To Be Sustainable, Green Energy Must Generate Adequate Taxable Revenue

What allows any type of energy to be sustainable? I would argue that one of the requirements for sustainability is adequate production of taxable revenue. Company managements depend upon taxable revenue for many purposes, including funding new investments and paying dividends to shareholders. Governments depend upon taxable income to collect enough taxes to provide infrastructure and programs for their growing populations.

Taxable income is a major way that “net energy” is transferred to future investment and to the rest of the economy. If this form of net energy is too low, governments will collapse from lack of funding. Energy production will fall from lack of reinvestment. This profitability needs to come from the characteristics of the energy products, allowing more goods and services to be produced efficiently. This profitability cannot be created simply by the creation of more government debt; the rise in the price of energy is tied to the affordability of goods, particularly the goods required by low-income people, such as food. This affordability issue tends to put a cap on prices that can be charged for energy products.

It seems to me that Green Energy sources are held to far too low a standard. Their financial results are published after subsidies are reflected, making them look profitable when, in reality, they are not. This is one of the things that makes many people from the financial community believe that Green Energy is the solution for the future.

In this post, I will discuss these ideas further. A related issue is, “Which type of oil production fell most in the 2018-2021 period?” Many people had expected that perhaps high-cost energy production would fall. Strangely enough, the production that fell most was that of OPEC oil exporters. These oil exporters often have a very low cost of energy production. The production of US oil from shale also fell.

If the ratio of Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROEI) is to be used as a measure of which type of energy best meets our needs, perhaps the list of items to be included in EROEI calculations needs to be broadened. Alternatively, more attention needs to be paid to unsubsidized taxable income as an indicator of net energy production.

[1] According to EIA data, world crude oil production hit a peak of 84.5 million barrels per day (bpd) in the fourth quarter of 2018. Production fell as low as 72.3 million bpd in the third quarter of 2020. Production rebounded to 75.4 million barrels of oil a day, still 9.1 million bpd below peak production in the 4th quarter of 2018.

Figure 1. Quarterly crude and condensate production, based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

This drop in oil production was unprecedented. It far exceeded the drop in oil production at the time of the Great Recession of 2008-2009. As of the first quarter of 2021, crude oil production was roughly at its level in 2011. It still has not rebounded very far.

[2] The biggest drop in crude oil production during this period was that of the cartel led by OPEC and Russia. United States’ oil production also fell during this period. Production of the Rest of the World, in total, was fairly flat.

Figure 2. Crude oil production through the first quarter of 2021 based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

The big concern of OPEC and Russia was that crude oil prices were too low to provide adequate tax revenue for the governments of these countries. This is especially an issue for countries with few other industries besides oil. These oil exporting countries tend to have large populations, with little employment besides government-sponsored projects. Nearly all food needs to be imported, so subsidies for food need to be provided if the many people earning low wages are to be able to afford this food.

If oil prices are high, say $150 per barrel or higher in today’s dollars, it is generally fairly easy for governments to collect enough oil-related taxes. The actual cost of extraction is often very low for oil exporters, perhaps as little as $20 per barrel. The need for tax revenue greatly exceeds the direct expenses of extracting the oil. Companies can be asked to pay as much as 90% of operating income (in this example, equal to $130 = $150 – $20 per barrel, probably only relating to exported oil) as taxes. The percentage varies greatly by country, with countries that have higher costs of production generally paying less in taxes.

Figure 3. Chart from 2013 showing “government take” as a percentage of operating income by Barry Rodgers Oil and Gas Consulting (website no longer available).

When oil companies are asked about their required price to break even, a wide range of answers is possible. Do they just quote the expense of pulling the oil from the ground? If so, a very low answer is possible. If shareholders are involved in the discussions, this is the answer that they would like to hear. Or do they give realistic estimates, including the taxes that their governments need? Furthermore, if the cost of extraction is rising, there needs to be enough profit that can be set aside to allow for the drilling of new wells in higher-cost areas, if production is to be maintained.

Because of the need for tax revenue, OPEC countries often publish Fiscal Breakeven Oil Prices, indicating how high the prices need to be to obtain adequate tax revenue for the exporting countries. For example, Figure 4 shows a set of Fiscal Breakeven Oil Prices for 2013 – 2014.

Figure 4. Estimate of OPEC breakeven oil prices, including tax requirements by parent countries, by APICORP.

If a country tries to maintain the same standard of living for its population as in the past, I would expect that the fiscal breakeven price would rise year after year. This would occur partly because the population of OPEC countries keeps rising and thus more subsidy is needed. The fiscal breakeven price would also tend to rise because the easiest-to-extract oil tends to be depleted first. As a result, new oil-related investments can be expected to have higher costs than the depleted investments they are replacing.

In fact, if a person looks at more recently published fiscal breakeven prices, they tend to be lower than the 2013-2014 breakevens. I believe that this happens because oil exporters don’t want to look desperate. They know that attaining such high prices is unlikely today. They hope that by using more debt and reducing the standard of living of their citizens, they can somehow get along with a lower fiscal breakeven price. This is not a long term solution, however. Unhappy citizens are likely to overturn their governments. Such a result could completely cut off oil supply from these countries.

[3] A cutback in oil production is not surprising for the OPEC + Russia group, nor for the United States, given the chronically low oil prices. The profitability was too low for all of these producers.

Figure 5. Inflation-adjusted historical average annual Brent oil price for 1965 through 2020 from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2021. 12-Jul-2021 amount is the actual Brent spot oil price for that date.

Oil prices fell in late 2014. Fiscal breakeven prices calculated before that date likely gave a somewhat reasonable estimate of the needed prices for oil exporters to make an adequate profit, at that time. By early 2019, when the first decreases in oil production began, these countries were beginning to become fed up with chronically low oil prices.

It is interesting to note that Qatar, the country with the lowest breakeven price on Figure 4, decided to withdraw from OPEC effective January 1, 2019, rather than reduce its oil production. For Qatar, oil prices in late 2018 and early 2019 were close to adequate. Qatar mostly produces natural gas, rather than oil.

The decrease in US shale oil production reflects somewhat the same low profitability issue as OPEC + Russia exports, with an additional factor added. Besides low prices, there seems to be a well-spacing issue. There are reports that the spacing of shale wells gradually got closer and closer, until the closer spacing became counter-productive. The more closely spaced wells “cannibalized” the output from nearby wells. The extra drilling may also have released needed pressurization, reducing oil availability.

Such a problem would have been a difficult issue to pick up from EROEI analyses because there are not enough of these EROEI studies to see sudden changes. Figure 6 shows the timing of the drop in US oil production, relative to the drop in oil prices:

Figure 6. Monthly average crude oil and condensate production and prices for the United States excluding the Gulf of Mexico, based on US Energy Information Administration data. Oil prices are West Texas Intermediate spot prices, not adjusted for inflation. Amounts shown are through April 2021.

Figure 6 omits oil from the Gulf of Mexico, because its quantity tends to bounce around, especially when a hurricane hits. Because of this exclusion, the oil shown in Figure 6 reflects a combination of declining oil production from conventional oil wells plus (after about 2011) rising production from shale wells.

Figure 6 shows that production of oil from shale was developed during the 2011 to 2013 period, when oil prices were high. When oil prices suddenly fell in late 2014, shale producers suddenly found production very unprofitable. They cut back on production starting in April 2015. Shale production started rising again in 2017 after prices moved away from their extreme lows. Growth in oil production began to slow in late 2018, when oil prices again began to fall.

The big shutdown in world oil demand associated with the COVID-19 epidemic began in the second quarter of 2020. Shale production fell in response to low oil prices in March through November of 2020. As of April 2021, production does not seem to have rebounded significantly. We have seen reports that workers were laid off, making it difficult to add new production. If, indeed, well-spacing had become too close, this may have played a role in the decision not to ramp up production again. It is quite possible that many drilled but uncompleted wells will permanently remain uncompleted because they are too close to other wells to be useful.

Based on this analysis, it seems likely that US oil production for 2021 will be lower than that for 202o. Ultimately, the lack of adequate profitability can be expected to bring US oil production down.

[4] There are some high-cost oil producers who continue to produce increasing amounts of oil.

Figure 7. Crude oil and condensate production for Canada and Brazil, based on international data of the US Energy Information Administration.

The keys to maintaining high-cost oil production seem to be

  • Large up front investments to make this production possible with little new investment
  • Governments that are not very “needy” in terms of revenue from oil taxes

Even with these considerations, having an unprofitable or barely profitable oil industry weakens a country. Neither Brazil nor Canada is doing very well economically in 2021. These countries will likely reduce new oil investment in the next year or two, if inflation-adjusted oil prices do not rise significantly.

[5] Somehow, “Green Energy” has been allowed to compete in the energy field with huge subsidies. If Green Energy is actually to be successful long-term, it needs to be profitable in the same way that fossil fuel energy needs to be profitable. If wind and solar are truly useful, they need to be very profitable, even without subsidies, so that they can support their governments with taxes.

There tends to be little recognition of the extent of subsidies for renewable energy. For example, allowing the electricity from wind turbines and solar panels to be put on the grid whenever it is generated is a huge subsidy. Such generation mostly substitutes for the coal or natural gas used by electricity-producing plants, rather than the electricity generated by these plants. The many reports we see that compare the cost of intermittent electricity generated by wind turbines and solar panels with the cost of dispatchable electricity generated by fossil fuels are simply misleading.

Furthermore, electricity generated by wind turbines and solar panels doesn’t need to be sufficiently profitable to pay for the much larger grid they require. The larger grid requirement occurs partly because the devices tend to be more distant from users, and partly because the transmission lines need to be sized for the maximum transmission required, which tends to be high for the variable production of renewables.

The lack of adequate profitability of wind and solar on an unsubsidized basis strongly suggests that they are not really producing net energy, regardless of what EROEI calculations seem to indicate.

It might be noted that in past years, oil exporters have been accused of giving large energy subsidies to their oil producing companies. What these oil exporters have been doing is charging their own citizens lower prices for oil products than the high (international) price charged to foreign buyers. Thus, high taxes were collected only on oil exports, not from local citizens. With the fall in oil prices in late 2014 (shown in Figures 5 and 6 below), this practice of differential pricing has largely disappeared.

“Oil subsidies” in the US consist of financial assistance to low income people in the US Northeast who continue to heat their homes with oil. These subsidies, too, have mostly disappeared, with lower oil prices and the availability of less expensive forms of home heating.

[6] It seems to me that an economy really has three different requirements:

  1. The total quantity of energy must be rising, at least as rapidly as population.
  2. The types of energy available must match the needs of current energy-consuming devices, or there needs to be some type of transition plan to facilitate this transition.
  3. There must be enough “net energy” left over, both (a) to fund governments with taxes and (b) to fund any transition to different energy-consuming devices, if such a transition is required.

Thus, in order for a transition to Green Energy to really work, it must be extremely profitable on a pretax, unsubsidized basis, so that it can pay high taxes. The greater the need for a transition to different energy consuming devices, such as heat pumps for buildings and electric vehicles of many types, the greater the need for more net energy generated by Green Energy sources to help facilitate this transition.

High profitability for energy products is normally associated with a very low cost of energy production. Furthermore, the type of Green Energy available needs to be in a very useful form. In a sense, there are really two different energy transitions required:

  • The output of intermittent electricity devices must be brought up to grid standards, using a combination such as many long distance transmission, very substantial battery backup, and the use of many devices to provide the electricity with the precise characteristics it needs.
  • As mentioned above, if greater use of electricity is to be made, a transition to electric devices is required.

Both of these transitions will require a significant quantity of energy (really net energy not used elsewhere in the system) to accomplish. If fossil fuel energy is being phased out, an increasing share of this net energy will need to come from the Green Energy sector by way of the tax system. Such a system will only work if the Green Energy sector is very profitable on a pre-tax basis.

[7] Figure 8 suggests that the world has a problem with low energy consumption per capita right now.

Figure 8. Energy consumption per capita for all energy sources combined based on data from BP’s Statistical Review of Energy 2021.

There is a strong correlation between growth in total energy consumption per capita and how well the economy is doing. The slight downward slide in energy consumption per capita in 2019 indicates that the economy was already doing poorly in 2019. The huge downward shift in 2020 dwarfs the downward slide in 2009, when the world was in the midst of the Great Recession. My earlier research, looking back 200 years, indicates that low growth in energy consumption per capita is likely to lead to conflict among nations and collapses of governments. Epidemics are also more likely to spread in such periods, because greater wage and wealth disparity tends to occur when energy supplies are constrained.

Any shift away from fossil fuel energy to Green Energy will almost certainly mean a huge drop in world energy consumption per capita because the world doesn’t produce very much Green Energy. Such a drop in energy consumption per capita will be a huge problem, in itself. If the Green Energy sector doesn’t generate much taxable income without subsidies, this adds an additional difficulty.

[8] Conclusion: Examination of the EROEIs for various fuels, using calculations the way that they are performed today, gives inadequate information regarding whether a transition to another set of fuels is feasible.

Researchers need to be looking more at (a) the total quantity of energy produced and (b) the profitability of producing this energy. An economy is only possible because of profitable businesses, including energy businesses. A person cannot assume that energy prices will rise from today’s level because of scarcity. Today’s huge debt bubble is producing very high copper and steel prices, but it is not producing correspondingly high oil prices.

Heavily subsidized energy products look like they might be helpful, but there is little reason to believe this to be the case. If Green Energy products are truly producing net energy, we should expect this fact to be reflected in the unsubsidized profits that these products generate. In fact, if Green Energy products are truly producing large amounts of net energy, they should be so profitable that businesses will be rapidly ramping up their production, even without subsidies or mandates.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,605 Responses to To Be Sustainable, Green Energy Must Generate Adequate Taxable Revenue

  1. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Yes. Tim. It is sad. There are those already DOOMED!
    Emily Chow

    XINXIANG, China (Reuters) – Chinese farmer Cheng wades through knee-deep water, pulling dead pigs behind him one-by-one by a rope tied around their ankles as he lines up the bloated carcasses for disposal.

    More than 100 of Cheng’s pigs drowned in floods that paralysed China’s central Henan province last week, and the outlook for those left alive is bleak.

    “I’m waiting for the water levels to go down to see what to do with the remaining pigs,” said the 47-year-old farmer from Wangfan village, about 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of provincial capital Zhengzhou.

    “They’ve been in the water for a few days now and can’t eat at all. I don’t think even one pig will be left.”

    Cheng’s farm is one of thousands in Henan, famous for agriculture, and pork production in particular. The province was struck by heavy rains last week that sparked the worst flash flooding in centuries, catching many by surprise.

    “In an instant, we now have no way of surviving. We have no other skills. We have no more money to raise pigs again,” Cheng, who has raised pigs all his life, told Reuters at his farm on Sunday.

    “This is as if the sky has fallen.”

    Yes, we are Dooned

    • Xabier says:

      So it has always been for farmers. Every generation, at least, a disaster.

      • A few pigs drowning is a much smaller problem than an illness spreading from herd to herd, however.

        Also, I expect that all of the hydroelectric dams that have been added in recent years contribute to the problems.

    • Minority Of One says:

      China now has a typhoon heading inland in the NE. They got 4 typhoons in the NE towards the end of summer last year, which apparently devastated large amounts of their corn crops but as usual the CCP denied much / any damage done. This typhoon looks like it will cause a hell of a lot of flooding / damage to crops:

      Typhoon sweeps into eastern China after flooding chaos

      “… The typhoon reportedly has wind speeds of up to 137 km/h (85mph) according to Reuters news agency.

      Japan’s Meteorological Agency forecasts the storm will track west towards the city of Hangzhou.

      From Sunday, the typhoon will bring “long periods of extremely heavy rainfall”, China’s National Meteorological Center said…”

      The link includes a BBC forecast which looks pretty grim, up to 60 cm of rain in some regions, but not sure viewers outside of the UK will be able to see it.

    • Tim Groves says:

      I just put it down to the horrors of livestock farming, Herbie. And to the horrors of life in rural China. It’s far too tough for sensitive souls like us.

      Quite often thousands of cattle or sheep being reared outdoors in the US Great Plains are caught in sudden snowstorms and freeze to death. Winter can set in pretty quickly there. A single instance of drought, flood or intense cold can do in hundreds of of beasts.

      Then there are diseases like foot and mouth and several others that seem particularly rife in China that necessitate culling and incinerating or burying thousands of animals at at time. And a few years back Australian ranchers who were shooting starving cattle to put them out of their misery ran out of bullets.

      And don’t get me started on factory farms, with their intense cruelty even when they are operating normally.

      As I said the other day, intense misery is pretty much ubiquitous on planet earth. Farmers and livestock can suffer from it more intensely than most of us. But on a decently-run farm, during the good times, with nice weather and ample grazing, as depicted in Loony Tunes cartoons, the life of a dairy cow or a mother hen is not to be despised.

  2. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Bye bye funny cyber money
    Opinion from the

    How should governments respond? Besieged with cyberattacks, the Biden administration has been struggling with this question of cybersecurity with few clear answers. Cyber offense still seems to beat cyber defense.
    As the eminent economic analyst Martin Wolf outlined in a recent Financial Times essay, the risks and chaos of a wild world of unstable private money is a libertarian fantasy. According to a recent Federal Reserve paper, there are already some 8,000 cryptocurrencies. It’s a new mom-and-pop cottage industry.
    How should governments respond? Wolf argues that central banks (e.g., the U.S. Federal Reserve) should create their own official digital currencies – central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and make cryptocurrencies illegal.

