Don’t expect the world economy to resume its prior growth pattern after COVID-19

Most people seem to think that the world economy is going through a temporary disruption, caused by a novel coronavirus. As soon as COVID-19 goes away, they expect the economy will be back to normal. I think that this assessment is overly optimistic. The way I see the situation, the world economy was already having severe growth problems, caused indirectly by resource problems, even before COVID-19 hit.

In a growing world economy, a person might expect that workers would be getting richer, so that they could afford an increasing quantity of goods and services. What we really see is something very different. The number of new automobiles sold was falling in many major countries long before COVID-19 hit, even as population was generally rising. Clearly, something was seriously wrong.

Figure 1. Auto sales for selected countries, based on data of

As I see the situation, the world has a resource problem. Resources of many kinds, including fresh water, energy products, and minerals of many kinds were becoming more difficult (and expensive) to extract, even before 2020. Substitution might have worked if the problem were only one or two resources, but not with several major resources. Cutting back was the only answer.

Thus, the shutdowns for COVID-19 came at a convenient time, allowing economies that were already doing poorly to shut down. Needless to say, there was no world leader who was willing to explain this hidden issue to the world population. Instead, world leaders used standardized code words such as “we need to move to renewables” or “we need to reduce carbon use by 2050 to prevent climate change.” Unfortunately, the ability to move to alternatives in this time frame is simply an illusion, allowing world leaders to avoid mentioning the serious resource issues that the world economy is really facing.

I expect that within a few months, a new crisis of some sort (perhaps financial) will come along, further reducing resource use. This will happen, whether or not the problem of the novel coronavirus is solved. In this post, I will try to explain the situation.

[1] The world’s economy is a self-organizing system, powered by the laws of physics. It requires a mix of resources, including energy resources, to operate.

The laws of physics require that energy be “dissipated” whenever activities we associate with generating GDP take place. For example, if a person is to drive a truck, he/she will need to eat food for his/her own personal energy. This food is “dissipated” by digestion. If the truck is to transport goods, it will need to burn some type of fuel, such as diesel. This fuel is dissipated by burning. If a computer is to operate, it will need to dissipate electricity. If a room (or a liquid) is to be heated or cooled, some sort of energy dissipation will be required.

The world economy grows in a very orderly manner. It gradually adds population, as more babies are born than people die. All of these people need food and fresh water; they also need some type of housing and clothing to protect them from the elements. Ideally, they need some type of transportation in addition to walking. Businesses are formed to enable access to goods and services that fill these needs. Governments are also formed to provide services used by all and to regulate the system. A financial system is formed to facilitate transactions, among other things.

The world economy cannot slow down and quickly restart. This is especially the case for an economy that had already started slowing, even before the 2020 pandemic. If not enough resources of the right kinds were available to enable true economic growth before the pandemic, it is hard to see how the situation would be very much improved a year later.

One key to understanding how a self-organizing economy works is to understand that the economy is multi-sided. Businesses need to make an adequate profit, to continue in operation. Workers need to earn an adequate wage to raise a family. Customers need affordable prices. Shortages of inexpensive-to-extract resources can lead to many different problems: lack of profitability for producers, or too much wage disparity among workers, or too high prices for customers. Resource shortages can also lead to people with inadequate wages wanting to migrate. They can also lead to empty shelves in stores.

[2] Depleted coal mines near population centers in China have adversely affected the Chinese economy more than it tells the outside world.

China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2001. The Kyoto Protocol mandated that 37 industrialized nations cut their greenhouse gas emissions. More than 100 developing countries, including China and India, were exempt from the treaty. This combination of events allowed China to greatly ramp up its economy, building many new roads, factories and housing units from concrete, with little competition from the 37 industrialized economies.

China had very large coal resources, which it ramped up (Figure 2). Of course, this greatly increased world coal consumption, an effect precisely the opposite of the stated purpose of the Kyoto Protocol–to reduce world CO2 emissions.

Figure 2. World and China coal consumption, based on data of BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. China imported 7.4% of its coal supply in 2019, so China’s coal production would be similar, but it would hit limits a bit sooner and harder.

The problem that China ran into about 2013 was that its coal mines, especially those near population centers, began depleting. The cost of extraction started rising because the thickest coal seams, closest to the surface, were badly depleted. In theory, there was still a great deal more coal available from those mines if the price would rise sufficiently high. Coal from new mines that were more distant from population centers might also be used if the price would rise high enough to include overland transport costs.

Coal prices didn’t rise to match the higher cost of production. If they had risen, they would have raised the cost of many goods manufactured for export, making these industries less profitable. Because coal prices stayed too low for coal producers, over 70% of China’s coal companies were reported to be unprofitable by the first half of 2014.

China closed unprofitable mines and added new mines at more distant locations. China’s coal production has struggled in recent years. A constant problem has been keeping coal prices high enough to cover the rising cost of extraction and delivery to population centers. There are recent indications that coal supply is inadequate: Parts of China experienced rolling blackouts in the winter of 2020-2021, and warnings have been given to expect possible electricity shortages this summer. China has been accepting few coal imports, largely because it wants to keep its local prices sufficiently high that its own coal producers can be profitable.

China uses coal in many ways, including generating electricity, making steel, and manufacturing cement, which is the most important ingredient in concrete. Concrete is used in producing roads, bridges and buildings of all types, including high rise buildings used in many places in China.

Figure 3 shows that China’s cement production fell at a time similar to that at which coal production “flattened out.” This would not be surprising if a shortage of coal led China to cut back on its use of cement in order to save coal for electricity production.

Figure 3. Cement production for the World and China based on USGS data.

China, like other countries, has been seeing its population rise. Figure 4 shows coal and cement amounts for China on a per capita basis. This approach shows that, viewed on a per person basis, both coal consumption and concrete production have been falling since about 2013-2014. In fact, coal consumption began to fall slightly before cement production, suggesting that the fall in coal consumption is the cause of the fall in cement production.

Figure 4. Cement production from the USGS and coal consumption from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020, divided by population from the World Population Prospects 2019 by the United Nations.

[3] A decrease in new home building in the United States after 2008, as well as the recent difficulty in ramping construction back up again, are further evidence that the world is reaching resource limits of some kind.

Figure 5. New US privately owned single-family housing units divided by US population, multiplied by a constant. This gives a measure of per capita growth in new single-family housing units. Chart prepared by the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

Figure 5, above, shows that the number of new single-family housing units, relative to population, dropped dramatically after late 2005, early 2006. (This was when US Federal Reserve target interest rates rose, leading to higher borrowing costs for both builders and purchasers.) New home building plunged before and during the Great Recession. Building of new units has not ramped up very much, since then.

Even in 2020 and early 2021, the number of new units being started is very low by historical standards. It certainly wouldn’t be surprising if a lack of resources is part of what is depressing new home production. It may also be causing the spurt in resource prices (for example, lumber and copper) when new-home production does try to ramp up.

[4] World oil production seems to be falling for the same reason that China’s coal production stopped growing: Prices are too low for producers because of depletion issues. Oil producers cannot make an adequate profit, so they are reducing production.

Figure 6. World oil production through 2020 based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

World crude oil production was at its highest level ever in 2018. It has fallen ever since.

Figure 7 shows that oil production has been falling in many parts of the world in recent years.

Figure 7. Crude and condensate oil production for selected areas of the world, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

The shining star of crude oil production, at least until recently, has been the United States with its shale oil production.

Figure 8. US crude and condensate oil production for the 48 states, Alaska, and for shale basins, based on data of the US Energy Information Administration.

Unfortunately, with low prices, US shale oil is unprofitable. Shale production fell in 2020, and indications for the year 2021 are down as well.

Worldwide, the oil industry seems to require a price of $120 per barrel or more to make investment in new production profitable, and current prices are far below this. Part of this high price is required to provide adequate tax revenue for oil exporting countries that are dependent on this revenue.

[5] Relative to population, worldwide oil and coal consumption reached its highest level in 2007. It has fallen recently.

Figure 9. World per capita energy consumption, separated between “oil + coal” and all other. Data for 2019 and prior based on BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. Figures for 2020 reflect percentage changes anticipated by the International Energy Agency in its Global Energy Review 2021.

Figure 9 shows that on a per capita basis, combined oil and coal consumption reached its highest level in 2007 and dipped during the Great Recession. It reached somewhat of a plateau in the 2011 to 2013 period, but started slipping in 2014 and had fallen ever since. Those who follow oil prices closely will notice that combined oil and coal consumption per capita tends to be high when oil prices are high relative to other goods; consumption tends to be low when oil prices are low. The lower per capita oil and coal consumption since 2007 would be expected to hold back the production of “goods” of many kinds, including houses, automobiles, roads and electrical transmission lines.

The “All Other” category is really not a stand-alone category. It depends on oil and coal for its pipelines and electrical transmission, among other things. Without concrete bases, it would be difficult to have wind turbines. Solar panels without steel supports wouldn’t work well either. In theory, if a huge amount of transition were done, perhaps steel and concrete could be produced in reasonable quantities with only the “All Other” types of energy, but someone would need to figure out precisely how this could be accomplished, including the timeframe required.

[6] Inadequate fresh water supplies are a problem in many parts of the world.

The standard approach to getting fresh water has been to tap underground aquifers and tap them at rates far greater than they are refreshed. In some places, this leads to saltwater intrusion; in others, it leads to a falling water table. Some examples of areas with water problems include California, Saudi Arabia, India, China, and Cuba.

There are ways to work around these problems:

  • Digging deeper wells
  • Piping fresh water from a distance, nearly always uphill
  • Desalination

Implementing any of these workarounds for water shortages takes energy of different kinds, mostly coal (to make steel) and oil (for transporting goods and extracting metal ores). These workarounds make the cost of fresh water higher. Higher water costs are especially a problem for agriculture and for poor families, struggling with budgets that cover little more than the price of food and water.

If fixes for the fresh water supply problem cannot be found, irrigation will need to be cut back. Such a change would likely lead to a fall in world food supply.

[7] We are probably kidding ourselves if we think that production of semiconductor chips can be ramped up significantly in the future.

China is now a major producer for rare earth minerals, and it is practically the only processor of rare earth minerals. Semiconductor chips are created using rare earth minerals, water and huge amounts of heat in an exceptionally clean environment. The leading producer of chips is Taiwan, using raw materials from China. There is a long lead time required for building new factories. My concern arises because of the resource issues China and the rest of the world is facing.

We use semiconductor chips in many things, including computers, cell phones, automobiles and “smart” appliances. Without a ramp up in semiconductor chip production, many high-tech dreams for the future will likely remain only dreams.

[8] With a falling supply of coal and oil per capita and inadequate fresh water in many parts of the world, we have already reached the point where some types of “optional” activities need to be cut back.

An early optional activity that was cut back on was recycling. Oil prices fell in 2014, making the recycling of many types of goods, especially plastics, non-economic because the resale value of recycled products dropped with oil prices. China cut back greatly on its recycling efforts, effective January 1, 2018. Other countries have followed suit. China’s cutbacks on recycling allowed it to save its coal supplies (which were no longer growing, see Figures 2 and 4) for other activities that had the possibility of being more profitable.

In early 2020, cutbacks associated with the pandemic gave the world economy some “breathing room” with respect to resource shortages. Cutbacks in travel left more oil for other uses. Oil prices could drop back. This was especially helpful to countries that are big importers of oil, such as those in Figure 10, below. It is not surprising that some of the countries with the biggest oil import problems have been the most enthusiastic about travel cutbacks related to COVID-19.

Figure 10. Quantity of oil imported for selected countries, calculated in barrels of oil per person per year. Oil imports determined based on data from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2020; population is from World Population Prospects 2019 by the United Nations.

[9] The world economy has a very serious resource problem. There seem to be three different approaches to hiding the problem, none of which will really solve the problem.

The serious problem that the world economy is encountering is the fact that the supply of both coal and oil are running short, especially when viewed on a per capita basis. The world is also very short of fresh water. China is affected as much, or more than, other countries by these problems. As a result, China’s future growth prospects are likely quite low, even though few are expecting this change. Without a continued strong forward “pull” from China, the world economy may be headed for “collapse,” a condition which has affected many civilizations in the past.

There seem to be three different approaches to doing something about the world’s resource limits problem, without mentioning the nature of the real underlying problem:

[a] Develop a “fear of future climate change” story by creating models that assume we have huge amounts of fossil fuels that can be burned in the future, even though the evidence is very much the opposite: We are “running out” of coal and oil right now, but in a different way than economists have theorized (low price, rather than high price). At the same time, argue that a transition to renewables (particularly intermittent wind and solar) is possible in the next 30 years. The fact that essential minerals for such a change, including copper and lithium, are themselves in short supply relative to the incredibly large quantities required, is overlooked. No one stops to calculate the true cost, measured in energy products and other materials, required by such a transition, either.

[b] Create a “fear of the coronavirus” story, and use it to keep people inside and away from traveling as much as possible. Emphasize the possibility of mutations. If people cut back on traveling, it saves oil. If they cut back on eating out and large celebrations such as weddings, it reduces food wastage. If a pandemic takes place, politicians can use it as an excuse to mitigate problems of many kinds:

  • Reduce the need for imported oil, by keeping citizens at home
  • Keep factories closed, without disclosing that the factories could not really operate at full capacity because of inadequate orders or missing raw materials
  • Use shutdowns to keep order in areas disrupted by uprisings related to low wages
  • Hide the problem of many failing stores and businesses behind a new “temporary” problem
  • Give the politician a new sense of control with new rules related to the epidemic

It is disturbing that back in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation was looking at using pandemics to control people when the foundation was examining possible workarounds for too large a population relative to resources.

[c] Hide the existing resource problem with more debt, to the extent possible. In fact, having a circulating coronavirus has assisted in this effort because everyone can see the need for more debt on a temporary basis, “until this problem goes away.” Of course, the resource problem is not going away, which means the world is likely headed for serious financial problems when the economy tries to ramp up again. See my post, Headed for a Collapsing Debt Bubble.

[10] My expectation is that the world economy will try to bounce back from this pandemic, but it won’t really be able to bounce back.

There really aren’t enough resources of any kind to pull the world economy much farther forward. A day of reckoning seems to be coming, probably in the next few months. The financial system looks like it is the weakest link. If the world economy dramatically slows, borrowers will not be able to repay debt with interest. There may be rapid shifts in currency relativities, disrupting derivatives markets. International trade will become less and less possible, perhaps taking place only among a few trusted partners.

We seem to be headed for a rapidly changing world economy, and unfortunately not for the better.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,576 Responses to Don’t expect the world economy to resume its prior growth pattern after COVID-19

  1. davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    JHK today: “In a sane polity, Dr. Fauci would be cooked. He looks circumstantially like an epic villain of history, who promoted and funded dangerous research activities knowingly, which led to an international disaster that killed millions of people and destroyed countless livelihoods and households, perhaps even the whole global economy, when all is said and done — and he appears to have lied at every step along the way.”

    • This is a link to James Howard Kunstler’s latest post.

      Jim Kunstler is willing to do more politics-related speculation than I would, but he makes some good points:

      “Joe Biden” (his handlers and their factotums, anyway) may try something else, another ruse to distract the public’s attention from a constitutional crisis: how about crashing the financial markets? That would do the trick, I’m sure. In fact, it looks like the Federal Reserve is already tuning that frequency in by announcing it’s “tapering” its bond buying activities, starting with corporate “junk” bonds. You know what will happen if they ramp up tapering of more bond purchases (currently around $120-billion-a-month)? Interest rates will rise — because who else will buy that paper at near-zero interest rates? (And, by the way, Russia just announced it’s about to sell off all its sovereign holdings in US dollars). And when interest rates rise quickly, Wall Street’s current business model goes south. Wait for that!

