the growth phase. That’s Natural Law talking. During the growth phase, national socialism was merchant banking’s mortal enemy. During the collapse phase, national socialism is merchant banking’s savior. Believe that.

          • reante says:

            Left out a word:

            “they will not be *militantly* antisemitic”

          • jigisup says:

            I tend to be focused on one issue. The USAs government creating war. It is a organism of war. It will be the downfall of the USA IMO.

            Tail wagging the dog. Now war against Russia so the politic goes woke. When war against Islam the politic goes right. The organism transforms its politic to agree with its function which is war. The politic is of no consequence. ISIS in Syria. Svboda in Ukraine. The organism cares not.

            Tulsi is a voice in the wilderness. She has encountered war. She volunteered. She bravely went to Syria calling out the war propaganda. She has called out the warmongers when no one else has.

            Caring for your body cherishing it being aware of it is foundational in my opinion. It is a practice that leads to awareness. Being aware what you consume is an awareness practice. Awareness allows the perception that war is occurring that it creates great suffering. Yoga is in my opinion one of the greatest awareness practices ever cultivated by our species. That Tulsi practices Yoga and perceives the consequences of her diet demonstrates awareness. There are millions of Yoga practitioners. It can be practiced without the use of money. Poor people can practice it. They are not not zees. Poor people in the world dont generally eat meat. They are not not zees.

            The primary characteristic of fascism is war. Tulsis characteristic is to end war. The qualities of the characteristics you assign to her are incorrect in the extreme.

            The Hindu brahamanism is indeed quite exceptionalist as is every religion. Exceptionalism is includes in every religion as a justification for resource consumption. Its a mixed bag. There are devotees to every religion that demonstrate the quality’s of awareness and compassion. There are devotees that only care about the license to consume.

            Your obsession with labeling Tulsi on small details rather than her actions demonstrates to me that you have hidden motives. No person who truly wanted to end war would characterize Tulsi as you have. I have no idea what your true motivation is. Perhaps you will be honest and express it?

            Getting a black sun tattoo calling a religious or ethnic group subhuman and practicing war. Practicing awareness and compassion. It is the difference between night and day.

            I note all the closet fascists on this forum came out to support your characterization of Tulsi. Individuals who regard a particular ethnic or religious as subhuman. No surprise. Hate and war are the primary characteristics of fascism.

            Lets put all that aside. Lets put Tulsi aside. The real issue is Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. What is your position on the wars of the past 30 years? Dare you express that?

            • Ed says:

              All four wars are/were evil and wrong. The first three are about oil. The Ukraine war is about the racial hatred of Russians and Americans by the ruling class in D.C.

            • reante says:

              What you don’t realize yet, jig, is that you are a politicized person having a conversation with others (me and the other ‘fascists’ here lol) who are are conversing non-politically. And what that amounts to is you having a beef with Reality.

              Having a beef with Reality is exactly how they want everyone to live, one way or another. You are beefing with Reality in one way, Norm in another.

              One piece of evidence for you beefing with Reality is that you are convinced that I think Tulsi is warmonger. She’s not! Where did I ever say that?! I didn’t!


              You essentially got triggered by their ‘alchemical’ lol cultural programming to somehow *project* onto Reality that I am saying Tulsi is Hitler 2.0 in function or some shit. On the contrary. I expect her to meet with Putin during her presidential campaign, perhaps more than once. And since the elites are literary types who take pride in their work, I wouldn’t be surprised if Assad attended one of those meetings as Putin just rolled out the red carpet for him, and that looks to me like a foreshadowing.

              Tulsi is central to the post-nuclear scare Global Peace Plan of collapse. FWIW lol.

              Just try letting go of your doom and looking at the situation clinically/dispassionately. One requirement of that is understanding what civilization is itself. What it is structurally. War in civilization is ALWAYS expansionary warfare. Expansionary wars can’t be won by any combatant that is experiencing energy decline, by definition, right? Because expansion requires expanding your resource base. Of course, the counterargument in this Russian war is that if the USA takes Russian resources then it will have expanded it’s resource base to justify the warfare. But that’s a dreadfully simplistic calculus, as if a wand can be waved and suddenly it is so. An American victory would be a pyrrhic one indeed, destroying far more than it could ever create.

            • jigisup says:

              “Just try letting go of your doom and looking at the situation clinically/dispassionately.”

              Ah yes “clinical detachment”.

              You have no idea how familiar I am with that term.

              Yes it can be done. Walking dead.

          • Thierry says:

            “During the growth phase, national socialism was merchant banking’s mortal enemy”
            I doubt it.

            • reante says:

              Why do you say that?

              Note that in this context I am speaking in terms of economic ideology only.

            • Thierry says:

              Don’t you know Hjalmar Schacht or the BIS? Or what role did JP Morgan play? National socialism was very profitable for many bankers. And I am not even talking about industry both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

            • reante says:

              Yeah I’m aware that the merchant bankers funded both sides. War is a racket. The banker’s used the Reich and the Reich used the banker’s. The Reich obviously saw this as fighting fire with fire and the bankers saw it as an opportunity to make money. The bankers knew that the Reich’s nationalism wasn’t a global threat because it was nationalism.

              Nevertheless, WRT economic ideology, which was my point, national socialism was fervently opposed to merchant banking and the rentier capitalism it creates. Point 11 in the NSDAP party platform called for the abolition of all income that was unearned by direct labor. That’s some radical anti-capitalism right there. No more rentier class. Thus it being the mortal enemy. There is no merchant banking under Point 11.

              National Socialism was a market-based industrial politics, so there was indeed still lots of money to be made from it, especially compared to the agrarian markets that were only recently in the rearview mirror.

            • Thierry says:

              We are not on the same plane here. You assume that point 11 was really what they wanted as if politicians never lied. That is funny but not reality. And the communists wanted to suppress the ruling class, eh? And we live in democracies? How easy it is to manipulate words to make people believe anything and do anything else.

            • reante says:

              And there’s only one true plane.

              Yet, Thierry, the communists *did* do away with market economics because communism is anticapitalist and the capitalists *did* follow/chase the money because they are procapitalist. And ‘democracies’ *do* hold ‘elections’ because they are ‘democratic.’

              But according to you national socialism doesn’t do national socialism. Strasserism never existed in the heart of man, and national socialism doesn’t exist.

              Got it.

        • Kim says:

          “picking up a machine pistol and putting people in ovens.”

          For godsake, this is what it is to be a mindless propaganda relay station.

          At the Treblinka site, the tribalists who now run it as a shrine maintain that there are the remains of 870,000 their fellow tribalists buried in a mass grave the size of a football field.

          870,000? Doubt.

          No, you may not examine the area with ground penetrating radar.


          • drb753 says:

            don’t hold up, Kim. Tell him about the wooden gas chamber doors, the energetic impossibility of the ovens, the impossibility to ground radar other sites too, loads of administrative records not only for personnel but also energy consumption. The real truth is that the camps where mass murder was practiced were the american camps, where 2M german males died of starvation.

            • Ed says:


            • doomphd says:

              “wooden gas chamber doors”? not to butt in, but i had the opportunity to visit Dachau outside of Munich in 2015. the gas chambers had heavy metal doors with surrounding troughs where they placed rubber gaskets to make a gas-tight seal. there were many other features like the wooden shoots outside where they placed the Zyklon-B to drop into the water inside, to release the gas. Happy to answer any questions.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I’ve been to Auschwitz… it’s not a particularly large facility…

            • drb753 says:

              I am talking about pictures taken at the time. Of course they had to be redone.

            • reante says:


              My question is what did you think of the remodel?

              Just kidding.

              Clearly what you saw was convincing to you. I appreciate the first hand experience. It’s possible of course that there was a limited gassing program that the Holocaust industry took advantage of. Seems like that would be a natural unfolding of how the industry played out. What do you make of the logistics systematically doing-in 6M?

              What do you make of the limited resources argument?

          • is OFW really descending into a refuge for holocaust deniers now?

            As well as all the rest of the non-happenings?

            • Or self-organization believers? The economy organizes in different ways than is commonly believed. The self-organizing system tends to provide false information about what is really happening, since misleading others is cheaper (from an energy perspective) than performing the real claimed actions? Even today, we are being told that Ukraine, backed by NATO (including the US) has the military strength (made possible by factories powered by fossil fuels) to defeat Russia, when a rational analysis says that this is not the case.

              We live in a world of Aesop’s Fables, or something similar, I am afraid. It is pleasant to think that the main stream media would never mislead us, but anyone rational can see that we are trying to develop a never-ending pyramid scheme that can never really happen. MSM must increasingly tell us a false story to keep us from worrying about what is ahead and, in fact, what is already happening.

            • fact is—we can predict anything except the future

              back in 05 i was convinced we had ”only a decade if we were lucky”—i was wrong—but by how much? Page 1 of my book is I think still 100% correct.

              Now I’m saying mid 2020s–I could be wrong again—though this time its looking more likely. Maybe i have a better take on it now. Others more learned than I are saying the same thing

              Unless I misunderstsand this thread, a self organising system cant gain benefit from denying things that have already happened, they can only gain benefit from trying to shift possible future outcomes of likely events, or deny them altogether for short term gain.

