Is it possible that the world is approaching end times?

I frequently write that the world economy is, in physics terms, a dissipative structure that is powered by energy. It can grow for a time, but eventually it reaches limits of many kinds. Ultimately, it can be expected to stop growing and collapse.

It seems to me that the world economy is showing signs that it has reached a turning point. Economic growth stopped in 2020 and is having trouble restarting in 2021. Fossil fuel energy of all types (oil, coal and natural gas) is in short supply, relative to the world’s huge population. Ultimately, this inadequate energy supply can be expected to pull the world economy toward collapse.

The world economy doesn’t behave the way most people would expect. Standard modeling approaches miss the point that economies require adequate supplies of energy products of the right kinds, provided at the right times of day and year, if they are to keep from collapsing. Shortages are not necessarily marked by high prices; prices that are too low for producers will bring down the energy supply quickly. A collapse may occur due to inadequate demand; in fact, such a scenario is described in Revelation 18.

As strange as it may seem, we may be approaching what some of us would think of as end times, if our economy collapses for lack of cheap-to-produce energy supplies. In this post, I will try to explain what is happening.

[1] In some ways, the self-organizing economy is like a child’s building toy that, with the use of human energy, can be built up to higher and higher levels.

Figure 1. Thought map by Gail Tverberg.

The economy is gradually built up by the addition of new customers, new businesses and new products. Governments play a role as well, adding new infrastructure, laws and taxes. Adequate wages for employees are important because, to a significant extent, employees are also consumers of goods and services made by the economy.

Adequate energy supplies of the right types are terribly important because every process used by the economy requires energy, even if the only energy used is electricity to light a light bulb or operate a computer. Heating and cooling require energy, as does transportation.

Human energy is an important part of the economy, as well. Humans eat food to provide them with energy. An individual human’s own energy output is relatively tiny; it is about equal to the output of a 100-watt light bulb. With the use of supplemental energy of various kinds, humans can do many tasks that would not be possible otherwise, such as cooking food, creating metals from ores, heating homes, and building cars and trucks.

The economy cannot “go backwards” because, if a product is no longer needed, it will no longer be produced. The economy represented by Figure 1 is in some sense hollow inside. For example, once people started using automobiles, buggy whips were no longer made. If cities went back to using horses as their main means of transport, we would need manure removal services. These, too, would be missing.

[2] Another way of thinking about the world economy is that it is somewhat like a rocket that needs fuel. It also has waste outputs. Both of these limit the growth of the world economy.

Figure 2. Chart by Gail Tverberg.

The economy uses a wide array of inputs. At the same time, it produces a whole host of undesirable outputs. Inputs need to be inexpensive to produce, or citizens will not be able to afford the goods and services made by the system. The waste outputs cannot become too significant, or they can lead the economy to fail. In fact, with the world’s growing population, we seem to be reaching many limits with respect to both inputs and undesirable outputs, simultaneously.

[3] Strangely enough, the major energy limit that the world economy is hitting seems to be “energy prices that do not rise high enough for producers.”

This energy limit is exactly the opposite of what most people are looking for. They assume that “demand” will always rise. In fact, the cost of production of energy products keeps rising because the easy to produce energy products are produced first. It is the market prices that energy products can be sold for that do not rise adequately.

When we trace the problem back, we discover that the problem with prices arises from the equivalence between producers of goods and services and consumers of goods and services indicated on Figure 1. In order to have enough “demand” to keep energy prices high enough for providers, it turns out that even the very low wage people in the world economy need to be able to afford necessities such as food, water, clothing, basic housing and transportation. In fact, if the cost of extracting fossil fuels rises too quickly because of depletion, or if the cost of getting renewable electricity into a form in which it is useful for society rises too much, there may be a situation when even a price based on full demand from all consumers is too low for energy producers.

Let’s define “return on human labor” as what a person without advanced training can earn by selling his physical labor as unskilled labor. Rather than dollar or euro terms, wages need to be thought of in terms of the physical goods and services that these wages can purchase. If supplemental energy per capita is rising rapidly, the return on human labor tends to rise. This happens because with higher energy consumption, humans can have more tools and technology requiring energy at their command. For example, the period between 1950 and 1970 was a time when energy consumption was rising rapidly. It was also a time of rising standards of living, even for workers without advanced training.

Figure 3. World per capita energy consumption, with the 1950-1980 period of rapid growth highlighted. World Energy Consumption by Source, based on Vaclav Smil’s estimates from Energy Transitions: History, Requirements and Prospects (Appendix) together with BP Statistical Data for 1965 and subsequent years, divided by population estimates by Angus Maddison.

The world economy can be expected to run into a major problem once supplemental energy consumption per capita starts falling because then human labor is necessarily less leveraged by fewer machines, such as trucks and airplanes. In total, fewer goods and services can be produced.

If energy supply is inadequate, businesses often find it advantageous to substitute computers or other machines for some work previously done by low paid workers. While these machines use a little energy in their operation, they do not need food, housing or transportation the way human workers do. With fewer actual workers, demand for finished goods and services tends to fall, pushing commodity prices, including those for fossil fuels, down. This further adds to the low-price problem.

It is the lack of jobs that pay well that tends to hold down commodity prices below the prices producers require. Ultimately, it is the lack of sufficient jobs that pay well that tends to bring the whole economy down. Most researchers have missed this important point.

[4] In the period leading up to collapse, wages fail to rise with the cost of required services. This leads to increasingly unhappy workers. Healthcare costs and college costs are especially problematic, because their costs have been rising faster than costs in general.

Figure 4. Illustrates the issue that seems to be occurring:

Figure 4. Chart from Washington Post based on a Cost-of-Thriving analysis by Oren Cass.

When energy consumption per capita is growing rapidly, the economy adds items that were not previously considered necessary. Instead of a basic education for all being sufficient, advanced education (often paid for by the student) becomes necessary for many jobs. Healthcare costs keep rising rapidly, making it more difficult to make wages cover all necessary expenses (Figure 4).

We can see additional evidence that workers have been tending to get poorer in recent years by looking at the trend in the number of light vehicles purchased. With rising population, a person would expect the number of automobiles sold to increase, year after year, if citizens found their incomes as adequate as in the past. Instead, we see a pattern of falling automobile sales, practically everywhere, starting well before 2020. For example, peak light vehicle sales in China occurred in 2017.

