We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly

Can the world achieve “herd immunity” with respect to COVID-19? Anthony Fauci has said that 80% of the population needs to be vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity. My view is that using vaccines is unlikely to achieve this result, something I discussed in my August 2020 post, We Need to Change Our COVID-19 Strategy. Now, the news arm of the prestigious journal Nature has published a similar view: Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible.

In this post, I explain why, in my view, COVID-19 seems likely to become endemic, like the flu. The vaccines won’t be enough to make it go away completely. I will also look at the issue of how we should respond to the cases of COVID-19 that we will almost certainly experience in the future.

To a significant extent, what we can and should do in the future is an energy issue. If we plan to transition to a green energy future, or if we simply plan to reduce usage of fossil fuels in future years, we probably need to scale back our plans for vaccines. In fact, any treatment that would be given in today’s emergency rooms is likely to become less and less possible as energy supplies deplete.

We will need to focus more on what our bodies can do for us, and what we can do to assist them in this effort. We also need to think about what simple changes to our environment (such as windows that open) can do for the prevention of both COVID-19 and the many other communicable diseases that we can expect to encounter in the future. The big issue will be changing expectations.

[1] Why herd immunity is unlikely

[1.1] Viruses don’t pay any attention to the geography of humans. As long as there are active cases anywhere, they will tend to spread to other countries.

Over the past year, we have seen how ineffective cutting off travel between countries is in stopping the path of the virus. Even New Zealand, far out in the Pacific Ocean, has been battling this issue. The country has found that occasional cases slip through, even with a required two-week stay in managed isolation after arrival.

Furthermore, there are hidden costs with staying this removed from the rest of the world; New Zealand’s only oil refinery has been losing money, given its low use of oil. This refinery has laid off about a quarter of its staff and is considering the option of quitting refining in 2022. New Zealand would then need to import a full range of refined products if it wants to continue having industry. Perhaps being too cut off from the rest of the world is a problem, rather than a solution.

[1.2] The cost of vaccines is high, especially for poor countries.

We can get a rough idea of the cost involved by looking at a news article about Israel’s dispute with Pfizer regarding its vaccine purchases. We can also see what goes wrong politically.

Israel recently made news for failing to pay Pfizer for the last 2.5 million vaccine doses that it purchased from the company. Pfizer retaliated by cutting off future vaccine shipments to Israel. The article linked above doesn’t tell us exactly how much Israel paid for Pfizer’s vaccine, but a calculation based on information in the article seems to indicate that future doses from a mixture of vendors would cost about $35 per dose, on average. We also know that US Medicare is paying $40 per dose for administering each dose of the vaccine. Putting these two amounts together, we can estimate that the purchase and administration of a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine costs about $75. Thus, a two-dose series costs about $150, with the high-tech vaccines Israel is now using (Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca).

We also know that Israel was planning to administer two doses per person, every six months, based on an early review of how well immunity was holding up for the vaccines. If it is really necessary to repeat the two-dose regimen every six months, then the annual per-person cost of the vaccine would be approximately 2 times $150, or $300 per person. Benjamin Netanyahu favors buying all of these doses, quite possibly because it might make him popular with voters. Netanyahu’s opposition does not, which seems to be why payment has not been forthcoming.

A cost of $300 per person would amount to 0.7% of Israel’s 2019 GDP, which is theoretically feasible. But for poorer countries, the relative cost would be much higher. For South Africa, it would amount to 5% of 2019 GDP. For Yemen, it would come to 40% of 2019 GDP. (These are my calculations, using World Bank GDP in current US$.) For countries with severe financial problems, any payment for vaccines would almost certainly be a problem.

There are less expensive vaccines being made, but their percentages of efficacy in fighting the virus that causes COVID-19 seem to be lower. Thus, it would be even more difficult to greatly reduce the number of cases down to the point where the disease would simply disappear for lack of an adequate number of victims to infect, using these vaccines.

[1.3] The fact that the disease can infect animals further adds to the problem of getting rid of the disease completely.

The disease supposedly jumped from an animal to humans to begin with. We know that the virus that causes COVID-19 can infect animals of many types, including ferrets and cats. While the disease jumping from animals to humans is supposedly unusual, we know that the disease spreads easily among humans with inadequate immunity. Having a reservoir of disease among animals raises the likelihood of this happening again. Having a reservoir of vulnerable people (not immune and in poor health) also increases such a risk.

[1.4] Microbes of all types mutate frequently. We are fighting a losing battle to stay even with them. This is especially a problem for narrowly targeted vaccines.

We know that whenever we try to reduce the population of microbes, scientists can find solutions that work for a while, but eventually we start losing the battle. Scientists can develop antibiotics against bacteria, but eventually some bacteria will evolve in a way that allows them to resist the effects of the antibiotic. In fact, antibiotic resistance is becoming a greater and greater problem. Similarly, scientists can develop weed killers, but weeds soon develop resistance to whatever we develop. The situation seems to be similar with vaccines, unfortunately.

In this case, scientists have developed vaccines that target the RNA of the spike protein of the virus that causes COVID-19. In some sense, this approach is very precise, leading to a high proportion of COVID-19 cases being stopped. The drawback is that it is very easy for small mutations in the spike protein to make the vaccine not work well. We end up needing to obtain booster shots of slightly revised versions of the vaccine quite often, perhaps every six months. If booster shots are not given, the vaccine is likely to become less effective against the new mutations that arise.

One danger is that manufacturers cannot keep up with all of changes needed to match the new mutations. Another is that the cost of trying to keep up with this whole process will become prohibitive. The medical care system may be forced to give the vaccine process up, leaving citizens worse off than they might have been if we hadn’t “flattened the curve” and kept the virus around for an extended period of time, allowing all of these mutations.

[1.5] There are very real reasons for people’s reluctance to accept the vaccine, when it is offered to them. Because of this, it is difficult to get very close to 100% acceptance (or even 80% acceptance) of the vaccines.

There seem to be any number of reasons why people are reluctant to get the new vaccine. Some are afraid of the pain involved with the shot. Others are afraid that they will be somewhat ill afterward, causing them to miss work. If employees are paid on an hourly basis and they barely have enough income as it is, this, by itself, could be a reason for avoiding the shot. Financial incentives might help with these issues.

Others who are reluctant have followed the situation more closely. They realize that important steps in the normal vaccine approval process have been skipped, making it difficult to identify adverse effects that occur fairly infrequently. Even worse, it becomes impossible to discover problems that take many months or years to become evident. Over 100 doctors and scientists from 25 countries have signed a letter saying that offering vaccines that are as radically different from what has been used in the past, without more testing, is unethical.

One concern is the likelihood of blood clots in the immediate period after the vaccine is received. Blood clots have also been observed with the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and may be a concern with other vaccines, as well. There seem to be several related conditions, including sudden blindness, heart attacks, and sudden deaths of elderly people in nursing homes. These issues seem to be fairly rare, but people worry about them without adequate data on their frequency. If the issue is blood clots, it would seem as if simple adjustments such as taking low-dose aspirin for the time period of risk might be a partial solution.

We know that in some cases, vaccines can inadvertently make later exposure to somewhat different versions of the virus worse, rather than stopping these infections. The virus that causes the illness SARS is very similar to the virus that causes COVID-19. When an attempt was made at a vaccine for SARS in 2012, a study on mice showed that exposure at a later date to a slightly different virus led to blood clots forming in the lungs. We already know that blood clots can be an issue for COVID-19 vaccines. Will COVID-19 vaccine recipients who are later exposed to mutations have an adverse reaction such as blood clots in the lungs? We don’t know. There have been no animal studies with respect to the vaccines for COVID-19.

Another risk of COVID-19 vaccinations would seem to be auto-immune problems, especially in people who are already predisposed to such issues. Not much research has been done yet to clarify this issue.

A related issue is allergic reactions to vaccines, including anaphylaxis. The possibility of allergic reactions is one reason vaccine recipients are asked to stay for 15 minutes after receiving their immunizations. Even with precautions, some deaths are occurring because severe allergic reactions can take up to 150 minutes to become apparent. It is impractical to keep vaccine recipients this long.

The very long-term effects of both the COVID-19 illness and vaccines to prevent the COVID-19 illness are unknown. The Alzheimer’s Association recommends studies to see whether people who contract COVID-19 have a long-term increase in dementia-type illnesses. In theory, the vaccines could also lead to similar issues because of prion-like structures that are formed, both with the vaccine and the disease. Without long-term studies, we don’t know whether either of these concerns is valid. If dementia is an issue, will repeated vaccinations raise the long-term risk of dementia? We don’t know. If the disease itself and vaccines can both lead to dementia, is there an optimal strategy?

Without a better understanding of what the risks are, it is hard to convince young people, especially, to take the vaccine. Their chances of a severe outcome from the disease are low to begin with. What is the point of taking a vaccine that may raise their risk of serious injury or death? The vaccine may be appropriate for people aged 80 and over, but is the risk really necessary for young people? Without better data, it is hard to know for certain.

[2] Why a change away from dependence on vaccines is needed

The Nature article referred to earlier says in its concluding paragraph, “It’s time for realistic expectations. . . we need to think of how we can live with the virus.”

Also, as I mentioned in the introduction, we are reaching energy limits. Even if in theory we could vaccinate everyone on the planet twice a year for COVID-19, we do not have the resources to do this. In some ways, the problem looks like a cost problem (poor countries especially cannot afford to buy high-priced vaccines), but it is just as much a resource problem. We cannot devote enough resources to this project without taking them away from other necessary projects. The vaccines are very much a product of today’s fossil fuel economy. We can’t expect to make vaccines with intermittent electricity.

Because of limited resources, we may encounter something similar to the “empty shelf” problem in the grocery stores. We may find that only limited doses of vaccine are available because too many doses were accidentally ruined in production. Or, not enough of the right reagents were available. Or, more doses are needed in the country where the vaccine is manufactured, leaving less for use elsewhere. Or, there is a war in a country integral to vaccine supply lines, interfering with production.

In fact, obtaining promised supplies of vaccines is already a problem. Trying to scale up production at the same time that resources in general are squeezed is likely to make this type of problem increase.

[3] Learning to live with COVID-19 and diminishing resources per capita

If we can’t really fix the COVID-19 problem with endless vaccines for everyone, we need to look at other options.

[3.1] Strengthening our own immune systems

Our bodies come with built-in immune systems. It is the action of the immune system that tends to lead to a low incidence of and low severity of COVID-19 in some people, compared to others. Some of the things that seem to be helpful include the following:

  • Being young
  • Getting plenty of sleep at night
  • Not being overweight. Proper exercise and diet are helpful in this regard.
  • Maintaining a healthy microbiome. Our bodies need good microbes to help fight the “bad” microbes. Antibiotics, excessive antibacterial cleaners and a lack of exposure to “good” bacteria could be problems. Staying away from everyone and wearing masks, indefinitely, is not necessarily helpful.
  • Getting adequate vitamin D through sun exposure, eating of foods that are high in vitamin D and/or supplementation. Dark skinned people living away from the equator are especially at risk for inadequate vitamin D.
  • Getting adequate vitamin C from fruits and vegetables and perhaps supplementation.

Researchers need to be actively looking into optimal strategies to advise citizens. Schools might start teaching about these issues in health classes.

[3.2] Changing our customs and infrastructure to try to reduce the problem of communicable diseases in general, not just for COVID-19.

Customs for greetings among people vary greatly around the world. Some people use hugs and handshakes, others greet with bows. We may need to adopt more distant physical greetings, simply to help reduce the transmission of disease. Of course, hugging at home is still fine.

In the last 100 years, the emphasis increasingly has been on building tighter, more energy-efficient buildings. This is good from a point of saving energy, but it doesn’t work in a world with many communicable diseases. We need to move toward much more ventilation, often based on open windows. Because of energy constraints, we likely cannot expect to keep heating and cooling our buildings as much in the future. We will need to dress more for outdoor temperatures, indoors.

Some leaders have suggested rapid electric rail is the way of the future, but rail transport also needs to be well ventilated. It is also likely that we will be dealing with more intermittency of electricity supply in the future. We need to plan as if we are dealing with an electricity constrained future, as much as an oil and vaccine constrained future.

