Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

There is more to the fossil fuel energy predicament than we usually hear about.

Strangely enough, a big part of the confusion regarding the nature of our energy problem comes from the fact that virtually everyone wants to hear good news, even when the news isn’t very good. We end up seeing information in the Mainstream Media mostly from the perspective of what people want to hear, rather than from the perspective of what the story really is. In this post, I explain why this situation tends to occur. I also explain why our current energy situation is starting to look more and more like an energy shortage situation that could lead to economic collapse.

This post is a write-up of a presentation I gave recently. A PDF of my talk can be found at this link. An mp4 video of my talk can be found at this link: Gail Tverberg’s Nov. 9 presentation–Our Fossil Fuel Energy Predicament.

Slide 1
Slide 2

Most people attending my talk reported that they had mostly heard about the issue on the right end of Slide 2: the problem of using too much fossil fuel and related climate change.

I think the real issue is the one shown on the left side of Slide 2. This is a physics issue. Without fossil fuels, we would find it necessary to go back to using older renewables, such as oxen or horses for plowing, burned wood and other biomass for heat, and wind-powered sail boats for international transport.

Needless to say, these older renewables are only available in tiny quantities today, if they are available at all. They wouldn’t provide many jobs other than those depending on manual labor, such as subsistence agriculture. Nuclear and modern renewables would not be available because they depend on fossil fuels for their production, maintenance and long distance transmission lines.

Slide 3
Slide 4

On Slide 4, note that M. King Hubbert was a physicist. This seems to be the academic specialty that finds holes in other people’s wishful thinking.

Another thing to note is Hubbert’s willingness to speculate about the future of nuclear energy. He seemed to believe that nuclear energy could take over, when other energy fails. Needless to say, this hasn’t happened. Today, nuclear energy comprises only 4% of the world’s total energy supply.

Slide 5

The transcript of the entire talk by Rear Admiral Hyman Rickover is worth reading. I have excerpted a few sentences from his talk. His talk took place only a year after Hubbert published his research.

Rickover clearly understood the important role that fossil fuels played in the economy. At that early date, it looked as if fossil fuels would become too expensive to extract between 2000 and 2050. A doubling of unit costs for energy may not sound like much, but it is, if a person thinks about how much poor people in poor countries spend on food and other energy products. If the price of these goods rises from 25% of their income to 50% of their income, there is not enough left over for other goods and services.

Slide 6

Regarding Slide 6, the book The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others provided early computer modeling of how population growth and extraction of resources might play out. The base model seemed to indicate that economic decline would start about now. Various other scenarios were considered, including a doubling of the resources. Without very unrealistic assumptions, the economy always headed downward before 2100.

Slide 7

Another way of approaching the problem is to analyze historical civilizations that have collapsed. Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov analyzed eight economies that collapsed in their book Secular Cycles. There have been many examples of economies encountering a new source of energy (conquering a new land, or developing a new way of producing more energy), growing for a time, reaching a time where growth is more limited, and finally discovering that the economy that had been built up could no longer be supported by the resources available. Both population and production of goods and services tended to crash.

We can think of the current economy, based on the use of fossil fuels, as likely following a similar path. Coal began to be used in quantity about 200 years ago, in 1820. The economy grew, as oil and natural gas production was added. We seem to have hit a period of “Stagflation,” about 1970, which is 50 years ago. The timing might be right to enter the “Crisis” period, about now.

We don’t know how long such a Crisis Period might last this time. Early economies were very different from today’s economy. They didn’t depend on electricity, international trade or international finance in the same way that today’s world economy does. It is possible (in fact, fairly likely) that the downslope might occur more rapidly this time.

Past Crisis Periods seem to feature a high level of conflict because rising population leads to a situation where there are no longer enough goods and services to go around. According to Turchin and Nefedov, some features of the Crisis Periods included increased wage disparity, collapsing or overturned governments, debt defaults, inadequate tax revenue and epidemics. Economists tell us that there is a physics reason for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer during Crisis Periods; in some sense, the poor get “frozen out” and the wealth rises to the top, like steam.

Slide 8
Slide 9

Slide 9 is a chart I prepared several years ago, showing the growth in the world production of fuels of various types. What little wind and solar was available at that time was included in the biofuels section at the bottom. Early biofuels consisted largely of wood and charcoal used for heat.

Slide 10

Slide 10 shows average annual increases for 10-year periods corresponding to the periods shown on Slide 9. This chart goes to 2020, so it covers a full 200-year period. Note that the increases in energy consumption shown are especially high in the 1951-1960 and 1961-1970 periods. These periods occurred after World War II when the economy was growing especially rapidly.

Slide 11

Slide 11 is similar to Slide 10, except I divide the bars into two pieces. The bottom, blue part corresponds to the amount that population grew, on average, during this ten-year period. Whatever is left over I have referred to as the amount available to increase the standard of living, shown in red. A person can see that when the overall growth in energy consumption is high, population tends to rise rapidly. With more energy, it is possible to feed and clothe larger families.

Slide 12

Slide 12 is like Slide 11, except that it is an area chart. I have also added some notes regarding what went wrong when energy consumption growth was low or negative. An early dip occurred at the time of the US Civil War. There was a very long, low period later that corresponded to the period of World War I, World War II and the Depression. The collapse of the central government of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, so it is part of the 10-year period ended 2000. Most recently, we have encountered COVID shutdowns.

The peaks, on the other hand, tended to be good times. The period leading up to 1910 corresponded to the time of early electrification. The period after World War II was a period of growth and rebuilding. Most recently, China and its large coal resources helped pull the world economy forward. China’s coal supply stopped growing about 2013. I have written that we can no longer depend on China’s economy to pull the world economy forward. With recent rolling blackouts in China (mentioned in the next section), this is becoming more evident.

Without enough energy, the current period is beginning to look more and more like the period that included World War I and II and the Great Depression. Strange outcomes can occur when there basically are not enough resources to go around.

Slide 13
Slide 14

Slide 14 shows recent energy production. A person can see from this slide that wind and solar aren’t really ramping up very much. A major problem is caused by the fact that wind and solar are given the subsidy of “going first” and prices paid to other electricity producers are adjusted downward, to reflect the fact that their electricity is no longer needed by the grid. This approach tends to drive nuclear out of business because wholesale electricity rates tend to fall to very low levels, or become negative, when unneeded wind and solar are added. Nuclear power plants cannot easily shut down. Instead, the low prices tend to drive the nuclear power plants out of business. This is sad, because electricity from nuclear is far more stable, and thus more helpful to the grid, than electricity from wind or solar.

Slide 15

Fossil fuel producers need quite high energy prices for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons is simply because the easiest-to-extract resources were removed first. In recent years, producers have needed to move on to resources with a higher cost of extraction, thus raising their required selling prices. Wages of ordinary citizens haven’t kept up, making it hard for selling prices to rise sufficiently to cover the new higher costs.

Another issue is that fossil fuel energy prices need to cover far more than the cost of drilling the current well. Producers need to start to develop new areas to drill, years in advance of actually getting production from those sites. They need extra funds to work on these new sites.

Also, oil companies, especially, have historically paid high taxes. Besides regular income taxes, oil companies pay state taxes and royalty taxes. These taxes are a way of passing the “surplus energy” that is produced back to the rest of the economy, in the form of taxes. This is exactly the opposite of wind and solar that need subsidies of many kinds, especially the subsidy of “going first,” that drives other electricity providers out of business.

Prices for oil, coal and natural gas have been far lower than producers need, for a long time. The COVID shutdowns in 2020 made the problem worse. Now, with producers quitting at the same time the economy is trying to reopen, it is not surprising that some prices are spiking.

Slide 16

Most local US papers don’t tell much about world energy prices, but these are increasingly becoming a big problem. Natural gas is expensive to ship and store, so prices vary greatly around the world. US natural gas prices have roughly doubled from a year ago, but this is a far lower increase than many other parts of the world are experiencing. In fact, the bills that most US natural gas residential customers will receive will increase by far less than 100% because at the historic low price, over half of the price for residential service is distribution expenses, and such expenses don’t change very much.

