The economy is moving from a tailwind pushing it along to a headwind holding it back

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The problem is hitting limits in the extraction of fossil fuels

We know that historically, many economies around the world have collapsed. We also know that there is a physics reason why this happens. Growing economies require a growing supply of energy to keep up with a growing population. At some point, the energy supply and other resource needs cannot grow rapidly enough to keep up with population growth. When this happens, economies tend to collapse.

In their book Secular Cycles, researchers Peter Turchin and Sergey Nefedov found that economies tend go through four distinct phases in each cycle, with each stage lasting for quite a few years:

  1. Growth
  2. Stagflation
  3. Crisis
  4. Inter-cycle

Based on my own analysis, the world economy was in the Growth Stage for much of the time between the Industrial Revolution and 1973. In late 1973, oil prices spiked, and the world was put on notice that the energy supply could not continue rising as rapidly as in the past. Between 1973 and 2018, the world economy was in the Stagflation Stage. Based on current data, the world economy seems to have entered the Crisis Stage about 2018. This is the reason for saying that headwinds are beginning to hold the economy back in the title of this article .

When the Crisis Stage occurs, there are fewer goods and services per capita to go around, so some participants in the world economy must come out behind. Conflict of all kinds becomes more likely. Political leaders, if they happen to discover the predicament the world economy is in, have little interest in making the predicament known to voters, since doing so would likely lead them to lose the next election.

Instead, the way the physics-based self-organizing economic system works is that alternative narratives that frame the situation in a less frightening way gain popularity. Political leaders may not even be aware of how dependent today’s economy is on fossil fuels. Researchers may not be aware that their “scientific” models are misleading because they look at too small a portion of the overall system and make unwarranted assumptions.

In this post, I show evidence that the economy is reaching energy limits. In the last section, I explain how my view differs from the standard narrative, which says that there is almost an unlimited amount of fossil fuels available to burn, if we choose to utilize these fossil fuels. According to this view, humans can prevent climate change by voluntarily moving away from fossil fuels.

The standard narrative proposes a reasonable plan for citizens of parts of the world without adequate fossil fuels (cut back on buying fossil fuels), but without telling citizens what the real problem is. The standard narrative also gives the impression that there is a near-term clean energy alternative. In my opinion, this is wishful thinking for the reasons I describe in Sections [6] and [7]. Section [2] also sheds light on the reasonableness of moving to renewable energy.

[1] The world has been warned, at least twice, that collapse might occur about now.

Back in the 1950s, several physicists, including M. King Hubbert, became interested in the limits that the world was up against. The military became interested in the problem, as well. In 1957, Admiral Hyman Rickover of the US Navy gave a very insightful speech. One thing Admiral Rickover said was, “With high energy consumption goes a high standard of living.” Another thing he said was, “A reduction of per capita energy consumption has always in the past led to a decline in civilization and a reversion to a more primitive way of life.”

Regarding the future, he said,

For it is an unpleasant fact that according to our best estimates, total fossil fuel reserves recoverable at not over twice today’s unit cost are likely to run out at some time between the years 2000 and 2050, if present standards of living and population growth rates are taken into account. 

The issue Admiral Rickover is pointing out is that as extraction costs rise, fossil fuels become increasingly unaffordable. If citizens cannot afford food, housing, and other basic goods made with high-cost fossil fuels, those fossil fuels will be left in the ground. If politicians try to pass the high cost of extraction on to consumers, it will cause inflation. Citizens will become unhappy with politicians and will vote them out of office. This is basically our problem today.

A second analysis that pointed to the current time frame for the world hitting fossil fuel limits is given in the 1972 book, The Limits To Growth by Donella Meadows and others. This analysis used computer modeling to look at several alternative future scenarios, considering resources available and population trends. The base scenario showed resource limits in general hitting sometime around 2020. The economy would collapse over a period of years after resource limits were hit.

[2] The Industrial Revolution in England is an example of how an economy changes for the better when fossil fuel energy is added.

Figure 1 shows a chart E. A. Wrigley shows in his book, Energy and the English Industrial Revolution:

Figure 1. Annual energy consumption per head (megajoules) in England and Wales 1561-70 to 1850-9 and in Italy 1861-70. Figure by Wrigley

Wrigley observes that when coal was added to the economy, it was possible to make far more metal tools than had been made in the past. With the use of metal tools instead of wood tools, farmers could be three times as productive. Thus, there didn’t need to be as many farmers, freeing some farmers for other occupations. Also, roads to coal mines were paved, in an era when few roads were paved. These paved roads were beneficial to other businesses and to the economy as a whole.

Another reason for coal to be of interest was because of increased deforestation near cities, as the population grew. This deforestation led to a need to transport firewood over long distances. Coal was more compact, and so easier to transport. Furthermore, the use of coal prevented having to cut down as many trees, helping the environment.

Figure 1 shows that energy from wind and water were only a tiny part of the economy, both before and after coal was added. They did not directly provide heat energy, which was a significant share of what the economy needed at that time.

[3] The period between the end of World War II and 1973 was another period when energy consumption per capita was rising rapidly. We might say the economy then had an “energy tailwind.”

Figure 2 shows that US energy consumption per capita was rising rapidly in the 1949 to 1973 period. Growing oil, coal and natural gas consumption all contributed to the overall rise in fossil fuel use.

Figure 2. Energy consumption by type of energy, on a per capita basis. Energy amounts as provided by US EIA data. Population based on 2022 United Nations population estimates by country.

In fact, BP data (only available from 1965 onward) shows energy consumption per capita rising for most parts of the world between 1965 and 1973. During this period, oil, coal and natural gas consumption per capita were all rising.

Figure 3. Energy consumption per capita from 1965 to 1973 for selected parts of the world based on BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

A major thing that pushed oil consumption along was its low price (Figure 4). According to BP data, the inflation-adjusted price was only $11.99 per barrel in 1970. In 1971, it averaged $14.30 per barrel. The comparable price today is about $79 per barrel.

Figure 4. World oil production and Brent equivalent price, adjusted for inflation to 2021, based on BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

The average price for 1973 rose to the equivalent of $19.73 per barrel, which is still incredibly low relative to today’s prices. It is an annual average price, reflecting a low price at the beginning of the year and a much higher price toward the end of the year.

There were multiple issues behind the rise in oil prices, starting at the end of 1973. Part of the problem was the fact that US oil production began to fall in 1971, necessitating the use of more imported oil, year after year. Another issue was that world oil production could not keep up with the high demand, given the low price that oil was selling for. The Office of the Historian of the US writes the following:

By 1973, OPEC had demanded that foreign oil corporations increase prices and cede greater shares of revenue to their local subsidiaries. In April, the Nixon administration announced a new energy strategy to boost domestic production to reduce U.S. vulnerability to oil imports and ease the strain of nationwide fuel shortages. That vulnerability would become overtly clear in the fall of that year.

Without higher oil prices, it would be hard for local producers to make the investments needed to ramp up production. Also, taxes for governments in the areas where the oil was produced were falling too low, given the low prices that oil was selling for on the international market. Indirectly because of these problems, but supposedly also because of support for Israel by certain countries in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the Arab members of OPEC initiated an oil embargo. This embargo cut off exports to the US, Netherlands, Portugal, and South Africa from November 1973 until March 1974. It was at that time that world oil prices rose to a much higher level, and oil consumption per capita began to fall.

One thing that is striking about the period between World War II and 1973 is the huge advances in wages made by both the bottom 90% and the top 10% (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Chart comparing income gains by the top 10% to income gains by the bottom 90% by economist Emmanuel Saez. Based on an analysis of IRS data, published in Forbes.

Between 1948 and 1968, inflation-adjusted income of both the bottom 90% and the top 10% increased by roughly 80%. This meant that many people in the bottom 90% could afford to buy cars and their own homes for the first time. Even in the period between 1968 and 1982, inflation-adjusted incomes kept up with inflation, something that low-income earners today have difficulty with. It was not until after about 1982 that wage disparity started to increase.

Most people remember the 1950s and 1960s as a favorable period for ordinary workers. Because of the higher wages of ordinary citizens and growing US manufacturing capabilities, the number of cars registered in the US rose from 25.8 million in 1945 to 75.3 million in 1965. The US initiated the 41,000 mile Interstate Highway System in 1956, so that auto owners would have multilane, limited access roads to travel on.

Electricity was sold in a conservative way, called the Utility Pricing System, which would hopefully assure that the whole system would be properly maintained. Utilities were typically owners of electricity generation units, plus all other local infrastructure, including transmission lines. Each utility would compute a total required rate for all its needs, including enough funds to install new generating capacity, provide fuel, and install and maintain transmission lines. A government regulator would approve the rates, but there was no real competition.

[4] In the period between 1973 and 2018, many changes were to increase energy efficiency and to lower the perceived cost to users. Unfortunately, some of these changes, when taken to the extremes they were taken to later in the period, tended to make the economy brittle and thus more subject to collapse.

Up until 1973, oil was being put to uses for which substitution could easily be made. One of these was electricity generation; another was home heating. An easy change in electricity generation was to build new generating facilities using an alternate fuel (coal, natural gas, or nuclear). Home heating could often be changed to natural gas or electricity.

Also, Japan already had automobiles that were smaller and more fuel efficient than American automobiles. These could be substituted for some of the large cars produced in the US.

Especially with the Reagan and Thatcher administrations starting shortly after 1980, there was more interest in cutting costs in electricity generation. “Competitive rating” instead of utility rating became popular in places where electricity prices were high. Utilities were broken up, and the various parts were encouraged to compete.

Of course, competitive rating, when taken to its extreme, can lead to the neglect of infrastructure. It was recently reported that California’s utility company, Pacific Gas and Electric, now finds that it must raise $50 billion for wildfire prevention, after years of neglecting maintenance on the long distance transmission lines used for hydroelectric generation and other long distance transmission. Now it needs to raise money to bury many of these lines underground.

It has long been known that added complexity can be helpful in working around problems of inadequate energy supply. Complexity involves many things including using more advanced technology and international trade. It involves bigger organizations to take advantage of economies of scale. It tends to require higher education for at least some of its workers.

One major disadvantage of growing complexity is the increasing wage disparity it tends to produce. Wages for less educated workers often fall quite low. Work in whole industries may disappear overseas, leaving workers to start over, in new lines of work, at lower pay scales.

Unfortunately, having many workers at low wages tends to push an economy toward collapse. The big issue is that these workers cannot afford goods like cars and new homes. Their lack of purchasing power tends to hold down commodity prices, such as the price of fossil fuels. Prices don’t rise high enough to justify new investment to raise production, so production slows down and eventually stops.

