No one will win in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

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Most people have a preconceived notion that there will be a clear winner and loser from any war. In their view, the world economy will go on, much as before, after the war is “won” by one side or the other. In my view, we are basically dealing with a no-win situation. No matter what the outcome, the world economy will be worse off after the fighting stops.

The problem the world economy is up against is the depletion of many kinds of resources simultaneously. This depletion is made worse by rising population, meaning that the resources available need to provide an adequate living for an increasing number of world inhabitants. Because of depletion, the world economy is reaching a point where it can no longer grow in the way it has in the past. Inflation, food shortages and rolling blackouts are likely to become increasing problems in many parts of the world. Eventually, the population is likely to fall.

We are living in a world that is beginning to behave like the players scrambling for seats in a game of musical chairs. In each round of a musical chairs game, one chair is removed from the circle. The players in the game must walk around the outside of the circle. When the music stops, all the players scramble for the remaining chairs. Someone gets left out.

Figure 1. Circle of chairs arranged for a game of musical chairs. Source

In this post, I will try to explain some of the issues.

[1] In a world with inadequate resources relative to population, conflicts are likely to become increasingly common.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is one example of a resource-associated conflict. The allies underlying the NATO organization have chosen to escalate the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in part, because the existence of the conflict helps to hide resource shortages and accompanying high prices that are already taking place. No matter how the war is stopped, the underlying resource shortage issue will continue to exist. Therefore, the conflict cannot end well.

If sanctions lead to less trade with Russia (or even worse, less trade with Russia and China), the world economy will have an even greater problem with inadequate resources after the war is over. In fact, many parts of the current economic system are in danger of failing, primarily because depletion is leading to too little energy and other resources per capita. For example, the US dollar may lose its reserve currency status, the world debt bubble may pop, and globalization may take a major step backward.

[2] There is a huge resource depletion issue that authorities in many countries have known about for a very long time. The issue is so frightening that authorities have chosen not to explain it to the general population.

Mainstream media (MSM) practically never mentions that there is a major issue with resource depletion. Instead, MSM tells a narrative about “transitioning to a lower carbon economy,” without mentioning that this transition is out of necessity: The world is up against extraction limits for many kinds of resources. Besides oil, coal and natural gas, resources with limits include many other minerals, such as copper, lithium, and nickel. Other resources, including fresh water and minerals used for fertilizer are also only available in limited supply. MSM fails to tell us that there is no evidence that a transition to a low carbon economy can actually be made.

[3] The big depletion issue is affordability of end products made with high priced resources. The cost of extraction rises, but the ability of the world’s citizens to pay for end products made using these high-cost resources doesn’t rise. Commodity prices do not rise enough to cover the rising cost of extraction. When this affordability limit is hit, it is the resource extracting countries, such as Russia, that find themselves in a terrible situation with respect to the financial well-being of their populations.

The big issue that hits because of depletion is a price conflict. Businesses extracting resources need high prices so that they can reinvest in new mines, in ever more costly locations, but consumers cannot afford these high prices.

In a sense, the higher cost is because of “inefficiency.” As a result of depletion, it takes more hours of labor, more machine time, and a greater use of energy products to extract the same quantity of a given resource that was previously extracted elsewhere. Growing efficiency tends to help wages, but growing inefficiency tends to work the opposite way: Wages don’t rise, certainly not as rapidly as prices of end products.

As a result, commodity exporters, such as Russia, are caught in a bind: They cannot raise prices enough to make new investments profitable. The problem is that the world’s consumers cannot afford the resulting high prices of essentials such as food, electricity and transportation. Russia reports very high reserve amounts, especially for natural gas and coal. It is doubtful, however, that these reserves can actually be extracted. Over the long term, selling prices cannot be maintained at a sufficiently high level to cover the huge cost of extracting, transporting and refining these resources.

The success of a country’s economy can, in some sense, be measured by the country’s per capita GDP. Russia’s GDP per capita has tended to lag far behind that of the US (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Inflation-adjusted per capita GDP of the United States, Russia and Ukraine. Amounts are as provided by the World Bank, using Purchasing Power Parity GDP in 2017 International Dollars.

Russia’s inflation-adjusted GDP per capita fell after the collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union in 1991. It was able to grow again, once oil prices began to rise in the early 2000s. Since 2013, Russia’s GDP per capita growth has again fallen behind that of the US, as increases in oil and other commodity prices again lagged the rising cost of production. Given these difficulties with depletion, Russia is becoming increasingly unwilling to ignore poor treatment it receives from Ukraine.

There may be another factor, as well, leading especially to the escalation of the conflict. The US seems to covet Russia’s resources. Some powers behind the throne seem to believe that Western forces supporting Ukraine can quickly win in this conflict. If such an early win occurs, the aim is for Western forces to step in and inexpensively ramp up Russian resource extraction, allowing the world a new source of cheap-to-produce fossil fuels and other minerals.

In this context, Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Ukraine has presented Russia with problems for many years. One issue has been transit fees for natural gas passing through the country; is Ukraine taking too much gas out? Another problem area has been the rise of the far-right Azov regiment. Russia has also expressed concern that NATO has been training soldiers within Ukraine, even though Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Russia doesn’t want military, trained by NATO, at its doorstep.

[4] World economic growth very much depends on growing energy consumption.

There are two ways of measuring world GDP. The standard one is with the production of each country measured in inflation-adjusted US$, with the changing relative value to the US$ considered. The other approach uses “Purchasing Power Parity” GDP. The latter is supposedly not affected by the changing level of the dollar, relative to other currencies. Inflation-Adjusted Purchasing Power Parity GDP is only available for 1990 and subsequent years. Figure 3 shows the high correlation between energy consumption and PPP GDP during the period from 1990 through 2020.

Figure 3. X,Y graph of world energy consumption for the period 1990 to 2020, based on energy data from BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy and world Purchasing Power Parity GDP in 2017 International Dollars, as published by the World Bank.

The reason for a strong association between GDP growth with energy consumption growth is a physics-based reason. Producing goods and providing services requires the “dissipation” of energy products because the laws of physics tell us that energy is required to move any object from one place to another, or to heat any object. In the latter case, it is the individual molecules within a substance that move faster and faster as they get hotter. The economy is a “dissipative structure” in physics terms because of the need for energy dissipation to provide the work needed to make the system operate.

Human beings are also dissipative structures. The energy that humans get comes from the dissipation of the energy found in foods of every kind. Food energy is commonly measured in Calories (technically, kilocalories).

[5] World economic growth also seems to depend on factors besides energy consumption.

The fitted equation on Figure 3 (the equation beginning with “y”) implies that GDP is rising much more rapidly than energy consumption, almost twice as rapidly. Over the entire 30-year period, the actual growth rate in energy consumption averages about 1.8% a year. If energy consumption growth had really been 1.8% per year, the fitted equation implies that growth in GDP would have greatly sped up over the period. (In fact, the growth rate in energy consumption was falling over the 30-year period, but GDP grew at closer to a constant rate. In terms of the fitted equation, these two conditions are equivalent.)

Figure 4. Calculated expected GDP growth rate if energy consumption grows at a constant 1.8% per year, based on the fitted equation shown in Figure 3.

How can GDP rise so much more rapidly than energy dissipation? There seem to be several ways such a higher rate of increase can occur, on a temporary basis:

[a] A worldwide trend toward an economy using more services. The production of services tends to require less energy consumption than the production of essential goods, such as food, water, housing and local transportation. As the world economy gets wealthier, it can afford to add more services, such as education, healthcare, and childcare.

[b] A worldwide trend toward more wage and wealth disparity. Such a trend tends to happen with more specialization and more globalization. Strangely enough, a trend to more wage disparity allows the world economy to continue to grow without adding a proportionately greater amount of energy consumption use because of the different spending patterns between low-paid workers and high-paid workers.

Analyzing the situation, the world is filled mostly with low-paid workers. To the extent that the pay of these low-paid workers can be squeezed down, it can prevent these workers from buying goods that tend to use relatively high amounts of energy products, such as automobiles, motorcycles and modern homes. At the same time, growing wage disparity allows the higher-paid workers to be paid more. These higher-paid workers tend to spend a disproportionate share of their income on services, such as education and healthcare, which tend to consume less energy.

Thus, greater wage disparity tends to shift spending away from goods and toward services. The main beneficiaries are the top 1% of workers (who buy mostly services, requiring little energy consumption), rather than the remaining 99% (who would really like goods such as a car and their own home, which require much more energy consumption).

[c] Improvements in technology. Improvements in technology are helpful in raising GDP because technological improvements tend to make finished goods and services more affordable. With greater affordability, more people can afford goods and services. This effect is favorable for allowing the economy, as measured by GDP, to grow more quickly than energy consumption.

There is a catch associated with using improved technology to make goods and services more affordable. Improved technology tends to increase wage disparity because it nearly always leads to owners and a few highly educated workers being paid more, while workers doing the more routine parts of processes are paid less. Thus, it tends to lead to the problem discussed above: [b] A trend toward wage and wealth disparity.

Also, with improved technology, available resources tend to be depleted more quickly than without improved technology. This happens because finished goods are less expensive, so more people can afford them. Once resources start getting exhausted, improved technology can’t fix the situation because resource extraction costs are likely to rise more rapidly than can be offset with the impact of new technology.

[d] A worldwide trend toward more debt at ever-lower interest rates.

We all know that the monthly payment required to purchase a car or home is lower if the interest rate on the debt used to finance the purchase is lower. Thus, falling interest rates can make paychecks go further. Both businesses and citizens can afford to purchase more goods and services using credit, so the overall level of debt tends to rise with falling interest rates.

If we are only considering the period from 1990 to the present, the trend is clearly toward lower interest rates. These lower interest rates are part of what is making the GDP growth higher than what would be expected if interest rates and debt levels remained constant.

Figure 5. 3-month and 10-year US Treasury interest rates through February 28, 2022. Chart by FRED of the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

[6] The world economy now seems to be reaching limits with respect to many of the variables allowing world economic growth to continue as it has in the past, as discussed in Sections [4] and [5], above.

Figure 6. World per capita GDP based on Purchasing Power Parity GDP in 2017 International Dollars calculated using World Bank data.

