COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Really Work as Hoped

Last week, the CDC announced a surprising finding: “Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people.” Public officials had known from the early days of vaccine development that vaccinated people could catch COVID-19, but the assumption had been made that they were not going to be spreaders of COVID-19.

It turns out that the delta variant is sufficiently different from the original Wuhan version of the virus that the vaccines work much less well. The CDC performed an analysis of COVID-19 cases arising from one public gathering in Massachusetts. They found that the gathering led to 469 COVID-19 Delta cases among Massachusetts residents, with 74% of these cases in fully vaccinated attendees. Massachusetts is a highly vaccinated state, with approximately 64% of the population fully vaccinated.

There are other issues coming up as well. How long does the vaccine really last? Is the vaccine itself part of the reason that the virus is mutating as rapidly as it is? Are we making problems for ourselves by creating an army of people with very light cases of COVID-19 who can spread the virus to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated without realizing that they have more than a cold? Aren’t we inadvertently killing off the least able of the virus mutations and allowing the most virulent to multiply?

My training is as an actuary, so I am familiar with modeling. I am also a “systems thinker.” I know that it is important to look at longer term impacts as well as short-term impacts. If a person works in the healthcare field, it is easy to consider only the obvious short-term benefits. It takes some analysis to figure out that today’s vaccines may lead to stronger variants (such as Delta) and more overall spread of COVID-19.

In this post, I will explain some of the issues involved.

[1] Today’s vaccines provide only a fraction of the true level of protection required. Their actions are in many ways similar to applying weed killer at half the strength needed to kill the weeds or providing antibiotics at half the dose required to stop the spread of bacteria.

All of our lives, we have been told, “Be sure to complete the full course of the antibiotics. It is necessary to kill all of the bacteria. Otherwise, it will be easier for a few of the stronger bacteria not to be affected. If you stop too early, the bacteria that are least affected by the antibiotic will survive and reproduce, while the others will die. Stopping the drug too soon is a great way to achieve antibiotic resistance, quickly.”

Unfortunately, COVID-19 vaccine makers seem to have overlooked this issue. The respected BMJ published an editorial entitled, Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. It makes the point:

Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said, “Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.”

Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either.

We were told that the new COVID-19 vaccines are “95% effective in preventing symptomatic disease,” but it turns out that this is far less adequate than what most people would assume. The vaccine is “leaky.” A big issue is that the virus mutates, and the vaccine works much less well against the mutations. The world can never reach herd immunity if immunized people keep catching new variants of COVID-19 and keep passing them on, as the evidence now suggests.

[2] In a way, getting sick from a virus is helpful. It tells us to stay at home, away from others. It is the fact that humans experience symptoms from viruses that tends to limit their spread.

If a virus has severe symptoms, those infected with the virus will not feel well enough to continue their usual activities. They will tend to stay at home.

If the symptoms are mild, as is the case with the common cold, people will likely go about their activities as usual. This is especially the case if people need to work to feed their families. Thus, viruses with mild symptoms often spread easily.

But, if citizens feel that they are protected by a vaccine, they will likely continue to go about their activities as usual. Most of them will not realize that they might be spreaders of Delta, and perhaps other new COVID-19 variants. Symptoms are likely to be mild or non-existent.

[3] It is becoming clear that people immunized with today’s vaccines can both catch the delta variant and spread it to others.

As I mentioned above, the CDC concluded from looking at its analysis of 469 delta cases that the infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

We have independent corroboration of the ability of vaccinated individuals to spread delta COVID-19 in a new analysis from Singapore. This article reports, “PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values were similar between both vaccinated and unvaccinated groups at diagnosis.” This is precisely the information that the CDC was relying on in Massachusetts when they reported that there were similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. While this analysis has not yet been peer reviewed, it reaches precisely the same conclusion with respect to early viral load as the Massachusetts analysis.

The data from this same Singapore study indicates that there are about 3 times as many asymptomatic cases in the vaccinated (28.2%) as the unvaccinated (9.2%). The median number of symptoms reported by the vaccinated was 1, compared to 2 in the unvaccinated. Among the vaccinated, the most frequent symptoms were fever (40.9%), runny nose (38%) and cough (38%). One of these symptoms, especially if it occurred only briefly, could easily be overlooked as a sign of COVID-19.

[4] With nearly all of the current vaccines, the immune system is trained to look for the spike protein from the original Wuhan virus. This narrow focus makes it relatively easy for the virus to mutate in ways that outsmart the vaccine.

A “History of Vaccines” website indicates that there are several ways vaccines are being made, including weakened (“attenuated”) viruses, killed viruses, and segments of the pathogen. In the new COVID-19 vaccines, a particularly limited part of the virus is used, the spike protein. In fact, in the newer vaccines, only an mRNA code is injected, and the body is instructed to make the spike protein itself.

Using a very narrow target has made it easier for viruses to evade the effects of the vaccine. Delta is one variant of the original virus from Wuhan that is evading vaccines through its mutations. Another such variant is Lambda, which caused serious problems in Chile in the spring of 2021, despite vaccine usage as high as 60%. The virus underlying all of these variants is called SARS-CoV-2, reflecting the fact that this virus is closely related to the virus which caused the 2003 SARS epidemic.

Since vaccination began about December 15, 2020, we have so far encountered two variants that are poorly controlled by vaccines. This is not a promising sign for the long-term success of COVID-19 vaccines. As more time goes on, we can expect more such variants. These variants do not necessarily stay around for more than a few months, making it difficult to create and distribute new specially targeted vaccines.

[5] Given the likelihood of mutations away from the narrow target, it seems strange that the governments have set very high expectations for the new vaccines.

It seems to me that Pfizer and Moderna should have said, “We are producing new vaccines that will somewhat lessen symptoms. In a way, they will be like the annual influenza vaccines that various companies make each year. We will need to update the vaccines regularly, but we will likely miss. Hopefully, our guess regarding what will work will be ‘close enough,’ so the vaccine will provide some partial benefit for the upcoming variations.”

Such a statement would have provided a more realistic set of expectations, compared to what many people have been assuming. No one would expect that herd immunity would ever be reached. The vaccines would be perceived as fairly weak tools that need to be used alongside medications, if they are to be used at all.

[6] Leaky vaccines, if widely used, can encourage the virus to mutate toward more virulent (severe) forms. Ultimately, the problem becomes viruses that mutate to more virulent forms faster than the vaccine system can keep up.

If, as we are seeing today, vaccinated people can catch the variant and pass it on to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, this extra boost can help the variant tremendously in its ability to spread. This extra boost is especially helpful for the variants that are very virulent, since in the normal situation, people who catch a virulent variant would recognize that they are sick and stay at home.

There would normally be a limit on how much the variant could spread based on its impact on the unvaccinated. This limit goes away if both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can catch and spread the illness. Without a vaccine, the variants might be either more or less virulent, with the more virulent tending to die out because the people who get them either die or stay at home because they are very ill. I would expect that this is the reason why quite a few viruses tend to become less severe (virulent) over time, when leaky vaccines are not available to artificially boost their virulence.

The article, Vaccines are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve, gives the example of how the vaccines for Marek’s disease in chickens have been failing, as the disease gradually evolves to become more virulent under pressure from the vaccines being used to keep this illness away. The first vaccine was introduced in 1970. A decade later, outbreaks of Marek’s disease began to be found in vaccinated flocks. A second vaccine was licensed in 1983, but it too began to fail. When the article was written in 2018 the industry was on its third vaccine, but it too was beginning to fail, as the disease became more deadly. But there was no new vaccine yet available.

A 2015 article in PLOS Biology is entitled, Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. A person would think everyone involved in vaccine technology would be very much aware of this issue.

The chase after new vaccines is precisely the problem we can expect to have with the vaccines for COVID-19. Only, our problem with the vaccine not really working correctly is coming after a few months, not 10 years. Trying to keep up with new vaccines for a virus that evolves away from us, this quickly, is likely to be an impossible task. It is not just the unvaccinated who have a problem; it is everyone, as the vaccines quickly lose their effectiveness.

[7] Another potential problem with COVID-19 vaccines is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). When this occurs, it worsens later infections by different variants.

ADE is a rather strange condition in which the antibodies against one variant gained from a first infection (or immunization) act to make some later infections by a different variant worse, rather than better. Dengue Fever is an example of an illness for which this is an issue.

Dr. Robert Malone thinks that ADE may be happening now for COVID-19. He sees the high virus levels in immunized individuals as evidence of possible ADE.

The large number of immunized patients in the hospital with COVID-19 in Israel (which has mostly Delta cases) is also given as possible evidence:

Figure 1. Image from Israel’s official COVID-19 website, showing new hospitalizations and new severe patients separately for fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and unvaccinated individuals.

The illness SARS is closely related to COVID-19. There is evidence that vaccinations against SARS tend to produce ADE. In fact, the National Institute of Health provided funding for a 2020 academic paper that reaches the following conclusion:

The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standards for informed consent.

[8] Another problem with the current vaccines against COVID-19 is that immunity may not last very long.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is a coronavirus. The common cold is another illness caused by a coronavirus. We know the immunity of the common cold doesn’t last very long, perhaps a year. While we don’t have long-term experience with COVID-19 vaccine immunity, we shouldn’t be surprised if its immunity begins to wane within a few months, or in a year or two.

Israel, after analyzing its recent COVID-19 experience (almost all with the Delta variant), is now offering anyone over 60 who was vaccinated more than 5 months ago a booster shot. Third doses are also being given to those with weakened immune systems.

It should be noted that if immunity doesn’t last very long, any strategy of “flattening the curve” by stretching out COVID-19 cases becomes counterproductive because it runs the risk of moving the timeframe of the next cycle beyond the time when natural (and vaccine-induced) immunity is still operative.

[9] The public has been led to believe that vaccines are the only solution to COVID-19 when, in fact, they are at best a very poor and temporary band-aid.

Vaccines are a tempting solution because the benefits have been oversold and no one has explained how poorly today’s leaky vaccines really work.

We are already past the period when these vaccines were well matched with the viruses they were aimed at. Now we are in a situation in which the viruses are constantly mutating, and the vaccines need to be updated. The catch is that the variants stick around for such a short time period that by the time the vaccine is updated, there is likely to be yet another new variant that the new vaccine does not really match up with well.