Another approach that gained popularity starting about 1981 was the increased use of debt and more exotic financial approaches. Interest rates were very high in 1981. Central banks could make monthly payments for goods such as homes and cars more affordable by lowering interest rates. This approach works for a while, but it reaches limits when interest rates fall too low relative to inflation rates. Furthermore, if an economy slows down, a major increase in debt defaults becomes likely, as became clear in 2008. With the high level of debt in the world economy today, the default problem could become even worse in 2023 or 2024 than it was in 2008, if the economy slows again.

[5] Since 2015, oil and natural gas investments have remained at low levels because oil prices have not been high enough to justify drilling in the remaining places.

Figure 6. US world oil prices, adjusted to 2021 US$, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In my opinion, oil companies really need quite high oil prices, probably $120 per barrel or higher, on a consistent basis, to justify drilling in sufficient new locations to ramp up oil production. Since 2014, prices have generally remained far below that level. There was a major drop in oil prices in 2014 and 2015. In response to the lower oil prices, oil and gas companies cut back on investment in “Exploration and Production” (E&P). (Figure 7)

Figure 7. Global Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Investments in chart by Rystad Energy.

After a drop in E&P investments, oil production does not drop immediately. Instead, 2018 was the single highest year of oil production. Production looks likely to drop further because of the continued lack of investment (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Figure 1 from my most recent post. It shows world primary energy consumption per capita based on BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

[6] If we look across the major types of energy supply, we discover that “Wind and Solar” is the only category rising significantly faster than world population. Others tend to be flat or falling, on a per capita basis.

Figure 9. Energy per capita worldwide, for selected types of energy, based on data from BP’s 2022 Statistical Review of World Energy.

In Figure 9, the star performer is the category “Wind + Solar.” The main attraction of wind and solar today is the subsidies they get, and the mandates that require utilities to move away from fossil fuels. Unfortunately, wind and solar really aren’t terribly helpful as far as I can see, except from the point of view of the benefit of the subsidies they provide.

One of the problems with intermittent wind and solar is that they tend to drive nuclear electricity providers out of business because of the favorable rates they receive when wind and solar are allowed to go first, in competitive rating schemes. With this arrangement, the wholesale rates that nuclear providers receive often fall to negative amounts. Nuclear providers cannot close down for short periods with negative rates, so they tend to need subsidies to remain open. Figure 9 shows that the supply of nuclear electricity has been dropping since at least 2001. In fact, of all the energy types shown on Figure 9, nuclear’s production (relative to population) is dropping fastest.

In my opinion, our primary energy concern should be food production and transport. Diesel, made from oil, is the major fuel for agriculture. It will be decades before farming machinery and transport of food can be changed over to electricity, assuming this can be done at all. Until this happens, electricity’s role in getting food to the shelves of grocery stores will be limited.

Solar energy comes primarily in the summer but, unfortunately, in many places, the big need for heat energy is in the winter. People in Europe, with their many wind turbines and solar panels, are worried about possibly freezing in the dark this winter if natural gas supplies prove inadequate. We don’t have batteries for storing solar or wind energy for months on end, so they cannot be counted on for winter heat.

When homeowners put solar panels on their roofs, the electricity they sell to the utility is often “net metered” (credited with the full retail value of electricity that this home would pay). This is a huge subsidy to the owners of the solar panels because the value of the intermittent electricity to the utility is far less than this, probably closer to the cost of the natural gas or other fuel saved.

To make up for the loss of revenue caused by the overly generous compensation to solar panel owners, the utility is forced to raise rates for those without solar panels. Studies show that homeowners with solar panels tend to be wealthier than the renters and others who do not have the opportunity to add these subsidized solar panels. Thus, this is an example of a benefit for rich homeowners being paid for by less wealthy buyers of electricity.

I would also argue that the BP data I used to produce Figure 9 tends to give an overly optimistic view of the value of wind and solar. The approach used indirectly assumes that they fully replace the entire system of dispatchable electricity used today, rather than providing only intermittent electricity. The less generous approach (giving a little less than half as much credit) is used by the International Energy Association and by many researchers.

Furthermore, solar panels tend to pollute ground water when they are disposed of, so they are not very clean. Wind turbines are noisy, take up farmland, and kill bats and birds, so they have serious drawbacks as well.

Wind and solar are made and transported using fossil fuels. They cannot last any longer than today’s fossil fuel industry. In fact, roads and transmission lines require fossil fuels to continue. The whole system is likely to go down at approximately the same time.

It seems to me that the main reason why we hear so much about intermittent wind and solar is because there needs to be a hopeful narrative for politicians to provide to voters, and for educators to provide to students. Otherwise, the situation shown on Figure 9 looks grim. The fact that fossil fuel prices have been spiking in 2022 and regulators are trying to get these prices back down again is testimony to the fact that we are running short of cheap-to-produce fossil fuel energy.

[7] The incorrect narrative provided by mainstream media (MSM) is that climate change is our worst problem. To lessen this problem, citizens need to move quickly away from fossil fuels and transition to renewables. The real narrative is that we are running short of fossil fuels that can be profitably extracted, and renewables are not adequate substitutes. However, this narrative is too worrisome for most people to handle.

I expect most readers will say, your view can’t be right. We don’t read this story in the news. All we hear about is climate change and the need to reduce fossil fuel usage to prevent climate change.

In many ways, the narrative presented by MSM is less frightening to the public than a narrative in which fuels are already being stretched too thin. The MSM narrative sounds like a situation that we can perhaps live with and work around. It sounds like careers that people study for today will be useful in the future. It also sounds like homes, cars and factories built today will be useful in the future.

One major difference in the MSM view, relative to my view, is with respect to the amounts of fossil fuels that can be extracted. The standard narrative says we will extract all the fossil fuels that we have the technology to extract unless we make a concerted effort not to extract these fuels. For this to happen, demand (a favorite word of economists) must keep rising to keep prices high enough for businesses to want to continue extraction from fields plagued by depletion.

History shows that when an economy approaches limits, what tends to happen is that demand tends to fall too low. This happens because the physics of the way the economy works: Wage and wealth disparities tend to spike as energy resources are increasingly stretched thin. In fact, the great wealth of the top 1%, relative to that of the remaining 99%, is a major problem in the world today. When increasing wage and wealth disparity occurs, a growing number of poor workers find themselves with inadequate wages to buy food, homes, cars and other goods made with commodities, including oil.

There are so many of these poor workers that their lack of demand tends to bring down commodity prices without government intervention. If these low wages are not sufficient to hold down commodity prices, politicians will raise interest rates to try to get commodity prices down, so they can be re-elected. It is low fossil fuel prices that will drive fossil fuel providers out of business.

Of course, another part of the MSM narrative is the view that renewables can save the system. I explained in Section [6] why this cannot be the case for wind and solar. I didn’t say much about hydroelectricity, but it is already built out in most of the developed world. Electricity from hydroelectric plants tends to be intermittent, with the greatest supply coming in the spring, when snow melts. Like wind and solar, hydroelectric generation plants are built and repaired using fossil fuels. These facilities, and their transmission lines, will last only until parts break that cannot be repaired.

About Gail Tverberg

My name is Gail Tverberg. I am an actuary interested in finite world issues - oil depletion, natural gas depletion, water shortages, and climate change. Oil limits look very different from what most expect, with high prices leading to recession, and low prices leading to financial problems for oil producers and for oil exporting countries. We are really dealing with a physics problem that affects many parts of the economy at once, including wages and the financial system. I try to look at the overall problem.
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3,874 Responses to The economy is moving from a tailwind pushing it along to a headwind holding it back

  1. Rodster says:

    “California Bill To Punish Doctors For ‘False’ Covid-19 Information Goes Into Effect“

    If these vaccines are SO safe and effective, why are Doctors threatened with their medical license? Is it because they don’t want the information getting out that it is just the opposite? Perhaps they prefer threats and forceable punishments to keep the pitchforks and torches from storming the castle gates.

    I am eagerly awaiting the next US athlete to collapse or die while playing in front of fans. This needs to keep happening so it creates a gaslight effect with the general public.

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Yes – we need more famous people to die. Lots more.

      If enough drop then we might get some violent blowback from the zombies.

      Good for watchin.

      The thing is … Celine was a biggy … but they disappeared her.

      The injuries need to happen on Tee Vee — while they are performing … if Celine dropped dead on stage now that’s infinitely more impactful… harder to disappear that…

      Hopefully more athletes go down while playing…

      • Jan says:

        The sleeping sheep would say, she died on a broken heart and wanted to reunite with her husband, whom she met at 12 years-old, in heaven. That is sooo romantic!

    • drb753 says:

      This reminds me of what happens over most of Europe when someone gives false information about generally accepted, but energetically absurd, historical facts. I know FE is a fan of the energetically absurd facts. As you see, FE, some of these laws protect you.

  2. Lastcall says:

    It occurs to me that this recent uptick in revelations re the Dog Sh*t Injections, with some well publicised adverse events has further transfixed the populace. Meanwhile the implosion of the financial system, and moves by big players go on regardless.

    The fake moon zoom distracted us from Vietnam, the twin towers distracted us from the savings and loans, the FTX boondoggle transferred attention away from the Dems and THAT laptop. etc etc.
    Was it Karl Rove who said by the time you figure out was has just happened, we will have made 3 more moves for you to try and track; or some such thing.
    Nothing happens at this level by chance.

    • Jan says:

      Agreed. Thank you!

    • reante says:

      Yeah agreed. The elites are finally beginning to co-opt the bioweapon narrative, and it will be a big part of the national socialist revolution. Tucker is openly questioning it. So far Tulsi has only shot down the lies that the vaxxes stop you from catching it and spreading it, but she will follow in the next few days here, in questioning their safety for the first time.

    • mandarin says:

      The original quote is
      The aide said that guys like me [Suskind] were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

      It’s a very important quote because it shows the midset of the elite who see themselves as invincible and the rest of us as fodder. Meh, the old let them eat cake
      It was never established with any certainty who the aide was but it was widely attributed to Karl Rove, Jeff Gannon’s buddy

      But is it true in reality? Ask AI

      • reante says:


        Eisenhower was probably in a pretty good position to know one way or the other, and he made his opinion known very clearly.

  3. Fast Eddy says:

    Hmmm… I might not dump the Rat Juice down the pipes after all…I could throw it in the face of a MOREON…

    MASSIVE DISCOVERY: Known in 2007: EXPRESSING THE VIRAL SPIKE PROTEIN ALONE Induces Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress: An Explanation for Emerging Heterogeneous Pathologies

    Why COVID, Long COVID and Spike Protein Endothelial Disease Resemble Burns and Radiation Injury

  4. Fast Eddy says:


    Commenting has been turned off for this post

  5. Fast Eddy says:

    This is a metaphor for injecting the rat juice… the end part is when the rat juice wrecks your body hahaha

    What if … they are all just acting …

    Dr. Drew & Dr. Joanna Aiken on Damar Hamlin’s Commotio Cordis Diagnosis & Athlete Sudden Deaths

    “In my experience [with Commotio Cordis] they are flaccid immediately…this was not that. This was stood up, walked, and then down! Just fell backwards.”

