We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly

Can the world achieve “herd immunity” with respect to COVID-19? Anthony Fauci has said that 80% of the population needs to be vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity. My view is that using vaccines is unlikely to achieve this result, something I discussed in my August 2020 post, We Need to Change Our COVID-19 Strategy. Now, the news arm of the prestigious journal Nature has published a similar view: Five reasons why COVID herd immunity is probably impossible.

In this post, I explain why, in my view, COVID-19 seems likely to become endemic, like the flu. The vaccines won’t be enough to make it go away completely. I will also look at the issue of how we should respond to the cases of COVID-19 that we will almost certainly experience in the future.

To a significant extent, what we can and should do in the future is an energy issue. If we plan to transition to a green energy future, or if we simply plan to reduce usage of fossil fuels in future years, we probably need to scale back our plans for vaccines. In fact, any treatment that would be given in today’s emergency rooms is likely to become less and less possible as energy supplies deplete.

We will need to focus more on what our bodies can do for us, and what we can do to assist them in this effort. We also need to think about what simple changes to our environment (such as windows that open) can do for the prevention of both COVID-19 and the many other communicable diseases that we can expect to encounter in the future. The big issue will be changing expectations.

[1] Why herd immunity is unlikely

[1.1] Viruses don’t pay any attention to the geography of humans. As long as there are active cases anywhere, they will tend to spread to other countries.

Over the past year, we have seen how ineffective cutting off travel between countries is in stopping the path of the virus. Even New Zealand, far out in the Pacific Ocean, has been battling this issue. The country has found that occasional cases slip through, even with a required two-week stay in managed isolation after arrival.

Furthermore, there are hidden costs with staying this removed from the rest of the world; New Zealand’s only oil refinery has been losing money, given its low use of oil. This refinery has laid off about a quarter of its staff and is considering the option of quitting refining in 2022. New Zealand would then need to import a full range of refined products if it wants to continue having industry. Perhaps being too cut off from the rest of the world is a problem, rather than a solution.

[1.2] The cost of vaccines is high, especially for poor countries.

We can get a rough idea of the cost involved by looking at a news article about Israel’s dispute with Pfizer regarding its vaccine purchases. We can also see what goes wrong politically.

Israel recently made news for failing to pay Pfizer for the last 2.5 million vaccine doses that it purchased from the company. Pfizer retaliated by cutting off future vaccine shipments to Israel. The article linked above doesn’t tell us exactly how much Israel paid for Pfizer’s vaccine, but a calculation based on information in the article seems to indicate that future doses from a mixture of vendors would cost about $35 per dose, on average. We also know that US Medicare is paying $40 per dose for administering each dose of the vaccine. Putting these two amounts together, we can estimate that the purchase and administration of a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine costs about $75. Thus, a two-dose series costs about $150, with the high-tech vaccines Israel is now using (Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca).

We also know that Israel was planning to administer two doses per person, every six months, based on an early review of how well immunity was holding up for the vaccines. If it is really necessary to repeat the two-dose regimen every six months, then the annual per-person cost of the vaccine would be approximately 2 times $150, or $300 per person. Benjamin Netanyahu favors buying all of these doses, quite possibly because it might make him popular with voters. Netanyahu’s opposition does not, which seems to be why payment has not been forthcoming.

A cost of $300 per person would amount to 0.7% of Israel’s 2019 GDP, which is theoretically feasible. But for poorer countries, the relative cost would be much higher. For South Africa, it would amount to 5% of 2019 GDP. For Yemen, it would come to 40% of 2019 GDP. (These are my calculations, using World Bank GDP in current US$.) For countries with severe financial problems, any payment for vaccines would almost certainly be a problem.

There are less expensive vaccines being made, but their percentages of efficacy in fighting the virus that causes COVID-19 seem to be lower. Thus, it would be even more difficult to greatly reduce the number of cases down to the point where the disease would simply disappear for lack of an adequate number of victims to infect, using these vaccines.

[1.3] The fact that the disease can infect animals further adds to the problem of getting rid of the disease completely.

The disease supposedly jumped from an animal to humans to begin with. We know that the virus that causes COVID-19 can infect animals of many types, including ferrets and cats. While the disease jumping from animals to humans is supposedly unusual, we know that the disease spreads easily among humans with inadequate immunity. Having a reservoir of disease among animals raises the likelihood of this happening again. Having a reservoir of vulnerable people (not immune and in poor health) also increases such a risk.

[1.4] Microbes of all types mutate frequently. We are fighting a losing battle to stay even with them. This is especially a problem for narrowly targeted vaccines.

We know that whenever we try to reduce the population of microbes, scientists can find solutions that work for a while, but eventually we start losing the battle. Scientists can develop antibiotics against bacteria, but eventually some bacteria will evolve in a way that allows them to resist the effects of the antibiotic. In fact, antibiotic resistance is becoming a greater and greater problem. Similarly, scientists can develop weed killers, but weeds soon develop resistance to whatever we develop. The situation seems to be similar with vaccines, unfortunately.

In this case, scientists have developed vaccines that target the RNA of the spike protein of the virus that causes COVID-19. In some sense, this approach is very precise, leading to a high proportion of COVID-19 cases being stopped. The drawback is that it is very easy for small mutations in the spike protein to make the vaccine not work well. We end up needing to obtain booster shots of slightly revised versions of the vaccine quite often, perhaps every six months. If booster shots are not given, the vaccine is likely to become less effective against the new mutations that arise.

One danger is that manufacturers cannot keep up with all of changes needed to match the new mutations. Another is that the cost of trying to keep up with this whole process will become prohibitive. The medical care system may be forced to give the vaccine process up, leaving citizens worse off than they might have been if we hadn’t “flattened the curve” and kept the virus around for an extended period of time, allowing all of these mutations.

[1.5] There are very real reasons for people’s reluctance to accept the vaccine, when it is offered to them. Because of this, it is difficult to get very close to 100% acceptance (or even 80% acceptance) of the vaccines.

There seem to be any number of reasons why people are reluctant to get the new vaccine. Some are afraid of the pain involved with the shot. Others are afraid that they will be somewhat ill afterward, causing them to miss work. If employees are paid on an hourly basis and they barely have enough income as it is, this, by itself, could be a reason for avoiding the shot. Financial incentives might help with these issues.

Others who are reluctant have followed the situation more closely. They realize that important steps in the normal vaccine approval process have been skipped, making it difficult to identify adverse effects that occur fairly infrequently. Even worse, it becomes impossible to discover problems that take many months or years to become evident. Over 100 doctors and scientists from 25 countries have signed a letter saying that offering vaccines that are as radically different from what has been used in the past, without more testing, is unethical.

One concern is the likelihood of blood clots in the immediate period after the vaccine is received. Blood clots have also been observed with the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, and may be a concern with other vaccines, as well. There seem to be several related conditions, including sudden blindness, heart attacks, and sudden deaths of elderly people in nursing homes. These issues seem to be fairly rare, but people worry about them without adequate data on their frequency. If the issue is blood clots, it would seem as if simple adjustments such as taking low-dose aspirin for the time period of risk might be a partial solution.

We know that in some cases, vaccines can inadvertently make later exposure to somewhat different versions of the virus worse, rather than stopping these infections. The virus that causes the illness SARS is very similar to the virus that causes COVID-19. When an attempt was made at a vaccine for SARS in 2012, a study on mice showed that exposure at a later date to a slightly different virus led to blood clots forming in the lungs. We already know that blood clots can be an issue for COVID-19 vaccines. Will COVID-19 vaccine recipients who are later exposed to mutations have an adverse reaction such as blood clots in the lungs? We don’t know. There have been no animal studies with respect to the vaccines for COVID-19.

Another risk of COVID-19 vaccinations would seem to be auto-immune problems, especially in people who are already predisposed to such issues. Not much research has been done yet to clarify this issue.

A related issue is allergic reactions to vaccines, including anaphylaxis. The possibility of allergic reactions is one reason vaccine recipients are asked to stay for 15 minutes after receiving their immunizations. Even with precautions, some deaths are occurring because severe allergic reactions can take up to 150 minutes to become apparent. It is impractical to keep vaccine recipients this long.

The very long-term effects of both the COVID-19 illness and vaccines to prevent the COVID-19 illness are unknown. The Alzheimer’s Association recommends studies to see whether people who contract COVID-19 have a long-term increase in dementia-type illnesses. In theory, the vaccines could also lead to similar issues because of prion-like structures that are formed, both with the vaccine and the disease. Without long-term studies, we don’t know whether either of these concerns is valid. If dementia is an issue, will repeated vaccinations raise the long-term risk of dementia? We don’t know. If the disease itself and vaccines can both lead to dementia, is there an optimal strategy?

Without a better understanding of what the risks are, it is hard to convince young people, especially, to take the vaccine. Their chances of a severe outcome from the disease are low to begin with. What is the point of taking a vaccine that may raise their risk of serious injury or death? The vaccine may be appropriate for people aged 80 and over, but is the risk really necessary for young people? Without better data, it is hard to know for certain.

[2] Why a change away from dependence on vaccines is needed

The Nature article referred to earlier says in its concluding paragraph, “It’s time for realistic expectations. . . we need to think of how we can live with the virus.”

Also, as I mentioned in the introduction, we are reaching energy limits. Even if in theory we could vaccinate everyone on the planet twice a year for COVID-19, we do not have the resources to do this. In some ways, the problem looks like a cost problem (poor countries especially cannot afford to buy high-priced vaccines), but it is just as much a resource problem. We cannot devote enough resources to this project without taking them away from other necessary projects. The vaccines are very much a product of today’s fossil fuel economy. We can’t expect to make vaccines with intermittent electricity.

Because of limited resources, we may encounter something similar to the “empty shelf” problem in the grocery stores. We may find that only limited doses of vaccine are available because too many doses were accidentally ruined in production. Or, not enough of the right reagents were available. Or, more doses are needed in the country where the vaccine is manufactured, leaving less for use elsewhere. Or, there is a war in a country integral to vaccine supply lines, interfering with production.

In fact, obtaining promised supplies of vaccines is already a problem. Trying to scale up production at the same time that resources in general are squeezed is likely to make this type of problem increase.

[3] Learning to live with COVID-19 and diminishing resources per capita

If we can’t really fix the COVID-19 problem with endless vaccines for everyone, we need to look at other options.

[3.1] Strengthening our own immune systems

Our bodies come with built-in immune systems. It is the action of the immune system that tends to lead to a low incidence of and low severity of COVID-19 in some people, compared to others. Some of the things that seem to be helpful include the following:

  • Being young
  • Getting plenty of sleep at night
  • Not being overweight. Proper exercise and diet are helpful in this regard.
  • Maintaining a healthy microbiome. Our bodies need good microbes to help fight the “bad” microbes. Antibiotics, excessive antibacterial cleaners and a lack of exposure to “good” bacteria could be problems. Staying away from everyone and wearing masks, indefinitely, is not necessarily helpful.
  • Getting adequate vitamin D through sun exposure, eating of foods that are high in vitamin D and/or supplementation. Dark skinned people living away from the equator are especially at risk for inadequate vitamin D.
  • Getting adequate vitamin C from fruits and vegetables and perhaps supplementation.

Researchers need to be actively looking into optimal strategies to advise citizens. Schools might start teaching about these issues in health classes.

[3.2] Changing our customs and infrastructure to try to reduce the problem of communicable diseases in general, not just for COVID-19.

Customs for greetings among people vary greatly around the world. Some people use hugs and handshakes, others greet with bows. We may need to adopt more distant physical greetings, simply to help reduce the transmission of disease. Of course, hugging at home is still fine.

In the last 100 years, the emphasis increasingly has been on building tighter, more energy-efficient buildings. This is good from a point of saving energy, but it doesn’t work in a world with many communicable diseases. We need to move toward much more ventilation, often based on open windows. Because of energy constraints, we likely cannot expect to keep heating and cooling our buildings as much in the future. We will need to dress more for outdoor temperatures, indoors.

Some leaders have suggested rapid electric rail is the way of the future, but rail transport also needs to be well ventilated. It is also likely that we will be dealing with more intermittency of electricity supply in the future. We need to plan as if we are dealing with an electricity constrained future, as much as an oil and vaccine constrained future.

[3.3] Finding low energy ways to deal with the likely COVID-19 cases that do occur.

The approach in the “rich world” to date in looking for ways to deal with COVID-19 has been to look for new, high technology drugs and vaccines that might have a two-fold benefit (a) help sick people and (b) help the pharmaceutical industry. What we really need are technologies that are low cost and can be used at home. Repurposed old drugs, such as steroids, are ideal, especially if they can be made locally without dependence on international supply lines.

If COVID-19 doesn’t really disappear, we can expect recurring instances of having inadequate medical facilities to treat all of the patients in a given area. Countries need to plan strategies for dealing with this likely long-term problem. Should there be an upper age limit on patients using these facilities, for example, especially when demand is high? Or can the richest citizens have the ability to buy services, when others cannot? Should there be a lottery for beds? Ordering everyone to remain at home is sort of a temporary solution, but it is very damaging to the economy as a whole.

[3.4] Finding leadership that can think in a direction other than “more technology will save us.” Unfortunately, this is pretty much impossible.

Back in 1979, Jimmy Carter tried to change the direction of the US economy when he gave his famous Sweater Speech. In this speech, he told people that they needed to adjust their thermostats and drive their vehicles less because there was an energy crisis. We all know that Jimmy Carter was not reelected after this speech. Instead, Ronald Reagan was elected. He cut taxes and raised debt levels, temporarily delaying our need to deal with our energy problem.

When Anthony Fauci took on the COVID-19 issue, he led us in the direction of spending more money on vaccines and pharmaceuticals. His own financial interests and his work interests were in the direction of helping the vaccine and pharmaceutical interests. He certainly didn’t stop to think, “This is not a battle that we can win. There are too many instances of transmission of the virus by people who have no symptoms. Our track record at wiping out diseases with vaccines has been pretty dismal in the past. Stopping COVID-19 in one part of the world won’t stop the long-term problem.”

I expect that President Biden will continue on his current path until the economy “runs off the cliff.” I wrote in my recent post, Headed for a Collapsing Debt Bubble, that the economy was reaching a point where a major discontinuity would occur. Interest rates are about as low as they can go, and debt levels are reaching an upper bound.

Figure 1. Ten-year and three-month US Treasury interest rates as of March 1, 2021.

Ronald Reagan’s administration started to decrease interest rates shortly after he took office in 1981. This drop in interest rates has hidden rapidly rising debt and energy problems for many years. We are now running out of room on both energy and debt. When the world’s debt bubble collapses, our ability to fight COVID-19 with vaccines will likely go downhill quickly. We will then need to find new strategies. Unfortunately, considering new strategies in advance is almost impossible.

[4] Conclusion

While it is possible to see what change in direction seems to be needed with respect to COVID-19 and infectious diseases in general, it is not something that those in leadership positions will be able to implement. Instead, we will likely “go off the cliff” at full speed. Changing expectations in advance is almost impossible.

