How Energy Transition Models Go Wrong

I have written many posts relating to the fact that we live in a finite world. At some point, our ability to extract resources becomes constrained. At the same time, population keeps increasing. The usual outcome when population is too high for resources is “overshoot and collapse.” But this is not a topic that the politicians or central bankers or oligarchs who attend the World Economic Forum dare to talk about.

Instead, world leaders find a different problem, namely climate change, to emphasize above other problems. Conveniently, climate change seems to have some of the same solutions as “running out of fossil fuels.” So, a person might think that an energy transition designed to try to fix climate change would work equally well to try to fix running out of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, this isn’t really the way it works.

In this post, I will lay out some of the issues involved.

[1] There are many different constraints that new energy sources need to conform to.

These are a few of the constraints I see:

  • Should be inexpensive to produce
  • Should work with the current portfolio of existing devices
  • Should be available in the quantities required, in the timeframe needed
  • Should not pollute the environment, either when created or at the end of their lifetimes
  • Should not add CO2 to the atmosphere
  • Should not distort ecosystems
  • Should be easily stored, or should be easily ramped up and down to precisely match energy timing needs
  • Cannot overuse fresh water or scarce minerals
  • Cannot require a new infrastructure of its own, unless the huge cost in terms of delayed timing and greater materials use is considered.

If an energy type is simply a small add-on to the existing system, perhaps a little deviation from the above list can be tolerated, but if there is any intent of scaling up the new energy type, all of these requirements must be met.

It is really the overall cost of the system that is important. Historically, the use of coal has helped keep the overall cost of the system down. Substitutes need to be developed considering the overall needs and cost of the system.

The reason why the overall cost of the system is important is because countries with high-cost energy systems will have a difficult time competing in a world market since energy costs are an important part of the cost of producing goods and services. For example, the cost of operating a cruise ship depends, to a significant extent, on the cost of the fuel it uses.

In theory, energy types that work with different devices (say, electric cars and trucks instead of those operated by internal combustion engines) can be used, but a long delay can be expected before a material shift in overall energy usage occurs. Furthermore, a huge ramp up in the total use of materials for production may be required. The system cannot work if the total cost is too high, or if the materials are not really available, or if the timing is too slow.

[2] The major thing that makes an economy grow is an ever increasing supply of inexpensive-to-produce energy products.

Food is an energy product. Let’s think of what happens when agriculture is mechanized, typically using devices that are made and operated using coal and oil. The cost of producing food drops substantially. Instead of spending, for example, 50% of a person’s wages on food, the percentage can gradually drop down to 20% of wages, and then to 10% of wages for food, and eventually even, say, to 2% of wages for food.

As spending on food falls, opportunity for other spending arises, even with wages remaining relatively level. With lower food expenditures, a person can spend more on books (made with energy products), or personal transportation (such as a vehicle), or entertainment (also made possible by energy products). Strangely enough, in order for an economy to grow, essential items need to become an ever decreasing share of everyone’s budget, so that citizens have sufficient left-over income available for more optional items.

It is the use of tools, made and operated with inexpensive energy products of the right types, that leverages human labor so that workers can produce more food in a given period of time. This same approach also makes many other goods and services available.

In general, the less expensive an energy product is, the more helpful it will be to an economy. A country operating with an inexpensive mix of energy products will tend to be more competitive in the world market than one with a high-cost mix of energy products. Oil tends to be expensive; coal tends to be inexpensive. This is a major reason why, in recent years, countries using a lot of coal in their energy mix (such as China and India) have been able to grow their economies much more rapidly than those countries relying heavily on oil in their energy mixes.

[3] If energy products are becoming more expensive to produce, or their production is not growing very rapidly, there are temporary workarounds that can hide this problem for quite a number of years.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, world coal and oil consumption were growing rapidly. Natural gas, hydroelectric and (a little) nuclear were added, as well. Cost of production remained low. For example, the price of oil, converted to today’s dollar value, was less than $20 per barrel.

Once the idyllic 1950s and 1960s passed, it was necessary to hide the problems associated with the rising cost of production using several approaches:

  • Increasing use of debt – really a promise of future goods and services made with energy
  • Lower interest rates – permits increasing debt to be less of a financial burden
  • Increasing use of technology – to improve efficiency in energy usage
  • Growing use of globalization – to make use of other countries’ cheaper energy mix and lower cost of labor

After 50+ years, we seem to be reaching limits with respect to all of these techniques:

  • Debt levels are excessive
  • Interest rates are very low, even below zero
  • Increasing use of technology as well as globalization have led to greater and greater wage disparity; many low level jobs have been eliminated completely
  • Globalization has reached its limits; China has reached a situation in which its coal supply is no longer growing

[4] The issue that most people fail to grasp is the fact that with depletion, the cost of producing energy products tends to rise, but the selling prices of these energy products do not rise enough to keep up with the rising cost of depletion.

As a result, production of energy products tends to fall because production becomes unprofitable.

As we get further and further away from the ideal situation (oil less than $20 per barrel and rising in quantity each year), an increasing number of problems crop up:

  • Both oil/gas companies and coal companies become less profitable.
  • With lower energy company profits, governments can collect less taxes from these companies.
  • As old wells and mines deplete, the cost of reinvestment becomes more of a burden. Eventually, new investment is cut back to the point that production begins to fall.
  • With less growth in energy consumption, productivity growth tends to lag. This happens because energy is required to mechanize or computerize processes.
  • Wage disparity tends to grow; workers become increasingly unhappy with their governments.

[5] Authorities with an incorrect understanding of why and how energy supplies fall have assumed that far more fossil fuels would be available than is actually the case. They have also assumed that relatively high prices for alternatives would be acceptable.

In 2012, Jorgen Randers prepared a forecast for the next 40 years for The Club of Rome, in the form of a book, 2052, with associated data. Looking at the data, we see that Randers forecast that world coal consumption would grow by 28% between 2010 and 2020. In fact, world coal consumption grew by 0% in that period. (This latter forecast is based on BP coal consumption estimates for 2010 and 2019 from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020, adjusted for the 2019 to 2020 period change using IEA’s estimate from its Global Energy Review 2021.)

It is very easy to assume that high estimates of coal resources in the ground will lead to high quantities of actual coal extracted and burned. The world’s experience between 2010 and 2020 shows that it doesn’t necessarily work out that way in practice. In order for coal consumption to grow, the delivered price of coal needs to stay low enough for customers to be able to afford its use in the end products it provides. Much of the supposed coal that is available is far from population centers. Some of it is even under the North Sea. The extraction and delivery costs become far too high, but this is not taken into account in resource estimates.

Forecasts of future natural gas availability suffer from the same tendency towards over-estimation. Randers estimated that world gas consumption would grow by 40% between 2010 and 2020, when the actual increase was 22%. Other authorities make similar overestimates of future fuel use, assuming that “of course,” prices will stay high enough to enable extraction. Most energy consumption is well-buried in goods and services we buy, such as the cost of a vehicle or the cost of heating a home. If we cannot afford the vehicle, we don’t buy it; if the cost of heating a family’s home rises too high, thrifty families will turn down the thermostat.

Oil prices, even with the recent run-up in prices, are under $75 per barrel. I have estimated that for profitable oil production (including adequate funds for high-cost reinvestment and sufficient taxes for governments), oil prices need to be over $120 per barrel. It is the lack of profitability that has caused the recent drop in production. These profitability problems can be expected to lead to more production declines in the future.

With this low-price problem, fossil fuel estimates used in climate model scenarios are almost certainly overstated. This bias would be expected to lead to overstated estimates of future climate change.

The misbelief that energy prices will always rise to cover higher costs of production also leads to the belief that relatively high-cost alternatives to fossil fuels would be acceptable.

[6] Our need for additional energy supplies of the right kinds is extremely high right now. We cannot wait for a long transition. Even 30 years is too long.

We saw in section [3] that the workarounds for a lack of growing energy supply, such as higher debt and lower interest rates, are reaching limits. Furthermore, prices have been unacceptably low for oil producers for several years. Not too surprisingly, oil production has started to decline:

Figure 1 – World production of crude oil and condensate, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration

What is really needed is sufficient energy of the right types for the world’s growing population. Thus, it is important to look at energy consumption on a per capita basis. Figure 2 shows energy production per capita for three groupings:

  • Tier 1: Oil and Coal
  • Tier 2: Natural Gas, Nuclear, and Hydroelectric
  • Tier 3: Other Renewables, including Intermittent Wind and Solar
Figure 2 World per capita energy consumption by Tier. Amounts through 2019 based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. Changes for 2020 based on estimates provided by IEA Global Energy Review 2021.

Figure 2 shows that the biggest drop is in Tier 1: Coal and Oil. In many ways, coal and oil are foundational types of energy for the economy because they are relatively easy to transport and store. Oil is important because it is used in operating agricultural machinery, road repair machinery, and vehicles of all types, including ships and airplanes. Coal is important partly because of its low cost, helping paychecks to stretch further for finished goods and services. Coal is used in many ways, including electricity production and making steel and concrete. We use coal and oil to keep electricity transmission lines repaired.

Figure 2 shows that Tier 2 energy consumption per capita was growing rapidly in the 1965 to 1990 period, but its growth has slowed in recent years.

The Green Energy sources in Tier 3 have been growing rapidly from a low base, but their output is still tiny compared to the overall output that would be required if they were to substitute for energy from both Tier 1 and Tier 2 sources. They clearly cannot by themselves power today’s economy.

It is very difficult to imagine any of the Tier 2 and Tier 3 energy sources being able to grow without substantial assistance from coal and oil. All of today’s Tier 2 and Tier 3 energy sources depend on coal and oil at many points in the chain of their production, distribution, operation, and eventual recycling. If we ever get to Tier 4 energy sources (such as fusion or space solar), I would expect that they too will need oil and/or coal in their production, transport and distribution, unless there is an incredibly long transition, and a huge change in energy infrastructure.

[7] It is easy for energy researchers to set their sights too low.

[a] We need to be looking at the extremely low energy cost structure of the 1950s and 1960s as a model, not some far higher cost structure.

We have been hiding the world’s energy problems for years behind rising debt and falling interest rates. With very high debt levels and very low interest rates, it is becoming less feasible to stimulate the economy using these approaches. We really need very inexpensive energy products. These energy products need to provide a full range of services required by the economy, not simply intermittent electricity.

Back in the 1950s and 1960s, the ratio of Energy Earned to Energy Investment was likely in the 50:1 range for many energy products. Energy products were very profitable; they could be highly taxed. The alternative energy products we develop today need to have similar characteristics if they truly are to play an important role in the economy.

[b] A recent study says that greenhouse gas emissions related to the food system account for one-third of the anthropogenic global warming gas total. A way to grow sufficient food is clearly needed.

We clearly cannot grow food using intermittent electricity. Farming is not an easily electrified endeavor. If we do not have an alternative, the coal and oil that we are using now in agriculture really needs to continue, even if it requires subsidies.

[c] Hydroelectric electricity looks like a good energy source, but in practice it has many deficiencies.

Some of the hydroelectric dams now in place are over 100 years old. This is nearing the lifetime of the concrete in the dams. Considerable maintenance and repair (indirectly using coal and oil) are likely to be needed if these dams are to continue to be used.

The water available to provide hydroelectric power tends to vary greatly over time. Figure 3 shows California’s hydro electricity generation by month.

Figure 3. California hydroelectric energy production by month, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

Thus, as a practical matter, hydroelectric energy needs to be balanced with fossil fuels to provide energy which can be used to power a factory or heat a home in winter. Battery storage would never be sufficient. There are too many gaps, lasting months at a time.

If hydroelectric energy is used in a tropical area with dry and wet seasons, the result would be even more extreme. A poor country with a new hydroelectric power plant may find the output of the plant difficult to use. The electricity can only be used for very optional activities, such as bitcoin mining, or charging up small batteries for lights and phones.

Any new hydroelectric dam runs the risk of taking away the water someone else was depending upon for irrigation or for their own electricity generation. A war could result.

[d] Current approaches for preventing deforestation mostly seem to be shifting deforestation from high income countries to low income countries. In total, deforestation is getting worse rather than better.

Figure 4. Forest area percentage of land area, by income group, based on data of the World Bank.

Figure 4 shows that deforestation is getting rapidly worse in Low Income countries with today’s policies. There is also a less pronounced trend toward deforestation in Middle Income countries. It is only in High Income countries that land areas are becoming more forested. In total (not shown), the forested area for the world as a whole falls, year after year.

Also, even when replanting is done, the new forests do not have the same characteristics as those made by natural ecosystems. They cannot house as many different species as natural ecosystems. They are likely to be less resistant to problems like insect infestations and forest fires. They are not true substitutes for the forest ecosystems that nature creates.

[e] The way intermittent wind and solar have been added to the electric grid vastly overpays these providers, relative to the value they add to the system. Furthermore, the subsidies for intermittent renewables tend to drive out more stable producers, degrading the overall condition of the grid.