Figure 6 shows that there have been two major step-downs in world inflation-adjusted per capita PPP GDP. The first one occurred in the 2008-2009 period; the second one occurred in 2020. Figure 7 shows the sharp dips in energy consumption occurring in the same time periods.

Figure 7. World per capita energy based on data of BP’s 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In 2021, energy prices started to rise rapidly when the world economy tried to reopen. This rapid rise in prices strongly suggests that energy extraction limits are being reached.

Another clue that energy production limits are being reached comes from the fact that the group of oil exporters, OPEC+, found that they couldn’t actually ramp up their oil production as quickly as they promised. Once oil production is cut back because of inadequate prices, it is hard to get production to rise again, even if prices temporarily rise because the many pieces of the chain supporting this extraction are broken. For example, trained workers leave and find jobs elsewhere, and contractors go out of business because of inadequate profits.

If we think about it, Items [5a], [5b], [5c] and [5d] are all reaching limits as well. Item [5d] is probably clearest: Interest rates can no longer be lowered. In fact, nearly everyone says that interest rates should now be raised because of the high inflation rates. If interest rates are raised, commodity prices, including prices for fossil fuels, will fall.

With lower fossil fuel prices, there will be pressure for oil, gas and coal producers to reduce their production, even from today’s lower levels. Because of the tight connection between energy and GDP, lower energy production will tend to push economies further toward contraction. Of course, this will make resource exporters, such as Russia, worse off.

As the world economy enters recession, we can expect that Item [5a], the shift from goods toward services, to turn around. People with barely enough money for necessities will reduce their use of services such as haircuts and music lessons. Item [5b], globalization and related wage disparity, is already under pressure. Countries are finding that with broken supply chains, more local production is needed. In the US, recent wage gains have tended to go to the lowest-paid workers. Item [5c], technology growth, cannot ramp up as resources needed from around the world are increasingly unavailable, due to broken supply chains and depletion.

[7] We are likely facing a collapsing world economy because of the limits being reached. Adding sanctions against Russia will further push the world economy in the direction of collapse.

Many sources report that Russian exports of wheat, aluminum, nickel, and fertilizers will be “temporarily” disrupted. A few sources note that Russia plays an important role in the processing of uranium fuel used in nuclear power plants. According to the Conversation:

Most of the 32 countries that use nuclear power rely on Russia for some part of their nuclear fuel supply chain.

We have become used to efficient air travel, but sanctions against Russia make this less possible, especially for flights to Southeast Asia. A Bloomberg article called Siberian Detour Requires Airlines to Retrace Cold War Era Routes gives the example of direct flights from Finland to Southeast Asia being canceled because they have become too expensive and are too time-consuming with the required detours. It becomes necessary to fly indirect connecting routes if a person wants to travel. Many other routes have similar problems.

Figure 8. Source: Bloomberg, “Siberian detour requires airlines to retrace cold war era routes.”

US President Joseph Biden is warning that food shortages are likely in many parts of the world as a result of the sanctions placed against Russia.

According to a video shown on Zerohedge,

“It’s going to be real. The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well.”

If the world economy were doing well, and if Russia were a tiny part of the world economy, perhaps the sanctions could be tolerated by the world economy. As it is, the Russia-Ukraine conflict acts to hide the underlying resource shortage problem. This is possible because, with the conflict, the resource shortages can be described as “temporary” and “necessary” in the context of the terrible things the Russians are doing. The way the West frames the problem provides a scapegoat to deflect anger toward, but it doesn’t fix the problem.

Russia started out being very disadvantaged because commodity prices, in recent years, have not been rising high enough to ensure an adequate living for Russian citizens and high enough tax revenue for the Russian government. Adding sanctions against Russia will simply make Russia’s problems worse.

[8] There is little reason to believe that Russia will “give up” in response to sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries.

The attacks by Russia of Ukrainian sites seems to be occurring for many related reasons. Russia can no longer tolerate being inadequately compensated for the resources it is extracting and selling to Ukraine and the rest of the world. It is tired of being “pushed around” by the rich economies, especially the United States, as NATO adds more countries. It is also tired of NATO training Ukrainian soldiers. Russia seems to have no plan to gain the entire territory of Ukraine; it is more of a temporary police action.

Russia’s underlying problem is that it can no longer produce commodities that the world wants as inexpensively as the world demands. Building all the infrastructure needed to extract and ship more fossil fuel resources would take more capital spending than Russia can afford. The selling price will never rise high enough to justify these investments, including the cost of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Russia has nothing to lose at this point. The current situation is not working; going back to it is no incentive for stopping the current conflict.

Russia is in some ways like a heavily armed, suicidal old man, who can no longer earn an adequate living. The economic system of Russia is no longer working as it should. Russia is incredibly well-armed. The situation reminds a person of the story of Samson, in his old age, taking down the temple of the Philistines and losing his own life at the same time. Russia has no reason to back down in response to sanctions.

Figure 9. Figure showing that Russia has a higher inventory nuclear warheads than the US. Figure by the Federation of American Scientists. Source

[9] Leaders of the world, including Joe Biden, appear to be oblivious to the situation we are facing.

Leaders of the world have created ridiculous narratives that overlook the critical role commodities play. They seem to believe that it is possible to cut off purchases from Russia with, at most, temporary harm to the rest of the world economy.

The history of the world shows that the populations of many civilizations have outgrown their resource bases and have collapsed. Physics points out that this outcome is almost inevitable because of the way the Universe is constructed. Everything is constantly evolving, even economies. The climate is constantly evolving, as are the species inhabiting the Earth.

Elected leaders need a story of everlasting growth that they can tell their citizens. They cannot even consider the physics-based way the world economy operates, and the resulting expected pattern of overshoot and collapse. Modelers of what are intended to be long-lasting structures cannot accept this outcome either.

Limits which are defined based on affordability of end products are incredibly difficult to model, so creative narratives have been developed suggesting that humans can move away from fossil fuels if they so desire. No one stops to think that economies cannot continue to exist using a much lower quantity of energy, any more than an adult human can get along on 500 calories a day. Both are dissipative structures; the ongoing energy requirement is built in. Factories close when electricity, diesel and other energy products are cut off.

[10] The sanctions and the Russia-Ukraine conflict cannot end well.

The world economy is already on the edge of collapse because of the resource limits it is hitting. Intentionally stopping Russia’s output of resources like fertilizer and processed uranium is certain to make the situation worse, not better. Once Russia’s output is stopped, it is likely to be impossible to restart Russia’s production at the same level. Trained workers who lose their jobs will likely find jobs elsewhere, for one thing. The shortfall in output will affect countries around the world.

The United States dollar is now the world’s reserve currency. The sanctions being applied indirectly encourage countries to use other currencies to work around the sanctions. There seems to be a substantial chance that the US economy will lose its role as the center of international trade. If such a change takes place, the US will no longer be able to import far more than it exports, year after year.

A major issue is the huge amount of debt most countries of the world have. With a rapidly slowing world economy, repaying debt with interest will become impossible. Debt defaults will further wreak havoc with the world economic system.

We don’t know the exact timing of how this will play out, but the situation does not look good.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,785 Responses to No one will win in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

  1. Slowly at first says:

    I find it increasingly difficult to accept that BAU will be over in a few years and that the PTB have omnicidal plans locked and loaded. What about the massive amount of embodied complexity in which we have invested so much? Will it all have been for naught?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      yes when the Core of IC collapses in the 2030s it all will have been for naught.

      except for the bAU which continues now.

    • Rodster says:

      “I find it increasingly difficult to accept that BAU will be over in a few years and that the PTB have omnicidal plans locked and loaded.”

      Every civilization has collapsed in human history. Our civilization is NO different. The question whether it’s tomorrow, in 2-3 yrs or 30 yrs from now is pretty irrelevant because civilizations are born, grow, mature, decline, then die. While people get caught up with Mad Max and the end of civilization, history has shown us that when all appears to be gone, then a new civilization rises from the ashes. The Dark Ages have taught us that. Will this time be different? Stay tuned.

      TPTB have pretty much told us their plans especially the World Economic Forum. Will their plans succeed? That is up to us, not them. We are seeing more and more revolting, again that just follows history. This is why leaders around the world for decades have done their damn best to domesticate their population and take away their guns.

      Eventually when you have tyrannical leaders, it always ends with pitchforks and torches, storming the Castle gates.

  2. Yoshua says:

    The War cont.

    The Democrats in power ordered Ukraine to liberate Donbas. Ukraine moved its army to Donbas. Russia responded by moving its army to the Ukrainian borders. The war started with heavy Ukrainian shelling of Donbas. Russia declared Donbas independent and then started its military operation in Ukraine.

    Europe went into chock and started a hard sanctions war with Russia. The sanctions are causing heavy damage to the European economy. Ukraine has turned into an economic black hole. The black hole will soon swallow Europe as well.

    America has only national interest close at heart. Europe is ruled by very naive people.

  3. Yoshua says:

    The War

    The US primed Ukraine for a war. The war started with colour revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine… followed by offers of NATO memberships to George and Ukraine… against Russian objections. Russia then invaded first Georgia and then Ukraine.

    The GOP in power started a trade war with China to force them to sign a trade deal. This led to high energy demand in China and an energy price spike. Russia turned to support the Chinese energy market. This led to an energy crisis in Europe.


    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      Europe perhaps will avoid freezing in the dark this coming winter, if they halt all industrial production.

      what’s the definition of “dilemma”?

  4. Mirror on the wall says:

    Where were the sanctions on USA and UK over the illegal war in Iraq? Bush and Blair still walk free.

    > Attacking Ukraine ‘is no more scandalous’ than attacking Iraq – ex-French ambassador

    Gérard Araud also predicts that Europe will not get involved in an “Asian NATO”

    Former French ambassador to the US and UN Gérard Araud told China’s Global Times that resentment at the “double standards” of the West is likely turning some countries off supporting Washington’s position on Russia. While Europe is following America’s lead on Russia, Araud predicted it will not do the same with regard to China.

    China was among 40 countries that voted against or abstained from condemning Russia’s offensive in Ukraine at a meeting of the United Nations last month. India, Pakistan and South Africa were among the abstentions, which didn’t surprise Araud.

    “There is a colonial past which is feeding some resentment. There is also the fact that the West is lecturing the rest of the world and using double standards very often,” the former diplomat told the state-owned Global Times on Thursday.

