Economies won’t be able to recover after shutdowns

Citizens seem to be clamoring for shutdowns to prevent the spread of COVID-19. There is one major difficulty, however. Once an economy has been shut down, it is extremely difficult for the economy to recover back to the level it had reached previously. In fact, the longer the shutdown lasts, the more critical the problem is likely to be. China can shut down its economy for two weeks over the Chinese New Year, each year, without much damage. But, if the outage is longer and more widespread, damaging effects are likely.

A major reason why economies around the world will have difficulty restarting is because the world economy was in very poor shape before COVID-19 hit; shutting down major parts of the economy for a time leads to even more people with low wages or without any job. It will be very difficult and time-consuming to replace the failed businesses that provided these jobs.

When an outbreak of COVID-19 hit, epidemiologists recommended social distancing approaches that seemed to be helpful back in 1918-1919. The issue, however, is that the world economy has changed. Social distancing rules have a much more adverse impact on today’s economy than on the economy of 100 years ago.

Governments that wanted to push back found themselves up against a wall of citizen expectations. A common belief, even among economists, was that any shutdown would be short, and the recovery would be V-shaped. False information (really propaganda) published by China tended to reinforce the expectation that shutdowns could truly be helpful. But if we look at the real situation, Chinese workers are finding themselves newly laid off as they attempt to return to work. This is leading to protests in the Hubei area.

My analysis indicates that now, in 2020, the world economy cannot withstand long shutdowns. One very serious problem is the fact that the prices of many commodities (including oil, copper and lithium) will fall far too low for producers, leading to disruption in supplies. Broken supply chains can be expected to lead to the loss of many products previously available. Ultimately, the world economy may be headed for collapse.

In this post, I explain some of the reasons for my concerns.

[1] An economy is a self-organizing system that can grow only under the right conditions. Removing a large number of businesses and the corresponding jobs for an extended shutdown will clearly have a detrimental effect on the economy. 

Figure 1. Chart by author, using photo of building toy “Leonardo Sticks,” with notes showing a few types of elements the world economy.

An economy is a self-organizing networked system that grows, under the right circumstances. I have attempted to give an idea of how this happens in Figure 1. This is an image of a child’s building toy. The growth of an economy is somewhat like building a structure with many layers using such a toy.

The precise makeup of the economy is constantly changing. New businesses are formed, and new consumers grow up and take jobs. Governments enact laws, partly to collect taxes, and partly to ensure fair treatment of all. Consumers decide which products to buy based on a combination of factors, including their level of wages, the prices being charged for the available goods, the availability of debt, and the interest rate on that debt. Resources of various kinds are used in producing goods and services.

At the same time, some deletions are taking place. Big businesses buy smaller businesses; some customers die or move away. Products that become obsolete are discontinued. The inside of the dome becomes hollow from the deletions.

If a large number of businesses are closed for an extended period, this will have many adverse impacts on the economy:

  • Fewer goods and services, in total, will be made for the economy during the period of the shutdown.
  • Many workers will be laid off, either temporarily or permanently. Goods and services will suddenly be less affordable for these former workers. Many will fall behind on their rent and other obligations.
  • The laid off workers will be unable to pay much in taxes. In the US, state and local governments will need to cut back the size of their programs to match lower revenue because they cannot borrow to offset the deficit.
  • If fewer goods and services are made, demand for commodities will fall. This will push the prices of commodities, such as oil and copper, very low.
  • Commodity producers, airlines and the travel industry are likely to head toward permanent contraction, further adding to layoffs.
  • Broken supply lines become problems. For example:
    • A lack of parts from China has led to the closing of many automobile factories around the world.
    • There is not enough cargo capacity on airplanes because much cargo was carried on passenger flights previously, and passenger flights have been cut back.

These adverse impacts become increasingly destabilizing for the economy, the longer the shutdowns go on. It is as if a huge number of deletions are made simultaneously in Figure 1. Temporary margins, such as storage of spare parts in warehouses, can provide only a temporary buffer. The remaining portions of the economy become less and less able to support themselves. If the economy was already in poor shape, the economy may collapse.

[2] The world economy was approaching resource limits even before the coronavirus epidemic appeared. This is not too different a situation than many earlier economies faced before they collapsed. Coronavirus pushes the world economy further toward collapse. 

Reaching resource limits is sometimes described as, “The population outgrew the carrying capacity of the land.” The group of people living in the area could not grow enough food and firewood using the resources available at the time (such as arable land, energy from the sun, draft animals, and technology of the day) for their expanding populations.

Collapses have been studied by many researchers. The book Secular Cycles by Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov analyze eight agricultural economies that collapsed. Figure 2 is a chart I prepared, based on my analysis of the economies described in that book:

Figure 2. Chart by author based on Turchin and Nefedov’s Secular Cycles.

Economies tend to grow for many years before the population becomes high enough that the carrying capacity of the land they occupy is approached. Once the carrying capacity is hit, they enter a stagflation stage, during which population and GDP growth slow. Growing debt becomes an issue, as do both wage and wealth disparity.

Eventually, a crisis period is reached. The problems of the stagflation period become worse (wage and wealth disparity; need for debt by those with inadequate income) during the crisis period. Changes tend to take place during the crisis period that lead to substantial drops in GDP and population. For example, we read about some economies entering into wars during the crisis period in the attempt to gain more land and other resources. We also read about economies being attacked from outside in their weakened state.

Also, during the crisis period, with the high level of wage and wealth disparity, it becomes increasingly difficult for governments to collect enough taxes. This problem can lead to governments being overthrown because of unhappiness with high taxes and wage disparity. In some cases, as in the 1991 collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union, the top level government simply collapses, leaving the next lower level of government.

Strangely enough, epidemics also seem to occur within collapse periods. The rising population leads to people living closer to each other, increasing the risk of transmission. People with low wages often find it increasingly difficult to eat an adequate diet. As a result, their immune systems easily succumb to new communicable diseases. Part of the collapse process is often the loss of a significant share of the population to a communicable disease.

Looking back at Figure 2, I believe that the current economic cycle started with the use of fossil fuels back in the 1800s. The world economy hit the stagflation period in the 1970s, when oil supply first became constrained. The Great Recession of 2008-2009 seems to be a marker for the beginning of the crisis period in the current cycle. If I am right in this assessment, the world economy is in the period in which we should expect crises, such as pandemics or wars, to occur.

The world was already pushing up against resource limits before all of the shutdowns took place. The shutdowns can be expected to push the world economy toward a more rapid decline in output per capita. They also appear to increase the likelihood that citizens will try to overthrow their governments, once the quarantine restrictions are removed.

[3] The carrying capacity of the world today is augmented by the world’s energy supply. A major issue since 2014 is that oil prices have been too low for oil producers. The coronavirus problem is pushing oil prices even lower yet.

Strangely enough, the world economy is facing a resource shortage problem, but it manifests itself as low commodity prices and excessive wage and wealth disparity.

Most economists have not figured out that economies are, in physics terms, dissipative structures. These are self-organizing systems that grow, at least for a time. Hurricanes (powered by energy from warm water) and ecosystems (powered by sunlight) are other examples of dissipative structures. Humans are dissipative structures, as well; we are powered by the energy content of foods. Economies require energy for all of the processes that we associate with generating GDP, such as refining metals and transporting goods. Electricity is a form of energy.

Energy can be used to work around shortages of almost any kind of resource. For example, if fresh water is a problem, energy products can be used to build desalination plants. If lack of phosphate rocks is an issue for adequate fertilization, energy products can be used to extract these rocks from less accessible locations. If pollution is a problem, fossil fuels can be used to build so-called renewable energy devices such as wind turbines and solar panels, to try to reduce future CO2 pollution.

The growth in energy consumption correlates quite well with the growth of the world economy. In fact, increases in energy consumption seem to precede growth in GDP, suggesting that it is energy consumption growth that allows the growth of GDP.

Figure 3. World GDP Growth versus Energy Consumption Growth, based on data of 2018 BP Statistical Review of World Energy and GDP data in 2010$ amounts, from the World Bank.

The thing that economists tend to miss is the fact that extracting enough fossil fuels (or commodities of any type) is a two-sided price problem. Prices must be both:

  1. High enough for companies extracting the resources to make an after tax profit.
  2. Low enough for consumers to afford finished goods made with these resources.

Most economists believe that an inadequate supply of energy products will be marked by high prices. In fact, the situation seems to be almost “upside down” in a networked economy. Inadequate energy supplies seem to be marked by excessive wage and wealth disparity. This wage and wealth disparity leads to commodity prices that are too low for producers. Current WTI oil prices are about $20 per barrel, for example (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Daily spot price of West Texas Intermediate oil, based on EIA data.

The low-price commodity price issue is really an affordability problem. The many people with low wages cannot afford goods such as cars, homes with heating and air conditioning, and vacation travel. In fact, they may even have difficulty affording food. Spending by rich people does not make up for the shortfall in spending by the poor because the rich tend to spend their wealth differently. They tend to buy services such as tax planning and expensive private college educations for their children. These services require proportionately less commodity use than goods purchased by the poor.

The problem of low commodity prices becomes especially acute in countries that produce commodities for export. Producers find it difficult to pay workers adequate wages to live on. Also, governments are not able to collect enough taxes for the services workers expect, such as public transit. The combination is likely to lead to protests by citizens whenever the opportunity arises. Once shutdowns end, these countries are especially in danger of having their governments overthrown.

[4] There are limits to what governments and central banks can fix. 

Governments can give citizens checks so that they have enough funds to buy groceries. This may, indeed, keep the price of food products high enough for food producers. There may still be problems with broken supply lines, so there may still be shortages of some products. For example, if there are eggs but no egg cartons, there may be no eggs for sale in grocery stores.

Central banks can act as buyers for many kinds of assets such as bonds and even shares of stock. In this way, they can perhaps keep stock market prices reasonably high. If enough gimmicks are used, perhaps they can even keep the prices of homes and farms reasonably high.

Central banks can also keep interest rates paid by governments low. In fact, interest rates can even be negative, especially for the short term. Businesses whose profitability has been reduced and workers who have been laid off are likely to discover that their credit ratings have been downgraded. This is likely to lead to higher interest costs for these borrowers, even if interest rates for the most creditworthy are kept low.

One area where governments and central banks seem to be fairly helpless is with respect to low prices for commodities used by industry, such as oil, natural gas, coal, copper and lithium. These commodities are traded internationally, so it is not just their own producers that need to be propped up; the market intervention needs to affect the entire world market.

One approach to raising world commodity prices would be to buy up large quantities of the commodities and store them somewhere. This is impractical, because no one has adequate storage for the huge quantities involved.

Another approach for raising world commodity prices would be to try to raise worldwide demand for finished goods and services. (Making more finished goods and services will use more commodities, and thus will tend to raise commodity prices.) To do this, checks would somehow need to go to the many poor people in the world, including those in India, Bangladesh and Nigeria, allowing these people to buy cars, homes, and other finished goods. Sending out checks only to people in one’s own economy would not be sufficient. It is unlikely that the US or the European Union would undertake a task such as this.