If wind and solar are to be used, payments for the electricity they provide need to be scaled back to reflect the true value that they add to the overall system. In general, this corresponds to the savings in fossil fuel purchases that electricity providers need to make. This will be a small amount, perhaps 2 cents per kilowatt hour. Even this small amount, in theory, might be reduced to reflect the greater electricity transmission costs associated with these intermittent sources.

We note that China is making a major step in the direction of reducing subsidies for wind and solar. It has already dramatically cut its subsidies for wind energy; new subsidy cuts for solar energy will become effective August 1, 2021.

A major concern is the distorting impact that current pricing approaches for wind and solar have on the overall electrical system. Often, these approaches produce very low, or negative, wholesale prices for other providers. Nuclear providers are especially harmed by such practices. Nuclear is, of course, a low CO2 electricity provider.

It seems to me that in each part of the world, some utility-type provider needs to be analyzing what the overall funding of the electrical system needs to be. Bills to individuals and businesses need to reflect these actual expected costs. This approach might avoid the artificially low rates that the current pricing system often generates. If adequate funding can be achieved, perhaps some of the corner cutting that leads to electrical outages, such as recently encountered in California and Texas, might be avoided.

[8] When I look at the requirements for a successful energy transition and the obstacles we are up against, it is hard for me to see that any of the current approaches can be successful.

Unfortunately, it is hard for me to see how intermittent electricity can save the world economy, or even make a dent in our problems. We have searched for a very long time, but haven’t yet found solutions truly worth ramping up. Perhaps a new “Tier 4 approach” might be helpful, but such solutions seem likely to come too late.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,781 Responses to How Energy Transition Models Go Wrong

  1. Tim Groves says:

    Lisbon court rules only 0.9% of ‘verified cases’ died of COVID, numbering 152, not 17,000 claimed.

    Following a citizen’s petition, a Lisbon court was forced to provide verified COVID-19 mortality data, reports Portuguese)

    According to the ruling, the number of verified COVID-19 deaths from January 2020 to April 2021 is only 152, not about 17,000 as claimed by government ministries.

    All the “others” died for various reasons, although their PCR test was positive.

    “We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions,” wrote Dias.

    Dunc? Norm? Anybody home?

    • Mike Roberts says:

      The original article had no link to the ruling which, if true, means that the government is continuing to defy the law. Amazing that the court managed to go through 17,000 death certificates and investigate them all to reach that conclusion but, if there is some verification of the story, I’ll be happy to take a look. If something seems highly unlikely, it really shouldn’t be taken at face value.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Check it out the America’s Frontline Doctors article again, Mike. I think you’ll find there is a link to the Lisbon court ruling, which takes you here.

        Até que ponto lê bem português?

        • Tim Groves says:

          This “fact checking” article seeks to show that the court’s ruling did not mean there were only 152 deaths, but it hasn’t been peer reviewed not was it published in Nature, so I think under the Mike Roberts we can print it out and flush it down the toilet.

          “The authorities also confirmed that on April 18, there were indeed, among the death certificates relating to the coronavirus, 152 certificates reported by the Ministry of Justice. And that, that same day, “a total of 16,945 deaths from covid-19 have been confirmed in Portugal”. The court’s decision therefore does not show “no deviation” with official data available.”

          As you can see, the writer of the article inserted a double negative into that last sentence, probably erroneously, which is a serious handicap to anyone trying to understand precisely what they were trying to say.

          • Tim Groves says:

            Although unstated anywhere above, the argument comes down to whether “dying with Covid-19” is equivalent to “dying from Covid-19.”

            The other 16,945 deaths appear to have been “confirmed” officially as “dying from Covid-19” on the basis of the deceased people having tested positive for certain pieces of RNA in PCR tests rather than on their being “verified” as having died from the disease based on a thorough examination of their clinical symptoms.

            Perhaps many of them were also verified based on symptoms and actually did indeed die from Covid-19, but we haven’t seen any confirmation of that. It appears that the Portuguese Ministry of Justice has only reported 152 certificates of death from Covid-19.

          • JMS says:

            As I understand it, the case was as follows: a group of Portuguese citizens filed a lawsuit in court to demand from the Ministry of Health and the Directorate General of Health (DGS) information related to covidscam. The judge requested the ministry and DGS the respective information, but the authorities did not provide it, claiming that they did not have the data, or that the demand was unjustified. The judge considered that the requirement was in fact justified, and ordered the Ministry and DGS to pay the costs of the process (30,000 euros).
            Then consulting the records of covid deaths belonging to the Ministry of Justice, the only one he had access, the judge came at that number of 152 covid deaths.

            The most interesting pint here is the fact that the Ministry of Health and the DGS have refused to provide the data, claiming that they do not have them (?!) or that the request had no legal justification, a claim that the judge overruled, as we saw, condemning them to pay the costs of the process.

          • Mike Roberts says:

            Thanks, Tim. I should have tried harder! I did eventually find this fact check, using Google Translate to translate it, though I see there was a similar article, mentioned in other comments.


        • Harry McGibbs says:

          “It says – in Portuguese – that between 2020 and 2021, “152 certificates were issued by doctors working for the Ministry of Justice, whose primary cause of death was the coronavirus”. It is this quote that is used to show that the official balance sheet would be well below the figures released by the health authorities.

          “However, Internet users forget to note important information. In this sentence, it is clearly specified that the court only takes into account the certificates issued by these famous “doctors who work for the Ministry of Justice”. However, they represent only a fraction of the people authorized to produce these certificates…”

          • Harry McGibbs says:

            You beat me to it, Tim.

            • Tim Groves says:

              Hahaha! There’s a first time for everything, Sir Harry!

            • Harry McGibbs says:


              Even if we assume that Covid was a key component in those 17k deaths, that is still a tiny mortality-rate relative to a population of 10,000,000 – 0.17%.

            • Mike Roberts says:

              that is still a tiny mortality-rate relative to a population of 10,000,000 – 0.17%

              And that is an irrelevant factoid until the pandemic has played out. Imagine how low the percentage was in March last year!

        • TinaB says:

          Tim, as I am unaware of the “debunking” of Guy’s claims, could you please provide quotes or links to support this claim that you are making?

          As far as the “studies” currently going on, I mean is it really necessary – I think the jury is in. All one has to do is open one’s eyes to see for themselves the environmental destruction that we have perpetrated on this planet. One does not need a science degree.

          I understand that people with young children must drink from the hopium fountain as reality is just too painful. However, would it not be better to prepare them for the future than to deny the predicament? But I guess that is “human nature”. Let’s be “optimistic” ya let’s do that and see how that turns out!

          All of this gnashing about who’s right and who’s wrong and who’s to blame about the critic state we are in with ALL systems is irrelevant on an uninhabitable planet period. We are ALL to blame as we have been complicit. No one is/has been willing to give up their privileged, cushy lifestyles. It is shocking to me that NO ONE thinks that it took humans 250,000 years to get to one billion and it took only 100 years to get to 8 billion is a problem. We are “bugs in a jar”.

          Skip to the 2:00 minute mark.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Guy is a joke no? I suspect he sits around with his wife after dinner having light discussions how the planet is going to burn up (always tomorrow) because of GW ….

            What a sad existence — even if that were true — there is zero we could do about it — maybe Guy wants the planet to burn up? Otherwise why bother with the pointless discussion.

            And please don’t tell me that solar panels and EVs are a solution to anything… because that is also a joke

      • Xabier says:

        Last year, you may recall, a Portuguese court ruled that the tests are so unreliable that they should not be used to justify quarantines and restriction on liberties.

        It, sadly, changed nothing.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          And still the CovIDIOTS do not sense the wolf….

          The wolf will be at their throats… and they will not understand what is happening to them.

  2. Harry McGibbs says:

    “These charts show the dramatic increase in China’s debt…

    “Beijing identified the ballooning debt pile as a potential threat to economic stability, and in recent years tried to reduce the country’s reliance on debt for growth. But that deleveraging effort came to a pause for much of last year due to Covid-19.”

  3. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Are we moving into a Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) world where total debt effectively no longer matters?

    “…I think we are moving there by stealth. Where we are now, in terms of the size of the balance sheet, it is probably the only thing they have got left to try – particularly if we were to move into another period of volatility, another crisis.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “The Stimulus Boom Is Already Over: Now Comes Stagnation…

      “The diminishing returns of stimulus plans are evident. A $20 trillion fiscal and monetary boost is expected to deliver just a $4 trillion real GDP recovery followed by a rapid return to the historical trend of GDP growth this will likely lead to new record levels of debt, weaker productivity growth and slower job recovery. The pace of global recoveries since 1975, according to the OECD shows a weaker trend…

      “The idea that hundreds of magnificent and profitable projects will suddenly appear is also questionable. It is very difficult to believe that, suddenly, thousands of profitable and job-creating projects will appear when they were not carried out in recent years with interest rates at historic lows, unlimited liquidity and growing investment appetite.”

      • Excellent point:

        “It is very difficult to believe that, suddenly, thousands of profitable and job-creating projects will appear when they were not carried out in recent years with interest rates at historic lows, unlimited liquidity and growing investment appetite.”

    • Sort of moving to MMT. We will get to see exactly what makes MMT crash. Falling currency relativities?

  4. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Iraq Needs a Grand Bargain to Halt Its Downward Spiral…

    “Such a grand bargain will require negotiating with tough partners who are already in a more advantageous position. The next Iraqi prime minister should be prepared for such an undertaking, as it will be one of the last opportunities to turn the country around from its current state of economic decline, insecurity and social unrest.”

  5. adonis says:

    yes gail and fast eddie and all REALITY based commenters we are very close to the endgame the signs are everywhere i still believe in the staircase collapse scenario complimented with managed reductions of population and a staircase collapse of interest rates along with declining net energy until either everyone is dead or by some miracle we are saved by the new energy source that has not been discovered yet maybe MARS OR THE MOON may have the answers we are looking for .

    • It would take a whole lot of energy to get resources back from Mars or the Moon. I would think mining the bottom of the sea, or filtering sea water, would come first in terms of energy consumption and practicality.

      Mars also represents a timing problem. Even if there were not problem sending a robot to Mars, scooping out resources, and sending these heavy resources back, there would be an investment and timing issue. If it takes five years to get there, and five years to get back, the ten years these rockets are tied up in doing this would mean that a huge number of rockets would be needed for the project.

      By the way, I understand that there is something called “2021 Lunar Development Conference,” taking place on July 9 and 10. The conference is over zoom. Registration seems to be $10. (I seem to be on a lot of mailing lists.)

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    Hmmm… now who would have the power to do something like this?

    A clean getaway was too much to hope for, especially as he’d made his feelings known so publicly. Since that video flew around the world it’s had close to a million views, and Dr White has paid dearly for his outspoken departure. His bank account has been hacked and a five-figure sum removed. He has no idea if it’s connected but according to the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) it’s a ‘thing’: thieving people’s identities and stealing their money is a tactic used to intimidate the outspoken.

    • Xabier says:

      I read years ago an account of how British intelligence would create financial problems for domestic trouble makers: no need to kill them, just tip their lives into melt-down.

      Get their bank to call in a loan, cancel an overdraft, etc.

      Elegant, simple, and devastating.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The Elders can giveth … and if that does not minionize… the Elders can taketh away.

        Another tactic is to hassle them with audits

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    Of course this has disappeared

    Dr White explained in a heartfelt resignation video that went viral after he posted it to Twitter on Friday June 4. ‘I had to go because of all the lies. They’re so vast it’s been impossible to stomach.

    • Xabier says:

      There’s an excellent article at on the fall and death of Magalufi in Tanzania, and other problematic African leaders.

      For whom are they a problem? Why, you’ll be surprised to learn the Rothschilds, The WHO, Gates, the WEF, Soros….

      What do the Rothschilds want from Africa?

      The vital resources needed for the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, which lies at the heart of the Great Re-set ‘global recovery plan’, as the BBC calls it.

      And they want them on terms which suit themselves, not Africans.

      Magalufi called their bluff on Covid, and then made the error of getting a little too friendly with China. The prize was slipping out of the hands of the Great Re-set mafia.

      And so, in all likelihood, he was eliminated by them – with ease. Game to the Rothschilds, China loses that round in the global struggle for resources, and to gain a decisive advantage in the new technological Cold-War.

  8. Fast Eddy says:

    A GP who resigned his ‘job for life’ as a partner with a Hampshire practice because of his doubts about Covid-19 vaccines has been suspended by NHS England for questioning coronavirus protocol.

    Dr Sam White received a letter on Friday informing him that he was suspended with immediate effect, which stops him practising as a doctor within the NHS. On Saturday he was telephoned by a senior clinical adviser to NHS England, who condescendingly called him ‘poppet’.

    In a soothing manner, she told him she was concerned for his welfare. ‘I’m worried about whether you’re well,’ she said, the undercurrent of the conversation being the suggestion that Dr White is suffering mental health issues.