  6. Fast Eddy says:

    What do you think would happen if Steve Kirsch was to hire a PI firm to find out what happened to Tiffany Dover?

  7. Fast Eddy says:

    Andreas Oehler replied to your comment on NFL Star Damar Hamlin in Critical Condition after Cardiac Arrest.

    The best proof is that they stopped reporting the hostipalizations/ICUs/deaths stats by quackcination status. Definitely in Canada. The last they did was in Sep. in Ontario. And they are delaying the all-cause mortality data for longer and longer, now somewhere in Apr-May of 2022. And they started underreporting the Covid deaths back in March, 2022 in Canada (will write it up), just as they stopped Covid testing altogether. These are 3 monkeys for ya. Or 4.

    How does one trust anys stats from the govt?

    • CTG says:

      How does one trust anys stats from the govt?

      Correction : how does one believe anything? (Twitter ? FB? and all news feed?)

  8. Fast Eddy says:

    My name is Rubens Cardoso, better known as Rubinho, a former football player who made history at Internacional, Gremio, Santos among others, winning the titles of the Copa Libertadores da América, Copa do Brasil, FIFA Club World Cup in 2006 and Recopa. Exactly on my wife Kelly’s birthday, the week we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, she suffered a sudden illness. In desperation, I ran to the nearest hospital. They diagnosed severe brain bleeding and had to immediately take her to surgery because if it took a little longer she wouldn’t survive. It was a brain aneurysm that ruptured, a situation so serious that if I hadn’t taken her to that hospital and arrived at that time, she would not have survived.

    Now I REALLY need her help, as this hospital is a private hospital and due to the seriousness of the case, there was no way to transfer her to another hospital. My dear wife Kelly is still intubated, in an induced coma and admitted to the ICU. Her situation is very delicate. The values for the surgery to stop the bleeding and for all the treatment and ICU fees at this hospital have already exceeded 270,000 reais and we are in need of ALL possible HELP to pay the costs of this treatment. I thank everyone who can collaborate.


    I’ve got a blocked drain in the kitchen — I’m heading to the pharmacy to get my 5 free shots of Rat Juice – take-away — and I’ll unclog that drain … hopefully it doesn’t burn through the pipes

    • Jan says:

      Aneurysms have also occurred before the shots. She has been very lucky to get treatment so fast! On the other hand the mRNA abuses endothelia cells to produce the spike proteins – also of the brain. Pfizer has lied about this. In an autoimmune reaction these cells are eliminated and weaken the multiple layers of vessels. This has been proven by Arne Burkhard. The weakening eventually leads to ruptures. If a piece of the vessel was taken out they could perform a histologic analysis, there is a method to distinguish spikes from a natural infection and shot induced spikes. Also d-dimers should be increased.

  9. Fast Eddy says:

    Another drop – F789 ya!

    BBC TV chef Harry Myers’ cancer treatment; YouTuber Saffron Barker’s brother “nearly dies”; Black Sabbath’s Geezer Butler has pneumonia; Hanif Kureishi is in Roman ICU “after an illness”

    Brazilian footballer falls ill mid-game, & footballer’s wife “in serious condition”; Dutch ex-footballer, 49, has a stroke; Argentine & German airliners change flight when passengers collapse; & more

  10. banned says:

    I think the NFL has had their painful “learning experience”. These guys are the most monitored bodys in the world. There is simply too much invested in them to be injecting them with rat juice.
    Damar had been injected on the 26th. He was at the most at risk period for his age and physique. You cant tell me that the owners and team med havnt seen the data that got extracted with legal action from the CDC. Damar payed the price to hammer that home. RIP.

    I think part of the problem is these guys get some the most high tech medicine in the world. The upper eshalons are not going to inject saline and call it good. But the guys will be getting saline from here on out. If the team has to hire a special doctor who does nothing but inject saline for $250k thats nothing. That wont be hard to find. A guy that doesn’t do anything but NOT inject rat juice. Whats the risk of that? Not too many people dropping dead from saline. Hang out with celebritys and inject saline. Sweet gig. Whose to say whats in the needle and what hits the trash… Didnt inject rat juice? Prove it. AND the guys will be told in not so many words its saline. Psychology is literally half of sports performance. Come get your rat juice means a completely noncompetitive team. Your getting saline because your the baddest creature to ever walk the planet not some smo wink wink on the other hand…

    No more rat juice for the NFL. We wont be seeing people dropping on the field. These guys get T-bone not rat juice. Have you ever stood next to one of them? Good god. Monsters.

    • Tim Groves says:

      Why inject anything at all? Why not hire a doctor who will inject nothing and certify that they injected pure unadulterated rat juice?

      • Yorchichan says:

        Because then the players don’t know they did not receive the vax. Fewer people in the know, easier it is to keep the secret.

    • Jan says:

      If it has been saline, it would have been placebo, and placebo has a 30% efficiency rate. The substances have not yet shown this effectiveness! The saline would also have stopped infections, transmissions and cured marital difficulties, what the substances have never been designed for. Pfizer does not want to ruin it’s other business…

    • drb753 says:

      A certain secret service has a huge list of dormant collaborators all over the world. It is a trifling matter to find ten doctors in each county with an NFL team.

  11. Fast Eddy says:

    My contacts within Team UEP have leaked to me that Damar’s mother read this and has gone completely hysterical screaming at the team owners that they murdered her boy by forcing him to inject the Rat Juice…

    She’s apparently threatening to do an interview with Steve…

    UEP Psychologists have force-medicated her with a sedative and some folks from the UEP Negotiation Group are in there with her trying to talk her down by offering 10 million dollars if she stays silent…

    The UEP Goon Squad have been told to stand by – if she refuses the 10M they’ll go to 25M but no further – at that point the threats start.

    They will start with Damar’s 6 year old brother.

    It’s a bit of a nightmare situation for Damar’s mother – she is not permitted to have a lawyer or any family and friends with her. Team UEP means business.

  12. Fast Eddy says:

    Writes I Protest
    1 hr ago
    Maybe someday it will come out how many paid for a fake vax card.

    Gift a subscription

    Coach Sal Marinello
    Writes Coach Sal’s Newsletter
    50 min ago
    A professional sport scout with whom I work, says a player agent he knows puts the fake card number at 50%. Take it for what it’s worth.


    • Rodster says:

      “Maybe someday it will come out how many paid for a fake vax card”

      Oh, no doubt. If none athletes are willing to pay for vax cards. I can only imagine someone who makes a living playing sports with lots of money would happily buy a vax card and have it look like they took it. Big business for sure.

      Anyone want to bet Lebron James didn’t take that sh*t?

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Technically it’s not ‘shit’ — it’s Rat Juice …which is a combination of rat shit – rat piss and a whole lot of toxic artificial stuff added… and the shit and piss must come from a special type of rats only found in the sewers of Calcutta

        They mix it all together with no quality control (why bother when death is the goal) and they shout Sooo Eeeee free donuts bitches!!! Then clack a spoon around a slop barrel… and the pigs come running with norm at the front …

        And you shoot the juice into them

  13. Rodster says:

    This Doctor did a great song ad dance so as not to implicate the vaccine. You know Kyrie Irving and Aaron Rodgers are saying, i’m glad I didn’t take that sh*t.

  14. Fast Eddy says:

    Steve should hire a PI to find out what happened to Tiffany Dover — instead of trying to get someone to debate him for 1M

  15. Fast Eddy says:

    One medical expert I spoke with said there was a 99% chance this was due to the vaccine.

    The reason for this opinion is that an injury of this nature (a relatively mild blow requiring 9 minutes of CPR and a failure of the defibrillator to revive him) is unprecedented if there wasn’t some underlying condition. If Hamlin had a known pre-existing condition, it would have surfaced by now.

    Multiple sources confirm that Hamlin was vaccinated. For example, the team boasted of being 100% vaccinated. I also heard from an NFL coach that he was vaccinated. I’ve heard that there were only two players on the team who were known to be unvaccinated: Josh Allen and Cole Beasley.

    According to one medical expert (who is also vaccine injured), “a ton of vaccine injured have had aortic aneurysms.” Note that vaccine injuries in VAERS are underreported, so the 250 reports in VAERS may represent 25,000 incidents.

    Some people observed Hamlin looked “pale and off” at the beginning of the game which would be consistent with that possibility.

    An aortic rupture could then be triggered by a sudden impact.

    The aorta carries blood away from the heart. A rupture here means blood would not be able to be pumped to his brain, even with CPR.

    Defibrillation wouldn’t work either to restore blood flow to his brain. While they may be able to restart his heart, all that would do is create internal bleeding.

    This makes for grim reading …. (even if you are unvaxxed… for the vaxxed it might be apocalyptic reading)

    • Rodster says:

      Isn’t that what took out that CBS Soccer sports journalist a few weeks ago? The same dude who bragged about getting vaxxed and boosted?

  16. Fast Eddy says:

    The most likely scenario is that Damar Hamlin was brain dead on the field

    Based on talking to a number of medical experts, the very sad news is that it is likely that Damar Hamlin died on the field. The COVID vaccine should be investigated as contributing to his death.

    The medical experts I consulted believe that there is a high likelihood that Damar Hamlin was brain dead within 10 minutes after he dropped to the ground.

    The primary reason for this conclusion is the 9 minutes of CPR. It is simply very rare for someone not to be brain dead at that point. Nobody I talked to has ever heard of such a case. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. It just means it is rare.

    I pray that this is not the case, but I think we need to prepare for that possibility.

    For example, there was no news from the hospital that his brain was still alive. This would have been uplifting news to the crowd of people waiting outside the hospital, but it was never delivered. There were no reports anywhere that Hamlin’s brain was still functioning. Why would they withhold this information?

    There was also no news so far today. That is ominous.

    I know … the NFL can commission a portable life support system and hook him up then take him on tour… display him in the lobby of the Hall of Fame … during the half time show of the Super Bowl roll him out and engage in a minute of silence..

    How about a Weekend at Bernie’s Sequel? The MORE-ONS love sequels!!! Guest appearance with the Rock and Marky Mark… bring in all the heavy hitter MOREONS – Leo?

    Give Damar a second life even though he’s technically dead.

    I bet his mother is rather upset at the moment … I’d be.

    Recall Dave Collum saying — if he had a kid and the doc recommended the injection and the kid got f789ed up … he’d pay the doc a post mortem visit… (with a baseball bat?)

    Why is the MOREONS dont get angry?