Figure 5. Auto sales by country based on data of

[5] An increase in debt can temporarily be used to hide both inadequate inexpensive-to-produce energy supply and inadequate wages of workers, but we seem to be reaching limits using this approach to hide energy problems.

The last time the world had relatively stable low oil prices was in the years prior to 1973. As noted previously, low energy prices tend to make finished goods, such as homes and cars, inexpensive to buy and operate. Thus, they tend to be affordable.

Figure 6. Inflation-adjusted oil prices based on data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The big issue if oil and other prices rise very high is that the selling prices of goods and services tend to rise too high to be affordable to consumers. The workaround that was developed to fix this unaffordability problem was to change the economy to use more debt. To be affordable, interest rates had to fall lower and lower. Peak interest rates occurred in 1981; they have been trending downward since then.

Figure 7. 10-Year US Treasury and 3-Month Treasury yields, through November 2021. Chart by St. Louis Federal Reserve (FRED).

If debt at ever-lower interest rates is available, assets such as homes, farmland, factories and shares of stock become more affordable, allowing prices of these assets to rise. Owners of these assets feel wealthier. In fact, they may borrow more money against the inflated price of these assets and use this money to buy more goods and services made with commodities, thus helping to raise commodity prices. The lower interest rates make the purchase of automobiles more affordable as well, helping to raise the price of commodities used to make and operate automobiles.

There is a limit on how low these interest rates can go, however, especially if inflation is a problem. Current interest rates seem to be down near where they were during the Great Depression of the 1930s. This suggests that the economy is truly doing very poorly.

Today, Brent oil prices are about $69 per barrel. This price is not high enough for producers to want to prepare more fields for drilling. As far as I can see, the price needs to be up in the range of $120 per barrel, and stay there for many years, for oil producers to consider putting major effort into developing more fields. Natural gas and coal have similar low-price problems.

While governments cannot seem to be able to fix the low-price problem for fossil fuels, they can find ways to pay their citizens money for doing nothing, or next to nothing. These payments will add to a government’s debt, but they don’t really produce more goods and services. What these payments tend to produce is inflation in the prices of goods and services that are available.

Over time, we can expect the lack of growth in energy supply to lead to an increasing number of broken supply lines. Without long-term high-price guarantees, producers will not be willing to increase production. Without adequate fuel supply, an increasing number of products will disappear from the shelves of stores. A smaller number of people will have jobs, especially jobs that pay well. The economy can be expected to head in the direction of collapse.

We can think of debt as a promise of future goods and services, made with future energy production. If energy supplies are rising rapidly and can be expected to continue to rise rapidly in the future, this promise can be expected to hold. Of course, if energy supplies start falling, all bets are off. Supply lines are likely to break. We consider money and other securities issued by governments to be a “store of value,” but, if there is little to buy (for example, all international flights are cancelled and automobiles of the desired type are permanently out of stock), its ability to act as a store of value will start to disappear. If the economy collapses completely, neither stocks nor bonds will have value.

[6] Nothing happens for a single reason in a self-organizing economy. Lack of energy affects every part of the economy, from jobs to finished output, almost simultaneously.

In a self-organizing economy, everything is interconnected. Inadequate energy per capita leads to low selling prices for commodities of all kinds. Inadequate energy per capita also leads to low wages for workers, low benefits provided by governments, and uprisings to protest these low wages and benefits. These uprisings began in 2019 or even earlier.

The unhappiness of workers leads to the election of increasingly radical politicians, in the hope that something can be done to fix the problems. There are basically not enough goods and services to go around, but no one wants to admit that this could be a problem.

[7] Citizens cannot imagine a declining and eventually collapsing economy. Businesses, governments and individual citizens all demand “happily ever after futures.”

Figure 8. Chart by Gail Tverberg. Amounts through 2020 based on an analysis of historical energy consumption using the same sources as those used in Figure 3.

If there is a history of growth, nearly everyone is happier if forecasts pretend that economic growth can continue forever. Newspapers want such stories, because this is what their advertisers, such as automakers, want. Automobiles need to be usable for a long period in the future. Universities want favorable forecasts because they want their students to believe that their degrees will have great future value. Politicians want a story of growth forever, because this is what voters want and expect. They have come to believe that governments can save them from all problems; there is no longer any need for religion.

As energy supplies get scarce, the rich tend to become richer and the poor tend to become poorer. François Roddier explains that this is because of the physics of the situation. Wealthy individuals and corporations discover that they have a rapidly growing ability to influence the narrative provided by Mainstream Media. If influential citizens and groups want citizens to hear a “happily ever after ending” to our current problems, they can make certain that this is the predominant narrative of Mainstream Media. It is only people who are willing to hear sources outside of the mainstream who can learn what is really happening.

The fact that the world economy would run into energy limits about now has been known for a very long time. For example, US Navy Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover talks about the close connection between energy and the economy in this 1957 speech. He points out that the world is likely to run short of fossil fuel by 2050. Later modeling documented in the 1972 book The Limits to Growth indicated that the world economy was likely to collapse in a similar timeframe. The modeling done in that analysis considered rising population relative to total resources, without looking at energy resources separately.

[8] It is easy to create models that predict growth will continue forever, even if the physics of the situation says this is not possible.

Economists provide their work to politicians. They certainly cannot provide forecasts of a coming calamity such as economic collapse. They also are unaware of the physics of the situation, even though many researchers have been writing about the issue from a physics point of view since at least the mid-1980s.

Economists have chosen instead to make models that assume no limits are ahead. They seem to assume that all problems will be fixed by innovation, substitution and the pricing mechanism. They produce forecasts suggesting that the economy can grow endlessly in the future. Based on these forecasts, they provide input to models that reach the conclusion that amazingly large amounts of fossil fuels will be extracted in the future. Based on these nonsensical models, our problem is not the near-term limits that we are reaching; instead, our chief problem is climate change. Its impacts occur mostly in the future.

A corollary to this belief system is that it is we humans who are in charge and not the laws of physics. We can expect governments to protect us. We don’t need any outside help from a literal Higher Power who created the laws of physics. We need to listen to what the authorities on earth tell us. In fact, in troubled times, governments need more authority over their citizens. The many concerns regarding COVID-19 make it easy for governments to increase their control over citizens. We are told that it is only by following the mandates of governments that we will get through this strange time.

