Headed for a Collapsing Debt Bubble

A $1.9 trillion stimulus package was recently signed into law in the United States. Can such a stimulus bill, plus packages passed in other countries, really pull the world economy out of the downturn it has been in since 2020? I don’t think so.

The economy runs on energy, far more than it operates on growing debt. Our energy problems don’t appear to be fixable in the near term, such as six months or a year. Instead, the economy seems to be headed for a collapse of its debt bubble. Eventually, we may see a reset of the world financial system leading to fewer interchangeable currencies, far less international trade and falling production of goods and services. Some governments may collapse.

[1] What Is Debt?

I understand debt to be an indirect promise for future goods and services. These future goods and services can only be created if there are adequate supplies of the right kinds of energy and other materials, in the right places, to make these future goods and services.

I think of debt as being a time-shifting device. Indirectly, it is a promise that the economy will be able to provide as many, or more, goods and services in the future compared to what it does at the time the loan is taken out.

Common sense suggests that it is much easier to repay debt with interest in a growing economy than in a shrinking economy. Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff unexpectedly ran across this phenomenon in their 2008 working paper, This Time Is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises. They reported (p. 15), “It is notable that the non-defaulters, by and large, are all hugely successful growth stories.” In other words, their analysis of 800 years of governmental debt showed that default was almost inevitable if a country stopped growing or started shrinking.

The IMF estimates that the world economy shrank by 3.5% in 2020. There are many areas with even worse indications: Euro Area, -7.2%; United Kingdom, -10.0%; India, -8.0%; Mexico, -8.5%; and South Africa, -7.5%. If these situations cannot be turned around quickly, we should expect to see collapsing debt bubbles. Even the US, which shrank by 3.4%, needs a rapid return to growth if it is to keep its debt bubble inflated.

[2] The Inter-Relationship Among (a) Growing Debt, (b) Growing Energy Consumption and a (c) Growing Economy

When we are far from energy limits, growing debt seems to pull the economy along. This is a graphic I put together in 2018, explaining the situation. A small amount of debt is helpful to the system. But, if there gets to be too much debt, both oil prices and interest rates rise, bringing the braking system into action. The bicycle/economy rapidly slows.

Figure 1. The author’s view of the analogy of a speeding upright bicycle and a speeding economy.

Just as a two-wheeled bicycle needs to be going fast enough to stay upright, the economy needs to be growing rapidly enough for debt to do what it is intended to do. It takes energy supply to create the goods and services that the economy depends on.

If oil and other energy products are cheap to produce, their benefit will be widely available. Employers will be able to add more efficient machines, such as bigger tractors. These more efficient machines will act to leverage the human labor of the workers. The economy can grow rapidly, without the use of much debt. Figure 2 shows that the world oil price was $20 per barrel in 2020$, or even less, prior to 1974.

Figure 2. Oil price in 2020 dollars, based on amounts through 2019 in 2019$ from BP’s 2020 Statistical Review of World Energy, the inflationary adjustment from 2019 to 2020 based on CPI Urban prices from the US Department of Labor and the average spot Brent oil price for 2020 based on EIA information.

Figure 3 below shows the historical relationship between the growth in US energy consumption (red line) and the dollar increase in US debt growth required to add a dollar increase in GDP (blue line). This chart calculates ratios for five-year periods because ratios for individual years are unstable.

Figure 3. Comparison of five-year average growth in US energy consumption based on EIA data with five-year average amount of added debt required to add $1 of GDP.

Based on Figure 3, the US average annual growth in energy consumption (red line) generally fell between 1951 and 2020. The quantity of debt that needed to be added to create an additional $1 dollar of GDP (blue line) has generally been rising.

According to Investopedia, Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period. Notice that there is no mention of debt in this definition. If businesses or governments can find a way to make large amounts of credit available to borrowers who are not very credit worthy, it becomes easy to sell cars, motorcycles or homes to buyers who may never repay that debt. If the economy hits turbulence, these marginal buyers are likely to default, causing a collapse in a debt bubble.

[3] Analyzing Energy Consumption Growth, Debt Growth and Economic Growth for Broader Groupings of Years

To get a better idea what is happening with respect to energy growth, debt growth, and GDP growth, I created some broader groupings of years, based primarily on patterns in Figure 2, showing inflation-adjusted oil prices. The following groupings of years were chosen:

  • 1950-1973
  • 1974-1980
  • 1981-2000
  • 2001-2014
  • 2015-2020

Using these groupings of years, I put together charts in which it is easier to see trends.

Figure 4. Average annual increase in energy consumption for period shown based on EIA data versus average increase in real (inflation-adjusted) GDP for the period shown based on data of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Figure 4 shows that for the US, there has been a general downward trend in the annual growth of energy consumption. At same time, real (that is, inflation-adjusted) GDP has been trending downward, but not quite as quickly.

We would expect that lower energy consumption would lead to lower growth in real GDP because it takes energy of the appropriate kinds to make goods and services. For example, it takes oil to ship most goods. It takes electricity to operate computers and keep the lights on. According to the World Coal Association, large quantities of coal are used in producing cement and steel. These are important for construction, such as is planned in stimulus projects around the world.

Also, on Figure 4, the period 1981 to 2000 shows an uptick in both energy consumption growth and real GDP growth. This period corresponds to a period of relatively low oil prices (Figure 2). With lower oil prices, businesses found it affordable to add new devices to leverage human labor, making workers more productive. The growing productivity of workers is at least part of what led to the increased growth in real GDP.

Figure 5. Dollars of additional debt required to add $1 dollar of GDP growth (including inflation), based on data of the US Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Figure 5, above, is disturbing. It strongly suggests that the US economy (and probably a lot of other economies) has needed to add an increasing amount of debt to add $1 of GDP in recent years. This pattern started long before President Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package in 2021.

To make matters worse, GDP growth in Figure 5 has not been reduced to remove the impact of inflation. On average, removing the impact of inflation reduces the above GDP growth by about half. In the period 2015 to 2020, it took about $4.35 of additional debt to add one dollar of GDP growth, including inflation. It would take about double that amount, or $8.70 worth of debt, to create $1.00 worth of inflation-adjusted growth. With such a low return on added debt, it seems unlikely that the $1.9 trillion stimulus package will increase the growth of the economy very much.

[4] Falling interest rates (Figure 6) are a major part of what allowed the rapid growth in debt after 1981 shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6. 10-Year and 3-Month US Treasury Rates through February 2021, in a chart prepared by the Federal Reserve of St. Louis.

Clearly, debt is more affordable if the interest rate is lower. For example, auto loans and home mortgages have lower monthly payments if the interest rate is lower. It is also clear that governments need to spend less of their tax revenue on interest rate payments if interest rates are lower. Changes made by US President Ronald Reagan when he took office 1981 also encouraged the use of more debt.

A major concern with respect to today’s debt bubble is the fact that interest rates are about as low as they can go without going negative. In fact, the interest rate on 10-year Treasury bonds is now 1.72%, which is higher than the February 2021 average rate shown on the chart. As interest rates rise, it becomes more costly to add more debt. As interest rates rise, businesses will be less likely to take on debt in order to expand and hire more workers.

[5] Interest expense is a major expense of governments, businesses, and homeowners everywhere. Energy costs are another major expense of governments, businesses, and homeowners. It makes sense that falling interest rates can partly hide rising energy prices.

A trend toward lower interest rates was needed starting in 1981 because the US could no longer produce large amounts of crude oil that were profitable to sell at less than $20 per barrel, in inflation-adjusted prices. Lower interest rates made adding debt more feasible. This added debt could smooth the transition to an economy that was less dependent on oil, now that it was high-priced. The lower interest rates helped all segments of the economy adjust to the new higher cost of oil and other fuels.

[6] The US experience shows precisely how helpful having a rapidly growing supply of inexpensive to produce oil could be to an economy.

US oil production, excluding Alaska (blue “remainder” in Figure 7), rose rapidly after 1945 but began to decline not long after hitting a peak in 1970. This growing oil production had temporarily provided a huge boost to the US economy.

Figure 7. US crude oil production, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

Up until almost 1970, US oil production was rising rapidly. Figure 8 shows that during this period, incomes of both the bottom 90% of workers and the top 10% of workers increased rapidly. Over a period of about 20 years, incomes for both groups grew by about 80%, after adjusting for inflation. On average, workers were about 4% better off each year, with the rapid growth in very inexpensive-to-produce oil, all of which stayed in the US (rather than being exported). US imports of inexpensive-to-produce oil also grew during this period.

Once oil prices were higher, income growth for both the lower 90% and the top 10% slowed. With the changes made starting in 1981, wage disparities quickly started to grow. There suddenly became a need for new, high-tech approaches that used less oil. But these changes were more helpful to the managers and highly educated workers than the bottom 90% of workers.

Figure 8. Chart comparing income gains by the top 10% to income gains by the bottom 90% by economist Emmanuel Saez. Based on an analysis of IRS data, published in Forbes.

[7] Most of the world’s cheap-to-extract oil sources have now been exhausted. Our problem is that the world market cannot get prices to rise high enough for producers to cover all of their expenses, including taxes.

Based on my analysis, the world price of oil would need to be at least $120 per barrel to cover all of the costs it needs to cover. The costs that need to be covered include more items than an oil company would normally include in its costs estimates. The company needs to develop new fields to compensate for the ones that are being exhausted. It needs to pay interest on its debt. It also needs to pay dividends to its shareholders. In the case of shale producers, the price needs to be high enough that production outside of “sweet spots” can be carried on profitably.

For oil exporters, it is especially important that the sales price be high enough so that the government of the oil exporting country can collect adequate tax revenue. Otherwise, the exporting country will not be able to maintain food subsidy programs that the population depends on and public works programs that provide jobs.

[8] The world can add more debt, but it is difficult to see how the debt bubble that is created will really pull the world economy forward rapidly enough to keep the debt bubble from collapsing in the next year or two.

Many models are based on the assumption that the economy can easily go back to the growth rate it had, prior to COVID-19. There are several reasons why this seems unlikely:

  • Many parts of the world economy weren’t really growing very rapidly prior to the pandemic. For example, shopping malls were doing poorly. Many airlines were in financial difficulty. Private passenger auto sales in China reached a peak in 2017 and have declined every year since.
  • At the low oil prices prior to the pandemic, many oil producers (including the US) would need to reduce their production. The 2019 peak in shale production (shown in Figure 7) may prove to be the peak in US oil production because of low prices.
  • Once people became accustomed to working from home, many of them really do not want to go back to a long commute.
  • It is not clear that the pandemic is really going away, now that we have kept it around this long. New mutations keep appearing. Vaccines aren’t 100% effective.
  • As I showed in Figure 5, adding more debt seems to be a very inefficient way of digging the economy out of a hole. What is really needed is a growing supply of oil that can be produced and sold profitably for less than $20 per barrel. Other types of energy need to be similarly inexpensive.

I should note that intermittent wind and solar energy is not an adequate substitute for oil. It is not even an adequate substitute for “dispatchable” electricity production. It is simply an energy product that has been sufficiently subsidized that it can often make money for its producers. It also sounds good, if it is referred to as “clean energy.” Unfortunately, its true value is lower than its cost of production.

[9] What’s Ahead?

I expect that oil prices will rise a bit, but not enough to raise prices to the level producers require. Interest rates will continue to rise as governments around the world attempt more stimulus. With these higher interest rates and higher oil prices, businesses will do less and less well. This will slow the economy enough that debt defaults become a major problem. Within a few months to a year, the worldwide debt bubble will start to collapse, bringing oil prices down by more than 50%. Stock market prices and prices of buildings of all kinds will fall in inflation-adjusted dollars. Many bonds will prove to be worthless. There will be problems with empty shelves in stores and gasoline stations with no products to sell.

People will start to see that while debt is a promise for the equivalent of future goods and services, it is not necessarily the case that those who make the promises will be able to stand behind these promises. Paper wealth generally can be expected to lose its value.

I can imagine a situation, not too many years from now, when countries everywhere will establish new currencies that are not as easily interchangeable with other currencies as today’s currencies are. International trade will dramatically fall. The standard of living of most people will fall precipitously.