  2. Harry McGibbs says:

    “While everyone is talking about inflation and whether it will stick around, Ed Yardeni, president of Yardeni Research, says last week’s oil-sector news may have set the stage for the next recession…

    ““I’ve often observed that recessions are usually caused when the tightening of monetary policy triggers a financial crisis, which turns into a widespread credit crunch and results in a recession,” Yardeni wrote in a note to clients Wednesday. Perhaps less appreciated: a spike in oil prices often causes, or at least exacerbates, recessions.”

  3. Harry McGibbs says:

    “China is pushing China Huarong Asset Management Co to sell non-core assets, two people involved in the revamp told Reuters, while considering offering an implicit guarantee of the liabilities of the debt-laden bad-debt manager.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “China’s HNA Group Co (HNAIRC.UL) said some 67,400 creditors are seeking a total of 1.2 trillion yuan ($187 billion), according to a person who attended the conglomerate’s online meeting for creditors on Friday.”

      • According to Wikipedia,

        HNA Group Co., Ltd., is a Chinese conglomerate headquartered in Haikou, Hainan, China. Founded in 2000, it is involved in numerous industries including aviation, real estate, financial services, tourism, logistics, and more.[2] It is a part owner of Grand China Air, and owns 25% of Hilton Worldwide.[3] In July 2017, HNA Group ranked No. 170 in 2017 Fortune Global 500 list with a revenue of $53.335 billion.[4] It is one of the most active investment companies in the world, acquiring numerous assets under its name.[5][6] In 2021, the corporation declared bankruptcy after debt restructuring efforts failed.[7]

    • Not quite a bail out:

      “The plan, one source said, envisions the authorities informally backing $20 billion of dollar debt coming due this year for the sprawling company, one of the nation’s four giant state-owned asset managers.”

  4. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Grinding higher: Emerging market central banks raise rates in May…

    ““EM central banks are reluctantly turning more hawkish, due to price pressures amid higher demand and supply constraints,” said Christian Keller at Barclays.”

  5. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The Federal Reserve’s plan to begin unwinding its unprecedented backstop of corporate debt is rekindling an idea that many have warned about: that investors are now convinced that the central bank will bail them out again if needed…

    “The Fed is a bit like a helicopter parent when it comes to the bond markets,” said Nicholas Elfner, co-head of research at Breckinridge Capital Advisors. “Their involvement in the bond market is assumed at this point.””

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Fed’s Inflation Response is Flawed and Dangerous…

      “In speech after speech every committee member declares that the sharp pick-up in U.S. inflation is temporary and that it’s just fine to have a bit of an overshoot to make up for undershooting the target before. That they’re all so consistently dovish doesn’t necessarily make them wrong. But their reasoning is poor, and dangerous.”

    • Sam says:

      Yes but isn’t that true? The FED only has to give the illusion of everything is backstop to keep the game going

    • “The selling [of corporate debt] should represent a minuscule portion of secondary trading volumes between now and year end, and shouldn’t have “any material impact on spreads whatsoever,” according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.”

      We will find out if this is really true. At one point, the Federal Reserve was buying, so there is a double change.

  6. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Rising government debt and the banking doom loop… the fact remains that governments have been addicted to easy money and debt-funded growth for many years now. All the major economies — the US, Japan, China and the eurozone countries — have debt exceeding their total output as measured by GDP. In the case of Japan and China, it is several folds.

    “With interest rates across the world at or near historic lows, the cost of these debts to governments has thus far been manageable. However, going forth, in a less sedate interest rate environment, managing this massive debt overhang is likely to throw up numerous challenges, with the potential for a banking doom loop a key challenge.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “What are the limits to government borrowing?

      “…As crisis has hit and interest rates have fallen, politicians have felt more able to run up debts than in the past. But the issue of whether and when limits to borrowing might apply still remains. Recent research casts light on these constraints.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Pity the central bankers: No easy way to stop rising inflation or bubble-bursting… One has to pity Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde…

        “…both find themselves damned if they begin to taper their aggressive bond-buying programs and raise interest rates. However, they also find themselves damned if they do not begin monetary policy tightening.”

        • Sam says:

          Thanks Harry! Sometimes I try and pretend to be a dummy and just listen to npr and cnn telling me that everything is awesome 😎! Go out and spend your money!! There is going to be no correction for shutting down the economy Then I have you to wake me up!

        • Given a choice between bubble and collapse, I would think the Central Bankers would move in the direction of bubble as long as this result could be engineered.

      • The article talks about a goldilocks zone of debt growth:

        In between those two extremes, the researchers argue, lies a “Goldilocks zone” in which a fiscal free lunch is possible. They flesh out a point highlighted in 2019 by Olivier Blanchard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics: that when the interest rate on public debt is below the economy’s growth rate, existing debt burdens have essentially no fiscal cost. In such cases, existing debt will decline as a share of output even if no new taxes are levied—though a government that continues to run deficits may nonetheless add to its debt pile.

        Of course, if the economy growth rate turns negative, it then follows the government debt needs to be reduced each year.

        • Bobby says:

          Can’t keep old ‘Porridge’ warm forever goldilocks
          Conditions change, luck zones are about timing too and bears like a return for their energy investment,
          The real lesson maybe was, leave out porridge deliberately to catch some short sighted, opportunist crunchable birdzis

  7. Mirror on the wall says:

    The YouGov poll for ‘British future’ asked:

    “to what extent, if at all, do you associate each of the following things with the [country flag]?”

    “…. Racism and extremism…. a great deal 9…. a fair amount 15…. a little 18…. not at all 51”.

    It did not ask whether people “think that the flag is”. but whether people “associate it with”.

    A flag is a symbol to which associations can get attached and detached. Clearly some of the polled thought that some racist and extremist associations had become attached to the English flag, more than to the Scottish or Welsh flags.

    In fact the English flag had been adopted by some racist and extremist groups like the EDL as their chief symbol, around that time (2012), so the polled were simply being honest about it – it had acquired those associations to some extent. They were not saying that it is inherently racist and extremist.

    Maybe you personally would approve of those associations, but you cannot then misinterpret what was said in the poll, and complain about it, to marshal it to your own agenda – against ‘deracination’ and for the ‘UK’ state – which would be having one’s cake and eating it.

    Whether a fresh poll, ten years on, would give the same results, now that the EDL has died down, is another matter.

    My own view is that the cross of S. George is historically a militant crusader symbol from feudal times, that it is rather inappropriate for a modern multicultural society like England, and there is no way that the British state (UK Plc) would choose to adopt it as a symbol these days. It is dated, it may have been useful to the ruling class back in feudal times to rally the ‘plebs’ to the ‘loyalties’ of fiefdom, but it is less functional for the British state today. That is just an honest appraisal of the thing and the situation. That said, it is not currently perceived as a major issue – which could change at some point. I doubt that many people stress over it.

    • “My own view is that the cross of S. George is historically a militant crusader symbol from feudal times, that it is rather inappropriate for a modern multicultural society like England,”

      Modern views of what is “appropriate” or “inappropriate” aren’t particularly helpful in parsing out our human trajectory. I don’t think.

      My Italian husband, who is a keen history buff, had this to impart about Gramsci:
      • Gramsci was THE communist in Italy. The ne plus ultra..
      • Gramsci founded L’Unita` (still the main communist newspaper in Italy)
      • Gramsci was in the same socialist party as Mussolini before they split off into globalist vs. national-socialist factions

      More important, DH explained how FEUDALISM and COMMUNISM could co-exist so cozily in Italy… **THEY ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THING.**

      That whacked me upside the head, since I had never considered such a thing.

      Certain of what we’ve thought of as being inheritable titles (count, baron, marquis, etc.). he says, were really NOT inherited titles back in the day. The “counts” (from which we get the word “county”) were basically just assigned managerial sheriffs at various levels in the bureaucracy of the day. They didn’t come with any inheritable benefits or rarefied standing.

      The “vassals” (what we think of as lowlings, but were merely beneath the king) had sub-vassals of various levels (“valvassori”, “vassallini”).

      Communists, then, merely came in with their own people and overlaid their organization on top of the existing feudal structure, operating it on their own terms and changing the nomenclature.. but with the basic (hierarchical) nature being identical. There is no egalitarianism at all in “communism”.. it’s a pure power expression: as an old Italian man told me, communism means “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine”.

      It isn’t really that different from a monarchy: instead of a “king”, you have some other head of state (Mao, Stalin, Xi, etc.) who demands complete obeisance. Perhaps a monarchy is less brutal in the realm of purges..

      “Muliticultural societies” are intrinsically unstable and will ruin themselves, all else being equal, since they have no commonly-held or commonly-understood organizing principle. See “Sharia”.

      • In communism, you own nothing… it all belongs to The Party.
        In a monarchy, you own nothing.., it all belongs to The King.
        In Klaus Schwab’s utopia, you own nothing… it all belongs to…???

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Interesting etymology, thanks.

        So ‘county’ is from ‘count’, and ‘country’ is from ‘contra’ (opposed, against, before) – the land standing before one (sort of thing).

  8. CTG says:

    Hi… I am back after a one-year hiatus. Those who are here for a long time will know who I am. I was away, sort of enjoying life and doing a lot of thinking, deep thinking. It does point to me that “the world as we see or know” has many impossible things. I am more than happy to have an email correspondence or even Zoom to anyone (let us not bore anyone here). My email is chngtg (at) gmail (dot)com.

    I have read through comments and I would like to add in a few

    1. I have worked as a process engineer in a large semiconductor wafer fabrication plant and I have a few world-changing patents (is that even relevant now?) but of course I never had any financial gain. In a factory, be ita oil refinery, cement plant, etc, there is a “minimum batch size”. Process engineers has to optimize the process for maximum yield/output at lowest possible cost. As an example, a oil refinery has fixed pipe sizes, pressure has to be maintained at certain level, the raw materials has to be process in a specific way. It is not possible to run something that big and complex at half the volume easily. There could be 4 columns there and you can shut down 3 and run 1 column but at the end, the cost will be prohibitive. The 4 columns may share one equipment that may be common. There are many reasons why it is not always possible to run a factory half full. A layman would not know about this because they are not working inside there.They assume that it can be run at half capacity but if the factory is optimized for high efficiency, then it will be “I run full capacity or I don’t run at all”

    2. Yeah.. we can shut down all the 10 refineries in the state and just run one will do. Who is going to do the decision of shutting the 9 refineries? If these refineries are scattered throughout the state, it is not logistically possible or even economically feasible to have all the trucks carrying the product from that only refinery send them through the state. Put it this way, it looks ideal this way but practically impossible.

    3. Economies of scale. We have been romanticized by Hollywood (Marvel’s Infinity Stones). If we were to cut the population into half today (immediately), the world would just collapse overnight. We are too specialized in our skills. We are too globalized in our supply chain. We have no backup or support in anyway. Example : “hello… is is this Peterson software? I need someone to change the coding so that we can select if we can run half or full capacity”… “Sorry sir, our team that is involved in your software 50% are gone and we have no idea where they keep the codes and even if we find out, the lead architect and his assistant are gone”. There are no such thing as “useless eaters” in this economy. They consume and people will build for them to consume. If we are only left with 500m people worldwide, then it makes no sense for anyone to design a new iPhone XX because there will be insufficient buyers to justify for the high cost of development. Again, there will be no people to mine the rare earth or clean the toilets. There will be no farmers or low level workers to do any job. The world cannot function SOLE from people who “WORK FROM HOME”. There is a huge number of people at the back supporting this. It is hidden and being hidden does not mean that it does not exist. Who is maintaining Google’s datacenter? changing the harddisks, cleaning the spills, washing the toilets, troubleshooting the network stuff? Our world is now optimized for “maximizing profits”. Any factories, shops, etc are all geared to maximize profits. That means buying a bulk for economies of scale. If anyone has any serious doubts on the power of “Economies of Scale”, please email me directly. Let us now bore anyone here who is aware of that.
    *Again.. this is different from negative population growth. Declining population growth is slow. Countries and society have time to react.

    4. Global supply chain – everything is interconnected. Gail likes to use “Leonardo Sticks” as an example. I used to write here. Think of a toothbrush. Can it be easily manufactured in your local area? Are the factories gearing for economies of scale (millions of toothbrushes per year)? Buying tons of plastics per year? How much of the materials in the toothbrush can you source locally? The plastics are locally available within 10-mile radius? (Within a reasonable distance) or is it from China or Kuwait? Is it possible to make the toothbrushes if global shipping cease? The machines… how complicated are they? How many parts? Are all the parts, moving or static easily available locally? The armature, the spindle, the motor, the threaders? Do you need to import those from China? So, the bottom line is that a factory cannot run independently from local sources. It is now global.

    5. Some of the people here do not have the capability to see the forest from the trees. It is just a “built in thing” and there is no point trying to point that out. I have stopped doing that when I realised that I have met many people who are so highly educated that they cannot see what is happening on a bigger scale. Instead of seeing the trees, they see only the leaves or even worse, the cells in the leaves. Historically, humans rely on intuition for their survival. That is very well document especially in a fight or flight situation where you do not have time to react. However, with fossil fuel, those who are slow have the same chance of success. So, the use of intuition is becoming irrelevant.

    When I was doing my MBA 13 years ago, I was doing up assignments and the lecturer said “You cannot use Wikipedia but only peer reviewed sources”. I asked a question. What if the peer reviewed is wrong? He said something like “too bad as we don’t have an option”. Gail would agree with me on this as she has said that before many times that citing others who are wrong will end up with you in the wrong as well. I have seen many wrong papers, scientific papers, etc that is totally junk. They are “peer reviewed”. Yes, you can say that there are still many good peer-reviewed publications but they too are swamped with many citations to papers which are not right. It is a Mexican standoff where I quoted your wrong information and you quoted mine which is wrong because of your previous publication. After that short 2-minute exchange with the lecturer, I have given up any thoughts of doing my PhD because I just could not stand looking at all the junk papers coming out from the academic world. Just look at the latest COVID-19 papers? how many are politically or financial greed motivated? Peer reviewed, perhaps reviewed by my friends in exchange, I will review yours.

    6. Humans believed and trusted their “experts” too much. I was the only one who questioned the teacher when I was in primary school. I would argue and presented my case using encyclopaedias (no internet in the 1980s). I was right. He was wrong but hey, he did not inform the class about this. So, the whole classed treated him like God (except me). The latest being the COVID19 Fauci’s email dump. Yet, people still believe “experts”. Remember the early days of COVID19? Virus stay on surface for a long time, flatten the curve, it will all be gone in summer, etc? All these are just selling “hope” and as someone quoted, “hope” as the last in Pandora’s Box. It is just as bad as other in the box.

    It is possible that this worked during the olden days where the shaman or the wise elder of the village has to make decisions that will impact the entire village. In this case, it is different from the leaders because in the past, if the decision is wrong, the entire village would be wiped out including the elder or the shaman. Right now, in this “consequence-free” society, we cannot practise this kind of “cultural norm” but I think this is hardwired into the minds of homo sapiens.