Slide 17

Slide 17 shows another way of looking at data that is similar to that in Slide 14. This slide shows amounts on a per capita basis, with groupings I have chosen. I think of coal and oil as being pretty much the only energy resources that can “stand on their own.” The recent peak year for combined coal and oil, on a per capita basis, was 2008.

Natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric were the first add-ons. If a person looks closely, it can be seen that the growth rate of this group has slowed, at least in part because of the pricing problems caused by wind and solar.

The “green” sources at the bottom are growing, but from a very low base. The main reason for their growth is the subsidies they receive. If fossil fuels falter in any major way, it will adversely affect the growth of wind and solar. Already, there are articles about supply chain problems for the big wind turbines. Any cutback in subsidies is also harmful to their production.

Slide 18

US papers don’t tell us much about these problems, but they are getting to be very serious problems in other parts of the world. The countries with the biggest problems are the ones trying to import natural gas or coal. If an exporting country finds its own production falling short, it is likely to make certain that its own citizens are adequately supplied first, before providing exports to others. Thus, importing countries may find very high prices, or supplies simply not available.

Slide 19
Slide 20

This slide got a lot of laughs. The university does have some sort of agricultural plot, but teaching subsistence farming is not its goal.

Slide 21
Slide 22
Slide 23
Slide 24

My point about “scientists who are not pressured by the need for research grants or acceptance of written papers are the ones trying to tell the whole truth” got quite a few laughs. As a practical matter, this means that retired scientists tend to be disproportionately involved in trying to discern the truth.

With the military understanding the need to work around energy limits, one change has been to move away from preparation for “hot wars” to more interest in biological weapons, such as viruses. Thus, governments of many countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Australia and China, have funded research on making viruses more virulent. The vaccine-making industry also supported this effort because it might enhance the industry’s ability to make and sell more vaccines. It was believed that there might even be new techniques that would develop from this new technology that would increase the overall revenue generated by the healthcare industry.

Questions came up, both during the talk and later, about what other changes have taken place because of the need for much of the audience to hear a story with a happily ever after ending, and because of the known likely decline of the economy for physics reasons. Clearly one thing that happens is successful entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, aim their production in areas where subsidies will be available. With fossil fuel production not making money, fossil fuel producers are even willing to undertake renewable projects if subsidies seem to be high enough. The issue isn’t really, “What is sustainable?” It is much more, “Where will the profits be, given where subsidies will be, and what people are being taught about how to perceive today’s problems?”

Slide 25
Slide 26
Slide 27
Slide 28

In fact, what has been happening in recent years is that a great deal of debt has been added to the world economy. Mostly, this added debt seems to be creating added inflation. It definitely is not leading to the rapid extraction of a great deal more fossil fuels, which is what really would allow the production of more goods and services. If inflation leads to higher interest rates, this, by itself, could destabilize the financial system.

Slide 29

I tried to explain, as I have in the past, how a self-organizing economy works. New citizens are born, and old ones pass away. New businesses are formed, and they add new products, keeping in mind what products citizens want and can afford. Governments add laws and taxes, as situations change. Energy is needed at every step in production, so availability of inexpensive energy is important in the operation of the economy, as well. There are equivalences, such as employees tend also to be customers. If the wages of employees are high, they can afford to buy many goods and services; if wages are low, employees will be very restricted in what they can afford.

In some sense, the economy is hollow inside, because the economy will stop manufacturing unneeded products. If an economy starts making cars, for example, it will phase out products associated with transportation using horse and buggy.

Slide 30

A self-organizing economy clearly does not operate in the simple way economists seem to model the economy. Low prices can be just as big a problem as high prices, for example.

Another issue is that the energy needs of an economy seem to depend on its population and how far it has already been built up. For example, roads, bridges, water distribution pipelines and electricity transmission infrastructure must all be maintained, even if the population falls. We know humans need something like 2000 calories a day of food. Economies seem to have a similar constant need for energy, based on both the number of people in the economy and the amount of infrastructure that has been built up. There is no way to cut back very much, without the economy collapsing.

Slide 31

I am not exactly certain when the first discussion of the economy as a dissipative structure (self-organizing system powered by energy) started. When I prepared this slide, I was thinking that perhaps it was in 1996, when Yoshinori Shizoawa wrote a paper called Economy as a Dissipative Structure. However, when I did a search today, I encountered an earlier paper by Robert Ayres, written in 1988, also discussing the economy as a dissipative structure. So, the idea has been around for a very long time. But getting ideas from one part of academia to other parts of academia seems to be a very slow process.

Debt cannot grow indefinitely, either, because there needs to be a way for it to be paid back in a way that produces real goods and services. Without adequate energy supplies, it becomes impossible to produce the goods and services that consumers need.

Slide 32

Attendees asked about earlier posts that might be helpful in understanding our current predicament. This is the list I provided:

Humans Left Sustainability Behind as Hunter Gatherers  – Dec. 2, 2020
How the World’s Energy Problem Has Been Hidden – June 21, 2021
Energy Is the Economy; Shrinkage in Energy Supply Leads to Conflict – Nov. 9, 2020
Why a Great Reset Based on Green Energy Isn’t Possible – July 17, 2020
The “Wind and Solar Will Save Us” Delusion – Jan. 30, 2017

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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5,606 Responses to Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told

  1. MG says:

    “The answer was sweat, which dissipates heat through evaporation. Early humans probably had few sweat glands, like chimpanzees, and those were mainly located on the palms of their hands and the bottoms of their feet. Occasionally, however, individuals were born with more glands than usual. The more they could sweat, the longer they could forage before the heat forced them back into the shade. The more they could forage, the better their chances of having healthy offspring and of passing on their sweat glands to future generations.”

    “Until the 1980s, researchers could only estimate how much ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth’s surface. But in 1978, NASA launched the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Three years ago, Jablonski and Chaplin took the spectrometer’s global ultraviolet measurements and compared them with published data on skin color in indigenous populations from more than 50 countries. To their delight, there was an unmistakable correlation: The weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. Jablonski went on to show that people living above 50 degrees latitude have the highest risk of vitamin D deficiency. “This was one of the last barriers in the history of human settlement,” Jablonski says. “Only after humans learned fishing, and therefore had access to food rich in vitamin D, could they settle these regions.””


    • Interesting!

    • Azure Kingfisher says:

      You might be interested in this:

      Pesky Problem #3: Human Skin Colour

      “Ptolemy’s Paradigm provides a latitudinal explanation for human skin colours.

      “Human skin color ranges from the darkest brown to the lightest hues.

      “Differences in skin color among individuals is caused by variation in pigmentation, which is the result of genetics (inherited from one’s biological parents), the exposure to the sun, or both.

      “Differences across populations evolved through natural selection, because of differences in environment, and regulate the biochemical effects of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin.

      “Von Luschan’s chromatic scale (VLS) is a method of classifying skin color. It is also called the von Luschan scale or von Luschan’s scale. It is named after its inventor, Felix von Luschan.

      “The New World distribution of human skin colours provides pointers to where human and/or landmass migrations have occurred.”


      Fun maps on human skin color distribution:



    • Hubbs says:

      OTOH, more sweating means need for more drinking water, sometimes contaminated, leading to more enteric disease? Great if as long as there are Big Berkeys to filter.
      Plus, now days villagers sometimes have to travel miles to collect a few potfuls of water. Kind of the same energy dilemma with having to gather firewood to cook food. Stove efficiency a must.

      I have two Big Berkeys, two Rocket stoves, two Kelly Kettles, and several 5 gallon water tote jugs.

  2. Yoshua says:

    The Omicron seems to clearly come from a lab. Almost all of the mutations went from acid to basic. A lab release also explains how it just popped up from nowhere. Dr Horace Drew said the moment he saw it evolutionary history, that it’s the second lab release.