    I’ve been asking the same question: Who needs cryptocurrencies? Apart from the nasty uses and wild speculative value swings, data mining to produce bitcoin is a serious environmental hazard, using huge amounts of electricity by rows and rows of computers.
    Governments should guarantee safe, stable and usable money. Already, according to the Atlantic Council GeoEconomics Center’s CBDC Tracker, 81 countries representing 90 percent of world gross domestic product are at various stages of researching and exploring the adoption of digital currencies.
    The four largest central banks – the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the U.S. Federal Reserve – are all exploring CBDCs, though the U.S. lags behind. Meanwhile, China is already digitizing its currency, the RMB, and allowing foreign visitors to use it for payments. Though China is still a long way from having an international reserve currency to rival the dollar, its digitized RMB is a step in that direction

    Yep, very sure Governments will provide an answer….I trust them to do so… sarcasm

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr. Peter McCullough – URGENT WARNING About Poisonous Jabs – “An Agonizing Situation”.

    Peter looks like he’s very stressed… he must be a crazed conspiracy theorist right norm?

    Biography: Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
    Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
    Professor of Medicine
    Vice Chief of Internal Medicine
    Baylor University Medical Center
    Dallas, TX

    After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.

    He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington in Seattle, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan. Dr. McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX.

    He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with > 1000 publications and > 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine. His works include the “Interface between Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Illness” in Braunwald’s Heart Disease Textbook.

    Dr. McCullough is a recipient of the Simon Dack Award from the American College of Cardiology and the International Vicenza Award in Critical Care Nephrology for his scholarship and research. Dr. McCullough is a founder and current president of the Cardiorenal Society of America, an organization dedicated to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the emerging problem of cardiorenal syndromes.

    His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet and other top-tier journals worldwide. He is the co-editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, and associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology and Cardiorenal Medicine.

    He serves on the editorial boards of multiple specialty journals. Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency, and the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel.

    Major Contributions

    Senior leadership and oversight of clinical, education, and research operations at major academic medical centers in Detroit, Kansas City, and Dallas

    Led observational studies and randomized trials of therapies for acute kidney injury, hypertension, acute coronary syndromes, heart failure, and cardiorenal syndromes

    Chaired and participated on 15 data safety monitoring committees for large randomized trials
    Advised sponsors and the FDA resulting in approval of 15 new drugs and 3 novel in vitro diagnostic tests used today around the world

    Yes … he is definitely insane… right dunc?

    dunc? We have not heard from dunc in awhile… oh jeez did dunc have the Injection? Apparently the Injected are starting to get really really sick (like GVB said they would).

    dunc? dunc? DUNC????????

    Is anybody … out there….

    • I haven’t had a chance to listen to the entire video yet. Dr. McCullough is talking about the many deaths and adverse results from the vaccines, which the CDC is not telling US citizens about.

      • geno mir says:

        Some of my CT Protocols for C19 vaccines have been amended to include 3rd and 4th dose of the vaccine (or placebo, as the trials are double blinded). What makes an impression is the rate of inflammatory events (mainly endocarditis and myocarditis) in young (18-35 years) patients with no medical history. The other thing making an impression is the percentage of miscarriages in pregnant patients (after dose 3 the number of those is steadily growing). When we start investigating it turns out every time that the reason for miscarriage is some kind of thrombolytic event. This is what we see in the raw data before trending analysis.

        • Is there any place where a person can read about some of the things you are talking about? Dr. McCullough doesn’t talk about the percentage of miscarriages in pregnant women after dose three, for example.

          • geno mir says:

            I see yhe data in real time, in thr various safety and clinical databases which are used to store information. Officially the data will be made public once the trial is concluded. Here comes the caveat though, if the client (the pharma conoany which manufactures the vaccine) is not happy with our final analysis on the safety and the risk-benefit ratio it (the client) can hire independent biard to overwrite our conclusion. Yes, those boards are hired and paid by the pharma comoany and they will write down whatever the pharma company wants. Btw, Dr. Fauxi has orolific career in such boards and is known in our industry as the board whore.

            • Oh, dear! The pharma company is the one who is paying for the Phase 3 trial result. The pharma company can hire boards that include someone like Anthony Fauci who will write up results to their liking. There is no truly independent analysis.

            • geno mir says:

              You got the point very quickly 🙂

  4. the destination of mass hysteria.
    (which is why I keep tossing in verbal hand grenades)

    from above:

    Kate Shemirani, 54, was removed from social media and suspended from nursing over her dangerous theories.

    Her son Sebastian said: ‘She’s someone with a massive amount of self-interest and loves being the centre of attention. ( NP:note that part}

    Shemirani had previously said nurses were complicit in genocide and vaccines designed to kill the public. People are taking her as a source of truth and a saint and I wish I could tell them all that my mum is not the person you think she is’

    She spoke to a crowd in Trafalgar Square through a loudhailer, telling them: ‘At the Nuremberg trials, the doctors and nurses, they stood trial, and they hung’

    (Check her out)


    this isn’t truth—it’s hate speech

    Be careful what you wish for folks.
    It can happen a lot easier than your fantasies imagine.

    Fantasists will say anything to get attention. (that’s why they are fantasists)

    The trouble starts when people believe it enough to make them real.
    When that happens—-they come for you.

    (Check your history books)


    If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. (Karl Popper)

    • Very Far Frank says:

      There are plently of people stridently ‘intolerant’ of any dissent around vaccine passports, convinced that if they are not instituted, this constitutes genocide- are they the intolerant or the tolerant? Who’s to say?

      Well, no one is to say; the entire argument is completely subjective, which is why dropping quotes from Karl Popper is so incredibly childish.

      No one knows what the true situation is. The only deciding factor is whether you trust governments and find them credible. I really wouldn’t blame those who don’t.

      • Xabier says:

        Given the recent revelations about the UK’s MHRA, which most assume to be an independent drug safety regulator – and which recently gave approval to the ‘vaccination’ of mentally and physically-incapacitated minors as young as 12yrs old – being funded by Bill Gates to the tune of millions, creating a clear conflict of interest.

        And seeing that Dr June Raine, the head of the MHRA, sychophantically praises Britain’s ‘brilliant ‘ life sciences industry while thousands die or are injured by the vaccines, doing nothing to halt the programme despite the clear and extensive harm being done.

        I would say that we now have good grounds for demanding first the suspension, and then a trial of Dr Raine and her associates for corruption and contributory manslaughter, at the very least.

        So, yes, another ‘Nuremberg Trial’ would be a reasonable proposition.

        Although, alas, we cannot hang these bastards now. Is Spandau prison still standing? We might give them true life sentences….. masked.

        • All is Dust says:

          Right on, the MHRA really are a disgrace. I have communicated with them several times. For example, I asked them to investigate the link between the jabs and myocarditis over 2 months ago. Crickets. I chased them up, they promised a response from their ‘vaccines expert’ and still I got nothing. Instead they quietly added the risk on the drug without telling anyone. How many healthy young people have been affected in the meantime? Scandalous.

          Next, human challenge trials. Under a Freedom of Information request I asked had they untaken human challenge trials for any of the covid-19 jabs. Their response? They have no data on human challenge trials for any of the covid 19 jabs. I guess we will find out what that means…

    • All is Dust says:

      The problem here is ‘how do we cross the divide?’ Both emotive and factual information has been presented to those who buy into the pandemic narrative. Neither has worked. I don’t place that failure on those who believe there is no pandemic.

      You can even question basic protocols, “Why are we jabbing those who contracted SARS-CoV-2? We don’t vaccinate those for measles if they have already had measles.” Only to be met with “Anti-Vaxxer” accusations. It really is exhausting.

      I think this extends to all subject matter now; energy, economics, climate change. One side has its divine mandate and data be damned. I don’t see how this divide can be resolved. My guess is that each group will have to live under its own “constitution” – we are seeing the fragmentation of society. Are we surprised?

      • bottom line is that no one knows what to do, because we find ourselves an a unique situation

        hence everyone running in different directions with the assertion that ‘they’ have the answers

        they don’t

        human society has got itself into this fine mess

        we don’t know how or even if we will get out of it

        • nikoB says:

          But why is it Norm that you appear to be so critical of those that are critical of the cov vaxxs. To me you seem to have lost your reasoning here. Which I find strange since you have always appeared so level headed with resource depletion. I get you don’t think that there is a CEP but the vaxxs are clearly very dangerous compared to all vaxxs currently approved.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            norm is unable to think anymore because he’s Sclerotic in his Brain.

            Don’t waste your time … just donate to…. we are taking care of norm

          • I’ve always said that any vax carries risk—no need for research to confirm that

            different people react to it differently, you are bound to get adverse reactions, up to and including death

            what I ridicule is the ‘certainties’ that there are people ‘coming to maim your grandchildren.’, or Gates wants to control/enslave/decimate the human population.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              So you are going to vax the grand kids norm? I think you need to pressure their parents….

            • Eddy

              repetition plusses—it sustains your 1 in 3 comment ratio

              repetition minuses—it is not original writing, and it does not make your writing correct.
              The JWs stand on my doorstep, and repeat stuff I’ve heard a thousand times.
              It does not make it correct.

              that is why foolish people ask foolish questions

              As with that last youtube of yours that I was foolish enough to open, weeks ago:

              when no answer was forthcoming, ah!!!!! proof!!!!!—-then the person asking the question must be right.

              Not that my pointing this out will do any good.

              As with my analogy of bar-room pontificating.
              The person sitting on the barstool judges himself to be ‘right’ because no one disagrees with him. He sees only nodding heads.

              the fact escapes him that anyone with any sense has left.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          norm… CNN is calling … let me put it through…

          norm… have you seen the situation with this vaccine… it’s causing mass hospitalizations, deaths and now a study out of Israel shows that you are twice as likely to get covid if you have been vaccinated.

          Do you regret being Injected? And will you urge your grand kids to get Injected.

          • Mike Roberts says:

            Fast Eddy, please stop with the outright lies. The study out of Israel does not say what you stated. It estimates that the risk of contracting the virus for fully vaccinated people doubles after 6 months. The risk is still lower than for unvaccinated people but there is still significant protection against severe disease.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              calm down mike… calm down… this is what it says:

              People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.

              “We looked at tens of thousands of people tested in the month of June, alongside data on how long had passed since their second shot, and found that those vaccinated early were more likely to test positive,” Dr. Yotam Shenhar, who headed the research, told The Times of Israel.

              “This definitely reinforces the argument for giving a third vaccine dose to the elderly.”


            • Fast Eddy says:

              did you miss this?

              IM Doc writes from the frontlines:

              July 24, 2021 at 8:18 am

              About the French Guyana paper from the CDC

              This is how science – the actual process – not the Fauci version – should be working.

              I have repeatedly stated that I am seeing much much more vaccinated positives than one would ever have expected. As I have stated, they seem to be much sicker (though not critically so) and they tend to happen in clusters. For the past two months, this has stuck out from the dominant media narrative. I have never had to fight the cognitive dissonance between the media and my own eyeballs in my life.

              I belong to a large non-public alumni group of my residency program that has literally thousands of IM docs all over America. The first thing a scientist does is to confirm that your observations are general or something you are just seeing. It was quickly obvious from that group that I was far from alone despite the “minimal breakthrough cases” media narrative.

              So, then you do everything you can to hypothesize reasons why you are seeing what you are. I have been a physician for 30 years and that experience plays a huge role as well. Having this gigantic number of breakthrough cases just simply does not happen. I continue to see more than half the cases in vaccinated patients and so do many others. UNHEARD OF IN VACCINES BEFORE NOW.

              Part of hypothesizing why is looking to the literature for evidence. Seldom is this found in RCT at this stage. Case reports and series like this paper are critical. They are seeing the same breakthrough ratio. And they have done a lot more viral research than you can. This is a gold mine for my own questions.

              Is there anything in the paper that could possibly explain what I am seeing. Lots of times, it is not in the headline part but in all the test results and discussion. And yes, there is a very important finding deep in the results.

              Why would clustering and sicker patients be so much more common in the breakthrough patients – there must be a reason for that?

              If you look at the brief discussion of cT or cycle threshold you will see that the vaccinated patients have a SIGNIFICANTLY lower cT than the unvaccinated. That is the way the PCR test works. It basically means the vaccinated have a much higher amount of viral active particles than the unvaccinated. That would account for the breakthroughs I and my colleagues are seeing being a bit more ill. And it would explain the clustering. THe vaccinated breakthroughs have much higher viral load so they are much more contagious and the higher viral load makes them more symptomatic.

              So we now have a suggestion and strong evidence that the vaccinated population may be spreading much more virus than the unvaccinated. I would say that is a critical public health issue and must be further researched immediately.

              This Certainly needs much more work. THis is not confirmatory of any conclusions. But it is consistent with observation on the ground – unlike most of what the media has been spewing to the American people. But this is how science works. This paper is about the gamma variant but a conference yesterday with experts discussed that similar findings were being found in delta and lambda. The suggestion in this paper is now on the front of my mind. I am even now thinking of ways to confirm or falsify these conclusions going forward. This is science.

              Another issue. The writers make the point that the breakthrough rate is extremely divergent from the expected rate. The difference is this paper documents what is happening in REAL LIFE. So much of what we are hearing on our media about vaccine efficacy is research being done in vitro. It is presented as gospel truth. I just want to scream.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              How about this?

              IM Doc again, later in the same thread.

              July 24, 2021 at 12:13 pm

              For several weeks – dating back to mid May – I was seeing groups of fully vaccinated patients becoming positive – but asymptomatic. Most of these situations arose because one member of the family or group was found to be positive because of foreign travel – or having surgery or whatever.

              As this became more and more common – I began to be very concerned about what the future may hold. And the Health Department and CDC were just ambivalent.

              The guidance of the local health department was to ignore this – “they are vaccinated – there is no way they can spread, etc.”. Just as the CDC guidance was telling them to do. I do not much like to have armed nuclear warheads sitting around, and I am very persistent – so I ordered the contact tracing on my own – every close family member or close contact was checked. And to my absolute horror – large clusters of them were positive. But at that time, they were asymptomatic- almost every single one. I have been dutifully reporting these numbers to Yves and Lambert for weeks.

              Then about a month ago – something changed. People were then starting to become ill – and come to clinical attention that way. There were no longer just the asymptomatic patients. And again – on my own – ordered the contact tracing – and found the same thing. Multiple vaccinated family members positive.

              Multiple bridge group members positive. Multiple church members positive, etc etc. And lately – socials around the July 4th weekend were also clustered. At that point in time – there was no one sick enough to be in the hospital. But the vaccinated positives were clearly more ill than the unvaccinated positives. Heavier coughs, more SOB, more febrile. This included even the younger ones among them. But again – no one sick enough to be hospitalized.

              And then – this week – we have had a seismic shift. We have admitted multiple very ill vaccinated patients – two of which were critically ill. At the same time – we are admitting unvaccinated patients as well. Some of them too are now very ill. We have had deaths this week – all of those patients were unvaccinated. But I am not holding my breath – we now have two critically ill vaccinated patients that I am not sure are going to make it.

              I do not have the best handle on these situations this week because I am in quarantine. But right at this minute – we have more COVID patients in the hospital since January – and it is right at 50/50 vaccinated/unvaccinated – and I would say they are equally ill.

              It has been fascinating to watch this very orderly step up in severity over time. And then this week the bottom dropped out. And I live in a very vaccinated county – the paper reported this AM a 72% vaccination rate. The only stragglers were the 12-18 group which is below 50. The “herd immunity” concept is certainly not working here. And the local medical folks are just horrified that this is getting this bad after working so hard for this really good vaccination rate. It is reminding me greatly of the ramp up we had last summer – it is almost the same in every way – except it got much worse much quicker. I am hoping it will burn out – but not looking like that so far.

              I will share something else. I have a very small limited patient size – I am in a small town. But I am very attentive to media reports of numbers from other locations. Big cities and big sample sizes give perspective. When I heard last weekend that there were ZERO vaccinated patients in the hospitals in LA – I grew immediately concerned – because that was not our experience at all – It is basically a WHAT HAVE WE DONE WRONG MOMENT….

              So I called three of my old students who are now on the front lines in the LA area – to the one – the response was “I have not a clue what they are talking about – that is just not true…”.

              Among the three of them the averages they were seeing were about 75% – 85% unvaccinated in the hospital – and all had had very ill vaccinated patients. I did not feel so bad then. But My God, the media cannot be trusted with a single god-damn thing.

              I have never seen such a bunch of liars in my lifetime. It is a real tragedy – when we need them the most they are doing propaganda. And do not even get me started on the Health Dept people who are misleading the population like this.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              mike… is your head exploding?

              People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Was that an apology, Fast Eddy? It should be because you first wrote:

              a study out of Israel shows that you are twice as likely to get covid if you have been vaccinated.

              which is very different from what you then cut and pasted from the article:

              People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.

              Well, thanks for correcting your misrepresentation of the article, anyway.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              no it’s the same… Bossche predicted exactly this … he said that initially the virus would take a hit … but because this is not a sterilizing vaccine it would strengthen … and the vaccine would be rendered useless.

              He said this would happen in the summer… and here it is….

              And he says this is just the beginning … stay tuned mike.

              Now go get your Booster 🙂


              Give that a few weeks and it will be all americans of course

            • Mike Roberts says:

              So, Fast Eddy thinks that “a study out of Israel shows that you are twice as likely to get covid if you have been vaccinated.” is the same as “People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.”