    7. Collapsed happened a long time ago. There is no way one can time it because the goalposts were changed. Remember that along the way, things changed so dramatically. Mark to model came into effect around the last 2008 financial crisis where the banks are allowed to mark to unicorns and do not have to book the losses, money printing was not allowed before 1971 gold-window closure. The media now is not complicit with the regulators. Now, investigative reporting is gone. It is replaced by “coverup reporting”. Bad/wrong narratives are parroted as truth by the media. Politicians of all shapes and stripes are utmost corrupt, statistics and data (from government or any source) are all fake (probably). Add in a population is seriously dumbed down, you get a recipe of continuity. If we were to use the metrics or rule of law of the 1970s or 1960s, we would have collapsed totally in 1999 or 2008.

    * Am I the only one who feels that the previous generation like my grandparents are much smarter than us? Do you think they will accept this BS lockdown and virus?

    * The best cure for COVID19 is to shutdown internet and TV/Radio. Nobody would have realized that it happened.

    Lastly, I strongly feel that “World Human Population” x “IQ” = constant. That is, higher population means lower IQ for all people and with lower population, everyone has a higher IQ.
    Are we in a simulation?

    • Ed says:

      All good stuff. I particularly lie #7. You are right rule of law is long gone.

    • Tom says:

      Glad to see you back CTG. You have made valuable contributions. One wonders if the authors of this mass-vaccine agenda have thought this through as you have. If we do experience a 70% population reduction in four years as was indicated on the Deagel web site how would the survivors carry on? You would have a total collapse with that many people gone in such a short time.

      I just found out one of my neighbors, an older couple, had a son age 53 drop dead unexpectedly from heart failure a few days ago. Blood clot from the covid vaccine? That would be my guess. Close to 80% in my state have gotten the jab. It won’t be reported to VAERS I am sure. They won’t get the connection and how can you prove it was from the shot? People do occasionally drop dead from heart failure after all.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Nice to have you back, CTC, and thanks for a great post.

      I agree our grandparents were smarter than us, although not so smart in some ways. All mine probably smoked and drank more than was good for them, but I think it helped get them through some difficult times.

      • CTG says:

        Smoking and drinking has been around for a long time. Is it dumb to do that? I thought not if you compared to what people are acting or doing now.

    • Xabier says:

      Delighted you are well, CTG: in fact I had been wondering what had happened to you only this morning.

      As for wisdom, I am dismayed to see just how trusting the older generation are, implicitly believing in the doctors and even, God knows why, not remarking on even the obvious, public, lies told by politicians on this issue. They don’t show even elementary caution.

      • CTG says:

        My older generation is not your dad but your grandparents. To me, they have more brains than the present generation. They trust their doctors. Doctors of the past. Can you really trust the doctors of the present day where there are many temptation of greed or conflict of interest?

      • CTG says:

        Delighted you are well, CTG: in fact I had been wondering what had happened to you only this morning.

        This is synchronicity….

    • CTG says:

      Technology is the child of fossil fuel. It is born after the birth of fossil fuel. Technology cannot be depended on saving us. The only exception is fusion but we are too late for that now.

      Fusion or nuclear must come in around 1970s when we have peak oil in USA. Since 1970s, we have been substituting resources with debt. We are way past the point of no return.

      I have said that many times before over the last many years..

      Don’t even think so far as fusion or whatever that fairies/pixies can conjure up. Think this “what if”.

      What if a small country like Guatemala found in its plains, a vast pool of energy that is so abundant that sticking a straw in, liquid gold comes up, “pure” and sulfur-free. The perfect blend that is almost unlimited in quantity?

      Before you reply to me comment do a deep thought first (think through all the possible scenarios) what will happen immediately after the announcement?

      1. Oil price will crash to almost zero.
      2. What happened to other oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Russia, USA, etc? Their economy?
      3. What happen to the oil giants?
      4. What happen to the petro-dollar recycling?
      5. Will there be war? Will Guatemala be invaded and another country comes in to take over and before long every country will come in and Guatemala will burn (and not a single soul will even get to its oil)
      6. What happens to the derivatives and debts? the bonds of the bankrupt oil producing countries and companies? Will the Quadrillion debt bomb explode?
      7. What happen to the alternative energies, EV, the entire movement related to climate change and environment?
      8. What happen to the products made from petroleum like plastics? Will it drop dramatically since the feed stock oil is so cheap and close to zero?
      9. What happen to the tax revenue of local governments on gasoline and oil production?

      IF THIS HAPPENED IN LATE 1960s before Nixon closed the gold window, then we will just have a continuation of fossil fuel. Debt did not come in yet and life will go on. Without internet, news travel slowly and there is certain no need for economic collapse (instantaneous news across the world will cause instantaneous collapse of economy)

      Answer those questions first before barging in and spew nonsense that technology like space-based satellites will save us or something that has been developed or deployed.

      • I don’t think people realize how dependent today’s technology is on fossil fuels. We could not make and install wind turbines and solar panels without fossil fuels, for example.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      Hi CTG,
      I am new here – a refugee from the panicdemic.

      I would like to talk to you more about the possibility of controlled economic and population decrease.

      While I don’t disagree with your thoughts, they are just theoretical. When we look at countries like Italy or Japan or even better the Eastern Block from 1960-1990 we see controlled slow down over decades with minimal pain and suffering.

      I don’t know if that is possible at the global scale, but I think it’s worth debating the possibility.

      Some things that can make decline (as opposed to collapse) work:
      – Good social and family cohesion. In the communist countries kids would live with their parents all their lives for example.
      – Maintain old things (like Cuba does with 1950s american cars)
      – Authoritarian governments that control the economy top down (that’s why they created the panicdemic, in my opinion).

      I could go on. The main thing for people that grew in US or western Europe is to let go of the idea of “money” as prime mover. For example, stock could crash tomorrow and nothing would change IF the gov simply nationalizes every corporation.

      Thanks, and let me know if you want to talk over email.

      • CTG says:

        contact me at my email. Let us have a healthy discussion. chngtg()gmail…..

        Later, we can even do zoom

      • Xabier says:

        Orlov said that the population decline in Russia was so steady, but subtle, and everyone was so stressed by the economic collapse, that only after a decade did the survivors look around and note just how many had gone .

        I believe that might their model now – steady attrition, above all of the expensive elderly and chronically sick. In other words, no mass graves.

        And together with secret sterilisation, which did not feature then.

        If the vaccines were very deadly in the short-term, and at random, it would simply take out too many vital technical specialists, as well as crashing demand, and of course production.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          there is a certain logic to population decline – too fast and you lose production chains. Too slow and the collapse catches up with you.

          If someone compares the black plague (which triggered the renaissance) with the Roman collapse (when lots of technologies were lost) I bet they could find the “happy” medium.

    • Great to have you back, CTG!

      I would point out that “minimum batch size” is a consideration outside of factories. If we need specialists in nuclear energy, universities cannot produce just a handful of such specialists. There needs to be a whole curriculum for these would-be nuclear engineers.

      The same issue comes up with any specialty.

      If we are dealing with less and less fuel for international travel, then making goods locally, with local materials becomes very important. Of course, with today’s goods (tooth brush or anything else), this is pretty much impossible to do. This is a big worry, with today’s economy.

      Civilizations that collapsed before fossil fuel use didn’t have to deal with as many issues. Most of the workers were farmers. These farmers could move and use their same skills in a little different area, if land was available. Specialization was a lot less back then. A merchant could be a merchant anywhere, in theory.

      • Artleads says:

        There’s a vine (“chew stick”) I know of in the Tropics that is used to clean teeth. You chew on the end and it gets sudsy and splayed. Quite bitter too.

      • CTG says:

        Yes Gail, specialization is a major issue for our economy because people/things cannot be replaced easily. In the past, people’s needs are very basic. Food, shelter and warmth. Anything else is considered luxury. As fossil fuel allows more free time, people come up with creative ways to pass time. Thus, “unnecessary things” (not related to the survival are created and jobs are layered upon it many times. This is too far from the core of “survival”. Example. A very specialized software engineer creating AI codes from a very specialized programming language requires a very advanced computers that requires a team of specialized engineers making the most advanced chips. These chips are made at a very advanced factory that requires the inputs of advanced machines and specialized skills. None of these are related to “survival” of human beings and there are thousands of jobs required just to support that engineer doing the AI programming. All these is only possible because of fossil fuel. If the fossil fuel is running low or the debt is running too high, then the entire structure can be easily taken down

    • Fast Eddy says:

      This post details why I believe that the Injections must be all or nothing….

      I do not think this is about population reduction (Yeadon) … it is about population elimination (Bossche/Bridle/Montagnier).

      Downsizing results in complete chaos — and collapse. Which brings a Ripping Off of Faces scenario — followed by extinction.

      Extermination gets us to the same place (extinction) without the Ripping Off of Faces.

      I vote for B.

  9. Yorchichan says:

    Two or three weeks ago as I was driving along I saw two blackbirds fly straight into a car in front of me. One minute they were happily flying along, the next they were flapping around helplessly on the road.

    Birds like to swoop in front of cars. It always seemed to me flying across the path of a car is like a game to them. But In all the decades I have been driving with all the miles I do I had never seen a bird fly into a car

    Yesterday on two separate occasions I had a sparrow fly into the front of my car. On a hunch, I looked to see when 5G was switched on in York. It was switched on here in April. Coincidence? I think not.

    Add my name to the growing list of OFWers for whom collapse cannot come fast enough.

    • Xabier says:

      Welcome, Yorchichan, to your invisible cell on Elon’s Prison Planet.

      You ma be correct in your surmise about 5G. We don’t need it, but They do………

      • Yorchichan says:

        I had a passenger in my car last night who I hadn’t seen since last summer. Her legs were badly swollen and I had to help her in and out of the car. I asked what had happened and she said that she has been unable to walk properly since getting her second shot in early April.

        Last week the NHS vaccination call centre finally got through to me, after numerous attempts. I had intended to be polite when I eventually talked to them, but the effort proved too much and I told them I wanted no part of their genocidal agenda (in so many words). They hung up at that point. Hopefully this means they won’t try to call me again.

        • TY says:

          I can imagine: the pressure that they are putting on people is huge…

          Hopefully it will start to transpire to some of the volunteers helping these centres that the effort may not be as universally good as they thought and that there are more people with concerns out there then one would surmise from mainstream media reports. Also over here many volunteers are obese people because they are a higher risk group and acting as a volunteer gives them earlier access to their injection.

          The thing is; in my area – and probably everywhere in the west – the push is being financially incentivized. City councils get extra money if they manage to reach 70% and even more if reach 100%. So expect people to come door to door. I will try to remain polite and stick to rational concerns (no long term studies, etc..).. Every person that starts to think a bit more critically is a win.

          If it comes to it you can always cite EU Parliamentary Assembly
          Resolution 2361 (2021). Specifically:

          7.3 with respect to ensuring a high vaccine uptake:
          7.3.1 ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is not mandatory and that no one is under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so;
          7.3.2 ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;

          Best of Luck

        • Xabier says:

          An anecdote like that speaks volumes, poor woman!

          The dreadful evidence mounts, but we know the NHS and the govt. will plough on regardless.

          And if the MSM don’t report on it, it will only be known through personal contact and comments on those few channels which cover the issue.

          The majority of those injected who only get a brief fever or arm-ache will wonder what the fuss is about.

          We are now governed by those prepared to do unlimited harm to us, and almost at random. And they have more planned.

          • Tim Groves says:

            A century ago they would have sent us to the trenches and ordered us to go over the top and run across no man’s land. I suppose one could say the methodology has been refined. Nobody has to die in the mud anymore.

            • Xabier says:

              I like the response of Ivor Gurney when his officer pointed at the barbed wire, as they lay flat in the ground, saying:

              ‘There’s a bit of a gap over there, do you think you could just squeeze through it?’

              (It would have been almost certain death).

              ‘I’m afraid not,sir!’

              The orders are just as dangerous now (‘When you get the text, get your jab!’) and Gurney’s still seems the best response.

    • I am hoping a shortage of semiconductor chips will put an end to 5G.

  10. Yoshua says:

    “But T cells can. That is their function.”

    Thx, Duncan!

    I’m almost glad they did choose a bioweapon. No one has read medicine, but everybody has an opinion on health. We will never agree on anything again.

    Throw in spooks and government secrecy and the secret Los Alamos National Laboratory and we have a perfect mix.

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    What the epidemic of TV and movies about zombies and doomsday viruses is really trying to tell us
    By Craig McKee | Truth and Shadows | August 2, 2015

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. Of what may come. Of each other.

    If movies and television in the last few years are any indication, we have so much more to fear in this world than losing a job or a relationship or our health. Our “entertainment” is telling us that a terrifying future could arrive at any time in the form of a doomsday virus that threatens to wipe out civilization and all of us with it.

    Over the past decade, the sheer number of movies and television shows that have focused on killer contagions that threaten humanity with death or some kind or horrible transformation is reaching—forgive me for this—epidemic proportions. And there are more being made all the time. There are so many that it has become impossible to see these shows and movies as being made simply because the topic is “popular.” Something else is going on. It’s downright weird.

    These entertainment vehicles seem to be telling us that the things that hold our civilization together can disappear overnight. People can turn into vicious creatures, literally feeding off each other as our emotional connections and our biology betray us. The more fundamental message we get is: Don’t trust anyone. Fear your neighbor. Isolation is survival.

    • Xabier says:

      The sane few will go down overwhelmed by the zombie horde shouting:

      ‘They’re completely safe and 95% effective, made by the finest scientific minds, no side-effects, a technological miracle, so good we had our boosters!’

      I expected a sordid collapse of the usual kind amid corruption, power-cuts, starvation and gang warfare, but nothing as surreal and as like a cheap TV series as this……

      • Fast Eddy says:

        People are including me on CovIDIOCY group emails…. I delete without responding…

        I did respond directly to one person mentioning Bossche’s warning… with a remark — if this is the way this story plays out… remember this warning….

        I can guarantee that if it goes Bosshy … he’ll forget and blame me for contributing to the problem by not getting vaxxed.

        This is a no-win situation. We are afloat in an ocean of fools and MOREons.

        Hopefully is correct and they are all dead by the end of the year.

        A pyrrhic victory is a good victory.

  12. Fast Eddy says:

    The common cold is a virally related syndrome and has been associated with over 100 different viruses, including Human Coronavirus and Rhinovirus. Common symptoms include throat discomfort , followed by sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing and decreased energy level. Fever is uncommon with colds, except in young children.

    FINALLY – we will now have a vaccine for the common cold … because we now know how to vaccinate against the coronavirus.

    This has been a long time coming. Praise the lord… praise jesus christ!!!!

    • This is from website, I notice.

      I thought having colds would help raise your T-cell immunity against other illnesses, including COVID-19/

    • Fast Eddy says:

      The COVID-19 epidemic in Guangdong province continues to worsen. The Epoch Times has learned that one of the busiest commercial streets in the mega city of Shenzhen has just been closed due to infection. Meanwhile, in the provincial capital of Guangzhou city, food and medicine shortages have been reported in locked down areas.

      • According to Wikipedia:

        Guangzhou is at the heart of the most-populous built-up metropolitan area in mainland China, which extends into the neighboring cities of Foshan, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Shenzhen and part of Jiangmen, Huizhou, Zhuhai and Macao, forming the largest urban agglomeration on Earth with more than some 45 million inhabitants[13] and part of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.


        Due to a high urban population and large volumes of port traffic, Guangzhou is classified as a Large-Port Megacity, the largest type of port-city in the world.

        The Zerohedge article says,

        On June 2, 38 areas in Guangzhou were put under lockdown, with outbound travel restricted.