With nearly everyone on board with the idea that somehow the story of near-term collapse must be avoided at all costs, every part of the economy bases its actions on the narrative that the world economy is voluntarily moving away from fossil fuels. In this narrative, renewables will save us; electric vehicles are the way of the future; the world economy can continue to grow, but in a new way.

In fact, we are colliding with resource limits, right now. This seems to be what produced the bizarre situation experienced in 2020.

[9] As 2020 began, many sectors of the world economy were squeezed simultaneously. With limited energy resources, large parts of the economy needed to be cut back. The self-organizing economy acted in a very strange way. Shutdowns supposedly aimed at stopping COVID-19 from spreading acted very much like energy rationing, without mentioning the world’s energy problem.

Figure 9. World per capita energy supply by type of fuel, based on BP 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy data.

Several years before 2020, it should have been clear that the world economy was doing very poorly based on the continued need for very low interest rates (Figure 7) and Quantitative Easing. China, in particular, was doing poorly, as indicated by its low sales of automobiles (Figure 5). Of course, China doesn’t broadcast its problems to the rest of the world, so few people were aware of this issue.

China had been able to boost the world’s per capita supply of inexpensive-to-produce energy by ramping up its coal production after it joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. (Note the world ramp-up in coal, starting after 2001, on Figure 9.) Unfortunately, because of depletion, China’s coal production since 2013 has been close to flat. Furthermore, China had had a big recycling business, but discontinued it effective January 1, 2018. Discontinuation of this program was necessary because oil prices had fallen in 2014 and had never recovered to their former level. With low oil prices, most recycling in China made no sense economically. The loss of jobs from recycling and cutbacks in coal operations no doubt contributed to the declining sale of vehicles in China.

In the years before 2020, another big issue was that the wages of many workers were not keeping up with the rising cost of living. Figure 4 illustrates this issue for the US. The problem was especially acute for lower wage workers. During this period, the prices of many commodities were too low for producers. This led to layoffs and low wages for workers.

In early 2020, the world became aware of a new coronavirus that had been identified in China. The response to this new illness was very strange, compared to how previous pandemics had been handled. The response looked a great deal like intentionally scaring people (especially older people) into staying at home. If this were done, much less oil could be used. Natural gas and coal consumption could be reduced, as well.

This story is perhaps not so strange if we look at it in context. On January 8, 2020, I wrote that we should be expecting recession and low oil prices in 2020. I included this oil price chart.

Figure 10. Inflation adjusted weekly average Brent oil price, based on EIA oil spot prices and US CPI-urban inflation.

On January 29, I wrote, It is easy to overreact to a coronavirus. In this article, I pointed out that the economy already seemed to be headed in the direction of recession. Shutdowns would only make the problem worse.

Politicians choosing to shut down their economies in early 2020 were likely not aware that the real underlying problem within their economy was inadequate availability of inexpensive-to-produce energy. They were aware that China had decided to shut down part of its economy, so perhaps there might be some usefulness to such an action. Local leaders outside of China knew that their own factories were underutilized. If their own factories could be shut down temporarily, perhaps they could operate at closer to capacity, once they reopened.

Furthermore, a shutdown would give an excuse to keep workers protesting low wages inside. After the shutdown, there would be an excuse to raise the debt level, perhaps keeping the financial part of the economy going for a while longer. So, a shutdown would have many benefits, apart from any potential benefit from (sort of) containing the virus.

It became apparent as time went on that the vaccine story for COVID-19 was playing multiple roles, as well. The healthcare industry was becoming very large in the US. In fact, the size of the healthcare industry was beginning to interfere with the economy as a whole (Figure 4). Furthermore, manufacturers of medicines and vaccines were having problems with diminishing returns because the big, important drug finds had been discovered years ago. It was becoming difficult to profitably fund all of the research needed for new drugs.

Behind the scenes, the vaccine industry had been working for years on creating new viruses and preparing vaccines for these same viruses. The theory was that the same approaches that delivered vaccines might be helpful in treating diseases of various kinds. Vaccines might also be helpful in responding to bioweapon attacks. If drug manufacturers could market a blockbuster vaccine, the manufacturers, as well as the individuals holding the vaccine patents, could become rich.

The US was not alone in the research with respect to viruses and vaccines for these viruses. Many major countries, including Canada, France, Italy, Australia and China had funded this research, partly through their budgets for health research and partly through military budgets. There was virtually no chance that anyone would figure out the source of any problematic virus because so many major countries had had a part in funding this research. If citizens could be convinced that the virus was extremely dangerous and mandate the use of vaccines, the vaccine industry could greatly profit from vaccine sales. The vaccine could be created and marketed quickly because all of the research (but not enough testing) had been performed earlier.

A great deal of planning had been done before the pandemic appeared, based to a significant extent upon what outcome vaccine makers would prefer. Johns Hopkins University completed a SPARS Pandemic Scenario in October 2017, rehearsing responses to a pandemic. A training exercise called Event 201 was held on October 18, 2019, for the purpose of training high level government officials and news writers what their responses should be.

The sponsors of Event 201 were “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” The latter two organizations are representatives of the very wealthy individuals and very large corporations. The primary interest of these organizations is enriching those who are already wealthy. The World Economic Forum is known for proclaiming, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”

As time went on, it became very clear that the true nature of the COVID-19 epidemic was being hidden from citizens. It was, and is, not a terribly dangerous illness if it is treated properly with any number of inexpensive medications including aspirin, ivermectin, antihistamine and steroids. In fact, the severity of the disease could also be lessened by taking vitamin D in advance. There really was not a great deal of point to the vaccines, except to enrich the vaccine manufacturers and those who would benefit from the sale of the vaccines, including Anthony Fauci and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It also became clear that the vaccines don’t really do what a person might expect a vaccine to do. They do tend to stop severe illness, but taking vitamin D in advance would provide pretty much the same benefit. They don’t stop COVID-19 from circulating because vaccinated people can still catch COVID-19. The vaccines seem to have any number of side effects, including raising the risk of heart attacks.

The historical period most similar to the current period, in terms of shortage of energy supply, is that between World War I and World War II. At that time, the Jews were persecuted. Now, there is an attempt to divide the world into Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, with the Unvaccinated persecuted. When the economy cannot produce enough goods and services for all members of the economy, the economy seems to divide into almost warring parts.