              People (en masse) move in ways that they think will will maintain their status quo, at a minimum

            • reante says:

              Norm, the concentration camps were filled with internal POWs. An internal POW in the Third Reich, which was a hardcore nationalist regime, was anybody who could not be trusted due to an overt belief system that threatened the nationalism. I’m sure you agree that the Third Reich was in an existential struggle with rapidly industrializing jewish-led imperialisms on either side of it. So Jews, Marxist’s, capitalists, anarchists, Roma, all dissidents, required separating from genpop and putting into maximum security forced labor camps. These camps naturally lay at the bottom of the totem pole.

              There was famine throughout German occupied lands in the winter of 1944. German countryfolk starved because German soldiers were forced to raid their root cellars for what rutabagas were there. So what do you think was happening in the concentration camps during that period? You have seen the photos. We’ve all seen the photos. Those stick people are dying people, Norm. Dying of starvation.

              Open your mind and trust yourself. Start from scratch. Become born again in pure Reason.

              Look at this article on the forced labor conditions for the demographics higher up on the totem pole then those in the supermax forced labor Auschwitz et al. Then extrapolate the conditions downwards.


              Cross-reference the Hitler propaganda (he was no saint to be sure) with the current “Putin’s War” propaganda.

              There are no monsters under your bed. You believing that scary story is the same thing as jig believing his scary story. They’re not reflective of reality. You talk about conspiracy theories and how impossible they are to carry out yet you think that thousands, tens of thousands, of German people, real people, were capable of systematically murdering 6M civilians out of sheer malice. That’s not a realistic scenario, norm. We’re those 6M at the bottom of the totem pole? Yes they were. So they starved first and foremost. Collateral damage. Welcome to civilization in hard times.

              Extermination, on the other hand, is the sole province of the battlefield. Humans absolutely do mass extermination, but only on the battlefield, because to exterminate within society, by society, would destroy civilian psychology, the social fabric, and would therefore be self-defeating.

              None of this is to say that many POWs were murdered in those camps. You step out of line and probably ain’t sticking around too long. But that’s not a holocaust.

            • reante

              your comment re holocaust is too idi otic to generate any form of reasoned response

              why don’t you move on the Kennedys assaination.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Covid Injections = Safe Effective

              Earth = Flat

            • drb753 says:

              Norman is one of many who need to believe in what they were told s they grew up, no matter the evidence, Gail.

            • when your growing up catches up with my grown up drb

              we can perhaps discuss the subject as adults

              until then —i suppose all the evidence on the subject of the holocaust was put together by crisis actors?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Do you notice how almost everyone on OFW thinks you are a NOF?

              At what point to you reach the stage of acceptance?

            • jigisup says:

              “There are no monsters under your bed. You believing that scary story is the same thing as jig believing his scary story. They’re not reflective of reality.”

              Yes. We are in the comforting arms of the war organism. It looks after our needs and will always look after our needs. Thats why we must look after its continuance and democracy as our first priority!

            • drb753 says:

              I have already discussed your intellectual level, Norman. I can’t get involved with you.

            • i cant recall you ever writing a more accurate 14 words in all the time you have been commenting on OFW drb

              not that i’ve read them all you understand

              but a fair selection that would lead me to the above conclusion

            • Kowalainen says:

              Let’s assume WW2 with all its horrors took place. I know; it is a bold claim.

              Bear with me for a moment.

              Given that; would there be any doubt that schmucks with funny looking hats be thrown into railway cars, followed up by showers of Zyklon B and finally cremated in ovens, all in the name of scapegoating and amateur hour eugenics projects?

              I reckon not.

              It’s just a “feel-good” eugenics side project in the grand scheme of WW2 horrors.

              Did it somehow go over the head of Rapacious Primates that we are in fact a rather vile and cruel species.

              Yes or no?

            • WW2 was a time of “not enough resources to go around.” It was the time of peak hard coal in Germany. Food was in short supply. There was a need to focus the blame on a group, which turned out to be the Jews. They were a rich group, on average, so persecuting them could yield gold and other precious metals (but not more food). When times are bad, there is a need for a scapegoat turn attention toward so that people will not focus on how bad the current situation is.

              We don’t know exactly what happened in Germany at that time. I don’t think here is a good place to debate what happened then. Certainly, a lot of gold was taken from the Jews. That is for certain.

            • as i keep banging on

              all wars are resource wars

              only the method by which wars are fought differs according to the actual conflict in hand at the time.

            • Kow

              you lost me there

              just a jumble of words, that no doubt made sense to you

              but none to me

          • Yorchichan says:

            The “openview” bitchute channel “contains incitement to hatred”, so isn’t viewable lots of places. That video won’t load in any case, even where the channel is not banned.

            Try this instead:


          • Replenish says:

            After losing 2 brothers in WW2 (one in Cabanatuan), my maternal grandfather was known for being anti-Japanese. Old order Democrat was opinionated on every political subject.. issue of race and gender. We found out his grandmother was adopted from a Jewish family, a rare occurrence at that time period. I sent a message to my Jewish HS prom date that she can tell her Mom she actually went with a Jewish boy, lol.

            My paternal grandfather’s military outfit was involved in helping survivors at the Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp.


          • jigisup says:

            It was a low blow. I took a easy shot. My discipline is lacking.

            The issue is war. We find another way or perish from our stupidity. We evolve adapt or perish.

            The fear is that of evolving and adaptation and with good reason. That has generally been exploited to create exceptionalism and tyranny. War is a known fear a familiar fear. War is not even feared nowadays being humanities constant companion. We have lived with nuclear weapons and their consequences for 70 years. The elite have prepared for their usage. The familiar is embraced the unfamiliar rejected a modern human characteristic. Now resource depletion brings the fundamental insanity of nuclear weapon creation to a head. MPP has been a effective if insane operating principle. We are unable to discard it. Tail wags dog. If we can not demonstrate compassion for others it is no wonder we can not demonstrate compassion for ourselves for they are one and the same.

            • reante says:

              jig, appreciate you saying so. the compassion problem is a problem of scale rather than an inherently human problem. The fields of cultural anthropology, archeology and clinical psychology (for testing purposes) have made it abundantly clear that we are not hardwired to treat equally/fairly (apply the gden rule to) more than 100 or 200 people. And to maintain equal compassion for intensive working partners yields an even lower number. As I’m sure you know, Dunbar’s Number is a non-negotiable (self-)organizing principle that runs through every military on the planet, because it’s based in hard science and lived experience.

    • Thierry says:

      It is certain that the Nazis were all versed in the occult. The problem with this is that it is totally ignored by official historians and what we can find is not necessarily reliable. After all, if you are not initiated you are not supposed to understand this kind of stuff. So you have to approach the subject with a bias by researching other subjects.

      For example, I recently made the hypothesis that the three colors of the nazi flag (black, white, red) correspond to the three stages of the great alchemist work. My theory so far seems quite correct. For example if the swastika corresponds to the black work, it is because contrary to what we generally think, the black work is not linear and it is possible to finish it and to come back several times to start it again. Spinning around, you see?

    • Curt says:

      In forums where people practicing occult ritual exchange, ecosophia being one, people will often write about the occult side of national socialism in its heydey, generally explaining the inner core of the NSDAP reached out for power to the spirit world, ultimately reaping mayhem and destruction as would be expected.

      And yes, they took a lot from indian traditions.

      Practicing yogis within their tradition however do not condone that, and have since old times warned about the temporary power deepend practice may give, and the suffering it will cause if you fall for it.

      The traditional hindu yogic lore says you must resist the temptation of these powers, for you will lose your path (to god) and a lot of harm will befall you.

  24. jigisup says:

    The Chinese Sinopharm injection substance was thought to possibly be a “vaccine” based on the older definition of “vaccine”. Examination of blood from a Sinopharm recipient shows the graphene objects we have got used to observing in the Pfizer product. It would seem that regardless of possible biological functions there is commonality in the bio electrical composition of the different? injection substances across multiple manufacturers and nations.


    • Ed says:

      What about the Russian vax?

      • houtskool says:

        Water and a bit of salt. And after that, a glass of vodka and a good laugh.

      • jigisup says:

        Well thats the 64 million dollar question is it not? The same question repeated.

        What is it?

        The narrative is exactly the same. Gene editing tech is needed to counter the lab whoopsie. The extra special borscht adeno vector sputnik 5 is required not that evil yankee MRNA.

        They gave the sputnik 5 creator a medal recently. Now there are reports he was found dead over a “dispute”.

        Things change quickly in Moscow.

        There have been recent reports that Putins daughter is injection injured and he has ordered injection materials destroyed. Nothing verifiable. Nothing publicly declared.
        Wishful thinking? What we do know is Russia leads the pack in QR coding its inhabitants.

        As I observe it there are three separate interconnected phenomena.

        Biometric ID

        IMO we are observing some degree of a attempt at transhumanism.

        What Russias path is IMO just not discernible. They are teaming with the CCP. Birds of a feather yah know.

        My guess is that as a energy exporter they have a strong interest in money based on resources. I am not sure that they are so contrary about the other two.

        Advocating resource based economy and money is fine and dandy till the resources are depleted. Then what? Sooner or later Russia will walk in the USAs shoes. UH huh. And not so far off.

        In the short term we need to get some sort of system in place where we dont blow the living shit out of each other with nukes. USA is needed for this. Desperately needed for the USA to come to its senses and participate in the new process forming.

        China and Russia get along for a fair distribution of resources.

        So the answer is I dont know. The question could apply to Russia as well as the injections.

        What is it?

        What is humanity’s fate?

        As usual we see polarization along religious themes.