        If China loses control of this outbreak, it could disrupt China’s economy and the world economy significantly, a person would think.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I know for certain that trucks are permitted to cross the border into HK … and I think that tourists can enter the city from south china…

          One would think they’d close the border….

            More than 30% of inbound flights canceled amid Guangdong outbreak

            Published May 31

            Regarding steps to curb the spread, the article says:

            To curb the spread, starting from 10 pm on Sunday, people leaving Guangzhou by air, rail and road were required to present negative nucleic acid test results taken within the previous 72 hours.

            The article also says:

            Guangzhou’s local epidemic broke out on May 21, and neighboring cities including Foshan and Shenzhen both reported cases.

            Shenzhen’s Yantian Port reported one case on May 21, as an international freight-boarding operator from the port tested positive for COVID-19. The port said that it would suspend accepting heavy export containers from 10 pm, Tuesday to Thursday.

            The port is a hub dominated by international routes in Southern China. Nearly 100 routes are served every week, and 60 percent of the routes are to European countries and the US, according to information posted on the official website in October 2018.

            The port handles one-third of Guangdong’s foreign trade and one-quarter of China’s exports to the US, the Shenzhen government said.

      • Ed says:

        Fast are you saying there is a Guangdong variant? OMG!

      • This is a link to an ABC news out of Australia report from June 2:

        China reports COVID-19 surge in Guangzhou, flights cancelled and testing underway

        Recent infections in the city were contracted with a fast-spreading virus strain detected in India according to genome sequencing results, Chen Bin, deputy director at the city’s municipal health commission, told a press conference on Sunday. . .

        The outbreak has also resulted in a temporary pause in vaccinations in the city.

        The increasing case numbers have lead to 519 flights at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport being cancelled, according to aviation data provider Variflight.

        Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, which carried 43.8 million passengers last year, was the world’s busiest airport in the midst of a global pandemic.

    • TIm Groves says:

      “although the cause of his death was reported to be heart failure.”

      “Heart failure, it explains nothing! I have yet to meet a corpse whose heart it still beats.” ― Hercules Poirot; Agatha Christie, The Case of the Missing Will

    • Lastcall says:


  13. Fast Eddy says:

    Mass Persuasion and Propaganda

    This course presents a critical analysis of the development, principles, strategies, media, techniques, and effects of propaganda campaigns from ancient civilizations to modern technological society. The course focuses on propaganda in the context of government, religion, revolution, war, politics, and advertising, and explores implications for the future of propaganda in the cybernetic age.

  14. Very Far Frank says:

    Joe Biden stated earlier yesterday his administration would ‘review’ the Trump admin’s ban on US investment in 31 Chinese companies attached to the CCP’s military-industrial complex.

    Today Biden’s admin have realised that- bugger- Trump was right after all and perhaps they shouldn’t have been so extraordinarily complacent for so long.

    The investment ban has been extended to 51 companies, with US entities being given a year to divest.

    And as inflation and prices creep up in the background, the world powers take their first steps toward detachment and ultimately, armed conflict. (2024/2025?)

  15. Mirror on the wall says:

    The Scottish Tory (he did not sound Scottish to me) was extremely tiresome, talking about how the union might be made more workable, and how LP – and vaxes – might stop the SNP. He totally ignored what Scots themselves might actually want, and all he cares about is stopping them. He seems to think that it is all about him and what he wants. The first half of the discussion is interesting, but the second is just a massive ‘yuck’! My advice is to turn the Tory off once he gets boring, because he never changes his track from then on. Gavin outs himself as a unionist by the end – disappointing.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      That was posted in reply to the Gavin Esler video interview below. Sometimes posts just go to the top instead.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      only $1 billion! by 2028! let’s build hundreds of them. No, thousands!

    • James Speaks says:

      Natrium is another name for Sodium, itself a highly reactive element. (From Latin “natron” which was their name for sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3.) This reactor uses molten sodium as a coolant and heat storage medium. Other, similar designs use molten salts with and without fissionable material suspended in the salt solution. These designs are inherently safe.

      I believe this is the future of energy, not water cooled reactors nor so called renewables, most of which are manufacured with energy derived from fossil fuels, and transported and installed with fossil fuels.

      Elecricity produced by nuclear reactors would have to be at least an order of magnitude more than currently (uneducated guess).

      • Tim Groves says:

        Molten sodium was used as the primary coolant for the Japanese Monju Fast Breeder Reactor. It sprang a leak and turned into solid sodium. Quite a mess to clear up. It’s less than 100km from my place!

        • James Speaks says:

          My mistake. The fissionable material is not dissolved in the sodium. In molten salt reactors, it is. Corrosion is an issue with all of the low pressure/high temperature reactor designs.

  16. This is related to Norman Pagett’s skepticism over “transhumanist” plans by TPTB/Elite/Cabal:

    Exploring Digital Convergence
    Official Canadian government policy document:

    Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging:

    1. Full physical integration of biological and digital entities
    Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies.

    2. Coevolution of biological and digital technologies
    Coevolution emerges when advances in one domain generate major advances in the other.

    3. Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems
    Conceptual convergence involves a shift in perspective that could reshape our framing and approach to biological and digital realms, facilitating the blending of the two.

    Biodigital convergence is opening up strikingly new ways to:
    • change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours
    • change or create other organisms
    • alter ecosystems
    • sense, store, process, and transmit information
    • manage biological innovation
    • structure and manage production and supply chains

    h/t James Corbett

    ..while I’ve intimated before that I believe the “we’ll all upload our consciousness to a computer and explore the universe through a robot avatar” hype about the transhuman future is indeed nonsense that is being sold to the mid-level stewards of the technocratic state in order to motivate them, we must not lose sight of the fact that the transhumanists are in fact actively working to alter humanity in such a way that it is not truly human anymore.

    • I think I agree with Norman on this one.

      • Well, Norm asked where people “got” these strange notions, and here is the Canadian government entertaining and supporting the strange notions.

        If you know anyone who took the “vaccine”… they are no longer 100% human, if their bodies are going to be expressing proteins which the synthetic mRNA they’ve been injected with is instructing their cells to do. The import of this may be lost on people.

        • Perhaps the name of the idea is a problem for me. We are dealing with self-organizing systems that we don’t really understand. Why in the world would we want to mess with them in this way? To make a profit for pharmaceutical companies?

          • Fast Eddy says:

            I hear this all the time … it’s all about Big Pharma making money …. that makes ZERO sense… so we collapse the world so Big Pharma can make money…. and every politician is on board for this … the entire MSM….. hahaha… how totally ridiculous!!!!

            • Tim Groves says:

              It think it’s a bit like the search for the Holy Grail for these people.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Likely what is at play here … is denial…

              Team Bossche have laid out a good case for the Devil Covid bioweapon… Trudeau has mentioned it’s under development… and the MSM is fixated on the variants and scapegoating the refuseniks (prepping the CovIDIOTS?)

              We have 8B people and we are past peak oil…. the global economy was on the precipice in 2019…. a Reset is impossible….

              Often even when the obvious is staring us in the face we will refuse to see it…. the suggestion that ‘they’ are about to murder 8B people is unthinkable…

              So people grasp at other explanations… even though they make no sense.

              I am more than happy to entertain other theories… but so far the only one that is logical is one that involves exterminating all humans to prevent mass suffering followed by extinction.

          • JMS says:

            “Why in the world would we want to mess with them in this way?”

            I’m affraid our billionaire fuhrers are so delusional, in their own way, as anybody else. And the mere impracticability of an idea will never stop billionair self-apointed fuhrers, who seems themselves as all-powerful social engineers.

          • Gail, I knew people 40 years ago who were avid “transhumanists”. They thought that—not only would it be desirable to turn mechanical- and chemical- and computer-engineering prowess towards biology, including human biology—it was positively necessary and inevitable that it be done.

            Yes, the profit motive is always there, but not only.. it’s sheer hubris and arrogance and the thrill of the challenge. A lot of them are also into human longevity (eg., Peter Thiel).. and they’ve been “messing with things” without you and without me… they think it’s absolutely wonderful!

            You’re probably right that everything around us is self-organizing, but that doesn’t mean it can’t seem absurd at the same time.

            FULL PHYSICAL INTEGRATION OF BIOLOGICAL AND DIGITAL ENTITIES. They have been telling us for years that this is what they want.

            For all we know, this is where the self-organization is “supposed” to go. .. With the WEF employing the technological means of their Venezuelan cattle-tracking collaborators upon the world citizenry. They are telling us this is what they want to do. Why do we not believe them?

            • Student says:

              Since I think China and current EU bureaucrats totally agree on this path towards transumanism, we could only have a chance to get out of this either a) if something goes wrong on their plan (which can be probable, but it is not clear how much) or b) if something changes in US. Because European are too paralyzed to change direction and Russia is too weak to have persuasive power on others for a change (assuming that they don’t like transumanism).
              Russia is also too busy to defend its fossil fuel loot.
              Other Countries and people are unfortunately not crucial enough to make a change.
              So the above 2 are probably the things we should hope for a change.

            • Student, it sounds like you are leaving out the possibility of mass rejection on the part of the European populace. (This did irritate me about Europe: their utterly debilitating obeisance to Statism.)

              You think the only hope of change is if a.) something goes wrong with the plan of EU/China, or b.) something happens in the US to change the current trajectory.

              Why do you discount any organic local reaction? A rhetorical question, perhaps, but… you may well be right.

    • JMS says:

      I’m afraid you’re knocking on a deaf door, Lidia. Anyone who attends OFW and after a whole year has not yet get this scamdemic and the evil ways of Big Pharmafia, will never get. Never.
      La Rochefoucauld said it once and for all: “Neither the sun nor death can be looked at steadily.” But reality denialists are only exercising their human right not to look. So i would say, let them be happy Who cares, not me 🙂

      • Probably so.. I find death easier to look at than the sun, fortunately. 🙂

      • Tim Groves says:

        Monty Burns said much the same thing, JMS. And this is what comes into my mind and makes me smile any time somebody tells me they are going get injected.

  17. Yoshua says:

    Fauci did look into the possibility that the virus was created at the Wuhan lab. I can’t believe that Fauci would have turned against the entire US government on his own.

    The US government knows that the virus is a bioweapon but decided not to inform the public to not cause panic?

    Governments do have secrets. They must maintain crowd control. I guess we will never know how much the government knows.

    • Ed says:

      Remember way back at the start, about Feb 2020, there was an article claimed to be written by one person from Los Alamos National Labs Bio-weapons surveillance directorate and one person from NSA. They claimed to have read a memo from the Wuhan Lab director to staff saying destroy all the samples of the virus.

  18. Dennis L. says:

    I know, there won’t be enough copper, lithium is going to be gone tomorrow, there won’t even be enough grease for the wheels, but, meanwhile, electric cars move on


    For almost all of my driving, an electric car would work very well. Additionally, were it a Tesla, the frame would be aluminum, lighter and no rust.

    I replaced a battery pack in my hybrid, about $1,000. One water pump on hybrid, electric, no pump.
    One might say I am pumped.

    Biggest disruption, service departments of new car dealers and gasoline taxes, ouch. MN already has a yearly tax on electric vehicles but no tracking on mileage. I can see solar cells charging the car during the day, almost as good as an oil well in the back yard.

    But, hold your breath all those who bemoan the subsidizes big oil gets, there still is a tax credit for solar installations – we need to have that in the tax bill to increase our infrastructure spending.

    It is all good.

    Dennis L.

    • It won’t work in a world with 8 billion people, but it will work in a Belle Epoque like world, where about 50 million people, not like 1 billion, living a more or less comfortable life with a very tiny uber-rich at the top.

    • I intend to not to write anything negative about Britain on this thread, although Tim gets angry on me for reminding the harm it has done, but if the British did not meddle with the world wars, the environment conducive for advances like you are talking about would have been possible.

      It is simply impossible to bring 8 billion people to the space. It is ludicrous. The folks who built the Georgia Guidestones knew what they were doing, although they were PC enough to include Swahili in the tablets.

      Civilization has developed in a strange way that even the middle class of Asia and Africa get to enjoy most of today’s advances. That will end as it transforms towards a higher level.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Not angry, Kulm; just disappointed that you won’t stand up and salute for God Save the Queen.

        Incidentally, today I’ve been reading The Treason of the Intellectuals by Julien Benda. He provides plenty of blame to go around in piling on the kindling to light two world wars. French, German and Italian intellectuals from the second half of the nineteenth century (and Kipling too, we must admit) rejected the universal in favor of the national and emphasized people’s differences rather than what we all have in common.

        A review:

        The “treason” in question was the betrayal by the “clerks” of their vocation as intellectuals. From the time of the pre-Socratics, intellectuals, considered in their role as intellectuals, had been a breed apart. In Benda’s terms, they were understood to be “all those whose activity essentially is not the pursuit of practical aims, all those who seek their joy in the practice of an art or a science or a metaphysical speculation, in short in the possession of non-material advantages.” Thanks to such men, Benda wrote, “humanity did evil for two thousand years, but honored good. This contradiction was an honor to the human species, and formed the rift whereby civilization slipped into the world.”

        According to Benda, however, this situation was changing. More and more, intellectuals were abandoning their attachment to the traditional panoply of philosophical and scholarly ideals. One clear sign of the change was the attack on the Enlightenment ideal of universal humanity and the concomitant glorification of various particularisms. The attack on the universal went forward in social and political life as well as in the refined precincts of epistemology and metaphysics: “Those who for centuries had exhorted men, at least theoretically, to deaden the feeling of their differences … have now come to praise them, according to where the sermon is given, for their ‘fidelity to the French soul,’ ‘the immutability of their German consciousness,’ for the ‘fervor of their Italian hearts.’” In short, intellectuals began to immerse themselves in the unsettlingly practical and material world of political passions: precisely those passions, Benda observed, “owing to which men rise up against other men, the chief of which are racial passions, class passions and national passions.” The “rift” into which civilization had been wont to slip narrowed and threatened to close altogether.

        Writing at a moment when ethnic and nationalistic hatreds were beginning to tear Europe asunder, Benda’s diagnosis assumed the lineaments of a prophecy—a prophecy that continues to have deep resonance today. “Our age is indeed the age of the intellectual organization of political hatreds,” he wrote near the beginning of the book. “It will be one of its chief claims to notice in the moral history of humanity.” There was no need to add that its place in moral history would be as a cautionary tale. In little more than a decade, Benda’s prediction that, because of the “great betrayal” of the intellectuals, humanity was “heading for the greatest and most perfect war ever seen in the world,” would achieve a terrifying corroboration.

        • Computer acting funny. In short the idea of nationalism came from the Napoleonic era when England continued to finance kingdoms to shed blood for City of London to defeat Napoleon.

          As a result, Prussian Nationalism, Russian Nationalism , Austrian Nationalism , etc came to forth, and people who have no business having countries, like Serbia, also came to believe in that idea. I will save a longer reply for Gail’s next thread

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          European history is an endless flow of complete rubbish. Europe had one chance to get on the right path, and it blew it. The British state stands out as a chief culprit in the flow, but that is likely incidental, it could just as well have been someone else.

          So here we are, waiting for end….

          • Mirror on the wall says:


            The West faces utter destruction – as does the British state. Thank god! All of its paradigms are going down the flusher. Good riddance!

            A _complete_ erasion of Christian and bourgeois civilisation is likely exactly what humanity, and the planet needs.

            The ‘victors’ had their seventy years – a single lifetime – to show how well they had thought out reality – and they utterly destroyed themselves.

