Could we be hitting natural gas limits already?

Many countries have assumed that natural gas imports will be available for balancing electricity produced by intermittent wind and solar, whenever they are needed. The high natural gas import prices recently being encountered in Europe, and especially in the UK, appear to be an indication of an underlying problem. Could the world already be hitting natural gas limits?

One reason few people expect a problem with natural gas is because of the immense quantities reported as proven reserves. For all countries combined, these reserves at December 31, 2020 were equal to 48.8 times world natural gas production in 2020. Thus, in theory, the world could continue to produce natural gas at the current rate for almost 50 years, without even trying to find more natural gas resources.

Ratios of natural gas reserves to production vary greatly by country, giving a hint that the indications may be unreliable. High reserves make an exporting country appear to be dependable for many years in the future, whether or not this is true.

Figure 1. Ratio of natural gas reserves at December 31, 2020, to natural gas production for the year 2020, based on trade data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy. Russia+ is the Commonwealth of Independent States. It includes Russia and the countries to the south of Russia that were included in the former Soviet Union.

As I see the issue, these reserves are unlikely to be produced unless world oil prices rise to a level close to double what they are today and stay at such a high level for several years. I say this because the health of the oil and gas industries are closely intertwined. Of the two, oil has historically been the major profit-maker, enabling adequate funds for reinvestment. Prices have been too low for oil producers for about eight years now, cutting back on investment in new fields and export capability. This low-price issue is what seems to be leading to limits to the natural gas supply, as well as a limit to the oil supply.

Figure 2. Inflation adjusted oil prices based on EIA monthly average Brent oil prices, adjusted by the CPI Urban. The chart shows price data through October 2020. The Brent oil price at September 24, 2021 is about $74 per barrel, which is still very low relative to what oil companies require to make adequate reinvestment.

In this post, I will try to explain some of the issues involved. In some ways, a dire situation already seems to be developing.

[1] Taking a superficial world view, natural gas seems to be doing fairly well. It is only when a person starts analyzing some of the pieces that problems start to become clear.

Figure 3. World oil, coal and natural gas supply based on data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

Figure 3 shows that natural gas supply has been rising, year after year. There was a brief dip in 2009, at the time of the Great Recession, and a slightly larger dip in 2020, related to COVID-19 restrictions. Overall, production has been growing at a steady rate. Compared to oil and coal, the recent growth pattern of natural gas has been more stable.

The quantity of exports of natural gas tends to be much more variable. Figure 4 compares inter-regional trade for coal and natural gas. Here, I have ignored local trade and only considered trade among fairly large blocks of countries, such as North America, Europe and Russia combined with its close affiliates.

Figure 4. Total inter-regional trade among fairly large groupings of countries (such as Europe and North America) based on trade data provided by BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

If a person looks closely at the growth of natural gas imports in Figure 4, it becomes clear that growth in natural gas is a feast or famine proposition, given to upward spurts, dips and flat periods. It is my understanding that in the early years, natural gas was typically traded under long-term contracts, on a “take or pay” basis. The price was often tied to the oil price. This generous pricing structure allowed natural gas exports to grow rapidly in the 2000 to 2008 period. The Great Recession cut back the need for natural gas imports and also led to downward pressure on the pricing of exports.

After the Great Recession, natural gas import prices tended to fall below oil prices (Figure 5) except in Japan, where stability of supply is very important. Another change was that an increasing share of exported natural gas was sold in the “spot” market. These prices fluctuate depending on changes in supply and demand, making them much more variable.

Figure 5. Comparison of annual average natural gas prices with corresponding Brent oil price, based on information from BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy. Natural gas prices per million Btus converted to barrel of oil equivalent prices by multiplying by 6.0.

Looking back at Figure 4, natural gas exports were close to flat between 2011 and 2016. Such flat exports, together with falling export prices in the 2013 to 2016 period (Figure 5), would have been a nightmare for oil and gas companies doing long-range planning for oil exports. Exports spurted upward in the 2016 to 2019 period, and then fell back in 2020 (Figure 4). All of the volatility in the growth rate of required new production, combined with uncertainty of the pricing of exports, reduced interest in planning for projects that would increase natural gas export capability.

[2] In 2021, quite a number of countries seem to be ramping up natural gas imports at the same time. This is likely one issue leading to the spiking spot prices in Europe for natural gas.

Now that the economy is recovering from the effects of COVID-19, Europe is trying to ramp up its natural gas imports, probably to a level above the import level in 2019. Figure shows that both China and Other Asia Pacific are also likely to be ramping up their imports, providing a great deal of competition for imports.

Figure 6. Areas with net natural gas imports, based on trade data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy. Other Asia Pacific excludes Japan, China and Australia.

It is no surprise that China’s natural gas imports are rising rapidly. With China’s rapid economic growth, it needs energy resources of whatever kinds it can obtain. Natural gas is cleaner-burning than coal. The CO2 emitted when burning natural gas is lower, as well. (These climate benefits may be partially or fully offset by methane lost in shipping natural gas as liquefied natural gas (LNG), however.)

In Figure 6, the sudden appearance and rapid rise of Other Asia Pacific imports can be explained by the fact that this figure shows the net indications for a combination of natural gas importers (including South Korea, India, and Taiwan) and exporters (including Malaysia and Indonesia). In recent years, natural gas import growth has greatly exceeded export growth. It would not be surprising if this rapid rise continues, since this part of the world is one that has been increasing its manufacturing in recent years.

If anyone had stepped back to analyze the situation in 2019, it would have been clear that, in the near future, natural gas exports would need to be rising extremely rapidly to meet the needs of all of the importers simultaneously. The dip in Europe’s natural gas imports due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020 temporarily hid the problem. Now that Europe is trying to get back to normal, there doesn’t seem to be enough to go around.

[3] Apart from the United States, it is hard to find a part of the world where natural gas exports are rapidly rising.

Figure 7. Natural gas exports by area, based on trade data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy. Russia+ is the Commonwealth of Independent States. It includes Russia and the countries to the south of Russia that were included in the former Soviet Union.

Russia+ is by far the world’s largest exporter of natural gas. Even with Russia+’s immense exports, its total exports (about 10 exajoules a year, based on Figure 7) still fall short of Europe’s natural gas import needs (at least 12 exajoules a year, based on Figure 6). The dip in Russia+’s natural gas exports in 2020 no doubt reflects the fact that Europe’s imports fell in 2020 (Figure 6). Since these exports were mostly pipeline exports, there was no way that Russia+ could sell the unwanted natural gas elsewhere, lowering its total exports.

At this point, there seems to be little expectation for a major rise in natural gas exports from Russia+ because of a lack of capital to spend on such projects. Russia built the new Nord Stream 2 pipeline, but it doesn’t seem to have a huge amount of new natural gas exports to put into the pipeline. As much as anything, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline seems to be a way of bypassing Ukraine with its exports.

Figure 7 shows that the Middle East’s natural gas exports rose in the period 2000 to 2011, but they have since leveled off. A major use for Middle Eastern natural gas is to produce electricity to support the local economies. Before the Middle East ramped up its natural gas production, much of the electricity was obtained by burning oil. The sales price the Middle East can get for selling its natural gas is far below the price it can get for selling oil, especially when the high cost of shipping the natural gas is considered. Thus, it makes sense for Middle Eastern countries to use the natural gas themselves, saving the oil, since the sale of oil produces more export revenue.

Africa’s natural gas exports have fallen, in part because of depletion of the early natural gas fields in Algeria. In theory, Africa’s natural gas exports could rise to a substantial level, but it is doubtful this will happen quickly because of the large amount of capital required to build LNG export facilities. Furthermore, Africa is badly in need of fuel for itself. Local authorities may decide that if natural gas is available, it should be used for the benefit of the people in the area.

Australia’s natural gas exports have risen mostly as a result of the Gorgon LNG Project off the northwest coast of Australia. This project was expected to be high cost at $37 billion when it was approved in 2009. The actual cost soared to $54 billion, according to a 2017 cost estimate. The high (and uncertain) cost of large LNG projects makes investors cautious regarding new investments in LNG exports. S&P Global by Platts reported in June, 2021, “Australia’s own exports are expected to be relatively stable in the coming years.” This statement was made after saying that a project in Mozambique, Africa, is being cancelled because of stability issues.

The country with the largest increase in natural gas exports in recent years is the United States. The US is not shown separately in Figure 7, but it represents the largest portion of natural gas exported from North America. Prior to 2017, North America was a net importer of natural gas, including LNG from Trinidad and Tobago, Egypt, Algeria and elsewhere.

[4] The United States has a strange reason for wanting to export large quantities of natural gas overseas: Its natural gas prices have been too low for producers for a long time. Natural gas producers hope the exports will raise natural gas prices within the US.

Natural gas prices vary widely around the world because the fuel is expensive to ship and difficult to store. Figure 5 (above) shows that, at least since 2009, US natural gas prices have been unusually low.

The main reason why the price of natural gas dropped around 2009 seems to have been a ramp up in US shale oil production that started about this time. While the main objective of most of the shale drilling was oil, natural gas was a byproduct that came along. Oil producers were willing to almost give the natural gas away, if they could make money on the oil. However, they also had trouble making money on the oil extraction. That seems to be the reason why oil extraction from shale is now being reduced.

Figure 8 shows a chart prepared by the US Energy Administration showing US dry natural gas production, by type: non-shale, Appalachia shale and other shale.

Figure 8. Figure by EIA showing US natural gas production in three categories.