A major problem after many people have been out of work for a quite a while is the fact that many of these people will be behind on their regular payments, such as rent and car payments. They will be in no mood to buy a new vehicle or a new cell phone, simply because they have been offered a check that covers groceries and not much more. They will remain in a mode of cutting back on purchases, not adding more. Demand for most kinds of goods will remain low.

This lack of demand will make it difficult for business to have enough sales to make it profitable to reopen at the level of output that they had previously. Thus, employment and sales are likely to remain depressed even after the economy seems to be reopening. China seems to be having this problem. The Wall Street Journal reports China Is Open for Business, but the Postcoronavirus Reboot Looks Slow and Rocky. It also reports, Another Shortage in China’s Virus-Hit Economy: Jobs for College Grads.

[5] There is a significant likelihood that the COVID-19 problem is not going away, even if economies can “bend the trend line” with respect to new cases.

Bending the trend line has to do with trying to keep hospitals and medical providers from being overwhelmed. It is likely to mean that herd immunity is built up slowly, making repeat outbreaks more likely. Thus, if social isolation is stopped, COVID-19 illnesses can be expected to revisit prior locations. We know that this has been an issue in the past. The Spanish Flu epidemic came in three waves, over the years 1918-1919. The second wave was the most deadly.

A recent study by members of the Harvard School of Public Health says that the COVID-19 epidemic may appear in waves until into 2022. In fact, it could be back on a seasonal basis thereafter. It also indicates that more than one period of social distancing is likely to be required:

“A single period of social distancing will not be sufficient to prevent critical care capacities from being overwhelmed by the COVID-19 epidemic, because under any scenario considered it leaves enough of the population susceptible that a rebound in transmission after the end of the period will lead to an epidemic that exceeds this capacity.”

Thus, even if the COVID-19 problem seems to be fixed in a few weeks, it likely will be back again within a few months. With this level of uncertainty, businesses will not be willing to set up new operations. They will not hire many additional employees. The retired population will not run out and buy more tickets on cruise ships for next year. In fact, citizens are likely to continue to be worried about airplane flights being a place for transmitting illnesses, making the longer term prospects for the airline industry less optimistic.


The economy was already near the edge before COVID-19 hit. Wage and wealth disparity were big problems. Local populations of many areas objected to immigrants, fearing that the added population would reduce job opportunities for people who already lived there, among other things. As a result, many areas were experiencing protests because of unhappiness with the current economic situation.

The shutdowns temporarily cut back the protests, but they certainly do not fix the underlying situations. Instead, the shutdowns add to the number of people with very low wages or no income at all. The shutdowns also reduce the total quantity of goods and services available to purchase, regardless of how much money is added to the system. Many people will end up poorer, in some real sense.

As soon as the shutdowns end, it will be obvious that the world economy is in worse condition than it was before the shutdown. The longer the shutdowns last, the worse shape the world economy will be in. Thus, when businesses are restarted, we can expect even more protests and more divisive politics. Some governments may be overthrown, or they may collapse without being pushed. I fear that the world economy will be further down the road toward overall collapse.




About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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4,744 Responses to Economies won’t be able to recover after shutdowns

  1. Fast Eddy says:

    Comprehensive version of Burry’s diatribe against this more on ic lockdown

    Michael Burry, the doctor-turned-investor who famously bet against mortgage securities before the 2008 financial crisis, has taken to Twitter with a controversial message: lockdowns intended to contain the coronavirus pandemic are worse than the disease itself.

    Government-directed shutdowns in the U.S., which led to millions of job losses and may trigger one of the country’s deepest-ever economic contractions, aren’t necessary to contain the epidemic and have disproportionately hurt low-income families and minorities, Burry argued in a series of tweets over the past two weeks. He also said some controversial treatments for Covid-19, such as the malaria drug hydroxycloroquine, should be made more widely available.

    Burry earned his M.D. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, but decided to become a professional investor after making hugely profitable bets in the stock market. He shot to fame after his hedge fund’s bearish mortgage wagers were chronicled in “The Big Short,” an Oscar-winning movie based on the best-selling book by Michael Lewis.

    Although Burry has mostly kept a low profile since then, he started sharing his views more widely last year to warn of a central-bank fueled “bubble” in passive investment products. He’s now focusing on the outbreak that has shuttered economies, killed almost 75,000 people worldwide and changed how millions of people live and work.

    “Universal stay-at-home is the most devastating economic force in modern history,” Burry wrote in an email to Bloomberg News. “And it is man-made. It very suddenly reverses the gains of underprivileged groups, kills and creates drug addicts, beats and terrorizes women and children in violent now-jobless households, and more. It bleeds deep anguish and suicide.”

    Burry, whose utterances are closely watched by the financial community, began tweeting on March 23, describing his handle as the “real personal account of the real weird one from the book and movie, etc.” He said he began speaking out because of how people were suffering from measures taken to contain the pandemic. “Unconscionable,” is how he described job losses in the U.S., which have caused a once-unthinkable 10 million people to apply for unemployment benefits in the past two weeks.

    If COVID-19 testing were universal, the fatality rate would be less than 0.2%. This is no justication for sweeping government policies, lacking any and all nuance, that destroy the lives, jobs, and businesses of the other 99.8%.

    — michaeljburry (@michaeljburry) March 23, 2020
    Burry has taken on medical policymakers in tweets regarding the illness itself, saying coronavirus infections can be managed through common-sense measures like increased hand-washing and broader testing, without forcing everyone to stay at home. He’s also advocating for wider use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat those who are infected. U.S. President Donald Trump has called the latter drug a “game changer” in the fight against Covid-19, but critics in the scientific community have urged caution, saying it isn’t fully tested or approved.

    Drugs Authorized for Covid-19? Why There’s Skepticism: QuickTake

    On Sunday, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said there had been some accounts that hydroxychloroquine was helping. “We feel a little bit better regarding its safety than we do about a completely novel drug, even though this is being used at much higher dosages,” he said.

    Burry has so far refrained from tweeting about his investments. He told Bloomberg News last month that he placed a “significant bearish market bet that is working out for now,” without providing details except to say it was a trade of a “good size” against indexes. He said the pandemic could unwind the passive investment boom, which he has compared to purchases of collateralized debt obligations that fueled the pre-2008 mortgage bubble.

    While Burry has been mostly critical of the economic and medical measures taken by authorities across the globe, he has also highlighted large economies that haven’t seen as much turmoil as the U.S. and Britain. Germany and Japan have been more measured in their responses and offer a model for the rest of the world, Burry said.

    In a tweet on March 25, Burry issued his own prescription for Americans to overcome the crisis:

    Prudent plan: 1) Standardize on chloroquine and azithromycin -cheap and available 2) Sick and elderly voluntarily shelter in place. 3) Americans lead their normal lives with extra hand washing and special care if around elderly. Saving the economy means life, not murder.#COVID19

    — michaeljburry (@michaeljburry) March 25, 2020
    Burry responded to questions via email to offer more thoughts on the pandemic and the response to the outbreak. Here’s what he had to say about China’s response, how some countries have handled the outbreak differently and the long-term impact.

    How the Pandemic Happened
    “This is a new form of coronavirus that emanated from a country, China, that unfortunately covered it up. That was the original sin. It transmits very easily, and within the first month it was likely all over the world. Very poor testing infrastructure created an information vacuum as cases ramped, ventilator shortages were projected. Politicians panicked and media filled the space with their own ignorance and greed. It was a toxic mix that led to the shutdown of the U.S., and hence much of the world economy.”

    “In hindsight, each country should have immediately ramped up rapid field testing of at-risk groups. But as I understand it, the CDC was tasked with some of this, and botched it, and other departments were no better. The bureaucracy failed in a good number of countries. Turf wars and incompetence has ruled the day. So the political cover for that failure on the part of the technocrats and politicians is a very harsh stay-at-home policy.”

    The U.S. Policy Response
    “If there was ever a time for the government to stimulate with fiscal and monetary policy, it is now. Unfortunately, the U.S. has been adding $3 for every $1 of new GDP over a very long time, and interest rates were already near zero. Still, nothing is more important now that loans to small and mid-sized businesses, and the U.S. Treasury, backed by the Fed, is providing that liquidity, which is vital.”

    Potential Treatments
    “It’s pretty clear that hydrochloroquine is doing something good for many Covid-19 patients. The standard in medicine is a placebo-controlled double-blind study. But there is no time for that. The technocrats at the top are getting this wrong. Do the studies, make the vaccines, but allow doctors to have what they feel is working now. Don’t take tools or drugs out of the treating doctors’ hands. Trump should use the Defense Production Act more liberally in this area.”

    “A more nuanced approach would be for at risk groups — the obese, old and already-sick — to shelter in place, to execute widespread mandatory testing, and to ID and track as necessary while allowing society to function. Again, Trump should get the massive contract manufacturers like Flextronics to make testing machines.”

    Getting Back to Normal
    “I would lift stay-at-home orders except for known risk groups. We already know certain conditions that are predictive of severe disease. Especially since young healthy lungs tend to be resistant, I would let the virus circulate in the population that is not likely to get severe disease from it. This is the only path that comes close to balancing the needs of all groups. Vaccines are not coming anytime soon, so natural immunity is the only way out for now. Every day, every week in the current situation is ruining innumerable lives in a criminally unjust manner.”

    “When it comes to vaccines, coronaviruses are not known for imparting enduring immunity, and this will be one big challenge. It seems the genetic code is relatively conserved, and this will help the development of the vaccine. But we’re still looking at the end of the year. In the meantime, the world is an innovative place, and I expect many effective treatments — both new and repurposed — shortly. The question then will be regulation, expense and availability.”

    “Medically, the new normal will be the old normal. As long as innovation continues, medicine will conquer everything in our way.”

    Japan’s Response
    “I believe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is trying his best to manage through the situation without shuttering the economy. He sees what it has done to the U.S., and would rather not force a shut in, but instead asks for common sense. Japan has certain features — such as a largely lawful and well-educated society — that make this more possible. As do Taiwan, Singapore, Korea.”

    Business Recovery
    “Economically speaking, we have to realize the policy-driven demand shock will be resolved by 2021. But Japan and the U.S. are putting more than 20% of the GDP into new fiscal stimulus, and easy money will be the rule. Those things will all bring stock and debt markets back.”

    “Countries will also look to bring supply chains home, and many employees will need retraining with higher cost. When we start working and playing again, inflation may be in store. The other big point is that consumers have learned new behaviors, which will drive business churn.”

  2. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The coronavirus crisis has hit the world economy “much harder and much faster than anything before”, and will have a deeper impact than the 2008 financial crash, former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Ajai Chopra has warned.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Unfortunately for the best-case scenario, the public-health response in advanced economies has fallen far short of what is needed to contain the pandemic, and the fiscal-policy package currently being debated is neither large nor rapid enough to create the conditions for a timely recovery.

      “As such, the risk of a new Great Depression, worse than the original – a Greater Depression – is rising by the day.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “There is no doubt that this is a bigger black swan event and the impact is likely to be prolonged. In particular, when the world is more leveraged than it was during 2008-09.

        “As a matter of fact, global debt has increased to $253 trillion with global debt-to-GDP at 322%. It goes without saying that this can have disastrous consequences for the banking sector as the crisis prolongs.”