      • Tim Groves says:

        Not angry; just disappointed that you refuse to stand for God Save the Queen.

        Actually, I am not a big fan of Perfidious Albion either. I just think it’s a bit too simplistic to blame Britain in an era when the intellectuals of France, Germany and Italy were all abandoning universality and embracing a nationalist sensibility in all things including science and literature.

        But on Britain, I am firmly in the camp of Ian Hunter. It’s a rip-off!

        And of course, Mirror provides the answer to Ian’s question. The UK is a PLC, responsible only to the shareholders.

        • Xabier says:

          ‘England, that was made with ploughing, and building and tears’. (Ivor Gurney)

          Saturated in lies as it now is, descending into a brutal and delusional Techno-tyranny, there is still something to love left to us from those long centuries of labour, craft and suffering.

    • Dennis, one has to have an above-average taxable income to take advantage of the solar “tax credits” of recent years. In a linguistic sleight-of-hand, they are not really credits, but deductions. Having a household income low enough to currently avoid federal tax (under $60-70k.., which is the case for the majority of people) one loses out on the credit altogether.

      These are sold to the “average homeowner”, but it’s only the better-off who reap any tax advantages.

      Source: bought into a local solar farm and was not able to obtain the aggressively-advertised 30% tax credit. I would have purchased the shares anyway, but it was highly irritating to be paying a 30% premium, effectively subsidizing certain smug “green” Tesla-driving neighbors.

      • Dennis L. says:


        I appreciate your frustration and thank you for the solar information; I have never seen a case where he credits were not used to increase the price of the system.

        There was a poster here with a name similar to yours, MIT graduate. Were that person bright enough to gain entrance to MIT, work hard, it would be difficult for them not to have an income in excess of $100K assuming a rigorous engineering curriculum.

        Life is full of choices, making money is very hard work, staying in the game and having a family makes sleep a luxurious option, if one is young, sleep is vastly overrated. It is not easy, it was in the US for many years, those times are ending, it will be hard work, but some will win. If we are going to be more ecological, those ideas might apply to humans as well.

        Imagine being a male, historically only 40% were chosen by women to breed or at least enjoy sex, it seems to be returning to that. We need to chose our parents wisely.

        Dennis L.

        • If one doesn’t believe in the projects on offer then one may not choose to pursue the most remunerative paths.

          I chose my parents wisely enough so that I wasn’t left in debt, and could make money a different way and then retire asap in genteel poverty.

          It’s one thing to choose to do the work it takes to make money. The frustration comes, as I said, in watching people being handed money for nothing.

          The last few decades cannot but have disabused anyone paying attention as to whether we are living in a meritocracy. Jen Psaki reports income over $700k and she updates reporters on the White House cat.

          The general degradation of The Academy (eliminating grades and testing) will only further ensure that the least competent will have an excusable path to superior positions.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            See how easy it is to ensure compliancy…. 700k for doing very little… or even for doing a lot of little… is Big Money.

            I bet Jan would even be willing to make regular nocturnal visits to the Fed Building … to service the Old Goats… if that was part of the job description.

            • She’s over the hill for that one.. maybe she has a child to offer to Moloch. That figure isn’t her press sec. salary but includes lots of “consulting” gigs, as any patriotic swamp creature has…

            • Fast Eddy says:

              She might be a Gizz-laine and pimp young girls to the Elders… who knows

            • Xabier says:

              Bung a commoner a mere half a million or so £’s or $’s and they will think themselves rich and do your bidding. Most can be bought for far less.

              People can be so cheap, in every way.

              The Controllers, like that awful fat man at the BIS (remember the video?), just love it: every day it’s a 3 for 1 bargain in the sale of minions……

      • Dennis L. says:

        Please help me understand.

        If one has an income without federal tax, why is missing out a tax credit a burden? It would seem to me that those “better off” have the tax disadvantage, they actually pay taxes, getting a credit only reduces them.

        Would you have those not paying taxes get a credit as well?

        I agree, the premium is odious, it is the subsidy paid to make solar happen; for a while I attended MREA workshops, there is no money in that business. The only effective way to get a reduction is do the work one’s self avoiding the increase in markup.

        With regard to Tesla drivers, I personally know some, they are not smug, some actually think what they are doing is beneficial and if you perchance see some of my posts, Tesla may well have some good ideas. Large, US corporations now mostly make pickup trucks, majority of Ford sales in MN are pickup trucks. They make them because the “average” owner wants a pickup truck for whatever.

        Dennis L.

        • The big part of the subsidy for solar is allowing it to “go first.” This doesn’t show up anywhere in the accounting, however. It is the ability for it to function without a huge (months’ long) amount of battery backup.

        • Dennis, my objection is that it is continuously and everywhere advertised as a “tax credit”, meaning the gov, will supposedly chip in X% of the cost off the top. When one goes to do one’s taxes and that is not the case, one is dismayed.

          Such fake “tax credits” are like saying that Bruno Magli loafers are on sale at Macy’s at 30% off, but only for people who make $100k/year. People who make less than that pay full price.

          I’m not sure why you don’t see that as somewhat of a problem.

          If the off-the shelf price of a given solar system is (let’s say) $60k, why should it effectively cost a net $40k for a wealthy person, but the full $60k for me, a relatively “poor” person? My paying the full price effectively subsidizes the richer person’s “bargain” energy.

        • Furthermore, you don’t seem to understand that this is all finely calculated, they way banking fees and insurance premiums are finely calculated.. to extract the maximum possible from the average person.

          I was encouraged by a “natural builder” to apply thousands of dollars’ worth of insulation on my current home, under the aegis of a state-wide energy-saving program. Similar promises of tax breaks were made, but did not materialize. I’m not upset that the upgrades were made, but that they were made under false pretenses. Poorer people than I would have ended up in real financial difficulty as a result of these false tax-savings claims.

  19. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Global food prices extended their rally to the highest in almost a decade, heightening concerns over bulging grocery bills as economies struggle to exit the Covid-19 crisis.”

    • The FAO Food Index especially covers imported foods. These are especially important for countries in the Middle East, where little food can be grown.

      A lot of different things seem to contribute to the problem. Rainfall patterns, high-priced fertilizer, rising shipping costs, lack of immigrant workers to pick crops.

    • Sam says:

      In the short term I see oil going up.. those countries that produce it… high shipping cost and high demand will eventually drive prices higher. Americans are ready for travel and spending etc.. and so is Europe and India soon to come back on line

  20. Sam says:

    Gail what do you think the crash point is for oil getting too high? On one hand it feeds the fracking states but on the other it seems to crash the economy

    • My thought (probably based on some of Yoshua’s charts) has been that the oil price will likely not rise much above $70.00 per barrel. WTI seems to be at $68.59; Brent is about $71.07. We are pretty much topped out, I would think.

      • Charlie says:

        I’ve been following you from Spain for several articles, your work is very interesting on this blog. Other scholars of peak oil believe that there could be a significant price spike due to the fact that supply does not cover demand as consumption expands. The lack of investment in the oil companies would lead to them not being able to cover the depletion of the wells and it seems that this would happen before 2025

        • Perhaps there would be a small price spike, but nowhere near the $120+ per barrel that those making oil investments really need, given the depleted state of resources and the high need for taxes by government related to the sale of this oil.

          I think the people concerned about “running out of oil” followed the lead of economists. Economists could see only one side of the equation: High prices would be a problem for customers. They didn’t stop to think that (because of depletion), at some point low prices could also be a problem for producers. Economists did not see that the economy is a self-organizing system, powered by energy. It doesn’t operate without enough cheap-to-produce energy products.

          Of course, there is some history of oil prices spiking when supply has been low in the past (if demand is also high). But people don’t realize that low prices and a glut of supply are a sign of too much wage disparity, and this can also bring the system down.

          • Marco says:

            Very intresting

          • Xabier says:

            The wage disparity issue is often over-looked: politically too hot a potato!

            Only certain inequalities can be discussed, and on restricted terms.

            One also wonders how the New Normal economy they are rapidly moving us towards, with large numbers on UBI – displaced by lock-downs, the end of tourism and movement for leisure, suppression of off-line retail, the spread of automation, etc – can possibly be expected to function.

      • BahamasEd says:

        We’ve been in a time of lower highs and lower lows in the price of WTI oil since early 2000s
        2008 high in the $140
        2011 high around $115
        2018 high around $76
        $68.80 as I type so any time now or we sit in this range for a while.

        I think if the price is going to go any higher it will take another round of printing

        • Sam says:

          They don’t print money they lend it into to the system…..only then do you have money creation. But you will soon see a new infrastructure spending bill come into affect my guess is that it will be about another 2 trillion dollars buying infrastructure materials…I believe that will have to push oil higher $80 range….and I don’t know how long we can run at that level. Air travel is expected to be way up plus lots and lots of driving

  21. Yoshua says:

    Once the virus enters a cell, the antibodies can’t reach it. The virus then spreads from cell to cell.

    “The implications may be that once some cells where the virus can do cell-to-cell spread are infected, infection becomes more damaging and may last longer – this probably happens in the lung.”

    So, how do you get rid of the virus once it enters a cell? It’s like airborne HIV?

    • Duncan Idaho says:

      “Once the virus enters a cell, the antibodies can’t reach it. ”

      But T cells can. That is their function.
      So far, nothing has effected the T Cells.
      But a rapidly evolving virus probably will.

  22. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Trump was RIGHT Build the Wall! Too bad he picked the wrong location!🙊

    Build a wall, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed in its first draft of the study, now under review. Six miles of it, in fact, mostly inland, running parallel to the coast through neighborhoods — except for a 1-mile stretch right on Biscayne Bay, past the gleaming sky-rises of Brickell, the city’s financial district.

    Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times

    The dramatic, $6 billion proposal remains tentative and at least five years off. But the startling suggestion of a massive sea wall up to 20 feet high cutting across beautiful Biscayne Bay was enough to jolt some Miamians to attention. The hard choices that will be necessary to deal with the city’s many environmental challenges are here, and few people want to face them.

    “You need to have a conversation about, culturally, what are our priorities?” said Benjamin Kirtman, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Miami. “Where do we want to invest? Where does it make sense?

    “Those are what I refer to as generational questions,” he added. “And there is a tremendous amount of reluctance to enter into that discussion.”

    In Miami, the U.S. metropolitan area that is perhaps most exposed to sea-level rise, the problem is not climate change denialism. Not when hurricane season, which begins this week, returns each year with more intense and frequent storms. Not when finding flood insurance has become increasingly difficult and unaffordable. Not when the nights stay so hot that leaving the house with a sweater to fend off the evening chill has become a thing of the past.

    The trouble is that the magnitude of the interconnected obstacles the region faces can feel overwhelming, and none of the possible solutions is cheap, easy or

  23. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Now this is REAL News..Attention Greta and Uncle 💸💵 Bill, BAU won’t be denied!

    Wed, June 2, 2021, 8:58 PM
    SHANGHAI (Reuters) – The world’s coal producers are currently planning as many as 432 new mine projects with 2.28 billion tonnes of annual output capacity, research published on Thursday showed, putting targets for slowing global climate change at risk.

    China, Australia, India and Russia account for more than three quarters of the new projects, according to a study by U.S. think-tank Global Energy Monitor. China alone is now building another 452 million tonnes of annual production capacity, it said.

    “While the IEA (International Energy Agency) has just called for a giant leap toward net zero emissions, coal producers’ plans to expand capacity 30% by 2030 would be a leap backward,” said Ryan Driskell Tate, Global Energy Monitor research analyst and lead author of the report.

    The report said four Chinese provinces and regions alone – Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi and Shanxi – account for nearly a quarter of all the proposed new coal mine capacity.

    Those intense upcoming climate negotiations are a joke. Can’t wait till they are over with and read the BS closing protocol and Uncle Bill announcing we have made great strides in slowing the rise of sea levels and protecting our children from the threat of CC…. hahahahahaha 🙄
    Same as it ever was

    • I suspect that the reason why these coal fields were not developed before is because they are too far from markets. The shipping cost of coal gets to be a big share of the total cost. Of course, there would need to be a lot of oil required for shipping as well. Or there would be a need for a lot of long distance electricity transmissions lines, something that doesn’t work well at all.

      As I have said before, the climate change agenda is primarily a cover-up for too little fossil fuels that can be extracted and delivered cheaply. Investing in these coal mines is likely based on the hope that the delivered price of coal will rise, or the price of electricity will rise. I wouldn’t count on this.

      • Dennis L. says:

        What do you think of this? It is in effect a way of forcing green energy efforts no matter what the reason, clever and not foreseen afaIk.

        Basically ESG groups are changing boards of energy corporations.

        Dennis L.

        • I think that these groups are ones that are objecting to the lack of profits of fossil fuels. They look at the subsidies being provided to renewables, and see that the profits seem to be there. Of course, the renewables cannot really support the economy.

          It is really a logical outcome. Directors saying, “Move your company to where the profits seem to be, given the current subsidy approaches.”

          • Sam says:

            Where would all the copper come from? Enormous amounts would be needed. Not to mention all of the other metals… amazing how people don’t think things through. They need to sell car s and trucks and this is a new product to get the consumer excited and so far it works

          • Dennis L. says:

            Nice insight.

            Dennis L.

          • Xabier says:

            At a higher level, it’s rather like young women having a baby in order to get priority for a subsidised public housing apartment. Perfectly logical.

      • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

        Biggest Bank in India Torn Between BlackRock and Funding Coal
        Suvashree Ghosh, Bloomberg News

        A truck laden with coal travels along a track road in Jharia, Jharkhand, India. Photographer: Sanjit Das/Bloomberg

        (Bloomberg) — India’s biggest bank is caught between Larry Fink and Narendra Modi.

        State Bank of India needs to finance coal projects to meet the Indian leader’s push to electrify more homes, yet it wants to back renewable projects to appease investors like BlackRock Inc. For now it’s doing a bit of both.

        “Investors’ concerns are very important to us, we take them into consideration,” the lender’s head of corporate banking and global markets, Ashwani Bhatia, said in an interview. “But we also have commitments to the country. There are so many coal mines being developed in India because we need them to produce steel, aluminum, electricity.”

        The listed state-owned lender has a tough balancing act on its financial support for coal-fired power plants, which are a major contributor to air pollution. International investors are increasingly restricting support to companies involved in extracting or consuming coal, yet nearly 70% of India’s electricity comes from coal plants and demand for power is set to rise as the economy recovers from the blows of the pandemic.

        No lack of financing for these projects and China’s silk road will open up markets for their coal perhaps

  24. Mirror on the wall says:

    The recent Telegraph poll showed that only 20% of the English could care less about the UK – not that we will get a vote. The only question now is what will follow its break up – perhaps more sovereignty in the English regions and an expansion of local democracy? The Guardian has picked up on the theme today.

    > The United Kingdom was always a fragile illusion – but what will replace it?

    There’s an astonishing lack of thinking about how to address the radical implications of Britain’s disintegration

    There is a famous quote from the Italian writer Antonio Gramsci: “The old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

    His argument could equally apply to the United Kingdom. Many think the UK in its current form is probably doomed, and that the break up of the union is inevitable. But outside the various nationalist causes, few people seem to have a clear idea about what should replace the dying dream of unionism.

    With a pro-independence majority installed in the Holyrood parliament, it seems almost certain that Scotland will achieve independence in the near-ish future. Meanwhile, spurred on by Brexit and the destabilising impact of Covid-19, Northern Ireland’s place in the union looks increasingly precarious — with a majority of its citizens expecting Irish reunification in the next 25 years. Even in Wales, where opposition to the UK is modest by comparison, calls for independence are growing louder by the year.