    In fact, Dr White has never felt saner even though he has pressed the nuclear button on his professional life. The two main reasons for detonation involved the Covid-19 vaccine roll out, an initiative that he fundamentally disagrees with because vaccines are not needed if there’s an effective treatment; and the mandatory wearing of masks, a theme introduced by psychologists not scientists, which Stanford University research shows is nothing more than theatre.

    He said: ‘It’s hard to go against the grain like this, but when I found out they were going to start testing the vaccine on children, I couldn’t sleep. I knew it didn’t matter what the results of the trials were, negative or positive, they would begin injecting children regardless. A healthy child is more likely to be struck by lightning than die of Covid. They don’t need an experimental vaccine that has no proven benefit.

    ‘The risks from the vaccine are completely unknown because it’s barely been tested. But reactions are beginning to come to light. Adolescent boys seem to be developing myocarditis – heart inflammation – which can permanently damage the heart. The risks could be potentially devastating compared with them contracting Covid and surviving it.

    ‘I began waking up in a cold sweat. I was so anxious that I ended up calling in sick. That was back in March, and I never went back.’ He now fears this anxiety will be used to question his mental health.

    The second dig in his ribs came when someone in the Twitter community posted in the wake of apocalyptic stories about the vaccine-injured: ‘What are all the doctors doing about this crime against humanity?’ It struck a chord, and it was then he knew he had to reveal how he’d taken a stand.

    • Xabier says:

      Pure Stalinism: when any dissident clearly has ‘mental health’ problems.

      Why else would they question the rightness and goodness of Big Mother, who only cares for the health of her dear, dear citizen babies?

      Astonishing how Totalitarianism is being embraced so enthusiastically, in the very countries which fought it in the 1940’s.

      • Tim Groves says:

        The totalitarians have taken over this time slowly by stealth while the rest of the population has over decades been rendered apathetic by sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, the mass media and the fear that they will loose their status and consumption privileges if they object to the new progressivism. Of course, they are going to lose everything anyway, but they can’t quite grasp that yet.

    • Logic doesn’t seem to be a strong point for those pushing the new COVID vaccines for children. A better case can be made for giving the vaccine to the very elderly, especially if they are already in care homes where the virus is easily passed around.

  9. Mike Roberts says:

    It’s not just the deaths. For more people (over a million in England), the issue is Long-Covid.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Ya the flu can be a real bitch too!

      Flu Complications

      Most people who get flu will recover in a few days to less than two weeks, but some people will develop complications (such as pneumonia) as a result of flu, some of which can be life-threatening and result in death.

      Sinus and ear infections are examples of moderate complications from flu, while pneumonia is a serious flu complication that can result from either influenza virus infection alone or from co-infection of flu virus and bacteria. Other possible serious complications triggered by flu can include inflammation of the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ failure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure).

      Flu virus infection of the respiratory tract can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in the body and can lead to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening response to infection.

      Flu also can make chronic medical problems worse. For example, people with asthma may experience asthma attacks while they have flu, and people with chronic heart disease may experience a worsening of this condition triggered by flu.

      I really don’t understand why the US didnt lock down during this… can one of the resident CovIDIOTS explain this?

      The 2017-2018 influenza epidemic is sending people to hospitals and urgent-care centers in every state, and medical centers are responding with extraordinary measures: asking staff to work overtime, setting up triage tents, restricting friends and family visits and canceling elective surgeries, to name a few.

      “We are pretty much at capacity, and the volume is certainly different from previous flu seasons,” says Dr. Alfred Tallia, professor and chair of family medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey. “I’ve been in practice for 30 years, and it’s been a good 15 or 20 years since I’ve seen a flu-related illness scenario like we’ve had this year.”

    • Tim Groves says:

      Since these are behind a subscription wall, it’s a bit difficult to judge whether they represent serious journalism or are just another attempt to keep ratcheting up the fear level.

      Have you got anything on this subject that’s peer-reviewed and accessible?

      My Dad once had Long-Influenza, which he never totally recovered from. Is this Long-Covid the same sort of thing, where the damage done to the body by the disease or by the immune system doesn’t completely heal?

  10. Fast Eddy says:

    Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
    John P. A. Ioannidis


    There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field.

    In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance.

    Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias. In this essay, I discuss the implications of these problems for the conduct and interpretation of research.

    • An excerpt from the paper:

      Essentially, medical research has inexorably turned into an industry. A very lucrative industry. Many medical journals now charge authors thousands of dollars to publish their research. This ensures that it is very difficult for any researcher, not supported by a university, or a pharmaceutical company, to afford to publish anything, unless they are independently wealthy.

      The journals then have the cheek to claim copyright, and charge money to anyone who actually wants to read, or download the full paper. Fifty dollars for a few on-line pages! They then bill for reprints, they charge for advertising. Those who had the temerity to write the article get nothing – and nor do the peer reviewers.

      Publishing papers is an industry. Conferences (at least up until COVID put an end to the practice) were another industry. Big Pharma tends to be sponsors of the conferences. I presume they have hand-outs and people willing to talk about the benefits of their products.

  11. Tim Groves says:

    Robert W. Felix, who has for many years run the blog Ice Age Now has just died, sadly, ostensibly of rheumatoid arthritis, a condition that he endured since 2007 but had under control until May of this year.

    In his last blog entry on June 8, Robert wrote:

    “Two Thursdays ago I walked into my first meeting with a rheumatologist because of a long list of symptoms that specialists couldn’t fathom. None of the specialists had ever mentioned R.A. Not once. Finally, after months, my wife and I self-diagnosed the culprit as R.A. The rheumatologist agreed. Hugely progressive R.A. By Friday night I was walking with a cane. By Sunday night I needed a walker. Now I’m dependent on a wheelchair. All in less than three weeks.

    “Went to the JPS Hospital emergency room. The hospital infused me with a high dose of steroids (1000 mg of prednisone) three days in a row which was supposed to stop the progression in its tracks. It did nothing.

    “They couldn’t believe R.A. could work that quickly, so they conducted a full-body MRI, a cat-scan of my head, a Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and so many blood tests that I couldn’t possibly keep count. Nothing. They’re completely baffled.

    “In the meantime I’m sticking with my belief that it’s R.A. because my rheumatoid factor is 50. (About 4 times what it should be.) Instead of attacking my joints, it is attacking my organs – my skin (an organ), heavy neuropathy, numbness in feet and lower legs (my legs have turned to jello and I have no balance), and the numbness has begun moving into my hands. Highly elevated blood pressure, highly elevated liver enzyme levels, the list goes on and on. ”

    In the comments, he was asked if he had taken a Covid-19 vaccine.

    June 8, 2021 at 3:24 pm
    Yes. J&J, several weeks ago. But please understand, this has been going on since at least last July.

    June 8, 2021 at 5:45 pm
    Robert, you stated above, “Yes. J&J, several weeks ago. But please understand, this has been going on since at least last July.” Some thing is wrong with the timeline in your blog post then.
    “So now we get to today.
    Two Thursdays ago I walked into my first meeting with a rheumatologist because of a long list of symptoms that specialists couldn’t fathom.”
    How many is several weeks ago? 6,7, 8? You posted today Tuesday, June 8 almost 3 weeks ago, since the onset of your symptoms. I find it incongruous that someone as well researched concerning the fraud of climate change would allow themselves to be injected with an experimental biological soup, that has only an EUA from the FDA. Didn’t you research the ingredients of the J&J injection? Everyone getting these injections is part of the mass clinical trail! I hope you get well soon. IMHO, you should pressure the doctors to consider the injection.

    Some other comments:

    June 9, 2021 at 8:25 am
    Robert, you’re always telling us not to believe anything from the US government, why would you take that vaccine? It can only make any other health problems you have worse.

    June 9, 2021 at 4:47 pm
    Spike Protein, my friend.

    Sorry to hear about this. Wish you good luck.
    We need to to fight the lies!

    – – –

    This is rotten news for all of this who followed and liked Robert. But it’s also a reminder and a warning that these jabs really do pack a poisonous punch in the form of the notorious spike. And of course, it’s one more death by lethal injection that will not go down as Covid-19 in the official records.

    • Another quite possibly vaccine related death.

      • Tim Groves says:

        I’m leaning towards the spike protein/inflammation hypothesis.

        The spike is in the virus and programming the vaxee to make the spike is the main purpose of the vax.

        Wherever it goes, the spike causes inflammation by its action or via the sufferer’s immune response.

        The virus spike usually gets into the body by infecting the lungs and can sometimes spread from there into the bloodstream. So a characteristic of serious Covid-19 is lung inflammation.

        The vax spike-making mRNA gets into the body via injection into the deltoid muscle of the upper arm/shoulder, and a characteristic of injection is inflammation around the injection site. However, a certain amount of the mRNA gets into the bloodstream from the muscle and travels widely, resulting in inflammation wherever it enters cells.

        The amount of mRNA that escapes the deltoid muscle varies according to where the needle goes in. Also, the amount of inflammation it causes is added to the amount of inflammation already present. For people who already suffer from significant inflammation, including many of the old, obese, and infirm, such as those with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, etc., the additional inflammation generated when the spike goes into action can result in serious damage or even death.

        Conversely, those with little baseline inflammation in their bodies can cope better with the inflammation generated by the spike.

        If this hypothesis is broadly correct, it’s yet another reason to keep physically active, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, avoid root canal work, and take so many vitamins that you produce expensive urine.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I have a close relative who has this condition … she’s anti-jab but told me she had it because this is an auto-immune disease and she is concerned that she is at-risk should she contract covid.

      I generally do not attempt to dissuade… because we’ll all be dead soon anyways… the exception is key staff in our HK office… it would make my life difficult if I lost any of them…

      Norm/Dunc – perhaps you have RA of the brain? If you get a doctor’s note we’ll stop abusing you guys….

      • from the standback position of amusement

        you are engaged only in abuse of self

        it would appear to be your life’s work

        it certainly brings little pleasure to anyone else

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Currently what brings meaning to life is abusing CovIDIOTS…. because they are not grounded in logic it’s not even a challenge to make them look like what they are … i diots.

          But it does pass the time pleasantly none the less…

          • Perhaps you are trying to be an entertainer. You could transfer your abuse to those who are advocating a move to renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Those folks don’t stay around long, however.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Unfortunately … abusing those lacking in critical thought on any subject… (after first attempting to explain to them how they have got it wrong)…. does not send them packing… so one can only engage in mockery and ridicule … and think of it as filling in pot holes on a gravel road… (assuming one enjoys filling in pot holes)

              And without a doubt … the mockery is primarily entertainment (although those on the receiving end probably don’t see it that way… )

            • Mike Roberts says:

              Yes, he’s very trying. His entertainment seems primarily self targeted as he often laughs at himself. But his abuse is for anyone who doesn’t agree with him. I see he claims critical thought but doesn’t seem to realise that abuse is the worst possible strategy for trying to win an argument.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Fast Eddy tells me He sees himself more as God than Entertainer…. however if some are entertained by his posts He doesn’t mind.

              He is getting rather bored because He finds there is so little left to know and understand…. although He is Fully Loaded with some good audio books at the moment … otherwise… He would be nonplussed should the Extinction begin in July.

              He is very interested to see exactly how the Lethal Injections act to kill 8B people and He is curious to see what happens after death stating specifically ‘It’s really the last thing that piques My interest these days’

              Feel free to pass on messages here… I will be meeting with The Exalted One later this evening… He is out at testing out the Death Mobile on the track.

            • referring to self in the third person would seem to indicate that ‘self’ has already become disembodied

              i.e.–there are two ‘selves’, one doing the thinking on behalf of the other. First self receives messages from on high, and the ‘other’ self then dispenses wisdom to the waiting throng.

              looked at in that way, it begins to make sense.

              the Jim Jones syndrome I think it’s called, where non believers are cast into the outer darkness and true believers are required to follow their saviour over a cliff—wile-e-coyote style

              no wonder the audience is confused

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I am not God … therefore Fast Eddy must be… someone in here is…

            • you absolutely must be god

              It is common knowledge that god had sex with himself to produce his son. (I mean, how else would it have been possible?)

              Which in your case, would have only required obeying instructions which must have been given to you on numerous occasions.

              what nobody foresaw, that when you did that, it produced the messiah, (who of course looks exactly like you) sent to lead us all to the path of conspiracyness.

            • Fast Eddy says:


              That had not occurred to me

            • Fast Eddy says:

              What we have here is a Son of Sam situation …. but instead of a dog… we have Fast Eddy … and I am the medium

  12. StarvingLion says:

    I found the smoking gun.

    Will Gail, Normie, and Dunce pretend that the FDA has ‘no credibility’ too? Or just conveniently ignore the evidence as usual?

    The timestamp you want is 02:33:40. This guy presenting skips the slide, so it is only visible for a fraction of a second, but it can be easily isolated:

    THERMONUCLEAR: FDA Knew on October 22, 2020 that the DeathJab would maim and kill

    • Tim Groves says:

      Looks like you nailed it. Well done! But the standard response would be that the FDA was just responsibly monitoring for possible outcomes, just in case.