[3.3] Finding low energy ways to deal with the likely COVID-19 cases that do occur.

The approach in the “rich world” to date in looking for ways to deal with COVID-19 has been to look for new, high technology drugs and vaccines that might have a two-fold benefit (a) help sick people and (b) help the pharmaceutical industry. What we really need are technologies that are low cost and can be used at home. Repurposed old drugs, such as steroids, are ideal, especially if they can be made locally without dependence on international supply lines.

If COVID-19 doesn’t really disappear, we can expect recurring instances of having inadequate medical facilities to treat all of the patients in a given area. Countries need to plan strategies for dealing with this likely long-term problem. Should there be an upper age limit on patients using these facilities, for example, especially when demand is high? Or can the richest citizens have the ability to buy services, when others cannot? Should there be a lottery for beds? Ordering everyone to remain at home is sort of a temporary solution, but it is very damaging to the economy as a whole.

[3.4] Finding leadership that can think in a direction other than “more technology will save us.” Unfortunately, this is pretty much impossible.

Back in 1979, Jimmy Carter tried to change the direction of the US economy when he gave his famous Sweater Speech. In this speech, he told people that they needed to adjust their thermostats and drive their vehicles less because there was an energy crisis. We all know that Jimmy Carter was not reelected after this speech. Instead, Ronald Reagan was elected. He cut taxes and raised debt levels, temporarily delaying our need to deal with our energy problem.

When Anthony Fauci took on the COVID-19 issue, he led us in the direction of spending more money on vaccines and pharmaceuticals. His own financial interests and his work interests were in the direction of helping the vaccine and pharmaceutical interests. He certainly didn’t stop to think, “This is not a battle that we can win. There are too many instances of transmission of the virus by people who have no symptoms. Our track record at wiping out diseases with vaccines has been pretty dismal in the past. Stopping COVID-19 in one part of the world won’t stop the long-term problem.”

I expect that President Biden will continue on his current path until the economy “runs off the cliff.” I wrote in my recent post, Headed for a Collapsing Debt Bubble, that the economy was reaching a point where a major discontinuity would occur. Interest rates are about as low as they can go, and debt levels are reaching an upper bound.

Figure 1. Ten-year and three-month US Treasury interest rates as of March 1, 2021.

Ronald Reagan’s administration started to decrease interest rates shortly after he took office in 1981. This drop in interest rates has hidden rapidly rising debt and energy problems for many years. We are now running out of room on both energy and debt. When the world’s debt bubble collapses, our ability to fight COVID-19 with vaccines will likely go downhill quickly. We will then need to find new strategies. Unfortunately, considering new strategies in advance is almost impossible.

[4] Conclusion

While it is possible to see what change in direction seems to be needed with respect to COVID-19 and infectious diseases in general, it is not something that those in leadership positions will be able to implement. Instead, we will likely “go off the cliff” at full speed. Changing expectations in advance is almost impossible.

At most, a few interested people can try to explain to their fellow citizens what is happening. Perhaps, in our own little spheres of influence, we can make some small changes in the right direction, starting with strengthening our own immune systems.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,514 Responses to We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly

  1. Major coffee importers have historically worked directly with ocean carriers due to big volumes, but everyone’s allocations are being cut by 50-75% even as rates go to the moon.

  2. Turkey food apocalypse ahead: Giant sinkholes are devouring the country’s breadbasket in drought

    Sinkholes wide enough to swallow a bus dot the drought-stricken breadbasket of the Turkish plains, worrying farmers and the food industry as they spread and creep closer to residential homes and swallow very high-yielding ground…

    “The drought situation is getting worse,” said farmer Tahsin Gundogdu, whose harvest includes potatoes he sells to the US food giant PepsiCo.

    The 57-year-old has seen the huge holes yawn open in the past 10 to 15 years as the overuse of groundwater for irrigation takes its toll.

    Dizzyingly deep, they appear when underground caverns created by drought can no longer contain the weight of the layer of soil above.

    This puts farmers in a bind.

    Attempts to get water by other means are more expensive, cutting farmers’ incomes. But continued reliance on groundwater will likely make the problem only worse.

    Professor Fetullah Arik has counted around 600 sinkholes in the Konya plain, where he heads the Sinkhole Research Centre at the Konya Technical University — nearly double the 350 counted last year.

    Experts want the government to do more to address extreme drought, blaming the lack of a proper water management policy for Turkey’s woes.

    Trying to cut groundwater use, farmers have been forced to water their fields more, leading to higher electricity bills.

    “We usually would water the land twice a year but now we’re doing it five or six times,” said Hazim Sezer, a 57-year-old farmer in Karapinar.

    But Gundogdu said some farmers still turn to illegally using groundwater for their crops.

    If not addressed, drought will hurt farmers and consumers “as much as, if not worse” than the economic shock of the coronavirus pandemic, said Baki Remzi Suicmez, head of Turkey’s Chamber of Agricultural Engineers (ZMO).

    “Until last year, we had never seen drought like this,” farmer Kamil Isikli agreed, adding he was more optimistic for 2021 after rain fell earlier this year.

    “Farmers no longer have enough money from one month to the next to pay their bills,” Isikli said. “They can’t afford anything anymore.”

    Sezer urged the government to create underground systems that redirect water to the plains that would otherwise end up in the seas.

    Murat Akbulut, head of ZMO’s Konya branch, said this could offer a “significant solution” for Konya, whose Beysehir Lake has seen its water reserves shrink to 123 million tonnes from 450 million tonnes in 2020.

    This drop “will lead to real irrigation issues for the plain,” Akbulut said.

    Nearly 77 percent of Turkey’s water is consumed by the agricultural sector, Suicmez told AFP.

  3. Tim Groves says:

    Watch this video and have a good laugh.
    No need to thank me either.


  4. Widespread parts shortages:

    Electrician in NY and NH. No residential wire to be found without daily purchase limits in either state or any where in between.

    We ran into our electrician friend who works for a lot of the same builders as us over the weekend at lowes. He had already been to every home improvement store in 50+ miles trying to find wire. He typically wires 5 homes a week, but none of his orders are being fulfilled. No wire and those blue recepticals are gone too. He drove all over buying all the wire he could find. He said this shortage is stemming from the freeze in Texas, the plastic coating on wire and the plastic recepticals is made from petroleum and all those refineries were shutdown for a while.

    I’m an electrical engineer, and microchips for our products are scheduling 52+ weeks out….

    Im a commercial Electrician in a pretty large city and were having trouble getting conduit and fittings. Circuit breakers are really hard to find.

    I work in a saw shop and we’ve had saws ordered since November and still haven’t gotten a single one. We only have two saws left in the entire store.

    Chain saw. I work as an arborist/landscaper. I was looking for attachments for my mini skid steer last month and finding attachments now is near impossible. Nearly every place I looked was at least 6-8 weeks out.

  5. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Containers piled high on giant vessels carrying everything from car tires to smartphones are toppling over at an alarming rate, sending millions of dollars of cargo sinking to the bottom of the ocean as pressure to speed deliveries raises the risk of safety errors.”


    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      Haste makes waste from the article

      There are a host of reasons for the sudden rise in accidents. Weather is getting more unpredictable, while ships are growing bigger, allowing for containers to be stacked higher than ever before. But greatly exacerbating the situation is a surge in e-commerce after consumer demand exploded during the pandemic, increasing the urgency for shipping lines to deliver products as quickly as possible.

      “The increased movement of containers means that these very large containerships are much closer to full capacity than in the past,” said Clive Reed, founder of Reed Marine Maritime Casualty Management Consultancy. “There is commercial pressure on the ships to arrive on time and consequently make more voyages.”

      Yes, seems when we order online the selling point is fast delivery!
      Purchased some nick nacks on Fleabag from China and the alert shown that delivery is expected to be delayed due to Covid-19. I could buy it here and get it right now at many times the price.
      Thanks again for all the posts Mr. McGibbs….
      Very worrisome on the price increases…but to be expected.
      Certain stores have more empty shelves now…..

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        You are welcome, Herbie!

      • Lots of issues mentioned in the article:

        Attempts to sail through storms, instead of around storms, to arrive sooner
        Inadequate maintenance of cables
        Accidentally stacking heavy containers at the top because of wrong weight information
        Post traumatic stress disorder for workers affected by these accidents

        • MM says:

          It is long known that higher atmospheric energy content (for any reason whatever) will induce higher and longer waves on the oceans thus creating a problem for very large vessels.
          Nothing to see here

          • Herbie Ficklestein says:

            Nope, nothing to see here…it’s all sunk to the bottom of the ocean!😉

  6. hillcountry says:

    Miles Mathis wrote another broad-brush article a few days ago. It’s apropos to the discussion over here, in that I think most of us would agree there’s going to be a good deal of cannibalization and looting (capital consumption and monetization) on the way to the Olduvai Gorge, right?

    BTW, I’m going to ask Miles if he’ll give Peak Oil a scan. He’s never mentioned it as far as I know. Maybe someone with good search abilities can find something on that. I know he wrote somewhere that he speculated that nuclear plants were giant-sinks for energy from some unpublished source. That was a little too ‘Jerry Vassilatos’ for me, but wouldn’t that be interesting?


    “But why? Again, that is easy, and I have explained it many times. It is a massive diversion. They created these race wars and Red/Blue wars, and man/woman wars on purpose, so that you are fighting each other instead of them. [hillcountry edit: I would add “vaccine wars” to the list]

    Since early 2020, the richest people have added more to their wealth than ever before, and they are stealing most of it right out of the treasuries of the world. The fake covid pandemic was created both as a cover for that [hillcountry edit: Miles is either unaware of the energy thing or misdirecting to a “pure greed” scenario] and as an extension, since they are also billing the government—i.e., you as a taxpayer—for the unnecessary and dangerous vaccines, the signage, the masks, the lockdowns, and all the other mitigation. You are being raped in multiple ways, and they have to keep your eyes off that. Oh, and by the way, you are also being billed for all this riot theater, including the fake trials. All that is being paid for by the state and the nation, via you the taxpayer. And it didn’t start in 2020.”

    “They upped the ante in 2020, but they have been doing this for two decades. It first went into overdrive in about 2006, five years after 911. They got away with 911 and the following wars, with no one being held accountable, so they figured the sky was the limit. They could do anything they wanted and no one would lift a finger to stop them. So, they ran a huge financial con in 2006/7, stealing trillions from the worldwide treasuries. The richest people got about 7 times richer in the period after that, raking in a huge percentage of worldwide wealth. But still no one stopped them. Very few people even noticed, since they hired the media to sell it as a bailout or quantitative easing or some other equally asinine cock-n-bull story, rather than as the grand theft it was. So, they figured why stop there? If they could steal 4 or 5 trillion in the US alone in broad daylight with no consequences, why not try for 20 or 30 trillion? Why not take everything? As they admitted in Jack Reacher, “We take what can be taken”. And so, 2020 arrived, and they are taking every last dime.”

    • You say,

      I know he [Miles Mathis] wrote somewhere that he speculated that nuclear plants were giant-sinks for energy from some unpublished source.

      I don’t think that this is a very good recommendation for Miles Mathis. I don’t think that there are many people saying that nuclear is a “giant energy sink.”

      If you remember, when nuclear electricity was first rolled out, it was billed as being “too cheap to meter.” This is the precise opposite of a giant energy sink.

      I remember doing pricing analyses years ago for a company that received part of its electricity from nuclear and part from the burning of fossil fuels. It wanted insurance coverage for the event that its nuclear electricity would be offline for an extended period, and it would be forced to purchase more fossil fuels to burn to compensate. Nuclear, for this company, was cheaper than electricity using fossil fuel production.

      Even with very high upfront costs because of additional safety measures, some companies are still willing to install nuclear, because the total cost [including energy costs] will be amortized over a long period. There are about 50 new nuclear power plants being installed today, mostly in Asia and Russia.