  17. Fast Eddy says:

    Dr. Charles Hoffe: The Health Authorities’ Refusal to Treat C19 Was Blatantly Cruel and Unsafe

    “Imagine if you had an infected wound … and your doctor told you to go home and do nothing until you were in critical condition. That would be considered malpractice.”

    Full Video:

    Doomie Time Wow huh!

    Massive FEER Pohrn

  18. Fast Eddy says:

    oh no… two?

    Damar Hamlin’s Second Cardiac Arrest Makes the Whole Situation Even More Suspect

    Dr. Anish Koka, cardiologist: ( “It is not typical for that person (24 yo athlete) to then have cardiac arrest again. It’s not that it’s impossible, but it’s unlikely.”


  19. Fast Eddy says:

    Damar Hamlin Suffered a Cardiac Arrest and Will Not Make a Full Recovery

    He collapsed just now. I [Steve Kirsch] talked to Dr. Peter McCullough to get his take. It’s highly likely the vaccine played a role.

    “In my eyes [A Midwestern Doctor], the most important facet about this event [Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest] was the sports doctor immediately stating the collapse had nothing to do with the vaccine.”

    Follow @Daily_Clout


    During the horrific cardiac arrest of 24 yo Damar Hamlin, the NFL ran a series of commercials at $1M /30 sec spot.

    Roger Goodell could not decide for 80 minutes whether to end the game or not.

    Who told the referees to have the players warm up and be ready in 5 minutes?

    Americas PACIFIER is #bigbusiness.

    PREDICTION: If Damar is a victim of the Experimental Covid Shot, this will be the shot heard ’round the world.

    hahaha never let a crisis go to waste!!! maybe they could donate the $$$ to his family???

  20. Fast Eddy says:

    17,000 Physicians and Scientists call for an end to mRNA Covid jabs over massive safety concerns, and fraud.

    Dr. Ryan Cole Assesses Damar Hamlin’s Situation

    The honest answer is we don’t know what the cause of cardiac arrest was, but “his fall is very similar to others that we’ve seen across the world in professional athletes who have died suddenly. Thankfully, he’s still alive.”

    “Could it [the C19 jab] be contributory? Well, we would have to know how recent his most injection was.”

  21. Fast Eddy says:

    73m Americans believe they know someone personally who died from the Covid jabs.

    the problem is that over 200M Americans know someone but they refuse to acknowledge its the vax

  22. Fast Eddy says:

    Following on from the previous post. This is Rachel Bush, she’s the wife of Buffalo Bills player Jordan Poyer. Which should give you some insight as to the covid vaccine mandates at the club.

    Just thinking … if you are a pro athlete you are a finely tuned machine… these players have trainers – dieticians — some have chefs – a guy like Tom Brady who is still able to play at a high level at 45 … is a fanatic about what goes into his body (only organic). Lots of others want that 25 million dollar salary so you don’t mess around…

    I suspect lots of them would have taken issue with the Rat Juice… putting any sort of Rat Juice into a finely tuned machine is .. risky… but they were forced … sure some bought into the fear but surely loads didnt

    Watching a player collapse – and they know it was not that love tap — do they feel betrayed? Angry? You betcha many of them do

  23. Fast Eddy says:

    mentally ill

    Since July of 2022, brain fog, driving, listening, and focus all started to become very concerning and worse for me. I shared this in the Long Covid program, and a bunch of tests were run. November 2022, I was diagnosed with a Cognitive Brain Injury. A lot of my tests I fell in low percentiles. Short-term memory issues, listening, comprehending, spacing out, and focusing etc. I knew something was not right, I could feel it. Having it confirmed was nice, but also very terrifying.

    […] I am self limiting my driving because it has become very difficult and scary. I have ok days, not good days, and mainly bad days. From July 2022 to December 2022, my symptoms have gotten worse. For the most part, doctors don’t know if I will get better or when, no promises. All I can do is try, and I am willing to do anything. Except inject gold into my blood or take Ivermectin.1

  24. Fast Eddy says:

    VAIDS Rising: Large Study’s Disturbing Results: Questionable Bivalent Booster Performance–the Greater the Previous mRNA Doses the Greater the Risk for Infection

    They get sick because they have VAIDS — they take more Boosters cuz they fear getting sick… perpetual motion machine!

    More Body Bags!

    • This post includes a link to the Cleveland Clinic study showing that the more mRNA vaccine doses a person has had, the more likely they are to catch COVID. (In Figures at end of article.)

      The article is called Effectiveness of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine

      The summary of the medrxiv article says:

      Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection, during the time when the virus strains dominant in the community were represented in the vaccine.

      This is not at all about the increased risk with more doses. Within the article, it does mention the strange association, but hypothesizes that the people who felt they were at more risk of catching Covid-19 might have gotten more doses. Of course, they all worked at Cleveland Clinic. Maybe they breathed different air.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        Anecdotally we are seeing the vaxxed with more illnesses including multiples of Covid — and these illnesses are putting them down harder. VAIDS.

        I had that Covid thing about 6 months ago — smashed with hydroxy … haven’t had so much as a sniffle since….. no VAIDS

      • Jan says:

        While the possibility of other correlations is correct, the responsible reaction to such outcomes is to stop injections until an association can be excluded – not until the damaging effect is proven.

        There are multiple factors on a systematic level. We still don’t know the exact ingredients of the shots. We neither know, if all shots contain the same ingredients.

        There have been publishings from Pfizer, that the shots shut down the dendritic cells to protect the mRNA prions. It is also thinkable that the substances not only abuse cells of vessels, brain, heart, lung and liver as spike-protein factories (the later two can regenerate) but also the lymphatic system. This could lead to a reduction of protective parts of the immune system for some months. The increased occurrance of illnesses connected to this suppression (herpes simplex and zoster, tuberculosis, cancer) could be an indication. Sucharit Bhakdi talks about that.

    • Lastcall says:

      And there it is, a joke of a person masquerading as a health practitioner.
      Wouldn’t know a vax-sin from a gene therapy if it ran him over, let alone have achieved any sporting success to make his statement.

      That was not an injury level tackle.

      Mindless Medical Mafia.

  25. Fast Eddy says:

    Then I started to see the tweets.

    A few came from vaccine skeptics and mentioned mRNA. But more came from physicians – mostly the same “MedTwitter” physicians who have been strongly public vaccine advocates – diagnosing Hamlin’s collapse as a case of commotio cordis, an interruption in the heart’s electrical rhythm caused by sudden impact to the chest wall.

    The subtext to these tweets, which in some cases was not even subtext but stated openly, was: the vaccines did not cause what you just saw. And if you even consider that possibility, much less say so out loud, you are a ghoul. Commotio cordis, fine. Vaccine-caused heart damage, not fine.

    I was stunned.

    I’d expected that mRNA vaccine advocates – a group that includes nearly the entire media – would try to grab the narrative around Hamlin’s collapse quickly. But before we knew whether he was still alive?

    Of course they felt they had no choice.

  26. Fast Eddy says:

    44 min ago
    No the NFL won’t, but this is a disaster for the league, and the big question is, what will they do when it happens again? First, a case of commotio cordis (CC) has never happened in its history. Second, players have literally broken their necks and never walked again and no game was ever called off for it. Third, reports indicate this same player got a booster shot 3 days before this game. Fourth, CPR was administered for 9 minutes and the player was not breathing on his own at time of transport, indicating severe brain damage or death due to lack of oxygen. The NFL has some of the best PR artists in the world and they will cover this up, first by paying off the player’s family, then by delaying the announcement of his death, finally by making equipment upgrades. But there is zero evidence to support commotio cordis and it is likely to happen again.

    (Note, only a hundred or so cases of CC have ever occurred in the US, almost exclusively in youth sports where a fast, hard object (hockey, baseball, lacrosse, motocross, head to chest impact) hits an undeveloped, unprotected chest wall above the left ventricle. Average victim age is 14. )

    Boosted 3 days prior??? Hmmm…..

  27. Fast Eddy says:

    After approximately eight months of the MHRA threatening to deny ICAN’s requests, they finally released 166 pages of records yesterday.

    ICAN was forced to request the documents from the MHRA because the AstraZeneca vaccine was never licensed in the US and so all documents held by the FDA are exempt from disclosure.

    After an initial review of the documents, ICAN discovered disturbing information concerning the biodistribution of the vaccine. The documents contained a study which was undertaken on mice and showed that, like the mRNA vaccines, the viral-vector DNA did not remain at the injection site. Instead it accumulated in organs all around the body, specifically the sciatic nerves, bone marrow, liver, lungs and the spleen.

    Other revelations, discovered by ICAN, include documents showing that AstraZeneca was forced to amend its vaccine data sheet, in early 2021, due to conclusions that it was causing anaphylaxis shock in some people.

    Another “shocking revelation” from the documents was a “heavily redacted discussion of two individuals who developed serious immune-mediated neurological demyelinating conditions following vaccination.” The documents say that there was no evidence of a causal relationship but the adverse event was then added as an important potential risk in the vaccine’s risk management plan.

    ICAN are expecting more documents to be released in the next few weeks but in the meantime I will take a more in-depth look at the current tranche.

  28. Fast Eddy says:

    Ok here’s another hit to the chest area – notice how he doesn’t have a heart attack

  29. Fast Eddy says:

    Marcus Coloma confirmed his exit from General Hospital after three years of portraying Nikolas Cassadine. His departure came with the news that the actor was not able to film his final scenes. Colomo’s final appearance is due at the end of January. Deadline has now learned that Coloma and ABC came to an agreement “that he should not film the remaining few days of the year” following “health issues with his recent Covid exposure” that had kept him away from the soap set recently.

    A spokesperson for the actor also rebutted rumors that Coloma was fired and walked off the set refusing to film his final scenes. Coloma signed a three-year contract back in 2019 with the network, which was fulfilled this year. In a letter addressed to friends and fans, Coloma shared in a statement how grateful he is to the General Hospital fanbase that have supported him throughout his journey on the soap.

    Yes of course.. it’s that nasty Covid — not VAIDS or a vax injury – never

  30. Fast Eddy says:

    It was suggested that I take the rat juice so that I can visit Canada — I must transit the US as there are no direct flights.. and the US requires rat juice… the justification is that I’d by Bolivian from a drug dealer… and surely that is more risky…

    My reply … amusingly within minutes of sending this … I was notified that an NFL player had collapsed…. surely he’s seen that as well.

    The stories are piling up…. I know around 20 people with severe injuries….. 3 of the super fit instructors in Jo’s gym have been whacked – one has myocarditis – another is having seizures – the third just had a stroke mid spin class and had to be ambulanced out…

    Multiple guys I play hockey with have severe damage – one with myo – one with blood clots in lungs and 160 BP– and the third a 40 yr old very fit guy had a massive heart attack after his booster had emergency surgery for a pacemaker and is on the waiting list for a heart transplant… my ex neighbour who had myocarditis after her first shots – she took a booster – her hand went numb the same day – it has spread – she’s been diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs – that is a death sentence.