              Thus we can see that Fast Eddy is in a world of his own.

            • I think that perhaps these are separate conclusions.

              The best protection seems to be from having the illness yourself, and thus having your own antibodies. It appears that 9% of the Israelis had COVID-19, but they seem to comprise less than 1% of those with COVID-19 Delta illnesses.

              The vaccinated people seem to be the ones getting hospitalized. This is one chart I copied with respect to Israel’s data. It is really strange.


            • Fast Eddy says:

              But … but mike … why are the hospitalizations with no vaxx… so much lower than the hospitalizations WITH vax?

              ….. mike sends norm dunc an emergency zoom request…. guys Fast Eddy and Gail have throw this Israel chart up on OFW…. hmmmm… hmmmm…. hmmmmm…. ____________ hmmmm…. hmmmm…. hmmmmmm….

              norm says — huuuhhuuuhhh…. then he goes off on a senseless rant about his bunghole…


              mike dunc sit in front of the screens giving each other virtual high fives…. oh that norm… such a funny guy!

              Then they all go to the petrol station with their mates and have a petrol fight….

              3 wild and crazy guys…Wild… and CRAZY!

            • Fast Eddy says:

              “Freedom for double jabbed as U.K. opens to world” – Boris Johnson to reopen country to EU and U.S. and also drop requirements for fully vaccinated Britons to take Covid tests, reports the Telegraph.


              Very strange… unless of course….

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Yes very strange indeed… what’s going on mike?

              Seems the Injection increases the CovIDIOT’S chances of getting Covid … and it increases the chances of the CovIDIOTS ending up in hospital with Covid …

              As we know this is what Bossche predicted would happen … after an initial period of roughly 6 months … the virus strengthens and strikes back … with a vengeance…

              Surely the governments know this … in fact I sent this info to MedSAFE NZ the other day… just to make sure… yet they are hell bent on Injecting…

              Dontcha think the Israeli’s would be sending out a Red Alert to the WHO letting them know about these developments — and the WHO would be putting the brakes on the vaccine roll out?

              Nope — not a peep out of anyone — no pause… Inject – Inject – Inject…

              Strange .. huh?

              mike? dunc? norm?

              Calling All CovIDIOTS…. why would they continue to Inject when infections when there is a dramatic increase in infections and hospitalizations in the Injected?

              Oh and while you are at it … please list the solutions to Gerbil’s Werming.

            • I expected the injected group was older and had more co-morbidities than the non-injected group. It didn’t make much sense to me, either.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              mike norm-dunc… 5% increase in a single month …. hmmmm

              Can someone explain to me why people who have a higher chance of being struck by lightening 4x (that’s a stat I saw yesterday) than dying from Covid — need to be Injected?

              They still get Covid… so why not only Inject the Old Dying Goats and leave Fast Eddy and the Children the f789 alone??????

              Health officials in Los Angeles County said over 25% of new coronavirus cases are among those who have been fully vaccinated, an increase from last month according to a report Wednesday.

              Health officials have called the vaccines effective and said breakthrough cases are to be expected, but the number is a noticeable increase from June when fully vaccinated individuals accounted for 20% of the county’s infections, Fox 11 Los Angeles reported.


            • Fast Eddy says:

              74 Percent of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred in Fully Vaccinated People: Study


            • This seems to be widely reported.
              CNBC is reporting this.

              This is the report from the CNBC:


              This is the cover letter from CDC director Rochelle Walensky, to go with the study. It says,

              Today, some of those data were published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus. This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Now now mike…. do you want me to see if I can organize a Booster for you?

              First the virus immune escapes… then it evolves further to where it kills you… (see Bossche)…

              You are in grave danger mike. Grave danger… Booster Time!

              People vaccinated before late February are twice as likely to catch the coronavirus than other inoculated Israelis, according to new research.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I am not really concerned about turning the CovIDIOTs… if one is still a CovIDIOT after all this time… they will remain a CovIDIOT…

        This is all a game … Taunt the CovIDIOTS…. sport… entertainment… a Demonstration of Horse Power….

        It’s like robbing old ladies and kicking them down the stairs…

        Come with me droogs!!!

    • Tim Groves says:

      She spoke to a crowd in Trafalgar Square through a loudhailer, telling them: ‘At the Nuremberg trials, the doctors and nurses, they stood trial, and they hung’


      this isn’t truth—it’s hate speech

      Norman, what a lot of new concepts we are pontificating about today.

      “Hate speech”:

      What’s that supposed to mean? You have read a lurid newspaper story, in the Daily Mail of all places, and used your psychic powers to delve into the mind of the subject of said story and discovered a hatred residing within motivating said subject to speak through a loud hailer. How splendidly telepathic of you Do you also bend spoons, by any chance?

      “this isn’t truth”:

      Well, the bit about them standing trial is true. A lot of medical staff performed a lot of murders. They called it “involuntary euthanasia”. And some were put on trial. It might not have been at Nuremburg, but nurses were tried for such crimes, and there were probably no hangings, or if there were any, were few and far between. But there was a kernel of truth of the woman’s hysterical rantings.

      “During the Nazi era, so-called euthanasia programs were established for handicapped and mentally ill children and adults. Organized killings of an estimated 70,000 German citizens took place at killing centers and in psychiatric institutions. Nurses were active participants; they intentionally killed more than 10,000 people in these involuntary euthanasia programs. After the war was over, most of the nurses were never punished for these crimes against humanity—although some nurses were tried along with the physicians they assisted. One such trial was of 14 nurses and was held in Munich in 1965. Although some of these nurses reported that they struggled with a guilty conscience, others did not see anything wrong with their actions, and they believed that they were releasing these patients from their suffering.”

      There was also the Doctors Trial that was part of the Nuremburg trials.

      I’m flabbergasted that you didn’t know that doctors and nurses were put on trial after the war for killing patients during the Nazi era.

      • my meaning was her entire Trafalgar Square rant. Nitpicking should be beneath you.

        she was equating current medical staff with Nazi medical staff 80 years ago–that is hate speech, and totally evil.

        Modern nurses and doctors ‘release people from their suffering’. They always have. Nobody makes a great fuss about it. I hope one will do it for me when my time comes.

        in here I read that mad medics are coming for my g grandkids—no they are not. (certain people jump up and down and scream that they have ‘proof’.) No they do not. I still think you know better Tim. One day you may realise that you do.

        Just as a jesusfreak jumps up and down and says he has ‘proof’. No he does not.

        Millions of otherwise intelligent people believe they are going to be raptured. No they are not.

        Unfortunately people unable to think for themselves will believe it

        just as the mindless mob in Trafalgar Square believes it.

        Hysteria spreads faster than any virus. Certain people are desperate to believe anything to give themselves the emotional muscle of righteous hatred. They have no other life-hanger. They need to hate in order to exist.
        Personally that is beyond my understanding. Collectively I know what spawns it.

        Even as that woman’s son said, she is just attention seeking. You will recall I’ve used the same expression on OFW many times, with good reason. It is the only description that fits.

        Harmless on OFW—but with a loudhailer in London or Washington–extremely dangerous. People do stupid things.

        Even in OFW I try to deflect it all with humour.

        Just as one gets overtaken on the road by someone driving like a lunatic. It makes me happy–I want him in front where I can see him. Not behind me.

        • Xabier says:

          Norman, perfectly serious, intelligent, people, better educated and far more informed than you, have grave reservations regarding the corrupt, coerced mass ‘vaccination’ programme.

          Trying to paint them all as hysterical, easily-influenced, nuts, as you do, is embarrassing to behold.

          • her nearest and dearest use the same brush

            I only borrowed it

            (and she was struck off the nursing register–which had nothing to do with me)

            I hope that isn’t too embarrassing for you to behold?

            • I am sorry. These new vaccines are causing a big problem.

              If you cannot see this, please post your vaccine comments on another site.

            • —obviously any vaccine carries risk, that it not in question. I said that many times.

              My prime concern is the nonsense stories that insane medics are using children as some kind of test base. (They are coming for your grandchildren?) Really?

              the telling gets wilder with every repetition of it


            • Maybe the telling get insane, but the problem is that very few people know about the data base to report the problems to it. Studies comparing VAERS to other more complete data bases (put together for payment purposes) come up with much higher numbers of injuries.

              If the children just got the illness, their chance of death would be pretty much zero. So they are experiencing the adverse impact of the vaccines on the chance that by doing so, they might not pass the illness around to some older people. It is now becoming clear that even the immunized people pass the illness (especially variants) around among themselves, so giving the vaccine to children doesn’t really help the older folks much, if at all.

              Mostly, passing the deficient antibodies around means that herd immunity can never get reached, as far as I can see.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              You recommending the grandkids … get the Clot Shot?

            • Mike Roberts says:

              These new vaccines are causing a big problem.

              A few commenters here make that claim but, even though I’ve had, and have, reservations, I just haven’t seen the “big problem” that these vaccines are causing. As I’ve already mentioned, I personally don’t know anyone who has had more than a slight reaction to the vaccines, though some have had them several months ago. Of course, this is anecdotal and I may have just been lucky, in this respect, but if there is a “big problem” I think I might know at least one person that has suffered significantly from the vaccines.

            • thats my thinking too Mike

              Ive not heard of a serious adverse reaction even second or third hard, let alone first hand

              thats what worries me

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Well then you surely must Inject the grand kids norm

              This is all fake right?

            • Vaccines and drugs in general have historically been held to a very high standard. Deaths and serious injuries should be very rare.

              The vaccines for COVID-19 have been held to a much lower standard, because of the “emergency.” It is now becoming clear that the lower standard allowed by declaration of an emergency no longer makes sense:

              1. The vaccines are very narrowly focused and not very long term. They don’t give adequate protection against variants such as Delta. Vaccinated people can catch the variants and pass them around to other vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

              2. There are many more injuries and deaths than from any other vaccine. In fact, a comparison with a Medicare and Medicaid data base by someone who specializes in forensic studies of this type shows that there are many more deaths than reported to VAERS.

              3. COVID-19 is more treatable than we were ever told. Ivermectin, in particular, is cheap and can keep many people out of the hospital.

              4. It is becoming very clear that we can never reach herd immunity through vaccination with the current vaccines, because their focus on the spike protein is too narrow and because the antibodies that they produce are too short lived.

              I suppose that if people are assuming that COVID-19 will almost certainly kill them, then they would be willing to tolerate a fairly high level of adverse events from the vaccine. But once it becomes clear that the vaccine is not very good and COVID-19 is quite treatable, then the lower standard allowed for COVID-19 vaccines doesn’t make sense.

              By the way, I have run into a young man with heart problems after getting the vaccine. And we all know about Hank Aaron’s death, shortly after getting the vaccine.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              I’m not denying that the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop contraction of the virus, nor that their protection may drop too far after much less than a year. I also don’t deny that, in a small proportion of people, they may induce a bad reaction (I don’t think we have the data or research to say more than that). But they have been effective against the delta variant in the UK, so I’m not sure why you think the vaccines are no use against variants. And they do seem to lessen the risk of serious symptoms (including death) of COVID-19.

              To me, the benefits seem to far outweigh the risks but I wouldn’t want to see people forced to have the vaccine, though sadly that appears to be happening.

              I still don’t see that the vaccines have a “big problem”. I’ve changed my mind on that, in the last 6 months.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Her nearest and dearest may have “mummy” issues, for all we know. I try not to get involved in domestic disputes, but a boy who trashes his mother in public is very very naughty.

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    Fauci Says U.S. Going in ‘Wrong Direction,’ May Need Booster

    The U.S. is moving in the “wrong direction” in combating a new wave of Covid-19, and a booster vaccine shot may be needed especially for the most vulnerable, said Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert.

    Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

    Do the cattle sense the wolf now? Surely this development must elicit fear?

    normdunc… it seems the vaccines are failing …. but then … they were always designed to ‘fail’

    Failure is Success!!! Failure is Extinction.

    I reckon we are here:

    Pizza and Beer for breakfast?

  6. Minority Of One says:

    In the UK, the fall in air passengers seems to be going according to plan:

    Heathrow warns of further fall in passenger numbers

    Bottom line:
    “In results for the six months ended 30 June, Heathrow said its cumulative losses from Covid-19 had grown to some £2.9bn.”

    It would seem that making eye-watering financial losses these days is no impediment to running a business.

    • Xabier says:

      Those at the top will be well compensated just so long as the economic restructuring -the Great Re-set- is accomplished.

      Only the little people will be abandoned to unemployment, bankruptcy and suicide.

      • Minority Of One says:

        Yes- reminds me of the Royal Bank of Scotland, and its CEO ‘Fred the Shred’. The Royal Bank of Scotland was one day a way from bankruptcy (as was the Bank of Scotland) in 2008, when it was bailed out by UK tax payers to the tune of about £30 billion if I remember correctly. A lot of staff lost their jobs, but Fred ‘the Shred’ Goodwin walked away with a £12 million payment into his pension fund. Then took up a cushy job elsewhere.

    • Just add more debt somewhere, to fix the problem.

  7. nope

    mine are all black

    it’s the chimney sweeping trade that does it

    • I can get you a new box of chalk sticks Eddy

      but I can’t find any new walls for you to write on

    • Fillmore East says:

      FE, Your conversation with Norm isn’t very different from the one I’m having with my 75 yr old Dad at the moment. I keep sharing reports, dossiers and evidence of collusion regarding the virus origin, treatments and response. He didn’t take the Injection and I have been buying him vitamins to up his Vitamin D. He admits that there something doesn’t add up but because of his executive level status in high profile nonprofit groups he remains neutral. He’s more comfortable expressing anger and suspicion around widely held political narratives. He has remarked that the level of social unrest, media spin and censorship is the worst he’s experienced in his life but he believes the process will solve it. When I’m angry he won’t take a stand I think he’s getting soft and looking at things from a surface level. When he is in physical pain and I do simple things to gain his trust and ease his burden he tells me kindly that I’m indispensable, I need to settle down and try to find some joy in life. My mentor who got the shot tells me the same thing so maybe I continue to share info in a respectful manner and let others nake a choice. If I do the next right thing at least my relationships will be good these last few weeks of normalcy. Thanks for reading FE, FE.

      • just to clarify a point

        FE and I used to have conversations, prior to about 2015/16. All logical, sane, normal. A good interesting exchange of ideas.

        then there came a long gap when he went missing.

        looking back I figured it was about the time necessary to get out as far as the orbit of Pluto and back. (hence Fast Eddy)

        Anyway, when he got back, there were no more ‘conversations’; instead the conspiratatitis implant left by the aliens took over, so that everything we earthlings did became a hoax or a plot by ‘certain people’ in positions of power over us. (we are never told who they are of course—as in all ‘alien’ plots—they look like us, but they are not.)

        this sows mutual distrust, which if taken to its ultimate conclusion will destroy civilisation itself;

        which of course was the whole point of his abduction in the first place

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It looks like we are heading into the belly of the beast … no sense in spending this time in frustration .. nobody gets out alive here (fortunately)

  8. Mike Roberts says:

    Some here like to refer to Dr Peter McCullough for his views on COVID-19 vaccination. This rebuttal of his (and others’) views is quite informative, even though I may not go along with everything that is written there:

    • We actually do need someone to post links such as these, to see where the differences in viewpoints come from.

    • Ian says:

      You can check out these links, then decide for yourself what to believe (or not to believe) :


    • Minority Of One says:

      This is from the first sentence:

      “… those of us who’ve been following and trying to counter the antivaccine movement predicted that antivaxxers would publicize and weaponize reports of death and adverse events after COVID-19 vaccines to give the impression that the vaccines are dangerous”

      So in the very first sentence, Dr Peter McCullough is immediately labelled as an anti-vaxxer, despite the fact that he has recommended vaccines throughout his career (he recently mentioned over 70 different vaccines), and indeed recommended the CV19 vax Jan – March this year. Dr Peter McCullough is anti-vax, but only one type, the CV19 vaxxines.

      >>publicize and weaponize reports of death and adverse events

      It would seem that reporting the data from VAERS and other sources such as scientific journals is ‘weaponizing’ it. Strange.

      Propaganda from the get-go.

      • Xabier says:

        Dr McCullough seems to have followed a trajectory from ‘If you are high-risk, old and frail, why not try the vaccines?’ to ‘What the hell are they doing to my patients, and how on earth did they get passed by the regulators?!’

        Sounds like the man has been observing and using his brain.

        To call him an ‘anti-vaxxer’ is patently incorrect and a mere slur.

        It seems entirely proper to point to large numbers of deaths and injuries as a matter of concern and reason for withdrawing a drug, but it seems, not in the criminal world of Big Pharma and its propagandists and paid liars.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        Indeed. But the rest of the argument appears to have a lot of merit.

        • DB says:

          No, it doesn’t. If you watch Dr. McCullough’s videos, you’d know that the governments have eliminated all the protective procedures that would enable the problems to be detected more clearly. For instance, there would be long-term clinical trials before emergency use authorization and the data from the trials would be made public for other researchers to scrutinize. Neither occurred with the COVID gene therapies. Even after emergency use authorization, standard procedures would involve proactive monitoring of effectiveness and safety, through data safety monitoring boards and other mechanisms. Despite spending many billions of dollars available to support anything related to COVID response, the governments and pharma companies did not implement these, contrary to law. So we are condemned to use VAERS and other data sources as the only semi-systematic bases of evidence.