Requirements that employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 cannot be expected to provide much benefit to employers because workers will still be out sick with COVID-19. This happens because they are likely to catch a variant such as Delta, which does not line up with the original vaccine. Perhaps they will be out for a shorter period, and their hospital bills will be lower. These types of benefits are what people have expected of influenza vaccines. There is no reason for them to expect more of the new COVID-19 vaccines.

Even with 100% vaccination herd immunity can never be reached because the vaccine encourages the virus to mutate into more virulent forms. Each new variant stays around for only a few months, making it hard for vaccine makers to keep up with the changing nature of the problem. Vaccine makers can expect to face a constant battle in having to run to stay even. Someone will have to convince citizens that each new vaccine makes sense, even though injuries reported to the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System seem to be much more frequent than those reported for vaccines for other diseases.

An erroneous, one-sided story is being told to the general public, in part because the pharmaceutical lobby is incredibly powerful. It has the support of influential people, such as Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. The pharmaceutical industry can make billions of dollars in income from the sale of vaccines, with little in the way of sales expenses. The industry has managed to convince people that it is OK to sell these vaccines, even though injury rates are very high compared to those for vaccines in general.

Vaccines are being pushed in large part because the pharmaceutical industry needs a money maker. It also wants to be seen as having cutting-edge technology, so young people will be attracted to the field. It cannot admit to anyone that technologies from decades ago would perhaps work better to solve the COVID-19 problem.

[10] The pharmaceutical industry has been telling the world that inexpensive drugs can’t fix our problem. However, there are several low-cost drugs that appear helpful.

One drug that is being overlooked is ivermectin, which was discovered in the late 1970s. It was originally introduced as a veterinary drug to cure parasitic infections in animals. In the U. S., ivermectin has been used since 1987 for eliminating parasites such as ringworm in humans. Ivermectin seems to cure COVID-19 in humans, but it needs a higher dosage than has been previously approved. Also, it would not be a money maker for the pharmaceutical industry.

The possible use of ivermectin to cure COVID-19 seems to have been intentionally hidden. At approximately 32:45 in this linked video, Dr. David Martin explains how Moderna announced ivermectin’s utility in treating SARS (which is closely related to SARS-CoV-2) in its 2016-2018 patent modification related to the SARS virus. It sounds as though Moderna (and others) have participated both in developing harmful viruses and in developing vaccines to cure very closely related viruses. They then work to prevent the sale of cheap drugs that might reduce their sales of vaccines. This seems unconscionable.

Vitamin D, in high enough doses, taken well before exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19, seems to lead to reduced severity of the disease, and may eliminate some cases completely.

Various steroid drugs are often used in the later stages of COVID-19, when conditions warrant it. The medical community seems to have no difficulty with these.

Monoclonal antibodies are also used in the treatment of COVID-19, but they are much more expensive.

[11] Conclusion. Governments, businesses, and citizens need to understand that today’s vaccines are not really solutions to our COVID-19 problem. At the same time, they need better solutions.

Current vaccines have been badly oversold. They can be expected to make the mutation problem worse, and they don’t stop the spread of variants. Instead, we need to start quickly to make ivermectin and other inexpensive drugs available through healthcare systems. People do need some sort of solution to the problem of COVID-19 illnesses; it just turns out that the current vaccines work so poorly that they probably should not be part of the solution.

The whole idea of vaccine passports is absurd. Even with the vaccine, people will catch the new COVID-19 variants, and they will pass them on to others. Perhaps they may get lighter symptoms, so that they will be off work for a shorter length of time, but there still will be disruption. If those who catch COVID-19 can instead take ivermectin at a high enough dose at the first sign of illness, many (or most) of them can get well in a few days and avoid hospitalization completely. Other medications may be helpful as well.

I am skeptical that masks can do any good with the high level of transmission of Delta. But at least masks aren’t very harmful. We probably need to go along with what is requested by officials.

It is becoming clear that today’s pharmaceutical industry is far too powerful. Investigations need to be made into the large number of allegations against it and its leaders. Why did members of the pharmaceutical industry find it necessary to patent viruses, and then later sell vaccines for a virus closely related to the viruses it had patented?

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,978 Responses to COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Really Work as Hoped

  1. Mirror on the wall says:

    Fears of global warming are taking a toll on already collapsed fertility rates. Research suggests that fear of global warming is linked with a 20% increase in the likelihood of infertility. The impact on FR is said to be quicker than any previous trends.

    The FR for England and Wales fell to 1.58 in 2020 and to 1.53 in Q1 2021 during lockdown. The number of births would about half every two generations. Experts do not expect rates to recover as the trajectory is long-term.

    Any impact on c02 is liable to be minimal as the capitalist states will simply bring in fresh people for domestic market and labour expansion. Productivity growth is collapsed and GDP growth now depends entirely on such expansion. Around a million legally settle in the USA per year and around 700,000 in UK. Thus voluntary infertility is mainly a lifestyle choice.

    > Grim forecast on the climate crisis is putting people off having children, financial analysts warn

    More and more people are unwilling to have children because they fear for the future of the planet, according to a leading financial services firm.

    Analysts at Morgan Stanley warned in a note to investors last month that the “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline”, reports CNBC.

    Analysts say the climate crisis is, directly and indirectly, accelerating the decline in fertility rates. The financial firm cited research that showed the number of births in the US fell in the nine months after an extreme heat event and a study of 18,000 couples in China last year that showed particulate pollution and other climate factors were linked with a 20 per cent increased likelihood of infertility.

    A recent study found that an overwhelming number of people are deciding not to have children over fears about how they would struggle in the future. The survey of 600 people aged 27 to 45 found that 96 per cent were very or extremely concerned about the wellbeing of their future children in a world ravaged by the climate crisis.

    It also revealed deeply pessimistic views of the future, with 92.3 per cent of 400 respondents holding a negative vision of the future and only 0.6 per cent saying they were positive about it.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      One can only speculate where demographics are headed. If one assumes that industrial civilisation is winding down, that population levels are liable to be much lower in the future, and that a return to an overtly stratified society, the norm in all pre-modern ages, is likely in the reduced material circumstances, then one can perhaps imagine what the demographic picture may look like.

      It may be that the lower classes, who are much more prone to intermixing, will come to form a phenotypically distinct caste from the upper classes. Phenotype does tend to function in historical pre-modern societies to delimit castes. Thus it may be that present trends are headed toward a scenario in which the phenotypical gulf between castes is widened and thus hardened.

      That is likely an unappealing scenario to us today, yet we have to bear in mind that the dominant societal ideology tends to be relative to material and energetic circumstances, and that aristocracy prevailed in Europe for 1000 years. Our liberal and egalitarian values are unlikely to be those of the future, if the history of pre-modern societies is anything to go by.

      So, it may be that we are inadvertently preparing the way for a socio-economic order that is wholly opposed to our own vales – just as aristocratic society gradually prepared the way for nominally liberal and egalitarian modern societies. Nietzsche would perhaps be pleased with the scenario. For him, as for Marx, it is generally the prevailing material and social conditions that condition political and demographic structures.

      > One should not desire these things to be different! and should make the gulf wider. TWTP 891

      But, on that reading, it does not really matter what we ‘desire’ now, and we are free to desire whatever we like. If the dissipative structure that is economic society is simply forming and reforming to dissipate energy, and it does not really ‘mean’ anything else, then the direction of its reformation may well be epiphenomenal and largely beyond our control. The dissipative structure may be doing whatever it ‘desires’. Or maybe we can make a difference?

      • Bei Dawei says:

        “…the lower classes, who are much more prone to intermixing…”

        Say what? Are we talking about race here?

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          The term that I used is phenotype – that which is readily observable, appearance and behaviour. ‘Race’ is a much broader category, depending on how it is used. Castes need not be different ‘races’, depending on how the term is used. Europe has had various caste societies (eg. feudalism), and ‘race’ in a wide sense was not necessarily a feature. Neither is phenotype simply reducible to the category of inherent ‘superiority’ though it is possible that differences of appearance and capacity (behaviour) come to correlate depending on origins and developmental conditions.

          Rather I am considering the historical tendency for castes to delimit phenotypically such that they tend to be mutually recognisable in appearance and behaviour. Put simply, castes (and nations) that breed separately for a long time are liable to develop phenotypical differences that can function in socially and politically important ways in historical human societies. It is a matter of anthropology. Modern European societies have been less rigidly stratified and the significance of phenotype has been greatly reduced – but that is only modern societies, not pre-modern and probably not post-modern societies that are perhaps liable to be more similar to pre-modern.

          > Heritability of anthropometric phenotypes in caste populations of Visakhapatnam, India

          In this study, we used anthropometric data from six Andhra caste populations to examine heritability patterns of 23 anthropometric phenotypes (linear, craniofacial, and soft tissue measures) with special reference to caste differences. We obtained anthropometric data from 342 nuclear families from Brahmin, Reddy, Telaga, Nagara, Ag. Kshatriya, and Mala castes of Visakhapatnam, India. These caste groups represent the existing hierarchical stratification of Indian populations. We used a variance components approach to determine the heritability (h2) of these 23 anthropometric phenotypes (height, weight, BMI, etc.). The sample consisted of 1918 individuals ranging in age from 6 to 72 years (mean = 21.5, S.D. = 13.8). The heritabilities (h2 +/- S.E.) for all anthropometric traits for the entire sample were significant (p < 0.0001) and varied from 0.25 +/- 0.05 (BMI) to 0.61 +/- 0.05 (bizygomatic breadth) after accounting for sex, age, and caste effects. Since data on socioeconomic and nutritional covariates were available for a subset of families, we repeated the genetic analyses using this subset, which has yielded higher heritabilities ranging from 0.21 +/- 0.16 (head breadth) to 0.72 +/- 0.18 (nasal breadth). In general, craniofacial measurements exhibited higher h2 compared to linear measures. Breadth measurements and circumferences yielded more or less similar heritabilities. Age and sex effects were significant (p < 0.0001 ) for most of the traits, while the effects of caste, socioeconomic status, and nutritional status were inconsistent across the traits. In conclusion, anthropometric phenotypes examined in this study are under appreciable additive genetic influences.