We are basically trying to deal with an energy scenario that looks a lot like Figure 8, and the self-organizing economy comes up with very strange solutions. If people can convince themselves that it is OK to ostracize the unvaccinated, then maybe the move down the collapse will go more smoothly. For example, the military can be cut back in size by dismissing the unvaccinated, without admitting that with current resources, there is a need to reduce the size of the military.

Europe is the part of the world where the push for vaccinations is now highest. It is also in terrible shape with respect to energy supply. By ostracizing the unvaccinated, European countries can attempt to cut back their economies to the size that their energy supply will support, without admitting the real problem.

[10] The world economy is increasingly acting like economies that have collapsed in the past. In fact, there seems to be a connection with some of the strange statements from the book of Revelation.

We are living in a world now in which even if there are temporary price spikes, there is little chance that fossil fuel providers will ramp up their production. In order to ramp up supplies, they would need to start several years in advance, preparing new fields. Oil, coal and gas prices have stayed so low, for so long, that there is no belief that prices can rise to a high enough level and stay there, as the fuels are extracted. Thus, the fossil fuel will stay in the ground.

At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear that renewables cannot be depended upon. In fact, low generation of electricity by wind turbines is part of the reason Europe is having to import the large quantity of natural gas and coal supplies it now requires. There is concern that rolling blackouts may be necessary during the winter in Europe, if not this year, sometime in the next few years.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the future energy scenario will look something like Figure 8, causing world population to fall dramatically within the next thirty years. This is the kind of situation most of us would associate with collapse. I think of it as being equivalent to end times, since our modern civilization will be disappearing. It is possible that there will be a remnant of people left, but they will be living a much simpler life, without fossil fuels or modern renewables.

There are several parts to what is happening that remind me of Old Testament writings in general, and of the book of Revelation (from the New Testament), in particular.

First, the willingness of the ultra-rich to look out for themselves and keep what look like perfectly good, cheap cures for COVID-19 from the world population seems to be precisely the kind of despicable behavior that Old Testament prophets despised. For example, in Amos 5:21-24, Amos tells the Jews that God despises their prior behavior. In verse 24 (NIV), he says, “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”

As I noted in the introduction, Revelation 18 talks about lack of demand being an issue in the collapse of Babylon, and presumably in any future collapse that occurs. Revelation 18:11-13 reads:

11 The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes anymore— 12 cargoes of gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;13 cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and human beings sold as slaves.

The need for vaccine passports in some countries reminds a person of Revelation 13:17, “they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” In fact, people in Sweden are getting microchip implants after its latest COVID passport mandate.

Some people believe that Revelation 12 describes the Antichrist; that is, the polar opposite of Christ. Before the world comes to an end, Revelation 12 seems to predict a great fight against this Antichrist, which Christ wins. I could imagine Anthony Fauci being the Antichrist.

We are not used to living in a world where very little that is published by the Mainstream Media makes sense. But when we live in a time where no one wants to hear what is true, the system changes in a bizarre way, so that a great deal that is published is false.

It is disturbing to think that we may be living near the end of the world economy, but there is an upside to this situation. We have had the opportunity to live at a time with more conveniences than any other civilization. We can appreciate the many conveniences we have.

We also have the opportunity to decide how we want to live the rest of our lives. We have been led for many years down the path of believing that economic growth will last forever; all we need to do is have faith in the government and our educational institutions. If we figure out that this really isn’t the path to follow, we can change course now. If we want to choose a more spiritual approach, this is a choice we can still make.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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6,123 Responses to Is it possible that the world is approaching end times?

  1. Mirror on the wall says:

    I will pick up this thread in the open space.

    You are right that pessimism is a term with too many moral connotations. I should have used the word nihilism, or fatalism…. Without illusions of some kind we would not have the energy to get out of bed in the morning, because, unlike all other animals, for humans the mere satisfaction of biological needs is never a sufficient reason to live, we need fictions (cultural, psychological, transcendental) that redeem suffering and give meaning to existence.

    JMS, there may be some truth in what you said, but I would introduce a distinction according to persons (if not obvious ‘types’). It seems likely that some persons do need illusions of ‘meaning’ to function, or at least they seem to habitually function under the impression of rational ‘meaning’. So, humans construct ‘religions’ or ‘secular perspectives of inherent rights’ to provide some overarching ‘meaning’ to orientate them. Arguably religions propose the ‘duty’ to live, as well as the ‘way’ and the ‘purpose’ – some ‘reason’; secular perspectives seem to do the ‘way’ and ‘purpose’ bits, perhaps not so much the ‘duty’ bit. But I would argue that not everyone needs any of that in order to function.

    Personally I like to engage in the human illusions (art, hedonism), but I do not mistake them for anything ‘rational’ at root. It likely comes down to that ‘the will is the will’ (organic drives), it is evolutionarily (and socially) conditioned, and it does not need or find any ‘justification’ in ‘reason’. That is not what reason is. The brain has evolved as a tool in the service of the organic drives, which pre-exist it – the drives may appear to it, but it does not propose them in the first place. Reason informs as to ‘means and ends’, ‘pros and cons’. On that understanding, it would simply mistaken to expect ‘reason’ to provide ‘meaning’. Life is not an argument, it is instinctive, and ‘reason’ proposes congruent courses. But for some, perhaps even ‘normally’, it presents some overarching ‘meaning’.

    Nietzsche has a similar, if more elaborate view, so I will cite him. He here views ‘nihilism’ in the context of three types of person, according to the degree of power that they are:

    – The medium, usual type (perhaps typical of humans) is the typical religio-moral or idealist ‘believer’, for whom ‘meaning’, interpretation, is found in the ‘true world’ (the world of set ‘reason’/ ‘being’/ Plato); he terms them ‘nihilists’ in so far as they debase the ‘real’ and organically weaken the species.
    – The ‘weakest’ of these three is the stereotypical ‘nihilist’, who finds no meaning in the world, and who draws pacifying consequences from its absence. (There may be one or two on here who lean that way.)
    – The ‘strongest’ of the three is the ‘nihilist’ who finds no meaning and yet is happily active in constructing/ enjoying his own sphere of control. (I would place myself in that bracket, and maybe some others on here.)

