How Energy Transition Models Go Wrong

I have written many posts relating to the fact that we live in a finite world. At some point, our ability to extract resources becomes constrained. At the same time, population keeps increasing. The usual outcome when population is too high for resources is “overshoot and collapse.” But this is not a topic that the politicians or central bankers or oligarchs who attend the World Economic Forum dare to talk about.

Instead, world leaders find a different problem, namely climate change, to emphasize above other problems. Conveniently, climate change seems to have some of the same solutions as “running out of fossil fuels.” So, a person might think that an energy transition designed to try to fix climate change would work equally well to try to fix running out of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, this isn’t really the way it works.

In this post, I will lay out some of the issues involved.

[1] There are many different constraints that new energy sources need to conform to.

These are a few of the constraints I see:

  • Should be inexpensive to produce
  • Should work with the current portfolio of existing devices
  • Should be available in the quantities required, in the timeframe needed
  • Should not pollute the environment, either when created or at the end of their lifetimes
  • Should not add CO2 to the atmosphere
  • Should not distort ecosystems
  • Should be easily stored, or should be easily ramped up and down to precisely match energy timing needs
  • Cannot overuse fresh water or scarce minerals
  • Cannot require a new infrastructure of its own, unless the huge cost in terms of delayed timing and greater materials use is considered.

If an energy type is simply a small add-on to the existing system, perhaps a little deviation from the above list can be tolerated, but if there is any intent of scaling up the new energy type, all of these requirements must be met.

It is really the overall cost of the system that is important. Historically, the use of coal has helped keep the overall cost of the system down. Substitutes need to be developed considering the overall needs and cost of the system.

The reason why the overall cost of the system is important is because countries with high-cost energy systems will have a difficult time competing in a world market since energy costs are an important part of the cost of producing goods and services. For example, the cost of operating a cruise ship depends, to a significant extent, on the cost of the fuel it uses.

In theory, energy types that work with different devices (say, electric cars and trucks instead of those operated by internal combustion engines) can be used, but a long delay can be expected before a material shift in overall energy usage occurs. Furthermore, a huge ramp up in the total use of materials for production may be required. The system cannot work if the total cost is too high, or if the materials are not really available, or if the timing is too slow.

[2] The major thing that makes an economy grow is an ever increasing supply of inexpensive-to-produce energy products.

Food is an energy product. Let’s think of what happens when agriculture is mechanized, typically using devices that are made and operated using coal and oil. The cost of producing food drops substantially. Instead of spending, for example, 50% of a person’s wages on food, the percentage can gradually drop down to 20% of wages, and then to 10% of wages for food, and eventually even, say, to 2% of wages for food.

As spending on food falls, opportunity for other spending arises, even with wages remaining relatively level. With lower food expenditures, a person can spend more on books (made with energy products), or personal transportation (such as a vehicle), or entertainment (also made possible by energy products). Strangely enough, in order for an economy to grow, essential items need to become an ever decreasing share of everyone’s budget, so that citizens have sufficient left-over income available for more optional items.

It is the use of tools, made and operated with inexpensive energy products of the right types, that leverages human labor so that workers can produce more food in a given period of time. This same approach also makes many other goods and services available.

In general, the less expensive an energy product is, the more helpful it will be to an economy. A country operating with an inexpensive mix of energy products will tend to be more competitive in the world market than one with a high-cost mix of energy products. Oil tends to be expensive; coal tends to be inexpensive. This is a major reason why, in recent years, countries using a lot of coal in their energy mix (such as China and India) have been able to grow their economies much more rapidly than those countries relying heavily on oil in their energy mixes.

[3] If energy products are becoming more expensive to produce, or their production is not growing very rapidly, there are temporary workarounds that can hide this problem for quite a number of years.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, world coal and oil consumption were growing rapidly. Natural gas, hydroelectric and (a little) nuclear were added, as well. Cost of production remained low. For example, the price of oil, converted to today’s dollar value, was less than $20 per barrel.

Once the idyllic 1950s and 1960s passed, it was necessary to hide the problems associated with the rising cost of production using several approaches:

  • Increasing use of debt – really a promise of future goods and services made with energy
  • Lower interest rates – permits increasing debt to be less of a financial burden
  • Increasing use of technology – to improve efficiency in energy usage
  • Growing use of globalization – to make use of other countries’ cheaper energy mix and lower cost of labor

After 50+ years, we seem to be reaching limits with respect to all of these techniques:

  • Debt levels are excessive
  • Interest rates are very low, even below zero
  • Increasing use of technology as well as globalization have led to greater and greater wage disparity; many low level jobs have been eliminated completely
  • Globalization has reached its limits; China has reached a situation in which its coal supply is no longer growing

[4] The issue that most people fail to grasp is the fact that with depletion, the cost of producing energy products tends to rise, but the selling prices of these energy products do not rise enough to keep up with the rising cost of depletion.

As a result, production of energy products tends to fall because production becomes unprofitable.

As we get further and further away from the ideal situation (oil less than $20 per barrel and rising in quantity each year), an increasing number of problems crop up:

  • Both oil/gas companies and coal companies become less profitable.
  • With lower energy company profits, governments can collect less taxes from these companies.
  • As old wells and mines deplete, the cost of reinvestment becomes more of a burden. Eventually, new investment is cut back to the point that production begins to fall.
  • With less growth in energy consumption, productivity growth tends to lag. This happens because energy is required to mechanize or computerize processes.
  • Wage disparity tends to grow; workers become increasingly unhappy with their governments.

[5] Authorities with an incorrect understanding of why and how energy supplies fall have assumed that far more fossil fuels would be available than is actually the case. They have also assumed that relatively high prices for alternatives would be acceptable.

In 2012, Jorgen Randers prepared a forecast for the next 40 years for The Club of Rome, in the form of a book, 2052, with associated data. Looking at the data, we see that Randers forecast that world coal consumption would grow by 28% between 2010 and 2020. In fact, world coal consumption grew by 0% in that period. (This latter forecast is based on BP coal consumption estimates for 2010 and 2019 from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020, adjusted for the 2019 to 2020 period change using IEA’s estimate from its Global Energy Review 2021.)

It is very easy to assume that high estimates of coal resources in the ground will lead to high quantities of actual coal extracted and burned. The world’s experience between 2010 and 2020 shows that it doesn’t necessarily work out that way in practice. In order for coal consumption to grow, the delivered price of coal needs to stay low enough for customers to be able to afford its use in the end products it provides. Much of the supposed coal that is available is far from population centers. Some of it is even under the North Sea. The extraction and delivery costs become far too high, but this is not taken into account in resource estimates.

Forecasts of future natural gas availability suffer from the same tendency towards over-estimation. Randers estimated that world gas consumption would grow by 40% between 2010 and 2020, when the actual increase was 22%. Other authorities make similar overestimates of future fuel use, assuming that “of course,” prices will stay high enough to enable extraction. Most energy consumption is well-buried in goods and services we buy, such as the cost of a vehicle or the cost of heating a home. If we cannot afford the vehicle, we don’t buy it; if the cost of heating a family’s home rises too high, thrifty families will turn down the thermostat.

Oil prices, even with the recent run-up in prices, are under $75 per barrel. I have estimated that for profitable oil production (including adequate funds for high-cost reinvestment and sufficient taxes for governments), oil prices need to be over $120 per barrel. It is the lack of profitability that has caused the recent drop in production. These profitability problems can be expected to lead to more production declines in the future.

With this low-price problem, fossil fuel estimates used in climate model scenarios are almost certainly overstated. This bias would be expected to lead to overstated estimates of future climate change.

The misbelief that energy prices will always rise to cover higher costs of production also leads to the belief that relatively high-cost alternatives to fossil fuels would be acceptable.

[6] Our need for additional energy supplies of the right kinds is extremely high right now. We cannot wait for a long transition. Even 30 years is too long.

We saw in section [3] that the workarounds for a lack of growing energy supply, such as higher debt and lower interest rates, are reaching limits. Furthermore, prices have been unacceptably low for oil producers for several years. Not too surprisingly, oil production has started to decline:

Figure 1 – World production of crude oil and condensate, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration

What is really needed is sufficient energy of the right types for the world’s growing population. Thus, it is important to look at energy consumption on a per capita basis. Figure 2 shows energy production per capita for three groupings:

  • Tier 1: Oil and Coal
  • Tier 2: Natural Gas, Nuclear, and Hydroelectric
  • Tier 3: Other Renewables, including Intermittent Wind and Solar
Figure 2 World per capita energy consumption by Tier. Amounts through 2019 based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. Changes for 2020 based on estimates provided by IEA Global Energy Review 2021.

Figure 2 shows that the biggest drop is in Tier 1: Coal and Oil. In many ways, coal and oil are foundational types of energy for the economy because they are relatively easy to transport and store. Oil is important because it is used in operating agricultural machinery, road repair machinery, and vehicles of all types, including ships and airplanes. Coal is important partly because of its low cost, helping paychecks to stretch further for finished goods and services. Coal is used in many ways, including electricity production and making steel and concrete. We use coal and oil to keep electricity transmission lines repaired.

Figure 2 shows that Tier 2 energy consumption per capita was growing rapidly in the 1965 to 1990 period, but its growth has slowed in recent years.

The Green Energy sources in Tier 3 have been growing rapidly from a low base, but their output is still tiny compared to the overall output that would be required if they were to substitute for energy from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 sources. They clearly cannot by themselves power today’s economy.

It is very difficult to imagine any of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 energy sources being able to grow without substantial assistance from coal and oil. All of today’s Tier 2 and Tier 3 energy sources depend on coal and oil at many points in the chain of their production, distribution, operation, and eventual recycling. If we ever get to Tier 4 energy sources (such as fusion or space solar), I would expect that they too will need oil and/or coal in their production, transport and distribution, unless there is an incredibly long transition, and a huge change in energy infrastructure.

[7] It is easy for energy researchers to set their sights too low.

[a] We need to be looking at the extremely low energy cost structure of the 1950s and 1960s as a model, not some far higher cost structure.

We have been hiding the world’s energy problems for years behind rising debt and falling interest rates. With very high debt levels and very low interest rates, it is becoming less feasible to stimulate the economy using these approaches. We really need very inexpensive energy products. These energy products need to provide a full range of services required by the economy, not simply intermittent electricity.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, the ratio of Energy Earned to Energy Investment was likely in the 50:1 range for many energy products. Energy products were very profitable; they could be highly taxed. The alternative energy products we develop today need to have similar characteristics if they truly are to play an important role in the economy.

[b] A recent study says that greenhouse gas emissions related to the food system account for one-third of the anthropogenic global warming gas total. A way to grow sufficient food is clearly needed.

We clearly cannot grow food using intermittent electricity. Farming is not an easily electrified endeavor. If we do not have an alternative, the coal and oil that we are using now in agriculture really needs to continue, even if it requires subsidies.

[c] Hydroelectric electricity looks like a good energy source, but in practice it has many deficiencies.

Some of the hydroelectric dams now in place are over 100 years old. This is nearing the lifetime of the concrete in the dams. Considerable maintenance and repair (indirectly using coal and oil) are likely to be needed if these dams are to continue to be used.

The water available to provide hydroelectric power tends to vary greatly over time. Figure 3 shows California’s hydro electricity generation by month.

Figure 3. California hydroelectric energy production by month, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

Thus, as a practical matter, hydroelectric energy needs to be balanced with fossil fuels to provide energy which can be used to power a factory or heat a home in winter. Battery storage would never be sufficient. There are too many gaps, lasting months at a time.

If hydroelectric energy is used in a tropical area with dry and wet seasons, the result would be even more extreme. A poor country with a new hydroelectric power plant may find the output of the plant difficult to use. The electricity can only be used for very optional activities, such as bitcoin mining, or charging up small batteries for lights and phones.

Any new hydroelectric dam runs the risk of taking away the water someone else was depending upon for irrigation or for their own electricity generation. A war could result.

[d] Current approaches for preventing deforestation mostly seem to be shifting deforestation from high income countries to low income countries. In total, deforestation is getting worse rather than better.

Figure 4. Forest area percentage of land area, by income group, based on data of the World Bank.

Figure 4 shows that deforestation is getting rapidly worse in Low Income countries with today’s policies. There is also a less pronounced trend toward deforestation in Middle Income countries. It is only in High Income countries that land areas are becoming more forested. In total (not shown), the forested area for the world as a whole falls, year after year.

Also, even when replanting is done, the new forests do not have the same characteristics as those made by natural ecosystems. They cannot house as many different species as natural ecosystems. They are likely to be less resistant to problems like insect infestations and forest fires. They are not true substitutes for the forest ecosystems that nature creates.

[e] The way intermittent wind and solar have been added to the electric grid vastly overpays these providers, relative to the value they add to the system. Furthermore, the subsidies for intermittent renewables tend to drive out more stable producers, degrading the overall condition of the grid.