Based on Figure 8, the timing of the ramp up of natural gas from shale seems to correspond with the timing in the drop in natural gas prices. By 2008 (the first year shown on this chart), gas from shale formations had risen to well over 10% of US natural gas production. At this level, it would be expected to have an impact on prices. Adding natural gas to an already well-supplied market would be likely to reduce US natural gas prices because, with natural gas, the situation isn’t “build it, and demand will come.”

People don’t raise the temperature to which they heat their homes, at least not very much, simply because the natural gas price is lower. The use of natural gas as a transport fuel has not caught on because of all of the infrastructure that would be required to enable the transition. The one substitution that has tended to take place is the use of natural gas to replace coal, particularly in electricity generation. This likely means that a major shift back to coal use cannot really be done, although a smaller shift can be done, and, in fact, seems to already be taking place, based on EIA data.

[5] The reason that limits are a concern for natural gas is because the economy is very much more interconnected, and much more dependent on energy, than most people assume.

I think of the economy as being interconnected in much the same way as the many systems within a human being are interconnected. For example, humans have a circulatory system, or perhaps several such circulatory systems, for different fluids; economies have highway systems and road systems, as well as pipeline systems.

Humans require food at regular intervals. They have a digestive system to help them digest this food. The food has to be of the right kinds, not all sweets, for example. The economy needs energy of the right kinds, as well. It has many kinds of devices that use this energy. Intermittent electricity from wind or solar, by itself, doesn’t really work.

Human beings have kinds of alarms that go off to tell if there is something wrong. They feel hungry if they haven’t eaten in a while. They feel thirsty if they need water to drink. They may feel overheated if an infection gives them a fever. An economy has alarms that go off, as well. Prices rise too high for consumers. Or, companies go bankrupt from low market prices for their products. Or, widespread defaults on loans become a problem.

The symptoms we are seeing now with the UK economy relate to a natural gas import system that is showing signs of distress. It is pleasant to think that the central bankers or public officials can fix all problems, but they really cannot, just as we cannot fix all problems with our health.

[6] Inexpensive energy plays an essential role in the economy.

We all know that inexpensive food is far preferable to expensive food in powering our own personal economies. For example, if we need to spend 14 hours producing enough food to live on (either directly by farming, or indirectly by earning wages to buy the food), it is clear that we will not be able to afford much of anything other than food. On the other hand, if we can produce food to live on in 30 minutes a day (directly or indirectly), then we can spend the rest of the day earning money to buy other goods and services. We likely can afford many kinds of goods and services. Thus, a low price for food makes a big difference.

It is the same way with the overall economy. If energy costs are low, the cost of producing food is likely low because the cost of using tractors, fertilizers, weed killers and irrigation is low. From the point of view of any manufacturer using electricity, low price is important in being able to produce goods that are competitive in the global marketplace. From the point of view of a homeowner, a low electricity price is important in order to have enough funds left over after paying the electricity bill to be able to afford other goods and services.

Economists seem to believe that high energy prices can be acceptable, especially if the price of fossil fuels rises because of depletion. This is not true, without adversely affecting how the economy functions. We can understand this problem at our household level; if food prices suddenly rise, the rest of our budget must shrink back.

[7] If energy prices spike, these high prices tend to push the economy into recession.

A key issue with fossil fuels is depletion. The resources that are the least expensive to access and remove tend to be extracted first. In theory, there is a great deal more fossil fuel available, if the price rises high enough. The problem is that there is a balancing act between what the producer needs and what the consumer can afford. If energy prices rise very high, consumers are forced to cut back on their spending, pushing the economy into recession.

High oil prices were a major factor pushing the United States and other major users of oil into the Great Recession of 2007-2009. See my article in Energy, Oil Supply Limits and the Continuing Financial Crisis. In part, high oil prices made debt harder to repay, especially for low income workers with long commutes. It also made countries that used a significant share of oil in their energy mix less competitive in the world market.

The situation being encountered by some natural gas importers is indeed similar. Paying a very high price for imported natural gas is not a very acceptable situation. But not having electricity available or not being able to heat our homes is not very acceptable either.

[8] Conclusion. It is easy to be lulled into complacency by the huge natural gas reserves that seem to be available.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to build all of the infrastructure that is required to extract natural gas resources and deliver them to customers at a price that the customers can truly afford. At the same time, the price needs to be acceptable to the organization building the infrastructure.

Of course, more debt or money created out of thin air doesn’t solve the problem. Resources of many kinds need to be available to build the required infrastructure. At the same time, wages of workers need to be high enough that they can purchase the physical goods they require, including food, clothing, housing and basic transportation.

At this point, the problem with high prices is most noticeable in Europe, with its dependence on natural gas imports. Europe may just be the “canary in the coal mine.” The problem has the potential to spread to other natural gas prices and to other fossil fuel prices, pushing the world economy toward recession.

At a minimum, people planning the use of intermittent electricity from wind or solar should not assume that reasonably priced natural gas will always be available for balancing. One likely area for shortfall will be winter, as well as storing up reserves for winter (the problem affecting Europe now), since winter is when heating needs are the highest and solar resources are the lowest.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,770 Responses to Could we be hitting natural gas limits already?

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    KunstlerCast 350 — Chatting with Doug Casey about the Great Unspooling of Advanced Economies

    • I wish I had a few more hours in the day. I listened to the first part. Everything is falling apart at once, it seems. Will this be the big collapse? Doug Casey doesn’t want to say.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        You could listen while filling the email hopper with emails?

        It’s quite a soothing hobby .. much better than knitting

        Universities usually have all the faculty contacts exposed .. if anyone is keen

        • I was attending a Zoom conference (and speaking at it) part of today, which didn’t help my time availability.

          I would also like to work on a new post.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Fair enough…

            I think I might read then take a nap … then I’ll watch some NFL games after … I can drop some emails in between plays….

        • Lidia17 says:

          One can knit while on Zoom. Or masturbate, if one is a highly-paid CNN commentator.

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            Are you suggesting that the lowly-paid cannot masturbate while on Zoom?
            Wow, the divide between the rich and the poor really is getting wider.

          • Lidia17 says:

            Well, let us say, masturbate openly in the workplace without negative consequences to our pay packet…

            • Azure Kingfisher says:

              Now that sounds like the right job to have!

            • Fast Eddy says:

              You know why there are so many MOREONS in the world?

              It’s because the 3 Stooges many years ago falsified their PHD credentials and IQ tests…. and all those poor women who paid all that money to the sperm bank expecting the next Einstein….

              Gave birth to MOREONS. And MOREONS beget MOREONS beget MOREONS (and before you know it – according to Al Bartlett you have entire stadiums full of… MOREONS)

              And here we are.

              (how’s that for original Trixie?)

  2. Did the worm turn finally?

    Supposedly, the Italian sea ports of Trieste and Genoa had bee shut down in anti pass protest by the workers today. Not clear to me is this really ongoing now on workdayz, is it occupation type of protest – full blockage yet or not , .. ? Logic and first principles would indeed point out to Italy as the most likely candidate where this should boil over ahead of other places..

    Now, even if true and in the light of history of protests this is just a small beginning, next to expect on/off pause, if persisting then escalation towards tear gas application, perhaps also attempted intervention on the spot by a centrist (aka) traitor political figure to calm the waters etc., eventually though place stormed by the police-military, but that’s surely reserved for another time..

    • The Hill (ytch) reports that fellow zombie Nanc-icream-bourbon-witch-of-Cali was visiting Italy and had to be whisked away from accidentally running into the brawl.. lolz

      ps so that means it was more like one day of coordinated protests across the country..

    • Fast Eddy says:

      If the MOREONS were to become aware of the CEP — even the Injected ones — the world would stop on a dime

    • Student says:

      Protests are planned for tomorrow morning CET.
      Trieste is a particularly important town, because there is one of the most important Italian ports.
      Italy is particularly sensitive to import and export.
      Italy depends on many important imports to stay alive and many important Companies depends on export to earn money.
      Trieste is also a significant city for Itay, because it is located in the far east of the Country and it was under the Habsburg Empire for longer time than other cities.
      Trieste had to bear many sacrifices to get out from an authoritarian power.
      it is particularly sensitive against despotic control.
      We all much interested in what will happen in Trieste in the next days.

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Here’s another painting I just finished…

    I call it … The Apocalypse

  4. Fast Eddy says:

    Why Do They Spray the Streets for Covid?

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      If only they’d done more of that here in the US! We could’ve stopped the spread and prevented high case counts!

    • Replenish says:

      The fog spraying machines and other hygiene theatrics are a form of pre-bunking to ensnare the politically motivated, fearful, unbalanced and easily distracted.. a lure to capture the attention of the prey in this case the defenders of the old normal. This is nature’s plan for culling the herd by unleashing a modified virus and cabal capable of escaping immunity by assymetric warfare.. latching onto antibodies and enhancing infection while vanquishing the dying egregore of human IC. It takes a god to fight a god but now most of our fighters are taking the bait and/or drinking the poison, the antidote is forbidden and scapegoats is in play. Time to create a new egregore if no other reason than to offer another choice or transitional object. Check out pharmakon and the noble lie.

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    Oh my… this Mike (not mike) …

    All of America’s major shale oil basins have peaked and are struggling to maintain current production rates of about 1 MM BOPD, except the Permian Basin. All of America’s future oil eggs are now entirely in the Permian basket, yet most, if not all, of US HZ tight oil exports comes from West Texas because of its proximity to hubs along the Gulf Coast. As of July 2021 those exports equaled 3.2MM BOPD [EIA]) and were 75-80% of total light, tight oil production from the Permian (4.2 MMBOPD [])

    Both sub basins in the Permian are being over drilled, pressure depletion is causing well productivity to decline ever so slightly and associated gas production to increase significantly. In the Delaware Basin rising GOR is only slightly more of a problem than rising water to oil ratios. Production in the Permian is still growing, slightly, but its taking more wells, longer laterals, more sand, more groundwater, more seismicity in areas of produced water disposal and more…borrowed money.