      The slide is titled “FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes *** Subject to change

      And then there is a long list of nasty sounding things including Guilain-Barré syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, convulsions/seizures, stroke, narcolepsy and catalepsy, anaphylaxis, acute myocardial infarction, deaths, pregnancy and birth outcomes, and many many more. There’s even one called vaccine-enhanced disease.

  13. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Another BIT the Dust…

    Yahoo News
    Controversial Bitcoin Blogger Mircea Popescu Drowns in Costa Rica
    Matthew De Saro
    Mon, June 28, 2021, 4:25 PM·2 min read

    Local news reports that Popescu drowned while swimming at Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica after going for an early morning swim.

    Once known as one of the biggest owners of Bitcoin on the planet, billionaire Mircea Popescu has died according to Costa Rican local news. According to the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) of Costa Rica, a 41-year-old man going by the same name was found dead. The report did say that the deceased was Polish, but he is actually Romanian. While the original report did have a discrepancy about his country of origin, the death has been confirmed by a number of sources to whom Popescu was close. “The events occurred around 8:30 am when Popescu entered the sea to swim in the Tramonto sector, was swept away by the current and died on the spot,” the local report states.

    The report also states that lifeguards remind tourists that the area is not a beach for swimming. “The current there can drag you out for miles and if you swim against it, you die of exhaustion.”

    Popescu is a figure who will live on in infamy
    The polarizing figure in the cryptocurrency industry leaves behind a checkered legacy along with a treasure chest of virtual currency. The Romanian-born Popescu founded Polimedia, an enterprise resource planning firm, in 2007. What he is really known for, however, is his life after beginning work as a Bitcoin blogger in 2012. This led him to be known as one of the pioneers and early adopters of digital assets.

    Since getting in early in cryptocurrency, it was reported that Popescu was at one point one of the largest single-holders of Bitcoin, with assets in excess of $1 billion. When bitcoin peaked earlier this year, Popescu’s holdings would have been north of $2 billion.

    Wow, eerrie deaths of Bit Corn owners popping up in the news….what’s going on here..a curse?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      what would be way cool is if no one could ever get access to his stash.

    • infoshark says:

      In the contingent spacetime domain every thing has within itself an endogenous antithesis. It is dialectical that the monetary privacy of crypto, its rainson d’être, was destroyed by the irrational exuberance of crypto investors announcing to the world their every transaction.
      With publicly available information small, well trained ,and unscrupulous teams can and will pick off large crypto holders.

  14. Mirror on the wall says:

    Russia and China seem to be getting on well.

    > Russia, China Extend Treaty, Hail Ties

    President Vladimir Putin holds a meeting via video conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin.Alexey Nikolsky / Sputnik / AFP
    The leaders of China and Russia on Monday announced the extension of a 20-year-old friendship treaty, hailing increasingly close ties and the “stabilizing role” of their relationship.

    The Kremlin published a joint statement from Russia and China to mark two decades since the treaty was signed, as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping held a televised meeting by video link.

    The past several years have marked a period of intensified cooperation for Moscow and Beijing as the two global powers face common tensions with the United States.

    The two countries have developed economic, military and energy ties while supporting each other on a number of issues, especially when faced with criticism from the West.

    Putin said the friendship treaty has brought relations to an “unprecedented height” and that in February 2022 it will be extended for another five years.

    He hailed the accord — which he signed in 2001 with China’s former president Jiang Zemin — as a “fundamental international legal document” and said that Russia-China cooperation “plays a stabilizing role in global affairs.”

    “As the world has entered a period of turbulence and change, and humanity faces various risks, close Sino-Russian cooperation brings positive energy to the international community,” Xi said, according to a transcript released by the Kremlin.

    He said relations between Russia and China “set an example for the formation of a new type of international relations.”

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      “… as the two global powers face common tensions with the United States.” There is something amiss with TPTB that control the USA. There is no sign here of a worldwide Cabal, as these two autonomous countries work towards cooperation, minus the dysfunctional USA.

      • Xabier says:

        The main power blocs, in competition for global resources, are:

        1/ Israel-UK-US-EU and their long-established vassal states. Seeking to avert decline, and win the technological war with innovation that brings a decisive advantage over their rivals. Champions of the Great Re-set. The ‘Cabal.’

        2/ China, attempting to create an informal empire, mostly in Africa, but very opportunistic. Equally determined to win technological advantage, and then bring down the older power bloc. The Cabal gave China technologies and industries, for their own profit and purposes, but she is clearly more ambitious than they had bargained for. China is the West’s Frankenstein’s Monster.

        3/ Russia, trying to fend off the cabal and maintain national control of her resources which they hope to plunder just as they do Africa and S. America. Aware that the Chinese will also try to do the same to them, if they become too powerful.

        At present, the Anglo-Zionists cannot overthrow Putin, and Russia is currently safer in loose alliance with China than with the Great Re-setters. It is in China’s clear interest to keep Russia and her resources out of their hands.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Putin and XI found a lot of mutual understanding and interest – they are totally cool with each other. It seems that Biden was having a giggle if he thought that he would split them.

      > Xi, Putin announce extension of friendship treaty ahead of CPC centenary

      …. The 5,000-word joint statement issued by China and Russia with some new descriptions about China-Russia relations echoed the fact that the bilateral ties have reached their best period.

      Russia needs a prosperous and stable China while China needs a strong and successful Russia and the two sides see each other as partners of priority in order to deepen the coordination and cooperation in various domains including politics, security, military, trade, cultural exchange and international affairs, according to the statement.

      The joint statement also expressed a common stance on arms control issues. Both sides expressed opposition to the unilateral sanctions and to some countries using the excuse of “democracy” and “human rights” to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, showing mutual respect to the political system and path they chose.

      The latest meeting was the second interaction between the top leaders of the two countries in six weeks after they witnessed the groundbreaking ceremony of a bilateral nuclear energy cooperation project on May 19.

      The frequent interactions between top leaders of the two countries showed deepening mutual trust and delivered a heavy blow to Western attempts to split China-Russia friendship with the timing carrying on a special significance shortly after the Biden-Putin talks and before the CPC celebrates its centennial. Such high-level mutual trust distinguishes the China-Russia relationships from that of others, especially from the Western bloc, and this relationship can be adjusted in accordance with the needs of the time, experts said.

      Putin congratulated Xi on the CPC’s centenary and said Russia has valued exchanges with the CPC in history and hoped to enhance inter-party exchanges with it. He also expressed hope that under CPC leadership, China will make new achievements in social development and play more important role in international affairs.

      Xi also thanked Putin and various sectors from Russia for expressing congratulations on the centenary of the founding of the CPC, reiterating that China firmly supports Russia to take effective measures in safeguarding the country’s long-term stability.

      Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and hostility from the West, Xi and Putin’s video meeting shows the two countries’ resolve to deepen bilateral ties and work together to safeguard global strategic stability, according to Chinese experts.

      The meeting between Biden and Putin on June 16 ended with no significant breakthroughs, though it had shown that US-Russia tensions have eased a little bit. But the global focus has been on whether this meeting will change the course of China-Russia relations as the US media speculated whether the Biden administration could successfully divide the Russia-China partnership – a growing threat to Washington, some analysts have said.

      The timing of this online meeting shows that the two leaders attach great importance to the bilateral ties and high-level strategic partnership, Yang Jin, an associate research fellow at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times….

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Putin said last year that a formal military alliance with China cannot be ruled out, and the countries have conducted joint exercises for a decade. USA is moving into Asia-Pacific, which would threaten Russia as well as China, and there is now talk of drawing India into a new trilateral military alliance with Russia and China.

      This is today:

      > Russia-China Military Alliance Talk Grows to Counter U.S. Pacific Plans

      Russian officials and state media have suggested Moscow may form a military alliance with Beijing and Delhi in response to claims that Washington is attempting to form a military bloc against Russia.

      RIA Novosti, a state-owned media outlet, reported on Monday that Washington had deployed hundreds of thousands of military personnel, carrier strike groups and warplanes into the Asia-Pacific region, which would “become an analogue of NATO in Asia.”

      The report said that this bloc, though intended to contain China, will also “seriously affect the security of Russia.”

      “They need a wide bloc that would cover the entire western part of the Pacific,” Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov was quoted as saying.

      “Of course, this threatens Russia. After all, everything is happening on our eastern borders. US actions could lead to the creation of a Russian-Chinese military alliance. The question for India is to go over to the side of the Americans, with rather grave consequences for themselves, or to support Russia.”

      The report said the recent moves in Asia were similar to the North Atlantic Alliance that began at the end of the 2000s.

      Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2008 proposed organising the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with the participation of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India in the early stages. Other Asian countries then joined, including South Korea and Vietnam, which borders China.

      The United States is accelerating the formation of an anti-Chinese coalition based on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, the report said, citing the General Directorate of the Russian General Staff.

      Sokolov said he had no doubt that such a military bloc would have negative consequences for Moscow. “We are historically on friendly terms with China and India,” he said….

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Russia and China find themselves in closely analogous situations with the West. Boris’ foray into Russian waters last week can only reinforce that perception.

        > UK-Russia naval flap shows Putin’s on edge

        Last week, Russian forces spied the British destroyer HMS Defender on routine patrol in the Black Sea. Specifically, a part of the Black Sea that’s very sensitive to Russia: inside the territorial waters of Crimea. That’s what Putin calls Russian territory, and much of the world still thinks belongs to the sovereign – and pro-Western – nation of Ukraine.

        Matters got a bit sticky when the Defender crossed into Crimea’s territorial waters. The Russian military says it fired warning shots across the bow, and then 11 minutes later, two Su-24M bombers dropped bombs in the path of the ship. No damage was done. But the signal was sent.

        And if there was any doubt at all, the Russian state news agency TASS and Russian television proclaimed it as part of a Western plot to encircle and undermine Russia, describing the action in vivid detail – part of the Kremlin line suggesting Russia’s most aggressive actions are simply defensive maneuvers to safeguard its interests.

        …. For years, China has been doing its best to claim its own mare nostrum (“our sea”), status for the South China Sea by taking over and fortifying scores of islands there. In fact, to prove that’s not acceptable, the British sent its newest aircraft carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth, and its entire carrier strike group through the South China Sea in April, just to show that its waters are open to all military as well as commercial shipping. As British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace observed, it’s exercising its right to freedom of navigation.

        So, why all this sturm und drang if it might easily get quite nasty? Much of it would appear due precisely to the red lines that are very much in dispute and that Putin, as well as China in its own maritime disputes, seem quite clear in setting and maintaining. Weeks before this month’s G7 summit with US President Joe Biden in Switzerland, Putin was already telling the Russian Federal Assembly, “I hope that no one will think about crossing the ‘red line’ with regard to Russia. We ourselves will determine in each specific case where it will be drawn.”

      • I can understand why Russia and China would want to be allies. Russia has fossil fuels that China needs. It also has land that would benefit from global warming, as well as food exports.

        China has manufacturing that Russia tends to lack.

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          And if USA and its ‘poodles’ like the British state are going to be hostile to both Russia and China and try to weaken them, then it makes sense for them to get together to combine their strength as a deterrent.

          Putin is not minded to put up with any nonsense. It was so funny to see his planes and ships chase the British state ship out of Russian waters after they crossed 10 foot into them. Boris is such a clown.

  15. StarvingLion says:

    Nutjob conartist says Bitcoin is going to 1.2 million after it bottoms at 24000. LOL. Normie and Fast Eddy will be loading up for sure now.

    “Get more Bitcoin,” says Rich Dad author warning of ‘biggest crash in history’

    Robert Kiyosaki is picking gold, silver, and Bitcoin as his preferred stack of assets in case the ‘everything bubble’ bursts.

    American businessman and best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki is picking Bitcoin alongside precious metals gold and silver as a hedge against everything else, he said in a tweet today.

    The controversial ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ author, whose book has sold nearly 32 million copies since its 2002 release, has previously voiced views against the macroeconomy and is a long-time crypto proponent.

    But he now says a global crash of epic proportions is coming. “The best time to prepare for a crash is before the crash. The biggest crash in world history is coming. The good news is the best time to get rich is during a crash, he tweeted, adding:

    “Bad news is the next crash will be a long one. Get more gold, silver, and Bitcoin while you can. Take care.”

    Bitcoin to as low as $24,000 before a million?

    Kiyosaki said earlier this month that he expected Bitcoin to fall as low as $24,000. “Biggest bubble in world history getting bigger,” he tweeted on June 19, claiming he was already buying gold and solver and was waiting on lower Bitcoin prices.

    The sentiment is similar to one shared by Guggenheim Partners CIO Scott Minerd, who called for a 40% drop in Bitcoin prices in May 2021. The asset traded at nearly $65,000 at its peak, but has since fallen to as low as $28,000 in the past few days.

    Meanwhile, ‘Rich Dad’ author Kiyosaki remains a long-term Bitcoin bull and is one of the many individuals to have made a boisterous target for Bitcoin.