  3. Ed says:

    From the worldometer site I see deaths per day versus million people in population

    0.5 per million Israel
    1.0 per million Peru
    3.0 per million US

  4. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Ambassador of Russia to the United Kingdom Andrei Kelin: Warned that further reinforcement of Nato forces in Ukraine would be interpreted as “a threat to invade Russia.”

    He accused Britain of “stepping closer and closer” to Russia’s borders.

    “We have lots of manoeuvring now in the Baltic Sea. We have strategic aviation, with nuclear warheads, flying 20km close to the borders.”

    “There is a possibility that there is a spark and an incident can occur. Nato is stepping up its presence along the borders of the Russian federation.”

    • Ed says:

      It is about the kickback money. Biden and US leaders Pelosi, Schumer give 50 billion to Ukraine and Ukraine gives ?, 10 billion, to Biden/Pelosi/Schumer. No one wants a war it would kill the golden goose.

  5. MG says:

    ” During the survey of sweat glands, Africans had on the average a lower
    rate of sweating, a lower terminal rectal temperature and a higher skin
    temperature than Europeans. All three measurements are consistent with a
    more efficient heat-dissipating mechanism in the Africans.”


  6. MG says:


    Histology and physiology of black skin

    “The higher electrical resistance of black skin suggests that the black epidermis would be less hydrated than white epidermis. Anatomically, the amount of sweat glands in black and white skins is identical and varies with climatic changes but not with racial factors. Likewise, sweating is thought to be similar in both races, taking into account the contradictory results from studies, but black subjects withstand humid heat better while whites cope better with dry heat.”

  7. MG says:

    Volume and composition of hand sweat of white and black men and women in desert walks

    “The Mann-Whitney test revealed that volumes of hand sweat were significantly greater for Whites than for Blacks.”


  8. Mirror on the wall says:

    Gail, we touched on ‘bias’ the other day, and you expanded the focus to the bias that lies in the ‘trust’ that people place in the community and in its narratives, be they regarding the sustainability of industrial civilisation, economics, covid or whatever.

    ‘Bias’ as social ‘trust’, ‘belief’, ‘truth’ is a human tendency that expresses itself both in societies and in religions – which are not that different in how they function, as you seem to realise. A religion is historically a society in motion, and a society does not cease to act in an essentially religious manner when it declares itself secular and diverse as in the recent period.

    I came across a passage in Nietzsche the other night, just before you expanded the subject. I have been busy for a couple of days, but here it is. You are clearly on the ‘same page’.

    There are various ‘motives’ (benefits) to trust one’s society and its ‘way’ of understanding, organising and doing things (which he here seems to call ‘morality’): it is seductive, people like to believe that they have the truth; it feeds vanity and pride; it allows for order in society, peace therein; happiness, comfort; it is reassuring, it gives confidence, alleviates life; it reduces mistrust, ‘improves’ the character; it gives peace of mind and contentment.

    So, humans incline to submit to, and to embrace, the authority structures of the society, to trust them; to accept the society’s ‘ways’ of doing things, and to trust them; to trust and accept what they are told by society about issues, eg. IC, covid. It allows the society to function in an orderly, peaceful manner; the society sees it as beneficial to itself that citizens trust it and accept its messages.

    And the citizens perceive the ‘benefits’ of society’s ways, and of its trustful way of doing things. Thus, those who are less trustful are acting in an ‘anti-social’ manner that is contrary to the whole way that societies function. Societies rely on ‘belief’ in the ‘truth’ of their society and its narratives, in pretty much the same way as religions function (historically they are the same thing.)

    But, there are dangers, if the ‘ways’ and the ‘messages’, the narratives of the society are incorrect, ie. not liable to actually be or to remain ‘beneficial’. A society that relies on everyone supposing and trusting that it has the ‘truth’ will tend to shut down fresh evaluation, criticism – its ‘bias’ and its ‘trust’ is liable to make it ‘stupid’.

    Societies likely have the luxury of supposing that the ‘stupidity’ that comes with ‘trust’ is generally in their favour, but it does not always work out that way – all civilisations collapse in the end, and societies make many serious mistakes. It seems likely that societies will necessarily always function in that manner in order to have ‘cohesion’; the important thing is likely to have a rational (political) ‘caste’ that is above that, but that tends to be ‘fantasy’.

    > Error and ignorance are fateful. – The view that truth is found and that ignorance and error are at an end is one of the most potent seductions there is. Supposing it is believed, then the will to examination, investigation, caution, experiment is paralyzed: it can even count as criminal, namely as doubt concerning truth –

    “Truth” is therefore more fateful than error and ignorance, because it cuts off the forces that work toward enlightenment and knowledge.

    The affect of laziness now takes the side of “truth” – (“thinking is distress, misery!”); as do order, rule, happiness in possessing, pride in wisdom – vanity in summa: – it is more comfortable to obey than to examine; it is more flattering to think “I possess the truth” than to see only darkness around one – above all: it is reassuring, it gives confidence, it alleviates life – it “improves” the character, to the extent that it lessens mistrust. “Peace of soul,” “a quiet conscience”: all inventions made possible only by presupposing that truth has been found. – “By their fruits shaIl ye know them” – “Truth” is truth, for it makes men better – The process goes on: everything good, all success, is placed to the credit of “truth.”

    This is the proof of [by way of] strength: “the happiness, the contentment, the well-being of the community, as of the individual, are henceforth understood as the consequence of belief in morality – The converse: ill success is attributed to lack of faith. – TWTP 452

    • I think what you are saying is pretty much true, or has been historically.

      Of course, if governments are assumed to be trustworthy, many people make the assumption that the advice given with respect to the vaccine is trustworthy, whether or not this is really true. This seems to be the way we get to such a terribly divisive situation as we have today.

  9. Yoshua says:

    I actually looks as if Omicron has integrated a part of the Pfizer vaccines genome. We are about to be infected by the Pfizer vaccine.

    Thierry, this could perhaps explain Omicron’s attack against the heart?


    • Thierry says:

      I don’t know! The Omicron variant is obviously as engineered as the first strain. Hopefully the variant will evolve and become less dangerous (except for the vaxxed). Until they release the next variant and so on. I cannot see how the process can be stopped.

  10. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Australian doctor questioned by police because he wrote to MP about COVID shots

    • Fast Eddy says:

      It’s come to this has it….

      • Michael Le Merchant says:

        American vaccine misinformation and extremism are infiltrating New Zealand

        • Fast Eddy says:

          When Josephine Bartley, a member of the city council in Auckland, New Zealand, heard that a local Covid-19 vaccination clinic had been vandalized early this month, she drove over to survey the damage. After she spoke to the owners and helped them connect with law enforcement officials, she noticed three men loitering near her parking spot.

          “Some guys were standing around my car just staring at me,” she said by telephone and email last week.

          “One of them called me scum,” she said, and suggested that they damage her vehicle. The men got in a four-wheel-drive vehicle and left.

          hahahahaha… excellent … filth scum bi tch… whatever

        • Fast Eddy says:

          “I was confused, I was trying to figure out who was ‘scum’ — was it brown people? Was it Labour, was it council? Was it the vaccination? Was it women? But I was concerned for my safety,” Bartley said. Police “advised me not to use my car and lay low for a few days,” she said.

          hahahahaha… really? talk about lack of self awareness…

  11. Thierry says:

    Someone has woke up. An anonymous source on Telegram has provided some interesting news after several months of silence. I guess he, or she, is working for the WHO.
    Here is an excerpt:
    “Additionally, a group at the WHO is releasing an internal report for the second time calling for the classification of COVID to be changed from respiratory disease to cardiovascular disease.

    The report concludes with a paragraph that could prove interesting for the future: Omicron seems to have evolved in this direction, with different and weaker respiratory symptoms, no loss of smell, for example, but a greater cardiac impact resulting in a overall body reaction with potential long-term more damaging effects to the heart that must be investigated at all costs.”

