Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

There is more to the fossil fuel energy predicament than we usually hear about.

Strangely enough, a big part of the confusion regarding the nature of our energy problem comes from the fact that virtually everyone wants to hear good news, even when the news isn’t very good. We end up seeing information in the Mainstream Media mostly from the perspective of what people want to hear, rather than from the perspective of what the story really is. In this post, I explain why this situation tends to occur. I also explain why our current energy situation is starting to look more and more like an energy shortage situation that could lead to economic collapse.

This post is a write-up of a presentation I gave recently. A PDF of my talk can be found at this link. An mp4 video of my talk can be found at this link: Gail Tverberg’s Nov. 9 presentation–Our Fossil Fuel Energy Predicament.

Slide 1
Slide 2

Most people attending my talk reported that they had mostly heard about the issue on the right end of Slide 2: the problem of using too much fossil fuel and related climate change.

I think the real issue is the one shown on the left side of Slide 2. This is a physics issue. Without fossil fuels, we would find it necessary to go back to using older renewables, such as oxen or horses for plowing, burned wood and other biomass for heat, and wind-powered sail boats for international transport.

Needless to say, these older renewables are only available in tiny quantities today, if they are available at all. They wouldn’t provide many jobs other than those depending on manual labor, such as subsistence agriculture. Nuclear and modern renewables would not be available because they depend on fossil fuels for their production, maintenance and long distance transmission lines.

Slide 3
Slide 4

On Slide 4, note that M. King Hubbert was a physicist. This seems to be the academic specialty that finds holes in other people’s wishful thinking.

Another thing to note is Hubbert’s willingness to speculate about the future of nuclear energy. He seemed to believe that nuclear energy could take over, when other energy fails. Needless to say, this hasn’t happened. Today, nuclear energy comprises only 4% of the world’s total energy supply.

Slide 5

The transcript of the entire talk by Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover is worth reading. I have excerpted a few sentences from his talk. His talk took place only a year after Hubbert published his research.

Rickover clearly understood the important role that fossil fuels played in the economy. At that early date, it looked as if fossil fuels would become too expensive to extract between 2000 and 2050. A doubling of unit costs for energy may not sound like much, but it is, if a person thinks about how much poor people in poor countries spend on food and other energy products. If the price of these goods rises from 25% of their income to 50% of their income, there is not enough left over for other goods and services.

Slide 6

Regarding Slide 6, the book The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others provided early computer modeling of how population growth and extraction of resources might play out. The base model seemed to indicate that economic decline would start about now. Various other scenarios were considered, including a doubling of the resources. Without very unrealistic assumptions, the economy always headed downward before 2100.

Slide 7

Another way of approaching the problem is to analyze historical civilizations that have collapsed. Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov analyzed eight economies that collapsed in their book Secular Cycles. There have been many examples of economies encountering a new source of energy (conquering a new land, or developing a new way of producing more energy), growing for a time, reaching a time where growth is more limited, and finally discovering that the economy that had been built up could no longer be supported by the resources available. Both population and production of goods and services tended to crash.

We can think of the current economy, based on the use of fossil fuels, as likely following a similar path. Coal began to be used in quantity about 200 years ago, in 1820. The economy grew, as oil and natural gas production was added. We seem to have hit a period of “Stagflation,” about 1970, which is 50 years ago. The timing might be right to enter the “Crisis” period, about now.

We don’t know how long such a Crisis Period might last this time. Early economies were very different from today’s economy. They didn’t depend on electricity, international trade or international finance in the same way that today’s world economy does. It is possible (in fact, fairly likely) that the downslope might occur more rapidly this time.

Past Crisis Periods seem to feature a high level of conflict because rising population leads to a situation where there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. According to Turchin and Nefedov, some features of the Crisis Periods included increased wage disparity, collapsing or overturned governments, debt defaults, inadequate tax revenue and epidemics. Economists tell us that there is a physics reason for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer during Crisis Periods; in some sense, the poor get “frozen out” and the wealth rises to the top, like steam.

Slide 8
Slide 9

Slide 9 is a chart I prepared several years ago, showing the growth in the world production of fuels of various types. What little wind and solar was available at that time was included in the biofuels section at the bottom. Early biofuels consisted largely of wood and charcoal used for heat.

Slide 10

Slide 10 shows average annual increases for 10-year periods corresponding to the periods shown on Slide 9. This chart goes to 2020, so it covers a full 200-year period. Note that the increases in energy consumption shown are especially high in the 1951-1960 and 1961-1970 periods. These periods occurred after World War II when the economy was growing especially rapidly.

Slide 11

Slide 11 is similar to Slide 10, except I divide the bars into two pieces. The bottom, blue part corresponds to the amount that population grew, on average, during this ten-year period. Whatever is left over I have referred to as the amount available to increase the standard of living, shown in red. A person can see that when the overall growth in energy consumption is high, population tends to rise rapidly. With more energy, it is possible to feed and clothe larger families.

Slide 12

Slide 12 is like Slide 11, except that it is an area chart. I have also added some notes regarding what went wrong when energy consumption growth was low or negative. An early dip occurred at the time of the US Civil War. There was a very long, low period later that corresponded to the period of World War I, World War II and the Depression. The collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, so it is part of the 10-year period ended 2000. Most recently, we have encountered COVID shutdowns.

The peaks, on the other hand, tended to be good times. The period leading up to 1910 corresponded to the time of early electrification. The period after World War II was a period of growth and rebuilding. Most recently, China and its large coal resources helped pull the world economy forward. China’s coal supply stopped growing about 2013. I have written that we can no longer depend on China’s economy to pull the world economy forward. With recent rolling blackouts in China (mentioned in the next section), this is becoming more evident.

Without enough energy, the current period is beginning to look more and more like the period that included World War I and II and the Great Depression. Strange outcomes can occur when there basically are not enough resources to go around.

Slide 13
Slide 14

Slide 14 shows recent energy production. A person can see from this slide that wind and solar aren’t really ramping up very much. A major problem is caused by the fact that wind and solar are given the subsidy of “going first” and prices paid to other electricity producers are adjusted downward, to reflect the fact that their electricity is no longer needed by the grid. This approach tends to drive nuclear out of business because wholesale electricity rates tend to fall to very low levels, or become negative, when unneeded wind and solar are added. Nuclear power plants cannot easily shut down. Instead, the low prices tend to drive the nuclear power plants out of business. This is sad, because electricity from nuclear is far more stable, and thus more helpful to the grid, than electricity from wind or solar.

Slide 15

Fossil fuel producers need quite high energy prices for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is simply because the easiest-to-extract resources were removed first. In recent years, producers have needed to move on to resources with a higher cost of extraction, thus raising their required selling prices. Wages of ordinary citizens haven’t kept up, making it hard for selling prices to rise sufficiently to cover the new higher costs.

Another issue is that fossil fuel energy prices need to cover far more than the cost of drilling the current well. Producers need to start to develop new areas to drill, years in advance of actually getting production from those sites. They need extra funds to work on these new sites.

Also, oil companies, especially, have historically paid high taxes. Besides regular income taxes, oil companies pay state taxes and royalty taxes. These taxes are a way of passing the “surplus energy” that is produced back to the rest of the economy, in the form of taxes. This is exactly the opposite of wind and solar that need subsidies of many kinds, especially the subsidy of “going first,” that drives other electricity providers out of business.

Prices for oil, coal and natural gas have been far lower than producers need, for a long time. The COVID shutdowns in 2020 made the problem worse. Now, with producers quitting at the same time the economy is trying to reopen, it is not surprising that some prices are spiking.

Slide 16

Most local US papers don’t tell much about world energy prices, but these are increasingly becoming a big problem. Natural gas is expensive to ship and store, so prices vary greatly around the world. US natural gas prices have roughly doubled from a year ago, but this is a far lower increase than many other parts of the world are experiencing. In fact, the bills that most US natural gas residential customers will receive will increase by far less than 100% because at the historic low price, over half of the price for residential service is distribution expenses, and such expenses don’t change very much.

Slide 17

Slide 17 shows another way of looking at data that is similar to that in Slide 14. This slide shows amounts on a per capita basis, with groupings I have chosen. I think of coal and oil as being pretty much the only energy resources that can “stand on their own.” The recent peak year for combined coal and oil, on a per capita basis, was 2008.

Natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric were the first add-ons. If a person looks closely, it can be seen that the growth rate of this group has slowed, at least in part because of the pricing problems caused by wind and solar.

The “green” sources at the bottom are growing, but from a very low base. The main reason for their growth is the subsidies they receive. If fossil fuels falter in any major way, it will adversely affect the growth of wind and solar. Already, there are articles about supply chain problems for the big wind turbines. Any cutback in subsidies is also harmful to their production.

Slide 18

US papers don’t tell us much about these problems, but they are getting to be very serious problems in other parts of the world. The countries with the biggest problems are the ones trying to import natural gas or coal. If an exporting country finds its own production falling short, it is likely to make certain that its own citizens are adequately supplied first, before providing exports to others. Thus, importing countries may find very high prices, or supplies simply not available.

Slide 19
Slide 20

This slide got a lot of laughs. The university does have some sort of agricultural plot, but teaching subsistence farming is not its goal.

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Slide 22
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Slide 24

My point about “scientists who are not pressured by the need for research grants or acceptance of written papers are the ones trying to tell the whole truth” got quite a few laughs. As a practical matter, this means that retired scientists tend to be disproportionately involved in trying to discern the truth.

With the military understanding the need to work around energy limits, one change has been to move away from preparation for “hot wars” to more interest in biological weapons, such as viruses. Thus, governments of many countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Australia and China, have funded research on making viruses more virulent. The vaccine-making industry also supported this effort because it might enhance the industry’s ability to make and sell more vaccines. It was believed that there might even be new techniques that would develop from this new technology that would increase the overall revenue generated by the healthcare industry.

Questions came up, both during the talk and later, about what other changes have taken place because of the need for much of the audience to hear a story with a happily ever after ending, and because of the known likely decline of the economy for physics reasons. Clearly one thing that happens is successful entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, aim their production in areas where subsidies will be available. With fossil fuel production not making money, fossil fuel producers are even willing to undertake renewable projects if subsidies seem to be high enough. The issue isn’t really, “What is sustainable?” It is much more, “Where will the profits be, given where subsidies will be, and what people are being taught about how to perceive today’s problems?”

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Slide 26
Slide 27
Slide 28

In fact, what has been happening in recent years is that a great deal of debt has been added to the world economy. Mostly, this added debt seems to be creating added inflation. It definitely is not leading to the rapid extraction of a great deal more fossil fuels, which is what really would allow the production of more goods and services. If inflation leads to higher interest rates, this, by itself, could destabilize the financial system.

Slide 29

I tried to explain, as I have in the past, how a self-organizing economy works. New citizens are born, and old ones pass away. New businesses are formed, and they add new products, keeping in mind what products citizens want and can afford. Governments add laws and taxes, as situations change. Energy is needed at every step in production, so availability of inexpensive energy is important in the operation of the economy, as well. There are equivalences, such as employees tend also to be customers. If the wages of employees are high, they can afford to buy many goods and services; if wages are low, employees will be very restricted in what they can afford.

In some sense, the economy is hollow inside, because the economy will stop manufacturing unneeded products. If an economy starts making cars, for example, it will phase out products associated with transportation using horse and buggy.

Slide 30

A self-organizing economy clearly does not operate in the simple way economists seem to model the economy. Low prices can be just as big a problem as high prices, for example.

Another issue is that the energy needs of an economy seem to depend on its population and how far it has already been built up. For example, roads, bridges, water distribution pipelines and electricity transmission infrastructure must all be maintained, even if the population falls. We know humans need something like 2000 calories a day of food. Economies seem to have a similar constant need for energy, based on both the number of people in the economy and the amount of infrastructure that has been built up. There is no way to cut back very much, without the economy collapsing.

Slide 31

I am not exactly certain when the first discussion of the economy as a dissipative structure (self-organizing system powered by energy) started. When I prepared this slide, I was thinking that perhaps it was in 1996, when Yoshinori Shizoawa wrote a paper called Economy as a Dissipative Structure. However, when I did a search today, I encountered an earlier paper by Robert Ayres, written in 1988, also discussing the economy as a dissipative structure. So, the idea has been around for a very long time. But getting ideas from one part of academia to other parts of academia seems to be a very slow process.

Debt cannot grow indefinitely, either, because there needs to be a way for it to be paid back in a way that produces real goods and services. Without adequate energy supplies, it becomes impossible to produce the goods and services that consumers need.

Slide 32

Attendees asked about earlier posts that might be helpful in understanding our current predicament. This is the list I provided:

Humans Left Sustainability Behind as Hunter Gatherers  – Dec. 2, 2020
How the World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden – June 21, 2021
Energy Is the Economy; Shrinkage in Energy Supply Leads to Conflict – Nov. 9, 2020
Why a Great Reset Based on Green Energy Isn’t Possible – July 17, 2020
The “Wind and Solar Will Save Us” Delusion – Jan. 30, 2017

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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5,606 Responses to Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

  1. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    Never heard or seen this before…any reaction?

    Rott’s Chaos Pendulum
    648,428 views · 7 years ago


    Organized Chaos perhaps?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the human energy input is being dissipated in total randomness?

      it’s very cool… too bad I don’t do LSD.

      • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

        That’s a good description of it … I could only watch a little bit of it before getting giving up…wonder any practical application?

  2. Tim Groves says:

    Nagged, shamed and cajoled into getting jabbed. Dies six weeks latter. This is one of the latest from the excellent COVID Blog:

    GILROY, CALIFORNIA — A 56-year-old engineer and business owner is dead, but refused to die in vain as he used his obituary to warn others about the evils surrounding the “vaccine” agenda.

    Mr. Michael Granata received his first Moderna mRNA injection on August 17. He did not want to get the shot “for fear that [I] might die.” But his doctor continually insisted that the mRNA injections were in Mr. Granata’s best interest. So he “gave into the pressure” and almost instantly regretted it.

    Mr. Granata started feeling sick just three days later. General malaise morphed into multisystem inflammatory syndrome for adults (MIS-A) and multisystem organ failure. Mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry say that MIS-A only results from COVID-19. They also push the fallacious idea that only Black and Latino kids get MIS-C, with the “C” being the children’s version of this syndrome.

    Multisystem inflammation syndrome causes vital organs to swell to the point that they no longer function as normal. Multisystem organ failure is exactly what it sounds like. It starts with sepsis, when the immune system goes into overdrive responding to some sort of infection. The response is so dramatic that the immune system begins fighting itself.

    Mr. Granata said all of his muscle completely disintegrated within weeks of the injection. That means he was paralyzed and his heart wouldn’t beat on its own. It’s best to let Mr. Granata’s own words describe his last weeks of life.

    “I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life.

    I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

    Mr. Granata passed away on November 1. He is survived by his wife and both of his parents.


    • Rodster says:

      He died because he didn’t have the right attitude. He feared the vaccine and that’s why he died. When you take the vaccine you are supposed to believe it’s 100% safe. You have to trust The Science.

    • Ed says:

      evolution in action, good riddens

  3. Mike Roberts says:

    More confirmation that a transition to “green” energy will not happen.

    “Minerals are essential ingredients of the future clean energy system,” says Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA). “If we try to visualise our future clean energy systems – millions of electric vehicles, cars, buses, windmills, solar panels – they need minerals to build. Huge amounts of minerals.”

    He isn’t exaggerating. According to a recent IEA report, if the world is to reach its target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, overall demand for what it calls “critical minerals” – including lithium, copper, cobalt, nickel and the rare earth elements, all of them vital ingredients of clean energy tech – will increase sixfold. Another recent estimate from Japan’s National Institute for Environmental Studies forecasts that electrifying transport and expanding renewable power generation will increase demand for minerals about seven times by 2050.


    • Tim Groves says:

      Just cut the population by 95% and you’ll find that the “critical minerals” will be adequate for a “Jetsons” lifestyle for the lucky survivors.

      • MonkeyBusiness says:

        Not if the remaining 5% are made up of mostly homeless people.

        How are the powers that be going to ensure that the right 5% will survive?

        • Lidia17 says:

          The smart ones won’t take the jab?

          • MonkeyBusiness says:

            And these smart ones, they’ll just quietly surrender to the rich? Why would the rich spare people based on just their IQ?

            That’s the problem with doom porn. The rich care about maintaining their way of life, and with that they need servants. “Skillful” servants, but servants regardless, because the powers that be just hate doing manual stuff like cleaning toilets. Tell me how they are going to ensure the right mix of people will survive, and I’ll subscribe to your doom porn theories.