      • Containing the coronavirus is impossible. Flattening the curve, which is what folks said they wanted to happen, has indeed happened. We will have COVID-19 around until we find a way to treat it or a vaccine.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Flattening the curve is a catchy slogan from Don Draper…. it is nonsense. So you flatten the curve – then what? Unlock? Then what happens?

          You cannot stop the flu. You cannot stop the common cold.

          Bolsonaro has this thing nailed DEAD on the HEAD. NO lockdowns. Masks for all. Soap for all. Get on with life.

          Let the riots re-start and spread…. and let total chaos to overwhelm the world …. let’s pick up where we left off pre virus…

          On second thought…. let’s continue to spread FEAR … and convince people to cower under their beds and starve in peace

  3. Given the observable evidence so far.. there are several major scenarios/probabilities how to tackle the evolving situation on the ground:

    The dominating msm/gov narrative:
    Yes, GFC_ver2 is coming, but you know = pandemics, and because your are perhaps not upto speed yet, from now on all is related and muddied with pandemics.. pandemics anyone?

    The finally looted and now burned down casino narrative:
    Yes, GFC_ver2 happened, so speculative capitalists unite and lets bail out of here and leave the mess to be solved by someone else.

    The systemic survival narrative ver_A:
    Yes, GFC_ver2 is going to happen, in the context of Surplus/OFW, so let the proles on short leash via releasing boosted flue strain and stirred up panic for phasing in China style personal IDs as social score on IT cloud network, basically on/off food ration and freedom of movement leash in authoritarian-dystopian system under attempted degrowth.

    The systemic survival narrative ver_B(illyboy):
    The same as above, but the end game being updated with mandatory vaccination allowing not only for scanning bodies, but also to mutate immune receptors for even more deadlier virus strains of the future, i.e. prepping ground for the grand total depop scheme

    • Xabier says:

      ‘If you can look into the seeds of Time, and say which seed will grow and which will not, speak then to me!’

      Let’s call it ‘De-growth’; such a nice and fuzzy warm-feeling word, all eco-linens, home-canning, paper bags and 1940’s bicycles, and no greed at all anymore. Who wouldn’t want that?

      As for Their putative plans: they can’t touch the soul, so ultimately who cares?

      One’s life is between oneself and God, the gods, or the Final Abyss.

      Wonderful Spring weather here in England, I hope everyone is getting some sunlight, even in Italy?!

      • Joebanana says:

        Cold as f**k in Nova Scotia. It is still going well below zero at night and not much better during the day. Not that it makes any difference as I did all the end of the world preps. Now that the boys are not in school I’ve never ate more. The youngest has become an expert sourdough bread maker. I don’t normally eat much bread but dang his is good!

        On a serious note; where the heck is the collapse?

      • I noticed your quality rebuttal to “DeGrowth” at latest Surplus.
        There is a lot to agree upon, mind you I’m not proponent of such, only musing about the options at hand given the avail. evidence, which might change. That’s why I often use the phrase “attempted degrowth” or even more fitting “triage” both in domestic/internal as well foreign/meddling domain. In essence it’s only futile exercise to prolong IC and its various features..

        We are little ants against the a-bomb or bio-weapon possessing giants, nevertheless their action is to some degree predictable from cast shadows, so to speak.

  4. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The nation’s former top central banker called the damage “absolutely shocking.” The head of America’s largest bank said he’s preparing for financial dysfunction similar to 2008.”

  5. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The financial fallout from the coronavirus is spreading rapidly and that’s ugly news for many developing countries. The risk of contagion, where the collapse of one currency triggers a global panic, is very real.”

    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Under current conditions, many countries simply cannot service their debts, which, in the absence of a global stay on repayment, could lead to massive, rolling defaults.

      “In many developing and emerging economies, the government’s only choice is either to funnel more income to foreign creditors or allow more of its citizens to die.”

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Fitch Ratings on Monday cut Argentina’s foreign currency sovereign credit rating to restricted default after the government announced a plan to postpone payments on $9.8 billion worth of local-law, US dollar-denominated bonds until December 31, 2020, at the latest.”

      • We are facing lots and lots of international defaults under current conditions. The Guardian author says:

        First, full use must be made of the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights, a form of “global money” that the institution was authorised to create at its founding. The SDR is an essential ingredient in the international monetary order that John Maynard Keynes advocated during the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944. The idea is that, because all countries will obviously want to protect their own citizens and economies during crises, the international community should have a tool for assisting the neediest countries without requiring national budgets to take a hit.

        A standard SDR issuance – with some 40% of the SDRs going to developing and emerging economies – would make an enormous difference. But it would be even better if advanced economies such as the US donated or lent (on concessionary terms) their SDRs to a trust fund dedicated to helping poorer countries. One might expect that the countries providing this assistance would attach conditions, in particular, that the money not go to bailing out creditors.

        It is also crucial that creditor countries help by announcing a stay on developing and emerging economies’ debt service.

        With everyone as bad off as they are, I doubt this will happen.

  6. Harry McGibbs says:

    “As the coronavirus pandemic penetrates more deeply into global supply chains, prices for key staples are starting to soar in some parts of the world.”

  7. Marco Bruciati says:

    New deal of Roosevelt was good whitout cheap oil???

    • FDR’s time = more (~unionized) working class + large net surplus of domestic oil
      – > totally different this time..

      • without cheap surplus oil, Roosevelt’s new deal wouldn’t have got past the first shovelful

        In any event it was slowing down by 1940, then the Germans and Japanese lent a hand

  8. Chrome Mags says:

    ‘A new antiviral drug heading into clinical trials offers hope for COVID-19 treatment — in part because it can be taken as a pill’

    “The study found that EIDD-2801 can prevent severe lung injury in infected mice. (EIDD-2801 is an orally available form of the antiviral compound EIDD-1931; it can be taken as a pill.”

  9. Fast Eddy says:

    500 IQ time:

    The Common Cold and the Flu

    While most of the medical community has long believed that the flu cannot be passed from human to animal, recent cases have shown that the adaptable nature of the flu may very well mean that some strains can indeed be passed from humans to other animals, including dogs.

    Like Wow…. did anyone think to check this before posting rubbish about dogs catching Wuhan as if it was evidence that Wuhan is not just another flu?

    Bring more …. I am ready

    IQ for sale IQ for sale — come and get your IQ…..

    • JesseJames says:

      Looking at a couple of states data we find the following.
      Alabama 15,500 hospital beds. 2000 Covid cases to date. 272 total hospitalizations since 3/13. 39 deaths from illness…of which many no doubt were extremely elderly, obese or had numerous other preexisting conditions. Interestingly enough, Alabama reports total reported deaths (presumably due to flu like symptoms) of 53, not quite but almost double that of the Covid 19 deaths. So people are dying anyway, regardless of COvid 19.
      Texas 58000 hospital beds. 7200 cases reported. 1153 currently in hospitals. 140 fatalities.
      California 74000 hospital beds. 2500 patients reported with 82% of hospitals reporting. 1085 cases in ICU.

      This number of deaths is noise. I am with FE in calling this BS. The quickest way to get back to normal is herd immunity. Everyone will get this eventually. There will be wave after wave.

      We are being played. The NAZI propaganda machine would be proud. I am of the mind that the fittest survive. peoples, tribes, nations. And if a nation lets itself be imprisoned and destroyed by fear porn, then perhaps it deserves to wither. Destroying an economy because “one life might be lost” is the ultimate in foolishness.

      • Rural says:

        No you aren’t being played. You are being managed, along with everybody else. Not perfectly managed, but not too badly.

        Look, had the world just accepted COVID-19 without any behavioural modification, we would have pure exponential growth and infections would be much more widely spread at this time. Instead, the rate of infection has been slowed, reducing the impact on hospitals, for now. In the meantime, progress is being made on strategies for treating the infection.

        If you want an idea of how things would go without the distancing measures and shutdowns, hang out in a hospital in New York city.

        Besides, reading yourselves and others here on OFW, the economy was a lost cause anyway.

    • Joebanana says:

      I’ve got a boatload of guns but not one stainless single action in 45 Colt. Gots to get me one of them.

  10. Lastcall says:

    Me again. I have read enough (too much? ) to convince myself that we have a bunch of little men playing g.o.d in their top level labs around the world. Any collapse that impairs this research is fine with me. Give them a shovel, tell them to dig a hole and the repeat!
    We need to defund this sort of faux medicine, not boost it.

    • Kowalainen says:

      Especially since effective technologies exist to combat viruses without perpetrating the medtech scam further.

      1. Face masks
      2. PVP-I
      3. HEPA air filtration

      Not much big fat juicy margins in commodity businesses without any bloated regulatory frameworks.

  11. Lastcall says:

    you gotta look at both the same way or else it’s disingenuous…from Covidinamonthorayearoradecade

    What is disingenuous is the rush to assign death to the ‘fashionable’ new disease. This is tickbox medicine. Its a viral meme, disconnected from the history of our species. People who are dying are largley in a sick-care system, not a healthcare system.
    Meanwhile the young see their futures withering on the vine through a hysterical, managed/manipulated misallocation of resources; the ultimate ‘ up your-a@$% jab’!

    I keep coming back to Italy as a case in point. There should be 2200 deaths per day based on demographics. The headlines ay 700-800 deaths per day cos of covid. Is this still within the 2200 per day approx expectation?
    Anyway, you and me both, I think, expect the next wave/step down to be worse as poorer national economies mean more and more vulnerable people. We/they have sown the seeds of further implosion methinks.

  12. Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    “India, which sources nearly half of the U.S. supply of hydroxychloroquine, has banned the drug’s export “without any exceptions” effective immediately…”

    who supplies ivermectin and remdesivir?

  13. Lastcall says:

    Interview with scientist who has been involved with C-virus work for quite some time.

    Listen to this at about 6:40…’It doesn’t kill that many people, not like renal SARs and renal MERs…but it transmits like crazy…”

    This group of X-spurts (Otago Uni NZ) are looking for a vaccine for this ‘highly transmissible ‘ disease. There is an agenda.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Nice that someone does not pull a Colin Powell… um … I mean a Fauci…. and lie….

      ‘To pull a Fauci’ slang for ‘to tell a massive lie’ also ‘to make farting noises using one’s armpit’

      I’d like to ask him if he thinks it will transmit like that bad one in the US a couple of years ago.

      Will the US hit 42M infections? … like they did in 2017/18?

      Maybe they will… but they did not shut the country down last time it happened.

  14. Lastcall says:

    Well I am guessing if you want a funding boost you claim diversity/globull hottening/Convid 19,20,21…?
    So get on board, use words like crisis/pandemic/unprecedented/emergency and by-pass all that funding application BS and get that dollar cannon firing directly into your bank account. Never let a crisi go to waste.

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    What’s the difference between this coronavirus (COVID-19) and the flu?

    COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus, emerging late in 2019. Because it is a new virus, public health professionals are still learning more about its transmission, symptoms and severity. To date, the flu is more likely to appear with rapid onset of illness, high fever and prominent headache and body aches. In contrast, COVID-19 may present with slower onset of illness, mild headache and body ache and mild/absent fever.