          As Dr. McCullough and others have noted, the only ethical stance is to stop the injections and begin to assess them rigorously. COVID represents the complete overturning of scientific procedures and medical ethics. This is my profession, and the change has been categorical and Orwellian.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            mike prefers the BBC and NZ Herald… McCullough is not appearing on those sites … so he’s an id iot.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Please stop making assumptions and pretending you know anything about me. And stop with the insults. If you could limit your comments to relevant stuff, that would be appreciated.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              When someone regurgitates the MSM on OFW… we know just about everything we need to know about you mike.

              Why are you here?

              And now that FE has your attention … the grilling will get more intense 🙂

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Well, you just confirmed that you know nothing about me and that you’re not interested in reasoned discussion.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I am but that is impossible with a Regurgitator….

              Why are you here?

          • Mike Roberts says:

            I watched this video and found many of McCullough’s statements either false or misleading. Here are a few:
            He said that 86% of deaths on VAERS didn’t have an alternative explanation to the vaccine. This could be interpreted as his saying 14% of deaths were definitely not attributable to the vaccine but the others had no specified cause
            “for some people, it looks like it will be fatal” but he didn’t say that about the disease itself, with the data showing, so far, you’re much more likely to die if you get the disease
            “The CDC keeps telling us go to and look for yourself; do your own research; that’s what we see throughout all the CDC web pages.” However, doesn’t exist and I couldn’t find such advice from CDC on their website
            He said there should have been regular safety briefings on the vaccines. I would have to agree with this though I have read frequent articles on the safety of the vaccines.
            “we can treat COVID-19” but he only mentioned the expensive monoclonal antibodies, not Ivermectin.
            He said that the vaccines have “”complications, some of which are fatal” which presupposes that the fatalities in VAERS were caused by the vaccines. In fact, he implied occasionally that all deaths in those data are from the vaccines
            Near the end, he did say that as the level of antibodies rises, following the vaccination, they would mop up the spike proteins.
            Here’s something about spike proteins and here is another article about some of McCullough’s claims.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Rethink on mike… he’s not just a Regurgitator he is a Propaganda Regurgitator

        Not even sure if that would be considered an intelligent being… probably not

  9. Fast Eddy says:


    This from the latest Swiss Policy Research essay:

    In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at the University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of close to 0% and an effectiveness against severe disease of about 60%. In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).

    (A substantially higher estimate by Public Health England, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was based on outdated data from early June. Interestingly, the British government hasn’t updated its data on AstraZeneca vaccine effectiveness since June 13.)

    The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because covid vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (i.e. antibodies in the blood) decrease within months.

    Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. The pharmaceutical companies probably even knew that this was just a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect.

    • This article starts out,

      The latest data from Israel, which has used primarily the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, indicates that vaccine effectiveness against Delta coronavirus infection and symptomatic (“mild”) disease has dropped from about 95% to about 40%, whereas effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease (i.e. low blood oxygen levels) remains at 80% to 90% (see chart above).

      Importantly, in people who got vaccinated already in January 2021 (primarily the elderly), protection against infection and mild disease may already have dropped to near 0% (see chart above). Moreover, since the Delta covid outbreak is still accelerating in Israel, the effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease may further decrease (due to lags in hospitalizations).

      In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of close to zero percent and an effectiveness against severe disease of about 60%. In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).

      (A substantially higher estimate by Public Health England, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was based on outdated data from early June. Interestingly, the British government hasn’t updated its data on AstraZeneca vaccine effectiveness since June 13. Update: New data by PHE confirms that vaccine effectiveness against infection dropped below 20%.)

  10. Tim Groves says:

    Here’s one for Herbie, who I know has been concerned a lot about the weather lately.


    JULY 21, 2021

    Temperatures have once again plunged across southeast Australia with reports of snow falling in sub-tropical Queensland. Looking ahead, the BOM expects the cold to intensify as the week progresses, with all-time cold-records tumbling on Thursday.

    Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has said a large high moving across southeast Australia, combining with a low in the southern Tasman, was leading to strong winds and intense cold across vast swathes of the country.

    Snow has already fallen in the remote Queensland town of Eukey, south of Stanthorpe on July 21 — a rare event.

    Weather chaser Ken Kato, who traveled to Eukey from Brisbane, described the wind as “brutal”.

    “The windchill was probably next level even for this area’s standards,” he said.

    “I was outside for a few minutes at a time, and my hands basically lost all sensation after a few minutes.”

    + + + +

    “We’re likely to see widespread frost through the southern, eastern and central parts of Queensland.”

    And Queensland won’t be alone in suffering the big freeze.

    Large pockets of Australia will be just as cold — a polar front is currently sweeping across the entire south-east of the country.

    Hazardous winds and freezing conditions forecast to engulf the state of New South Wales by Thursday.

    The BOM’s Dean Narramore said Victoria will see equally inclement weather, with hail and snow in the forecast.

    “The front is currently racing across Victoria and Tasmania with a band of rain and cold winds,” he said.

    “Much colder temperatures will follow the front with small hail, thunderstorms and snow to low levels.”

    The mercury is expected to tumble below 0C (32F) on Thursday across large parts of NSW, Victoria and even Queensland.

    Hannify said many areas are currently forecast to suffer their “coldest-ever July temperatures” on Thursday.

    + + + +

    We’re doomed! I say. Doomed!

    • nikoB says:

      So far this has been one of the warmest winters we have had in Northern NSW Australia.

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “…aggregated historical patterns of commonly accepted national records reveal a startling pattern which underlines the global impact of climate change.

        “FT analysis of national temperature records compiled by weather historian Maximiliano Herrera shows that in 180 of 222 locations, the most recent records have been for highs rather than lows.

        “However, climate change is about more than just rising thermometers. Near-vertical lines on the temperature timeline reveal pendulous swings between extreme highs and lows.

        “Paraguay and Chile have both recorded all-time heat and cold this century, while just three years and six months separated the UAE registering a record-setting high of 51.8C in July 2017 and a record low of minus 2C in January this year. In fact, the country subsequently registered a record-equalling high this June, meaning it has experienced record levels of heat and cold within six months of the same calendar year.”

        • It is too bad that we cannot fix this problem, short of greatly reducing human population and waiting many, many years. It is not clear that even this will help. The climate keeps changing.

        • Tim Groves says:

          “However, climate change is about more than just rising thermometers. Near-vertical lines on the temperature timeline reveal pendulous swings between extreme highs and lows.”

          Harry, this is one of my points. The earth is a giant natural heat engine, transporting heat from the equatorial to the polar regions, and it runs on the difference in temp between equator and poles. This is what drives our weather.

          A warmer earth is an earth with less temp variation. The difference between the poles and the equator becomes less. In glacial periods, the polar and temperate zones get much colder, but the tropics remain almost as warm as at present, and this creates bigger temp gradients than are possible today that lead to much more violent weather.

          Anyone claiming BOTH that the earth is warming AND that temperature extremes are increasing needs to explain why this is happening as it runs counter to BOTH what we would expect from the basic physics of heat transfer AND what we observe.

          One other point, in any place, high humidity and cloud cover is associated with little diurnal variation in temperature, while conversely, low humidity and clear skies lead to greater variation between day and night.

          In an equatorial jungle, the highest and lowest temperatures in a 24-hour period are sometimes the same, and only a few degrees difference between noon and midnight is not at all unusual. While in a desert beneath the tropics of Cancer or Capricorn, the temperature difference between early afternoon and early morning could be as much as 50ºC.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        And New Zealand had its warmest June on record, despite a couple of cold snaps.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          That’s June Mike- not the winter..

          July has been one of the colder months I have experienced in NZ…. lots of frosty mornings.

          Let me throw some more coal on the fire… cuz guess what… it doesn’t matter. It has ZERO effect on the kliamte

        • Harry McGibbs says:

          Islay had its hottest day on record on Wednesday – 26.8C. Our house is a suntrap with huge windows and thick insulation for the Hebridean winters. We were cooking, lol.

          Neighbouring Northern Ireland beat its heat record on three consecutive days.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I’m heaving coal into the Rayburn Tim … it’s 250C… the engine is melting….. these are desperate times… must have more GW… must have more power Scotty!!!

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      More importantly, Tim,
      Brazil’s Frost May Kill Young Coffee Trees, Hurt Crops for Years
      By Fabiana Batista and Marvin G Perez
      July 22, 2021, 12:52 PM EDT

      We ARE DOOMED….No coffee for you….

      Oh another

      Earth’s clouds are likely to increase global heating, scientists find
      By Chelsea Gohd 5 days ago

      Scientists think that clouds could exacerbate warming global termperatures.
      Yes, we are DOOMED

      • Not having coffee would be a crisis for me, I am afraid.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Me too! But fortunately I have a large stash of Ethiopian Mocha.

        • Duncan Idaho says:

          Grew coffee on my property on Maui.
          Easy to grow– but after that the hassle starts.
          I don’t see how they can sell it so cheaply.
          (actually I do– capitalism survives on exploitation)

          Maui coffee is good!

          • Fast Eddy says:

            dunc… good to hear you are still kicking….

            Feel free to comment on the developing story out of Israel….

      • Tim Groves says:

        Thanks for that lot, Herbie.

        My answer to those scientists is, “What global warming? According to Roy Spenser’s chart, it was warmer than now during ever El Nino year since 1983.

        But I do agree there is a huge H2O-mediated greenhouse effect. The presence of clouds can warm the surface OR cool it. The same is true of water vapor.

        Which brings me on to the contribution of aircraft contrails to the weather. No I am not talking chemtrails here folks—but just the water vapor that spills out of jet engines and sometimes produces visible trails across the heavens.

        In the days following nine-11, which occurred at a time of blue skies, air travel was grounded across the continental US, and the skies were unusually clear, leading (I understand) to warmer daytime highs and colder nighttime lows than usual.

        With the huge reduction in air travel globally since the spring of 2020, many people have reported a similar phenomenon: warmer days than usual, with stronger sunshine, and colder nights.

        Now that the monsoon season has just ended and a summer high pressure system has moved in over the archipelago, down on the farm. we’ve had a week of temperatures rising to 35ºC, combined with stinging sunshine, which means lots of UV is reaching the ground, meaning the air is unusually clear. But clear of what?

        My guess is, clear of stratospheric water vapor. Air travel is still running at a small fraction of the 2019 level, perhaps 10%. That’s a lot of water vapor that is no longer being released daily into the stratosphere.

        The optically clearer atmosphere is letting more sunshine reach the ground, giving us warmer days. However, the same clearer atmosphere is also letting more heat escape into space, giving us cooler nights.

        We are in the hottest part of the year. The current 2-week period of the traditional farmer’s calendar is known as 大暑 (Taisho): the season of greatest heat. It’s a time of year when we can expect so-called “tropical nights” when temperatures fall no lower than 25ºC. I can remember years when we’ve experienced ten tropical nights in a row, as well as up to 20 “summer days” in a row when the temperature rises above 30ºC.

        Last year I can only remember two or three tropical nights, and this year so far we’ve had none at all, although I am expecting a few in August.

        The point I’m trying to make is that the earth’s water vapor/cloud greenhouse effect works both ways. It blocks some of the IR radiation coming in as well as going out. It also blocks some of the UV coming in. The overall effect of stopping most air travel may not be having a significant effect on average daily temperatures, but it may be having such an effect on average daily highs and daily lows, as well as a substantial effect on the weather in the form of stronger sunlight.

        This is a summer when I have to be extra careful to mulch down the vegetables and the roses and water them well.

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    Another difference between a MOREON and a Stooooopid Dunc e… is that the MOREON gets angry when shown what I just showed… a SD clicks the links… looks at the info…

    And does this

  12. Harry Mcibbs says:

    “Tunisia political turmoil deepens as President sacks prime minister, freezes parliament.

    “Tunisia’s President dismissed the government and froze Parliament on Sunday, prompting crowds to fill major cities in support of a move that dramatically escalated a political crisis, but that his opponents called a coup.”

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    Poor CovIDIOTS… poor befuddled Stoooopid/MoreONS… it must be difficult living in their world…×581-1.png

  14. Harry McGibbs says:

    “U.K. Banks Prepared for Negative Rates in Case Recovery Crumbles…

    “Britain’s biggest financial institutions are on track to meet the Bank of England’s deadline to be ready for negative interest rates, giving authorities another tool to aid the economy if the recovery fades.”

  15. Tim Groves says:

    IM Doc writes from the frontlines:

    July 24, 2021 at 8:18 am
    About the French Guyana paper from the CDC

    This is how science – the actual process – not the Fauci version – should be working.

    I have repeatedly stated that I am seeing much much more vaccinated positives than one would ever have expected. As I have stated, they seem to be much sicker (though not critically so) and they tend to happen in clusters. For the past two months, this has stuck out from the dominant media narrative. I have never had to fight the cognitive dissonance between the media and my own eyeballs in my life.

    I belong to a large non-public alumni group of my residency program that has literally thousands of IM docs all over America. The first thing a scientist does is to confirm that your observations are general or something you are just seeing. It was quickly obvious from that group that I was far from alone despite the “minimal breakthrough cases” media narrative.

    So, then you do everything you can to hypothesize reasons why you are seeing what you are. I have been a physician for 30 years and that experience plays a huge role as well. Having this gigantic number of breakthrough cases just simply does not happen. I continue to see more than half the cases in vaccinated patients and so do many others. UNHEARD OF IN VACCINES BEFORE NOW.

    Part of hypothesizing why is looking to the literature for evidence. Seldom is this found in RCT at this stage. Case reports and series like this paper are critical. They are seeing the same breakthrough ratio. And they have done a lot more viral research than you can. This is a gold mine for my own questions.

    Is there anything in the paper that could possibly explain what I am seeing. Lots of times, it is not in the headline part but in all the test results and discussion. And yes, there is a very important finding deep in the results.

    Why would clustering and sicker patients be so much more common in the breakthrough patients – there must be a reason for that?

    If you look at the brief discussion of cT or cycle threshold you will see that the vaccinated patients have a SIGNIFICANTLY lower cT than the unvaccinated. That is the way the PCR test works. It basically means the vaccinated have a much higher amount of viral active particles than the unvaccinated. That would account for the breakthroughs I and my colleagues are seeing being a bit more ill. And it would explain the clustering. THe vaccinated breakthroughs have much higher viral load so they are much more contagious and the higher viral load makes them more symptomatic.

    So we now have a suggestion and strong evidence that the vaccinated population may be spreading much more virus than the unvaccinated. I would say that is a critical public health issue and must be further researched immediately.

    This Certainly needs much more work. THis is not confirmatory of any conclusions. But it is consistent with observation on the ground – unlike most of what the media has been spewing to the American people. But this is how science works. This paper is about the gamma variant but a conference yesterday with experts discussed that similar findings were being found in delta and lambda. The suggestion in this paper is now on the front of my mind. I am even now thinking of ways to confirm or falsify these conclusions going forward. This is science.

    Another issue. The writers make the point that the breakthrough rate is extremely divergent from the expected rate. The difference is this paper documents what is happening in REAL LIFE. So much of what we are hearing on our media about vaccine efficacy is research being done in vitro. It is presented as gospel truth. I just want to scream.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Could this be Prof. Vanden Bosche’s scenario beginning to play out?
      IM Doc again, later in the same thread.

      July 24, 2021 at 12:13 pm
      For several weeks – dating back to mid May – I was seeing groups of fully vaccinated patients becoming positive – but asymptomatic. Most of these situations arose because one member of the family or group was found to be positive because of foreign travel – or having surgery or whatever.

      As this became more and more common – I began to be very concerned about what the future may hold. And the Health Department and CDC were just ambivalent.

      The guidance of the local health department was to ignore this – “they are vaccinated – there is no way they can spread, etc.”. Just as the CDC guidance was telling them to do. I do not much like to have armed nuclear warheads sitting around, and I am very persistent – so I ordered the contact tracing on my own – every close family member or close contact was checked. And to my absolute horror – large clusters of them were positive. But at that time, they were asymptomatic- almost every single one. I have been dutifully reporting these numbers to Yves and Lambert for weeks.

      Then about a month ago – something changed. People were then starting to become ill – and come to clinical attention that way. There were no longer just the asymptomatic patients. And again – on my own – ordered the contact tracing – and found the same thing. Multiple vaccinated family members positive. Multiple bridge group members positive. Multiple church members positive, etc etc. And lately – socials around the July 4th weekend were also clustered. At that point in time – there was no one sick enough to be in the hospital. But the vaccinated positives were clearly more ill than the unvaccinated positives. Heavier coughs, more SOB, more febrile. This included even the younger ones among them. But again – no one sick enough to be hospitalized.

      And then – this week – we have had a seismic shift. We have admitted multiple very ill vaccinated patients – two of which were critically ill. At the same time – we are admitting unvaccinated patients as well. Some of them too are now very ill. We have had deaths this week – all of those patients were unvaccinated. But I am not holding my breath – we now have two critically ill vaccinated patients that I am not sure are going to make it. I do not have the best handle on these situations this week because I am in quarantine. But right at this minute – we have more COVID patients in the hospital since January – and it is right at 50/50 vaccinated/unvaccinated – and I would say they are equally ill.

      It has been fascinating to watch this very orderly step up in severity over time. And then this week the bottom dropped out. And I live in a very vaccinated county – the paper reported this AM a 72% vaccination rate. The only stragglers were the 12-18 group which is below 50. The “herd immunity” concept is certainly not working here. And the local medical folks are just horrified that this is getting this bad after working so hard for this really good vaccination rate. It is reminding me greatly of the ramp up we had last summer – it is almost the same in every way – except it got much worse much quicker. I am hoping it will burn out – but not looking like that so far.