          …. Anthropometric variability (i.e., differences in the size and shape of individuals of different ages) in Indian populations is remarkable due to the influences of several factors, such as nutritional and socioeconomic factors (Eveleth 1986; Harrison and Schmitt 1989; Eveleth and Tanner 1990). For example, the effects of malnutrition in children below 14 years of age, who constitute about 40% of the Indian population, are more serious and lasting, in turn contributing to the remarkable morphological variation (Busi et al. 1991; Reddy et al. 1992). Anthropometric patterns are likely to manifest considerable regional variations in a country like India because of the influence of a variety of factors such as socioeconomic and nutritional status, diet, education, culture, ethnicity, and genetics (Eveleth 1986; Sharma and Talukder 1987; Majumder et al. 1990).

          …. Table 8 presents caste-specific heritability estimates of anthropometric phenotypes with associated standard errors for six caste groups. These analyses include age and sex as covariates. Among Brahmins, heritabilities for 15 traits were significant at p < 0.05 and for 4 traits (SHT, BAD, CAC, WT) at p < 0.10, while heritabilities for TRC, APC, BID, and BCF were found to be not significant. Among Reddies, heritabilities for SHT and NH were not significant, while the rest of the traits exhibited significant (p < 0.05) heritabilities. In contrast, heritabilities for all the traits were significant (p < 0.05) among Telagas. Among Nagaras, heritabilities for all traits were significant at p = 0.05 except ARL, WB, and BCF, which were significant at p < 0.01. Among Akshatriyas, APC, BID, CAC, SSS, and SSK were not significant at p = 0.05, but all of them were significant at p < 0.10 except APC, which was not significant. All 23 traits were significant ( p < 0.05) among Malas. Overall, Telaga, Nagara, and Mala castes exhibited significant within-group differences. In all three analyses, craniofacial measures exhibited higher heritabilities compared to linear and soft tissue measures.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            It should be noted that while that study found significant hereditability of caste differences in phenotype, the population studied exhibits less stable phenotypical caste differences than other Indian populations due to extreme environmental conditions. Other studies have found the trend to usually be even more pronounced. Craniometric (heads, face) differences remained the most durable, followed by height, and least of all soft tissues, and indeed people are most readily identified by the face.

            > …. Since caste effects were significant for most of the phenotypes in comparison to the reference caste group, it is suggestive that intercaste differences among these castes are more prominent. However, the heritabilities are different in their magnitudes across the caste groups. According to the caste-specific analysis, the observed lower heritabilities for some traits in these caste populations may be attributable to the low standard of living of a majority of the subjects, leading to poor nutrition (i.e., undernutrition and/or malnutrition) besides low power due to smaller caste-specific sample sizes. In conclusion, craniofacial measures such as bizygomatic breadth, nasal breadth, and head breadth showed higher h2 followed by longitudinal measurements such as stature, sitting height with moderate h2 and soft tissue measures such as weight, skinfolds, and circumferences with low h2 values. Thus, heritability patterns of anthropometric phenotypes observed in this study exhibited significant anthropometric variation among Andhra caste populations. The relatively low heritabilities in these caste populations are largely attributable to extreme environmental effects. We are planning to use information on genetics of anthropometric traits obtained from this study to reconstruct the population structure of these caste populations.

    • I am sure that the fear of global warming is not having a corresponding effect on the world fertility rate.

      I expect that what is affecting the world fertility rate is the expected ability of the family to afford a family of a given size. If both parents must work, with long commutes, the chance of a large family is close to zero.

      • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

        Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note to investors last month that the “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline.”
        Some people are choosing not to have children because they fear that that doing so will amplify global warming while others are concerned about extreme weather events their children may have to endure and the knock-on effects.
        “Over the last few years, the climate has definitely been a major contributor to us not wanting children,” Daniel told CNBC, requesting that his surname be left out of the story over fears that he may be targeted online by people who disagree with him.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Ironically, the less poor families get, the more convinced they become that they are too poor to have many kids. Poorer families in the past had far more kids than parents today who are much better off than them. As you say, lifestyle makes a lot of difference, especially women working.

        The impact of fear of global warming on FR seems to be a Western trend so far, which is unlikely to make much difference to global or Western population or co2 trends. Perhaps Westerners are more exposed to alarming narratives and are also, perhaps paradoxically, more given to both an exaggerated personal sense of fragility and of grand agency?

    • Slow Paul says:

      That’s silly. It’s more of a culture thing IMO. Lots of children were the norm back in the day, it was how people survived, more hands on the farm, more ways to support and grow your family and its prosperity. You made your own franchise so to speak. Every man and woman for themselves. The more kids you could have, the better odds you had for yourself and your family to survive in the long run.

      Now the culture has changed to rely on externals, on government support, to rely on gathering good credentials, good job prospects. People are not so inclined to survive in an evolutionary sense anymore, we are more disconnected from that reality. Choose to have kids or not, it’s no rush… But don’t waste time and get that college degree and career life going! Life in the west is more about enjoying ourselves, and combined with technology’s daily dopamine hits many people can do fine without kids. Although they might regret it later.

  2. postkey says:

    “…the @IEA found that already-operating fields will produce more oil & gas over the coming decades than can be consumed if global heating is limited to 1.5C” ?

    This appears to be assuming that “the global energy sector to achieve net‐zero CO2 emissions by 2050.” ?

  3. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine full approval in a highly anticipated move that’s expected to boost vaccinations and spark more mandates nationwide.

    The federal agency reached the milestone of issuing the first complete authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine after an approximately three-month review of Pfizer’s and its German partner BioNTech’s application to the FDA for full approval.

    With slightly more than half of the total U.S. population fully vaccinated, experts and Biden administration officials are hopeful the agency’s full approval will serve as a catalyst for vaccinations in the country.

    Now employers have a directive to mandatory the jab

    • Rodster says:

      The FDA should really stand for the Fraudulent Drug Administration. Companies will loose a ton of workers if they force mandate these cocktail drugs. But hey, Bill Gates is a lot richer today as he’s a BioNTech investor. Funny how the money never mentions or investigates that. No surprise, actually. They are controlled by the Deep State.

  4. postkey says:

    “Argentine fishing boat docks in Ushuaia after 35 days at sea, after crew begin showing signs of coronavirus. Reports say 57 of the 61 crew-members onboard the ‘Echizen Maru’ – who all isolated for 14 days before setting sail – have tested positive for coronavirus, puzzling experts.” ?

    • Detection methods don’t seem to be very good. Also, people may be carriers for longer than 14 days. Humans are not smarter than viruses.

      • Ed says:

        🙂 ZING “Humans are not smarter than viruses”

        • Hideaway says:

          Individually we are smarter than viruses, but as a collective of humanity, obviously not, because we are doing exactly as viruses would, using every available resource until we consume and pollute ourselves out of existence.

  5. Tim Groves says:

    Double-jabbed Jesse Jackson and wife in hospital with the Wu-Flu.

    Still, things could have been worse. They could have been unvaccinated.

    How’s that for 95% protection?

    Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife Jacqueline, remain hospitalized with COVID-19 Monday at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

    Their son, Jonathan Jackson, shared an update on his parent’s condition Sunday with ABC7.

    “She had been real lethargic with flu-like symptoms [and] went to the hospital Friday,” he said. “Then it was diagnosed that she and my dad both had contracted COVID.”

    According to the family, the couple is now resting comfortably and responding positively to treatment.

    “She is having some oxygen, but is able to function and breathe on her own without a respirator,” Jonathan said. “Nothing severe. Because of her age and her current health, it is more challenging.”

    Reverend Jackson, who is 79, was fully vaccinated back in January, receiving two does of the Pfizer vaccine. Jackson was diagnosed with Parkinson’s back in 2017.

    • Jesse Jackson has been a leader in the “Get the Blacks Vaccinated” movement. This is a setback. Hank Aaron (who died shortly after an injection) was another well-publicized Black who was inoculated.

      It is no wonder that there are more than a few Blacks who are skeptical of the vaccination program.

  6. adonis says:


    Provisional application filed on Oct. 13, 2015
    SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TESTING FOR COVID-19 (as explained in the file)

    A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19.

    The method includes using a pulse oximeter to acquire at least pulse and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone. To ensure that the data is accurate, an accelerometer within the smartphone is used to measure movement of the smartphone and/or the user.

    Once accurate data is acquired, it is uploaded to the cloud (or host), where the data is used (alone or together with other vital signs) to determine whether the user is suffering from (or likely to suffer from) a viral infection, such as COVID-19.

    Depending on the specific requirements, the data, changes thereto, and/or the determination can be used to alert medical staff and take corresponding actions.


    „OWNING THE WEATHER in 2025“ (document and video)
    19. Juli 2021
    In “🇬🇧 Environment manipulation/5G”
    EDUCATION DAY U.S.A – and what it means for the whole world!
    8. August 2021
    In “🇬🇧 Christianity v Judaism”
    🚨The greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway
    2. März 2021
    In “🇬🇧 NWO/Zionism/Freemasonry”
    Gib hier deinen Kommentar ein …

    • Strangely enough, the website claims “Last updated: 28.10.2016.” Somehow, with an update in 2016, the authors were smart enough to include COVID-19 in the Abstract, which is what is quoted above. Bizarre!

  7. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Executives warn of growing container ship shortages…

    “Executives have warned that, despite a recent surge in orders for new vessels, the availability of container ships is likely to remain strained in coming years given soaring demand for their services and the complexity of retooling fleets for environmental reasons.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “How can inflation be transitory if supply chain disruptions are here to stay?

      “…If the supply of goods falters, as it is doing now, prices will rise, as they are doing now, and central banks will face a terrible dilemma over raising interest rates – as they are doing now. Smelling uncertainty, investors will try to cut and run, and it will be a case of après moi, le déluge (After me, the flood).

      “If there is a risk of panic among stock investors, that could be nothing compared to the despair of borrowers for whom even a modest rise in inflation and interest rates could spell pain, even disaster, given the sheer indebtedness of governments, companies and households.”

    • rufustiresias999 says:

      “environmental reasons”… Of course! The blame for the coming (or present) shortages of resources – the limits of growth – will be put either on :
      1. Covid
      2. Environmental reasons

      Who will be the witches to burn, the space goats to stone? The anti vaxx or the greens. Divide and rule.

    • “the complexity of retooling fleets for environmental reasons” almost certainly raises costs.