    Lots of top doctors are screaming to stop these injections

    This guy is a top cardio surgeon in the UK – he is fully vaxxed – he’s gone totally off the reservation because his father had zero heart or health issues died from a heart attack after one of his shots

    This is one of the most prominent doctors in Japan …… An Interview with Professor Masanori Fukushima: “Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster”

    The latest I am seeing is this damages the immune system – I guess that’s why everyone in QT is constantly off sick… it’s just endless Covid severe flu etc…

    There are top cancer specialists who are coming out and saying the cancer rates are exploding – and they are seeing ‘Turbo Cancers’

    “Turbo Cancer”: Dr. Charles Hoffe Says 2/3 of His Patients’ New Cancer Diagnoses are Stage 4 – “In my practice now it’s approximately 2/3 of all cancer diagnoses since the Vaxx rollout are Stage 4…So this has been nicknamed ‘Turbo Cancer’”

    All of them get censored so nobody knows what’s going on.

    I got messaged by one of my good friends back in Canada a few months back — asking me to ring our mate Mark – the 3 of us did a big back packing trip in the 90’s… he’s been diagnosed with Stage 4… it was so quick they didn’t even bother with surgery or chemo – I called him it went to voice mail… he was already dead. Super healthy was still competitively running.

    I know a lot of people who buy gear from the guy on the street – never has one of them had a problem.

    I’ll put a double barrel shotgun to my head with one barrel loaded and click it – before I take this rat poison

  31. Fast Eddy says:

    Uche Nwaneri, Former Jacksonville Jaguars Player, Dead At 38

    Uche Nwaneri, a former offensive guard for the Jacksonville Jaguars, has died. He was 38.

    Nwaneri died at his wife’s house in West Lafayette, Indiana, on Friday, the Lafayette Journal & Courier reported, citing the West Lafayette Police Department and Tippecanoe County Coroner Carrie Costello.

    Nwaneri had reportedly driven from Georgia to see his wife for New Year’s Eve — but collapsed early Friday. Costello said Nwaneri’s wife found him unresponsive in one of the bedrooms around 1 a.m. Friday and called 911.

    An autopsy Monday showed no signs of foul play and suggested Nwaneri died of a heart attack, though his toxicology results are pending.

  32. Rodster says:

    Last night Jordon Rooney said the player was stable but in critical condition and that things looked to have a positive outcome. Today the story changed to a more somber tone. Last night I mentioned a Tweet which basically said he could not breathe on his own because he suffered brain damage during his cardiac arrest. I don’t think this will have a happy outcome. The best outcome would be he starts breathing on his own and his NFL career being over.

    The latest update on the NFL player who had a heart attack. Family spokesperson Jordon Rooney said: “Tuesday morning, family spokesperson Jordon Rooney provided an update on Hamlin: “I can’t speak specifically on his medical condition. All I’ll say is, he’s fighting. He’s a fighter. … The family’s in good spirits. We’re honestly just taking it minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour. … What’s most important is to give the family their privacy. … His family is going through a lot right now.”

    • Rodster says:

      Well color me impressed by the comments made. People are starting to ask questions if this was just an outlier or a trend and if the vaccines were to blame. Hopefully people are starting to wake up.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        and soon the 65,000 people at Paycor Stadium who watched it all unfold stood in numbed silence.

        The silence was reality breaking through and realizing they also have the Deadly Rat Juice inside them….

        Situation In Locker Rooms ‘Volatile’

        That’s where it apparently got a little hairy as the teams spoke among themselves about what should happen next.

        “It was fluid and things were changing by the minute,” Vincent said. “Emotions, as you can imagine, in both locker rooms. And I commend both those coaches. It’s a tough situation to go back and look at 53 men and ask, not that they asked, but to just to try to calm people down.

        “It was obvious on the phone with them that the emotions were extremely high. It was a very volatile situation. I thought the coaches, they led tonight. They led their locker room.”

        Not just the coaches. Captains from the Bengals visited the Bills locker room as players discussed their situation. Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow was among those to make the walk between locker rooms. He wore his full uniform.

        Bills quarterback Josh Allen, out of his uniform a full hour after the game was called, walked back to his team’s locker room after a visit in the Cincinnati locker room. Someone said Allen went to the Bengals to thank them for supporting he and his teammates.

        Pissed off because they were lied to and now living in fear of being next?

  33. Rodster says:

    Paul Craig Roberts could not have summed it up any better.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      Have you read Voltaire?
      Anybody that continues to believe (or tithe) the Catholic church after Voltaire is insanely stupid. And yet there are like a billion of them…

      I believe that most people (even unvaxed) will continue to believe the medical authorities and will get hurt for many years to come. The only thing that can stop this is the actual collapse of the state (the medical system, like security apparatus and the corporations are all parts of the state).

      • Dennis L. says:


        Oui, Voltaire, en Francias, Bible in English. The latter has been in print longer, most likely translated into more languages; I guess I am one of the billion.

        Find great peace in the Catholic Church(not Catholic), less and less in the Lutheran, too much social justice I guess and poor quality music.

        Much of life cannot be understood; our thought we could seems to be a consequence of the enlightenment.

        Some medical authorities are better than other, some treatments work better than others. Choose wisely said the old Knight in a Indiana Jones’ Movie.

        Dennis L.

        • Jon F says:


        • moss says:

          Happy New Year to All
          Yes, I too find great peace in the music of the Catholic church while not being Christian in the slightest.
          Votaire has been far more intellectually influential on my own life
          I meditate upon the best of all possible worlds as I spend my fossilhood weeding

          For maybe twenty years I’ve gnawed over the potential of NPP and other radioactive sources such as military equipment in the event of their being no longer continuously tended by humans. In 1998 during several months in South Korea, which is almost entirely electrified by NPP, I wondered what war could bring to that sparsely resourced nation. In 2011 the Tohoku Earthquake and Fukishima meltdown disclosed the rooftop fuel ponds issue. Later, I came across the 2008 Canadian speculative “documentary” movie Aftermath: Population Zero made with assistance from National Geographic which showed exactly this, but glossed through a brief stage of “transient” impact and onto the planet recovering from the consequences of human occupation. My questioning was not allieviated by the rather light and benign tempo of the film, tabloid rather than scientific, though it was interesting; UEP in a post Dr Strangelove world.

          Living for some years in the West Kimberley region of Australia, one of the most hostile setting for human life on the planet, left me with a compelling sense of the tennacity of the planet’s life forms competing against each other. This very ancient land mass has the exact appearance of the images returned by the Mars rover but with a few razor sharp grasses and stunted eucalyptus, a fitting realm for the “miserablest people in the world” as William Dampier’s described them in their unChristianised state. Everything has barbs and spikes, stings or poisons. But in all this, humankind has moulded nature, largely through fire and leaving one to contemplate as to the possibilities of former great forests and lost megafauna.

          Plutarch writes of the vast walnut forests of Persia supplying timber for the palaces and armies. Wade Davis in his book The Clouded Leopard describes working in a fire tower in northern BC (from memory here as I gave the book away) and how the endless virgin conifer forests which he looked out upon had been in the last ice age 10,000 years ago buried under a thousand meters of ice. Not a tree or fire tower … it didn’t bounce back. What he saw only a generation ago was a new landscape formed from surviving species, apparently a recurrent process since the earliest life on the planet.

          Reading the Voyage of the Beagle a couple of years ago was a revelation. Darwin had rewritten the book over the years as the theories of natural selection were refined to accord with his maturing understanding, but its theme was the adaptibility of natural systems to a changing environment. The book also has an appealing focus on the role of geology upon life forms, as he looked at twisted strata of major faulted escarpments and cogitated the forces that produced them and the impact on life at that time, just as I had in the Kimberley

          Since the Toba erruption, the global environment has perhaps never been more challenged by changing conditions than by mankind in the twentieth century. The destruction of natural habitats over the course of my life has been horrendous – forests to the horizon replaced by stunted scrub after woodchipping, strip mining of wide areas, salinification of lakes, streams and rivers … gone are buckets full of fish for breakfast, boiling up cauldrons of freshy caught prawns, birdlife’s imperilled, big ag. It’s all a great sadness to me

          but I’m not optimistic or pessimistic or even indifferent. I feel the force of life in the world around me and “feel” that the human sepukku could very well be the act of greatest kindness that we as an ill-adapted life form can offer. Hopefully, our politicians will not succeed in driving the process quite as far as Venus and Mars

          lights more incense

      • Thierry says:

        NomadicBeer please check who Voltaire was. Just a tool paid and protected by bankers. Search for Jabach. Do your homework.

    • I think the real author is “anonymous”:

      The Medical Authorities Have Lost All Credibility

      They have managed to demonize coughs, colds, and no symptoms at all . . .
      But normalized strokes, blood clots, neurological disorders and ‘died suddenly.’

      Imagine a vaccine so safe that you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly that you have be tested to know you have it.

    • JMS says:

      This is a point that deserves to be stressed over and over again. How can anyone continue to trust medical authorities, any doctor for that matter, after being stabbed in the back by these rabble?
      Understanding what is going on is not enough, it’s also important to draw the appropriate conclusions. I wouldn’t trust a doctor to get a thorn out of my finger, and I don’t expect to be seen by a doctor again, except a traumatologist, should I get hit by a bus or a cow.

      • NomadicBeer says:

        “How can anyone continue to trust medical authorities, any doctor for that matter, after being stabbed in the back by these rabble?”
        Sorry JMS but the answer is simple: most people have slave mentality. They will be thankful to their masters even as they master slits their throat (read about Cato the Elder, he did that with his house slaves).

        When are you people going to understand? Since 2020 it’s like a broken record:
        – When will people revolt for being lockdown while their masters are enjoying parties and vacations?
        – When will people revolt when they are forced to inject rat juice while their masters don’t need to?
        – When will people stop trusting the murderers that call themselves doctors?

        The answer to all of these is NEVER.
        Like most good people, you have empathy so you assume that other people are like you. Sorry but events have proven again and again that most people have no empathy, no reason and probably no soul.

        I hate to admit it but I think the psychopaths are correct: most people are no better than cattle and they want to be slaves.

        • JMS says:

          I know, Nomadic, that herd (aka social) animals can’t help but follow the charismatic leader and support the authority of the moment. Humans are generally made that way, and in fact the only anomaly here is the very existence of critical and independent minds (which probably existed even in societies as conservative and monolithic as ancient Egypt), meaning that curious lot of anarchists, individualists and independents, who instead of reproducing sexually, like normie animals, do it mentally or intellectually… but i digress.