If wind and solar are to be used, payments for the electricity they provide need to be scaled back to reflect the true value that they add to the overall system. In general, this corresponds to the savings in fossil fuel purchases that electricity providers need to make. This will be a small amount, perhaps 2 cents per kilowatt hour. Even this small amount, in theory, might be reduced to reflect the greater electricity transmission costs associated with these intermittent sources.

We note that China is making a major step in the direction of reducing subsidies for wind and solar. It has already dramatically cut its subsidies for wind energy; new subsidy cuts for solar energy will become effective August 1, 2021.

A major concern is the distorting impact that current pricing approaches for wind and solar have on the overall electrical system. Often, these approaches produce very low, or negative, wholesale prices for other providers. Nuclear providers are especially harmed by such practices. Nuclear is, of course, a low CO2 electricity provider.

It seems to me that in each part of the world, some utility-type provider needs to be analyzing what the overall funding of the electrical system needs to be. Bills to individuals and businesses need to reflect these actual expected costs. This approach might avoid the artificially low rates that the current pricing system often generates. If adequate funding can be achieved, perhaps some of the corner cutting that leads to electrical outages, such as recently encountered in California and Texas, might be avoided.

[8] When I look at the requirements for a successful energy transition and the obstacles we are up against, it is hard for me to see that any of the current approaches can be successful.

Unfortunately, it is hard for me to see how intermittent electricity can save the world economy, or even make a dent in our problems. We have searched for a very long time, but haven’t yet found solutions truly worth ramping up. Perhaps a new “Tier 4 approach” might be helpful, but such solutions seem likely to come too late.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,781 Responses to How Energy Transition Models Go Wrong

  1. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Fastest rise in inflation since 2008 sets alarm bells ringing.

    “Fuel, food and transport costs soar in the 38 OECD nations as central banks debate when to scale back Covid stimulus schemes.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Vessel recycling rates hit 13-year high…

      “Rising steel plate prices lifts rates to levels last seen in September 2008, just before the global financial crash.”

      • Whether recycling make sense economically depends on both (a) Demand = price of recycled product, and (b) Price of energy products used in making original product. In this case, it is likely coal and oil used in making/transporting steel products directly from ore.

        Recycling tends to save energy, if energy and commodity prices are high enough.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Don … what’s going on here… does inflation increase wages?

      • Sam says:

        I don’t know it is happening McDonald’s is paying ng $20 an hour

        • Fast Eddy says:

          In DelusiSTAN … where don lives… it’s $500 per hour… because in DelusiSTAN… the lawyers and bankers get $10 an hour …

          And everyone hates the fast food workers

    • An awfully lot of people have more money in their bank accounts. No wonder prices of many kinds of things are rising!

      • donmillman says:

        I’ve got $55,000 in my checking account, but I don’t plan to spend it. I like to save and always live way below my income. When I was a teaching assistant and a research assistant I earned $3,000 a year and saved much of it. My model is Cato the younger, a very rich man who went barefoot all year round and had only one old toga.

        • But that kind of lifestyle led to a lack of direction which led him to support Pompey and destroyed.

          • donmillman says:

            Cato fought almost alone against Julius Caesar. See “Rome’s Last Citizen” for a discussion of politics in the last days of the Roman Republic and is the best biography of Cato the younger.

        • I know some slow horses and fast women who might enjoy your company don

          • donmillman says:

            Am not interested in gambling or fast women. Never have, never will be. I’m giving all my wealth to the Nature Conservancy when I die, because I think that organization is doing more to save the planet than any other organization. Have you ever thought about becoming a member of the Nature Conservancy?

            • NomadicBeer says:

              “I’m giving all my wealth to the Nature Conservancy when I die, because I think that organization is doing more to save the planet than any other organization.”

              It sure is, Don:
              “$764,694: Mark R Tercek, Director, President, and CEO

              See the rest of the list here:

              Now you have a choice: you can accept that you have been conned and try to remember the lesson OR continue merrily ahead because delusion is easier on the mind.

              Given your age, you probably made the wrong choice a million times already.

              Note: I was stupid enough to believe in big bucks charity too, long ago.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Well Done NB!

              Hey don… get your calculator out… it’s gonna be tough to add all of this up … in your head!!!!!

              There’s a sucker born every day … and it seems he donates to this Bloated Pig Organization (BPO)

              You probably never should have found OFW don… you may end up in deep despair….

              $764,694: Mark R Tercek, Director, President, and CEO
              $585,510: Jim Asp, Chief Development Officer
              $582,797: Brian McPeek, Chief Conservation Officer
              $556,851: Charles Bedford, Regional Director
              $477,942: Mark Burget, EVP and Regional Director
              $448,028: Joseph J Keenan, Managing Director
              $420,234: Lois Quam, Chief Operating Officer
              $418,907: Stephen C Howell, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
              $412,410: William Ginn, EVP, Global Conservation Initiatives
              $367,407: Glenn Prickett, Chief External Affairs Officer
              $360,582: Peter Wheeler, Vice President
              $346,084: William Ulfelder, NY Executive Director
              $343,077: Wisia Heneghan, General Counsel
              $334,430: Cynthia Smith, VP Human Resources
              $332,435: Mathew Brown, Deputy Regional Director
              $319,134: Angela Sosdian, Director Development and Gift Planning (former)
              $317,495: Philip Tabas, Special Counsel North American Region
              $316,640: Michael Sweeney, State Director
              $313,268: Mario D’Amico, Chief Marketing Officer
              $311,495: R Geoffrey Rochester, Director, Marketing
              $310,743: Jean Louis B Ecochard, Chief Information Officer
              $305,797: Thomas Neises, VP and Associate Development Officer
              $293,282: Lynn Scarlett, Managing Director for Public Policy
              $291,735: Justin Adams, Global Managing Director, Lands
              $284,171: Aurelio Ramos, Regional Managing Director (Part Year)
              $282,643: Maria Damanaki, Global Managing Director, Oceans
              $279,433: Janine Wilkin, Chief of Staff
              $275,309: Guilio Buccaletti, Chief Strategy Officer and Global Managing Director, Water
              $274,123: Peter Kareiva, Chief Scientist (former)
              $270,448: Santiago Gowland, Regional Director (Part Year)
              $259,712: Karen Berky, Division Director
              $221,641: Lynn Hale, Global Managing Director, Oceans (former)

            • I took my gf for a picnic by the river last Friday—does that count re nature conservancy?

              saw lots of rich people passing on fancy boats, they didn’t seem much interested in saving the planet

            • donmillman says:

              I sail small boats and heaps of fun. You can buy a used Sunfish for $400, and it is a great boat, fast and very seaworthy. Big boats are for chujmps, nothing but maintenance and expense. I would be delighted to teach you how to sail; I love teaching people to sail and have never taken a nickel as a fee for sailing instruction. Socrates gave philosophy away free, and I model my life on his and also Cato the younger.

            • well

              don’t let your toga drag in the dust that’s all

            • Fast Eddy says:

              But what would they say about my Plastic Burning Operation?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          here’s a clip of don at a recent party he attended

  2. Harry McGibbs says:

    “World’s poor suffer as rich work from home…

    ““The wholesale abandonment of the global poor by policymakers, opinion formers in the liberal press and the global rich in general is one of the most repugnant features of the international response to the pandemic,” says Toby Green, a prize-winning author and professor of African history at King’s College London.”

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    CovIDIOT Interviews:

  4. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The Rise and Fall of the Ultimate Doomsday Prepper:

    “Barrett Moore had ordered 2 million N95 masks, held enough freeze-dried food to feed families hiding from global Armageddon for decades, owned a small arsenal of guns, and fortified a pole barn in which to wait out the collapse of civilization.

    “But he had something no one else could buy: knowledge that the end was coming and that the supply chains would snap; the best hope your family had was holing up in his northern Michigan compound while things fell apart. The price for this service would run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to be paid in instalments.”

    • D. Stevens says:

      Invest now in PREP* the prepper ETF. Your preps are safe with us and we have professional preppers to give you the investment edge you need. Should you ever want your preps we can arrange for physical delivery and we pink-swear never to rehypothecate your preps. *not to be confused with the HIV prevention medication PrEP

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      Unbelievable story and very interesting in human deception and gullibility in regard to seeking ultimate safety. We demand security when it can not be had and end taking wrong turns in pursuing it….thanks for the postings!

    • Very Far Frank says:

      He was only a few years too early…

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        Herbie, you are welcome as always and Very Far Frank, I had similar thoughts.

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        A lot more than what was written above…similar to Elizabeth Holmes and her Company….very well written article with much detail…fraud and deception….
        In no way he could deliver what was proposed!

    • It seems like every prepper plan has run into some kind of problems. A common one is the fact that young people are needed to work in the group, but typically cannot afford the high cost of buying in. This fellow thought that dried food would work. I wonder about water and other necessities (waste disposal, for example).

      • donmillman says:

        Water is essential; I have a two month supply in my apartment. In my opinion the best survival kit is by Victor Tool for pilots. I have hat my Victor C2 since 1957, and they are still sold at a reasonable price. They were designed for Canadian bush pilots and for the Royal Canadian Air force and are compact, sturdy, and easy to carry. They last forever.

        • Dennis L. says:


          the best survival plan in my opinion is a group, skill set that can be sold to the outside, common religion, good health and an acceptance life is not forever. In this there needs to be a good demographic mix, that is not easy.

          Today is the only day we can live.

          Good luck with your efforts, you seem to be close to me somewhere in MN.

          Dennis L.

          • donmillman says:

            I agree with you. I grew up on White Bear Lake and knew all three generations of the Johnson family that operated Johnson Boat works and built fast, sturdy, beautiful sailboats. Me and my gang of buddies would often hang out at the Boat works and watch them work. They were wonderful people and would give us scraps of wood to whittle. I have also lived in St. Paul in the most excellent Highland Park village. Where do you live?

            • Dennis L. says:

              Rochester, dance lessons in St. Paul, St. Clair area, slightly north of you, Grand Avenue around Lexington is enjoyable.

              Dennis L.

            • donmillman says:

              Ageed, Grand avenue is excellent–often went their for food and Pennzy’s spices. Good place to walk, good place to ride bike on sidewalk–did that often when I lived near Como Lake, another favorite place in St. Paul. I used to walk twice around Como lake every morning–delightful.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          don … I would not be surprised to read that you had opened fire on a crowd of people in a shopping mall… alternatively that you were caught perving young boys at a primary school.

          you are walking a very fine line between complete insanity and extreme weirdness

          there is something … not right … with you

          I would be relieved to learn that you were just stitching us up with these comments… but I think not

          • >>>>I would be relieved to learn that you were just stitching us up with these comments… but I think not<<<<<

            I used to think the same about you Eddy

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    Now that we’re locked and loaded:

    COVID-19: Almost all coronavirus rules – including face masks and home-working – to be ditched on 19 July, PM says

    Boris Johnson sets out the details of his planned unlocking for the fourth and final step of his roadmap on 19 July – but he warns people in England not to be “demob happy” and to think it is “the end” of COVID-19.

    Imagine the level of despair that the CovIDIOTS will experience … when the first version of Devil Covid arrives.

    Let’s have a big anticipatory laugh at their expense shall we!

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    As expected… the hatred for the CCP in HK is right up there with the Irish hatred of the English…. and we know what happened there….

    Hong Kong police have foiled an alleged terrorist plot, using the national security law to arrest nine members of a pro-independence group suspected of planning to use powerful explosives to bomb the city’s courts, transport networks and streets this month.

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    Perspectives on the Pandemic | Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University | Episode 1

    Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

    The first guys to get pulled off of YT – remember them…

    Perspectives on the Pandemic | The Bakersfield Doctors | Episode 6

  8. StarvingLion says:

    ‘Big Oil’ stocks will be SOARING tomorrow /sarc

    Nah, they will underperform again. The reasoning is that big oil has become like a land trust paying out on sales of accumulated capital

    The big oil companies will never see growth and that is what wall street rewards with higher stock prices. Dividend stocks need not apply.

    The MOREONS at Steven van Metre’s financial channel are sure dumb. One nut ‘cherrygarciafan’ “technology makes things cheaper and ultimately free” …and he’s the smartest one. The others can’t make up their mind whether the “price” of oil should be 200 or 20.

    They should just all admit the system uses scrip “money”…its all fraud and nobody cares what the rules are cause its run by criminals anyway.

    1 day ago (edited)
    Oil is criminally undervalued, given that everything (from food to services) has risen more than 40% since the start of the pandemic.

    1 day ago
    @MrZozue Crude is HUGELY overvalued. Historical consumption places it about $20.00 a barrel. FED MONEY PRINTING has caused the price of commodities to rise.