        As usual I cant buy in. I do regard my body as a temple. No i dont want a “upgrade”. Yes I do think I have a right to say no to a upgrade thats a downgrade.

        There are many aspects of Christianity that I believe to be truth. I dont believe that you become special just because you say some words and drink some coolaid. That seems to me just another exceptionalism brand competing with the woke version. I believe in actions as a function of the heart express the teaching of Jesus which I believe is fundamentally compassion.

        If Jesus died to save us he sure has a curious way of doing it.

        The Russian orthodox church seems to work just fine for Russians. Im AOK with that. There is one coolaid I have drank. Church and state should be separate. Religious freedom is a right. As soon as it becomes mandatory it is political not religion.

        If it truly is mutually exclusive that woke pew is not quite to my taste. Im not sure they will let an old hillbilly with tore up clothes on that other pew. Or the first one for that matter. They barely let me into walmart.

        Russia aint going to save us. As a species we are stupid. Precious resources allocated to complex machines of death.
        What Moscow does wont change things for us one bit. We own our fate. DAMN!

        Complex war machines. A sound currency and reasonable standard of living. You cant have both in a finite world when the your things are our things method fails. War machines uber alles. Standard of living falls. Like a rock tossed off the CITI bank building.

        So we will just have to see. All I know is no injecto for Mongo. No FEDNO for Mongo. No upgrado for Mongo. Mongo like candy! Nice simplistic paradigm.

        • Ed says:

          I read one account of the death of the one (out of 18?) inventor of Russian vax as a hired male prostitute engaged in choking “play” that went too far and resulted in death.

          • jigisup says:

            We dont know. The Russians dont know.

            What is it?

            Like one hand clapping we may never know.

            Our bodies are perfect a manifestation of god. You can not upgrade perfection.

            I often write about war.

            I will now write something I consider to be a false dichotomy.

            What if the choice is between nuclear war and transhumanism?

            I choose nuclear war.

            We are capable of avoiding nuclear war unmodified.

            All these things are distractions. Become your best inside and out. Thats all we have. Thats all we ever had.

    • reante says:

      Has such evidence been found in the unvaxxed?

      We all know about the first art of war adage that while we’re looking over here/there, they’re probably doing something over there/here. I’m wondering about aerosolized graphene. Chemtrails around here stopped for a long while during the plandemic. They started up a while ago but here I’d say they’re at 10to 15 percent what they used to be. Such a dynamic would subliminally lead conspiracy theorists to not consider additional deployments in chemtrails. Is graphene oxide deployable in chemtrails alongside trimethylaluminum or would the combustion destroy it? Sems like the combustion might destroy it. It would also put themselves at risk or at least complicate their safety. Sometimes I wonder if I’m a slight bit shorter of breath than I used to be. But I am 46 now and do spend too much time on my phone here. And 5G is in the air. Just thinking out loud.

      • jigisup says:

        All the people examining blood have testified they have observed the phenomena in un injected individuals also albeit to a much lessor degree when observed. I think you are correct the material is being introduced into our bodies through multiple vectors as well as shedding. IMO an injection of the substance is greatly more contaminating than other vectors. You raise a interesting point. Are there injected individuals who dont have the “things” in their blood? It would be nice to have a solid correlation. There is no means of quantifying concentrations of the “things” at this point either.

    • Perhaps these other “vaccines” also have strange substances in them.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    Multiple Banks Curb Trading With Credit Suisse As Deposit Run Continues Despite SNB Rescue


    It would be great to see a situation where no amount of $$$ could right CS… and the financial system collapsed.. but I doubt it

    • If the banks with problems get bigger and bigger, and more and more of them, there won’t be a way to fix the problem.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        That’s exactly what I am hoping for — pushing on a string.

        Once the Elders and their minions recognize the futility of this … and that the Bossche Mutation is proving elusive … they go to Plan B.

        All out thermo nuclear launch… that would reduce the ROF significantly but there would still be billions alive — and starving… and even more angry cuz the hive has been kicked..

        And the Gates of Hell will open. Where’s my super fent? I need to be ready for this.

  26. jigisup says:

    2.3 trillion Fed “injection”. When the chips are down its time to create a new facility to “inject” “liquidity”!

    There is no problem that can not be solved with an injection.

    • moss says:

      2.3 trillion Fed “injection”
      This was Apr 2020 and we all saw what the “injection” did to financial markets now rapidly deflating
      they’ve started the injections already again with this FDIC lending (SNB too) and if not sufficient to fire markets up, there’s never been a sign of recognition on the part of the Fed that what they’re doing isn’t working other than for reasons other than they did not apply their previous response harder and faster

      I suspect there’s furious hammering going on over the weeked in global financial centres
      the magnitude of this week’s moves in currencies, bonds, commodities inevitable leaves out there very exceptional financial losses
      to cover one way or the other

    • Video is worthy of being in the Saturday morning cartoons.

      • jigisup says:

        Im sorry Gail. Raising interest rates to fight inflation but 2 trillion out of thin air? That is going to accelerate dollar destruction in a big way. Moving holes. I thought I remembered something about the blue meanies moving holes.

        Honestly this is starting to feel surrealistic to me.

        Where does this new two trillion come from? I note the treasury could not create that because of the debt ceiling. Thats two years of deficit. We seem to truly be in the end game now that we always knew would come. Dollar destruction because of printing and the response is to print more. Its got to be intentional. They didnt fix SVB with a few billion but create two thousand billion now? They didnt know 4% would create problems when banks hold treasuries at 1.5% so now they guarantee all the treasury values at face value even though they wont bring that on the market? This is direct monetizing of debt. It erodes all confidence in the long run because the fed is directly stepping in to to back a lack of value that is a result of its own policy using “money” it created backed by nothing.

        I think the collapse gods heard Eddy complaining about it taking to long a few weeks ago.

        Both Yellen and Jerome are terrified. Musical chairs and they get left holding the bag.

        I really really really really hate being right.


        • Do we have rising money supply or collapsing money supply? The situation gets complex.

          Raising interest rates tends to bring down the value of assets. People (and banks, and others) are forced to take losses as they sell. First it is commercial property. The purpose of raising interest rates is to try to mop up the excesses of the 2020 era, but the excesses are widely scatter. They mostly affect asset prices.

          It is not just banks that have a problem with rising interest rates. It is insurance companies and pensions plans, as well. The value of the bond-holdings drop. Stock prices are likely to drop in the near term as well. Also property owners as well.

          All of the deficit spending leads to the growing debt talked about in the video. It is all part of the Ponzi Scheme, to try to keep energy prices from collapsing. This debt cannot be maintained at high interest rates.

          One thing that struck me recently is that I know nothing about the 12 Federal Reserve Banks.

          I read an article this morning about the fact that they have essentially no money in 2023 to remit back to the general US budget. They have had money in the past. The reason given was the rising interest rates. I got to thinking: What if these 12 Federal Reserve Banks fail? Aren’t they in the same shape as banks in general. This is an article I found about the Federal Reserve Banks.


          I think I found a version of this article from Barrons that was not behind a paywall.

          The Fed Gets a Dose of Its Own Medicine. Rate Hikes Have Dried Up Its Income Stream.

          With QT, these banks have less and less money to invest in new bonds that are higher yielding. Instead, they are stuck with their group of low-yielding bonds. Part of the excess of the market that is getting squeezed out is the value of these low-yielding bonds.

          • jigisup says:

            The fed banks can not fail except by choice. Failure is a matter of not enough liquidity (money). The federal reserve can create money at will. THat statement is not strictly true. There must be a item brought on to the books to balance the money creation.

            Basicly the fed just brought all the low yield treasuries on the books by all banks for what was paid for them. They created the money to do so out of nothing. They could bring them on the books for twice what was paid for them. Completely legal. The fed could have brought a personal signature loan to Madoff on the books for a trillion.

            What is the standard of fidelity? Nothing on the fed books. Thats why the ponzi has focused on banks other than the Fed holding the debt AND the collateral.

            The real question is why is that being abandoned now? SVB treasuries could have been valued at whatever and brought on the fed books. SVB was clearly chosen to be declared insolvent. Only to be solvent again voila. Fiat. By decree.

            The fed banks are insolvent now in reality. If they go insolvent from a legal standpoint its because they choose to.

            There have been many insolvencies. Abandoning Bretton Woods was a insolvency.

            I think your right. The fed banks will declare themselves insolvent to introduce CBDCs. All of this MSM attention is just preparation. THere is no crisis that hasnt existed for a long long time. Fed declared SVB solvent/insolvent/solvent like a two year flipping a light switch. They will do the same for themselves.

            Dowd says this system is less corrupt. That there will still be demand for dollars/FEDNOW as a international settlement compared to resource backed BRICS. Really? Hope he is right.

            Fed in its present form exists only to finance USA goverment deficits. A lot rides on what seems to be a major presto chango. Ultimately countries with real resources have to see the rabbit appear out of the hat.

            • We have a Ponzi (or Pyramid) that needs to keep growing. We have hit a turning point where the output cannot keep increasing. How do we get around this issue?

              The financial system tends to collapse if debt cannot be repaid with interest. It requires more and more “money,” whether or not output follows it.

              Unfortunately, a lot of this debt relates to hopeless enterprises. Commercial real estate in New York City that is no longer much in demand, like Signature had on its books. Well-meaning startups funded by Silicone Valley Bank that cannot really produce a useful product. Small businesses that were barely profitable when they could borrow at close to 0%, but which cannot possibly afford a higher interest loan, especially if their labor costs are higher. Young people who took out student loans, but cannot find a job that pays enough to repay the loan.