    • Thierry says:

      Another one: “It is now acquired. The WHO, after the simulations I spoke about yesterday, considers that the variant will completely change the situation. No public statement on this change of consideration for the time being.”
      and the link https://t.me/s/coronalive

    • j says:

      aka, how to prep the populus for vaccine-induced heart attacks.

  12. Michael Le Merchant says:


  13. Ed says:

    In a finite world the human population is kept finite, currently by the four horse persons. We get upset when humans starve we can choose alternative methods sterilization by surgery or by drugs. It does not need to be world wide we can have “free” zones that breed without restraint but we must forbid them leaving their hell hole and coming into regions human population control. Yes, that will include shooting death would be invaders.

    So far no discussion anywhere on the planet of this fact/need.

    A one time cull to 500 million will have no lasting effect. Will the land owners use sterilization or the traditional land tenure/starvation to control their herd?

    • all biological species are controlled by energy availability

      when energy is available in excess, species thrive to excess.

      when it isn’t they die back, or even die off.

      daffodils or dinosaurs–the rule is inflexible.

      it has nothing to with ‘culling’, or sterilisation by an ‘elite class’ or somesuch—such notions are just products of our imagination—ie we can ‘think’ it, therefore it must be so–at least–millions conveniently choose to believe that. We can ‘initiate disasters’–but these are short term events.

      we control ourselves through natural instincts. (over which we have no collective control)

      we enjoy the act of procreation, but such pleasures take us to the limit of procreation. That is nature’s intention.

      it is what we do best

      • Ed says:

        Norman, there can be a hierarchy of control mechanisms. The system you mention is mother natures iron clad never to be evaded system. If there is food we eat and have sex and have children. If there is not enough food we starve.

        But as an Englishman you can look back to the days where the land owners gave use of a piece of land to a none owner in exchange for rent say 1/3 of the production. Any excess children that might go off wondering around the kingdom are beaten to death by the sheriff. Hence the story of Robin Hood, an eco terrorist, despoiler of Gaia of all that Greta holds dear of the king’s bio diversity sanctuary, that had to be put down by the sheriff.

        I a just hoping this time around the sheriff uses more sterilization surgery and less beating to death.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        The CCP ‘one child policy’ does seem to have had some effect in reducing fertility rates, even in the less developed areas. It is also an instinct to avoid collapse through overshoot, but it is not necessarily the strongest. As you say, individuals tend to act as individuals. CCP was able to use its force to give the instinct dominance in the society.

        European fertility rates are collapsed anyway, and the populations are expanding only because the current Western economic-demographic model hinges on labour expansion to maintain GDP growth in lieu of productivity growth, and to service state debts and spending commitments. ‘Mature’ capitalism is incompatible with population decline.

        It is not that it is ‘impossible’ per se to reduce European populations. The fertility rates are low anyway. But ‘mature’ capitalism precludes the possibility. The Western socio-political model emphasises personal ‘liberty’, which would make ‘single child’ policies difficult were they needed. Europe is politically a ‘write off’, it has no capacity to shift demographic ‘macro’ policies like CCP.

  14. jj says:

    A jump of over 30 genome changes. Is their any precedent for this? Wherein is the basis for claiming this occurred in a single HIV/immune compromised human? Sincere questions.

    To me the 30 genome jump is at least as interesting/concerning as the “variant” itself. Is this a one off or are there more fast tracks in store?

  15. Michael Le Merchant says:

    I reiterate: the coming, great wave of death is due to the v(@)xxscenes. If someone is adamantly urging you to get the “Fizzer” jab, or the other mRNA jabs and/or boo$ter$, they are either dangerously stupid, slimily compromised or unctuously evil, or maybe all three. It is prudent to avoid those persons. They are a mortal menace to personal well being.

    Father Bugnolo is pointing to March of 2022 as the time when the numbers of deaths will dramatically increase. From what I am hearing, the period of February-March-April 2022 is when the human herd, even those who are presently in deep denial will realize: “Oh, my God!!! They intend to kill us all.”

    In truth, this process has already begun, but give it another 100 days, as the cadavers really begin to pile up, and the societal blow-back will be intense.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And our fine young fellow has been offered a whopping NZD1000 to be injected.. a signing bonus hahaha…. that’s a lot of donuts!

      I’ve actually had to step in on that otherwise Fast Eddy might have come completely unhinged and apparently when HE does that its not very pleasant… M Fast asked me to intervene so I’ve used my diplomatic skills to convey that he has thought his decision through carefully and he is firm … providing an opportunity to walk back that visa flip flop….

      If not then we know what we are dealing with … we’ll attend the Christmas thing as it will create an episode if we back out…. and that will be that.

      Fast Eddy is still simmering in the background and solving quadratic equations while strumming country music hits on his guitar and dictating a PHD thesis on molecular biology (all at the same time) to take HIS mind off of this … but HE will defer to me on this… I have reminded HIM that HE gets the last laugh on everyone …

      • Michael Le Merchant says:

        Almost shed a tear watching this beautiful heartwarming video from the NZ Herald…

        The race is on to get 90% of NZ’s eligible population vaccinated by Christmas 2021. The sooner we’re vaccinated, the sooner we can end restrictions and get back to a more normal way of life.

  16. Harry McGibbs says:

    “We’ve asked the Federal Reserve to clean up America’s biggest economic disasters — from the supply chain crisis to inequality. But it’s clear they’ve run out of power to fix anything…

    “…as powerful as the Fed might be, it can work only through the banking system and capital markets. The central bank can’t directly intervene in the real economy or specifically direct money and capital to adjust to radical shifts in demand…

    “Think of the Fed like a water authority managing a reservoir. It can release more water to raise the overall flow, but on its own it can’t direct the streams or bring water to where it’s ultimately needed the most. In the event of a flood, it can’t clean up the mess — it can only cut off the water.”


  17. Yoshua says:

    The Turkish lira is perhaps collapsing in sync with rising energy prices? Turkey imports most of its energy just like EU. The euro has been falling against the dollar as well…but not as hard.

    Ukraine and Moldova are being crushed under rising energy prices too. Being part of EU does give some protection…until it doesn’t…but we are not there yet?

  18. Harry McGibbs says:

    “As U.K. Beckons Truck Drivers, Many in Poland Say ‘No Thanks’.

    “A special visa offer, aimed at forestalling a supply chain fiasco during the holidays, goes begging for takers… The clear message, a few drivers said, is “Come here and work until the day before Christmas, and then please leave.””


    • Harry McGibbs says:

      “UK health trusts suspend home birth services as midwives shortage deepens…

      “A severe shortage of midwives has led to home birth services being closed or reduced by a number of hospital trusts across the UK, with pregnant women frequently left in limbo as to where they will be able to give birth.”


    • Xabier says:

      ‘Come here and work, live in crowded conditions, have no social life due to lock-downs (coming) , and then go away!’

      Not very tempting is it?

      The arrogance of thinking we will always have cheap, skilled, labour on tap for no real reward.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      I said at the time that the ‘policy’ to allow short term visas for truckers would not work.

      ‘We had Brexit because basically we don’t want you here, setting up families and staying; well, now we are short of drivers, so you can come for 6 weeks only, think yourselves lucky, and make sure that you push off by Christmas!’

      It is no massive surprise that truckers responded with, ‘LOL, you must be having a giggle, mate!’

      Other countries have trucker shortages but they get their truckers from elsewhere in the EU because of Schengen. Tories opted out of that, and that is what happens. The consequence is serious supply disruptions, and higher wages, which is all pushing up inflation, the cost to the customers, and cutting profit margins and other wages.

      Not to worry, maybe Boris and co. can invoke article 16 and explode the entire economy. They seem to holding off because they are down in the polls; they will wait and see what the polls say in the new year and maybe drag out ‘talks’ until it is more politically convenient to do it. They probably wish that they had done it, as expected, at the TP conference in October; the next is in March. The objective is ditch the NIP so that they can depart from EU standards and do dodgy free trade deals.