    In an interview with news channel Kitco earlier this year, Kiyosaki predicted as much as a $1.2 million price target for the world’s biggest cryptocurrency.

    “I think it’s going to $1.2 million in five more years,” he said at the time, claiming to have purchased Bitcoin at $9,000 and looking ‘like a genius’ when the asset reached $55,000 (the price of BTC at the time of the interview).

    • StarvingLion says:

      Another douchebag con is peddling Bitcoin to bagholders. Rich Dad Poor Dad needs to revise his prediction Bitcon bottoms at 2400 and then peaks at 240000.

      Cathie Wood’s Ark Invest just applied to offer the first bitcoin ETF
      Published: June 28, 2021 at 5:17 p.m. ET

      You can throw Cathie Wood’s ARK Invest in the ring of companies hoping to eventually offer a bitcoin-back exchange-traded fund?

      According to a regulatory filing on Monday, Wood’s has filed to launch the ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF, with the 21, perhaps, a tacit reference to the 21 million bitcoin BTCUSD, -1.12% that will ever be produced of the world’s No. 1 crypto by creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

      Wood’s prospectus is a part of a growing list of ETF providers and fund managers who are seeking to offer crypto in an ETF wrapper to the masses.

      A spokeswoman for ARK Invest said that the company couldn’t comment on its plans.

      The ARK Investment Management CEO and prominent promoter of technologies that she perceives as disruptive, has estimated that bitcoin’s price, currently at around $34,000, down about 50% from its mid-April peak, could hit as much as $500,000 if all institutions were to assign a mid-single-digit allocation to the virtual asset, putting it on their balance sheets.

      ARK Invest’s actively managed ETFs have been on the recovery after swooning in the spring, amid a rotation out of large-cap tech names. Barron’s reported that her fund has gained an average of 22% since May 13, with the flagship ARK Innovation ARKK, +3.78% leading the chart, up over 30%.

      A bitcoin ETF has been the holy grail of the crypto industry, but one that looks increasingly unlikely to be achieved this year under Gary Gensler, the newly minted commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      It’s fables like this that convince CrpytoGROUPIES who bought at 10k to hold even if the price ramps to 60k…. and it generates epic FOMO so that clowns buy at 60k believing that’s cheap…

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      BTC $1.2 million would put its market cap at about $20 trillion. I doubt that is possible, unless bread goes to about $100 per loaf.

      • vbaker says:

        Isn’t that exactly the reason for holding it?

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          maybe, maybe not. $100 loaf of bread a few years from now would probably mean we’re all pretty much skrewed anyway. I own no crypto.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I keep 100 one ounce gold coins in a safe place … just in case there is a period of extreme volatility before the centrifuge explodes… gold is generally the last man standing … that said – I very much doubt I will make use of any of those coins.

            • Xabier says:

              It’s fun counting them by candlelight, they gleam beautifully…….

            • Don Millman says:

              Silver is better than gold as an inflation hedge. Not long ago I bought silver coins when silver was at $13.50 an ounce. Now silver is around $27 or $28 an ounce. Gold is overpriced compared to silver. Look at historical (over the past 2,000 years) ratios of gold to silver.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Don .. I bought a lot of gold per GFC… ended up selling most of it and blowing the cash on bucket listing activities… once I realized there was no future… I’ve just kept some residual as a last gasp fund…

              Repeat after me — There is no future.

            • Don Millman says:

              In 1957 I thought there was a fifty-fifty chance of World War Three between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. I lived in Berkeley, Calif. and had a plan. I bought a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot’s survival kit, a 200 c.c. Zundapp motorcycle, and a .22 Caliber semiautomatic Mossberg rifle. My plan was to ride my motorcycle (good off road performance) on one tank of gasoline to Desolation Valley in the Sierra mountains of California where nobody and lived and where I had hiked extensively. Fortunately, no World War III.
              In May of 1960 I decided to emigrate to New Zealand and sailed on the Orient & Pacific ship, Orsova, with about a ton of my gear and books and stuff. Lived in New Zealand for three months and drank a lot of their excellent Steinlager beer. New Zealanders are the friendliest people in the world, and in 1960 there were twenty sheep for each person. NZ is a land flowing with milk and honey, and has the best race relations of any country I know of. Unfortunately, I was in love with an Australian girl and moved to Australia, which also has excellent beer.

            • doomphd says:

              when archeologists find an old roman estate in the backwoods, a dig in the corner usually reveals a buried clay pot with gold and silver coins that were meant to be handy “just in case there is a period of extreme volatility”.

  16. StarvingLion says:

    Eddy the Dunce didn’t have a f789 clue…

    Things are starting to be clarified. Graphene oxide nano-particles is perhaps the key to the entire Covid-19 conspiracy against humankind. It can be aerosolized. It can be made magnetic. It can be used in the production of Chinese surgical masks. And it can be coated onto the tips of those evil Covid-19 test swabs they insist must be jammed up inside the back of your nose near the brain. It has been used as an adjuvant in the flu vaccine in 2019 and 2020 and will likely be in abundance in this year’s flu concoction as well. And it appears to be in abundance in the all of the current Covid-19 “vaccines” which explains the body magnetism of the vaccinated that has been proved tens of thousands of times throughout the world. It also will be used on the upcoming Covid-19 “vaccine” nasal spray. It can be “activated” (although maybe “agitated” is a better term) through the use of the new frequencies introduced by 5G throughout the planet and in all the new satellites being launched. Hint: what was the one industry that saw no interruptions during the worldwide lockdowns? Answer: the installation of the new 5G networks and launching of satellites.

    What are the geoengineering aircraft actually spraying into the atmosphere and why are they spraying stuff? Is it graphene oxide? Is it in many of our other products as well? Is it in the food supply with the “proof” and the reason for the recent magnetic meat phenomena? Is it in the the mega-cattle and chicken farm food supply and thus being transferred to us through ingestion? Does this also explain why people have been demonstrated to be magnetized even though they are unvaccinated?

    Graphene oxide is toxic to the body which explains the small percentage (5%) of “Covid-19” deaths that do not list any other co-morbidities on the death certificates . It is attracted to the electrical nerve centers such as the brain. And to the electric heart. It causes blood clotting. This explains the sudden deaths. It surely causes untold organ damage. Is it the primary reason the “vaccines” are still shipped out today with blank ingredient inserts for plausible deniability?

    The body’s production of Glutathione seems to be how we naturally can counter and neutralize the effects of this toxin. Apparently Glutathione is very high in children and the body’s production wanes as you get older. This explains why children were not susceptible to Covid-19. It is high in athletes which also explains why virtually no athletes were very sick. And in fact if your body maintains good health with a healthy diet, you will likely not get sick if you happen to take in small amounts such as through wearing a Chinese-made surgical mask. But it does explain why the deep nasal swab “test” can induce sickness. It explains why the fibers of the swabs were shown to almost be “alive” in this video. They are not alive, they are merely coated with magnetic graphene nano oxide.

    I would also postulate that these graphene nano-particles may be the entire cause of the “shedding” problem in where people are getting sick and even having miscarriages just being around vaccinated people. It only makes sense, here is an example of someone who managed to pull the vaccine goo out of their body via a bandaged magnet. So it can be excreted and why wouldn’t it? This is why your body has so many bad reactions when getting injected with this stuff – it is toxic! Your body will go into overdrive to rid itself. I can imagine it not only excretes the graphene oxide via the kidneys and liver and thus urination and feces, it likely can excrete it through the skin and even the lungs. The skin may be the primary method. This would explain the stories of pets being killed when petted by a vaccinated person. If that animal is allergic and thus perhaps has an anaphylactic shock to even a very small amount.

    It explains a lot and seems to be the ENTIRE KEY to the mysteries we have all been witnessing since January of 2020. It is also easily avoided by the elites so that they will not inadvertently poison themselves. They eat safe and expensive meat. They do not wear the Chinese masks. They do not live in the areas that are sprayed with geoengineering. And I have yet to see a video of any of them get nasal-swabbed. And surely they are not taking any vaccines, it is all theatre and fake. Everything else has been proven in this world to be a fraud why would you think Fauci actually had taken the vaccine? He signaled the very next day that he did not by patting the opposite arm…see this video. Remember, Luciferians are compelled to tell you their plans and reveal their lies if you pay attention.

    I do however think they did jab Biden on purpose with the real vaccine and make him wear the Chinese masks as you often see him do. His health is rapidly deteriorating and they keep it going with drugs. As Trump used to say, Biden gets his “shot in the ass” and all of a sudden he is lucid. Once they stop supporting him with the drugs, you will see a very rapid decline in Biden and this will be done on purpose. He will be forced out before summer is out. He served the purposes of the elite that much is apparent. He is a lost soul doing the bidding of Lucifer in his final years/months/weeks.

    Magnetism is the key to the Graphene oxide phenomena. And your body is electric. You can read The Electric Rainbow and you’ll better understand. Tom Cowan also has a ground breaking book called Human Heart, Cosmic Heart which in he theorizes that the heart cannot be possibly a pump, but it is a more a source of bio-electricity, kind of like Iron Man. I haven’t read it but I am a big fan of Dr. Cowan he also rejects germ theory of contagion. The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads: Cowan MD, Thomas S., Fallon Morell, Sally.

    The NWO has settled on this substance to poison all of humankind and the best way to get it into you is of course by injection. As I have stated before, the 2020 Flu campaign yielded 192 million shots in the United States alone. The Covid-19 “vaccines” have administered now some 321 million does. The upcoming flu campaign shot season – to begin in August – is expected to net at least another 175 million shots (I think people will be more shot averse this year). That is some 688 million shots in just 2 vaccines within a 13 – 16 month period for a population of only 331 million. If you add to it a potential Covid “booster” campaign to begin in December (when people really start to fall ill again in large numbers), you can see we are approaching 900 million total shots – all of them to contain magnetic graphene oxide – into the population of just one nation. Do you see why this is evil? Can you see the disastrous health results to come as a result?

    And this is on top of the “RNA” packages that supposedly reprogram your body with a “spike” protein. So the problem may be twofold although I don’t believe anything they are saying these “vaccines’ are supposed to be doing. They may simply be delivery systems for graphene oxide and that’s all they do, we really do not know. A chemical poisoning of the worldwide population. Of course this has been happening for decades already in a sense yes? The alternate media seems to spout everything as if they know also.

    Regardless, the NWO elites are not conducting biological warfare on the population of the world because germ theory of contagion is false and even Dr. Fauci knows this to be true. Therefore they reverted to the next best option: chemical warfare at the nano technological scale.

    Again, I didn’t wake up today and plan on writing this post, it all came to me today through Tim Truth’s video on graphene oxide. Learning and discovery is accelerating for those who wish to seek the truth and I believe that includes me. Things are happening faster and faster as more is being revealed.

    ‘I’ve got to resign’: UK health minister steps down ( Just more distractions for the populace to argue over. Just like the Wuhan “lab leak” theory. The elites want us distracted and divided. I used to get caught up in it, but no longer. It is clear to me, they are laughing behind our backs. They offer up a person here and there like the Roman gladiator games of old, to keep the masses at bay. Fancy how those pictures are all of sudden released of the UK health minister smooching his aide.

    How can we keep ourselves safe from graphene oxide that may be the root of everything that is going on? Well, don’t wear masks, particularly Chinese made. Use your own cloth if you must. Don’t let them test you under any circumstance or only spit on the swab if you must. Test with a magnet and don’t eat any magnetic meat. And certainly don’t ever let them inject you with any “vaccine”. And be careful around the recently vaccinated. We don’t know how long their bodies will shed the nano-goo

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I didn’t actually read beyond the first couple of paragraphs because I was thinking I’ve been on OFW for a decade reading about what happens when we run out of cheap oil.. and the oil situation became critical in 2019….

      So you will have to explain to me why 5G etc… helps overcome the end of cheap oil and the total collapse of civilization that goes with it.

    • is meat magnetic when it jumps onto your fork?

  17. StarvingLion says:

    Eddy is wrong.

    Urgent Announcement: COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by several ways into the body
    June 28, 2021

    team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.

    In program nº63, the team showed some photos of the analyses carried out, specifically results obtained by optical and transmission electron microscopy observation, reserving the results of other techniques used for future programs. They also announced that the report based on all the techniques performed, which allowed determining the presence of graphene oxide, will be made official by the researchers who performed the analyses very soon.

    The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.

    The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

    The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.

    Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell.

    Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine.

    In short, graphene oxide is the supposed SARS-CoV-2, the supposed new coronvirus provoked before the disease called COVID-19. Therefore, we never had real isolation and purification of a new coronvirus, as recognized by most health institutions at the highest level and in different countries when they were questioned about it. COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration.

  18. StarvingLion says:

    First the Canada leak, now the UK leak

    UK ‘Permanent Lockdown Plans’ allegedly leaked in 4-Page Secret Plot
    bibliotecapleyades.netJune 26, 2021

    by State of the Nation
    June 17, 2021

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      you are making a comparison to the embarrrasssingly total failure of the Canadian Leak. Is that your intention?