          Even so, a doctor is as much a provider of services as any used car salesman, and like the latter, one would think s/he could be object of public evaluation, depending on the quality of the service provided. And although I’m sure few humans would ever trust a salesman who sold them as good a car that expired 1000 km later, that’s not the case with the cure sellers.
          Even so, it can’t help but amaze me that even on a site as well stocked with critical and logical minds as OFW, an excessive respect for medical (TM) and scientific (TM) authorities still prevails.

          Of course human physiology is a much more complex subject, and therefore less popular, than car mechanics. And since conformity seems to be an evolutionary advantage, everything is good and authority is automatically justified in biological, political, and social terms.

          About myself, i don’t think it’s a matter of empathy, but rather a logical attitude, and a long time acquired distrust of any authority (as in “Ni Dieu ni Maitre”)

        • Jan says:

          The slaves of Cato probably had no other choice!

          Aleister Crowley is reported to have teached “Slaves Shall Serve!”, though in my mind it was “Let the slaves serve!”, quite a difference, but I don’t have his writings in my house.

          When the jabs started, I felt immediately reminded to that. The brain is strange…

      • Tim Groves says:

        Well, you might still need a doctor to get a thorn out of your finger, or a piece of glass out of your eye, or to remove an appendix or an ingrowing toenail or to prescribe any of a hundred medicines to help with a medical condition, BUT you don’t need to trust a doctor to be absolutely committed to your welfare over all other considerations at all times. If you remember that most doctors are likely to be locked into a system that incentives or even coerces them to act in certain ways in certain situations, you are less likely to become a victim.

        You might still need a police officer or a lawyer on occasion too, and similar caveats will apply.

        • JMS says:

          Police is inevitable as defecation. But lawyers, god forbid! When you need a lawyer you know you’ve landed in hell, in which case you might as well ask a doctor to relieve you of your life once and for all.

  34. Mirror on the wall says:

    The punchline to War of the Worlds is that the Martians should have mixed a gin and tonic, who knew?

    Oh dear, the epitome of the English tipple is a genocidal imperialist drink. Still, drink some of that and you won’t really care!

    > The letter to Zagorska also recommends Wells’s most recent book, The War of the Worlds (1898). Criticism of colonialism in this book is even more pronounced, perhaps because it was written in the 1897 jubilee year, during the orgy of self-satisfaction the British Empire was indulging in at the time.

    …. The riddle of malaria was solved in 1897, when Wells wrote his novel. Just as malaria had long been the natives’ best protection against the white conquerors, the bacteria in the novel become man’s protection against the Martians. It is the bacteria that save humanity. The Martians have conquered the whole earth only to fall victim to its smallest and most insignificant inhabitants.

    • Stopping malaria and other diseases in Africa is what has allowed population to explode. Growing population doesn’t become a problem if the balance between man and microbes remains approximately the same.

      • Mirror on the wall says:

        I am reading through the book, “Exterminate all the brutes: One man’s odyssey into the Heart of Darkness.”

        It seems to be a moralistic ‘missionary society’ sort of recount, with the intention to depress everyone as much as possible, but it contains some important, literate observations.

        The passage that I am up to comes out with this below, which is very insightful and goes a long way to explain not only colonialist demographic shifts but also post-imperialist shifts, which is nevertheless of no interest to the typical, contemporary moralistic ‘anti-imperialist’.

        There is no really no fundamental difference between imperialist and post-imperialist, r/cist and anti-r/cist policies; they are both aimed at the maximisation of profit, and people are simply a means to that end, the subject of the labour in ‘labour expansion’.

        As we might say, energetic structures order their environment to themselves, and humans are simply energetic structural components; liberal or religious ideologies and sentiments may obscure that reality.

        The book seems to be aimed at adolescent brains; mature adults do not really go in for disordered emotions or confuse them with ‘reality’ and its ‘inner truth’ or ‘morality’.

        So, yes germs keep the population level down, and tonic water helps to keep it up, but also the energetic structure decides population levels.

        > The great majority of those people did not die in battle. They died quite peacefully of disease, hunger, and inhuman labor conditions. The social organization of the [South American] Indians had been wrecked by the white conquerors, and in the new society only a small fraction of the Indians was as yet usable, for, as a labor force for the whites, the Indians were of low quality. And there were many more Indians than the few whites could exploit with existing methods.

        The direct cause of death was usually disease, but the underlying cause was this: the Indians were far too numerous to be of any economic value within the framework of the conquerors’ society.

        …. Adam Smith framed the law said to regulate the supply of labor: “The demand for men, like that of any other commodity, necessarily regulates the production of men: quickens it when it goes too slowly, and stops it when it advances too fast.”

        That law also applies, of course, to Indians. They went on dying until there was a shortage of Indian labor in Latin America. Then they became valuable. A series of social reforms were carried out to safeguard the remaining Indians, binding them to economic units where they were needed and rationally exploiting their labor. During the seventeenth century the Indian population slowly began to rise.

        By the middle of the nineteenth century, Latin America was affected by economic and technical renewal stemming from western Europe. This entailed increased demand for raw materials and foodstuffs from Latin America. The population increased even more quickly than before, and available labor was exploited even more.

        • Tim Groves says:

          I wonder, was the average Peruvian better off working for the Spanish or for the Inca? Has there ever been a comparative study done of their quality of life, working conditions, length of tea brakes, etc?

          I read in Jason Goodwin’s Lords of the Horizons that the Balkan peasantry were much better off under the Ottoman Empire than they had been in the Christian principalities and fiefdoms that proceeded the Empire because the Sultan only demanded of them a few days labor per year where they previously had to do a couple of unpaid day’s labor per week. There was also a bonus in that if a family converted to Islam, they didn’t have to pay taxes on their agricultural output.

          • reante says:

            If the Peruvians were better off under the Spanish then they are better off still under an industrialism within which almost all of them are about to die over the next couple decades, leaving the survivors in extremely degraded ecologies. Because on the clock tea break length under florescent lighting is the ultimate objective of human existence, and now, having achieved it, humans can die. 🙂

      • Jan says:

        That should apply to animals. Humans have been given a brain and can choose quality over quantity.

        Though, I am not sure about the sleeping sheep…

  35. Sam says:

    I don’t take any glee in VAx deaths… I have had friends and family who had to get it to keep their jobs… most people here that get off on it are trustfunders and fat old retired people… who will get their karma soon for rejoicing in it!
    I do have a problem with Moderna and others that have pushed this on the population as being “safe” . I have been outspoken against it for a long time…

    • Student says:

      Yes, you are right, no one should be happy about those terrible health problems.
      And also vaxxed people should not be angry with unvaxxed, but it could help them and everybody if they turned their anger towards those who deceived them.

      • Fast Eddy says:

        We need to channel the positivity of Shad into making examples of the vax wrecked to teach the MORE-ONS a lesson so that in future they listen to our warnings.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      I disagree. I went through a bout of depression at this realization but I believe it to be true: most people have a slave mentality. They are happy when their bodies and minds are controlled by someone in power and they will fight to the death for their owners.

      I believe that is why Aristotle (and others) believed that slaves have no souls. Remember that in their times, like in ours, people could sell themselves into slavery and running away was an easy option – and yet almost nobody did.

      As for the excuses proferred in the last 2 years – “I need it for the job”, “protect granma” or the stupid “I didn’t know” – those same people would not believe any lies from a car salesman so why did they believe the coflu lies? On the contrary they jumped at the opportunity to wreck their healths. And some are still doing it. Read about the psychology of power – most people will obey anybody in power, doesn’t matter how insane, stupid or evil they are.

      Finally, one last point. To err is human but to refuse to admit it is a slave thing.
      How many people admitted their mistake and got angry at the perpetrators? I only know exactly one person (84 year old relative with a great soul). Everybody else – especially those with kids, will never admit it.

      In conclusion, most people get what they deserve. I know that should comfort me but instead is just depressing…

      • Citizens have been taught to follow whatever people in authority say. I think that is the big issue.

        People in authority, in ages past, had to take steps to keep population from growing too quickly. One example I have heard is setting up games that teen agers were required to participate in that would result in some deaths to thin the population. Another example is customs that involved killing some of the newborns–often girls, since they were the ones who reproduced.

        As long as these approaches were expected, there was no objection.

        Now, there is a real dilemma. Follow authority or look out for your own life? In areas where many people are not making a wage that is adequate to live on, (typically big cities), the authoritarian approach seems to win out. In places where people are more disbursed, the “look out for yourself” approach seems to win.

        • NomadicBeer says:

          Sorry Gail, I don’t buy the excuse of a “obey so you can make money”.
          If 1% of the slaves in a locality would suddenly grow a spine they could stop the economy and “starve the beast (govt) out”.

          And no, I don’t mean useless marches or violence against morons. Think what a winter storm or a hurricane can do and realize that 1% of the population can do the same better (aka worse) with no central organization.

          And yet this almost never happens in history. Why? See my finding above: most people are slaves in their minds and souls (if they have those at all).

          You are correct about the city/country duality. Since the times of Gilgamesh and Old Testament we know that there are still free people out there – but you won’t find them in the city. They live on the margins of society and they are often killed or assimilated.

          • Mirror on the wall says:

            Humans have bred themselves as basically slaves over untold thousands of years.

            Call it ‘domestication’, ‘civilisation’, ‘believers’, ‘religion’, ‘slavery’.

            True ‘freedom’ is to have the power to do whatever you want – and to ‘believe’ nothing, to have no ‘master’, no constraint of any sort?

            This is Nietzsche in BGE 199; he is descriptive in the first place, and he builds his prescriptions on that.

            Nearly everyone is a slave, so what are we going to do with that situation? Make everyone who is not yet a slave also a slave or not?

            > For as long as there have been people, there have been herds of people as well (racial groups, communities, tribes, folk, states, churches), and a very large number of people who obey compared to relatively few who command. So, considering the fact that humanity has been the best and most long-standing breeding ground for the cultivation of obedience so far, it is reasonable to suppose that the average person has an innate need to obey as a type of formal conscience that commands: “Thou shalt unconditionally do something, unconditionally not do something,” in short: “Thou shalt.” This need tries to satisfy itself and give its form a content, so, like a crude appetite, it indiscriminately grabs hold and accepts whatever gets screamed into its ear by some commander or another – a parent, teacher, the law, class prejudice, public opinion – according to its strength, impatience, and tension. The oddly limited character of human development – its hesitancy and lengthiness, its frequent regressions and reversals – is due to the fact that the herd instinct of obedience is inherited the best and at the cost of the art of commanding. If we imagine this instinct ever advancing to its furthest excesses, in the end there will be nobody with independence or the ability to command; or, such people will suffer inwardly from bad consciences and need to fool themselves into thinking that they too are only obeying before they are able to command. This is in fact the situation in Europe today; I call it the moral hypocrisy of the commanders….