At most, a few interested people can try to explain to their fellow citizens what is happening. Perhaps, in our own little spheres of influence, we can make some small changes in the right direction, starting with strengthening our own immune systems.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,514 Responses to We can’t expect COVID-19 to go away; we should plan accordingly

  1. UK study of ‘mixing and matching’ vaccines expands to include two more jabs

    Oxford researchers recruiting volunteers to test Moderna and Novavax vaccines as second doses

    Two further jabs are to be added to a trial examining whether doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccines can be safely mixed.

    The Moderna and Novavax jabs will be included in the UK’s Com-Cov study, launched in February by researchers at Oxford University to explore the possibility of “mixing and matching” different coronavirus jabs.

  2. Article About Moderna’s mRNA Technology From 2017

    Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine

    “His presentation instead focused on four vaccines that the company is moving through the first phase of clinical trials: two target strains of influenza, a third is for Zika virus, and the fourth remains a secret. Bancel clicked through graphs of data from animal studies before hurrying on to tout Moderna’s balance sheet and discuss the company’s cancer vaccines, slated for clinical testing later this year.”

    “Founded in 2012, Moderna reached unicorn status — a $1 billion valuation — in just two years, faster than Uber, Dropbox, and Lyft, according to CB Insights. The company’s premise: Using custom-built strands of messenger RNA, known as mRNA, it aims to turn the body’s cells into ad hoc drug factories, compelling them to produce the proteins needed to treat a wide variety of diseases.”

    In order to protect mRNA molecules from the body’s natural defenses, drug developers must wrap them in a protective casing. For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.

    From the start, Moderna’s scientists knew that using mRNA to spur protein production would be a tough task, so they scoured the medical literature for diseases that might be treated with just small amounts of additional protein.

    “And that list of diseases is very, very short,” said the former employee who described Bancel as needing a Hail Mary.

    Crigler-Najjar was the lowest-hanging fruit.

    Yet Moderna could not make its therapy work, former employees and collaborators said. The safe dose was too weak, and repeat injections of a dose strong enough to be effective had troubling effects on the liver in animal studies.

  3. ‘Young, healthy’ South Mississippi man suffers stroke hours after receiving J&J vaccine

    The family of Brad Malagerie say they think the vaccine contributed to his stroke.

    ST. MARTIN, Miss. (WLOX) – When the news broke about the pause of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Tuesday, one Coast family was already living with a tragedy they believe was caused by the vaccine.

    It started out as a normal day for 43-year-old Brad Malagarie of St. Martin. This busy father of seven spent the morning at his D’Iberville office before heading to get a Johnson & Johnson vaccine a little after noon

    He returned to work, and within three hours coworkers noticed he was unresponsive at his desk.

    “They called me and said he had that vaccine and something is wrong, we think it’s a stroke,” said Celeste Foster O’Keefe, Malagarie’s aunt.

    Malagarie was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a stroke. A blood clot had lodged in his left middle cerebral artery. O’Keefe, who is also Brad’s boss, said the family believes without a doubt that the vaccine caused the stroke.

    “He’s a young, healthy 43-year-old, and I immediately thought it, and I said be sure to tell the doctors he took that J & J vaccine and that, to me, is what caused his stroke,” she said.

    O’Keefe said her nephew’s only health issue before the vaccine was high blood pressure, which was controlled with medication.

    Now, one week after the vaccine, he’s in critical but stable condition at Ochsner’s Medical Center in New Orleans, his wife Cori by his side. Their families’ lives changed tragically overnight.

    “He can’t talk now and he can’t walk. He’s paralyzed on the right side. He knows who we are and he will just cry when he sees us,” O’Keefe said.

    Doctors don’t know Malagarie’s prognosis for recovery yet but said it will likely take at least a year of rehab after he leaves the hospital.

    “At least we want him to be able to communicate, to be able to walk and talk again, even if it’s not perfect,” O’Keefe said.

  4. GBV says:

    Gail, this is why I don’t post much on your site these days…

    This comment was supposed to be a response to one of Fast Eddie’s comments, but it posted it as it’s own thread. I recall this being a problem a few months (year?) ago when I tried posted comments from my mobile phone, and it looks like it still might be an issue? 🙁


  5. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:


    (and if you’re the guy with lots of Bitcoin, congrats on that too.)



  7. A UK woman said she felt like a creature in the sci-fi horror flick “Alien” when she broke out in a rash and her skin bubbled after she received a COVID-19 vaccination, according to a report.

    Susie Forbes, 49, of Lichfield, Staffordshire, suffered the disfigurement within hours of getting her first dose of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine on March 18, Triangle News reported.

    “It felt like I was in ‘Alien’ because there were bubbles coming out of my arm. It was horrific. My face was huge. I was a monster,” Forbes told the news service.

    “My daughter was texting me begging me to go to hospital. It’s destroyed me and destroyed my daughter. I’m going to have to live with this as I have scars on my body,” she said.

    “But to have my 19-year-old texting me from work and saying, ‘Mum, Mum, Mum, don’t die,’” added Forbes, who suffers from Guillain-Barré syndrome, an auto-immune condition in which the body attacks the nerves.

  8. Police BREAK DOWN man’s door and arrest him for “breach of COVID regulations” in the UK.

    We no longer have to wonder what modern day tyranny looks like.

  9. China warns of military action against Taiwan to block relations with US on eve of American visit

    Former US senator Chris Dodd and former deputy secretaries of state Richard Armitage and James Steinberg head to Taiwan at Biden’s request
    Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council says China is ‘determined to stop Taiwan independence … we are doing it with action’

    Beijing warned on Tuesday it was determined to stop Taiwan getting close to Washington with the use of military action, ahead of a visit by a former US politician and officials to the island at US President Joe Biden’s request.
    Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said the recent deployment of the largest fleet of warplanes to Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) was to tell Taiwan that moving closer to the US to seek independence would fail.
    “The signal given by the military drills is that we are determined to stop Taiwan independence, and stop Taiwan from working with the US. We are doing it with action,” Ma told reporters on Tuesday.

  10. Wondering what’s going on with WHO, UK and Canada suddenly downplaying vaccine benefits hugely (yesterday, multiple statements) – and simultaneously upping the ante on continued draconian lockdowns?

  11. Not sure what’s more terrifying, the global vax-induced catastrophe that people are about to wake up to realize they have wrought, or the devastating global economic apocalypse people are about to find themselves neck deep in, or the hot global war percolating around our feet rn.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      “percolating” could be mere words or propaganda or posturing (look how tough Joke Biden is, such a strong POTUS) or bluffing threatening pressuring to eventually get a “peaceful” resolution that benefits the side in the better position.

      in my opinion, the next hot war has a low probability of happening this year.

      the vax-tastrophe maybe, IF it really happens that millions develop prion or other disabling disease in the next 6 months to 2 years, but that is a way off, even IF it turns out that the vaccines are disabling and/or killing millions.

      THAT would also contribute to a swifter and deeper economic devastation.

      but IF the vax-tastrophe does NOT happen, then there could be a minor short-lived economic rebound.



      • Fast Eddy says:

        Killing a random few hundred million — or possibly — if you get the right people — even a few hundred thousand… might trigger:


        I continue to lean towards Devil Covid…. the more you vax the merrier — just need enough to trigger the Devil… and it spreads like wildfire…

        You wanna see panic — wait till humans are dropping like flies….

        People will not need to be forced to stay home…. they will lock themselves in … and wait for the food delivery vans….

        That one day…. will not come…

        They will prefer starvation — over venturing outside…

        And nobody — not even antivaxxers – will come out to protest… cuz the Devil Wave… will be real… no fake PCRs… no counting non-Covid deaths…. it will be real… very real indeed…

        Tick tock…


  12. Denmark – When announcing the discontinuation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the director Tanja Erichsen of the Medicines Agency simply topples over.

  13. 93 Israeli doctors: Do not use Covid-19 vaccine on children

    “We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease not dangerous to them.”

    93 doctors have signed a joint letter of protest calling to refrain from administering Covid-19 vaccines to children.

    In a letter, the contents of which reached Channel 12, submitted this morning, the doctors explained that “There is no room to vaccinate children at this time,” and based the call on “the following values – the value of caution, the value of humility”, as well as understanding that “haste is from the devil.” They also cited “the recognition that we do not understand everything about the virus and the vaccine against it,” and “the first commandment of medicine – ‘First do not harm.'”

    The letter includes the signatures of Dr. Amir Shachar, director of the emergency room at Laniado Hospital, Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli, an expert in internal medicine and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Avi Mizrahi, director of the intensive care unit at Kaplan Hospital.

    The doctors addressed the letter “to the chiefs of the Ministry of Health, to our fellow doctors around the country, and to the entire public.”

    They noted that “the increasingly prevalent opinion within the scientific community is that the vaccine cannot lead to herd immunity, therefore there is currently no ‘altruistic’ justification for vaccinating children to protect at-risk populations.”

    They added that even today it is unclear whether the vaccine prevents the spread of the virus and for how long it confers protection, and noted that new variants “that may be more resistant to vaccination are popping up all the time.”

    “We believe that not even a handful of children should be endangered through mass vaccination against a disease that is not dangerous to them,” they wrote. “Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that the vaccine will have long-term adverse effects that have not yet been discovered at this time, including on growth, reproductive system or fertility. Children should be allowed a quick return to routine; the many tests and broad isolation cycles should be stopped, and no separation between the vaccinated and unvaccinated should be created in the public sphere. Vaccination of at-risk populations should be allowed, and under the almost complete vaccination of this population – it is possible to return to full routine (with periodic adjustments) even in the presence of COVID-19 virus.”

    • Also in this letter,

      It should be emphasized to the public that even vaccinated people can be infected and infect, and that the same rules of conduct apply to everyone without connection to vaccination status. We must stop pointing the finger of blame at the unvaccinated, and we must stop violating the rights of the individual. We must immediately stop all forms of exclusion and separation between people in the public sphere.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        It would be lovely if 93 Israeli doctors could stop the impending bio-apartheid.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      They will be ignored…

    • Robert Firth says:

      Dream on, doctors. The murder of children is considered especially virtuous by the Donmeh. The vaccination will continue, and you will be cancelled.

  14. How nice..Moderna had thousands of vaccines,that were soon to expire, they didn’t want to go to waste. So they offered them to EVERYONE in the placebo group.

    • For some reason, this doesn’t sound very strange to me.

      People signed up to test the drugs for efficacy in preventing COVID-19. I imagine they assumed the trial would go on until it got emergency approval. They probably did not think that they were signing up for long-term side effects and long term efficacy.

      People have been taught to be terribly afraid of the virus. If the vaccine “works” in 95% of the cases, then keeping the placebo group away from the vaccine is a little like the Tuskegee syphilis trials. We know fairly well what the disease course is for the unvaccinated. What is the point?

      The article points out that if they didn’t unblind the study, the figured that the participants would simply drop out and get the vaccine available from elsewhere.

      We can never have a control group for long term side effects of the vaccine, I am afraid.

  15. Inappropriate euphoria is an early symptom of Prion disease. After all, Kuru means “laughing disease.”

  16. Geert Vanden Bossche – How different dynamics of Covid19 pandemic in different parts of the world lead to the same outcome

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    If Amy Goodman got what she wanted… what do you think would happen to the United States?

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    Vaccine Focus at Expense of Therapeutics Killed Up To 85% — Peter McCullough MD Testifies to HHS Committee

    “… when doctors treat patients early, who are over age 50 with medical problems, with a sequence multi-drug approach… There’s an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and death.”

    “You can’t beat natural immunity. You can’t vaccinate on top of it and make it better. There’s no scientific, clinical or safety rationale for ever vaccinating a COVID recovered patient.”

    “People under 50, who fundamentally have no health risks. There’s no scientific rationale for them to ever become vaccinated.”


    • This is very good testimony by Peter McCullough. Can’t publish papers on how to treat people at home. Once it became clear that vaccines would be available, all US efforts to look into how to treat the illness stopped. Can lead to a 85% reduction in deaths. Focus on sick patient , and how to treat them before they land in the hospital.

      No single one drug works. But drugs in combination do work. Look for some partial benefit benefit drugs and then combine them.

      Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, hydroxiclorophine,

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Attention Dunannorm…. now why would social media ban this guy?

        And exactly who would have the juice to demand he be removed?

        Professor of Medicine
        Vice Chief of Internal Medicine
        Baylor University Medical Center
        Dallas, TX

        After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington in Seattle, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan.

        Dr. McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with > 1000 publications and > 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

        His works include the “Interface between Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Illness” in Braunwald’s Heart Disease Textbook. Dr. McCullough is a recipient of the Simon Dack Award from the American College of Cardiology and the International Vicenza Award in Critical Care Nephrology for his scholarship and research. Dr. McCullough is a founder and current president of the Cardiorenal Society of America, an organization dedicated to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the emerging problem of cardiorenal syndromes.

        His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet and other top-tier journals worldwide. He is the co-editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, and associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology and Cardiorenal Medicine. He serves on the editorial boards of multiple specialty journals.

        Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency, and the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel.

        Major Contributions

        Senior leadership and oversight of clinical, education, and research operations at major academic medical centers in Detroit, Kansas City, and Dallas

        Led observational studies and randomized trials of therapies for acute kidney injury, hypertension, acute coronary syndromes, heart failure, and cardiorenal syndromes

        Chaired and participated on 15 data safety monitoring committees for large randomized trials
        Advised sponsors and the FDA resulting in approval of 15 new drugs and 3 novel in vitro diagnostic tests used today around the world


    • Xabier says:

      Even if the entire medical profession were at last to come to their senses, after a year of craven conformity, acquired some courage and rebelled, refusing to administer vaccines to the general population, or even to anyone at all, governments would still try to throw us back into unending lock-downs in pursuit of the Great Re-set agenda.

      We should have no illusions about that. For them, the WEF conspirators, it’s now all or nothing.

      The lock-downs could only then be halted by a parallel rebellion among the police, army, local governments (who are forcing shops, etc, to close) and a mass popular peaceful uprising simply refusing to obey movement restrictions and wear those useless masks – this is perhaps unlikely due to a whole year of psychological manipulation, but it may happen if side-effects become to common to ignore and patience with lock-downs somehow snaps.

      Interesting that a retired general in the UK has spoken out recently and seems aware that this is about more than Covid, and rather more concerned with re-shaping the economy in a digitised form dominated by corporations, and the elimination of democracy. Let’s see them call him a tin-foil hat wearer….

      And we cannot discount that a mass rebellion and the collapse of the pandemic narrative could be itself terminated by the appearance of a truly lethal variant as predicted by Geert v. Bossche.

      A wise person would use these next few months to buy in all essential supplies, as either possible scenario would lead to considerable public disorder and empty stores. Weapons, and things which can be used as such -some imagination is required – included.

    • hillcountry says:

      Thanks FE – that had a link to a copy of a study in China from November 2020. It’s easier to read from the journal link – https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w

      Conclusion: (after testing almost 10 million people)

      “In summary, the detection rate of asymptomatic positive cases in the post-lockdown Wuhan was very low (0.303/10,000), and there was no evidence that the identified asymptomatic positive cases were infectious. These findings enabled decision makers to adjust prevention and control strategies in the post-lockdown period. Further studies are required to fully evaluate the impacts and cost-effectiveness of the citywide screening of SARS-CoV-2 infections on population’s health, health behaviours, economy, and society.”