    • Very Far Frank says:

      Obvious fake.

      Supposedly written by Professor Ferguson but put ‘the plan’ in apostrophes; any actual document wouldn’t be so on-the-nose.

    • Mike Roberts says:

      It looks like the reverse is probably the case.

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        yes, and most places in the world seem to have left lockdowns in the past. Odd countries are the exceptions. This is the short term success of the vaccines. Long term health effects are a different issue.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The CEP calls for rotating lockdowns… the reason for this is to keep the Goy from losing all hope and as a tool to entice them into getting Injected. This section is called Broken Promises.

          And also to ensure that a critical BAU country does not implode because that would trigger total collapse…

          Throttle up Throttle Down is what I think that section is referred to….

          • Xabier says:

            Yes, FE: squeeze, release, squeeze, release, just like last year.

            I can see no change in the fundamental direction.

        • Xabier says:

          Only a temporary relaxation, in all likelihood.

          Further winter lock-downs, and unending restrictions, are being signaled as a possibility quite clearly in the UK.

          But who knows, maybe rolling cyber attacks will be the next tool of choice to accomplish their aims (enhanced control, corporate consolidation, SME and travel elimination, digitisation)?

          These will also just as effectively lock-down people, when you think about it……

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Ferguson is monologuing again!

      This has inspired me to manufacture my own “leak” from the government of some minor country that no one will ever check (Bhutan, perhaps). Watch for it!

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        I manufacture a leak about 5 times per day. These leaks have about the same value as the Canadian Leak etc.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Even the Canada Leak … is not the CEP…. it’s a leak of what is being told to the minions who are tasked with executed a portion of the CEP… they are told only what they need to know to ensure they carry out their part…

          But they could never be informed of the actual CEP…. it’s not difficult to keep a secret (see the Fake Moon Landings)…. but when the secret involves killing everyone including the families of those minions…. then surely there would be some very serious resistance…

          The cat would get out of the bag and the Goy would be spooked… and the CEP would fail.

          Nobody wants that. Even those who want it to fail would realize they should have been careful what they wished for when they watch a gang of bad guys conducting Cannibalism and Rape operations on families… (I suppose it would be Rape and Cannibalism… in that order)

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Stopped at the point where it says ‘this will be profitable for us’

        If one has the power to make this happen … for profit… then one has the power to simply run a few trillion out off the money printing machine and stuff it in the pockets of the powerful.

        This is fake because it is stoooopid.

        • Tim Groves says:

          The lockdowns will continue until morale improves.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            And morale will improve when a few billion more have the Injection (morale of the virus as it is empowered!)

  19. StarvingLion says:

    Dunces like Dunce are geniuses. Make the Nascrap go up by deindustrialising. The Nascrap 100 should be at 85000 once Kalifornia hits the pre-industrial age.

    Blackouts Loom in California as Electricity Prices Are ‘Absolutely Exploding’
    By Robert Bryce
    June 24, 2021

    7 hours ago
    “if policymakers attempt to decarbonize our economy too quickly” NOTHING should be “decarbonised”. Nothing at all. There is no “climate crisis”. It’s a complete fraud. “Renewables” are also a complete fraud. Once the suicidal “environmentalists” succeed in destroying our energy infrastructure, there is no going back. We will be living (short lives) in the pre-industrial age. That’s the goal.

  20. Dennis L. says:

    This appeared, it has been mentioned here before. In my career I was not paid to make policy, I was paid to take people whatever their personal choices and deal with problems at hand. I was a dentist my last years in a very large public health facility, some of the cases were extreme, never did I allow myself or any of my staff to judge patients.

    This group has decided it will be the gatekeeper. Being holier than thou assumes one is God, that is a very arrogant assumption.

    If I read this correctly, if a kid is dying, what kind of people won’t help a child in distress? In the end this group can give comfort to a dying child and his family, a wonderful gift. This guy is a clown.

    Dennis L.

    • ignore it

      He’s was last week’s winner of the Eddy write-alike competition.

    • This sounds like a political decision, or a decision to discriminate against black children. Black families are much less likely to be vaccinated.

      I suppose the foundation could be short of funds. Discriminating against children from families whose siblings are have not been vaccinated against COVID makes little sense. Vaccines are very questionable for children under 12 years old. WHO is not recommending them for this age group.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        Black families are also less photogenic. The foundation has to appeal to its white donor base.

    • They have rights to impose whatever condition they see fit. The fault is of those who did not do well enough to make the foundation’s help necessary

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Let’s put this snowflakey stuff in perspective:

      “We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow them to write ‘fuck’ on their aeroplanes because it’s obscene!”.

      That quote is probably the best summary of why one might be pleased to see humans be fumigated off the face of the earth.

  21. Celia says:

    Hello guys, I am currently in Macau (SAR of China) and I would like to move to a different country. I am able to earn an ongoing commission (US$5000+ per month) and I could apply for an employment visa since the client is a long term client (can be arranged by an umbrella company). And I am trying to improve my health right by swimming everyday since I am obese (even though I do not eat much and probably have hormone issues). I have a Portuguese passport. I am trying to decide which country I should go to but find it difficult to make a decision since the freedom of many countries such as Canada, UK and America is declining pretty rapidly. What is the point of moving if I am going to another China? I would appreciate it if you guys could give me some ideas. Which country is still a worthwhile choice? Thanks. Celia

    • My guess is that a big part of your problem is a lack of exercise. Coming to the Canada, UK or America is not going to fix that problem. It will likely make it worse.

      This is a list of countries of the world listed by average BMI as of 2015, based on information from the World Health Organization.

      A low average BMI country near where you currently live is Viet Nam. The population is also more spread out. You might be able to get more exercise.

      Whether or not any country will hang together is a major question.

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        Remember traveling to Maine some decades ago and stopping along the way chatting with folks. What I learned there is social roots in the community that go beyond how much money income one has.
        Remember one man with a market garden farmstead saying he was there for close to two decades and still considered an outsider.
        Another local resident remarked of one noteworthy resident…nothing special about what they are doing here, we’ve been doing that lifestyle way back….about his gardening endeavors…
        There are many YouTube channels that address your inquiry…if I were you that would be a good place to explore.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          It’s a bit late in the game to go healthy… I’d just go all in … take up smoking… eat pizza for breakfast lunch dinner…. drink a bottle of wine daily… and make time for Fernando’s… and the VIP lounge

          Today we get knee deep in the pig slop — For Soon we Die!

          • Xabier says:

            Lord Rothschild endorses FE’s comments, and he recommends a glass of champagne every morning:

            ‘Who knows, you poor people, it might be your ‘last wish’ breakfast? ‘Obsolescence’ can come to you at any time. Just joking, of course…..’

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Portugal is a fine country, with healthy food available. Whatever restrictions there may be, I would hardly compare it with China.

      Beyond the anglophone / west European world, there are a number of countries where you might live comfortably. For example, Thailand, Serbia, Bulgaria (in EU but not Schengen), the Republic of Georgia, and Armenia are all possibilities. You should probably visit first, though. (Hell, visit a bunch of places.)

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Sorry to break the news but moving is going to be extremely difficult if not out of the question.

      We are in the final stages of civilization and Covid will only end when enough people have the Injection so as to trigger Devil Covid and mass die-off.

      Anyone surviving that will be killed by the spent fuel ponds.

      My advice would be to buy lots of blow and have a party in one of the VIP lounges … after enjoying a long lunch at Fernando’s or Alorcha…

      • Ed says:

        FE, I am starting a business Fuel Pond Resiliency providing design and construction services to the nuclear industry.

  22. Hubbs says:

    I had recently joined a local HAM radio club in western NC to learn how to use the radios and equipment I have. I had always thought I’d just get all my ratings from technician, to general, to amateur extra and I’d be ready to go in no time. Turns out, these are merely diplomas on the wall and unless you have practical experience, they are next to worthless. I saw well-seasoned IT tech /radio operators struggling to coordinate different radios on different bands and modes. The biggest trend in the past 10 years has been convergence of Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) using the handhelds (handi talkies or HTs)to communicate via the internet on VHF (2 meters on the hand helds and UHF. ( Rigs from the lower bands from 6 meters down to 160 meters use modes like FT8, WSPR (“whisper”)-all require an internet central base for signal reporting, and all claim to communicate using low power and being able to send signals through a lot of the background noise.

    Interestingly, Morse code (called CW) is no longer required for you to pass even the highest rating, the amateur extra. No matter, because nowadays you can simply type text and have it encoded and broadcast as Morse Code over your radio as if you were keying it like you did in the old days.
    Still this old guy remarked, Morse Code is starting to make a comeback. It is reliable, doesn’t require the internet and is pure peer to peer.

    All of this boils down to Gail’s observation that complexity is “convenient” – as long as it works and has an adequate supply of energy, but there is HELL to pay if one little glitch pops up. These were experienced HAM radio operators I was working with and even they were having trouble. In the meantime, those who were working with Morse Code or the simple voice mode (called “phone” or SSB (single side ban) quietly racked up the most contacts (called “QSO”s in the HAM lingo.) Just from these observations over the weekend, I realize how vulnerable our communications and power grids really are.

    I have thought that the reason EV is being pushed, like the “vaccines,” is that it much easier to control electrical power supply to the people- witness all the smart meters on the houses and selective grid brownouts controlled by the throw of a switch- than it is to keep people from pumping a gallon of gas into a gas can and storing it in the shed with some Stabil or additive, the inevitable degradation not withstanding. But even still the pumps need electricity to pump the gas, and further upstream, the grid to refine, transport and distribute it. Gasoline will have a longer “residual effect” in the event of a SHTF collapse. As long as there is gas stored in tanks, things like generators may run for a while, whereas, devices that rely on a continuous electric power supply from the grid (batteries are ultra short term) will shut down in hours.

    Solar should used only be at the local household level and not for powering EVs. Raising the price of electricity, removing the govt subsidies for these massive solar farms might drive people into using smaller individual solar panels and batteries at the household level- and would reflect the true cost of power and force conservation.

    • D. Stevens says:

      FT8, WHSP, and other JT65 type radio traffic rely on perfectly synchronized time clocks on the computer at each end making it dependent on the internet time servers to work. PSK31 and RTTY are kinda old and more forgiving but don’t cut through as well on noisy bands with low power. A silver lining: if the grid went down.. I imagine the HF radio bands will be much quieter without all the interference emanating from the grid and everything connected to it. I wonder if the radio hobby will see a resurgence if the internet became unreliable or unavailable.

    • Thanks for your fine insights.

      All of today’s complexity is indeed convenient, but virtually impossible to maintain for the long term. We need very simple technology, like Morse Code. Now, it is virtually impossible to go back to the simpler technology.

      Electricity looks like it is easier to control, but the short-term nature of battery storage makes the true value of electricity low. It is necessary to store solar energy from summer to winter, if homes and businesses are to be heated in the winter.

      Electricity is also hard to transport over long distances. Adequate transmission lines are necessary, and maintenance of these transmission lines is necessary. Sometimes helicopters are needed to reach downed wires (think of Alaska).

      You say solar should only be used at the local household level. I would add, “if it is used at all.” A person who uses solar needs to think through precisely what it is to be used for: Recharging cell phones? Cooking food? Heating in winter? Operating hair dryers? Operating water pumps? Operating air conditioning? Operating power equipment, such as saws?

      Clearly, a person needs to have a good idea of what their overall energy requirements (including food) are, and where they think they will get them from. If solar is to be part of the mix, there likely will need to be batteries and an inverter. Smaller appliances will likely be required (requiring some other way of storing food, for example, if the refrigerator is very small). How does a person think the whole system is going to work? What happens when the inverter goes bad, or batteries need to be replaced? Where will food and water come from? What happens if there is a storm that drops ice balls on the solar equipment, or if rodents chew apart the wires hooking up the solar? What backup is there?

      I think it might be better to go back to an old fashioned mechanical windmill pump to get water out of the ground, and use approaches other than solar. Diesel is fairly easy to store, at least for the short term, I believe. People used to heat their homes with the equivalent of diesel. Wood to burn in fireplaces and old fashioned stoves for cooking is fairly easy to store also.

      • Dennis L. says:

        Solar or absence thereof has been stored in the past. In my youth, reefer cars on the railroad still relied on ice, it was stored in ice houses insulated with sawdust. The ice was cut from the river in the winter.

        Re read the second to last paragraph. Gail, we made it before, we can and will make it again. Your views are probably realistic, but it is amazing what one can do with a positive attitude, the trick is to tackle problems which are solvable and avoid those which are not, they will break a person.

        Some of the negative thoughts expressed here regarding people and their futures are disturbing; perhaps better to seek ways to be in the remainder of whatever is coming. A corollary, if FE thinks things will be so horrible, allow him to be first off the boat, he can have my place in line.

        Dennis L.

        • When? Electricity for the people were unknown until streetlights were electrified on 1881.

          If there was a civilization before what I know which survived the loss of electricity, let me know since history books do not mention it.