    The decline in Wolfcamp, Bone Spring and Sprayberry in the Permian will suck you plum off your feet if you are standing behind it; a whooping 86% the first 32 months of production life. To continue to grow those shale fellas are mass manufacturing $9MM wells like there is no tomorrow.

    How long do you think that will last? Do you really believe that, unlike any oil field, or resource play in 150 years of history, the American shale oil phenomena will last forever? On a PDP reserve to production ratio basis the EIA says only 10 more years…if everybody is telling the truth about reserves.

    • When I look at EIA data, it looks like the United States was a net exporter of oil and oil products for a short time, but imports have recently turned back up, so that we are again a net importer of oil and oil products. OPEC countries seem to be beneficiaries of this greater need to import.

      Also, I noticed in today’s paper WSJ an article titled “Shale Drillers Boost Spending–With Caution. A call out says, “Under pressure from investors to keep costs under control, capital spending in the sector [in 2021] is expected to remain at is lowest level since 2004.”

      The article also says,

      “Next year, oil companies are set to boost dementing spending 15% to 20%, analysts said.”

      This would still leave capital spending at a low level, relative to what was spent in most prior years. A rough guess might be at half the level it has averaged in the past. This will not get production up. It likely will fall.

      When I look at natural gas, exports haven’t fallen. In fact, there is a moderate amount of natural gas LNG export capacity under construction (4.42 billion cubic feet a day). This compares to 11.17 billion cubic feet a day of existing capacity. So the plan is to increase LNG export capacity by 40% above existing capacity. LNG exports now amount to about 10% of dry natural gas production. This increase would increase LNG exports so about 14% of dry natural gas production.

      It would be nice if oil and gas production doesn’t fall too quickly, with the lack of investment.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Mike doesn’t quite get that part of the equation …

      • Sam says:

        I don’t get why investors are not getting out as the prices to get the oil must be going up a lot. $80 today is not what $80 was 2 years ago. They have to be losing money 💰 right now.

  6. Mirror on the wall says:

    The EU unveiled its proposals for the NIP today. ‘Discussions’ are to go on for weeks, and it seems too early to speak of the ‘meaning’ or ‘drift’ of ‘moves’ made so far – the final outcome will ‘frame’ the rest.

    EU has agreed to lift impediments on some goods and supplies between Britain and NI. Thus it has perhaps eliminated any grounds on which Tories might invoke article 16 due to ‘serious disruption of trade’.

    Tories perhaps retain the removal of ECJ as a ‘red line’. Article 16 does not allow for invocation on the ground of legal matters. Tories would be illegal and open to punishments were they to do so.

    Perhaps Tories, and certainly NI ‘unionists’, are set on other ‘red lines’. If so, then they will AFAIK find no basis in article 16 for invocation.

    So far, it might be said that EU has, with its ‘first move’, ‘covered’ itself on article 16, and thus strengthened its legal position – and weakened that of the Tories, who may now be entirely disarmed.

    It will now remain to be seen whether Tories will push for more – and how the EU will respond. So, the interesting, and consequential, stuff may yet be to come in the following weeks. An invocation of article 16 and even a full on trade war remain possible – or a reconciliation. We will have to wait and see what they do.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      The British Chamber of Commerce has issued a communique urging the Tories to seek reconciliation on the sort of basis of the EU offer today – and not to go the way of conflict on matters not covered by article 16 and which is liable to damage UK trade.

      The point may come that the BCC issues a statement that they are content with the status quo that EU has offered, which would further undermine the Tory strategy of belligerence – with which it clearly wants no part.

      > BCC Respond to EU/ UK Statement on NI Protocol

      Following Marcos Sefcovic’s speech, William Bain, Head of Trade Policy at the BCC, said:

      “Business voices need to be heard loud and clear in the dialogue between the UK Government and the European Commission over the next few weeks.

      “The best outcome would be to secure stable and sustainable trading arrangements between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Only a negotiated outcome between the UK and EU will maximize long-term foreign direct investment into Northern Ireland.

      “Further unilateral actions by either side risk destabilizing the UK Internal Market and business certainty, as well as putting at risk key parts of the EU-UK trading relationship.

      “With firms focused on getting the economy back on track from the pandemic, the last thing UK businesses need is the risk of 10% tariffs on UK car exports to the EU, or the entire agreement being suspended or even terminated.

      “Both sides need to reach a balanced agreement soon, focusing on cutting checks for businesses under the Protocol and not disputes about different legal systems which have not been raised by the business community.”

    • MM says:

      google: number of countries in the world


      I am not at all bothered with a 1/195th

  7. Rodster says:

    Resistance is never futile, it’s actually growing and that’s a good thing !

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Keep in mind … the Elders control all MSM… including FOX….

      • Rodster says:

        Oh no doubt which makes it even more compelling that he’s going against the scripted narrative.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I suspect that if he did that … he’d be unemployed already.

          He’s playing his part in the agenda… what exactly that is … I am not sure

          • Lidia17 says:

            His erstwhile bow-tie, like that of David Martin, is kind of a glowie give-away, especially in the US. Not that he’s always wrong, just that there is a controlled opposition…

        • Alex says:

          He’s just controlled opposition doing his usual divide and conquer shtick.

          “I’m 100 percent [Murdoch’s] bitch,” Carlson said. “Whatever Mr. Murdoch says, I do. … I would be honored if he would cane me the way I cane my workers, my servants.”

          • Student says:

            ‘Divide et impera’ is in fact the famous motto made by Gaius Iulius Caesar.
            He used this method to conquer Gallia (France) and put people against each other with a smart and unscrupulous strategy reserved to the Tribes of Gallia.
            It seems to work unfortunately.
            I hope not this time.

  8. Jarle says:

    Driven insane by Scam-19 or the BAU starting to misfire on some cylinders?

    • Jarle says:

      PS) Scam-19 might very well be a sign of BAU starting to misfire on some cylinders …

    • Malcopian says:

      More te. rr or. is m was inevitable after Biden ran away from Afghanistan. Time to intern all Muzlimbs like the Chinese do?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The thing is …

        That’s why the CIA left the Gannies with hundreds of thousands of weapons… they’ll be using them on the Chinese because the Chinese have interned their mates…

        I suspect the Chinese will have trouble herding the Gannies into camps… the CIA will also be organizing ammo shipments to the Gannies…

        They’ll never admit to any of this of course… but hey … isn’t leaving behind a massive arsenal making the intentions quite obvious…

        In any event we are unlikely to get that far… this is just ‘dancing while the music plays’ … the CIA does not know about the CEP… and those who do — have been ordered to ensure everyone keeps dancing even though the party is over

        If someone tells them to stop dancing they will wonder why

        • Malcopian says:

          Just like the Middle East was flooded with weapons after 9/11. Then ISIL found them and used them for their own purposes. Then the West tried to destabilise Syria in order to then bring it into Western dominance, all the while blaming Assad for his naughty atrocities while ignoring Saudi’s much greater atrocities in Yemen.

          The Western alliance of course consists chiefly of the USA, the UK, Saudi and Is rail. Which is why we don’t hear much about Saudi’s atrocities. Interesting that I could never once find ISIL bad-mouthing Is rail – which you would have expected. I wonder WHY? Probably because ISIL was partly bankrolled by Is rail.

          • Malcopian says:

            Yemen, 2015. Mini nuke?

            • MM says:

              2015 was the year of strange sounds and the d.u.m.b’s but I would say from the vid that this is not even a MOAB.
              Data equals radiation measurement, not explosion measurement.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Just like those folks who were trained to fly jets in Merica then ran them into the buildings….

            Everyone has a price… including the top dogs in the Jihads

            • Lidia17 says:

              And whose passports were miraculously found intact at the scene, while the rest of the building was dust-i-fied.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Yes of course… the thing is … those who run these shows… know that they are dealing with MOREONS… they know that even the most obvious give-aways are not going to give it away…

              So they can drop some passports into the rubble and nobody will say… hang on….

              Nope. Just like American Moon shows photos that are back and front lit hahahaaha… MORE-ONS (which could also be MORE One Night Stands… if you read it backwards while Black Sabbath plays in the background)

          • Alex says:

            “Outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot this weekend [2019] acknowledged for the first time that Israel had indeed provided weaponry to Syrian rebel groups in the Golan Heights during the country’s seven-year civil war.

            Until Sunday, Israel would say officially only that it had given humanitarian aid to Syrian opposition groups across the border, while denying or refusing to comment on reports that it had supplied them with arms as well.”


      • Jarle says:

        Time to intern Western “leaders” I would say …

    • Mrs S says:

      On the BBC report they mentioned the need to ban bows and arrows.

  9. MonkeyBusiness says:

    Freight rates are starting to drop on some of the world’s most popular shipping routes, new data has found.

    According to the South China Morning Post, the spot rate for shipping a 40-foot container from China to Los Angeles has dropped by 51% from $17,500 last month to $8,500.