      The big issues with nuclear are
      (1) Safety
      (2) Spent fuel
      (3) Huge upfront costs and unknown very long timing involved, especially with changing requirements regarding safety enhancements. The countries building nuclear reactors are ones that are not terribly focused on safety.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        Are there EROEI studies for nuclear that include lifetime maintenance costs?
        As far as I know nuclear IS an energy sink. In US they were lucky for a while because they used cheap Soviet/Russian nuclear fuel.

        I only found this old TOD article from Charles Hall: http://theoildrum.com/node/3877

        The EROEI could be close to 1:1 for nuclear. Given the construction costs and the delays that would make sense. I never bought the canard that the “greens” somehow stopped nuclear. These magical greens are invoked whenever there si something that the industry and the gov wants to do (like shipping all the jobs overseas).

        • The World Nuclear Association writes:

          The US average EROI across all generating technologies is about 40. The major published study on EROI, by Weissbach et al (2013, since the early editions of this paper) states: “The results show that nuclear, hydro, coal, and natural gas power systems (in this order) are one order of magnitude more effective than photovoltaics and wind power,” particularly when any energy storage is factored in for intermittent renewables.

          This Wikipedia article claims that the EROI of nuclear is 106:1 with 100% centrifuge enrichment, and 75:1 for 83% centrifuge enrichment.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            If the EROI is so high why are there so few nuclear powerplants being built?
            Why are the ones under construction running into delays and cost increases?
            Why does nuclear need so much government support and guarantees?

            It seems to me that nuclear is exactly like the renewables – it’s a losing proposition that is being propped up by the FFs.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        Mathis argues that nuclear programs (both weapons and power) are really covers for Caesium-based energy technology.

        From, “So What is Really Going on behind the nuclear programs?” by Miles Mathis:

        “With that in mind, I returned to Wikipedia, where I studied the page for Uranium. I have been there before for my science papers, but never with this question in mind. What jumped out at me this time was the fact that Uranium is very electropositive. What is more, once it splits, it often splits into Caesium, which is the most electropositive element. What does that mean? It means that these substances produce electrons very readily. It doesn’t take much energy to free an electron, and that free electron can be used for power. In fact, it takes less energy to release it than it provides once free, which is the key here. It is like money from nothing.

        “Problem is, Caesium is very rare. It occurs in small quantities in pollucite, but it costs more to extract than it is worth. I assume it was found it was much more cost effective to get it from Uranium. People think Uranium is rare, but it isn’t. It is more common than Mercury or Silver. Caesium exists at three parts per million in the crust, but Uranium exists as high-grade ore at 200,000 ppm. That’s as common as Tin or Zinc. Just from that, I would assume scientists have discovered some way to generate cheap power from Caesium, via electron production, and the entire nuclear story is just a cover.

        “[Addendum February 14, 2017. A reader sent me confirming evidence of my guess above, published at a Canadian Government website. See p. 69, where we find that caesium is used for “spacepropulsion and energy conversion”. We are told that to get cesium to release electrons, all you have to do is hit it with light. Also see link at the end of this paper for more confirmation.]

        “But if so, where is all that energy going? We have seen in previous papers it isn’t going to bombs or even production of bombs. It also isn’t going to production of electricity for mass use, since in the US they decided to shut down that industry. It now looks to me like they hoaxed the big events like Three Mile Island, to scare people off this kind of power. After early decisions to divert some of the new energy to the public, those decisions were apparently reversed. We can’t know why, but I suggest either there was too little energy produced to be used both by the public and in secret, or the secret uses later ballooned, making energy sharing with the public unfeasible.”


        It’s worth reading the article in full, even though he meanders into tangential topics at times.

        “I suggest to you that the Manhattan Project wasn’t about producing bombs. We had no need of such bombs, since the wars were all managed anyway. They always have been. The project was much more likely about producing a new energy source, and then hiding that energy source behind a big fake story. And the bomb story was just a part of the misdirection. Remember, the alien story started at precisely the same time. Roswell was in 1947, which is not a coincidence. Why not? Because they were using the new energy source to power a new form of transport. Occasionally, the public would see this transport, so we had to be told those were aliens flying around in those new ships. Not rich people, but aliens. This explains why Roswell was on the front line for this story: it needed to be, because it was in New Mexico. People were seeing strange things in New Mexico, because LANL was there. So the story hit first where it needed to hit first.”

        “But the new transport isn’t esoteric in any way. It isn’t back-engineered alien tech. It is just Uranium/Caesium tech, probably with some new magnetic tech stirred in. In fact, if it were really esoteric, it wouldn’t have all the waste. In the next historical step, maybe they will figure that out. Maybe they will read my papers, look at their magnetic tech, and realize they can do the same thing without burning all this Uranium. There are hundreds of sources of free energy available, and using electrons from Caesium already looks like one of the worst of them. This would explain why the superwealthy weren’t sad to see the Concorde go: they didn’t need it. It would also explain why you don’t see the superwealthy even in first class. You just see businessmen. I would assume the billionaires and trillionaires are traveling silently at night using the new transports. It is how they get around so quickly and easily, with no jet lag.”

        • Ed says:

          Azure, I do not think so. It takes half a million Ev to “make” an electron. That is a lot of energy. I think you are trying to say some thing about freeing an outer shell electron that already exists from its orbit around one of the two atom you mention.

          You need to provide many many more details.

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            Above my pay grade, Ed. I have no idea as to the validity of Mathis’ proposal here, but wanted to share the link as a means of clarifying where he stands regarding nuclear energy.

      • hillcountry says:

        “I don’t think that this is a very good recommendation for Miles Mathis. I don’t think that there are many people saying that nuclear is a “giant energy sink.””

        Oh, I have a lot of issues with Miles (and his team, if there is one), but he speaks quite well to the fracturing of our social contract, aka Operation Chaos in his terminology. That was the main point. I just threw in the energy thing sort of offhandedly. His work on faked and staged-events is important for cutting through the fog; because it reveals the nuts-and-bolts of herd-management techniques [my verbiage, not his] that are used, most likely because they’re cheaper and often subtler than more aggressive tactics; i.e., controlled-opposition, phony grass-roots ‘movements’, psychological operations designed to shift perceptions, etc.; the kinds of things that enable power-brokers to continue their stay-out-of-jail status, while continuing their massive Treasury-dips and facilitation of each other’s corrupt practices, not least of which is leaving our shared environment a total mess.

        Temple Grandin designs animal-handling infrastructure for lots of big outfits using many of these same principles. They make the processes safer, more efficient and more profitable.

        Pogo might be right about us being our own worst enemies, in the sense that we generally go-along to get-along, but I’m open to the idea that most people on Earth never had much of a chance to fulfill a higher destiny other than either a meager survival for most or profligate consumerism and destruction of the natural world for a few. I’m also open to the idea that we’ve allowed ourselves to be guided into this cul-de-sac of an ugly substitute for what the world could have been, but that our ‘cooperation’ if it can be so termed, was engendered through techniques of persuasion.

        In other words; we never would have accepted the cultural and ecological destruction we’ve witnessed, without all the pathological gas-lighting.

        I think Miles actually disables potential opposition, and that’s a blind-spot for him personally, speaking as he does from an ivory-tower, with an ego the size of Jupiter and focusing far too much on how the “Phoenicians” have run the world since forever. He’s not very original there, btw.

        I don’t think one person can produce the volume of work “he” does, but who knows. Just take a glance into the hundreds of science papers at MilesMathis.com and the math, visualization and reasoning involved. Diving into them and considering the possibility that we’re all suffering from a lifetime of corrupted “science” is a useful exercise. I have a hunch there’s a Team B operating behind the scenes of this world and Miles could be one possible front for them, outing the excesses of Team A, in the guise of a lone-wolf, howling from the den of his art studio.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      If ‘they’ have such power why not just print $50 trillion dollars and put it in their bank accounts…

      These people who think this is about the rich getting richer… are clueless.

  7. Mirror on the wall says:

    > Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, rights group says

    Human Rights Watch calls on international criminal court to investigate ‘systematic discrimination’ against Palestinians

    Human Rights Watch has accused Israeli officials of committing the crimes of apartheid and persecution, claiming the government enforces an overarching policy to “maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians”.

    In a report released on Tuesday, the New York-based advocacy group became the first major international rights body to level such allegations. It said that after decades of warnings that an entrenched hold over Palestinian life could lead to apartheid, it had found that the “threshold” had been crossed.

    “This is the starkest finding Human Rights Watch has reached on Israeli conduct in the 30 years we’ve been documenting abuses on the ground there,” said Omar Shakir, the group’s Israel and Palestine director. Shakir said his organisation had never before directly accused Israeli officials of crimes against humanity.

    Palestinian officials and agencies welcomed the report, including the foreign ministry, which said it exposed “Israel’s colonial occupation and its discriminatory and racist policies against the Palestinian people”.

    The report drew on years of human rights documentation, analysis of Israeli laws, a review of government planning documents, and statements by officials.

    Human Rights Watch compared policies and practices towards nearly 7 million Palestinians in the occupied territories and within Israel with those concerning roughly the same number of Jewish Israelis living in the same areas.

    It concluded there was a “present-day reality of a single authority, the Israeli government … methodologically privileging Jewish Israelis while repressing Palestinians, most severely in the occupied territory.”

    First used in relation to South Africa’s racist segregation against non-white citizens, apartheid – which is Afrikaans for “apartness” – is a crime against humanity under international law….


    • Israel is certainly treating Palestinians terribly. There are not enough resources, particularly fresh water, to go around. Electricity is also in short supply, related to the water problems. Both Israel and Palestine have very high birth rates, making the problem worse over time. Moving the Jews into this area, when there were already occupants living there, was certain to cause problems.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        A person might also think that this situation is potentially embarrassing for the USA and its ‘5 Eyes’ (or 4, discounting NZ – ironically ‘four eyes’ is old UK slang for the bespectacled) with the ongoing USA attempt to marshal ‘human rights’ as a weapon to use in its geopolitical hostilities with China, the emergent economic and geopolitical competitor to USA global hegemony.

        There is the perspective that ‘all morality is will to power’ (which inevitably leaves ‘metaphysical’ questions unsettled, even unapproachable, as they perhaps must be), and the USA weaponization of ‘human rights’ against China already looks cynical and self-interested. The selective concern for ‘human rights’, that discounts concern for the situation in Palestine, when a major USA-based human rights body like HRW has issued this report about a USA ally, only compounds the sense of cynicism around USA discourse.

        It seems pretty obvious that USA is using ‘morality’ as ‘will to power’, simply to advance its own geopolitical interests. That may be ‘disappointing’ but a person is no longer so surprised, as one gains more experience of the world. USA has made clear that its only concern is to form gangs, combines to increase its own strength. China obviously perceives it in that way. Perhaps ‘sadly’, Nietzsche was realistic about how the world really works, certainly geopolitically.

        > Perspectivism is only a complex form of specificity. My idea is that every specific body strives to become master over all space and to extend its force ( – its will to power:) and to thrust back all that resists its extension. But it continually encounters similar efforts on the part of other bodies and ends by coming to an arrangement (“union”) with those of them that are sufficiently related to it: thus they then conspire together for power. And the process goes on. – TWTP 636

  8. Indian refineries divert oxygen for Covid treatment

    Indian state-controlled refineries are minimising their oxygen use and producing medical-grade liquid oxygen to help fight the country’s worsening Covid-19 outbreak, the oil ministry said.

    The oil sector is diverting 965 t/d of liquid medical oxygen to hospitals across the country, with steel companies sending 2,500-3,000 t/d, the ministry said on 25 April.

    The requirement does not appear to be affecting refinery run rates, which have so far stayed largely high but may come under pressure as the epidemic slows economic activity.

    Coronavirus cases in India increased by another 323,000 yesterday, taking the total number of infections to around 17.6mn and prompting a slew of lockdowns and restrictions that are putting more pressure on already waning fuel demand.

    State-controlled oil firms are in the process of setting up medical oxygen generation plants at 93 locations across the country. State-run BPCL’s Bina refinery is supplying oxygen and drinking water to a temporary 1,000-bed hospital being built nearby, while India’s biggest refiner state-controlled IOC will secure cryogenic tankers to help oxygen, the oil ministry added.