  19. Ed says:

    The new strain seems to be exactly what we expect mutation to a no harm to the host virus.

    • jj says:

      Yes if we observed a normal evolutionary path. A 30 plus genome change out of the blue is anything but normal. I would go so far to use the term unprecedented and would welcome any correction in that terms use. Perhaps I am too suspicious a fast tracked “no harm” virus would certainly be desirable.

    • jj says:

      When the many experts tell us that omicron represents a evolutionary path that is non humanized one of the inferences is that the virus is not following a somewhat normal path of less harm to the host. If we are seeing a shift of the effects of the virus away from its trademark respiratory attack to a attack on other bodily organs that would concur with the non humanized evolutionary premise. The preceding sentence is speculation none the less the apparent link between heart problems and the injection created spike protein might have substance in omicron. Time will tell.

      All my friends say pshaw at omicron life is good. Time will tell. Whether natural or otherwise the effects of the unusually large and unusually abrupt 30 genome jump remain to be seen. We just gave the screw 3 complete turns on the carburetor. We will see how the engine runs. If the usual trend toward less harmful manifests that would be fantastic.

  20. Xabier says:

    Hundreds of people here using their Sunday afternoon – bitterly cold – to queue up at the town hall for the sacred booster, all around the building.

    Met a neighbour who is terrified of ‘Orrible Omicron – a total absence of reason and sense.

    Newspapers in the supermarket told me that Boris orders ‘Masks on!’ To ‘save Xmas!’ Let’s see how many comply on Monday……

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Eeeee aaaaawwww Eeeee Awwwwww…. here comes another wave of mustard gas!!!…. Eeee Awwwww… put on the masks put on the masks!!! Eeeeee Awwwwwwww.

  21. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Lebanon launches second licensing round for 8 offshore oil, gas blocks…

    “The US is mediating between Lebanon and Israel, who are technically at war, to resolve the dispute over about 860 square kilometers of water.”


  22. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Is Turkey on the brink of hyperinflation?

    “…Analysts warn that if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refuses to abandon his fixation with low interest rates, Turkey could be headed towards hyperinflation. The country is heavily reliant on imports and other raw materials that are becoming increasingly expensive as the lira slides.”


  23. MG says:

    Covid-positive Czech president appointed new PM from plexiglass box


  24. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Kyrgyzstan went to parliamentary polls Sunday as tensions simmer after claims of a plot to unseat populist president Sadyr Japarov, who rose to power in post-vote unrest last year.

    “In three decades of independence, the impoverished ex-Soviet Central Asian nation has become a byword for volatility…”


  25. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Lockdown resentment is growing in Europe…

    “Anger has been bubbling under the surface in eastern and central Europe. But as new lockdowns are imposed and governments consider making vaccines compulsory, this resentment is now threatening to burst out into the open.”


  26. Harry McGibbs says:

    “East Africa’s top retail banks booked more than $125 million of bad loans in the nine months to September this year, as borrowers struggled to repay their loans following the expiry of a 12-month loan repayment relief programme for customers adversely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

    “This comes as regional banking regulators in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda have raised concern over the rise of bad loans, which is now threatening the financial sector.”


  27. JMS says:

    “You could say that this is Covid-21 instead of Covid-19”, belgian PM Alexander Croo

    Covid-21, hum, where have I heard this before? Ah, I remember now, in the famous Canadian leak:

    Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a third wave with a much higher mortality rate and a higher infection rate. Expected by February 2021.
    – New daily cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and deaths related to COVID-19 and COVID-21 will exceed the capacity of medical care facilities. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.

    • Did you mean it like the CAN-leak projection is ~year delayed by now, i.e. expecting “desired” full impact by ~Q1 2022 ?

      • Xabier says:

        The structure of the Canadian ‘leak’ is perhaps far more informative than the suggested dates.

        • Fast Eddy says:

          We need to keep in mind … as Bossche says… he does not know when the end game will play out… nobody knows when we get a Marek’s type outcome and immune exhaustion… even the Elders and Fauci do not know specifically ….

          They are waiting for it … probably anxiously…

          The Leak was not the CEP — it was a basic outline that has played out as stated .. just not on the exact timeline … and it culminates in some sort of utopian wonderland… that part of the leak… is most definitely a lie.

      • JMS says:

        If the Canadian leak is legit, as it seems, the plan laid out in it is obviously a year late, as we are still a long way from this:
        “transition of individuals to the universal basic income program. The middle of the second quarter of 2021 is expected.”
        But what do we know?

      • JMS & Xabier> yes agree on both points here, thanks.

  28. Harry McGibbs says:

    “Record 2.1m Chinese sit civil service exam as economy slows, youth jobless rate climbs…

    “A record number of Chinese are sitting the national civil service examination this year, in hopes of landing a secure government job amid slowing growth and high youth unemployment.”


  29. Sam says:

    Omicron is going to be nothing; a lot of excitement over nothing. BAU for two more years

    • CTG says:

      Omicron is actually nothing but..

      1. If the governments decide to lockdown and repeat what happened in 2020, the world economy cannot take it anymore. My country’s entire economy will be gone and I dont even know how it can recover.

      2. Virus will go weak over time but those who are jabbed are certainly immune-compromised. I have already some people here are constantly sick. Eventually one day in th very near future, it will be a disaster especially for those with temperate climate

      Think on a wider and more macro scale and not just a thin slice. By the way unlike in Marvel universe, our interconnected society cannot function with just 20% dead.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        As much as I’d like to think this is a cull… that’s obviously not possible as we need the circus and barnyard CovIDIOTS to perform essential tricks to keep BAU ticking along.

        All roads continue to lead to the CEP

  30. hillcountry says:

    Investor News and Research News are behind a Membership Paywall.



    note the bit about “North Africa”



    I’m cooking-up a CT that has Africa as the ultimate target in the Covid-Variant war.

  31. Tim Groves says:

    This story from the COVID Blog is heart-breaking.

    LAHAINA, HAWAII — A 35-year-old medical esthetician and single mother of two young boys is desperate for answers and learning the hard way that doctors are not her allies.

    Ms. Stephanie Evans received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on August 29, according to documents published on Instagram. She believed it was the “right thing to do,” but also did it because of social pressure. A week later, she suffered from severe chest pain and shortness of breath. The pain worsened the following week, to the point that Ms. Evans believed she was having a heart attack.


    Ms. Evans finally revealed the full truth on November 8. She posted a photo of herself in the hospital. “I have been suffering with Pericarditis (an adverse effect) from the Pfizer vaccine,” she wrote. She’s now unable to work, run, hike, or play with her kids. Her mother apparently moved in with her because she “need[s] help 24/7.” Ms. Evans believed the mainstream media, CDC and Fauci narrative that myocarditis and pericarditis are essentially paper cuts that go away overnight.

    “This is not healing the way I thought it would. It taking much longer,” she wrote. Ms. Evans is taking several anti-inflammatory medications. But they are providing little to no relief. She’s also tried natural remedies, to no avail. But Ms. Evans concluded, “I’m still here and fighting until I can heal.”


    • hillcountry says:

      that’s rough, feel bad for her situation. Mine didn’t last too long but it had me schedule a Calcium Scoring Test in March 2020, just before the hospitals locked-down. Lots of almost sleepless nights due to the ache. Sort of feels like a deep bruise. That’s where I first ran across Ivor Cummins and Patrick Theut.

  32. Tim Groves says:

    GVB comments:

    My opinion on the new African variants

    The world may be taken by surprise but that doesn’t include us. It remains to be seen whether Omicron can outcompete Delta (to be confirmed). If that’s the case, we’re definitely not in good shape.

    In case of CoV, innate immunity protects the individual and the ‘herd’ ( sterilizing immunity, no natural selection pressure, herd immunity) whereas adaptive immunity induced with leaky vaccines has exactly the opposite effect.