    “I’m quite aware that, after all, invading Ukraine is no more scandalous than invading Iraq in 2003,” he continued. “France opposed the invasion of Iraq by the US. But it’s a good example of what you can call double standards.”

    China rejects US ‘pressure or coercion’ over Russia

    China’s leaders have repeatedly cited the “double standards” of the West in explaining their decision not to sanction or condemn Russia over the Ukrainian conflict. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters on Thursday that his country will reject American “pressure or coercion” to do so.

  5. Mirror on the wall says:

    It is always the ordinary people who end up paying for the warmongers. Britain faces the worst cost of living crisis since the 1970s, and the politicos expect us all to stand there waving flags, and saying, ‘oh yes, keep digging that hole deeper, we are all for it!’ They never asked any of us whether we want NATO to expand eastward. Our ‘role’ is to wave flags, and to pay up when the bills come in.

    > Support for Russia sanctions drops amid inflation – poll

    The soaring cost of living in the UK appears to have overshadowed concern for Ukraine

    The number of Britons advocating harsh economic sanctions against Russia in response to its military campaign in Ukraine has dropped over the past month, as revealed by the latest opinion poll.

    Conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies and commissioned by The Sunday Telegraph, the survey indicates that only 36% of the respondents polled this week are prepared to accept higher fuel prices in order to hurt Russia more – 14 percentage points down from 50% in March.

    A third of the Britons surveyed replied in the negative when asked if they were willing to pay more for food to help Ukraine withstand the Russian offensive. Another third, however, said it’s a sacrifice worth making.

    Around 54% of the respondents reported a worsening of their financial situation in the last year, up from 42% two months ago, and 62% said they expect the future to be even bleaker.

    More than two-thirds of Britons said they have not received a pay raise despite the growing cost of living, and most of those who did receive a raise said it’s not enough to offset inflation.

    Based on these latest findings, The Telegraph surmised that personal financial woes may now have overshadowed concern over Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine in the eyes of the general public in the UK.

  6. Yoshua says:

    Chinese imports was the force behind rising energy and commodity price inflation.

  7. Yoshua says:

    A thread on the rising treasury yield and the rising dollar. Their rise usually correlates with recessions.

  8. MG says:

    Buying apartments for investment repeats the situation before 2008:

    As the energy prices are rising, their unaffordability is becoming evident.

  9. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Now a new disease has arisen in India’s beleaguered hospitals, a disease attacking mostly those recovering or recovered from COVID-19: mucormycosis or “black fungus.” It’s putting a new stress on India’s crumbling health-care system — and it should remind Canadians that we face very similar threats.

    Mucormycosis is a fungal disease, far more common in India than in the rest of the world. A 2017 survey of such diseases found that France sees about 4,200 murcomycosis cases a year while India sees 910,000. Another report found Canada diagnoses only 43 cases a year of black fungus out of 325,000 annual cases of fungal disease.

    We’ll get back to those Canadian fungal cases, but first let’s look at what black fungus is doing in India. The fungal species that cause it are everywhere, often as a result of construction activity. When healthy people inhale or ingest black-fungus spores, their immune systems swing into action and demolish the invaders.

    But just as COVID-19 flourishes best in populations that are poor, undernourished and stressed, black fungus preys on those with weakened immune systems or comorbidities like uncontrolled diabetes. Patients treated with steroids are also vulnerable to black fungus, and Indian hospitals have been using steroids heavily on their COVID-19 patients.

    The Tyee is supported by readers like you
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    As one Indian doctor said: “Excess use of steroids and uncontrolled diabetes are the two major reasons behind the growth of black fungus. If steroids are used judiciously, glucose level won’t rise in a patient and therefore, there will be less chances of fungal growth. However, if steroids are used excessively, the possibility of fungal growth cannot be ruled out.”

    The consequences of infection by black fungus are disastrous. Murcormycosis generally infects the jaw first, then migrates into the sinuses, nose and eyes, and eventually into the brain. At that point it becomes fatal. Patients feel feverish, with headaches and congestion; in the pulmonary version, they feel chest pain and shortness of breath. It can also infect the skin, creating blisters, and the gut, with abdominal pain and nausea.

    Black fungus in India seems to be attacking patients’ faces, and anti-fungal medicines don’t always work. The only alternative is surgery, often the removal of an infected eye to keep the disease from reaching the brain.

    Diabetics are easy targets for black fungus and other infections. In India, an estimated 77 million people have diabetes, almost nine per cent of the population. In Canada, about 3.7 million of us live with diabetes. That’s about 10 per cent of us.

    This looks like another mess we got on our hands….

    • I think I remember reading about this fungus before. If I remember correctly, most people in India have some of this fungus in their bodies. It is only when their immune system is weakened by something else that it causes a problem.

  10. Fast Eddy says:

    Smoking Gun: The Rate of Change of Millennial Deaths Points Directly to the Jab – Edward Dowd

    “I would argue with anyone to suggest that everyone decided to commit suicide [when mandates rolled out], everyone decided to drug overdose in the same three months, and everyone decided to miss their cancer treatment screening and suddenly died. It makes no sense. The only thing that logically makes any sense to me as an analyst is [that] it’s the vaccine.”

    @VigilantFox | Rumble ( | Full Video (

    Canada Confirms: The Acceleration of Death Correlates With the Shots – Edward Dowd

    “I think they knew it was a garbage vaccine, but I don’t think they really thought it would kill this many this quickly, and now they’re like, ‘ruh roh.’ What do you do when you’re caught? When you’re caught, you double down.”

    @VigilantFox | Rumble ( | Full Video (

    More hep in kids haha – Australia


    • Xabier says:

      The UK offer is interesting: clearly, they want to eliminate asap the smaller, non-corporate farmers.

      The same aim, of course, as in other business sectors, even if those sectors are not scheduled for rapid elimination , eg hospitality, tourism, retail.

    • Genomir says:

      Well, they finally did something for the kids

  11. JonF says:

    In Memoriam……

    Michael C Ruppert February 3rd 1951 – April 13th 2014

    • Herbie Ficklestein says:

      Thanks for posting on Michael Ruppert…another casualty of being a truth bearer…
      Boy, seems like not too,long ago…have his video Collapse, one in which he was not given proper royalties and added to his financial difficulties, along with health issues.
      Still worth watching his impromptu exposure of the CIA drug dealing with the then CIA Director John Deutsh..leading to his dismissal…
      Yes, the old guard has largely faded away…now we have Greta….

    • Jef Jelten says:

      One of Mikes last statements really sticks with me. It is the most succinct and true statement I have ever herd;

      We will never change anything until we change how money works.

      • JonF says:

        He was a good soul and an amazing communicator…he could riff on anything… the video at 9 mins in, he riffs on “Misfits”:

        “…Earth is the place where they stuck all the emotional, spiritual misfits and kindergarteners… we couldn’t fuck up the rest of the universe…”

  12. JonF says:

    Easter Sunday….my thought for today comes from an essay published in 1924 by Lord Moulton titled: “Law and Manners”…….

    ” I must ask you to follow me in examining the three great domains of Human Action.

    First comes the domain of Positive Law, where our actions are prescribed by laws binding upon us which must be obeyed.

    Next comes the domain of Free Choice, which includes all those actions as to which we claim and enjoy complete freedom.

    But between these two there is a third large and important domain in which there rules neither Positive Law nor Absolute Freedom.
    In that domain there is no law which inexorably determines our course of action, and yet we feel that we are not free to choose as we would.

    The degree of this sense of a lack of complete freedom in this domain varies in every case. It grades from a consciousness of a Duty nearly as strong as Positive Law, to a feeling that the matter is all but a question of personal choice.

    Some might wish to parcel out this domain into separate countries, calling one, for instance, the domain of Duty, another the domain of Public Spirit, another the domain of Good Form; but I prefer to look at it as all one domain, for it has one and the same characteristic throughout – it is the domain of Obedience to the Unenforceable.

    The obedience is the obedience of a man to that which he cannot be forced to obey. He is the enforcer of the law upon himself”

    • Mirror on the wall says:


    • Mirror on the wall says:

      I wonder where his job of manufacturing poison gas to be used on soldiers in WWI fell into his ever so tidy little schema. He was a bourgeois functionary, a mandarin, who imagined that his own way of life was ‘truth’. (blink)

      > The First World War gave Lord Moulton his greatest challenge. In 1914 he became chairman of a committee to advise on the supply of explosives, a difficult problem because the British had only a feeble organic chemistry industry. Before long Moulton became Director-General of the Explosives Department, first in the War Office and later in the Ministry of Munitions. He mobilised a brilliant group of administrators and scientists who expanded production more than 20-fold— throughout the war there was more explosives than shells to hold them. They also made fertilizers, and in 1917 became responsible for producing poisonous gases.[4] Though loyal to orders, Moulton believed that poison gas was a departure from civilised warfare.,_Baron_Moulton#Career

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      These young ladies have certainly got ‘good form’, and there is plenty of ‘public spirits’ flowing.

    • Herbie Ficklestein. says:

      Edwin, over here in the Good Ole USA the nightly news featured this Spring break/ Easter week period was the busiest ever here ….especially in Floriduh…Florida…
      Airlines struggling to keep up with demand of leisure travelers…business travelers have not returned as hoped with the high profit margins they bring..

      From ZD Net

      What’s different about American’s latest Dreamliners is that they lean much more heavily toward customers who have, well, a lot more money.

      These will have 51 Business Class seats. No, wait. 51 Business Class pods.

      And these pods have doors. Welcome to the gated community, at 36,000 feet.

      The latest Dreamliners will also have 32 Premium Economy reclining seats.

      In total, there’ll be 41 fewer seats on these planes, as compared to American’s previous 787-9s.

      It’s easy to fly to conclusions.

      American must believe that some people have made a lot of money over the last couple of years. Whether they’re flying on business or not, they’re prepared to spend more money to have a more refined flying experience — these days, that’s a relatively refined experience.

      American will, then, cater to them in the belief that more margin can be made from offering (a higher level of) exclusivity.

      The airline isn’t alone in trying to find customers prepared to spend more for something that’s even slightly better. Even Southwest, for example, has allowed its enhanced business offerings — such as they are — to appear on aggregator Kayak, but only for those who are part of a company.