    India’s home affairs ministry has restricted the use of liquid oxygen to medical purposes to help address acute shortages of medical oxygen to treat Covid-19 patients.

    By Sathya Narayanan

  9. Fleeing Workers Force India’s Oil Refiners to Defer Closures

    (Bloomberg) — Indian oil refiners are being forced to postpone maintenance at some plants as technicians and workers are either fleeing to their hometowns or falling ill amid a rapid resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Bharat Petroleum Corp. and Indian Oil Corp. have deferred planned shutdowns due a shortage of contract workers, said company officials with knowledge of the matter.

    The refiners will need to keep operating these units, reassess their feedstock plans and possibly reduce overall run rates, they said. The country’s health-care system is being overwhelmed as infections spike and oxygen remains in short supply. Major Indian motorways were deserted earlier this month as lockdowns and curfews were rolled out across major cities. The move prompted a slump in fuel sales as police patrols were stepped up to keep people off the streets and stalls rolled down their shutters.

    • The last time corn prices were this high (and higher) was in the 2011 to 2013 time period, when oil prices were very high.

      • Tom Joad says:

        The drought of 2012 was a multi-billion dollar agricultural disaster in the United States. The drought was on par with the drought of 1988, which—according to the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)—caused $40 billion (based on the 2015 Consumer Price Index cost-adjusted value) in mostly agricultural losses.

        Nearly two-thirds (65.45 percent) of the continental U.S. was covered by drought (Fig. 3) on September 25, 2012, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM).

        Among row crops, losses were most substantial for grain corn. Pre-drought estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicated an expected U.S. corn yield of 166.0 bushels per acre and production of 14.79 billion bushels. Final 2012 numbers placed corn yield at 123.1 bushels per acre and 10.76 billion bushels—reductions of 26 and 27 percent, respectively.


  10. Copper now about $300 away from a record. It’s up about $500 in three days.

    • MM says:

      Build Back Better Crack Up Boom

    • The last time copper prices were this high was in 2011. It is possible, with if inflation adjustment is reflected, that they were also this high in the 2006 to 2008 period. The numbers shown are not inflation adjusted.

  11. About 87% of Americans are concerned about rising costs of household expenses.

    Endogenous response: About 20-30% buying less as a result of higher prices , mostly amongst lower income families.

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “China is not producing enough feed grains such as soybeans to support its large and growing livestock industry, meaning it relies on imports…

      “Between January to March, China imported 6.7 million tonnes of corn, 438 per cent more than in the same period last year…”


    • This index only goes back to 2015, when oil prices were at a low point. The index looks like it goes through the roof. I expect if it went back to 2006-2008 or 2011 to 2013, it would not look like as amazing a change. From the point of view of poor customers, buying mostly commodity food, it would be a big increase, however.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        What cannot continue … will stop. And then…..

        – Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city). Expected Q2 2021.

        – Transitioning of individuals into the universal basic income program. Expected mid Q2 2021.

        – Projected supply chain break downs, inventory shortages, large economic instability. Expected late Q2 2021.

        – Deployment of military personnel into major metropolitan areas as well as all major roadways to establish travel checkpoints. Restrict travel and movement. Provide logistical support to the area. Expected by Q3 2021. Along with that provided road map the Strategic Planning committee was asked to design an effective way of transitioning Canadians to meet a unprecedented economic endeavor.

        • Kowalainen says:

          So I got my oats, a bicycle, electricity and tap water. Yeah, I probably got one or two computers too many. But hey.

          I’m suffering big time. Unprecedented endeavor as I burn through some, what was it now again, 20kWh/day.

          Thus Spoke the Nihilist, while patting abandoned squirrel sucklings on their head feeding them through a bicycle brake bleeding syringe.

          Perpetually stuck in the suck of and from dullard muppets.


          Fuck it all. Let it burn!


          MOAR! YAY!


        • NomadicBeer says:

          Thanks FE for your persistence.
          I don’t know the reasons behind the plan, but the leak does look legit.

          All this happened or is in progress:
          – Vax passports
          – New waves/variants.
          – Stricter lockdowns
          – Supply chain breakdowns

          As a counterpoint to the above, the US is opening up. Not only California and New York (where the governors are in trouble) but even the feds are relaxing their guidelines.
          Why such a different approach than Canada?

  12. Lumber futures have gone from $252 in June of 2020 to $1446 now.

    • It seems like people will start deferring building projects at these prices.

      One of my sisters told me not too long ago that the cost of a new deck on their home was now quoted at $25,000 or more. Based on past prices, they had expected a cost of perhaps $12,000.

  13. hillcountry says:

    Appreciation to whoever posted the link to:

    Trade-Off – Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse.


    It’s all in there; from supply-chain break-down contagion, to non-linear math, to new currencies, to the Minsky moment, deflation, hyperinflation, Black Swans, capital flight, derivatives, bankster fears, bond crash, no-bid seller’s market, etc. Great bedtime reading!!

    • hillcountry says:

      As constraints of “Peak Oil” pertain to the paper’s foci:

      It is a question of risk management, not faith. If there is a 25% probability that those arguing for a near-term peak are correct, and the consequences are half as bad as what some analysts are saying, then it must be risk managed immediately.

      Peak oil is not primarily concerned with reserves, but flow rates. It is a dynamic constraint in a dynamic economy. Promises of energies yet to be accessed, technologies not yet in production (never mind being rolled out at scale) are irrelevant if the constraint is pressing. Using an analogy, it is of little use knowing that there is an oasis a hundred miles away if a stumbling man is dying of thirst now.

      The idea that oil scarcity will lead to rising prices, thus encouraging technological innovation, substitution, and conservation, thereby allowing the continuation of our habituated status quo is conditional. The conditionalities are not met.

      Because the economy is path dependent, it is adaptive to particular forms of energy flows, as revealed in our fixed assets (cars, refineries and pipelines), settlement patterns, trade arbitrage and ultimately many of the structural and social characteristics of the economy. One cannot jump across energy carriers without time, effort and the working operational fabric of the globalised economy.

      Energy is a global systems constraint. In an integrated globalised economy, the health of one country’s economy is dependent upon the energy available to other economies. Using a body analogy, a fully resourced heart is pointless if the liver and brain are collapsing due to resource constraints.

      • Kowalainen says:

        The obvious solution being making mundane and simple shit locally, the complex high-tech stuff separated out into risk-managed streams.

        Why is a complex supply chain needed for making basic stuff such as garments? Just manufacture basic sewing machines in a risk-managed stream.

        Whatever that which can be produced locally should. As time and resource depletion proceeds, more natural materials can be incorporated in the produce.

        The complications arise out of an over-optimization for the sake of:

        MOAR! PROFITSSSSSS!!!! 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💵💴💶💷💸💲💲💲🤑

        And as we all know:

        “There are many different ways to view a situation, and if you respond the same, you become predictable. Overspecialize and you breed in weakness.”
        — Togusa

      • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

        Thanks for this and remember the movie, “The Mission”, in which the justification of attacking and eliminating that rogue example was as the
        Bishop pointed out, “Sometimes one must amputate the limb to save the person,”.
        Gail has written in the past that societies or nations will be cut off as the system contracts….and within societies some groups will be cut out.
        She also pointed out to remind oneself…it’s not your fault🤗

      • MM says:

        That was all known for a long time and a bet was put on growing out of these growth problems by growing even faster.
        I see something I like to call a “resouce singularity” approaching (commodity prices…)
        Well, OFW and others have done the math.
        It was obvious/human that no controlled demolition plan (e.g. Hirsch Report , 2005) has been taken just before everyting spins out of control as it does now.
        Some years of Bau might be in the cards but imho not with the additional layer of covid restictions in place for every transaction (shops, travel, movement)
        Our society is not built on the concept of limited movement.

        Scream: “Path dependency. Never heared about that!”

        • Artleads says:

          But unlimited movements seems silly, however. Lots of fuss and turmoil about nothing.

          ” it is of little use knowing that there is an oasis a hundred miles away if a stumbling man is dying of thirst now.”

          This would speak to opening everything, and running around thoughtlessly as beforer. But maybe it’s not a matter of BAU as opposed to the total end of it. There’s a space that’s opening up for new local food supplies. Some governments are seeing the need to level and cooperate more with non government groups. Slow as molasses on most days, but never to the exclusion of the constant growth of weeds between the cracks.

          Is it possible to see that there’s an oasis 100 miles away, while seeing that it can’t be reached with the immediate threat to existence not addressed? Like walking and chewing gum at the same time.

      • This is a very fine section of Dave Korowicz’s fine paper. I had forgotten the analogies that he uses, among other things:

        ” it is of little use knowing that there is an oasis a hundred miles away if a stumbling man is dying of thirst now.”

        ” a fully resourced heart is pointless if the liver and brain are collapsing due to resource constraints.

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    This smacks of desperation … the funny thing is… the vaccine doesn’t stop you from contracting covid… this lacks logic.

    Hong Kong will ease social-distancing restrictions by allowing bars, nightclubs and karaoke parlors to re-open and operate past midnight only for vaccinated residents starting Thursday, as the government intensifies efforts to boost the city’s lackluster inoculation drive.


    • All of these reopenings can be thought of as experiments in how well the vaccine really works, when people who might be infected are excluded to the extent possible.

      I expect a similar situation exists if boats offering cruises require vaccines for admission and then let people on an off at various interesting locations where they get exposed to the latest version of the virus going around.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        “Today is another day we can take a step back to the normalcy of before,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a briefing by Biden administration officials. “Over the past year, we have spent a lot of time telling Americans what they cannot do, what they should not do. Today, I’m going to tell you some of the things you can do if you are fully vaccinated.”


        It does look like an experiment. Alternatively, if FE is right this is the perfect way to spread newly generated variants.

        • This has the makings of a first class mess.


          How in the world can the “fully vaccinated” to one set of things, and those without vaccine do something much lesser. No one truly knows whether a given vaccine is working for a given person at a point in time. Will there always be parallel activities for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated?

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Was in town earlier and popped into a clinic (the one I am registered with refuses to return my call to respond to my vaccine questions)… for a chat…

            Do you have any long term studies?

            haha … no — there are none. But I’ve had the vax because I want to be able to return to the States to visit at some point… I hear you says I but I am going to wait till I can get on the plane without having to quarantine on both ends… a look of ‘I never thought of that’ crossed the ladies face…

            A nurse arrived at the desk and the lady says … do you know if we will still need to quarantine if we return to NZ from overseas?

            Nurse – I don’t see why that would change – the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting Covid — or from spreading it. It may reduce your chance of severe illness if you catch Covid

            Look of concern on receptionists face.. (ruined her day?)

            I said I am switching clinics to you guys – what do you need.

            Isn’t it interesting that the Ministry’s Covid site has removed this rather important piece of information from their site… isn’t it interesting that the receptionist was not told that the vaccine would stop her from contracting Covid?

            It’s more than interesting … it is deceitful … and it should result in the loss of license for any doctor who neglects to inform their patient of this.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Will they be able to do more… or will this be a carrot to convince more to get the vax….

            The vax does not stop the spread of covid.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Let … her … rip!!!

          As we have noted — the low hanging meat has been injected…. the others are not worth the effort… and not necessary…

          With over 1B sacrificial lambs having accepted the Devil’s Spawn… (all Hail The Devil…) that is a big enough breeding ground for his Evil Children to emerge… from the primordial ooze…

          Can’t wait too long otherwise the centrifuge explodes… and the CEP will be all for naught.

          It does seem as though things are reaching the critical point … we are spinning faster and losing control a little more each day…

          It cannot be much longer…. no Messiah… only the Devil cometh…


      • Fast Eddy says:

        Only 11% of HK people have had a jab…. Given the vaccines are not really intended to prevent illness (if they wanted that they’d not block leading experts who are using various treatments including Ivermectin with great success) rather they are purposed to help create Devil Covid… my conclusion is that they need to offer sweeter carrots to try to convince the cattle to get the lethal injections.

  15. Harry McGibbs says:

    “US companies plan price rises as inflation pressure builds…

    “Consumers have been put on notice to expect higher prices for goods ranging from toilet paper to washing machines to restaurant burritos, in a number of recent announcements that underline inflationary pressures across the global economy.”