    Coronavirus vs. the flu: Which is a greater threat?

    This is a very difficult question to answer as there is no universal answer. Based on what we currently know about the Flu (Influenza) and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease, which we continue to learn more about, both may present issues for the very young, the elderly, and those with underlying medical conditions.

    Fast Eddy = Genius

    • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      “Coronavirus vs. the flu: Which is a greater threat?”

      flu = 0.05% death rate (half of one tenth of one percent)…

      c19 = 0.5% which is ten times higher…

      but the difference doesn’t matter enough to destroy the economic lives of several billion people…

      lockdowns are stooooopid… (not sarc)…

      • Fast Eddy says:

        You do know that if you test few people …. you are going to get a lower death ratio?

        And most people are not being tested for the Wuhan… I know of 7 people know how have likely had it — not a single one was tested.

        All numbers related to this virus are useless.

        Chew on this:

        What’s the difference between this coronavirus (COVID-19) and the flu?

        COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus, emerging late in 2019. Because it is a new virus, public health professionals are still learning more about its transmission, symptoms and severity. To date, the flu is more likely to appear with rapid onset of illness, high fever and prominent headache and body aches. In contrast, COVID-19 may present with slower onset of illness, mild headache and body ache and mild/absent fever.

        Coronavirus vs. the flu: Which is a greater threat?

        This is a very difficult question to answer as there is no universal answer. Based on what we currently know about the Flu (Influenza) and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease, which we continue to learn more about, both may present issues for the very young, the elderly, and those with underlying medical conditions.

        • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          flu = 0.05% death rate (half of one tenth of one percent)…

          c19 = 0.5% which is ten times higher…

          c19 appears to be killing from 2 to 5 % of those infected, but of course there are inaccuracies in the data…

          Italy has established that many/most IN HOME c19 deaths are unreported…

          which is likely true in all the overwhelmed EU countries…

          and as you state, many/most mild cases are also unreported…

          the c19 0.5% death rate is generous to the low side…

          • Lastcall says:

            Dying with C-vid versus dying because of? Who decides cause of death?
            Our 20 billion dollar single C-vid death in NZ had so many pre-existing conditions it would take a forensic pathologist to decipher the charts.
            I agree its new, I disagree with the cure.
            But as The Don has stated this is a war! The futures of the young are frequently the 2nd victim in a war.

            • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

              “Dying with C-vid versus dying because of? Who decides cause of death?”

              and dying with the flu versus dying because of? Who decides cause of death?

              so yes, c19 causes death via something at ten times the rate as flu causes death via something…

              you gotta look at both the same way or else it’s disingenuous…

              meanwhile, I also “disagree with the cure” of lockdowns, if that’s what you mean…

  16. CTG says:

    George Carlin… very entertaining

  17. CTG says:

    Does this help? Or we did not learn anything ?

    China’s Tourist Sites Overwhelmed With Crowds After Emerging From Lockdown

  18. Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    while the 1960s and 1970s were dominated in the music world by the pop and rock from the UK, at the time acknowledged in the American-centric meme of the British Invasion, the music of the UK in the 18th and 19th century very much lagged the quality of continental Europe… UK composers played second fiddle to many other European composers…

    but then in 1899, at the age of 42, Edward Elgar unleashed this amazing composition, Enigma Variations:

  19. Fast Eddy says:

    Odd… China does a pretty good job at producing high tech stuff like iphones… but they can’t seem to get these tests right.

    Not sure what to make of this.

  20. NikoB says:

    Boris Johnson was playing hide and seek with his grand daughter when she ruined the game by saying ICU Boris.

  21. Country Joe says:

    “On October 1, 1988, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The VICP was established to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, stabilize vaccine costs, and establish and maintain an accessible and efficient forum for individuals found to be injured by certain vaccines. The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system for resolving vaccine injury claims that provides compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines. The U. S. Court of Federal Claims decides who will be paid. Three Federal government offices have a role in the VICP:”

    The above paragraph tells us that the U.S. Govt. must change all the rules of product liability in order for the vaccine makers to produce “an adequate supply of vaccines. Then the govt. must release them from all responsibilities for their actions. “We The People” are now underwriting the risk of damages from vaccines.

    This begs the question of where the experts on risk stand on this issue. Professional underwriters, (aka…. The Insurance Companies…) have a several hundred year old tradition of looking at the risks in an endeavor and applying their actuarial skills to place a monetary value on assuming that risk. These experts put their money where their mouth is and they are well compensated. The Insurance industry has assets in the hundreds of billions of dollars because the underwriters are good at assessing risk.

    When the Insurance Industry allowed the U.S. Govt. to assume the risk for vaccine injury we can assume that one of two things happened. Either the risk was so great that the price of the premiums was more than the pharmaceutical companies were willing to spend. Or the risk was too great at any price.

    In the first case you would think that the underwriters would present their price for liability coverage and the pharmaceutical companies would add it to the price of their vaccine just like they do for liability with all their other drugs. The Insurance Industry gets its cut of the action.
    It’s the American way.
    This case of the federal government taking away the opportunity for an American insurance company to sell premiums is pure socialism. If the Insurance Industry had seen any way to make a profit underwriting the risks of vaccines you can be sure that the U.S. Govt. would not have taken their business.
    That leaves case number two…… The risk was too great at any price.
    I can’t see a rich and powerful industry like the American Insurance Industry allowing the government to take away their chance to make a profit. This does not compute. Unless you consider that the risk was too great to profitably underwrite. Period.

    The most believable case is that the risk experts wanted no part of vaccines at any price.

    So we have the President and all the medical spokesmen telling us that we should subject our children to a risk that the risk experts have refused to accept. What does that mean? How can the powers-that-be tell us to accept a risk that the risk experts consider unacceptable. Who’s interest is being served by this blatant misrepresentation of the facts?
    It is obviously not in the interest of your child.
    There is no reason for the government to engage in the insurance business accept when it is the only alternative. Businesses cannot undertake unprofitable operations. Only the Govt. can do that.
    Whenever it is brought up that “for profit health care” is not a particularly moral or efficient practice for a society, there is a big uproar about socialized medicine. The insurance industry joins in spending $ millions “lobbying” to defeat any plan to create a publicly funded health care system that is health driven instead of profit driven. But they have shown to be perfectly willing to pass up the premiums that they could be charging for underwriting the risk of vaccines.

    • L says:

      Great post. The chosen narrative in NZ would never allow such a discussion in any public forum. Fear has been used to condemn people to line up like lemmings for their ‘shots’, and fear and loathing will be used against people who refuse their covid shot, in much the same way conscientious objectors were hounded during war-time propaganda campaigns.

    • Lastcall says:

      Great post. The chosen narrative in NZ would never allow such a discussion in any public forum. Fear has been used to condemn people to line up like lemmings for their ‘shots’, and fear and loathing will be used against people who refuse their covid shot, in much the same way conscientious objectors were hounded during war-time propaganda campaigns.

      Ooops… mistaken post as ‘L’ in moderation; I am guessing an unknown contributor gets more careful access?

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    This was sent to me by the former head of the bond division of a major financial institution … not someone who generally subscribes to ‘conspiracy theories’

    I have only watched the first few minutes…. knife-fighting lesson time … will watch the rest later:

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I’m not liking this virus theory. However I do like the fact that he is seeing that the virus situation is a total scam.

      • i1 says:

        You might like this, before it’s scrubbed.

      • Dan says:

        ya Boris is just faking it right now…..its all a big fake…..he had the same thoughts you did maybe you are next but you are probably someone who is hiding out not shaking hands

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Ya and the 42,000,000 people who contracted the flu in the US over a few month period in 2017/2018 in the US (keep in mind they were the ones who were tested — many with mild symptoms were not counted)……

          And the 650,000 who were hospitalized (just like Boris is)……

          And the 61,000 who DIED (just like Boris might…. too bad for Boris)….

          Were fake to.

          If you don’t comprehend the point I am trying to make here …. then I’ll pass you my bank account number (offshore) …. and you can purchase some IQ…. Do you have Dropbox? Get me the details and I will send the IQ to your account.

          Once you are up to speed and functioning… we can then discuss this outstanding investment opportunity I have in Lagos.

          BTW – you are not alone — someone pinged me yesterday saying LOOK – BORIS IS IN ICU!!! And you say that Wuhan is not different than the flu!!!

          I’m like — so world leaders have diplomatic immunity to the flu and other illnesses — but it doesn’t apply to the Wuhan version of the flu…. because Wuhan is…. different… ooooh… it’s different…. and we must cower in FEAR….

          Then I sent him the Fauci lies — and asked him why Fauci is lying.

          Radio silence…..

    • Dr. Shiva is running for Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican. Since the state tends to be very strongly Democrat, a person would think he has pretty much no chance of winning.

      He feels very strongly that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauchi are part of the Deep State. They look for fake solutions to fake problems, from which they and others can profit. Their latest fake solution to a fake problem is vaccine in response to the coronavirus. (Previous fake solutions have to do with CO2 and climate change.) He says that the pharmaceutical industry needs a profitable product. Vaccines have fewer testing requirements than drugs and are free from liability suits. With enough fear, vaccines can be required for lots of things, like drivers license or employment.

      He says what is really important is our own immune system. He proposes getting people back to work instead of being locked down for coronavirus. He has tables, in the link above, of how different groups of people should receive vitamins to help their immune systems as a way of fighting COVID-19.

      I can see some elements of truth in what he says, but I expect he would be too over-the-top for most voters.

  23. Wells Fargo thinks they have to literally run printing presses, or something. What utter bullshit.

  24. Malcopian says:

    Videos to watch during lockdown. I have found the channel of Jim Browning. He is Northern Irish, by the sound of his accent. He tracks down online scammers and turns the tables on them, sometimes even downloading their documents to identify them or switching on their webcams! Excellent videos. Check out his channel.

    Spying on the Scammers [Part 1/4]

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    Now here we have what I will refer to as a reasonable approach to this flu:

    Big Short’s Michael Burry pleads to end COVID-19 lockdown

    “I became active on Twitter in the last week for the first time ever,” the Scion Asset Management founder told BNN Bloomberg in an email. “I just had a lot to say and get off my chest.”

    Burry, who describes himself in his account as “the real weird one from the book and movie, etc,” is best known for betting against the U.S. housing market, ahead of the 2008 financial crisis.

    He’s earned a cult-like following in investment circles. And he generally keeps a low profile.

    But the novel coronavirus outbreak has compelled him to tweet.

    “I joined Twitter because I was deeply saddened by a national shut-in that is devastating the livelihoods of Americans in many ways,” Burry said in the email. “I saw the prevailing narratives ignoring the masses that are not at lethal risk from COVID-19.”

    His posts are largely critical of the lockdown measures imposed by governments during the pandemic and their growing impact on the economy — despite the fact that more than 9,300 people with COVID-19 have now died in the United States, and the country’s top infectious disease expert has warned the death toll could climb into the hundreds of thousands.

    “Stay-at-home policies need not be universal,” Burry said in his email. “COVID-19 is a disease that is somewhat lethal for the obese, the very old, the already-sick. Public policies have no nuance because they want to maximize fear to enforce compliance.