    1 day ago
    @Y H A loan required two things, a credit worthy borrower and a bank willing to risk their capital. Low interest rates are deflationary as more of each payment goes towards principal than interest. Bank credit has to expand at an even faster pace due to the destruction of money with every principal payment. The million dollar question is how does lending increase with debt already at historic levels and what will people and companies borrow from banks for as demographics worsen and technology makes things cheaper and ultimately free.

    • It seems like it is necessary to keep borrowing increasing to keep the whole system operating. But, at some point this comes to an end, perhaps because of evidence of a lack of finished products coming out.

      For example, people will not borrow to buy a new automobile, if the number of new automobiles is falling, and they are one of the people priced out of buying. But a few people will be borrowing even higher amounts than before, because dealers are able to sell the vehicles that are available a inflated prices.

      I am not certain how soon this bubble pops, or what goes wrong. It is hard to see prices of oil companies rising faster than inflation. But, hope springs eternal. No matter how unlikely it really is that prices will rise faster than inflation, there will always be some buyers of stock who think that they will soon rise because oil is a necessity.

  9. StarvingLion says:

    So whats the truth. Truth: Kanada is a shell corporation of the CCP. Read Sam Cooper new book ‘Wilful Blindness’ 2021. Reuters are a bunch of commies along with Biden. Suckers get Fakebook junk, iphones, Windows Junk Spyware OS, scrip “money”, etc …commies get oil.

    07/05/2021 at 9:13 pm

    When are the US Anti-Canadian oil Advocates going to get the message that Canadian oil supply is more secure and ethical than OPEC oil.

    Here we have the Biden administration pushing for ‘compromise solution’ in OPEC+ talks.

    Yes, go ahead and push EVs, solar, wind, geo-thermal, etc. But why do these advocates push for no drilling on federal land and no more Cdn oil when the US is still dependent on OPEC oil to keep the price down and flowing to the US.

    Somebody in the EIA needs to bring a clear message to Biden and the anti oil crowd that the current US direction needs a course correction. Maybe $4/gal gasoline might start a rethink.

    Mark ingraham
    07/05/2021 at 9:17 pm

    It doesn’t matter, Canadian production is negligible and low quality. Oil is already 2/1 eroi and Canadian API is half light oil so it’s basically useless.

    07/05/2021 at 10:17 pm


    Not sure where you get your info but here is a clarification.

    Canada is the third largest Non-OPEC producers after the US and Russia at just shy of 5,000 kb/d. Also we have third largest proven reserves behind Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

    The oil sands have an EROEI of 5 to 1. It used to take about 1000 ft^3 to make a barrel of synthetic sweet crude which had a higher quality than WTI. Very low sulphuric and no asphalt bottoms. At times it sells at a premium to WTI.

    New extraction and upgrading technology, such as use of solvents has increased the EROEI.

    Since most of our oil goes to US refiners, they don’t think that it is useless.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the puppeteers pulling Biden’s strings are obviously all in on the group think that Renewables are the glorious prosperous future as long as we quickly eliminate those awwful FF. The US gov should be propping up fracked oil which blends well with the heavier Kanadian oil.

  10. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:
    • The big thing that happened recently is a rise in the interest rate paid on money left in the repo facility:

      Two weeks ago, in the aftermath of the Fed’s surprise hawkish FOMC announcement which also hiked the administered rates on the Fed’s overnight repo and IOER facilities by 5bps to 0.05% and 0.15% respectively

      The result, as one fund manager explained is favorable for everyone contending with zero interest rates:

      “yesterday we could not even get a basis points a year; to get endless paper at five basis points from the most trusted counterparty is a dream come true.”

      The concern now is that the higher interest rate approach is too generous.

      So the sterilization of reserves begins, and so the o/n RRP facility turns from a largely passive tool that provided an interest rate floor to the deposits that large banks have been pushing away, into an active tool that “sucks” the deposits away that banks decided to retain.


      Pozar notes that “we saw this before when the foreign repo pool was priced too generously relative to bills in 2019.” Everyone remembers how catastrophically that particular episode in repo mispricing ended.

      Analyst Polar calculates that sometime in August, too much will be pulled out. The article ends by asking what happens when:

      this liquidity drain goes violently into reverse and the Fed injects $2 trillion in inert reserves into the market: how high will risk assets rise then?

  11. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    Peter Daszak knows more about the weaponization of the virus in the Wuhan lab than he is willing to admit.

    • Perhaps the most important thing to understand is the last paragraph of this post:

      “Congressional Democrats aren’t actually interested in getting to the bottom of things – as they themselves hold subpoena power in both chambers. The ultimate authority, as JTN notes, rests with that party – specifically Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone – who notably boosted funding to Fauci’s NIH in 2015 to the tune of $2 billion per year through 2020.

  12. JMS says:

    #un-vaxed lives matter!!

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    This part may be troubling for some people to watch… (I am more fascinated than troubled… it’s like looking behind the curtain and seeing the Beast… but remember as you watch — this is all for a good cause… it’s about stopping the Ripping Off of Faces phase)

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Hey Norm Dunc… why do you think they put people who came in without covid – in with covid sufferers at elmhurst?

    There’s real nurses who did not know they were being filmed… admitting this (roughly half the patients were admitting to a covid floor – who tested negative… one had had a stroke hahaha)…

    What’s going on here guys? (or just don’t watch … like you won’t watch American Moon)

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    Erin Marie Olszewski is a Nurse-turned-investigative journalist, who has spent the last few months on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, on the inside in two radically different settings. Two hospitals. One private, the other public. One in Florida, the other in New York.

    And not just any New York public hospital, but the “epicenter of the epicenter” itself, the infamous Elmhurst in Donald Trump’s Queens. As a result of these diametrically opposed experiences, she has the ultimate “perspective on the pandemic”. She has been where there have been the most deaths attributed to Covid-19 and where there have been the least.

    Erin enlisted in the Army when she was 17. She deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Part of her duties involved overseeing aid disbursement and improvements to hospital facilities. While in country she received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service, and was wounded in combat. Erin eventually retired as a sergeant, and became a civilian nurse in 2012.
    Erin is a medical freedom and informed consent advocate. She co-founded the Florida Freedom Alliance but no longer has any connection with the organization.

  16. StarvingLion says:

    The Bankrupt Shithole called New Zealand is a Bankrupt Shithole

    When Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was interviewed by Duncan Garner on The AM Show on Monday about her plan to criminalise free speech, it was all too evident that she didn’t understand the law changes she is intending to impose.

    Whether arrogance or ignorance, she was wrong with virtually all of her answers.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Those NZ ‘sheep’ need to stick to ‘baaa’.

      I mean it, and frankly I am offended at any ‘hatred’ for my ethical opinion on the matter.

      We have a field of sheep adjacent to our grounds and one can hear them from quite a distance on the evening walk.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      She’s a good minion …doing what she is told… just like the minions in Elmhurst Hospital

  17. Artleads says:

    Very easy to understand, and very consistent with OFW.

  18. StarvingLion says:

    Gail, how come the nukes aren’t going off all over the place? I keep hearing micro nukes are being used all in (Beirut, 9/11, etc) but c’mon I’m not a believer.

    The Nuclear Bomb… a commie scam just like The Moon Landings?

    Nuclear blackmail…. I believe very soon the US will attempt to nuclear blackmail China (if it hasn’t happened already in backdoor communications) and to an extent also hold hostage its own US allies/vassals and the rest of the world with threat of nuclear doomsday if everyone doesn’t jump on the US-led China-containment bandwagon… The US may also strategically time this so as to use this nuclear blackmail card well before China catches up in nuclear parity and even before China achieves true strategic nuclear deterrence against a surprise US first strike against the PRC mainland… Thinkers from Graham Allison to Kishore Mahbubani to Ray Dalio all wax poetic about the history of empires and the rising and falling of civilizations but this is the very first time in all mankind that a rising hegemon (China) is credibly threatening to displace a declining power (USA) while both sides have nuclear weapons and with the reigning hegemon having a vast lead in nuclear power over the rising power… When the US surpassed the UK as the world’s empire the UK did not have nuclear weapons… even during the Cuban missile crisis the USSR had the GDP of California and was no where close to surpassing America economically or in world trade. Humanity is at unique crossroads because for the very first time we are in a situation in which the world’s declining superpower may resort to blackmailing the entire world with threat of total extinction if the world doesn’t go along with US plan to first strike China in a “final solution” to rid of the “Central Threat of All Times” (quote Pompeo)

    • I expect the problem of everyone dying at once is a concern. It is impossible to spare your own country.

    • This blackmail scenario won’t work*, e.g. Russians recently said they are not afraid and having automated retaliatory system in place, also believing (as the “force of good”) returning straight to heavens in that case, so what.. The upcoming ever closer union with China, certainly includes some limited share of this “umbrella / shield” as well..

      The only blackmailing vehicles in reality are finance and proxy wars / color revolutions / political – propaganda meddling, these not working exactly swell anymore..

      * but it is possible that eventually the button will be pushed by some out of the increasingly crazier of the crazies faction..

  19. Ed says:

    Nuclear in an A-Frame at 1.5 MW no need for long distance transmission.

    • According to one site,

      A megawatt is a unit for measuring power that is equivalent to one million watts. One megawatt is equivalent to the energy produced by 10 automobile engines.

      A megawatt hour (Mwh) is equal to 1,000 Kilowatt hours (Kwh). It is equal to 1,000 kilowatts of electricity used continuously for one hour. It is about equivalent to the amount of electricity used by about 330 homes during one hour.

      The Power level is shown as 4 MWth (~ 1.5 MWe)

      So perhaps it is equivalent to the energy produced by 15 automobile engines. Alternatively, it produces enough electricity to power 4 x 330 homes = 1,320 homes. Somehow, these don’t seem very equivalent, but perhaps it doesn’t take a whole lot of electricity to power homes.

      Regardless, I expect that the devices will need transmission lines.

      They will need someone to be looking after their everyday operation. The quantity of electricity needed won’t precisely match the output needed at an particular time of day, so they likely will have to be part of a larger electrical grid, controlled by devices that make certain that the electricity is of the correct type required for the grid, and the total quantity matches up with what is needed.

      Adding a lot of these devices will add complexity to the grid and the cost of its overall maintenance, I expect.

      • Tim Groves says:

        As your examples point out, compared with homes, cars are real energy guzzlers. Depending on the season, I people live comfortably at home for hours at a time using hardly any electricity at all. But put them behind the wheel of a small car, start it up, and the engine will drink two or three liters of gasoline an hour while the vehicle is traveling, or perhaps a US gallon an hour at high speed.

        I suspect that after the travel, resort, hotel and amusement park industries have been cut down to size, one of the next big goals will be to slash private vehicle use. This will be done through a combination of permanent telecommuting, increased vehicle, fuel and road taxation, tighter restrictions to take all the fun out of driving, tighter fuel efficiency standards, and the popularization of ultra-light vehicles based on motorized golf carts. The South Asians have had these for years.

  20. Ed says:

    My first travel agent looked at the US government propaganda site on Portugal. It says Portugal is a calamity! She refuses to book me. Time for a new travel agent.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Hahaha… why don’t you book online?

      I’d book something somewhere (and I’d go Very Large if I did because this would be the final hurrah) if it weren’t for the 2 week quarantine on return… I am effectively living on Prison Island.

      But at least I can ski and skate.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        If you want to have a final hurrah and “go Very Large”, why would a couple of weeks added on worry you? You’re not in prison and can leave any time you want, if you can get transport. Don’t forget to book your MIQ slot before you go, though.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Try locking yourself in a bedroom for a weekend Don… do not leave for anything … and ask someone to feed you slop similar this… then imagine two weeks of it

          And where can one travel that is worth visiting…. where the vast majority are infected with CovIDIOCY prancing around with masks and living in fear…

          My remaining bucket list involves rural Japan… and more time in Central Asia and parts of South America …. Japan is not possible … Central Asia and SA extremely complicated.

          And winter is sporting time for Fast Eddy and at the best of times he stays put.

    • Xabier says:

      Hear that, JMS? Getting like Mogadishu on a bad day is it? Or Beirut?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Why not go to Turkey … currency has collapsed… hotels would be incredibly cheap.

        • Xabier says:

          Excellent food, too, in Turkey.

          It’s also a delight, in rural areas, to be able to make one’s female companion walk meekly behind – silently – just to fit in with the local custom…..

      • JMS says:

        This is hell here, Xabier. It’s impossible to walk on the sidewalks without having to go around the piled corpses. Screams of pain echo through the air day and night. All ICUs have a 300% occupancy. Half of the MP’s have died of covid now. And and on the beaches, instead of ice cream vending machines, we now have ventilators. Honestly, it’s a horryfing scenario, which I can only compare to Hiroshima on the morning of August 7, 1945.