  16. Harry McGibbs says:

    “2020 Census shows U.S. population grew at the second slowest pace in history… The first numbers to come out of the 2020 Census show the U.S. population on April 1, 2020 — Census Day — was 331.5 million people, an increase of just 7.4 percent between 2010 and 2020…

    “The slowdown is probably due to the aging of the country’s White population, decreased fertility rates, and lagging immigration.”


  17. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Prosperous Costa Rica faces reckoning on debt…

    “Covid-19 has brought a reckoning. As the economy contracted 4.5 per cent last year and the important tourism sector slumped 40 per cent, a debt burden approaching 70 per cent of gross domestic product proved unsustainable.”


  18. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Terrorist Group Steps Into Venezuela as Lawlessness Grows…

    “Venezuela’s economic collapse has so thoroughly gutted the country that insurgents have embedded themselves across large stretches of its territory, seizing upon the nation’s undoing to establish mini-states of their own.”


  19. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Uganda said on Monday it may approach its major creditors including China and the World Bank to negotiate a possible suspension of loan repayments amid a growing default risk after its debt load ballooned 35% in a single year.”


  20. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Bank of England considers ‘going Swedish’ with Britcoin… “No cash” signs are a frequent feature in central Stockholm. In 2018, just 1pc of Sweden’s GDP was circulating in cash, compared to 11pc across the eurozone.

    “The trend is being mirrored in the UK… Now, both nations are on a quest to understand how a new type of digital currency can stop the countries’ central banks being sidelined in the future of money.”


  21. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Global military spending hits highest level since 1988… Military spending as a share of GDP – the military burden – reached a global average of 2.4% in 2020, up from 2.2% in 2019. This was the biggest year-on-year rise in the military burden since the global financial and economic crisis in 2009…

    “The US, China, India, Russia, and the UK were the top five spenders in 2020, with 62% of the global military expenditure, the survey said.”


    • Having more military is a way to provide jobs to the jobless, especially the young men who are likely to be quite unhappy if they cannot find employment.

    • Minority Of One says:

      A few weeks ago I saw a chart that showed, for last year or this, can’t remember:

      USA: 40% of global military budget
      Next 15 highest-budget countries: 40%
      Everyone else: 20%

      Why spend so much on the military if we are on our way out?
      I am pretty sure that a high % of the USA military have been vaxxed?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        CEP Launch … the final afternoon session…

        Now that we have everyone one board, it is crucial that you continue with BAU as if nothing has changed… you need to ‘dance while the music plays’ because to do otherwise would be to risk the CEP.

        And what would be the purpose of slashing the military budget? It would achieve nothing other than alerting people to the fact that something is profoundly wrong…

        The cattle and everyone not in the inner circle… must not be allowed to sniff the wolf’s arse.

  22. Mrs S says:

    Re India, this is interesting

    The media are whipping up hysteria by using pictures from previous disasters.

    Everything is a lie to make you take that injection.

  23. Lastcall says:

    Facts are so overrated…how a cult is born. Its been a masterclass huh!


    And this is why so many people — people who are able to easily recognize totalitarianism in cults and foreign countries — cannot perceive the totalitarianism that is taking shape now, right in front of their faces (or, rather, right inside their minds). Nor can they perceive the delusional nature of the official “Covid-19” narrative, no more than those in Nazi Germany were able to perceive how completely delusional their official “master race” narrative was. Such people are neither ignorant nor stupid. They have been successfully initiated into a cult, which is essentially what totalitarianism is, albeit on a societal scale.

    Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January, when the medical authorities and corporate media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets. The psychological conditioning has continued for months. The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda, manufactured hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies, and tawdry theatrical effects. Lockdowns. Emergency field hospitals and morgues. The singing-dancing NHS staff. Death trucks. Overflowing ICUs. Dead Covid babies. Manipulated statistics. Goon squads. Masks. And all the rest of it.

    Eight months later, here we are. The Head of the Health Emergencies Program at the WHO has basically confirmed an IFR of 0.14%, approximately the same as the seasonal flu.

    • I think the truth lies somewhat in between the two extremes.The illness is indeed a problem because of the wage loss for many individuals and because of today’s absurdly high medical costs. Also, quite a few people seem to have problems that take weeks or months to resolve. They may even be permanent.

      The virus seems to be a cross between something like a cold virus and something like the virus that causes HIV. It is the latter that is causing the health problems. The fact that it is related to a cold virus makes a person wonder whether immunity will last very long.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Never in history have all government leaders agreed on anything — but they all agree on Covid and the need to vaccinate every single one of their citizens with an experiment. When most will not even get very sick from Covid.

      This points to something much more sinister than a new governing system.

      Something far grander. The CEP.

      • Tim Groves says:

        QED, Fast Edd! Your logic is irrefutable. Apart from a small minority of US state governors and the presidents of some minor countries most people would have difficulty finding on a world map, all government leaders are riding the Covid train for all its worth, and riding that train as passengers, not as drivers.

        This is all a bit reminiscent of another contagion-filled train that OJ Simpson and Ava Gardener were traveling in.

        A thousand passengers sealed on a train.
        Why the medic team needs to be armed with full-loaded guns?

        Why it is forbidden to leave the train alive?

        Why a thousand of human beings who travelling to nowhere with one-way ticket to HELL!


        • Fast Eddy says:

          I am only a humble vessel for Fast Eddy to disseminate his facts and logic… ‘the Chosen One’…

          I am not reluctant to bask in His Glory… receive Adulation intended for Him (I acknowledge that I am undeserving)…. and willing to service His groupies on His behalf…

          He doesn’t mind losing out on the adulation and glory… but the groupies…

          He was particularly displeased when this knocked at the door this afternoon (while M Fast was at her body pump class)…


  24. Mrs S says:

    I thought it was about instituting a totalitarian control system and making money in the midst of the collapse of industrial civillisation.

    But now, having spent a couple of weeks reading about the spike protein, I have changed my mind. I think Fast Eddy is right. They are trying to kill us all. There is no other explanation. It has been known for decades how dangerous the spike protein is, and now we’re having the code injected into us so that we never stop producing it.

    These doctors are taking seriously the idea of people somehow shedding the spike and discussing what the mechanism for that might be.


    • Fast Eddy says:

      I’ll get you a CEP ball cap….

    • Minority Of One says:

      The issue I have with this “They are trying to kill us all” is that the vast majority of people in the world have not been ‘vaccinated’, and maybe never will be, although that might not matter. Only a couple of weeks ago there was an article posted here that stated only 1-10% of Australians were vaccinated, for example. And many if not most third world countries are not vaccinated at all. And here in the UK the main vaccine, until now, has been AstraZeneca, which is not an mRNA vaccine.

      The only two countries that are at an advanced stage of vaccinating their populations with mRNA vaccines that I know of (there may be others, I don’t know) are Israel and the USA. The world would certainly be a different place if the USA population was to crash.

      • Mrs S says:

        That’s what the podcast I posted is about.

        The doctors are noticing patients experiencing vaccine side effects when they haven’t been vaccinated. They have only been around the vaccinated.

        If this is true, then they don’t need to vaccinate everybody. Just enough people to spread the spike protein around.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          DuncNorm… has been rather quiet as The Centrifuge Spins Fast…..

          I must admit to being in a state of heightened awareness…. like an animal who senses a predator approaching…

          I think that is Mr DNA taking over. Hahaha… too late buddy… you are DONE.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Seems you have not watched Bossche explain this — or don’t have the horsepower to understand what he has said

        • Minority Of One says:

          Don’t have the horsepower.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            Minority Of One – don’t sell yourself short. Just because Fast Eddy is so insecure he has to belittle everyone else, you don’t have to buy it.

            I have the same fears as you but let’s keep our minds open for other possibilities. Remember that after the Reichstag fire, a lot of Germans were worried about the communists taking over. History showed them.

            That being said, whatever the plan is is not good (for us).

            • Minority Of One says:

              I agree, whatever happens it is not going to end well for us in the industrialised countries. We have had a good couple of centuries standard-of-living wise, but it is game over now.

              I get the impression though that the ‘vaccines’ hardly exist in Africa, and various other countries, and when the SHTF, millions of people are going to do whatever it takes to avoid hunger, decimating what is left of the natural world in the process. Maybe grace will kick in, at the global level.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I read the other day that Bali has vaccinated 600,000 people… I think they have around 3M…

              If Bossche is correct you don’t have to vaccinate anyone in the 3rd world… Marek’s does not respect borders … nor will D-Covid.

              They better hope it doesn’t … because otherwise 3rd world countries will have one hell of time without food, electricity, petrol, medicine, etc…

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Unfortunately even if you had 1,000,000 of you to oppose Fast Eddy you would not win… adding up all the horse power of many is not the same as one having thousands upon thousands of horse power.

              But if it makes ya’ll feel better ….

      • AstraZeneca still has the same problems, I am 99% certain. Their view is that Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is worse than Pfizer and Moderna’s. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and AstraZeneca’s vaccine are similar.

    • Xabier says:

      Exactly, Mrs S; Techno-totalitarianism and modification of the dying economy + population poisoning, reduction and mass experimentation.

      Trans (ie Anti-) humanism as the icing on the crazy cake! And everyone a slave!

      Who needs death camps? So 20th century……..

      Mike Yeadon’s recent interview in ‘The Daily Expose’ is worth a look. It seem that he is now looking to leave the UK, for Florida.

      He knows that he isn’t getting anywhere in the UK, and may be in danger, of forced vaccination at the least.

      • Mrs S says:

        Thanks I didn’t know that about Mike Yeadon. I’ll check the interview.

        I’m afraid we really are in a good versus evil battle.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Yeadon https://www.bitchute.com/video/b1pNnQGPnOTE/

          Dr Mike Yeadon’s Open Letter Regarding SARS-COV-2 Vaccine

          It is increasingly difficult to retrieve a copy of Dr Mike Yeadon’s, (ex VP of Pfizer), open letter to Matt Hancock regarding the new SARS-COV-2 vaccine, so, along with his Bio, I am posting it on this blog. In it, he explicitly states that he is not against vaccinations in general – his concern is with the lack of data regarding the long-term effects of any vaccination developed in less than a year. Imperative reading.


          Dr. Michael Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988.

          Dr. Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation. With colleagues, he was the first to detect exhaled NO in animals and later to induce NOS in lung via allergic triggers.

          Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. He was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.

          Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals (SYK inhibitors) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva and acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.

          Dr. Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr. Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.

          Dear Mr Hancock,

          I have a degree in Biochemistry & Toxicology & a research based PhD in pharmacology. I have spent 32years working in pharmaceutical R&D, mostly in new medicines for disorders of lung & skin.

          I was a VP at Pfizer & CEO of a biotech I founded (Ziarco – acquired by Novartis). I’m knowledgeable about new medicine R&D. I have read the consultation document. I’ve rarely been as shocked & upset.

          All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel. No candidate vaccine has been in development for more than a few months. If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.

          This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information.

          My concern does not arise because I have negative views about vaccines (I don’t). Instead, it’s the very principle that politicians seem ready to waive that new medical interventions at this, incomplete state of development- should not be made available to subjects on anything other than an explicitly experimental basis.

          That’s my concern.

          And the reason for that concern is that it is not known what the safety profile will be, six months or a year or longer after dosing. You have literally no data on this & neither does anyone else. It isn’t that I’m saying that unacceptable adverse effects will emerge after longer intervals after dosing.

          No: it is that you have no idea what will happen yet, despite this, you’ll be creating the impression that you do. Several of the vaccine candidates utilise novel technology which have not previously been used to create vaccines.

          There is therefore no long term safety data which can be pointed to in support of the notion that it’s reasonable to expedite development & to waive absent safety information on this occasion. I am suspicious of the motives of those proposing expedited use in the wider human population.

          We now understand who is at particularly elevated risk of morbidity & mortality from acquiring this virus. Volunteers from these groups only should be provided detailed information about risk / benefit, including the sole point I make here.