      I sometimes think that the environmental effort represents an effort to make more money off existing businesses, by requiring them to undertake efforts that would not have been required in the past. Extra processing of fuel to remove sulfur before the fuel is burned requires energy consumption by someone. If a refinery can do it and charge for its services, it will come out ahead. If the boat does it itself, it will raise its operating costs. There still may be no good place to put the sulfur, even with all of the steps taken.

  8. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Wave of ‘unrest events’ like Afghanistan may become a drag on global growth: IMF.

    “Soaring COVID-19 infections, combined with mass uprisings around the world, are destabilizing global order — and new research from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggests the collective dynamic is likely to hinder a fragile recovery.”

    • Unrest events occur when people find themselves no longer able to make an adequate living.

      Afghanistan is a land locked country that has been living on subsidies. There are way too many people for resources. This shouldn’t be a surprise.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I doubt that Afghanistan has ever locked down … why do we not get images of thousands of people dying in the streets from covid?

        As we know … the PR Team is always happy to jump on a good horror story

  9. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Rogue [Australian] truckies vow to block every major highway into every state during radical anti-lockdown strike – as they urge Aussies to ‘stock up on groceries’.

    “Rogue truck drivers are reportedly plotting to shut down major highways across Australia to protest against Covid lockdowns.”

    • John Fry says:

      Harry – that reminds me of a story a farmer in Wapakoneta, Ohio once related. He was in the National Farm Organization back in its more radical 1960’s heydays, often castigated on television as The Milk Dumpers (oh, the humanity!!). NFO leadership was brainstorming with Teamsters and Hoffa was eager to see a new Farm-Labor Alliance with a lot of synergy. According to him, Hoffa was ready to stage some events that would plausibly force him to call for all Teamsters to stay off the roads. At the same time the NFO would play its role in support of Teamsters and the both would have an equal seat at the table where power is discussed.

      Here’s an excerpt from a linked article that gives some larger context regarding the dairy farmers:

      “Some of us remember the Milk Strike of 1967 sponsored by the National Farm Organization (NFO), but the 1967 strike was a walk in the park compared to the strike that those 1967 farmer’s fathers experienced in 1933. That strike was born out of the desperation of the Great Depression, but for Adams County, it was a lesson on how working together builds community.”

      Hoffa disappeared in 1975 and the last-ditch effort to rescue traditional family farming failed in heroic fashion on the Mall in DC, where Gentle Rebels parked their tractors and lobbied Congress in the winter of 1978-1979. The American Agriculture Movement was riddled with conspiracy theory, at the time associated with the Tri-Lateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations, so members were often quite familiar with Welch’s ‘John Birch Society’. I tend to think that particular aspect of their outreach and communication style contributed to squirreling any rapprochement they may have hoped to salvage in their relations with consumers who weren’t sufficiently convinced that a ‘cheap food’ policy would lead to bad results for most everyone living the the USA.

      • hillcountry says:

        Jack Stack tells a funny story in The Great Game of Business. He doesn’t specify the year but it had to be post-1983 when he and his fellow employees created the Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation out of an old International Harvester factory in Missouri. A team of employees brainstormed how to get a needed two-tons of steel from Gary, Indiana safely past snipers that were shooting at trucks on the highway. They decided to dress up as nuns and made the round-trip in a school bus.

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Woo hoo, we’re in the Mad Max timeline!

  10. CTG says:

    hey…. we are living in an upside down world. I cannot tell if my reality is real of just a simulation and these news are just feeds from The Matrix

    What Chip Shortage: Inventory At Leading Chipmakers Hits Record $65 Billion

    • CTG says:

      I did tell my friends that this kind of shortage is not possible because of the nature of production where one production lot can be a few thousands to tens of thousands of chips. So, perhaps it is either the shortage is fake or there are are some other hidden agenda.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Real or fake, a chip shortage is a great excuse for curtailing production of cars, computers. cruise missiles, and other energy- and resource-intensive hardware.

    • One point made in the article: “Global shipments of smartphones, which require memory chips, also fell markedly in April-June.”

      In 2020, there was a push to get some kind of computer device out to students in many parts of the world, so that they could work at home. Also, people working at home needed a laptop, rather than the big machine from the office. This year, this source of demand is down. And we know that worldwide, Smartphone purchases hit and peak in 2016, and have been declining since.

      The article mentions that the share prices of some chip makers are down, figuring that the price surge is already past. In the future, there may be excess supply between inventory build at buyers, such as automobile manufacturers and at the chipmakers. Prices could then plunge.

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    Then entire Covid Lie… exposed … in one image:

  12. Fast Eddy says:

    hahahaha face diaper MOREons

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    It has been known for decades that face masks don’t work against respiratory virus epidemics. Why has much of the world nonetheless fallen for the face mask folly? Ten reasons.

    See the bottom for absolute PROOF that masks are useless…


    • I think the argument is that with COVID-19, the severity of the disease (or the ability of the immune system to fight off the disease completely) is related to the size of the “dose” of virus particles that a person receives.

      If people wear masks in indoor settings (especially if they are in those indoor settings for only a short period of time), perhaps it will reduce the “dose” of viruses that those people receive, at least a little. For some people, wearing masks may prevent a person from catching the disease completely, or it may make the disease less severe for some others. (This seems a little strange to me. Once a person has caught it, if the immune system cannot fight it off, it would seem like a lost cause, regardless.)

      If there is a high level of COVID in an area, it is hard to see that students sitting in a classroom all day would receive any benefit from wearing masks. Similarly, if students are in a two-hour college classes, with an infected person in a small room, it is hard to see any benefit. Perhaps, there might be a little benefit from wearing masks, passing an occasional person in an uncrowded grocery store.

      If a person is riding on a 12-hour international flight with others on the plane infected with COVID-19, it is hard to believe that a simple cloth mask would make a difference. Or riding on a tour boat, for days on end.

      If it makes regulators feel happy, some level of at least minimum compliance probably makes sense, however.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Unfortunately the graphs do not support any correlation whatsoever with mask wearing and infections.

        I could see a mask have limited effectiveness in stopping the spread in someone who has symptoms of covid e.g. coughing and sneezing as it might inhibit some of the aerosol spread…. but then if someone has symptoms that person is VERY unlikely to be out in the community… (they might get stoned to death!).

        The jury is out on asymptomatic spread…. I suspect that the viral load in such a person is so low that they are unlikely to infect anyone unless they were to stick their tongue down someone’s throat…

        The Verdict: masks are useless – and they are causing oxygen deprivation resulting in re tar ded babies being born …..vaccines are not only useless … they are breeding mutations in the virus.

  14. Lastcall says:

    Be brazen seems to be the message; 90% of NZers have been reminded that they are not essential, and therefore will remain under house arrest as per ANZAC spirit.
    House arrest at least until Friday for a less virulent slightly more contagious seasonal flu. Just happens to have Madison Avenue pumping the fear factor.

    NZ has won a few awards/cups/trophies over time, but I think a new award for journalistic sycophancy must now be handed to NZ media.
    Do we have the weakest journalists or what.

    Even with all the info that is available re Delta, re injection failure in other countries, re UK living with Delta, they get bent over and dealt to by mother of all Truth, InJackcinda.

    Our journalism schoos probably concentrated on Indignant Rights and Bender Studies. Logic got shafted.
    To be alive is to be Offended!!

    • Fast Eddy says:

      If we didn’t have the two kids we sponsor with us…. we’d consider leaving to a region where the enforcement of lockdowns is minimal (and can be overcome with a few dollars)… or to where there are no lockdowns….

      Perhaps Central or South America…. Patagonia would be a good option ….

      • geno mir says:

        Come to my country. All restrictions and measures are oy on paper. Noone is enforcing anything. Lovely, lovely Balkans.

        • I am wondering if, “The poorer the country or state, the less likely the enforcement.”

          China in many senses is not very rich, but it has a lot of coal, and a lot of built infrastructure for monitoring citizens. It can, and does, monitor citizens.

          So maybe lack of enforcement correlates positively with the poorness of the country or state is in terms of energy resources and built infrastructure.

          I think that having a spread out population makes a difference too. If everyone is concentrated in major cities, using public transit for transportation, there is a huge problem with spreading the virus everywhere. If people are in a more rural area, the need to protect others seems a lot less pressing.

    • Australia seems to follow the Soviet’s pattern of locking up those thinking differently in mental institutions.

      • Pekoe says:

        There seems to be a collective lack of critical thinking going on here on this site with people believing almost anything to further their confirmation bias. Please can we get back to some sort of levity regarding the number one rule of searching the internet “Check your Sources”. Please.

        In this particular instance comparing Australia (in totality) to the issue of one person in Perth (with his particular person issues which we know absolutely nothing about), is patently ridiculous.

        There are major debates going on in Australia and many well meaning people from all walks of life are trying to chart a sensible and secure way forward. The awareness of our freedom and our social responsibility is at an all time high.

        My best guess is that we will learn to live with and manage the C just like other diseases, so hopefully the ongoing discussion will burn out eventually…

        Now, getting back to the real elephant in the room Please.

        • Mike Roberts says:

          There seems to be a collective lack of critical thinking going on here on this site with people believing almost anything to further their confirmation bias.

          I’m afraid that’s the way humans work.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Ah yes… the elephant in the room…


          1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

          2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.


          Conventional Oil peaked in 2005

          Shale in 2018.

          According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources

          Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

          Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times

          THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel

          “The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression.

          Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system Banks did not trust each other – similar situation when Lehman collapsed

          Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.

          Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table — throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…

          What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover — and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.

          Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice — one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies — and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone — we will get back to normal’

          A pandemic is the perfect cover.

          End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants like this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic so everyone dies

          The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the subsistence level humans die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.

          The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this — so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism

          • I disagree:

            “Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.”

            It means that the “economic pump” system isn’t working. Too many citizens cannot afford basic goods made with oil. There is too much worldwide wage disparity. Also, the system depends on the “average price of energy,” not just the price of oil. The price needs to be averaged down by a mix with cheap energy products, particularly coal.

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    NSW, Australia’s most populous state, re-entered a strict lockdown two weeks ago, as officials deployed the military and threatened to go “door-to-door” to enforce mandatory COVID restrictions and tests on Australians, according to Victoria Premier, Daniel Andrews.

    If they try that … this could get really … ugly

    Meanwhile… in Sweden….