    But universal stay-at-home policies devastate small and medium sized business and indirectly beat up women and children, kill and create drug addicts, engender suicides, and in general create tremendous misery and mental anguish. These secondary and tertiary effects are getting no play in the prevailing narratives.”

    “Stay-at-home policies are only good for equipment and medicine shortages at or near peak disease,” Burry added. “But this could be achieved with the order affecting a much more targeted group of people.”

    “Meanwhile, stay-at-home reduces and slows the development of herd immunity to COVID. Herd immunity is a fundamental step to putting this behind us.”

    At some point you either go over the falls — or you pull out the paddles and push back (as Burry suggests)

    If we see restrictions increasing and extended in places like the US and Canada — instead of a Burry-like approach going forward — then there can be no doubt that you are being played.

    Committing economic suicide makes no sense. And tightening things is 10000000% economic suicide – if Burry knows it and we know it — then very obviously the E l ders know it.

    If the stay that course then the only thing to contemplate is the why.

    • Ed says:

      They want to reduce the size of the herd. This will require food shortages significant food shortages. Have to wait and see.

      • Rodster says:

        I’m not a big fan of Martin Armstrong but in this post he makes several good points. There is a political agenda at play here while the MSM and Politicians have turned Covid 19 into the latest Flying Spaghetti Monster.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          That follows the same theme as my previous video post.

          We need to keep in mind that classified information is seldom leaked. The Snowden situation was an anomaly. The government is very good at keeping its secrets — the punishments are brutal for those who dare to rock the boat – so very few ever do.

          Also most people who have clearance to see classified info tend to be extreme patriots — and no matter what the agenda (even killing 500k Iraqi children with sanctions) – they will believe that the means justifies the ends (keeping America strong).

          They are also not snowflakes – the know how the world works — and you must be ruthless or you end up like Somalia.

          This is the type of person I am referring to:

          If Bill Gates is in on a plan to vaccinate and control everyone then there is no way in hell he’d be offering even the slightest hint. No way.

          And btw — we are already completely controlled – the MSM, the education system, the NSA (they have embarrassing shit on everyone on file) … we are 100% under control already (look how easy it is for them to sow panic and fear — over a flu…)

          I am not buying this vaccine thing. The angle has to tie in with the desperate economic situation + the energy equation.

          People think the El d ers do not exist or that the people who run the show are idiots.

          Come the f777k on….. that is just plain ridiculous. They are orchestrating this flu thing perfectly … 69,000 people dead and we are hiding under our beds – when 650,000 die from flu in a given year!

          They bloody well know about the oil situation — google it — you can find all sorts of research papers discussing the impact of high energy costs as well as peak oil. Its not even hiding in plain site — it IS in plain site. There is nothing posted on OFW or anywhere else that they do NOT already know.

          How do you get so many people to play along with this blatant virus lie?

          As I have posited…. and we will NEVER get a whiff of this if it is true

          The CBs were losing the battle… they were up against the ropes, exhausting from a two decade battle against the energy foe…. Tyson was slamming hard body blows into them…. the end game was/is here -NOW.

          Riots were kicking off all over the place — they have stopped on a dime.

          Keep your eyes on countries that try to partially lift lockdowns… if (well actually when) another wave hits then watch for that to be used to ratchet up the lockdowns… and as I have said the people will welcome their armed jailers with sweet blown kisses…

          We’ll be lighting up the hotlines reporting any quarantine violators — 4200 in the first day that NZ launched their ‘Report your Neighbour site’ — it seized up the website.

          The Philippines is leading the way having already shot dead one violator. They clearly do not care if people are hungry … they MUST stay inside — for the good of everyone else.

          Shoot a few more people and the message will be delivered loud and clear….

          Even ol Zeke and his mates with the guns in Merica will be cowed…. The Virus will be the enemy … not The Man.

          If you were a player in the show (e.g. a senior politician) — and you knew that the next phase of The End of Oil involved chaos…. total anarchy…. horrific violence…. radiation poisoning…….

          And the Big Bosses summoned you to Davos and said – look … these are the options… we are going with the pandemic… lockdown… and starvation….

          Because that is a more humane way to conclude our time on earth….

          Would you not jump on board with that decision?

          I most definitely would — but I’d have one suggestion — fellas… instead of starvation — can we offer another option — Fentanyl?

          BTW – Fentanyl is what they give to terminal cancer patients… obviously at that point who gives a sh it if it’s highly addictive…. as long as you feel groovy….

          Don’t we all suffer from terminal cancer?

          I don’t want my face ripped off… I don’t want to starve…. I want to feel … grooovy!!!

      • John Doyle says:

        Have you noticed, with all the outdoor eating spaces closed, that the birdlife is in trouble too? The Indian mynas, who are very smart, will fly into your dwelling even if the window is open only 50mm, to look for food. Disturbed, they fly out straight for the opening. Other birds don’t know how to do that, so they flap around in a panic. Anyway the birdlife is an unintended casualty of the coronavirus scare.

    • Lastcall says:

      Better late than never; not a fan, but agree with his sentiments on this.

      ‘But the New Propaganda predates the “war on terrorism.” It began when another demon, Global Cooling, was created. It then became Global Warming, then Climate Change. In spite of the overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, the Climate Change demon thrives, due to unrelenting rhetoric. Hitler was correct. Once again,

      “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually, they will believe it.”

      But a third demon has recently been born in the form of the coronavirus. Was this a virus that began in the markets of Wuhan? Was it created in a lab by the Chinese? Was it created by the West and planted in China?

      In fact, the true cause matters little.

      It will be used to full effect as a demon to terrify the masses. It will be blown out of all proportion to justify the further implementation of a police state, the refusal of the right to cross borders and, ultimately, the shutting-down of the economy.

      The government will not be blamed, as the virus is an invisible enemy that only governments can save us from. When told to be obedient and to sacrifice beyond all reason, we shall do so.

      Terrorism, Climate Change and the coronavirus are the New Propaganda: a triumvirate of demons that are impossible to pin down. They are abstracts that we have been assured will destroy us.

      The message is clear: Our only hope in surviving them is submission to those in charge.’

      Doug Casey (from my “clutter’ folder)

      So now this hysteria is a fait accompli, where to from here. The trust horizon (as per Charles Smith) has been shrunk incredibly effectively and very quickly. There will be a brief resumption of normal until people realise the reason things have gone quiet on the radio is that the economic engines have run dry. The sheeple will bleat to the Govt; but they will be broke and up for sale to the highest bidder.

      Then the bonfire of the economy will begin as people begin ditching ballast; those fancy SUV’s to drop the kids at school and pick up that loaf of bread – gone. That oversize boat – gone. All that junk on Hire-P – gone. Maybe people didn’t need that McD Mansion after all.

      So its 2007-8 but this time an order of magnitude greater. If you don’t live in it and can’t hold onto it, you probably won’t be able to keep it.

      Too dramatic? Hmm, lets see.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        That sounds interesting but unfortunately it does not compute.

        We cannot go backwards without going back to scratching in the dirt for bugs to eat.

        And it does not take into account the energy issues…

        BTW – another issue that we were facing was the peaking of shale …. the end of that charade was hurtling towards us like an out of control freight train.

        Throw that in with the other issues that the CBs were losing control of ….

        And the timing of this new flu is …. a bit too much of a coincidence….

        I am infatuated with this find….. Pulitzer should have a price for finding obscure yet hugely important facts…. I get the 2020 version for this:

        What’s the difference between this coronavirus (COVID-19) and the flu?

        COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus, emerging late in 2019. Because it is a new virus, public health professionals are still learning more about its transmission, symptoms and severity. To date, the flu is more likely to appear with rapid onset of illness, high fever and prominent headache and body aches. In contrast, COVID-19 may present with slower onset of illness, mild headache and body ache and mild/absent fever.

        Coronavirus vs. the flu: Which is a greater threat?

        This is a very difficult question to answer as there is no universal answer. Based on what we currently know about the Flu (Influenza) and the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) disease, which we continue to learn more about, both may present issues for the very young, the elderly, and those with underlying medical conditions.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Here’s a thought – we all know this:

          Does it apply to the truth?

          As in if someone has been played by the MSM… and you show the beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have been lied to…. and you do that over and over again … will they eventually come around and realize they have been played?

          People keep telling me this is not a flu…. I keep responding with the facts that indicated the things they say make it different are blatant lies (the CDC says so on their website).

          Yet people keep telling me that this is not a flu… no matter how many times I show them that info on the CDC site. Some of this even bolded on the CDC site including this sentence:

          That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.

          I ask if they can provide any other evidence that that this is different from the flu… they cannot. And they insist that it’s different.

          Is this what insanity feels like?

          Hey Norman — can you provide me with some insights as to why these people are unable to see the truth — even when I lay it out for them with irrefutable truth that is clearly published on the CDC site?

          You have quite a bit of experience ‘walking in those shoes’ —- help me understand why it is someone is unable to see what is glaringly obvious?

          Could it be that I am giving people too much credit? You know what they say about high IQ people…. what seems easy and obvious to them …. might feel like a quantum physics problem for just about everyone else…

          Do you think that Fast Eddy’s 500 – 700 IQ is a problem? Is it possible that no matter what Fast does or says or reveals…. this is just something most people will never understand?

          I dunno .. but it just seems do obvious to me…. just like the moon thing….

          Open to suggestions to help me improve my presentations and arguments.

          And don’t ask me to run head first into a brick wall 10x to knock off some IQ points.

          I am selling 50 to Dan… and who knows who else might be bidding… before you know it I will be below 200… and well on my way to becoming an imbe cile.

          Wasting IQ points is not an option

          • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

            “Open to suggestions to help me improve my presentations and arguments.”

            glad you asked!

            the virus and especially the lockdowns, which you do agree are destroying the world economy, are very important issues…

            when you go off on your mooonie ranntz, you distract from the important work of trying to get the issue of harmful lockdowns better discussed and more publicized…

            you also make yourself sound like an uneducated manchild who can’t comprehend basic science…

            in other words, you sound like a more-on…

            it’s quite entertaining, but your credibility drops a lot…

            hope that helps!

            • Lidia17 says:

              I agree that in this context the moon-landing stuff is a distraction, however, now that the topic has been broached:

              I came across a good aphorism the other day:
              Lie to people who want to be lied to, and you’ll be rich.
              Tell the truth to people who want the truth, and you’ll make a living.
              Tell the truth to people who want to be lied to, and you’ll go broke.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Great truth in those 3 statements….

              A quick look at that site and as I suggested the other day:

              “Well,” you now say, “what about all those cool Moon rocks? How did they get those? The Moon is, you know, the only source of Moon rocks, so doesn’t that prove that we were there?”

              No, as a matter of fact, it does not prove that we were there, and as odd as it may sound, the Moon is not the only source of Moon rocks. As it turns out, authentic Moon rocks are available right here on Earth, in the form of lunar meteorites. Because the Moon lacks a protective atmosphere, you see, it gets smacked around quite a bit, which is why it is heavily cratered. And when things smash into it to form those craters, lots of bits and pieces of the Moon fly off into space. Some of them end up right here on Earth.