          Only if informed consent is given should any EXPERIMENTAL vaccine be used. I don’t trust you. You’ve not been straightforward & have behaved appallingly throughout this crisis. You’re still doing it now, misleading about infection risk from young children. Why should I believe you in relation to experimental vaccines?

          Dr Michael Yeadon

          An ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION has been filed by Dr Mike Yeadon with the Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new Pfizer COVID vaccine that has been submitted for “emergency use authorization” (EUA).

        • Xabier says:

          It’s all getting dreadfully Biblical. Time for the mighty sword of the Archangel Michael, maybe?

          But a glass or two of good wine from the South first.

          One can’t hope to face transcendental evil without it!

          • Kowalainen says:

            A bit of intimidating divinity presenting some grandiose bullwank in your visions and dreams? Allow me to.

            HAHAHAHAHAHA, FU.

            I’m sure you’d see my my legs shake. Wait, no they wouldn’t.


            My fingers would be double flipping furiously. Send me to hell for blasphemy? The joke is on you.


            What a bunch of outrageously incompetent muppets that has been running this shit show since the dawn of time. Yes indeed;


            As father, as son.

            But hey, Gabriel looks hot. Does she have raptor eyes and a vicious and lucid mind? Then I might change my mind. In the mean time.

            I’M CALLING IT



            • JMS says:

              Fear of death says “leap!” and human heart says “how high?”

            • Kowalainen says:

              All I think about is how far I can twist the throttle before the rear end starts to spin. After that point the throttle is pinned and blue smoke fills the wake. If it rains? Even better; less tyre wear.


              Afraid of exactly what? I’m not sure I understand the question here? Let’s list the options for all specimens and the species in general:

              1. Death is inevitable
              2. Extinction is inevitable

              Am I the only one not understanding the problem? Could somebody help me out? Wait, I see, its their mediocre shitty ass cuck offspring…


              TO THE BUNKERS!


              (PLUS THE EPSTEIN “CONTENT”)


            • JMS says:

              3. Denial (of death) is (also) inevitable. In fact, it’s the working method of human mind.

          • Robert Firth says:

            Sancte Michael Archangele,
            defende nos in proelio;
            contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
            Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
            tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis,
            Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
            qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
            divina virtute, in infernum detrude.

            • Xabier says:

              Beautiful, thank you.

              To be pronounced the Continental way, with emphasis and relish!

              So, my friends, let us put on the full armour of God, and face this, and be not dismayed.

            • Saint Michael the Archangel
              defend us in the day of battle;
              the wickedness and snares of the devil.
              May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do
              O Prince of the heavenly host
              The power of God;
              the ruin of souls in the world;
              by the power of God, thrust into hell.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Saint Michael the Archangel
              defend us in the day of battle;
              the wickedness and snares of the ‘VACCINES’.
              May God rebuke Fauci, we humbly pray; and do
              O Prince of the heavenly host
              The power of God;
              the ruin of souls in the world;
              by the power of God, thrust Ardern and Trudeau into hell.

              All Hail Fast Eddy.

              Kowtow to Fast Eddy.

              For only HE alone has the power to deliver humanity from Extinction

              But HE does not want to.

              So HE won’t.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Lemme see if I got this right:

              1. Twiddle with primate genomes
              2. Botch your splicing and dicing
              3. Rapacious primates emerges
              4. Send “evil” primates to hell

              Perhaps the problem isn’t “evil”, but rather somewhere else higher up on the list? No?

              It seems entirely plausible for a puny 20W biological computer, belonging to a rapacious primate, that this indeed could be the case.

              High five to Lucifer. He was right all the time. Somebody’s gotta take care of the lost souls after the botch job.



              You know I am right!




          • Mrs S says:

            Oddly enough, as a former atheist, I have acquainted myself with Archangel Michael quite a lot recently.

            We could certainly do with some divine assistance.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Unless the so called ‘divinity’ is the source of the predicament.

              Then they can just GTFO. No “help” needed.

              As father, as son.


            • JMS says:

              Me too! As an irreducible atheist, I can only regret that the series came to an end in 2020. BUAAAA!!!! Now we are helpless and alone (alone!) in the audiovisual universe! BUAAAAA!!!!!!

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Ummm.. sheri… the brain trust is Bossche – Yeadon – Fleming – Bridle… Sheri is a bit much….

    • hillcountry says:

      Mrs S – assuming that there is a deranged faction out there, would one not also assume a counter-force? Not a bunch of long-winded whiners preaching to the choir from their home studios, but military-grade opposition? Like the retired generals in France that Harry links above, but active in real terms beyond mere vocal rebukes. Does anyone really think that even given the break-down of industrial civilization as we know it, over whatever timespan, that all of the various powers-that-be are in some harmonious sync with extermination of the human species? There’d be a lot of trench-warfare going on at the same time as a CEP was being rolled-out and I don’t see evidence of that.

      I do see Dr. Pierre Kory getting the NIH to back-off its absurd position. FDA is next.

      It’s a big world with lots of inertia and plenty of local creativity. It’s much simpler to regard the plandemic as a cover-story for the collapse we’re experiencing globally, than as a CEP.

      The John Birch Society ran the same kind of over-the-top hyperbolic stuff years ago. Their vague term was “The Insiders”. Their enemy – International Communism. The New American is the new face of the John Birch Society. Go see what they’re up to.


      Here’s a fun article with some great back-story quotes like the following:

      “Every other person in Phoenix is a member of the John Birch Society,” Goldwater told Buckley and Kirk. “I’m not talking about commie-haunted apple pickers or cactus drunks. I’m talking about the highest cast of men of affairs.”


      • Ed says:

        The US federal government is now controlled by the CCP and not one peep from any West Point graduate.

        • hillcountry says:

          Yeah, and we’re on the fourth-iteration of the Committee on the Present Danger – China [this time].


          Spend some time with those names. You’ll find a motley crew, including old LaRouchies like David Goldman, who finally came out of the Asia Times closet, where he spun narratives for years under the “Spengler” nom de guerre.

          Unpack this anti-commie thing and we’ll send you the Antony Sutton award for intellectual bravery.

      • Mrs S says:

        If it was all talk then I would agree.

        But they have shut down the global economy, closed borders, forced people to wear masks, and are currently insisting 8 billion people take an experimental, highly dangerous, medical treatment that they don’t need.

        All in lockstep.

        If you can point me to some resistance I would be happy.

        • Ed says:

          The global lockstep is a dead give-away.

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            On the plus side, witnessing the “global lockstep” has provided us with an opportunity to see who is on the scamdemic payroll – who is the enemy.

            Politicians, celebrities, news broadcasters, entrepreneurs, crisis actors, etc. – it has been an absolute revelation.

            Yes, there are many prominent people promoting the scam. They represent the cowards, the deceivers, the greedy, and the useful idiots.
            However, their numbers still pale in comparison to the rest of us who haven’t yet sold our souls.

            • JMS says:

              Completely agree. The covid-scam allowed us to distinguish with the utmost clarity who are the covidiot around us. And it is supremely shocking to find that most of our dearest friends and family are among them.

        • hillcountry says:

          This is what practical resistance looks like.


          We can put this thing to bed and the con-men know it. I usually skip the lengthy intro and go right to the discussion. I hand out leaflets everywhere I go; with links to a variety of videos, meta-reviews of RCT’s, quotes from Satoshi Omura (Nobel Prize 2015), NIH change of recommendation, etc. People are curious and happy to get them.

          Remember, it’s impossible to put vague categories of ‘others’ in jail. It’s specific crimes that deserve criminal court attention.

          The perps may put it to bed themselves, as pressure mounts and Gail’s observations in her latest post become more widely understood. Other very large interests are being damaged by this overshoot of medical and banker hubris. No doubt there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that we’re never going to hear about. I’m thinking there’s a lot of people losing a lot of sleep as this battle accelerates. Even MSM is giving some clues to that.

          The main reason I’m getting fed-up with some of the people coming at us with anti-vax information is that I can discern how they ‘black-wash’ the subject, tarring it with “genocide” narratives. That’s totally unnecessary and I think deliberate. Our fellow citizens have been traumatized enough, imho.

          If I’m wrong about it, I guess it won’t make any difference what I think. If I’m right, there’s more lives that can be saved. Pierre Kory and the FLCCC Alliance think we could have saved upwards of 350,000 lives. They have numerous cases of lives saved under their belt and the same for their allies in other countries. That’s effective opposition, not fear mongering.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            hillcountry, thanks for your well thought out alternative explanation. Please keep posting questions – we do need some views other than mainstream and apocalypse.

            In regard to your previous comment (about China) it does seem that it’s not as simple as I thought. It did look like China supported Biden but now it seems that there might be factions (both in US and in China) that are fighting each other.

            Ultimately, US is failing quite fast. It will be interesting to see if US will pull a Britain and become a Chinese colony (with some benefits, see how well UK did after WWII as a US colony) or decide to go down in flames (think Tzarist, Ottoman or Austro-Hungarian empire).

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Not only is this futile… it is misguided…

            The Elders are only trying to save us from a situation worse than this… https://www.quora.com/What-would-the-world-be-like-if-society-collapsed

            But of course nobody wants to accept that … even though I would have thought that all participants on this site are aware of the fact that oil peaked in 2019… maybe 2018….

            Peak Oil = Extinction.

            Now you can fight it and if you win you get to suffer horribly … before going extinct….

            Or you can play ball with the Elders and get the vax and help with creating the Deadly Mutants… that will eliminate most of the suffering as we go extinct.

            Either way … we are done here. Pick your poison.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        There would not be an opposing faction of any significance.

        The reason is that to be of significance, that would require what humans call intelligence.

        And anyone with intelligence who might oppose… will have had the CEP explained… and they would respond with ‘oooooh…. now I see why you are doing this … TINA…. ok .. we’re with you’

        Yeaden Bossche… are not significant … but they are intelligent… if they were to gain traction and threaten the CEP…. that would make them significant… and they’d be summonsed to the Palace.. and the CEP would be explained… and they’d stand down (and fly to Florida and go to Disneyland?)

        Note in Utopia — when some of the rebels realized that the vaccine sterilization plan was actually a GOOD idea…. they turncoated on their mates….

    • I listened to the first half hour earlier; I listened to the rest now.

      It is all very concerning. Their view is that the COVID injections (“vaccines”) are part of planned genocide. I would expect that it is planned genocide of people from rich countries, because people from poor countries won’t be able to afford them.

      “Dr. Larry” (who is not further identified in the video tape) says that we are no longer being governed; we are being ruled.At 1:02, he says that we need to take the power back from the people who are ruling us. We (the unvaccinated) need to defend and support each other.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        ‘Take back the power’ tee hee…. how?

        • Kowalainen says:

          Pray Jesus Christ to top up Ghawar. That will for sure give power back to the petroleum sucklings.

          I can see a few problems with this strategy, though. A small little thing called divine intervention on a lost cause in objective reality.

          MOAR! YAY!

          LET IT RAIN!



        • Ed says:

          Yes how??? Please send me a hat CEP

        • Robert Firth says:

          “Rise like Lions after slumber
          In unvanquishable number–
          Shake your chains to earth like dew
          Which in sleep had fallen on you–
          Ye are many — they are few.”

          Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 to 1822), “The Masque of Anarchy”

      • Mrs S says:

        It’s Dr Lawrence Pavelsky. He’s a paediatrician.

        If you google him you can see that his reputation has been comprehensively trashed by big pharma shills like all the other dissenters.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    I find myself wanting to … kick that presenter in the face

    Does that make me a… bad person?

    • Xabier says:

      Let’s see it as dark comedy: so many painted faces, with empty eyes, on TV, disseminating lies.

      But really, whatever happened to Canadians: from pioneers a century or so ago, to this?!

      TV, and too much urban prosperity?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I am told this is what they have been bombarded with for over a year now….

        How depressing to be locked down month after month … and because most people don’t know how to read (or don’t care to)… they watch the Tee Vee … all… day… and evening…. long…. it stays on over every meal … pumping out it’s non-stop message of fear fear FEAR!!!

        That in itself is a Matrix… a hellish one….