    In stark contrast, the unionist cause is beleaguered. While Scottish, Irish and Welsh nationalist movements have gained in strength, underlined by the SNP’s decisive breakthrough in the May elections, the union has become a hazy, marginal idea that is rarely articulated with much confidence or sense of belief.

    …. Should that future be based on a reimagining of England on federal lines, or even actual independence for its constituent parts? ….

    • Malcopian says:

      I found Gavin Esler’s recent book an enjoyable read and very insightful. Better still, I got the Kindle version when it was on offer for only 99 pence. At £6.49 currently, it’s still a bargain.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Interesting bloke, and I never found him unlikeable. He discusses his book in this.

    • Well, Gramsci was one of the founders of the Communist Party of Italy, communists being both invested in killing the old order and preventing anything new that is healthy from being born. I’d define the permanent revolution as an interregnum with morbid symptoms.

      England has been so effectively deracinated that its population not only doesn’t care about the UK but has been led to consider the English flag (Cross of St. George) a hate symbol.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Gramsci was not associated with the concept of ‘permanent revolution’, which was Trotsky and Lenin, and was about how Russia might get from feudalism to socialism in lieu of an emergent bourgeoisie to take Russia through the stage of capitalism to socialism – and about how USSR’ success ‘depended’ on the spread of revolution to other countries – in opposition to Stalin’s ‘socialism in one country’. Gramsci had been in prison for years by the time that it became an important, developed concept in Russia.

        Gramsci had a theory of ‘passive revolution’ (which I am not really up on). He thought that Italy was gradually performing the tasks of a bourgeois revolution, without an ‘active’ emergent class like that in France, and in the interests of old elites. He saw Mussolini as also a part of that ‘passive’ process of bourgeois modernisation. I am not really up on it, and my knowledge of modern Italian history is surprisingly sparse. Anyway, Gramsci had his context in Italy rather than Russia.

        It perhaps relates to what you said elsewhere about how feudal ideas survived into the recent present in Italy. As I say, Gramsci and Italy generally, are not really my forte. Perhaps you could fill in (or correct) some of the sparsity there?

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Btw. I seriously that many consider the English flag to be a ‘hate symbol’, and I am yet to see any polls linking ethnicity to views about the UK. Thanks for your ‘theories’, though.

        • In 2012 a survey carried out by the think tank British Future as part of a report into how people around the UK viewed their national identity, revealed almost a quarter (24%) of the English said they considered their flag to be racist, compared to just 10% of Scots and 7% of Welsh.

          … In the run-up to the 2015 election, Labour MP Emily Thornberry was forced to resign as shadow attorney general after being attacked for posting a picture of a house in Rochester draped with three England flags on social media.

        • If a national politician is forced to resign for displaying a national flag.. there could be a problem.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            Emily Thornberry resigned because she presented the flying of the English flag from a house window (and the presence of a workers’ van in the drive) as problematic. She ‘snobbed out’.


            If you are going to base all of your arguments on inaccurate data, then there could be a problem.

            • You’re right that I didn’t understand the context of that “problematic” display. I don’t see how that really changes my argument, though, in that the display of English flags is—one way or another—is still apparently unseemly. That’s a very new thing, I’d say.

              Here in the US the display of our national flag has become a political football, and the left are keen to downplay or eradicate anything to do with national solidarity.

          • Xabier says:

            All Rainbow flags flying from the ancient towers here this week.

            Fine old heraldry – one College even has the old cross of the Kingdom of Jerusalem as part of the bearings – dumped on one side and replaced by a sectarian symbol.

            In fact, the Rainbow flag seems to get raised at any excuse. Revolutionary times…..

  25. Yoshua says:

    Fauci is naive. He trusted the scientists at the Wuhan lab. He wasn’t dealing with the CCP or PLA…he was dealing with scientists like him self. Doctors who have sworn the oath: Do No Harm.

    Who would be mad enough to release a bioweapon into the world?

    • NomadicBeer says:

      “Fauci is naive”
      Gates is an angel, WEF is a country club for nice old grandpas and this world is the best of all possible worlds.

      Do you really believe that there is no financial interest in Fauci’s part?

    • It sounds like an awfully lot of countries were in on this research. If I remember correctly, the list includes the US, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, and perhaps UK. It is hard to understand why. In theory, there might have been some possible slight benefit from this research in creating new vaccines, for example. But the downside was so obvious, especially in an unsafe lab in China, that anyone should have figured out the problem.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        “Operation Warp Speed” is a military operation. Gain of function research is essential for developing certain dual-use technologies.

        The medical establishment gets to say, “Wow, we’ve found a more efficient way of treating or preventing disease.”

        The military establishment gets to say, “Wow, we’ve found a more efficient way to kill our enemies.”

        Everybody wins!

        • Or perhaps everybody loses, if there are side effects that cannot be determined in advance, or if the gain of function virus accidentally gets loose (or even on purpose).

          • Azure Kingfisher says:

            There you go again, Gail; bursting the bubbles of the intelligent yet unwise.

    • JMS says:

      I think it was Lidia who posted it here some time ago. And i say it’s an awesome piece of information about Frankenfauci & The Big Pharmafia. I hope you enjoy.

  26. Mirror on the wall says:

    London is going bonkers in the early summer heat, with a flood of stabbings and killings over the past few days, and machete-sword fights in front of a screaming public. This could be a long hot summer here, with a lot of pent up frustrations boiling out. Lockdown has left a lot of unemployment in the cities. It is 10 years since the unprecedented London riots spread through the country. We are not near any urban areas.

    Lockdown had its charms, the place has never been so ‘peace and quiet’.

    London suffered a night of devastating bloodshed as souring temperatures sparked a spike in crazed violence.

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      Wales, too:

      “There have been incidents across Wales in recent weeks that have left communities shaken… According to criminologists, rising temperatures are often a time of mass disturbances…”

      • Xabier says:

        I am pleased to report that all is peaceful in the inner city here, the only disturbances being caused by plunging necklines and rising hemlines:

        ‘Phew, Wot A Scorcher’!

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      Same here in the United States and now rent hiatus has ended and …

      By: John MataresePosted at 12:08 PM, Jun 01, 2021 and last updated 2021-06-01 15:33:48-04 ABC news channel 10 San Diego

      It’s not just home prices that are rising to wild levels in 2021. Rents are following them up, and some tenants say higher rates may force them to move.

      Barbara Hill-Kelley is among the many tenants hit with rent hikes this year. She opened her door the other day to find a note posted that her rent was going up — way up.

      “They’re crazy,” she said. “I said, ‘there’s got to be a mistake.'”

      But it was no mistake. According to the note from the leasing office, the complex is raising her rent to $875 a month — an additional $117 a month for her two-bedroom apartment.

      The rate hike comes despite the fact that her 1970s-era complex — with wood visibly peeling on its decks — has not been updated in years.

      “That’s crazy; that’s an additional $1,200 per year,” Hill-Kelley said. the home health aide said.

      Stories like Hill-Kelley’s are taking place nationwide, as the red-hot housing market spills over into the rental market.

      Barbara Hill-Kelly.JPG
      Barbara Hill-Kelley

      Every night here in South Florida there is a story of random shootings or such covered on the local news…kinda expected now…
      NBC 6 has team coverage as police and families of those injured and killed search for answers and hope those responsible in the case to step forward.

      Two people were killed and more than 20 people were injured in what police called a “targeted and cowardly act” early Sunday morning outside a Northwest Miami-Dade banquet hall.

      The shooting took place just after 12:30 a.m. at a release party for a local rap artist at El Mula banquet hall, located at 7630 Northwest 186th Street.

      The Miami-Dade Police Department said two people died, three are in extremely critical condition, and 17 others were shot and transported to six or seven area hospitals between Dade and Broward counties. Many initially drove themselves to the hospital.

      This was just days ago

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Evictions are coming in England too. 2 M facing homelessness would be complete unprecedented.

        Private renters in England on ‘cliff edge’ as eviction ban ends

        Councils and charity Shelter voice concern as ministers are warned homelessness crisis could cost the state £2.2bn

        Almost two million private renters fear they will be unable to find another property if they lose their home after the eviction ban is lifted, ministers are being warned.

        With the ban coming to an end this week, the government is facing demands for emergency legislation to increase the permanent protection for those struggling to pay their rent as a result of the Covid pandemic. Councils are also warning of a “cliff edge” of homelessness in the months ahead unless action is taken, with a potential £2.2bn bill for the state.

        Private renters are those most at risk at the end of the ban, which has been repeatedly extended amid concerns about the build-up of rent arrears during the crisis. Among private renters in England who are worried about losing their home and who are already cutting back on heating and food to pay rent, 72% are worried they will be unable to find another home in the future. The finding, from a study by homelessness charity Shelter, equates to about 1.9 million privately renting adults….

      • The CDC eviction moratorium in the United States seems to have been extended through June 30, 2021. Thus, even if owners raise rents, they perhaps cannot really collect them.

        A person wonders what happens after June 30, 2021.

        • Dennis L. says:

          Perhaps a larger issue is what happens to mortgages on those buildings?

          Dennis L.

        • RationalLuddite says:

          “A person wonders what happens after June 30, 2021.”

          Gail – Basel III happens June 30.

          Basel III is the beginning salvo to throw all, yes all, commercial banking and banks under a bus and recapitalise the West via CBDCs that are precious metals backed (with a “0” added to the price per ounce of gold and silver). They will wipe the slate clean of old liability based fiats and replace them with central bank currency.

          The usury banking model is dead in a now permanently shrinking energy base (excluding a ‘successful’ CEP down to 1 billion souls of course, but even that would only extend the onset of terminal decline by a few decades). The CEP is an attempt at lowering liabilities and extending precious resources.

          Fun times ahead kids.

          • Tim Groves says:

            Great video from someone who seems to know what he’s talking about.

            Also he does the first nine minutes of this talk while biking through the quiet midwestern (at a guess) countryside past fields, farmhouses, silos and mail boxes. I enjoyed that.

            • Xabier says:

              Thanks, will take a look.

              From other sources, some time in 2023 looked to be probable for the CBDC’s, following an otherwise insurmountable crisis of cascading mortgage and loan defaults, massive permanent unemployment, etc.

              Which is why they are trying to bounce us into the Digital Identity system, disguised rather poorly as ‘vaccine passports’.

              Lock-downs are really only explicable as the tools for creating that crisis and accelerating it, apart from the suppression of energy consumption.

              So, ’21-’22, or last years of semi-freedom……

            • Some time in 2023 does sound more like the date of digital currencies. It seems like there would need to be a big crisis before a transition to them.

          • Central Bank Digital Currencies already on June 30? That will be a change! I am afraid I haven’t had a chance to listen to much of the video yet.

            • RationalLuddite says:

              Not quite yet Gail – it needs to made to look forced upon reluctant central banks. Perhaps by the 3rd quarter of 2022 when things are getting really … icky.

              As FE below says – merely a delay mechanism, denial of reality. Unless CEP of course … then, well, we’ll see.

              There is a cabal battle – genocide or enslave the 90%?. Choices, choices.

          • a kullervo says:

            Nice video (bicycling part apparently filmed in Amish/Mennonite land – see 6mn17s) but…

            Did the barbarians upheld Roman Law? Who is going to uphold all the legalese when the walls come tumbling down?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Extend again

  27. Yoshua says:

    China’s borders remain closed…

    GDP Q1 +18%
    Chinese tourists travel only inside China
    Concerts without masks
    A pararell universe without Covid

    China doesn’t follow the script by the elite to depopulate.
    Depopulation is only for the rest of us.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      I don’t know about depopulation but China should be the one example on TV every day.

      They basically had no Covid cases in a year. They have no lockdowns and no restrictions (at least until last week).

      I think they do want to restrict energy consumption and keep the money in the country so they will keep the borders closed for a while (forever?).

      I can see US and Russia following a similar pattern – all states open up, free internal travel but limitations on international travel.

      The rest of the developed world is intent on committing suicide but I always supported freedom of choice.

      • What we hear about China is rather selected, intended to be complementary to the country.

        In early 2020, and even since then, China closed more things than we have generally heard about. I know that universities were taught over the Internet, rather than in person, for periods of time, as far away as Beijing.

        China had rolling electricity back outs between November and early February this past year in a fairly wide area due to “unusually cold weather.” Really, for that long?

        China has recently had food shortages. They started a campaign to cut food waste at restaurants, last fall.

        China severely restricts the internet sites its citizens can use. The material published in newspapers is what China allows to be published there.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          Thank you Gail!
          I agree we cannot trust what comes out of China.
          But why did everyone trusted them last year?

        • If they have food shortages, why are they shifting to a policy of more children?

          • To get more workers in the 15-59 age group. Population will drop rapidly with even a two-child limit.

          • Minority Of One says:

            I am not sure serious food shortages have arrived yet. I suspect that due to the very poor / disastrous grain harvest last year, they are expecting shortages later this year, and that is what they are preparing the population for.

            But as Gail says, whether or not they are or will be short of food, they need more people of working age and much fewer elderly (as in several other countries). The former might be difficult, the latter not so much.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Re population control… surely if that was the goal …. the injection would only be given to people 65 and older … in the US alone that’s 17% of the people…

              Once the dead is done … the PR Team rolls with ‘they had to take it for the team…’

              They could mix in come TV spots depicting some of these disease bags as heroes… I’d also go with some feel-good stuff…. one where the adult kids are so f789ing relieved to not have to haul the brood down to the retirement home ‘that stinks of stale piss and shit’ ….

              I’d also go with another TVC where the family is popping corks on expensive champagne as the husband pulls into the driveway with a new sports car all paid for by the inheritance ….and heremarks to the wife ‘I thought that sonofabitch would never die’

              This is not happening …

            • Minority Of One says:

              I doubt the CCP is playing the same game as everyone else.

      • Minority Of One says:

        “I don’t know about depopulation but China should be the one example on TV every day.

        They basically had no Covid cases in a year. They have no lockdowns and no restrictions (at least until last week).”

        Absolutely not true. Over the past year there has hardly been a week when China In Focus did not report a lockdown in some province or city, or several.

        As for Wuhan where the number of deaths was officially in the hundreds. A few weeks ago CiF reported that the number of elderly seeking a pension increased every year until 2019, then in 2020 they dropped by 150,000, official figures. Probably just a coincidence.

        Incidentally, bad floods have returned to China in the south – monsoon season again.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          Minority, so you disagree with the official death count?
          I was just looking at the official number in the worldometer.

          So which one is it – the rest of the world inflating Covid deaths or China ignoring them? Or both?

    • China is already in the process of depopulating the 15-64 year old age group. In fact, the combination of families preferring male children and a one child policy leads to too rapid depopulation. Males don’t have babies; females do.

      If China is to have workers to support its rapidly aging population, it needs to have at least a three child policy. In practice, the average number of children will likely still be far less than 2.0.

      • theblondbeast says:

        Right, it’s not just a policy. Really they would also need to make it affordable for young people to start families in their early 20’s. I just don’t think they can really do this, as we are at limits and someone has to get cut out.

  28. Harry McGibbs says:

    “While China’s borders remain closed, the global economy suffers… China’s current border policy is having a cumulative long-term effect across the global economy…

    “The problem is that opening the borders is hard to reconcile with Chinese people’s expectations of zero Covid cases.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      Why China is reining in the renminbi.