      I will share something else. I have a very small limited patient size – I am in a small town. But I am very attentive to media reports of numbers from other locations. Big cities and big sample sizes give perspective. When I heard last weekend that there were ZERO vaccinated patients in the hospitals in LA – I grew immediately concerned – because that was not our experience at all – It is basically a WHAT HAVE WE DONE WRONG MOMENT….So I called three of my old students who are now on the front lines in the LA area – to the one – the response was “I have not a clue what they are talking about – that is just not true…”. Among the three of them the averages they were seeing were about 75% – 85% unvaccinated in the hospital – and all had had very ill vaccinated patients. I did not feel so bad then. But My God, the media cannot be trusted with a single god-damn thing. I have never seen such a bunch of liars in my lifetime. It is a real tragedy – when we need them the most they are doing propaganda. And do not even get me started on the Health Dept people who are misleading the population like this.

      • Xabier says:

        Very true. Walensky shamelessly lied in public saying:

        ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated’.

        Welcome to the Soviet experience, Yanks!

        Other features of the system will soon be deployed – just for your ‘safety’.

        Now, shall we start the day with some CT, on the rocks ,with a slice lemon? So refreshing, the truth…..

      • Fast Eddy says:

        dunc norm mike?

        You better hope this guy is a stitch up …. cuz if this is real… you are going to be complicit in the extinction.

        norm – you might want to stay away from the grand kids…. you are toxic waste


        This is FANTASTIC…. I am bathing in Shadenfroid… drinking it … splashing it over the sides….

        Looks like we won’t get the Ripping of Faces after all…. oh well…. same end result so let’s call it a win

        Well done Tim … but I am a bit giddy … might struggle to sleep

        • it’s schadenfreude
          (pleasure in another’s misfortune) a disability I have never suffered from—surprisingly not even yours.
          I fear you may use it as a life support

          embarrassing when words go astray and you can’t blame predictive text.

          If you want to sharpen up your writing, Roget’s Thesaurus is now free to download.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It looks like this is going to be a fast moving situation going forward…

        So I’d like to say a few words just in case…. the opportunity does not present itself… as Complete Chaos unfolds… and many of you are busy spending your final days with your families…

        First off… CEP… I give a wee bit of credit to Team Bossche for providing the data but end of the day … this is a Fast Eddy Production… I’ll take my Nobel Prizes for everything … my Pulitzer… I’ll also accept the Stanley Cup and Olympic Gold Medals in Everything…

        I humbly acknowledge my true genius in Connecting these Many Dots. I know so many of my Groopies are looking up at Fast Eddy in awe.. to you I say … I was blessed with 1500 horse power… so it’s not really that big of a deal… but if you are fit and hot… see me back stage…

        This is a culmination of over 10 years of building horsepower… it’s now at it’s pinnacle… Fast Eddy would like to thank Mother Gail … for providing this platform which has allowed Fast Eddy to Be All That He Could Be.

        To the Core (and you know who you are)… thank you for your brilliant insights over the years… Fast Eddy could never achieved these great heights of true genius without all of you.

        Robert in Malta.. if you’d like to drop in something in Latin … I think that would be appropriate here … how do you say Fast Eddy is Great… or perhaps Fast Eddy is God? Let’s not go too over the top….

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I’ll post that on the Bossche site… thanks for this

      norm dunc? If you are not getting a bit unsettled after reading that then you qualify as Stoooopid….

      You don’t that do you?

      Tell us this makes you feel queasy….

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I just sent that to a CovIDIOT with a note – sorry about this … can I send you flowers?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Hmmm… i was going to message GVB via linked in with that … but I am suspended from linked in … I do not actually use linked in … other than to message GVB….

    • This is an Internal Medicine doctor writing this. These are the doctors at the front-line of treating COVID patients.

      The story he sees is a whole lot worse than what the news media is talking about.

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    Re: Operation Gene Djini

    Coerced Vaccination Progress Update

    As you know, Gene Djini, mRNA, is deployed and successful penetration worldwide stands at circa 40 per cent.

    Covid-19, codenamed Landmine (Landmine reminder: designed not to kill but to consume care resources in large quantity) successfully deployed via release site in Wuhan, China, built by our French collaborators, BioMerieux. Blame attributed to the Chinese via the lab work sponsored there. Chinese calling for Fort Detrick biolab investigation. News blackout ordered.

    On the home front, unexpectedly rapid progress thanks to our colleagues at the Nudge Unit and Trusted News Initiative. Djini is now installed in 80 per cent of the adult population, so special thanks to the boys (and girls) in Psyops. On the back of this excellent work, hunting down the ‘hesitant’ may well be brought forward to winter 2021. If vax passports are introduced, further pressure on the young will be brought to bear over the flu season. If passports are defeated this time round the unvaxed will be blamed for the inevitable winter surge, which we expect to see in the vaccinated population imminently, thanks to their compromised immune systems.

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    Covid vaccine is poison, says Dr Peter McCullough

    ‘THIS will go down as the most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history.’

    That is the damning indictment of Dr Peter McCullough, the doctor, medical expert, editor of two major journals and accomplished researcher who almost single-handedly has taken on the US medical authorities over their Covid response, first on treatment and latterly on the vaccines, from his interview by Stew Peters last week.

    Now that the mass roll out has revealed the unprecedented rates of adverse reactions and fatalities which were not evident in the limited trials of the vaccines, his concern has grown into full-scale alarm. In this interview with Stew Peters he goes much further than before. On the basis of the growing body of evidence, he gives the most urgent of warnings about what he describes as poisonous jabs: ‘This is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a body in American history,’ he says.

    You can watch the full interview here, with a host who shows himself to be right on top of this highly complex subject.

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    NFL will severely punish teams if an unvaccinated player gets COVID

    The league is threatening teams with a forfeit if a postponed regular-season game can’t be rescheduled due to a COVID outbreak.

    What if an Injected CovIDIOT player gets Covid?

    Which is guaranteed…

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    I think they need to start naming variants after real viruses…

    We could have a Kim Kardashian variant… a Justin Bieber version .. Mylie Cyrus…

    Speaking of… this is an excellent video that is ammo for why humans need to suffer before going extinct …

  20. Lidia17 says:
    ~40 min. Leaked Audio .. Not clear from when. Interesting if true.
    Commissioner in the Australian federal police force mass-recruiting new members and planning to arrest elements of the government, according to “common law” and the 1979 Police Act.. if I heard correctly in particular response to revealed plans to force-vax “targets” and institute new lockdowns. Gov. to be dissolved and replaced. First Nations, local forces, special forces, and military elements reportedly on board to sufficient degree.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    Hardly fierce…

    Remember some years ago when they burned cars and stuff…. now those were fierce protests!!!

    I guess all those folks are ok with the lockdowns….

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    The data from the two most recent technical briefings (No. 18, published July 9th, and No. 19, published July 23rd) from Public Health England shows that vaccine effectiveness against infection in the over-50s has plummeted to just 17% in the month between June 21st and July 19th, which corresponds to the main Delta surge.

    hmmmm… might as well wait for the new and improved vaccine … cuz the current one is approaching useless hahaha

    duncnorm… booster shot time? What the hell… you guys are already well past your use by dates… and you’ve already Inject the Nasty once…. what do you have to lose at this point.

    norm… the grand kids… do you support Injecting them? norm???????

  23. Azure Kingfisher says:

    My wife is a member of a British expat group on Facebook. A few days ago, several members were having a discussion regarding their cancelled British Airways flights scheduled between September and October. These were all return flights from the UK to various cities in the US.
    One expat contacted British Airways to reschedule her return flight to Philadelphia and was told that all BA flights from Heathrow to Philadelphia are cancelled from August 29 onward. When she asked the BA rep why these flights had been cancelled and when they’d open up again the rep had no answer.

    Maybe the UK is going into another lockdown this autumn.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I am seeing flights available using their online booking system… tried September

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        Here’s a fun one: you can currently buy a direct flight through Virgin Atlantic from San Francisco, CA to London for September 1, returning 2 weeks later. However, Virgin Atlantic have not been flying from San Francisco, CA since March 2020 – at all. If you like, you can give them your money and then wait for them to contact you regarding your cancellation. They’ll get an interest-free loan for a time, attempt to offer you a flight credit before giving you a refund, and then ultimately give you your refund if you persist.
        At least with Virgin Atlantic, the pattern appears to be selling tickets for the next month and then cancelling at the end of the current month. I wouldn’t be surprised if other airlines are following the same pattern.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Keep in mind the business plan involves selling to CovIDIOTS… the CovIDIOTS believe the MSM so they believe they will be boarding those flights….

          It’s a great business model… you could even pay out dividends on that cash and just fold the company 🙂

          Speaking of CovIDIOTS ..we own a holiday property … a CovIDIOT from Australia booked it… the bubble Burst… and they wanted a full refund … we keep half if they don’t give enough notice….

          I said to M Fast… what do you think …and she said … you are the one with 1500HP so what do you think?

          I think… what do I think… hmmmm I think F789 You… CovIDIOT

          How many times as Aussie locked down? And you STILL book a trip overseas?

          Are you a MOREON or just Stoooopid….

          And then when things go sideways you want Fast Eddy to take the full impact of your Stoooopity (or MOREonism)

          Fast Eddy will NOT subsidize Stooooopidity….

          I thought about sending that… I really did… but then I calmed down… didn’t do a line for an hour or so … and told them they could have a credit for a future stay.

          Two days now and they have not responded to that very fair gesture…. which confirms they are Stooooopid … not MOREOns….

          Stooooopid is slightly lower than MoreON in the hierarchy of those with Low IQs.

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            Perhaps British Airways received the news before the public:

            “WASHINGTON, July 26 (Reuters) – The United States will not lift any existing travel restrictions ‘at this point’ due to concerns over the highly transmissible COVID-19 Delta variant and the rising number of U.S. coronavirus cases, a White House official told Reuters.

            “The decision, which comes after a senior level White House meeting late Friday, means the long-running travel restrictions that have barred much of the world’s population from the United States since 2020 will not be lifted in the short term.

            “‘Given where we are today with the Delta variant, the United States will maintain existing travel restrictions at this point,’ the official told Reuters, citing the spread of the Delta variant in the United States and abroad.

            “‘Driven by the Delta variant, cases are rising here at home, particularly among those who are unvaccinated and appear likely continue to increase in the weeks ahead.’

            “The announcement almost certainly dooms any bid by U.S. airlines and the U.S. tourism industry to salvage summer travel by Europeans and others covered by the restrictions. Airlines have heavily lobbied the White House for months to lift the restrictions.”


            • Fast Eddy says:

              That’s rather amazing given ‘the delta variant’ is already in the US and Canada… assuming there is such a thing

  24. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    anonymous “… has been listening to Tokyo news. He said they’re reporting 90 people have tested positive in the Olympic village: athletes, coaches and a few spectators. Almost all vaccinated.”

  25. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    Bitcoin 38K!!!!!!!

    up 11%!!!!!!!

    bAU tonight, baby!

  26. Pekoe says:

    Prior to Covid the Comments section was typically enlightening, educational and often entertaining. These days I get to the end and wonder if I might not have been better off sitting in the sun and listening to the birds.
    I have commented before that I cannot understand how so many people who comment here absolutely know that they are right and most everybody else is wrong. Where does that hubris come from and what good is it to a high quality discussion forum such as this?
    Is it possible before you start typing to focus on reasoned discussion and leave the CT stuff to other sites where the eager audience is awaiting every new word to back up their pre conceived notions about what may or may not happen in the future?
    Yesterday I managed to slice off the very tip of one of my fingers on the edge of a sheet of stainless steel. The pain was as you would imagine but the real pain was that I could not stem the flow of blood. What a mess and so on. I thought I would add this last paragraph as my example of totally irrelevant stuff you all do not need to know but I just had to share it anyway.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Sitting in the sun and listening to the birds is a great way to spend some time. And the extra vitamin D you synthesize will protect you from the dreaded plague. Seriously, I’d go for it. Who needs a job when it’s sunny?

    • Sam says:

      Hang in there Pekoe the stock market is going to crash soon along with the world economy and that will be all that we will be talking about. Right now we are just in a holding pattern waiting fo that to happen.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        then try to enjoy the holding pattern.

        I tried to school you 😉 that the fake markets will continue to be propped up for as long as possible.

        what has been crashing recently and will be crashing in the near future are peripheral countries.

        it’s in the news, look it up.

        the Core could go at any time, but there is no indication that this will happen until many more peripherals crash.

        it will continue to be a series of horror shows.

        hang in there.

        • Sam says:

          Yes David you were right! Today…..but tomorrow I don’t know…it seems as if the peripheral countries are going down. I remember reading an article by Nicole Foss on Automatic earth she compared the U.S to the last best horse in the glue factory. I wonder what the next crises will be.
          As the covid crises eases they will have to create a new one to cover up the lack of growth and the increase in borrowing. Otherwise the minions might discover the ship is sinking. Eventually the “core” countries will see the problems and begin to fight each other and maybe that is already happening between China and the U.S. I picture Godzilla and King Kong and in that case it might be better to be one of the peripheral countries. The idea of 2040 sounds like a very optimistic scenario to me as I believe things have already started to crash. I keep talking with people of all different industries and there is a supply chain problem with all industries. Whether or not that is temporary remains to be seen.
          I stayed in the stock market based on your advice but I am thinking to get out soon….

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I am not 100% certain of the CEP… but the facts and logic support it….

      I do not want to be Injected because there are slight chance that I could spend my final months ruined… or I could be dead.. and my only remaining goal in life is to be functioning when the End Game arrives….

      Hopefully there are a few moments just prior to the end of BAU where I get the opportunity to let rip with I Told You So.

      I live for that sh it.

    • Xabier says:

      These days, old chap, the intelligent, informed, and reasoned discussion is usually found solely among the CT nuts. Odd isn’t it?

      Sorry about your finger. I prescribe brandy. Lots and lots of good brandy, which will as Dr Johnson observed, have the side-effect of turning you into a Hero.

    • nikoB says:

      Just so you all know, if you need to stop a wound bleeding just pour black pepper on it. It is a very fast coagulant. Stings a little but works a treat.

  27. MG says:

    The hot and wet weather favours simpler organisms: plants,. bacteria viruses. The humans need cleared areas for their existence, no mingling with the dirty wild animals due to the possible spread of the infectious diseases.

    The hygiene is a top priority of the central parts of the human habitats where the human dwellings are situated. That is why there is so many medieval castle ruins on the rocks in Slovakia. The end of the medieval era was characterized by the epidemics.

  28. Mike Roberts says:

    A sustainability researcher has checked Limits to Growth and found it is largely on track and that civilisational collapse is likely around 2040, with growth ending in about a decade. Like most people, and despite having a sustainability masters from Harvard, I don’t think she quite gets the meaning of sustainabiity as the article features the obligatory optimistic note near the end.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Google “Harvard sustainability masters” and you get:

      People also ask

      What Jobs Can I Get with a Masters in Sustainability?
      Environmental Scientist. Environmental scientists generally work for various government entities, universities, or consulting firms. …
      Sustainability Director. …
      Zoologist and Wildlife Biologist. …
      Climate Change Analyst.

      My assessment, despite not having a sustainability masters, is that Limits to Growth is largely on track, and remarkably so, but that it is a half-century-old document that doesn’t claim to be able to predict very far beyond where we’re at now.

      I also think that once a society feels the need to issue people with sustainability degrees, the end of any semblance of sustainability is no longer over the horizon and can’t be very far off.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      Tim Morgan calculates that growth has essentially ended now, so “growth ending in about a decade” must be fakeyfake gov propagandized growth numbers.

      collapse around 2040 sounds good to me.

  29. Ed says:

    My dad age 90 went to the hospital for bladder cancer treatment done Thursday. It went fine. By Saturday he was in ICU with failing lungs and heart. I suspected covid. The hospital say no he tested negative before being allowed in for the bladder procedure and they do not have covid in the hospital. My next thought is mRNA shedding by the staff all of who are vaxxed. No I will not even talk about that with them.

    He has had along and full life. If the vid directly or indirectly is giving a fast and painless end I thank the vid.

    • Malcopian says:

      My sympathies, Ed. There are various possibilities. At your father’s advanced age, it might have been almost his time anyway. Sometimes it does come quickly and unexpectedly. Of course, operations for old people are always risky. My father had a triple bypass in 2007 and died after 10 days in intensive care. He was 77. Without the op, he would have been only months away from death at most. The best we can hope for is that they die painlessly.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your dad.

      At age 90, it doesn’t take very much to push a person over the edge, unfortunately.

      If he was having bladder cancer treatment done, I suppose he could have had an adverse reaction to one of the chemicals involved. I have a 66 year old sister-in-law who has been in the hospital after a bad reaction to a chemotherapy treatment she received two weeks ago for pancreatic cancer. The hospital had some tests done and determined that her system could not clear one of the chemotherapy agents properly from her system, which is why she is still quite ill now. Hopefully, she can leave the hospital soon.

      I suppose it would be possible to have an autopsy done on your father, but a person doesn’t know how much information that would give. I don’t know how expensive that would be either.

    • Ed says:

      Thank you both for your kind words. I am at peace with the situation either way it goes.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Ed, on the plus side, getting to 90 is quite an achievement in itself. Life expectancy for males in the US was only about 75 years in 2020. So your dad has beaten the average by 15 years. It is never easy coping with a sick or dying parent. This is one of those times when it’s wise to be kind and sympathetic to yourself.