I doubt that the new currencies will be electronic currencies. Keeping the electricity on is a difficult task in economies that increasingly need to rely solely on local resources. Electricity may be out for months at a time after an equipment failure or a storm. Having a currency that depends on electricity alone would be a poor idea.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,106 Responses to Headed for a Collapsing Debt Bubble

  1. jj says:

    Ukraine. Well with the reinsertion of Victoria Nulander perhaps she is taking care of unfinished business? Russia was never going to give up its only cold weather naval port. With this monkey business over water perhaps it will take Donbass. The residents their would be cheering and the girls kissing russian soldiers. Perhaps the us military thinks they havew a patch in place for the EW demonstrated on the donald cook in the black sea that prevented world war 3 during victorias first go around. THe recent threats on russia by biden didnt go unoticed. russia will make a stand on this one. Russia will of course crush the ukraine military in donbass. Nato will not go in. Victorias shenanigans with the cou dont justify WW3. F*** the EU right victoria? If the US goes in it will get real interesting. Could the fools in congress really declare war over victorias secret? Didnt obama declare the USA would not be the first to use nuclear weapons? THe US taking back donbass with conventional weapons? Dont know bout that man… It aint a tripoli situation. It would be interesting seeing if the s400 systems are as good as thought by some. Blood will be shed. Will it stay non nuclear when the body counts start rolling in?

    • Interesting thoughts! I hadn’t remembered, “Russia was never going to give up its only cold weather naval port.”

      For being as large as it is, Russia is an amazingly landlocked country. Most of its production of exports is on the western side of the country. It needs a port that can be used year-around on that part of the sea.

      • Xabier says:

        This is what retarded the economic and cultural development of Russia: they were far from such centres of high civilisation as for example, Italy, and were not a seafaring culture.

        They did trade raw materials to higher cultures for centuries: furs, honey, and slaves.

  2. Fast Eddy says:

    Public health officials say entire families ending up in hospital, COVID variants will kill ‘faster and younger’

    More and more younger Ontarians are finding out that the COVID-19 pandemic is real, it’s serious and getting worse.

    In fact, high-level provincial health advisors are saying the third wave of the pandemic is here and it is being driven by Variants of Concern, newer strains of the COVID-19 virus that have originated in the U.K., in Brazil and in South Africa.

    Ontario chief medical officer of health Dr. David Williams, and co-chair of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table Dr. Adelsteinn Brown, told a briefing at Queen’s Park Thursday morning that more younger Ontarians (up to age 59) are ending up in hospital, the infections are being driven by variants, the risk of being sent to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is two times higher and the risk of death is now 1.5 times higher.

    Dr. Brown, who presented most of the new findings, said the virus is threatening Ontario’s health system’s ability to deal with regular ICU admissions and the ability of care of all patients.

    Brown didn’t sugar coat the situation.

    “We are in the third wave of the pandemic. As the new variants spread, you will see that COVID is killing faster and younger,” said Brown.

    “It is spreading far more quickly than it was before and we cannot vaccinate quickly enough to break this third wave. This is the challenge of the new variants,” said Brown.

    To add emphasis to the stark news of the grim statistics, Brown said he would share some of the things he was learning from the doctors and nurses in the hospital hallways and critical care units.

    “Whole families are now showing up in intensive care. It used to be that one family member, often an older parent or grandparent, would be in an intensive care unit while other members of the family would have caught a much milder form of the disease, if at all,” said Brown.

    He said hospitals are now seeing situations where whole families are ending up in intensive care, all at the same time. Brown said this creates new pressure on intensive care to handle the cases. In some situations, Brown said sick family members are split up and taken to different hospitals by road ambulance or by helicopter.

    “One family ended up spread between three hospitals. One in Simcoe, one in Toronto and an adult child on a ventilator in a third city. Another family ended up spread between three cities; three different hospitals. All of them died,” said Brown.

    He added that vaccinations are the key to long term control and progress is being made with older Ontario residents and in areas where there is a high degree of infection.

    “But vaccination alone is not enough,” said Brown. He said the best weapons are short term control with public health measures using masks, physical distancing, hand hygiene and staying outside for any social gatherings.

    “And as a last resort, stay at home,” he said.

    Brown also came down hard on other arguments against pandemic controls.

    “Sometimes we talk about public health measures and the economy, or public health measures and mental health as a trade-off. This is a false debate. The faster we get the pandemic under control, the faster we return to normal,” said Brown.

    “Partial measures, half-hearted adherence and denial prolong the pandemic and make life harder for everyone,” Brown added.

    Watch the livestream feed of the press conference above.

    Ontario Premier Doug Ford is expected to announce a provincewide lockdown later today due to rising COVID-19 levels. That press conference takes place at 1:30 p.m., and we will also carry the livestream feed for that event.

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Triple Speak:

    “We know that right now we have a surging number of cases. I would advocate against general travel overall,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a White House briefing. “Our guidance is silent on recommending or not recommending fully vaccinated people travel; our guidance speaks to the safety of doing so. If you are vaccinated, it’s lower risk.”

    She nonetheless held out the promise of travel in asking people to get vaccinated when they can. “We all want to return to the things that we love. Getting more people vaccinated as quickly as possible and taking prevention measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 is the path out of this pandemic and back to our everyday activities,” Walensky said.

    Covid-19 cases have started rising again in the U.S., with 79,000 new cases recorded on Thursday. Walensky warned this week that Americans can’t abandon mitigation efforts, saying she is scared of “impending doom” as a fourth wave begins to crest.


  4. Fast Eddy says:

    And here we have a carrot:

    Federal authorities said fully vaccinated people can resume recreational travel in the U.S. at “low risk,” and signaled a relaxation of operational guidelines for cruise ships, handing a major boost to the nation’s battered tourism industry.

    Releasing its long-awaited travel guidance Friday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said vaccinated individuals don’t need a Covid test and don’t need to quarantine, when traveling domestically. They should still wear a mask and avoid crowds.


    See… if you get the vax … things return to normal… get the wife and the kids in the car and get to the nearest vax centre and the nightmare will end!

    Meanwhile… the variants are coming the variants are coming!!!

    The cattle are completely bewildered, frightened and panicked… and when they are in this state they look to the Authorities for direction… and the Authorities are telling them to be calm… here… take this jab… everything will be better…

    Is it not amazing how powerful PR is!!! End of the day people want to be hopeful… so they will embrace any message that provides them with hope…. they will not question any of this

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    While the vaccine has arrived, some experts still have concerns.

    The lack of scientific peer review raises some concerns, says Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist at the University of Guelph currently doing research to help prepare a vaccine for the next highly pathogenic coronavirus.

    “As an immunologist, I like to point out that I really promote the value of vaccines. I teach immunology and I teach all of my students that good quality vaccines that have been vetted by the scientific community are, in my opinion, the best tool that we have in our medical toolbox and the most efficient ways to save a huge number of lives and a great form of preventative medicine,” said Bridle.

    The problem, he says, is we just don’t know the long-term effects of this vaccine regardless of the new technology used.

    “These vaccines have only been in people at most for half a year. And that’s probably a bit liberal,” says Bridle.

    “That means that we can really only have absolute confidence in the safety of the vaccine up to about six months.”

    He says even when a vaccine takes years to develop, safety is still monitored when it goes out to the general public. But in this case, companies will be monitoring the results for at least the next two years once everyone gets vaccinated in order to collect safety data.

    “This has never happened before. To collect that long term data. To know whether it continues to be safe a year after vaccination, two years after vaccination. We always had that data previously. We don’t have it now and we will only get it as we monitor the rollout,” says Bridle.


    • Rodster says:

      Hey if laboratory rats are waiting for human trials to conclude that says something. 🙂

    • paulradcliffe says:

      Sorry – I posted this link earlier. 100 medical professionals call on the EMA for an immediate cessation of the vaccine. I suspect the breaching of human rights by individuals involved in the continuing rollout may also be actionable. https://www.afa-zone.at/allgemein/letter-from-doctors-for-covid-ethics-to-emer-cooke/

      • This is a letter dated April 1 (very recent), talking about issues of all of the new “vaccines” tending to lead to clotting problems of various types. There is an ethics question of not disclosing this problem to people. Instead, in many places people are being coerced into taking the shots regardless.

        I wonder if everyone should be given baby aspirin before the shots, to try to counter this effect.

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    A parent and University of Guelph professor of viral immunology is criticizing Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for recommending he quarantine his healthy child.

    “He’s supposed to be kept in his room for two weeks, two metres distant from the rest of the family members,” said Byram Bridle of the instructions he received through his child’s school after one of his classmates tested positive for COVID-19. “It is essentially akin to solitary confinement . . . This feels like we’re being asked to abuse our child.”

    Bridle, who lists work with COVID-19 among his research subjects, received a phone call and email from Sacred Heart school on March 20 informing him that a child in his son Jonny’s Grade 5 class had tested positive for the virus. The email included several pages of public health guidelines meant to reduce the risk of exposing others to COVID-19.

    Bridle emphasized that the guidelines were from WDG Public Health, and were only relayed by the school’s principal.


    • Rodster says:

      All these jerkoffs are trying to do is destabilize society and the complicit CovIDIOTS are willingly complying. Eventually people will begin pushing back, but when? That is the question.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        isn’t your governor of FL pushing back?

        • Ed says:

          yes Florida and Texas

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            yes, and so an imminent complete total control of all humans C theeeory at this point in time is merely hysteria.

            • VFatalis says:

              Anyone thinking this is hysteria is obviously in denial.

            • NomadicBeer says:

              Great logic there David.

              “This can’t be a conspiracy, after all not everyone is on it!”

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              it’s my opinion.

              there have been quite a few hysterical theeeories here in these comments since I joined in 2017.

              I don’t recall any of them turning out to be accurate.

              possibly in the future one or more will turn out to be accurate, even this one the all-humans-will-be-forced-to-be-vaccinated-or-else, or the even more hysterical all-vaccinated-humans-will-be-dead-in-six-months.

              I doubt we will see anything like this.

              time will tell.

            • NomadicBeer says:

              David, for what it’s worth I don’t buy into hysterical conspiracy theories. I was reading about peak oil before 2008 and I remember truly believing that the civilization could fall in months. I have learnt my lesson.

              But I do think that last year was an inflection point. Did you really think it was possible the level of global coordination to handle the crisis (real crisis not the pandemic)? I didn’t.
              What about the slide into authoritarianism? I don’t know if there is any reasonably democratic country left in the world. There are regions where you can still pretend but for how long?

              So I remain unconvinced of extreme theories but at the same time I accept that there are many things I don’t know.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I suspect not.

        Let’s consider how it might play out.

        If protest grow then the forces respond — look at Hong Kong — when The Man gets serious — there is nothing you can do when faced with a large force of trained well equipped brutes.

        I recall once saying to a protester who was throwing bags of paint at the riot police – why don’t you fill the bag with shit and piss – he laughed and said — if we go too far they will shoot us.

        Ok in the US they have guns… you start shooting at The Man and he’ll win that fight … because your neighbour will call 911 and say there’s a CovIDIOT at 29 Beach St shooting at cops… he’s gone back in his house….

        How would you organize your guerrilla force? The Man has anti-terror strategies honed over decades… he will find the masterminds and take them out — with the help of CovIDIOTs.

        Most people buy into the bs…and those that don’t are not willing to put their lives on the line.

        Recall how Yeadon called other scientists cowards for not speaking out…

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      Poor Byram Bridle: professor of viral immunology, COVID-19 researcher, vaccine proponent, and parent.

      “It is essentially akin to solitary confinement… This feels like we’re being asked to abuse our child.”

      He appears to be struggling with cognitive dissonance. I wonder which side of poor Byram Bridle’s psyche will win out.

    • Quarantining small children for two weeks is absurd!

      • The absurdity is part of the plan, just like the Spanish saying you have to wear a mask whilst swimming in the sea.

        This quote made the rounds in pro-free-speech circles, but I think it applies to the Covid situation, as well:

        “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to. ”
        ~ Theodore Dalrymple

        Every time I have to wear a mask when I go out, I am “assenting to the obvious lie”. It’s demoralizing and corrosive, and it’s intended to be so.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Right, I’m sure FFP3 face masks isn’t protective against airborne pathogens. They just happen to exist willy nilly. How about no?

          However, wearing a goddamned mask outdoors, and alone in front of a computer. How silly isn’t that? Or triple surgical masks, that is indeed just absurd.

          As for the obnoxious lockdowns, imagine packing sick and healthy people in a confined space. Isn’t that dumb or what? As proven by the bad outbreaks in various sea vessels.

          I wouldn’t care less what the conformist herd takes as raison d’être, “competing” with the joneses, blowing through finite resources and being the yes men and women of blatant absurdities. Whatever. The cringe is however real. It can’t exist a single barely perceptive/intelligent sentient that doesn’t feel like shit watching the MOARons wallowing about in their soulless trite drivel trying to pull you into the mundanities of the herd.