      It’s gotta make ya wonder if our “medical authorities” are keeping up with the times. The media-controllers are morphing their fear-schtick towards the un-vaccinated these days. Maybe they decided the asymptomatic fear-mongering, if continued, would leave them too exposed. The efficiency of what Chinese people were able to do as demonstrated in this paper is striking in comparison to what has occurred here in the USA.

  19. Devastated mother demands answers after her son, 20, with muscular dystrophy suffered a seizure and died less than 12 hours after receiving a Pfizer jab

    A heartbroken mother has demanded answers after her son died less than 12 hours after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

    Luke Garrett, 20, suffered a fatal seizure brought on by a sudden spike in his temperature at his Tarbolton, South Ayrshire, home in February, his mother Tricia Garrett, 49, said.

    Mr Garrett had muscular dystrophy and had been shielding for around a year so was ‘excited’ when his turn to get a vaccine meant he could finally ‘live his life’.

    But he died in the early hours of the morning the day after getting the jab, leaving his family ‘devastated’ and desperate for answers.

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are investigating Mr Garrett’s death – but there is no evidence of the jab causing seizures.

    Mrs Garrett, 49, described ‘foam coming out of his mouth’ during his seizure – and told how she gave her dying son CPR as they waited for paramedics to arrive.

    Mother-of-two Mrs Garrett said: ‘I didn’t want him to get it. Luke had been shielding for about a year.

    ‘He used to have support workers who came in three times a week, he also had high-functioning autism and needed support for that but he cancelled it all because he was that scared of Covid.

    ‘He was excited about going to get his Covid jab and being able to get back out into the world and live his life.

    ‘It wasn’t even 12 hours after his Covid jab that he died.

    ‘His whole body was in horrendous pain, he had a really high temperature; normally with his condition, his legs can end up in pain but this was different.

    ‘Before he died, the arm he got the injection in was really painful.

    ‘He then suffered a seizure, which has never happened before.

    ‘He started to fit and there was foam coming out of his mouth.’

    • Fast Eddy says:

      She demands?????

      I demand to ask her why in the f789 she signed her kid up for the lethal injection — when… WHEN!!! nearly zero children have been hospitalized or died from Covid.

      Here you go Mrs Garrett aka The CovIDIOT — why don’t you ask yourself


      Of course she will never blame herself for this … because she is a MORE ON.

  20. Ed says:

    WW3 Russia versus US in Crimea. Russia defending the Motherland and Criminally insane Washington DC serving its CCP master destroying the US. What can go wrong?

    • Xabier says:

      Quite so, Ed. They have also so altered our countries, attacking every sane, inherited institution, in the West that it is hard to find a mother or father land to defend – certainly the case for native Europeans…..

  21. James says:

    Professor Sam Vaknin seems to make a lot of sense about elites, middle-class and the masses and our current situation.

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    More on Stoooopidity…





    Nope — say the Donkeys — 911 was done by Saddam… as if the American government would kill 3000 Americans!!! Are you nuts or something buddy?????

  23. Fast Eddy says:

    Coronavirus: two pregnant women in Hong Kong who received BioNTech vaccine suffer miscarriages, but no link to jab confirmed as yet


    Yes of course the vaccine had nothing to do with this… just like the biker who was killed but tested positive for Covid a month previously … died from Covid… even though he never had a sniffle (even when he was tested)…

    This is how dumb a CovIDIOT is.

    These two women have no doubt been diligent about caring for the rats inside them … bet they stopped drinking coffee and alcohol…. were eating extra healthy etc…

    Yet… YET!!! … they willingly allowed an EXPERIMENTAL ‘vaccine’ to be injected into their bodies and the bodies of the little beasts inside them … when they were at near ZERO risk of dying from Covid IF they contracted it…

    I asked a CovIDIOT who I know has high blood pressure the following … if Pharma had a vaccine that would cure you of your BP (no need to take pills to treat it)… BUT they said … we have not tested this vaccine thoroughly … because we only started working on it a year ago…. would you agree to be injected…

    Eternal silence… (he’s since had the covid vax).

    He doesn’t even have Covid hahaha… and is unlikely to contract it…. but he does have high BP. (but is otherwise healthy).. and yet… and YET.

    Humans truly are no smarter than a rat… or a donkey… seriously… because I guarantee you if I put the same question to a thousand other humans they’d refuse to respond … and they’d still take the jab….

    What is this if not Stooopidity????? Throw IQ measurements out the window… at best they measure the ability to perform circus tricks… is a parrot smart because it can talk????

    I wonder if those two women regret taking the jab… probably not…


  24. Yoshua says:

    Germany is evil. I love Germany.
    Britain is morally evil. I envy Britain.


  25. Mirror on the wall says:

    There are just three weeks to go now until the Scottish parliamentary elections. Polls continue to show a clear majority for independence parties on May 6, and a consistent majority in favour of independence.

    Demographic trends would seem to suggest that SNP might do well to give it another five years, ie. hold the referendum toward the end of the coming administration. There seems to be no compelling reason to rush it.

    > Scottish independence ‘inevitable’ as new poll puts Yes in the lead

    Independence is “inevitable” – that’s the conclusion drawn by a major Yes organisation after it commissioned a new poll on the constitutional question. The Believe in Scotland survey, carried out by Panelbase, found 51% of Scots back independence, while 49% are opposed once undecided respondents were excluded. It is the latest in a series of polls in the last few weeks to record a narrow Yes lead after a slight dip in support for independence at the start of the year.

    Perhaps most strikingly, the research found a whopping 72% of 16 to 35-year-olds want to leave the Union. An even larger proportion (77%) of females within that age category back Yes. A Believe in Scotland statement reads: “The age demographics point to it simply being a matter of time before Scotland becomes independent. “If young voters were as likely to vote as older ones Yes would win by a large margin already, so if the Yes campaign in the next independence referendum can engage young voters and motivate them to vote then a Yes result is inevitable.”


    • Malcopian says:

      Scotland isn’t a proper country. It’s just a region of the UK. England, Wales, France and Germany are proper countries, because they each have their own language. Scotland only has Gaelic, which is spoken by a few grannies out on the tiny islands. Boris should tax the Scots for speaking English – a penny per word. That would teach them!

      As for Scotland becoming independent, what is its national animal again? Oh yes – a unicorn. Exactly!

    • Erdles says:

      No matter what you smoke, after 300 years of integration it is just not possible for Scotland to become independent.

    • Lidia17 says:

      Are they using Dominion voting machines?

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      > England needs independence ‘just as much as Scotland’, says top professor

      Scottish independence would benefit England and the other UK nations, a leading historian has said.

      Professor David Edgerton, a ­lecturer at King’s College London, told the European Conversations podcast that English politics are in the middle of a “profound crisis” and that a break-up of the UK is what the country needs.

      Edgerton said that he believes all four nations of the UK would benefit from a “new democratic settlement” and that England needs to have a ­“crisis of authority” before it can move forward.

      “I’m optimistic, in as much as I think there’s a good chance that Scotland, Northern Ireland and even Wales will want to break away. I think what the English state, if I call it that, needs is an overt crisis of ­authority to overtake it, and I think that would follow from the breakup of the United Kingdom.

      “England needs to liberate itself from the Anglo-UK state just as much as Scotland and Northern Ireland and Wales do.

      “I think we need a new democratic settlement; I think we need a new conception of Britain’s place in the world, I think fundamentally we need a new sort of political class as well,” Edgerton added.


  26. NomadicBeer says:

    you used to post in The Oil Drum.
    Do you remember the days when the majority of the comments would be dominated by a small group of people that agreed? They presented an apocalyptic view of the future with sudden collapse after the oil peak, cannibalism and nuclear holocaust?

    I was one of the people that actually believed that – most people that disagreed just stopped posting after a while (maybe they were called “80 IQ” like FE does to me). So I could rarely see disagreeing views (I know you are one of the people with a different perspective, but I ignored your posts because most comments disagreed with you).

    The regular contributors – retired middle class people with nothing to do – loved the end-of-the-world, Guy McPheson style collapse. They lived a spoiled life based on destruction of ecosystem and limited fossil fuels. Believing in apocalypse allows people to continue to live like kings and ignore future generations.

    The reason I am posting this is I don’t want other people to be misled. I gave up on debating when people use personal attacks or assume that I am a spoiled first-worlder like them.
    So if there are younger people out there, expand your reading horizons and if you have questions, ask Gail or find a first generation immigrant from the third world and ask practical questions.

    Thank you

    • Thanks, Nomadic Beer!

      I think part of what attracted people to The Oil Drum was the possibility that oil prices would go up and up, and they could perhaps make money speculating in oil price. Another idea was (and still is) that gold prices will rise, and people can make money speculating in gold.

      One idea I ran across was that most people would die off quickly, once the apocalypse hit. Those who had been properly prepared could somehow go forward, almost as before, with the lower population relative to resources.

      My views weren’t really peak oil views, even back then. Trying to run a blog with a volunteer staff is difficult.

      At least when I am doing this more by myself, I don’t have to get consensus on everything.

      There is question of how much of the comments I should cut off. I try to cut back on the personal attacks, but I haven’t been able to eliminate them completely. I don’t really like a commenter saying that someone else has an IQ of 80.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        ‘I don’t really like a commenter saying that someone else has an IQ of 80.’

        This censorship is horribly unfair to the hundreds of millions of people with IQs of 80 — or LESS! The implication is that such people are somehow worthless … imbecilic… useless feeders….

        Fast Eddy chose an arbitrary number in jest… 80 or 180… it’s all the same… there are plenty of humans with IQs well over 100 who are MOREons.. in fact MOST are …

        I would argue that the higher IQ the more likely one is to be illogical … because there is a correlation between higher IQ scores and conformity … because not rocking the boat and doing what your told (from an early age) combined with ‘intelligence’ = MONEY…. and humans LUV MONEY!!!

        I assume it would be ok if I were to accuse Nomadic of having a 180IQ? That surely would make him feel better — (even though he should take that as a severe insult….)… and the Censors should ok that? (even though that confirms the censors condescending attitude towards those with 80ish IQs… oh those poor stoopid 80 IQers… let’s ask Bob Geldof to raise money to pay for classes where they can learn to tie their shoes and chew gum)…

        Fast Eddy can work with this…. it’s all rather moot when the bar is set at 1000 … and anything below that does not get you a day pass to The Club…

        Overheard at the Bar at the 1000 IQ Club last night …

        So I ran into this guy I went to school with the other day… and he was going on and on about his daughter… apparently she’s ‘gifted’…. oh ya? Ya she’s got an IQ of 200…. so she’s qualified for Special Ed then????

    • Kowalainen says:

      “They lived a spoiled life based on destruction of ecosystem and limited fossil fuels. Believing in apocalypse allows people to continue to live like kings and ignore future generations.”

      Right, isn’t that convenient? Full bore up the Seneca and then crash boom bang – oblivion. FSCK the biosphere…

      They are the unfettered self entitled princesses of IC, the worst of the worst of rapacious primate expressions. And once the threat of a ‘cull’ is on the horizon, the finger of blame points at Billy G and Klaus et. al.

      The only sensible stance is that it begins and ends with just one person. Indeed that person is:


      Vaxx ‘em up real good after scanning their online filth and creating proper extermination lists based on that trash.




    • Very Far Frank says:

      I’m a young person, and as far as I can see, the fundamentals haven’t changed.

      You don’t have to be sheltered or spoiled to come to the conclusion that fast collapse is the most likely conclusion, given the variables at play. We’re still in a geometric growth pattern, and the resources that growth is derived from are still material, and umambiguously finite.

      Our civilisation is more complex than ever; more dependent than ever on working supply chains and just-in-time delivery. The primary energy sources are still fossil fuels, and we have categorically passed the peak of new discoveries.

      I’m sure there have been people on theoildrum that are attracted by the romance of the apocalyptic, but there are others- like myself- that are primarily interested in signaling the risk of the situation we feel is inevitable.

      I’ve read diversely, and my conclusions remain the same. Collapse will likely result from our BAU run. The only real questions are ‘When?’ and ‘How fast’?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Yes.. there are those who will invent fantasy worlds… because they cannot handle the truth.

        Many welcome collapse — they believe it will return those who survive to a ‘World Made by Hand’… organic farmers… small communities… no blacks, Latinos or tattooed people (James despises people of colour and anyone with a tattoo — he seems to forget … a lot of the folks he admires… see J’s as the devil and they might pick up where Mr Hitler left off…)

        If the CEP fails… I envision collapse as a two stage process… 1. We get this https://www.quora.com/What-would-the-world-be-like-if-society-collapsed but this will only last as long as stockpiles of stuff remain … because nothing more will be produced — no ammo — no food — no medicine… no petrol….

        This stage would HORRIFIC. Let’s call it The Epoch of Ripping Faces Off .. extreme violence… rape…. disease.. cannibalism….

        The only survivors will be the violent gangs that would make a the drug cartels look like boy scouts… these people would be hardened killers without an ounce of pity for anyone… without a doubt they would be farming weaklings… breeding the women to produce more food… we are talking off the charts deviancy… think of the worst possible things a human can do … and these fellas would be on for that … x 1000… they would boil a baby in a pot of oil because they like crispy skin….

        But alas… all good things must end… and one day … The Epoch of the Sickness will arrive … their hair will fall out and their skin will slough off … they will vomit their guts out…. they will have no idea what is happening to them… they will try to appease the gods by sacrificing virgins… but the Sickness will continue… until every last human will perish…

        I am not sure what happens next because I have not had that Vision yet… quite possibly the Radiation will kill everything… and the Earth will turn into a dead rock… or after 50,000 years the Radiation will dissipate and there will be a Great Reset… of course there will be no humans .. the Earth learned from that f789 up… no more experiments…

        Could this be the Great (Green) Reset Trudeau and Time Magazine speak of?

        When the leak out of the PMO in Canada says ‘everyone should comply because it is in their interests’

        Do they mean — humans are a cancer on the planet — so it’s best we are eradicated so Mother Earth can Reset?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        And has Greta been sent by The Entity … to carry out this Extermination? Is she the one running the show?


      • DB says:

        Well said.

    • fast says:

      Sorry I meant 180… not 80. 80 …. 180 … vs 1000… it’s still a massive gap

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Sounds like Y2K!

  27. hillcountry says:

    Copied comment from another blog that covers some Gain-of-Function and Fort Detrick changes.

    List of Event 201 “players”:

    Brad Connet, President of Henry Schein’s U.S. Medical Group

    Adrian Thomas, Vice President Global Public Health at Johnson & Johnson

    Christopher Elias, President of the Global Development Program of Gates Foundation, adviser of the U.S. CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

    Tim Evans, formerly World Bank Group, WHO, Rockefeller Foundation, co-founder of GAVI

    Avril Haines, formerly Deputy Director CIA

    Jane Halton, later member of Australia’s COVID-19 Coordination Commission in March 2020

    Matthew Harington, CEO of Edelman, the world’s biggest PR and marketing consultancy firm

    George Fu Gao, Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control

    Steven Redd, Incident Commander of CDC’s swine flu response (including vaccination of 81 million US citizens) in 2009 / 2010.