    • Xabier says:

      A fast end is the best we can wish for those we love.

      I feel I made a great error in rescuing an elderly relation only for them to drag on for some few miserable years more.

      All the best to you, Ed.

  30. Yoshua says:

    According to Bossche the natural immune system is more sophisticated than the vaccine induced immunity.

    So, maybe with little bit of luck the virus will kill of the vaccinated before they create the Devil’s Covid.

  31. Yoshua says:

    The End Game

    “We are currently turning vaccinees into asymptomatic carriers, shedding infectious variants … we’ll very soon be confronted with a super-infectious virus that completely resists…the human immune system.” Bossche

    • Super-infectious, but it won’t kill all of us, I don’t think.

      Viruses that kill their hosts cannot spread far. It has to be less severe to spread.

      I don’t think that the current vaccines are good enough to provide the kind of environment where the virus can spread only among the vaccines, without too much harm, and kill everyone else.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        When there are 8 billion hosts, a virus can get a long way even if it is quite lethal. This virus does kill its host and I can’t think of why it would become less lethal until it has killed a hell of a lot of us.

        • Tim Groves says:

          As I’ve pointed out before, about 80% of people appear to be immune to falling ill with this particular virus. The Diamond Princess was the experiment that showed that. Do you want me to run through the relevant details for you or would you prefer to research it yourself?

          • Xabier says:

            The Diamond Princess, the ‘Death Ship’ they initially tried to terrify us with.

            Gosh, I almost feel nostalgic looking back to the early, almost innocent, months of the fraud, now the needles are maliciously glinting from every bush……….

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          yes almost always with the requirement of one or more comorbidities, it does seem to kill 0.2%.

          it can’t get much less lethal than that.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        It might….

        “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”

        In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent. (Note: it only harms fowl). The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology.

        This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.

        The reason this is a problem for Marek’s disease is because the vaccine is “leaky.” A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

        “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,” said Read, who is an evolutionary biologist at Penn State University.

        Of course the Covid vaccines are ‘leaky vaccines’…. but what’s different is … they are being rammed into billions of people during a pandemic… and apparently that is a NO NO….

        Old Luc is too kind… he calls it a mistake…. hahahaha… come on Luc … you don’t believe that… obviously scientists do not make mistakes that have the potential to Extinct the human species!!!

        Does ‘unthinkable’ = worse than Marek’s? As we are already seeing its the Injected who are breeding the variants that overcome the vaccine … so I am thinking at some point EVERYONE dies from this … both Injected and un-injected. That’s the ‘unthinkable’ part.

        May 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.

        “It’s an enormous mistake, isn’t it? A scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake,” Montagnier said in an interview translated and published by the RAIR Foundation USA yesterday. “The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

        Many epidemiologists know it and are “silent” about the problem known as “antibody-dependent enhancement,” Montagnier said.

        “It is the antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to become stronger,” he said in an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month.

        While variants of viruses can occur naturally, Montagnier said that vaccination is driving the process. “What does the virus do? Does it die or find another solution?”

        “It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination.”

        Vaccinating during a pandemic is “unthinkable” and is causing deaths, the winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery

        “The new variants are a production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it’s the same: in every country deaths follow vaccination,” he said.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Did he really say that?

      We’re doomed!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Verbatim? I have not seen that… source?

        I am hoping Bossche is wrong… I want Face Ripping!!!

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Have you got a link to this?

  32. Hubbs says:

    I remember the movie Mutiny on the Bounty starring Marlon Brando as Fletcher Christian and Trevor Howard as Captain Bligh in a discussion on the loading dock before the Bounty’s departure. Apparently one of the cheeses was missing and Christian was attempting to mediate the accusations between two seamen over who had stolen the cheese. When Bligh saw the dispute, he merely admonished Christian : “Mr Christian, taking one man’s word against another is a fool’s errand. Simply cut the rations until the deficiency is made up.”

    In the same way, taking Fauci’s word over Senator Rand Paul’s over the Wuhan funding and gain of function studies is a fool’s errand (even though the data is corrupt as hell on the way up, inflating the number of false positives via the PCR, and now under reporting the adverse effects of the VAXXES in the VAERS system, or even refusing to test / report those who have been injected but now contracted COVID on the way down- to disguise achievement of true herd immunity from the unvaccinated- and testing only those who have not been injected). This whole issue will eventually moot itself when energy, monetary, food production and delivery become “deficiencies” whereby everyone (except the elites ) has to go on rations. Then we’ll have the real fireworks.

    • Tim Groves says:

      I wonder if the elites will end up in a lifeboat, as happened to Captain Bligh in the case of the Bounty?

  33. Yoshua says:


    The vaccinated do not often show symptoms. They have now become the asymptotic super spreaders and are the ones who are infecting the unvaccinated.

    Maybe the vaccinated don’t only get infected, but also reinfected as their natural immunity has been damaged by the vaccine?

    • I think that you are right. The vaccinated tend to be the ones who disproportionately transfer the new variants to new people. Many of these newly infected people are also vaccinated, but some are not. The vaccinated are disproportionately out in the community and not wearing masks. The vaccinated assume that they have no problem, so they become a greater problem, if you assume our primary concern is “stopping the disease.”

      I think that the poor-quality antibodies of the vaccine (short-lived, very focused on one particular characteristic of one particular version of COVID-19) tend to replace the natural antibodies the person might have had, especially if the person had had the illness before. In that sense, you might be right about the immunizations damaging the immunity.

      I think the most likely way the disease can be stopped is by people being willing to actually catch the disease. They can lower their risk of bad outcomes by keeping the vitamin D level high. They also can use ivermectin and other drugs to treat the symptoms, starting early on.

      Fortunately, Delta seems to be less severe, although we don’t know with certainty. Another way the disease could end is by just petering out by becoming less and less virulent.

      • Ed says:

        Gail I agree it ends when everyone has had it.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          If spreading the variants is the goal then allowing the Injected more freedom to interact with other CovIDIOTS… is a Great Idea!!!

          • JMS says:

            Exactly. A big long cull a la Marek is on approach, apparently. If there is a future, it will belong to hermits, deep misanthropes and uncontacted people!

  34. Yoshua says:

    Mutations to the spike protein is happening to the same genes, which is a clear indication that the vaccine is causing the virus to mutate into different variants. Every vaccinated person is now a Wuhan lab.
    After only six months: here comes the first booster.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the vaccines aren’t working. While they await the booster, it’s now time to blame the unvaccinated.

    • It sounds like it is Pfizer, but not Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, who are doing this. Not everyone is convinced this is the way to go.

  35. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    here’s a puzzle perhaps someone can explain.

    world #1 golfer Jon Rahm tested positive for covid in early June, even though he says he had at least the first jab. Now, he has just tested positive again and is out of the Olympics.

    and he has been asymptomatic the whole time.

    • I think it is quite possible.

      First, there is a real problem with test results. He may or may not have had the first version.

      If he did have COVID the first time, having the vaccine, afterward, would have tended to damage his existing antibodies, if he had them. The antibodies from the vaccine are not very helpful against catching Delta. They may be somewhat protective against having a bad case of COVID-19.

      People in the Olympics are worried about any disease that might cause very many hospitalizations spreading. Japan doesn’t have a very large number of hospital beds and ICU beds, relative to population, as I recall. If the disease spreads to some of the workers at the Olympics, for example, it could spread quite widely.

    • Ed says:

      I vote fail positive in both tests

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      an NFL pro football player who doesn’t want the jab:

      “I know a lot of people who got the shot and still got the corona,” Fournette said.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I dunno … ask mike?

  36. Sa says:

    Why is there no reporting on people who have had Covid and have antibodies not getting sick? I was around 30,000 people at a concert two weeks ago and didn’t get anything. I believe it’s because I had Covid and have antibodies. Except they keep telling us that everybody needs to get the shot. It’s strange how the question I want to know is is the vaccine needed if you have had Covid and does the vaccine keep you from getting Covid no information on that

    • Sam says:

      But more importantly I want to know is when is this fake economic situation going to play out? The stock market is melting up!

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        you are at stage one where you know it’s a fake economic situation.

        stage two: they will continue to fake it for as long as they can.

        try to enjoy the ride.

        • Sam says:

          Yes David you are right it’s so bizarre that so few People can understand that. Most people look at you like you’re crazy when you try to explain the situation to them. They will tell you the stock market can’t crash over the long term and it is the best investment you can ever make etc…

    • The information that seems to be increasingly clear is that antibodies from having COVID-19 are in many ways much better than those from having the vaccine. Those from having the vaccine seem to be short lived. They don’t protect you from variants very well at all. Those you get from having the disease are much more likely to protect you from getting the disease, even a variant.

      I think that the vaccinations are counterproductive, in terms of the world reaching herd immunity.

      I should write some more about the evidence, when the I have the time.

      • Sam says:

        So if you have the antibodies from having the disease and then get the vaccination does that destroy your antibodies? So you are saying the natural immunity is much better then the Pfizer shot or whatever. That’s what I’ve always thought but for some reason I am a pariah for not getting the shot. I think I am a man I had one day where I felt like it was coming on again and then I was better three hours later. And I have been around a lot of people. Including the woman who cut my hair and died a week later from Covid I think she had it while she was cutting my hair she wasn’t feeling well.

        • Yes, your natural immunity seems to be a whole lot better than that the vaccines give you.

          These new “vaccines” in particular provide poor protection. No one really said that they would stop the virus from circulating. They just claimed that they would reduce the severity of the symptoms. It turns out, their ability to do this is limited. It doesn’t work well with variants. The immunity is likely to work increasingly less well as time goes on.

          The experience in Israel seems to indicate that 9% of the population had Covid, but much less than 1% those who had Covid earlier have caught the new Cover Delta variant. One article argued that perhaps the virus hadn’t gotten to them yet. It would seem like we could see what happens elsewhere as well (if anyone is willing to tell the truth).

          • Mike Roberts says:

            I’m not sure why you say that, Gail. From what I’ve read, some vaccines (e.g. Pfizer) are over 90% effective at preventing serious illness and hospitalisations from the delta variant.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Yes, Mike, what one takes away depends to a considerable extent on what one reads. You can find a lot of variation in so-called “informed” or “expert” opinion on this subject.

              And of course, “experts” come and go, or to be more precise, they get “airbrushed” into and out of their expertise at Wankipedophilia.

              For instance, did you know that:

              Information about the inventor of the mRNA technology used in certain COVID-19 vaccines was removed from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia after he publicly warned against giving the experimental gene therapy vaccines to young people and that there was insufficient information about the injections to give informed consent.

              Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., discovered RNA transfection and, while he was at the Salk Institute in San Diego in 1988, invented mRNA vaccines. His research was continued the next year at Vical, and between 1988 and 1989, Malone wrote the patent disclosures for mRNA vaccines. ”


              An archived version of the site from June 14, 2021, clearly lists Malone as the creator and initial researcher into the technology.

              Just two days later, June 16, the site was altered to remove any mention of Dr. Malone in the text of the entry. Instead of detailing his exploits, the entry now states that mRNA technology was discovered by “researchers at the Salk Institute, the University of California, San Diego, and Vical.”

              The site was to undergo yet another change, and at the time of writing (July 5), the entry had undergone another substantial alteration, this time mentioning Jon Wolff, a collaborator of Malone’s in 1990, and giving him chief credit for the mRNA research experiments.

              A marked difference in tone toward the COVID-19 injections can be noticed between Dr. Malone and Karikó. While Malone warned that no one had sufficient information to be able to make an informed decision about taking the vaccine, Karikó hailed mRNA as a potential “a universal platform” for future drugs.


            • Fast Eddy says:

              mike .. the problem is you read the NZ Herald .. and Stuff and other tripe…




              Health Secretary Sajid Javid has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, despite being vaccinated – and he is far from alone. The latest ZOE data shows that, as of July 12th, infections in the vaccinated (with at least one dose) in the U.K. now outnumber those in the unvaccinated for the first time, as the former continue to surge while the latter plummet (see above). (Note that 68% of the population has had at least one vaccine dose, so there are still at this stage disproportionately more new infections in the unvaccinated, though on current trends that may soon change.)

              At what point will the Government accept that these vaccines have limited efficacy in preventing infection and transmission, and thus the whole rationale of being vaccinated to protect others – vaccine passports, compulsory vaccination, and so on – is suspect?



          • Sam says:

            can you please provide a link to this?

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              it was linked here in the OFW comments a day or two ago.

              the vaxed and unvaxed are getting very similar results to the Delta variant which is the dominant strain now in Israel.

              most of the vaxed are not getting seriously ill, and most of the unvaxed are not getting seriously ill.

              any MSM news of a deadly Delta surge is mere propaganda.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              This is one story, from the UK, about the effects of the vaccine.


              Note that for over 50s, the vast majority have been fully vaccinated. This is a factor in what is seen for hospitalisations and deaths. For example, only 2 of the 26 deaths in the under 50s, between February and June but about half of the over 50s deaths were of vaccinated people. The risk of hospitalisation falls about 90% for the fully vaccinated.

              It certainly looks like the vaccines are significantly effective against Delta.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Oh… so why are they doing this mike?


              Another bullet in the gun for the CovIDIOT game of Russian Roulette … hahaha…

              Step right up CovIDIOTS… get yer Injections here…. coming soon – DIY Injections … you can pick up the latest Booster at your local 711 … get a family back and inject the kids while you are at it

              95% effective…and if it’s not … come back and get the New and Improved Injection! Step right up you stooopid F789ing MOREONES….

            • Tim Groves says:

              The Times of Israel has a recent article on this issue:

              Israeli, UK data offer mixed signals on vaccine’s potency against Delta strain

              Local research claims Pfizer shot now only 41% effective against symptomatic COVID, while British stats have it at 88%

              + + + +

              The Israeli statistics also appeared to paint a picture of protection that gets weaker as months pass after vaccination, due to fading immunity. People vaccinated in January were said to have just 16% protection against infection now, while in those vaccinated in April, effectiveness was at 75%.

              Doctors note that such figures may not only reflect time that has passed since vaccination, but also a bias according to which those who vaccinated early were often people with health conditions and who are more prone to infection, such as the elderly.

              Reacting to the Israeli figures on Thursday, epidemiologist Nadav Davidovitch, a Ben-Gurion University professor and leader of Israel’s doctors’ union, told The Times of Israel, “What we see is that the vaccine is less effective in preventing transmission, but it’s easy to overlook that it’s still very effective in preventing hospitalization and severe cases.”


            • Fast Eddy says:

              I guess they are unaware of this

              Reports of COVID breakthrough cases continue to rise — as of July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 5,492 breakthrough cases resulting in death and hospitalization.

              A breakthrough case refers to anyone who is diagnosed with COVID after being fully vaccinated. A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.


              Oh the despair of it all… all those CovIDIOTS who were thinking they’d be able to travel … that the end was in sight…

              Let’s give them another shot of hopium!

              Of course that will fail as well… but no doubt it will throw petrol on the Devil Covid Development plan…

              I wonder if it would be possible to get a custom plate for my Death Mobile ‘DevilCovid’

            • The title of this report is
              “Foo Fighters ‘Vaccinated Only’ Concert Canceled After Band Member Gets COVID as Breakthrough Cases on the Rise”

              The article also reports:

              The New York Yankees’ July 15 series opener against the Boston Red Sox was abruptly postponed after three fully vaccinated Yankees players tested positive for COVID. Three others are likely infected as well, CBS New York reported.

              Yankees general manager Brian ​​Cashman said all three were fully vaccinated, as are most of the players on the team. Among the three who tested positive, two received J&J’s vaccine and the other received Pfizer or Moderna, according to Cashman.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            The COVID-19 vaccine stimulates your body’s immune system to produce antibodies and other proteins that will fight the virus if you’re exposed to it. The vaccine helps prevent you from getting infected and having COVID-19 symptoms, or severe illness.


            Of course the govt site originally stated that it did not stop you from getting covid…. but then they changed it to what you see above….

            Funny that…..

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Or start a business selling covid… …. send $50 and we’ll ship you a bag full of injected spit…. just dab a little on your tongue… you’ll get a sore throat and a bit of a headache… for a week… then you will be immune to all Covid variants.

        I’ll be your first customer

  37. Nate says:

    Dr. David Martin at around 32:45 explains how Moderna announced Ivermectin’s utility in treating SARS in its 2016 – 2018 patent modification. Yeah, that’s not evil, right? There’s no conspiracy here, plebs.

    • Yes, indeed, this video does say that Moderna announced Ivermectin’s utility in treating SARS in its 2016 – 2018 patent modification. We know that SARS is very closely related to SARS-CoV-2.

      Somehow, someone should be prosecuted for this. The video goes on to say that we need to get State Attorney Generals and other lawyers involved in this. I imagine law firms that prosecuted big pharmaceutical companies before might be involved in this.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Gail, you are becoming quite radicalized by the Internet these days. I like it!

        Xabier too. Before the Covid Caper, he was a mild-mannered reasonable sober-minded gentleman who would have abhorred and condemned political violence, but now he’s almost ready to bring his knitting to the guillotine show, or even to drop the blade.

        I am beginning to believe the Powers That Be are literally stoking a revolution that will eventually take out just about every national politician, medical expert, and TV “personality” who has been advocating the jab. And unlike the Olympics, the spectator seating will be full to capacity.

        • Xabier says:

          My axe, Tim: my very own, well-honed, Swedish axe.

          Although I am inclined to think they don’t deserve such a quick end.