      “On Monday, China’s central bank yanked a policy lever it hasn’t touched since the global financial crisis, signaling Beijing’s determination to rein in a currency rally that has seen the renminbi surge to its strongest level against the dollar in three years.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Malaysia protests ‘suspicious’ Chinese air force activity over South China Sea.

      “The foreign ministry of Malaysia has said it would summon China’s envoy to explain an “intrusion” by 16 air force planes into its airspace, after the south-east Asian country’s military detected “suspicious” activity over the South China Sea.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Why China is reining in the renminbi.

        “On Monday, China’s central bank yanked a policy lever it hasn’t touched since the global financial crisis, signaling Beijing’s determination to rein in a currency rally that has seen the renminbi surge to its strongest level against the dollar in three years.”

        • Harry McGibbs says:

          “The Taiwan Temptation. Why Beijing Might Resort to Force…

          “In recent months… there have been disturbing signals that Beijing is reconsidering its peaceful approach and contemplating armed unification.”

          • There are some concerning issues:

            Xi’s military reforms have improved China’s cyberwarfare and electronic warfare capabilities, which could be trained on civilian, as well as military, targets. As Dan Coats, then the U.S. director of national intelligence, testified in 2019, Beijing is capable of offensive cyberattacks against the United States that would cause “localized, temporary disruptive effects on critical infrastructure.” China’s offensive weaponry, including ballistic and cruise missiles, could also destroy U.S. bases in the western Pacific in a matter of days.

            In light of these enhanced capabilities, many U.S. experts worry that China could take control of Taiwan before the United States even had a chance to react. Recent war games conducted by the Pentagon and the RAND Corporation have shown that a military clash between the United States and China over Taiwan would likely result in a U.S. defeat, with China completing an all-out invasion in just days or weeks.

        • Otherwise stated: The dollar is falling relative to the renminbi, and China doesn’t like the situation.

          Chinese goods are becoming expensive to sell in the US, for one thing.

    • One problem: Even if people in China are vaccinated, China’s vaccines don’t seem to work very well.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Unfortunately the Injections don’t stop you from getting or passing the virus

        • Ed says:

          FE, the two real vaccines Sputnik V and Sinovac should stop one from getting the virus and hence spreading it. Let’s keep in mind the different purpose of the three teams.

      • geno mir says:

        In my capacity of Pharmacovigilance Safety Physician let me tell you a secret. None of the vaccines are working as intended. All producers hail efficacy above 70% and even as high as 95%. This is marketing and PR. The case is the same as with the flu vaccines, they were advertised as 90-95% effective when in reality their effectiveness is 25-35%. Western and Chinese vaccines have equal effectiveness (below 50%) with the small caveat that only China has produced attenuated live vaccine which contains parts of the virus nucleocapsid (the shell of the virus). The nucleocapsid proteins are the ones which elicit cell immune response thus providing lifelong immune memory cells which can ramp up cell immune response against the virus in matters of hours in the case of future exposure. All western vaccines (both mRNA and vector ones) elicit only humoral immunity response – they make the immune system to produce antibodies (without producing immune memory cells, i.e. without archiving the pathogen properties so that they can be used in the future) which disappear in 3-9 months period hence providing only short term (dubious) protection.

  29. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Turkish lira crashes to record low on Erdogan’s call for rate cut…

    “Erdogan’s frequent calls for lower borrowing costs and his abrupt removal of three central bank chiefs in less than two years has eroded Turkey’s monetary credibility and left it more vulnerable to high inflation and financial crisis.”

  30. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Nigeria’s crude oil export revenues slumped by as much as 98 percent from March to April this year because of movements in the price of gasoline…

    “The oil and gas industry in Africa’s largest oil producer accounts… as much as 86 percent of total export revenues.”

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Pandemic plunges 100 million more workers into poverty: UN… the labour market crisis created by the pandemic was far from over, the UN’s International Labour Organization warned in a report.

    “Employment was not expected to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels until 2023 at the earliest, it said.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “The great private jet shortage? …it turns out that automobiles aren’t the only used vehicles that are in short supply: the number of second-hand private jets for sale is also at an all-time low.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “How the Covid shock has radicalised generation Z…

        “Like their predecessors in the uprisings that followed the 2008 crisis, this generation of young people is ready to draw systemic conclusions from the way political elites have handled the pandemic. They know they will be paying higher taxes, carrying bigger personal debts and facing more uncertainty than any generation since the second world war.”

        • Members of Gen Z are those born between 1997 and 2015. This puts the age group for Gen Z’ers in the range of 6-24 years old in 2021.

          I am afraid the opportunities available to this group will be quite limited. I can see why members of this generation might be radicalized.

      • D. Stevens says:

        Saw Epstein’s jet on Craigslist, comes equipped with ’70s shag carpeting, comfy couches, and lots of hidden cameras. A real cream puff of a used private jet.

  32. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Global Economy Rebounding, Faces Multiple Threats…

    “The global economic rebound from the pandemic has picked up speed but remains uneven across countries and faces multiple headwinds. Most worrisome: the lack of vaccines in poorer nations, which could lead to new virus variants and more stop-and-go lockdowns.”

  33. Yoshua says:

    The Fauci emails shows that he is a fool or complicit in the crime of releasing a bioweapon into the world?

    I get the sense that he is not complicit in the crime…but I can’t believe that he didn’t understand that the virus most likely came from the lab.

    Maybe he felt guilt for financing the lab? Maybe he needed more evidence? Maybe I’m a fool?

  34. Yoshua says:

    The Fed will try reduce its balance sheet again, this time by selling corporate debt that the Fed bought with its pandemic relief program (SMCCF).

    This will normalise the Repo market…or cause bond yield spreads to explode?

    • Selling corporate debt means that the market will have more debt to absorb. The prices of securities would tend to fall, leading to rising interest rates on these securities rise. New borrowers would likely find corporate bond rates higher. This would push the economy toward recession.

      So it will cause yield spreads to explode. There will be less buying of Treasuries (presumably}, allowing the Repo market to normalize.

  35. Harry McGibbs says:

    “It’s 1979 again but with quadruple the debt burden. The Fed prays that inflation will fix itself and the mess will prove ‘transitory’ but things keep getting worse…

    “The Biden Administration’s attempt to shove $5 trillion in demand through America’s sclerotic supply chains has produced simultaneously a demand-side shock (sudden increase of spending power) and a supply-side shock (US firms can’t produce or ship goods on order).”

  36. Harry McGibbs says:

    “As the pandemic subsides, here comes the crisis… When it comes to the economics of COVID-19, the worst symptoms may not appear until the virus has gone into remission…

    “Civil unrest has increased in the wake of other recent pandemics, a recent International Monetary Fund Analysis found, peaking an average of two years after the health threat passes.”

    [47 jurisdictions were already experiencing significant social unrest in 2019 before the pandemic started].

  37. Fast Eddy says:

    “My belief is that B.1.617 is going to be the story for the fall. And the question is, where are we with vaccinations? Because a fourth wave, if we have one, will be B.1.617 among people not yet vaccinated,” Furness said, adding he is particularly concerned about what will happen with a return to in-person learning in September if children aren’t yet vaccinated.

    “Vaccinations are great, but the fact of the matter is, if you get a really high viral dose, that’s what puts you at risk,” he said. “Being up close to your kids is going to be risky for parents, grandparents and teachers for that matter. I think the sooner we can start vaccinating kids under 12, it won’t be a moment too soon.”

    Another concern, said Dr. David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, is whether Ontario may be tempted to “roll the dice” by moving to reopen too early, just like how reopening quickly after Wave 2 helped spark the third wave.

    At that time, the province’s COVID-19 Science Advisory Table was warning that the fall in overall infection rates after Wave 2 was giving a false sense of security. Underneath the drop, it said, the data was simultaneously showing a rapid, exponential rise in the variant B.1.1.7.

    Maybe they can give out lollies to children if they get the injection?


    Viruses are continuously changing as a result of genetic selection. They undergo subtle genetic changes through mutation and major genetic changes through recombination. Mutation occurs when an error is incorporated in the viral genome.

    • Xabier says:


      ‘Bring us your 12 yr olds, bring us your babies (Fauci’s aim) because they are so dangerous!’

      They clearly want to rule over a fearful, imbecilic, unquestioning, permanently drugged and dispossessed population, and won’t stop until they’ve got it.

      I am really warming to the idea of a Collapse bringing all of this down.

      If people submit to this fraud, if they are so ignorant, so craven, so lacking in self-respect they are not worthy of life.

      • Student says:

        Yes, I agree with you, although I’m very worried of myself when I say that it is maybe better a collapse than this.
        But I also think that before let a collapse arrive someone would rather start a war to cover the situation or to desperately try to gain something, instead of having a simple collapse.
        In other words, I have the impression that it will be difficult that a clear collapse (like the one we often speak about) will be visible to people.
        But I’m sure you all already know this.

        • Student says:

          If it is correct what we are thinking about the situation, at the same time I think that go on like that is not acceptable and that humanity will probably experience something different instead of deception and manipulation.
          But it is not clear what will happen.

  38. Fast Eddy says:

    This is without a doubt the best covid website in existence….

    This is another masterpiece:

  39. Fast Eddy says:

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …

    We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …

    In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda – 1928

    “For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.” – Carroll Quigley – Tragedy & Hope – 1966

    It has been somewhat baffling to me why the masses have been unable or unwilling to acknowledge the existence of a ruling cabal/invisible government who are the true ruling power in our world. Any impartial assessment of facts, recognition of historical events confirming the observations of Bernays and Quigley, and knowledge of human nature, should unequivocally convince a critical thinking individual what they are told to believe by politicians, media and financiers is entirely false.

    • William Casey’s 1981 statement is all too true, ““We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

  40. StarvingLion says:

    The Insiders are selling like crazy since 1 month ago…getting worse every day. Was like 10:1 a month ago.

  41. Dennis L. says:

    Some like it hot.

    Chinese have succeeded in going 101 seconds at 120M degrees C and an additional 40M degrees C for another 20 seconds.

    It will disappoint many, but my guess is man will make it and the only coal will be in the ground or museums. Additionally, metals will be mined on the moon and refined on the moon or perhaps Mars.

    Dennis L.

    • Sam says:

      Do you believe anything the Chinese say?? Geez I got some land to sell you buddy…

      • rufustiresias999 says:

        Maybe it’s true. The article ends with : “Experts hope that if development proceeds at the current rate, successful nuclear fusion could be achieved within three decades.”

        So lockdowns for three decades and we’re done 😊

        • NomadicBeer says:

          Fusion has been three decades away since 1950s.
          Isn’t it amazing how short people’s attention span is?
          A quick search in google finds hundreds of articles ending with the same promise.

    • nikoB says:

      It was thirty years away thirty years ago.
      Just another thirty to go.
      Dennis you will be dead by then but if it is any consolation so probably will most of humanity. All that happen from getting fusion worked out will cause an acceleration of the destruction of this planet’s biosphere. We are a self terminating species.

      • Dennis L. says:


        Maybe, but things are moving, fusion will one day work, mining the moon will be possible, refining on the moon will be possible, man can help the earth and we really don’t see the future very well.

        From this site I have picked up a number of interesting ideas, but it baffles me why so many are both pessimistic and nihilistic. Life is up and down, the bad is never as bad as one fears, the good never as good as one hopes; that is life.

        As for my life, yes, I shall be gone, but the next generations will be here, some things we don’t build for ourselves, for votes, we build them for tomorrow’s generations.

        Dennis L.

        • Seamus says:

          “Maybe, but things are moving, fusion will one day work, mining the moon will be possible, refining on the moon will be possible, man can help the earth and we really don’t see the future very well.”

          Yes, one day all of those things will happen…in Delusistan.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          As a lifelong atheist, I never understand the true believers. One thing that I respect about “old-time” religions though – they are honest with their beliefs: most of them do not think that heaven is in this world.

          On the other hand, the believers in civil religions (in this case progress) are never able to separate their StarTrek dreams from the cold reality of today.
          That is why this is delusion.

          And reality is what it is – is it nihilistic to acknowledge it?
          Why don’t you read any of the hundreds of articles promising Star Trek future in the 1950s? Is it because you don’t want to let go of your dreams?

          • Dennis L. says:


            Look at your cellphone, does it resemble a communicator? Look at modern robotic surgery, it is more like Mc Coy and much less like old invasive surgery especially “exploratory” surgery. Man has not gone to the stars,. but the Voyagers have gone beyond the solar system and taken many of our senses with them.

            Transporter? Well, there is entanglement – the current issue is we cannot be sure it is faster than the speed of light as communication between events must travel at the speed of light.

            A serious question, can you recommend some good atheist music celebrating something? It can be simple such as “Silent Night.” Something that makes you feel good inside, something that gives a respite from “cold reality.”

            Spare me from cold reality, try Amazing Grace sung by
            Monica Naranjo, a Spanish Club singer. Incredible in any language.

            Dennis L.

            • Azure Kingfisher says:

              No disrespect to Nomadic, whose comments I do appreciate, but I decided to take another look at the definition of “Atheism” and came across a rather scathing one from Webster’s 1828 dictionary:

              A’THEISM, noun The disbelief of the existence of a God, or Supreme intelligent Being.

              Atheism is a ferocious system that leaves nothing above us to excite awe, nor around us, to awaken tenderness.

              So sayeth Noah Webster (1758 – 1843).

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Atheism is a ferocious system that leaves nothing above us to excite awe, nor around us, to awaken tenderness.

              Really? You need a make-believe jackass in the sky — to excite awe?

              I was watching this yesterday – and I am awed by the fact that this guy is still alive


            • JMS says:

              No disrespect to Webster, but If he believed that an atheist is incapable of revering or loving anything, I can only conclude he was a dumb creature without an ounce of imagination or common sense.

            • NomadicBeer says:

              To Dennis and Azure – I agree that atheism is more like a disease (a lack of something) than a positive attribute.
              It’s not my fault that I was born without the ability to believe ridiculous things. I tried many times – new age, christianity, magic…

              That being said, many studies have shown that depressed people have more realistic view of the world about them.
              Similarly, atheist (not believers in “science” or the like) are boring, sad, uninspiring little souls that have nothing constructive to offer (that’s me!).

              But does that make us wrong?

              “It is not necessary to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere.” William of Orange.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Do you still believe in Santa?

            • Nomadic, I don’t think it’s a disease, but it could be a mal-adaptation. Like in the MORT theory Rob M. promotes.. too much reality isn’t really healthful in the big picture.

            • JMS says:

              And to call atheism a ferocious system is just a slanderous nonsense, considering that the greatest human massacres of the last five centuries were invariably committed by religious people, believers of religions as varied as Christianity, Progressivism and Communism.
              As might be expected, in fact, since to properly slaughter human beings one must have passion and faith (IOW to believe in abstractions). And as atheists are by definition skepticals (when not sheer nihilists), it’s never easy to rally them, and therefore they never make very good massacrers.

            • JMS says:

              Sad (melancholic), uninspiring, discouraging and without any constructive ideas, I fully agree. But boring? Not necessarily. In fact, some of the best “humorists” in history, from Diogenes to Monthy Phyton, are atheists. There are also good religious humorists, of course, but there is no news of Jesus Christ, for example, having laughed out loud in 33 years of life. Now THAT is what i call sad and boring. 🙃

            • Tim Groves says:

              With a name like Noah, you’d expect him to bee out of the ark. But he was a darn good lexicographer.

              My dog and my cats are not bothered by questions of existence, and I envy them their innocence and try to emulate them to the extent possible.

              Is there a God or not?