            • moondoggle is a great find

              am still wandering through it—-quite a lot to read–thanks

              in case ive missed it, or can’t find it–can somebody refer me to the paragraph or section that explains ‘Why’?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              See paragraph 2:

              Such sentiments made me realize that the Moon landing lie is somewhat unique among the big lies told to the American people in that it was, in the grand scheme of things, a relatively benign lie, and one that could be easily spun. Admitting that the landings were faked would not have nearly the same impact as, say, admitting to mass murdering 3,000 Americans and destroying billions of dollars worth of real estate and then using that crime as a pretext to wage two illegal wars and strip away civil, legal and privacy rights.

              And yet, despite the fact that it was a relatively benign lie, there is a tremendous reluctance among the American people to let go of the notion that we sent men to the Moon. There are a couple of reasons for that, one of them being that there is a romanticized notion that those were great years – years when one was proud to be an American. And in this day and age, people need that kind of romanticized nostalgia to cling to.

              But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?

              That is what scares the hell out of people and prevents them from even considering the possibility that they could have been so thoroughly duped. It’s not being lied to about the Moon landings that people have a problem with, it is the realization that comes with that revelation: if they could lie about that, they could lie about anything.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Let me preempt your next question :

              Why would the Russians or no other countries expose this lie?

              To understand how that would play out — imagine you went to the next Council meeting where you live…. and you stood up and said ‘The Moon Landing is a Massive Hoax – and I will use this powerpoint presentation to prove it’ …..

              Do you think you’d get the opportunity to present your case?

              Do you not think that if you dropped by the local coffee shop afterwards you’d catch people pointing or glancing at you and whispering ‘there’s the nut job Norm…. then giggling’

              Now imagine arch enemy Putin trying to pull that off on a global stage…. keeping in mind the western MSM 100% backs the moon landing lie.

              The MSM would e run with Putin’s assertions … but of course they would also NOT publish or broadcast is powerpoint presentation… what a great opportunity for Don Draper and his team…

              Putin would be ridiculed… Russia would be accused of being envious because Russia has never put a man on the moon. He’d be the laughing stock for every talk show around the world….

              He’d be like Charles Ponzi — except different — if anyone ever dared to challenge any government lie the rejoinder would be ‘come on now don’t be a Putin’….

              End of the day, Putin is not a petty clown … he really does not care what lies the Americans tell… if they want to say they put a man on the moon because it makes their chests puff up …. go right ahead…

              He’s got his own lies to tell to his people …. so why get into a pis.sing match with the Yanks —‘you lied about this’ — well ‘you lied about that’

              It’s called etiquette. They are too busy playing chess to open Pandora’s box to look at her frilly panties…

     (TM Fast Eddy Enterprises)

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Tell the truth to people who want to be lied to, and you’ll go broke.

              They will also despise and ridicule you….

  26. Until about 1950, tuberculosis was quite common. It existed in the West, and was quite rampant in Asia. It was much more serious than covid.

    But, although some cases were sent to sanatoriums, most people who had TB were just kept in their own abodes. They had fun, fucked around, etc until they died. Sometimes some of them would recover.

    Sports games , movies, events all took places although everyone knew a lot of people had TB. The world did not shut down because of TB. I have read quite a few accounts of Japanese and Korean writers with TB, who carried on their lives until they were too sick to move around.

    There is no reason for the world to shut down for something which is less serious than tuberculosis.

  27. Jonzo says:

    I bet Boris doesn’t share the opinions of “Ed” and “Z”.

    Coronavirus: Boris Johnson taken into intensive care – live updates

    • Duncan Idaho says:

      Our conservative “leaders” are getting a dose of reality.
      Ideology vs reality?
      Reality always wins.

      • Ed says:

        It is a beautiful thing to see.

      • Very Far Frank says:

        Wasn’t hydroxychloroquine the medication that worked best according to that poll of 6000 doctors actually treating COVID-19?

        • Ed says:

          Yes, it works the headlines conflates two unrelated thing Boris goes to hospital, Trump reminds people what the majority of the worlds doctors say HCQ works.

      • JesseJames says:

        “Our left wing “leaders” are getting a dose of reality.
        Ideology vs reality?
        Reality always wins.”

        I just love Duncan’s posts

      • Tim Groves says:

        Boris is probably just play-acting as usual.

        Either that or this virus is disproportionately incapacitating the rich, famous and powerful.

        On the other hand, he had better take good care of himself as he’s in a high-risk group—the clinically chubby.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Consider this …. the el d ers f-ak -ed the moo—n landings… how difficult would it be for them to f-ake Boris’ ICU visit….

          Let’s check on Boris … there he is — in his den drinking scotch with Charles and Andrew — they’ve got some young tail that maxwell sent over… Boris is ROARING Drunk and bouncing a 15 yr old on his knee… in the corner is a gurney with a ventilator etc…

          Andrew says – he fellas — we need to get ready … Andrew and Charles put on their hazmat suits (giggling like i d iots) … the girls are locked back in the dungeon … Boris staggers over and jumps into bed and puts on the ventilator… lights camera action — the BBC flunky does her thing … Boris gives the V (for victory — or is vice????) …. CUT screams the producer.

          Out come the gals…. more lines…. more pills… the techno begins to thump … and the serious party starts…..

          Sound about right? Sure it does.

          NORMAN!!!! WAKE UP!!!! It’s time for a cuppa tea Norman. Now get out of that bed and tell us about how you found J.esus on Dave’s site!!!!

          • in the uk, long long ago, there was an occupation called a knocker-upper

            the colonial doomsters in here might think that was a perfect sort of late night occupation

            not so, the exact opposite in fact

            An English knocker-upper was paid collectively by a street of houses, to go to each house very early in the morning and knock on the bedroom window with a long pole, because nobody could afford alarm clocks.

            for this they used an old retired guy with a few years of mileage left in his pole, so to speak

            but eventually the knocker-upper ‘lost it’ and started going round banging on people’s windows at 2 am, or even into the next street where lazy rich people lived and they didn’t want knocking up. You wouldn’t believe the stuff they used to throw out of bedroom windows at him. Messy.

            (Some say Bill gates used ‘windows’ after the tales his English g-grandmother used to tell him. (but that’s another story)

            when that happened, he was pensioned off to the sunshine home where alarm clocks were not needed, and they found a new knocker upper who had a grasp on the reality of the time in which he lived

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Earth to Norm. Earth to Norm.

              And Norm, after reading Dave’s essays…. was never quite ‘right’ ever again.

              I would apologize Norm …. but it’s not my fault.

              If you refer to page 78. paragraph 3 of my dissertation on The Lash Mechanism — just published in this eminent medical journal medal-winner-2020

              And I quote:

              ‘My studies indicate that in some subjects the Lash Mechanism is absent. What I observed over a grueling 20 minutes of comprehensive testing carried out on the sheep in the paddock next door is that animals without this mechanism are prone to enter a deep catatonic state characterized by inane bleatings and attempts to mount the fence posts. In limited human trials (a couple of neighbours)…. who exhibited no Lash Mechanism a similar catatonic state was observed along with mumbling gibberish. Further studies are required to determine if this is a permanent condition or just a bump along a rough road to total insanity’

  28. Seems FE was right (again) in that evaluation, as Boris “the first PM with folding bike” has been taken into ICU..

  29. JMS says:

    Soundtrack for this time.

  30. Malcopian says:

    If you think you are having a heart attack, do not avoid phoning for an ambulance because of the COVID-19 crisis. If you wait too long, the effects could be severe and long-lasting.

    Doctor Highlights The Hidden Victims of COVID-19;

    • Plea by U. K. doctor to patients to still come in, in spite of COVID. Not enough heart attack victims are getting treatment right away. Some women are giving birth at home, rather than going to the hospital. Many elective surgeries are being postponed. In the case of cancer patients, chemotherapy is being postponed, so as not to compromise the immune system these patients further, while COVID-19 is in the hospital.

      • Dan says:

        Hospitals will be the next to go broke….elective surgery is where they make their money…that is why hospitals are empty. Not because of what gossip fast eddy is putting out there.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Skip to the 2 minute mark — the MSM says Elmert Hospital is overwhelmed with Wuhan sufferers… follow for another half minute will ya…. you’ll see a guy who went to the hospital to check out the pandemonium…

          What do you see at the hospital? Does that look like what was depicted on that news broadcast???

          If you want I can let you have a few points of my IQ…. I have way too many … how about I sell you 50 to get you to 100?

  31. Ed says:

    I am waiting for letters that say “Greetings from the President…. as part of the declared war against China you have been assigned work at war factory X, doing job Y, at pay level Z. You will start Monday at 8am. Failure to comply will result in imprisonment in forced labor camp A, indefinitely, at pay level zero. Making America Great Again signed Trump

    • Ed says:

      You will all receive a full set of 57 required vaccines for your own health. On your first day of service. As well as a RFID chip to track deserters. Don’t even think of trying to make it to Canada or Mexico.

    • Ed says:

      We to those of you still employed you will be receiving instructions from your employer as to where to go to get your 57 vaccines and RFID chip.

    • Trump or anybody else, indeed, it all seems leading to something along these lines.
      The remaining few minuscule % of ECoE are going to be spent (wasted) on authoritarian-dystopian regimes trying to keep alive the most important non frivolous consumption bare JITs to prop up the ownership pyramid, mostly via the defense, security, basic foodstuff (rationed) production, msm-propaganda, domains.

      I’d advice people taking kids, grand kids ASAP into that nice place in the woods, lake park, or what have you, and serving opulent picnic with exotic food stuff, if some of them (and progeny) survives it will make for nice fairy tales & legends around campfire in the future generations.

    • What he failed to consider in the article in suggested list of options is also the logical technocratic train of thought, which would be saying it’s better to be staying on top while depop lands into ~250M or ~75M of Chinese, than being kicked out into utter irrelevance by doing nothing (not dancing macabre w. other global hubs as they must)..

  32. Z says:

    The following is from a medical forum. The writer prefers to stay anonymous, because presenting any narrative different than the official one can cause you a lot of stress in the toxic environment caused by the scam which surrounds COVID-19 these days.

    I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments. This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

    The ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that have been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not the PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such). PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.

    The problem is the test is known not to work. It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed.

    Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.

    Additionally, it’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible even if you ignore the other issues.

    The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense. And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.

    If you remember the PCR works by amplifying minute amounts of DNA. It therefore is useless at telling you how much virus you may have. And that’s the only question that really matters when it comes to diagnosing illness. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if a osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.

    If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.

    And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.

    Do you see where this is going yet? If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus. They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common.

    There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time.

    All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease. Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die.

    You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on.

    Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist.

    Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically.

    Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people, you are mislabeling your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic.

    But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways:

    You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead.

    You can tell people that ‘minimizing’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers.

    You can talk crap about made up numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience.

    You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptom-less cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen.

    Take these 4 simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks. They cannot “confirm” something for which there is no accurate test.

    • I think we have seen this same allegation previously.