        • you can’t fool us JMS

          you are really Margery Taylor Greene taking notes at a Trump convention

          try harder next time

          • JMS says:

            Seriously, Norman, your divinatory powers are uncanny, frightening even. I’m sure you could make a fortune predicting the weather at seaside resorts!

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The thing is… the CovIDIOTS believe it’s not far off what you describe…

  21. StarvingLion says:

    Will Gail answer the question why “We squandered the bottom hole pressure”…Ans: Sabotage

    Fakebook, Crapple, Goggles, Mickeysoft, AMZN, etc marketcaps aren’t worth $100 million bucks. Pure Fraud.

    Bad money pushes out the good money.

    LTO Survivor
    07/05/2021 at 4:42 pm

    The underlying resource is still there but it is the pressure that is being rapidly depleted. The rock is so tight that it needs virgin type pressure to move to oil through rock to the well bore plus the fracs do heal and close up due to the overburden of sediment. So there you have it tight rock, a sea of oil and no pressure. I suspect it will take re-pressurizing the reservoirs with dry gas and some type of applied materials to coax more oil out of the ground. By the way most companies were producing full out to get enough oil to pay back the costly investment. The resource is there- how to get it out and to surface is the difficult proposition. We squandered the bottom hole pressure.

    • We keep drilling wells closer and closer together, until the wells are so close that pressure is reduced and the total amount of oil available to extract ceases to rise (or perhaps actually falls).

      Prices are so low that the wells need to be drilled as quickly as possible, so as not tie up invested capital any more than necessary before returns are made.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        And when that happens you launch covid .. inject everyone .. creating Devil Covid… and we all die

    • The problem is at least partly that a growth in natural gas or oil production depresses prices. This happens more with natural gas than oil, because natural gas prices tend to be local.

      Shale production in Pennsylvania doesn’t look like it is really down by much, but it may take a little while for a cutback in drilling to be reflected in production.

  22. Yoshua says:

    The Boris is just about to announce: You’ve your jab, now get back to work!

    The elite doesn’t care if you burn oil. They want you to make money.

    Gail is intelligent and thinks we are too. Sorry Gail, but you are wrong. (Is it really you ARE wrong, when it’s in singularity?)

    • Erase fear of COVID overnight. Those who chose to retire, get back to work.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Get your jab… then get out and about to mix with the other CovIDIOTS and help to create Devil Covid.

    • Boris is volatile actor and UK is still on the ropes from the post Brexit ~chaos situation of failing services and infrastructure.. due to missing workforce and changed legislation. In other words UK is at the moment a small outlier potato in the grand scheme of things, proving nothing.. for or against Gail’s main argument.

  23. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    “Thag is a Hunter and Gatherer.”

  24. StarvingLion says:

    NEW NORMAL Singapore to become one of first nations to STOP counting Covid cases as it plans to treat virus ‘like the flu’. IOW, “IN JAB WE TRUST”

    Instead of monitoring Covid-19 infection numbers every day, we will focus on the outcomes,” the trade, finance and health ministers wrote in a joint op-ed in the Straits Times.

    “How many fall very sick, how many in the intensive care unit, how many need to be intubated for oxygen, and so on. This is like how we now monitor influenza.

    “We can’t eradicate it, but we can turn the pandemic into something much less threatening, like influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease, or chickenpox, and get on with our lives.”

    Officials in Singapore are aiming to give at least two thirds of the population their first jab early this month, with the same number fully jabbed by the start of August.

    The ministers added: “Early evidence suggests that with vaccination, we can tame Covid-19.

    • Interesting! It is not just vaccination, however. It is with cheap drugs as well.

    • Rodster says:

      I suspect they won’t report on those who have been injured (paralysis, stroke, blood clots, heart inflammation, spinal inflammation) or killed with these experimental drugs aka “vaccines”.

      • Xabier says:

        Governments and the corrupt medical establishment will want vaccine deaths and injuries to fade into the background.

        Just as people went about their normal lives in towns near the death camps…….

        • you forgot to mention arms falling off

          • FoolishFitz says:

            I’m confused Norman.
            If you die with arms, do they take the blame, like “with Covid”?

            I’ve checked the family history as far back as possible and every single one died with arms.
            Is there an untested experimental therapy I can get my hands on, or should I have them amputated just to be on safe side😏

            • being armless is very dangerous—particularly in wartime

              how can you surrender if you can’t put your hands up?–Therefore having no arms makes it much more likely you’ll get shot. So it seems likely your ancestors were all fully armed if they survived world wars.

              If you have your arms off just to confuse the vaxlady she will just stick the needle in your bum. All she cares about are vax totals.

              and then your legs will fall off.

              Then you will need a trolley just to get around

              and to make comments on OFW you will have to stick a pencil up your nose

            • donmillman says:

              Tin legs Bader was a most excellent Spitfire pilot and shot down more than thirty German planes. When he finally had to bail out over Germany, the Germans honored him as a hero and allowed a British plane to drop him a new pair of of artificial legs to replace his old pair that was ruined in a hard parachute landing. I have known other excellent pilots with artificial legs. You can fly one-armed or one-eyed.

            • ah—but my point was about the inability to surrender if you had no arms

            • FoolishFitz says:

              “a pencil”

              Be a gent and take the other one out for me please Norman.
              Struggling to do it myself, can’t think why.

            • sneeze harder

              gotta think your way out of problems

              snotty pencils are a bit yucky anyway

            • Bei Dawei says:

              “It’s only a flesh wound!”

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I would not take this as a Singapore has found Sweden moment…

      You need to allow the Injected CovIDIOT Variant Factories to mix to create Devil Covid….

      This is the phase we are in now… most people who want the Injection … have had the Injection … open the Gates to Hell

      You know it’s coming … the MSM has been warning about the variants for months now… prepping the Goy…. Human Marek’s …. will hatch inside of someone soon…

      Dunce? Mike? Norm? How cool if it emerged from one of you!!!

  25. StarvingLion says:

    (those bad Russian! never the Chicom wing!
    ” Russian hackers REvil claim to have infected a MILLION firms in massive cyber attack & demand $70M ransom in Bitcoin”

    “The breach, which is the largest ransomware attack on record, has reportedly hit the IT systems of up to 1 million companies across the globe, by breaching the systems of US-based software firm Kaseya”
    If you aren’t ready for a weeks long, months long grid down, you might want to consider lighting the after-burners on your preps…
    Some think year or more. My estimate is there will be food available to all that ask for it, and have a vax. How else are they going to eliminate 90% of humanity.

    Rmember, the deagel report of 250-million less Americans in 2025? They have a similar estimate for Euroland… There is still the white-hat scenario but the nwo-clowns also think they can play hardball, so,…. place your bets, and remember, the wager is your life.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      of course we all soon will lose that bet no matter what, and then enter the nothingness of eternal death. But preppers gonna prep! Perhaps adding a few miserable years to the end of their lives in a collapsed IC scenario. Good luck preppers.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The thing is…

      If this is real — and made possible by crypto — then the central banks would IMMEDIATELY terminate crypto…. (they would have done it long ago).

      And they could easily terminate it — as we have seen — you simply stop banks from allowing people to exchange their crypto for real money …

      You also make crypto ownership illegal — NSA knows who has traded….

      And it goes to ZERO. In a minute.

      Therefore this is not real. The Elders would NEVER allow bulls hit like this threaten their empire

      • Yep, crypto became an allowed placeholder or shall we say escape valve for a decade+ before the true storm comes for the core countries, perhaps even designated black budget horse to some extent (when jumping through “guaranteed” asset classes up swings: crypto -> tech stocks -> oil vol -> rural real estate => voila easy money in $Ts plus acquired quasi feudal status for the future for some of the lesser barons and dukes of the future..

        From our perspective it’s like an ant worker trying to understand why that gigantic animal wearing flashy shorts roaring the garden is kicking the ant hill occasionally “for no” apparent reason..

        One thing is to watch and understand the game of the so called ~1% class (jets, yachts, msm faces), but it’s almost impossible to track the true nobility (Elders) top stakeholders-owners of the system, unless they de-cloak on their own volition (*cockiness) and reveal here and there their ways and plans..

        * some observers even suggest it’s actually NOT some unreasonable cockiness but actually showing fair contractual prudence, basically stating the rules of the trade, denominating who are the contractual parties, the boss and subject, laying down parameters of the deal, etc.
        Basically, it’s not unlike presenting the aborigines with a pen and dotted line on the papers to sign onto the “mutually beneficial” contract..

  26. StarvingLion says:

    The “Federal” “Reserve” has just been replaced by:

    The First Wyoming Decentralized Autonomous Organization

    Mission: A Monetary System with Zero Inflation, Zero Deflation, and Zero Transaction Costs

    What an incredible website and presentation. Gail will sleep soundly tonight!

    • Right! There is a way (in theory) to replace all of the currency in bankrupt banks and pension plan. There are not goods and services to match, however.

      • Duncan Idaho says:

        “it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”

        • DJ says:

          Of course, the end of the world only takes some people following their nature, the end of capitalism takes all people going against their nature.

  27. StarvingLion says:

    Alexander Unzicker says nobel physicist Richard Feynman was a fraud:

    Quoran Flat Earther Michael Brenner says Newton and Einstein were both frauds:

    Is gravity a force or a manifestation of spacetime curvature?

    It is neither, gravity as presented in schoolbooks is the result of philosophizing, not reasoning and experiencing and experimenting.

    When talking about Gravity, two names are thrown around, Newton and Einstein, but both of them were either mathematicians and theologians (Newton), or philosophers and mystics (Einstein), anything but physicists. Therefore their theories have to do with physical reality as much as the proverbial coffee brewed by passing a coffee bean by the cup.

    Newton did not know what a Force is nor what Mass is, so he defined both via acceleration: he postulates that “a force is what causes mass to accelerate”: That is like defining what a cat is by calling it a furry and four legged animal. This would work alright until you turn it around and claim that all furry and four legged animals are cats. Newton fell into this trap – or rather he remained vague so you would fall into it – and thus made you believe that ALL accelerations must ergo be caused by a force – although he – as well as you – must have jumped off something sometime in his (your) life and felt the absence of force during free fall.

    Being at rest, being in constant rectilinear motion and being in free fall are the same experience, as well as having the same experimental outcome: no measurement! Thus a system would not be able to tell whether it is at rest, or moves uniformly along a rectilinear trajectory or falls freely towards another system.

    Newtonians like the vociferous Torsten Heel here on Quora make the most fundamental error possible in science and that is making absence of measurement of force an argument for presence of force. Here is how that goes: instead of saying “we don’t have a measurement, therefore we don’t have what we aim to measure” the argument is turned around like the cat argument by saying “we don’t have a measurement, therefore what we aim to measure is everywhere”. This will later be the basis for filling all holes in the Newton/Einstein universe with unverifiable dark this and dark that, anti- this and anti- that, pseudo this and pseudo that without the slightest chance of direct measurements. “Inferring” is not science, inferring is theology a la Newton, “physical theology” as Leibniz called the Newtonian approach.

    Einstein takes a different approach at the same cup shuffle trick: he claims that “the cause is the effect of its effect” and vv “the effect is the cause of its cause”: in black holes – the greatest absurdity in the history of science – gravity as the effect of matter has squeezed its cause out of existence and by squeezing more and more of its cause out of existence gets stronger and stronger. All you need is a flashy slogan: “Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve”.

    • Maybe some of these things are beyond our understanding, at least at this point.

      It seems to me that the universe is continually being created by some force we don’t understand. This force is what all religions are trying to describe.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Last sentence(religion), agreed. Chicken and Egg problem.

        A chicken is an egg’s way of making another egg – since life is so ubiquitous and since mother earth however one sees her has gone to great effort to assure life(dinosaur/meteor issue) it seems like a fairly good working hypothesis.

        There will be plenty of petroleum, the chickens will become smarter move to space and mine it, another egg is the result.

        As long as the process is biological and all the tens of thousands of years by the universe have gone into this project seem to indicate it is important to the universe, we will find energy – to make more eggs of course.

        A chicken seems simple until one tries to make one from scratch; an incredible feat for a simple egg to make another egg.

        If we go all digital, borg if you will, that is a different game.

        I am starting to think delusion is useful, religions also try and make life bearable, if life is bearable, the chicken gives more eggs and the egg has once again engineered a very good system.

        Gail’s last sentence again: since religions are also ubiquitous, are they too engineered into the egg? If so, all the philosophers are looking for complicated explanations to a simple goal.

        Now tongue in cheek, will the chickens come home to roost?

        Dennis L.

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          An egg does not produce the same egg, genes are always mutating and under selection. Chickens used to be T-Rex.

          The world is a flux and any ideals based on ‘being’ tend to devalue the world.