              The Federal Reserve can pretend to be able to prop up everything, but ultimately it must fail. If FEDNOW succeeds it in this endeavor, can it do any better? Will it be accepted at all in international trade?

          • moss says:

            The developing global exponential curve of the credit ponzi has been startlingly obvious since around 2000 – Doug Nolan has been recording it in his weekly CreditBubbleBulletin blogspot weekly since about then.
            It’s been accommodated by reducing interest rates into negative yields. But now what?
            The BoJ and the ECB have exactly the same dilemma, maybe worse. China – we just don’t know

            I don’t quite see where the drying up of income stream derives without accounting for the bonds purchased through QE, which they’re now putting back to the market QT at a loss, as an income item. But isn’t it immaterial other than a lower dividend paid to Treasury? … meh, ctrlP keeps insolvency at bay as we’ve seen
            Everyone cheers! so long as it’s only feeding into asset prices. Yay! we’ll all be billionaires!
            Until it leaks over into commodities. Mine more. Build more. Produce more. Whip ’em harder.
            We’ve all watched this, too, for decades but there is a physical constraint and it appears it’s beginning to slow things down

            I consider we’re now at the fork of the road, one path leads to hyper, the other systemic default. The decision is political. No credit bubble in history has escaped with a “soft landing”. What piffle that universally believed hope has proved. Talk of digital currencies and blockchains is similar distraction, part of the only strategy left, kick the can and burn incense

            No one knows the future. One yen used to be a nice round shiny silver coin the same as the dollar used to be

            • reante says:

              Thanks for the recap, moss. While no one knows the future, you have recognized the kick the can pattern (MPP). Divining is following that pattern into the future. Now let’s get going! 🙂

              If the road is forking, and the decision is political, what is the obvious political preference?

            • moss says:

              ask Zeus. how would I know beforehand?
              MPP for buddha’s sake, another silly neoanacronymism …

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Back from into the wild with renewed vigor — let’s hope for a massive cataclysm in the coming week!

  27. Mirror on the wall says:

    Xi is doing an official state visit to Russia next week, and he and Putin will sign major documents on cooperation. The sanctions have clearly failed, let alone split the two countries. UKR is yet another USA (/NATO) fiasco in the wake of Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq &c., they clearly have not got a clue what they are doing. What will USA come out with next?


    Putin and Xi Jinping to sign two statements

    Assistant to the head of the Russian state Yuri Ushakov said that more than 10 documents are planned to be signed

    President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping will sign two joint statements, in total more than 10 documents are planned to be signed. This was announced to journalists on Friday by the assistant to the head of the Russian state, Yuri Ushakov.

    “The signing of joint documents will take place, the leaders will directly sign the two main documents of this visit: a joint statement by the Russian Federation and China on deepening relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction entering a new era – such a joint declaration, it is already in a high degree of elaboration, separate words are being agreed upon,” – said the representative of the Kremlin. He specified that the second document to be signed by Putin and Xi Jinping is a joint statement on a plan to develop key areas of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation until 2030.

    “In addition to these two documents, there are still many documents under development on completely different areas of cooperation – more than 10 documents, they are in varying degrees of readiness and will be signed, as they say, on the sidelines of the visit,” Ushakov specified.

    The Kremlin spokesman stressed that “China is Russia’s largest trading partner, the volume of trade in 2022 amounted to about $185 billion, its annual growth over the previous two years was about 30%.” “At the same time, the share of settlements in national currencies is increasing,” he added. Ushakov believes that “taking into account such rates, the goal set by the two leaders to reach a trade turnover of $200 billion will be realized not in 2024, as planned, but in 2023.” In his opinion, the economic statement planned for signing is “another stimulus for the development of trade and economic ties in all directions.”

    “Despite the pandemic and sanctions pressure from the West, the implementation of most Russian-Chinese programs and projects continues, primarily in the energy sector, the volume of Russian hydrocarbon supplies to China has increased significantly,” Ushakov stated.

  28. Lastcall says:

    Jim, as usual, has a nice turn of phrase.

    ‘It’s now official: from here forward there will be no consequences for banking fraud, poor decision-making, fiduciary recklessness, self-dealing, or any of the other risks attendant to the handling of other people’s money.’

    ‘This CBDC would not be “money” representing wealth because America’s wealth is going, going, gone, pissed away, falling apart, de-laminating, oxidizing, rusting in the rain, going up in a vapor. Think of all those mortgaged cars on the road racking up the mileage until they’re worthless and all those mortgaged suburban houses built out of particle-board and vinyl smeared all over the landscape, decomposing into their constituent chemicals — over time, a dead loss. ‘

    ‘Money dies when it loses its direct connection to the generation of wealth from the real things of this earth: fuels, crops, metals, materials, labor, and the value-added products made from them.’


    And from the comments, you can guarantee the ‘smart money’ has gone somewhere else to die.
    Treasure Islands.

    ‘Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.’

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Money dies when it loses its direct connection to the generation of wealth from the real things of this earth: fuels, crops, metals, materials, labor, and the value-added products made from them. Since that divorce has already happened, the need arises for something else that can function as money (a store of wealth, an index of value, and a medium of exchange). The government will pretend that a Central Bank Digital Currency is that something else. Since banking is now nationalized by the Federal Reserve backstopping everything and everybody, then theoretically all the wealth of the nation is under its command. That would be another illusion.

      Ed Dowd thinks otherwise… but he’s not aware of the energy story

      OR… perhaps he is also playing a role — that of the momma bird feigning injury and keeping the mob away from the nesting chicks….

      • I agree that Ed Dowd doesn’t get the energy part of the story. Because of this, he can tell a story of a temporary stumble, and some new currency (which he doesn’t know yet) fixing the problem. But Dowd does get some parts of the story right. His story probably wouldn’t get as wide distribution if it was too negative.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The CBDC would just be a computerized tracking apparatus for zombies lurching pointlessly around that dead zone… a final insult. The CBDC is already DOA, only the CB doesn’t know it.


      Ed Dowd does not allow comments on his Telegram… cuz someone might post that

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And for norm…

      In the meantime, expect more disordering tragi-comedy from the “Joe Biden” led psychotic regime ruling over us with its drag queen commissars, lawless Lawfare vandals, race hustlers, agents provocateurs, informers, censors, prosecutors, inquisitors, jailers, and propagandists — the worst collection of imbeciles, grifters, and villains ever assembled into political party.

      By the end of this … norm will be yearning for the days of Trump … even though he was just another stooge,

    • We can hope that Ed Dowd is right about the US government playing “Whack a mole” successfully for a while with bank failures. But it certainly can’t go on indefinitely, and there also are a lot of energy and banking problems elsewhere in the world.

      Both of the big US bailouts had a lot of investments in industries doing very poorly (SVB in subsidized energy projects, Signature in in Commercial Real Estate Loans in New York City). It the government is going to encourage these investments, it will be encouraging every investment, no matter how poor.

  29. jigisup says:

    What is it?

    You have a substance. Its unidentified. You have a narrative about its constitution but parts of the narrative prove false. You start from the beginning. What is the substance? More of the narrative soon proves false but this narrative about the substance is so prevalent so trusted that many believe the foundation of the narrative more than the facts. They can believe aspects of the narrative are flawed but they can not believe the very essence of the narrative is false for that represents a deception that threatens the very foundation of all their paradigm. They trust their paradigm more than facts revealed by research. The facts are attacked. Both by those who created the deception but also by those whose paradigm is threatened.


    • Fast Eddy says:

      They already have a means to control everyone … it’s called $$$. Without it… you starve


      This may be a little “over the top.” It sounds too much like science fiction.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Don’t really know, but apparently cells communicate electrically through various ion transfers.

        Fridman has Max Levin in a long segment which tends this way. I have listened to it with skips a couple of times, interesting viewpoint.


        Some of his videos can be skipped, but there are some with interesting insights. Three hours with Levin on video is faster than reading all his publications, next project.

        Dennis L.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Right up there with ‘the motive for injecting the military and babies – is $$$’

  30. Vern Baker says:

    Why the Lunar Module “looked fake”

    Here is a response to the foil looking poorly done on the lunar lander. I have keyed up the video to the section where is jumps into this. You can see that there is a ridged section designed to allow the module able to be pressurized to 5 PSI.

    The cardboard is taped onto this section… poorly. But, this is not intended to retain pressure, just to act as a heat shield.

    I had always wondered how the the astronauts be able to transfer to the lunar space suits in a 5 PSI environment? Well, apparently it is possible to do this at 1/3 the PSI of sea level, and not suffer any lasting effects.


    So, perhaps we are still in the “Plausible” category.

    • Lastcall says:

      ‘The cardboard is taped onto this section… poorly. But, this is not intended to retain pressure, just to act as a heat shield.’

      100 deg plus, and cardboard is the heat shield?
      Cardboard obviously isn’t what it used to be!

      • Vern Baker says:

        Speaking of “[not] what is used to be”, it had been stated that the module was made aluminum which was twice as thick as a soda can.

        If that were the case, there would simply be no way that this structure could hold together with the pressures that had been stated. Today, if you drop a full soda can, it will explode on impact with a solid ground. A beer can most likely will not, as it is 50% thicker than a soda can.