    • Xabier says:

      I’d seize the opportunity to have a nice chat with the senior officer or NCO in charge of such visits: I can’t imagine soldiers, unlike dimwit police officers, much enjoying that sort of ridiculous role.

  16. Pingback: The Media Balance Newsletter: 9 August 2021 - Australian Climate Sceptics blog

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    If you look closely you can see Tony shovelling more coal into the boiler… and there are CovIDIOTS cheering … up ahead there is an old bridge that Tony blew up last year.

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    I recall reading about how these fellas issued a warning to the owner of a factory that had a terrible safety record — the warning was ignored… employees continued to be maimed…

    The owner was shot dead.

    I reckon they should have gone after his family as well… Colonel Kurtz would have…

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    Michael Douglas would approve!

    A Dunedin man will appear in court after a he allegedly went on lockdown rampage causing “carnage” while driving his car at the weekend.

    Senior Sergeant Craig Dinnissen said a car involved in the crash on Saturday had been involved in other incidents over the course of three hours in Dunedin, causing ‘‘a huge amount of carnage and calls for service’’.

    Police say the 44-year-old man ran red lights, abused people, and intentionally drove over a young child’s bike at the Dunedin Botanic Gardens, causing the child to jump from the bike to avoid being run over.

    The man then hit another car head-on in South Rd before fleeing the scene.

    He was found at his home at 7pm, and was charged with dangerous driving causing injury and drink driving.

    A police spokeswoman said in an update yesterday a 44-year-old Dunedin man was due to appear in the Dunedin District Court on Thursday charged with driving in a dangerous manner.

    “As this matter is now before the courts we don’t have any further comment to make,” she said.

    • Tim Groves says:

      I thought “carnage” required at least a bit of blood and gore. Somehow, colliding cars and jumping from a bike don’t quite do justice to the word. “Carnival” is more like it.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        it should be written car-nage.

        though car-nival would work also.

        perhaps the Sergeant was having some subtle fun.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Perhaps Dunedin is about to become Dun-complying.

  20. Fast Eddy says:

    FYI …

    Pfizer New Zealand
    PO Box 3998
    Shortland Street
    Auckland 1140

    Pfizer New Zealand
    C/- Generator Britomart
    Level 10, 11 Britomart Place
    Auckland 1010

  21. Terri says:

    Most people –including scientists, doctors, and other formally educated folks– are rather profoundly perplexed and befuddled by the various absurdities of the Covid crisis (e.g., the back-and-forth shifting of scientific decrees, the censorship of valid data, etc.). They cannot really make sense out of it all.  At best, they can DESCRIBE the absurdities but they cannot explain why it is happening.

    Why is that? It is because they lack pieces of vital knowledge, whose lack hinders and disables accurate coherent full understanding (therefore, it impairs the proper decision-making process and the potential for profound constructive action).

    Those “missing” pieces of knowledge right in front of our noses are described in a comprehensive article  called “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The  Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at (or go to www dot  CovidTruthBeKnown  dot com).

    Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true problem and reality, no real constructive change is possible.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      so then real constructive change is unlikely?

      gov/MSM/BigPharma are all married to each other.

      it’s the MSM job to keep the masses uninformed about their mutual activities.

      I hesitate to use an example, but like the heliocentric solar system, perhaps eventually the masses get the knowledge of what is real when the evidence becomes overwhelming.

      the toxic spike protein mRNA experiment should SOON be acknowledged as a total failure, and then perhaps real effective therapies will come to the forefront.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I don’t see that happening .. because this is so very obviously all part of a plan.

        Is it not obvious?

      • Teppeno says:

        Your statement that “perhaps eventually the masses get the knowledge of what is real when the evidence becomes overwhelming” and question (“so then real constructive change is unlikely?”) show that you did not read the article, or if you did did not understand it….

    • Fast Eddy says:

      It’s because they are unaware — or would deny – that oil peaked in 2018…..

      If they could come to grips with that … and the implications…

      They would both understand – and accept — why they are being exterminated

  22. Minority of One says:

    This evening the woman we just sold a bed to told us she wanted to sell her flat (in Aberdeen) and move back south. But the flat has been evaluated at £60,000 less than she paid for it, so is hoping to rent instead. Good luck. There are a hell of a lot of flats up for rent here now, and flats for sale.

    It could not be clearer – Aberdeen, ‘oil capital of Europe’, not, is now in serious negative equity territory for all property types. And going down.

    • the value of a structure is entirely dependent on the energy available to support it

      house or an entire city—the rule is inflexible

      wait till the Saudis try to bend it in a few years from now

    • James Speaks says:

      That’s how it plays out. Reduced fossil fuel production hits the producers first, whose property values plummet. They default. Next is a slow cascade of subsidiary industries failing and defaulting on loans, followed by a cascade of major industries failing. I’m glad my business model is farming worms and salvaging aluminum and copper wire.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Over the past five years, Aberdeen’s house prices have dropped 20.0 per cent, 43.5 per cent lower than the UK’s average. … Commenting, ASPC chairman John MacRae said the report showed evidence of “increasing confidence” pointing out that March this year has seen the “highest ever” traffic on“.

    • I think you or someone else mentioned the falling price of flats in Aberdeen not too long ago. This isn’t a good sign for the oil supply of Europe.

  23. houtskool says:

    Freedom is in the eye of the beholder
    Until the dollar became a burden
    In a promise that won’t hold
    On a beautiful shoulder
    With tears no one told

    • If the US needs to get out of Afghanistan, what does that say for the future of the US$?

      • houtskool says:

        I think the ‘elites’ will try cbdc’s. Every unit can be tracked through its entire lifetime. Its value can be manipulated. The $ is toast already, but that goes for all fiat currencies imo.

        Maybe the US needs to free up military assets for Iran.

  24. For Dennis

    Hopefully Elon and his mythical whiz kids will also invent the solution for the old people’s institution

  25. Yoshua says:

    The Delta variant sub lineage AY.3 is spreading in the US south. It’s believed to be more transmissible and more immune evasive. This might be the reason the hospitals have been overwhelmed.

    Israel detected 10 cases of AY.3 today and their health ministry just warned this week that they would be forced to go into lockdown if they did detect this sub lineage.

    • Xabier says:

      ‘Sub-lineages’ now, is it?

      Meanwhile in the UK we seem to have lost track of the Yorkshire Pudding variant announced months ago.

      Calling Yorchichan, what happened?

      • Yorchichan says:

        Bad news from up ‘ere in t’ frozen North, I’m afraid. The Omega aka “Black Pudding” variant has now made its way across the Pennines from the land of darkness. My final passenger last night was a covid nurse sister of saytan who informed me York hospital now has five wards dedicated to children dying of the new variant vaccines.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      AY.3 and a response? Yay! or perhaps yay.3!

      I suspect that The Real Science is that waves of covid will be never ending (like that other thing with annual variants: the flu).

      variants will always be ahead of any human efforts to end the pandemic.

      the toxic spike protein mRNA experimental vaccines now have an evidence based conclusion.

      the experiment failed.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        “I suspect that The Real Science is that waves of covid will be never ending (like that other thing with annual variants: the flu).

        “variants will always be ahead of any human efforts to end the pandemic.”

        This is why the mainstream narrative is unbelievable: the world got itself in a tizzy over a brand new coronavirus and decided to blow massive amounts of capital, energy and time into developing successful vaccines – despite the fact that no successful coronavirus vaccines had ever been developed and, due to the problem of variants, we’d always be one to several steps behind the virus. Surely our best and brightest science and medicine “experts” knew this all along; that going to war with a coronavirus would be a Sisyphean task.

        Many of us on Our Finite World know that the scamdemic is serving as a cover story, but leaving that aside for the moment, the narrative we’re being fed by “The Science” is absolutely absurd.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          the vaccine narrative is just a small subset of the modern quasi religious narrative of Progress.

          the toxic spike protein experiment is now right up there with the non-renewable renewable energy harvesting technologies (Tim Watkins phrase?) narratives.

          there are other narratives for other true believers: AI tech, Moon and Mars colonies, self driving EVs, flying cars!

          the mRNA narrative may endure for many years, and beyond when it has been reasonably evidenced to be an experimental failure (as I think has now already been established).

    • Needless to say, our local paper here doesn’t say anything about whether Georgia is experiencing the sub-variant AY.3. I imagine it is, if other states are.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And the solution is….. (drum roll)…. More people need to be injected!!!

      Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.

      Let’s hit this mutation with Booster shots!!! Makes total sense … if you are hell bent on creating a Human Marek’s outcome.

      Devil Covid… inches closer….

      • Tim Groves says:

        Needle-less to say, I’m not getting the jab!

        I’d rather take a space flight with Richard Branson.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I’ll take my chances on a flight through the van allen belts before I take the jab.

  26. Yoshua says:

    Anjali claims that her being is an 8ft tall lavender coloured Praying Mantis looking ET. A lot of followers are saying that her message is very similar to Law of One. Anjali says that she is in telepathic contact with the being and has also physically meet the lavender coloured being in the Mojave Desert.

    A lot of Experiencers claim to have met these Praying Mantis looking ET’s. They are the real ET’s. All other beings the Experiencers meet are hybrids.

  27. Lastcall says:

    ‘Individual choice, bodily autonomy and basic privacy become subsumed to the goal of taking away anything that could do us even the smallest level of harm. Fear breeds tolerance for the most extreme actions. A liberal society becomes impossible to maintain”.

    Same as the fear of the All Blacks losing…..

    We are being dictated to by a bunch of academics from Otago Univ who were too scared to ever leave school.

    • Lastcall says:

      I do believe this Virus is the last throw of the dice (die?) for the PMC ( Professional Managerial Class) whose sense of entitilement to the truth is palpable when in their presence. My experience with these graduates of nothing with expertise in everything is summarised well in the following,

      ‘Their spectacular failure on every conceivable level now brings us to the true heart of the matter. Western society today is openly ruled by a managerial class. Where kings once claimed a divine right to rule, and the bolsheviks of old claimed a right to rule as messiahs of a future kingdom on this earth (bearing a conspicuously strong resemblance to a very old tradition of messianic christianity with the serial numbers filed off, by the way) the technocrats of today base their claims to lordship not necessarily on the idea of the democratic will of the people, but on the historical inevitability of technocracy as such.’