            • Mirror on the wall says:

              ‘Get up and do your thing! And don’t be ashamed!”

            • Kowalainen says:

              The necessity for slave/herd mentality is that most people does not develop a ‘categorical imperative’. That is to say, in order to maximize the freedom to express that which whatever you are within a biosphere (and civilization) you, as an embodiment, must identify and take several self-imposed limits into account.

              Thus for every embodiment within a (resource) constrained environment, limits must be established, either by one’s own reasoning ability or that which is imposed unto you by others.

              I merely consider it as robust control theory. Cybernetics in essence.

              Say, for example a PID controller.

              The P (proportional) and I(Integration/accumulation terms are inherently destabilizing, but necessary to minimize control error.

              The D(derivative) term adds phase (robustness) margin to the system under control as it anticipates, looks ahead in the future in order to reduce excessive swings and instability in the closed loop system.

              However, not all dynamics in a (cybernetic) control system can be known or anticipated beforehand, therefore a certain degree of robustness toward uncertainties in the closed system must be established. “Establish the limits of knowledge”, and “make room for mistakes”.

              This could directly translate into some abstract, multi variable, set point controlling liberty and tyranny in a scenario where the ‘categorical imperative’ is the hidden variable in all citizens of a civilization. To put it in cybernetic context.

            • Kowalainen says:

              “‘Get up and do your thing! And don’t be ashamed!””

              Within temptation is truth, and isn’t the categorical imperative a b17ch?

              Thanks anyway, but I have to take a pass on this one (for reasons) and instead hit the skies. That’s what Lucifer’s wings are for, no?

        • Dennis L. says:

          “Now, there is a real dilemma. Follow authority or look out for your own life? ”

          Well, in the sixties I was invited to join a group vacationing in a tropical paradise, joining was not voluntary, I signed up for advance training in leadership (they called it OCS), was accepted to dental school day after my invitation arrived in the mail and thus sat that foreign travel out.

          I would have gone; my own life is in the US and I am part of that group. A sergeant told me my math skills would be appreciated at a fire support base(the natives really disliked those things). Not a good place to plan a long life.

          We are a group, sometimes the group gets things wrong, but probably less so than one person acting alone.

          Dennis L.

        • Jan says:

          From a biologist point of view that for sure has been a selection process!

      • reante says:

        …too refuse to admit it is a slave thing.

        That’s rich coming from you.

        You channel kulm well.

        • Student says:

          Sorry, but the real problem of all this discussion above is about what we will face next.
          Because without the realization of what happened in the ‘western societies’ in the past 2 years, and precisely about the mass imposition of an experimental mRNA therapy, under the false explanation of Science (while it was only experimentation, which is just a part of Science), the majority of people will stay in this new phase of ‘false belief’.
          Those who are in power have created a sort of new religion and, without a true realization by the majority of people of what happened, those who have understood will just remain ‘the heretics’.

          Ok, now surely there will be here someone who will say: ‘I prefer to be heretic, because I will be free’, that’s right, but it regards only one person, the point is what terrible obscurantist society will all live in and also our descendants?
          And therefore, are we sure that our society will become different than the one we call proudly today of those terrible ‘religious extremists’?

          • Sam says:

            Maybe so … but I still feel bad for those who were duped… it was being pushed from all sides… if I didn’t come to this site and learn a lot about it… who knows I might have gotten the vax. Would that have made me a bad person?

            • reante says:

              No, Sam, it wouldn’t have. If it was rolled out when I was 18-22 I would have in all likelihood gotten the shot because I was playing college basketball. I was living and breathing basketball. Yet NB just exited the bathroom with that rectal afterglow thinking his shit don’t stink just because he had the extractor fan going.

            • Jan says:

              My 75-year old neighbour, who is not a learned but simple woman, screamed at me: Don’t get the vaxx, don’t be stupid! I will not be able to avoid it as I need medical treatment but you are young enough to fight! Take responsibility for the kids!

              Her sons took the vaxx and started pressure on us.

              Then I started thinking. The rest of the family is all jabbed. We owe that to her!

          • reante says:


            FTR my previous comment was directed towards NB, in case it wasn’t clear, because NB sees fit to shit on people in hard bondage by saying that they have no souls when he himself is so soulless as to doubt Cause and Effect itself as an objective reality. He may have had the wits not to get the shot but he doesn’t have the wits to escape the extreme lostness imposed upon him. The vaccinated are mentally enslaved in a practical sense and NB is doing time in a metaphysical supermax in which the wardens tell him that intelligence is unrecognizable and reason is hearsay.

            The question you pose to me, Student, I addressed many times. THIS establishment is being driven off a cliff and the new establishment that’s coming in the next two years, that is most accurately called national socialism, will be much preferable politically to all of us and, most importantly, much better suited to where we’re headed.

            • Student says:

              Thanks for your explanations about who you directed comments, but just to clarify my position normally my thoughts are considerations in general about the issue we are discussing about and not something specifically directed to one person.
              I type under the ‘reply’ button and I add my considerations or news about the issue we are discussing.
              I always try to give my contribute here under this objective.

            • reante says:


              Thank you for also clarifying that your reply was a general one and not directed to me. I appreciate your contributions.

      • TIm Groves says:

        I believe that is why Aristotle (and others) believed that slaves have no souls.

        This is the crux of my point about Norman. No soul, no rock ‘n’ roll, no rhythm & blues. I dread to imagine what’s in his record collection.

        He probably has the original version of this one:

  36. Dennis L. says:

    ““Humanity is not sustainable. To maintain our lifestyle (yours and mine, basically) for the entire planet, you’d need five more Earths. Not clear where they’re gonna come from,” he claimed”
    Paul Ehrlich

    I agree, there is not enough stuff on earth; but there are asteroids, earth is a gravity well, there is limitless energy from the sun, pollution is not an issue, soon we will have starship. We have no idea what AI will discover, better to have options than none, everything is a risk and the day we are born we have the bad news; there comes a day we pass.

    Earth is our home, we can give it a break, increase living standards which leads to decreased population growth and manage demographics somehow. Consensus here(OFW) seems most wars are resource wars, another problem solved.

    Predictions are a bear, read this guy in college, another Stanford elite who was completely wrong. He was a promoter, a grifter, very bad science.

    Dennis L.

    • Mirror on the wall says:

      “Earth is our home, we can give it a break, increase living standards which leads to decreased population growth and manage demographics somehow. Consensus here(OFW) seems most wars are resource wars, another problem solved.”

      We can give the earth a break?

      Oh yes, let’s!

      Come on everyone, off we go to Mars!

      Wars are solved!


      • Dennis L. says:


        We stay here, all the dirty processes are moved to space; mars, who knows? It looks like a miserable place; I’ll take earth without pollution. Give me a serving of cobalt from space without the tragedy of child miners. Were I selling mining, maybe a story of living on mars would help with the finances. Your thoughts?

        Mirror, you sometimes have a despair and yet you know Nietzsche much better than I. My guess is philosophy of any importance which works is in the religions which have been around for thousands of years. Extreme individualism leads to loneliness, which leads to despair for so many. Intellectuals seem to try to make everyone believe they have the answers. I don’t think Christ ever had a nervous breakdown over a horse falling in the street.

        Somewhat sarcastic: Nietzsche is around to give college professors something to teach and collect a paycheck. Church has the same basic thing with some nice music in a setting which can greatly exceed a classroom. For an hour or so, the world and all its problems is outside; refresh and go back to the world with all its challenges.

        Dennis L.

        • Kowalainen says:

          “Extreme individualism leads to loneliness, which leads to despair for so many.”

          No, “extreme” individualism predicates the importance of others (no man is an island) to express the individual’s characteristics to its maximum.

          Solitude and being alone isn’t loneliness. Only people that which got personality disorders feel lonely. An effective cure for the ills of excessive social conditioning is spending voluntary time alone until you’ve become the abyss that stares back at your own little egotistical fantasies, safe spaces, comfort zone and unrealistic expectations of a reality that won’t yield to your absurd hopiums and copiates. I.e. dumb sh1t.

          Every time you form an attachment to something or somebody, the associated “karma” will automatically create some fallout that you’ve better think of well ahead in time. “Is this what I really, really want, and why”.

          I.e. cut your losses deep and early once you realize it’s not going to end on a positive note.

          But don’t get me wrong; the vises of attachment is that which keeps this place from turning over. Just don’t be the fool about it. The default fallout is suffering (try skipping eating for a couple of weeks), and the chosen is cancelable pain (or physical/mental discomfort)

          See it for what it is; experiential transience. Age well instead of living in illusions of perfection and ruminate in nostalgia.

    • NomadicBeer says:

      So you are a believer in the civic religion of progress.

      Somehow, I prefer the old believers. At least they admit their beliefs are just that and don’t come up with fancy words to wrap them up. AI is not God (and you never answered my question: how much do you know about computing?)

      Physical limits apply to everybody and we live at a bottom of a gravity well that makes it practically impossible to import materials or export people.

      And you complain about people making wrong predictions but yours are just like belief in afterlife – impossible to disprove.
      I bet 100 years from now there will be some people huddled around a fire chewing on some rat meat and debating the future of AI, fusion and space travel (the holy trinity of the religion of progress!). You should write a book for them – it could be like those books that predicted the coming of Jesus “in your generation”.

      • Dennis L. says:

        “And you complain about people making wrong predictions but yours are just like belief in afterlife – impossible to disprove.”

        My complaint is being young and having someone educate me or my children in something which does not work which in my world means it is wrong. This was a secular religion of my time and it was wrong. There is a strong financial incentive for those in the “ivory towers” to have students take out loans to pay their salaries.

        Follow the money, gives the right answer often enough if one limits one’s losses.

  37. jim says:

    Sense the study showing that the booster shot pushes your immune system to ignore the covid virus i wanted to check on rates of using the booster.

    Looks like we have a natural experiment in progress, only ~5% of the US is boosted, but ~70% of the UK has been boosted.

    If the jabs are as bad as many think, this year should show a big difference between the US and the UK in all cause mortality.

  38. Student says:

    Hey guys, it is becoming a big joke indeed here.
    Journalist Lucia Annunziata declares that the Chinese are leaving China so quickly and coming to Italy in order to get the mRNA vaccine..
    This is beyond madness
    😀 😀 😀

    • It is possible to “spin” any story the way you like it.

    • All is Dust says:

      I wonder if this pleases Xi? My take is that mRNA jabs were deployed against American military and first responders as part of the Unrestricted Warfare doctrine.