          • Ed says:


            • Fast Eddy says:

              Pure Bloods… much sought after by the MOREON CovIDIOTS to breed with their damaged offspring in an attempt to cleanse their genetics…

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        That’s the spirit, Tim!

        Indeed, is it not possible that those with wealth and influence have bought into this idea? As Gail points out, people are tempted by positive narratives with happy endings, even when those narratives wildly diverge from reality.

        If people (i.e. economists, politicians, millionaires, billionaires, Davos attendees, etc.) are deluding themselves with “Great Resets” and “Green Energy” solutions, is it not possible that they are also deluding themselves with the idea that they don’t need the rest of us in order to achieve their techno-utopia? That, in fact, their aspirations would be better served by whittling down the global population as a method of energy rationing and triage?

        Do we know that these people’s actions are guided by the most astute and logical analyses? That they take heed of the complications Norm and others point out regarding the unsustainability of continuing modern industrial civilization with far fewer human beings?

        Additionally, it comes down to what people do when they find themselves cornered. How does an African bushman respond to resource and energy constraints vs. Jeff Bezos? What are each man’s wants and needs and what lengths are each man willing to go to to preserve their energy inputs?
        If the “elites” have at least some awareness of our global resource and energy predicament – and that they, too, are cornered – how are they prepared to respond? What lengths are they willing to go to in an effort to preserve their own energy inputs? Are they likely to just sit on their hands (and wealth) and wait for collapse? Or, will they marshal themselves, tap into their wealth, enlarge their egos with visions of grandiosity, develop a savior or god complex, and attempt to “save the world” (or at the very least control the decline)?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Too long. Deleted without reading

    • All kinds of minerals will be in short supply, if they aren’t already. We are likely kidding ourselves about ramping up production enough, With diminishing returns, prices will need to rise a lot. It is hard to see how the system would work.

  4. Herbie Ficklestein says:

    Found this interesting…BAU comes to America…earlier than thought..BBC News Service

    archaeologists studied the coin in consultation with a former curator of the Bank of Canada’s Currency Museum and determined it had been minted in Canterbury sometime between 1493 and 1499.

    Head archaeologist William Gilbert, who has led digs at the site since 1995, hailed the discovery as “a major find”.

    The biggest coin you’ll have ever seen!

    Rare 370-year-old US coin found in sweet tin

    Rare Charles I coin fetches £54,560 at auction

    “Some artefacts are important for what they tell us about a site, while others are important because they spark the imagination. This coin is definitely one of the latter,” Mr Gilbert said.

    “One can’t help but wonder at the journey it made, and how many hands it must have passed through.”

    In August 1610, a group of English settlers landed at what was then known as Cupers Cove, in Conception Bay, Newfoundland. They were led by a merchant from Bristol by the name of John Guy.

    Within years, the colonists had built several structures there, including a fort, sawmill, gristmill and brew house.

    In 2001, Mr Gilbert’s team uncovered an Elizabethan coin at the same site, which was at the time considered to be the oldest English coin found in Canada.

    The newly unearthed half groat is believed to be about 60 years older.

    Nature always finds a way….Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park…
    Wonder what Nature has up her sleeve next time around?

    • MM says:

      hm, maybe from these settlers we can get a glimpse on how to build a new civ?
      A lot of resources (wood) are a bit depleted but in some areas there is still a lot of wood.

  5. Sam says:

    Ugh those of us that are unvz might not be here they are really turning up the pressure. Friends and family are driving me crazy about vac…

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Tell them you need them to put in place a 100k bond that pays out if you come to any harm should you take the vaccine.

      If they refuse tell them to https://media.giphy.com/media/XxSTRtLbGU29rFrNVD/giphy.gif

      I have been informed S3 is available .. downloading…

    • Herbie R Ficklestein says:

      Yes. They are unrelentless at all sides. They have approved shots for children, boosters for all Adults and making up another wave coming this Winter to justify it all?
      If one does not, the harassment will be constant testing. wearing a mask and eventual outcast.
      From what I sense, the outcome has already been determined

  6. Ed says:

    After a fall we will not be able to make fiber optic cables but we will have a massive installed base of cables most of which are dark for lack of need. Even after a century of failures we will have a massive fiber communications system just living off the past. No pony express fro New York City to Los Angeles for at least two centuries.

    Likewise hydroelectric for say two centuries.

    The NYC aqueduct should be good for two centuries.

    Agreed BAU will die with collapse but many interesting and useful left overs.

    • Mike Roberts says:

      All of that infrastructure will need maintaining. Will that be possible?

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      the fiber optic cables will still be there, but the expertise and gadgets required at each end will likely not be there.

      NYC will be unlivable with no internal food production. Does the aqueduct flow via gravity or is some power needed?

      will all major cities be death traps?

      • Ed says:

        now a days detail of the aqueduct are kept hidden.

        as best as I know the new aqueduct is completely gravity feed.

        yes the repeaters and input and output devices may not survive for fiber but if we accept a factor of 1000 slow down we likely can dispense with the repeater and use simpler input and output devices. Still no need for a pony express.

        • MM says:

          I do not hink that the old telephone cables have been dug out from the ground of the ocean. The question is: where are they to be connected. Also: how long does it take for an undersea copper cable to decay. Copper is much more viable than fiber.

        • JesseJames says:

          I love it!
          One guy in NY lights a fire near the end of the fiber optic cable and blocks the light shining into the cable in Morse code.
          Another guy reads the light pulses in CA.
          Intercontinental telecommunications will still exist…just a tad slower! LOL
          Imagine surfing the web in Morse code….

    • DJ says:

      After a 99% dieoff there will be high quality shovels for several lifetimes.

  7. Ed says:

    Fast Eddy, I need you to deliver a message to TPTB. I have asked for 90% kill off but I see no results. Tell them to get their asses in gear.

    • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

      looking out over the horizon, I think I can see an uptick in excess mortality, particularly in Europe.

      could this be the start of something big?

      there is always much hope!

      • Ed says:

        hope but verify
        we will see in three years
        we can only hope

        • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

          even 3 months will be late winter.

          there should be a lot of verifiable mortality by then.

          probably less than 1%, but it’s a start.

  8. Fred says:

    Gail, it would be fascinating to listen to you and JMG debate the situation we’re in and the likely RATE of collapse. A worthy podcast.

    He usually says you’re too pessimistic and always forecasting an imminent collapse, whereas he is predicting a decline over centuries. I think technological society has climbed a very fragile, one way ladder, so urbanised areas/countries looks to be in deep shit and a candidate for rapid collapse, whereas traditional rural groups are more likely to persist.

    I also think he’s naiive to refute any possibility of a plan behind COVID. Or to be completely fair to him, he doesn’t allow discussion of that possibility in his blogs. I’d like to hear him justify his position – “elites are too dumb to pull off a plan” doesn’t cut it for me. Maybe it’s to keep discussions on a more useful path.

    • Halfvard says:

      Not only has our technological civilization climbed a fragile one way ladder, but we’ve done so the extreme that ‘traditional rural communities’ basically don’t exit other than small groups like the Amish and some very rural areas in undeveloped countries.

      Even when we compare our civilization to the collapse of Rome, rural people still knew how to grow food without fossil fuels or industrial agriculture, not to mention simple things like butchering their own animals that even most rural people don’t know how to do at this point in our civilization.

      I just don’t see how we can have a “catabolic collapse” when we rely on such a complex technological structure and don’t even have things like the number of horses or mules we’d need to operate farms without diesel-powered tractors. Between Gail’s arguments and Ugo Bardi’s simulations about a Seneca Effect, the slow long road down that Greer describes seems unlikely, if not downright impossible.

    • Rodster says:

      To be fair to JMG, human history is on his side where things tend to decline over a long period of time then collapse. Then the rebuild starts over again. We just don’t have the crystal ball to say whether Gail or JMG will make the right call. He does point to the Limits to Growth book that the future is not going to be fun. Whoever is right, it will be tough.

      “I also think he’s naiive to refute any possibility of a plan behind COVID.”

      Have you read this article he wrote on the subject? He tends to agree that there was some nefarious stuff going on before and after the Covid outbreak along with the push for the vaccines. He thinks the vaccines are not as safe as the public is being led to believe.


      • Xabier says:

        JMG might well just be protecting himself and his sites against prosecution for ‘domestic terrorism’, and ‘vaxx misinformation’, which seems to be on the cards in the US – or simply being wiped of the web for being off-narrative.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I imagine FE would not be well received by the Man in the Wizard suit….

      • Tim Groves says:

        Catblack the wizard’s hat
        Spun in lore from Dagamoor
        The skull of jade was pearl inlaid
        The silks, skin spun, repelled the Sun
        A tusk of boar with dwarfish awe

        Sobs on the door where stood before
        A mountain man with sky-blue teeth
        Upon his head a python’s wreath
        A deer he slew in the dawning’s dew
        Her heart was a dagger for a murderer’s brew.

        A toad of jet on a sill cast in brass
        Portrayed for his sight mysteries of the past
        A yellow orphan dancer rich in Nature’s costly gold
        Wept for the jailer of time to bless her old
        But his kiss he held and shadowed for the spell of nights are strong
        And spiralled like a whirlwind in the childhood of a song

        Catblack the wizard’s back
        Daubed in doom in his tonge tombed room
        We of the wind must rejoice and speak
        And kiss all our starbrowed brothers on the cheek.

        • Tim Groves says:

          At Hogwash Comprehensive, if I had turned in a poem this rough and all over the place, Norman would have given me a D minus in English composition.

    • Bei Dawei says:

      I think we need to define “collapse.”

      • davidinamonthorayearoradecade says:

        okay feel free to try.

        • Bei Dawei says:

          What I mean is, in order to evaluate Gail’s vs. JMG’s views on collapse, it would help to have specific indicators from each of them. It may be that their expectations for the short, medium, and long term are not that different from one another–only they understand “collapse” in different ways, which suggest different positions on the timeline.

          • drb says:

            More than 10% population decline? It is an arbitrary point, I know, but once that happens, even the Kareniest Karen will understand what is going on. So, that would also be a point where also the population achieves some sort of overwhelmingly shared view. Yes, I know, too late and all that.

            • JonF says:

              Dr Joseph Tainter defined collapse as

              “a rapid simplification…” He was determined to keep emotive language out of his definition. I think it’s fair enough.

              I think collapse threatened Western economies in 2008 but central bank “alchemy” (debt explosion, interest rate suppression) has delayed the rapid simplification for now…

      • DJ says:

        We also need to define not-collapse in order to determine if the process between not-collapse and collapse was slow or instant.

      • Genomir says:

        Collapse is a process not an event.

    • I haven’t seen JMG in person for several years, now. Commenter CTG has a good point (in a later comment, I believe) that perhaps catabolic collapse started years ago, back in the middle of the 20th century. We are perhaps really coming to the faster part of collapse now.

      Regarding not being any plan behind COVID, I can almost believe this. What we are encountering is how self-organizing systems work. Everyone is interested in getting in on the latest technology. Researchers from several fields seemed to think that gain of function research was a reasonable thing. Researchers don’t think through what could go wrong, just as they missed what goes wrong with nuclear. All they think about the possibility of making more money using the new technology.

      In a self-organizing system, everything seems to have several simultaneous causes. This is what makes the systems so hard to understand.

  9. Azure Kingfisher says:

    Where are my fact checkers?!

    “Based on:

    Covid CFR of 0.3%
    Pfizer Covid shots of 117 NNV
    109.4m vaccinated with 3,033 VAERS deaths

    …their shots have a negative net mortality of 8.1% compared to Covid itself.

    I.e., 108 die for every 100 putatively saved.
    Thanks $cience!”


    • Ed says:

      It seems you are one of those domestic t folks that use math.

    • I think what goes wrong in this is the “Number Needed to Vaccinate” to prevent one case is the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one case, in the short time period of the trial, with COVID going around as much as it seemed to be during the trial. These shots were supposed to last longer than the short time of the trial.

      Also, what these “vaccines” do is mostly lower the severity of the disease. That is not really measured.

      A do notice that the number of US COVID deaths was at it midpoint about January 9, 2021. This is shortly after the vaccines were rolled out. This was about 304 days ago. The number of deaths really didn’t drop much after the vaccines were rolled out. The death pattern almost goes on as before. We have yet to see what happens this winter.

    • Mike Roberts says:

      VAERS reports aren’t causal. The current CFR, as shown on Worldometer for resolved cases is 2%. Recent research suggests that might be two to three times as much.

      • Mike Roberts says:

        I meant recent research suggests the death toll could be two to three times as high as the officially reported figure bases on an analysis of excess deaths across the world.

        • Tim Groves says:

          Fine, jab yourself until your arms are seven shades of purple for all I care. And blabber on about officially reported figures as if they meant anything until you’re blue in the face. You’ll be very very happy and very very well protected I’m sure, and you will have a very merry Christmas no doubt.

          I’m off to a funeral this morning. An uncle of mine was hit by a ten-ton truck while trying to cross a highway in a tragic accident and died of Covid. I’m not sure if he was jabbed, but he was well and truly splattered.

          • Xabier says:

            How wonderful, Tim, that The Science was able to test the pieces and determine it was Covid after all.

        • Lastcall says:

          ‘Suggests!’ I suggest you avoid peer reviewed and paid for ‘The Science’ and take a look around.

          Far fewer deaths before the vex rollout, and most of those deaths were elderly where Corona V was merely one co-morbidity amongst multiple others. Now deaths spiral up and down the entire age spectrum because the vexxed have had their immune systems hacked.

          So again we have more nonsense numbers from Spike; so many double vexxed people who die are classified as unvexxed beacuse the immunity takes a month to develop.

          ‘Why should the whole of humanity (including children!) inject experimental ‘vaccines’ with increasingly worrying yet systematically downplayed adverse effects, when more than 99% of those infected, the vast majority asymptomatic, recover? The answer is obvious: because vaccines are the golden calf of the third millennium, while humanity is ‘last generation’ exploitation material in guinea pig modality.’


          • Lidia17 says:

            Lastcall, I keep allowing myself to get more and more agitated about this the longer it goes on.. because it “shouldn’t be”.

            And yet it is.

            I’m so burnt out on this I am getting like FE. I’m starting to want to see them all jab their kids and then the whole family keels over. It’s simply not possible to be so credulous.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              That’s the spirit!

              We need to stop telling them not to inject… urge them to inject… urge them to inject their kids… urge them to inject babies…

              Kill… all of … them. Purge the system of MOREONS.

              Death to MOREONS – allah.. akbar … and seig heil…

            • Student says:

              What I’ve been looking during these months is that for people it is really difficult to stay out of ‘conformity’.
              The more people are well-adjusted in society and the more people are busy with their every day life, the more is difficult for them to see things differently.
              I’ve realized it looking to some of my relatives and friends who accepted to have mRNA terapy with unwillingness.
              To do things differently, it is really necessary to have a sort of nonconformist personality and it is also necessary to keep this personality well informed on alternative media.
              Otherwise, sooner or later, one falls in the basket.
              The pressure the system is making on them is really high.
              Additionally, people now are more ‘individualized’ in society. That happened even before pandemic.
              In past eras, people spended their time more within groups of people.
              Those groups were classes.
              Now people belong to a certain class, but they may even not have any personal contact with people of their same group, so they don’t have the possibility to develop an independent consciousness and knowledge of where society is going.
              People now have more ‘interaction’ with tv, pc, smart phones etc. than with people of the same group, so they are at the mercy of powers.
              The vertical message penetrates easiliy without an orizontal one to contrast it.

            • Good points! “The vertical message penetrates easily without a horizontal one to contrast with it.”

              If a person is getting few messages from peer groups and relatives, they are easily influenced by the now, very powerful, government.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Please mike get more boosters… if we have to read your rubbish for much longer it may drive us to get the Clot Shot just to be put out of our misery.

      • Genomir says:

        VAERS is a spontaneous mechanism for reporting adverse events. All spontaneous reports are assesses as related in terms of causality (i.e. here is your causal assessment) as per regulation. This is what i do for a living. Your comment is a gross attempt in gaslighting!

    • Fast Eddy says:

      MOREONS believe 1+1 = 5 so to get them to understand this… is definitely impossible

  10. Fast Eddy says:

    Let me demonstrate just how St up id a CovIDIOT is….

    So … when faced with the fact the vaccines are only a year in the making and testing … and the question of what about long term side effects?

    Their answer is …. the vaccine technology has been in development for quite some years so it is not new and it is not tested….