      As Gail has pointed out time and time again that’s the way the economy works.
      Seems at least for a while BAU will take care of the rich…
      Jay Hanson even admitted the same ….went make investing, even though he had a mindset of a doomer

  13. Fast Eddy says:

    “Bodybuilders in shock after U.S. champion becomes third to die in months” – Cedric McMillan’s unexpected death from a suspected heart attack follows those of Shawn Rhoden, the 2018 Mr Olympia champion who suffered a heart attack last November, and George Peterson, who died from heart problems last October, reports the Telegraph.


  14. Fast Eddy says:

    In response to FE —

    Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

    Dr Mike Yeadon replied to your comment
    I have long felt that GVB has been placed to do a job for his previous employer. He uses immunological descriptions that don’t make sense. He rarely to never discusses T-cells & instead focuses on the only part of the immune system which is all but irrelevant to respiratory viruses: antibodies in blood. The number of unique pieces of the virus we use to create our own “immune repertoire” is large (20-30) so that immune escape the way he describes it simply cannot happen. He cannot know what will happen if we “vaccinate into a pandemic” for a number of reasons, the most important being these aren’t vaccines at all. We’re not even certain what they code for. Only what we’ve been told.

    Fast Eddy3 min ago
    I’ve been interested what your take on GVB’s warnings would be – so thanks for this.

    The propaganda machine is full throttle making it very difficult if not possible to determine what is what… Bossche could be a false player — maybe Steve is… maybe you are — maybe I am hehehehe…

    Bossche is urging the WHO and governments to stop the injections urgently and deploy mass preventative measures such as Ivermectin — this is one of his more recent (and less technical) discussions

    If he is not correct then that would point to getting it wrong rather than being a bad actor… (actually if he is an actor he does one hell of a job – Academy Award stuff!)

    Also if he was a plant — surely he’d be picked up by the MSM to spread the false message .. instead he’s blocked and mocked.

    Do you think it is possible that given deploying a leaky vaccine during a pandemic is something we have never done before — so we don’t know what will actually happen — and that their might be the risk of creating some sort of lethal mutation?

    I was watching a presentation by a doctor from NZDSOS awhile back and he stated that the reason we vaccinate against the flu before flu season is that deploying that leaky vaccine into a pandemic carries potential serious risks (similar to what GVB warns of)

    Could it be that we just don’t know what is going to happen (but Fauci and friends do)… and given the scale of the lies and coverups with the CovCON — that GVB is assuming something catastrophic will result.

    Luc Montagnier made similar comments a number of times prior to his death.

    Montagnier discussed the issue in an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month, which was exclusively translated from French into English for RAIR Foundation USA….

    The vaccines don’t stop the virus, argues the prominent virologist, they do the opposite — they “feed the virus,” and facilitate its development into stronger and more transmittable variants. These new virus variants will be more resistant to vaccination and may cause more health implications than their “original” versions.

    I understand Byram Bridle is supportive of this thesis.

    I feel like a blind man in a hotel room in the middle of the night feeling the walls for the light switch so I can find the bathroom!

    I just ordered more Ivermectin — if we do get a more lethal variant hopefully that serves to achieve my goal of being one of the last men standing so I get to see what’s behind the curtain.

    Wouldn’t it be great if this was a massive cull — the injections are tests to determine who lives — the PTB have worked out how to make civilization-lite work — and we avoid (escape?) Idiocracy.

    For anyone who has not watched Utopia I highly recommend this series — they reference using PCR tests to drive up numbers to create fear … to increase the uptake of a vaccine

    Fast Eddy2
    A further thought in this … as we have two giants of the Reject the Injection movement in disagreement …. I propose a cage match at a neutral venue (Madison Square Gardens?)

    Pay per View — winner gets 35% – loser 15% – the promoter (me) gets the balance (cuz i though of it).

    I’ll get the contract ready tomorrow if both parties are agreeable.

    No biting. No hair pulling. No scratching. Everything else goes.

  15. Tim Groves says:

    Happy Easter to everyone!

    Yes, today’s the day. however you choose to observe or acknowledge it or not as the case may be.

    And what a wonderful full moon we saw in Kyoto last night. I treasure full moons like I treasure Pringles potato chips, as I have gotten to the point where I’m getting close to the bottom of the tube. I might not have many more full moons to see. And some of them are bound to be obscured by clouds.

    But anyway, back to Easter:

    This year, Easter will be observed on Sunday, April 17. (Eastern Orthodox Easter will take place on Sunday, April 24.)

    Why Is Easter So Late This Year?

    Easter is a “movable feast,” so it doesn’t happen on the same date from year to year. However, it is always observed on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

    Easter this year happens just one day after April’s full Moon (Saturday, April 16), which is the first full Moon to occur after the ecclesiastical spring equinox (March 21) and is therefore known in the Christian calendar as the “Paschal Full Moon.” To make a long story short, Easter always occurs on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, which is why Easter is so late this year.

    • Bobby says:

      Well a merry Easter to you too Tim. Tavatimsa May all your moons and 33’s raise fair

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Happy Easter!

      Hoolio killed the Easter Bunny earlier today – and ate the guts…

      Anyway – ya big moon here last night too — clear sky…

      We had guests intent on star gazing … they asked if I might turn off all the garden lights (and the search lights on the watch tower)… which I did (not that it helped because big moon and stars do not go together)… so when they couldn’t see the stars they asked if I could turn off some more lights — these are solar powered things under some of the trees… and I’m like ‘M Fast – WTF – do they want us to turn off the lights in the house — and ask the neighbours to turn off their lights too???’

      So I go out in the cold and point the fucking solar lights at the ground (I ain’t mucking around turning them off)….

      I messaged them that I’ve done the best I can — I wanted to say do you want me to try to turn off the moon too? But I didn’t …

    • Xabier says:

      A welcome touch of poetry: thank you, Tim!

  16. Lidia17 says:

    A short post with the provocative title, “The End of International Capital” cites an RT article about statements made by Jake Sullivan.

    Washington is not planning to return the assets confiscated from Russian businessmen as part of the latest sanctions imposed on Moscow over the military operation in Ukraine, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Thursday.

    Our goal is not to give them back,” Sullivan said at the Economic Club of Washington, adding that the US authorities would use the seized assets “in a better way.”

    “There are authorities we have, and there are further authorities that maybe we could develop, and that’s something we’re actively looking at,” the official added.

    The blogger:
    How good do your project returns in a given jurisdiction have to be in order to justify the risk of having all of your property seized simply because the politicians in that jurisdiction don’t approve of the actions of your government?

    It’s a little bizarre that we’re not hearing any neoclassical economists or libertarians talking about this, when it’s quite possibly one of the most significant developments to take place. And this isn’t just a theoretical observation, as a major Chinese oil company is already selling off its assets in Australia, Canada, and the USA as it terminates its operations in the West.

    “There are authorities we have, and there are further authorities that maybe we could develop..”

    Seems like the end of legality as a concept, as well.

    • Lidia17 says:

      (Could be other reasons the un-named Chinese oil co. is selling off assets, of course.)

    • Xabier says:

      A reversion to the early Middle Ages, when the local lord would claim the goods of a merchant who died in his territory (faintly reflected in our own death duties, etc); or the Ottoman Empire, Indian and Arab kingdoms, where the rich lived under the constant threat of confiscation of any property and wealth, with no legal protection from such arbitrary seizures. Also of being strangled into the bargain!

    • drb says:

      A local friend suggests that this was done to a) put westerners on the wrong track (I honestly never expected a war after some gold was sent to London) b) a calculation that western assets, which will now be seized, are of the same import. Pity poor Ikea. They are taking losses to finance the hegemon-wanna-be.

    • Student says:

      The above news and other of the same subject or similar (instead of sudden death one could find avderse events not recognized by authorities) can be found at this link:

      It involves almost 2 years of ‘vaccine’ activity.

  17. Tim Groves says:

    Herbie, hi!

    Flooding kills hundreds in South Africa: ‘This disaster is part of climate change’
    David Knowles
    David Knowles·Senior Editor
    Thu, April 14, 2022, 2:42 PM·3 min read
    More than 300 people have been killed in flooding following days of extreme rainfall in eastern South Africa, with some areas receiving up to six months’ worth of rain in a single day.

    Touring the devastated region on Wednesday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said the severity of the downpours was further evidence of the consequences of climate change.

    “This disaster is part of climate change. It is telling us that climate change is serious, it is here,” said Ramaphosa, adding, “We no longer can postpone what we need to do, and the measures we need to take to deal with climate change.”

    Sorry. I’m not buying that. And neither should you.

    The science says that flooding in Southern Africa waxes and wanes in line with the approx. 22-year heliospheric Hale cycle.

    This paper and others (mostly behind paywalls) lay out the observational and statistical evidence:

    W..R. Alexander and F. Bailey

    While there is abundant evidence worldwide of synchronous linkages between rainfall, river flow and sunspot activity, the causal linkage was rejected in the IPCC (2001) reports on the grounds that variations in solar radiation are too small to account for climatic variations. This response is unsatisfactory, as it does not explain the wealth of data, dating back for more than 100 years, that demonstrates that a causal linkage does indeed exist.

    This is the problem that the two of us were determined to resolve. We believe that we have produced new evidence that will eventually lead to the conclusion that variations in solar activity and not the burning of fossil fuels are the direct cause of the observed multiyear variations in climatic responses.

    The starting point was the incontestable, statistically significant (95%), 21-year periodicity in the South African rainfall, river flow and other hydrometeorological data.

    Also, the Southern African flooding event that has made the biggest impact on the world’s imagination in recent decades was, as I’m sure many people will remember, the flooding along the Limpopo Valley and in Mozambique that trapped people in trees for days on end. Do you remember when that took place?

    Actually, it was in 2000, 22 years ago. So, given the above-cited periodicity of rainfall levels in Southern Africa, one ought not be surprised that there is heavy flooding in some places there about now. The science is clear. Indeed, it is incontestable and statistically significant (95%), and there is certainly no need to scream “Cli-mate change!” I would interpret President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call as “Give us money!”

    From Wikipedia:

    The 2000 Mozambique flood was a natural disaster that occurred in February and March 2000. The catastrophic flooding was caused by heavy rainfall that lasted for five weeks and made many homeless. Approximately 800 people were killed. 1,400 km2 of arable land was affected and 20,000 head of cattle and food were lost. It was the worst flood in Mozambique in 50 years.