      • Student says:

        The idea that I’ve developed so far about China and Russia is that they don’t care so much about the internal or external narratives we create and normally they don’t try to create narratives for us to be followed.
        While, on the contrary, we create narratives from ourselves (internal) and also try to create narratives for them to believe about (external).
        My impression is that China and Russia rule in the ‘old way’, therefore they just give straight orders to their people, sometimes they create narratives for that, sometimes not (i.e. just obey and stop), but they don’t care so much about the narratives the ‘enemy’ is creating internally or externally.
        This is just from the technical point of view.

        • The Russian government pays a great deal of attention to internal public opinion. For example, late last year there was a whole day of Putin with the mothers of war veterans. He worked quite hard to prepare, judging by what he said during the telecast.

          • Student says:

            That’s completely another point than the one I wrote about.
            On that point you write (kewa) of course I agree!

    • Lidia17 says:

      This isn’t just any journalist..she was head of the RAI for a while (Italian national television). You could hardly pick anyone more connected/globalist. A very obedient stooge she always seemed.

  39. Student says:

    (Il Paragone)

    ”Boosters and cancers: what I discovered.” The shock letter from the super oncologist that scares the world”
    ” The link to clots, myocarditis, heart attacks, and strokes is now well accepted, as is the link to myelitis and neuropathy. (We predicted these side effects in our June 2020 Sorensen et al. QRBD article, as blast analysis revealed 79% homologies with human epitopes, particularly PF4 and myelin.) However, there is now another reason to stop all vaccination programs. As a practicing oncologist, I see people with stable disease progressing rapidly after being forced to have a booster”

    • Jan says:

      Drinking enough water prolongs life! Norman will become 110 years old, if he wants or not.

      The analysis showed that middle age serum sodium >142 mmol/l is associated with a 39% increased risk to develop chronic diseases (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.39, 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.18–1.63) and >144 mmol/l with 21% elevated risk of premature mortality (HR = 1.21, 95% CI:1.02–1.45). People with serum sodium >142 mmol/l had up to 50% higher odds to be older than their chronological age (OR = 1.50, 95% CI:1.14–1.96). A higher BA was associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases (HR = 1.70, 95% CI:1.50–1.93) and premature mortality (HR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.39–1.83).

      In the current study, we test the hypothesis that optimal hydration may slow down the aging process. Here, we define hypohydration as a state in which water conservation mechanisms, including the secretion of antidiuretic hormone and renal urine concertation are activated when low water intake or high water loss result in decreased body water content and elevated plasma tonicity.

  40. banned says:

    The NFL needs to take some actions to deal with this situation immediately to dispel any patently false conclusions and disinformation.

    1. A new ring needs to be created for players that die on the field to be buried with them. (bench doesnt count)
    2. A large podium should be erected to display any player(s) death bodies during the game.
    3. A player death should result in a immediate happy hour of $1 beer for the rest of the game.
    4. The fans should be encouraged to chant “his name was xxxx xxxxx” during the remainder of the game.

    • reante says:

      Hunger games style

    • Fast Eddy says:

      Yes yes and yes.

      How about they also have a massive bell on the side lines… and whenever a player falls dead out comes a guy like crogmagnon pounds it with a heavy sledge hammer … and he bashes the bell and roars KILL KILL KILL!!! (then a little Vietnamese immigrant shoots Cro in the forehead and the crowd beats the little fella to death)

      Then a hilly billy with one tooth rides out on a Yamaha Snowmobile — hitches a rope around the dead player — guns the engine and races through the tunnel to the morgue in the basement… a plume of white smoke signals incineration is complete …

      Ding Ding Ding goes the bell… that silver haired guy says…

      The cheerleaders race onto the field… dance around a bit then strip and perform lesbo acts on each other… perhaps a tranny gets in there to keep the LBBTDQL lobby pleased

      the crowd goes nuts…

      a few re tar ds run onto the field to try to get some of dat… and are immediately shot dead by the security guards and fed to the pigs in the end zone…

      And because The Show Must Go On … the show goes on … gentleman start your engines

  41. Cheese can cause nightmares says:

    The Elders are reducing the population (allegeldy), but Japan wants to repopulate:

    Japanese government offers families 1m yen a child to leave Tokyo

    Why can’t they just pay a few OFWers to go? Just look at Norman: Nell Gwynne, Catherine the Great, Betty Boop, Eva Braun, Eva Peron, Little Eva, Bella Emberg, Pan’s People, Cardi B – you name them, he’s dated them! He truly knows how to pull his weight. 😉

    Go, Norman, go! And Tim Groves is already there.

  42. Jan says:

    Venezula, the Caspian Sea and Iran/Irak are considered to have each as many easily to extract reserves as Saudi-Arabia.

    Does anybody has reliable data about this topic?

    Nowadays the ‘West’ consumes the largest amount of oil – and pays it’s extraction. Other ‘less developed’ areas have to deal with less consumption. If we assume that these areas would be swapped aeound, the ‘West’ would fall into misery, would it be thinkable that the BRICSS repeat the historical development of the ‘West’? They have growth rates of 10% and could perhaps obtain the investments needed, e.g. in Venezuela or Russia, even if the ‘West’ declines or crashes? Is it possible to ‘isolate’ the respective economies, so they work autonomously? To isolate them from a crash of the ‘West’? China has already contracts with Iran. Could Chinese consumption pay the extraction in Iran without the US customers?

    When we discuss the end of cheap oil, we look at the world economy as a whole. World reserves as we know are too small to grant the BRICSS the same development as the ‘West’ and to proceed BAU. But the ‘West’ has never started on this complex level and perhaps isolated, smaller regions with resources are able to repeat the ‘West”s way into complexity?

    Is there a way to dismiss this idea?

    Gail’s articles have to meet a certain standard, but in the discussion we could be also speculative and share ideas as a first test for usability.

    In biology we usually don’t find eternal equilibrum but cycles. Must a breakdown of the ‘West’ affect the whole world or could another cycle be started? Does the idea of easily extractable oil is extracted first apply to the mentioned regions or have there been other factors preventing the oil being depleted? If so, Gail’s model would be also applyable to them but it would change the outcome as such that industrialisation could go on in another area for the next one or two hundred years.

    Of course there would follow harsh consequences. But it starts with a first point:

    Is it possible to obtain investments into extraction by a regional economy – that would include steel and car and fertilizer and perhaps IT production and limit the benefits of productivity growth to a smaller, isolated area – or is it possible to argue why this idea could never work?

    • To answer one of your questions: The reserve estimates for “Venezuela, the Caspian Sea and Iran/Irak” and for that matter Saudi Arabia, are all absurd.

      There is widespread belief that future oil prices could go to the moon. Of course, food prices would also go to the moon, so no politician in the world would allow this to happen. The system doesn’t work this way.

      If you believe in oil prices going to the moon and beyond, say $300+ per barrel, and the world economic system holding together through all of this, then perhaps the oil reserve estimates make sense. Otherwise, the overall system falls much sooner that the published figures suggest.

    • “Is it possible to obtain investments into extraction by a regional economy – that would include steel and car and fertilizer and perhaps IT production and limit the benefits of productivity growth to a smaller, isolated area – or is it possible to argue why this idea could never work?”

      There are several big problems with this idea. One is the fact that necessary raw materials tend to be located in a few areas of the world, rather than adequately regionally distributed. For example, potash, needed in fertilization. The price has not remained high enough to encourage US production. (This seems to always be the issue. If the price could go to the moon, there would be no problem, but food prices would also go to the moon.)

      Another issue is the long timeline and huge amount of materials necessary to make such a change. With oil reserves mostly imaginary, this would be a huge limiting factor, I expect.

      The worlds ecosystem has been made to work by recycling all materials back in, where they came out. This works if the waste products of agriculture, humans, and animals all go back in. But it doesn’t work if human waste products have way too many poisonous substances in them. For example, too much salt would be a deal-killer, if not properly handled. Excess salt added to the soil, over time, causes topsoil to become much less productive.

    • reante says:

      Warfare prevents your idea from happening, for starters. For your idea to be possible the elites would have to be able to decommission all of the Western MICs while the Western MICs sit by and watch these third world pissants get all the spoils that the Western MICs made possible in the first place. I mean, my HTOE presupposes that the elites hold the one (financial) ring to rule them all but the HTOE also respects natural law. They may be puppetmasters but the strings aren’t literal and the MICs are very real.

      Also, globalization is what makes the remaining oil still-almost cheap. The whole function of globalization was to collateralize and then rehypothecate everything in the planet just so oil could remain affordable for as long as possible. That’s how they beat out Hubbert’s projection by 20 years. And credit to them.

      What you’re hypothesizing is that mature collapse theory might not be so mature after all.

    • Jan says:

      Thank you @Gail, @all for your answers! That helps my mind a lot.

      It means, what we are currently seeing, the raise of the BRICSS, can never work. I will put it out of my mind. Free some memory space, hurray!


  43. Mirror on the wall says:

    It would be nice to get our EU passports back. 65% now want a fresh referendum. LOL

    Two years after Brexit ‘got done’, poll shows many Britons want new referendum

    According to a poll carried out by the Savanta data research group, more people in the UK believe Brexit has damaged the country’s economy and influence on the world stage with indicators pointing towards a growing appetite for a second referendum on EU membership.

    According to the Savanta survey published in the UK’s Independent newspaper on Sunday, a majority of those polled believe that leaving the European Union has badly damaged key elements of the British economy and reduced the UK’s ability to control its own borders.

    On 1 January 2021, the UK officially left the European Union for good after months of protracted negotiations.

    The split with Brussels followed the British referendum of 23 June 2016 in which almost 52 percent of Britons expressed their wish to leave the European bloc.

    Now, two years after Brexit, almost two thirds of Britons questioned said they support new referendum on EU membership – 65 percent calling for a new vote, compared to 55 percent just a year ago.

    Meanwhile, 22 percent want a return to the polls within five years, 24 percent within six to ten years and only 4 percent in more than twenty years.

    Conversely, only 24 percent of those surveyed – compared to 34 percent a year ago – believe that there should be no new referendum.

    A majority of Britons (65 %) seem now to support a referendum on rejoining EU, according to @Savanta_UK poll for @Independent (from now to 5, 10 or more years). Also, less people (less than a quarter) are against a referendum any time.

    In a country plagued by political crises – the last Prime Minister Liz Truss only stayed in power for 40 days before leaving office – but also affected by a latent economic crisis, the British people questioned in the Savanta poll believe that the country’s ability to manage itself has deteriorated since leaving the EU.

    56 percent believe that leaving the EU has worsened the economy (up from 44 percent) and 50 percent believe that it has reduced their ability to control their own borders (up from 43 percent).

    In the event of a new referendum, it is quite possible that the 2016 result would be reversed.

    According to the same Savanta survey, 54 percent of respondents now believe that Brexit was the wrong choice for the country, compared to 46 percent previously.

  44. Kim says:

    This is that NFL player who just died on the field. lol.

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