      JMG indicates now is a good time to stock-up prepare for the early stages of the departure from this period.

      ‘ If you’re planning on staying, as I am, it might be a good idea to make sure your cupboards are well stocked with food and other necessities, and that you’re prepared to weather periods from weeks to months in length when local stores will have a lot of bare shelves and the other details of what used to pass for ordinary life will be disrupted.’

      • Thanks!

        John Michael Greer has good analysis of the Afghanistan situation as well.

        I agree with him. There does seem to be more and more chance of substantial disruptions in supplies.

        • Dennis L. says:

          Just finishing my year old, frozen chicken, tough stuff. Geez, now need to stock up again? Just getting to where can close the closet doors on toilet paper as well.

          Here we go again.

          Dennis L.

          • Tim Groves says:

            Dennis, if you use those boxes of toilet paper as chairs, every time you sit down, you’ll be on a roll.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I won’t bother to stock up … it’s bad enough right now and I can still access the super market… can’t imagine staggering along eating canned tuna with zero to look forward to

        I demand Oxycontin OTC!

    • Fast Eddy says:

      When I first moved to NZ I was ambivalent about this cult of rugby … but then I read about an All Black player coming off a flight in uniform slip into a disabled bathroom for a root … (is he not now a captain?) …

      And some months later read about players who were in South Africa for a match taunting homosexuals at a fast food restaurant — with club officials reacting with ‘boys will be boys’…

      I also recall an up and coming player coming out of a bar and randomly punching people in the face (roid rage + alcohol?) severely injuring at least one person — and getting off with next to nothing … now if I did that I’d be writing this from prison ….

      And you know what — I would never spend a single cent supporting what is clearly a sporting association that is utterly lacking in class or discipline. The players are one thing but when the top officials laugh this stuff off then this is a culture of sporting rot.

      And then there is the spouse beating ….

      I am unaware of any other major sport that would condone any of this … an NFL player who wacked his wife had his career ended….

      I suppose the athletes in the sports that pay huge salaries are run on at a more professional standard… I would assume that every NFL player … every NHL player… every Premier League soccer player… every MLB player … gets s sit down when they sign their contract… their agents would have someone read the riot act to them … and show them what is at stake… a career that could earn them tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars… can be ruined by a single stupid move.

      And the endorsements — which can earn them more than their salaries — can be shut down — over something like sneaking into the toilet and banging a skank…

      As for the honchos in these leagues… there is enormous money at stake with franchises worth into the billions …. even the slightest whiff of putrid smoke from anyone in the organization gets doused with a tanker full of water…

      I don’t watch any rugby but when I hear the All Blacks have a big match … I find myself hoping they get thrashed. Grow the f789 up and behave with some dignity. The few who don’t — damage the standing of those who do.

      And how the hell does Aaron Smith get made a captain of the national team.

      Rant… off 🙂

  28. Ed says:

    My take the world is divided into three parts, the center, the periphery, and the middle. In the periphery human scratch the dirt with pointy sticks to grow subsistence food they are little connected to the energy economy of the globe. The center EU, US Russia China, Japan, Korea, NZ, and Australia are the world we live in and know. The middle are the nations Harry post about. They are falling now.

    Harry are there middle nations falling in South East Asia? In South America?

    In what group do we put India and Pakistan?

    This is a sad and wicked spectacle. I offer my solution. Any nation that is not self supporting should be locked down, that is, no one in or out until they are self supporting. How they choose to solve their local problem is up to them.

    • MonkeyBusiness says:

      South East Asia has Singapore. They are one of the world’s top three oil trading and refining hubs. A first world country. The rest are getting by ok, ….. so far.

    • Every country is dependent on a whole lot of other countries. We don’t have self-supporting nations. This is our problem.

      • Xabier says:

        Even in more primitive tribal societies, self-sufficiency was never really the goal – much which was needed for trade and consumption was derived from regular raids on neighbours, or on travellers, pilgrims and merchants passing through their territory.

  29. bogwood says:

    The Globe theater is warning audiences that their production of ” Romeo and Juliet” may trigger certain strong emotions. Similar warnings were posted at the entrance of the Roman Coliseum 2000 years ago. Consilium Eruditis Intersum Cogitationibus. Viewer discretion advised.

  30. Harry McGibbs says:

    Analysis: China’s post-lockdown emissions surge shows signs of cooling…

    “The slowdown [ in the second quarter of 2021 compared to a year earlier] includes a 16 per cent fall in demand for diesel year-on-year and 3 per cent drop for oil products overall, with only modest growth of 1 per cent for cement and 3 per cent for coal power.”

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “UK cumulative debt reaches 98.8% of GDP.

    “The accumulated debt of the United Kingdom reached 2.21 trillion pounds (2.56 trillion euros) at the end of last July, which is equivalent to 98.8% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, the highest rate since March 1962, reported the National Office of Statistics (ONS, in English).”

  32. CTG says:

    Guys…. do we have some good or positive news?

    It does feel to me that the collapse happened last year and we are just coasting along with no engines and it is a slow descent all the way until it hits the ground hard.

    We don’t seem hear much on the news or anywhere on Africa, Sri Lanka, developing countries or India anymore… Seems to be like feeds from the Matrix is very targeted.

    • Malcopian says:

      There were those who told us that 2012 would be the end of the world. I’m beginning to wonder whether you got in wrong and transposed a couple of digits. 2021 seems like a much better candidate.

      I was listening to Bowie’s song, “The Man Who Sold The World”. He meets a man on the stairs, who wasn’t there. Bowie tells him, “I thought you died a long, long time ago!” Bowie goes on to sing of “The man who sold the world”. Surely the man is the personification of industrial capitalism. 😉

      At some future poverty-ridden date, you will meet yourself on the stairs: a memory of who you were during the affluent days, long disappeared, because IC literally sold the world and consumed all its low-hanging fruit..

    • Woodchuck says:

      Most of the oil industry guys over at agree with you that we are coasting on fumes right now CTG. The belief by some of the regulars here that we can coast along like this until 2030 is just wishful thinking don’t you think?

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        yes it is wishful thinking.

        but 2040 is also possible.

        bAU in IC will end when it ends.

      • VFatalis says:

        IC will probably end soon after massive die-off… Shouldn’t take long now.
        2 years of qBAU would be a miracle, I expect less than 1 year

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          well then, 2022 will be quite exciting!

          I expect 2022 to be the continuation of the 2020-2021 slow slog of eroding IC.

          a slow grinding boring dull pathetic continuation.

          collapse would be a severe break in the pattern.

          very rare but quite possible.

        • Slow Paul says:

          As long as a reasonable amount of food is available to the people, and the Internet is still working, everything else can be scaled down without people noticing. Less and less leisure travel, less car commuting, less brands of frozen pizza. This can go on for decades in the core while peripheral countries fall of the map.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            yes, good, though of course it is complicated.

            many people will be okay with just essentials plus their smartphone/internet.

            but at that stage, where most of the non-essential subsystems have shrunk to almost nothing, the job losses will be massive.

            most noticeable will be the record high 30 then 40 then 50 % etc unemployment rate.

            but yes, this is proceeding at a very slow pace, at least for NOW, and could go on for decades, or not.

            • Sam says:

              Yes but what about the peripheral countries? I believe they have last time , a Italy Great Britain South Africa all the African nations etc. We will start to see them fail first.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              and yet all countries still have governments?

              so even the lowest are somewhat intact?

              perhaps a sign of impending collapse would be a population decrease caused by disease and famine only.

              that would be some interesting data if it could be isolated.

            • DJ says:

              “many people will be okay with just essentials plus their smartphone/internet.”

              You’re repeating yourself.

      • We keep holding on longer than I could imagine possible. I have a hard time imagining that we will have any kind of reasonable economy in 2020 or 2030.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The Elders have done a magnificent job keeping the train on the track… I actually began to feel complacent as I progressed through my bucket list…. to the point where when key data points like auto sales starting tanking I thought … they’ll find a way to keep it going …

          The bucket list officially ended… when I stepped off the plane at Queenstown airport in December 2019.

          Now… we wait… and watch BAU die

          • Xabier says:

            Yep, I grew complacent too:

            ‘They’ll keep it up smehow, looking more or less normal, with funny money and easy credit until the late 20’s, then Bang!’

            Oh how wrong…… a real slap in the face from the reality plank!

            There is an extend and pretend plan, but a lot more brutal than I had envisaged, and accelerated.

        • CTG says:

          The one and only reason all these are keeping together is because governments changed the rules. Mark to Market and the way on CPI calculation. There were many relaxation or changes to the rules there strictly prohibited decades ago.

          Without these changes, we would have collapsed a long time ago.

          I am not surprised at all if government asks the media to be complicit and not to have any investigative reporting. Same goes for tech companies and social media where they censor everything that is against the narrative.

          If the media is not cooperative on this COVID-19, we would not have any lockdowns or slowdowns. We COULD have blown through what is left of our oil.

          If we follow mark to market, we might be dead 14 years year.

  33. Harry McGibbs says:

    “New blow for Biden as US economy starts to slow down… The US economy is already slowing before the recovery from Covid is complete, economists have warned…

    “Inflation is still surging, however, leaving the Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell in an increasingly dangerous spot as they cannot act against rising prices without further harming the stuttering rebound from the pandemic.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Wall Street is bummed the Delta wave has you spending less…

      “Wall Street is tempering its hopes for the US recovery. A handful of big banks say it’s the American people who spoiled the party.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Our Own Worst Enemy review: a caustic diagnosis of America after Trump…

        “Public life has become ever more about dopamine hits, instant reaction and heightened animus. Our fellow citizens double as our enemies. Electronic proximity breeds contempt, not introspection.”

        • Apparently the mood is *changing, the clock is ticking though, lets imagine Trump or similar persona somehow getting back into the office (he now ~campaigns again and openly calls last pres. election voting fraud which IS a novelty – lets think about it) and then able to ~control most of the levers (loyal generals, cleansing at the agencies, both chambers, ..). Well it could be too late at that point anyway, the (global) world seems to be braking into smaller blocks fast and at there the fractured US without petrodollar (enabled imports) is somewhat a basket case ~1.5-2.5th world tier country with suddenly very large internal ~2.5-3rd world condition enclaves..