    Sofia Borges, Vice President of the UN foundation

    Hasti Taghi, Vice President & Executive Advisor, NBCUniversal Media

    Eduardo Martinez, WEF’s “Managing the Risk and Impact of Future Epidemics Steering Committee.

    Dr. Martinez also serves on the UN Global Logistics Cluster’s Logistics Emergency Team Steering Council (…) and he serves on the Executive Committee of IMPACT 2030, a business-led coalition to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and on the Board of UN’s public-private sector coalition innovation incubator, Global Humanitarian Lab.

    Latoya Abbott, Marriott International

    Martin Knuchel, Lufthansa Group

    Lavan Thiru, “Monetary Authority” of Singapore

    Intelligence, media, public health NGO, and business all represented.

    I hadn’t noticed Avril Haines the first time I looked at this list five months ago!
    Guess that name became relevant again in a big way. Just amazing.

    • This all gets disturbing when a person realizes how many people have been involved, for how long, with “germ warfare” and “bioweapons” and “potential responses to bioweapons.”

      I think germ warfare started in the 1980s with the Russians and anthrax investigations. Now it seems to be a whole lot of countries, coming from a number of different organizations, realizing how an epidemic would affect them.

      Lufthansa Group is an airline group. Marriott International is a hotel group. Both of them had figured out that a pandemic would be very damaging to them, I expect.

      [Edit]: I am probably wrong about the Russians being first. I looked up Fort Detrick in Wikipedia.

      Historically, Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the discontinuation of that program, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program.

      In August 2019, its deadly germ research operations were abruptly shutdown following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials.

      • Dave Gutknecht says:

        U.S. chemical-biological warfare began in Korean War, 1950 onwards — subject of course to much secrecy and censorship. Some documents still coming out after years of efforts, but the above conclusion is clear. Then of course we conducted more CBW on a horrific scale in Southeast Asia in 1960s-1970s, only somewhat less hidden, and still having consequences for subsequent generations.

      • wratfink says:

        They changed the program from biological weapons to biological defense?

        Sure they did…the same way they changed the Department of War to the Department of Defense. Sounds so much more acceptable to the public but the goals remain the same.

      • jj says:

        disposing of hazardous materials via sending them

        General delivery
        wuhan city

        Not best practice

  28. hillcountry says:

    Big Pharma uses Big Tobacco’s strategy to defeat Ivermectin


    Doctors across the nation continue to employ both drugs in an antiviral cocktail comprised of HCQ, Ivermectin, Zinc and Vitamin D. In particular, former Harvard professor and NIH researcher Dr. George Fareed of the Imperial Valley has published on this approach and enjoyed remarkable success.


    He and his associate, Dr. Brian Tyson, have treated over 5,000 COVID-19 patients with only two deaths. Dr. Fareed pioneered the first HIV clinic in Brawley, California, and notes that the cocktail approach was necessary and became the standard of care in such conditions as HIV and HCV. He feels it is also essential with COVID-19.

  29. el mar says:

    CEP -Evidence for Fast-Eddy and all:



    Meluzzi: World War, the Gnostic elite shuts down the human
    Written on 14/4/21 • in the Category: ideas

    There is a great, powerful intellectual elite, born around a world between the 1500s and 1600s: in Elizabethan England, in The Rosacroce Germany, in the France of the pre-Enlightenment. A fundamentally Gnostic elite, who think there is an elitist knowledge that makes some men “more men than others”, freer than others, and worthy (for sapiential, scientific or pseudo-scientific reasons) to rule the world.

    As the history books teach us, from the Encyclopédie French to the American Revolution (also passing through Freemasonry and the Scientific Revolution), this elite gives rise to what I call the four great revolutions. The French revolution destroys the former ruling class, made up of clergy and aristocracy, and gives rise to a domination of the world of the productive and capitalist bourgeoisie: and this in America is even more accentuated.Then there is a second revolution – the industrial revolution, well analysed by Marx – which takes place mainly in England, but also incontinental Europe, and destroys peasant society. Then there is a third revolution, which takes place immediately after the Second World War, and through the culture of the “aquarium society”, sixty-eight, sexual liberation, destroys the family.

    And now we have entered the fourth revolution: the one that must “algorithmize”, robotize, separate human beings through a dimension of physical and social distancing. It must destroy the dimensions of the difference between the sexes, between peoples and cultures, ethnic groups and religions. And to give us a single monad-man, isolated as an atom, connected to a computer, “algorithmized” and “dataized”, and precisely for this reason – in a globalized world – much more easily governable does this same Gnostic elite that has ruled the world for a long time. It is an elite that I know in part, and perhaps I can also appreciate some aspects of it.

    Of course, I am horrified to think that there are some who deny others knowledge of reality, and who think that – if this were to happen, in democracy – there would be irremediable chaos. So now there has to be the Great Reset, there must be the things that were said in Davos, those present in the so-called “Agenda 2030”, which provide for the destruction of private property, the annihilation of the traditional family, the algorithmization of man, and this class – Gnostic – that more easily governs the reduction of consumption, starting with that of energy, the so-called “green revolution”, the birth rate (true obsession with Malthusianism expressed by the Club of Rome).

    And they will get there: just look at this year how much births have decreased, in Italy and In Europe. Will they be right? Will they be wrong? Will they be tomorrow’s ecologists?These Gnostics will lead us to happiness, in a planet no longer inhabited by 6-7 billion human beings but, as they say, by no more than a billion and a half? We’ll see. Of course, we cannot pretend that this is not going on. And we cannot pretend that this does not translate into economic and political facts. And we cannot think that those who currently rule the world (and Italy, from Draghi down) are not bound to these international powers: if they were not, they simply would not be there.

    Anyone who tries to deviate from this line is destined for annihilation, or attempted annihilation. At the cost of appearing too apocalyptic, I would like to remind everyone that the winds of a Third World War are now being announced which, as Soros said, must start in Ukraine. And we’re getting closer to that, believe me: American ships are entering the Black Sea. Putin is certainly an obstacle to these designs, for the simple fact in an Orthodox nation, which does not want to be trampled underfoot. In some ways, even Erdogan is an obstacle.

    Trump’s defeat in the United States has opened the door to an infinite demon, which is the “dem,” “radical” and politically correct American world, who is ready to deploy missiles to affirm gender culture. We cannot pretend that this Gnostic elite is not ruling our world. China has already made close agreements, with this Gnostic-globalist elite, while Russia has not.

    The Islamic world? It is broken into at least three sections: one is represented by the Turkish “sultan”, another by the Arab world (the one that Renzi likes so much) and a third by the Iranian world. Then there is the rest of the Third World: Africa, now largely bought by the Chinese, and Latin America is taxed by the United States. Europe is a pot of snzel between iron pots, destined to some extent to be dismembered. Current economic and health policies are also moving in this direction.

    But I repeat: the destruction of private property, the middle class, the small economy of craftsmen and professionals is well planned. You will no longer have to go to dinner in the trattoria under the house, but to the fast food of a multinational chain. Coffee is no longer taken at the bar under the house, but at a Starbucks in an international chain. Lifeguards will no longer have to be lifeguards, but there must be the Bolkenstein directive, which sells beaches through international competitions.

    That is: power must be centralized, by the Gnostic elite. So you can’t let children see other children, they have to stay at home. The craftsman cannot be allowed to pull up the shutter. Everyone cannot be allowed to own their own home, because the house will have to be managed “for use”, with an income established by a computer, so that no one is free to do what they want. This is the scenario they have in mind. It may be a beautiful scenery. They did a commercial, “Agenda 2030,” in which a poor girl (Danish, I think) says, “I don’t own anything anymore and I don’t have privacy anymore, but I’ve never been so happy.” As if to say: a preparation campaign has already begun, compared to this design. If we do not understand that this is the objective, we will not even be able to try to defend ourselves. Or, if we like it, let’s keep it.

    You only have to read what Schäuble said at the Davos Forum last year to understand that these things are written in books, not in simple documents: and it makes an impression that you do not even want to try to read them. Let’s be clear: what Draghi will decide has already been decided in Davos. Does the Minister of Leghista Giorgetti understand this, or is he also part of the same round? Is he also functional to this design? And Giorgia Meloni? Are you functional on the floor, too? What about Salvini himself? I want to know, having to choose who to vote for. It is difficult to deviated from the conformist logic of power.

    The things I tell, believe me, expose you to unimaginable risks. I can no longer talk about vaccines, because I am afraid I am being disbarred by the Order of Doctors (and I still need to work, as a doctor). If you’ve noticed, they don’t invite me on television anymore. It also happens, for example, to Diego Fusaro. The line now is to make us crazy. And now, get ready for containers: the 8,000 containers, for each region, reserved for dissenters (another thing that is before everyone’s eyes: setting up refugee camps for who knows what catastrophe; camps exactly like those prepared in Canada and China, and that should probably serve to isolate the infections: the idea that concentration camps are being set up, in Italy, I find it a terrifying prospect, and the worst thing is that no one talks about it).

    The Church itself is ruled by the Bergoglian Jesuits, and therefore the Catholic world is zero. However, I trust in faith, and also in that good and holy part of that elected people of Israel, which in “recent times” will play a very important role. Salvation will come from the Jews: those who have instead chosen power – fake science, fake wisdom, fake gnosis, Arbatax and lucifer’s power – will, I hope, be plunged into the flames of nothingness. (Alessandro Meluzzi, statements made to Roberto Maggi on “Radio Padania Libera” on April 11, 2021).

    There is a great, powerful intellectual elite, born around a world between the 1500s and 1600s: in Elizabethan England, in The Rosacroce Germany, in the France of the pre-Enlightenment. A fundamentally Gnostic elite, who think there is an elitist knowledge that makes some men “more men than others”, freer than others, and worthy (for sapiential, scientific or pseudo-scientific reasons) to rule the world. As the history books teach us, from the Encyclopédie French to the American Revolution (also passing through Freemasonry and the Scientific Revolution), this elite gives rise to what I call the four great revolutions. The French revolution destroys the former ruling class, made up of clergy and aristocracy, and gives rise to a domination of the world of the productive and capitalist bourgeoisie: and this in America is even more accentuated.

    Then there is a second revolution – the industrial revolution, well analysed by Marx – which takes place mainly in England, but also incontinental Europe, and destroys peasant society. Then there is a third revolution, which takes place immediately after the Second World War, and through the culture of the “aquarium society”, sixty-eight, sexual liberation, destroys the family. And now we have entered the fourth revolution: the one that must “algorithmize”, robotize, separate human beings through a dimension of physical and social distancing. It must destroy the dimensions of the difference between the sexes, between peoples and cultures, ethnic groups and religions. And give us a single monad-man, isolated like an atom, connected to a computer, “algorithmized” and “dataized”, and precisely for this reason – in a globalized world – much more easily governable by this same Gnostic elite that has ruled the world for a long time.Alessandro Meluzzi

    It is an elite that I know in part, and perhaps I can also appreciate some aspects of it. Of course, I am horrified to think that there are some who deny others knowledge of reality, and who think that – if this were to happen, in democracy – there would be irremediable chaos. So now there must be the Great Reset, there must be the things that were said in Davos, those in the so-called “Agenda 2030”, which involve the destruction of private property, the annihilation of the traditional family, the algorithmization of man. And this class – Gnostic – that more easily governs the reduction of consumption, starting from that of energy, wants the so-called “green revolution” and also the birth rate (true obsession of Malthusianism expressed by the Club of Rome). And they will get there: just look at this year how much births have decreased, in Italy and In Europe. Will they be right? Will they be wrong? Will they be tomorrow’s ecologists?

    These Gnostics will lead us to happiness, in a planet no longer inhabited by 6-7 billion human beings but, as they say, by no more than a billion and a half? We’ll see. Of course, we cannot pretend that this is not going on. And we cannot pretend that this does not translate into economic and political facts. And we cannot think that those who currently rule the world (and Italy, from Draghi down) are not bound to these international powers: if they were not, they simply would not be there. Anyone who tries to deviate from this line is destined for annihilation, or attempted annihilation. At the cost of appearing too apocalyptic, I would like to remind everyone that the winds of a Third World War are now being announced which, as Soros said, must start in Ukraine. And we’re getting closer to that, believe me: American ships are entering the Black Sea.Truppe russe schierate al confine con l’Ucraina

    Putin is certainly an obstacle to these designs, for the simple reason that he is rooted in an Orthodox nation, which does not want to be trampled underfoot. In some ways, even Erdogan is an obstacle. Trump’s defeat in the United States has opened the door to an infinite demon, which is the “dem,” “radical” and politically correct American world, who is ready to deploy missiles to affirm gender culture. We cannot pretend that this Gnostic elite is not ruling our world. China has already made close agreements, with this Gnostic-globalist elite, while Russia has not. The Islamic world? It is broken into at least three sections: one is represented by the Turkish “sultan”, another by the Arab world (the one that Renzi likes so much) and a third by the Iranian world. Then there is the rest of the Third World: Africa, now largely bought by the Chinese, and Latin America is taxed by the United States. Europe isa pot of snzel between iron pots, destined to some extent to be dismembered.

    Current economic and health policies are also moving in this direction. But I repeat: the destruction of private property, the middle class, the small economy of craftsmen and professionals is well planned. You will no longer have to go to dinner in the trattoria under the house, but to the fast food of a multinational chain. Coffee will no longer be taken at the bar under the house, but at a Starbucks of an international chain. Lifeguards will no longer have to be lifeguards, but there must be the Bolkenstein directive, which sells beaches through international competitions. That is: power must be centralized, by the Gnostic elite. So you can’t let children see other children, they have to stay at home. The craftsman cannot be allowed to pull up the shutter. Everyone cannot be allowed to own their own home, because the house will have to be managed “for use”, with an income established by a computer, so that no one is free to do what they want.Wolfgang Schäuble

    This is the scenario they have in mind. It may be a beautiful scenery. They did a commercial, “Agenda 2030,” in which a poor girl (Danish, I think) says, “I don’t own anything anymore and I don’t have privacy anymore, but I’ve never been so happy.” As if to say: a preparation campaign has already begun, compared to this design. If we do not understand that this is the objective, we will not even be able to try to defend ourselves. Or, if we like it, let’s keep it. You only have to read what Schäuble said at the Davos Forum last year to understand that these things are written in books, not in simple documents: and it makes an impression that you do not even want to try to read them. Let’s be clear: what Draghi will decide has already been decided in Davos. Does the Minister of Leghista Giorgetti understand this, or is he also part of the same round? Is he also functional to this design? And Giorgia Meloni? Are you functional on the floor, too? What about Salvini himself? I want to know, having to choose who to vote for. It is difficult to deviated from the conformist logic of power.Draghi

    The things I tell, believe me, expose you to unimaginable risks. I can no longer talk about vaccines, because I am afraid I am being disbarred by the Order of Doctors (and I still need to work, as a doctor). If you’ve noticed, they don’t invite me on television anymore. It also happens, for example, to Diego Fusaro. The line now is to make us crazy. And now, get ready for containers: the 8,000 containers, for each region, reserved for dissenters (another thing that is before everyone’s eyes: setting up refugee camps for who knows what catastrophe; camps exactly like those prepared in Canada and China, and that should probably serve to isolate the infections: the idea that concentration camps are being set up, in Italy, I find it a terrifying prospect, and the worst thing is that no one talks about it).