    Ah I see …

    On May 14, 1796, Jenner collected matter from a cowpox sore located on a milkmaid’s hand. He then inoculated an eight-year old boy, James Phipps, with the matter. Phipps felt somewhat ill for a few days, and recovered fully.

    So the technology to create a standard vaccine has been around for over 200 years… but the process for approving a new vaccine for any disease is 10-15 years….

    If we apply the ‘logic’ that you are using … all vaccines using this ancient technology should be approved within a year… correct?

    Then we go to the assertion made by Fauci and parroted by various MOREONS on this site that with vaccines almost all the side effects occur within a short period after it is administered — he got that right if we look at VAERS!…..

    There are seldom long term side effects from vaccines…

    The obvious problem with this MOREON Logic is that there are very few long term side effects from approved vaccines BECAUSE they are tested for 10-15 years to make F789ing well sure they are safe.

    The Covid Injections … well the Covid Injections… we have no idea what happens in the long term …and the short term is a complete disaster… so assume the worst?

    I need to find some MOREONS to abuse today … perhaps a chemist in another town?

    • Lidia17 says:

      FE, an aspiring apprentice of yours?:

      I just broke someone’s brain at a CDC call center.

      First I received a pamphlet in the mail stating the FDA has approved a Covid vax so let’s get you signed up for the jab. I called the number and asked about the FDA approved one. After a long hold they read me a long explanation from the CDC.

      I asked if the FDA approved one was available. They put me on hold again and again read me a statement about how the EUA jab and FDA version are “interchangeable” so not to worry.

      I told them I was needed the FDA approved and they informed me that is is FDA approved under EUA. I replied that it was still considered experimental medicine without the FDA approval.

      I said that if I take the EUA jab that Pfizer cannot be held liable and that I needed to locate the FDA approved. She tried to tell me again that they are “interchangeable” I replied that I wouldn’t have legal recourse if I had an adverse reaction because it was still considered experimental.

      At that moment all the brain gears, levers, and wheels, all lubricated with pure CDC horse shit, stopped working in a extraordinary display of reaching the edge of their reality and the barrier between truth and cognitive dissonance. The vocal chords created a jumbled smash up sound trying to work without any signals being sent. When the clarity ended and cognitive dissonance again took hold I was asked to be put on hold again. I said that was all I needed to know and hung up.

      Well worth it.

      You might think of starting up online classes in the technique.

      • Kowalainen says:

        Your Logos multiplied by the Will to Power burst through their unwitting ignorance.

        When Logic is laying down the siege on the other end of the line, prepare for the squirms and twitches of cognitive dissonance. Ending in anger and frustration.

        Good stuff.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        1Pissedoffredhead 36 points 1 month ago +36 / -0
        Nice job! I love calling them. It’s better than the prank phone calls we made when we were kids. You have to be patient when being put on hold. It’s part of their breakdown process. Priceless!!!

        hahaha…yes true… I am going to call and order 6 pizzas to be picked up by Mike Hunt.

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    Taiwan blocks second Pfizer doses for teens because of Myocarditis


    No big deal… as long as they get at least one shot….

  12. Azure Kingfisher says:

    This is funny stuff:

    Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil, has a conversation with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO about lockdowns, “vaccine” passports, infection and deaths among the “vaccinated” at the recent G20 summit in Rome, Italy:


    Teddy’s responses in the clip posted on Twitter:

    “I think we don’t need more lockdowns.”

    “We are not recommending [“vaccine” passports] as the vaccination rate in several countries is still low. So access to the vaccine is low and requiring the certificate could be discrimination.”

    “The vaccine does not prevent COVID but it does prevent serious illness and death. This is the purpose.”

    On many in Brazil who got the second dose dying: “As you said, there can be some cases like that. Especially those who have comorbidities, some other underlying conditions or underlying health conditions.”

    Bolsonaro says: “In his words, the WHO does not recommend the vaccine for children. So we have to make a note in that regard saying that the WHO does not recommend it.”

    On the origin of the virus: “We are still studying it.” Everyone gathered around smiles at this.

    • Lidia17 says:

      I saw that.. when Bolsonaro asks about the origin of the virus they all start laughing, including him!!

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        Yep. Everyone in the boys club appeared to acknowledge they’d just waded into the bullshit.

  13. Herbie R Ficklestein says:

    423 million COVID-19 doses administered. 3,100 injury claims filed. $0 paid out.
    Ken Alltucker, USA TODAY
    Wed, November 10, 2021, 3:49 PM

    The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paused the J&J vaccine in April after reports of adverse events before deciding the benefits outweighed the risks of keeping it off the market. Of more than 15.5 million doses of the vaccine administered as of Oct. 27, the FDA and CDC identified 48 cases of people who developed blood clots and low platelet counts, a condition called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.

    Several studies have shown vaccines are safe and effective and serious side effects are uncommon. Of the more than 423 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States administered through Nov. 1, reports of death remain extremely rare, just .0022% of doses administered. And those reports collected through a joint CDC-FDA reporting database, called Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, don’t necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the death.
    Spears’ case is among 3,158 claims alleging injuries from COVID-19 interventions since the beginning of the pandemic. Of those claims, 1,357 allege injuries or deaths from COVID-19 vaccine.

    None of those claims has been paid, and only two vaccine cases have been rejected. One rejected claim alleged the vaccine caused swelling of the tongue and throat, difficulty speaking, swallowing and dizziness. The other alleged the vaccine caused a sustained shoulder injury.

    Just one COVID-19 claim has been deemed eligible for compensation, but HRSA staff is reviewing allowable expenses. That leaves more than 3,000 cases still under review, a pace that frustrates people such as James Spears who want answers.


    You signed the Consent form….there is no recourse or compensation….tuff tittie’s

  14. Azure Kingfisher says:

    This could get interesting:

    Comment: Whitehat – 11/11/2021

    “I have access to a population of entrenched govt worker employees who are powerful and compensated beyond belief. They talk to me a lot. And, most here know the situation. The mayor is mandating a lot take the vexx without many exceptions.

    “Given Karl’s points, this city and others in similar situations should get ready for massive private settlements and major lawsuits dwarfing anything previous.

    “I know this crowd. They love to pull disability stunts when not otherwise sucking the system for everything that it is worth. Many openly said that they were taking the vexx (yea, sounds stupid to us here.) in the hopes that they could claim a disability or injury when the fish hits the shan. See, they really do know what we know, and follow many of the same sources.

    “Having a potential criminal and civil claim against all sorts of officials and corporate executives and key people is setting the stage for another fraud so massive that there will be no way to properly validate claims.

    “They have lined up their attorneys and are all waiting for the right moment to strike. A lot are thinking take a shot and retire with full benefits by around age 45, many much younger; this time with a massive settlement or annuity.

    “**** all, I will not own real estate or operate a business with a permanent status in any blue (or red liberal) city or town. The settlements are going to cost them massively, and the money has to come from somewhere.

    “Think of all of the classes of people injured through organizational and corporate mandates. For example a university could try to shift the blame for their mandates which harmed students to federal and corporate officials.

    “These are just a few examples.

    “Expect a decade of finger pointing as everyone tries to shift blame, and a lot in the non-special employment situations get very little.

    “Biden and company should save a good portion of the build it back program as they are going to need the funds to create some sort of resolution trust fund to ‘help’ people who can prove and scam that they were victims. Probably why there are such severe penalties planned for fake vexxing cards. They do occasionally plan ahead.

    “If one can get a genuine vexx proof card where the **** went in the garbage can instead of the arm, one might have paper worth more than gold. Wanna bet lots of people have already set this up? There are lots of ways for a person to make himself appear to be sick.

    “Aside: a large group of NYC POS Firefighters were accused of having fake vexxine cards including some higher-ups such as captains and above. It has been kept very quiet, but they are in deep ****. Now those who have nurses and other medical professionals in their families; that’s another story.

    “Remember Americans, we pay for the mistakes and crimes of others. This time twice.”


    • Minority of One says:

      Fantasy. The money will not be there. You can compensate a few but not millions.

    • Ed says:

      There is no need for fake cards. One could go to ones doctor and go into a room with him/her and a vial of vax. Close the door hand the doctor $10,000 and the doctor draws one dose and squirts it down the drain. Real vax, real vax dose number, real vax card, no harmful side effects. I bet there are hundreds of doctors in NYC that have just become millionaires several times over.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        If someone like norm did that he’d be down 30k… with another 10k bill coming due in a few weeks.

        And another and another and another ….

      • jj says:

        Good point. The system is vulnerable. Any database is. What is needed is something that will mark the injected in the injection. Its the only way to be sure.

  15. Adonis says:

    Bitcoin crypto is the future that is the only way interest rates will be taken pass the zero bound into negative rates for a long time house prices to the moon remember what the elders said , you wont own nothing and you will be happy energy food prices will be alot higher also

    • I have a hard time believing that bitcoin crypto will really be internationally traded. It is hard to believe it will be used in international manufacturing contracts, for example.

    • Lidia17 says:

      Doesn’t inflation do the same thing with less overhead and complexity? The only use I can see for Bitcoin is that it kettles a lot of investment (speculative investment) into a cul de sac that can be conveniently cut off at any time. It keeps metals and other commodities lower than they would otherwise be, no?

  16. A hydrogen bomb at Korea in 1951 would have ended any chance of BTS and Squid Game.

    Instead Korea is eating a lot of fossil fuel while producing none of it.

  17. Today is Veterans’ Day.

    A day to salute the idiots who fought to keep Britain and France intact, but more accurately,

    fought to keep the world safe for nonwhites, who contributed NOTHING to the modern world.

    And now the nonwhites are about to win the final victory.

    • This is what a government website says about Veterans’ Day.


      World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” – officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”

      The majority of Federal Employees get the day off (for example, people delivering main), but hardly anyone else gets time off for the day.

      • Germany won the Great War, and Woodie WIlson and the doughboys went to Europe to cheat it away from Berlin.

        For whom? For the Poles? For the Czechs, Letts, Estonians, etc? None of them establishing a coherent state , even now? Only Czechia, formerly the richest province of Austria-Hungary, might be considered to have some economic power, but still peanuts by the standards held by the major European countries.

        The Veterans Day celebrates the action which eventually Made the Non-Westerners Great Again.

    • MonkeyBusiness says:

      Of course they will win. White people’s contributions are all negatives anyways. Who started the two World Wars? Whites. Who started the world on this massive industrialization that’s destroying the planet? Whites.

      Look justice is coming over that yonder hill.


      • Charles Murray’s Human Achievement has nothing to say about the nonWest prior to 1950

        If the Great Khan lived for 5 more years while the Mongols had taken Liegnitz, Germany (which the Poles stole in 1945 with Soviet help) on 1241 the world would still be riding horsecarriages and sailboats now

        • MonkeyBusiness says:

          Is Charles Murray God? Of course whiteys will put whiteys on the pedestal. Like seriously? The universe probably does not give a crap.

          And yet you know of Genghis Khan. Also, the East never went through the Dark Age. Takes a special kind of genius to reach that kind of level.

      • Kowalainen says:

        Yup, and within temptation is truth for all ‘colors’ of a species.

        Can’t have the cookie and eat it. Hand back your “white mans” shiny gadgets and gizmos. Start with your computer, internet connection and car. Follow it up with the electricity.

        We’re all accomplices. Or just eager “victims” of our copiates, hopiates, wants and desires.

        Who’s to blame? How about a long look in the mirror?


        • MonkeyBusiness says:

          Dude, I lived through the 80s. Be happy to hand in all the things you mentioned. And thanks to the lack of energy, someday I will turn those in, like it or not.

          Saying everyone is an accomplice does not address the degree of complicity. Yes everyone is going to hell, but hei look who will be at the deepest level??

    • Bei Dawei says:

      Jesus wept.

  18. CTG says:

    The obvious :
    Despite Vaccine Passport Schemes, COVID Cases Surging Across Europe


    Singapore reports 2,396 new COVID-19 cases and 8 more deaths


    • Student says:

      Yes, in Europe the situation is deteriorating again.
      In Berlin, Germany, there will a lockdown for not vaccinated from Monday on.
      Following the same scheme decided by the new Austrian government.
      Although everybody knows by now that also vaccinated people can trasmit the v/rus.
      The only pass would make sense it is a test for every person who wants to enter public closed environments.
      Otherwise it is only either a discrimination act or a devious attempt to push for mRNA terapies.


      • drb says:

        This is entirely predictable. Ukraine has the highest mortality yet since the beginning (euromomo.eu). Russia certainly has a viral wave ongoing with many people I know being sick. As the cold season progresses, first Northern and then Southern Europe will be similarly affected.

        I think the evidence is overwhelming that the virus virulence is increasing over time, in violation of evolutionary principles. There are three conceivable explanations: intentional dissemination of a series of viri, Marek effect, or weakened immune systems due to prior vaccination.

        • Student says:

          Point one cannot be excluded.
          Although at the moment it is seems that Geert Vander Bossche is the closest one to understand what was and is going on.
          (I mean in terms of v/\cc/nations).

        • Lidia17 says:

          also adverse vacx reactions being labeled Covid..

        • Ukraine is sort of an outlier case on the list here, because of the serious level impoverishment both on personal level (can’t buy the protocol pills at pharmacy for cash) but also in terms of available infrastructure (health care system malperforming). However, I’d guesstimate they could/should score way better, given the proximity to vast rural potential of natural remedies, but it’s evidently under utilized source evidently for them now..

        • Jan says:

          The virus should become more and more harmless and sooner or later endemic.

          There is a plosone study from 2012 saying that any mutation of any coronavirus could start an adverse reaction of the immune system (ADE, cycotin storm) to the vaccinated. This is not due to any mRNA technology but a speciality of the corona virus itself. In animal testing all died. It is an awfully painful death btw.

          Mitigation is a way to actively create mutations. I guess it is just a question of time.

        • Alex says:

          Actually, there’s a fourth possible explanation: most of the people not longer give a shit about the virus.

          Yes, I get it, it’s such a boring, non-sensational explanation.

        • JMS says:

          And the right answer is of course number 3: weakened immune systems due to prior vaccination.
          Undoubtly the covid-morons will know the full price of their gullibility in the next winter(s).

        • postkey says:

          ” . . . intentional dissemination of a series of viri, . . . “?

          “The Washington Post reported that 5 million people left Wuhan between January 10 (the start of the Chinese New Year travel rush) and the lockdown.[1] . . .
          Already we have very strong evidence that Covid-19 was deliberately spread. The disease was observed to spread rapidly throughout Wuhan indicating it was very contagious, yet millions left Wuhan for the new-year celebrations in their ancestral towns, and barely spread the disease, indicating it is hardly contagious at all. Then it suddenly becomes very contagious in Iran, and Italy.” ??


          • Fast Eddy says:

            I recall this and was expecting China to be overwhelmed… didn’t happen… big red flag went up

      • Belgium, Austria and Ireland look particularly bad.

        Relative to the others, Germany is a whole lot lower, but the trajectory is definitely upward.

        This list is only for Western Europe. Eastern Europe has been having a COVID problem for a while.

        • Student says:

          According to ourworldindata, the percentage of fully vaccinated people per Country you mention is:

          Ireland 77%
          Belgium 75%
          Germany 69%
          Austria 66%

          (benchmark Israel is 67%, although maybe for them ‘fully vaccinated’ means three doses)

          But the ‘bad’ situation is also probably affected by a crossed relation with the following (leaving apart avderse events for vac.):

          1) number of months passed after last dose
          2) kind of suggested medicines by doctors for home treatment*
          3) economical availability for people to buy those medicines
          4) hospital capacity
          5) quality of hospital treatments


          * for example I’ve heard that in Italy doctors are anyway suggesting anti-inflammatory medicines also for a normal cold, in order to be on the safe side (in contrast with official health ministry protocol to use a disputed medicine called ‘tachipirina’ in case of Cov/d)

          • Ed says:

            would love to know vitamin D levels

            • drb says:

              I actually know. My mother in Italy is told to take only so much vitamin D. Her levels are just above 20 ng/ml and do prevent rickets. But serious reduction of covid starts at 30 ng/ml. There is no way to make her double her intake because she has been told that too much D is toxic.

              Then there is the former classmate who is an unsung hero. She understands the power of vitamin D and prescribes it freely. The local government has called her in and reprimanded her for prescribing too much vitamin D. She understands that after the third reprimand she will be fired, but calculates that she will get the third one 3-6 months after she retires. I have not spoken to her in a while, she is probably at two now.

        • Jan says:

          You don’t know Austria?