          * when the old control paradigm dissolves on all fronts, it’s time running for the hills, recently I was appalled how the more lefty leftists had grown in numbers and upping resolve in the US, finally steam rolling over pre-planted gate keepers and poseurs such as Bernissimus Sanders, that’s a bit like the previous cycle -80yrs ago.. of political reshuffle (FDR’s ~socialist lite maneuver protecting his own class from real brown / red outburst) which is now impossible – exhausted option..

    • It is hard to keep things going, with as many sick people as there are, and as many broken supply lines.

      When people make reservations for a couple of months from now, they are never sure that things won’t change substantially by then. Fewer people want to plan out-of-town meetings.

  34. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Latvia’s plans for mandatory vaccination spark huge protests…

    “The Latvian government is planning to make vaccination compulsory for many professions and is debating whether to allow employers to fire workers who refuse to be vaccinated.”

  35. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Yemen currency clash deepens crisis in war-torn country.

    “Yemen’s government and the Houthi rebels continue to battle a currency war that has opened up a gulf in riyal values.”

  36. Yoshua says:

    Anjali D.C. press conference – ET contact

    ~”We are reaching the end of a cicle that will end in an apocalypse. We will move from a third density universe, to a forth density. Our physical bodies can’t enter the fourth density, only our consciousness can manifest there. The ET’s will assist us through the apocalypse.”

    Contact means apocalypse.

    It’s a death cult.

    • Xabier says:

      I have to say, being a disembodied, celestial, consciousness in another dimension sounds rather fun. No Fauci the False, no Bill the Kill (I assume?).

      I’d just like to enjoy this year’s crop of apples first: almost the only things that grew well , and very delicious!

      And I have some very nice End of the World wine to polish off,too, and wouldn’t like to miss a drop – any dates?

      • Malcopian says:

        It’s what happens after you die, Xabier. I know – I’ve been there. Did you ever suddenly discover, in a sleep dream, that you could levitate or fly? Because, so far as I can work out, your dreams are a dry run for your time in the afterlife. So take good note of them. 😉

        • Xabier says:

          Never, ever, had a ‘flying’ dream, which is most disappointing – they sound fun! And they seem to be quite common.

          But I have seen the Divine Light, and heard the chorus of perpetual praise by the celestial host – the classic vision as recorded many times by mystics – which was very interesting indeed. No drugs involved…..

          I love the occasional beauty of this world, but am not fearful at all of the next; in fact, I’m respectfully curious about what may happen next, if anything.

          Or maybe such visions are just a freak of our neural wiring….

          • Malcopian says:

            Marvellous that you had such an experience. Did you get any brief paranormal effects briefly kicking off afterwards? That’s a common after-effect.

            • Xabier says:

              No, but ‘paranormal’ occurrences are not uncommon here.

              This house was very haunted when I moved in, but I sorted that out using traditional means, with only an occasional visit now and then from some trickster entity, which one can live with. Usually I enjoy the joke!

              In any case, I try to follow a spiritual school which teaches one to downplay such things as a potential barrier to true learning.

              But the memory of that vision is a useful counter-weight when the insanity of the Great Re-set is getting a bit too much.

              However much the Transhumanist loonies try, they can’t control the soul.

              If we were less bound by routine and not so negligent maybe such perceptions, and capacities like telepathy, would be almost commonplace (although much mystical literature indicates that such glimpses are only ever going to be brief and limited. )

              I was reading that the famous second -sight used to be so usual in the Scottish Isles that it was thought hardly worth noting…….

            • Malcopian says:

              “No, but ‘paranormal’ occurrences are not uncommon here.”

              Excellent. My experiences didn’t make me religious either. They just opened my mind to the fact that there is more – more than the reality we live in. Worlds and dimensions beyond that. And the beings that inhabit them.

              People say, “Oh, it must have been a hallucination”, but my afterlife experience had too much internal logic that didn’t come from me or anything I’d read on seen in films. The idea that our dimension is real and others are not is tantamount to the old belief that Earth was at the centre of the universe.

              I like Tom Campbell’s series of books, ‘My Big T.O.E.”. As in ‘theory of everything’. He asks, ‘What is your reality frame?’ – whether you’re dreaming or having an out-of-body experience meaning that there are many realities, and what you experience is real.

      • Nature alternates y/y decade/.. in its bounty, this year it’s black currant, vines, apples and nuts.

        • Xabier says:

          Yes, that sums up my garden this year, berries and apples, quinces. Crazy levels of pests, though.

          And rampant roses climbing and rambling.

          Maybe I can turn myself into the Sleeping Prince, avoid Collapse, and be awakened by Princess Charming in a few centuries: I have no objection to being kissed without consent.

          Although she might need a stiff drink first!

          Hmm, I hope she’s Iranian……

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Seems legit…

    • Malcopian says:

      Presumably Anjali has “channelled” this message from a disembodied spirit. Now who was the mystic around 1900 who said, “Two things I know: spirits exist, and they tell lies.” He was referring to the well known “trickster element” that afflicts the paranormal.

      So Anjali must not bank on it being the end of the world. Her ‘contact’ is surely enjoying tricking her and manipulating her – whatever this form of ‘intelligence’ is. She should try reading “The Messengers of Deception” instead, by Jacques Vallee.

      • geno mir says:

        Just steoll for an hour in

        • This is material providing a large number of recorded seances.
          Geno mir gives the overall link, describing how many sessions there are, etc.

          This is a link to the Introduction to Book 1.

          The introduction says (among many other things)

          Our research group uses what I prefer to call “tuned trance telepathy” to communicate with an extraterrestrial race called Ra. We use the English language because it is known by Ra. In fact, Ra knows more of it than I do.

          Ra landed on Earth about 11,000 years ago as a sort of extraterrestrial missionary with the objective of helping Earthman with his mental evolution. Failing in this attempt, Ra retreated from the Earth’s surface but continued to monitor activities closely on this planet. For this reason Ra is highly informed about our history, languages, etc.

          Probably the most difficult thing to understand about Ra is its nature. Ra is a sixth-density social memory complex. Since Earth is near the end of the third-density cycle of evolution, this means that Ra is three evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, Ra’s present state of evolution is millions of years in advance of Earthman’s. It is not surprising that Ra had difficulty communicating with Earthman 11,000 years ago. The same problem still exists in our present “enlightened” time.

          One thing I noticed was that the seances (or at least some of them) were conducted by “the Reverend James Tingley of Toledo, a minister of the Spiritualist church.” It also says,

          The seance began, as do all the seances I have attended, with the repetition of the Lord’s Prayer and the singing of hymns such as “Rock of Ages” and “I Walked in the Garden.”

          The introduction talks about there being over 300,000 words in this document. It is available in a few translations as well. The link has some links by topic as well.

    • On related note, in recent months and years ‘Pentagram’ released investigative dozier in relation to previously leaked onboard video footage of alleged 2004 UFO encounter with Navy pilots, they even made the potusy Omaman presenting on the TV that it’s ~legit. Basically, the message being, lets get even more MIC funding, because it could be an intergalactic threat, and you know the thing, defense must be funded, lolz.

      Funnily enough, one “famous” ytch of VFX pros laugh it off as clearly amateurish quick jobbie fake, while they on the other hand supported in other piece the Moon thing (mostly of bias and laziness), although one of these guys (the brightest one) suddenly got clearly stone cold halfway during watching it on their big screen when making their special feature on the topic – perhaps smelling the rat of fakery but kept silent or not making into the final cut.

      FE is correct in the sense this is like layers to an onion, and only handful of people could drop personal biases to impartially process the utmost fakes, the deepest layers of deception.

    • In some ways, this seems consistent with what some people who have had near death experiences report. It also seems consistent with the belief many religions have in some kind of afterlife.

      • Xabier says:

        Maybe I nearly died in my sleep, Gail?

        I would add that I draw no conclusions from that vision as to an afterlife, eternal life, Heaven and Hell, etc.

        I’ve never bothered much with the near-death stories, nor have I read anything much about mystical visions, not in detail. Nor am I religious or in any way ‘saintly’.

        All in all, an interesting experience! And beautiful.

        A curiosity is that the chant was in Arabic, not English, Latin, etc.

        I can imagine that such visions could well result in conversion to a faith, but I love wine too much I’m afraid…..

  37. Fast Eddy says:

    We were told that the vaccines would stop transmission. Obviously that has not happened.

    We were told they were fully tested… so how is they did not know the vaccines would not stop transmission?

    Let’s assume they made a mistake — and now they know 100% that the vaccinated can catch and pass covid. They admit that the vaxxed and unvaxxed shed equally.

    We were told the children needed to get injected to prevent them from passing the virus to at risk people such as elderly grand parents. The vaccine does not 100% death so it was important that the kids got injected.

    But we know that kids when vaccinated can still infect the grand parents.

    We know that in the US 350 under 18’s have died with covid (out of 80M). We know that every single one of those kids had pre-existing serious medical issues (see John Hopkins presentation on High Wire) We know that healthy children do not die from covid.

    We know that significant numbers of kids are being killed and maimed after taking the vaccines.

    So would the obvious action be to immediately halt the vaccination of all under 18’s (and consider vaccinating the at risk kids)

    Pfizer has previously said it expects to apply in September for children ages 5 through 11. Results for two younger age groups that began testing a little later should be available by October or November, according to the company.

    Covid-19: Children aged 12 to 15 now eligible for Pfizer vaccine

    Does this not cause to at least pause for thought?

    • Hideaway says:

      “They” have also told us that we can have infinite economic growth on a finite planet..

      We all choose what we want to believe from a myriad of inputs.

      Some people choose to be distracted by symptoms of declining net energy….

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    Oh right … so the vaccines currently don’t last very long but the next one will hahahahaha

    ‘officials see 3rd shot offering best protection yet, expect it to last longer’

    And in the meantime they continue to Inject people with an experiment that has FAILED.

    And that has killed and maimed millions.

    And the CovIDIOTS beg for more. Because they are MORE ons.

    • Rodster says:

      It reminds me of that scene from the movie Animal House. “Thank you sir, may I have another, thank you sir may I have another, thank you sir may I have another”.

      • Dana says:

        My favorite quote from “Animal House” is – You f***** up, you TRUSTED us!” That quote seems so relevant to now.

  39. Rodster says:

    I’m sure Gail will disagree with James Corbett’s take on “Limit’s to Growth”.