  10. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    The Economist…always on the forefront of journalism…

    Economist explains
    Is India running out of coal?
    States are scheduling power cuts and plants have shut down, but the government says not to worry

    Oct 12th 2021
    INDIA STANDS on the brink of a nationwide power outage. More than two-thirds of its electricity comes from 135 coal-burning thermal stations, and stockpiles at most of them are perilously low. They often keep stores equal to 30 days’ supply, but last week the average site’s reserve fell to a tenth of that. Some have had to shut down for want of fuel. The country’s 28 state governments are responsible for maintaining the power supply, and many of them are crying out. Rajasthan is scheduling one-hour and four-hour power cuts in 12 districts, including several near Delhi, the national capital—whose own chief minister is pleading with the prime minister, Narendra Modi, for help. Maharashtra, home to the industrial capital of Mumbai, is just a day and a half away from hitting rock-bottom; its energy department said it needs 730bn rupees ($9.7bn) immediately, or else the state “goes into darkness”. Notably, these places are run by opposition parties. Mr Modi’s national government has appealed for calm. His coal minister has said that “there is absolutely no threat of power disruption”. Indeed, most of the country’s broadsheets have kept the brewing crisis from their front pages, even as the power stations’ coal reserves dwindle. But if the lights switch out in Asia’s third-largest economy, it will be hard to miss. Why is India struggling for coal?

    Behind the paywall….
    But I read OFW so already know the answer, thank you Gail!

    • Sam says:

      If India is struggling for coal then China must be as well…

    • MM says:

      Being on the brink of is not being in a state of.
      Nothing to see here

    • Alex says:

      A recent comment from YouTube: “Reporting from India. We’ve had blackouts since Friday 3 to 4 hours at time.. Media is blaming coal.. However its nothing new this last decade”

      A quick Google search shows that it’s true.

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      We’re in the fog of war.

      Never before has there been so many competing narratives created around a “vaccine.”

      “Bill Gates put microchips in the vaccines.”
      “There’s graphene oxide in the vaccines.”
      “There are living organisms in the vaccines.”
      “People glow near the injection site due to luciferase being present in the vaccines.”
      “People are magnetic near the injection site due to metallic particles being present in the vaccines.”
      “The vaccines can alter your DNA.”
      “The vaccines are incapable of altering your DNA.”
      “The vaccines cause menstrual problems.”
      “The vaccines are a final kill shot.”
      “The vaccines are safe and effective.”

      You never saw this kind of narrative frenzy happen with flu shots, did you? Never to this extent.

      Non-engagement is the best approach. Once we’re out of the fog of war, then we’ll have a better opportunity for determining what the “vaccine” push was all about and what were the consequences.

      Personally, I think they opted for a “pandemic” rather than World War III to address the various ills currently plaguing modern civilization (e.g. financial, economic, political, social, etc.). Instead of sending the masses off to kill each other on some far-off battlefield, destroy city infrastructure, and contaminate the soil and water, they’ve opted for a more “civilized” option for achieving their desired global transformations.

      • Xabier says:

        Remember the neutron bomb which was intended to kill the masses and leave infrastructure and assets intact?

        Vaxxes may be just a wonderful update, and so much more……..

        • Bei Dawei says:

          I do remember that! I thought it was a great idea. (Mad Magazine even poked fun at it with one of those folding covers.) But no, they had to ban them in a treaty or something.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Most of this will be the PR Team … they have a division that is responsible for floating conspiracy theories which serve to pull people off the scent of the CEP.

        Regardless of what one believes .. the CEP is without a doubt a highly possible outcome … and it gets more likely by the day as we read of energy shortages….

        Some are suggesting a cull … nice try … but I don’t see that as being possible.

        Nobody will go with the self-extinction theory … that’s unthinkable

        • JMS says:

          I think you err if you think the planners are as logical and rational beings as you. They’re not. IMO it’s perfectly clear they are acting on the belief that depopulation = more resources per capita. You may think this cull plan is fawlty and dumb, but you can’t forget they are only human (only richer than most) and ruled by the same survival instincts of any other being. So my stance for now is that they crave survival (for them) not extinction (for them).

          • Fast Eddy says:

            They run the world and I do not therefore I suspect they are quite capable.

            They also have kept BAU alive for many years beyond what I thought was possible.

    • MM says:

      Actually them want us to believe in the Vaxx
      and them others want us to believe in the no Vaxx.

      Pretty easy to calculate as all being null and void.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It’s definitely the final kill shot …. as James says …

        I reckon this should be turned into a reality show … the week of Extinction … all MSM is dedicated to a 24/7 extravaganza featuring topics like how we destroyed the planet… how we torture animals… most heinous acts committed during war… then shifting to how humans are basically vile MOREONIC creatures — a bit of psychology on this …

        Then we go to the villains… YES the villains… a take down of every innovator starting with that son of a bi tch who harnessed fire…. with some serious vitriol for the first farmers… Haber Bosch… on to Edison and various others….

        I can see a piece on Malthus… yes that would be good ….

        Then … a bit of mockery — exposing all the things we know about that are fake – Moon Landings… JFK story — 911 — WMD etc… but going much further … to discuss the things were did not suspect were fake…

        And Finally … the Big Unveil …. they give us ‘the making of the Covid pandemic’… everything from discussions of what to do about peak energy … Al Gore explains how he was invited to foist the AGW and renewable energy heap of lies on the world to deflect them from peak energy….

        Elon – of course!!! – get’s 15 minutes to explain his role in all this ….

        And then … after a commercial break for Super Super Super Strength Oxycontin… ‘for when the misery is no longer tolerable .. when your family has been raped by bad guys then roasted over a fire… reach for the ….’

        We get the Big Unveil… how Covid was made in the lab… how the vaccines were created years ago … how the central banks held this all together for as long as possible … (Bernanke gets a cameo)…. how they made shale possible … but then when they realized the battle was lost…

        They pushed the Button and the CEP was activated… we get details of the PR strategies… ‘how to convince 8 billion MOREONS to inject an experiment’ …

        And then they dying begins…

        I wonder how the CovIDIOTS Green Groopies DelusiSTANIS would react to such a gala?

        More Injections … must have… more injections … Booster not working … please more suh…

  11. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    BAU….4,000 years AGO….

    Matti Rintamaa had bought his first metal detector only two weeks before the sword find. When scanning his parents’ backyard, he found a few small pieces of metal a couple of inches long. Then he found a longer piece and showed a picture of it to an experienced metal-detecting friend.

    Finland’s National Board of Antiquities was called, and an archeologist sent to the site uncovered more pieces of the sword.

    Pieces of a sword believed to be from the Bronze Age were found by Matti Rintamaa in his parent’s yard with the help of a metal detector in the Finnish village of Panelia.
    The Satakunta Museum said in a statement that such discoveries are very rare as “less than 200 Bronze Age bronze objects” have been found in Finland. “A total of about 25 swords or daggers belonging to the period have been found, two of which were found in Panelia,” the statement said.

    The Nordic Bronze Age lasted from 1700 B.C. to 500 B.C.

    “We believe that the sword was a stray find. It was probably originally placed in shallow water,” said Satakunta Museum archeologist Leena Koivisto. “As the sea gradually retreated, the former bay changed to marshland and finally into field. The sword was covered with layers of peat.
    Archeologists believe the sword was moved from its original location during construction work.

    Sami Raninen, a photographer and curator at the Finnish Heritage Agency, pointed out the apparently solar symbol that can be faintly seen on the weapon.

    “Prestigious artifacts were sometimes deposited in ground or in water. Presumably, this was an attempt to please or conciliate chthonic gods.” he said. “At the same time, there are some suggestions of a sun cult…. The Spirals are interpreted as symbols of solar divinities, and the sun cult was an important part of the Scandinavian Bronze Age religion. Perhaps there was some kind of association between the glimmering bronze and sunlight.”
    Close-up photo of an unearthed Bronze Age sword’s double spiral engraving that has been interpreted as a solar symbol. The sun cult was an important part of the Scandinavian Bronze Age religion.
    Information about the period in the area is scarce. Scholars tend to concur that many of the belief systems would have been similar to those of Ancient Greece, with polytheistic cults forming the basis of what would become Norse mythology.

    “But why a weapon engraved with a solar symbol was laid in a less-than-sunny domain of seawater? I don’t know, but I think the act must have resonated with mythological and cosmological beliefs of the local Bronze Age community,” Raninen said.

    The sword is currently in Helsinki and cataloged in the archeological collections of the Finnish National Museum. Fundraising efforts have been launched to cover conservation costs with the aim of displaying the sword in a regional museum.

    This story was provided to Newsweek by Zenger News.

    Wonder if in the future, if their are ntelligent thought beings scratching their melons trying to determine our way of life?

  12. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    duluthnewstribune logo
    Trending Articles
    Reader’s View: Fossil-fuel-free life not realistic
    Society currently depends on pipelines and the oil it transfers to play a huge role in our energy infrastructure.
    Written By: Kip Reinarz, Bemidji, Minnesota | 8:00 am, Oct. 12, 2021

    As most people say, Minnesota has two seasons: winter and road construction. We are so conditioned that each summer when the necessary maintenance and updates occur on our state’s traffic infrastructure that we have a joke about it.

    So, it is not unusual that a recent multi-billion-dollar project was just completed to update and better maintain a huge part of our state’s energy infrastructure: the Line 3 pipeline project.

    After six years of permits and environmental studies, and just 10 months of construction, the Line 3 pipeline project is functional and started transporting oil at the beginning of October.

    The only thing frustrating about this project is that hundreds of pipeline opponents have stood in the way of progress, spread lies and misinformation, and created chaos at construction sites constantly. To them, conducting necessary maintenance on the Line 3 pipeline to ensure the future safety of our environment and communities was ridiculous.

    While it is aspirational that pipeline opponents want to live a fossil-fuel-free life, it’s certainly not realistic

    Society currently depends on pipelines and the oil it transfers to play a huge role in our energy infrastructure. And to make certain there was no disruption to fulfill societal energy demands, updating and replacing the Line 3 pipeline was essential.