          The usual understanding is that delusions are for the followers (sheep) while clarity is for the leaders. The distinction is central to Platonic politics and very influential in Western thought.

          Nietzsche writes on the value of error for life in general, and it is likely that you have picked the subject up indirectly from him.

          Religions usually push the idea that truth is more valuable than error but that is not necessarily the case.

          Outright dishonesty, deception can also be very useful. It is an important part of how nature organises itself as competing species and individuals.

          Breeding, like leisure, is another subject of philosophy. What is the aim, if any? What are the means, if any? What forces drive the formation of types?

          History presents many different religions, and they are open to interpretation as to their character. Presumably different peoples produce different religions, according to their own and their environmental conditions.

          Religion is a sign language, a psychological symptom that requires semiological and symptomatological interpretation.

          A religion can be entirely fitting for one people and yet degenerative for another. A people may be declining in the first place.

          Religions serve the purpose of life and its advance, and it would be mistake to assume that any old religion works best. Not that all peoples are advancing, some are just existing or declining. The West eg. is in collapse, and it has been headed that way for centuries.

          I am not going to make any predictions about what comes next, but it will certainly be very different to what we have today. It is likely that we will fall back on the Platonic distinction as the West reverts to caste stratification.

          The situation will likely be fluid for a long time to come.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Shall we refer to the Force as ‘Fast Eddy’

    • Thierry says:

      I think you are confused. Science is a model, not reality. The only purpose is to give us equations closed to reality so that we can predict the behavior of a system. Newtonian physics is rather good at that, and relativity too at another level of understanding.
      I don’t care if some scientist gets lost in metaphysics or religion, as long as his models work with a certain degree of precision (remember it will never be 100%).

      • Tim Groves says:

        I like this answer. It has the virtue of being sensible and grown up, unlike those comments that scream “so and so was a fraud” just because he or she said or wrote something that turned out not to agree with what the commenter thinks is true.

  28. StarvingLion says:

    Vernon Coleman says you’re SCROOMED.

    These Ten Things Will Happen Next as the Conspirators Tighten the Screw

  29. StarvingLion says:


    Vancouver Gasoline Prices are going up every single day!

    Despite this, oil stocks were some of the worst performers on friday except for Transocean. But its no conspiracy, no sireee.

    Climate Lockdowns for Sept are guaranteed.

    • You may be correct. It is hard to see how enough oil production will come about.

      • StarvingLion says:

        What does Gail think about this? Looks like the UAE found itself the lone wolf wanting to increase production. There will only be one more 500kbpd increase and that’s it for the next nine months unless they agree to something else. With demand picking up like it is, inventories are going to drain down rapidly. WTI > 90 seems a sure thing. I bet Transocean (RIG) skyrockets tomorrow.

        OPEC+ meeting has been postponed. OPEC production levels will remain the same. Crude oil prices move higher.
        by admin
        July 5, 2021
        in Forex

        • According to a July 4 Reuters article,

          OPEC+, which groups the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies, voted on Friday to raise output by some 2 million barrels per day from August to December 2021 and to extend remaining cuts to the end of 2022, but UAE objections prevented agreement, sources had said.


          Responding to oil demand destruction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, OPEC+ agreed last year to cut output by almost 10 million bpd from May 2020, with plans to phase out the curbs by the end of April 2022. Cuts now stand at about 5.8 million bpd.

          OPEC+ sources said the UAE contended its baseline was originally set too low, but was ready to tolerate if the deal ended in April 2022. The UAE has ambitious production plans and has invested billions of dollars to boost capacity.

          A July 5 Reuters article discusses talks being abandoned as of Monday.

          There seem to be several conflict items:

          The UAE has said it was not alone in seeking a higher baseline as others, including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait and Nigeria, had requested and received new ones since the deal was first agreed last year.


          The dispute reflects a growing divergence between Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

          The two nations had built a regional alliance, combining financial and military muscle to fight a conflict in Yemen and project power elsewhere. But the UAE has withdrawn from action in Yemen, while Saudi Arabia has sought to challenge the UAE’s dominance as the region’s business and tourism hub.

          The UAE in August 2020 also agreed to normalise relations with Israel, while Saudi Arabia has no official diplomatic relations with Israel.

          I think that we are watching the beginning of the end of OPEC. It is easier to agree, when clearly prices are high enough and clearly every producer can pump as much as desired. Now, the problem is fighting among members. Individual producers who want to raise production will do so, by more than the agreed-upon cap. If the prices are high, others will want to raise production is as well. This will tend to hold prices down. Perhaps the huge spike in prices (and corresponding collapse) can be temporarily averted.

        • donmillman says:

          Saudi Arabia has agreed to increase oil production by 500,000 barrels per day. My source for this information is The Wall Street Journal.

          • I expect that we will see other countries either announcing oil production increases, or simply making production increases.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            How do you know it’s true though Don?

            The MSM is for sale…. including your WSJ…..


            One of China’s main propaganda outlets has paid American newspapers nearly $19 million for advertising and printing expenses over the past four years, The Daily Caller reported citing documents filed with the US Justice Department.

            China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

            Both newspapers have published paid supplements that China Daily produces called “China Watch.” The inserts are designed to look like real news articles, though they often contain a pro-Beijing spin on contemporary news events.


            • donmillman says:

              I have been reading the Wall Street Journal since 1961 and have found it to be 100% truthful. Its reporters and editors are the best, far better than the New York Times.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Except the time they got paid by the CCP though … right?

              Just that one time … right?

            • donmillman says:

              No the Wall Street Journal was not paid by the CCP. What is your source of information for thinking this accusation is true? Always consider the source.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              What’s your problem Don – can’t you read? Are you blind?

              Do I have to post this 50x before you see it?

              Or do you not want to see it?

              One of China’s main propaganda outlets has paid American newspapers nearly $19 million for advertising and printing expenses over the past four years, The Daily Caller reported citing documents filed with the US Justice Department.

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.


            • donmillman says:

              I doubt that story about the CCP bribing the WSJ. Why do you believe it? The Daily Calller is not a reliable source of information.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              But Don … you said you had supreme trust in the US govt…. the DOJ is the US govt… and they have revealed that the WSJ was paid by the CCP to run propaganda as editorial.

              So that case is closed.

              It’s not actually a bribe… it’s not criminal…. it’s just a major part of the WSJ business model….

              They would have an official rate card… you pay for overt advertising or advertorial…

              But then they’d have an unofficial rate card… this is not published (and it would be far more expensive than a standard ad) … it’s more of ‘an understanding’… the CCP feeds them pro-China content …. the WSJ publishes it without disclosing it is advertorial… instead they have their ‘journalists’ rewrite it… maintaining the pro China slant…. and that ‘journalist’ puts his name on the byline…

              This is The Business Model — they would not only do this for the CCP — anyone with enough money can buy the WSJ.

              On any given day there would be a heap of paid placements in the WSJ…

              We are talking Big Big BIG Money…

              The advertising costs of Pfizer totalled approximately 1.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2020, a decrease of 600 million U.S. dollars compared to the previous year.


              I guess they don’t teach this in community college?

            • donmillman says:

              I think you are mistaken, but I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before, especially on The Oil Drum where I followed Skrebowski and predicted Peak Oil in 2014.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Trust Fast Eddy don… you are very much wrong…

            • Fast Eddy says:

              And the source is the DOJ Don… the US govt… so it must be true – right Don?

              ‘As per the Justice Department’

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Once again because Don is apparently senile…. yooo hoo… Don? are you there Don???

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

              China Daily, an English-language newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, has paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to The Wall Street Journal since November 2016, the documents showed.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              We’ll feed it to you in small bites Don …. hate to overload your feeble aging mind…

              Both newspapers have published paid supplements that China Daily produces called “China Watch.” The inserts are designed to look like real news articles, though they often contain a pro-Beijing spin on contemporary news events.

              One insert from September 2018 touted an initiative pushed by Chinese President Xi Jinping with the headline: “Belt and Road aligns with African nations.” The same insert ran a story titled “Tariffs to take toll on US homebuyers” that asserted that US tariffs on Chinese lumber would raise the cost of building homes in the United States.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Of course that’s the only organization placing paid ‘editorial’ content in the WSJ right Don?

              Of do you think that it’s the only one that’s been outted because the CCP is an enemy organization … no others would be paying for similar services … would they?

              The thing is Don …. I know a bit about PR and publishing … and advertising … and I know for a FACT that PR firms offer to services 1. You can pay them to disseminate a press release… and hope that it gets picked up and turned into a story… 2. You can pay them a lot more money … and they will GUARANTEE you that your press release gets published in the media of your choice.

              This is something you don’t learn about teaching in a community college Don….

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Hey Don … did they teach knitting at your community college?

              Madame Fast is learning and she is thinking distance learning might be useful — can you get me a link to the online courses?

              I am thinking basket weaving would be cool … always wanted to try.

              Look forward to getting the link!

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Now…. are you beginning to get a feel for who you are dealing with Don?


            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              okay, you see the untruth of NYT. Question: do you think the untruth of official gov inflation numbers was amped up more during Reagan or Clinton? I agree with a previous post of yours that near future inflation will run about 3%, meaning that this number will be gov provided official number. In that respect you will likely be correct. In reality, the 3% will be just another fakeyfake gov number used for their optics.

            • donmillman says:

              Government figures are honest, especially those from the Fed. My eldest daughter, also an economist, used to work for the Minneapolis Federal Reserve bank, and they are meticulous about their numbers and double and triple check them. I is a myth that Fed or government numbers are fudged. You just have to know the limitations of the indexes of GDP deflator, GDP, CPI and other statistics, and for that you really have to go to graduate school in business or economics or do a great deal of reading on the subject.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              the GDP deflator for one is highly manipulated. Inflation numbers have been manipuated lower since Reagan and Clinton. I don’t know what to think about your massive naivety. You are obviousy very smart, and yet there seems to be a profound lack of wisdom about the honesty of the manipulation of the inflation calculating system over the past few decades. But you’re correct, 3% for a long time! It’s fakeyfake low, and surprising that you would defend such a bogus low number.

            • donmillman says:

              You are wrong. I know way more about economics and numbers in economics than you do. Read my textbook, Economics: Making Good Choices. My favorite professor at Berkeley, Sherman Maisel served on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and wrote a book about his experiences there. I recommend it highly.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              I obviously know more about human nature than you do. “Honest” gov figures is naive.

            • donmillman says:

              You are quite wrong. You believe in a myth.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              you forgot to read about human nature.

            • donmillman says:

              I know a great deal about human nature and have written papers on it for a graduate sociology class. Why do you assume–with no evidence–that others know less than you do about a subject? That is fallacious thinking.

            • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              I don’t have to assume anything. You’re transparent naivety to think that “honest” gov officials produce accurate figures. Believe whatever you want to. Peace, dude.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Speaking of honest government figures, did they ever trace that 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions that Rumsfeld said couldn’t be accounted for at the Pentagon?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              If you thought DuncNorm were ___________. Check this out


  30. Mirror on the wall says:

    Republicanism is surging in Australia and Canada, while Barbados is set to dump the British monarchy. The Express has a new article about Australia.

    > Harry and Meghan trigger royal crisis in Commonwealth – popularity crumbles in new poll

    In a recent YouGov poll, 4,500 people in Australia were asked earlier this year: “Australia’s current head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who is resident in the United Kingdom, and represented in Australia by a Governor-general — do you think Australia should have an Australian as our head of state?”

    They were given the options of “yes” or “no”, leading to 62 percent saying they would vote yes.

    Sandy Biar, National Director at the Australian Republic Movement, said this showed citizens in the Commonwealth nation were clearly growing tired of the Royal Family. He added Harry and Meghan’s recent claims did not help matters as they showed the royals “lurched from crisis to crisis”. He told the Express: “Harry and Meghan’s interview earlier this year highlighted the ridiculousness of having a foreign monarch as Australia’s head of state.

    “Australians need a head of state, chosen by Australians and accountable to them, rather than a family that lurches from crisis to crisis. The latest YouGov poll showed support for an Australian republic at 62 percent. As more Australians come to see how out of touch the British Monarchy is, the more we’ll see momentum continue to increase.”

    “The idea of hereditary rule is as foreign to Australians as the British Monarchy, and Australians overwhelmingly want to know that important decisions affecting our nation’s future are in Australian hands.”

    Meanwhile, the Royal Family is also facing an uncertain future with other Commonwealth nations. Barbados is set to join Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica and Guyana in becoming a republic. Barbados’ governor-general Dame Sandra Mason said in September: “The time has come to fully leave our colonial past behind.”

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Tuvalu, an ex-colony way out in Oceania, is the latest country to initiate moves to ditch the British monarchy. They are indigenous Polynesians, and the government is engaging with the entire population in preparation for the eradication of what is seen as a ‘colonial hangover’.