    THE big Q is whether such an immune escape variant could even resist naturally acquired Abs in people who recovered from C19 disease. I am, indeed, cautious and worried about ADE, even in the unvaccinated who recovered from C-19 disease as they may no longer be able to control viral infection. ADE would equal ‘enhanced virulence’. Difficult to predict.

    Mass vaccination has compressed the evolutionary trajectory of the virus from a few hundred years (?) down to one year. Hope that naturally primed individuals can deal with that speed.


    • Alex says:

      If Omicron is really so much more transmissible that it outcompetes Delta, and at the same time it results only in very mild cases, then we have a good chance that the pandemic will turn into endemic.

      • Xabier says:

        That will, however, not have the slightest effect on the official narrative, which is already very far from the truth.

        Vaxxes will simply be forced on us come what may, I’m afraid.

        The transition from enticement and invitation, to coercion and brute force has begun almost everywhere.

        Totally co-ordinated. They will not retreat.

  33. Michael Le Merchant says:

    A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot

    • hillcountry says:

      If they knew the mRNA-induced Spike Proteins would cause a certain amount of clotting, I wonder if that was part of the reasoning behind the hypothesized Trojan Horsing of Retinoic Acid derivatives in the inoculation’s nano-lipids.

      The literature is clear on RA’s use as a fibrinolytic agent, but not so clear on the downside of its powerful effects, even when it’s very specifically “controlled” during in-vitro lab work. There’s likely a bunch of unpublished work on those “effects”.


    • Fast Eddy says:

      Shall we make a list of OFWers whose brains have gone dead since their jabs?

  34. Michael Le Merchant says:


  35. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Russia – “USA is dangerously misguided in believing Russia won’t respond to NATO threats. NATO states are taking over the Black Sea & Ukrainian territory. I would like to say and emphasize unequivocally, we will respond. This is a very dangerous delusion.”

  36. Michael Le Merchant says:
  37. Michael Le Merchant says:

    Proff Bhakdi:

    -All vaccines are Doomed to failiure

    -Optometrists will easily see all vaccinated people with blood clots in their eyes & should document them all

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I have a question …

      We were told that the vaccines would stop the spread of covid — because that’s what vaccines do.

      But these don’t…

      So they told the MOREONS that the vaccines instead stop you from getting severe Covid…. if that was so then they should be considered a treatment…. like Tylenol can stop you from getting a splitting headache…

      But I have not see any information explaining how or why they stop you from getting severe illness?

      I am thinking .. once you get a breakthrough infection you have Covid…. essentially the vaccines are not working — so why would they prevent severe infection or death? What is that supposed mechanism?

      As we are seeing — if we look beyond government lies — ICUs are filling with fully vaxxed people… I assume their is no mechanism … this is just another lie —that the MOREONS accept without questioning

      Because that is what MOREONS do.

      • hillcountry says:

        Michigan health officials announced Wednesday that 44 federal military medical staffers are being sent to assist with the state’s fourth coronavirus surge. The federal assistance comes at Whitmer’s request, and two groups of 22 physicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists are expected to arrive in the Great Lake State this upcoming week.


        Wonder what strings are attached as time goes on. Anybody remember when Dixie Lee Ray had to kick FEMA out of Washington state post-Mt. St. Helen’s going off?

  38. Michael Le Merchant says:

    China Faces ‘Colossal Outbreak’ on U.S.-Style Reopening: Study

  39. Rodster says:

    “We Don’t Talk About Collapse To Revel In It, We Talk About Collapse to Prevent It” by CHS


    • I’m afraid preventing collapse isn’t as easy as CHS thinks it is.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        Perhaps he feels the need to look ‘virtuous’ and beneficial to the ‘herd’. Society can pressure people to put on the right ‘act’.

        If civilisation is all coming down, then it is all coming down. What sort of ‘human’ would not want to watch what is happening with understanding?

        Why did we bother to evolve large brains at all? So that we could be taken unawares with the prescience of a cow?

        It is the ‘bias’ of the ‘community’ that it has matters under control so long as the members keep up the ‘faith’ in the ways of the society. The set ‘way’ gives confidence, assurance, status, seeming benefits as its ‘proof’.

        Societies act and psychologically function in similar ways to religions, which is why it is so important to be able to understand their tendencies.

        • Kowalainen says:

          One only need to observe the princesses life and I betcha there’s a rather large house, car and all the other little spoilers, luxuries and conveniences to simply conclude:

          All hat and no cow. Talk is cheap, chucking in the oats and turning the cranks is hard.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      We talk about collapse because we are interested in it. Humans, some of them anyway, like to understand the world in which they live. I, for one, am not about to ‘apologise’ for that. Reality is more interesting, curious and entertaining, than any drama.

      I suspect that some people go through life as ‘performers’, worried all the time about whether they are putting on the right act to garner favour – while others are less given to performances, and they are more interested in understanding and in personal authenticity.

      So, the performers can challenge folk who are interested in collapse about whether they are putting on a correct performance – or it is a ‘wrong’ performance? But, who even cares what the performers approve or disapprove of? We would be them if we thought, let alone cared, like them.

      I suppose that it is a ‘herd’ thing, to make all the right noises and manoeuvres with the rest of the animals. Well, humanity has not entirely been reduced to cows and sheep just yet. Some see human dignity in autonomy and personal selfhood.

      Meek subjugation is for slaves, let alone caring about whether one’s every last disposition and utterance is approved by the herd – I am not sure that there is even a word for that degree of subjugation but ‘slave’ will have to do. So, forgive me if I am not a slave and do not even pretend to be one – otherwise, what is even the point?

      • Kowalainen says:

        It would have been extremely interesting to know is it’s an IQ thing or something nurture or nature related?

        However; I’m not sure who’s the problem. The “free” individual or the subjugated herd member? Clearly the sane individual assumes that the mind processes of the average NPC herd member “works” in the same as his or her own. This is clearly problematic. Perhaps the herd just should march toward oblivion sans the ‘wise’ people tryharding to avoid catastrophe?

        Dunning-Kruger, nailed that effect down with regards to intelligence. Perhaps there is something similar going on with the collective unconscious?

        It could be that which is beneficial for group cohesion ultimately is detrimental if the ‘eugenics’ process selects for ‘NPC’ traits?

        I don’t know.
        Enlighten me Mirror. 🤔

  40. Rodster says:

    “CV19 Booster Shot Also a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston”

    In this interview with a former Pfizer Exec she says that the vaccine business for Big Pharma will become a multi-trillion dollar business. Step aside military industrial complex, you have company.


  41. Yoshua says:

    European electricity prices remain extremely high €246 MWh. Something will have to break before they fall to normal?


    • Again, this is exclusively related to EU carbon emission trading scheme only (mainly) – not applicable in RoW context.. Actually it could go even higher..

      • DJ says:

        I thought it was entirely relating to Russia not wanting or being able to sell gas to europe.

        • Decades ago the European govs placed bets on unstable renewables, backed by natgas on demand, and partly by French and CEE nuclear, Alpine hydro, and coal. The natgas to be sourced domestically from N Sea shelf, Russia (+stans), N Africa, ME, ..

          To impose it and make it “market” comfortable mandated that carbon emission trading scheme.

          Meanwhile stepped up hostility towards Russia.
          Meanwhile N African natgas did not pan out that much..
          Meanwhile N Sea shelf rapidly depleting.
          Meanwhile ME gas connector didn’t pan out.
          Meanwhile hydro went unstable because of weather.
          Meanwhile coal was closed down / banned.
          Meanwhile LNG (playing smaller part anyway) is snatched by Asian buyers willing to offer premium price..
          In reaction Russia opened more spigots to Asia / China, but still backed new Baltic sea natgas pipeline connector projects.

          Who is therefor chiefly responsible for the situation in Europe?

          • DJ says:


            Today compared to a year ago the difference is the russian gas.