      I am doubtful that the situation is as extreme as this. There certainly does seem to be some reasonable correlation between those testing positive for COVID-19 and those with its symptoms.

      • DB says:

        I have tried to find reports of the specificities (the complement of false positive rates) of Covid19 PCR tests, but have found nothing. Even Roche’s test has no such data. The Covid19 antibody tests are horrible, many with false positive rates around 10%. The anonymous poster has valid concerns.

        With such poor quality tests in use, it means the large majority of Covid19 cases are false positives, especially in places like the US which test asymptomatic persons. For a good overview of the issues, see

        The danger of widespread testing, with marginal tests, is well known in epidemiology. Just one of many instances in this epidemic where the official actions and advice are the opposite of the empirical evidence. Fauci and the rest do know better. They are playing political and anti-scientific roles.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          What’s the difference between Fauci and Colin Powell?

          I can easily identify Fauci’s lies whereas with Powell it was not possible disprove his lies until much later

          How Flu Damages Lung Tissue

          Date: July 20, 2009
          Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham


          A protein in influenza virus that helps it multiply also damages lung epithelial cells,causing fluid buildup in the lungs, according to new research. The researchers say the recent outbreak of H1N1 influenza and the rapid spread of this strain across the world highlight both the need to better understand how the virus damages the lungs and the urgency to find new treatments.

          Read More on Science Daily

          How Flu Spreads

          Symptoms can begin about 2 days (but can range from 1 to 4 days) after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms.

          CDC Site

    • Slow Paul says:

      But why? To crash the economy on purpose? Who’s behind this?

      • Simple game theory, you are doing what you must with respect to other players..

      • Fast Eddy says:

        CDT (Controlled Demolition Theory)

        Global economy was collapsing — riots were spreading — total anarchy was imminent.

        Introduce the flu — claim its the end of the world — create fear — lock people down – create more fear – convince them to cower under the bed where it’s a safe space — then starve them to death.

        CDT. Remember where you heard this first.

        I am actually tilting rather heavily in that direction …. obviously this Wuhan thing has an agenda attached to it … what else can it be? I can think of no other options.

        If this is getting you down … it’s a much better way to end things that having your family butchered in front of your eyes and eaten…. with you for dessert.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Wow — superb post. We have our newest member of the 500+ club!

      Let’s repost this … note how Cuomo is careful to use the generic term flu…. probably doing that so he can claim plausible denial if this scam goes sideways …

      I could see him casting the first stone at that lying dirtbag Fauci…. (aka the Armpit Fart)

      Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the total number of flu cases in New York State has eclipsed the record number of seasonal cases since the New York State Department of Health began tracking flu cases during the 1998-99 season. The latest influenza surveillance report for the week ending February 22 shows 131,604 laboratory-confirmed cases so far this season. Previously, the most lab-confirmed influenza cases reported during a single flu season was 128,892 in 2017-18. While this year’s flu season has reached historic levels, last week, the number of laboratory-confirmed flu cases decreased 26 percent and hospitalizations decreased 13 percent.

      “While I am encouraged to see yet another decrease in the number of flu cases across the state, this year’s flu season has been grueling and New Yorkers must remain vigilant against the spread of the virus,” Governor Cuomo said. “If you haven’t already been vaccinated it’s not too late. I urge you to get a vaccine and to please stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading the illness.”

      • I would point out that this is a February 27, 2020, article and the data is through the week ending February 22. So it doesn’t include the recent bulge in COVID-19 illnesses. We need something more up to date.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The numbers are not my point — the fact that he groups Wuhan Flu with all Flus. Because it’s just the flu…. and without a doubt the authorities are not differentiating when they report Wuhan … they are adding the whole lot together…

          As for numbers — there were 42 Million confirmed (tested) case of the flu in 2017/18…. and 650k hospitalization….. we are nowhere near that number — YET – the hospitals are FULL.

          But of course they are not FULL. There is no pandemonium.

    • Lidia17 says:

      Z, I would love to circulate this but would like to attach a link, if you have one to share. Thanks!

  33. Z says:

    For the believers in the Corona Virus Scam. Jeff goes through it all here.

    Get ready to be chipped and accept the mark of the beast.

    Accept that you have been wrong for the last 10 years at least.

    You will be a slave.

    Keep watching the TELEVISION and listening to the deceivers.

  34. timl2k11 says:

    Dow is up 1200 points. Full steam ahead! Right?

    • Rodster says:

      With this phony eCONomy and the PPT at work. I’m surprised the Dow isn’t back 29,000 pts.

  35. Kowalainen says:

    Austria opening up the taps again.

    “The government also announced it would extend its requirement for Austrians to wear facemarks. In addition to their mandatory use in supermarkets and other shops that are currently open, they will also be required on all public transport.”

    Yeah, let’s crank this mofo to 11. I want to witness LTG evolving.

    • Wearing masks is less of a problem than cutting off all activity.

      • Kowalainen says:

        With mitigation that simple, it’s bewildering what made it take so long. The Czech sewing team produced 8M face masks basically overnight.

        Oh, yeah, MSM/WHO/”journalists” spreading fake news and misinformation. Fsck em’ more than ever.

      • Chrome Mags says:

        “Wearing masks is less of a problem than cutting off all activity.”

        I agree, and it’s likely we’ll reach a point of generalized BAU, but masks worn out of the home will be mandatory for several months, maybe a year or so. Real estate – location, location, location. Getting rid of the virus – masks, masks, masks.

        • Kowalainen says:

          I sense 3M collaborating with fashion brands creating a new pop culture craze. Remember where you read it first.

          Face masks with built in air quality sensors, Bluetooth and microphones/earpieces. I’m sure Apple and the rest of the gadget/gizmo/trinket biz community will jump on this bandwagon as well.

          It will be awesome. Now lean back, grab some popcorn and watch capitalism rip back at this virus.

      • LittleEddie says:

        But they told me for a month that masks don’t work if you not a health care professional.
        If they where wrong about something this simple how can I trust them about anything

        • There is a two way issue about masks:

          (1) They are pretty good at keeping big droplets from leaving your mouth.

          (2) The fancy ones are good at keeping even fairly tiny droplets from going into your nose and mouth.

          Because of the way this virus operates, no one can tell who it is capable of infecting others. Having everyone wear masks keeps the big droplets from leaving everyone’s mouth and spreading all over. This reduces greatly the need for the fancy ones, that catch all particles coming in.

          We are being told to use the un-fancy ones now.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Yep, as fast as the hospitals and businesses have been properly supplied, then the next wave will be the same rated equipment to the populace. Third wave will be custom jobs with all bells and whistles to satisfy pop culture expressions and brands.

            And off we go into the sunset. Don’t forget the popcorn.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Here’s the thing…

            When is the last time you were near when the hacked, spit, sneezed or spewed on you – particularly now when everyone is avoiding everyone as if they had the plague….

            Sure a surgical mask is good as it keeps you from spewing your fluids… but the main reason to wear a mask is so that you don’t put your grubby hands – the same hands that turn the tab or open the bathroom door after someone else smeared their urine, faecal residue, or viral load onto any of these — into your mouth or nose.

            So obviously any face covering is better than nothing.

            Yet Fauci (the white Colin Powell) and his ‘experts’ have been telling us masks are not required.

            And now that the flu is in full force – masks are suddenly good.

            Is anybody baying for blood over this? Is Fauci being sent packing to teach Grade 3? Nope.

            Not a word about this ‘incompetence’…

            If it was incompetence he should be stoned to death. Or skinned alive — and his skin passed to Xabier who could use it to patch up old books made of vellum…. then throw his carcass and entrails into the street and let feral dogs dispose of him…

            But of course… it is not incompetence… he knew that masks were a good idea long ago … as in when contingency plans for pandemics were drawn up…

            If you want to ‘flatten your f7765ing stoooo—ooppppid curve’ here’s a tip fellas…

            Take some of those trillions that you are using the keep the Titanic afloat … urgently (as in two months ago) make billions of masks… and distribute them far and wide…. make it LAW that you MUST wear a mask when you leave your home…

            You want to shoot people? Forget about the poor guy in the Philippines who was just trying to feed his hungry kids — shoot anyone who refuses to wear a mask.

            At the same time launch a massive campaign called WASH YOUR HANDS A… HOLES! 20x a day. Give out prizes to the kids who wash their hands the most ….

            Get Boris to film a short clip from his death bed where … gasping for air he moans ‘I should have washed my hands after that ‘encounter’ with Prince Charles’

            You guys are familiar with ‘whatever it takes’ well then apply it.

            But nope — masks are not needed — and please self-quarantine yourself. We trust you (even though we know we cannot because half the people who promised to isolate themselves were observed prancing about town…. and of course we still did nothing even though they are apparently committing murder and ending the world).

            Meanwhile — we have this ‘thing’ this disgusted filthy ‘thing’ stinking up Hong Kong … where legions of people are out of work and getting a whopping USD1300 from her kindly govt (that has USD450B in the bank)…

            I have quite possibly never been so furious when reading something as with this… I wish the most vile cancer on this bi ttttch …. I hope she suffers and suffers … and suffers…. then suffers some more….

            This mayor… no .. this errand girl for the CCP … this flunky .. this rat…. is already one of the highest paid public officials in the world — and she wants MORE.



            • Kowalainen says:

              Yeah, this BS: “we are not sure that masks work and it might give a false sense of security”.

              Fsck off, it is blindingly obvious that any facial protection/cover against an upper respiratory tract infection will work.

              The East Asians, Czech and Austrian put their statistical myopia aside and just fscking did it. Now they are already cranking BAU as NY chokes up in viral loads locked up in their poorly ventilated dwellings.

        • JesseJames says:

          “how can I trust them about anything”
          You can’t. You always must use critical thinking, judgement, and independent review of non MSM and high government sources for information, Filter everything. Decide for yourself.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Yeah, it would have helped if they came clean at once and simply said that any protection is better then no protection with a caveat to save the rated kit for health care workers. People would understand.

            It is a huge blunder, a monumental miscalculation on the populace’s sympathy with the health care workers and disease stricken.

            For sure, there would have been the occasional opportunist hoarding masks as with the toilet paper craze. I mean WTF is wrong with some people.

            Now when will the populace get PVP-I in huge quantities to soak their cloth masks, hands and faces in?

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Isn’t it amusing how the ‘experts’ flip flop all over the place with the mask issue.

              Well not really – considering you can pull up contingency plans for viral pandemics from all sorts of medical orgs including the vaunted WHO.

              Does anyone think that they JUST worked out that wearing masks is a good idea?

              Obviously masks are a good idea — not only do they prevent you from spewing on people if you are infectious – more importantly they pretty much ensure you won’t pick up a virus on your hands then pick your nose or suck your thumb — the MASK is in the way.

              You wear a mask — then you wash your hands before you remove the mask. Odds of catching anything are dramatically reduced if you do that.

              And the WHO is just now working that out????????

              Come the FOOOKK on. We are being played.


            • The standard WHO “defense line” was that should they recommend masks, the third world can’t afford them, despite the fact there must be millions of sewing machines around..

            • Kowalainen says:

              The clothing industry in Bangladesh could churn out masks by the millions in no time. The US surgeon general even showed how to make one yourself using an old t-shirt and two rubber bands.