          The language is escalating, the chancellor said non vaccinated should be put the reins on, which degrades humans to horses and caused a scandal. The Minister of Agriculture said, the solidarity with the non vaccinated that refuse any solidarity is now over, which got her a lawsuit for hate speech. A lot of people want to avoid troubles and get a vaccination, on the other hand even the mainstream media admit, the vaccines do not protect from severe illness, nor from infection, nor do they reduce cases or people in intensive care. More and more people oppose the measures. The new tiny party MFG, founded by lawyers, is demanding criminal prosecution of responsible politicians and officers.

          The new ordinance demands everybody to be tested, vaccinated or recovered to go to work. Supermarkets and public transports are accessable without test wearing a mask. Hospitals cannot be accessed without vaccination, which is bad for parents caring for smaller children. Pregnant women must be vaccinated to get medcal care. Hair dressers and restaurants can just be accessed with a vaccination. Hundreds of small companies now stop work.

          If you are tested positive you must stay in your own flat without medical care or ajy help – which is bad for the elderly. If you develop severe symptoms you can go to hospital care. The opposition accuses the government to thus raise statistcs and to refuse medcal treatment.

          Public tv, that has long shown Danmark, which has a higher vaccinatiin quota, as example, now reports that the Danish need mitigation again, which means the vaccinations do not work. The government ordered 40 million shots for less that 9 million people which does not work out to two jabs per person. People are now gossiping about weekly shots.

          Austria is special!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        When it’s a pandemic of the vaccinated… you lock down the unvaccinated… hahahahahahaha

        In an attempt to force the unvaccinated to get injected …hahahahahahahaha…

        It’s so easy to roll out the most illogical policies when you are dealing with Total MOREONS.

        And they say they should have more democracy… hahahahahahaha…. jeez.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Hmmm… maybe they need to give them some more of the same substance that has failed to stop the spread and deaths?

      See….. I am trying to walk in normdunc’s brains…. to think like they think….

    • CTG says:

      I just skim through the article above from Channel New Asia. I stand corrected but there is NO mention of how many of those who died are vaccinated or unvaccinated. This is a new outlet and I am so sorry for those who cannot read between the lines but the omission of that piece of information is as good as coverup and brings down the value of the article because if they omit that piece of information, then any of the information inside there can be easily doctored and nothing can be believed. The omission is just plain “100% vaccinated” and they have no choice but still have to publish “some data”.

      There will be some people here on OFW (I think you know who) will claim that if you go to the Ministry of Health website, you can check out the details, blah .. blah blah…. (cue Greta). Again, that person will miss the forest for the trees. This is a new outlet. Does that person realize that if the reality fits the narrative, there is no need for any digging. For example : if it is all unvaccinated, they will even put it in the headlines like “16 dead and all unvaccinated”.

      In my country, I have relatives who are saying that they seem to be “sicker than normal”. Of course all are jabbed and I am just keeping quiet because no one will understand what I am saying if I point to the vaccines. they are just NPCs (Non player characters in this simulation)

      For those who cannot understand what I have written, I am sorry to say that you lack brain horsepower. Look up to FE for some cure (if there is any).

      It is also a known fact, be it stories from healthcare workers or even newspaper reports that the hospitals, especially ICU has been stretch tight in Singapore. Also note that Singapore is a tropical country where the temperature is constant everyday with no winter.

      Coming back to look at the macro picture and not the trees (mind you there are a few here who always miss the big picture when discussing events).

      1. There are a few events that are converging simultaneously and we don’t have solutions (another predicated heaped upon energy issues)

      2. ADE causes COVID to be more deadly to those who are vaccinated. This is an internal body issue faced by the vaccinated.

      3. Those who are not affected by ADE has a seriously reduced immune system. So, if it is not COVID, they can be even brought down by normal flu or any other disease. It can be even airborne or waterborne because the immunity is down.

      4. Adverse effects of the vaccine. There should be no argument at all. They are seeking treatment for clots, heart problems, etc.

      Now, combining points 2, 3 and 4, you have the perfect storm for hospital overload. In fact, I would say that just any one of them is enough to overload the system.

      PLUS – add in the fact that many of the healthcare workers are being terminated due to vaccine mandates (especially in EU and North America).

      PLUS – EU is having energy shortage and natural gas shortage. So, this winter, what happens when (not if bu when) blackout happens and hospitals cannot operate without enough diesel for the generator?

      PLUS – perhaps there might be a shortage of medication (non COVID related) that no one is reporting or NOT support to report

      PLUS – shortages of other critical components that no one thought of, small and insignificant but critical like just a lowly screw or fuse ?

      PLUS – air travel is opening up in Asia (especially my country Malaysia) which will only cause easy exchange of DNA/RNA

      So, what else to expect?

      oh… I just talked to a friend of mine who is educated and successful in his career. He said he is just simple minded and does not question the data from government when I asked why he is not skeptical of the data being published.

      So, we come a complete circle. There is no way out at all to this predicament (that is why it is called a predicament anyway)

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Yes isn’t this all marvelous!

        At what point do the CovIDIOTS come to the realization that the vaccines have not only failed… but that they are poison?

        Surely in a place like Singapore when you have nearly 100% compliance with only the children not Tripled Up … even a Stooopid MOREON is going to recognize that the bulging hospitals ain’t full of unvaxxed… cuz their ain’t any …

        What happens to the brain of a CovIDIOT when that moment arrives? Does it literally explode?

        I suspect they will go into a catatonic state… similar to their normal state (of stooopidity) only much deeper… that protects the brain from splattering…

        This is coming along very very nicely…. open up those travel corridors… let the MOREONS Mix … create more mutations … fill the hospitals… reduce staff … CovIDIOTS dying on the streets for want of ICU space…

        Total Fear. Pound the drum harder… more terror…. more death… more mutations … immune exhaustion kicks in … (or you just inject saline instead of the boosters…)

        Nightmare Scenario. Epic Deaths….

        People lock themselves down… no eating children… ad campaign on tee vee ‘Don’t Eat a Child No Matter How Hungry You Get – They Might Be Infected!!!’

        Food truck stops delivering … hold tight we’ll be there on Saturday … comes Tuesday … but it’s just a loaf of bread and some cup of noodles… body weakening … must stay locked down .. FEAR FEAR FEAR … news is full of photos of bodies on street…

        Stay home stay home… food coming … Thursday… hmmmm… no food… and it’s Sunday … gnawing on the leather belts… hungry .. weak… two weeks no food delivery … want to kill a child and eat… but FEAR FEAR FEAR — INFECTED!!!

        Eating grass now … and bark… hunger grips you … very weak… dying… where is the food delivery guy????

        3 weeks nothing but grass … lie in bed waiting for food truck… announcements keep saying coming soon…

        One month … lawn is all eaten… very weak… unable to move now… skeletal… no power…

        Sleep 20 hours/day… gasping for air.. all systems failing… FEAR FEAR FEAR …


        • Lidia17 says:

          Interesting that Gates just came out and said they don’t work—wonder how that will be digested by the MSM. He says it’s horrific, and then starts laughing about needing to spend more money on R&D.

          (27 sec.)

          Hilarious that he wraps up saying we need “a new way of doing the vaccine”.

          This already IS the “new way of doing vaccines”, Bill.. remember?

          Oy veh.

          • Genomir says:

            I get certain tint of eastern european sarcasm and experience in your comments. And before being acused of anytging, I count those as very positive traits.

  19. yt75 says:

    “Climate models assume a large amount of fossil fuels will be burned in the
    – If fossil fuel prices rise endlessly, perhaps modeling makes sense
    – If real problem is chronically low prices, fossil fuels will stay in the ground

    This is just plain wrong : climate models do not assume anything regarding CO2 emissions. They are just climate models , that is mathematical/computational models of the earth/atmosphere/oceans system. And then you feed them with emissions scenarios.

    In fact you can do it yourself online now : https://live.magicc.org/

    But it is true that there are most probably not enough fossile fuels to burn for the worst scenario (SR 8.5)

    On the other hand who knows what will happen when the fossile fuels ressource constraints start to really hurt(like -5% barrels per year), will deforestation go wild for instance ?

  20. Adonis says:

    Hie there finite worlders especially fast eddie thanks for the great humour there are quite a lot of movies out there with messages about the depopulation one i saw the other night was kingsman secret service so the elders are telling us it is definitely occurring so whatever you do don’t get the vaccine it looks like that this depopulation will be a copy of the Spanish flu depopulation but alot worse think under a billion people left by 2050. I believe that all the anti vaxxers will eventually be blamed for the pro vaxxers deaths and will end up in special re education camps yep its all downhil1 from here folks.

    • We earlier talked about forecasts for the military by the Deagel consulting organization.
      In 2019, the organization was forecasting that by 2025, US population would fall from 332 million to 99 million.

      The last column Deagel gives is a per capita dollar amount. I am not sure whether it is GDP per capita or wages per capita. It seems to fall from $55,300 per person to $16,374.

      This is a link to a video that someone took of the website, the day before the Deagel Forecasts site was taken down.

      • Tim Groves says:

        This is just a personal opinion with no corroboration from evidence, but I think the Deagel forecast actually represents a target, a goal, or an objective for the Davos crowd. And the virus/vaccine/green economy lockstep strategy is the means to get us there, or at least moving us in that general direction.

        Most people would call me crazy for suggesting it. Even two years ago I thought these Deagel figures were outside the realm of possibility, but now I’m not so sure. A year from now, we will know a lot more about how events are moving than we do now. 2025 is still more than three long years away.

        A nuclear war might cause Daegel forecast levels of depopulation and GNP destruction, but nobody could control the snowball that a nuclear war would set rolling. However, the lockstep strategy and the energy items on the green agenda are much more maneuverable, malleable, targetable, and manageable.

        • Lidia17 says:

          You may not be far wrong, Tim. It’s been useful for me these past years to be flexible in re-framing, and even inverting the received wisdom for a clearer picture. Poverty/crime, victims/oppressors and what have you.

          I think it’s easy to imagine such drops, or even greater ones, just by looking at the fertilizer situation alone as a single factor. If 40% of our required nitrogen really does come from FF processes, then the best case is that the pop. drops by 40% when that industrial fertilizer goes away. But that’s not usually how shortages happen, with 60% of the people getting 100% of their requirements, and 40% getting zero. It ends up being less than 60% surviving.. including the possibility of everyone getting only 60% of their requirements and thus everyone perishing (to the extent that “equality” is enforced).

      • Alex says:

        Deagel.com is just a random disinfo site, which for some unknown reason is able to hypnotize certain people with numbers pulled out of someone’s ass.

        James Corbett did a video about this issue recently:

        • Tim Groves says:

          Yes, there is that. Come to think of it, those Deagel numbers always did pong as if they were fermenting.

          And most humans are easily hypnotized. Tell them a good story with plenty of excitement or emotional impact and they are riveted.

          It’s the same way bamboozles (lovely word, especially they way Carl Sagan pronounces it) operate. Or horoscopes. Or Astounding Tales. Or the sordid or shocking stories in the National Enquirer or the News of the World. Or the novels of Dickens or Balzac.Or even the tale of the impending end of BAU and where that will take us. It’s all based on human interest. Most of us love to be enchanted by a good narrative.

          • Bobby says:

            Regarding narratives, Well, we all remember Deagel dies very early in the piece. Right before what’s his name (‘what’s ya name?, Ahhh, ma name is, we forgots my love, we did. Ah my name is!…. My Name Is??? My name is……). disappears

      • Artleads says:

        i’M SO OUT OF IT THAT i DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT DEAGLE. I did a search and found a link that had some interesting reading in it, dated 2020. `But I can’t say what it has to do with the deagle website over all. The following is just a link, and what it fits into is incomprehensible so far, Meanwhile I scrolled down to some text that was somewhat clear. Major war could be up on us soon from the look of it.


        • drb says:

          I am one of the optimists here, and I think the danger of major wars is at a decade low. There is just no fuel to wage war and harvest crops at the same time. For better or worse the military runs on diesel, which is were the most severe shortages are. And this at a time when you either expand nuclear dramatically, if you want to maintain some semblance of civilization. And nuclear plants come from coal and diesel.

          The produced kerosene is all spoken for and itself turned into diesel. There are no metals to build new airplanes. And, since 80% of the conflicts are initiated by the US, there is no longer sufficient qualified personnel, self-contained, vertically integrated supply chains, and morale among the troops to wage that war.

          No, it was decided a few years ago that the internal front was paramount, and that only few resources were to be devoted to harassing Russia, China and Iran (plus Venezuela and the rest). If you are not in the 0.01%, you can stop worrying about various Eurasian nations, and focus on defending against your leadership.

          • Harry says:

            good one!

          • artleads says:


          • jj says:

            Recently i encountered a government bus of some sort. It was a huge thing. It was painted with caricatures of people who had gotten the injection. I was struck by its surrealism and its obvious resemblance to previous wartime propaganda posters.

            War not possible? When has it stopped? The USA has been at war for most all of my lifetime and is so now. Our economy is divided in between the military industrial complex and financial institutions.

            And now big pharma seems to be claiming a place in the MIC hall of fame.

            What has changed is the pandemic represents a escalation in control over the mideast limited war society. We were never in danger of having the USA physically invaded by the Taliban or Iraq. Terrorist acts aside the idea of “losing” a war via invasion did not exist in the mideast wars but it does exist in the pandemic as casualties occur domestically. A invasion of the virus HAS occurred thus more control can be justified. Having being primed in the idea of biological warfare invasion now if more control is needed all that is needed is a new biological weapon with higher body count and a identified enemy source.

            I dont believe the “bottleneck” in long beach. Any longshoreman with two years on the dock could make that go away if given authority. Goods are being rationed.

            War has a long history of allowing draconian measures including goods rationing and also silencing of opinions other than the official.

            The energy needed to create most of the weapons needed for a limited war has already been expended. The shelf life of these weapons is not infinite. If you regard the weapons as assets with declining value the solution is to use them. If that use has a purpose all the better.

            A war with China would mean not only consumer goods but goods vital to infrastructure would cease being imported. Those consequences are not appealing to anybody including those who would like the control a war would give them. Im afraid that is what I see as the main barrier to a limited Kabuki conflict. A kabuki conflict with russia would not end good imports but homy dont play that. A kabuki conflict with China depends on how much they desire increasing the control of a existing wartime economy /society VS unintended consequences. IMO it also depends on how fast things deteriorate. If things are going to hell because of resource depletion they need a plausible reason to maintain and assert control

            My guess- and its only that- is that the escalation in rhetoric over Taiwan is a prelude to a mutually agreed upon kabuki conflict possibly with biological weapons. I could be wrong and have been many times.
            I agree that energy will not be squandered in a large scale conventional war. A nuclear war does not take energy and in fact would eliminate the capacity to supply it thus eliminating its consumption. I see that as not out of the question but unlikely. Too much infrastructure damage.

            Its musical chairs. The music is stopping via resource depletion. Kabuki conflict. Are you not entertained?

            I may not be correct in naming the tune but it cant be denied there is one less chair now.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              I would not be surprised if .. as the CEP is completing… every nuke on the planet is unleashed for the purpose of adding another layer of extermination (virus – starvation – nukes – fuel ponds) … ensuring that there is zero ripping of faces.

              A job is only worth doing if it’s done right … and thoroughly

  21. Harry McGibbs says:

    “The world’s food-import bill is set to jump even more than expected to a record this year, increasing the threat of hunger, especially in the poorest nations.

    “Higher shipping rates and prices of foodstuffs from grains to vegetables are likely to drive the cost of importing food up by 14% to $1.75 trillion, the United Nations said. It also warned of higher bills as farm inputs get more expensive.”


  22. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Uzbekistan has come clean about acute power shortages as water levels in reservoirs powering hydroelectric stations fall to critically low levels, sparking blackouts across Central Asia…

    ““The volume of output of electric power at the country’s hydroelectric stations has fallen by almost 23 percent in connection with this year’s water shortage, which affects power supplies to consumers,” the Energy Ministry said.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Electricity Shortages Are Causing Chaos In Tajikistan… Some medical facilities in rural areas have to use diesel-fueled power generators during the power cuts, but not all village hospitals can afford them.

      “Patients in Hospital N4 in the village of Khudoyor Rajabov in the southern district of Vose say they spend the nights in dark, cold hospital rooms.”


    • Tourists won’t want to visit Uzbekistan, if what they can expect is rolling blackouts. So the problem affects many parts of the economy.