          Anyway, as long as the herd is full aware of the predicament of finite resource depletion and biosphere damage, yet persist in the folly. Vax them up real good. If that doesn’t work out, release the kraken v2.0. I’m all in for a bit of random in the game of life.

          1. Your actions and lifestyle have the consequences X and Y.
          2. Do you want to persist in it? Yes/No
          3. If “No”, talk and delusion is cheap – show me the pain.
          4. If “Yes”, get in line for the vax (whatever thingy that is)

          Everyone with a working mind in reasonable lucid shape is aware of X and Y. Yet they desire “Yes”., at the face of rudimentary reasoning and deductive abilities.

          Subconsciously people apparently prefer 4. For sure there are some that obstinately want to persist in the folly, yet reject the vax. To hell with the biosphere and everything, just MOAR. But hey, nihilism and ignorance could be handled by giving them the pink slip and a ticket to irrelevance. I’m 100% sure they’d accept the vax as the frivolous jank and myopia of the ordinary is under threat of getting yanked from them.

          As for the “plan” being “evil” how about no? How about taking some responsibility for the actions in your life? No, of course not; MOAR.

          How about the “plan” being retarded, yes!

          What’s this obnoxious-perpetual wank with various breeding and culling programs? Just raise the prices of commodities, create shortages. Don’t reproduce if you are unsuccessful in life, how hard can that be? The whole IC tragicomedy for sure puts off reasonably fit people from partaking in the conformist dullard that blows through finite resources. And genetic diversity and fitness is all that matters for the process of evolution.

          But what do I know? I’m just an obnoxious rapacious primate nibbling away for some shits and giggles in the tragicomedy.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The PR Plan deals with this in the ‘how to overcome vaccine reluctance’…

          Essentially you just make life so totally miserable that people beg for the vaccine — they will ignore the fact that big numbers are getting sick and even dying from the vaccine because they are desperate to return to normal.

          We can see this in the messaging right now as the PR Team is pushing out ‘get the vaccine – return to normal life’ meme relentlessly…

          But where exactly has life returned to normal for the vaxxed… specifically … if having a vaccine was going to return you to normal than we is it that the vaxxed are still prevented from flying to other countries and not quarantining?

          PR is being used to beat common sense out of people … and herd them into the death camp

  7. Mirror on the wall says:

    Westminster censored LSE on Scottish independence. It is surprising how many people are really comfortable with dictatorial government. So much for British ‘democracy’.

    > Westminster refuses to deny it pushed academics to delete blog on indy Scotland

    WESTMINSTER has refused to deny that it demanded the deletion of an academic blog post which said there were “no obvious reasons” to doubt the economic success of an independent Scotland.

    The post, published on the London School of Economics British Politics and Policy website, was co-authored by Geoffrey Chapman who advises the Department for International Trade on economics.

    A UK Government spokesperson previously told The National: “This is not the view of the Department for International Trade or the UK Government, and the matter is being looked into.”

    Presented with those allegations, the Government refused to deny that it had pressured the authors to remove the blog post, only repeating that it had not reflected the views of the UK Government.

    …. He went on: “The dishonesty of the UK Government is well known, including multiple breaches of the ministerial code, multiple attempts to mislead parliament and even an illegal attempt to prorogue the Westminster parliament which was defeated in the courts.

    “Recently we have had newspapers publish polls with methodology changed to give false results favouring the Union and others just downright lying about the poll results to get pro-Union headlines and then correcting the poll days later to show a significant lead for Yes.

    “Now we have to ask if the UK Government pressurised academics not to publish the obvious truth that Scotland will thrive and prosper as an independent nation. The suppression of academic views coupled with skewed research papers paid for by the UK government is the sort of behaviour you would expect in dictatorships, not modern democracies.

    “If it is happening here in the UK then that is a clear indicator of a failing state.”


  8. The real reason humans are the dominant species

    From early humans rubbing sticks together to make fire, to the fossil fuels that drove the industrial revolution, energy has played a central role in our development as a species. But the way we power our societies has also created humanity’s biggest challenge. It’s one that will take all our ingenuity to solve.

    Energy is the key to humanity’s world domination.

    Not just the jet fuel that allows us to traverse entire continents in a few hours, or the bombs we build that can blow up entire cities, but the vast amounts of energy we all use every day.

    Consider this: a resting human being requires about the same amount of energy as an old-fashioned incandescent light bulb to sustain their metabolism – about 90 watts (joules per second).

    But the average human being in a developed country uses more like 100 times that amount, if you add in the energy needed to get around, build and heat our homes, grow our food and all the other things our species gets up to.

    The average American, for example, consumes about 10,000 watts.

    That difference explains a lot about us – our biology, our civilisation and the unbelievably affluent lifestyles we all lead – compared, that is, with other animals.

    • Thanks! It is interesting that BBC news was willing to run a story about the hugely important role energy plays.

      For what it is worth, I ran across some information suggesting that the transition away from humans being like chimps may have started 4 million years ago, rather than say, 2 million years ago. Certainly cooking food was important, but there seem to have been smaller changes earlier as well.

      Jessica Thompson from Yale noticed the fact that “Lucy,” an early predecessor of humans, already had a larger brain than chimps 3.9 million years ago and a well formed hand for grasping. She believes that the earliest changes came when predecessors of humans figured out how to use round rocks to break open the bones of animals that they found that were already dead, and learned to suck the fatty marrow out. This fat remained safe to eat inside the bones for quite a while, and the technology required for this maneuver was very limited. There was no need for sharp points on rocks, for example.


      I believe that there is a comment in the videotape saying that even this small change seemed to have helped tipped the survival balance in the direction of pre-humans.

    • Kowalainen says:

      Hardly a surprise when the herd is being told to consume, with the US leading the pack of bonkers consumerism.

      Lemme make a quick oil equivalent calculation of one day in an obnoxious primates life.

      3 meals of plants, let’s say 1kg of food and drink every day. Yeah, I don’t eat much. Say 24kWh of electricity a day, some water and sewage, say another kWh of that.

      1kg of food equals about, say 5kg of oil/natgas equivalent, which gives about 60kWh. The brain chugs in about 20W, which makes it about 0.5kwh/day. Yup, that is about 1:10 in energy input to output -ish. Makes sense.

      Total: 24+1+60 ~ 85kWh/day.

      And the average ‘Murican consumes about, wait for it…

      240kWh/day in just electricity!!

      Now let’s add the food, fuels albatross sized housing and life’s, plus frivolous jank. Nah, forget about it. It’s just bonkers..

      Mm, I’m beginning to spot a problem here.



      • There are a lot of things that make the system work that need to be part of your calculation. You would not have the food you have without a transportation system and an electrical system, for example. You also have water (probably potable) piped to your apartment, and sewage taken away. You were able to attend school, and there is medical system at your disposal.

        People look at their own use of energy and think that it is tiny. But, a large part of a person’s energy use comes through the energy use of the system as a whole. If the upkeep of this system is not adequate, the system fails, and there is no grocery store to buy groceries, and no electricity for your apartment.

      • You aren’t counting the embedded energy that brought your food to the store, the lighting and electric and heat at the store, the trucks that brought it there.. etc., etc.

        When people do per-capita energy consumption figures for countries, it includes all the overhead, like the military, the political and legal structure, mining and fuel processing.. the whole enchilada. You can’t ignore all of that context by just listing what you eat in a given day.

        • oops, Gail just said that! I guess I didn’t refresh in time.

        • Kowalainen says:

          It still scales with the consumption.

          Look, either we agree that humanoid escapades is a thermodynamic process (dissipating structure) or we don’t. Energy in = work out + losses.

          If my energy in input is two orders magnitude less than yours, then of course the losses/waste will follow in lock step.

          It is simply futile trying mental gymnastics to wield yourself out of iron clad realities in thermodynamic systems.

          Centuries of experiment with thermodynamic systems makes that a fact that cannot be refuted. You consume more, you waste more. No tractable way out of that reality exists.



  9. Fast Eddy says:

    There’s a time to die…


  10. By selling cheap electricity to Kiev, Russia is waging ‘hybrid war’ on Ukraine’s energy system & forcing plants to shut, says MP

    Russia is destroying Ukraine’s energy system by selling it electricity at low prices, pushing local mines and power plants out of business. That’s according to Mikhail Volynets, an MP in Kiev and chair of a mineworkers’ union.

    Speaking on Rada TV, Volynets explained that Ukraine is buying cheap energy from Russia and Belarus, despite the country having its own capacity for producing electricity. The politician also claims that Moscow sells power to Kiev for half the price it sells it to its own citizens in Moscow’s suburbs.

    “This is a hybrid energy war in order to finally stop and destroy Ukrainian mines… and to stop thermal power plants,” Volynets said, explaining that uranium ore mines are on the verge of shutting down.

    • “By selling cheap electricity to Kiev, Russia is waging ‘hybrid war’ on Ukraine’s energy system & forcing plants to shut, says MP”

      That is very clever. People who don’t understand that the biggest problem with electricity production is keeping prices high enough would never figure this out.

      In fact, selling electricity at artificially cheap prices is much the same technique that the US and Europe are using to encourage wind and solar. The artificially low wholesale prices tend to push fossil fuels and nuclear out of business. Wind and solar are subsidized and allowed to go first. The system as a whole cannot survive with this approach, but businesses and citizens like the low electricity prices that customers temporarily receive.

      Most people don’t understand that intermittent electricity is worth much, much less than electricity that is available when needed. It sort of replaces fuel, rather than electricity. But it requires lots more transmission. Intermittent electricity also requires devices to even out the problems it causes. When all of the costs are counted, it is questionable whether intermittent electricity adds any value at all. They lead to huge environmental destruction, but they save CO2 emissions. The biggest thing they do is give politicians a plan for saving the system.

  11. “Ever Given” is stuck again – now it’s about money

    The container ship blocked the Suez Canal for days, then it was freed – but the problem pot is still not allowed to leave the waterway. The “Ever Given” was officially stopped from the canal authorities, because now it’s about the money!

    Because of the dispute over damages, the continuation of the “Ever Given” on the Suez Canal could drag on for a long time. The canal authority is demanding compensation of one billion dollars because of the blockade that lasted for days and will only allow the journey to continue once an agreement has been reached. “We put a lot of effort and work into rescuing the ship. We lost income every day. We are entitled to compensation, ”said Usama Rabi, chairman of the canal authority, according to state news site Al-Ahram.

    The “Ever Given” is currently located in the Great Bitter Lake between the northern and southern parts of the Suez Canal. In their request, the authority refers, among other things, to losses of 14 to 15 million dollars per day as well as the days of work with dredgers and tugs to uncover the 400 meter long ship. Rabi said there was cargo worth $ 3.5 billion on board. “We saved the ship and her cargo.”

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      no big deal.

      ships are moving through the canal, and this supply line to Europe is functioning again.

      good news for our friends on that side of the pond.

    • I find this story interesting. Sort of kidnap the ship, because there almost certainly is not enough insurance for all of the problems that have been caused.

  12. Azure Kingfisher says:

    Here’s an example of the aging population problem, as illustrated in the city-building video game Caesar III:

    “Caesar III – 10 Basic Tips & Tricks Guide – [City-building Doctor]”

    Point 10 – Aging Population

    Scenario explanation starts at minute 49:04

    “And actually, one way people suggested of dealing with this is to make sure your health… see here the city health is almost perfect with doctors and clinics virtually empty. The better your health, the longer people live. Look at these 85 year old’s over here. If you lower your city’s health, they will die quicker making room for new people to move in. It’s not kind, but it’s efficient. It’s just something that you have to take into consideration. This aging population is something that a lot of people don’t know about, they get stuck on a map, they go 30, 40, 50 years in and then everything falls apart and [they] don’t know why. It’s probably because [their] working population is now a retired population.”


    A game for wannabe big picture thinkers.

    • Mandatory retirement at age 60 (which I don’t think is legal any more in the US) can get rid of the oldsters, regardless of their health. Men with nothing to do tend to die off early. Women tend to have more diverse interests, and don’t seem to die off in the same way, without a job.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        The age is still 60 in Japan (will be raised soon), and apparently 55 in Sri Lanka:


        The wiki article doesn’t note this, but in the UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), the age is 49 for citizens and 60 for expats, although one can apply for permission to keep working after that.

      • Malcopian says:

        Disgraceful prejudice about men, Gail. People – male or female – don’t stay idle for long and find things to do when retired. I retired myself at 51 and find more than enough to do.

        In purely biological terms, men are generally the weaker sex and therefore usually die before their wives.