    While summer 2021 included pipeline construction along with the usual road construction, work is done. The pipeline is operational. We should all be grateful that this necessary maintenance was done now, so less work can be needed in the coming years.

    Kip Reinarz

    Bemidji, Minnesota

    Well. Now someone out there making some sense in the land of a thousand lakes.
    This one’s for you Gail. since it comes from the Mid West region

    • Someone talked about road construction costs per mile or kilometer. I am sure that these costs are a whole lot higher in parts of the world that are subject to a lot of freezing and thawing, like Bemidji, Minnesota. This is one of many things that makes the cost of living high in a very cold area.

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        About 5 years ago I went to revisit the Bluff region of Minnesota on my way to Decorah Iowa along the River in around early May and ran into road projects under way near Red Wing/Winona, Mn with a new bridge project.
        There even was a webcam site for the bridge project on the internet.
        Beautiful area but even in May was chilly with ice floating in the Mississippi River. Nice place to visit, like Maine, but the Winters keep it that way!

  13. MG says:

    A new analysis from Chris Hamilton:

    “Japan…Centrally Engineered Canary in the Coalmine

    A quick backstory of Japan is too instructive and telling…not to tell. Because the story of Japan is really soon to be the story of nearly all the developed world. Know Japan; know thyself.”

    • Thanks! Chris Hamilton looks at some of the variables involved.

      One thing that I noticed looking at his charts showing real estate (RE) prices is that they peaked in 1991. That is precisely the time that the central government of the Soviet Union collapsed.

      Japan is known for its amazing quantity of governmental debt. Even when the real estate boom collapsed, energy consumption per capita did not. I imagine that what is happening is that Japan is using its incredible level of debt to create jobs for workers. (Quite a few of these jobs are make-work jobs.) This keeps demand high and joblessness low.

      Japan’s run up in governmental debt seems to have started in 1991.

      The data on the above chart only goes to 2016.

      Governmental debt took off, to replace the bubble in private real estate debt that had collapsed in 1991. This is a nice trick, if a country can do it.

      • As I think about this, if the Japanese government had not ramped up its debt this much, world oil prices would have been even lower than they were in the 1992 to 2001 era.

        Adding China to the World Trade Organization in 2001 helped bring prices up higher.

    • He does not know Japan

      Japan is one of the few countries which have a shot post collapse

      It is not too eager accepting third worlders, and its people are very xenophobic. It even treats the Japanese-Brazilians (they largely avoided intermarriage) as foreigners.

      • MonkeyBusiness says:

        I agree. Japan will still lose a lot of people, but I can still imagine there being a Japan a thousand years from now. But then again, uncle Sam has a couple of bases there and might commit seppuku on the whole population.

        Nah, my bet is still on China. There will still be a China 3000 years from now.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        The most recent genetic research indicates that the Japanese are (at least) a ‘tribrid’ (three way hybrid) population, and 70% of their ancestry is akin to (and likely derived from) mainland China, to whose arrival cultural and political advances are attributed. It is suspected that the Japanese language was introduced by a pre-Yayoi migration and that the earlier Jomon were already a heterogeneous population.

        In 2021, new research from a study published in the journal Science Advances found that the people of Japan bore genetic signatures from three ancient populations rather than just two as previously thought.[30][31]

        The first was Japan’s indigenous culture of hunter-gatherers called the Jomon, dating to roughly 15,000 years ago. The second was a population of Northeast Asian origins called the Yayoi, who arrived at about 900 BC, bringing wet-rice farming to Japan. According to the researchers, Japanese people has approximately 13% and 16% genetic ancestry from these two groups respectively.[30]

        The remaining 71% of genetic ancestry was found to come from migrants that arrived around 300 AD during the Kofun period, and had genetic makeup mainly resembling the Han Chinese population of China. This migrant group was said to have brought cultural advances and centralised leadership to Japan. According to Shigeki Nakagome, co-leader of the study, “Chinese characters started to be used in this period, such as Chinese characters inscribed on metal implements, for example swords.”[30]

      • MG says:

        He does not analyzes the characteristics of the implosion, like xenophobia, just the demographic data.

    • MM says:

      If you run a problematic lifestyle problems show up.

  14. Student says:

    After the article about Gas, Antonio Turiel has just written an article about the Coal crisis.

    Here you can find it, I found it interesting:

  15. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    This is live panel discussion with Russia’s Putin in regard to Energy and Geopolitics…
    Some hard hitting questions and the blame machine is going around in full throttle..

    CNBC International Moscow

    • I guess it’s necessarily scripted to a degree, Russians sponsor the venue, so the bimbo from “western press” put forwards very stupid questions so Vlad could angrily spool up and smack them down, which he did. But she also had to keep the appearances to keep “the neutrality” and future job..

      Lets face it, in a way it’s a very bizzare moment on the stage, when a guy trying to feed and secure large country and xy% output of global hydrocarbons is questioned by a quasi prostitute with half brain.. But that’s the world of today apparently or was it that much different any other time..

  16. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    George Gammon on the Fauci Movie and the propaganda machine to control the sheeple…

    Very good and even though Mr. Gammon is not a OFW mentality, he gets this part spot on.

  17. MG says:

    Duslo Sala in Slovakia, the biggest producer of AdBlue in Europe, which is used in the diesel cars, is stopping its production because of high prices of natural gas.

    “The largest manufacturer of AdBlue in Europe does not accept orders from new clients, the second largest has reduced its production and the third largest has even stopped completely. The reason is the high prices of natural gas.”

    “It looks like an alarm message, but the truth is that “the production of fertilizers is also linked to the production of AdBlue and Duslo is the largest producer in Europe. The second largest is in Germany and it has started to cut AdBlue production. The third largest is in Poland and it stopped production, “said Minister of Economy Richard Sulík (SaS) at a meeting with journalists earlier this week. According to him, there will be a real problem with enough products in the near future. It may even be that the state will completely ban the export of AdBlue abroad.”

    • Interesting, perhaps even very important pre-warning, thanks.

      Do I understand it correctly that modern diesel engines (+ accessory like catalytic emission control, ..) could be even damaged without regular AdBue top up or is just question of “merely” worsening pollutants out of the exhaust.. ?!?

      If following the former that’s gonna be gravy because any owner of trucking delivery fleet would be thrown under the bus by his insurance company because not using AdBlue means deliberately choosing to destroy the equipment under lease.

      Eh, in any case that eventually leads to severe trucking delete, and thus ~empty shelves, perhaps even before winter holidays, yuck.

    • MM says:

      This is exactly the cross subsidy why the ETP is late:
      Add a gas prduct to oil.


      • Fast Eddy says:

        Suspicious Link (here surely lies a truth that must be discredited)

        • MM says:

          I can not decipher your message due to
          – message too short
          – not having the dictionary required for deciphering

          Wanna help?

    • Lidia17 says:

      BASF’s website has some interesting facts about AdBlue®. It seems to have a narrow functional temperature range (-11C to 25C)

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    Just like the leak said….

    As we previously highlighted, state authorities in America are also constructing new “quarantine facilities” for Americans who are “unable to quarantine at home.”

    As we reported last year, Authorities in Quebec City, Canada announced they will isolate “uncooperative” citizens in a coronavirus facility, the location of which remains a secret.

    New Zealand also announced plans to place COVID infectees and their family members in “quarantine facilities.”

    Back in January, German authorities also announced they would hold COVID dissidents who repeatedly fail to properly follow the rules in what was described as a ‘detention camp’ located in Dresden.

    • Minority of One says:

      Presumably this will exclude CV19 infectees who have been vaxxed because the only point of the concentration camps is to punish the unvaxxed, and the vaxxed are diagnosed as having ‘pneumonia’? But who knows, maybe these camps will end up full of the vaxxed?

      • Tim Groves says:

        Many of us are living in increasingly authoritarian or even totalitarian societies. My guess is it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, IF it ever gets any better ever again, In addition, it may well be that many of the people who have ordered the construction of these camps may end up being incarcerated in them. That wouldn’t be such and unusual occurrence measured against how tyrants have fared in the past.

      • MM says:

        You are not infected you have a positive PCR-Test.
        Equals: you have a wrong nose shape

    • Dana says:

      “Quarantine camps” in America would make “authorities” look bad, as African Americans are the largest percentage group that is “unvaxxed”.

      • That is great!

      • Apparently you are not aware of the 1942 ‘evacuation’ of the Japanese

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Much more difficult to quarantine when tens of millions of them are not on board with the IQ reduction injections and many of them have wall racks with assorted automatic and semi automatic weapons along with hand guns and chests full of ammo….

        Remember this guy

        Travels abroad

        Brenton Tarrant has travelled frequently, venturing to North Korea, Europe, Turkey and Pakistan.

        Bulgarian prosecutor general Sotir Tsatsarov said he visited Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia in 2016, stopping at historic battle sites in the area.

        He returned to Eastern Europe in November 2018 where he saw more historic sites in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. Mr Tsatsarov said Bulgaria is now investigating whether he had ties with people in the country.

        I recall seeing a photo of him with what had to be Muslims .. I think it was in Pakistan… and stating how friendly the people were…

        Look at that list… are those countries that a Muslim hater would likely travel to???

        And soon after — all semi automatic weapons were banned in NZ…. the timing is interesting….