  26. Current challenges in Vaks cases and cases of close contact with recent Vaks subjects via Spike Protein Shed:

    EBV/CMV activation
    Severe Prosthesis swelling
    Post menopausal bleeding

    Got shingles on day 2 after being exposed for a few hours to a vaccinated family member (Pfizer day 5 after vaccination). I’m 39 and healthy. My 39y neighbour just spent a day with vaccinated person on Saturday and developed shingles today. Coincidence?

  27. Fast Eddy says:

    ‘We’re all going to die soon’ Ricky seems to be aware of the CEP…


    Perhaps others have stopped giving a f789 … because they know deep deep down… this is The End.


    • Kowalainen says:

      Yet another dumb ass failed experiment in the crests and throughs of evolution. How could it possibly end in some other way?

      When rip roaring pinpoint sharp observers (of the dysfunctional species in question) can easily identify within themselves, and others, that there might be some serious intractable issues with this breed.

      It’s about time to pull the plug. It’s the only way to be sure…

      But, hey, why not have some offspring to satisfy your instincts? And while at it it, compete in vanity with other deluded muppets in the herd!

      Bwahahahaha, yeah, right.



  28. Fast Eddy says:

    Look that this Obese Pig of a Child —- WTF does one eat to get that FAT in only 13 years of life?

    13-year-old Brampton, Ont. girl who died of COVID-19 passed away same day she was taken to hospital


  29. hillcountry says:

    Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2021 Jan
    Published online 2020 Nov 28.
    PMID: 33259913

    A COVID-19 prophylaxis? Lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of ivermectin


    • I notice the journal is “The International Journal of Microbial Agents” and the two authors are from Plymouth State University and Rhode Island College. These are not prestigious authors from prestigious universities writing in a prestigious journal. They are pretty much the opposite. This seems to be the first article that the first author listed has ever written. The second author seems to have many prior publications, but she seems to have a common name that is difficult to distinguished from other authors.

  30. Fast Eddy says:

    I would dismiss you as borderline insane.. Except… you were able to do this.


    Very impressive

  31. Whoa look at this! A contract worth up to £3m to provide “COVID marshals” this summer – starting AFTER all restrictions allegedly end.

    • If you can pretend to be able to provide the services the UK is looking for, perhaps you can make some money this way.

      • Xabier says:

        Anything in a hi-viz jacket seems all the rage in the UK: environmental crime officers, community support, Covid stewards, city centre safety – all new, all useless – and boring old traffic wardens…..

        Make-work jobs like India, etc.

  32. Mirror on the wall says:

    Oh dear, Tory ‘sleaze’ is now flooding into the public realm. And just a week before the May elections – what a shame. Westminster is completely out of control.

    If Boris said that he would rather see “bodies pile high in their thousands” than have a lockdown, then he must go. No ifs or buts. Likewise, if he then lied about it, then he must go.

    And this is before the matter is addressed of 15 billion of public funds pocketed by Tory cronies, donors, their mates and even their next door neighbours through a ‘secret channel’ for shoddy, unusable c 19 gear and without any competition for contracts.

    It cannot end at Boris, much of the Tory Party government is going to have to resign – quite possibly the entire party.

    And the Tories are also resisting a public enquiry into their handling of c 19, with the borders left wide open for nine months into it – but that enquiry surely will also come. 130,000 dead so far.

    Ironic, the Tories were way ahead in the polls – and they let their corruption flood out – pride before the fall? They are now ‘damned’.

    > Boris Johnson under siege after he denies ‘bodies’ remark but BBC and ITV confirm it, while it’s revealed Tory Party paid £58,000 bill for his No10 flat makeover last July AND the PM texted Dominic Cummings to CLEAR him over ‘chatty rat’ claims

    In a further setback it was revealed that he had texted Dominic Cummings last year to exonerate him over the notorious ‘chatty rat’ leak inquiry – undermining Downing Street’s claims that the former aide was behind a string of damaging disclosures.

    Ministers tried to play down yesterday’s explosive revelation in the Daily Mail that Mr Johnson had allegedly raged at officials that he would rather see ‘bodies pile high in their thousands’ than order a third lockdown.

    But the Mail’s story was confirmed by both the BBC and ITV, citing their own sources. In a terse denial yesterday, Mr Johnson said he had not uttered the words.

    But ITV political editor Robert Peston said two eyewitnesses, neither of whom had spoken to the Mail, confirmed that Mr Johnson had made the outburst following a tense meeting to agree the second lockdown in October last year.

    News of the Covid clampdown was leaked to the Mail last October just hours after the decision was taken. The leak infuriated the PM who told the Cabinet Office to launch an investigation to hunt down the so-called ‘chatty rat’ who leaked it.

    …. Mr Case was earlier left squirming as he tried to duck questions from MPs over who paid for the refurbishment of the Prime Minister’s flat in 11 Downing Street.

    Britain’s most senior civil servant refused to say whether political donations had been accepted to help settle the bill for the redecoration overseen by eco-designer Lulu Lytle last year.

    He confirmed revelations in the Mail that Mr Johnson had sought to establish a new charitable trust overseen by Tory donor Lord Brownlow to pay for the upkeep of the flat.

    …. The allegations of sleaze and cronyism may now be having an impact, with an Ipsos Mori poll for the London Evening Standard showing Tory support has fallen by five points in a month.


    • neil says:

      Willing to bet they won’t do well in the upcoming elections?

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        I would imagine that a lot of people already voted by post, due to the virus situation, before the scandals became prominent over the past few days.

        The scandals are likely to build from here on and impact polls in the coming weeks and months.

    • Did you notice that this says:

      “Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison.” It sounds like the government considers the vaccine a poison.

      • Kowalainen says:

        If the vax won’t get you, the cyanide surely will.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Talk about mocking the cattle… you can even tell them you are poisoning them.. and they will beg for it!

        • Xabier says:

          That’s what they did when they said in 2020 that the trials showed that the vaccine side-effects would be ‘no walk in the park’.

          Just prepping them to expect and endure poisoning……

          Like insisting that someone about to be shot stands straight.

      • Tim Groves says:

        I looked at the WA Public Health Act of 2016 and it has the following: “197. Chief Health Officer may authorize persons to administer, manufacture, supply or prescribe poisons.”

        This law also tells me that the definition of “poisons” is that given in the WA Medicines and Poisons Act of 2014.

        I looked at this act, and found that “poison means a substance that is a Schedule 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 poison”.

        Well, you now how easy it is to get lost in legislative minutia. If they wrote laws in sensible plain language, there would be a lot less need for lawyers.

  33. Up to three military teams to be deployed in Ontario as hospitals struggle with influx of COVID patients

    The Canadian Forces will deploy up to three medical teams in Ontario to provide support to hospitals that are struggling to deal with an influx of COVID-19 patients.

    Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair announced the support late on Monday afternoon in response to a formal request for help from Ontario’s Solicitor General Sylvia Jones.

    According to a news release, the Canadian Forces will be deploying up to three “multi-purpose medical assistance teams” which will primarily be composed of nursing officers and medical technicians as well as additional Canadian Forces members “for general duty support.”

    The release says that the teams will be “rotated in and out of the province rather than deployed simultaneously to ensure that CAF support is sustainable.

    “We are always ready to help provinces and territories across Canada in their fight against COVID-19. This is a team Canada effort, and I’m grateful to the Canadian Armed Forces, Canadian Red Cross, and health professionals who have stepped up to help a neighbour in need,” Blair said in the release. “There has been outstanding collaboration between the responding organizations from all orders of government in response to this emergency, and I want to thank all those on the front lines who continue battle to keep Canadians safe.”

    At this point it remains unclear how many troops will be deployed in Ontario.

    The release says that in addition to the deployment of Canadian Forces personnel, the federal government will also “fund the redeployment of the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) to augment or relieve staff within medical care facilities.”

    The confirmation of the support comes just hours after Jones revealed that the province has been working with the federal government to “identify health human resources” that could be deployed in Ontario.

  34. COVID-19: Canadian military preparing to send ICU nurses, medics after Ontario’s request for help

    As Ontario continues to get a handle on the surging third wave of COVID-19 cases and crushing patient loads at intensive care units, the Canadian Armed Forces is preparing for a potential deployment of medical personnel to the province after a recent request for assistance.

    “There are over 1,900 patients with COVID-19 in the province of Ontario’s hospitals and of those, 659 are being treated in intensive care for COVID-related illnesses. Nearly 450 patients that are in critical care require a ventilator to breathe,” an unclassified warning order obtained by Global News on Monday said.

    “COVID variants of concern have spread rapidly in Ontario in recent weeks and in particular in the Greater Toronto Area. This has resulted in civilian hospital capacity being exceeded.”

    According to the document, personnel are currently preparing for potential deployment as the request for assistance process continues. If ultimately approved, critical care nursing officers and up to three mobile medical assistance teams, which would be able to assist with 24-hour medical transports, could be sent to Ontario.

    News of the warning order came after a spokesperson for federal Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said in mid-April he received a “draft” request for assistance from the Ontario government.

    The exact nature of the assistance requested wasn’t clear at the time as that was said to be the subject of negotiations between both levels of government.

    • Ed says:

      If worse come to worse there is always Napalm.

      • Kowalainen says:


      • Xabier says:

        A law was passed here in 2020 allowing the authorities to seize and demolish buildings ‘infected with Covid’: maybe napalming them would do the trick?

        Together with any Anti-vaxxers, the swine!

        So, maybe at last that Viking funeral, for yours truly?

  35. Cletus says:

    Nothing to see here . . .

    Conversation from Unz:

    Commenter #1:

    Just follow the money and patents …

    On May 17, 2020, Richard A. Rothschild filed a patent for his invention called “System and Method for Testing for COVID-19” (US2020279585A1). The “priority date” of this invention—the earliest filing date of a particular feature of an invention—was October 13, 2015. (US201562240783P). That’s 5-years before “COVID-19” even existed!?!


    Commenter #2:

    The US 2020/0279585 publication is a continuation-in-part of USSN 16/704,844, which in turn is a continuation of a number of patent applications ultimately back to a provisional application filed on October 13, 2015. The title of the original application was: System and Method for Using, Biometric, and Displaying Biometric Data.

    The focus of the original application was on remotely monitoring a person’s biometric data using biosensors implanted in the person to transmit sensor data back to a computer (e.g. a smart phone) and then to some other computer through the internet. The original application contained no mention of COVID-19 (hence the “-in-part” after the word “continuation”). All of the information specifically related to COVID-19 was added on May 17, 2020 when US 2020/0279585 was filed. This new application extends the System and Method for Using, Biometric, and Displaying Biometric Data to one that includes tracking COVID-19.

    From these patent applications and how they build on one another it is plain to see that the end goal of the COVID plan and subsequent vaccinations is to have electronic devices implanted in the surviving sheeples so that they can be electronically monitored, tracked, herded and controlled, which will be done through the 5G and subsequently 6G microwave network of antennae and satellites that are being rushed into deployment.

    • Nate says:

      This is most interesting, Cletus. Thanks for the reference. I looked up the conversation and found that somebody asked JasonT (Commenter #2) to clarify:


      Somewhere I read, perhaps here in the UR comments, that they were planning on even powering all these implanted nano/micro chips using these high frequency 5G EM emissions. This would be a longer range version of these cell phone and cell phone chargers that work without cables. You seem to have some knowledge about this stuff, how do you think they plan to power these embedded chips? From the body itself?

      Commenter #2:

      I am not sure how they intend to power the devices, or whether they will even need to.

      Reading a barcode does not require the barcode to be powered, so it is conceivable that a quantum tattoo readable by microwaves may be sufficient.

      On the other hand, the microwave radiation emitted by the towers and satellites my provide sufficient power to run a small device implanted in a person’s body.

      I also saw a video from an unreliable source by a person claiming to have worked on a microchip for DARPA that is powered by heat gradients in a person’s body.

      However, I am pretty sure that the technology is more advanced than the average engineer or scientist is aware.
      Also, here’s some patent information concerning Peter and Richard Rothschild, including Jack Dorsey’s imprint.


  36. hillcountry says:

    Well, Paul Marik and Pierre Kory et.al., finally got published.