      > ‘Colonial hang over!’ Queen could be ditched as Tuvalu head of state – review launched

      Tuvalu could become a republic and leave its colonial past behind by removing the Queen as Head of State, it can be revealed tonight.

      A former British colony that gained independence in 1978, the nation of just under 12,000 has maintained a formal link with the British monarchy and is a member of Her Majesty’s beloved Commonwealth. Now the Pacific nation has launched a consultation on it’s Constitution which includes considering whether Tuvalu should retain or remove the Queen as the Head of State.

      A Parliamentary Select Committee has been set up to look at changing up the Constitution, which also includes reviewing whether the nation’s Prime Minister, who currently is decided by party majority, should be directly elected like in the US.

      Simon Kofe, Tuvalu’s Minister for Justice, Communication and Foreign Affairs, said a full review was needed to ensure the Constitution “fully meets the needs of the nation in the future”.

      The Consultation, which will runs until July, is asking the whole of the island’s population ranging from schoolchildren to tribal elders their thoughts on the future before recommendations are made to ministers.

      It comes just months after Barbados said it would be removing the Queen as Head of State by November 2021.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Republicanism seems to be a done deal in Barbados. The ruling party won every seat in the assembly on a platform of republicanism, and it has bi-partisan support anyway. The process should be complete within a few months.

      > Barbados is about to say goodbye to the queen

      Governor-General Sandra Mason—Queen Elizabeth II’s representative in the country—announced that she would soon be out of a job. “The time has come to leave our colonial past behind fully,” Mason said.

      Mason added that by November 30, 2021, on the 55th anniversary of the country’s independence, Barbados will break up with Elizabeth and instead swear in a local Barbadian president as head of state. In doing so, Barbados is going to become a republic.

      The announcement was not a surprise for anybody on the tropical island: The debate on republicanism has been alive and well for around 40 years.

      Mottley, who has campaigned on republicanism, won a landslide victory in the 2018 elections when her party won all 30 seats in the House of Assembly. Mottley believes the people of Barbados gave her a clear mandate to break with the monarchy. To do so, she’ll need a two-thirds majority vote in both houses. Since parting with the United Kingdom has historically gotten bipartisan support, she is likely to get the backing she needs.

      • Malcopian says:

        “By November 30, 2021, on the 55th anniversary of the country’s independence, Barbados will swear in a local Barbadian president as head of state.”

        Disgraceful! Barbados should be expelled from the United Nations. 55 years it took them to make their minds up. That’s even longer than bliddy Brexit, FFS! Such inertia and inefficiency. They don’t deserve to be a country.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      The Britain group Republic is set to mount a poster campaign throughout the island to initiate a public debate on the abolition of the monarchy here. The younger generations already favour a republic, and the enthronement of Charles, who is far less popular than Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, is seen as a coming pivotal moment for a reconsideration of the monarchy.

      > Push to remove Queen as monarch raises £10,000 in 24hours – new campaign set to launch

      Republic, a pressure group campaigning for the abolition of the monarchy and its replacement with a directly elected head of state, is seeking to raise £30,000 to launch a billboard campaign. The fundraising push was launched just yesterday and has already raised £10,572. The campaign group aim to publicise their anti-monarchy message up and down the country in a bid to galvanise fresh support.

      The fundraising page starts by stating in large, bold text: “The monarchy is wrong in principle, wrong in practice and it’s bad for British politics. That’s the message we want the country to hear when we launch a major new billboard advertising campaign!”

      Republic hopes by reaching their fundraising target they will be able to “trigger a revitalised public debate about the monarchy and how we’re governed”. The pressure group said the posters will make bold statements about what is wrong with the monarchy, and suggest what alternatives are available. They also aim to “debunk the most common myths about the royals”, including what their roles are and how much they cost the UK taxpayer.

      Examples of billboards include a large photo of Prince Charles, accompanied by the following text: “Secretive, wasteful, undemocratic. It’s time to end the monarchy.”

      Another billboard shows a still from Prince Andrew’s BBC Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis and the following large text: “Wanted. A democratic alternative to the monarchy.”

      Republic said they hope the campaign will become a talking point across the UK. They said: “As we approach the end of the Queen’s reign the country needs an honest, grown-up debate about the monarchy. We need to stop and ask ourselves: Can’t we just choose our next head of state?”

      “With polls showing young people wanting an elected head of state, the succession of King Charles will be a major turning point in the monarchy’s history and in the growth of Britain’s republican movement. We want the country to know there is a positive, exciting, democratic alternative to sitting back and letting Charles become our head of state. And we want the country talking about why the monarchy is bad for Britain, why it’s time to call time on the royals.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        Poor, old Queeny. Still, I’m sure she’ll be finding solace in the latest Panelbase polls showing that pro-Scottish independence voters would fall short of a majority if a referendum were held tomorrow and strong support for a royal head of state should independence occur:

        “A poll by Panelbase revealed 47 percent preferred a royal head of state if the country voted in favour of separation from the UK in a future second independence referendum. This is compared to just 35 per cent who preferred an elected head of state whilst 18 per cent were unsure.”

        I’m sure that support will ebb significantly when she dies though. Prince Charles just does not garner the same affection.

        • Malcopian says:

          “Prince Charles just does not garner the same affection.”

          Shame on you, Harry! Prince Charles is a genius and an action man. How many people do you know who can fly a helicopter upside-down?

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          Recent polls show that support for Scottish independence is on a knife-edge of about 50-50 with no significant movement either way at the moment. Fortunately SNP is in no rush to hold the second referendum. Polls show that the public want covid dealt with first, and Nicola is of a similar mind.

          Polls also show that younger generations favour independence while the older favour the union, so it is only a matter of time before nature takes its course and support for independence becomes the clear, settled tendency. I am personally happy to wait another five, even ten years before Indy2. ‘Good things come to those who wait.’

          Polls in Scotland show no consistent majority for a monarchy. Again, younger generations support republicanism. It is not clear that pollsters garner a representative sample on that question. As you say, it will be interesting to see opinion tallied once Big Ears dons the tiara.

          > Scots split on whether monarchy should remain if country votes for independence

          A survey commissioned by Sky News found that 39% of voters would support the Royal Family retaining their traditional role if the UK was break-up, while 39% said a Scottish republic should be created and 22% said they didn’t know.

          • Harry McGibbs says:

            Ten years from now I suspect Scottish independence will be the last thing on anyone’s mind, Mirror.

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              I would not be too sure about that.

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              I do not believe the central banks can keep the financial system levitating for another ten years in a situation of worsening energy and resource-constraints plus other environmental pressures.

              They are already close to pushing on a string.
              The only tools they have left are the fairly minimal benefits of digital currencies and overt MMT. That would be the final role of the dice.

              I do not believe a re-set or systemic jubilee is possible and I agree with David Korowicz’s analysis of how a failure of the financial system would play out:


              Petty nationalistic sentiments would be rendered moot almost overnight. Just my two cents.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              yes – when a key hub or country breaks… the power will go off… in short order

              Lebanon is not a key hub.

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              All of that is fine, and I am not making any hard predictions about timings. What I would say is that Scottish independence has thrived in material circumstances far less flush than our own.

              In fact, British unionism is historically a bourgeois tendency of the industrial bourgeois state. If anything is likely to vanish, it is that.

              The dissipative structure that is UK society is liable to devolve and to reform in its smaller parts as the energy flow declines. That is what dissipative structures do, and that is all that societies fundamentally are.

              Scottish independence is the norm in all situations bar the latest – so, what is more likely as the present dissipates? Not petty British nationalism, I should think.

              It remains to be seen whether Scottish independence can be implemented before UK society devolves through catastrophe, but it is fairly certain either way. Personally I think that it will over the next five or tens years, but time will tell.

              You talk about your own personal interests, which is fine, but you would be sweet in Scotland any way, or you could always come to back to England – or settle on one of our islands. We will invite you over to tea – finnan haddie, obviously.

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              “The dissipative structure that is UK society is liable to devolve and to reform in its smaller parts as the energy flow declines.”

              This is the current impetus, as the UK has been a net energy importer since 2004 and a net importer of petroleum products since 2013. ​The global and indeed the systemically vital UK economy are not naturally occurring dissipative structures though. Their brittleness and complexity means that their failure is likely to be abrupt – not like a hurricane gradually dying out over cooler water.

              I think we are talking about worse than “material circumstances far less flush than our own” but up to and until that unhappy point Scottish nationalism will likely thrive on the misunderstanding that declining prosperity has a geo-political solution.

              Thank you for the kind offer of finnan haddie btw.

    • Malcopian says:

      Trinidad and Tobago became a republic in 1976. So why were they showing the Queen on one of their coins as late as 2012? Do these people think you can have a bit of both? (Republic and monarchy).

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        Trinidad used to be swimming in oil/gas money but their production peaked in 2005 and is now a third of what it was then.

        ” A recent surge in coronavirus cases combined with a long-term decline in natural gas production has worsened the country’s short- and medium-term economic growth outlook, even as the government’s fiscal deficit remains high, thus putting increased pressure on the country’s public finances.”

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Those coins were minted in London as part of a commemorative set of coins ostensibly designate to various territories, not as legal currency in T&T.

        T&T is a republic.

        • Malcopian says:

          I know they are collector coins and not circulation coins, Mirror. However, they will surely have been authorised by T&T.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            I really do not know about that. Presumably they would have minted their own coin if they wanted that sort of thing.

            It looks like Monopoly money for pretentious Tory pensioners, nothing more – the sort who watch the History channel in the afternoon and sip tea out of Bill and Cathy mugs.

          • Bei Dawei says:

            I would have thought the top complaints about T&T would involve the drug trade, persistent ethnic divides (blacks vs. South Asian Indians / a few Syrians), or the fact that a curiously large number of Trinidadians have become foreign jihadis for some reason.

  31. Xabier says:

    Very good short interview on YT, Talk Radio channel, with a consultant surgeon, James Royle ,on the idiocy and danger of vaccinating young people and children, without proper mid and long-term data.

    And the short-term data is horrifying.

    By implication, of course, this goes for vaccinating the whole adult population, too, although the interviewer is careful not to go there.

    He notes that these are NOT vaccines: they are ‘biologically and immunologically active’ is the precise phrasing.

    Highly recommended for those whose minds are not closed. Hardly a ‘CT nut’…….

    Catch it while it is still up!

  32. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    From VOX…
    But it’s far from the first time extreme weather has caused serious problems with the power grid in recent months. During the winter storm that hit Texas in February, nearly 5 million people lost power. In June, California suggested that residents charge their electric vehicles during off-peak hours to save energy. And for the first time ever, after power outages hit several neighborhoods during this week’s heat wave, New York City officials sent residents an emergency mobile alert urging them to conserve energy.

    It’s abundantly clear that the power grid in the United States is not ready for the effects of climate change, including the extreme weather events that come with it. After all, climate change isn’t just increasing the demand for energy to keep people cool or warm amid heat waves and winter storms. It’s also damaging the grid itself. The country is now in a race against time to shift its energy supply toward renewable sources, like wind and solar, while also needing more and more electricity to do everything from powering more air conditioning to boosting the number of EVs on the road.

    “I would probably give our power grid maybe a C minus,” Kyri Baker, an engineering professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, told Recode. “It’s like this perfect storm of extreme temperatures, more electricity consumption, and aging infrastructure.”
    Last year, about 40 percent of the country’s electricity generation came from natural gas. While the grid still relies on a good amount of coal-based power, a growing share of power is coming from renewable sources, like solar and wind power, which will hopefully make the grid more sustainable. But while some of these sources are a lot worse for the environment than others, they all contribute electricity to the grid, a giant engineering system full of high- and low-voltage wires, sensors, poles, and transformers that work together to transport electricity to your home.

    Electricity travels across the grid, moving from high-voltage lines that carry the electricity across long distances to low-voltage lines, a process known as “stepping down.” The low-voltage lines distribute that electricity to buildings and then individual appliances and electronics. But there are hurdles. Right now, the country is still facing problems with the congestion of transmission lines that have maxed out on the amount of electricity they can carry. In Vermont, solar and wind energy have stalled because the grid is already too constrained.

    • Even more obviously, the grid is not ready for more intermittent renewables that require disproportionately more grid capacity. All of this grid has to be maintained as well. Even if it is, it tends to cause forest fires. No one has factored this problem into their forecasts.

      • Xabier says:

        I find this cheerful news: the whole Great Re-set depends on dependable electricity even more than currently.

        The system of control and data harvesting, the ‘smart cities’, etc, are to be built on a crumbling foundation of legacy infrastructure.

        They have made their move too late.

        • Thierry says:

          If you are right, they probably know this too. As a consequence their plan might be even harsher. I am not sure I would celebrate this news… We are in the strangest situation where we don’t even know if we shall hope for their plan to succeed or not!