        Aeronautical aluminum, which was first created by Japan for its Zero aircraft is 50% stronger than regular aluminum by weight. That was used for the lunar module. But even with that, it would be far too flimsy still to survive a 5 PSI hit. Do this multiple times, and it will rip somewhere… and goodbye occupants.

        Of course, the “not what is used to be”, is key to this. Soda cans in the 1960s could have small elephants stand on them. They were over-engineered for their intended use. Context is everything, and twice the thickness of a soda can in the 60’s was a very different thing than it is today.

        What I should have said was “cardboard” in ironic quotes. It looks like cardboard, but apparently was the heat-shield which was intended to expand and contract, so was not overly fastened.

        Still, just an awful tape job. It literally looked like sellotape (at the time). You would think they would have had something which looked like silicon or something which would survive the heat.

    • gpdawson2016 says:

      In other words Mt. Baker I have to believe we went to the moon because I am too stupid to believe know otherwise? Actually the default position is the opposite and we are still waiting for adequate proof to be provided.

      Wrong until proven right.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Card board as a heat shield… hahahahaha…

      It also protects against radiation! someone needs to tell this guy

    • JMS says:

      Great! So the only thing left to explain is how the LM only cost $23 billion in today’s dollars. One would think that a vehicle with such sophisticated technology would cost at least $300 billion.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Does this clown think I am stooopid??? It’s made of f789ing cardboard and foil and tape!!!

        I betcha he’s also had all his boosters.

        Hyper MOREON. Just goes to show you … you can make someone believe anything .. if you repeat it on BBCCNN… they will reject all logic and fact and critical thought and just make shit up.

        Or maybe he’s just paid to do that – can he be that stooopid?

    • Herbie Ficklestein says:

      Possible Artemis 3 moon landing site spied by NASA spacecraft (photos)
      By Josh Dinner published about 6 hours ago

      Malapert Massif would be a dramatic setting for a moonwalk.

      The moon’s Malapert Massif is thought to be a remnant of the South Pole-Aitken basin rim, which formed more than four billion years ago. More recently, this magnificent peak (lower left) was selected as an Artemis 3 candidate landing region. This image, captured by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera on March 3, 2023, is 15 miles (25 kilometers) wide in the center. (Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University)

      A recent photo from lunar orbit shows off a potential location for humanity’s next footprints on the surface of the moon.

      NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) launched in June 2009 and has been providing great looks at the moon ever since. Among the probe’s seven instruments is the LRO Camera (LROC), which snaps high-resolution black-and-white imagery of the lunar surface.

      On March 3, as LRO flew over Shackleton Crater near the moon’s south pole, LROC captured a photo with part of the Malapert Massif area in view. Malapert is one of the potential landing sites for NASA’s crewed Artemis 3 mission, which in 2025 or thereabouts will put astronauts down on the lunar surface for the first time 197

  31. Mirror on the wall says:

    CFR: ‘USA lost competitive advantage in science research to China. Chinese students spy on us. More Indian students needed to beat China. Backbone of Silicon Valley.’

    (The UK Tories have a similar approach, their ‘big plan’ for the future is to attract Indian students and HK workers to make UK the ‘next Silicon Valley.’ Good luck with that.)


    To Compete With China, the United States Needs to Fix Immigration

    Streamlining the immigration process for Indian talent will enable the United States both to increase its own domestic capacity and more effectively counter China

    …. Today, Indians constitute the second-largest immigrant group in the United States after Mexicans, and the highest-earning ethnic group in the country.

    …. In 2021-22, for example, students from India made up the second-largest coterie (199,182) of international students, with the largest coterie (290,086) coming from China.

    …. All three routes of legal Indian immigration have important implications for the United States’ strategic competition with China. For years, the United States has relied on skilled immigrants to maintain a competitive advantage in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This reliance has become more acute since the mid-2000s, as China has been consistently graduating more STEM PhDs than the United States. Even more worrying, a recent report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy found that since 2010 the United States has been losing its competitive edge in basic science research to China. This loss of competitiveness is partly due to immigration issues. The United States, which traditionally “benefited from a steady stream of talented young scientists” emigrating to the country, is seeing this supply dry up thanks to uncertainty about visas for foreign students and visiting scholars. Information technology (IT) workers from India have also been the backbone of Silicon Valley, with many companies sponsoring those workers for H-1B visas and green cards. Finally, international students at U.S. universities not only boost science research (they make up 74 percent of electrical engineering students and 72 percent of computer and information science students), they also bring in billions of dollars in tuition, helping to defray costs for American students. Chinese students are still the largest group of international students in the United States, but their numbers have drastically declined since the pandemic as the United States issues fewer visas due to worries about espionage and Chinese government influence. Universities have therefore been hoping for Indian students, the second-largest contingent of international students, to make up the shortfall.

    …. Addressing the issues in immigration policy that are affecting the United States’ ability to attract and retain skilled Indian immigrants and maintain a competitive edge over China should be a no-brainer.

    • jigisup says:

      Giving all our technology to China didnt work out. Giving all the technology to India is the answer.

    • halfvard says:

      Of course Indian students don’t spy on us and are just normal Americans and British people!

    • It seems like with IT, quite a bit of work is done in India, by Indian programmers. That is what keeps the cost low. Training Indian workers here leads to higher wages, and thus higher costs.

  32. Dennis L. says:

    This may be relevant to some discussions here. Nate Hagens advising on getting a bigger boat. It is short, < 15 minutes.


    Market is interesting these days, lots of opportunity(that's tongue in cheek if you missed it.)

    Dennis L.

    • woodchuck says:

      Stock up on precious metals. Silver up 3% today. Gold about to break above $2000. The fed has lost control. After the collapse you’ll be able to offer silver coins to a local farmer in exchange for food (snark).

      • We can all hope.

      • Dennis L. says:


        There are transaction costs, it is not as simple as it would appear.

        Storage costs are not trivial, once coins used, word gets out; it is called victim.

        Dennis L.

      • houtskool says:

        Woodchuck, it could indeed be a tool to jump over the fence. Who knows. There’a plan B on the shelve. Telling us about it however would trigger a bankrun tsunami.

        The wolf ain’t seen
        By the sheep
        As their cushion and blanket
        Keeps their head between
        And their minds asleep

        • Woodchuck says:

          I bought more silver today. It can’t hurt. I have all the other preps in p!ace: land, greenhouse, gardens, orchard, animals. So it’s an easy choice.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I’m going to the VIP Room instead… then I am going camping with Hoolio. And biking. It’s sunny

    • Thanks!

      What Nate Hagens says is that banks are effectively leveraged bond funds. Nate doesn’t explain that the “bonds” are the loans made clients. Also, they are actual bonds, often government Treasury bonds. These bonds typically are of fairly long duration. As a result they have relatively high interest rates. The way that these funds are obtained is through bank deposits that pay relatively low interest rates. The rates are low because they are of short duration. The “leveraged” bond funds comes from the fact that more loans can be made than deposits are taken in.

      As long as long-term interest rates are greater than short term interest rates, this approach works. In recent time, there has been a shift, with shorter term interest rates higher than long-term interest rates. This shift in the interest rate relativities invariability causes a banking problem because the difference between higher long term interest rates and lower short-term interest rates suddenly turns negative. Banks can no longer make (as much) money on the interest rate difference. Banks generally “borrow long, and lend short.”

      Nate believes that Europe is in worse shape than the US because it has $18 trillion in long-term debt/loans with negative interest. Now, with higher interest rates, the sales value of this debt drops substantially. This is an even worse decrease in value than from higher yielding debt.

      Nate remarks that the warm winter saved Europe this winter. The energy crisis will be back again next year. Also, Germany added $2 trillion in debt, to make it through this year’s high energy prices.

      The US government has now gotten to a point where it feels a need to backstop all crises. He feels that the US government will probably get through the current problem area, but that the pieces (banks, foreign governments) that need to get bailed out will get bigger and bigger. At some point, there will get to be a situation of “too big to bail out.” He thinks that the great simplification will start then.
      – – – – –

      I think that Nate gets part of this right. Certainly, there is going to be a trend toward bigger and bigger banks (or other organizations) to bail out. But there are a lot of other things going on, including falling M2 supply and a trend toward war. Also low commodity prices, rising dollar and something perhaps breaking in that way.

      • reante says:

        Thanks Gail. Even though it’s the Everything Bubble we’ve been living through, what finalized the Everything Bubble was the Sovereign Debt Bubble.

        To deflationists, the event horizon of collapse has always been an eventual catastrophic Sovereign Bond Market Dislocation.

        This is the Bond Market Dislocation, by other means, as Steve (From Virginia) Ludlum would say. Fed policy dictated that it dislocated the banks and not the bond markets themselves. Maintaining nation states is more important to the elites than their beloved capitalism. The Fed is saying End The Fed.

        They’re farmers first and last. Their bumper sticker says I FARM YOU EAT.

        • reante says:

          That said, about the Fed itself Ending The Fed, it will also be Ending The Fed by other means! As in, under cover of politics — the Fed will stay the Fed but in name only, in function it will be a National Treasury in service of a ‘public’ banking system, because continuity of government in such unstable times requires keeping up appearances as much as possible.

          Look at FedNow, in the news yesterday as Fitz alerted us to, because its launch date was announced. Even Tulsi tweeted about it indirectly yesterday, saying that the move to a cashless society must be stopped. But FedNow looks more like the Fed becoming a non-profit, government-run 24/7/365 public banking digital clearinghouse for all non-cash transactions, which is a primary service that a modern national(ist) treasury would naturally be providing. Service Above Self.