    It started in South Africa when heavy rain falls traveled over to Mozambique. It caused dozens of deaths. 44,000 were left homeless and many of them had lost relatives of some kind. Later, Cyclone Eline came and destroyed many more homes and lives. The women and children were hurrying to shelter and high land. 800 had died and thousands of livestock were killed. The government distributed 15 million dollars (2000 USD) to its citizens to account for damage property and loss of income. As of 2016, people were still living in recovery shelters with fluctuating water supplies.

    • Herbie Ficklestein says:

      Tim, Hi! Happy Bunny Day..glad to see you are hopping along…take care and stay down in the rabbit hole, bro…


  18. Whether you like or not, only Western Europeans (and its offshoots in North America) can maintain modern civilization.

    Histories of Russia, Middle East, China, SE Asia, Japan, Egypt after Hypatia and Africa, the Americas before 1492 or Oceania, do not show any signs of advancing civilization. They had plenty of time to do so but chose not to, because, I have to say, the genes of progress are noticeably absent in their genes.

    That’s why I continue to say that we can’t expect Asians in STEM to discover new things. They have not discovered anything important, and even if they did, their teachers were not Asians.

    Even Hanaoka Seishu, who invented anasthesia in 1804 (although modern Japanese doctors do not use it, using what they learned from the Westerners in the 1870s) learned the trick by reading medical treatises written in Dutch (at that time Holland was the only western country trading with Japan whose learned people obtained Dutch scientific literature as best as they could.)

    The end of Western Domination means the world can’t advance anymore. Just in time for the lack of resources hits.

    • JesseJames says:

      You are a rascist. Chinese discovered and were the first to discover gunpowder and apply it in many uses. A Japanese scientist discovered Ivermectin. The Japanese pioneered modern quality practices in manufacturing.
      In a common theme of this blog, energy use and the desire to exploit it and natural resources is the key to industry, manufacturing, extra exploited wealth, and hence scientific research and discovery. That is why Western powers dominated innovation and invention for so long, not due to a racial or cultural issue.
      I get a similar argument from many when they say Chinese just copy everything. Go read any scientific high tech journals….the papers are dominated by Asians. In short, they are kicking our Western asses in technology and hence their current domination of high tech manufacturing, which leads to advanced products. Ex…Korea….high end smart phones and TVs, etc.
      Your post shows you are a fool.
      If anything, Asian culture might include a less mercenary view of exploiting natural resources.

    • Hubbs says:

      Somewhere I read that the inability of Asians to make new discoveries in science is reflected by their cumbersome alphabet and limited original musical composition. The written Chinese language uses numerous characters. A different one is assigned for tense, past vs present vs future perfect, etc., or for singular vs plural, etc. A lot of storage/memory but no dynamic processing of root words with modifications to accomodate singular vs plural, or present vs past tense. This could be a reflection of how the Asians can copy but can not design or innovate. Many great musical virtuosos can play western music, yet there is a paucity of composers.

      I wonder if this tendency is reflected by the Chinese building ghost cities, whereby the need to emulate western structures overides any economic sense or planning. Monkey see, monkey do.

      One might say the Chinese out smarted us by taking over all of the western manufacturing capability whether by low cost labor arbitarge or outright theft. But if you think about it, we “pay” China to make all our stuff while they pollute their country and do all the labor, and all we do is send them our paper currency (debt) in exchange. As useless as the soldier who gives his life to maintain the US hegemony and is rewarded with a medal, or in the Wizard of Oz, the man behind the curtain gives the lion a “testimonial.”

  19. Mirror on the wall says:

    Phase 2 of the Russian special operation in the Ukraine could start in the coming days. It seems that the NATO gear that is being sent into the Ukraine is a lot of junk, and that it is no real threat to the Russian forces. If so, then it will not seriously prolong the operation.

    > Sitrep: Operation Z

    …. As for news about Phase 2, here are some assorted updates:

    There continue to be reports from both sides that a largescale Russian Phase 2 offensive is days away. One source in Donbass even said this: “The head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration believes that the Russian troops do not start the offensive because of bad weather.”

    Meanwhile a regional administrator in Barvinkove and separately, the head of Donetsk regional military administrations, urged evacuations as ‘Russia is set to launch a large-scale military operation in a few days.’

    My view has been that it won’t come until Mariupol is done, but with that said, they may begin it anyway because some reports indicate forces have already been disengaged from Mariupol and sent both north and towards Kherson because so few UAF remain in Mariupol, they don’t need a large force anymore. Wargonzo / Pegov reports that the famous Somali battalion of DPR will be re-deployed to Avdiivka outside of Donetsk where a large offensive is planned to break through the densest of enemy lines, and some of them have already been redeployed there.

    In short, various ‘chirps’ from both sides continue to indicate Russia is almost ready with the preparations for Phase 2, we just have to wait and see if they’re waiting for the ‘symbolic’ fall of Mariupol to begin, or whether they’ll begin without it. We know the Pentagon said last week that the offensive would start “within a week”.

    As some others have posted this already, unconfirmed but it matches the general gist I’m hearing everywhere else:

    “The Pentagon instructed the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw all the remaining artillery to the cities on the eastern front – Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, where they can fire behind civilians. Restraining the offensive of the Russian troops is prescribed by small mobile groups armed with mortars and anti-tank systems, moving across the steppe in civilian vehicles. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Americans impose terrorist tactics on their pets, in which their people are taken hostage. But the fact that Ukrainian resources write about this quite openly, and treat such methods with understanding, and as the only correct one, cannot but amaze.”

    There is video evidence of this now that’s emerged where UAF is mostly operating in the style of ISIS ‘technicals’ where they mount a machine gun on a pickup truck and drive around the countryside in search of fast ambush opportunities on RF rearguards, supply lines etc., but unlike ISIS they’re armed with tons of ATGMs and Manpads.

    One Russian T-72B3 came home to base last night near Izyum having been reportedly struck as many as 2 or 3 times by Javelins and Nlaws, but its Kontakt-5 reactive armor had no problem shrugging them all off. Photos show Kontakt-5 damage around the turret indicating possible “top attack” (such as NLAW and Javelin) as opposed to normal RPG style weapons hitting lower broadside on the hull. Just further proof that Western weapons are performing abysmally. In fact the ONLY consistently confirmed proof I have seen, out of thousands of videos, of tank kills on Russian armor all comes from the Ukrainian Stugna-P ATGM, which is a Ukrainian/Belarussian produced weapon.

    One frontline reporter several days ago said, upon breaching a UAF position they found a bunch of spent Russian/Soviet legacy RPGs laying on the ground, while next to them was several western (NLAW/Javelin) units that were completely unused. You can figure out what this implies.

    But of course the U.S. continues to offload its stock of junk on Ukraine, Czech sends MLRS, while British SAS go straight to Kiev to train the Nazis directly.

    U.S. also expands its intel sharing with Ukraine, and has stated it will help Ukraine in preparing strikes onto Crimea. U.S. says it won’t overtly help Ukraine with strikes on RF territory, but it doesn’t recognize Crimea as RF territory so it considers it legal to give the UAF signal/satellite intel to strike Crimea.

    Meanwhile the Pentagram says, “The Pentagon now says Russia is in the midst of a major jamming operation attempt of Ukraine’s access to GPS signals, which if successful would have a huge impact on Ukraine’s ability to navigate the battlefield and operate advanced aerial systems such as drones.”

    The article mentions Switchblade drones, and how they use GPS which is disrupted by Russian jamming. On that front, we have new reports that as of yesterday, two Switchblade drones were already used against Russian tanks in the Kharkov / Izyum area, neither of which did any damage.

    “Two American Switchblade UAVs (“Flipknife”) attacked the positions of Russian tankers, but did not cause any damage. Apparently, the operators are just beginning to master the new technique.” (reported by the reliable frontline correspondent Sasha Kots)

    It is confirmation the drones are now in theater. But there’s 2 varieties, the 300 and 600 series. We don’t know yet which they have. The 300 is fairly useless against vehicles.

    You can see an inside look into these unparalleled Russian jamming systems which have no equal in the world. If you read my last report with this video, you’ll know it spoke a lot about Russian ability to shutdown all communications on the front via these various EW stations like the famous Krasukha. In the bitchute videos above, the soldiers talk about how these systems shutdown all cellular communications, fry Bayraktar drones, etc., and this is exactly corroborated in the Dr. Karber presentation at West Point above, where he says all cellular and military radios go blank in a wide swath of territory….

  20. Mirror on the wall says:

    Another Brit mercenary has been captured in Mariupol. He is said to face the death sentence.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      He also fought with the YPG Kurds in Syria, alongside Aiden Aslin. It looks like he is not coming back this time.

      • Student says:

        Mirror, can you please help me with English ?
        Is it possible that at time 0.09 he says the word ‘Italian’ about a brigade or something ?
        Many thanks

        • Mirror on the wall says:

          “I am part of 36 (errr) brigade (errr) first battalion (errr) Ukrainian marine (errr) this year”

          He stutters on ‘Ukraine’.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            That is not how he really talks. He is simplifying the grammar, perhaps on the assumption that Russians cannot easily understand English, or it could just be due to the stress of the situation.

            Usually he would have said something like, ‘I am currently a Ukrainian marine with the 36th brigade of the 1st battalion.’

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Sorry, brigades are made up of battalions and not vice versa. LOL

              ‘I am currently a Ukrainian marine of the 1st battalion of the 36th brigade.’

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Torture him and PPV it?

      Monetize the shit out of this?

    • Xabier says:

      This mercenary got his highs from adventure and killing, not the money: but now comes the low…..

      In a way, these addicts are rather like mountaineers – the latter being a more -but not wholly – innocent occupation.

      And also a little like all of us.

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    This is where vigilante justice is … justified… (pop by… and have a word with them… or…)

    According to Strieter-Byron, her mom wasn’t eager get a covid vaccine, saying she wanted to “wait and see.” But with travel obligations increasing for her job as vice president of sales and marketing at Saline Lectronics, and friends asking if “she got it yet,” Sandra Jacobs finally went to the CVS in Saline, Michigan, on April 8, 2021, and received a shot of the Johnson & Johnson Janssen covid-19 vaccine.