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            Xabier says: “The system of control and data harvesting, the ‘smart cities’, etc, are to be built on a crumbling foundation of legacy infrastructure.
            They have made their move too late.”

            Thierry says: “If you are right, they probably know this too.”

            I says: surely they know about the “crumbling foundation of legacy infrastructure” and have known about it for some time. Still, they push the Great Reset narrative to frighten us into resignation and obedience. They wish to project the appearance of being in control when the truth is that they are losing control.
            The Great Reset is a paper tiger, for the reasons Xabier has outlined, but it’s all they’ve got and they desperately hope that humanity will invest collective faith in it.

            • Thierry says:

              “The Great Reset is a paper tiger”
              If you believe the great reset is what Klaus Schwab is telling us, it is probably a paper tiger. The reality looks more complex. I think they are about to let down almost all governments on earth. If they realize they cannot produce enough electricity to control the system after this is done, then they will a organize the reset in such a way there will be much more deaths and chaos than you and I can predict.
              So, gas will become more important in the future to produce electricity (herein NS2), but downsizing our global production will require to abandon some areas, even in Europe. The unknown is, how many people will be affected?

    • eKnock says:

      There is a big fiber optic cable installation project going on up and down our county road. They have horizontal drilling rigs and backhoes and tank trucks and multiple pickup trucks and a dozen workers burying this line. I am about five miles from a town with pop. 800 and my current internet comes over the phone cable and it seems to work fine for me.
      EVERYONE needs high speed internet.
      Reliable electric grid not so much

      • rufustiresias999 says:

        The reliable electric grid is taken for granted.

      • Tim Groves says:

        They need to install 5G so that they can control the vaxed like robots via them there magnetic graphene neural switches, I expect. And to spy on everyone, especially the recalcitrant refuseniks, obviously.

  33. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Cryptocurrencies’ dream of escaping the global financial system is crumbling…

    “…almost all cryptocurrencies share a common fantasy: to remove the money supply from the hands of politicians and sidestep the financial institutions that govern the movement of cash across the Earth. But it’s recently become obvious that cryptocurrencies can escape neither of these things.”

  34. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Plastic Makers Reel on Soaring Oil Costs, Rising Competition,

    “…the rising costs of crude and other raw materials — namely oil-based naphtha and liquefied petroleum gas — are coinciding with more petrochemical output and the inability of producers to pass on higher expenses to consumers.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Global plastic pollution may be nearing irreversible tipping point…

      “Current rates of plastic emissions globally may trigger effects that we will not be able to reverse, argues a study by an international team of researchers… The researchers said that plastic is a “poorly reversible pollutant”, both because of its continuous emissions and environmental persistence.”

      • Oh, dear! But plastic is so useful. It is a major product of the oil/gas industry.

        • Artleads says:

          While its off-gassing effect could still be a problem, plastic in walls of all kinds may the best overall use for it.

          • If the off-gassing of plastics is harmful to humans, I would think that putting the plastics in walls is not far enough away.

            • Artleads says:

              I hope people with expertise on the issue will weigh in, I believe it will reduce off-gassing to embed the plastic in paper pulp.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              So I shouldn’t burn the plastic bags in the Rayburn?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          And here I am … burning it in the Rayburn. Such a waste

          • donmillman says:

            You really should not burn plastic. Plastic is bad because it is so hard to get rid of; the oceans are polluted with toxic plastic shreds. I do not use plastic except when there is absolutely no way to avoid it. Plastic is a moral and economic evil, and we should stop using it and go back to paper and wood.

            • Eddy just says what he thinks will wind you up

              even he wouldn’t be so stupid as to burn plastic in a Rayburn

            • Fast Eddy says:

              the distributor out of Christchurch told me she puts coal into plastic grocery bags and chucks them in her Rayburn … been doing it for years….

              She is my Role Model

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Plastic is made from petroleum… I burn petroleum in my vehicles…. so what’s wrong with burning plastic in the Rayburn?

              I suppose I could throw it in the river … just pile it up in my 4 bah 4 ute… back it up and heave ho …

              Or I could ‘recycle’ it — as in blue box it .. then it gets sent to Malaysia where a triad gang hauls it into the bush and burns it in an open fire…

              Which option do you recommend Don?

              Personally I find it hassle free to just open the stove hatch and toss it in …

              Does it really matter… when China is adding 10,000 coal-fired plants a year?

            • donmillman says:

              I took Environmental Chemistry and learned that burning plastic makes evil pollution. Seriously, you should not do it. Maybe you could bury plastic waste; that;’s not a perfect solution, but it is a lot less harmful than burning it.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              But then I’d have to dig a hole… hmmm…. and if I were ever to sell this property that might be discovered… and then I’d have a problem with contaminated soil etc…

              How about this … I will only burn the plastic at night… if you can’t see the purple smoke then it doesn’t exist!

              Did I mention I was bidding on a contract to ‘recycle’ all the plastic in the area? I can do it at very low cost (because of course I will burn it…) so I will be able to easily secure that contract.

              If I can get enough plastic then I can buy much less coal because I’ll just fuel the Rayburn with plastic….

              Win – Win!!!

            • folks will use your facility to get rid of their plastic

              I you look critically at plastic waste you will realise its mostly air

  35. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Post-Covid supply chain bottlenecks will take up to two years to resolve.

    “European companies are pushing up prices as supply disruptions lift costs and hamper their ability to match surging demand, according to executives gathered for a conference this weekend in southern France.”

  36. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Businesses face financial cliff edge as UK Covid support winds down.

    “Debt repayment demands and tapering of furlough support combine to create doubts about survival… Bankers have also been raising the alarm. At a recent meeting with the prime minister, they warned about a potential “debt time bomb”, according to people familiar with what was said.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “A £23 million loan for solar panels left Peterborough City Council “exposed to loss,” a report from its auditors has concluded…

      “At the time the scheme was lauded as being the first of its type in the country, with residents and the council able to both make money from it.”

    • Erdles says:

      Brother-in-law borrowed £300K from the government as a business loan. There is no way this is going to be paid back; Its unsecured so he will close the company and just walk away from the debt.

    • Xabier says:

      All planned: detonating the SME and high street retail sector.

      Who’s left? The favoured ones, in a digitised economy.

      PS I hope you are keeping your spirits up Sir Harry, and every day shouting ‘Freedom!’ with some blue paint on, facing out to the rising sun? !

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        Xabier, thank you and of course I am, neighbours be damned. 😆

        Are you in reasonable spirits? Thank you for the vide of the colorectal surgeon btw – I have sent it to my better half for her consideration.

        • Xabier says:

          Delighted it may be of use.

          The case he makes is very reasonable, and it’s helpful to have material which doesn’t mention the Great Re-set, tyranny, etc, as that often results in an automatic shut-down in so many who can’t see the connection or think it far-fetched, or simply too frightening.

          Being a stubborn and combative type (did someone mention Basques?) who doesn’t suffer from depression, thankfully, I am actually in very good spirits.despite the shadows spreading from Mordor……..

          They want to break us, and I’ll be damned if they are gong to succeed!

    • UK financial support for COVID cannot wind down, without a huge catastrophe! How can oil prices spike, if financial support is winding down?

      Maybe Don Millman can explain this to us.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Don can bring his community college sociology expertise reinforced with 5 decades of reading the WSJ to the table here…

        Don … over to you:

        • donmillman says:

          I don’t worry about Covid at all. It is not nearly as bad as the 1918-19 flu that killed six of my uncles in four months. Covid is small potatoes.

  37. Harry McGibbs says:

    “China’s Local Governments Roll Over More Debt to Ease Risks.

    “Local governments in China have more than doubled bond sales to roll over maturing debt this year, helping to ease their repayment risk.”

  38. Harry McGibbs says:

    “A trillion-dollar wave of non-performing loans could emerge in Europe next year as a result of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

    “As government support schemes and moratoriums on debts come to an end throughout this year, sales of bad loans by banks trying to clean up their balance sheets will climb in 2022, according to a report from advisory firm JLL.”

  39. Harry McGibbs says:

    “This is as good as it gets for the US economy: America has already been through a renaissance — it is unlikely to be reborn again…

    “…easy money flowing out of the Fed is threatening to weaken the dollar and feeding the rise of zombies — companies which earn too little to make even interest payments on their debt. They barely existed in the US 20 years ago, but accounted for 6 per cent of listed companies by 2010, and almost 20 per cent by last year.

    “The federal government and corporations are now so deep in debt, it is hard to imagine how they can further boost the economy.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Wall Street banks racked up $650 million in fees and stock gains in the busiest IPO week since 2004…

      “From Krispy Kreme to China’s Didi Chuxing, the busiest week for U.S. IPOs in 17 years produced a windfall for Wall Street’s top investment banks.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “New York’s patchwork recovery masks vast inequities laid bare by Covid…

        “A patchwork of indicators suggest the recovery from a pandemic that hit hard and early, caused close to 30,000 deaths out of a 8.4-million population and placed the metropolis in an economic deep-freeze will be similarly uneven.”

        • Harry McGibbs says:

          “The great federal-debt Ponzi scheme. It’s like the pump part of a pump-and-dump scheme in the stock market – without the benefit of an exit strategy…

          “This has real-world consequences… orders for oil- and gas-mining equipment languish at about a third of the mid-2010s level. US oil production, as I’ve noted in the past, continues to fall, and oil prices continue to rise.”

          • If the stock market is high, people think the economy must be doing well.

          • Nevertheless, notably (step up) harsh vocabulary for the Asiatimes outlet..

            It’s like small chips in the armor falling of bit by bit, it’s a long drawn process, it takes many decades to move a proverbial tanker. Suddenly, all the former pillars are pursuing somewhat semi autonomous / quasi independent policies. The Gulfies, the major Asian city states, the Euros, .. and obviously in its wake some of the less fortunate collateral damage are tossed over board (Iraq, Lebanon, Venezuela, .. , partly Syria / Libya ..)

            Rumsfeld (cold and oily trick-wars specialist) talked about creating and imposing own reality on the global ~two decades ago, now he is gone himself, most likely enlisted as newly dispatched team member tending Beelzebub’s black-kitchen down under..

            While getting grumpy and slowing down, the main machine is still marching on like Donkey Kong. We are NOT there yet..

    • What could possibly go wrong?

  40. Tim Groves says:

    Excellent, relevant, essential, intellectual and 30 minutes long—
    2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece | Perspectives on the Pandemic XVII

    Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies, New York University June 10, 2021 Dumbo, New York

    Interview by John Kirby

    Editing by Francis Karogodins

    Research by Evan Dominguez, Billy Clayton Miller

    “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government,” wrote Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda. In part one of Episode 17, Mark Crispin Miller, professor of Media Studies at New York University, discusses the propaganda onslaught that defined the year 2020, when what was dismissed one week is confirmed the next, and why questioning official narratives “necessarily means taking ‘conspiracy theory’ seriously.”

    • Xabier says:

      Tim, it’s ‘age-restricted’. Is this ‘thought-porn’ you are pushing? Might I be corrupted by it?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        You know something is probably true if when you click you get a ‘suspicious link’ message.

    • Thanks for that, MC Miller was usually very soft critic (know your limits) of the regime, that sort of Amy Goodman’s circles guy, now seemed to have grown more backbone, interesting times.. or perhaps just merely recent times reshaping the boundaries of allowed discussion (as per the real deal gravy developing elsewhere).

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    See how easy for a small group to control an entire country?

    Here we see the CCP getting its sinister tentacles into Hong Kong and squeezing out all opposition… they primarily use fear and force to infuse the system with yes-people:

    Layered on top of this evolution of a system where the police are placed in the first ranks of government is a complex mass of senior appointments of trustees who have been chosen by the Chief Executive (although almost certainly not without approval and maybe instigation from the bosses in Beijing) who form a new layer of control over the judiciary, the education system, the media and so on. In the good old Communist days people occupying posts of this kind were frankly described as being commissars.

    The two-layer form of control is a hallmark of all authoritarian systems. The political stratum is always in the driving seat, directing the work and controlling the operations of those below. On the Mainland there is no ambiguity about how this works as Party officials strut around in companies, universities and indeed in all places where society operates on a collective basis. Most of the time they do not need to lift a finger because those under their command know what to do, and, more importantly, what not to do.

    This is why the Elders are superior masters… they reward ability and they primarily use monetary rewards rather than fear to get minions onside…

    The CCP uses coercion and loyalty is rewarded rather than ability.

    • Xabier says:

      The CCP are so crude: but, like Stalin and Hitler, it’s effective.

      And, apart from being more subtle, the Cabal use flattery as well: for instance, the WEF’s ‘Young Leaders’ programme.