          Link to follow, I can’t switch windows and copy and paste without losing the comment while I’m gone.

        • I think you are right about the Sovereign Debt Bubbles popping is a big part of the Everything Bubble popping. The result seems to be deflation.

          The Fed is indeed intent on keeping the bond markets going. And of course, maintaining the nations states is important, as well. It remains to be seen how well this can be done.

  33. jigisup says:

    Over the top
    not serious just “food for thought”


  34. Herbie Ficklestein. says:

    I don’t find this funny at all…
    Timothy Bella
    Thu, March 16, 2023 at 5:08 PM EDT
    A 16-year-old Texas girl died of fentanyl poisoning after taking just one pill laced with the opioid, her parents and the teen’s school district announced Wednesday – the latest in a wave of teen overdoses in the state sparking lawmakers to call for schools to increase education surrounding the drug.

    Sienna Vaughn, a junior at Plano High School in Plano, Tex., took a pill Feb. 19 that she got from a friend that she thought was Percocet, a prescription painkiller she believed could help her relax, the girl’s family wrote on a memorial website for her. But when Stephanie Vaughn, her mother, went to go check on Sienna and her friend, she found her daughter pale and the friend gurgling on the bed, she told KDFW.

    Subscribe to The Post Most newsletter for the most important and interesting stories from The Washington Post.

    Medics rushed the two to a hospital. The friend survived, but Sienna was pronounced dead of what was confirmed to be fentanyl poisoning.

    So sad….

    • jigisup says:

      Percocet and Xanax “bars” are probably the most common copycat pills they tab fent into. Very sad. 80lb young woman doesnt stand a chance.

      Copy cat injections are around too. They pretend to be vaccines.

      Pick your rat juice. Step right up.

      Kitty litter buckets are obviously the problem


    • Vern Baker says:

      Or provide test kits, because fentanyl can potentially be in just about anything.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      So she was taking Percocet to ‘relax’

      Sounds like she was a junkie who was turning tricks Out Back the School Dumpster .. and she got a bad batch… mother = SSS?

      I’ll get my fiddle out

    • Fast Eddy says:

      RFK Jr: The Pharmaceutical Companies Were ‘Window Dressing’ for What Was a Huge Military Operation

      “The Pentagon did not want to put on the product, ‘This is a Defense Department-made product.’ So they essentially paid the pharmaceutical companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna — but all of the back room and the distribution and manufacturing [was] done by the military. And the pharmaceutical companies were brought in and put their name on it and then to pretend to do clinical trials, which have no legal significance.”

      Full Video: https://rumble.com/v2df7hg-militarized-healthcare.html

  35. @JMS

    >JMS says:
    March 15, 2023 at 10:13 pm
    >Copernicus, the Prague of Brahe and Kepler, Chopin, Milosz, Zbigniew Herbert, Wislawa Zsymborska, Tadeuz Rozewicz, Lewandowski… you don’t know of what you’re talking about.

    Copernicus was German. He was a priest so he didn’t marry but his relatives all married German.

    A queen of Poland was named Hedwig. The Poles now call her Jadwiga even though no one called her that way when she was alive. Historical revision at the best. No Poles were at the battle of Liegnitz between the Germans and the Mongols, but because of 1945 the Poles act as if they beat the Tartars now.

    Brahe – Danish
    Kepler – German
    Chopin- French
    Marie Curie – married a Frenchman and rode on the backs of other Frenchmen
    Lewandowski – soccer player
    Others- irrelevant outside of Poland

    You can site other examples, but my point is an independent Poland & Czechia, which cost the chance for the Western Civilization to add the Baltics, was NOT worth the cost of the chance of adding the Baltics, what we now call Belarus and what we now call Ukraine all the way to Yuzovka (which the Russians call Donetsk) to Western reach. I would rather have seen a world without Poland and Czechia, which would probably have some other names under the German and Austrian Empires, and USSR shorn of their richer provinces and remaining an insignificant country with no seaports usable in the winter and gradually drifiting out of Western civilization once for all.

    • The world economy needs the resources of Russia. Besides fossil fuels, this include nickel and other minerals. Russia needs warm water ports to ship these things efficiently.

    • ivanislav says:

      You all seem to have forgotten that the Poles also have Ted Kaczynski.

      • Cromagnon says:

        Uncle Ted knew……
        I hope he can still get accurate news of this collapsing world from his prison/hospital bed.

      • gpdawson2016 says:

        BTW Chad Haag has written a biography of Ted Kaczynski, I’m halfway thru it now. I’ve got a quote here:

        One of the difficulties connected with the characteristic victimisation issues of the left, such as the alleged oppression of women, homosexuals, racial or ethnic minorities, and animals is that these issues distract attention form the technology problem. Rebellious energies that might have been directed against the technological system are expended instead on the irrelevant problems of racism, sexism, etc.

        • Technology changes our world in ways that are hard to define. It is part of what added energy provides, but its effects are not all necessarily good. It takes away from family relationships. It ends jobs that people previously had that were sometimes enjoyable. It seems to substitute for religion.

        • JMS says:

          Some could claim that the rebellious energies that might be directed against the financial system are instead spent on the less relevant issue of the technological system.
          IOW who owns the technocrats?

      • JMS says:

        Is Kaczinky that supposed eco-warrior who, when he wanted to hurt or punish Da System, couldn’t think of more appropriate targets than academics or computer store owners?
        Fishy AF.

        • ivanislav says:

          Yes, but that’s a very topical summary. He was brilliant in math, according to the professors who read his PhD thesis. It’s a shame.

          Apparently he was one of the experimental subjects for some of the same folks involved in the MKULTRA crap where they psychologically abused him etc and, if I had to guess, were largely responsible for his going off the deep end.

    • JMS says:

      Kulm, get this into your head, there are no collective or family merits, there is only INDIVIDUAL merit. That is, no one is superior to anyone else or a creditor of anything just because he/she is the son, descendant or fellow citizen of geniuses like Newton or Mozart. Being a son or a descendant has even less merit than being a follower or a fan.

      What intellectual feats have you personally accomplished to think yourself more entitled to civilization than an Indian farmer? AFAI your only merit is being the silliest commentator on the best blog in the world. Too little for so much presumption I think.

      Twentieth century Polish poetry is one of the strongest in Europe, whether you know it or not, and there is more merit in Z. Herbert’s worst poem than in all your pseudo-aristocratic bragging.

      Your way of thinking went into obsolescence with the French Revolution, but you are so blind and foolish that you didn’t notice.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Kulm wishes that he lives in an alternative timeline so that white peasants can wipe his backside while he hatches his grand plan to become a robot in Outerspace…. seriously.

        • JMS says:

          I have motives to believe that Kulm is finishing the time machine that will allow him to alter the past. And of course, the first event he will wipe out of history is the French Revolution. I wish him luck on his quest, as I don’t enjoy F. Revolution very much except for the amusing but helas so brief period of guillotining.

      • I am a consequentialist who care very little about people’s feelings.

        Newton had no children and Mozart’s sons, apparently contracting syphilis at younger ages, left no descendants, a condition which also afflicted Schubert.

        That aside, I do not place too much emphasis on individuals. My emphasis is on groups.

        Some groups are indeed more equal than others, and some countries are more equal than other countries. The doctrine that every country and every people is important is wrong; not every country is created equal and the ambitions, aspirations and desire for some peoples are definitely detrimental for the advancement of civiliation.

        The aspirations of Poland , Czechia, etc to have their own countries and the aspiration of Serbia to unify its peoples , however merit which might have had, proved to be detrimental for the advancement of civilization.

      • Kris says:

        JMS, there is nothing ‘silly’ about Kulm’s observations. He is approaching a low-energy future from a brutal, realpolitic, ‘system’-level perspective. His alternative-history speculations are just that, speculations. Considering how ruthlessly elites control their underclasses, specifically Edo-period Samurai/Daimyo, and 19th-century Prussian nobility, you should keep a more open mind.

        • JMS says:

          I have no problem with realistic approaches to the inevitable and brutal contraction that awaits us, and I am perfectly aware of what the elites are capable of trying to maintain their power and position.

          But Kulm’s retrospective speculations, all based on ifs and supposed rights (LOL), are nothing more than mental self-pleasuring.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Kulm is having mental orgasms as he dreams of a return to feudal landlord status… (after a life as a lowly shoe shin boy)

      • moss says:

        obsolete with the French Revolution? I’d been taught it was too early to tell.

        But of course there’s an immense inherited line of merit and dismerit, wealth, genetic suseptibility that passes through time distributed by geography.
        The French revolution didn’t change anything, the nips are still the North Korean-like zombies they were in Edo days. Meiji industrialised, socially rien
        It’s said that various rural (white) areas of the British empire still today have visibly ugly local populations with lower mental efficiency as a result of the depopulation of strong handsome males for WWI

        Admittedly universality of jet travel has had an historic change on distribution patterns, but long term, it’s too early to tell.

    • Cheese can cause nightmares says:

      Name these emperors, kulm. That’ll be right up your street.

      These are field post stamps of the Flemish Waffen-SS from World War 2.
      Look at the SS flash alongside the portraits of the old emperors. Bizarre.
      The Flemish Waffen-SS was made up of Flemish volunteers – collaborators. “Wapen SS” is Dutch for Waffen-SS.