    The latter represents an increase in strength, and it may prepare the ground for a further increase in strength, which would lead to a revaluation of values, away from those rooted in weakness and suffering, to the creation of ‘natural values’ that enhance life through the greater exercise of the will to power. Thus nihilism is an intermediate stage, if not the ‘end’. (Whether Nietzsche remains a nihilist while wishing new ‘believers’ (future, everyday actors rather than philosophers like him) is another story for another time – he is describing perspectives, that he traces to strength, not ‘truth’. He does not seem to see philosophers, even the best, as the ‘end’. He seems to want a ‘camp’ of new ‘believers’ to organize themselves.)

    – The future stronger type. (There may well be some on here who lean that way.)

    Here is some of his text (emphases added):

    > …. Antagonism in the degree of power in different natures:

    – To know that something is thus and thus; or
    – To act so that something becomes thus and thus.

    …. This same species of man, grown one stage poorer, no longer possessing the strength to interpret, to create fictions, produces nihilists. A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of “in vain” is the nihilists’ pathos – at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.

    …. It is a measure of the degree of strength of will to what extent one can do without meaning in things, to what extent one can endure to live in a meaningless world because one organizes a small portion of it oneself.

    …. Overcoming of philosophers through the destruction of the world of being: intermediary period of nihilism: before there is yet present the strength to reverse values and to deify becoming and the apparent world as the only world, and to call them good.

    Nihilism as a normal phenomenon can be a symptom of increasing strength or of increasing weakness: partly, because the strength to create, to will, has so increased that it no longer requires these total interpretations and introductions of meaning (“present tasks,” the state, etc.);
    partly because even the creative strength to create meaning has declined and disappointment becomes the dominant condition. The incapability of believing in a “meaning,” “unbelief.” What does science mean in regard to both possibilities?

    1. As a sign of strength and self-control, as being able to do without healing, comforting worlds of illusion;
    2. as undermining, dissecting, disappointing, weakening.

    Belief in truth, the need to have a hold on something believed true, psychological reduction apart from all previous value feelings. Fear, laziness.
    The same way, unbelief: reduction. To what extent it acquires a new value if a true world does not exist (-thus the value feelings that hitherto have been squandered on the world of being, are again set free). – TWTP 585

  2. Artleads says:

    It’s a pain to reach conclusions that separate me from my dear friends on OFW, but I don’t lump lockdowns and masks with injections. My assumption is that, once injected you stay injected. (That’s not a firm conclusion, me knowing so very little, but it guides me for now.)

    So the super big problem seems to be INJECTIONS. And compliance with injections.

    – more people are recognizing that 9-5 work sucks and that current technology allows for working and conferencing from home. That needed to happen all along.

    – lockdowns use less of our dwindling energy, and progress and BAU pushers were never going to pull back from over-consumption on their own.

    – a most complicated dance.

    – we need pushback against and compliance with masks simultaneously. Pushback, because mask mandates will drive us crazy; compliance because we are highly confused pack animals, enmeshed in globalist totalitarianism, and we need some fairly neutral, reversible way of showing solidarity…like fairly ubiquitous mask wearing. Somebody up there seems to be tweaking the system–ridiculous permissions to not wear masks one day, and mandates to wear them the next. Pushback and compliance at the same time.

    – how can people presumed to be smart enough to follow the complex and subtle nudges of the “elders” not be smart enough to see through the continual lies of the media and politicians concerning viruses and injections?

  3. eKnock says:

    We fully agree that the resources per capita ratio is a major predicament facing our finite world. But we propose that the greater imminent threat to humans is the rise in Failure To Cower.

    One of the first indicators of success to a predator is that the potential prey cowers and attempts to escape. When a potential prey defiantly stands it’s ground and possibly advances, it sends a message to the predator that the situation is less than optimal.

    There is much concern that the delusion among the lower class that they don’t have to do as they are told appears to be wide spread and growing.

    A great many in the upper class are suffering from a deficiency of predator success. Their personal lack of fulfillment is creating a pandemic of depression.
    There is some attention to the depression of the out of work Lowers that are homeless and starving but there is a huge neglect of this pandemic of depression in the Uppers.

    A comment overheard at the Davos gathering was ,
    “It’s nauseating to have a Lower look me in the eye. What is the world coming to?”

    The dying agony of the prey is a positive feedback to the predator. Things are going well and a meal will be ready soon.

    Medical experts are looking at the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 variant with the D614G mutation on the Amygdala as possible source of the suppression of the Risk Assessment Response. The N501Y variant is also being considered. Lowers are not assessing risk adequately and need medication.

    The first AI produced pharmaceutical, the anti-psychotic drug Shutupaphin, is under consideration as an adjuvant in the next phase of Covid-19 vaccines.

    “The only thing we have to fear is lack of fear itself”


    Alex quick opinion on Omicron as a nothing burger.

    More interesting was discussion down in the comments section starting w/ this comment:

    “My father was an old school MD; GP, Army Air Corp Surgeon; came home from WWII and became an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist in a small Southern town. 52 years ago when I had just graduated high school he took me aside and said, “I don’t know what you think you want to do with the rest of your life but don’t even consider medicine unless you’re just in love with the idea of healing people because soon physicians will no longer be allowed to “practice” medicine. They will only be allowed to “prescribe” medicines and modalities as allowed by bureaucratic doctors who work for the government and have never treated patients in the real world. Before you die medicine in America will have been transformed into an abomination” he was something of a prophet.”

    Number of interesting comments that follow.

    • hillcountry says:

      Kate Baldwin was a top doctor at Boston Women’s Hospital. One of her most famous cases was treating a girl named Grace Shirlow for 3rd-degree burns. She used Turquoise light. Here’s a paragraph that was part of her testimony to the US Congress.

      “After 41 years of general practice and surgery in hospitals I can obtain nearly the same results with the Spectro-Chrome as with my medical knowledge. I will use surgery when needed. A foot that is reduced to pulp by a truck running over it is going to need a surgical operation. But the Spectro-Chrome can help the anesthetic be taken even better before you send the patient to the operating table. The patients recover with much less unpleasantness. It is a gentle form of therapy where you cannot do harm. I have had six severe eye cases using the color directly into the eye with no harm being done.”