    Jacobs started experiencing headaches and fatigue several days later, calling it the vaccine “backlash.” A little over a week after the shot, Jacobs’s headache had progressed to a migraine, accompanied by chest pain and nausea. A call to her doctor’s office (which was aware she had received a covid vaccine) resulted in a prescription for a nausea drug and advice to take 800 mg of Motrin every six hours.

    “The last thing she told me,” Strieter-Byron said, was “I’m going to bed, and if I don’t feel better in the morning I’m going to the hospital. She went to bed and never woke up.”

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    To say that covid vaccines, along with every other officially approved method of preventing, treating, and testing for covid-19 (all called “countermeasures”) have “sweeping” liability protection is an understatement. That absence of liability goes so far as to prohibit claims for an injury with any “direct connection” to a countermeasure—described in a Federal Register notice of March 17, 2020, as including a “slip-and-fall,” vehicle accident, or injury from “lax security” at any “countermeasure distribution program or site.”

    So, no matter what happens, regardless of whose fault it is, if a countermeasure is somehow involved (such as falling due to a store’s negligence if you’re there to buy an OTC covid test) you’re prohibited from suing. That all-encompassing liability protection also extends to “covered persons,” a long list that shelters “all persons and entities” that touch a countermeasure, from manufacturers, their contractors and subcontractors, distributors, “program planners and qualified persons and their officials.” (The “covered persons” designation also includes the United States of America.)

    • Sad situation.

      • Tim Groves says:

        At first, I tried to warn people. But they really didn’t want to know. As if they’ve been trained not to want to know, or as if not wanting to know is a coping mechanism. Some pushed back aggressively while others just went silent.

        There were just a few people who were already clued in before I talked to them, and they were happy to know that someone else looked at the situation the same way they did. But out of around fifty people I contacted who were not, I was unable to persuade a single one. I felt like Lot visiting Sodom and Gomorrah.

        So I decided to get out of the persuasion business. After all, I reasoned, I can’t possibly compete against the combined resources Government, Big Pharma and the mass media. That was two years ago.

        And now, a slew of people in my circle of acquaintances have developed potentially life-threatening kidney inflammation, heart inflammation, one has had the bile duct removed and another has had part of the pancreas removed due to cancer. None of this can be linked definitively to the jabs, not least because nobody is looking for such a link. But such a link can’t be ruled out.

        And, more generally, sickness is stalking the land. It’s a combination of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sickness. Whenever I go to town, can feel it in the air. People are looking tired or worn out. Maybe I am too and I see my own tiredness reflected in others?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The struggle now is to contain one’s laughter when a CovIDIOT mentions a malady…

  23. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Washington state to spend $450,000 studying ‘gasoline superusers’
    Jonathon Ramsey
    Sat, April 16, 2022, 12:00 PM

    Washington state wants to study the drivers who use a disproportionately large amount of gasoline relative to other drivers, the so-called superusers. reports the state legislature just approved a $450,000 appropriation to get researchers in the field with the goal of finding out who these drivers are, where they live, what they drive, how much they spend on gasoline and what might induce them to switch from a gasoline vehicle to a battery-electric vehicle. The results will be given to the governor and state government by January 1, 2023.

    The effort is likely cued off a report called “Gasoline Superusers.” Released by Seattle-based EV advocacy non-profit called Coltura last July, it was based on data found in the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) 2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS). The NHTS surveyed 130,000 households, the FHWA calling it “the authoritative source on the travel behavior of the American public” because of nationwide data on every mode of non-commercial travel and the people making the journeys. Coltura coined the term “gasoline superuser” based on the fact that, according to the NHTS, 10% of light-duty-vehicle drivers use 32% of the gasoline bought by all light-duty drivers. That 10% sliver of superusers, about 25 million people nationwide, buys least 1,000 gallons per year to drive more than 30,000 miles and consumes more gas than the bottom 60%.

    The Seattle Times investigated superusers in the city and the state, finding 7% of Washington state drivers consume roughly 25% of the state’s gasoline, and they are most commonly behind the wheel of a Ford F-150. Coltura’s report identified the bulk of superusers as living in rural areas, in the middle of the country or well beyond the suburbs, co-executive director Matthew Metz telling the Seattle Times, “[For] these superusers, there really is no substitute for driving for most of them. Either they’re tradespeople who are driving long distances in a pickup, or they live in exurbia where there’s no transit. They don’t have other options.”

    Remember a fella that came from Montana and commented that driving in his State for an hour or more was the norm….when you live out in the countryside nothing is nearby…

    • The West seems to have a major problem with things being very far apart. Driving to a grocery store or supermarket becomes a long distance ride. This is not sustainable.

      • clickkid says:

        “The West seems to have a major problem with things being very far apart.”

        It certainly does. Most obviously, the picture most people have of reality and reality itself.

      • keith says:

        The F-150 electric is out. I believe. I wonder if all this, including Canada suggesting 1000 to 4000 annual fee to such owners, is to push the new product. WEF is all about the limits to growth and the transition to new framework. Capitalism needs growth. Growth died some time back. It is all coordinated, lock-step all the way. Although, me thinks they, whom are 99% ignorant, thought the Vaccine was a sugar pill. It was a means to usher in the rationing passport. They’ll call it something else. But if it quacks likes a duck, you know the old saying.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Sign me UP! I’m running 4 vehicles and gotta be burning though a thousand bucks a month hahahaha…

      Sometimes I just sit the bat mobile in the driveway all day long with the engine idling…just in case I might go somewhere …(even though most days I don’t go anywhere. It’s best to have the engine warm (cuz) — particularly as the cold weather sets in — I just hate to get into a cold car (don’t you?)…

      But hey – I am not flying anywhere these days so that offsets my fuel burn – right? I am gone ‘green!’

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        Must be nice to have lucked out in the gene pool of Life to gloat of plenty!
        Remember reading a bio book of Mark Twain. In it the letters exchanged between relatives spoke of illness or death in the family.
        Think he lost several,fortunes due to bad investments or a financial panics.

        A brother was killed before his eyes on a steamboat explosion, and three of his four children never lived to adulthood. He was scammed by an inventor and faced near bankruptcy.

        Within the pages of the book, Twain is at once the grief-stricken father and the angry iconoclast, eager to settle personal grievances.
        …One bad investment in a typesetting machine created by inventor James Paige nearly devoured his life savings. In the autobiography, Twain lashes out against Paige for the scam in “very strong language,” according to Lovell.

        “He talks about having his nuts in a vice,” she said.

        On the verge of bankruptcy in 1893, Twain embarked on a lecture tour throughout the Southern Hemisphere to recoup his losses, writing about his travels in “Following the Equator.”

        “He had suffered poverty as a boy and near poverty as adult,” she said.

        “This was a guy who worried about money,” she said. “When he died, he was on top, but he knew the stress of having his back against the wall. He wrote with one eye on the market — if he signed his name on a grocery list, someone would have bought it.”

        Just after the tour ended in 1896, Twain and his wife Olivia and their second-born daughter Clara — the only one to live into adulthood — went to England to rent a house in Guildford, where costs were lower than in the United States.

        The two other daughters were to join them until they received a cablegram that the youngest, 22-year-old Susy, was ill. She died of meningitis before her family could return.

        “It was a real tragedy,” Lovell said. “Life was never the same.”

        Twain had lost a 19-month-old son to diptheria and Jean would drown in 1909 during an epileptic fit in the bathtub after her sister Clara insisted she return home.

        Twain adored his wife Olivia, who was 10 years his junior.

        “These two really got each other,” Lovell said. “She was very intelligent and well read and up to speed on world events. She was his intellectual equal and edited him.”

        The passages Twain writes at her death in 1904 are “fresh and raw.”

        Well Edwin, one thing for need not worry…for you are no Mark Twain

        from ABC Susan Donaldson

  24. Fast Eddy says:

    Rationing Looms As Diesel Crisis Goes Global

    Fears diesel will run dry at pumps ‘in two weeks’

    Central Bank director of economics and statistics Mark Cassidy said: ‘We don’t have estimates, we’re not forecasting that there will be energy rationing – it cannot be ruled out.

    ‘So I’m not ruling out the possibility there could be some need for rationing but we haven’t factored that into our forecasts and our scenario analyses are more on the pricing side than the rationing side,’ he added.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    The truth about Bucha
    by Slavisha Batko Milacic April 10, 2022

    Shortly after the Russian troops left the outskirts of Kiev, the pro-Ukrainian media fired a broadside of stories about alleged Russian war crimes against peaceful civilians, traces of which were found in the abandoned towns. Before very long the first video appeared, with corpses scattered along the street, some of which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be quite alive.

  26. Michael Le Merchant says:

    REVEALED: Germany’s Involvement in Military Biological Programs in Ukraine

    • Early in the paper, it says,

      Ukraine had become a NATO outsourcing destination for biological weapons research and development.

      By now, it has now been confirmed and demonstrated that US Department of Defense and its subsidiary, the DTRA, are funding offshore defense biological and scientific research projects under the guise of ‘life sciences‘ research, development and training activities inside Ukraine. The evidence strongly suggests that these activities and programs related to countering and deterring biological weapons of mass destruction as well as “emerging biological threats” – are actually being used as vehicles for so-called “dual-use” life science and classified projects. In this case, the term ‘dual use’ refers to the work and material pertaining to supposed biosafety research is completely interchangeable with the development of internationally prohibited bioweapons. Because of the inherent ambiguity of the area of research, such programs and their facilities have proven to be impervious to any meaningful oversight or international inspection regime.

      Later in the paper, it gives lots of evidence that Germany is involved in outsourcing biological weapons and research to Ukraine, too.

  27. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system

    • MM says:

      A financial system based on commodities on a finite planet will encounter some problems.
      In principle it is possible with a financial system based on recycling capabilities but I do not see them with Renewables. Renewables itself are very difficult, Recycling with renewables is pretty more difficult.
      If you put your bet on slaves that do not bother about pollution it might work.

      What is actually the stock market sign of a company engaging in slaves as a commodity?

      • Recycling takes more and more energy. It is less and less possible to separate the needed materials in an efficient manner. Shipping everything around to world to facilitate recycling takes a huge amount of energy.

        Perhaps a company dealing in slaves would do better, you are right.