    • Xabier says:

      Corbett just calls anyone who talks about hard limits and population a ‘Malthusian’: deeply unintelligent.

      We all have our blind-spots, usually what we can’t bear to face up to.

    • Artleads says:

      He doesn’t tell us how NOT to pollute, how NOT to deforest, how NOT to steal and uglify. I believe that will be a good area for further discussion.

      • Xabier says:

        It’s sad how the first few millennia taught us – in countless examples – how to build simply and beautifully, and we just threw it all away last century.

        All that cheap steel, concrete and glass.

    • I can think of a better way to spend 1 hour and 42 minutes than listening to this video. I listened to a little bit. That was enough.

      • Artleads says:

        If I was a techno whiz, I’d try to whittle it down to 10 minutes. There’s WAY too much fluff in here for people who are not used to these kinds of subjects. (Or who, by background, are not so married to the content area that they can deal with the fluff.) It’s really a pity that I don’t know how to edit this down.

      • Artleads says:

        Gail and Xabier:

        Gail, your reaction to the Theaster Gates videos got me thinking.

        The videos don’t need to be this long.

        Theaster’s work, like mine, combines a modern-art sensibility with a love of old materials. But he goes too far in a modern-art direction, diminishing critical essences of the old or historic.

        His reconstructions of historic built environments surely do help to revive communities, provide employment, reduce crime in once stylish, now degenerated, urban ghettos in Chicago. But the videos are all about Gates and don’t show how community members learn the value of the old. What gets emphasized instead is in-group modern-art-establishment promotional hype.

        Nothing illustrates my concern better than his reconstruction of a late 19th century Chicago wood house, where he replaces the original painted horizontal wood siding with unpainted vertical wood board, removing (not replacing) the original trim and other original details. The original boards were layered horizontally mimicking how gravity allows things to rest on top of one another, providing horizontal siding with the sense of rest and stability. This is all bypassed by Gates.

        Gates offers no analysis of energy, which would tend to leave him susceptible to social justice memes that nowadays fall under the sway of deceptive political manipulation…

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    Hideaway … let’s also keep an eye on the UK… they are also getting a blast off in infections since Injecting the CovIDIOT MOreons with the Experiment….

    Deaths are starting to increase now too … but let’s not forget … Israel had a head start

    OH and if the vaccines are a ‘blockbuster success’… why in the f789 are Israel, the UK and soon the US… rushing Boosters onto the scene?

    Logic. Try it … you still won’t have a chance but at least Fast Eddy will give you a pat on the head for trying. Good boy … that’s a real good boy…. otherwise you get a smack.

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    RNA is the future. So… what can you do with it?

    After the blockbuster success of new COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, scientists finally have the interest and funding to begin unlocking the mysteries of RNA, the oldest machinery of life.,machinery%20of%20life.

    Success???? Israel????

    Oh I forgot — people are f789ing st___pid…. they will believe that. Do you concur Hideaway?

    • Hideaway says:

      RNA … Future?? There is not much future as funding for research will dry up over the next few years as real problems of energy and massive debt hit..

      Covid and everything associated with it, is just another big step down the Seneca cliff. There is no plan, I wish there was, but your rants are so far off the mark..

      Governments everywhere are running around like chooks with their heads cut off, they have no idea what’s really going on in the world.

      Simply, we’re going over the net energy cliff, but so many are focused on just a symptom, Covid, or Cli.mate Changge.

      That seems to apply across the blogosphere where people have been distracted by symptoms, not the underlying cause. What’s really going on seems to have you confused and distracted.

      • Usually, governments are two, three or even more degrees of separation lower in pecking order from key owners / stake holders of the system. Always on the delayed, tainted, reactive response to real actors which are “forming the game” several steps ahead of them.

        This is historically observable thus proven natural law, the only thing changing through times is the degree of separation itself, imagine like a pulsating sponge it could be thicker or very shallow, depending on given historical period.

        • Xabier says:

          Very true, ‘world of’, once fully international finance arose in the early Renaissance.

          Even in Classical times, and the Dark Ages, some wealthy traders and financiers could pull the strings – the Jews who set up the Muslim invasion of Spain in 711 for instance.

      • Xabier says:

        You are over-looking their plans to reform the fantasy financial system in order to extend it.

        It will collapse, of course, precisely because of physical limits, but in more than only a few years.

        Neither Climate Change nor Covid are ‘symptoms’ in any sense, only the rhetoric surrounding them is.

        They are both pretexts to pursue politically unavowable policy goals.

  42. nikoB says:

    New vaccine shot that actually stops infection and transmission.

  43. Fast Eddy says:

    More futility in Australia today

    I would be interested to have a look at the CEP and see what the Elders believe are the possible weak points that could lead to failure…

    Do they fear the heavily armed Americans going rogue and forcing martial law… which could tank the economy and force them to back off?

    No doubt they fear that they lose control of BAU before Devil Covid arrives

  44. Tim Groves says:

    In the latest phase in the dehumanization of non-conformists to the Covid-19 agenda, a serious violation of individual rights by an Irish hospital is taking shape. At Beaumont Hospital, if you aren’t vaccinated against Covid-19, you are off the transplant recipient waiting list.

    Vindictive and petty-minded is what I call it.

    The Irish are very good at this sort of thing. Remember the vicious form that sectarian hatred takes in the Emerald Isle in comparison with how mildly it plays out in Scotland? Remember how pregnant single women and orphans have been treated in Erin all these centuries? Remember the reputation of Irish American cops in the US? Remember the Islandmagee witch trial of 1710 to 1711?

    Well, this is more of the same. Human rights in Ireland? That would be a good idea.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I wonder if someone will eventually reach their breaking point?

      • Malcopian says:

        ‘Death Race 2000’ was made when FE was just an egg. Maybe we need a remake, with FE in the driving seat, knocking down the “Woke”: Bob Geldof, anyone called Justin or Jacinda, SNP supporters, the lot. Lol!

    • Xabier says:

      Although I wouldn’t like to speculate on the Celtic character myself, you may well be right, and it’s truly disgraceful, all humans seem inclined to petty spite and demonisation as far as I’ve experienced, but surely this is just as much about cutting services to the people who don’t matter – the NHS has been more or less collapsed here with huge waiting lists and invisible GP’s, and similar stories bout denial of treatment to the unvaxxed.

      Force what you can online, and cut the rest seems, to be the guiding motto of the Great Re-set.

      • Malcopian says:

        Remember the hold the Carbolic church had over Irish society. That explains the old-fashioned Irish authoritarianism. And spite. Remember how the vat ican did a deal with Musso to get lots of its own valuable real estate in 1929 – its own little country once again. How materialistic. 🙁

        • Xabier says:

          W B Yeats pointed out just how few Irishmen (and women) actually fought for freedom from the British.

          Then they fell under the most regressive Catholic dictatorship in Europe, next to Spain and Portugal. With rain.

          The fact is we are all no longer tribal, have next to no idea what freedom really is, and have long ago lost the habit of war in self-defence.

          Too much consumer ‘civilisation’ has pulled our teeth and claws.

    • If there aren’t enough transplants to go around, any excuse is a good excuse, in some people’s minds.

  45. Fast Eddy says:

    In other news, the one-hit wonder, It’s Raining Men, has been deemed not diverse or inclusive enough for modern audiences and has been partially rewritten for the modern age. The new version, performed by American transgender and gay rights activist, Mila Jam (no, me neither), and given blessing by original writer Paul Schaffer, is merrily entitle, It’s Raining Them, and a few of its ‘problematic’ lyrics have been taken out and replaced by more inclusive words.

    Those include replacing ‘men’ to ‘them’, ‘rough and tough and strong and mean’ to ‘proud and loud’ and ‘single woman’ to ‘single person’. You can check out the song here:

    • Xabier says:

      I can’t take it anymore, what a horrible future! Quick, jab me now, again and again, just give me release!

    • Bei Dawei says:

      How dehumanizing of them to leave “it” in the title.

    • rufustiresias999 says:

      The chapter about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Julie is enlightening too! Come on, have we gone so far? British people endured WW2, blockades, bombings. An heroic nation. And now what? What can today the western world people endure?

      • Xabier says:

        A grumbling nation, very few of who knew any kind of luxury, but with quite a few heroes of all classes, I’d agree.

        I was discussing this today with my ex-SAS friend, he feels the toughness of the past is long gone.

        Peace, easy money and luxuries are not good for anyone, but who can turn them down when available?

        But let’s not forget how governments have been deliberately trying to break people, over the last year an a half with the help of the behavioural psychologists.

        That terrible New Year display in London that the foreigner Sadiq Khan put on: ‘We knew what to do: we hid!’ Not old London at all…..

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Without a doubt… this diseased beast… needs to be put out of its misery.

        What we are looking at is the end result of survival of the MOREons.

        John Galt has lost

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    YOO HOOO>>>>> normduncMikethePlug…..

    Look what Fast Eddy found …. the deaths are starting to build in Israel…. as we know there is a lag between infections and deaths…

    Now we know why they are Boosting!!!!!

    Click the Deaths tab (if you dare!)

    • Tim Groves says:

      So, given that, as of today, 60.1% of Israels are fully vaccinated, and 59% of all patients hospitalized in Israel are fully vaccinated……

      just how effective are the vaccines in preventing hospitalization with COVID-19?

      Mike, Dunc, Norm, or anybody with a working knowledge of algebra, percentages, fractions and the Greek alphabet? Please help us with this one.

      • houtskool says:

        And know your pension payments are about to fade out too. As they are alredy. Faster, and faster, and faster, until the booster stops working.

  47. Lastcall says:

    A potential Covid-19 treatment has become hostage to a larger global fight between populists and anti-populists
    By Matt Taibbi

    Would be a good read I imagine if I could squeeze in the door…

    • Fast Eddy says:

      AS IF we haven’t been treated to enough lunacy over the last 19 months, it appears the Woke (tagline: evil never sleeps) have decided that Bill Shakespeare is too traumatising for the new generation of bedwetters.

      The Globe Theatre in London have issued trigger warnings for their June-October production of Romeo and Juliet, pointing to ‘suicide, drug use and fake blood’ in the tragedy, with a phone number for the Samaritans offered at the door for traumatised audience members.

      • Xabier says:

        I should have thought ‘Young, attractive, hetero couple eager for sex’ would be shocking enough?

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