    The Church itself is ruled by the Bergoglian Jesuits, and therefore the Catholic world is zero. However, I trust in faith, and also in that good and holy part of that elected people of Israel, which in “recent times” will play a very important role. Salvation will come from the Jews: those who have instead chosen power – fake science, fake wisdom, fake gnosis, Arbatax and lucifer’s power – will, I hope, be plunged into the flames of nothingness.

    (Alessandro Meluzzi, statements made to Roberto Maggi on “Radio Padania Libera” on April 11, 2021). [Note: Portion above is a quote, edited by Gail to add paragraph breaks.]

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    Meluzzi: lockdown until July 2021, is a worldwide design
    Hell: mandatory microchip and tso-imposed vaccines

    • Kowalainen says:

      “Destroying livelihoods of craftsmen”.

      Not something I observe.

      I see, you think a barista and a hotel receptionist is a “craftsman”. Oh no, that is service personnel.

      Clearly providing mass produced cheap ‘an nasty useless services and jank for a mostly unemployable populace has run its course. It is peak oil, peak debt and peak uselessness combined.

      What exactly did you expect to happen? When shit is to good to be true, it isn’t, yet you indulged in it, perfectly aware of the world being finite.

      Now, is this the only due course of action? Clearly it isn’t. There is a breadth of trajectories that ultimately converges. But why make shit complicated and harder to control. The herd and herders is an easy concept. We are primates after all.

      • Xabier says:

        Craftsmanship died about 50-60 years ago, in the sense of every village having its blacksmith, boot-maker, and so on.

        The first wave of that die-off occurred just before WW1.

        Most of the craftsmen of today are like the last few remnants of a species held in a zoo, and failing to reproduce.

        ‘Artisan coffee’ is just hilarious!

        • Kowalainen says:

          The tools of the trade evolve over time. With modern era ‘craftsmen/women I obviously mean machine operators, programmers, welders, roughnecks, etc.

          “Blacksmiths”? Give me a break.


    • Xabier says:

      Excellent article, El Mar, because it reminds us that there is a fully-articulated ideology behind this, whether ‘Gnostoc’ or not: it’s not just about elites trying to save themselves in the period of acute energy crisis which has dawned.

      And the ideology is their justification, impersonal and ‘pure’.

      If they are, as we must suspect by their actions, , aiming at mass-sterilisation, accelerating the inevitable deaths of the elderly, etc, they might well even regard themselves as virtuous, and not as mere murderers.

      The same would apply to their plans to abolish – for most, not all – private property in favour of the ‘rational’ management of resources and property by a centralised directorate.

      Having started implementation in late 2019, they will not retreat. The first stage has gone very well indeed.

    • Thierry says:

      Well, I don’t think our elite was born around 1500 or 1600. I guess this is much, much older.
      Their belief is a strange mix between the religions of the origins when humans were still half hunter gatherers. Occultism and magic, yes, but what they show us (Lucifer and so on) looks like a facade. But what do I know?
      Salvation? No one will come, for sure, Jews or anyone else. Faith is always naive and leads to deception.
      And, after all, what’s the point? Humanity has happily burnt all the FF that they could during 200 years, and now the party is over, so what? Do we have to regret it? What do we leave behind us? A sick planet inhabited by sick humans? I would like to say, “so much the better”, and stop your insanity stupid humans! fade out and give a chance to life, another kind of life, to thrive. Amen!

      • The strange thing is that the Earth has managed to survive for 4 billion years. It has taken an amazing string of coincidences to allow this to happen. Our ecosystem is a self-organizing system that works amazingly well. I found the book “Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe” by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, published in 2003, very insightful.

        I find it hard to believe that the Earth could exist without some kind of literal Higher Power. This Higher Power keeps the Universe expanding. Creation is a continuous process; it takes place through an amazing series of what to us seem like strange coincidences. I doubt that any one of the religions has more than partial glimpse of how this Higher Power behaves.

        We don’t really know what is ahead, even when the indications seem to be crystal clear.

        • Artleads says:

          Many thanks for this POV. I’m running on these inspiring principles these days. But I’d put ‘trying’ and doing ‘what feels right or good’ into the mix. We have no idea what the results will be, but from hindsight, they seem to add interest and excitement to the world. There might be some correspondence between a higher power and our microscopic understandings.

        • Thierry says:

          Thanks Gail, I agree that “Our ecosystem is a self-organizing system that works amazingly well” but don’t forget that there have been several mass extinctions and what we see today is the result of those extinctions. Each one allowed the possibility of a new ecosystem and this is what we are living in. Humanity is probably a brief period of time leading to the next extinction (which has already begun, in the oceans and in our countrysides). Of course you are right, we don’t know what is ahead.
          If you believe in the Higher Power then maybe life is not so much uncommon. I tend to believe that there is life on many planets, the last 20 years discoveries have completely changed our perception of planetary systems.

        • Robert Firth says:

          Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit,
          Als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten;
          Sie fallen mit verneinender Gebärde.

          Und in den Nächten fällt die schwere Erde
          Aus allen Sternen in die Einsamkeit.
          Wir alle fallen. Diese Hand da fällt.
          Und sieh dir andre an: es ist in allen.

          Und doch ist Einer, welcher dieses Fallen
          Unendlich sanft in seinen Händen hält.

          Reiner Maria Rilke (1875 to 1926), Herbst.

      • Robert Firth says:

        Obligatory reference: Carl Gustav Jung: ‘Septem Sermones ad Mortuos’. By which I think he meant ‘Ad mortuos sermones septem’; but then, his German is also often cringeworthy.

        It is a commentary on the Gnostic teaching of Basilides; an easy enough endeavour, since nothing that person wrote has survived. But it provides good insight into the more recent forms of Gnosticism.

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Slight nitpick: the Rosicrucian manifestos appeared on Bohemia. If they had inspired a revolution, it would have been based on esoteric Protestantism.

      • Robert Firth says:

        Quite correct, Bei Dawei. In the ‘Fama Fraternitatis’ of 1614. Supposedly founded by one Christian Rosenkreus (modern ‘kreuz’), in my view an invention intended to hide the sexual symbolism of the order’s name.

        They also copied the “Doctrine of Concealment” from the Shabbateans, pretending to observe the state religion while practicing their own. So their protestantism was probably a sham, to be discarded when they had achieved supreme power. Which, fortunately, they never did.

        Perhaps a comforting thought: when secret, occult societies cease to be secret, they usually dissolve in civil war, as every potential leader tries to “out Thetan” his rivals in the struggle for power. Because that is what Gnosis is really about: power.

      • Xabier says:

        Perfectly correct, the Rosy Cross Brotherhood were esoteric Protestant Christians.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I rule nothing out however…

      This would appear to be a serious obstacle


      The book called The Elders of Zion is worth reading… here’s a short summary .. and note … the Fed came into existence in 1913….

      The Protocols Of Zion
      Published 1903

      * Place our agents and helpers everywhere
      * Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
      * Start fights between different races, classes and religions
      * Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
      * Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
      * Appeal to successful people’s egos
      * Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
      * Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
      * Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
      * Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
      * Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
      * Rewrite history to our benefit
      * Create entertaining distractions
      * Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
      * Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
      * Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
      * Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
      * Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
      * Replace sound investment with speculation
      * Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
      * Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

      “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild

      “Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

      “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

      “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

      “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

      The fact that Henry Ford later recanted… is in itself confirmation of the power of the Elders…


    • Fast Eddy says:

      Oh so the vaccines are useless then…

  30. Hubbs says:

    And for yet another bizarre thought in an ever increasing bizarre world:

    If any genetic studies need urgent attention, it would be to see if there is a genetic component to narcissitic sociopathy (narcopathy). I have heard that there is about 2-3% prevalence of sociopaths in the population. The trait must have survival value especially against the paradoxical back drop of cooperation and community altruism which also have survival value. For instance, the advent of song and dance have indirect survival value in that they promote a sense of community which encourages formation of tribes – the equivalent of prides in lions or pods in dolphins. Yet both of these are species capable of extreme cruelty and violent behavior.

    The initial question would be whether sociopathy is a learned behavior or does it have a genetic predisposition which would generate a 2-3% replenishment into society, dooming us?

    A good place to start would be with the cuckoo bird, who by deception lays its egg in the reef warbler’s nest and whose hatchling which hatches at an accelerated rate then pushes out the warbler’s eggs. This is very similar behavior of politicians who basically push the citizens out of their nests by usurping their lives and then commanding all their resources into sustaining the government, just like the oversized ravenous cuckoo chick. A huge percentage are former lawyers who in my experience are not only incompetent and parasitic, but lie and deceive. My experience was narrated in my memoirs (the booked bombed) published by Archway under the pen name Bryce Sterling. CEOs and bankers may have this trait too.

    What part of the genome contributes to this behavior in the cuckoo bird compared to regular nesting birds?

    • Kowalainen says:

      You are confusing cruelty with predation. It is akin to considering a human cruel for boiling and eating potatoes. I don’t think a lion feel much anything when it kills a gazelle. Another day, another meal.

      Humans however, clearly indulges in acts of heinous cruelty and abuse. Ever felt schadenfreude? There it is.

      The lion and dolphin simply has no choice than to kill beings that can feel pain. They also do that to hone their skills. Predation is ultimately beneficial for the prey. And death is in most cases swift. See for example the Calhoun experiment: “rat utopia”.

      Isn’t it weird that there exist zero cases of humans falling victim to attacks from dolphin species in the wild? I doubt they’d eat us even when starving. I guess it’s not their thing to kill beings that can look them in the eyes and understand that something mesmerizing is going on behind those eyes. The abyss that stares back.

      Eating animals for the sake of eating animals is of course cruel and serves no purpose, it is merely causing suffering for nothing.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Vegans are ok with killing and eating plants…. they even steam and boil them…

        But if you kill and eat an animal…well…

        Of course they say plants don’t feel pain… oh? Did the plants tell them to go ahead and steam me… I don’t feel it….

        I am going to start a new cult — members are only allowed to eat whatever is already dead… they cannot kill anything… we’ll call it the Cult of Road Kill…. in the interests of a balanced diet they can also dumpster dive and eat whatever they find in the bins….

        Ohm Shanti Mutherf789ers!

        • Azure Kingfisher says:

          “I’m a level-five vegan. I won’t eat anything that casts a shadow.”
          ―Jesse Grass


        • Bei Dawei says:

          At one point there was a “Fruitarian” movement which would only eat those parts of the plant that the plant willingly surrendered.

          There were also “Breatharians.” I think they’re still on the internet somewhere.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            no, real Breatharians don’t last on the internet more than about a few weeks.

        • Kowalainen says:

          Last time I cooked my rice, I swear I could hear cries of agony.

          When there is a choice between stuffing your mouth with refined mineral (plants and veggies) and sentient mineral (refined mineral with a nervous system)

          Choose the plants. Not doing so is an act of cruelty and hedonism.


          • Fast Eddy says:

            This is an outstanding read

            The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World

            In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben shares his deep love of woods and forests and explains the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed in the woodland and the amazing scientific processes behind the wonders of which we are blissfully unaware.

            Much like human families, tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, and support them as they grow, sharing nutrients with those who are sick or struggling and creating an ecosystem that mitigates the impact of extremes of heat and cold for the whole group.

            As a result of such interactions, trees in a family or community are protected and can live to be very old. In contrast, solitary trees, like street kids, have a tough time of it and in most cases die much earlier than those in a group.

            Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities; he describes how these discoveries have informed his own practices in the forest around him. As he says, a happy forest is a healthy forest, and he believes that eco-friendly practices not only are economically sustainable but also benefit the health of our planet and the mental and physical health of all who live on Earth.


            • Ed says:

              in other words “it takes a village”

            • Kowalainen says:

              Haha, yes. It makes much sense having a sensory apparatus that can feel pain and suffering when you can’t goddamned move.

              Like, for example, trees feels fuck all since they cannot move away from the axe of mankind. But hey, we gotta clear some trees so we can grow soybeans for feeding livestock that we then eat after some heavy thermodynamic losses in the range of 80-90%

              What is tragicomic for reasonable human beings without the sanctimonious hypocrisy-o-meter cranked to 11, is the perpetual whataboutism of meat eaters, and self entitled princesses of IC going full bore over the Seneca. Repeat after me:


              Indeed it, not they, are the


              Something like that.


        • Xabier says:

          Vegans conveniently ignore the fact that all intensive agriculture -which is what feeds them in the cities in which most of them live – is reliant on hunting and killing, fencing off or poisoning, all animal competitors for the crops; and that, without fossil fuels, it would rely on ‘enslaved’ animals to plough, transport the harvest, etc.

          And if they take supplements to counter the well-known deficiencies of the pure Vegan diet, they also rely on industrial processes which are, in sum total,ecocidal.

          A philosophy built on fantasy. The triumph of emotion over reason.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Except for the little die hard truth that most agricultural land is used for feeding animals with some 80-90% thermodynamic losses along its way from crop to steak. It is much more efficient to eat the crop directly without that redundant conversion step. Irrefutable fact 1.

            To put it simply, if everyone switched to a vegan diet. Some 80-90% of the agricultural land would be freed for, gee, dunno. Nature perhaps. Irrefutable fact 2.

            And the usual BS that vegans are malnutritioned, give me a break. Been on a vegan diet plus cranked out some 40km’s vigorously on a daily basis. Now try doing that while malnutritioned. Or better even, on a so called LCHF/paleo/Atkins diet. Yup, good luck. Yup, irrefutable fact 3.

            So there wasn’t much of an argument when closely scrutinizing the usual whataboutism after all.


        • Xabier says:

          Eat the brain-dead, too? What a feast awaits us!

          • Antonio Franco says:

            I’m a ‘vegan’. I kill mosquitoes.. I know agricultural techniques kill lots of small animals. I just try to avoid unnecessary suffering, I’m sorry for the harm caused. I try not to kill the sentient beings that I can avoid to kill. Nothing more, nothing less.

            There is an old saying which goes like this: “if you have to kill for eating, do it with love. And if you can’t do it with love, at least do it with beauty”. No love nor beauty whatsoever in this world..

      • Duncan Idaho says:

        Isn’t it weird that there exist zero cases of humans falling victim to attacks from dolphin species in the wild?
        I spearfished for a living for a while.
        I’ve had dolphins get agro on me, even physical bumping (bottlenose are the worse).
        They are also killers, of other dolphins.
        But generally not a problem.
        I took Japanese dolphin watching, and it was a good gig.

        • Kowalainen says:

          I could easily see that if a dolphin opened my refrigerator and started to rummage around, flippers flapping, the beans and juice splashing all over the place, in search of some fish.

          The bottlenose probably thought: “Hey obnoxious land dweller, stop taking my goddamned food and clumsily dabbling with the “delicate” marine ecosystem”


    • Fast Eddy says:

      Why is it the term sociopath carries derogatory connotations?