        • MM says:

          shippng as in Africa 😉

          You posted the date when China stopped plastics recycling, Do you have an exact reference date just for the fun of adjusting it to “markets” ?

          • Fast Eddy says:

            They never did recycle most of it – cuz that’s not possible — they have been burning it or dumping it into the ocean… or burying it.

        • Rodster says:

          I talked to a man who owned a recycling company in Michigan. He told me that 95% of the recycled trash is rejected and gets sent to the landfill and that includes items such as soda bottles etc.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            That aligns with what I have been told here in NZ …. can’t recall the organization but they are rep the plastics industry in NZ and told me – if I recall – that only about 8% of plastic gets recycled… and even then you cannot make like for like from the recycled plastic… it steps down in quality…

            Basically the recycling industry is the same as the renewable energy industry … and the EV industry…

            I refer to them as ‘Hopium Industries’ …. they are an energy sink … dedicated to supporting the belief that humans have a future… because if they believe they don’t — that’s a very dangerous situation.

            Does it matter than we pour money (energy) into hopium industries — that it is ‘wasted’…. not at all … we pour money (energy) into ski lifts… and sports arenas… and literally thousands of other things that serve no real purpose other than to keep the MOREONS happy….

            Convincing them that their grand children will not be roasted over a fire and eaten … is much more important than going round and round on the ski lift….

            • Wil says:

              new zealanders are the scum of the so-called free world. The best thing you could do with plastic bags is put them over their heads to suffocate them.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              The injection rate is very high here….

      • houtskool says:

        Aha, that’s why open borders

    • Thanks! Mirror found a different link to the same interview yesterday.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      He fails to address:

      According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources

      Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

      Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

      What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

      Some key points from this Financial Times article:

      Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times

  28. Mirror on the wall says:

    Andrei is talking about that ship that sunk.

    Perhaps more interestingly, he mentions that Russia has captured NATO officers and servicemen in Mariupol, and that they will be subject to war crimes trials, along with the Azov forces that they helped. It will be a major propaganda coup for Russia. We can expect to watch their depositions at some point.

    Andrei Martyanov on “RKR Moskva and Sitrep On The Run”

    • MM says:

      I see the sunk ship as a watermark for a new price tag for Russia in Ukraine.
      If really advanced weapons will be deployed by the West in large numbers it will at some stage become impossible for Russia to get what it wants.

      A Proxy war in Afghanistan did not play out well. Syria, I dunno. The USA in Syria just might have let it go down the drain. Ukraine is THE war, you know?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        They could just shut off the gas… no?

        • Student says:

          I don’t think Russians will shut off gas, but I do think that, going on in this way, Russians could feel themselves put in a corner and could use heavy weapons with bad results for us and them, but Russians are ready to die to defend their country while us will be stupid to defend a problematic country like Ukraine (which is partially Ukraine and partially old Russia).
          Before dying we Europeans should remember that we are dying for a stupid reason.

  29. JonF says:

    Nice article by F William Engdahl:

    “NATO Sanctions and the Imminent Global Shortage of Diesel Fuel”

    Lots of data points showing the precarious diesel situation in Europe and beyond. Here are the closing lines of his article:

    “The true interconnected global industrial economy is not like the lego game. It is highly complex and finely tuned, and while this tuning is systematically destroyed, all the evidence shows that it is intentional. Welcome to the eugenics agenda of the Great Reset in Davos.”

    • It seems like way too many countries today is that their populations are way too skewed toward old people (Europe, Russia and its affiliates, China, Japan). There are also countries with way too many overweight and sickly people (US, Middle Eastern Countries).

      The leaders of these countries realize that they cannot bring their entire populations through the coming bottleneck. Something has to change. The large number of elderly need to die of of “natural causes,” if nothing else.

      • houtskool says:

        My elders belong to my tribe. My good neighbors too. Raghead should show its ability to serve. Like a good servant to the tribe, like in a good ‘ol south American drug slum. Tribalism is our near future. Don’t worry, it is capitalism in its purest form, very close to nature.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Yet governments, such as the German “Ampel” coalition (traffic light), with their crazy Zero Carbon agenda and their plans to phase out oil, coal and gas, or the Biden clique, see the explosion in energy prices as another pretext to abandon hydrocarbons, like oil, and switch to unreliable and expensive alternative energies, like wind and solar. True, interconnected global industrial economy is not like the game of lego. It is highly complex and finely tuned, and while this attunement is systematically destroyed, all evidence shows that this is intentional.

      They are not abandoning … they are issuing calming words to the MOREONS promising a transition to renewable energy … and ‘banning’ fossil fuels… because in reality … the supply is simply not there

      So far it’s working — the MOREONS are mostly calm… even Peru and Sri Lanka are contained.

      Soon it’s off to the abattoir though….

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        Biden opens up leasing for oil and gas drilling on federal lands
        PUBLISHED FRI, APR 15 20226:09 PM EDTUPDATED FRI, APR 15 20228:23 PM EDT
        NBC NEWS
        Josh Lederman and Zoë Richards

        The Biden administration said it will resume selling leases to drill for oil and gas on federal lands starting next week, but with a major reduction in the number of acres offered and an increase in the royalties companies must pay to drill.

        The Interior Department announced that on Monday it will release a sale notice for leases to drill on 144,000 acres of government land — 80 percent less than what was initially being evaluated for potential leasing.

        President Joe Biden, who on the campaign trail called for an end to drilling on federal lands, has been looking for ways to temporarily increase U.S. energy production to help drive down the price of gas.

        The move comes amid growing pressure for the Biden administration to do more to lower gas prices, with Republicans in particular saying it should allow more drilling.

        Industry experts say it would take at least six months to a year before new drilling on federal land would produce additional supply and ultimately bring down the cost of gas, which has emerged as a major midterm election issue.

        Friday’s announcement, however, is likely to rankle environmentalists. During the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden had urged a complete end to drilling for oil and gas on federal lands, but courts disagreed with his initial moratorium that he signed when he took office.

        When push comes to shove BAU wins every time Edwin

        • Adam says:

          I seem to remember a story during Trumps tenure (Kurt Cobb, i think ) the article stated that the dept. quietly ended a lease auction after there had been little interest from the industry, when only a few of the leases were actually bid on.

  30. Hubbs says:

    Regardless of the cause for the sinking of the the Moskov cruiser, and all the conflicting propaganda, especially from the western media like Yahoo, my email home page which posts an in-my-face endless stream of anti-Russia spin, I have come to a deductive opinion that Putin may be more correct than we think about his perceived need to have invaded Ukraine when he did.

    He may have correctly forseen that time was not on his side, and that there was going to be an inexorable encirclement of Russia, culminating in its disembowelment by the globalists for its natural resources including arable land.

    It’s not that Putin thought he could easily and quickly decisively win, it was that he knew if he didn’t invade, Russia was doomed in the long run. Yeah, we get that.

    I also think Putin realizes that China is not his true ally either. Xi Jingping is just trying to quietly exploit Russia even though China too is caught in a precarious position on the other side of this co -dependency relationship.

    So people may opine that since this was not a quick and easy victory that Putin had anticipated and therefore he blundered, my view is that difficulty Putin is now encountering, even as he (for now) seems to be defeating the Ukarinians, only validates his forseeing the need to invade Ukraine when he did, no matter how damned reluctantly.

    It aslo reflects how intertwined and deceptive this struggle for control of resources has become.

    I wonder if the developing stalemate is due to the fact that all parties realize they really can’t afford an all out war, whether due to lack of raw materials, oil, replacement parts, logisitcal pitfalls etc. It’s just like a hungry cheetah, who has to kill almost every day to secure fresh meat, is constantly making a decision as it stalks its prey whether it will be successful in the hunt, and whether to commit to a chase that places it in danger of overheating and its kill being stolen before it even gets a few bites. (It’s not like the cows stumbling across helpless baby chickens.) Even Hitler recognized the importance of oil when he attacked the oil rich Caucasus.

    Welcome to the 21st century version of trench warfare.

    • You make good points:

      “It’s not that Putin thought he could easily and quickly decisively win, it was that he knew if he didn’t invade, Russia was doomed in the long run [because other countries would invade for Russia’s resources].”

      “I also think Putin realizes that China is not his true ally either. Xi Jinping is just trying to quietly exploit Russia even though China too is caught in a precarious position on the other side of this co-dependency relationship.”

      “I wonder if the developing stalemate is due to the fact that all parties realize they really can’t afford an all out war, whether due to lack of raw materials, oil, replacement parts, logistical pitfalls etc.”

    • Woodchuck says:

      Something is going to trigger all out war sooner or later. That’s what aggressive violent chimps driven by the maximum power principle do when they are in overshoot and running out of resources. I asked Jay Hanson once if he thought Russia with their abundant resources would be the last ones standing. He said no we are going to crisp them and send in Boots and Coots to rehabilitate the oil fields.

      • f says:

        Hopefully we get full war — but will the zombies still come back to life after killed?

    • Xabier says:

      It’s often over-looked that the Germans in both 1914 and 1941 came to the conclusion that they had to strike or be overwhelmed by a more powerful (because more populous and industrialising, resource-rich) Russia.

      Similarly, the sovereign-Russia clique headed by Putin, faced with the inexorable slow-grind of encirclement and provocation by NATO/US, probably reasoned that they have only a narrow and rapidly diminishing window of opportunity to act before all is lost and the subversion and dismemberment of the Russian Federation inevitable.

    • MM says:

      First of all Russia is not Putin.
      “The Putin” thing is THE propaganda tactic.

      The parliament in Russia called the Duma voted for recognizing the LDNR on 02/22/2022

      Second: Russia made the operation in the context of “do no harm to brothers and sisters”
      If I might paraphrase Sun Tsu: “If you go for a war, go for it with all your might”

      Russia is highly entangled with European history. Russia does not want to be cut off from Europe. Europe has decided that this is not of any problem for them.
      This is THE temporal denominator.
      I made the point before: Germany has all the power to pivot this thing.

      Russia is behind in advances of game theory where the winning strategy is cheating.
      Russia plays pretty much by the rules still.
      I bet they calculate that in the long run this will work out.

      Did it work out to call the legal system in the West ™ during the c/19 ?
      This also is a temporal factor.

      As my fellow humans said with the c/19: “Let’s just wait and see”…..