  36. Yoshua says:

    “The Federal Reserve’s emergency loan program may inject as much as $2 trillion of funds into the US banking system and ease the liquidity crunch, according to JPMorgan” – Bloomberg

    The Fed has now expanded the balance sheet by $300B in one week. Is $2T really enough to plug the hole?

    • the problem isn’t a cash hole

      its an energy hole

      this is what the end of cheap surplus energy looks like,—–banks throwing ‘money’ at an energy deficit, hoping that ‘money’ will be morphed into energy and get the system up and running again,

      it won’t

      • In a way, we have an ever rising debt scheme trying to keep fossil fuel extraction high enough. It is effectively promising goods and services, made with fossil fuels, for the future, when that future is increasing iffy. The high debt keeps energy prices higher than they would otherwise be, keeping the system going.

        We have run out of room with our current system to keep adding more debt, which indirectly leads to more M2.

        Without ever rising energy, the debt starts defaulting at higher and higher rates. Other things go wrong as well, including failing derivatives.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And they don’t have the $$$ to return to the moon


  37. Tim Groves says:

    Savage Jabbage?

    Remarkably, aspiration was not recommended when the covid vaccines were rolled out world-wide at the start of 2021. In the following video the eminent Danish Professor Niels Høiby talks about the serious adverse reactions that can result from accidental IV of the covid vaccines. As a result of a case (early in 2021) of exactly such a serious adverse reaction, Prof Høiby convinced the Danish Government to recommend aspiration for all covid vaccines in March 2021. Sadly, when John Campbell wrote to the then UK Health Minister Sajid Javid in 2021 asking for aspiration to be used to administer the covid vaccines, Mr Javid replied negatively, saying it was not needed.

    Prof Høiby looked at the publicly available data on recorded instances of myocarditis and pericarditis in vaccinated people in Denmark (where aspiration was used) compared to neighbouring Norway (where it wasn’t). In October 2021 these data were:

    Denmark: 129 formally recorded instances of myocarditis/pericarditis among 4,304,581 vaccinated people
    Norway: 274 formally recorded instances of myocarditis/pericarditis among 3,766,080 vaccinated people
    The population demographics and timings of the vaccine rollouts are reasonably similar for the two countries. Hence, Prof Høiby believed that the difference was highly significant and asked me at the time to check this. Using the Bayesian method and assumptions as described in this video showed (in summary) that the (Bayesian) 99% confidence interval for the true vaccinated population rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was between 23.8 to 37.5 per million in Denmark compared to between 62.1 to 85 per million in Norway. This is a highly significant difference – there was less than a one in a million probability that the true rate was not lower in Denmark than Norway.


    Stabb’ed Jabb’ed

    • Rodster says:

      The answer is YES if you apply true capitalism. We are no longer under capitalism and more like Marxism so the deadwood in the business and finance are no longer allowed to die. Instead the government has seen the need to keep business and financial institutions from failing. They now pick and choose which is left to rot and die. That is not capitalism.

      We might not be in the current mess if in 2008 we had not bailed everyone out and started QE along with zero interest rates. They just made the bubble a LOT bigger.

      • drb753 says:

        isms take a back seat to energy resources. Give me communism with abundant energy resources. you can have true capitalism with depleted wells.

        • Dennis L. says:

          Something is possible in one, many things are not in the other. Nice, simple.

          Dennis L.

          • drb753 says:

            correct. Communism went to space first, created the highest rates of economic growth in the last century under Stalin, and was able to build an hydrogen bomb from scratch in 5 years. No prizes for guessing what capitalism with depleted wells looks like, but in the next couple of years you will all have a ring side seat to it.

            • reante says:

              Capitalism with depleted wells will look a lot like communism with depleted wells had communism not got bailed out by capitalism. 🙂

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              The Soviet economy looked like a serious challenge at the time.

              (This is from a bourgeois study published in 1990)

              “Since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the Soviet Union has transformed itself from an undeveloped economy into a modern industrial state with a GNP second only to that of the United States. Until the late 1950s, the main question among Western scholars was When would the Soviet Union catch up with the United States? Today, however, after more than two decades of declining Soviet growth rates, the question instead is whether the present system can support sustained economic growth in the future, or whether it is capable of changing radically enough to assure such growth.

              “The annual average growth rate of Soviet GNP since 1928 is 4.2 percent. This clearly qualifies as a sustained growth record. However, there has been a sharp decline over time. In recent decades Soviet GNP growth rates have declined more than half, from 5.7 in the 1950s to 2.0 percent in the early 1980s. From about one-quarter the size of the U.S. economy in 1928, the Soviet economy climbed to about 40 percent in 1955, 50 percent in 1965, and about 60 percent in 1977. Soviet GNP per capita was also catching up, reaching 52 percent of the U.S. level by 1975. However, this pace has slowed drastically in the past two decades and even reversed itself in recent years. In spite of some relative Soviet advancement, the absolute gap between the two economies is now widening.” – Soviet Economic Growth: 1928-1985 – DTIC

            • drb753 says:

              Yes, Mirror, and that initial rapid growth followed by slowdown tracks exactly what the energy resources were. Oil peaked a first time (in Russia) in 1987 after all.

            • Oil production in Russia after low world prices since 1981. If world prices had been a whole lot higher, and if the USSR had been able to pass world prices on to those buying its products, it could have developed new oil fields elsewhere in Russia. Somehow, of all of the oil producing countries, the USSR seemed to be least able to function with low oil prices.

              Part of USSR’s problem may have been its attempts at central planning and socialization of resources/wages. Part of the problem may have been Ukraine’s fossil fuel intensive manufacturing. Part of the problem may have been lack of the benefits of competition.

              When not as much oil imports were needed, worldwide, the USSR got squeezed out. Low price plates a big role.

      • reante says:

        It’s not Marxism it’s fascism. And ‘true capitalism ‘ — by which I assume you mean free market capitalism — is a myth. All markets get monopolized very early on by accumulated wealth. And the monopolistic currency itself is forced upon the populations by standing armies.

    • Silicone Valley Bank was making what was close to equivalent to subprime loans on very risky ventures, often related to climate change or other heavily funded ideas. Signature Bank was in the commercial property area, in New York City. This is another place where big losses seem likely. Bailing these ventures out can only encourage more of the same.

  38. MG says:

    The comming early elections in Slovakia bring also a political party of the unvaccinated:


    “The SME daily charted what a businessman nicknamed the boss, a man in his fifties stirring up voters “with unvaccinated blood” or the Slovak alternative Wolf of Wall Street Mikuláš Vareha enters the political scene with.”

  39. MG says:

    How do you come to the knowledge of this world?

    You write a diary.

    That is what I have found that my grandfather made. It was like 50 – 90 years ago. Just dates and duties. Who said what, who did what. No romantic stuff. A lot of hidden complexity that you would not expect when meeting him on the street.

    That is why things like Facebook,TikTok etc. where your image is presented, are rather for hiding the truth. E.g. you see a profile of a happy young woman or man, as you judge based on the photos, and you suddenly find the photo of his or her funeral notice.

    • JMS says:

      Writing a diary is running the risk of discovering who we really are, while writing a tweet we only risk appearing poorly masked, which may be ridiculous but much less dangerous.
      I always liked to read diaries. My favorite diarists: Tolstoy, André Gide, Kafka, Ernst Jünger, Victor Klemperer, Josep Pla and Andrés Trapiello.

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    Pair-e https://twitter.com/i/status/1636082952143601664

    John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America.


  41. Ed says:

    An attack on a Russian plane in international airspace will be considered a declaration of war. So say the Russians.

    Nuland ordered a massacre in Maidan. She will not hesitate to order the killing of one Russian pilot.


    • Tim Groves says:

      Do, you think the Russians will take Nuland out in a drone strike?

      If so, I hope they release the footage, but my guess is they will refrain from doing so because they love having her as an enemy. If she were replaced, it would probably be by somebody a lot more competent than she is.

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    Hey Cow – this looks like it might keep you warm in -10…

    Not so sure about the moon though … we’ll never know cuz we can’t go to the moon



    • Ed says:

      The death black is ugly but the satan red is to die for.

    • Lastcall says:

      Hope there is a ‘Biden Bag’ on-board.

      ‘With severe diarrhoea overwhelming the suit’s limited waste storage capacity, our astronaut is now stumbling around desperately trying to find his way back to the LM, blinded by retinal damage, possibly even with eyes glowing blue from induced Cherenkov radiation, body covered with suppurating radiation sores both internally and externally. The O2 in the astronaut’s breathing apparatus as well as in his lungs and blood is being rapidly broken down by electromagnetic radiation, the free O either recombining into ozone or forming peroxide H2O2, further debilitating our astronaut’s burnt and congested lungs. Peroxide would also form in affected cells, killing them; while gamma radiation shreds both his DNA and biochemistry. We draw a discreet veil over the further sufferings of our luckless lunar adventurer as he collapses into the dust, his final coughs and gasps broadcast live to a global audience…’


    • Ed says:

      Fifth generation warfare. Recruit the citizens to fracture their own society.

      • reante says:

        Which is a function of fifth column warfare. La quinta columna. Trannies being weaponized like so much graphene. I still can’t fit graphene into my hermetically sealed worldview. reante no likey loose ends. Oh well.

  43. CTG says:

    I have a stupit question :


    In this case you are alone and the police did that to, are you suppose to fight back or just be clobbered? What is the procedure?