      • Hubbs says:

        I for one would love to visit these areas…if I could. Others, especially if they know Russian, have this opportunity.In Azerbaijan.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        It’s one of four countries on my bucket list.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          We were there a few years ago and were on a long drive across a very parched area of the country and were told by the driver that the Aral Sea ran dry because the feeder system was diverted to grow cotton…

          Oh I said … I’d heard about that … so how do you irrigate the cotton now… he points to a river in the distance… I look at a rather feeble ‘river’ and comment — it looks like that river is rather tapped out…

          Oh no he says… it’s fine… nothing to worry about.

          let’s refer to him as ‘norm’

  23. Mirror on the wall says:

    Collapse and misanthropy?

    The way that I see it, it is just natural processes and cycles of advance and retreat, expansion and decay, the boom and bust of cultures and populations. It has happened throughout human history, and with other species.

    It is just how the world works. It is not because anyone is ‘guilty’, which is entirely imaginary. Humans are organic drives in motion, the same as other species. They pursue growth, they hit limits and then they bust. Nothing else should be expected.

    It seems that some human egos struggle with a situation simply being ‘bad’, and they are able to cope with it better if there is some ‘reason’, some ‘blame’ to be apportioned, even of the entire species. It is a ‘coping mechanism’. Negative emotions are given a ‘moral’ basis as ‘hope’ gives way.

    So, some reconcile themselves to civilisational collapse with a ‘misanthropy’, a contempt for humanity. But they may as well condemn all species, life itself, if they are going to condemn humans because things do not always go well. ‘That’s life.’

    The same tendency is perhaps reflected in the Bible, where death, struggle and misery are accounted for through an ‘original sin’. The situation is ‘moralised’, blame is apportioned, to make the situation ‘explicable’ and perhaps more ‘bearable’ for them. Negative emotions are given some focus.

    Resentment and vindictiveness (blame) are liable to come to the psychological foreground. It is a challenge to accept life as it is, with its ‘good’ and ‘bad’ moments, without recourse to that defamatory ‘moralisation’ (or ‘demoralisation’?) Bad things happen, that is just a part of life.

    So, I tend to see the whole ‘misanthropic’ thing as a primitive psychological coping mechanism that some people still find ‘helpful’. Personally it is not where I wish to be intellectually or emotionally. Personally I find misanthropy to be pretty pointless and very unsightly.

    One might say that the misanthropic condemn and perhaps even renounce all biological impulses but somehow the ‘moral’ impulse remains intact, unchallenged and ‘condemning’ all – which seems a bit arbitrary and silly, especially as the latter is obviously supposed to be in the service of the former. It could be called ‘frustration’.

    But everyone has to cope in their own way, and it would be unreasonable to expect everyone to cope in the same way. Some people will be more ‘subjective’ and others more ‘objective’. Not everyone is the same, and we have to be ‘objective’ about that too. It is what it is.

    Perhaps the general point anyway is that people ‘have to be’ what they are – which is also why collapse is happening in the first place. ‘Humans gonna do what they gonna do.’ Some ‘self-overcoming’ may be possible for some people but people likely have to find their own way through that as they ‘mature’.

    • Well, I’m far from the most traveled guy under the sun, but had been to some place numerous time with significant time delay, and the “locust like” destruction humanoids evidently applied on the area was nauseating. Perhaps we have to acknowledge several forms, degrees and motivations for misanthropy..

    • US Blacks have created hymns that give them hope. “Soon and very soon” is a hymn that was sung at the funeral of one of my uncles, who was a pastor.


      • Student says:

        It is a very nice song. Thank you.
        Gospel songs creates a sense of joy, emotion and partecipation, while European classical religious songs create a sense of still admiration.
        I’ve heard many musicians say that it depends by the accords used, but, above all, by the kind of rhythm applied.
        People who created both kind of songs knew very well music, but also were influenced by their personal experience and by the objective they wanted to reach with their music too.

        Sorry to go a little out of topic, but talking about music, for instance, it is well known the story about the LA intonation dispute (A intonation).
        According to old music and Giuseppe Verdi’s school of thinking was necessary to have 432 Hz, while during past century it was brought to 440 Hz, which stretches the music towards a more ‘active’ experience, related also to something similar many musician describe to be a ‘military march’.
        440 Hz is now the current worldwide standard.
        One can do many things with music…
        It is an interesting story, which here one can find some interesting reference and maybe one can find some relation to what we are discussing in this blog:

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Soon and very soon,

        We are going to see the King,

        Soon and very soon,

        We are going to see the King.

        Soon and very soon,

        We are going to see the King,

        Hallelujah, hallelujah,

        We are going to see the King.

        No need to wait… the King holds court on OFW every day.

    • Kowalainen says:

      Right; it is pointless to cope with inevitabilities. However, it is entertaining to play with ideas and hypotheses without any belief, as Aristotle taught mankind. I doubt there is many somewhat sapient and sentient people that really believe in an afterlife, that is just a compartmentalization, coping, strategy.

      Regarding thinking in terms of killing ‘em all or spare a few sorry schmucks to start all over with a slightly different genetic makeup, well, it all eventually boils down to a branching strategy, perhaps into Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, or putting the entire hominid trunk under the axe. Perhaps a return to simpler times swinging in the proverbial trunks and branches of trees.

      Maybe that can be considered plain old assisted evolution. Same thing humans have been busying themselves with regards to our domesticated flora and fauna. They’re just relevant with humans around. The same could be stated for the Rapacious Primate; that is if we are the output of assisted evolution. Dead in the water without our ‘alien’ overlords.

      However, I think it is good with ‘free’ choice. It brings out the worst and the best of the species in question. For sure it must be great drama and comedy to watch it unfold and plunge into the inevitable abysses of boredom and failure.

      Within temptation is truth
      — Oat Jesus

      It’s always darkest before it goes *boom*
      — 🤣👍👍

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Feel free to kill yourself any time you like.

        • Harry McGibbs says:

          ^^^This seems unnecessary.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            Seemingly ‘unpleasant’ does not equate with ‘unnecessary’ in such discussions. In any case, I doubt that he needs you to stick up for him.

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              “Seemingly ‘unpleasant’” There’s no “seemingly” about it, Mirror.

              And weren’t you the one feeling so victimised a few posts back that you were pointing other commenters towards a proposed change in the UK law that would see trolls jailed for causing psychological harm?


            • Mirror on the wall says:

              You are obviously just going on the attack because you think that you have some pretext that ‘justifies’ you – spite and vindictiveness on full display. Maybe you should go and watch an episode of Eastenders instead.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Mirror on the wall commented on Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told.

              in response to Mirror on the wall:

              Seemingly ‘unpleasant’ does not equate with ‘unnecessary’ in such discussions. In any case, I doubt that he needs you to stick up for him.

              You are obviously just going on the attack because you think that you have some pretext that ‘justifies’ you – spite and vindictiveness on full display. Maybe you should go and watch an episode of Eastenders instead.


            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Keeping it classy as usual. Was that an attempt to allude to ethnicity? Why always go for identity? Will you be joining a neo-fascist movement next?

          • Harry McGibbs says:

            Just pointing out your barefaced hypocrisy, Mirror – talking about kindness and “playing the man instead of the ball…” but only when it suits her.

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              I guarantee you that courts would laugh at your claim. The retort ‘feel free to kill yourself’ is a standard retort in philosophy debates – in the context of discussions of the ‘will to life’, the condemnation and renunciation of biological drives, and misanthropy – along with ‘well then how can that be true’ when people claim that ‘there is no truth’. Claims have consequences and philosophy tends to highly value consistency. If you cannot stomach such discussions then do not follow them – no one is forcing you to.

              On the other hand the courts certainly would take an issue with harassing people over ‘gender’, like calling them ‘she’ just to try to unnerve them. That is how the law works at the moment. If you do not like then phone up your MP and complain.

              Do not waste my time with your petty personal resentments.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Are you a tranny freak?

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              “I guarantee you that courts would laugh at your claim.”

              I am an adult and laugh at the idea that anyone on OFW would actually think of seeking legal redress because they didn’t like something said in the comments section.

              As for calling you she, I’m calling you that because you *are* a she. A male would be offended; not unnerved – not that it is my intention to do either.

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Like I said, maybe you should go an watch an episode of Eastenders instead. If you feel the need for a petty personal spat then you should probably look for someone like yourself. Maybe get married and then you can have screaming matches with your spouse and entertain the neighbours. Do not confuse everyone else with yourself. We do not all have the same psychological make up and we are not all interested in acting out predictable, unpleasant dramas from Eastenders.

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              What is it with you and Eastenders, Mirror? It is one of your recurring themes. 😆

              Also, I *am* married but have nice, thick insulation, so the poor neighbours must go unentertained.

            • Mirror on the wall says:


          • Malcopian says:

            When she first arrived here, Mirror told us that she liked being a mystery person. At one point she complained, “Why do blokes keep stalking me?” (My highlight). A male commenter would have asked, “Why do other commenters keep stalking me?” And probably wouldn’t have used the term “stalking” either.

            She teases us by writing “I’m not Scottish”, while quoting SNP propaganda. But then there was the “drunken IRA rant” that she felt it necessary to apologise for. So: Mirror is female and Northern Irish. She also comes across as young and “woke”. She’s probably studying philosophy at Aberdeen, a town she has mentioned often.

            So, she is not such a mystery person after all.

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              On the one hand, I can understand such reticence, as knowledge is power and revealing information about one’s self can make one vulnerable. Other commenters will know what buttons to push.

              But, on the other, it is an abuse of the power that comes with anonymity to be as vituperative as Mirror can on occasion be.

              I personally avoid saying anything on a forum that I would not say to someone in real life.

            • i try to follow the same maxim Harry—not always 100% i fear–depends what others read into one’s words really.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              On the contrary — I would like to say all of these things in real life … but MOREONS are dangerous.. and they are legion …

              Life has been good… no point in being stoned to death by MOREONS and CovIDIOTS.

              The www is such a good thing … it is possible to run the MOREONS around in circles and ridicule them… and they cannot physically retaliate… and because they are extremely feeble of mind … they are intellectually incapable of a decent rebuttal.

              Very amusing … very amusing indeed. And the best thing is — they will stick around for more hahahahahahaahahahhahaa (haha)

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              Just make up some nonsense if there is no substance. Eastenders on full display. Kindergarten stuff. The program ‘shameless’ also comes to mind. Everyone else is like, ‘what are these Brits even doing?!’

              (Someone took offence at something and they just cannot let the resentment go.)

            • have to admire the writers of eastenders

              30 mins per episode, 2 major, separate screaming matches in each 13 minute segment.

              i dont know how they think them up.

              but my concern is for the millions who sit glued to it.

              Is there an equivalent in the USA?

            • Harry McGibbs says:

              No idea. Certainly in the past the Americans favoured glossy, aspirational soaps over bleak, kitchen sink ones. I’m assuming the appeal of the latter is that they make your own life seem enviable by comparison, lol.

              I personally can’t bear Eastenders. Those screaming matches you mention are like nails on a chalkboard.

            • jj says:

              The reason you dont make comments like that is twofold. Number one they might do it. You want that in your collective sin box? Number two what we see is reflections of our own soul. When somone touches our pain it is our pain not theirs. Thats the true mirror on the wall. So you dont say that. You tell them to get a puppy.

            • jj says:

              “Is there an equivalent in the USA?”

            • Kowalainen says:


              I’m all right with comments from mirror. I dish it out myself and I expect reflections, karma.

              But don’t get me wrong; I know that my future is rather bleak and filled with suffering and drudgery. But that is another situation with its own considerations.

              Doge puppy much oh noes. 🐶

            • Mirror on the wall says:

              JJ, it is nothing to with ‘pain’ (at least not in the way that you are suggesting.) We had an adult exchange on the desirability of life, and we are both quite capable of doing that.

              I will repeat: If anyone really thinks that life is ‘not worth living’ then they do not have to! The Stoics said the same thing, and Nietzsche developed the idea of the selective mechanism of the ‘eternal return’ theory on the basis of it.

              I suspect that K feeds on resentment anyway, so it is all fuel for him – something has to keep people going even if it is just the enjoyment of the spite and vindictiveness of revenge.

              So, do not presume to judge what you may not understand. It may not be ‘becoming’ for you to ever say something (so observe your ‘taboos’) but that does not imply that it is never appropriate for anyone to say it.

            • Kowalainen says:

              Mirror, I’m not resentful. My life is pretty all right for the moment.

              An accurate characterization would be a tad contempt for the sanctimonious hypocrisy mixed in with the willfully ignorant “god given” comfort zone inside the myopia of ordinary.

              Picture people “worrying” about the well being of their progeny as we descend the Seneca all while being wastrel sinkholes for cheap fossil fuels.

              I mean, WTF? I’ll bet they just worry what their halfwitted cliques, neighbors and relatives would “say” about them? Compartmentalization and cognitive dissonance to the tilt. Weak ass self entitled rapacious primate princesses going about their pointless primate “will to power” drivel.

              And that isn’t an assault on anybody in particular, but rather humankind in general. Name one literate person on earth that is unaware of the finite nature of fossil fuels?

              Despite this, oh yes indeed. But don’t get me wrong. Within the temptation of a species is truth.

              And I am all smiles.

              While scheduling myself and that which makes me different, better and worse into extinction.

              Isn’t that just fantastic?

              I just want more sweet ass übermensch shoved down their gaping cookie holes as they continue raping earth in the pursuit of:

              MOAR!1!1!1!1 Yay1111!!!1!1!

              Let “them” take their private keys to “climate” conferences and administer “vaccines”.

              It’s all good. Hunky dory BAU for a failed species.

              I’m such a sunshine, am I not?☀️


            • The “primate ‘will to power’” that Mirror talks about is closely related to all of us being dissipative structures. A “will to power” is a way to dissipate more energy. For you, where you are in your walk of life, collecting bicycles and electronic toys is your way of dissipating energy. It involves a sort of selfish use of energy.

              You don’t have progeny, but that may not be a conscious choice of yours. It may be difficult to finding a mate because women tend not to be attracted to someone who doesn’t look he can set aside his own interests for those of a family. Your interests seem quite narrow. There are a lot of women who are heads of one-parent families, but I understand this is a very difficult situation. Women want to avoid this situation, if they can.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              Imagine being a parent and knowing that your children will soon be dead… all of them.


            • Kowalainen says:

              Right, I spoke with my girlfriend this morning, then I chucked down the lentil soup and turned the cranks like a raccoon on EPO, up and down the muddy single track. It was jolly fun and hurt real good.

              Yup, that’s my “Will to Power”, it’s how I dissipate and find “meaning”, among other things, such as engineering.

              As for a “greater purpose” in life? How about no? (Check the fossil records!)


      • Malcopian says:

        “I doubt there is many somewhat sapient and sentient people that really believe in an afterlife, that is just a compartmentalization, coping, strategy.”

        You are OFW’s top philosopher, Kowa. But I suggest you debate that point with JMG, who allegedly has memories of previous lives. It doesn’t seem like a coping strategy with him. I have reason to believe that there is an afterlife (I won’t recount my experiences here), but I would prefer there to be darkness at the end of the tunnel. The thought of eternal life leaves me cold. A beginning, and an end. That’s what I’m used to, that’s what I like, and that’s what I want.

        Anyway, what did you study at uni, Kowa? Was it a science subject.

        • Kowalainen says:

          I don’t know anything about philosophy. I’m just a run of the mill bog standard default engineer.

          Let’s just be realistic. It’s a biological computer behind my myopic eyes and deaf ears. If it isn’t, then either:

          1. It is magical (unlikely), or
          2. It’s a remote controllable device operated by aliens (unlikely)

          Do you expect a computer to go to “heaven” after you switch it off and then send it off for recycling? Same thing.

          Btw; what is wrong with nothingness that makes people worried? Did you worry about being conceived? After all; you didn’t exist for quite some time until you were born.

          Ask yourself; how old is the universe and what is its ultimate duration? One thing is for sure. In that ‘longevity’ context it is safe to assume that you haven’t existed at all.

          So how does it feel not having existed in the strictest of senses?

          You see, stop making your existence something divine and ever lasting. The universe seem to abhor perpetual repetition. It is safe to assume the universe never repeats itself even once and that implies the very processes that give rise to how it is to be you.

          And if something sounds too good to be true, it likely isn’t. The likelihood of you deceiving yourself is 100% if you’ve got existential angst. But by all means; entertain the idea how it would be to live forever.

          The only reasonable way to live “forever” is to continuously evolve, into a “better” species or as a human during your brief stint on planet earth.

          So how does it feel (for me) having the relief valve and escape door welded shut? Being “stuck” with whatever I’ve got for a infinitesimal ‘blip’ in the progression of the universe?

          No problems.

          Hope is for suckers
          — Alan Watts

          Don’t be a tryhard sucker for nothing
          — Oat Jesus

          Don’t suck; rather worry about living
          — Gautama, Shiva, et. al.