            Of course someone could be blamed for making us dependent on putingas.

    • Closing borders and shutting down some industries might keep problems away for a while. Demand will drop, bringing prices back down.

  42. hillcountry says:

    The leading voice for Geoengineering (David Keith) created a company Carbon Engineering in 2009. By 2015 it had a plant in Squamish BC sucking tons of carbon dioxide out of the air. By 2017 they had Air to Fuel figured out. By 2019 this deal with Occidental in the Permian Basin.


    It’s interesting that Steve Oldham (CEO of Carbon Engineering) didn’t elaborate very much about the Air to Fuel side of the equation in his TED Talk in Portland (Sept. 2019) “How to Pull the Plug on Climate Change”. Seems like that’s the Bunker Buster if it can be done with any Net EROEI.

    That little bottle of Clean Fuel he displays is likely the “yimmick” as we used to say. The Occidental deal is going to generate Carbon Credits via California as described at the link, as well as supply CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Permian Basin.

    I can hear the CT already. Occidental commandeered this revolutionary technology; roped it into a secondary side-benefit to oil extraction in the Permian, only to keep Clean Fuel off the market.

    Wiki gives more interesting details on Carbon Engineering; including a $68 million injection of capital from investors including Chevron, BP and Bill Gates (aka USG, in some sense of that sprawling term)


    “This announcement comes as market-based regulations like the Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) in California and other jurisdictions are being expanded to allow credit generation by DAC-sequestration projects. [DAC = Direct Air Capture] This facility will be designed to be eligible for both California’s LCFS credits and US federal 45Q tax credits, demonstrating that these effective market-based regulations result in positive benefits for the climate, local communities and the economy.”

    Just one more thing, not that I presume to know what it means for our present situation.

    Wiki: Armand Hammer (May 21, 1898 – December 10, 1990) was an American business manager and owner, most closely associated with Occidental Petroleum, a company he ran from 1957 until his death. Called “Lenin’s chosen capitalist”, he was known as well for his art collection and his close ties to the Soviet Union.

    Add this little gem from the year 2000 showing the tip of some curious iceberg.


    Which brings us full-circle to: From whom should we take advice on Geoengineering?

  43. MM says:

    “The Austrian medical association actively encourages the public to denounce health praticioners that prescribe horse dewormer being a very very dangerous product for horses only.”

    • Sounds like an easy thing to get published in today’s environment, even if it isn’t true.

      By the way, I am headed for the airport today.

      • hillcountry says:

        Having banged-the-table at OFW about Ivermectin months ago I still have to wonder about the seeming naivety of Drs. Kory and Marik. Something kind of odd there. In any case, the “horse-paste” thing is a red-herring from more than the obvious angle. Nobody should want to ingest the other ingredients in those pastes, nor do they need to. That’s a no-brainer argument for the “other side” to contend, but I haven’t seen it argued that way on their part, perhaps because it would lead inquiring-minds to the following distinction.

        Ideally, “our side” could have approached veterinary-sourced Ivermectin from the standpoint of: “is there a pure pharma-grade agricultural Ivermectin available?” The answer is “yes, there is a pure injectable in 99% saline”. I won’t link to it but will note that one barely sees word-one about it from either “side”. Isn’t that odd?

        It’s as if “our side” is being entrained by the language and memes of the “other side”, thus falling into a rut they’ve dug. Defending “horse-paste” makes one sound like a rube at a carnival.

        One place I did run across the relevant distinction was in the comment section of one of the FLCCC weekly updates about six-months ago.

        • Artleads says:

          “The answer is ‘yes, there is a pure injectable in 99% saline’” Thanks for this. Good points. From what I can see, a bit more about what is in that 1% (what form it takes, how that is arrived at) would help also.

          • hillcountry says:

            FDA warns “not for human use”. They must have some reason for concern, but it looks like it’s just Ivermectin and Saline solution. People using it are taking it orally, not injecting it, so the warning is conditional in a sense, not that the veterinary branch of FDA would advise on the oral-mode for humans in any case.


            Interesting bit there about the “Glutamate-gated Chloride Ion Channels” existing in invertebrates but not in mammals. The info regarding “not readily crossing the blood-brain barrier” complicates how protective Ivermectin actually is, since the neurological part of the Covid-equation is well documented.

            We haven’t used the vet-version ourselves but a couple of things it has going for it is that it’s far cheaper than $20-a-week cost of prophylaxis using the appropriate number of 3mg tabs we get from Edenbridge and it doesn’t require a prescription. Pharmacy mark-up is an unknown but I’d imagine it’s a double at least.

            I don’t have any idea what the supply-chain for Ivermectin looks like either, but when I read how cheap it is to produce and then look at how expensive it is to obtain it reminds me a little bit of how dog-food’s like IAMs were hyped back in the day by being exclusively marketed through licensed vets. By the time they were in pet stores they had achieved a premium status and accepted price-point. Hell of a marketing gimmick.

            I’m assuming that some part of “Big Pharma” is producing Ivermectin so in-context it’s kind of ironic if that’s the right word for it.

            No medical advise here. To each his own.

      • We are at the gate now, with lots of time before our flight. There have been essentially no lines, even at security. Not too many people are here early our flight, judging by the fairly empty sitting area.

    • Xabier says:

      Horses and, er, Africans? Lesser species clearly…..

      We should be so grateful to Big Harmer and Trusted News sources for protecting us like this!

      Their symbol should be a big heart, bursting with love for mankind.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      I am holding some dewormer in my hand … two tubes… my neighbour is a vet and I will see her on the weekend — I will ask her what the appropriate dose is and if it is any different than the stuff humans take…

      That said last time we boozed it up with her and her husband she was offering to involve me in some animal trials that she was conducting for some sort of man-made blood product that was in experimental stages… I was asking her what she recommended to give me more jump for ice hockey … at my age you need all the artificial jump you can get.

      We never got around to that

  44. deimetri says:

    “Almost 100% of our production will be hard to recover over the term of ten years,” Sorokin said, as quoted by news agency TASS.

    The hard-to-recover reserves will have much higher lifting costs than conventional reserves, according to the deputy energy minister.

    In May this year, Russia’s Natural Resources Minister Alexander Kozlov said that oil reserves would last until 2080 at the current pace of annual production. Russia’s actual oil and gas reserves could even rise if it steps up exploration in hard-to-drill areas, the minister added, noting that Russia needs to develop exploration, including in hard-to-reach areas.


    • Clearly, much higher prices are needed for hard-to-recover reserves. These higher prices are the deal killers.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      And Shale will make America Saudi America and ensure energy independence

      He said operators had carried out “massive fracks” that created “artificial, permanent porosity”, inadvertently reducing the pressure in reservoirs and therefore the available oil.
      The comments will cause alarm in the shale patch, given the crucial role of investors such as QEP in financing the onshore American oil business.


      • hillcountry says:

        Not to worry FE, they’ll kill two birds with one molecule, out there in the Permian, and Rope-a-Dope California in the bargain.

        “Enron? We don’t need no stinkin’ Enron”


        Hmmm, let’s see, Chevron and BP and Occidental and Billy G. are in on this. Is it just a Green Fig-Leaf of Carbon-Sequestration or do they know something we don’t?

    • Fast Eddy says:

      You cannot trust the MSM

  45. Fast Eddy says:

    COVID-19 rules tighten as U.K., Germany, Italy report first cases of Omicron variant


    hahahaha… very very good

    This is moving real fast …. real nice and fast… hopefully it’s not just another ruse to push the injections…. We want the Real Deal… the Whopper… the Big Kahuna…

    I am so excited it might be hard to sleep … come morning I will excitedly get online to see if this is a true catastrophe … or another head fake….

    • if you let me down on your reply rate eddy—i shall be very annoyed

      we are very close to parity, and my big win.

    • The story seems to be, “Most cases are very mild.” In a sense, this might be great. No vaccines needed!