        • >Some of the negative thoughts expressed here regarding people and their futures are disturbing;


          Some of the rational thoughts expressed here regarding people and their futures are disturbing because it is impossible to explain away thermodynamics

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I can see how the discussion of our imminent extinction would disturb people….

            I recommend installing the Cognitive Dissonance Software on your computer — it will protect those who are disturbed by what is guaranteed to happen (soon) from the negative thoughts.

            Embrace the techno-fantasy world by continuing to read about renewable energy and the replacement of ICE vehicles in a few years…. truly embrace it…

            And be sure to bang your tambourine and sing Koombaya if you are still feeling down….

        • Fast Eddy says:

          A corollary, if FE thinks things will be so horrible, allow him to be first off the boat, he can have my place in line.

          The thing is…

          We do not know the precise date of Devil Covid…. Bossche says summer… but it all depends on how many CovIDIOTS get Injected… the broader the breeding ground the sooner it will arrive…

          Meanwhile … ski season is here… so why would Fast Eddy exterminate himself while the chair lifts are still going round and round? And to boot — no diseased Aussies — so wide open terrain.

          Dance while the music plays no? For Soon We Die.

          BTW – nothing from Sophie… life is so empty without her.

      • Artleads says:

        “Now, it is virtually impossible to go back to the simpler technology.”

        I choose my battle somewhat. I wouldn’t choose to do without the computer in the near future, but I’m holding off upgrades and apps. The many things I can’t access have to be foregone. OFW is filled with technically advanced people who can access and share much information that I would otherwise miss. So it’s a case of one individual taking advantage of others’ resources. I’ll do what I can with limited messy technology, but won’t be invested in its growth, even if it’s helpful in some cases.


        This is a monster. There are no signs from OFW that new electric technology can be found anytime soon.

        Small (for right now) “fixes” could consider the following:

        – Curfews that keep people off the streets at night so that street lights can be turned off,

        – Legislation to subsidize inverter creation and maintenance,

        – Legislation to subsidize hand pump creation and maintenance,

        And other small measures that conserve electricity, keeps sources local, employ governance and planning measures. Car engines as generators, command style oil production for very targeted parts of the system…

        “You say solar should only be used at the local household level. I would add, “if it is used at all.” A person who uses solar needs to think through precisely what it is to be used for: Recharging cell phones? Cooking food? Heating in winter? Operating hair dryers? Operating water pumps? Operating air conditioning? Operating power equipment, such as saws?”

        Recharging cell phones. Cooking food. Heating in winter.

        For low skilled, low tech urbanized masses who communicate by cell phone, these would be hard to do without. Domiciles being universally tiny would help. Food stalls would help. Manufacture of cheap iceboxes , if reasonable sources of local ice making can be found… But inverters should be able to run electricity in regular houses?

        “Where will food and water come from?”

        Stopping real estate development will conserve water in current sources. Every domicile should have water tanks of some sort. An affordable repair cadre mandated/subsidized by government will be needed. There must be greenhouses located behind existing buildings everywhere. Better managed big ag might need subsidies.

        “I think it might be better to go back to an old fashioned mechanical windmill pump to get water out of the ground, and use approaches other than solar. Diesel is fairly easy to store, at least for the short term, I believe. People used to heat their homes with the equivalent of diesel. Wood to burn in fireplaces and old fashioned stoves for cooking is fairly easy to store also. There might have to be a cadre of power tool workers.”

        Diesel will store for a year somebody said? Cutting wood for cooking and heating can’t be left just to the masses. Strict government safeguards against deforestation must be applied.

  23. Harry McGibbs says:

    “UK firms now owe local councils nearly £2.5bn in unpaid business rates, according to new analysis, as the national debt crisis swells…

    “The new figures come as MPs prepare are set to debate coronavirus-related business rates appeals legislation in parliament today.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Almost a fifth of pensioners in the UK are living in poverty, the highest number since 2012, according to an analysis of government figures…

      “About 2.1m people are living in poverty after paying their housing costs, of which about 1.1m are living in severe hardship. People aged over 85 are most affected, and women are worse affected than men…”

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        > The UK has the worst state pension in the developed world- in 2016 it was only worth 29% of average income. It is striking how much less that is than other countries: the EU average is 70.5% meaning that UK pensions receive more than two times less than comparable countries. The only country to receive less is South Africa, where state pension equals 17.1% of average incomes. Considering that South Africa has the highest rates of inequality in the world and more than half the population is living in poverty, it is hardly a nation to benchmark against.

        • Perhaps the UK is more realistic than other parts of the world.

          Those who are working need to be generating a huge amount of surplus in order support retirees with goods and services equivalent to 70.5% of prior income. It seems like even 29% will be a “stretch.” Before modern times, people worked until they died, even if it was helping with childcare in the home. Without a lot of help from fossil fuels, it is almost impossible for workers to generate any surplus at all with respect to the good and services they produce, apart from what is required by the workers and their children.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            That is all true, but many other countries manage to pay better pensions and to maintain a higher GDP ppp and a higher standard of living. Pensions go straight back into the general economy anyway, and it all helps the market to function. UK is just ‘tight’, for ideological reasons, there is no way around it. Of course none of it is sustainable but there is no reason why debt cannot be added up now, to pay for pensions now, trillions are being added up anyway. If there are no pensions in 20 years time, then that is how it is, but that is no reason to keep the old folk in poverty now – other countries do not.

            • I think the pension problem will become apparent long before 20 years has elapsed. I know that France was trying to reduce its pensions a while back. That was one of the reasons for the demonstrations in France, it seems like in 2019.

              Pensions are based on models. I suppose if the assumptions are made that population will grow rapidly, workers will become increasingly productive, and that the people who retire won’t live very long, a high pension can perhaps be justified. If anyone looks at the fossil fuel situation, pensions will likely mostly disappear in not too long.

      • the first pensions were introduced in 1908

        the amount was 25% of a British pound, weekly, paid at 70, and only if you were of sober character.

        It wasn’t paid to women.

        The average age of death was 50

        Old age for the vast majority meant poverty, if you didn’t have some kind of family support network.
        That meant ‘The Workhouse’—another name for support by the local authority. You didn’t live long in a workhouse.

        It seems that we are headed back to that, because we will not have the collective resources to make it otherwise.

    • The poor financial outcomes for many businesses appears in many ways, including taxes.

  24. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Pandemic’s Busiest Airport Travel Weekend Met With Chaos And ‘Extremely High’ Volume Amid Worker Shortages And Flight Cuts…

    “…while the number of airline passengers could remain well below pre-Covid levels for years to come, worker shortages, flight cuts and an influx of unruly passengers are already pointing to a very rocky recovery ahead for U.S. airlines.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Stretched global supply chain means shortages on summer menus… In the United States, it’s iced green tea. In South Korea, it’s fries…

      “The problem is not typically a scarcity of the product itself. Rather, networks of cargo ships, trains and trucks are buckling under the ongoing stress from the pandemic – which also caused facility closures and reduced labor at farms, factories and warehouses and contributed to shortages of everything from meat and cooking oil to plastic and glass packaging.”

    • It is really difficult to make the transition back to full staffing and full number of flights. Too many things go wrong. The right workers aren’t available.

  25. Harry McGibbs says:

    “U.S. Job Market Begins a ‘Weird Summer,’ With Choppy Recovery.

    “The U.S. labor market is entering one of its strangest summers ever, with a powerful economic rebound generating record demand for workers just as roadblocks distort employment and wage levels.”

  26. Yoshua says:

    The UFO Report

    This is the best analysis of the UFO report…by someone who knows how to read a report by the Intelligence Community…who hates the E.T. hypothesis…who ridicules nutty UFO believers.

    It is an interesting read no matter what the subject is.
    There’s something in the skies. We don’t know what it is. It’s beyond our physics.

  27. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Nigeria and realities of growing debt burden.

    “Last week was a scary one for millions of Nigerians who have been impoverished by the government’s rising appetite for easy money, including debt, and missteps of statecraft.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Nigeria has been shaken by new threats made by Niger Delta militants to renew attacks on oil installations and cripple output in OPEC’s largest African producer.”

    • Like other oil exporting countries, Nigeria gets most of its tax revenue from its taxes on oil extraction. However, when both the quantity of oil is falling and the price is not terribly high, this does not provide enough revenue. According to the article:

      The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have severally described the country’s tax as paltry considering its economic potential. These advisories have underscored historical overreliance on unstable oil incomes, and the tendency towards borrowing when there are shocks. In a policy document on Nigeria recently, the IMF said major tax reform was critical and inevitable as the country looks forward to a resilient recovery.

  28. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Debt at 58.8% of GDP as India’s economy contracts.

    “The fiscal deficit widened to 9.2% of GDP in FY21 from 4.6% of GDP a year ago as revenue receipts contracted 3%, with the economy shrinking 7.3%. The contraction, the steepest in independent India, is ascribed to the disruption in economic activities caused by the first wave of the pandemic.”

  29. Tim Groves says:

    That was supposed to be a reply to David’s “To the stars” comment.

  30. Tim Groves says:

    And it’s only 20 years away!

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Sliding Demand For Steel Points To A Slowdown In China’s Economy… Steel production is closely watched by the Chinese government, which has become concerned about high prices and their effect on manufacturers…

    “Coking coal inventory was said by Mysteel to have reached “dangerously” low levels in certain parts of the country due to faltering domestic and Mongolian supply.

    “Not mentioned by Macquarie is a Chinese government ban on importing Australian coal, a market distorting event which has played a role in driving the coking coal price to more than $300 a ton for the first time in four years.”

  32. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Six months after its chair Lai Xiaomin was found guilty of corruption and executed, the fate of Huarong Asset Management, China’s biggest bad debt manager, is no clearer and the stakes for Beijing are rising.

    “One of four state-owned asset management companies established in 1999 to clean up the banking sector’s debts following the Asian financial crisis, the turmoil at Huarong has deepened since the death of Lai.

    “The failure to release its financial accounts for 2020 and uncertainty over the Rmb1.7tn ($261bn) of assets on its balance sheet has triggered wild swings in the $22bn of dollar-denominated bonds the group sold to international investors…

    “Concerns over Beijing’s approach to the companies it set up to handle bad debts and distressed loans in China were amplified this month after authorities opened an investigation into Hu Xiaogang, vice-president of China Great Wall Asset Management and a former executive at China Orient Asset Management.”

  33. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    BAU Needs it, BAU GETS It…

    Tim Hepher, Tracy Rucinski and Eric M. Johnson
    Mon, June 28, 2021, 6:04 AM

    (Reuters) – United Airlines was putting the finishing touches on Monday to an airplane order potentially worth $30 billion at list values for up to 270 narrowbody jets in a bid to secure a pandemic recovery at favorable prices, industry sources said.

    The order could include up to 200 Boeing 737 MAX and some 70 Airbus A321neo which competes with the top end of the MAX family for single-aisle trips needing most range.

    Such a deal would notionally be worth $33 billion at the most recently published list prices, but analysts say airlines typically pay less than half price for deals of this size.

    he deal would be the industry’s biggest since the coronavirus pandemic pummelled air traffic and airline balance sheets, eclipsing recent orders for more than 100 MAX from Southwest Airlines.[

    It would accelerate a recovery for the MAX which has been logging orders to rebuild momentum damaged by a safety crisis even before COVID-19. A 2019 draft order for 200 MAX from British Airways owner IAG was never finalised.

    However, it would not resolve a strategic stalemate which has seen Airbus dominate the busy market for larger single-aisle jets while Boeing relies heavily on demand for its core MAX 8.

    A split order would highlight widespread concerns that the MAX “can’t solve the whole problem”, one industry source said. Airlines also have to consider availability when buying.

    Where is all the energy and resources coming from OFW Readers?

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if shortages develop, as Boeing and Airbus attempt to fill the airplane orders that are being made. It is also not clear how much demand will bounce back.

      • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

        You may be right, but judging from what I see in South Florida Airport at this time, it’s full speed ahead…there is definitely pent up demand for leisure travel….not for business corporate travel…that pays the big bucks and is most profitable….also, International travel is still depressed and that’s another money maker for the full service airlines…there will be a shaking out. Only when there is a restriction of some sort, like fuel, or materials or pilots / mechanics shortage will the public face reality.
        Right now all capital expansion projects are still being implemented.

    • The problem that is being encountered:

      “The infected Australian had been previously vaccinated with one dose of the AstraZeneca jab,” and still was passing the virus around.

  34. Pingback: Climate change relegated

  35. Fast Eddy says:


    “It’s horrific. Starting last Monday we took the first punch and lost a bunch of business out of New South Wales, which is our biggest market, and then when they closed down Australia. It’s just been horrific. We’ve never seen cancellations like it.”

    Vacancy rates were sky rocketing, Rose said.

    “Last Monday for the 1st of July, I was at 100 percent full,” he said.

    “This Monday at 9am for the 1st of July, I was at 35 percent. And when I left the office 10 minutes ago, we were below 30 percent.”