          • Bobby says:

            432 hertz sounds good to me. May rhetoric be our eternal Light. In knowing nothing last for ever or repeated in this universe, we see the present as a gift. There is suffering in life, it is just one of it’s many themes…and not all bad. At some point we all have access to the eternal, deathless store house ( consciousness). Not so alone, not so unique not so afraid. _/\_

          • Kowalainen says:

            Consider earth and mankind in extension as a sprout punching through the thermal noise floor blanket of the universe and by so doing inducing ripple effects (frequencies, music) which in turn excite other modes of resonance (various raison d’être) either through the evolutionary memes (thoughts) or by offshoots (children).

            After some time the tune grows stale and it is about time to figure out another song. However, I think we can push this clunker (IC) a bit further. But then we gotta come to terms with our mammalian/primate and reptilians (part of the brain that is).

            I might be wrong though, due to my Will to Life existential angst. However, do not mistake the desire for life with angst of death.

            The thermal noise floor blanket isn’t a bad place to be, after all it is from where all of us originate. It just lacks context. Sort of like a dreamless sleep.

            Then we wake up, chuck in the oats and turn the cranks for a little while. Which reminds me…


  24. yt75 says:

    “Climate models assume a large amount of fossil fuels will be burned in the
     If fossil fuel prices rise endlessly, perhaps modeling makes sense
     If real problem is chronically low prices, fossil fuels will stay in the ground”

    Why are you writing such a thing ??
    Climate models do not assume anything regarding CO2 emissions !
    The emissions are what is inputed in the models, to get the results, that is all.
    Then there are scenarios, yes, but these are not the climate models at all.

    • I am writing this because someone, at some point, needs to figure out that there is, in fact, no possible way that the fossil fuels necessary for these scenarios can actually be extracted from the ground and burned. They are modeling what are, essentially, impossible scenarios.

      I don’t know whose “fault” it is, but the modelers have completely missed the fact that the world economy is already on the trajectory for collapse. On its current trajectory, it cannot extract the fossil fuels needed to keep the current economy operating. The plan for a future of year-after-year of economic growth simply reflects the wishful thinking of the powers that be. This is what is built into the models.

      • Keith says:

        I believe the ruling class is well aware of the energy predicament we are in. Climate change is being used to usher in a new economic system with ever decreasing energy reserves. Scratch out climate change, then write in energy crisis whenever you hear discussion of climate. They are speaking constantly about are energy crisis, but it is coded in climate talk.

        Vax pass-Health pass-green pass will morph into a privilege pass. We will trade are privilege through carbon credits. Our ability to move about will be controlled by this pass. The ruling class, and their Gentry, will buy the privilege allotted to us as citizens so they can continue their lifestyle. Prior to the pandemic I kept stumbling on news stories discussing how climate change was not just an environmental issue but, in fact, a health issue. Thus, Health pass. I assure you everything which is happening now is to do with our energy crisis and the limits to growth. They know!

        This is their solution. A green pass. China would never stop with their Gain of function research, it wasn’t a matter of if but a matter of when. Our ruling class prepared for that eventuality.. Fauci acted as an intelligences officer, and got his foot in the door of the Wuhan lab to get updates. How far along they were, and such. He had the blessing of the U.S., this is why he is not in jail.

        The first Sars-Cov(early 2000’s) came from a lab in China. Are ruling class has been preparing for a virus escape a long time. Swine flu 2011-12 was a trial run. Lots of side hustles like the vaccines. The important part is behavior modification for uptake of VAX to integrate the pass. They don’t want us dead yet. Just under control. This is the ruling class response to peak oil. I don’t believe most World leaders understand these things. What is being done is under the guise of Climate change. No one would follow otherwise.

        Bill Gates was jubilant when the pandemic first hit, he couldn’t contain his joy on the T.V. Look at his actions, largest land owner in the U.S. Our Cities are becoming virtual prisons. Think mouse utopia(check it out on you tube) These are some of my thoughts. I never write comments. Been following Gail and all 17 years +

        • Thanks for commenting!

          I think you might be right about this, “They don’t want us dead yet. Just under control. “

          • Fast Eddy says:

            When 90% or so of the global population have been injected (or are waiting to be injected) by an experimental substance that is of zero benefit to them…

            I am thinking … how much control can anyone want? This is near total.

        • theblondbeast says:

          There may indeed be people with these intentions. Whether it has any chance of “working” or not is another question. The league of nations, UN, EU and various other groups have had grand intentions which are not playing out as they hoped.

          I just finished reading “Legacy of Ashes” a fairly neutral book on the declassified history of the CIA. While it’s true that powerful forces have secretly tried to pull off grand plans, the vast majority of attempted conspiracies have ended in embarrassing boondoggles.

          Any schemes like these require a great deal of coordination and complexity. I don’t really think it can get pulled off in an environment tending toward instability and decline. That doesn’t mean someone won’t try.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            Did it ever occur to you that the boondoggles are the only ones that anyone is aware of… and that for every boondoggle there are a thousand other master plans… that remain buried for every in the Classified Vault?

          • League of Nations/UN is a mere playground of top powers, i.e. it’s often subverted by deeper layer of (factions) players be it state or private powerful entities.

            The biggest feat of Devil’s toolbox is to convince you he doesn’t exist.. In other words they just published kinder garden feel good – funny stories kind of book of some lame unsuccessful plots, why do you think documents (we know exist) are redacted decades after the death of all concerned participants (and often their offspring)..? And there are denied access archive vaults we assume exist (on evidence), and still deeper then there are obviously even complete unknowns..

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I’m more of a CEP kinda guy….


          1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

          2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.


          Conventional Oil peaked in 2005 http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/C-Cdec141.png

          Shale in 2018.

          According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources

          Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times. https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

          Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25

          THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf

          Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/

          “The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c

          Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

          The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html

          Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other – similar situation when Lehman collapsed

          Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.

          Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table — throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…

          What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover — and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.

          Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice — one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies — and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone — we will get back to normal’

          A pandemic is the perfect cover.

          End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.

          “Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/

          French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.

          The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome – From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/what-happens-if-israel-fails-the-stress-test

          The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.

          The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this — so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2.

        • Genomir says:

          Great comment! I was wondering if the rat king was discusses here.
          Fascinating to watch

      • Jan says:

        Maybe we should consider a scenario where large of the populace dies on whatever reason. Lets assume 75%. The economy would crash, supply chains would break. And?

        1. Would it be possible to recover a technologic culture like ours now with just 25% of the people? I would say, yes, less efects of scale of course.

        2. Would it be possible to continue pumping oil and gas from existing wells and deliver them? I’d say, yes.

        Maybe the expectation of a crash without recovery on a lower level is a false assumption?

        • the answer to your questions is an emphatic no

          you can’t have ‘mini’ oil refinieries–they function as complex structures, at full capacity.

          goods are made and moved as part of supply chains

          you cant run a factory as and when it is needed–there are too many ancilliary factors involved.–workers need regular wages to buy food–power stations can’t run part time.

          The working function of a factory producing just, say, fridges, is colossal, We buy one cheap through the economics of scale

          producing 1000 fridges a year would probably cost $5000 each–and thats just a guess! A small car on the same basis would cost $100 /$200k

          Which would mean no one could afford to buy them

          so the ‘system’ would instantly collapse.

          • Jan says:

            I see your point but I am re-evaluating it atm. Is not a war economy a crash with a recovery on a lower level?

            It means there are not 2 people in one flat but 6. Food is not single portion packed pizza but 12kg of potatoes. No fridge and cars but a railway train that runs on less quality oil.

            After a crash with population decline there will be a lot of second hand trash available for the next 100 years: building material – glass, tiles, blocks of concrete, bitumen -, lots of fields and gardens and cattle, railways, streets, bridges and waterways.

            The remaining people will leave the cities and run to areas that are easily to protect and have forests, water and gardens around and construct some huts and start farming. They will exchange food, seeds, wool and forgery. Some will travel the country and redistribute pots and clothes and shoes. They will use horse carts and wood gasifiers. Missing technical parts will be forged from old cars – untill they have rusted away. Eduation will decline so complex solutions (knowledge about electricity or radioactiviy) will be a rare knowledge.

            But there will be still simple to extract ore and coal and oil – maybe a tiny fraction of our current needings but more than bog iron and charcoal. The point is will people be able to get that together?

            Now can they maintain semiconductors and satelite technology somewhere in the world to do their Great Reset and control all people? I cannot think of any scenario.

            But there is a dfference between stoneage hunter gatherers and bronze age Romans and early industrialisation. I wonder if there could be a plan that we have missed, thinking a collapse always goes to zero. The Roman collapse never went there in fact!

            I tend to the idea that the plandemic makers are just in their way religious fanatists. But it is cleverly rolled out, so that might be a cover up and we should not underestimate them.

            • problem with 2nd hand trash is that it costs more energy input to rework something than to make it in the first place

              this is why ‘recycling’ programs have to be subsidized.

              imagine taking a car apart (which requires energy input), then somehow reworking just the metal parts into something else.

              To rework metal you have to melt it. Sawing it up just leaves you with smaller pieces of the same thing.

              50ft beneath my desk is a seam of coal 6ft thick. Extracting it would be a colossal task–after that i would need to sell it. Coal is useless (as is oil) until it is burned. So the means and purpose to burn it has to be there.

              Complexity lies in that ‘means to use it’. Just using it to keep warm is short term only.

              A war economy is one where you have surplus energy to ‘burn’

              a collapse economy is one where the energy factor is absent.

              2 totally different scenarios.

              previous ‘collapses’ were regional. The Roman collapse had no effect on the Chinese or the Aztecs.
              The one we face is global–a different mess entirely.

              Try to rid yourself of the plandemic cover up nonsense, it just confuses the issue

            • Replenish says:

              My grandfather was a welder fabricatior for PA Power & Light. He grew up on a farm and took care of his Father when his Mom died at 16 in 1936. People learned to fix things with spare parts and scrap and to eek out a living. When he was working at the energy company, he had an industrial shelf full of scrap material he repurposed and/or scavenged from around the plant.

              One of his superiors gave my grandpa trouble and was always trying to micromanage his job. One day the supervisor threw away all of his scrap material out of spite so my grandpa quietly turned in a purchase order for thousands of $$ of new stock material. The plant boss asked why he hasn’t needed new materials for a long time and he explained the disappearance. Supervisor got a talking to.

              The point is that if you are invested in a system, the collapse of a system or the end of all systems you can’t relate to homespun solutions that exist outside the new shiny box of metal, the latest marketing straregy for big pharma or the nuclear option.. the know-it-all ego won’t allow it. Follow your instincts and plan accordingly while the elite planners and great thinkers of our time exploit both sides of the crisis to stay relevant. Life goes on outside the forum.

              A group of us gather bi-weekly in the form of a “junto” for philosophical and scientific inquiry. I highly recommend that kind of peer support as these guys will do anything to help a suffering member or newcomer whether they agree with them or not.

            • Genomir says:

              In system terms collapse is abrupt, uncontrolled change from one meta stable energy level to another metastable level with far lower energy.

        • Bei Dawei says:

          Only about 5 million people have died so far from the virus. Hardly makes a dent in normal natural increase. Economic conditions are more effective in dissuading people from having babies.

          100/% of the population will die eventually, the question is how fast. In the Avengers movies, Thanos suddenly kills half the population, which ought to have resulted in immediate collapse. But if you kill that many people over a number of years, then others will have enough time to adjust.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            from and with .. mostly with….

            And they were geriatrics with an average of 4 serious diseases in play… i.e. dying…

            The Elders killed 500k children in Iraq and Albright said that was justified (and it was…)

            Does anyone seriously think they would shut their empire down — to save some people who were more than half dead already?

            They happily kill every old person on the planet if it meant keeping the empire staggering on for another month

            • Tim Groves says:

              They would vax, veil and ventilate their own grannies if it would keep the show on the road.

              Indeed, in many cases, they already have.

      • yt75 says:

        Again, the scenarios are not about modeling !

        And the IPCC workgroup 1 (the real scientific core of IPCC) making the models do not care about scenarios at all.

        The models are physical models translated into code.

        You then feed them with whatever emissions scenario you want.
        And you can do it yourself:

        But this is not par –at all– part of climate modeling.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        That’s probably not the answer the Green Groopies were after… but it does solve their perceived problem

      • Mike Roberts says:

        No, a plan for a future of continuous economic growth is not built into the models. yt75 is right about what the models don’t contain. Gail is right that the world economy’s current trajectory is unsustainable. But that is not the fault of the models. At all.

        I don’t know who Gail means by “the modelers” but it is some of the input to some model runs that seem far fetched. However, no-one, not even Gail, knows the actual trajectory and timeline of the future. Some of the more extreme model runs might be instructive for those who do seem to believe that economic growth can go on forever. Some believe that enough fossil fuels will always be found (some even think oil fields get magically refilled). So those extreme model runs show that if such beliefs ever come to pass, the outcome will be catastrophic, at a minimum.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      You again.

      Do you realize that every time you post on OFW you are releasing green house gas emissions… since you are unwilling to stop driving .. living in a house… and buying stuff… the least you could do is stop posting this garbage about klimate change.

      Go to The Guardian if you want an audience for such nonsense

  25. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Sharp slowdown in UK growth lends Sunak’s plan a hollow ring…

    “The rise in national income, or GDP, of 1.3% in the three months to September was down from 5.5% in the previous quarter. It meant the recovery from the worst slump in 300 years slowed over the summer and in a troubling development, is now on a much lower trajectory.”


  26. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Spain’s delayed recovery: why it became a eurozone economic laggard.

    “As the EU’s biggest economies bounce back from the coronavirus crisis, one lags far behind: Spain… Weak household spending and supply chain bottlenecks are weighing on the post-pandemic rebound.”


  27. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Belarus threatens to disrupt European gas supplies over spiralling migrant crisis.

    “Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has threatened to retaliate against any new European Union sanctions, including by shutting down the transit of natural gas and goods via Belarus, because of the spiralling migrant crisis on its border.”


  28. Harry McGibbs says:

    “[US] Household debt passed $15 trillion for the first time in the third quarter, as rising prices pushed up balances for homes and autos, the New York Federal Reserve reported Tuesday.

    “The household debt growth represented a 6.2% gain from the same period a year ago… Despite worries over growth, credit card balances increased by $17 billion to around $800 billion for the quarter… Consumers see escalating inflation ahead.”


  29. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Biden says inflation is “worrisome” in speech at Port of Baltimore… “The American people, in the midst of an economic crisis, that recovery is showing strong results, but not to them,” Mr. Biden said…

    “The Bureau of Labor Statistics said Wednesday that consumer prices increased 6.2% from the same time period one year ago, the highest monthly increase since the George H.W. Bush administration.”


  30. Harry McGibbs says:

    “China’s economic miracle is ending…

    “The value of China’s real estate is matched only by Japan’s in 1989… China is said to have enough vacant properties to house the entire Canadian population of 38 million, and more.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Chinese developer Kaisa downgraded as crucial payment deadlines near…

      “Kaisa, the sector’s second biggest borrower on international high yield markets after Evergrande, pleaded with investors this week for more time after payments were missed on wealth management products it guarantees.”


      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “China struggles to regulate house prices despite glut of controls… Evergrande debt crisis prompts other developers to offer discounts, worrying authorities…

        ““Price controls are not just about price caps — local governments are also afraid of a sharp decline in price,” said Ting Lu, chief China economist at Nomura. “They want to prevent developers from cutting prices [and] competing against each other too aggressively.””


    • Wow! I am sure that a lot of these vacant properties aren’t in great shape, either.

    • Minority of One says:

      A video about one of China’s multiple ghost cities courtesy of the 5-eyes project (ADVChina):

      China’s Biggest Ghost City – The Military Chased us Out!

  31. Harry McGibbs says:

    “China coal’s last hurrah comes too late for old mining towns.

    “Years of depletion, together with tough environmental and safety standards and lengthening mine construction times, mean that new supplies are no longer readily available…”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “China’s Coal Shortage Threatens Farmers in India and Truckers in South Korea…

      “India and South Korea are experiencing shortages of urea, which is extracted from coal, since China placed new restrictions on exports. It is widely used in India as a fertilizer and in South Korea to produce urea solution, which is used to reduce diesel emissions in vehicles and factories.”


    • The article gives the following quote:

      “I’m puzzled as to why there is not a campaign-style push to ramp up renewable energy like we have seen with coal,” said Alex Wang, co-director at UCLA’s Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.