        • Bei Dawei says:

          Don’t know about Pakistan, but he may have been attracted to these eastern European countries as the sites of battles between Christians and Muslims. That would fit with his messaging.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Maybe… but he’s a personal trainer in a gym… and a body builder… doesn’t correlate highly with this type of travel…. and there was the FB photo with him smiling with the muslim owners of the hostel he was staying in …

            I’ve travelled a fair bit in the muslim world… they are generally friendly people… hard to imagine getting a hate on and returning to NZ and hack sawing them

          • Fast Eddy says:

            The thing is … we never get to properly hear from such people who commit these crimes… come to think of it we never go to hear from Oswald either

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    Prison for vaxx refusers

  20. Fast Eddy says:

    Despite some states tentatively beginning to lift lockdown restrictions, Australian authorities are building quarantine camps that won’t be completed until next year in order to prepare for “ongoing operations” and to house those “who have not had access to vaccination.”

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    THE chief executive of Kraft Heinz, Miguel Patricio, says we will have to get used to higher food prices because the world’s population is rising, but the amount of crop-growing land is not.

    Hmmmm… a hint?

    • Minority of One says:

      I am inclined to agree with Miguel Patricio in principal, but not the author of the article who is highly critical of him:

      >>There is no ‘overpopulation’ problem

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Of course let’s point out that he supports this assertion by mentioning the lack of truck drivers hahahahaha…

        He must have had at least two shots to be able to come up with that line of ‘reasoning’

    • Rodster says:

      What I find odd is a story I read that the US Gov’t is paying some farmers to destroy their crops. As usual governments are NOT to be trusted.

      • Destroying crops is usually an attempt to raise selling prices of the crops. If this is done, perhaps the remaining goods can raise enough money for farmers to cover their costs. It is a sign that quite a few of the citizens are too poor to buy they food that is being produced.

        When schools, banquets, and restaurants were closed, quite a bit of food needed to be destroyed, because of the low demand.

    • Someone else understands the problem, too.

      Pricier food means everyone is poorer, because their income doesn’t go as far. The poor are especially affected.

    • Malcopian says:

      Time to nuke China, the country who used up all our fossil fuels and that uses more cement in a typical year that the Americans used in the whole of the 20th century. Their frenetically greedy productivism has destroyed the en v iron ment of the world. Just DO it, Biden. You know it makes sense.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Not a bad idea… definitely entertaining….

        Perhaps in addition to the Mareks and starvation … we slather a bit of icing on the cake and launch the bombs…

        This could be the final scene of the 24/7 Extinction Gala!!!

        Nukes being ejected from the silos… satellite shots of them exploding… a heavy metal adaption of this:

        The Star-Spangled Banner
        O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
        What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming,
        Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
        O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming?
        And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
        Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there,
        O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
        O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

        Like this???

    • MM says:

      “Bumping at the ceiling” agin. Sigh.

  22. Fred says:

    FE ‘s a bit worked up today.

    Fascinating podcast from Mike Adams at Natural News.

    Not your run-of-the-mill conspiracy theory.

    For those who are a teensy weensy bit sceptical about global warming, the Maunder Minimum (solar minimum = global cooling) is getting more airtime, as we head into a cold NH winter

    BTW there’s data popping up showing the vax batches are different from place to place. You may get lucky, or you may get a nasty one. My 90 year old mother has just had her 1st booster, nil effects so far. She was poleaxed by her last flu jab though.

    This means Norm might outlive you FE. How much would that suck?

  23. Yoshua says:

    “Russia is still injecting gas into domestic storage, and will finish domestic gas injections Nov. 1 -Grabchak”

    Nord Stream 2 won’t open in the next six months…so the old pipelines through Ukraine and Belarus will soon operate at maximum capacity again.

  24. Yoshua says:

    The WTI is in a rising tunnel. Although a rising oil price is good for the oil producing nations, it must drain the dollar reserves in oil consuming nations.

    The Fed has its dollar swap lines open?

  25. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The global supply chain nightmare is about to get worse. Computer chip shortages. Epic port congestion. And a serious lack of truck drivers. The world’s delicate supply chains are under extreme stress.

    “The supply chain nightmare is jacking up prices for consumers and slowing the global economic recovery. Unfortunately, Moody’s Analytics warns supply chain disruptions “will get worse before they get better.””

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “‘Desperate for tires.’ Components shortage roils U.S. harvest…

      “Manufacturing meltdowns are hitting the U.S. heartland, as the semiconductor shortages that have plagued equipment makers for months expand into other components. Supply chain woes now pose a threat to the U.S. food supply and farmers’ ability to get crops out of fields.”

      • maybe we think of the virus in the wrong way—as just a human health problem which will be temporary.

        but suppose the earth itself has ‘awareness’ that we, as a species, are screwing thing up for all the other critters who live here.

        we see ‘intellect’ only from our own perspective.

        maybe that is wrong

        could it be that viruses are released as part of a defence mechanism, and that the earth is protecting itself by shutting down our means of long term survival?

        • Tim Groves says:

          This is what could be called the Even Stronger Gaia Hypothesis. Under this hypothesis, the earth itself has ‘awareness’, a concept of ‘species’, opinions about which species should be preserved, and the means at its disposal to shut down the means of survival of species it wants to protect itself against.

          Apparently, the earth didn’t think it worth preserving the trilobites or the dinosaurs.

          This idea isn’t going to fly, is it? Occam’s razor suggests that the earth simply abides and is indifferent and that species succeed or fail through the rough and tumble of competition, the survival of the fittest, and blind chance.

          • the earth most certainly did preserve the dinosaurs, they have been around for 200m years or more, they never went extinct .

            we on the other hand have been around in our present form for 1m? years at most–and have brought ourselves to the point of extinction.

            in case you hadn’t noticed, dinosaurs, for the moment anyway, are called chickens.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Oh, Norman, what a character! How absolutely predictable you are.

              I expected you to bring up the birds. That’s why I said dinosaurs rather than something more specific such as Sauropodomorpha or Ornithischia. Just wanted to see if you’d jump in with the bird point.

              Calling birds dinosaurs is sloppy postmodern science. The ancestors of today’s birds, way back, were dinosaurs, but that doesn’t make birds dinosaurs.

              The ancestors of mammals, way back, were amphibians, and we all relived that evolution when we went through our “tadpole” stage as embryos. But this doesn’t mean that humans and other mammals are amphibians.

              The same logic holds for birds and dinosaurs.

              And notice your weasel words “in our present form”? Birds, in their present form, haven’t been around for anything like 200 million years either.

              Extinction comes to us all, and we can bring ourselves to that point more rapidly by getting injected with serial doses of mRNA spike juice. So for your own sake, I hope you have decided to use what common sense you have and stop at two.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Can’t wait till norm has the fourth shot … if he’s The Fool of OFW now… you ain’t seen nuthin yet


            • Lidia17 says:

              I agree with Tim. I doubt that “the Earth” is capable of taking ideological sides.

              What “works” is what degrades the energy gradients most thoroughly. Cultures less sophisticated in doing so are not more virtuous, simply more handicapped.

              I don’t see a valid alternative argument.

            • Lidia17 says:

              Cultures *or organisms*…

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Fascinating stuff – we used to be reptiles too. : )

              Fish > amphibians > reptiles > mammals > primates


            • Fast Eddy says:

              Apparently around the same time Neanderthal man lived… there was also another human like creature crawling around on the Earth with a brain the size of a walnut… referred to as AustraloMOREON man….

              Apparently MOREON man almost died out because none of the other humans species would breed with him …and the females of his species would have nothing to do with him either… he was considered … stoooopid and re t ar ded.

              Lucy blew him off too many times to count but then when she was in a drunken stupor one of the MOREON men had his way with her…

              Hence the genetic strands persist To This Day.

              A full skeleton of a MOREON man was found in the UK … just up the road from norm. Archaeologists call it Norm as a tribute to norm….

              But because of the shame associated with knowing that humans have a MOREON as an ancestor the norm skeleton is hidden in a box in the attic at Oxford …

              norm and lucy up in a tree… K-I-S-S…I-N-G

          • MM says:

            Interference violates the highest directive of non-interference. What about unintended consequences?

            Makes no sense. And violates free will.
            Would throw us back to the gods.

            We are conscious so we need to work with it or we lose it. That is plain sad true reality.
            We are free to choose. Free to vote against voting even. Unfortunately some decisions take a while to unfold that is why bad decisions may have a higher evolutionary drive if they increase energy gradient usage. Zach Bush even claims virii are a good thing.
            We could say that elderly dying early from bad air quality is first a sign to act and second a means to increase overall fitness of the species.
            The “Virus” has a mortality rate of about 0.18 to 0.24%.
            Your thesis sounds comforting but again puts someone else in the chair to blame and not ourselves.

        • Malcopian says:

          It was the lockdowns that tanked the supply lines. But you supported the lockdowns, so you don’t like to think you were wrong.

      • I bought new tires for my car yesterday. After thinking about the recommendation, I thought that perhaps new tires now wouldn’t be a bad idea.

        • Xabier says:

          A Collapse blogger I used to read once recommended new tyres, spectacles, and teeth when you scent the hot breath of the beast on your back…..

        • MM says:

          Well done.
          Actually all my investments were finished a year ago.
          The eonomy is a financial system only, you know…

          I feel sorry about all (yes all including the Greta) people wanting to invest now because from now on they are in a red queen situation of rising prices aka supply shortage and rising inflation aka rising prices.

          well, yes…

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Make sure to buy some sharp blades for the hack saw

          Very important

  26. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Workers in the United States are quitting their jobs at a record pace.

    “The latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey – JOLTS – from the US Labor Department showed that the number of Americans quitting their jobs jumped to 4.3 million in August. That is 2.9 percent of all employed workers in the US, marking the highest quits rate on record.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “The average American income is about $35K per year. That’s about $2400 a month, if you’re lucky, after taxes. What bills are we up to? $1200 for a crappy apartment. A few hundreds, let’s call it two or three, for connectivity. And another $500 or so for basic utilities.