      Dr. Kate W. Baldwin was under tremendous pressure because of her use of Spectro-Chrome. Other doctors who were envious of her results asked for her removal from the surgical staff of the hospital. In an article printed in the Atlantic Medical Journal of April 1927, discussing the Grace Shirlow case, Dr. Baldwin stated that after thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, she produced quicker and more accurate results using Spectro-Chrome than with any other methods, and there was less strain on the patient. ‘In very extensive burns in a child of eight years of age, there was almost complete suppression of urine for more than 48 hours, with a temperature of 105 to 106 degrees. Fluids were forced to no effect, and a more hopeless case is seldom seen. Scarlet was applied just over the kidneys at a distance of eighteen inches for twenty minutes, all other areas being covered. Two hours later, the child voided eight ounces of urine.’

      Dr Baldwin once remarked that she would give up the practice of medicine tomorrow rather than give up the use of Spectro-Chrome.

    • without the ongoing support of fossil fuels, doctors, in the sense that we are aware of the concept, will be able to do little more ‘curing’ of what ails you than a tribal medicine man

      • very short sighted Norman – I would certainly hope that we might remember that bleeding and leeches might not be as effective as one might have thought – although in some situations I think maggots do have their place – we have learned quite a bit about nutrition although we ignore it and plant based medicinals – there is much knowledge that if the energy is spent to maintain it might be very useful without the need for energy depended technology or fossile fuel dependent medicines – of course most of the doctors now cannot diagnose by physical exam relying more on the hands off lab testing approach – perhaps we should spend some effort on relearning some of the prior skills

        although then we get the nasty problem of doing good/reducing mortality exacerbating population problems thus reeducing average net energy/capita for the whole village hmmm – maybe some knowledge re conception processes can be used to balance the other side of equation – else I guess it is back to slash & burn, pig signals, and young men going to war after one last send off party as a lower quality way of stable life – that is if the fuel ponds dont happen to get us.

        • nutrition for all===requires cheap surplus energy


          clean water and waste removal====same

          complex medication===same

          mass family planning===same

          before the advent of the above, the ‘doctor’ was pretty useles–the human body either heals itself, of it doesn’t.
          i think a great deal of ‘successful’ medication rode on the back of that

      • hillcountry says:

        Beat the rush!!

        Let There Be Light

        These theater-gels below approximate what Dinshah Ghadiali was able to accomplish with tinted glass.

        Not very many of his original machines survived the purge in the 30’s. Knew an osteopath in Ann Arbor that was still using one in the 80’s.

        The Spectro-Chrome purge by Federales (smashed piles of machines) came a generation prior to similar intimidation of Royal Rife influenced electronic/frequency practitioners.

      • Rodster says:

        I tend to agree with Norm on this. IMO, he’s correct because fossil fuels makes it all possible from the research, advancements, extraction, production, and delivery of those live saving techniques. Modern medicine today without FF would not be possible. The same goes for the dental industry. I marvel at the advancements of modern dentistry from when I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s to where we’re at today.

      • Very true!

    • not wishing to decry the efforts of the lady (surgeon) in question, but with most of these things I do a little independent research:

      >>>>Dinshah Dinshah is the subject of a two page critique in the AMA ‘s third volume on Nostrums and Quackery and Pseudo-Medicine (ref 67). They quote his claim that ““Spectro-Chrome Therapy” consisted in the “restoration of the human Radio-Active and Radio-Emanative Equilibrium by Attuned Color Waves.”<<<<<<


      there's lots more.

      Be wary of taking 'truth' at face value.

      • hillcountry says:

        Like the wise often say: To Each His Own

        Love this guy’s discoveries

        Robert Becker – The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life

        • no question that ‘healing’ works, i’ve seen it first hand, though not for broken limbs and such. Not a lot of leprosy in these parts, calling for cures either.

          Acupuncture certainly works.

          the power of the human mind is phenomenal, in the hands of a select few.


    Very good short read on the conversion of RFK from disinterested environmentalist to advocate against dangerous Vaccines.

    MIKE you might want to read because your “APPROVED” duly authorized jabs are being slandered. With your brilliance I am sure you can go and read all the research that RFK reviewed and tell us where he went wrong. Easy Peasy – please report back quickly – with solid references – as we all need to be reeducated and it would be so much easier here than having to travel to the camps. (PS please review that data that has been sequestered away from FOIA – Im sure as a compliant obedient authority pleasing upstanding citizen they will be happy to share it with you)

  6. hillcountry says:

    “What likely happened is that they took the ACE2 transgenic mouse from the Baric lab and gave it a human immune system. This could be done by crossing the ACE2 transgenic mice with a mouse model (rag-/rag-) without a functioning immune system.”

    Quite a thread. @BillyBostickson collaborated on the DRASTIC team.

  7. Sam says:

    I think Covid is on the way out….what is up next?

    • Jef Jelten says:

      This a once in a lifetime opportunity for TPTB. If the momentum slows or stops and more truth begins to get wide spread there can never be a repeat. So they either double down on what they got going or go for the big one later on. By big one I mean WAR!

  8. Student says:

    ‘Israeli drug prevents 100% of COVID patients from deteriorating in trial. Amor-18, which uses Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) as the main ingredient, was administered orally or by inhalation. As explained by the company, ACC has the ability to modulate acidic pH changes around each cell. These changes affect the capability of the coronavirus to penetrate the cells and replicate. This allows the drug to prevent the virus from spreading and therefore the patients from deteriorating’.

    • According to Wikipedia,

      Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is the amorphous and least stable polymorph of calcium carbonate. ACC is extremely unstable under normal conditions and is found naturally in taxa as wide-ranging as sea urchins, corals, mollusks, and foraminifera.[1][2][3] It is usually found as a monohydrate, holding the chemical formula CaCO3·H2O; however, it can also exist in a dehydrated state, CaCO3. ACC has been known to science for over 100 years.

      I would translate this to “Amorphous calcium carbonate is cheap.” We will most likely need months and months of trials, before the medical establishment finds some reason not to use the drug. I see that many bottles of calcium supplement pop up when I search for this.

    • drb says:

      So, egg shells. I wonder if they do give me immunity, since I eat them, and never get sick.

      • Student says:

        Vaccines are showing their weakness and ‘strangely’ medical treatments seem to appear here and there. Here you can find other informaiton in that direction:

        ‘Israeli study urges ‘rethink’ of COVID’s nature, indicates antioxidants may help.[…] There are over-the-counter drugs, or strictly speaking supplements, that could help to do exactly that — they are antioxidants. They reduce the signals generated by the mitochondria, and given that the cytokine storm is essentially a signaling storm, could be very helpful in preventing this from happening.’