      Fast Eddy would argue that sociopathy is to a great extend the natural state of a human… (humans in their natural state are to a limited extent caring … and they try to get along with others in the tribe)

      Whereas koombaya drum banging (snowflakism) is a mostly unnatural state… a learned state…

      There are reasons why snowflakes do not run successful businesses…. we have some people working for us in the Philippines (customer service roles – work from home)… we pay them more than the average wage + they get to work from home… (or from the local bar — we don’t care so long as they get the job done)…. this is a Dream Job over there.

      One of our managers (snowflake) raised the issue of their relatively meager salaries… that didn’t get much traction when I said they make more than a qualified nurse and more than the average of others in the industry… and if they are underpaid they’d move on….

      I joked (well not really I was serious) that anyone who wanted to help out these poor folks could set up a donation box and contribute 10% of these salaries (this guy was on 200k+ per year… so 10% would be significant)… no takers — of course not!

      Just like the snowflakes remain silent when I offer to help them green the plant by cutting their salaries so they won’t buy so much stuff….

      Just like when I found out we were PAYING some jack ass to pick up the recycling box and dispose of it — I immediately terminated that (‘if it made sense it would be free — if we are paying they are incinerating it — or worse — dumping it in the ocean’)… a bit of wailing and moaning … they got over it

      Anyway — you can see why snowflakes are not allowed near the cockpit… they can peer in through the locked anti-snowflake door… but that’s it…

      Cuz if Koombayaist thinking were allowed to permeate an organization it would weaken the organization … and cause it to be uncompetitive and ultimately result in collapse….

      This is also why the Elders only hire sociopaths… if you apply make sure to mention you have read The Prince… and Ayn Rand… and you are HUGE fans….

      Vegans don’t get the headman role in tribes either….

      • GBV says:

        Any chance your organization has any need for a recently graduated Canadian electrical engineering technician with a strong customer service / administrative background? I can do wonders with PLCs and VFDs (assuming that the place of business is set up exactly like the labs at my school…) 😀

        I don’t know if my lady would be too happy about it though. She spent a decade working her way out of PH and HK to get to Canada and get residency, only for me to drag her back home…


        • Fast Eddy says:

          Most of our staff is in Hong Kong with all tech support in Belarus and a bit of low level CS in the Philippines.. We have a hiring freeze in place… in any event, we primarily employ engineers who are involved in web dev and network support…

  31. Yoshua says:

    “Nuclear power in the United States is provided by 94 commercial reactors with a net capacity of 96.6 gigawatts (GW), with 63 pressurized water reactors and 31 boiling water reactors. In 2019, they produced a total of 809.41 terawatt-hours of electricity,”

    So at any moment the nuclear reactors can provide 100 GW to the power grid. A TicTac UFO uses 10 times more at peak acceleration. Crazy stuff! (according to our science)

    A photon has mass.

    The loonies are right… it’s all about frequency.

  32. Mrs S says:

    This is a brilliant thread about the Great Reset.

    I really can’t recommend it highly enough. It explains an awful lot:


    • Sam says:

      This is why real estate is so crazy these days. I really think that they are pushing inflation as a way to get out of this mess what could go wrong?

      • Sam says:

        Mrs S I read the above link I think you give them way too much credit they are bumbling idiots in charge. I am starting to see government organizations doing cost-of-living adjustment therefore paying more to their employees. This will drive up wages if we just go up can oil go up? Everything that is going on right now is in the baby boomer favour so they are really excited about it I wanted to keep going. It crushes the other generation so

      • theblondbeast says:

        What goes wrong may be an inability to create inflation. If, for example, banks can’t make a profit from lending off their reserves then it doesn’t matter what central banks do to provide excess reserves. Negative rates can’t make unprofitable activity productive.


        • I expect that it will be more and more difficult to create cash flow, as well, if an increasing number of businesses collapse from lack of earnings and an increasing number of workers lose their jobs.

          The lack of actual goods and service available (empty shelf problem) will eventually become a problem, too.

          • theblondbeast says:

            I think we’ll see a lot of business collapse this year. We have not yet encountered problems such as (1) businesses that have been propped up by owners draining their savings in hopes of reopening, only to encounter a failure to recover to previous levels and now with no cushion, (2) the end of forbearance and unemployment programs. (3) the collapse of zombie corporations if rates increase temporarily, and the fallout on the corporate junk bond market which could collapse the banking system.

            It’s true we have seen commodity/input inflation and now producer price inflation. This will likely be followed by more consumer price inflation per the consensus narrative.

            However I think they get it wrong that this will lead to wage inflation, and can’t lead to hyper inflation at this point. If it becomes clear to most that the system is failing, leaders might try a “hail Mary” and change the laws in some way. This could produce hyper inflation. But I don’t think anybody can really predict how that may turn out.

            It seems like so far most national leaders are content to blame their rival party opponents. At the same time global wealthy people could be fairly characterized as oligarchs and are pushing the “hail Mary” narratives. Who knows how realistic are the concerns over how deep their influence goes? What could possibly be done about it if it’s true?

            • ssincoski says:

              Excellent summary. I agree wage inflation won’t be a problem (only the 1% and their PMC handlers will see increasing wealth).

          • Robert Firth says:

            Gail, once again, I believe you are correct. In an absence of supply, printing money serves merely further to suppress the velocity of money already in circulation. It adds nothing to the economy of production, but is all absorbed by the economy of speculation.

            And speculation in virtual tokens that can never be exchanged for real goods and services is a dead end.

        • Eudora says:

          I don’t know the banks are reporting record profit today….and the story on npr…ie national corporate radio is that the banks are going to release billions of money they were holding in case of default

          • theblondbeast says:

            Investment bank activity which is primarily wrapped up in stocks is different than other banking activities. Many small an mid-sized banks have been removed from the Russel 2000 last year. There is also a rotation out of tech stocks into “cyclicals” based on the consensus narrative of where we are in a market cycle which I think will be temporary.

            The loan/deposit ration is the lowest it has ever been since 1973. There is a good chart on page 3. https://hoisington.com/pdf/HIM2021Q1NP.pdf

            As always, we’ll see!

            • Eudora says:

              Good point! Thank you for your reply! There is so much going on right now it is hard to keep up. I am a small business owner and I am constantly getting notification for PPP loans! They want us to take them but I don’t want to

            • theblondbeast says:

              @Eudora – I’m a business owner, too and we took advantage of the PPP loan. It was very helpful. We were one of the only local firms who were able to avoid layoffs last year in our industry. We took a salary cut across the firm, with mangers/execs taking the deepest cut. I think it helped moral a lot to feel like we were in this together. Talk with your tax professional RE the PPP, I’d advise. Thanks!

    • Isn the charts on this thread, noticed that relations between Whites and Blacks went seriously downhill in 2014, at the same time the price of oil dropped. This seems to have been the timeframe that some of the other strange changes started.

      Our self-organizing system works based on the physics of the situation. People will accept “happy ever after” stories for a while, but eventually they start unraveling. The outcome will be determined by the physics, not necessarily what the powerful people want.

      We are already starting to see the unraveling of the “intermittent electricity will save us” story, with the problems in California and Texas. Next year will likely see even more bad outcomes round the world.

      We are also beginning to see the unraveling of the “vaccines will save us” story, and the “we don’t need to check for safety” story.

      • Phil D says:

        2014 is when BLM was founded and the whole systemic racism narrative started being pushed into the mainstream. I think that has more to do with poor relations, rather than the price of energy.

        • EnergyShifts.net says:

          Very true – and this was happening in South Africa too. I was looking at the deeper reasons for this. How could such a drastic turnaround happen in the “New South Africa”, the “Rainbow Nation” of Nelson Mandela?

          I was studying metaphysics at the time in relation to incremental energy shifts that would affect human consciousness. Once I understood that what had actually happened after 2012, was a shift towards polarization, rather than the opposite (as was predicted by all the New Age schools …) it made much more sense. If you are open to it, I wrote a piece about it here:
          (See the Shifts Points half-way down in the essay)

        • Slow Paul says:

          I think BLM and gender issues are being pushed by TPTB on to young people as another distraction, so they can fight ghosts instead of seeing the real problems we have in store for us.

          • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            okay that might be true.

            or these issues are being pushed by people who believe in infinite Progress, so they think it is all important to correct the world because then the infinite future will be such a better place.

            these issues can only be pushed in an era of prosperity.

            after the Collapse, once again boys will be boys and girls will be girls.

          • EnergyShifts.net says:

            What people fail to understand is that these issues are playing out across the globe – in South Africa it was BLF (“Black Land First”) and it’s always young people caught up in it, becaust hey don’t know history very well and they don’t understand context. USA is not so different from S.A.

            BLF, founded in 2015:

          • Adam says:

            Strongly Agree

      • EnergyShifts.net says:

        2014 was also the year when race relations went seriously downhill in South Africa: Identity politics (post-modern tribalism) arrived. I wrote an essay about it (with multiple revisions). Was trying to figure out where such a dramatic shift could come from:

        Finally found the answer in metaphysics – see comment to Phil D …

      • theblondbeast says:

        I would not be surprised if the human “tribal instinct” unconsciously motivates persons to identify with a group/ideology which seems to give them the most prosperity, security or power. So metaphysical concepts like a imperial citizenship appeal during times of increasing prosperity. When things turn around perhaps individual psychology doesn’t really let people identify with a system that is unwinding around them – no matter what we may think is right or wrong.

        If this is true it would mean that imperialism on the upswing turns into balkanization on the downswing – and what looks like a political change is actually a self-organized response to decline.

        • EnergyShifts.net says:

          Very good point in your second paragraph – I concur – that’s how i will play out. Regarding my points about South Africa, that all happened at a stage of the highest prosperity (for all) that the country had ever reached. In other words, more equal prosperity did not lead to more happiness, but more of the opposite. How could one explain that, because it made no sense at the time. Which is why I reverted to ancient metaphysics for a answer.

          • theblondbeast says:

            I don’t know much about SA and the timelines for this. I’ll add your article to my reading list.

            • EnergyShifts.net says:

              If you don’t have the the time to read it, no problem, but you are more correct than you realise in a general sense, because currently in South Africa most people support a non-local type of prosperity, i.e. they are totally hooked into globalisation. (And, just like in most countries they are completey unaware of diminishing returns of energy: EROI.)

              In other words, life is easy, it’s easy to play identity politics, based on past issues, while avoding holding accountable the current regime (not much different from the prevous one…, just in reverse, i.e. white natilionalism has been replaced by African nationalism).

              South Africa was an artifical creation in 1913 by the imperial government at the time, prior to that all the nations (ethnicities, cultures) in it were seperated naturally. You mentioned balkanization … “Unity in Diversity” has already failed here. Apartheid was an experiment, and so was multicultural, multi-party democracy. Both have failed. What’s left?

              South Africa featured at the top of News Headlines a couple of decades ago, now harrdly a person is aware of it.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        Incidents have occurred with some regularity since, oh, forever. Obama had to talk about Trayvon Martin. Back in the 1990s there were Rodney King and OJ Simpson.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      This is total rubbish – top to bottom

      Capitalism is broken because it
      -leads to inequality
      -doesn’t behave sustainably
      -is a system requiring infinite growth on a planet with finite resources

      Oh so what’s the alternative? Are we going to return to hunter gathering … because that is the only system that is even remotely sustainable….

      Well there is one other option that will solve all these problems — it’s the CEP — and it involves exterminating all humans….

      • Kowalainen says:

        No system is sustainable. All systems eventually fail and will be replaced by other systems better adapted to the circumstances.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Oh? What does that new system look like?

          Given this one is soon going to implode because oil has peaked…

          Or do you mean scratching in the dirt for bugs while waiting for the radiation to arrive?

          Devil is in the details…. and the Devil is in the Covid (coming soon says Bossche)

          • Kowalainen says:

            Which system replaced feudalism? At the time, nobody knew. Time would tell.

            However, the myopia of ordinary is ever prevalent.


      • Ed says:

        It s not economics it is reproduction of humans. If we had started 100 years ago with mass sterilization there would be no need for humans to die regardless of the system of exchange used.

        • Kowalainen says:

          With fewer humans, assume 1/10 less population on earth as an example, then we would obviously consume 10x as much.

          We are a maximum power principle beast.

          If a rapacious primate sees the opportunity to compete in status and power with others, that is what will inevitably happen. If there is less energy available, less effective competition will be available, cooperation will be forced. With moar energy, more opportunity for competition, vanity and frippery.

          Being content is for obnoxious Taoists. “Losers”.


  33. Tim Groves says:

    Piero San Giorgio talks with Gilad Atzmon about Vaccination in Israel and the UK. Gilad has been analyzing the relevant data and coming to some stark conclusions. The experiment is going badly wrong. Whenever a country begins a vaccination program, the number of Covid-19 cases in that country shoots up immediately (from the same day that the jabs start) and variants appear, which Gilad calls “mutants”.

    It’s easy to look at and compare the vaccination distribution and number of cases graphs and lists on Google. “In every country that rolls out vaccination, we see a sharp rise, and then there is a drop. What I tried to do … is to demonstrate on the graph what is the day when the numbers start to fall. In other words, I can figure out what is the percentage of the population that is vaccinated for the graph to change its direction and start to drop. … What I found out is that in Israel (where they went on a rush to jab everyone) it took 30 percent of the population (being vaccinated) for the graph to drop. In the UAE it was 31 percent. In England, they were slightly more clumsy and their was a lot of criticism why the vaccination was not running as fast as.. And guess what? The graph dropped after 15 percent. And then at the time in Portugal, the graph dropped after just 3% (had been vaccinated).”

    “Now, how do we explain this? This is, I believe, the most important information—and it shouldn’t be a saxophonist who is telling the world about it. This is something that doctors are supposed to do, what Fauci is supposed to do—not me. How do we explain this strange phenomenon? Because what it really means is if you vaccinate slowly and just the segment that MAY need it, you may not have to vaccinate the entire population. In other words, the clumsier your government, the better it is for you because the spread of the vaccine will be slower and the (number of cases) graph will change anyway.”

    Gilad believes this is all to do with the mutations. We were told that “the British mutant is twice more transmissive or twice faster than the old Covid.” If the original bog standard Covid-19 was spreading to infect one to three so one patient could infect an average of three new people, and if the British mutant is twice as effective, one patient could infect six new people. So if you vaccinate 15% of the population, the British mutant will ensue and spread to another 90%, meaning 105% of the population will become acquainted with Corona-chan. And Gilad thinks this is what has happened in Britain. And even a 3% vaccination rate will ensure everyone gets covered in about three weeks, as in Portugal.

    “And this is why the French Government and the German Government that are now subject to a lot of criticism, they did a brilliant job being clumsy. I don’t think that they were being clumsy; I think that they knew what they were doing. They were suspicious and they knew that they had to deal with it and they knew that the British mutant will come eventually.”

    “Now, I go back to Israel. In February, the Israeli press already realized that the numbers of deaths in Israel doubled in just one month and a half of vaccinations. In February, 75.4 percent of new Covid cases were under 39 (years old). Only 5.5 percent were over 60. Only 60 percent of critical patients in hospital were over 60, which means that 40 percent of these patients were actually under 60. And the country has detected a sharp rise in Covid 19 cases among pregnant women…. so they realized that something was completely wrong. Meanwhile, this week I learned that in Britain—the British Government tried to deny it but their argument was flimsy—In Britain the numbers of miscarriages among vaccinated women grew by 364 percent—almost by four times. It’s not a coincidence. In Israel, cases of newborns with Covid-19 saw a significant rise of 1,300 percent—from 400 cases in November to almost 6,000.”