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Yes of course… let’s just encourage the spread of the new mutant .. so that all the injected CovIDIOTS get infected… they won’t initially get very sick… because the dose is fighting the virus… but of course this is exactly how you create ever more dangerous mutants.

        Brilliant. Magnificent!!!

    • Xabier says:

      No more than a booster/novel vaxx (100 days to develop?) pusher, I suspect.

      And a pretext for months of lock-downs to further hammer SME’s and create despair, hatred of the un-vaxxed, and so on.

  46. Fast Eddy says:

    More than 450,000 New Zealanders eligible for booster shots by year’s end

    Oh wow I know someone who fits in here.. who had a damaged heart after P2 … but was told by the doctor it’s not related to the P…. am I going to hear that this person has received P3… and is no longer of this world?

    This is quite suspenseful… in a really dark kinda way… warnings will be ignored… (this person has a close relative who is a doctor.. so who am I to make a suggestion)

    • Xabier says:

      ‘Eligible’ conjures up those unsolicited junk letters announcing that you are ‘eligible for a prize, specially selected for you’.

      An old marketing ploy that works very well, I suppose.

      Knowing that one’s whole family and closest friends are all in this lottery is an odd sensation.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Yep like those things that come in the post – you’ve won … except that everyone on the block got the same notice… in fact everyone in your city won — in this case nearly half a million people won the opportunity to be first for the Death Shot’.

        hahahahahaha jeeeeezuz mother of mary christ…

  47. Fast Eddy says:

    And now for a bit of Lite Humour!!!!

    Pizza order ‘rage’ that led Mildura father to take his son’s life

    The young family had gathered in the lounge of their Mildura home where Wilson’s partner Chelsea Smith nursed their son Jakobi on her lap while his older sister played on the floor nearby.

    Smith had just ordered some pizza and a bottle of soft drink but when the food arrived the drink was missing.

    This sent Wilson “into some sort of rage”. He grabbed Smith by the hair and dragged her across the lounge before punching her in the ribs and stomach.

    Jakobi, who was sitting in a car seat on the lounge room floor, started crying. Wilson picked him up, but he continued to cry.


    Do people like this really exist? And what’s wrong with the death penalty? Not only will it save the state a lot of room and board fees… it also eliminates vermin…. seriously — what purpose that the above pc of shit serve? What does he add to this rotating ball that is infected by human stench? Would anyone miss him? His mother must hate him. He just looks like a guy who needs a rope around his neck. I say let’s just put this guy in a f789ing hole and pour cement on top.

    Sure once in awhile someone innocent gets hung … but for the most part these people are usually low lifes to begin with … you don’t see too many upstanding citizens get caught in the dragnet… and even if they did who cares — (as long as it’s not you)… there are WAY too many people already … and guess what… everyone’s gotta die eventually.

    • We don’t know the whole story. There are mentally ill people everywhere. There are people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are a lot of things we don’t understand. We can be kind.

      • Duncan Idaho says:

        So comrades—-
        How come, after 2 years, we are still talking about something that doesn’t exist?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Well… he did bash his kids brains in because the pizza man forgot his soda….

        I was in a pretty wild rage last night over the attempt to bribe the poor child from the 3rd world with ‘a lot of money’ $1000 but I did not reach for the hack saw then get in the car and deliver a Final Solution

    • i would have thought it was obvious that behaviour like that doesn’t start with a wrong pizza order.

      Excluding the sudden onset of something like a disease of the brain itself, lunatic behaviour manifests itself early on, and gets progressively worse with each ‘imagined’ slight or affront to his dignity

      eventually everything is someone elses ‘fault’ and the rage becomes permanently simmering, ready to explode beyond sense or reason.

      .Normal’ people are generally aware of this, and take steps accordingly—unfortunately tragedies like this just happen sometimes.

      • Slow Paul says:

        It is the small things that sends a man to the madhouse.
        -Charles Bukowski

      • Fast Eddy says:

        I read a follow up on this … apparently the wife says he was a very caring and calm man … this violent behaviour started with Pfizer 1…. and just the day before he exploded in a murderous rage he’s had Pfizer 2….

        Pfizer does different things to different people … some get wrecked hearts or blood clots… some experience changes to their brains that result in rage…. then look at you norm … your cognitive abilities have collapsed due to the cumulative effects of 3 Pfizers.


        Pfizer cannot be hung because they have global diplomatic immunity … but that guy… well he can never be permitted to be around people any longer… he has been turned into a Rabid Dog by these injections … what do we do with rabid dogs norm?

        What do we do????

  48. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr Mike Yeadon liked your comment
    Actually … I posted on the PM of Canada’s site… they are unlikely to take his site down haha… I assume at some point they will remove my comment and ban me… then I will just shift my action to another prominent person’s site

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Let’s see if Mike (note Mike not mike) and Steve … who can easily fund this if they want to… pick up on this idea that FE has posted on Steve’s site.

      This would be very amusing … it might also get them killed… it’s a good thing that Fast Eddy is a physical entity… I have never actually seen HIM … HE just is… hey … but I am a real person …. what if they track this back to me….

      It amazes me that nobody thought of this before … it’s pure genius.

      If someone was hell bent on throwing a wrench into this diabolical machine…. what they might consider doing … is hiring a team of individuals who would be deployed to troll popular Facebook pages (politicians, celebrities, sports stars etc etc etc).

      I would recommend focusing on some key points that might cause the CovIDIOTS to reconsider their position on the vaccines.

      That is more feasible than changing their minds on the overall covid lie…

      The way to win the war on vaccines is to fight back with the same tool that is being used by all governments – FEAR.

      For example, drop actual data from the CDC vaers site such as this graph. That is powerful.


      Bombard them with information on healthy athletes who have collapsed soon after being injected.

      Show them data from vaers demonstrating deaths and damage to children – actual graphs. Coupled with content that tugs at their heart strings… and inspires fear https://www.foxnews.com/media/ohio-woman-daughter-covid-vaccine-reaction-wheelchair

      The thing is… for the most part sites like this … Berenson etc etc etc… are preaching to the converted … sure they are attracting and converting some people … but it’s miniscule.

      What needs to be done is an army of people — some paid — who direct this campaign of Fear — along with volunteers who are willing to help. This needs to be properly coordinated so that the most effective messages are disseminated.

      There is not much governments will be able to do about this … they cannot shut these FB sites down … there are billions of FB pages… if some block you or on restrict comments… just find others…. this needs to be relentless… if a pro vaxxer comments on a site … go to that pro vaxxer site and bombard it with the messaging…

      Relentless massive drum beat of fear — exposing the dangers of these vaccines.

      • Bei Dawei says:

        Why would you do that, if you want everybody to die?

        • Fast Eddy says:

          Because Fast Eddy is a Genius and HE would like to share HIS ideas with the world to create strife and conflict … now is that idea not pure genius?

          It won’t overturn the CEP — billions are already breeding the mutants… but it adds an element of excitement to the virtual reality. At the moment the unvaxxed are getting steam rolled… they need a white knight to assist them ….

          It’s like a movie… you’ve got the Elders trying to exterminate everyone then you have this small group of really wealthy guys like Steve and Mike who are massive underdogs in this fight ….guided by the mastermind trouble-maker Fast Eddy… taking the battle to the virtual world of social media …

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Covid: Face masks to be compulsory in England from Tuesday, says Javid

      hahahaha… lockdowns please

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Covid: Netherlands tightens partial lockdown amid surging infections


      hahahahahahahahaha no way!

      Covid live news: Austria reports first case of Omicron as new variant continues to spread

      It’s dejavu all over again hahahahahahahaha

  49. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr Mike Yeadon liked your comment
    I was pointed to a Red Cross FB page that is being hit with comments about how the vaccines are toxic and asking if it is safe to be infused with the blood of a jabbed CovIDIOT…. The site operator responds saying experts say it is safe. etc….

    Fast Eddy has a new fan…..

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