      “That leaves you with about $400 for the month, or just $100 dollars a week.
      That’s American life. That’s why Americans feel so poor. Because they are. American life is a gigantic rip-off.”

      • I read today that the unionized health care workers associated with Kaiser in California and Oregon are going on strike because Kaiser is proposing a two tier wage program, with new employees getting paid less than existing employees. I remember that airlines came up with this idea a few year ago.

        This approach is terrible for new workers getting out of school. Nurses getting out of school will earn less than older inexperienced nurses. It will make it impossible to pay back loans for going to college.

  27. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Moldova requests EU help after Gazprom reduces gas flows…

    “Supply to Moldova, wedged between Romania and Ukraine, has fallen by around one-third while prices have shot up from $550 per thousand cubic meters last month to $790 this month — nearly five times the average that the country paid last year.”

  28. CTG says:

    I copied this comment in its entirety from ZH. For those CEP/NWO aficionados, this is a good one….





    The President of Belarus disclosed
    The President of Austria
    because it was disclosed
    The Premier of New South Wales, Australia
    and 12 Cabinet Ministers
    JUST RESIGNED because
    it was Disclosed
    They were
    $ 65 MILLION

    WHO Controls The World Bank…?

    • Xabier says:


    • Tim Groves says:

      Well, the population of NWS is just over 8 million, but it is interesting that the redoubtable Gladys Berejiklian announced her resignation, to a chorus of tears from her snowflake supporters, after the state’s corruption watchdog said it was investigating her.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I suspect ol hook nose… found the kitchen too hot… and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown… It’s a difficult task putting down 25M people…. even though you know it’s for their own good…

        and perhaps she wanted to spend the final months with family and friends…. let some one else finish it off

    • Fast Eddy says:

      No references… ???

      norm — would you swap your blow up for this?

    • Alex says:

      Looks like qanonism.

      It was not the President of Austria but the Chancellor, and it had nothing to do with vaccines. ‘Kurz and his associates are accused of using public funds from the Finance Ministry to “finance partially manipulated opinion polls that served an exclusively party political interest” between 2016 and 2018.’

      • Which is a nothing burger.. not a real (personal) corruption by any stretch of today’s dirty politics.. DW is renown globo-msm outlet.. German edition.

        It had to do with his partially nationalist policies (vs migration), and loose involvement with V4+ also including not full vaxx mandates.

        BUT Kurz (aka baby Metternich) made fatal mistake, disposing of previous coalition partner, and hooking up instead with the treacherous Greens. The former would support him, the latter not at all.

    • Hideaway says:

      All fake news, but post away..

    • MM says:

      Nobody ever bribes me. Nobody even picks up the phone when I call.
      WTF am I doing wrong?

      Actually the Belarus story is about a year old now.
      The president of ghana laid it out.+
      The president of Tanzania checked the PCR-Test.
      and on and on.

      The compendium now is even bigger than the bible and I (who ever?) did not read it through…

  29. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Current crises threaten UK food security, says National Farmers Union…

    ““We have a very real risk now of exporting parts of our farming industry overseas and reducing the capacity of UK agriculture to feed the country,” said the NFU’s vice president, Tom Bradshaw.”

  30. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Global Energy Crisis Spurs Scramble for Prized Diesel-Rich Crude.

    “The impact of the global gas and coal squeeze is rippling through the crude market, with the spot differential for Russia’s diesel-rich Sokol grade soaring on expectations that there will be more demand for substitutes this winter.”

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Hedge funds snap up uranium in bet on green energy shift…

    “The price of raw uranium, known as yellowcake, rose to its highest level since 2012 at $50 a pound last month. The move has attracted new investors into the market for the first time since before the financial crisis, when buying by investors drove the price from $20 a pound to a record high of $136 a pound in June 2007.”

  32. Tim Groves says:

    Dr. Christiane Northrup on psychopaths, the “vaccines”, censorship, the CDC = Covid Death Cult, and how she’s now done with sheeple who’ve drunk the Koolaid. In short, the vaccine agenda is the tip of the sword of tyranny. All in all, a very instructive and entertaining interview.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Norm and Dunc, do you feel any younger since getting jabbed? You should do since the shots contain fetal DNA. That’s DNA from immortal cells tissue grown from fetuses “harvested” in the 1970s. For example, AGK293, which is in the Moderna, Pfizer and Astra Zeneca shots, “Scientists harvested this cell line from the kidney of a female Dutch fetus legally aborted in 1973 and then immortalized the cells by rendering them cancerous.” Sounds like just what the doctor ordered.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It has come to my attention that the vaccines are also infused with desiccated remains of 13 year old virgin females from The Ghan … their parents trade them to Big Pharma for TVs.

        norm … you may outlive me afterall … Powdered Virgin strips back the years

  33. Fast Eddy says:

    Look at this f789ing disaster…. and keep in mind she’s been in a coma / sick for over a week — so she’s been on a DIET!!!!

    Imagine what the Big Hog looked like BEFORE she got covid hahahaah×9?imwidth=1280

  34. Fast Eddy says:

    Again … let’s have a look at this GIANT HOG…. Soooeeee…. come on Big Hog… come and get your slop you Big Beast…Sooooo eeeee ……

    I think we need to enter the Big Hog in the Barnyard Animal Show… weighing in at 250kg… we’ve got Saela… big round of applause for the HAWWWG!!! Soooooo— eeeeee!!!!

    And because we are WOKE … let’s get this big HAWG up on the stage at the Gents Club…. as a guest star… gentlemen — put your hands together for Saela… Sooooo— eeeeeeeeeee….

    No tips please… just shove donuts in her mouth to show your appreciation …. Sooo — eeee….

    When the Big HAWWWG goes into her Diabetic Coma … and dies…. her massive carcass can be sold to the whale oil company … and boiled down into lamp fuel…. then throw the guts on the street for the Dogs to Eat…

    Sooooooo —- eeeeeeeeeee … sum bi-tch — this is great stuff…. fantastic.

  35. Fast Eddy says:

    Healthy 16-year-old boy dies during online class after second Pfizer jab: VAERS database


  36. MG says:

    Sending the natural gas prices up made the Russia with its natural gas fields located in harsh clmt conditions worry.

    Russia is a Saudi Arabia of natural gas: cold clmt favours natural gas production, while the hot clmt favours oil production.

    It is all about the solid, liquid and gas phase of the hydrocarbons.

    The best clmt for coal production is wet and cold: like Great Britain. Because coal can not be economically transported to wet and cold clmt from e.g. distant dry areas.

    The liqufication of the natural gas requires lower temperatures. While the liquification of heavy oil requires higher temperarures.

    That is why Venezuela is a loser against heavy oil from Saudi Arabia.

    And the oil production in Russia is not that easy.

    And Katar and Saudi Arabia are not as suitable for natural gas production. Only very high and easy to get deposits made Katar a superstar of the cheap natural gas era.

    • I think you are right. The big fear with new oil and gas discoveries near the poles is that they will be (and usually are) mostly natural gas. With the low price of natural gas and the difficulty in transporting, wells with mostly natural gas in the arctic may not be worth producing.

  37. Fast Eddy says:

    In the UK 70% of people who die from covid were DOUBLE VACCINATED

  38. Mike Roberts says:

    If Feddy wants a rapid reduction of the human population and if Feddy thinks that getting the vaccine is a death sentence, why does Feddy not want everyone to get the jab? Makes no sense. One or other of those opinions he espouses must be a lie, in that he doesn’t actually hold one or other of those opinions.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Fast Eddy does not want a rapid reduction in population — He wants a total elimination of all humans.

      As He has stated – He fully supports the CEP… 100% … humans must be exterminated.

      But when the MOREONS irritate FE He sometimes hopes the CEP fails… because He prefers that the MOREONS not be given a way out of the Ripping of Faces … why should they get to die peacefully?

      In the meantime, FE enjoys taunting the CovIDIOTS who gleefully inject poison into their bodies in the mistaken belief that it will deliver them from evil.

      Hahahahaha… MOREONS…

      • Mike Roberts says:

        So, you’ll gladly try to persuade others (you are trying to do this by your actions) not to take the vaccine, because it’s a death sentence (IYO) whilst having a fervent desire to see people die as quickly as possible. Does not compute. You’ll be having a nervous breakdown soon, trying to hold two opposing positions in your mind. But then you claim to be some kind of god, so maybe the impossible is possible in your own reality.

    • Kowalainen says:

      The universe, or god, works in mysterious ways.

      “If we all reacted the same way, we’d be predictable, and there’s always more than one way to view a situation. What’s true for the group is also true for the individual. It’s simple: overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It’s slow death.”
      — Major Motoko Kusanagi

  39. hillcountry says:

    Ran across this bit today. Seems the “legal implications” are vague in any case, and who would know better than these guys, but it is what it is. Maybe they can re-tool and find loophole vaxx-exemptions in the nuclear-waste pond-protection end of national defense. Did they maybe think to whisk those Haitian refugees from Chile off to rapid-training camps near Hanford and TVA? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Biden vax mandates now a threat to national defense.