      • Xabier says:

        Yes, blaming ‘mad Putin’ is a US/NATOpropaganda tactic.

        Like blaming the Kaiser alone for WW1 – in fact, most Germans were enthusiastic about that war, to begin with and powerful vested interests wanted it badly.

        Putin or no, the Russian campaign makes perfect sense and is an entirely logical action, not an outbreak of crazy barbarism.

    • Ed says:

      Welcome to the 21st century version of trench warfare.

      good line

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The Growing Dangers of Pandemic-Fueled Sovereign Debt…

    “The problem isn’t just an unprecedented debt load. It’s the fact that few officials have any trust in the systems now in place to negotiate the tide of sovereign debt restructurings that appear increasingly inevitable.”

  32. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Turkey’s war with inflation: ‘Prices change daily and everyone is scared’…

    “Turkey is weathering an unprecedented financial crisis. After the lira lost half its value last year alone, the country is now struggling with rocketing inflation, officially 61.14%.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Surgery by mobile phone light and reusing catheters: Sri Lanka’s economic woes push hospitals to the brink of disaster.

      “… with medical drugs and equipment running low, the country is facing what’s being described by Singapore’s Red Cross as an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis.””

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Kafadar arranges rows of delicate breakfast pastries – fluffy round açma filled with olives or chocolate, börek and glossy poğaça buns – as customers arrive. He tells me they sometimes fly into a rage with him about prices.

      First they ripped the shopkeeper’s face off

      Then they ripped off the faces of the politicians

      And next they ripped the faces off of the wealthy

      And finally — they came after the Elders… and skinned them alive

      • MM says:

        I can not find in google.

        With all this talk talk about them elders, i wonder why no serious effort of pinning their names and adresses is being made, just in case we want to visit for a cup of tea.

        Maybe ask Miles W Mathis ?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The Protocols Of Zion
          Published 1903

          * Place our agents and helpers everywhere
          * Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
          * Start fights between different races, classes and religions
          * Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
          * Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
          * Appeal to successful people’s egos
          * Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
          * Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
          * Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
          * Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
          * Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
          * Rewrite history to our benefit
          * Create entertaining distractions
          * Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
          * Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
          * Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
          * Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
          * Replace sound investment with speculation
          * Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
          * Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

          “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, … The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.” Nathan Rothschild

          “Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. … Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” — Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister 1935-1948.

          “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

          “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson

          “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

  33. Harry McGibbs says:

    “In pictures: Thousands of people take part in anti-fascism protests across France.

    “Several hundred thousand people took to the streets across France to protest against far-right leader Marine Le Pen ahead of the presidential election next weekend.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Sweden prepares for more clashes as far-right demos continue.

      “Police in Sweden say they are preparing for violent clashes in southern Sweden following riots that erupted between demonstrators and counter-protesters in the central city of Orebro on Friday ahead of an anti-Islam far right group’s plan to burn a Quran there.”

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Anti fascist… so they should be protesting against Macron no?

      Does he get a pass because he is married to his granny? And WTF is with that anyway… who does something like that… he needs counselling.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Things hidden in Complexity
        Disruptions, shortages, and the flock

        Containers Pile Up At China Ports As Lockdown Blocks Trucks
        By Ann Koh (Bloomberg) Containers full of frozen food and chemicals are piling up at China’s biggest port in Shanghai as a Covid lockdown in the city and compulsory virus testing means truckers can’t get to the docks to pick up boxes.

        A shortage of trucks to haul containers from the port is impeding the clearance of imports, Ocean Network Express said in a customer advisory Wednesday. While the port is operating normally, there are a “critically high” number of refrigerated containers and items classified as dangerous goods piled up at two storage yards, meaning some ships carrying those types of cargo may not be able to unload any more boxes at the port, it said.

        Shanghai is now the epicenter of China’s worst Covid outbreak in two years, with more than 21,000 cases reported just on Thursday. The shortage of trucks is also hitting companies in the city, which have been able to continue working through the lockdown, with chip giant Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. struggling to secure trucks to ship out finished goods.

        “Not only does this have a significant impact on China’s domestic economy but also on potential regional supply chains, which could be more meaningful in Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam,” the analysts said.

        if anything, it will keep increasing, which will put pressure on China to keep hording, and given they are the country that grew most lately, they can afford it.

  34. Harry McGibbs says:

    “A Russian Default is Looming. A Bitter Fight Is Likely to Follow… The coming fight, which would probably pit Russia against big investors from around the world, raises murky questions over who gets to decide if a nation has actually defaulted in the rare case where sanctions have curbed a country’s ability to pay its debts.

    “Russia does not appear likely to take the declaration of a default lightly. If that should occur, it would raise Russia’s cost of borrowing for years to come and effectively lock it out of international capital markets.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Russia’s foreign ministry has banned Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Ben Wallace and 10 other British government members from entering the country.

      “The ministry said the decision was made “in view of the unprecedented hostile action by the UK government”.”

    • Dennis L. says:

      Where are large investors going to invest? Much of what passes for investment seems to have more in common with flipping houses than economic activity.

      Does Russia even have any sovereign debt? My search shows about $225B, that is trivial and is owed to them for previous purchases of gas, oil, etc.

      The last paragraph regarding future cost of borrowing sounds like hoping for bad luck more than forecasting.

      Dennis L.

    • gpdawson2016 says:

      I am on the last chapter of Kees Van Der Pijl new book titled Pandemic of Fear. It’s a ripper. He was interviewed on Geopolitics & Empire and he impressed me so I bought the book.

      As well, I am totally with Fast when he exclaims ‘ DOES ANYONE ELSE SHARE MY CONCERN ABOUT CHINA?’

      From day one this whole scam has been about a crisis caused by Peak Oil(unfortunatel term) and if I wanted support for that idea you would think I’d get it here.

      • few recognise that we have a common double problem, energy depletion and climate change, that manifests itself in 195 different ways

        ie—each nation in the world sees the problem as specifically important to them, and less so for everyone else.

        it shows itself differently everywhere–the reaction to it is different everywhere.

        it isn’t a scam—problem is that people use it as a working base for one, or intensify their belief that it is one—the conspiraholics who skip from one conspiracy to the next, as the opportunities for self delusion crop up.

        the looneytooners look for them, can’t wait for the next.

        right now, we seem to be getting one a year. Which tends to mask the real problems we face.

  35. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Putin’s Ruble Standoff With Europe Risks De Facto Gas Embargo.

    “The European Union and Russia are at risk of triggering a de facto embargo on Russian gas after the bloc’s lawyers drafted a preliminary finding that the mechanism President Vladimir Putin is demanding for payment in rubles would violate the bloc’s sanctions.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Germany ‘open to Russian oil ban’ as pressure grows on Berlin over energy embargo.

      “.. at a recent meeting of European diplomats, Berlin “indicated an awareness that oil will probably be part of a sixth package” of sanctions, according to a source familiar with the discussions.”

    • Dennis L. says:

      Okay, some lawyer drafts a piece of paper, it means absolutely nothing unless it is enforceable which could be very expensive and lead to some extensive closures of European industry which could lead to less discretionary spending, e.g. salaries for lawyers drawing up pieces of paper.

      TM is big on essentials/discretionary, much government may be found to be discretionary, garbage collection will continue to be essential I predict.

      Much of western comment is sounding like a child threatening to hold his breath and not breath.

      Dennis L.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      When energy has peaked it makes sense to embargo energy from one of the biggest suppliers…

      Just like waring ‘war’ in Ukraine — suddenly — makes sense….

  36. TinaB says:

  37. Mirror on the wall says:

    This supposed ‘herbivore’ cow chewed up the poor baby chicken.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Oh my word, the deer ate the poor, wounded bird. The other little birds desperately tried to protect their beloved sibling, taking on the huge deer. The little heroes!

      • Herbie Ficklestein says:

        The other day heard a noise tapping on the roof of the Florida front room Went outside to see a huge black crow picking on a tiny baby bird with a half dozen Jay birds in a frenzy attacking the crow to save it
        Got the garden hose to spray it away and that did not work…went to get a ladder and came back all were gone..
        Think the crow had. Nice meal..
        The next day in. a parking lot another baby bird was on the ground alone with it’s mother bird looking to help….life is not Fair..remember God protects small childden and oideeits

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      Sheep chomps on baby chicks. His very own ‘bargain bucket’.

    • I know that primates, such as chimpanzees, eat whatever insects they find on fruit. Animals seem to adapt to eating the food supply that is easily available. The health of chimpanzees tends to decline if they are fed what a human on a fast food diet would eat, however.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Exactly, the ubiquitousness of insects means that all animals are inevitably evolved to process animal protein, and so they are all adapted to eat meat.

        Some of them evolved to also eat grass because it is an easy source of nourishment if they can live on that. It is not a ‘moral’ statement, as some humans seem to imagine of the supposed ‘herbivores’.

        Even the supposed ‘herbivore’ animals are perfectly happy to eat meat if the opportunity is there. Life lives by devouring itself, and animals are hardly some exception to that.

        If we ‘love’ animals then we should be content to be animals, with all that entails, which includes eating animals. Humans who think that meat eating is ‘terrible’ or whatever, really do not ‘love’ animals, they despise them, because that is what animals do. Some humans just want to be ‘better’ than what they really are, which is silly.

        It is just ‘moral posturing’, and an attempt to gain some psychological advantage over other humans, by appearing to be ‘superior’. At root it is a strategy of will to power. They pose as ‘weak’ as possible in order to strengthen themselves. Many animals even ‘play dead’ to gain advantage in contests, and this is no different.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          And when a shark .. or a bear… eats a human…. it becomes public enemy #1…. we dispatch hunters and choppers and we track it down and kill it… WTF?

          I am afraid to inform the world – that humans are disgusting animals — and the sooner we go … the better.

          TINA. Extinction must be our fate.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I wonder if any of them do experiments on live animals to see if make up irritates their skin/eyes?

        Or if they put dogs heads in boxes after slicing their vocal cords so they cannot yelp in pain and piss everyone off — when the biting insects are dumping to the boxes…

        Surely they would never do that … only you know who would do those things

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      All sort of supposed ‘herbivore’ animals are really not that fussed. ‘I wouldn’t say no!’ There may be no such thing as a strict ‘herbivore’. They are omnivores, and a lot less fussy than humans.

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