    TITLE: The time to offer treatments for COVID-19


    (ABSTRACT at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33721548/)

    here’s a real interesting bit about HIV-AIDS, it’s quite relevant today:

    The parallel track advocated by Dr. Fauci was adopted. Today, there are 41 drugs or combinations approved by the FDA to treat and to prevent HIV infection. There is still no vaccine. There are now an estimated 1.1 million patients with HIV in the United States, most enjoying near normal life expectancy thanks to the antiviral agents. The CDC has contributed greatly to limit the spread of HIV by advocating safe sex practices, but social distancing is not the norm for HIV. Rather ‘treatment as prevention’ for people with HIV using highly active antiretroviral regimens to prevent transmission as well as pre-exposure prophylaxis with a daily antiviral combination pill are currently endorsed by the CDC and adopted in wide segments of the at risk population [147].

    In this pandemic crisis, we appeal to public health authorities to change the dynamic to outpatient care to use agents with low-risk and potential benefit like inhaled glucocorticoids, ivermectin, interferon, favipiravir, and colchicine. There is also promising data on several investigational agents including molnupiravir, cysteine protein inhibitors, mTORC inhibitors, and CD24Fc agents [148–155]. There must be a collective effort to cross institutional, commercial and international boundaries to collate and combine all randomized controlled data submitted for all new agents in Europe, China, Russia, Japan, India and other countries, and by competing companies, whether officially published, posted on line, or unpublished to finalize confirmatory results. The Solidarity Trial is a model of what could and should be done to unify a worldwide effort to pursue randomized controlled studies in outpatients. At the same time, agents with favorable preliminary results and no safety issues should be made immediately available through a parallel track

  37. hillcountry says:

    Paper from a month ago out of Uruguay and Argentina.


    The objective of this study was to test the effectiveness of ivermectin for the treatment of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a type 2 family RNA coronavirus similar to SARS-CoV-2. Female BALB/cJ mice were infected with 6,000 PFU of MHV-A59 (group infected, n = 20) or infected and then immediately treated with a single dose of 500 µg/kg ivermectin (group infected + IVM, n = 20) or were not infected and treated with PBS (control group, n = 16). Five days after infection/treatment, the mice were euthanized and the tissues were sampled to assess their general health status and infection levels. Overall, the results demonstrated that viral infection induced typical MHV-caused disease, with the livers showing severe hepatocellular necrosis surrounded by a severe lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltration associated with a high hepatic viral load (52,158 AU),

    while mice treated with ivermectin showed a better health status with a lower viral load (23,192 AU; p < 0.05), with only a few having histopathological liver damage (p < 0.05). No significant differences were found between the group infected + IVM and control group mice (P = NS). Furthermore, serum transaminase levels (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) were significantly lower in the treated mice than in the infected animals. In conclusion, ivermectin diminished the MHV viral load and disease in the mice, being a useful model for further understanding this therapy against coronavirus diseases.

  38. NomadicBeer says:



    Let’s forget about the silly debates on CC (an abstraction that is hard to understand or prove) and instead talk about the fact that academics are suggesting drugging up people to make them more obedient.
    Can somebody that believes in humanity’s better nature prove this wrong? I need some hopium…

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      “The narrative of the ‘deadly viral pandemic’ is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having ‘post viral fatigue’ (as it were), or a deliberate shift in media talking points is unclear. But there’s certainly less energy in the story than at this time last year.

      “That said, it’s also perfectly clear that governments around the world are in no mood to give up their newly acquired “emergency powers”, and that alleged ‘anti-covid measures’ are not going away anytime soon.

      “Especially lockdowns, which are being freshly marketed as ‘good for the planet.’”

      The author references a Guardian headline that reads:

      “Global lockdown every two years needed to meet Paris CO2 goals – study.

      Equivalent falls in emissions over a decade required to keep to safe limits of global heating, experts say.”

      This was never really about a virus, was it? 😉

      • NomadicBeer says:

        I used some characters that messed up the quote I put in:

        ‘Last summer I wrote about an academic article that suggested “moral enhancement” for “coronavirus defectors”. It argued for putting chemicals in the water supply in order to make people more obedient to mask and/or vaccine mandates, and went on to suggest the same technique could be used to combat the “suffering associated with climate change”.’

        So the question what are governments willing to do to control the population and the collapse?
        It looks like the answer is “anything”.

      • Artleads says:

        Gail has been pointing this out for some time.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Health experts have warned that Hong Kong risks seeing more infectious Covid-19 variants taking root, and urged authorities to stay alert and plan for the worst.

          Among other things, they said the city must keep up its border defences – including a travel ban for severely stricken countries – maintain its 21-day quarantine for all overseas arrivals, and revisit proposals for potential “travel bubbles” including with Singapore, which officials announced on Monday was set to launch on May 26.

          Four infectious disease specialists the Post spoke to sounded the alarm after a mutant Covid-19 strain was detected locally this month.


          This could be yet another bluff… but based on Bossche/Bridle comments… as well as this from Trudeau https://www.bitchute.com/video/uLStFKAw8Okm/ + the Canada Leak…

          I do not think they are bluffing … they expect the Nightmare Scenario and Devil Covid.

          • Xabier says:

            Whatever happens, they will simply portray it as the Devil Covid – and an excuse for more poison injections as ‘boosters’ and harsh persecution of the uninjected and intelligent.

          • hillcountry says:

            Hilarious article there. 3 “cases” of a variant in one month. OMG, they ran screaming!!! Now we have another symbol to remember – N501Y. Cube-farm boyz are getting sleepy. You can tell when their math gets sloppy. Sloppy = Sleepy. Looks like 7 “cases” per their own “narrative”, but who’s counting? What would be really funny to discover is that some Chinese member of the Cult of Bob the Discordian, had added some some software code to whatever machine it is that “reads” the genetics, and these “variations” are total bunkum. Just some lowly guy in the final-test department in Jangwang. He can’t escape due to bars on the windows and suicide nets around the building, so he decided to get back at the world for his plight. See how easy it is to come up with “narrative”?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I’m not dismissing Bossche Fleming Bridle so easily… (although Yeadon does)…

              Also we have Devil Covid mentioned in the Leak… is that real Devil… or just more bluffing… We also have Trudeau apparently slipping up and saying ‘we are developing’… I do think that is a slip because it was removed from the CTV and YT sites…

  39. Danske Bank lowers threshold for negative interest rates on deposits

    COPENHAGEN, April 26 (Reuters) – Danske Bank DANSKE.CO said on Monday it would lower the threshold for applying negative interest rates on retail deposits to 100,000 Danish crowns ($16,260), following an increase in deposits at the bank.

    Danish banks have been dealing with negative interest rates for some time. In November last year, Danske lowered its threshold for when it would charge customers from 1.5 million crowns to 250,000 crowns.

    “We have experienced highly unusual interest rate levels for a long time now, and there is no prospect of this changing,” Danske’s head of personal customers, Mark Wraa-Hansen, said in a statement.

    “At the same time, we see a significantly increasing deposit surplus, which in the current interest rate environment results in a considerable expense for the bank. This is obviously not sustainable for us in the long term,” he said.

    • I expect depositors will be quite unhappy.

      • Robert Firth says:

        Gail, I agree. It also seems the Danish bank does not understand elementary game theory, but then, neither do the majority of economists; that is why they use static analysis, and are endlessly surprised when it doesn’t work. The depositors will simply move their money elsewhere.

  40. Ed says:

    I see there are a number of highly knowledgeable on biology folks here. My question to you how does the response of variants differ between a natural immunity from having had CV19 and the response due to the immune system being massively shocked with pervasive strikes being produced everywhere in thee body? This relates to the leaky question. Is one liely to be more or less leaky?

    • Nope.avi says:

      Ed, from what I’ve read in the last couple of days, natural immunity is “leaky” by nature. Natural Immunity or resistance is is not just humans adapting to a pathogen but a pathogen adapting to certain humans. It is the result of co-evolution. Co- evolution, like evolution is also unpredictable. We cannot predict when a mild pathogen will evolve to become virulent in response to more resistance from hosts and vice versa.

      • Glad to hear that.

        When I look around the world, the vast majority of the world’s population has not had the new vaccinations. The vast majority still has not had COVID-19. It seems to me that even if a more virulent type evolves in one place related to the vaccine stress, it may die down as it moves around the world.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          One would have thought that it would have come and gone in Sweden long ago…. perhaps there is something to be said for lockdowns and vaccines creating variants….

        • Robert Firth says:

          Gail, I believe you are correct. The major benefit of natural immunity, and the reason why the real science said it was the only reliable cause of “herd immunity”, is that it also prevented the spread of the virus. The effective evolutionary response was then for the virus to mutate into a strain that was weaker but more likely to spread (because dead victims can’t spread anything).

          The “vaccines” behave differently: they provide partial and limited immunity, but do not prevent spread. This means that the more deadly mutations become the more successful, because there is no penalty for killing victims, since the pool of spreaders will always increase faster than they can die off.

          Fast Eddy’s infamous “Devil Covid” is a direct consequence of the “Devil Vaccines”; no more and no less.

  41. “Let My Wife Come Home!” – Joe Biden Has Super Awkward Exchange with Navajo Nation During Climate Summit

    What the hell did we just watch?

    Joe Biden mumbled through remarks during a climate summit on Friday.

    Things got super awkward after Dementia Joe veered off script.

    At one point Joe Biden pointed at the leader of the Navajo Nation and demanded they give his wife back.

    Jill Biden visited the Navajo Nation on Friday and Joe Biden pointed at their delegation and demanded they let Jill come home.

    “Let my wife come home! She likes the Navajo Nation too much! She keeps being out there! She’s been out there for two days. She was out there before – I don’t know! You know what I mean?!” Biden said.

    Instead of stopping while he was ahead, Joe Biden continued to ramble on about Jill Biden being far away from him.

    He continued, “I called her, I said ‘where are you?’ She said ‘I’m staying another day’ – so you know, let her come home, oaky? I don’t want her, you know – that’s too far for me to commute — I, I shouldn’t be so, but anyway, look…”

    • Joe Biden’s remark to the Navaho Nation was indeed a bit strange, thrown into the middle of a zoom talk to a huge number of world leaders. Perhaps she was visiting the Navaho Nation and made the offhand remark, “I like it so well here, I ‘m going to stay another day,” said in a sort of joking way.

      The New York Post has an article (dated April 23, 2021) saying, Jill Biden hears from Navajo women on needs, priorities

      This is her third trip to meet with this group, but the first since Biden took office.

    • He’s lost without her as a point of reference. I think he is an awful shit, but this is sad.

      • FoolishFitz says:

        “He’s lost without her as a point of reference”
        Yes, this is my own father at this point. Everything refers back to the only thing that keeps him from floating away. His wife, his rock of calm in an ever turbulent sea
        It’s devastating to watch on personal level, but horrific to see on the world media stage.
        What happened to compassion?

  42. Ed says:


  43. Covid-19 cases in Ontario, Canada, people dying within a couple days of testing positive. New mutant Variant?

    ‘Significant number’ of young people are dying at home with COVID-19: Ontario coroner

    Ontario is seeing a great number of young Canadians dying at home with COVID-19, with an average of two people a day.

    Over the past two weeks there has been 25 deaths of people who have died at home, 16 were under the age of 60.

    “This is a difference in what we’ve seen from a risk factor,” he added.

    In a press conference on April 22, Dr. Huyer said that more people have died at home before being able to seek medical care for COVID-19 during the third wave.

    “These people have not been able to obtain health care because the disease affected them so quickly and so seriously, leading to deaths in the community, which we did not see in the Office of the Chief Coroner in the first wave,” he said.

    People who have died at home ranged in age from in their 30s to in their 80s.

    According to Dr. Huyer, age has become the most significant predictor for COVID-19 cases and, “this is a younger group than we’ve seen before.”

    During the first waves of the pandemic, those over the age of 60 and long-term-care homes were hit the hardest and were most at risk.

    “We are still evaluating and trying to understand all of the circumstances,” he said on Thursday. “But certainly, it’s notable in the face that this is a younger population … who are suffering serious consequences in the form of death in a quicker period of time than we saw in the past.”

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