        • hillcountry says:

          some days it does look like they’re walking it back, thanks

          • Xabier says:

            Fake tactical retreat, if so, although I doubt it very much.

            Biden’s last speech promised a winter of death and suffering, after all.

            And they do not quite control all research, so we will hear of alternatives that somehow won’t make it over regulatory hurdles in a timely way, as Gail suggests.

            • Student says:

              If they don’t change, what is important is anyway to erode their support base.
              A system without credibility is weak.
              If we are going into a Chinese model, someone should at least understand that it is true that Chinese are playing the ‘Covid variants game’, but at the same time they are not killing their citizens.

    • hillcountry says:

      That’s really fascinating. I had this book back when the big fad was taking a supplement called ‘Coral Calcium’. Time to go look and see if it’s still a thing. Thanks!!

      Acid Alkaline
      by Herman Aihara


    Refinery fire overnight – from the news report:

    “Images of the refinery that PRODUCES more than 584,000 barrels of crude oil per day show part of the facility was on fire early Thursday morning.” (emphasis mine)

    The comments duly insinuate (a common tactic used by terrorists to take credit for their work) that potential Russian sabotage as a prelude to Ukranian discussions has sabotaged this camoflaged Green project wherein gasoline was being surreptitiously turned into crude oil for return to mother nature – obviously as this flooding of the Crude oil market (even if only in a bookeeping in the virtual MetaVerse) could harm Russia’s abilty to market their crude oil into the US!
    Obviously, something had to be done about it…lol

    The news report goes on to attribute a rise in gasoline futures starting at 4am to this 1am fire although it did rise late in the previous day and apparently wasnt reported by Bloomberg on all those terminals where he gets his cut until 6am. Not quite sure why a reduced flow of gasoline toward production of crude oil would cause the futures price to go up but you know NEWSSPEAK.

    Im sure that Exxons green retrofits to this plant will entail use of solar and wind to improve the inefficiencies of synthesizing crude oil from gasoline. Of course any crude oil returned to the ground will be included in US export tabulations.

    of course another comment interjects a possible twist (simulation anyone):

    – “weather people” said it’s snowing where I live … it’s actually warmer than it has been all week
    – the “news” said BLM set fire to a prison … too bad it was literally across the street, and it amounted to a literal dumpster fire set by plain clothes Seattle bike cops
    So what do you think about this story is real?

    Lets put Mike on it – he has figured everything else out – absolute brilliance when it comes to hearing exactly what needs to be heard and ignoring that which doesnt – what do you think Mike? Please analyse all those comments and tell us which are conspiracy and which are not

    BIden has told us Dark Winter on the way but now CTers are saying the same thing how are we to figure it out? More Jabs perhaps?? – besides we just need a change in subject – we are all worn out with your omnipotence regarding the virus that isnt a threat but is …or was..or maybe might be..let discuss something less technical- GREENIES turning gasoline back into Crude Oil to fulfill Biden’s Dark Winter fantasies – see Limits no More

  10. hillcountry says:

    Here’s more on the probable lab-origin of the virus. DRASTIC Team’s activity described here:–xCvdWonoJTx4TYVtAC4EhQ1b

    DRASTIC begins its petition to the WHO, with a list of reasonable and open-minded questions that should be answered by any investigation into the origins of COVID-19. The 50 questions have been taken from a database of over 260 questions, individually credited to DRASTIC team members who created and refined them after being scolded by Billy Bostickson over several months. These often highly technical questions are all related to anomalies in the origin of SARS-COV-2, and were forwarded to scientists at the WHO and Journalists over the past months. It is indeed surprising that very few of these questions have been answered to date. The full set of questions for Scientists and the WHO on the origin of SARS-COV-2 is publicly available here in 3 parts:

    Part 1: (Questions 1 – 85)

    Part 2: (Questions 86 – 176)

    Part 3: (Questions 184 – 260)

    A petition and open letter have now been sent to the ten members of the WHO investigation team who will visit Wuhan in January 2021, calling on them to answer 50 of the most important questions prepared by this group: Support our work by signing and sharing this petition on social media!!


  11. hillcountry says:

    Ontario gives thumbs-up to FLUVOXAMINE in order to reduce hospital admissions.

    Researchers at McMaster University monitored more than 1,500 unvaccinated COVID-19-positive patients for a month and gave them either the drug or a placebo.

    Of those who received fluvoxamine, 10.6 per cent required treatment by a doctor for more than six hours or were hospitalized, while 15.7 per cent of the participants who received a placebo were hospitalized or needed physician treatment for more than six hours. When patients took all of their drugs, the noted beneficial effect went up to 65 per cent, the study found.

    Dr. Edward Mills, the co-principal investigator of the trial, said the results could be a game-changer, particularly in developing countries with low vaccination rates.

    “It’s a very large treatment effect, one that hasn’t been observed for any drug yet,” he told CTV News back in October when the study was published.

    John’s Hopkins University has also endorsed the drug for use within seven days of symptoms, provided the patient is not in their third trimester of pregnancy.

    While Ontario is the first province to list the drug as an option, Pai said other regions are also considering the medication as a possible preventative therapy.

    • Fluvoxamine is an antidepressant. It is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

    • YES – sales of an SSRI for Covid treatment is ok – Pharma must feel like it needs a push in sales besides only a 33% reduction in hospitalizations – once they get people on the SSRI probably a good chance they will stay on it – probably more money in that than killing them with remdesivir. Even if it doesnt help a whole lot with initial infection rate (methinks its main action is in more severe cases in calming cytokine storm – so not all bad – I could be wrong – no need to research – have to leave something here for Mike to check and disagree with) but it probably will be somewhat helpful in making people more brain dead..oops i mean let me get it correct ..good citizens – yes thats it. Saves you from covid (at least 1/3 if you get sick eough for hospital) and makes you a good citizen.