    A certain major defense contractor has finally worked through all the legal implications of the executive order mandating the COVID vaccine. This is what they’ve concluded… if they don’t have 100% compliance by December 8th, they are at a serious risk of losing all current and future federal contracts if they are not, and also expecting for the company to not only be compliant to but force their tier 2 and 3 subcontractors to be compliant as well. So, a tier three subcontractor who only gets 10 percent of its revenue from a prime two levels up is expected to comply. Defense officials and contractors are in total panic. There are experienced experts who are couple of years out from retirement who are going to retire rather than get the mandated vaccine who are literally critical paths for defense subcontracts. This is very bad and a major risk to national defense. It’s so bad that I don’t see how the last vestige of defense (good paying manufacturing) could possibly recover.
    They are estimating now that between 20-25% of new contracts they will unable to bid on and complete due to the drop in expertise and workers. This is a major defense contractor, not some minor factory. The DoD is going to have to push back on Biden and Sullivan privately. For the record, defense contractor executives are unwilling to comply with Biden’s vaccine mandate, setting up a major political problem for him. These executives know the implications of complying and the risks to US national defense.

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    Recall how that nurse said loads of people checking in with heart problems… blood clots…

    You’ve wrecked your body norm… well not a big deal… at 80+ there’s not much to wreck is there

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    Answer– I would expect to see signs of distress as early as this winter-spring, although the data will be compiled under the “all-cause mortality” heading rather than Covid-19 deaths. We should also see a sharp uptick in cardiac arrests, myocarditis and strokes which should break dramatically from their 5-year trend-line. As the vaccine causes a generalized deterioration in overall health, the indications of harm should be noticeable in any number of ailments from neuro degenerative diseases to Bell’s Palsy.

    This is not a prediction as much as it is an acknowledgment of what we’re already seeing. Check out this recent tweet from UK diagnostic pathologist Dr Claire Craig and you’ll see what I mean:

    Dr Clare Craig@ClareCraigPath

    Excess deaths for week ending 10th Sept 2021:

    24% more heart failure deaths than baseline

    19% ischaemic heart disease

    16% cerebrovascular disease (strokes)

    18% other circulatory diseases

    Why is this happening? Why the sudden uptick in heart attacks, heart disease, vascular disease and strokes? What did we do differently in 2021 than we did in the years before?

    Hey CovIDIOTS… is all this making you feel… anxious?

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    Hey norm… you’ve poisoned yourself 3x hahahahaha… hold tight

    Okay, let’s review. What did the doctors find?

    1– They found in large percentage of the autopsies “the connection between death and vaccination (was) very probable.”

    2–They found that “that lymphocytic myocarditis, (was) the most common diagnosis.” (Lymphocytic myocarditis is a rare condition in which heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) is caused by accumulation of white blood cells (lymphocytes). Symptoms may include chest pain, heart palpitations, fatigue, and shortness of breath (dyspnea) especially upon exertion or lying flat. In other words, the spike protein vaccine results in both serious inflammation and immuno-suppression at the same time. It’s the double-whammy.)

    3– They found evidence of a “lymphocyte riot”, potentially in all tissues and organs. Lymphocytes were found in a wide variety of tissues such as the liver, kidneys, spleen up to the uterus and tumors, which massively attacked the tissue there.” (Note– Lymphocytes are white blood cells in the immune system that swing into action to fight invaders or pathogen-infected cells. A “lymphocyte riot” suggests the immune system has gone crazy trying to counter the effects of billions of spike proteins located in cells in the bloodstream. As the lymphocytes are depleted, the body grows more susceptible to other infections which may explain why a large number of people are now contracting respiratory viruses in late summer.)

    4– They found that there are multiple serous health risks linked to the Covid-19 vaccine.

    The autopsies provide solid evidence that the vaccines do, in fact, create significant tissue damage.
    Final Question– How do you see this playing out?

  43. Fast Eddy says:

    Answer– Yes. Two German pathology professors, Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang, have provided the results of autopsies they performed on ten people who died after being injected with the Covid-19 vaccine. Here’s a short excerpt from an article on what they found:

    “Over the past few months, the pathologist from Reutlingen and Professor Walter Lang have examined tissue material from the deceased microscopically. … In five of the ten cases mentioned above, the two physicians rate the connection between death and vaccination as very probable, in two cases as probable.One case has not yet been evaluated. The other two cases were classified as unclear/possible or “rather coincident”.

    Regarding the causes of death, Burkhardt pointed out that lymphocytic myocarditis, the most common diagnosis.…The doctors suspect that further corona vaccination side effects with potential death consequences are autoimmune phenomena, reduction in immune capacity, acceleration of cancer growth, vascular damage “endothelitis”, vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte “clumping”….

    Burkhardt and his colleagues have been investigating for the past few months. He said he could only think of one thing in seeing the results – “ a lymphocyte riot”, potentially in all tissues and organs. Lymphocytes were found in a wide variety of tissues such as the liver, kidneys, spleen up to the uterus and tumors, which massively attacked the tissue there….

    Burkhardt concluded that politicians say: “If you don’t want to be vaccinated, you have to face the consequences, but everyone who gets vaccinated also has to face the consequences.” These are still largely unknown. “So far, only the first, but worrying, findings have been documented, which will be further investigated with regard to their pathogenesis,” said Burkhardt.

    The findings confirm the statement made by Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher that in more than 40 autopsied corpses that died within two weeks after the Covid-19 vaccination, around a third died from the vaccination.” (‘Lymphocyte riot’: Pathologists investigate deaths after Corona vaccination”, Free West Media)

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    And here’s something else to mull-over since we’re on the topic of “conspiracies”. I think it’s highly-likely that the vaccine was developed well before the outbreak of the virus.

    Question– Why would that matter?

    Answer– It actually matters quite a bit, because it helps to illustrate that the “solution” preceded the problem, the “chicken before the egg.” In other words, US bioweapons research was likely aimed at creating a substance that would steadily undermine (and eventually kill) untold numbers of people that would have to be eliminated in order to reduce carbon emissions, ease the depletion of scarce resources and reverse the destruction of the natural environment. Do you think the Pentagon and the CIA have contingency programs like that? Do you think globalist elites might support a policy like that?

    Indeed, they would, and they would brazenly implement it in the name of “saving humanity” or some other such nonsense. Keep in mind, global population at the turn of the century (1900) was a minuscule 1.6 billion. As of 2021, the number has ballooned to 7.9 billion. And, according to projections by the United Nations, that figure will grow to roughly 11 billion by 2100.

    Do you think global elites are going to sit on their hands and do nothing while the “perceived” dangers of dwindling fossil fuels and climbing temperatures continue to grow? Do you think that, perhaps, that –after years of impassioned appeals to “do something about the climate”– consensus was finally reached in 2019 paving the way for an aggressive “population management” scheme?

    Of course, these are “civilized” men who would never resort to anything as vulgar as gas chambers or firing squads. Oh, no; they would seek a surreptitious method to thin the herd without the herd ever really knowing what was going on. They would need a remedy that would help them achieve their objective while invoking plausible deniability at the same time. (Enter: Fauci and the secretive bioweapons programs.) And if the truth were ever to come to light, then they would persuade the public that they were only acting in the best interests of humanity by trying to prevent the inexorable rush towards a catastrophic climate crisis. Sound familiar?

  45. Fast Eddy says:

    As for the “conspiracy” claim, the facts speak for themselves. Were there numerous drills and tabletop exercises conducted over the last decade that included the main Intel agencies, big pharma, activist elites, the DOD, the media and the WHO?

    Yes, there were.

    And did these drills basically project the same outcomes and scenarios that we see today, particularly the bypassing of representative governments, the enhanced powers of conflicted politicians, the enforcement of vaccine mandates, and the imposition of an unprecedented pandemic strategy that was strikingly similar in every country where it was imposed?

    Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine?
    Yes, again.

    And are the unvaccinated already being threatened with reprisals if they resist inoculation? Are governments already moving ahead with vaccine passports, digital currency, social credit systems, detention centers and intensified surveillance?

    Yes, they are.

    Does any of this seem random to you or does it hew closer to the actual definition of “conspiracy” which is: “an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons”?

    The fact that the media ridicules “conspiracy theorists”, does not change the fact that conspiracies do, in fact, take place. The last two years only helps to underscore that fact. Virtually nothing has been left to chance. Our future and the future of humanity are being steered by powerful forces we still have not even successfully identified. It’s creepy. (See: RFK jr. on Event 201)

    And here’s something else to mull-over since we’re on the topic of “conspiracies”. I think it’s highly-likely that the vaccine was developed well before the outbreak of the virus.

  46. Fast Eddy says:


    Repeat: a “catastrophic microvascular injury syndrome mediated by activation of complement.”

    Question– What does that mean in plain English?

    Answer– It means that the vaccine creates a situation where your body viciously attacks your own circulatory system generating blood clots and leaky blood vessels. Do you think you can live with a damaged vascular system? Do you think you will enjoy a long and happy life with an immune system that is programed to attack and kill healthy cells that now produce the pathogenic “spike protein”? If so, then for how long; how long do you think you can survive that type of internal warfare? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?

    Question– Your analysis sounds very conspiratorial. If the vaccines do what you say they do, then the people that are pushing this (mass vaccination) campaign must know it, right? They must have some basic grasp of the dangers these injections pose.

    Answer– Of course, they do. How could they not know? Do you think that the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet would arbitrarily shut down the global economy, lock everyone in their homes, suppress life-saving medications and censor anyone who challenged the official narrative if they didn’t know exactly what the vaccine could be expected to do?

    They know. They’re not just “rolling the dice”. They have a plan and they are implementing that plan. That much is clear.

  47. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    1973 U.S.A. – – Shortage of Electricity
    A magazine article was published regarding the possible shortage of electricity in some areas of the United States. Americans were urged to conserve energy in case the Arab boycott would continue for an extended period of time. A gasoline shortage was also expected, and as a result a motion was made to lower speed limits. Measures were taken to help reduce the possibility of brownouts or blackouts in the U.S.

    Hmmm! The good old days of 1973

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