          Life imprisonment, in a very tight mask – and goggles – seems more appropriate.

          But so many of them are so elderly, the sentence might be too brief to be just……..

          • Student says:

            It would be very interesting to have a link where one can find this patent about use of Ivermectin for Sars, which Dr. Martin is talking about.
            Many thanks in advance if someone will find it.

            • Student says:

              Hello Gail,

              I didn’t find exactly that, but something that is related to previous suggested uses of Ivermectin for similar respiratory syndromes, RNA viruses and HIV treatment seem to be these 2 studies (much probable also others):


              Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a devastating viral pathogen of swine that causes huge financial losses in the pig industry worldwide. Ivermectin is known to be a potent inhibitor of importin α/β-mediated nuclear transport and exhibits antiviral activity towards several RNA viruses by blocking the nuclear trafficking of viral proteins.

              and also:


              on the part regarding: Asthma
              and on the part regarding Antiviral RNA: (e.g. HIV, dengue, encephalitis)

              The alternative uses of Ivermectin seem to be well-known.

  38. Nate says:

    The Club Insiders just can’t help themselves. They giggle as they warn us plebs of the oncoming train, sometimes many decades in advance.

    Jacques Attali: “The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population… Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good… We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”

    • Conrad T. says:

      Nate, what a creature Attali is. He handed us the prepared script, as instructed. From Wiki, which appears to be doing its job of rubbing it in our faces, of course:

      Since his earliest books, Attali foresaw and announced signals of the future, albeit weak at the time, that later came true: In La parole et l’outil (1976), he announced and described the shift from an energy-based society to an information-based society. In Bruits, in 1977, he announced what would later be the internet, YouTube, and the importance of musical practice; in La nouvelle économie française, in 1978, he discussed the coming emergence of the personal computer, hyper-surveillance and self-surveillance.

      In Les trois mondes, in 1980, he announced the shift of the centre of power around the Pacific. In L’ordre Cannibale, in 1980, he announced the advent of a prosthetic society, now known as transhumanism. In Histoires du temps, he announced the rapid pace of history and the growing immediacy of relationships. In Amours, he announced the emergence of poly-romantic relationships. In Au propre et au figuré, he announced the break-up of property and its use, and subsequently he invented the concept of the “nomadic object.” In Lignes d’horizons, in 1990, he predicted the relative decline of US power. In Brève histoire de l’avenir, he announced a corporate power grab by health data and insurance companies. In L’homme nomade, he described the great movement of populations whose sedentary life was only a temporary stage.

      Attali has reflected on the many dimensions, as well as the place, of Jewish thought and the Jewish people in history (1492, Histoire économique du peuple juif, Dictionnaire amoureux du judaïsme); he also took on this subject at the theatre in Du cristal à la fumée.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Is this a real quote from Attali, though? As Abe Lincoln famously quipped, don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

  39. Mirror on the wall says:

    Tories are dropping in all of the polls. It seems that the ‘jab bounce’ may be wearing off. Tax rises and austerity, and possibly a recession, lie ahead due to c 19 disruption and debt, which are likely to depress their polls further. Even so, I doubt that anyone is banking on a LP government next time.

    But it is all likely to impact on support for the UK in Scotland and elsewhere, which follows some of the same cyclic trends to some extent and for the same reasons. SNP will be looking at the polls, and deciding how much longer to hold the horses before they go for a referendum. Demographics are on their side anyway, so they might do better to wait. Interesting times ahead.

    > Falling case numbers may yet save the PM’s bacon

    Two years into his premiership, Boris Johnson finds himself – yet again – in a tight spot.

    The significant poll lead the Conservative Party has sustained over Labour ever since the vaccine rollout began in earnest at the start of the year is evaporating. YouGov and Survation both have the Tories dipping below the 40 per cent threshold, their lead down to four points in their latest surveys. Opinium has just recorded a ten-point drop in the Government’s net approval rating for its handling of the pandemic – a promise of trouble down the line.

    And Keir Starmer has just made an important tactical decision that could further complicate matters for the PM. Starmer’s choice not to back the implementation of Covid vaccine passports leaves the Government open to Commons defeat, given the objections of dozens of Tory backbenchers.

    Those pointing to polling that suggests around 70 per cent of the public support vaccine passports are rather missing the point. Ever since the pandemic began, polls have found Labour voters much more inclined than Tory ones to back the withdrawal of normal liberties. But the current tribe of Labour voters – shorn of its working class “red wallers” – is most unlikely to switch its support to the Conservatives and would probably forgive Starmer for his stance if it results in the hated Johnson getting a bloody nose.

    On the other hand, there is no doubt that the announcement of vaccine passports has enraged a large chunk of the Conservative base, triggering a rash of resignations among grassroots members and outpourings of fury in the shires. So if the policy is actually implemented at the end of September then we should expect a further Tory slump, despite it polling well with the electorate overall.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      “The significant poll lead the Conservative Party has sustained over Labour ever since the vaccine rollout began in earnest at the start of the year is evaporating.”

      The UK seemed to get a ‘jab bounce’ in the Scottish polls in the same way. 20 polls in a row found for Scottish independence between June 2020 and January 2021, after which polls were much more mixed. It seems likely that ‘jab bounce’ will wear off too, which may put polls back closer to where they were.

      And with economic and fiscal disruption likely ahead, it seems likely that support for UK will fall further; those cyclic trends do seem to replicate. A Tory-EU trade war would also have an impact. And younger generations tend to support independence, anyway. Plus the present q/een is time dated.

      We will have to wait and see over the next couple of years – no one is in any rush.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Yes, the common perception is that the ‘jab bounce’ is flopping badly. Wait until they see the bill for c 19.

      > Johnson’s ‘vaccine bounce’ fades as Tories slide in the polls

      The majority of the British public now think the prime minister is dishonest, inconsistent and disorganised.

      The Conservative’s healthy run in the polls on the back of a successful vaccine roll-out seems to be coming to an end, a new study has revealed. A survey for i by Redfield & Wilton Strategies found the majority of Brits now view the prime minister as dishonest, inconsistent and disorganised.

      Just 9 per cent of all voters – and 16 per cent of Conservative supporters – “strongly approve” of Mr Johnson’s performance in office. By contrast, 26 per cent say they strongly disapprove.

      His overall approval rating – the proportion of people in favour minus those against – now stands at -6, down from +9 just three months ago when the Government was revelling in the success of the vaccine rollout. Mr Johnson’s ratings hit +39 at the start of the Covid-19 crisis but fell to -11 in the autumn as public scepticism about the pandemic response grew.

      Asked whether their views on the prime minister have changed since he took office two years ago, 34 per cent said they now think less of him with 18 per cent saying their opinion has improved. Questioned on how he has performed in specific policy areas, voters gave him a rating of -12 on the pandemic, -2 on the economy, -7 on the NHS and -3 on Brexit.

      40 per cent of those polled predicted the Prime Minister would leave office within the next two years, with another 27 per cent saying he will leave in two to four years and just 13 per cent believing he will survive past 2025.

    • Minority Of One says:

      Maybe it is the same everywhere, but the leader of the Labour Party is just as bad as Boris, in his own special way. Both are bought and paid for by TPTB.

      I cannot see any circumstance whereby there will be a new referendum for Scottish Independence before the next general election, a few years away. The SNP itself said this is unlikely. And the world will be a different place by then.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Do you have a source for that?

        > Scottish first minister responds after Gove remarks that referendum unlikely before general election

        Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday dismissed as “sneering, arrogant condescension” comments by a senior UK minister ruling out Westminster approval for an independence referendum before the next general election.

        Sturgeon’s Scottish National party won elections for the devolved parliament at Holyrood in Edinburgh last month on a manifesto pledge to seek to hold a second referendum on leaving the UK before the end of 2023.

        But in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper published on Wednesday, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said he “couldn’t see” the Conservative UK government approving such a vote before the next general election, which under current legislation is expected to be in May 2024.

        The exchange highlighted a looming constitutional showdown between the UK and Scottish governments, with the SNP saying it could seek to hold a referendum under current devolution law even without Westminster’s approval.

        “Every time we hear that kind of sneering, arrogant condescension from Michael Gove — or whatever UK government minister it may be — completely refusing to accept Scottish democracy, actually the more they just build support for independence,” Sturgeon told the Press Association.

        The first minister said the SNP won on May 6 on a pledge to give people in Scotland the choice to decide their constitutional future after the coronavirus crisis, adding: “If that can’t even be respected, then the idea that the UK is a partnership of equals just completely disintegrates”.

        The SNP has already set out plans to pass enabling legislation for a referendum, challenging the UK government to try to stop it in court.

        • Minority Of One says:

          >>Do you have a source for that?

          I posted a quote from a senior member of the SNP earlier this year. I don’t really follow politics except what I pick up from Craig Murray’s site, where I got the quote from.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        If TP is down, which seems likely, and LP is not up enough to win an overall majority, which also seems likely, then the outcome of the next GE may well be a pact between LP and SNP to allow LP to govern and SNP to have indy2. Indy1 in 2014, and the AV referendum in 2011, followed the TP-LDP pact in 2010-2015, and weaker governments are more likely to make concessions, especially if they cannot govern without them.

        A hold off until 2025 might be perfect for SNP as it would give demographics another five years to tick over, UK will likely be in a high tax, low growth situation after c 19, which will have passed, UK may well be in a full blown and intransigent trade war with EU, QEII may well have passed, Harry will have published his second upcoming volume, undermining Charles’ assent – and the world may well be ‘different’ in many ways but it seems doubtful that will help UK.

        No one is in any rush. If TP had any sense, they would hold Indy2 now – if they really cared about UK, which seems doubtful, given Brexit and the NIP, along with regional undevelopment, Downing St. Declaration, and lots else. It is just as likely that TP is presently using UK as a jingoistic prop for temporary TP popularity and they would just as happy be rid of it, given the burden of it and the hard anti-TP support in the Celtic fringe. Interesting times.

  40. Rodster says:

    Tim, leave Norm and Dunce alone. They have convinced me to take The Jab once a week. I am living proof that they are 100% safe. I’m working on Fast Eddy to take The Jab along with Mrs Fast. Stay tuned.

  41. Tim Groves says:

    A message to Norman and to all us adults from his great grandchildren.

    • I would have thought better of you than reprinting something from a mass hysteria site Tim

      do try to dredge up better stuff than that

      • Very Far Frank says:

        I don’t know, from what we’ve heard, it seems pretty accurate.

        • I’m regularly stepping over bodies in the street here

          but that seems to coincide with the pubs closing

          anyway, they must’ve all been collected by the Soylent green trucks during the night cos theres non there in the morning

      • Xabier says:

        I’ve just been watching Whitney Webb, the investigative journalist.

        One reason she left Chile was the mandate for children as young as her 3 yr-old to be masked.

        No laughing matter. In fact deeply horrifying.

        Good image, and correct message, Tim.

      • Tim Groves says:

        do try to dredge up better stuff than that

        No, Norman. This meme is absolutely the best stuff there is. (It’s a very clever play on the well known Donald Trump one, by the way)

        I’m afraid it’s not US, Norman. it’s YOU. You just don’t GET IT, do you? I’m not surprised as you are too set in your ways to be aware of what’s going on around the world these days. If you were a frog in a pan of water with the heat being slowly turned up, you would be hard boiled by now.

        And by the way, if ever there was a time when hysteria was justified, it’s now. If they’re coming to poison and maim the children and all you can do deny it’s happening, you really are one of the most useless eaters on the planet, seriously.

        • I agree with your last line . Well past my sellby date. You probably are too. Occupying space that would be better used by somebody else.

          why I bother to reply to the rest of it, is beyond me—must be a latent masochism—I used to think it was a windup.

          “They are coming to poison and maim the children”—do you ever take the trouble to read and digest your own words?

          Who is?–oh yes–”they”. I will look out for them. Lady next door but one is preggers again–I will warn her. That will make 3. Oh Calamity. I wonder if she knows what causes babies? Good business for the child maimers though.

          In UK people stand up a scream it all the time. Attention seeking. (OFW is a microcosm of that) Nobody is ‘coming for your children’
          Others might just read that line and realise it. Which is why I wrote it.

          Unfortunately many people latch onto rubbish that fits in with their own version of reality. It is a worse virus than covid, by far. It has become a global infection.

          As I’ve pointed out, hysteria is always looking for a new home, and is never short of one. Like a virus in many respects

          I assume you adhere to QAnon—when Clinton ran a pedo ring from the basement of the White House.? Equal nonsense—but the screaming mobs don’t think so.

          Careful of that caps lock–it’s caused by an infection of eddyfinger–incurable once it takes hold.

          • Xabier says:

            Norman, dear simple Norman, do look up the results of the Pfizer trials on children.

            Do also watch the videos of those maimed or killed in the trials and by the vaccination programme, and observe the grief of their parents.

            Hard to argue away a kid in a wheelchair with tubes up her nose, I’d say – although you could probably manage it.

            I thought of these today when a sweet happy poppet shot me a lovely smile, and I thought of the needles which Fauci and Co are so eager to insert ….

            Think of this and be consumed in shame at your ignorance.

            I mean just what I say: killed and maimed.

            A simple unadorned statement of fact.

            Supported by overwhelming evidence.

    • Ed says:

      Tim, good picture. This is the worlds first global color revolution. The script for a color revolution divide society on the basis of phrase/idea that has no substantive content. In the C IA national revolution it is a color the orange revolution for example. The opposition has no way to argue against it as it is basically meaningless.

      Now to have the global jab revolution. Involving virology far to complex and little understand by humankind for any to argue against (only FE has the brains 🙂 ). They have put their regional governors in place who now have absolution dictatorial power. The only thing let is to break the non-jabbers. Slow and steady pressure will win that race.

      The only hope from my point of view is collapse.

      • Xabier says:

        It was very clever of them, I agree Ed, to choose a medical issue: they can parade bought and complicit experts, and over-awe critics with assertions of superior, highly technical, knowledge.

        They can press the primal fear button in the popular psyche.

        Soon they clearly intend to eliminate all free debate and crush the doctors with integrity through extreme censorship, claiming they are harming the community.

        I really cannot see any escape from their tyranny so long prepared, and with key agents in most governments, full control of the MSM, the money system, etc, except Collapse, although one must keep on resisting inwardly

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Every person that I know who has kids insists they will not allow the Injections…. I am hoping that the Injections are mandated during the upcoming school year….

      That may awaken Mr DNA….

    • Fast Eddy says:

      What will norm do… he’s a weight lifter… so surely he should ‘get in the way’…

      Or will norm load them into the people move and get them Mass Jabbed?

      What will YOU do norm?

      Enquiring minds Demand to Know!!!

      • d’you really want me to detail the methods of your inquisitorial ancestors Xabier? They were I believe experts in prolonging the release of death.

        Time and again your genetic line shows in your obsessive comments in that respect. Does it not concern you..?

        It is becoming obvious you know. Maybe you should seek help to rid you of this regressive trend? you will certainly not win friends and influence people by dwelling on the ways in which they might be exterminated.

        You’ve said other unrelated things in the past that made me raise an eyebrow. And shifted me into ‘avoid’ mode. I’m not usually wrong on things like that.

        I think you need to shine some light into those dark recesses of your mind, otherwise you’re going to have a really big problem as your future unfolds.

        I switched off my humour circuit to write this btw. Take it in the way it is offered. It might help you with the other problems you have.

      • Physical fitness is critical to surviving old age—except of course nobody survives old age (before you point it out)

        All I aim to do is survive fit till the day before I die, which with any luck will be to be shot by a jealous husband on my 99th birthday. (that way I will avoid the Spanish Inquisition and their obsession with sin.)

        Yes I work at it, and have done for years.

        Now I have the body of a (geriatric) greek god, and despite multiple injections, nothing has fallen off.

        I can tell you the secret of it Eddy (if you are interested)—all down to resistance training–swim 2 miles a week minimum, weights 25kg x 100 per session. Maybe 5-10 sessions a week. But that leaves me with a problem.

        Physical resistance is critical, but the most important muscle in the body is the one between your ears.

        that’s where you come in very useful.

        You supply all the resistance training my brain needs.

        Hope you don’t mind me utilising your gifts Eddy.


  42. Fast Eddy says:

    AMID suspicions that the Government is recruiting actors to play unvaccinated hospitalised Covid-19 patients, Erasmus Demosthenes Hepplewhite tells TCW of his recent audition for a part in an NHS information film.

    ‘To be honest I thought I was a shoo-in for the role. I got my first part in Casualty when I was ten (badly burnt by a firework) and since then I have been in the show for a drug overdose, a hiatus hernia and rabies. Not only that, I was once mauled by an escaped puma in Holby City.

    ‘My agent, Irene, called me as I was delivering a ham-and-pineapple pizza with garlic bread to an isolating family in Pinner. I hadn’t heard from her since more than a year ago when she contacted me about auditioning for the part of Stumpy in Babes in the Wood in Chippenham. I think she had been impressed by my widely praised performance as the butcher’s assistant in episode four, series 18 of Midsomer Murders (the one where the vicar’s mute cousin sought revenge on the local garage owner’s son who was accused of fitting a defective crankshaft to the vicar’s wife’s Austin-Healey which led to the suspicious death by drowning of the nephew of the local landowner’s illegitimate daughter’s stepbrother’s third wife, Maxine, with whom the cousin was secretly in love).