      The answer is simple: China is smart enough to know that there are a huge number of problems associated with solar. It is a very high-cost substitute for coal (not electricity). It is necessary to keep coal mines and coal power plants open, to provide most of the electricity generation.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      But the government has been trying to restrain price rises to help struggling power plants build up stockpiles for the winter, which is expected to be one of the coldest in years.

      Oh? How can it be? Surely that’s a misprint.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Despite higher prices, overall production in the province has actually declined year on year.

      After a century of mining that has polluted water supplies and scarred the landscape with subsidence and toxic gangue, Pingdingshan barely has any more coal to give.

      “Right now, only the big mines are left,” said Guo, the truck driver. “The small mines aren’t producing anymore.”

      I bought a sack of coal from the supermarket — just to see how it would burn vs Ohai (which is now closed)… Ohai is shiny which indicates high quality… when I opened the sack the coal was a dull gray…. It was difficult to ignite … burned at much lower heat … and created a lot of ash… if I had to burn that all winter I’d free…

  32. Harry McGibbs says:

    “South Africa’s Energy Minister Vows To Fight For Coal.

    “Coal-fired power generation should continue to be part of South Africa’s energy mix, its Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe said on Tuesday, noting that he would go to court if necessary to keep a plan for new coal power plants alive.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “In Australia’s coal country, the mines are booming…

      “Ten thousand miles from the conference rooms of Glasgow, Scotland, where officials are plotting the planet’s path away from fossil fuels, Australia, the world’s second-biggest coal exporter, shows little sign of changing course.”


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “Small businesses no longer have faith in the [South African] government’s ability to manage the power outages problem, said KwaMashu Business Chamber chairperson Sthembiso Mabanga.

      “His was among many business chambers in KwaZulu-Natal commenting on the “catastrophic” effects load shedding has had on businesses.”


    • to sustain meaningful employment we must convert one energy form into another.

      we cannot escape that law

      S. Africa is just acknowledging it.

      • Harry McGibbs says:

        “Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd., South Africa’s state-owned electricity company, will seek bondholder approval for a plan to spread its 402 billion rand ($26 billion) of debt between three new corporate entities, according to the National Treasury.

        “The cash-strapped utility has developed a new corporate structure and allocated its debt between proposed generation, transmission and distribution units, the Treasury said…”


      • Kowalainen says:

        What do you mean by ‘meaningful employment’.

        Why not write: “that which enables turning mineral into complexity”?

        And that means for the most part development of technological means for ever greater sophistication and the utilization of machinery in the process.

        Which means that most people’s just skimming the surpluses.


        • No

          a farmer plants a field of corn. (which is embodied energy in each grain) through the action of the (current) sun’s heat.

          eventually the ‘energy conversion’ process involved puts food in your stomach and delivers muscle energy.

          The utilisation of machinery is secondary to that.

          we all depend on the primary energy conversion of food into fuel, and the surpluses of those processes.
          Civilisation literally hangs on those surpluses.

          The availability of fossilised sunshine just accelerated that process x100 or more—hence our excess population and collapsing economic system—in other words humanity can’t sustain the monster that has been created,

          We’ve used up our fossilised sunshine.

          • Kowalainen says:

            Normal, it is okay to be wrong.
            Don’t worry.

            • Fast Eddy says:

              norm is wrong 9x out of 10… you’d think he’d be used to it by now

            • eddy

              (and this is relevant to all OFW’ers)

              I came across this radio broadcast today:


              about denialists of every stripe— Called the Denial Files.

              It kicks off in New Zealand, with something called the ‘White Rose society. Basically a bunch of obsessive denialists. The first guy (named Matthew–no surname) being interviewed, had to do the interview from his shed in the garden, in case his wife overheard. (she’s a normal btw) and gave him what for.

              lives about 100m south of Auckland)

              apparantly this bloke goes around sticking up posters of a gloved hand injecting a baby…(hmm–sounds familiar i thought.)

              Quote>>>This whole thing is an attempt to drive some kind of agenda–great reset–world elite/government<<<>>there are groups of people throughout the world ready to leap on any crisis with screams of denial<<<<

              One might laugh—if it wasn't so dangerous.
              listen to what this nonsense is doing to people in the real world..

          • Tim Groves says:

            Excellent summary, Norman.

            Of course, there is a lot of sunshine falling on the Earth that goes unused by humans in places such as deserts, high mountains and oceans, and much much more passing us by just a few dozens or hundreds of thousands of km away in space. There is no shortage of potentially available solar energy if only we had the means to gather and control it.

            If only, if only, if only, if only …

            This one is dedicated to Keith! Where are you these days and how are you getting on?


            • and of course Tim, it is important to bear in mind that even if we were able to tap into all that sunshine, we would have to find a way of converting it into something else that we could physically make use of

            • jj says:

              Oh god no Tim dont tempt fate!!!!!!

              Power satellites will generate 4.2 gigawatts of energy providing liquid fuel at a cost of 3.7 dollars a gallon. I gave a talk on this at Princeton last week. I have sources in the industry that are moving forward on this. The interest is mostly for military applications but it could be used for energy production. We proved the feasibility In 83 in a modeling exhibit.


            • The benefits of modeling are oversold. I wonder what a model from 1983 could tell us today.

            • not sure if you jest or not jj

              seems to be adrift in certain respects

              energy (at least in human terms) cannot be produced. Energy can only be converted from one state to another.
              If lectures are being given in this respect, then such wishful thinking carries a fundamental flaw.

              which takes us on to the next dubious factor.

              Energy is of no use until it is used. And there lies the problem. Humankind is running out of the means by which energy can be used to make wages. The question of energy itself, is a secondary problem. If we don’t have the means to use energy to make ‘stuff’ then there’s no point in worrying about getting hold of it.
              The exchange of ‘stuff’ makes wages–with which we buy yet more ‘stuff’.

              Produce as much liquid fuel as you like, but if we can’t afford to produce/buy the machines to put it in, we are wasting effort.

    • Coal works; wind and solar do not.

  33. Student says:

    According to Milan prosecutor for counter-t£rror/sm, no-v/\x protests are catchment area for anarchists. It is important to pay great attention to that.


    This follows new stringent rules about possible protests for green pass.
    Actually, in Italy it is not possible anymore to do processions during protests against green pass in the centre of cities.
    It is also not possible to move yourself anymore,
    Only sit-in protests and in suburb areas will be allowed.


    • Italy’s energy consumption per capita reached a peak in 2004 at 135.3 gigajoules per capita. It has been falling since then, and in 2020 was down to 97.0 gigajoules per capita. Somehow, energy use needs to continue to be reduced because at today’s high prices, the country can afford to buy even less now.

    • Jan says:

      In Germany, NRW, they cant demonstrate against mandatory vaccinations if they are not vaccinated. If you consider demonstrations an important right of political expression next to voting every 4 or 5 years, this does not look very much like a state of justice! Besides there is a legal opinion of the important law teacher Murswieck, that claims mandatory vaccinations unconstitutional.

  34. Sergey says:

    Energy transition to renewables requires 173 trillion $ and huge amount of fossil fuels spend on this transition. If the final destination – economy 80% powered by renewables, cannot be run with 20% fossil fuels then this transitions is big fake and all who promotes it are “bad guys”.
    As for Russia – 2nd largest oil exporter : cheap oil will be depleted in 20 years. By cheap oil I mean all production costs average < $30 per barrel. That is consensus between many experts. Russia may produce same amount of oil for 50+ years, but it will be harder to extract oil (+Arctic) with much lower EROI and much more expensive. I don't think other producers have a better picture.

    • You have hit upon the problem, Sergey. Oil, to be affordable by citizens, needs to be very cheap to extract. The world has extracted nearly all of the very inexpensive to extract oil. Even in the Middle East, where the oil looks inexpensive to extract, the governments need high taxes to buy enough food to feed the large populations of their countries. The governments cannot get enough tax money without very high oil prices.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        A tall ladder is required to get what remains… a very tall ladder… so tall that a gust of wind can topple it

  35. Student says:

    /sr#el will hold a national exercise on Thursday to evaluate how prepared the country is for the next C°VD-1(4+5) outbreak, the Prime Minister’s Office said.
    The exercise, which the office said will be held in the format of a “w#r game,” has been named the “Omega Exercise.”
    Prime Minister N. B. has regularly referred to the “Omega strain,” the next C°VD-1(4+5) variant that has not yet been discovered.


    • Bei Dawei says:

      Are we not allowed to say the names of Israel, Covid, or war?

      Anyway, 1(4+5) = 9 (or if that first digit is -1, then -9)

      • Student says:

        In my Country it is becoming more and more difficult to openly talk about these subjects, expecially if you present another side of the story. Maybe in yours not. Anyway, I hope it will not be difficult for you to get the point of the post and eventually read the article.
        All the best.

      • There is no problem with saying any of those things. It just makes searching the comments later for some particular thing that is said more difficult.

        • Student says:

          Thanks for your explanation Gail.
          I have actually some concerns about the direction things are taking here.
          It seems a scenario which could become soon witches hunt.
          I hope things will take another direction, but there is no evidence at the moment.
          Your blog helps a lot to understand what is going on.
          Thank you.
          Have a nice evening.

    • Lidia17 says:

      “Omega” does not sound good.

      • Azure Kingfisher says:

        “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” – Revelation 22:13 (KJV)

        There are some on the internets who figured that when an “Omega” variant is declared, it would be a sign of the end of the COVID-19 scam.

    • Interesting. By the way, Israel’s recent spike in cases increasingly looks like just a one-day dump of old cases onto the system. All of the other days have stayed low. GVB was speculating ahead of time on cases going back up.

  36. CTG says:

    Just a few questions to all commenters

    1. Any follow up on the firing of the health workers and how it impacts the in hospitals in USA?

    2. Did anyone did an electron microscopy on the blood of the vaccinated? If it is bad, it would have shown up


    • All is Dust says:

      Dr. Richard Fleming (you can find him on fleming – method . com) looked at blood when it comes into contact with vax. He noticed two things:
      1. Oxygen is removed from red blood cells
      2. Red blood cells clump together

      • Interesting, wondering if aspirin and such might work as quasi antidote to some extent.. at least at the time of injection, but then there is the issue with long term effects (of mRNA), and blood clots forming haphazardly,..

        • There have been studies showing that aspirin is helpful at the time of COVID infection. One showed a 50% reduction in some variable – probably admission to the ICU from the hospital, but I would need to check back for certain.

      • CTG says:

        Thanks…. I am asking is because if the blood is really contaminated with with foreign materials that is so small like spike foreign, it is just impossible to filter them out and be used for transfusion.

        In other words is that if you do a tainted blood tranfusion, you just die and it will be labelled as a COVID death, body cremated and no one knows what is going on.

        • Lidia17 says:

          Anecdotal report from a comment I came across, I think at the “eugyppius” blog:

          Just heard from a good friend who works for an organ transplant team at a major hospital in a very blue state, that they will be turning down patients in need of an organ if they are unvaccinated. Most of the members (including the surgeon) of this team received exceptions from being vaccinated, and now are contemplating leaving their positions based on moral convictions. This team has repeatedly seen organs within donor bodies that are filled with blood clots and can not be used for donation. The surgeon has told his superiors, over and over again, falling on deaf ears. What is the “science” behind this decision of requiring patients who need an organ to be vaccinated? This drug has no long term studies done on it. How can they make such an over-reaching decision that will jeopardize people’s lives? What if you have a deceased donor that is unvaccinated? are they going to not take the organs? Hell no, of course they’re going to take them, and my guess looking towards the future, those might be the only organs worth using!

    • Jan says:


  37. Fast Eddy says:

    MP – nurses and doctors threatened if they speak about what they are seeing in hospitals – including many double vaxxed patients in the ICUs.


    • Minority of One says:

      This video was visible on the same page. From May 2021, but still very interesting when you think about what has occurred, and what hasn’t, in the 6 months since this video was first posted.


      Former military doctor and bioweapons expert Dr. Lee Merritt offers her thoughts on recent claims that vaccinated individuals may be “shedding” spike proteins or something else that is hurting unvaccinated people, especially women.

    • Rodster says:

      As James Kunstler wrote on his Monday Blog it has something to do with this:

      “My own doctor tried to persuade me to get vaxed-up during a routine physical in October. I asked him if he was aware of the thousands of deaths and disabling adverse events reported on the CDC’s VAERS system. He said the numbers were not true and went on to say that he had “one hundred percent confidence in the vaccines.” He’s always appeared to be a smart and capable person. A year or so ago he was enlisted to act as an executive administrator in the health care org he practices in, and now only sees patients two days a week. Perhaps that leaves him no time to follow the news. [b]Or maybe he has no inclination to follow any news except what comes from sources like cable TV channels, which are almost entirely sponsored by the Pharma industry.[/b]”


  38. Yoshua says:

    Thx Gail!

    The S&P 500 futures look catastrophic. We have now had a break, retest and rejection of the broken trend line…and volatility is now breaking out as well. The charts are saying that the crash is imminent……..but nothing ever happens…so?

    • Uncle Zoe Bidety moved the crack down goal post from Dec8 to early 1/2022, so perhaps you are right in the assessment of fast collapse, and these will be the proverbial “last Christmas” to enjoy..

      But I’m still leaning towards mid 2020s though at the earliest as the guys behind the curtain have still a lot of unfinished projects to prepare for, which must be completed before hand.

      • Xabier says:

        CBDC’s not before 2023, 5/6G still rolling out: then people will be eased and pushed into using them.

        So the planned collapse of current structures in ’24/5 looks plausible leading to full transition to a new system conjured by the central bankers and their masters.

        Two years to prepare with comparative freedom of action, liberty to purchase what you wish, etc, without rationing, restrictions or manipulation via a pseudo-Green Agenda and ESG social credit score.

        And that’s if you have successfully dodged the Vaxx roulette bullet and the staged collapse of medical services.

    • MM says:

      volatility increases profits for smart investors.
      The most for the investors that have th power to create the volatility
      The stock market is unimportant news compared to lack of goods.

    • Do you have a link to a chart?

  39. Jan says:

    The idea of peakoil as natural law following eternal rules of decline is massively anxiety-producing. All that you have worked for, aimed for, all that you know, love and value will disappear all of a sudden. You will be like a baby with no knowledge, no tools, no orientation in a hostile world.

    I am not sure, if preppers understand that 30 or 100 liters of stored gasoline will hardly make any difference. But people I confront with the peak energy assumption and it’s consequences realize and reject the idea at once. Even educated, highly intelligent strong people are unable to get involved. I think people that deal with such issues have a special condition of mind, a near death experience, they can deal with the idea of a sudden loss of everything, have a stronger mental constitution or such.

    Mistakenly people believe a crash would fall back into lower levels of complexity like we had in our past. They do not understand that the past was a working system already that does not exist below our system. People used to have horses and transport by oxen for example. With the crash of the current transport system there will not be a backup with horses and oxen. It could be possible to install that but it would take years and meanwhile people depending on food delivery would be starved.

    If you can survive in the wilderness with nothing but an axe, that might keep 100 or 200 years, then you have a chance, but who can? Here in Europe there is still a lot of knowledge from the past and people did survive under very bad circumstances, but it will be tougher than thought. Do you know how to make a roof waterproof? With birch bark or wooden shingles or baked tiles? Are you sure you can to that from scratch in your area? People used to have a shingle iron. Can you forge one from an old car? Are you sure you could produce fabrics, needles, threads, leather, shoes, maybe just wooden clogs? Do you have a knife and chisel to do it or just Chinese power tools?

    If we would be able to see that point that hurts us, there would be plenty of room for preparation, first of all bury all of our nuclear waste! But we have to fight with insane, religiously misled leaders withouth ability to reason. It will not be possible to prepare! And time runs. Gardens alone take up to seven years to work properly! Do you know how the old stored grain protected from vales, rats and moths? I guess they used what we mistake as places for deaths cults…

    Maybe Kill Bill & Cie believe that oil per capita stays steady if not only oil but also capita decline. I doubt that is possible because of the economics of scale. On the other hand it does not make a difference if people die by a virus, it’s cure or the inability to adapt to lower energy resources!

    Maybe people that do not have a head-in-the-sand attitude should connect. But how? Move them alltogether into one country? I dont see a relevant group size in my area.

    The biggest difficulty is to tell the kids how to have a beautiful life full of love under these conditions. It is my life challenge.

    • Thoughtful post, thanks. Agree.
      Not trying to dismantle individual points, but you meant it like all spectrum garden taking ~7yrs and up, right?, i.e. including larger perennials, fruit trees, wind brakes establishment, passive water catchment etc.. because mere garden beds are weeks/months (to start) “easy” affair if you have the know-how and resources..