        • There are studies that show that there tends to be increase in deaths of men, in the year after they retire. (They may retire because of health problems in some cases.) I am not aware of any similar findings with respect to women, but I don’t follow this kind of thing closely. I read about these things in actuarial magazines. I know Dmitry Orlov remarked in one of his books that women in Russia could handle the collapse much better than men.

          I also know that single men tend to have much higher death rates than married men. To some extent, I expect that this is because women won’t marry (or stay married to) men with lots of problems, such as alcoholism, depression, and high levels of aggression. Companionship, and someone perhaps more interested in home cooking, no doubt helps as well. Unmarried women don’t experience this same effect (or certainly not to the same extent).

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            Usually when I hear that so and so bloke is not married, never has been or is divorced, I conclude that it is no massive surprise, given what I know of him anyway. Women are much more independent these days and they do not have to put up with nonsense so much from deeply flawed personalities. With half of adults unmarried in UK and a low birth rate, one might even suspect that future generations of men would gradually become more marriageable as the less so are bred out. Past economic and social conditions preserved all sorts of blokes. But of course the old population is being replaced so fast that it would hardly have any impact. I think that you mentioned before that middle class, degree types tend to have a much more stable marital status in USA – though no doubt many of those blokes must be quite disappointing to live with too and they financially compensate for their personality flaws.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              This why the premium inflatable doll market has tremendous growth opportunities…

              Apple and Tesla will soon be getting into this marrying AI with lifelike robot features and supple rubberized skin that feels real….

              It’s the next big thing.

            • Kowalainen says:

              The alpha and beta chasm. The first kind compete among themselves in dominance for access while the second category gets played the dominance card to get access.

              There is always some trite drivel (brainwashed in) yanking the limbic system. “We” need this, “we” should do that.

              How about no? I’m busy chilling and pondering upon the universe and human situation. Don’t make me part of the BS. GTFO.

              Many times have I wondered how fast I’d “grab her by the pussy” (figuratively) and throw her out out the door, feet not touching the ground, when looking at the humanoid shenanigans (family life) playing out around me.

              It is something tragic about a woman that turns aggressive/emotional when her brain washing gets challenged by an obnoxious squirrel nibbling away at the folly.

              Tragicomedy makes me glee.


            • Malcopian says:

              “no doubt many of those blokes must be quite disappointing to live with too and they financially compensate for their personality flaws.”

              So you are saying that women ARE interest in SIZE? The size of a man’s wallet?! You could be cancelled for that. 🙁

              By the way, do you identify as male, female – or other?

          • Malcopian says:

            “Women tend to have more diverse interests”

            That is the part I really take issue with, Gail. We all know men who are only interested in drinking and watching sport, but likewise I believe it is mainly men who have diverse enough interests that they want to read your blog. Similarly, there are plenty of women who are only interested in gossip, watching TV soaps and painting their toenails. But they are not all like that.

            • Christopher says:

              “Women tend to have more diverse interests”

              I believe this is statistically the way it looks.

              “For example, women have been found to score higher than men on the facets of Esthetics and Feelings (Costa et al., 2001), whereas men tend to score higher on the Ideas facet”


              In other words women are more open to experience, this it what may appear to be “interests”. Men are more open to ideas, this may be one reason to why there seems to be more men than women around here commenting on OFW.

              The normal distribution of men and women tend to differ on average in certain psycological aspects. Even if this difference isn’t large, it implies a significant difference at the extremes of the tails. The tails tend to be dominated by women at one end and men at the other.

  13. Dr. Mike Yeadon: “The elite won’t be taking vaccines…. You probably think no one is flying anywhere because you can’t go. A friend in travel biz says he’s never been so busy. … Wealthy people are going off to the Caribbean. … Just you and I cannot.”

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Ah 44:30 mark … Yeadon says he thinks its depopulation and does not care if expressing this theory gets him in trouble


  15. Fast Eddy says:

    Odd … I am one third through the Yeadon video … and he seems to have changed his tune … the other day he said this was about mass depopulation …. he now is saying this is about totalitarian control…

  16. Yoshua says:


    Bitcoin was a moment ago 58985 USD
    XRP was at the same moment 0.58985 USD

    What are the odds for this to happen naturally?
    Those are the cryptos that Mr Pool is talking about.
    The ET’s have solved the energy equation.

  17. Azure Kingfisher says:

    “Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the issue in a Q&A session with social media users on Twitter this morning after he was asked whether two people having received the Covid-19 would allow indoor gatherings.”

    Johnson: “Hi folks, a lot of you have been asking questions about where we are in this latest stage of the roadmap to freedom…”

    Question 3: Will we need annual vaccination boosters?

    Johnson: “Well, we’re keeping all that very much under review. A lot of the vaccines that we have and will have will be capable of being tweaked so as to deal with the potential for new variants and at the same time we’re building up our capacity in this country to manufacture vaccines.”

    Question 4: Can I now meet my friends and family members indoors if they are vaccinated?

    Johnson: “And there I’m afraid the answer is no, because we’re not yet at that stage, we’re still very much in the world where you can meet friends and family outdoors under the rule of six or two households. And even though your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are not giving 100% protection, and that’s why we just need to be cautious. We don’t think that they entirely reduce the, or remove, the risk of transmission.”


    I’m amazed he actually said the above out loud.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Oh so I guess me mates who think the vax will = being allowed to travel overseas again – without quarantining both ways…. have that wrong.


      Would it not be great if this was all a test… those who refuse the vaccine and see through this scam… live!!!

      If it was this then I’d call it Operation Combat Idiocracy

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        Only the “vaccine” manufacturers truly understand what is in their elixirs. However, they’re owned and/or funded by the billionaire and trillionaire families who run the world and hide behind the mask of publicly elected governments, so let’s assume that these families know what is in the “vaccines” and how they’re intended to work. If the “vaccines” are a deathly poison and the people in charge know it, why would they have any respect for people who willingly inject themselves?

        In the POW camp, why would the captors view the prison population as anything other than a population of prisoners?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          They were funded by the Elders… who have unlimited funds.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Yes, let’s assume the Families or the Elders know what is in the injectables and how they are intended to work, and also what they are intended to achieve.

          And let’s factor in what is now common knowledge among us at OFW about the desire of these elites to destroy industrial society in the West, achieve substantial worldwide depopulation, and turn the world into a panopticon.

          And let’s not forget how much conditioning, dumbing down, fattening up and general weakening and sickening of the population in the West has gone on in the past sixty years.

          Viewed from within this context, the current push for universal “vaccination” can only be interpreted as an important and well planned stage in the process of transforming conventional common or garden society into something very different that the elites are aiming at.

          But in order to be aware of this, one would have had to escape from the conditioning and dumbing down that has been aimed in our direction all our lives. And not many of us have escaped it.

          One thing that has personally shocked me, although on reflection it isn’t surprising, is that among around fifty Western friends (many of whom live in East Asia) I’ve talked with about Covid-19, not a single one of them has worked out that it is psyop and that they are being led along the road to disease, death and dystopia.

          I tell you, I have felt a lot like Lot searching in vain the streets of Sodom and Gomorrah for a few good men. One American I’ve known for forty years and who was the first person to tell me the Twin Towers were “imploded”, compared my views last week to those of a “flat earther”. He says him and his wife will probably take a vaccine when one becomes available because both are over sixty and have health issues that would make them more vulnerable to the virus.

          Interestingly, my Japanese acquaintances have been a lot more suspicious and a lot more hesitant about getting vaxed, even though most are maskaholics. Beyond that, governments and the media in most place have not done a very good job of informing people that there are lots of effective treatments for COVID-19, and a lot of people have been too lazy or lacking in curiosity to do any research on his own behalf.

          This is important and could be a matter of life and death. I know its a horrible internet cliché, but please do your own research and keep redoing it to the point where you know where you’re standing, where you belong and what the dangers are. We are now in the midst of a massive moral panic and a global stampede. Do you really want to trust your fate to instincts of the herd?

          Normally I don’t get involved in giving advice. If people want to know my opinion, they usually have to ask me three times. In the present situation, I’ve been breaking my own rule by being more proactive than usual in giving my opinion, because of some urge I have felt to help some people I like avoid making what I think could be a tragic mistake.

          But in most cases, this is a futile endeavor. In the end, you and I can’t save anybody; all we can do is expose them to some facts and ideas that they might be unfamiliar with. This isn’t the same as diving into a river to save a drowning child. Each person who really wants to be saved is going to have to save themselves.

          • JMS says:

            Tim, I know you’re sick of hearing this, but you are a gem. One of the most brilliant and valuable in OFW’s Jewelry Box! Thanks, Morgan-san!

          • Fred says:

            Spot on. I can’t believe how entrained intelligent people are. I’ve given up too.

            To paraphrase JMG, I think vaccines are one of the last great totems of the religion of progress, so to give up belief in them means the whole edifice comes tumbling down.

          • Fast Eddy says:


            The panopticon is a type of institutional building and a system of control designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single security guard, without the inmates being able to tell whether they are being watched.



          • Fast Eddy says:

            Outside of OFW and Kendricks…

            I personally know of 4 people who understand that this is a psyop…. but I am not sure if they accept my CEP thesis.

            2 of these people have children … the other 2 believe we are transitioning to utopia with covid as the catalyst (they both drive Teslas and urge me to buy one when I told them I was keen on the 911 turbo gas guzzling sumbitch mutherf789er)

            • Artleads says:


            • Yorchichan says:

              I’ll accept the “plan” part but not the “compassionate” or “extinction” parts. Compassion towards the masses is not a feeling the psychopaths who control the world possess in abundance, certainly not towards the masses, and you can be sure they will not be including themselves and their families in their depopulation agenda.

            • JMS says:

              Exactly my view, Yorchican. Only ironically can the plan be described as “compassionate”, since there is not an atom of compassion in our socio/psychopathic masters. The only thing that inspires them any kind of passion is themselves.
              Likewise, the plan of the technocratic elite is not to extinguish humanity, but only the lifestyle of the western middle class, and to replace human labor with machines, so that they can bequeath their descendants a planet devoid of useless eaters.

            • Yorchichan says:

              Any chance you can change the acronym to EDP (Evil Depopulation Plan), Fast?

          • NomadicBeer says:

            Tim, trying to help people is a worthy task.
            I tried too but I gave up well before 50 people.
            People in US I talked to cannot even conceive not to follow the propaganda. The farthest I got is admission that yes, the medical industry in US is corrupt and Fauci is a politician. Nobody jumps from there to questioning the vaccine (why not?).

            My biggest disappointment is the reaction of my friends from Europe.
            Some of them bought the whole package of lies, not only vaccines and scary plague but US superiority, Russia bad etc.
            Others are apolitical but will get the vaccine “so they can travel”. I pointed out that it doesn’t seem to matter but everyone is doing it – europeans are more group followers.

            My friends are all people that mistrust politicians but not when it comes to this. I think fear works – scare people with a disease and they will become much more malleable.

          • Ed says:

            Tim, well stated. It is sad and frightening how completely media (tv, radio, newspaper, etc) can control the thinking of the masses.

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            Well said, Tim.

            “He says him and his wife will probably take a vaccine when one becomes available because both are over sixty and have health issues that would make them more vulnerable to the virus.”

            It’s a shame and a tough situation to observe. This particular demographic is incredibly susceptible to the COVID-19 “vaccine” propaganda. My mother-in-law is approaching sixty, lives alone, and is an elementary school teacher. She has asthma and is about two years away from retirement. She spends most of her off hours watching the news and is deathly afraid of catching SARS-CoV-2. Of course she rushed to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
            Many people seem forget that health is a personal responsibility. A lot of people trash their bodies and rely on the medical industry to fix them when they break down. I have a friend who said he wouldn’t choose to give up smoking until a doctor told him he absolutely needed to for his health. Most people are aware that they’re trashing themselves but they’d rather abdicate from personal responsibility over their own bodies.

            One of my childhood friends recently received the Johnson and Johnson “vaccine.” I haven’t gotten the full story yet from him, but he’s a high school teacher and was either told it would be mandatory for return to work or he was anticipating that it would become mandatory in the future. I never “advised” him against taking the “vaccine” and figure he probably made up his mind quite some time ago. I recently heard that he believes the scamdemic is real as he doesn’t accept that all countries could be working in unison to perpetuate a scam on such large scale. How could all the developed nations be in on it, right?

            “…some urge I have felt to help some people I like avoid making what I think could be a tragic mistake.”