    1 hour 45 minutes and a bit rambling, but listening to guys like this beats chatting with any of my normie friends!! The above is a small fraction of the conversation and it was a pleasure to put myself to all the trouble of transcribing it.

    • hillcountry says:

      Thanks Tim – appreciate the transcription. Gilad is something else isn’t he.

    • Jarle says:

      Problem is, how can we use the number of S-C-2 positive given a test that is not a yes/no test but a method and where there’s no transparency on the number of cycles, false positives or anything for that matter?

  34. Erdles says:

    In the UK Covid deaths 21 days after cases has been a consistent 1.2% throughout the pandemic. Its now fallen to 0.6%. Seems that the vaccines are having an effect since in Israel with a higher % vaccinated the ratio is down to 0.3%. Big question for both governments now is what ratio is acceptable to allow the opening up of restrictions fully.

  35. Yoshua says:


    “In theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity.”

    Pure nonsense. The photon is an elementary particle and has gravity. It’s the same nonsense as quarks and the totally nonsensical string theory. Our quantum mechanics is based on nonsense.

    • Erdles says:

      There is no such thing as the ‘force of gravity’ it’s just an illusion.

    • Robert Firth says:

      Yoshua, the “graviton” is a creation of pure prejudice. Modern physics rejects “action at a distance”, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary, and so any force that operates at a distance must be “mediated” by an imaginary particle. And yes, the photon has gravity; it’s gravitational mass is h nu / c^2, where h is Plank’s Constant, nu is the frequency, and c is the velocity of light.

      By the way, that is why a ray of light is deflected by the sun: light travels more slowly in a gravitational field, and this fact, along with the fundamental law of optics, that a light ray travels along the path that takes least time (discovered by Heron of Alexandria 2000 years ago) allows you to compute the magnitude of the deflection in six lines, with the help of the Calculus of Variations. It also gives the right answer, unlike Einstein’s General Theory, which gave the wrong answer.

      • Christopher says:

        Robert, you are quite harsh on poor Einstein and his theories.

        My opinion is that Einsteins field equations are quite remarkable. As Heron did express the trajectories of light rays in variational form, also Einsteins equations can be expressed in variational form. In fact this was the first expression of Einsteins field equations, made by Hilbert about a week before Einstein expressed his equtions in tensorial form.

        Conventionally, as I recall, a photon is considered to have zero mass.

        • Robert Firth says:

          Christopher, I am indeed harsh on Einstein, but perhaps with reason, His famous equation “e = mc^2” was plagiarised from Poincare, without attribution. His “equivalence principle” is simply false; it is refuted in Newton’s Principia. His claim that there is no absolute velocity was overturned by the discovery of the microwave background radiation, which provides a universal standard of absolute rest.

          It was also refuted in the late 19th and earlier 20th centuries, by the discovery of the aether drift. A fact not taught in school is that every experiment to detect an aether drift found one, even the famous experiment of Michelson and Morley: the null result they reported was simply false, as later analysis of their notes proved.

          The photon has zero rest mass, agreed, but because it has non zero energy it must have non zero gravitational mass, as Newton himself realised, and published in his Optics of 1704 (Book III Part 1 Query 1). That photons move more slowly in a gravitational field has been proven in the laboratory.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Robert, could you point me to the corrected analysis of the MM experiment?

            It is blindingly obvious that action at a distance is an iron clad truth of coherence, otherwise unbound chaos ensues.

            Reductionistic principles carry hard limits. It is not feasible to peek through the fabric of matter, space and time using instruments embedded within. Furthermore, there is no physically realizable way of removing the instrument out of the measurement process.

            I would argue that the photon cannot embark on its journey without a destination. How could the photon (emitting apparatus) “know” that something exist at the end of its journey? There is no choice, there is always an ultimate destination for all photons. It is the “wall” of observable universe.

            Why? Well, the photon travels at the speed of light, thus it implies that time is irrelevant with respect to its frame of reference. With other words, it arrives the same (photon-relative) time it is emitted.

            I think the speed of light (and MW background) is an indirect size-measure of the observable universe. It is a size where the probability is one of intercepting all EM packets at arbitrary directions from a point source in your frame of reference.

            As for the microwave background. I would perhaps call it the reflections of the observable universe.



            • Ed says:

              Let me add John Wheeler’s idea that mass/energy there causes inertia here.

              To me mass/energy anchors space/time giving local space/time its stiffness that is causing inertia.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Right, if so, then what is the anchor mechanism in first principles that is related to the ratio(perhaps?) volume/matter of the observable universe?

              Somehow there’s got to exist paths to transmit information (EM radiation). I don’t think matter outside our “realm” can carry information about its shenanigans to us. The observer-relative “wall” works both ways as in two inertial-generator observable spheres (slightly deformed) stacked ‘on top’ of each other.

              Now are all “spheres” equal in size? I doubt that the speed of light is constant across the universe. The anisotropy maps is probably a good proxy for the sphere shape/speed of light of our “observable” universe.

              If this holds true, then the speed of light (referenced to the emitter) is location and direction dependent.

              Assume an universe with two ideal spherical light sources. Separated by a distance d. Clearly, the only space that exists is a light-cylinder between the two sources. Nothing else. The idea of there being “space” outside of this cylinder is absurd. Add one more and there’s another two cylinders. Keep on repeating ad infinitum and there is the universe. A cosmic web of EM cylinder paths.

              Now what does this tell us? Everything is in relation and connection to each other. No matter (EM-sources), no space. The idea of “empty” universes is absurd.

              The idea of jam-packed universes (singularities) contains no space (no relations) and is equally absurd.

              /Musings off


            • Robert Firth says:

              Kowalainen, a long and thorough discussion of the whole aether controversy can be found here: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1970JHA…..1…56S.

              But you asked for thoughts, so here they are. First, action at a distance has been proven in the laboratory; Wheeler’s “delayed choice” experiment, for one, requires it. Discussion here: https://www.quantamagazine.org/closed-loophole-confirms-the-unreality-of-the-quantum-world-20180725/.

              You say further, “I would argue that the photon cannot embark on its journey without a destination. How could the photon (emitting apparatus) “know” that something exist at the end of its journey?”.

              That was exactly the view of John Cramer, that led to his “transactional interpretation” of quantum mechanics: https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.00039. Indeed this is already implicit in Heron’s “least time” (Greek ‘brachistochrone’) principle: how can a photon choose the path that takes least time unless it already knows where it is going?

              The cosmic microwave background radiation is conventionally considered a relic of the Big Bang; for alternative explanations go here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.07721.

              My knowledge of cosmology is insufficient to enable me to comment, except for this: the big bang cannot has started out as a singularity, because Heisenberg’s Principle forbids them. Therefore, it is not impossible that information could have passed through the big bang from a previous state of the Cosmos.

              Thank you for a thought provoking conversation.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Thanks Robert. I’ll check out those papers. It is crazy to believe an EM field can form without a closed/coupled circuit. The “shortest path” can easily be observed with electrons as well. They take the path of lowest impedance.

              I didn’t know about John Cramer, but I suspect some cultural leakage into my dimwit mind (as compared with Cramer) must have occurred.

              It isn’t that far fetched reasoning for anybody with a rudimentary scientific/Gedankenexperiment mindset assuming that time dilation occurs for photons, which seem to have been experimentally verified enough.

              I find the Big Bang/black hole myths absurd and laughable. Who in their right mind cohorts such ridiculous obscenities of corrupted reason. Yet it is constantly banged out, on and on and on. Now that I think about it. For sure it must be the shenanigans of

              HALFWIT DULLARDS

              Let me clarify that to avoid ambiguity.

              HALFWIT DULLARDS

              But hey, we all got bills to pay and shit to buy. Let’s shove out another soiled paper with zero division manure out the doors of cosmology.



            • Kowalainen says:


              From the delayed choice experiment:
              “But what’s being tested in these experiments is quantum mechanics itself, so there’s a whiff of circularity.

              Yup, good luck trying to reduce the measuring apparatus from the fabric of the universe in where all experiments are conducted.

              How is it possible for the universe to stay somewhat coherent without deep couplings in the fabric? Well, it isn’t.

              It seems they are looking for unbound chaos and end up finding the instrument in the data.

              Why am I not surprised they are surprised.


          • Christopher says:

            Proving the equivalence principle to be false would be sensational.

            “His claim that there is no absolute velocity was overturned by the discovery of the microwave background radiation, which provides a universal standard of absolute rest.”

            His theory fails to distinguish the cosmich background radiation reference frame in cosmological solutions. It appears to be just a canonical frame of reference. A potentially improved theory would explain why this canonical choice in fact is really fundamental, but there is no really good alternative that I’m aware of. Then there are plenty of other important solutions of Einsteins field equations entirely lacking CBR. Somehow, in the end, the CBR doesn’t seem to be that fundamental.

            There has been some disagreements on the standard interpretation of MM-experiment, a very broad consensus is still in agreement with Einstein. Of course, the consensus should always be challenged.

            I must admit I have too little time to evaluate your particular challenge. I left the business of physics and math almost a decade ago. The business of adding papers to your publication list bored me to much.

            • Robert Firth says:

              Disproof of the Equivalence Principle:

              You are in a sealed box, and when you let go of anything it falls to the floor. Two possibilities: either you are experiencing continuous upward linear acceleration, or you are sitting still in a gravitational field.

              The experiment: Put a horizontal bar across the box, and hang two plumb lines 1m apart. They will not hang vertically; they will lean very slightly towards each other. Measure this angle, and call it ‘alpha’.

              Now move them so they are 2m apart, and measure again. Call that angle ‘beta’.

              If alpha > beta, you are experiencing linear acceleration. If alpha < beta, you are in a gravitational field. Q.E.D.

              Explanation. Under linear acceleration, the plumb lines should point straight down, But they don't, because the two small weights attract each other gravitationally. This attraction diminishes as the square of the distance, so beta will be about alpha/4.

              In a gravitational field, both plumb lines point towards the centre of mass (Newton, 'Principia', Book I), and so beta will be about twice alpha (isosceles triangles).

              There you have it: a true 'experimentum crucis'. And talking about "on a small scale" is a fudge that doesn't work: Einstein's relativity is built on Minkowsky space time, continuous and continuously differentiable, so so there is no scale at which some quantum fuzziness intervenes to save your bacon. The Equivalence Principle is false at any scale, all the way down to the turtle at the bottom.

            • Christopher says:

              I believe you take the gedankenexperiment with the sealed boxes to litterally. There are different formulations of the equivalence principle:


              The most important thing to me is that in classical physics, inertial mass and gravitational mass just happen to be the same thing by coincidence. Gravitation and inertia are not very related in the classical sense.

              It seemed to Einstein and many before him that gravitation and inertia had to have a deeper fundamental connection. This connection suddenly appeared in the curved space-times of general relativity. Gravitation was understood as an acceleration in a curved space-time, instead of gravitation in mere uncurved space.

            • Robert Firth says:

              For Christopher at 1209:

              Sorry, gravitational mass and inertial mass are not the same. They are considered the same purely by convention, because there is a free parameter in Newton’s theory of gravity: the gravitational constant. If the Royal Society decided tomorrow that gravitational mass was exactly half inertial mass (Roger Penrose vigorously objecting) we would simply multiply the gravitational constant by 4, and physics would go on as before.

              As to why they should be exactly proportional, Ernst Mach (“The Science of Mechanics”) gave an intriguing answer: inertia is caused by the gravitational drag of the fixed stars. Which I do not believe, but I am willing to be convinced.

            • Christopher says:

              Robert, you are right. Gravitational mass and inertial mass are at least proportional. The constant of proportionality seems to be of your choice, could be any number.

              It’s reasonable to ask if there is some deeper fundamental connection behind this proportionality.

              I was aware of Machs idea. Einstein had another idea, a very detailed idea, nowadays called Einsteins field equations, where ineritia and gravitation are connected. I think it’s really elegant. There’s good empirical support of several predictions from solutions to these equations. This is enough for me to take them seriously.

              I am well aware of the crazy state of modern cosmology. Dark matter and dark energy are certainly nonsense. Bur there are other solutions to einsteins equations than the cosmological. Furthermore, it seems to me that the cause of booth dark energy and dark matter, is the fact that physists do not really understand einsteins equations. They regularly assume perfect homoegenity and isotopy to simplify the equations in order the get the ode:s of modern cosmology. Unfortunately these assumptions are not entirely fulfilled…

              Of course, you could also reasonably question if these equations even hold true on a cosmological scale.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Isn’t the whole inertia thing all about the conservation of momentum/energy in the observable universe (control volume)?

              To conserve momentum between the obs. universe and an object (matter) set/accelerated, the observable universe must react with an equal and opposite force causing it to accelerate as well.

              Thus in order to accelerate about in the obs. universe (control volume) and not violate first principles, it too must accelerate (linearly or as rotation) to conserve momentum.

              The inertia being a coupling factor (speed of light dependent) between the accelerating object and obs. universe such that it does not violate first principles, which seems reasonable and acceptable.

              Let me know where my simpleton reasoning breaks apart.


  36. Minority Of One says:

    This should be interesting:

    ‘Mix and match’ UK Covid vaccine trial expanded

    “A major UK trial looking at whether Covid vaccines can be mixed with different types of jabs used for first and second doses is being expanded.

    Combining vaccines might give broader, longer-lasting immunity against the virus and new variants of it, and offer more flexibility to vaccine rollout.

    Adults over 50 who have had a first dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca can apply to take part in the Com-Cov study.

    Their second dose could be the same again, or a shot of Moderna or Novavax.

    Chief investigator on the trial Prof Matthew Snape, from the Oxford Vaccine Group, said he hoped to recruit 1,050 volunteers who had already received one dose on the NHS in the past eight to 12 weeks.

    More than 800 people are already taking part in the research and have received two doses of either Pfizer, AstraZeneca or a mix.”

    • Jarle says:

      How about a trial trying to answer at a real question:

      Do we need vaccines for illnesses with average age of death equal or higher than average age of death for all causes?

    • Interesting! I wonder how side effects change as well.

    • Azure Kingfisher says:


      “Combining vaccines might give broader, longer-lasting immunity against the virus and new variants of it.”

      They have no idea, do they? I feel like watching “Science” unfold during the scamdemic is like watching kindergarteners experiment with paint mixing.

      “Let’s see what happens when we do this!”


      • Fast Eddy says:

        Not to harp but … this proves my point … I know plenty of ‘high IQ’ people who have had the jab …

        One of them is an investment banker who has told me that throughout school including university he never had anything but A’s… he went to an Ivy League school on scholarship…

        Surely they are aware of these headlines about mixing and matching jabs… surely they are aware that these jabs have not been long term tested…. possibly they are aware that healthy people do not die from Covid (all of these high IQ people I know are healthy) and that the jabs do not prevent them from contracting Covid

        I usually make them aware of all of the above — I have even sent them Mike Yeadon’s warning — yet still … STILL … they get the jab….