    If it was me, I would have fought back. Who cares?

    p.s. how real is real?

    • Ed says:

      In the US if you fight back you get killed.

      • CTG says:

        I have seen a few videos if BLM harassing and pucching beating people. No fighting back from the victim.

        How real is real?

        p.s. in my country, we don’t have this type of situation and it never happen

        • moss says:

          1968, no?

          • CTG says:

            1969… long time ago….. Never know how bad it is because it is again via MSM.

            how real is real?

            • moss says:

              I spent some time in KL and other places reasonably soon after and its reality was still very palpable

            • moss says:

              At the end of the 60s early 70s there were lots of cities with large burned out areas, surely as many as there are today.
              Detroit was a classic. It looked like the sack of Carthage for years. Maybe it still does?
              Paris was close to complete rebellion …

        • Ed says:

          Americans are cowards they almost never fight back. They are too conditioned in the public school to sit down and shut up. They have no idea that they should defend themselves.

          • Kim says:

            Schools in the USA are integrated. So it has been a very long time since students were expected to sit down and shut up.

            WRT self defense, the problem in the US is that white students have been trained to accept violence and bullying by black students and have been made well aware that it will do them no good to complain about it to the authorities.

            Result, low expectations, self loathing, and learned helplessness.

            It has nothing to do with students being expected to be attentive in a well-ordered learning environment.

            Quite to the contrary.

            • reante says:

              I was one of the few white kids in my public junior high school on the lower eastside of Manhattan before gentrification hit NYC. Mostly black, then Puerto Rican and Asian. It might not have been quite as rough as it was in the 70s I don’t know but it wasn’t a cakewalk. The gym teacher, this tough little Indian dude, Mr. Singh, never went anywhere without a baseball bat in his hand. My social studies teacher, Mr Schencker, was hung upside down out of one of the classroom windows on the third floor by his feet during class, though I didn’t witness it myself. He nor the two students were seen again. All the bottom floor windows were caged. Metal detectors at all entrances. Good teachers, too, who did their best, it seems to me in retrospect. We all had these fake IDs saying we were 21 when we were 12-14. I remember they cost twenty bucks. They always worked, even at bars not just the corner stores, nobody cared. My parents were hands off, let me run loose, trusted me I guess. It was a lot like the movie ‘Kids’ minus the drugs. Best years of my childhood.

            • Jan says:

              I grew up playing the piano and reading Plato and Brontë. Sometimes I could run into the forest behind the house with my Rottweiler. Lot’s of family obligations and work. Our mom translated classical latin read to her during cooking on the fly. The next day would start early, full of obligations.

  44. ivanislav says:


    What I find interesting is that I keep seeing new technologies that look like fictional things from my childhood. The space suits look increasingly like the futuristic suits I’ve seen in video games and movies for decades. New stealth airplanes look like those from old PC games I played over 20 years ago. Less and more conspiratorial explanations exist.

    • JesseJames says:

      I know an engineer working for a contractor working for NASA. They are designing a new space suit now. My guess is you have a bunch of concept models they show off.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Word is Tom Ford has been brought in to provide an element of flair for the new suits

    • Student says:

      Yeah, we were going on and on watching all those beautiful movies with US subs and we were just dying to drive it one.

    • jigisup says:

      The AUKUS subs will get state of the art vertical launch systems. The missiles in that launch system are unspecified. Nowadays the norm for modern missiles is they can have either a nuclear or conventional warhead.

      The AUKUS subs are nuclear weapon launching platforms. There is no other reason for their manufacture. You can manufacture a UZI put paintball markers in it and say thats what it is for but the ball ammo is over on the shelf. The subs are the precursor for a defense pact. Until then they can fill the tubes with whatever they want cauliflower and pumpkins maybe.

    • Strange! Wen the finally arrive.

  45. jigisup says:

    Ed Dowds take on the the financial crisis.


    • This seems to be a recently published 20 minute excerpt from a slightly longer talk by Ed Dowd published a day or two ago. It is very good. I recommend it.

      He says that the banking system is designed to collapse. The central bankers are now trying to control the collapse by funneling the system through six large banks and digital currencies. He expects deflation in the near term. If your money is in banks is under the $250,000 insured deposit level, leave it there.

      The collapse really started with Sept-October 2019 repo crisis. It will be “whack a mole, all the way down,” as the government tries to control the crisis.

      The Fed is going to start lowering interest rates soon. Dowd sees three pieces necessary for major downturn: Stocks have already peaked in January 2022; commodities peaked in June 2022. The third thing we are waiting for is short term interest rates to peak.

      The stimulatory effect of cutting interest rates seems to have about a two year lag, based on the effect in the two most recent recession. The cuts beginning in 2007 didn’t really start to have an effect until 2009.

      Reason the system is so unstable to begin with because the system is debt based, with a fractional reserve banking system. To be stable, it has to keep growing. Whenever, M2 growth goes below zero, the banking system has a problem. He talks about the four different times in the past then M2 goes below zero, the system having panics. 1930 was one of them.

      US$ denominated debt is choking the world system. That is why Russia, China and others are talking about how to delink from the dollar. We are at the end of the US currency as the federal reserve currency. There is now a fight for control of the world’s reserve currency status.

      He doesn’t think that the Russia-China countries are going to be able to come to a general agreement any time soon. Instead, they will trade in their own currencies. The dollar is destined to gain in strength as credit contracts. When credit is growing, it weakens the dollar; when credit is contracting, it raises the level of the dollar. Policy now is to have a strong dollar and choke off the rest of the world.

      [Gail’s comments–a strong US dollar makes oil and other commodities relatively cheap for the US, and expensive for other countries. The overall effect is to keep commodity prices low. It tends to push world production down.]

      Ultimately, this approach will lead to an active war. All bets are off on how this will turn out. Dowd feels that all wars are “banker wars.” Banking systems are inherently unstable. It becomes a fight for control.

      Other countries that the US might fight against are reaching limits. For example, China is having debt and demographic problems. Each country needs to create a boogyman to rally against to deflect unhappiness away from themselves. The system inherently creates this war dynamic. Wars always seem to involve countries in financial distress.

      Depositors in SVB kept large amounts in uninsured checking accounts. When things started to go bad, they started a run on their own bank. Then they turned around and asked for a bailout. The Fed had to fully insure SVB, because if the banking system goes kaput, we are in “Mad Max.”

      Dowd says he doesn’t know what should replace the current system. He says the powers that be plan to use their digital currencies to replace the current financial system. The problem with this is that it provides complete control over our lives.

      Dowd doesn’t think that the world is ending, but that it is going to get strange.

      Whenever M2 contract, it ushers in a Panic, even more than a depression. In a panic, asset prices fall. People are forced to sell things, as money system contracts. Dowd recommends putting a big part of a person’s portfolio in a money market fund. Make sure it is under the insured amount. If you have more money, go to Treasury Direct and buy Treasuries. Roll 3-month T-bills. Just wait it out.

      There will be times when the headlines will be, “The world is ending.” Don’t be one of the people who sells at the bottom. Don’t let fear get out of control. Do what the big boys do, to make things go as smoothly as possible.

      After the 2008 crisis, not one banker went to jail. Governments took over Wall Street. Some organizations paid huge fines. These fines went into consumer protection slush funds that went into liberal leaning NGOs and other left-wing groups. We the people need accountability. People who go to jail. There is not only the vaccine issue, but the bank collapse issue.

      Dowd thinks that the vaccine disaster is waking up a lot of people. Dowd says he knows a lot of people who believe as he does. He thinks that there is a shot at changing the system to fix it.

      Dowd is putting out a book on the terrible effects of the vaccine roll-outs.
      Gail: Dowd doesn’t understand the underlying energy problem. This allows him to be more optimistic about fixing the banking situation than he should be. He doesn’t understand that the economic system will tend to simplify itself, if there isn’t enough energy to go around.

      • Cromagnon says:

        How is it possible that any reasonably intelligent human on this planet with access to first world information cannot “ get” the energy deal?
        I recognized this was coming since I was a teenager ( many decades ago).

        I really cannot grasp the level of ignorance?!

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Same dynamic at work with the 6B who injected untested Rat Juice… the PR Team is very convincing

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Digital currencies = panacea… no explaining it … it just does

        Head fake … they don’t fix the energy story… nothing does.

        Nobody wants to go there… including Ed… cuz that would lead to total despair


      • postkey says:

        “The problem with this is that it provides complete control over our lives.”

        According to Richard A. Werner, ‘that’ is the aim?

        “Ultimately the central planners maximise their power by introducing CBDCs. . . .
        It is concerning that for the past decade or so central banks have steadily been working towards the introduction of CBDCs, while at the same time adopting policies that have killed thousands of small banks.

        Once CBDCs are introduced, it just takes a bit of bank run, such as in the case of Silicon Valley Bank, and all deposits will be shifted to the central bank, driving banks out of business. Then we will have arrived at the most centralised form of banking: A Soviet-style economy with only one bank.”?

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    Lots of SCADDING here including a 20 and 18 yr old who have been Turbo Cancered by the Rat Juice


    Did I mention our friend with cancer has been upgraded to Turbo Cancer.. suffering from extreme fever — terribly ill — has had to discontinue chemo …

    Punchline >>> doctors say his immune system is f789ed.

    VAIDS is a thing. A terrible thing. However if you have not injected — don’t lose sleep

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