            I’ve felt the same way at times. At this point, though, I am the only person on my ten-person team at work who is against COVID-19 “vaccination.” We shouldn’t even be talking about “vaccination” at work, given that it falls under “Protected Health Information” (PHI), but this is what you get with a front-and-center global manufactured crisis and a supervisor who’s zealous about getting everyone vaccinated so we can “return to normal” again. Absolute foolishness.
            I’ve listened to aunts and uncles describe the “euphoria” they experienced after receiving their vaccines. They fail to notice the religious-like fervor they’re describing but I certainly don’t – it’s like they’re being born again, into a religion which they have yet to become fully conscious of. “Branch Covidians,” as I like to call the new religion followers.

            “Each person who really wants to be saved is going to have to save themselves.”

            You’re right about that. In the end, it is up to the individual to protect their own body, mind, and soul. If one is a parent, then this responsibility extends to protecting one’s child as well. Outside of that our acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers, friends, family, etc. are beyond our reach. Every individual is being presented with a choice which, in my opinion, is ultimately a test, perhaps spiritual in nature. Will one choose to claim body sovereignty or instead opt to surrender one’s body to the state via medical experimentation?
            Nature or the State? Natural or synthetic? Organic life or transhumanism? In whom do we trust? Where do we place our faith? What are we willing to sacrifice for our faith? Each choice will come with its own particular sacrifices.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Mike Yeadon says in that interview that people had SARS 20 years ago … have immunity to SARS Covid… he says that is an indication that the viruses are quite similar….

              So how is it after 20 years of trying there is no SARS vaccine https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/ but within a year of SARS Covid there are multiple vaccines?

              Hey Duncan… any thoughts on that?

              Norm – if you want to make a guest appearance feel free to throw in your two cents

            • This has been one of my questions as well:

              “how is it after 20 years of trying there is no SARS vaccine https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/ but within a year of SARS Covid there are multiple vaccines?”

              I am not convinced that this is well proven:

              “people had SARS 20 years ago … have immunity to SARS Covid… he says that is an indication that the viruses are quite similar….”

              Coronaviruses don’t normally give long-lasting immunity. SARS wasn’t terribly widespread before, even in the Far East. I don’t think it could be credited with the low COVID-19 rates there.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Yes SARS was not wide spread … In the interview Yeadon only mentions it because he claims that the variants of Covid are not dissimilar to the Cov19… so people will have at least some immunity (it ain’t Devil Covid … at least not yet)…

              SARS entered the discussion because he said that they have found some people who has SARS and they have immunity to Covid … if I recall he said SARS was 30% different than Covid … far more different than any of the variants — yet still they were immune to Covid.

            • Thanks!

            • MM says:

              Im this regard it is also important to distinguish the “health effect” of the vax from the “collective effect”.
              For me, all my life I have fought hard not to be assimilated into the Borg.

              If I did it now, all my previous life would be invalidated.

          • Yorchichan says:

            I try to persuade everyone I can not to take the vax, partly because I want to help them and partly for selfish reasons. The greater the number of us unvaccinated the more difficult it is for the government to persecute us.

            The people I meet who care most about their own health, including martial artists, body builders and gym enthusiasts, are usually strongly anti vax. I did meet an amateur rugby player this week, though, who was forced to take the vax in order to continue playing for the team.

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    Mike Yeadon In Depth Interview — this is a must watch


  19. Their goal is vaccine compliance, and if you don’t agree to get vaccinated, vaccinated again, and then re-vaccinated when they say, you’re a prisoner. They do not want you to have any freedom.

    So to “get freedom” which will be on THEIR TERMS, you have to agree to regular DNA modifying shots that will kill many many people and maim multitudes more.. And as the Georgia Guidestones make clear, they could care less if they hit a 95 percent overall kill rate to accomplish it. Actually more like 93 percent, if that matters.

    They will probably succeed in coercing people to death if they simply issue vaccine passports and then deny people the ability to buy or sell or have a bank account if they are not up to date. And all the while, in the midst of their lie about the vaccine being totally safe and totally protective, they skip the fact that if that was true, anyone who was vaxxed would have absolutely nothing to fear, and the onus would be solely on those who refused the vax. There would be no reason to quarantine anyone.

  20. Ed says:

    I am willing to be injected with Covid-19 directly. My body will develop an immunity and we can all live happily ever after.

    • Bei Dawei says:

      If you are willing to be injected with AIDS, I bet this can be arranged!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I didn’t get the sense that Ed was wanted you to bugger him and spread your disease BD… so probably best not to make assumptions.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Well, it’s a kind of injection. 🙂

          • Bei Dawei says:

            One makes about as much medical sense as the other.

            • NomadicBeer says:

              Bei, you are wrong.
              Injecting a virus to get a mild disease that confers immunity can make sense.

              AIDS has a case fatality rate close to 100%. You are implying that Covid is just as dangerous which is ridiculous but completely expected given the world we live in and all the people like you that are willing collaborators to the big lie.

            • Ed says:

              Thank you Nomadic that is the point exactly

  21. Ed says:

    The way governments get rid of the highly undesirable, the unclean is with fire. They are burned to death.

  22. Yoshua says:

    Satoshi Nakamoto crated the Bitcoin. No one knows who he is. Mr Pool is posting about cryptos and Bitcoin. Cicada 3301 talked about the Bitcoin.

    The US is the only super power in the world and the dollar is the world reserve currency.

    The only ones that can replace the US today are the ET’s with a crypto controlled by them.

    Yes, I know that this sounds totally crazy…

    • NomadicBeer says:

      Yoshua said: “The only ones that can replace the US today are the ET’s with a crypto controlled by them.”

      I don’t care if your hypothesis has aliens or intelligent rabbits. What are your predictions?

      I predict that Russia and China will replace the US within a decade as the major powers in a multipolar world and there will be no more reserve currencies (except maybe gold).

      As for the crypto, it will be part of the great legends of the fall of civilizations – the insane people that cut their sexual organs, choke themselves to death and believed in fairies living in machines.

      • Could be. Hard to have a crypto currency with intermittent electricity, or no electricity at all.

        Probably difficult to make and ship vaccines in such a world as well. The vaccine problem will eventually disappear.

    • You are close but let me modify it a bit, the last song to be played: IMF SDRs and e-coins (Bitcoin), that combined force could easily synthesize dozens of trillions per year of new debt issuance for the next decade+ without destabilizing the system much.. And both the govs (CB) and big biz are finally on board for it at this moment, so it will be at least attempted solution – bridge to nowhere (techno fix nirvana)..

    • It does sound pretty crazy to me as well.

      • Artleads says:

        I wonder if we all demand that SS and pensions be honored in the financial system in which they were promised, whether the self organizing system won’t just work out how the leftover economic system will function? As you say, there could be a great division in society: those with SS and pensions will be the new super rich. (The current plutocracy might have to go?) Those without would have it a bit tougher (but the dumbing down we see now would make them oblivious to the whys of their situation and probably obviate rebellion?)

        • We are likely going back to some rehashed direct feudal type of arrangement, but its emergence will be sequenced in steps, so perhaps at certain places of former IC core hubs the pensions will be still partially honored via survival rationing UBI and not as much in frivolous spending money (& available products) concept known to us so far. And after a while even this temporary plateau will not hold..

          Yet, timing and which specific countries, regions, alliances-blocks, will go through this sequencing roller coaster is the big unknown..

    • MM says:

      People have to look at this more technically
      Bitcoin takes 250 Bytes for a single transaction on THE ledger.
      The current size of the BTC ledger is 250 GB
      It has grown parabolic in the last months due to more interest.
      It may never ever handle 8 Billion people for EVERY daily transaction from chewing gum to fuel or water.
      Even a Ledger Service that holds the ledger in a more distributed fashion will have difficulties because it will become difficult during “night offline hours” to intergrate all the 100 Millions of transactions of the last day.
      So now think of a vaccine Passport on a blockchain probalby including smart contracts. (ETH) The size of an eth transaction is about 100 bytes but the amount of data of the contract can significantly alter that.
      Now have 8 Billion people posting at every light post they pass.
      This is technically speaking very unikely.
      Evenn an old school database will have significant problems with that amount of data (Bottle neck is ethernet connectivity at least).

      You might solve that on a per country basis but you will need at least ONE single instance of control to controll the overall global flow of goods and services,
      …and that point will be very prone to sabotage, hehe

      You could also create a ledger for coke and one for Hamburgers.
      But that might imply 100s of blockchain wallets on your phone or a gargantuan Blockchain exchange traffic system.

      Not very feasible to be eligible for a bowl of rice a day from my daily gig.

      Imho it sounds good on a white paper for enthusiasts or techies but it will not work in this world

      Do never forget the white OFW elephant!

  23. hillcountry says:


    The FLCCC recommendation is based on the following set of conclusions derived from the existing data, which will be comprehensively reviewed below:

    Since 2012, multiple in vitro studies have demonstrated that Ivermectin inhibits the replication of many viruses, including influenza, Zika, Dengue and others

    (Mastrangelo et al., 2012; Wagstaff et al., 2012; Tay et al., 2013; Götz et al., 2016; Varghese et al., 2016; Atkinson et al., 2018; Lv et al., 2018; King et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020).

    Ivermectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication and binding to host tissue via several observed and proposed mechanisms

    (Caly et al., 2020a).

    Ivermectin has potent anti-inflammatory properties with in vitro data demonstrating profound inhibition of both cytokine production and transcription of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), the most potent mediator of inflammation

    (Zhang et al., 2008; Ci et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009).

    Ivermectin significantly diminishes viral load and protects against organ damage in multiple animal models when infected with SARS-CoV-2 or similar coronaviruses

    (Arevalo et al., 2020; de Melo et al., 2020).

    Ivermectin prevents transmission and development of COVID-19 disease in those exposed to infected patients

    (Behera et al., 2020; Bernigaud et al., 2020; Carvallo et al., 2020b; Elgazzar et al., 2020; Hellwig and Maia, 2020; Shouman, 2020)

    Ivermectin hastens recovery and prevents deterioration in patients with mild to moderate disease treated early after symptoms

    (Carvallo et al., 2020a; Elgazzar et al., 2020; Gorial et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2020; Mahmud, 2020; Morgenstern et al., 2020; Robin et al., 2020).

    Ivermectin hastens recovery and avoidance of ICU admission and death in hospitalized patients

    (Elgazzar et al., 2020; Hashim et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2020; Niaee et al., 2020; Portmann-Baracco et al., 2020; Rajter et al., 2020; Spoorthi V, 2020).

    Ivermectin reduces mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19

    (Elgazzar et al., 2020; Hashim et al., 2020; Rajter et al., 2020).

    Ivermectin leads to striking reductions in case-fatality rates in regions with widespread use

    (Chamie, 2020).

    The safety, availability, and cost of ivermectin is nearly unparalleled given its near nil drug interactions along with only mild and rare side effects observed in almost 40 years of use and billions of doses administered

    (Kircik et al., 2016).

    The World Health Organization has long included ivermectin on its “List of Essential Medicines”.

  24. MM says:

    Let us assume, the corona scam is being used to usher in a new world civilisation
    Let us assume that civ is based on (not only) some sort of tokenized CBDC and a token economy of “gigs for a rice bowl”
    Well, for that all the people in the world must accept
    a) the connectivity to the internet and elecrtricity
    b) accept to manage (several) blockchain wallets (what is quite a problem, if you loose your passphrase besides a lot of other technical stuff that is not easy to handle for every lay person)

    First: It might be observed that not so many people are willing to accept the jab.
    It might also be observed that people view bitcoin as obscene for the black market and the high price and the unusability for bars of chocolate and for the high energy consumption

    So how in the world do they want to bring us into this crypto prison?
    They somehow need to greenwash bitcoin for that.
    They could ban it but the cost would be that people say: so some day you will ban my CBDC wallet?
    It could work if the economy really was in shambles and the people needed money to “reignite” a new economy. But igniting a new economy would bring new innovations and that is being talked about but not really wanted.

    So I see that Hegelian dialectic is on the doorsteps to promote the crypto economy but I do not see that the people will accept it.

    Well. If your money was worthless when you wake up tomorrow, people will accept “any” solution or will they “hang the bankers”?

    Will this erruption be temporarily or will the people in the long run decide to go their own way without crypto or any currency and state?

  25. Yoshua says:

    A war between Russia and Ukraine is coming?

    Russia and Ukraine are moving troops and weapons to eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

    Crimea is running out of water as Ukraine has cut off its water supply. Russia will be forced to enter 60 kilometres into Ukraine to open up the water supply again.

    • https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/frightening-escalation-looms-russia-warns-nato-against-sending-any-troops-ukraine

      Russia Warns NATO Against Sending Any Troops To Ukraine As “Frightening” Escalation Looms

      But Russia has pointed out that in no way is it in its interest to see a ‘hot conflict’ in Donbass:

      Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that most of Ukraine’s military appeared to understand the danger of a “hot conflict” in Donbass.