        Would it not seem odd… that experts are saying ‘it’s actually better to mix and match jabs’ — and would that cause the alarm bells to go ringy dingy dingy in their big brains????

        80 … 180… I see….. THIS!


        • Jarle says:

          A clear indication that the term intelligent should be redefined!

        • Xabier says:

          Outside their field of specialisation,and however successful, they are often rather gullible, and perhaps too inclined to trust experts if they are not being sold anything – the jab is a wonderful free gift and a privilege after all……

  37. ‘Lifeless’ prion proteins are ‘capable of evolution’

    Scientists have shown for the first time that “lifeless” prion proteins, devoid of all genetic material, can evolve just like higher forms of life.

    The Scripps Research Institute in the US says the prions can change to suit their environment and go on to develop drug resistance.

    During infections, such as the human form of mad cow disease known as vCJD, abnormal or misfolded proteins convert the normal host prion protein into its toxic form by changing its conformation or shape.

    “It was generally thought that once cellular prion protein was converted into the abnormal form, there was no further change”, Mr Weissmann said.

    “But there have been hints that something was happening.

    “When you transmit prions from sheep to mice, they become more virulent over time.

    “Now we know that the abnormal prions replicate, and create variants, perhaps at a low level initially.

    “But once they are transferred to a new host, natural selection will eventually choose the more virulent and aggressive variants.”

  38. Wing-Beating Tremor in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

    A 67-year-old man with progressive ataxia and dysarthria was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease based on genetic testing. This video illustrates notable physical examination findings of negative myoclonus and a severe, low-frequency, high-amplitude wing-beating tremor elicited by sustained left arm abduction with flexed elbows and palms facing downward. The tremor is classically attributed to Wilson disease.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      So CovIDIOTS will turn into human chickens?

      Surely I am not alone in thinking … how cool is that!

      We had chickens … they stopped laying but they kept eating… so one day .. one by one… I took a shovel and smacked each one of them in the back of the head… M Fast thought that cruel… I protested saying it was much better than stacking them in cages in a warehouse….

  39. hillcountry says:


    couple of miles from where I grew up. when I hear anybody who’s been gas-lighted about Detroit and it’s Renaissance I just groan. yeah, the Quicken Loan guy Dan Gilbert (basically owns all the buildings downtown) hustled-up casinos and gentrification, but only maybe 4-square miles out of a 144. I used to work with some of these young men’s fathers at the River Rouge Plant.(or even their grandfathers, ugh). In a way, they already know what’s coming and their solution to killing each other year after year is a way to build solidarity. Fast Eddy – you did mention gangs of 50, right?

    • Sam says:

      But isn’t real estate a great investment?😂i. It never goes down! This economy has always been great and will always be great….sarcasm. That it’s what is being fed to the masses. Can the FED really control interest rates? I think pension funds are buying the houses . The need safe investment

  40. hillcountry says:

    Fast Eddy – I didn’t have the heart to break the news to these folks. There was not a mask in the crowd on Saturday. It was funny because one Second Amendment speaker was bragging on the county for passing some “we ain’t allowing no more gun control” whatever and next up was a constitutional attorney who got manhandled by 3 county sheriffs on public property (same county) and she’s spent the last 9 weeks preparing her brief against criminal trespassing charges. It’s a clown-show it is.


    Reminded me of going to MIA meetings back in the day where the state department would send a couple of managers to guide a big meeting and all the veterans would end-up in a circle singing Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free”. Protesting the same state department that knowingly left soldiers behind. I think there’s a mind-virus that goes way back.

  41. hillcountry says:


    It’s hilarious up here, a real clown-show.

  42. African health workers left without Covid jabs as paltry supplies dwindle

    Millions of healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa continue to risk their lives to fight Covid-19 as authorities across the continent struggle to obtain and distribute vaccines to frontline medical staff.

    Though hundreds of millions of people in western nations are now protected from the virus, doctors, nurses and others on the frontline of the fight against Covid in Africa will have to wait months, or even years, for a vaccine.

    Last Thursday the World Health Organization (WHO) said less than 2% of the 690m Covid-19 vaccine doses administered globally to date were given in Africa, where most countries received vaccines only five weeks ago and in small quantities.

    Supplies were dwindling on the continent with almost half of the 31.6m doses delivered to Africa already administered, the WHO said. Fewer than 13m doses have been given to the continent’s 1.3 billion people so far.

    “Africa is already playing Covid-19 vaccination catch-up, and the gap is widening,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO Africa regional director. “While we acknowledge the immense burden placed by the global demand for vaccines, inequity can only worsen scarcity,” she added.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      No problem… we don’t need everyone to get the vaxx … just enough to ensure that Devil Covid has a nice breeding ground… already hundreds of millions have the jab…

      Once the Devil emerges… it will quickly spread to Africa…

  43. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Yada Yada Yada

    This was on Yahoo News Feed…

    Big Oil’s Dwindling Reserves Are A Major Problem
    Editor OilPrice.com
    Mon, April 12, 2021, 8:00 PM·4 min read
    In the coming years, the power structure of global oil markets is set for a major shakeup if the reserve life of International Oil Companies (IOCs) continues to decline. The dwindling of investments, caused by a very tough economic environment and the growth of activist investing, has resulted in a major decline in new projects and the underdevelopment of existing or prospective opportunities. Citibank warned in a recent research note that IOCs, such as Shell, Exxon, and Chevron, are looking at a major decline of reserve/production life spans.

    According to Citi, the overall average reserves in place have fallen by 25% since 2015, with less than 10 years of total annual production available. These issues appear to have been under-assessed by financial markets, with analysts unable to accept that the very future of IOCs is under threat. An oil company can only exist if it has reserves and is able to keep production at targeted levels for a long period of time. If reserves and production dwindle, it is not only the attractiveness of such an independent oil company that comes into question but its existence. In its research note, Citibank described falling IOC reserves as “an impending challenge” and the annual reports from the industry giants suggest that these once-great companies are now in trouble. According to Citibank, it is low oil prices that are the primary driver behind this growing problem. “There is no circumventing this relationship between reserves and earnings, so we believe that analyzing reserve trends is an extremely important indicator of a company’s health,” said Citi

    My Co Workers always says….”They have to come up with something!”
    That they have CEP, like Gail likes to put…”when there isn’t enough to go around”.

    • We need a whole lot higher prices to get the oil out. That is the fundamental problem.

      • Phil D says:

        This problem has existed for a number of years but it really gained traction during the 2014-2016 price crash, when a ton of projects were cancelled and capex budgets were massively cut. Future oil supply is in jeopardy. Prices will have to rise in the next few years. Keep in mind that reserve accounting depends on price level because it’s only economic reserves at current price levels that we are interested in. This means that if prices go back to $80, then suddenly everyone’s booked reserves will inflate as a whole lot of oil becomes economic to produce again.

        • theblondbeast says:

          Oil is the largest traded commodity at ~$2T per year. When you think about a 50% upward or downward price change it’s pretty easy to see why it is so closely associated with inflation and deflation. More oil means more money moving around. But more money moving around doesn’t necessarily mean more oil coming out of the ground.

  44. April 13th: Vaccine antibodies CAUSE blood clots in the brain, lungs and heart.

    (Natural News) In the wake of accelerating deaths from vaccine-induced blood clots, the FDA has now called a nationwide halt to the Johnson & Johnson covid-19 vaccine.

    In truth, all covid-19 vaccine cause deadly blood clots for the simple reason that spike protein structures are biologically active and load to blood coagulation (clotting) inside the body. These blood clots travel to the brain, heart, lungs and other organs, causing strokes, heart attacks (rapper DMX was killed this way), pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in the lungs) and other similar causes of death, none of which are officially listed as “vaccine” deaths.

    The fact that mRNA vaccines hijack the body’s cells to generate spike proteins which cause blood clotting is an open admission that mRNA vaccines are death shots — a form of vaccine euthanasia. And people who are foolish enough to take these vaccine shots are signing up for “vaccine suicide” as part of a global depopulation agenda.

    Even worse, none of the vaccines actually do anything useful to reduce deaths from covid. As Dr. Richard Fleming recently told the War Room broadcast, the vaccine efficacy data from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, “all show their vaccines make zero difference in stopping covid.” From that article:

    Fleming warned the effects could take a year and half to show in humans.

    Fleming, who in the 1990s discovered inflammation causes cardiovascular disease, said man-made spike proteins in the vaccines also cause inflammation. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was pulled for its link to blood clots in women.

    The vaccines have “no statistically significant benefit,” Fleming said, but cause “inflammation and blood clotting, Lewy bodies [associated with dementia], Mad Cow disease, and nothing to benefit.”

    Fleming said the Biden regime should call for immediate reevaluation of “whether there’s any demonstrated efficacy” of the vaccines, “because there’s not.”

    “Secondly, what are the potential consequences of having already vaccinated a substantial number of individuals in this country?” Fleming said.

    • hillcountry says:

      Mike Adams has a heck of a graphics team over there. Love the pop-up to the with the headless guy holding a flaming newspaper, when you take the link from Natural News to the Dr. Fleming stuff at https://populist.press/expert-cardiologist-warns-covid-vaccines-could-cause-mad-cow-disease/. Found this in the comment section:


      Fauci Name Meaning

      Southern Italian: metonymic occupational name for a sickle maker or someone who used a sickle, from Sicilian fauci ‘sickle’.

      Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

    • Mrs S says:

      That interview with Dr Fleming is terrifying.

      The thing is, how can anybody be certain that the vaccinated WON’T contract CJD in a year or two?

      They can’t.

    • I wish that there was a transcript (including images) of the video. It would also be good to have links to published studies. Otherwise, it is hard to cite.

  45. UK Government release most frightening report yet on Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines

    The UK Government have released their tenth report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines that have occurred since the roll-out began on the 8th December 2020, and this week the Government finally admitted that the AstraZeneca vaccine was to blame for the reports of dangerous blood clots that have also been seen in countries around the world, but is that all we have to worry about?

    The U.K. Governments report (which you can find here) has collated data inputted up to the 28th March via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 10.9 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 19.5 million first doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, had been administered. There were also around 3.7 million second doses, mostly of which were the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

    Well we can confirm that in the space of nine weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased to 124,371 as of the 28th March. The Oxford jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 419,839 reported adverse reactions as of the 29th March, now standing at a total of 440,871. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 166 people, however it is thought around only 1% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme with many people not knowing of its existence.

    • hillcountry says:

      Interesting analysis work they’re doing over there. Focusing in specifically on something like Thrombocytopenia to make their case (among other things). Spontaneous bleeding from the eyes in severe cases? Yikes. It’s got to be mind-numbing to crunch the numbers week after week.

  46. LOL!

    Michelle Obama joins Matthew McConaughey and more for NBC vaccination special

    The hourlong special “Roll Up Your Sleeves” will air April 18 on NBC.

    Nearly 100 million people across the U.S. have already received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine — and now Michelle Obama and a few famous friends will do their part to encourage the rest of the country to get their shots.

    The former first lady, Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey and “Hamilton” creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda will appear in the hourlong special “Roll Up Your Sleeves,” airing April 18 on NBC.

    McConaughey will interview Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to the president, who will help viewers learn how to separate fact from fiction about the vaccines, according to a press release.

    The special will also feature “comedy acts, informative packages, captivating real-life stories and heartwarming surprises.”

    “We are honored to present an hour of television devoted to increasing vaccinations in America and help end a cataclysmic pandemic,” said Jen Neal, executive vice president, Live Events, Specials and E! News.

    “The entertainment, comedic and music communities, along with First Lady Michelle Obama, have come together for the special, which will be inspirational, poignant and, at times, humorous. The overriding message: get vaccinated, end the pandemic and get your life and the life of the country back on track,” added Neal.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      How Bizarre… you’d think this sort of thing would spook the CovIDIOTS…..

      But it won’t because they are IDIOTS.

      I have advised the PR boys to launch a Covid Lottery… $10M weekly prize… anyone getting the jab that week gets entered…

      Also suggesting Toysrus sponsor a free Barbie or Ken Doll for every child under 8 who gets the jab.

      I wonder if there had been a safe jab for the Spanish Flu or Black Plague if they would have had to offer prizes and get celebs to push the uptake.

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      This is practice for Matthew before he officially runs for office.

      “During the 21-miniute sit-down, Quintanilla asked: How are you addressing questions about running for office?

      “I’m not teasing the idea — I’m actually looking at the idea and giving it serious consideration,” McConaughey answered. “I have a new chapter for myself, personally in my life. I believe it is in some sort of leadership role. I don’t know what that role is. I don’t know my category. We’ve been talking about the ‘why’ of leadership and even, I would say, we need some more good leaders.”


      Don’t worry, Matthew. You may not know what your future leadership role is but you will be notified by the people in charge when the time comes – they’ll tell you what office you’ll be “elected” to. Just think of it as a continuation of your Hollywood acting career, which was really just a training ground for the real “Big Time” of public office. You may soon be graduating from Hollywood. Congratulations.

  47. Shocking Study Reveals mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Your Brain From Prion Disease

    A shocking study has revealed the terrifying dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines inducing prion-based disease causing your brain to degenerate progressively. The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients.

    Interaction between SARS-COV-2 Prions & ACE2 Receptors

    The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains “prion-like regions” that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body.

    This has been documented by a study entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2,” published by the Human Microbiology Institute:

  48. I’m no expert on prion disease, but onset seems to be about six months to a year from infection. 4 months, 800 million shots worldwide. Ramp up production, they might be able to exterminate most of the world before it starts showing.

    • MM says:

      Mrs Tempenny said: Bad outcomes from vaccines have in the past shown up 4 to 14 months after application.

      This is an ongoing “military exercise”. Do not draw unfinished conclusions (of nothing!)

      • Lastcall says:

        This immediate post con-vid era in NZ is like combining musical chairs with the nursery rhyme Ring around the Rosie:

        A pocket full of posies
        A tissue, a tissue
        We all fall down…unless you get the vaxx of course and then…

        ..the music can stay at full volume forever more with windmills and solar panels and our super green hydro of course;

        property is red-hot,
        the rich are getting richer,
        the poor are stuffed away in motels (social housing)
        the experts in health, housing, education, finance, politics and the experts in being experts are all strutting around like peacocks before the royal court.

        The Green New Steal is taking off; rumours are that new house builds’ will need an EV charging circuit built in; 20k plus I believe.

        Meanwhile the seats are being quietly removed, and the sheople are completely unaware of the Ukrainian shuffle, the Iranian kerfluffle, or the Biden wobble. Its full steam ahead in Ja-cindy-land.

        Disclosure – Conflict of Interest; I work peripheral to the building sector!

    • Mrs S says:

      Dr Fleming says 18 months.

      But I remember from the UK BSE panic that the incubation period can be years.

  49. Dr. Steven Horvitz – I just lost a patient who died from presumed prion disease whose symptoms began within a week of second COVID Pfizer vaccine. 10-11 weeks after vaccine he died. Labs indicated CJD.

  50. Fast Eddy says:

    I read this book many years ago — highly recommend it https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4360.My_War_Gone_By_I_Miss_It_So

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