              It is also the possibility to grab a sewing needle and some thread if a machine isn’t available.

              World “Health” Organization. What an oxyMORON. They should be ashamed of themselves advocating disease spread as the “cure”.

              My contempt for institutional sociopathy is beyond limits of compassion. They should be charged for crimes against humanity and as punishment end up as dangling light pole decoration delivering a warning to other sociopaths what happens to perpetrators in such acts of terrorism.

      • Rural says:

        Thank you for being the voice of reason, Gail. Masks could let us ease up on the lock-downs and, hopefully, keep everything from crashing. I strongly suspect it is too late to avoid a fairly long-lived crash, but the markets seem to disagree with me.

  36. Dennis L. says:

    I thought this one might be a joke, apparently not. Not only one tiger, but multiple animals displaying they symptoms, reason the remainder were not tested was the need to sedate the tiger – doing the test without sedation forms some interesting mental pictures. Trainer to the tiger, ” I am just going to push this swab to the back of your nasal cavity, you won’t feel a thing, please keep your mouth closed.”

    So, what if this virus jumps to livestock animals? We don’t know, jumping to a tiger seems like a stretch, but apparently it happened.

    If the stories are to be believed, this virus started in a camel, made its way to China via a lab in the Netherlands, then Canada, then a bat, then a human in a fish market and finally to a tiger. For the tiger, the intermediary was a human which is a twist.

    Dennis L.

    • I am not sure I could find the article now, but the expectation in one of the Chinese non-peer reviewed articles was that this virus could infect a very wide range of animals.

      Even if we get rid of human cases, we will never get rid of the animal cases. It isn’t necessarily a big problem for the animals with the illness.

      • Rodster says:

        So in other words, Covid 19 will never go away until it burns itself out and that overwhelming majority of the population builds up enough immunity that it doesn’t make them sick. It’s why I have always felt it was stew-pid to shutdown the global eCONomy. It doesn’t really solve anything and just kicks the can down the road because TPTB will have to do a lockdown everytime a new wave arrives.

      • MM says:

        When I woke up this morning and listened to a bird singing, it struck me, what could happen, when a whole lot of wildlife could be infected and is as helpless as we are. I can not even think about that.

  37. Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

    “Oil prices fell on Monday, reversing earlier gains after the CEO of Russian sovereign wealth fund RDIF told CNBC that Moscow and Riyadh were “very close” to an oil deal, and as Russia reportedly said it was ready to reduce output, according to Reuters.”

    the amount of cuts will be a jjoke…

    just wait and see…

    “I think the whole market understands that this deal is important and it will bring lots of stability, so much important stability to the market, and we are very close,” Kirill Dmitriev of the Russian Direct Investment Fund…

    important… ha ha…

    stability… ha ha…

    • Jonzo says:

      USA has to cut production or it’s a no deal. And USA/Trump will not cut production, so it will be a “No Deal”.

  38. Z says:

    HEY OFW….

    Did the math on Texas….at our current rate of infection, 1/2 of all Texans will have the wuflu in the next 158 years.

    Six or Seven generations of families will never know know what it’s like to go to school, or take a walk in the park…because they’ll all be sheltered “in their place” until the year 2178. Of course, the inbreeding is going to get a little crazy.

    Hey, is there a place we can go get injected with the wuflu so we can get past this nonsense. I get it. it’s a, what…1/200 shot we die.

    ps. I fully support a human’s right to hide in their closet for 158 years.

  39. CBS is reporting, Janet Yellen says second-quarter GDP could decline by 30% and unemployment is already at 12%-13%

    The article doesn’t say much more than the headline, other than the fact that the data doesn’t yet reflect these amounts.

    • Yoshua says:

      The temporary unemployment number in Europe is 50% right now, but these numbers are not officially published.

      At least according to Live Monitor (Twitter) who claimes that he spoke with European officials.

    • Marco Bruciati says:


  40. Denial says:

    We were all wrong! Its over and the stock market is coming back like lion ! Run, Run everyone! Hurry before we miss it! {sarcasm} …. I wonder if most people have considered what comes next!

  41. Country Joe says:


    I know that I make up the monster that today lurks just out of sight.
    I know because the sound track on the monster story is this baby crying.
    It’s not the clenched fist, leg kicking, red faced,
    “I want something different now” crying that I know.”

    It’s a whimpering that turns on at some point of malnutrition.
    The survival program says “Enough of this bellowing tantrum stuff. We’re wasting too much energy and it’s not working. Now we’re going to make the least, most energy efficient sound that still might get some attention.”

    It is the worse sound that I never heard.
    Sometime back in the past I asked myself what was the thing that I was most grateful for. I don’t remember how long it took or what was the process
    but the answer that came out was that I was most grateful that
    I never had to hear my kids cry from hunger and not be able to feed them.
    There never seemed to be any debate about what the answer was.
    No contest.
    Being able to feed my kids was #1.
    (I don’t know what hunger is either)
    So I hear this sound that I have never heard.
    I’ve got to be making it up.
    Yet it drives me.

    I’m so critical of those superstitious ones that have some book
    and they claim that it is the word of God.
    And they live their lives all about the words in the book
    and there is no book ever written that somebody didn’t make up.

    I go on living with that monster that’s lurking
    with all those hungry people who haven’t a clue.
    And I just make the whole thing up because what the hell do I know.

  42. Ed says:

    TB vaccination at birth seem to provide a 90% protection against CVV19. So “dirty” countries like India will do well and “clean” countries like US and EU will do poorly.

    I would love to know if TB vaccine is used in China, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, well all nations

    • I found this article talking about the TB vaccine.

      According to the article:

      Researchers in Australia and Europe are testing whether the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, introduced in the 1920s to fight tuberculosis, might be deployed to combat COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Clinical trials are focused on two groups at high-risk for COVID-19: health care workers and the elderly. . .

      Unlike other vaccines, the BCG vaccine may also boost the innate immune system, first-line defenses that keep a variety of pathogens from entering the body or from establishing an infection. One study in Guinea-Bissau found 50% lower mortality rates in children vaccinated with BCG than in kids who did not get this vaccine. That is a much bigger drop in deaths than could be explained by a reduction in TB cases. Some studies have found similar reductions in respiratory infections among teens and the elderly.

      • Ed says:

        Just talked with a German friend. Up to 1998 Germany required the TB vaccine. So, Germany should be fine.

  43. Ed says:

    There is a lot of theater going on. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE???? What will it get THEM? Who ever them is.

    • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      when the timeline of the response of THEM is examined, it seems fairly obvious that they didn’t know in advance what to do and are making it up as they go…

      and they got the lockdown totally wrong…

    • Z says:

      @ Ed

      Did you see the tigers in the Bronx zoo tested positive for Corona? LMAO

      Yet we hear about how there aren’t enough tests for the people!!! Oh the humanity!!

      When will you people wake up?

      Tedros the former Communist and now head of the WHO scam….came out and stated they need to ban cash!! WHY???

      Oh I don’t know,,, implementing a mark of the beast cashless system with a one world government structure.

  44. Marco Bruciati says:

    The dentist near my house, I think they want to commit suicide he will no longer find work, he will no longer have work the dentist will never work again.

  45. Tim Groves says:

    It’s Déjà vu all over again!

    In 2009, CBS examined how H1N1 (swine flu) cases were substantially overestimated leading to the declaration of a public health emergency.

    • So this is a video from 2009.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        The fact that Cuomo’s site does not differentiate between Woohan and other flu brands… means it is impossible to know how many actual Woohan infections there are.

        Are all the numbers we are seeing just the total flu infections? If you were trying to scare people you’d obviously just throw the aggregate numbers out there because the MSM is too corrupted to ask… humans … well the humans are donkeys in blue jeans and suits… they would never contemplate this possibility.

        Just like the MSM and donkeys don’t think to check the claims that Wuhan is the only flu that can be passed when you are not showing symptoms — or that wrecks your lungs.

        Oh look … it’s a human… it is wearing clothes!

  46. MM says:

    About exiting:
    it will be possible to stop the lockdown when the people accept the suffering. This could be possible when the flu is from bats that were in hibernation.
    If it is an artificial issue at work here, the people would never accept it.
    The whole thing is about covering it up and not having this discussed.
    The virus kills 5% immediately but do we know what happens with it when you have it in 10 years? No

    • Actually, the data is closer to the virus kills 0.5% immediately than 5% immediately. This is 5 times normal flu.

      We don’t know if anything happens farther out. Are the weak killed off early, so that they don’t die later in the year from something else?

      • MM says:

        It could be possible, the virus is still in the dry run phase to learn about us humans. It mutates every 15 days, we now have 8 strains. When we let it rip, “it” will “learn” a lot more. If this will be without harm is unknown. lose-lose

        • Those mutations are very small, compared to the mutations in what we think of as ordinary flu, according to the information I have heard and read. They are enough to track where a virus came from, but not enough to make a difference in function. Eventually, there could be some effect, but at this point, from what I have read and heard, they are not a big deal. Chris Martenson interviewed a virologist on one of his videos recently. She was not very concerned about this issue.

          • MM says:

            If this possibly means turning mankind into laboratory rats, so be it. I will have no saying in this because the biolab story is beeing cleared from global knowledge anyhow and will remain as a crude conspiracy theory only as all the others.
            I resist

            • As that “cycling & vlogging” biologist (linked by Gail previously) found in various SARS-Corona science literature, someone prototyped and ran mutations on fast speed dial with specific parts of the virus, and then slapped this part together on normal Covi.

              It doesn’t necessarily had to be nefarious per se, but it did happen.
              Blowback from vaccine research, or inserted weaponized false flag, it doesn’t matter, the bottom line remains, humanoids overstepped, overreached on very dangerous territory, where RNA/DNA manipulations became cheap, widely distributed for whom ever interested..

      • Xabier says:

        5 x normal flu: enough to crash hospitals and endanger the staff -many of whom are being truly heroic – but not enough to disorder a healthy society or justify a lock-down.

        I have to say that everyone is adhering to the rules here, it’s impressive, but what happens when their jobs definitively disappear?

        • Covidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          it’s indefinite at this point, but definitely nitpicking, to suggest that seasonal flu death rates are closer to 0.05% (half of a tenth of one percent) and this virus is perhaps 0.5% at best so this virus still might be 10x normal flu…

          but I would still agree that this is not enough to justify lockdowns…

          the horrors of massive permanent job losses are looming around the corner of Summer into Autumn…

  47. Harry McGibbs says:

    “More than 460,000 Chinese firms closed permanently in the first quarter as the coronavirus pandemic pummeled the world’s second largest economy, with more than half of them having operated for under three years, corporate registration data shows.”

  48. Yoshua says:

    A lockdown for humans isn’t perhaps a bad idea after all.

  49. Harry McGibbs says:

    The Japanification of, er, Japan:

    “Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government is to pledge to take “all steps” encompassing fiscal, monetary and tax policies to battle the deepening fallout from the coronavirus in a stimulus package to be approved on Tuesday, a draft document reviewed by Reuters showed.

    “Abe has pledged to craft an “unprecedented” stimulus package…”

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