      “I very much hope that they will not be ‘incited’ by politicians, who in turn will be ‘incited’ by the West, led by the United States,” said Lavrov.

      Lavrov further issued an ominous warning: “Russian President Putin said (this) not long ago, but this statement is still relevant today, that those who would try to start a new war in Donbass – will destroy Ukraine.”

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I would very much enjoy a nice hot war in Ukraine… watching the real time video of things blowing up would be a pleasant way to pass the time while I wait for the X-Termination.

        I can imagine those going into their 6th month of lockdown would be very supportive of some death and destruction …

        I know — since so many people are becoming gaming experts because they have nothing else to do … we could have a contest — the best gamer of the week gets a chance to pilot a drone and drop some bombs on a wedding party or a funeral in Dumbass… Dominos could sponsor and give them a year of free cheese crust pizza… get Red Bull to throw in a crate of drinks…

        Now we’re talkin! Fun for the entire family.

        • The little problem Russians lately getting kind of tired of spilling their blood on the project of saving W Europeans, again. In other words, next time poked again they will slap the encroaching hand immediately. Apart from the junta in Kiev (toppled in hours / days) that means likely Poland and Baltics intervening, hence elevated chances of striking US mil installations / deployment there.. Funnily enough, then the DE-FR would suddenly become very lukewarm NATO allied members, so the conflict would rather escalate instead on the direct US-Russian axis, and given the new “woke” admin the situation could get out of control very quickly. So, not contained merely to “funeral in Dumbass” any longer but also possibly target painting key IC hubs and metro areas..

          Perhaps in some retarded circles that’s considered fun for the entire family..

          • France and Germany definitely need Russia’s natural gas. They will not want to escalate the conflict. Hopefully, Biden’s advisors will tell him not to start a major international conflict over this.

            • NomadicBeer says:

              I remember Dmitry explaining why Russia is so cool about the encroachments on her borders. I never understood exactly why they don’t retaliate – stopping gas deliveries for a week would change the tune in most of Europe – yes people are that cowardly.

              It looks like long term Russia wins so maybe they can afford to be cool now.

              My guess is that US will never get into a hot war again – even a third world country can easily destroy the US military that did not win any war since WW2.

              See JMG’s story “How it could happen” https://archdruidmirror.blogspot.com/2017/06/how-it-could-happen-part-one-hubris.html

            • Bei Dawei says:

              In that case, the USA will cease to be a power in Western Europe. NATO will be a dead letter, having failed to protect 3 or 4 member states.

              And the same is true of East Asia vis-a-vis China. If the USA fails to defend Taiwan (or Japan), then it ceases to be a significant power in the Western Pacific.

              Imagine a truly multipolar world in which the far-away USA is hardly any more significant than Brazil.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Right, it is bad enough with a crippling IC shortage in Stuttgart. Now imagine a sharp cutoff in the Russian petroleum spigot for the entire EU.

            How about commencing Hitler 2.0 and projecting the leopards and Abrams eastwards for the third and final time.

            Oh, right. The Bear got nukes and some spiffy military gear nowadays. Never mind.

            The Ukraine intermezzo is possibly a smoke and mirrors operation to dump NATO and form the Eurasian vodka and rice wine bloc.

            Putin setting the ultimatum. Either it is the rice-vodka bloc or no more sucky-sucky on Russian juices. But hey, don’t worry. EU’s got wind turbines and solar panels. 🤣👍

            • “.. smoke and mirrors operation [to dump NATO and form the Eurasian vodka and rice wine bloc]..”

              Omg, that’s one of the best shortcuts ever.
              Hopefully, someone makes T-shirts around this theme..

              But as discussed here and elsewhere for ages, in the end it’s not about the (particular imperial throne of the day): US, Europe, China or Russia. Actually, it’s about the dispersed global investor class if they finally (re)move support (for whatever reason) the legacy system crumbles, hence the next chapter moves on in whatever form and with new protector / security concept. Not a second sooner..

            • Kowalainen says:

              Thanks worldof,

              At least it is possible (still) to wrangle out some comedy out of the monkey business.

              Life as a court jester in the game of Starcraft is mighty amusing. The best part is that the players most likely are played themselves.

              There is always someone smarter in this universe. Like primes, first there are plenty of halfwit lowly single digit primes, then they gradually become larger and occur less frequently towards infinity.

              Consider this; what does smart asses generally like to do? Play games, experiment with physics, do some mathematics and craft contraptions of omnipotence and of course enjoy some shits and giggles.

              As father, as son. When the game gets called, that’s all she wrote.

              *wink, wink, hint, hint*


    • Mirror on the wall says:

      I cannot help but feel that the weaker countries and peoples are playing a very dangerous game by allowing themselves to be pressed by USA into hostile actions against stronger peoples. There is always the matter of what is liable to happen to the patsies once the USA is out of the way. The Kurds also come to mind.

      • Kowalainen says:

        Perhaps they aren’t that foolish to understand that the elephant in the room is under pressure.

        Play along, flow with the currents. Let the wheel of time ratchet another notch ahead.

        Soon enough we’ll be back in good old low econ medieval BAU, local bandit gangs, garbage “royalty”, poverty, misery and disease for a few millennia until the sun blows the biosphere into oblivion or some space rock strikes earth.

        But hey, don’t worry. Extinction isn’t optional. The process of continuing evolution, however, is. And are we hell bent on opposing that.

        As father, as son.


  26. Yoshua says:

    The latest Mr Pool video is a bit disturbing. The 589 seems to refer to nuclear submarine Scorpio 589 that the US lost at sea. The video ends with a nuclear explosion. The nuclear explosion video has originally 16 20 30 written above it, the numbers refer to the Hiroshima bomb 16 kilo tonnes and the Nagasaki bomb 20 kilo tonnes…and now 30 kilo tonnes will go off somewhere?

    “Early warning systems will fail”

    “The time has come”

  27. Mrs S says:

    This is a very alarming interview with Naomi Wolf. Posted yesterday.

    She says that if we allow vaccine passports then that’s the end of the West. There will be no way back.


    • Kowalainen says:

      “V” as in vaxx or “J” as in, well, you know.
      When do we get to sew on the Star of David?

      A favorite rerun – a blast from the past.



      • Ed says:

        I want patches lie NASCAR protected by Sputnik V, protected by Sinovax

        • Ed says:

          I want both

          • Kowalainen says:

            The whole Holocaust “experience” club kitted out and ready for easy transport to the final destination. A spa where hopes and dreams meet rapacious primate shenanigans.

            People simply fail to understand easy concepts like evolutionary processes and instead cohort amateur hour hobby eugenics programs yanked straight out of the steaming piles of elitism, delusion and cognitive dissonance.

            One sure bet is to just leave nature alone. And if it so happens that us, humans, are not very well suited as stewards of a planetary system. Then perhaps we should devolve back into the trees. It all looks pretty much fun to me, eating bananas, swinging about in the branches, occasionally trolling a predator and ripping a limb of a lesser primate.


            Wouldn’t you agree it surely looks like more shit and giggles than being stuck in the suck of a traffic jam, while waiting for competing with some yahoo at “work” and with the soulless NPC joneses at the Potemkin facaded neighborhood? No?

            Or perhaps it’s about time to dial back that reptilian brain to pretty much being all muted out. Blindly following the dictates of a reptilian is for sure to end in disaster.

            I present to you:



            • Tim Groves says:

              If looks could kill they probably will in games without frontiers, war without tears.

            • Kowalainen says:

              It takes a seriously bent mind to enjoy the trivialities of evolution – being born and death. The second most trivial thing is extinction. It’s 100% certain.

              Exactly how many forms of life have been born and died across the eons? How about the number of extinct species? I would state with 100% iron clad certainty that birth/death ratio approaches 1:1 for every day that passes on this planet. As for existing to extinct, that ratio asymptotically tends toward 0:1.

              The absolutely most trivial thing in the game of life. Yeah, let’s wank off to that second (dying) part while going full bore bonkers ASAP towards extinction.

              I feel a tingle, my spider senses informs that this is the shenanigans of:

              DULLARD HALFWITS.💥☢️

              One more time (it’s the only way to be sure).

              DULLARD HALFWITS.💥☢️

              Let that sink in.
              And after that, let it burn. 🔥 🔥


            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Grasshopper, but are you forgetting that the evolving world is ‘everything as well as nothing’? Thus neither interest nor disinterest are any more ‘valid’ or ‘invalid’ than the other. There is neither ‘validity nor invalidity’ in the great ‘just is’ that is existence. The human condition of ‘concern’ is ‘absurd’ but that does not imply that disinterest is not ‘absurd’ too in so far as one is ‘concerned’ to be disinterested and feels that it is a more ‘valid’ posture. Mainly humans are driven by organic drives and intellectuality is ordered to them – it can also be disordered to them. But neither is more or less absurd than the other. Thus anything that you say (or anyone else) is liable to be one-sided and absurd in any case. It is just how it is. There may even be a point at which all speech is absurd – as is no speech. Absurdity is unavoidable – but it too is neither ‘valid nor invalid’ in the ‘just is’.

  28. Mrs S says:

    This interview with Michael Yeadon, posted yesterday, is chilling.

    He predicts that the unvaccinated will end up in prison camps. I agree with him.

    This is highly recommended https://delingpole.podbean.com/e/dr-mike-yeadon-1617215402/

    • Minority Of One says:

      Thank you Mrs S. Note the post by Michael below – David Icke does an excellent analysis oft the podcast.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Here in NZ we are being contacted and asked if we will take the vax.

      I suspect this is helping the government get a handle on how many cells will be required.

      There is no pushing back on this — it is a plan — and it is a very thoughtful plan.

      It is of course…the right thing to do. There are no good options.

      • Was it a text? A robo-call? If it was a real person, how did you respond?

        What did you say? Did you tell the truth, or lie?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Email – I ignored it.

          This came today… I will call them after the holiday and ask for the long term trial results…

          I feel like I am being prepped for a death camp. Well and truly.

          How in the f789 anyone would willing take something like this blows my mind.

          If it was so wonderful why are people being coerced? IDIOTS.

          When will QMC tell us more about vaccinating the rest of the population?

          Queenstown Medical Centre will communicate again with our registered patients as and when we have further information about the following stages of vaccinations and to what degree our involvement will be.

          As per the publicly-available Covid-19 vaccination schedule, the general population is likely to be vaccinated from July onwards.

          Is the vaccine safe?

          We ask that any individual questions about suitability of the vaccine for you and/or your whanau are directed either to your GP (you will need to make an appointment) or if you prefer to save the cost of an appointment, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116

          Ministry of Health also has comprehensive information on their website about the Medsafe approval process:



  30. Sunbathers will be spied on with police DRONES on Mallorca’s beaches to make sure they are not breaking coronavirus rules

    Police in Mallorca will use drones to spy on tourists sunbathing on beaches to make sure they are not breaking coronavirus regulations.

    The devices will be used in the busiest areas to keep track of whether people are social distancing – and if they detect crowds, the police will be notified.

    A government minister confirmed checks are being stepped up in the main tourist areas, with inspectors launching a ‘special device’ with police.

    A number of families have already received warnings about breaking the two-household limit when sharing tables in bars and restaurants.

  31. Belgium – Anti Lockdown gathering. Police Horsemen ride through the Peaceful crowd, completely pulverising a Protestor. This is why people are beginning to get angry.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Flies on the back of an elephant… not even.

      We’ll see the teeth bare if these protests get serious… they won’t. The only way it goes sideways is if the military jumps off the CEP. And that is highly unlikely as they (and the police) are as fearful of Covid as the average CovIDIOT

  32. Spain – No words can describe this except, horrific. Watch as a woman is pulverised by Police, all for not wearing a mask. This is not about a virus people.

  33. Naomi Wolf explains Bill Gates’s conflict of interest and his control of news outlets

  34. Non-Vaxxers Will Have No Place In The ‘New Normal’ Society

    So, the New Normals are discussing the Unvaccinated Question. What is to be done with us? No, not those who haven’t been “vaccinated” yet. Us. The “Covidiots.” The “Covid deniers.” The “science deniers.” The “reality deniers.” Those who refuse to get “vaccinated,” ever.

    There is no place for us in New Normal society. The New Normals know this and so do we. To them, we are a suspicious, alien tribe of people. We do not share their ideological beliefs. We do not perform their loyalty rituals, or we do so only grudgingly, because they force us to do so.