              Science, if it could talk, and being honest, would have to say, “we just don’t know.”

              Faith, on the other hand, would say, “there’s no way we can doubt it, or we wouldn’t be faith, would we?”

              What keeps the Universe ticking over? Energy from the Big Bang undulating out through spacetime, you say? Or the laws of action and reaction and momentum or electromagnetism? Whatever the cause is, it must be something, and if we call that something God, we have postulated God’s existence.

              And why are we conscious? How did nature work that trick? Daniel Dennet is sure he knows, but I’m not convinced. Still, in his own words:

              “Some years ago, there was a lovely philosopher of science and journalist in Italy named Giulio Giorello, and he did an interview with me. And I don’t know if he wrote it or not, but the headline in Corriere della Sera when it was published was “Sì, abbiamo un’anima. Ma è fatta di tanti piccoli robot – “Yes, we have a soul, but it’s made of lots of tiny robots.” And I thought, exactly. That’s the view. Yes, we have a soul, but in what sense? In the sense that our brains, unlike the brains even of dogs and cats and chimpanzees and dolphins, our brains have functional structures that give our brains powers that no other brains have – powers of look-ahead, primarily. We can understand our position in the world, we can see the future, we can understand where we came from. We know that we’re here. No buffalo knows it’s a buffalo, but we jolly well know that we’re members of Homo sapiens, and it’s the knowledge that we have and the can-do, our capacity to think ahead and to reflect and to evaluate and to evaluate our evaluations, and evaluate the grounds for our evaluations.

              It’s this expandable capacity to represent reasons that we have that gives us a soul. But what’s it made of? It’s made of neurons. It’s made of lots of tiny robots. And we can actually explain the structure and operation of that kind of soul, whereas an eternal, immortal, immaterial soul is just a metaphysical rug under which you sweep your embarrassment for not having any explanation.”

              If Daniel is correct that our souls are made of lots of tiny robots, that’s just structural detail. It doesn’t tell us how we get to inhabit this bubble of consciousness; how I can be aware off myself sitting here in front of the PC typing away with the rain falling outside and afternoon tea in prospect and me observing myself experiencing what the Indians like to call “my being”. Perhaps in Daniel Dennet’s view, it’s tiny robots all the way down?

        • Mike Roberts says:

          fusion will one day work, mining the moon will be possible, refining on the moon will be possible

          I think these things are so unlikely that it is almost certain they will not happen. I certainly hope they don’t; having ruined the only planet capable of supporting life (that we know) and dug up most of its resources, the notion of then harvesting other worlds is not a particularly optimistic one. However, it seems we don’t know when to stop, so Dennis may end up being correct, if we haven’t destroyed ourselves first.

          • NomadicBeer says:

            rest easy, they are not possible. We have hit outer space limits sometimes around the 60s (how many humans in space, not lower orbit, since then?).

            I also think the civilization will end up “with a whimper, not a bang” in the next decades. That might allow some ecosystems to recover in the next million years.

            Isn’t that great news?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              And we threw all the space technology in the dumpster and taped over the tapes… and now we can’t get back to the moon!!! How sad is that.

  42. Mirror on the wall says:

    And… here comes another one. The Nepal strain seems to be of particular concern, as it may be resistant to vaxes. 1M holiday sector jobs in UK could be at risk. The AZ vax, common in UK, is less effective against the SA strain. Strains are mutating all the time, over 1000 strains have been identified, and the concern is that they will become resistant to vaxes – if they have not already. Vaxes will have been for nothing if a resistant strain gets in. Gail has talked about how countries may eventually need to find some other coping strategy.

    > Ministers fear new strain of Covid hitting Europe

    Scientists have alerted ministers to the mutant strain – thought to have originated in Nepal – which has apparently spread to Europe. They fear the strain is resistant to vaccines.

    The Government will today update its ‘green list’ of countries holidaymakers can visit without having to go into quarantine. Whitehall sources said additions to the list will be ‘extremely limited’ amid concern over the Nepal strain and the slower rollout of vaccines across Europe.

    There are even fears Portugal could lose its green status today, as the Nepal variant may have been detected there. It means holidays to the Continent may be severely restricted until August – the month now being targeted by ministers for a significant reboot of foreign travel.

    The development is a huge blow for the travel industry, which has been brought to its knees by the pandemic.

    Industry leaders and MPs have warned that more than a million jobs are at risk if most of the summer season is lost, with billions more wiped from the UK economy.

    Hospitals in Nepal are on the brink of collapse after cases of Covid surged over the past month. Cases had fallen to fewer than 100 a day in March but reached more than 9,000 a day in mid-May.

    Nepal’s second wave has been driven by the spread of the B.1.167 variant from neighbouring India. But last night scientists warned that another variant of Covid-19 has since been identified.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      “Vaxes will have been for nothing if a resistant strain gets in.” And yet, doesn’t the science show that all of these variants have minimal changes from the original strain? By vaccinating against the spike protein, it seems that small mutations don’t prevent the vaccines from working. Why does every variant come with the assumption that it is so different from the original that there will be resistance?

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        I am not sure that anyone is making such assumptions. The scientists presumably know their field.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          wow, too bad the 70% who get vaccinated are going to have to get an endless series of booster shots.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            It means developing new vaxes that do not simply target the spike but the spike with mutations. None are yet developed to cope with SA or other new strains. The virus has billions of hosts, mutations are potentially infinite, and the process is taking place in ‘hyper-speed’, which could lead to an endless game of wack-a-mole against ‘escape mutations’. None of that assures timely boosters to cope with new outbreaks. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

          • Xabier says:

            My heart bleeds for them: booster after booster…..

            But not as much as they are going to bleed themselves

          • Peak Oil Pete says:

            Endless booster …
            Yes, we know that the coronvirus (common cold) constantly mutates making it almost impossible to stop with vaccinations. Why should this C19 corona be any different.

            A great treadmill of income for the pharma companies provided by a public acceptance of the need to be protected.

        • You would be incorrect, there. Scientists don’t “know” anything, which is why they are always experimenting. And even when they *think* they know something, they tend not to really know it.. (perhaps can’t, as per Gödel’s Theorem).

          Add big money and politics and you get the current situation which is (as I see it) one of utter mayhem.

          This may have been posted elsewhere, but there is new info out of Japan/Canada on the biodistribution of the synthetic mRNA-induced spike proteins.

          Starts at about 32 min. in… until 42 min. followed by the expected commentary.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        The mutations are piling up, and scientists are clearly concerned about variants evading vaxes. DW had an article yesterday. AZ gives ‘minimal protection’ against the SA strain.

        > According to London’s Imperial College, the Delta [Indian] variant is 20% to 80% more transmissible than the Alpha variant. In addition, the virus may be able to evade immunity conferred by previous infections or vaccination. British studies indicate that existing BioNtech/Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are not as effective when it comes to protecting us from this variant.

        The variant discovered in Vietnam is a hybrid of the Alpha [UK] (B.1.1.7) and Delta (B.1.617) variants. Only 1 million of the 96-million-strong population have been vaccinated — with AstraZeneca, which protects well against the Alpha variant but, as mentioned above, is probably not as effective against the Delta variant. In the second half of the year, Vietnam hopes to receive additional mRNA vaccines from Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna. So far, however, it has not been investigated how any existing vaccines cope with the variant discovered in Vietnam.

        In Bangladesh, by contrast, the Beta [SA] variant (B.1.351) has sparked a rapid rise in cases. AstraZeneca has been reported as offering “minimal” protection against this strain. This is a big problem, as the main vaccine available in Bangladesh is Covishield, the name for AstraZeneca manufactured in India.

        • All is Dust says:

          As I have been saying to everyone who will listen for the past year, mutations were inevitable and vaccine ‘whack-a-mole’ is not a sensible healthcare strategy. It really is depressing to watch. The conversation should be had on public health in the broadest sense, from what we eat to how we exercise to correct levels of supplementation – but we all now how likely that is to happy. I have been following Zach Bush recently. He is a great medical systems thinker, and the antithesis of this mainstream malpractice.

      • david, where is the proof that the “vaccine” is “working” in the first place? How I see it is that, health-wise, the “vaxes have been for nothing” already (covid-prevention-wise). The entire scenario of “covid” seems to have been cooked up to justify the “vaccine”, not the other way around.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          of course there are MSM claims that vaccines are “working”. Another half or full year should give us a better conclusion.

  43. Azure Kingfisher says:

    From “Covid ‘Vaccines’: A Faltering Framework,” by Dr. Sadaf Gilani

    “From the ‘absolute risk reduction’ you can calculate the ‘Number Needed to Vaccinate’ which signifies approximately how many people must be injected to hypothetically benefit just one person. It is a metric every person needs to understand before taking the Covid injection.

    “For Pfizer, this number is estimated at 119. This means 119 people must be injected for it to reduce a ‘Covid’ case in one person. Therefore, 118 of those people incurred (potential) risk with no benefit whatsoever.

    “Some estimates are even higher, according to The Lancet, data from the Pfizer rollout in Israel suggests an NNV of 217!

    “These NNV figures are likely underestimates, as there is significant obfuscation with trial data. The actual efficacy is likely even less than 1% as some of the injected groups who became ill with ‘Covid like symptoms’ were fallaciously labelled as side effects, rather than potential breakthrough infections.

    “Also unaccounted for, in the lucky 0.84% of people who hypothetically benefitted from the ‘vaccine’, are the side effects. Efficacy metrics do not include adverse events from the injections. In other words, safety and efficacy are entirely different considerations. For example, even an efficacious intervention may not be safe if the risk of harm is high.

    “Would you feel comfortable suited up with a parachute that worked about 1% of the time? Would you then say that it is 95% effective because that particular parachute worked 95% better than the competition?”

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      there must be some exponential increase in the % who benefit from others being vaccinated. The USA looks like it will reach 70% vaccinated soon, which should be more than enough to lower the R0 to below 1, and give us herd immunity. So for me and the rest of the 30%, we soon should have nearly zero chance of getting C19. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. and what do we see? the USA is close to fully reopening, unscientific CA is a couple weeks behind in their understanding of the science, but by mid June even those slowpokes should get fully reopened. The Collapse has been delayed.

      • StarvingLion says:

        And right at that time, WTI will go from approx 75 to -100.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        I hope you are right David – that will show my fears were unfounded.
        It’s weird though – all this scaremongering and drug pushing just to let go of it now?
        More probable is that they will change tacks to cyber attacks or something else.
        Anyway, we’ll see.

      • david, a.) the Diamond Princess experiment showed that 80% of people were already immune to begin with.. b.) the reduction in illness is likely following the seasonal decline in resp. illness (remember flu has been zero this whole entire year or more). May have nothing at all do to with any injected substance.

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          another good point, yes we need to go through another winter to see what results.

  44. JMS says:

    I confess i don’t know what to make of this. It seems a clue, a proof of something, but a clue and proof of what? Mistery.
    Anyway, the words “Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens/ 2020 combined with Coronavirus” sung in 2014 (!!!!) do certainly strike a puzzling note.
    Who the hell is dr. Creep?

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      The rapper Dr. Creep is on FB and he has dismissed this ‘mystery’ as a ‘bunch of’. Some people are getting hysterical.

      But Dr. Creep himself denied that he predicted the pandemic. In March 2020, he posted on his Facebook page that the lyrics were “more of a coincidence than a prediction as I don’t feel I was ‘trying’ to predict anything, I just rapped about what I was watching.”

      …. There was already 6 or so coronaviruses in 2012/2013 when the Pandemic song was created and a coronavirus was being talked about a lot at the time. As for mentioning 2020, well 2020-2030 was just significant years to me, as well as many other people that are educated on these esoteric topics.

      …. Sooooo once again, NO, I’m not a prophet. Not Nostradamus. No, I don’t make predictions and No I’m not a writer for The Simpsons.

      …. To sum it up, in 2012 a coronavirus was always in the news and being talked about, in 2012 people in lectures, interviews, etc were sayin 2012 was nothing to worry about and 2020-2030 people should pay attention to, then we made a track called pandemic and I wrote a bunch of that shit into the track and I happened to say that line yall freaking out over.

      • JMS says:

        You may be right, Mirror, it was probably just one of those freaking coincidences.
        But mind that the dismissing words of the rapper in 2020 mean nothing and doesn’t proof sh:t, since it’s perfectly obvious now that our masters can bend (almost) an voice: you say what you’re told and that’s it, or else….
        (Also we must never forget that Snopes, like many other similar congeners, is simply a mind-bending weapon or, in plain words, a cesspool of PR BS.)

      • Xabier says:

        They fed the coronavirus meme into the public space for years as they awaited the perfect time to launch one.

        Another such meme is dangerously flatulent cows = the need for bug burgers, etc.

  45. From Zerohedge: Email Shows Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab, Admits Manipulating Coronaviruses, Thanked Fauci For Dismissing Lab-Leak Theory

    The email from Dr. Peter Daszak, President of the EcoHealth Alliance, a group that has extensive ties to the Wuhan lab gain of function research, sent the email to Fauci on April 18, 2020, roughly six weeks after the outbreak had taken hold.

    The email states:

    “As the Pl of the ROl grant publicly targeted by Fox News reporters at the Presidential press briefing last night, I just wanted to say a personal thank you on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin for COVID-19 from a bat-to-human spillover, not a lab release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    From my perspective, your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’ origins. Once this pandemic’s over I look forward thanking you in person and let you know how important your comments are to us all.”

    Fauci responded to the email the day after, writing


    Many thanks for your kind note.

    Best Regards,


    • Mirror on the wall says:

      He literally calls it ‘myths’ in the email?

    • Thierry says:

      This is beautiful!
      I have shared the link on a french forum about scientific discussions, and the guys there refuse to believe it, they say ZH is a conspirationist web site, because it was banned by twitter last year…
      Hilarious, and they pretend to be interested in science!
      I’m having much fun today.

    • Thierry says:

      There is much more, page 2286, from Adam Gaertner (he has a twitter account which is worth reading!)

      “Subject: Coronavirus bioweapon production method
      Hello Anthony ,
      This is how the virus was created .
      Inte rvirion Fusion. HIV-luc(ACE2) (500 ng ofp24) was mixed with 1,000 ng of p24
      of HIV-gfp particles incorporating ASLV-A envelope, SARS-CoV S prote in, or
      both envelopes in PBS at 4 °C for 30 min to allow bind ing. Samples were raised to
      37°C for 15 min to allow for conformational rearrangements. Virions were adjusted
      to the desired pH with 0.1 M citric acid. PBS, TPCK-trypsin (final concentration 10
      ~tg/ml), CTSL , cathepsin B (CTSB) (fina l concentrations 2 ~tg/ml) or CTSL buffer
      alone was then added . Recombinant CTSL (R &D Systems) was preactivated by
      incubat ion for 15 min at 10 µg/ml in 50 mM Mes, pH 6.0, on ice. Recombinant
      CTSB (R &D Systems) was preactiv ated in 25 mM Mes, 5 mM OTT, pH 5.0, for 30
      min at 25°C. After a 10-min incubation at 25°C, proteolysis was halted by the
      addition of 300 µ1 ofDMEMIO conta ining leupept in (25 µg/ml) and STI (75 µg/ml).
      Virions were then incubated at 37°C for 30 min to allow membrane fusion. 100 µl of
      the virion mix ture was added in quadrupl icate to HeLa- Tva cells pretreated for 1 h
      with leupepti n (20 ~tg/ml). The cells were spin-infect ed and incubated at 37°C for 5
      h ”

      That makes my day.

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