      Bottom line, it’s all hugely context dependent though, indiv prep worth pursuing in low pop areas on the outskirts of NA and NEurope perhaps, not so much in (S) Asia or Africa though.. But this has been all debated thousand times over already..

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Good post. So true

      It could be possible to install that but it would take years and meanwhile people depending on food delivery would be starved (and they will eat the horses!!!)

      Accepting the situation would lead to total despair for most people — this is big… really really BIG… too big to comprehend… too big to accept.

      The only reason I am not in despair is because I think of this https://www.rt.com/usa/538654-fauci-experiments-beagle-freedom-project/

      And it reminds me … of how much suffering humans cause… how much destruction…

      And I am pleased that we are going extinct… my only despair is a result of it taking longer than I expected.

      I really enjoy the thought that everyone dies… that parents and grand parents are soon going to face the moment when they realize it’s game over… their vermin die.


      They should be thankful that the Elders are putting them down instead of having to watch their kids be roasted over a fire by the neighbours.

      • FE> you are somewhat lucky in the sense you are ~100% committed to above mentioned reasoning, I knew about PO/Surplus issue for ~two decades and obviously contemplated the desirability of the end of the era of this terra-forming agent, the humans, hence the moniker world-of-hanuman-(On-the-Go).. Yet, I somewhat anticipated it will be a bit more dragged out affair, for the worse or good of it..

        Recently, I personally witnessed several cases of ~50-60yrs old humanoids just (struck) falling on the street or inside the mall, most likely because of the jab – blood clot.. It was gruesome, some indeed had likable presence, ala “good folks appearance” – yes it’s all illusory.. have problems with CEPing.. but mostly just because of the faction elite surviving a bit more longer..

        • Yorchichan says:

          Yesterday took a guy who’d been at the funeral of 52 yo colleague who’d collapsed and died at work. Today picked up a couple from Railway Museum who said ambulances had been called when a woman collapsed in the museum.

          People have always collapsed, but seems to be getting a lot more common. Yet to witness it myself, apart from usual drink or drugs related.

      • Jarle says:

        Kids roasted over a fire by the neighbours …

        Fast, do you have problems thinking/writing unless you do it with terms and headlines from a bad tabloid?

        • TIm Groves says:

          There were reports from China during Mao’s famines of families exchanging children with their neighbors because it was easier psychologically for them to kill other people’s children than their own.

          Incidentally, Mao’s famines, military campaigns, collectivist policies, political purges and common or garden executions are estimated by some historians to have killed anything up to 80 million people, which makes Mao something of a record breaker. Although if his tally turns out to have been less than 40 million, he forfeits the World’s Biggest Killer title to Genghis Khan.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          The thing is…

          That is what will actually happen …. well maybe not roasted over a fire… that would make the meat tough – and you lose most of the tasty calorie-laden fat bits… more likely chopped in pieces and added to a stew and slowly cooked so the meat is nice and tender

        • don’t discourage eddy

          I’m set to win a lot of money when his comments reach parity by February

    • MM says:

      That question is also daunting for the people that are in energy denial:
      We see that we have an invisible enemy in all our societies that has grown its tentacles in every aspect of our societies. How sould we get rid of them, when we depend on salaries by them and supermarkets by them.
      There are some people starting some sort of transition movement but this is very very complicated and will take long time.
      There was no real political movement “out” of our societies in the past.
      In Europe there was some house squatting and the like.
      The people are not at all equipped to rebuild a “new civ” from scratch and we at OFW know that they are late to the show on two sides.
      Only the toughest can survive that. A lot of people are waking up to it right now but they are in complete denial of temporal issues.
      Most people have no idea how difficult group management is…
      I have witnessed it so many times in political movements that I gave up on it.
      You need a certain level of “strength” that many wokesters are completely unable to cope with.
      Better throw them out fast.
      The strong people when unexperieced will refuse to do that and fail with them.
      We will see..

    • Rodster says:

      Yes! We can’t go back to “Little House On The Prairie” days. The infrastructure is to complex to dial it back. Everything is dependent on Oil.

      The one thing people tend to forget is how domesticated Western Society has become. You want to cook meat, you either fire up the stove or get some charcoal or propane. How many are willing to chop wood until they can heat up their food.

      I worked for a guy who grew up in South Africa. A discussion about a food snack “pork rinds”came about. He told me how much we take for granted how much effort it takes to make pork rinds in South Africa when you don’t have modern industrial machinery.

      When this whole thing finally unwinds, there’s going to be an epic die off because most will not be able to revert back to a civilization that was functioning 200 years ago.

      • JesseJames says:

        A Rocket stove will allow boiling water and cooking using basically twigs.
        Everyone should have one.
        Burning twigs to cook with is an efficient use of FF wood.

        • Replenish says:

          Great suggestion! I just ordered an Ecozoom Versa rocket stove.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            But what about the spent fuel ponds?

            If you can give me your general location I can identify the ponds closest to you — so you know where they are when the power goes off and you can go there and … um… go there and …

            • Replenish says:

              I live in Central Pennsylvania near Three Mile Island nuclear power plant.

              “Two companies, TerraPower and X-energy, have submitted plans to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. TerraPower, a Washington State–based company founded and chaired by Bill Gates, uses uranium fuel encased in molten salt-based coolant; X-energy, in Maryland, uses billiard-ball-size graphite spheres called “pebbles” in its reactor design.”


            • Fast Eddy says:

              Wow. So you have multiple spent fuel ponds nearby.

              How long do you reckon it will take the radioactive stuff to poison you once BAU collapses… the water boils off and releases endless plumes of death?

              Containing radiation equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima 68 years ago, more than 1,300 used fuel rod assemblies packed tightly together need to be removed from a building that is vulnerable to collapse, should another large earthquake hit the area.


              This is where your eyes glaze over… and that defence mechanism impedes the signals from your eyeballs to your cortex kicks in blocking your ability to understand the implications of the above article… it’s a very complex process that detaches your mind from those facts…

              It prevents you from losing hope and falling into despair… you see what I posted… you even see my explanation … but it fails to register…

        • Under hard(er) collapse profile even “twigs” will disappear pretty quickly from urbanized areas, most recent examples the Yugo wars 1990s or WWII.. city parks and near town little forests literally cleaned/gleaned up in just on cold season for this very purpose..

          • JesseJames says:

            Solution….don’t live in an urbanized area.

          • Fast Eddy says:

            And try hauling logs from 1km from your doomie prep house after you cut all the trees within that radius … when you don’t have a vehicle to haul them with.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          I know … why not just go to the nearest spent fuel pond… bust off a chunk of fuel… then shove it into a wood burner… in small amounts surely it’s not harmful… and a little goes a long way!

      • Actually, everything is dependent on more than oil. Right now, what we are having the most problems with are natural gas and coal. Also, renewables are not delivering as much as hoped. Thus, electricity in general is getting to be a problem, in many parts of the world. Oil will start falling, but it is not down very far yet.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Realistically only the remote tribes would survive… if not for the ponds

    • Thanks for your thoughts. It is hard to see a very good solution, other than making the most of the time we have now and appreciating what we have now. Religion may help some people, once they realize that governments, science and vaccines are not going to do much good.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I highly recommend using the remaining time engaging in the cathartic activity of taunting and abusing CovIDIOTS…. call the pharmacy … call the covid hotline… call a clinic….

        Ask them for the long term studies… when they don’t have them why they are willing to give you an injection when they have no idea of what it will do to your body in a year or two…

        Enjoy your final months!

        When it all goes to pieces… hack saw time! Petrol is also a good friend.

  40. CTG says:

    Denmark To Re-Impose CCP Virus Restrictions After Ditching All Rules 2 Months Ago: Prime Minister


    Yo… FE. What is suppose to be my reaction or emotion??

    • Jarle says:

      God created mankind in his own image, they say. What should be said of the result? And what does this tell us about God?

      • Kowalainen says:

        Perhaps it tells us that nothing is perfect in this universe. Rather it is a process that eventually yield optima in various branches in the tree of life, synthetic, biological and or a combination of both.

        Our ‘gods’ perhaps evolve just as life on earth does? Entire branches of life have been eradicated, check out the fossil records of the megafauna and past human incarnations such as the Neanderthal and Cro Magnon. What makes you think that the latest primate experiment would yield different outcomes?

        Now; ask yourself how you would hav managed an eugenics and terraforming project more competently assuming “alien” or a ‘god’ intervention in earthly affairs. And if you are ungrateful about that which is given. Well, you could at any time hand it back, but before you do something drastic think about this:

        The truth is in the pudding and within temptation is truth. But don’t feel despair, it will all come to pass no matter your ego, desires, hopiums and dreamiums. It’s just how evolutionary process works.

        Don’t be a tryhard sucker for nothing
        — Oat Jesus

    • Jan says:

      It means the vaccinations do not work! Denmark has one of the highes vaccination rates, I think above 80%.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I think this is appropriate


      The you piss your pants while shouting ‘I told you so’

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Then you ask norm and dunc to comment on this development … then take a long nap… cuz they won’t respond


      What till immune exhaustion really gets going hahaha… so much dying gonna happen!

      • eddy

        on your keyboard the h key is next to g and below y, the ‘a’ key is next to s and below q.

        i offer this information because the h and a letters will have worn off your keyboard by now, and i wouldn’t want you to find yourself devoid of intelligent response here, having no means of communicating without the ability to type ‘ha’ in infinite repetition.

        the letters c-o-v-i-d are wearing a bit thin too.

        you’ve typed little else for the past 12 months.

        but nevertheless I thank you for staying the course, and putting me in line for a big payout next February when I look certain to win my bet that you will reach comment parity on OFW.

        It will be a record I believe. No one else has managed that.

    • JesseJames says:

      I find this sentence interesting…”The health authorities were expecting more people to be infected (by COVID) and hospitalized, but the things have gone faster than expected,”

      So they “KNEW” it would get worse. Now they are trying the lie that the unvaccinated are spreading Covid to the vulnerable and old.

  41. Fast Eddy says:

    Denmark To Re-Impose CCP Virus Restrictions After Ditching All Rules 2 Months Ago: Prime Minister

    About 86 percent of people aged 12 or older are fully vaccinated in Denmark. Despite that, authorities said last week hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed due to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.


    hahahahahhaha… ha… hahaha….

    norm dunc? Apparently the vaccines are worse than useless… they are breeding mutants… hahaha… idjuts

    • JMS says:

      They are not breeding mutations, but simply destroying the immune system of the suckers who took them. And it’s a fact that with an impaired immune system, a lot of things can kill us, from drugs and parasites to electromagnetic radiation or junk food. I see a death wave coming, and a new surge of lockdowns everywhere. We really must enjoy this last few months of some freedom.

  42. Wilford says:

    What of efficiency and innovation? Clearly trading one’s labour for more goods/services than previously implies this. People learn, improve and get higher returns for their labour investments (-https://www.humanprogress.org/simonproject/).
    As to the shortage fossil fuels, clearly it’s self induced. The IPCC as well as other “woke” govts has waged war on them. Super majors have cut capex because the ROI is uncertain due to this “green” activism and progressive govt hostility. In Canada, KXL, Energy east, northern gateway, are all examples of pipelines cancelled due to these “green” hostilities. Govts have further assured no more pipelines with bill 69 and no increased oil exports with bill 48.

    • Efficiency and innovation sound good, but they tend to lead to wage and wealth disparity. Most of the wealth is skimmed off by the owners and by a few high paid workers at the top of pyramid, leaving little for the unskilled workers at the bottom of the pyramid. Efficiency and innovation tend to eventually lead to collapse, because the low-paid workers can’t afford to buy the output of the economy.

      I am not convinced that the “green” activism has had as much effect as you think. The system was failing, even without the green activism.

  43. Lidia17 says:

    Possible interesting development(s)?
    I can’t vouch for this site, but I’ve seen rumors elsewhere as well.

    Wife of Pfizer’s CEO dead after complications from the vaccine, foul play suspected

    • CTG says:

      What kind of “foul play”? You mean someone switched the saline bottle with a real “vaccine”?

      That would be poetic justice

    • Lidia17 says:

      Well, let’s say this is “for entertainment purposes only “ right now.
      There are also rumors he’s been arrested for fraud. Lots of mainstream (eg. Forbes) de-bunking of that without any real evidence either way, though. Protesting too much?
      His attention-drawing projection calling vacx skeptics “criminals” could reveal that he may be under deserved pressure.

    • wratfink says:

      The Beaver’s embedded link to the arrest goes to a website that has apparently also claimed that Hillary Clinton was executed at GITMO.

      We should probably ask Wally and see if he backs up the Beav on this one.

      • jj says:

        I didnt believe the claims of Bidens ankle bracelet. I mean seriously… Who comes up with this stuff? Its eithor Q type psych op or people putting wacky stuff out there to discredit legitimate questions. Tunnels under the congress building where children are kept for adrenachrome harvesting??? Please. Theres enough real questions based on scientific inquiry about whats going on right in front of our noses. I dont care if Hunter had a affair with a bigfoot. Its all distraction from real issues. You put forth a ridiculous theory but one that will appeal to a targeted demographic. Some of them will repeat it because it appeals to them. Now the entire demographic is represented as loons.

    • I am not convinced that Pfizer’s CEO’s wife is dead.

      I would expect news of her death on MSM, and I didn’t notice anything.

    • China has been building nuclear power plants. In 2020, China’s generation of electricity through nuclear power had already exceeded that of France.

      China presumably has figured out a good methodology for building nuclear reactors. The ones that were built years ago were not terribly expensive. Costs in the West have exploded because we have attempted to prevent all problems. We also seem to change the design after we start building, creating lots of problems.

      One question I would have is whether there will really be uranium fuel for all of these nuclear power plants. Recycling spent fuel is an option, but it has been expensive in the past. Plants will need to be built for recycling, as well.

      The Chinese seem to be organized. If anyone can figure this out, perhaps they can. Nuclear is vastly better as a type of electricity compared to wind and solar. I would imagine that they would scale back on added wind and solar as they add nuclear power plants. Time of day pricing becomes very problematic for nuclear (and coal), so they will need to avoid doing it, with their wind and solar.

      Also, if the nuclear power plants really aren’t safe, this could quickly become a major problem.

      On the other hand, China may not really be able to go ahead with its big plans. China is running into a lot of problems of different types. It has problems with its unoccupied homes and with failing debt. The problems, together with coal and gas problems, could interfere with China’s hope for adding a lot of nuclear.

  44. Fast Eddy says:

    An Illinois hospital refused to allow an elderly man to be treated for COVID-19 with the lifesaving drug ivermectin, despite a court order mandating they do so.

    On the weekend of November 6, Edward Hospital in Naperville, Illinois, refused to allow a physician into the hospital to use ivermectin to treat an elderly man, Sun Ng, with a severe case of COVID-19. The refusal occurred despite Ng’s daughter, Dr. Man Kwan Ng, having obtained a court order on November 1 requiring the hospital to allow the course of treatment, according to a press release.


  45. Fast Eddy says:

    Matthew McConaughey, who is vaccinated, says he won’t vaccinated his kids … yet.

    : “Why don’t you want your kids to be vaccinated?”

    MM: “We go slow on vaccinations anyway … I still want to find out more information.”


    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      Blasphemy! Anti-vaxxer!

      What more information could he possibly need?! What does he not understand about the oft-repeated phrase “safe and effective?!”

      No one should watch a Matthew McConaughey movie again! Not until he gets his kids jabbed!

  46. Fast Eddy says:


    This is clearly total bullshit … if so then the Fed would be leading the revolution …

    Therefore this is simply another part of the techno-digital fantasy aimed at convincing the MOREONS that energy is not an issue … we are transitioning to EVS solar wind and magic money … and if that doesn’t work we are heading for Mars…. (because man landed on the moon 50 years ago and the tech is so advanced now a moon landing would be like taking the bus to the mall… so we don’t bother).

    The closer we get to implosion the more stories we get about this radical transition.

    And if the MOREONS believe Pfizer is trying to help them… they will believe just about anything.


    • Good summary, although with the opaque* origins of “e-coins/Bitcoin” anybody could be behind it.. My laymen guesstimate run of probabilities would be at this point with available info and hints as follows:

      ~ 25% (official narrative of anarcho coder origins)
      ~ 25% crime syndicate
      ~ 25% Asian ploy against legacy int fin system
      ~ 25% outsourced TPTBs “r&d” project for eventually launching their own CBDCs
      (or some mix of thereof)

      * seems very preposterous claim to be unable tracing the authors fully back to origins

    • Bitcoins don’t make much sense to me.

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