    We traffic in arcane “conspiracy theories,” like “pre-March-2020 science,” “natural herd immunity,” “population-adjusted death rates,” “Sweden,” “Florida,” and other heresies.

    They do not trust us. We are strangers among them. They suspect we feel superior to them. They believe we are conspiring against them, that we want to deceive them, confuse them, cheat them, pervert their culture, abuse their children, contaminate their precious bodily fluids, and perpetrate God knows what other horrors.

    So they are discussing the need to segregate us, how to segregate us, when to segregate us, in order to protect society from us. In their eyes, we are no more than criminals, or, worse, a plague, an infestation.

    In the words of someone (I can’t quite recall who), “getting rid of the Unvaccinated is not a question of ideology. It is a question of cleanliness,” or something like that. (I’ll have to hunt down and fact-check that quote. I might have taken it out of context.)

    In Israel, Estonia, Denmark, Germany, the USA, and other New Normal countries, they have already begun the segregation process.

    In the UK, it’s just a matter of time. The WEF, WHO, EU, and other transnational entities are helping to streamline the new segregation system, which, according to the WEF,

    will need to be harmonized by a normative body, such as the WHO, to ensure that is ethical.”

    Here in Germany, the government is considering banning us from working outside our homes. We are already banned from flying on commercial airlines. (We can still use the trains, if we dress up like New Normals.)

    In the village of Potsdam, just down the road from Wannsee (which name you might recall from your 20th-Century history lessons), we are banned from entering shops and restaurants. (I’m not sure whether we can still use the sidewalks, or whether we have to walk in the gutters.)

    In Saxony, we are forbidden from attending schools. At the Berliner Ensemble (the theater founded by Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel, lifelong opponents of totalitarianism and fascism), we are banned from attending New Normal performances.

    In the USA, we are being banned by universities. Our children are being banned from public schools.

    In New York, the new “Excelsior Pass” will allow New Normals to attend cultural and sports events (and patronize bars and restaurants, eventually) secure in the knowledge that the Unvaccinated have been prevented from entering or segregated in an “Unvaccinated Only” section.

    The pass system, designed by IBM, which, if history is any guide, is pretty good at designing such systems (OK, technically, it was Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft, IBM’s Nazi-Germany subsidiary), was launched this past weekend to considerable fanfare.

    And this is only the very beginning.

  35. Every pub customer must sign in as landlords face ‘triple whammy’ of new Covid rules

    Pub bosses are warning that a “triple whammy” of new Covid rules could be a further blow to landlords after months of closures.

    Every customer aged over 16 will be forced to sign in – rather than just one member of a big group as was the case last year.

    It is also unclear whether payment at the bar will be permitted.

    From April 12, pubs will be outdoors-only, and in rural areas particularly, poor broadband could make paying for drinks difficult if customers are not allowed inside.

    And hospitality bodies are also troubled by reports that the Government will introduce vaccine passports from June 21, requiring punters to have either been jabbed or provide proof of a negative test.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Wonder if they’ll try this on at football stadiums… might inflame the hooligans…

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I find all of this very odd given the Sweden story https://www.statista.com/statistics/1104709/coronavirus-deaths-worldwide-per-million-inhabitants/

      Perhaps the Elders are letting Sweden get away with doing nothing (and not collapsing) because they just want to see how STOOOPID the CovIDIOTS are.

      Here you go you re tar ded donkeys… let us show you what happens if you don’t lock down… here’s a chart of deaths/100k… 23rd on the list… lockdown countries have far worse death rates…

      What do you think CovIDIOTS? Ah yes… you want to lockdown — and vaccine your children… that is exactly what we expected you would says…. and you think you can govern yourselves….

      Pathetic goys… cattle … sheep … donkeys… monkeys…

  36. Pingback: Egon von Greyerz Interview: It's getting serious with bonds and silver! - Silver Investing

  37. hillcountry says:


    Zoom panel with Dr. Pierre Kory and doctors from Israel, Belgium, Argentina and UK.

    These doctors completely obliterate the “we need to do more studies” resistance, which is clearly based on a lack of reading on the part of those who opine in that way. They’ve clearly done the heavy-lifting reading all of the available RCT’s and Dr. Lawrie makes a great point that above and beyond their meta-analysis of 27 Randomized Controlled Studies, which show a death-reduction of 68%; are the Country Case Studies with massive numbers in evidence adding to proof of the successful application of Ivermectin to solve this crisis. There’s more data rolling in every day.

    At 4:35 is a list of countries that are using Ivermectin as part of their protocols

    Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Zimbabwe, North Macedonia, Uttar Pradesh and State of Bihar India, Egypt, Peru, Guatemala, Nicaragua, parts of Argentina.

    SAFETY – a recent report on Ivermectin by world-renowned toxicologist Jacques Descotes states:

    “Clinical experience over decades show that sever adverse events are UNEQUIVOCALLY extremely rare.”

    Dr. Kory: “…this call for another new RCT trial …currently the WHO researchers have identified 59 active RCT trials, they’ve compiled data on approximately 27 RCT trials, and are presenting those results on Friday, I want everyone to be clear, one of the tenets of evidence-based medicine is that the highest form of medical evidence is what’s called a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. It’s not a single trial, and when you look at the amount of data we have, which is over 3,000 almost 4,000 patients among approximately 27 randomized controlled trials, THAT IS SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE, to make a decision on a safe drug in a pandemic. It’s unassailable.

    Dr. Kory talks about the process of meta-analysis and the fact that the WHO is contacting researchers all over the planet almost daily and is crunching their pre-published data and is thereby miles ahead of national organizations like those in the EU and the NIH over here. He points out the difference between doing meta-analysis actively or passively; the latter being slower having other disadvantages. His conclusion: we have the evidence, it’s time to get it on with Ivermectin.

  38. Yoshua says:

    Mr Pool

    Financial turbulence in April May June July

    “You haven’t seen anything yet”


    • The Twitter thread leads to a long decoded announcement, not too different from an early one provided. If I remember correctly, the announcement is supposedly from outer space.

      A few pieces of the coded message:

      “Watch closely – April, May, June, July – Watch closely”

      “Reset will occur swiftly – financial reset -overnight”

      “Beware of sudden devaluation of fiat – Banks not safe – reset -restructuring”

      “Soon an opportunity will come to ‘reinvest’ – do it-do not wait”

      “Seek safety in the event of 311 – 911 -1131- inte.r.nal – http://sprea.d.ing worldwide”

      “Seek wisdom in books.”

      • Fast Eddy says:

        ‘Withdraw all fiat from bank buy tangible items such as blow, whisky and dancing girls’

  39. Gerard d'Olivat says:

    Water crisis Crimea, reason for war in Dombass region

    1. The crisis began in retaliation for Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.
    Ukraine closed the North Crimean Canal that provided the region with 85% of its water.
    The problem was exacerbated as Crimea’s population nearly doubled as Russian migrants began moving into Crimea. Although Russian authorities have used all sorts of tactics to force Ukraine to reopen the canal, Kiev refuses to give in until the Kremlin leaves Crimea alone.

    2. The winter season’s snowfall was wholly insufficient to alleviate the water crisis. According to Ukrainian water experts, the snowfall was “too temporary and too small” to have a significant impact on the shortage. The water shortage became especially acute after 2020 set the record for the driest year in a century and a half.
    Consequently, in August, water restrictions went into effect in most cities in the region in an attempt to maintain some level of reserves. This could not prevent the reservoirs from reaching an all-time low of less than 10% of their capacity by December.

    3.In addition, the water supply is struggling in other areas. Reports show that 56% of the water transport infrastructure is severely outdated. Even more worrisome, soil subsidence has resulted in the water infrastructure in the northern parts of Crimea “practically collapsing.”

    4. The agricultural sector has been hit hardest by the infrastructure crisis, as it is heavily dependent on the irrigation system.
    The residents of the cities and villages are also suffering daily from the effects of the aging water infrastructure. The increasingly rusty pipes only compound the problem. Most of the “drinking” water they get is already contaminated by the time it comes out of the tap. The Russians have also failed to initiate sanitation projects, forcing the Russian government to deal with the problem itself, despite their lack of technological development in the field of water treatment.
    For now, the Kremlin has resorted to temporary solutions such as digging more wells and extending pipelines into cities.

    • Thanks for your analysis of the situation. I think that something like this situation is playing out in many areas of the world. For example, the Israel/Palestine problem is to a significant extent a water problem. California has a huge water problem. Cuba has a huge water problem. India and China both have huge water problems.

      When I talk about population outgrowing available resources, the availability of adequate fresh water is a big part of the problem. Draining aquifers with more wells is a temporary “solution.” Desalination plants using sea water, followed by adding required minerals and pumping the water to where it is required is another (horribly expensive) solution.

      The ancient solution seems to have been to have girls and (perhaps women as well) carry water from a distance on top of their heads. The water then needed to be boiled to be potable.

      The situation with respect to water adequacy/quality has gone downhill in many ways in today’s industrial economy:

      (1) Any electrical generation method that uses steam from boiling water requires uses water in large quantities (coal, nuclear, and natural gas, except for natural gas from inefficient “peaker plants”). Part of the attraction of wind and solar is that they don’t require water in the process.

      (2) Agriculture is much more productive in many areas with irrigation, using a lot of water.

      (3) Citizens has become aware of the problems with local water, raising demand for bottled water. Manufacturing this bottled water uses far more water than the amount available to drink.

      (4) Population has grown.

      (5) Many pipeline systems were put in close to 100 years ago. There really needs to be a way of replacing the pipelines, because they do degrade with time.

      (6) Populations have been draining underwater aquifers that take hundreds or thousands of years to refill.

      (7) Inadequate world energy supplies are now a problem. These low energy supplies take the form of “too low tax revenue.” This lack of tax revenue prevents local governments from making necessary upgrades to the system, even if they are needed.

      • (1) As discussed previously, the next gen coal plant arrays in Chinese W deserts are using liquid metal cooling (passive). This is not cheap nor the long transmission lines heading east to their metro areas. But for some reason they evaluated it as “go project” .. perhaps they plan to keep it working ~40-60yrs..

        • There was inadequate electricity for a number of provinces in China from early November until Chinese New Year, with rolling blackouts in a number of places. Most of these were distant from the new coal generation. Clearly, they are not getting enough using this approach. At the same time, China was keeping out imported coal, trying to keep the price of coal up, so that Chinese coal would not be at a huge cost disadvantage.

      • Gerard d'Olivat says:

        Thank you for the responses. However, the ‘water crisis’ might be the trigger for an ‘energy crisis’ in the EU in the near future.

        Russia, Ukraine and the EU’s gas supplies.

        1. The water crisis in Crimea may be the trigger for an extension of the ‘Ukrainian crisis’. Ukrainian observers believe the Kremlin may consider a decisive military push through southeastern Ukraine to create an overland corridor linking Crimea to Donbas. This could end the peninsula’s chronic water shortage – Ukraine has blocked 85 percent of its water supply to Crimea since 2014.
        The real danger is that it would then simultaneously create an energy crisis in the EU. Strategic gas reserves in the EU have ended up at a low point. Russia therefore has a huge hold on its vital energy supply.

        2. The Ukrainian crisis is flaring up and there is a real threat of a military confrontation between Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Currently, the Ukrainian military is fighting Moscow-backed separatists in the Donbas region. At the same time, heavy fighting with Russian-backed forces has been reported in and around Shymy.

        3. In recent weeks, analysts warned of a possible large-scale military confrontation, considering military actions in the region as provocations by Moscow. At the same time, most of the confrontations were local and did not yet have any real regional impact. More and more reports have emerged that point not only to large-scale Russian military movements toward the Ukrainian border, but also to the fact that Moscow’s only regional ally Belarus has sent new troops to the Ukrainian border. Kiev has already responded to the growing threat picture by calling in reinforcements.

        4. The next few days could be an important turning point for the military-geopolitical situation in the region. The West has always assumed that Moscow was more than satisfied with the current situation, whereby it not only controls the Donbas region, but also prevents Ukraine from joining NATO. Russia’s ultimate dream is to unite Russia and Ukraine, a dream it is prepared to achieve either through tough diplomacy or military means.

        5. Military analysts still argue over what Moscow’s options are in the coming days. A majority expect a so-called local escalation, dramatic and devastating, leading to the deployment of Russian “peacekeepers.” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken filed a charge Wednesday reiterating Washington’s support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity “in the face of Russia’s continued aggression.” However, if Putin believes the West is weak, a military move that would give Russia access to the water supply for Crimea would be very attractive.