      ‘You, yes you, have been carefully selected by us- and look at where we are in the Tree of Power! – as a future leader of your country/in your field of expertise/the media/city politics!’

      Throw in some lavish international conferences, great write-ups in the corrupt MSM, massive grants from Foundations, and rapid career advancement. I see Jacinda is tipped for the UN after she’s buggered up the NZ……

      What ambitious ape would ever turn down so many free bananas?

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    This story is appearing everywhere… The PR Team is bizzy….

    The province was aiming to have 75 per cent of eligible residents immunized with one shot, and 50 per cent with two, by the August long weekend.

    Now, that’s likely to happen later this week.

    But a Winnipeg epidemiologist warns even once that milestone is met, and further goals are reached, it’s not the end of the fight against COVID-19.

    “It’s a good, succinct term that I hope catches people’s attention: ‘variant factory,’” Cynthia Carr tells 680 CJOB.

    What is that?

    Carr says it could be the body of anyone who gets COVID-19.

    “The virus cannot live and thrive outside of a living cell — it needs that cell to survive.”

    “If you are not vaccinated, you are a target for the virus. The virus enters in your cell — and once it’s in there, it makes millions of copies.”

    But sometimes, that frenzied copying process messes up, and mutations are born.

    “Sometimes they don’t matter, they’re of no consequence, they don’t make the virus stronger,” Carr explains. “But sometimes, it does matter. These mutations become a new variant, and if it’s important enough, it becomes a variant of concern.”

    The Game Plan — blame the UnINJECTED…. when in reality … the INJECTED are the breeders… (circle = square 2+2 = 7)

    The genius on display here is admirable… the best PR minds on the planet are handling this campaign.

    • Xabier says:

      I certainly take my hat off to them, FE!

      Like stabbing someone in a crowd, and when the police arrive pointing at an innocent bystander ‘It was him, I saw it!!’

      But that’s the beauty of Totalitarianism: with ample funds for brainwashing and advertising, and an unintelligent, ill-educated, mass of people to work, on they get to dictate the whole narrative however irrational and unscientific.

      • Xabier says:

        ‘Variant factory ‘ is certainly a propaganda term of genius.

        Any moron can repeat ti and sound knowledgeable.

        A ‘factory’, pumping out Death! Great image.

        I shall just answer the contaminated ones with ‘Filthy Shedders!’

    • Minority Of One says:

      Something odd going on in the UK at the moment.

      Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England all manage their sars-cov-2 / CV19 policies independently of one another, but until now they have been roughly similar.

      On Saturday I heard a news item on Radio Scotland, a medical professor from a Scottish university, Edinburgh I think, went on a bit of a rant about how badly the new variant is spreading in Scotland, and finished by saying it was being spread by the non-vaxxed. I got the impression this could lead to us (in Scotland) going back up to level 2 or higher (level 4 is the max), rather than falling to level 0, from current level 1. Even at level zero, face masks and anti-social distancing still mandatory (my understanding).

      Yesterday, Sunday, the BBC news website’s (UK) main article in the morning was that the new variant was spreading fast in England, but it was causing few hospitalisations / deaths and therefore they were not too worried about it and were inclined to let the virus run its course. Face masks to become a personal choice later this month.

      Last weekend (9 days ago) the UK govt / MSM were in celebratory mood. 85% of UK adults have had at least one CV19 jab, 65% two jabs (according to the govt). Presumably just a matter of a few weeks before 85%+ have two. I do not know of another single adult in my day-to-day life who has declined the jabs.

      • neither do I

        but if you read some of the nonsense about it that gets reposted on here as ‘truth’ the injections are loaded with ferrous nano particles that turn you into a walking magnet–or something

        • Tim Groves says:

          It probably hasn’t affected you, Norman, on account of your celebrated magnetic personality.

          • funny—I kept wondering why homing pigeons kept crapping on my head—they were thrown off course by that personal phenomena.

            took me a while to figure it out

        • postkey says:

          The ‘truth’?
          “The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm. 
          Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell. 
          Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine. 
          In short, graphene oxide is the supposed SARS-CoV-2, the supposed new coronvirus provoked before the disease called COVID-19. Therefore, we never had real isolation and purification of a new coronvirus, as recognized by most health institutions at the highest level and in different countries when they were questioned about it. COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration.”

      • Xabier says:

        There are three end goals discernible at this stage, but the exact path taken by each state varies.

        The aim is convergence, by whatever means work.

        1/ Free mRNA technology from all regulatory restrictions, and create a population which passively accepts injection with anything, accepting the abolition of human rights.

        2/ Establish lock-downs and loss of basic civil liberties as part of normal life (‘Climate Lock-downs next).

        3/ Impose the Digital Identity, via ‘vaccine passports’. If that doesn’t work, they will be portrayed as the key in guarding against cyber-attacks and misinformation from Russia, etc.

        It is all so painfully obvious.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        This story is going to put huge pressure on the unvaxxed… if they are blamed for more lockdowns… the vaxxed will be in a rage… and it will be directed towards the unvaxxed…


        I won’t have the Injection … and it won’t matter… we are all going to get Devil Covid … or we can isolate from the Herd… and wait for the pantry to go empty…

        Which is no doubt part of the CEP… the primary goal is to keep the suffering to a minimum…. most die from Devil Covid… others cower in their homes until they starve… and the few pockets of survivors die from consuming spent fuel pond toxins…

        Violence, rape and cannibalism will be almost non-existent.

        Mission Accomplished.

        And the darkness that has enveloped the planet for thousands of years… will give way to light.

        Rejoice – the Borg has taken the poison… nothing can be done to stop it now.

        • The un-vaxed will be disproportionately young. They will be disproportionate black, at least in the US. I am wondering if discriminating against these groups will work well.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            What is intriguing is that Mr Crispin Miller … who cowrote Propaganda.. with the King of Propaganda Eddie Bernays…. who teaches a COURSE on propaganda…. states that he was fooled by the Covid Propaganda for the first month and a half

            Bravo Elders PR Team …Bravf789ingO…. too bad they cannot emerge from behind the curtain and take a bow….

            Quite the feat … convincing billions of CovIDIOTS that they are Staying Safe… when they are actually helping extinct 8B people hahahaha….


  43. Fast Eddy says:

    21 People Died in Weather-Related Incidents During the Polar Vortex

    • Fast Eddy says:

      It’s almost amusing when DelusiSTANIS gleefully post hot weather stories… even though they are meaningless given most of the records for hot days were established in the 1930s…

      But you wonder — do these clowns harbour a desire for klllimate katastrophe? Why else celebrate? or are they just utter MORE ons…..

      Hey Jane — have you been outside today? Well not yet… why? I was walking down the street and it was so hot the asphalt had liquified and it was running down the hill like a river of molten tar.

      Oh wow — that is so cool Mary! Hopefully it gets hot enough to melt the concrete sidewalk!!! Ya that would be totally awesome — that will teach those silly Klimate Deniers!

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    After over a year of back-and-forth public health restrictions aimed at keeping Canadians safe from COVID-19, experts say that the final lockdown might already be behind us — and that we can soon start mentally preparing for close quarters with sweaty crowds.

    The news comes as multiple provinces are moving forward with reopening plans — a direct result of the enthusiastic uptake of COVID-19 vaccines.

    Over 75 per cent of Canadians over the age of 12 have received at least one vaccine dose, and more than 20 per cent of Canadians have been fully vaccinated.

    This is a good sign for a permanent return to normal, experts say.

    “I don’t want to sound overconfident, but I think the chances are very unlikely to lock down again,” said Sumon Chakrabarti, an Infectious Diseases Physician at Trillium Hospital in the Greater Toronto Area.

    ‘we can soon start mentally preparing for close quarters with sweaty crowds’ — so they’re going to have mass-org ies? Well … yes….

    Again – we can see the Game Plan being exposed…. you Inject the CovIDIOTS… once you run out of CovIDIOTS… (low hanging fruit)… then you shove the Injected into a hot sweaty room where their viral loads hump and thrust and pump and dump … until out pops a range of Devil Covid Variants…

    Leading to… The Nightmare Scenario… it’s all happening….July / August is the Breeding Period.

    Meanwhile… the CovIDIOTS read that story and think ‘the nightmare is almost over’ HahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  45. Fast Eddy says:

    TEHRAN: Iran announced on Sunday it was reimposing coronavirus restrictions on major cities, as the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant spurs fears of another devastating surge in the nation.

    After over a year battling the worst virus outbreak in the Middle East, Iran ordered the closures of nonessential businesses in 275 cities, including the capital of Tehran.

    The shutdown of all public parks, restaurants, dessert shops, beauty salons, malls and bookstores applies to the country’s “red” and “orange” zones, or municipalities ranked as having an elevated risk of COVID-19.

    The government said it was also imposing a travel ban between cities with high infection rates.

    Seems we don’t have a winner in the Devil Covid race – yet

    • Xabier says:

      We could stone ’em back!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        There are so many of them though….

        A couple of CovIDIOTS who are aware of my refusal to be Injected have inferred that I am a detriment to the re-opening of the world… if everyone followed my lead… this will never end …

        This latest development puts a few more rounds in their rifles….

        • Xabier says:

          It’s going to be like ‘The Life of Brian’, the idiot mob…….

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I have put this in front of GVB on Linkedin … so far he has refused to respond and indicate if the leaky vaccines are purposed to create a similar situation … I have specifically asked if deploying during a pandemic (Montagnier calls that ‘unthinkable’) = death to vaxxed and unvaxxed…

            I suspect this is the most important indication of what is to come…. perhaps Bossche does not want to go here… or he does not want to frighten people …. but if that was the case… then why not just go into radio silence… if the die is cast what’s the point in struggling…


        • Student says:

          By now there are so many scientific contributes explaining that it is the use of vaccines that is creating more dangerous variants, because of the resistance the vaccinated person creates against the virus.
          And, on the contrary, variants created by not-vaccinated persons are milder, because the not-vaccinated person don’t have a strong resistance to the virus to oblige it to become stronger.
          As Vander Bossche explained is the same situation like with the zoonotic vaccination in chicken factories using leaking vaccines (like the ones they are using for Covid-19).
          The vaccinated chickens infect or kill the not-vaccinated, not the opposite.
          That’s why they insist to have all the people vaccinated, in order to cover this big defect of leaking vaccines.
          Then they will have just people dying without making difference between vaccinated or not vaccinated.
          But also, that’s why I think that – paradoxically – the vaccinated are the ones should be put in lockdowns.

          Please see:

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Has Bossche referenced Marek’s? I have posted various articles on that … but I was not aware of GVB referencing that with respect to the likely outcome from the covid vaccines…

            I suspect we are looking at Marek’s on Steroids as we deploy into a pandemic … the variants will kill both the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

            This is an All or Nothing story… if one group does not die (and there billions in each group) then that group will experience the collapse of BAU and the Ripping Off of Faces Phase…

            And the CEP is dedicated to ensuring that minimal people are around to Rip Faces.

            How exciting is this!!! It’s like being an extra in a sci fi novel… with Fast Eddy getting the starring role as He connected the dots on the CEP … and He is going to be the Saviour when this all Goes Down.

            Gail is the metaphorical Mother Mary … operating this obscure website that has identified the Why of all of This….

            We’ve got the persecuted Bossche Bridle and Yeadon… and the Nutty Professor in Montagnier..

            The Evil Villain


            The bumbling senile corrupt id io.t


            • Nice photos!

            • Student says:

              Fast Eddy it is interesting what you say. Therefore, according to what you say, it might be also for this reason that they want all people vaccinated, expecially in the western world. Otherwise not vaccinated people could heavily infect the vaccinated with the next possible variants. Of course also the vaccinated run a risk, but expecially now at this stage.
              But I suspect that if the percentage will be in favour of people not vaccinated, ‘ they ‘ will have lost the battle and the project, because It will be the vaccinated to run the major risk, expecially in the long term.
              So, now we have to cheer that many people will not want to be vaccinated in the western world and also that physical bottle necks will be met about vaccines dissemination.
              Because this project of mass vaccination of people is horrible and beyond any possible nightmare collapse outcome.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Other way around … according to Bossche … you’ve got the CNN version …

            • If we are into describing edgy scenarios (ala unleashing Devil Rona), one also can not refute the possibility, this site is just a honey pot, lurking in diy researchers by way of testing loose ends in the public domain etc..

              The agencies ran such joints previously very successfully at least since 1970s against antiwar and other various groups and perceived foreign agents, basically fast prototyping future propaganda, and searching for moles in the system at the same time.

              I’m giving it low probability though here as the overall end of surplus energy narrative seems solid from many angles (looking into it for two decades now), but lets say there is ~.1-5% chance; caution not meant as personal attack onto Gail or anything.

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    With every single search I am getting this … and forced to complete Captcha.. never happened before

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