      Hey MIKE hurry up and get your SSRI today, not that you need to be more compliant but certainly wouldnt want you to get stormed by Omnicron – It is “APPROVED” in Canada so surely will be okey dokey in NZ soon – beat the rush and call your GP today I am sure that you can get an on-label prescription for depression as a ruse – after all you read OFW so what toady GP wouldnt believe you have mental dysfunction. – we will all be happy to attest! (let Anna know too will ya as a true Advocate for Crimes Against Humanitys she obviously want to be properly dosed)

      • hillcountry says:

        SSRI Stories is a collection of over 7,000 stories most of which were published newspapers or scientific journals. In these stories, prescription antidepressant medications are mentioned. Common to all of them is the possibility – sometimes the near certainty – that the drugs caused or were a contributing factor to some negative outcome: suicide, violence, serious physical problems, bad withdrawal reactions, personality change leading to loss of reputation and relationships, etc.

        This updated site includes the stories from the previous site and new ones from 2011 to date. We have used a new “category” classification system on the new stories. We are working back through previously SSRI Stories to bring them into the new classification system. In the meantime use the search box in the upper right column to search through both the old and the new stories.

        SSRI Stories focuses primarily on problems caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), of which Prozac (fluoxetine) was the first. For more see About SSRIs. Other medications prescribed as antidepressants that fit the “nightmares” theme of the collected stories are sometimes included.

      • Actually Mike it can also be recommended for marital problems of a particular kind w/ dissatisfied wifes – they only call it a dysfunction because might possibly make Mike less happy – but you know Happy Wife makes a Happy Life

        try it out – you might be the lucky one:

        Many different categories of ****ual side effects are associated with SSRIs, the most common of which is delayed **********.5,10 Other types of ***ual side effects include reduced ***ual desire, reduced ***ual satisfaction, anorgasmia, and impotence.

        As I said: LESS Severe Covid (maybe) and Happy Wife makes a Happy Life – what else could you want.

        None of those sound too bad – I didnt look to see about permanent brain damage – but then that has its positives – you can always use as an excuse

        I only bring this up because not all GPs will know this or be willing to divulge up prescribing – be aware of all Benefits of the Meds you take.

  12. Student says:

    Associations of the business are launching the alarm of a terrible shortage of fuels in Italy.
    The perfect storm seems to be here, high prices and low availability.
    Some experts say it would be necessary a rationing.

    What do you think of a very nice lockdown?
    Is there any person out there still thinking we are facing a sanitary crisis?

    • Xabier says:

      A ‘green pass ‘ for mobility and work: but if no fuel, no work and mobility possible? .

      Hmm, yes, a ‘pandemic’ lock-down would cover that up nicely……

      Afterwards, we can build back better!

    • According to Google Translate:

      A phenomenon that is already occurring in the wholesale circuit, which also serves the road haulage companies. It would be the perfect storm: product shortages combined with a high price, phenomena that could worsen during the end of year holidays. According to the two associations, this shortage could last a few weeks and could push “distribution companies to stem it only by resorting to fuel rationing”, or to cut off supplies to jobs deemed unnecessary.And they specify that “such an emergency initiative could only stop the problem without eliminating the risk, for productive sectors, of running out of fuel indefinitely”. In November 2021, fuel consumption increased by 13% compared to the previous year, returning to the pre-pandemic level.

      So, the problem is only that fuel consumption is back to the 2019 level. Fuel production is down. Producers have no way of getting it back up again. Diesel seems to be even in somewhat worse shape than gasoline, especially in Europe, where diesel is used for many private passenger automobiles.

      • Yes Europe certainly needs to go given all of their frivolous diesel consumption – (gasoline is just a waste product of diesel – awful good of us Americans to stay focused on disposal of said waste)

        Back to those Western Europeans – They have simply become too big of a burden for the rest of us all – sometimes you need to take one for the team lol. I mean AU and NZ and Canada are doing their part mostly – sounds like UK is getting a bit selfish though waiting til after xmas to discuss lockdowns.

        hey Norm — cant you chaps get it together – more Lockdowns are required now – maybe then Russia wont need to send a Poseidon the US’s way ( or maybe volunteer UK as a demonstration dry run-or start a rumor that UK is Cobalt deficient and needs to import from RU)
        Now that would be jolly good of yall!

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    Tried searching 10+ African countries for covid e.g. Chad Covid … Algeria Covid… Mail Covid… Kenya Covid… Zaire Covid… Nigeria Covid

    Seems like it’s not a problem in any country … very strange … why is covid not a problem in Africa?

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Denmark and Norway have announced stricter Covid measures to battle soaring infection numbers, as authorities said the new Omicron variant was spreading fast and would probably become dominant in several EU countries within weeks or even days.


      If you scroll down on this site, it continues to show a graphs of rapidly rising COVID cases, but absolutely no rise in deaths. In fact, deaths seem to be falling.

      On the site I use, reported 7-day average cases per 100,000 seem to be highest in Denmark, France and the UK.

      The highest US locations for newly reported cases per 100,000 seem to be District of Columbia, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey and Illinois.

      • hillcountry says:

        Gail, do you have any idea where they’re coming up with “cases”. We don’t see any testing drives in our area. All of these “cases” can’t be showing up at hospitals and then being tested can they? Haven’t had much time to look at the non-hospital testing thing. Saw one article with a line of people in the cold waiting for one but we’ve got medical facilities up the yin-yang around here and no sign of it.

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    Poland reported 775 COVID-related deaths on Friday, the highest daily number in the fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the data from the health ministry showed.

    Poland has been dealing with persistently high daily case numbers in a fourth wave that has forced authorities to tighten restrictions. On Friday Poland reported 18,021 new coronavirus cases with the total number of infections since the start of the pandemic crossing 4 million.

    • Ed says:

      What fraction of the 775 dead are vaxxed?

    • I would imagine Poland’s deaths relate to Delta, not Omicron. Poland’s spike in cases took place in the first part of December and end of November. The number of new cases have been falling since. This is a very different pattern than countries that are seeing an influx of Omicron cases are seeing.

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    Spain is bringing back rule making it compulsory to wear masks outdoors after huge surge in Covid cases

    hahahahaha I guess boosters will help?

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    Portugal braces for record COVID-19 cases as Omicron spreads


  18. mmhmm says:

    FE, have you been hammering Dutch VPNs?

    ‘Prikspijt’ meaning ‘vaccination regret’ voted Dutch Word of the Year

    “It’s official — the Dutch word of 2021 is…drum roll, please… prikspijt!

    The word can be translated as ‘vaccination regret’ or ‘pricker’s remorse’. With an 82.2% majority of a total 49,000 votes, prikspijt clearly resonates with a lot of Dutchies.”

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