    I am told that in addition to the outright cancellations… locals who are coming for the break will also cancel… then rebook at the lower rates…. you might say the hotels are being Oxbridged by their guests…

    On the bright side… I’ll be able to rip down the skill hills without having to crash into any diseased Aussies!

    • Rodster says:

      As you’ve said many times, it’s all about the CEP. This becomes more obvious by the day that there is a deliberate destruction of the global economy underway. No other explanation for the sheer stupidity by the world leaders. And the natives are getting restless in Great Britain. Just ask the poor BBC sap who was chased by an angry Covid protest mob in London which according to some reports was the largest yet well into tens of thousands.

  36. alpincesare says:

    Instead of the convulated “inexpensive-to-produce energy products”, what about just “cheap energy”, à la “The End of Cheap Oil” by Campbell + Laherrere?

  37. Fast Eddy says:

    Check out the sign language guy hahaha… this is clearly a warning to the people of Toronto (Delta Dunce Variant is coming)

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    Why nobody should be surprised the Seychelles has raging covid even though its the most Injected country

  39. Fast Eddy says:

    And here we have the PR Team trying to convince parents to INJECT their children (even though it does not stop them from getting covid)

    This month, four children were admitted separately to a hospital in the central Indian state of Maharashtra with symptoms of breathlessness and falling blood pressure.

    Their mothers had contracted Covid-19 more than a month ago. The children had developed no symptoms of the disease. At the 1,000-bed Kasturba Hospital in Sevagram, the young patients, however, were found to have antibodies to Covid-19, indicating past infection.

    Now they were battling a rare, inflammatory and potentially life threatening condition called multi-system inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). This condition usually develops four to six weeks after children and teenagers have recovered from Covid-19.

    At the Kasturba Hospital, two of the sick children have recovered, while the other two are being treated in intensive care. “I would worry about this condition. We simply don’t know how deep this problem is. It is worrisome we still don’t have data on the burden of this disease in India,” Dr SP Kalantri, medical superintendent of the hospital, said.

    As the deadly second wave of the coronavirus abates, paediatricians across India are reporting more cases of this rare but serious condition. Since doctors are still reporting cases, it is not clear how many children have been affected so far. The US has reported more than 4,000 such cases and 36 deaths from the disease so far.

    At Delhi’s Gangaram Hospital, Dr Dhiren Gupta, an intensive care paediatric, has seen more than 75 patients, aged between four and 15, since March, when the second wave began. His hospital has opened an 18-bed MIS-C ward. He reckons there have been more than 500 such cases in the capital and its suburbs.

    • Rodster says:

      They don’t have Dunce on that PR team. THEY NEED DUNCE !!!

      Dunce has convinced me to take the Jab. I plan on taking the Jab every week because Dunce has convinced me its totally safe.

      And if I develop “heart inflammation” I can say I always had a Big Heart.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I’m holding out for the Cuban version ….

        However I heard Taliban in Afghanistan is racing to release their covid vaccine … I might go for that… or perhaps mix and match…

        We are so lucky to have so many miracle vaccines to choose from. And best of all – they have almost no short term and definitely no long term… side effects.

        Sophie is still playing hard to get … it’s closing in on midnight here in QT (where half the town is on suicide watch due to the closure of the Bubble)….

        I remember when the bubble was announced and I said something to the effect ‘we’ll see what happens come ski season’ at a gathering — and MF said afterwards – you can’t say those things .. it’s too negative… to which I responded that I only want to be on record so that I can lay claim to being a World Class Prognosticator and charge Big Dollars for my services (I’ll need something to do after I get bored with Sophie…)

  40. Fast Eddy says:

    It’s a full blown EMERGENCY hahaha

    Just a week ago Sydney was still in near Covid-free bliss – with people packed into restaurants and dancing in clubs in the city.

    But the swift spread of Delta has upended months of the city, and the country’s ” new normal”. The strain is now linked to three of four clusters affecting Australia.

    Experts say the nation’s defences have been beaten, multiple times, by the powerful variant. It’s breached hotel quarantine several times raising concerns about air transmission.

    It’s also managed to break through relaxed distancing rules in society, latching onto unprotected workers. Mask-wearing is now back in almost every state in Australia.

    In Sydney, officials say the virus is infecting 100% of household contacts when it’s brought into a home. It’s too early to tell if this lockdown will contain it, according to experts.

    Low vaccination rates have also left Australians vulnerable.

    One expert told me it’s a “perfect storm” for “what is now easily the most dominant variant in the world”.

    Watching the video and the symptoms of Delta are headache… sore throat … runny nose…

    Emergency Emergency!!! It’s more severe!!!

    The thing is … Goy are so stoooopid… they fall for the same gag… over and over and over…

    • Xabier says:

      They do, time and again.

      If they are taken in by this, it will be entirely due to mental laziness and credulity, as even an average intellect can grasp that the official narrative is flawed.

      These flaws became very clear last winter, even to non-scientists, and despite all the spending on propaganda and psychological manipulation.

      With a little good sense and alertness, and minimal effort, they could find the counter-narrative and good science which is still, despite the aggressive censorship, available online and accessible internationally.

      I fear that such valuable sources of information will be eradicated next year, governments are clearly gearing up for that: ‘dangerous (to whom?) misinformation, ‘domestic health security threat’ etc.

      The masses simply won’t rebel. They no longer understand how to defend themselves, unlike the workers who did at least fight the imposition of the factory system in the early 19th-century.

      A Collapse is now probably the only thing that can possibly stop the insane Mengele’s.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        There is always the possibility that they lose control of the economic machine… before their Plan is completed…

        That would be a nasty outcome for all the Goy though…. I would hope they remember Fast Eddy’s warnings about this when the shock hits them on night one as they huddle in the kitchen in complete darkness… without TeeVee or radio or the internet….

        It only gets worse as the predators realize the game wardens are gone … and it’s open season…. when they come… they won’t be knocking.

        The horror… The horror… yes indeed… The Horror.

    • Ed says:

      sounds like a cold. yes the goyim are dumber than cattle.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The presenter even says ‘the symptoms of Delta are much the same as a cold – and that’s why it’sa problem – because most people will just think they have a cold and not get tested’

        hahahahahaha… Jeeezuz Khrist!!! If it smells like a cold and feels like a cold … then…. it’s a cold

        Old frail people who are months from death can die from a bad cold … everyone else gets a sniffle… But this cold is an EMERGENCY situation!

        • Xabier says:

          Super deadly variant, but manifests as……. a slight cold?

          This is truly scraping the bottom of the propaganda barrel!

          It’s working though: I noticed in town that some people I often pass in the street have resumed wearing masks, when they had left them off about a month ago.

          And two idiots also did the ‘social distance’ dance around me. I just walk towards them making them go ever further off course….

          For God’s sake, do they imagine I am going to try to French kiss them?!!!!

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    ‘Right of self-defence’: Biden launches air strikes in Syria and Iraq

    To another escalating situation now. The United States has stepped up air strikes in Iraq and Syria, this time in response to drone attacks by militia groups against American personnel and facilities in Iraq.

    I wonder how the liberals feel about this … do they miss Trump? (Not that Trump or Biden make these calls … but anyway)

    Dunc Norm – haven’t heard much from either of you guys…. the offer of my Injections still stands… address please… perhaps if you have multiple grand kids you can play a game… and the winner gets the Injection!!!

  42. Fast Eddy says:

    How can I do a video call with Greta to show her my coal burning Rayburn in action?

    It’s a chilly day so it’s roaring past 200C … quite the show

  43. Fast Eddy says:


    Anyone think the UK gov put them on to this idea… to drive numbers up? Would they do that?????

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Attention Attention … Norm-Dunc…. you are needed in the CovIDIOT HQ!

      Urgent urgent Urgent… Norm-Dunc… your expertise is required in HQ.

      Seychelles Outbreak: World’s Most Vaccinated Country Extends Restrictions Indefinitely

      hahaha x 1,000,000,000,000,000 x 278654329.9865432 = 50.

      • I think that they used the Chinese vaccine that doesn’t work very well.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          But the ‘vaccines’ are all the same… they are just distributed under different brand names…


          Around 71 per cent of people have had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, and 62 per cent have been fully vaccinated. Of these, 57 per cent have received the Sinopharm vaccine, and 43 per cent AstraZeneca.

          IT’S the VARIANTS!!! Ooooh… the variants…

          There are reports of the South African B.1.351 variant circulating in Seychelles. This virus shows the greatest ability to escape vaccine protection of all COVID variants so far.

          In South Africa, one study showed AstraZeneca has 0-10 per cent efficacy against this variant, prompting the South African government to stop using that vaccine in February.

          The efficacy of the Sinopharm vaccine against this variant is unknown, but lab studies show some reduction in protection, based on blood tests, but probably some protection.

        • Mike Roberts says:

          From a Bloomberg story:

          “We cannot make any comparison about these two as Sinopharm was mainly administered to people below 60 and Covishield to people above 60,” he said in an interview. “We are currently doing an exercise to see demographically how the vaccines affected both groups. So far with Sinopharm we have not received any casualties.”

          Covishield is really the Astra Zeneca vaccine made under license in India.

  44. Ed says:

    The most promising fusion project I have ever seen

    • Ed says:

      4 cents per KWhr kiss those PVs goodbye.

    • Ed says:

      we will be able to power one hour hops to anywhere on the planet and of course Mars! and power Mars without PV

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Is it ok if I delete that without clicking … if its a joke then I will click it

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      I always knew “they will think of something”. 😉

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Dilithium crystals, when placed in an electromagnetic field, serve to stabilize the matter / antimatter (deuterium / anti-deuterium) reaction in a starship’s warp core.

    • doomphd says:

      it’s just another variant on magnetic confinement hot fusion. too much energy overhead expended on confinement, but a cool looking web site aimed at investors.

    • Dennis L. says:

      Okay, got it, this one doesn’t work either.

      Dennis L.

    • CTG says:

      I have mentioned this before but the time to do the transition of energy was in 1970s, not now. We have substituted debts with energy (making EROEI calculation useless) and debts are too convoluted and affect many parties in the event if a default.

      Do even if you have a super cheap energy now, like what I have said in earlier posts, sticking a straw in the ground and oil spurts out, it will not solve anything because the people are too indebted to spend more. Oil prices are not that high, not even $100, so if it drops to $10 due to this super cheap oil that spurts out from the ground, will it help in our predicament?

      If super cheap energy cannot solve our predicament, then what help can a “always 4 year into the future” energy source do?

      • Good points!

      • CTG says:

        Let me expand a little. In the 1970s, when oil peaked in USA, extraction technology has to go into overdrive to extract out the difficult-to-extract oil. If there is no excessive debts or money printing, then physical limits will be hit. It is not a surprise that Nixon took USD off the gold standard at the time when oil peaked in USA.

        With debts or money printing or financial shenanigan, an oil company can use that freshly printed money to improve the technology of oil extraction without actually hitting the physical limit. It is a substitute for high EROEI because money is not detached from its physical backing of “promise of future productivity”.The company used the money borrowed to improve the technology to extract more oil. There is no more underlying claims for the money YET (until the day it does, which is actually “now”). The company can either go bankrupt and the debts are extinguished. Investors lost money and the claims towards that “future productivity” is gone. However, that technology has been invented and used by someone else.

        If that company did not collapse but flourished, then, with inflation, the debts can be paid off and the “claims for future productivity” will be postponed to a date in future (which is “now”, by the way).

        A debt can be sold and passed around in a daisy chain through banks , pension funds, etc. since 1970s, financial engineering was and is crucial to the extension of BAU. Government closing a blind eye towards financial accounting trickery or changing the goal posts help move the world forward on a “financial engineering or accounting” basis since 2008. There is no productivity growth other than debt-related or debt-fuel “growth”. Debt is the center of everything now. Debt is a burden for future generations. Future generation of the 1970s is the present generation. It is a millstone around the neck of future generations (which is the present generation). For every dollar that is there, probably 50-80% are used to payoff debts or roll over new debts. Until a point where it is not possible anymore (90%+ perhaps now?)

        At this point where 50%-90% (??) of every dollar is used to pay off the debts, what is the use of cheap energy? It will cause more problems than solving it.

        • To me, it is important that interest rates could be lowered and lowered, as more debt was added. This allowed the whole game to continue, since 1981.

          It is becoming increasingly clear that we are at the end of the line. Interest rates can’t go lower without becoming negative for some borrowers. These borrowers would pay back less than they borrow. Unprofitable investments would somehow become feasible. I have a hard time imagining this.

          It is the fact that fossil fuels are becoming too expensive to be affordable by customers, at the same time they are too low for producers that is a problem. Maybe the problem is “only” with coal and oil. Even if this is true, natural gas can’t really operate the economy by itself.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Putting a positive spin on this situation … fortunately all the children die under the CEP so there won’t be a millstone!

  45. Fast Eddy says:

    Hmmm… this sounds like a recipe for disaster for a CovIDIOT … given the number of guns in circulation in America

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