    ‘Irene told me that she was contacted by someone from the Home Office, she wouldn’t give a name, who wanted someone to take part in a government information film about the NHS. Naturally I jumped at the chance. I have always been a fervent admirer of our wonderful health service, and my Twitter account proudly displays their rainbow emoji alongside that of the EU flag and a blue heart.

    ‘I was told that the role was that of a distressed patient but not much more, and I was pleasantly surprised to be asked to attend the audition at the BBC Roath Lock Studios in Cardiff.

    ‘I found it rather odd that on arrival I was asked to sign the Official Secrets Act and was told never to talk to anyone about the film. I am talking to you because I am so peeved!

    ‘For the audition I had to lie on a hospital bed, sweating and panting, with an oxygen mask over my face. Between pants, I had to tell an interviewer that all this would never have happened if I hadn’t listened to crackpots urging me not to have the Covid-19 inoculations.

    ‘I thought I had done rather well, and every time Tristram, the director, said “More desperation, darling!” I responded as taught by none other than dear, dear Dame Judi when she visited RADA during my time there, to run a masterclass on Desperation for Crisis Actors. “Young man, your panting is exquisite”, I will never forget her saying.

    ‘Imagine my surprise when Irene rang me to say I hadn’t been given the part because my panting did not quite reach the level of desperation required, and that the part had been given to a person of colour who had never even met Dame Judi. I shall never, ever, work with Tristram again, and the things I could tell you about that man!

    • Strange!

    • Sounds like the the same crisis actors who took part in so many school shootings,

      the ones Alex Jones was always going on about.

      I suppose it would be good to do vax-crisis stuff. If they were paid enough I daresay they would be willing to have an arm amputated—after all—how often do you hear an actor say:
      “Id give my right arm for that part”

      Starts to make sense doesn’t it?

      but I think many of your plot references might be lost on our cousins in the Colonies Eddy

      • Xabier says:

        The article was evidently satire, but as always with a grain of truth.

        I’ve just been reading about the children who have been needlessly killed and injured in the trials, and the current vaccination programmes of those over 12, Norman.

        You might consider informing yourself on this matter – your descendants will be on the block next.

        Can you really stomach that thought and continue throw around puerile CT smears?

        If so, I pity you. And them.

        • I know it was satire

          the 100m loonies who believed Alex jones did not. Just how seriously bonkers would you have to be to ‘agree’ that 20 school kids were not shot, and their grieving pretend parents were paid to do so.

          Yet Alex Jones had an audience of 100m people who tuned into his station, because they thought as he did.

          I listened to him a couple of times. I needed to form an opinion.

          I said he was bonkers, but 100m people said I was wrong.

          Tell me straight Xabier, who was right, me or 100m Alex Jones listeners?

          his raving made him very rich–it is irrelevant whether he believed the stuff he said.

          he didn’t care–he was exercising his right to free speech—just as you/we are.

          Just as yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre is.

          Same applies to the crackpot youtubes that get posted on here as ‘proof’ of something or other. Regularly by people who are mentally disturbed. Or on the make. Or both (which?)

          I am told that mad scientists want my grandchildren for experiments (shades of Monty Python). Hilarious if it wasn’t for the Alex Jones audience still out there.

          A windup–I like to think so, but unfortunately the world is full of people so gullible that they accept it as true. Read the placards held up on every parade of krazies. They are not trying to wind me up.

          The crazy stuff now posted on here is taken as truth (or not) by thousands, most of whom do not comment.

          But they zero in on beliefs that fit their own, true or not. They lock into their own certainties.

          Look at the faces of the screaming mobs. A total lack of self analysis. Of what they are.
          It is a mob-tide in which the unthinkers get swept up. You are one of them.
          Alex Jones’s audience was another
          The Jan 6th riot was another.
          The ‘Lock her up’ chants around Trump was another
          The Seig Heils of 80 years ago was another.

          Yes, the world is going to hell in a handcart—no doubt about that.

          but it is not the plotting of an elite, or medical madmen, it is the accellerating foolishness and greed of all of us. (no exceptions)


          And I write all this stuff down to clarify my own thinking. Ridicule it all you want. But at least try to pinpoint my errors

          • Xabier says:

            All of us?

            I’m not aware that I am involved in injecting innocents, old and young; nor in fudging death tolls; imposing suffocating masks and punitive quarantines- driving hundreds millions to despair, bankruptcy, unemployment and starvation, even suicide.

            All the actions of a small, mendacious, cruel, elite in governments and NGO’s.

            We are NOT all culpable.

            These policies are NOT an inevitable part of Collapse, but deliberate, pre-concerted, and co-ordinated.

            • this like cutting slices of custard

              >>>>but it is not the plotting of an elite, or medical madmen, it is the accellerating foolishness and greed of all of us. (no exceptions)<<<<<

              read the entire paragraph, rather than leaping to your kb, selecting the words that suit your thought processes and taking them out of context.

              That is the stuff of which hysteria is made—and hysteria is always looking for a new home.

              You cannot be a hermit, or you would not have access to the internet.
              Therefore you live in a modern consumerist greed based society, as I do.

              Your very existence is based on excess, whether you agree with it or not.

              Excess is consuming the planet you live on, whether you agree with it or not.

              Please do not go into pretentious shock at the though.

              The covid virus jumped to humans because we have intruded into the habitats of other species where we had no business, as it did 100 years ago when there was no question of mad scientists infecting children, or creating virus in labs as bioweapons,—or whatever other nonsense you want to dream up. It came at us out of a Kansas farm.

              This is proven with numerous zoonotic diseases==whether you agree with it or not.

              I do realise that hysteria is a hungry beast and needs constant sustenance.
              But you are part of a herd that's chewing on nothing.

          • Xabier says:

            Alex Jones has nothing to do with discussion about the Pandemic, and its manipulation and origin.

            Your thinking is simply all over the place: lumping everyone together as CT’s – frauds, scammers and loonies, with doctors and journalists of patent integrity.

            • Your inability to see the connection with the current collective hysteria of the gullible, and similar social phenomena in recent history, is your problem.

              I just point it out.

              others reading this might just see it. And see it for what it is.

              I hope so. For all our sakes.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Everyone should see it

            • Mark says:

              All due respect Norm,
              “collective hysteria of the gullible”

              I think that’s a dangerous trope, we can ALL be manipulated.

              “Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
              — Douglas Adams

            • that was my point, maybe not so well put

              over the last century we have all been duped into the certainty of ‘forever’.

              the current growing hysteria is part of the realisation that this isn’t going to be.

              so we look for ‘others’ to make responsible for our misfortune—hence every catastrophe is a predetermined situation ‘created’ for some evil purpose or other

              Hence the classic list—Climate change, vaxxing. energy…..and all the rest

              Any adverse event is fed into the plotmincer—millions stand ready to devour what comes out. Every plateful tastes different

              It must be ‘their’ fault. It can’t possibly be ‘our’ fault, or a random event brought on by our stupidity. Climate change is hoax–so Bezos can kill off 90% of us and keep the rest as slaves.

              but it was ‘we’ who set the world on fire. We who made it inevitable that the virus was unleashed

              of course vaccination is going to throw up anomalies. Vaccinations kill people–they always have- so can a visit to the dentist. There are no millions dying in the streets.

              we have a knee jerk reaction by politicians who don’t know what to do any more than you or I do. So it triggers mob reaction—arms dropping off–injection with iron filings—bill gates wants to steal your children—its endless nonsense.

              But humankind is in a state of growing panic—me included.

              and panic turns people into unreasoning mobs, because they are fighting for their lives. Mobs have always be easy for charlatans to manipulate–check Jan 6th.

              It couldn’t happen there—but I’ve been saying for years that it could.

              When Biden doesn’t deliver–it will happen again. Let’s hope the military are not hungry

            • Fast Eddy says:

              yes great norm but…. what about … Injecting Children.

              Yes __

              No __

      • Ed says:

        Norman, I love Midsomer Murders. Small town English are adorable. Can I get you a cuppa?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The thing is with MOREONS…

          You can show them evidence…and STILL they will insist…. that is the main trait of being a MOREON…

          It’s different from being Stooooopid … Stooooopid would be like… you show them that documentary… and they are unable to understand what the implications are…

          A MOREON is able to understand but they refuse ….

          I could do a whole lecture on the differences between MOREONS and Stoooopid people…. but I’ll leave you with this …. do you think it is possible to be both sTOOOOPid and a MOREON?

  43. Yoshua says:

    Israel forces the unvaccinated into lockdown from Aug 8th.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      After watching that…I change my mind …. I hope they fail with the CEP.

      I prefer 8B to suffer through the Ripping Off of Faces. I live for the moment when the power goes off… permanently .. and these CovIDIOTS experience fear…. real terror.

      I prefer that they have their throats slit by bad guys… their women raped… their children roasted alive in spits. I hope they are made to squeal like pigs.

      I prefer that starvation gnaws at their guts… that disease destroys their bodies.

      CovIDIOTS disgust me. Green Groopies disgust me. Greta disgusts me.

      As for the Elders.. if they don’t off themselves.. I want them to suck in radiation .. and have their skin slough off .. painfully… I want excruciating pain for 8B scum

      I hope total global collapse hits … before Devil Covid.

      The species does not deserve to get off easy here. Humans need to be punished. They need to experience intense misery.

      • Tim Groves says:

        You sound like that genie that Aladdin let out of the bottle.

        Well, don’t free too much. Intense misery is pretty much ubiquitous on Planet Earth.

    • Strange!

  44. Erdles says:

    Virus cases in the UK are now falling rapidly even as the country opens up. Vaccination programme seems to be working and the Conservative government just need to hold their nerve now.

    • Xabier says:

      We know full well that further lock-downs are planned, in the UK and elsewhere, and the universal imposition of ‘vaccine passports’, ie the Digital Identity which all governments lust after, being an essential element in Mark Carney’s pseudo-Green ‘Stakeholder Capitalism.’

      The opening up, with many absurd and irrational warnings to be ‘cautious’, has been done only to discredit going maskless and provide the pretext for never-ending restrictions on movement and economic activity.

      Full lock-down by early September, I’d say, and even more intense pressure for injections and boosters, while the captured regulators smilingly look on and praise the brilliance’ of the poisoners, as the injected die and are maimed.

      • Yorchichan says:

        30,000 people at York races yesterday. Enormous queues outside every nightclub in the evening. No masks, no social distancing, no pre-booking required, no having to sit at a table. Felt like old times.

        But you are so right about further lockdowns and vaccine passports being planned for September. Anybody who enjoys freedom had better make the most of it in the next few weeks, because it’s probably the last time they’ll ever experience it.

        • Xabier says:

          Gosh, will the whole of Yorkshire die as a result of this utter recklessness?!

          Yes, in all probability the last few weeks of natural life that we will be permitted by these murderers and liars.

          I have to say, although I’m often the only unmasked person in a shop, all the staff seem friendly. I imagine many have been injected and therefore feel safe, but in no way am I treat like a pariah, and people are quite talkative.

          I sense that shops have ordered all staff to remain masked, I feel sorry for them. With high unemployment they can be replaced easily.

          Meanwhile, the masked idiots plod about.

          The normal interaction is refreshing, but surreal with the zombies in the backgrounds.

          Brainless nobodies, they’ll drag us all down.

          The power WAS with the people, and they have blown it……

          • artleads says:

            I wear a mask, but only as political theatre (or maybe it’s a sign of psychological and spiritual cringing). I have no intention of trying to understand the cluster…k of rules and reversal of rules these days. Now people can go without masks, and trying to get through to the implications of this is way past my abilities. Most workers wear masks, but some do not. Nearly all shoppers wear masks, but a few do not. I would say the situation is tantamount to public madness. But it’s a Through the Looking Glass kind of madness. Tolerable enough for now. There has to be a new global program (even if it’s an anti globalist one) and if the people don’t come up with one soon, the big and powerful resetters will do some mad thing or other about that.

        • Slow Paul says:

          IMO, Coronavirus is a bad flu and all the lockdowns and social measures were out of proportion. I do believe TPTB has used this pandemic for what it’s worth and indirectly set the pace through media control and maybe directly through some government channels. Ulterior motives, take your pick of energy usage, controlling the masses, depopulation, we will see.

          It just doesn’t make much sense that 1 year ago people became laughing stocks in the media for hosting a gathering of 10 people, while now sports events are packed with tens of thousands of people and media doesn’t write a line about it.

          • artleads says:


          • artleads says:

            I’m blaming it on the IMF because IMF can better stand in for a cluster of controlling organizations than any of the other handful of big, scary globalist control “media.”

      • Ed says:

        slow and steady pressure. when do we get work houses? Or zoom work for concrete pigeon hole high rise apartment?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Hold tight … the variants are coming…. and the Injected are more susceptible to them because the variants were created by the leaky vaccines

      This is a massive lie… tell me you don’t actually think the Injections are intended to help people hahahahaha … jeez….

  45. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The World’s Cascade of Disasters Is Not a Coincidence.

    “A pandemic, fires, floods, popular unrest — it’s an intertwined pattern seen throughout history and even in the Bible.”

    • Xabier says:

      Still less a coincidence if one conjure up a ‘Pandemic’ when one pleases just by changing the terms of definition, as was so notoriously done in this instance…..

      Let’s see: ‘Lies are Human Nature’ – that should be the headline.

      • artleads says:

        It’s hard to know whose nature lies are. Philosophies and systems of thought have a role in it too.

    • Niall Ferguson says:

      The most systematic attempt to explain such phenomena is by researchers led by Edward D. Lee at the Santa Fe Institute. Looking at statistics from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project that cover warfare in Africa since 1997, Lee and his team hypothesize a kind of contagion effect. “At each newly infected region,” they write, “conflict becomes endemic, generating instability, news reports, and fatalities.”

      What they call “conflict potency” only wanes as distance reduces both the relevance of the original bone of contention and the density of transport infrastructure. They describe the phenomenon of spreading violence as a “conflict avalanche.” I believe we are living through a global version of such an avalanche.

      The reason I find this approach so attractive is it captures two important realities about the historical process. First, most states and societies are complex adaptive systems, meaning that the interactions of all the multiple elements are very difficult indeed to model accurately and are characterized by emergent properties and phase transitions. Second, the most important characteristic of human societies is the way social networks cause all kinds of contagion, from the spread of novel pathogens to the dissemination of crazy memes like “anti-vaxx.”

      • Xabier says:

        Niall Ferguson describes ‘Anti-vaxx’ as a contagious meme: that alone disqualifies him from being taken seriously.

        What about ‘We will only be safe when we are all vaccinated’: that is much closer to the truth as politicians everywhere seem to have been infected – and simultaneously.

        He is actually a well-known Establishment historian, always very ambitious, sycophantic, and knows very well which side his bread is buttered on.

        • Thanks for pointing out Niall Ferguson’s bias. I think I skipped over the anti-vcxx part. I have been known to only read parts of articles. Also, I have not read much of his writing. If he is writing for the Establishment, this bias is not surprising.

          • Xabier says:

            He married a very well-connected woman, and soon after started smooching ‘the great and the good’ at dinner parties- Kissinger, etc.

            People like him, brought in from outside the magic circle, can’t afford to upset anyone. They like their pet intellectuals, but would drop them in an instant.

            A bit like Noah Juval Hariri, who sucks up to the Davos crowd for all he’s worth.

    • Malcopian says:

      Yes, all the fires and floods, etc. But they say A. G. W. takes at least 46 years to work its way through the system, so we are still paying for the 1980s. And if it’s this bad now, then perhaps Guy McPherson is right to be so pessimistic. He always refers to abrupt runaway cli mb it (will this be censored?) change. It’s a long time now (2013?) since the sink holes in Siberia started appearing, blown out by explosions of escaping CH4. Scary stuff.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Scary stuff?

        Only if you believe in ghosts

      • John R. says:

        Malcopian, GM used to be entertaining, but he’s irrelevant now. Too many incorrect predictions perhaps? Anyway, this Onion piece certainly nails, so to speak, him and his wealthy girlfriend:

        Open Relationship Gives Couple Freedom To Emotionally Drain Other People From Time To Time

        • Malcopian says:

          You haven’t noticed the increasingly freakish weather?

          Apart from anything else, the mass burning of fossil fuels and poisoning of the earth with chemicals causes a huge amount of entropy. And entropy on that scale MUST be changing the environment and the weather. Yes, it also happens naturally, and the sun plays a part. But do you truly believe that the mass burning of fossil fuels for the amount of time we’ve been doing it produces no appreciable entropy?

          • Josh 58 says:

            Malcopian, this is just one of many reasons why GM is not considered legitimate anymore:

            Quote from his YT site:

            Only the MEER:ReflEction Framework effectively mitigates for exponential warming. Its durable, simple design can be implemented practically anywhere.
            Any amount you donate towards the MEER ReflEction Framework will help move it from design phase to implementation phase.
            Sure, it’s not the ultimate solution to our climate crisis, but it could buy us time to find longer lasting, even more durable solutions, and give us humans a chance to evolve into a more compassionate, thoughtful species than we have been. Doing nothing and waiting on billionaires to grow hearts certainly won’t work.

            We estimate that total research and development costs for the next three years would be on the scale of 100 million USD. If you are interested in helping us succeed in our mission, please fill out the contact form on our home page.

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    If the CEP fails… imagine this on steroids… you do not want to be around for long if the system collapses….

    Just because you are on your Doomie Prepper Organic farm… don’t think the plague cannot find you

    The Black Death hit the culture of towns and cities disproportionately hard, although rural areas were also significantly affected. Larger cities were the worst off, as population densities and close living quarters made disease transmission easier.

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