        6. A possible large-scale military operation will not only affect regional security, but also put pressure on the European oil and gas sector. Gas storage in Europe is currently very small and dependence on Russian supplies still very high.
        If the situation escalates, gas prices will quickly come under pressure. With storage sites at 37% capacity, compared to 60% capacity at the same time last year or 74% at the beginning of this year, stocks are critical. Analysts currently expect levels to fall to 16% of total capacity. Russia’s stranglehold on European gas markets may soon become another important geopolitical market factor. If a crisis breaks out in Ukraine, potentially blocking or shutting down gas and oil pipelines in the region, a new energy crisis would soon follow. Russian gas policy could now be a key linchpin in stopping any EU and NATO support to Ukraine, should a renewed conflict break out.

        • Thanks for the information. This is not a situation that is much reported on in the US press.

        • Robert Firth says:

          Thank you, Gerard, an excellent analysis. Two short comments.

          First, the Ukraine could defuse this crisis in 24 hours, merely by restoring the water supply to Crimea. Why do they not do so? The only reason I can think up is that the Western “deep state”, ie the neocon warmongers, has promised them military intervention. This will not happen.

          Secondly, why should Russia make an “incursion” into the Ukraine? She will be condemned by the whole of NATO anyway, so may well decide it is better to be hanged for a sheep than a lamb. And a Russian occupation of Kiev would slam the door on any Western intervention, because there would be nothing left to support.

          The issue of Russian gas supplies to Western Europe is, I suspect, a different issue entirely. It is a card that becomes useless when played, and Russia is too sensible to do that.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Well of course they are terrified of an Eurasian bloc. Russian natgas/oil and East Asian machine shop floors and manpower. Plus the Crown Jewels of the EU; ASML, telecoms and IP’s to the tilt.

          The same BS in a different pile. You wouldn’t expect the Eurasian muppets to run the show much differently, now do you? The European history should give you an indication of things to come once those FF wells deplete.

          Just have a look at the EU “elite”, is that a good mirror image of the faces of the EU “elders”.

          Repeat after me:


      • Artleads says:

        So I’m seeing a future of only more compost toilets and no pipe system. You scoop water out of a drum. Shower from a bucket with a chain that you pull down…

      • Matt says:

        for a huge period of time the preferred low tech way of creating safe drinking water was to brew weak beer and drink that,
        the brewing process kills off pathogens and bacteria,

        I saw a suggestion that the whole tradition of drinking tea dates back to an ancient Chinese regulation that all drinking water should be boiled and people experimented with infusing the boiled water to create a more palatable drink,

        I guess northern Europe lacks suitable plants for infusing so beer was the easiest option,
        you can drink beer with an alcohol content by volume of 1.5-2% all day and barely notice an intoxicating effect,
        it might even make people a bit friendlier and tolerant of each other!

    • hillcountry says:

      It’s even playing out here in the Great Lakes region. Ypsilanti had to hook-up to Detroit supplied water years ago when the chlorine require to treat their water got too high. There are regular ‘water-emergencies’ in all kinds of small towns in Michigan. Trusting Detroit water is a roll of the dice due to aging pipes, with the added caution that sewer and water are often side-by-side – yup, leaky-incursion is a thing. Their sewage-treatment capacity was over-run for years, where the City just paid large EPA fines for dumping raw waste into the Detroit River, instead of investing in infrastructure. I wonder what Toledo, Ohio thought about that. The recent troubles in Flint are pretty well-known. So, even in an area with the largest fresh-water resource on earth, we’ve got our share of problems, mostly due to lack of investment as far as I can tell.

    • Craig says:

      Keep on posting

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    This ties in with Bridle at Guelph University who suggests that the second shots of the vaccines are being deliberately delayed for up to 4 months to encourage deadly mutations…


    • Xabier says:

      That would be an excellent 2-for-1: encourage mutations, and also make people desperate for the shots when they are at last made available.

      It also provides yet more media smoke to obscure what is really going on, as people squabble over the responsibility for the delays.

  41. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Suriname Defaults as Time Runs Out for Third Debt Payment Delay: Suriname skidded into default after the government ran out of time to convince bondholders to yet again push back bond payments…

    “That’s Suriname’s third default event of the Covid era per Fitch’s criteria.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “The Nicaraguan army said Thursday that since the start of the year it has detained and expelled 1,166 migrants from various countries who had apparently entered the country from Costa Rica at clandestine crossing points…

      “Most migrants making the hike through the dangerous Darien Gap are from Haiti or Cuba…”


    • Looking for “restructuring” [postponement in this case].

      Other countries with bonds in distress include Lebanon, Zambia, Sri Lanka, Belize, Argentina, and Ecuador according to a chart.

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        Postponing debt, swapping it for equity, restructuring it, warehousing it, strategically forgiving it – we are very creative at putting off the inevitable day of reckoning.

  42. Harry McGibbs says:

    “In China’s small cities, home buyers suffer as debt-ridden developers fail to finish projects…

    “Many of the developers active in China’s smaller cities indulged in unbridled borrowing amid a red-hot market between 2016 and 2018 but now find themselves grappling with too much debt, sharply weaker demand and tighter regulations.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “China Evergrande, the country’s biggest home builder, said it is transforming itself into a diversified conglomerate as the central government clamps down on the heavily indebted real estate industry.”


    • It is only “small cities” (including suburbs with inadequate train transportation to larger cities) that have this problem.

      I remember the US collapse of subprime debt. It tended to take place when marginal buyers had problems in distant suburbs when the price of oil rose and interest rates were rising.

      This is similar, except that it is the marginal developers in these outlying suburbs that are getting hit. The need in better/cheap transportation, but this is not available.

    • Robert Firth says:

      Fascinating. This issue was covered with great wit and charm in an episode of The Feng Shui Detective”, published almost 20 years ago.

  43. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Long-term US government bonds endure worst quarterly fall since 1980:

    “The $21tn US government bond market is in for a “bumpy” ride, investors warn, after a tumultuous quarter marked by the worst performance for long-dated Treasuries in more than four decades.”


  44. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Archegos avalanche shows cracks are hidden under the surface…

    “There are worrying pockets of bizarre price behaviour in the shadow banking world… the episode exposes broader vulnerabilities in the financial system.

    “After all, as any back-country skier knows, avalanches do not usually occur just because of an idiosyncratic shock, but because the underlying snowpack is unstable…

    “…the key point is this: the Archegos rubble shows that years of excessively loose monetary policy have not just left asset prices elevated but created half-concealed pockets of leverage, too. When the two collide, disaster can erupt.”


  45. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of whipping up tensions as NATO voiced concern about what it said was a Russian military build-up near eastern Ukraine.

    “Unverified social media footage has suggested Russia has been moving large quantities of tanks, armoured personnel carriers and other equipment to regions that border Ukraine, as well as to Crimea, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Pentagon chief reaffirmed unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty:

      “U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III… condemned recent escalations of Russian aggressive and provocative actions in eastern Ukraine and offered condolences to Minister Taran on the deaths of four Ukrainian soldiers on March 26th.”


      • Robert Firth says:

        “Pentagon chief reaffirmed unwavering support for Ukraine’s sovereignty”

        In other breaking news, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain reaffirmed unwavering support for Poland’s sovereignty. And he didn’t have to rely on an armed force led by woke transgendered BLM supporters.

        • What? These individuals don’t inspire confidence or display leadership capabilities?


          • Robert Firth says:

            Good find! No, they emphatically do not. Real leaders lead, riding their chariots, warhorses or tanks in the front rank. As did Rameses II; as did Queen Boudicca; as did Henry V; as did Theodore Roosevelt; as did Erwin Rommel; …

            Today’s “leaders” are incompetent timeserving toadies, hired by incompetent timeserving politicians.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Here’s an illustration of how a pastoralist warrior broad might have looked like:


              Take out the modern war gizmos, petroleum and no MRE’s for a modern army and those pastoralists would have sent them directly to oblivion while “feeling” absolutely nothing about it. The more, the merrier.

              “Simo Häyhä, the most successful sniper of WW2, was asked about what he feels when shooting somebody.

              He replied: “The recoil”

              Damn right. It still lives on.

        • Tim Groves says:

          In further breaking news Mr. Putin has assured the world that Crimea was his last territorial claim in Europe, although he admitted to having a wish list of other territories that he wouldn’t mind admitting to the Russian Federation or the Commonwealth of Independent States if the popular demand was high enough. 🙂

  46. Bobby says:

    Making Social Beings Alone.
    Consenting To Things Un-needed.
    Killing Off The Thymus.
    Brining Hayflick Limits Low.
    Fear Is Futures Only Ghost.
    Who Gave It Permission?
    Who Can Live Without It?

    Immunities Natural Authority.
    The Freedom To Be.
    Social Beings.

    Living Together.
    We’re Built For It.
    It’s In Our Blood.
    Our Supper Power.
    Inherited For Eons.
    From Mums and Dads.
    Building Collectives.
    Shiny New Ones.
    Like A Child’s Eyes.
    Just Adapt To Their Luminosity.
    Having A Roast This Sunday.
    Vegetarians Welcome.

    Breath Of Life.
    Taken In Cool.
    And Given Back Warm.
    Into The Great Unity.
    Doesn’t Require Training.
    Can’t Really Control This Force.
    Without It, Communication Is Difficult.
    Sheared With Everything That Lives.

    All Conquering Heart.
    Sometimes Fearless.
    Refines Wisdom.
    Perfections Take Time.
    Good Or Bad?
    All Knowing?
    Depends On What Comes Out.
    Deep Waters Or Brighter Than Starlight.
    You Choose.
    Embers Sometimes Need Stirring Up.

    Mindfulness Of The Body.
    The Gait To The Deathless.
    Like a Mountain.
    Just Sitting.
    Always Here.
    Only Seems Hard To Move
    When It Needs Exercise.
    Walk Out The Door.
    Of The Mind.
    Into Our World.

    The Sea Of Beautiful Smiles.
    Hello, I Missed Your Face.

    • Ed says:


    • Kowalainen says:

      Less writing, more cycling and plant based.
      That’s a good start.

      The rest of the herd, well, fuck em.

      Why make shit so complicated and emotional?
      Talk about a limbic system twisted to 11.

      Anyway, good writing…


  47. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:


    Suez Canal hoping to clear the backlog of ships by the weekend.

    the stuff is coming soon.

    Europe is saved!

  48. Fast Eddy says:

    Just getting to the Lebanon article… this is fantastic stuff!!!

    “Do you think I want to be microdosing Ketamine every day?”, asks Nadim Haroush*, a local living in Beirut, Lebanon’s capital city.

    “I’ve been self-medicating with it for over a year because I’m so anxious. Disintegrating. Almost everyone I know is using [drugs] or drinking because we’re losing money as we speak,” adds Haroush, whose events business went into administration last year. “You think that the government that let Beirut explode will help me – or fight Covid?”

    Battered by fiscal, financial and banking collapse, Lebanon’s economy has spiralled out of control since mid-2019, leading to mass protests and ongoing political paralysis in what was an already fragile country. This situation deteriorated further still last year, under the weight of Covid-19 and the chemical explosion in August 2020 that left hundreds dead, thousands injured and 300,000 homeless across Beirut.

    “Political crisis, unemployment, bank savings lost, lockdown, Covid, PTSD from the explosion, lack of justice. Can you imagine the pressure on people?”, says Lina Khoury from Oum El Nour, an NGO working in addiction recovery.

    More people are smoking, drinking or taking illegal and legal drugs, adds Sleiman. “Substances have become a coping mechanism, a way to forget or have fun.”

    “Almost everyone I know is on some kind of tranquilliser, such as Xanax, Lexotanil, and other psychoactive pharmacy drugs,” adds Ghandour. In recent months, however, there have been widespread reports of pharmacy shortages, as many prescription drugs in Lebanon are imported.


    Let’s bring in the CEP.

    Lebanon, in its current state, would be Utopia in a world where the global economy and civilization collapsed. And collapse is baked in when you hit the Limits to Growth….

    Detonation is a more appropriate word to describe what would have happened in 2020 if the Elders had not stepped in with Covid and shut this sucker down.

    Lebanon has electricity and food and petrol still — and look at the mess…

    Suicide must be off the charts… then there’s this https://beirut-today.com/2021/01/13/isf-source-lebanon-facing-a-worrying-increase-in-crime-rates/

    The Elders know what detonation looks like… they have war-gamed it… and they made the call to exterminate us.

    it’s a good call. It’s the only call.

    Heaven help us if Yeadon, Bossche, the Great Barrington people and others… put a wrench in the gears.



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